If I could find it, I’d try it. I’d probably save the bottle and out it somewhere on display. It takes guts to put that guy’s mug on a label with the intent to sell.
Anyways…this week’s installment discusses issues women have with beer. Not necessarily what you might think.
This my review of Singlecut Brewery Eric (moar cowbell!) Milk Stout (H/T: IoBot).
Drinks that have fallen victim to crude stereotyping – such as Slack Alice, a cider described as “a little tart” and pump clips featuring scantily-clad buxom women – have been banned from this week’s event at London’s Olympia which is set to attract tens of thousands of visitors.
The blanket ban goes a step further than a new code of conduct launched by the campaign group last year and is supported by a new YouGov survey which found that 68% of female drinkers would be unlikely to buy a beer if they saw an advert for it using offensive “laddish” imagery.
The findings suggest British women are now actively boycotting products which reflect out of date and discriminatory attitudes and images associated with an industry traditionally dominated by men.
Abigail Newton, the vice-chair of Camra’s national executive, said: “Consumer organisations like Camra have an important role to play in making women feel more welcomed within the beer world. This is the first time we’ve made such a bold statement with a ban.
“It’s hard to understand why some brewers would actively choose to alienate the vast majority of their potential customers with material likely to only appeal to a tiny and shrinking percentage.
“We need to do more to encourage female beer drinkers, which are currently only 17% of the population, despite the fact that they make up more than 50% of the potential market. Beer is not a man’s drinks or a woman’s drink, it is a drink for everyone. There is a huge amount of work that needs to be done to overcome outdated stereotypes.”
It would appear ladies that like beer happen to occur within a certain segment of the market that also does not like disparaging labels against women. If you need a good idea of how many women happen to be enthusiastic beer drinkers, here is a picture of the most recent Beer With(out) Beards festival, which is geared for female-owned breweries, reported with 700 people attending. Granted this number probably beats most libertarian conventions, but the photo in the link shows an awful lot of men in the crowd. I am not sure what the Gruniad is trying to argue here. Women don’t drink beer because they’re offended by the label and thus the industry must cater to their outrage by giving it a label with rainbows instead of flaming skulls?
Perhaps the reason beer is not marketed to women, is the overwhelming majority of beer drinkers are men? I’m not one of those marketing geniuses or anything so in case somebody here might be in marketing…
At any rate this beer delivers all the cowbell Bruce Dickinson can possibly want. If you have no idea what I am talking about, here is a link, and please consider getting out some more. Its a traditional take on the English Milk Stout, and does it very well. Singlecut Brewery Eric (moar cowbell!) Milk Stout: 3.9/5
Sam Adams?
Not really into the milk stouts.
I like the oatmeal stouts.
Yeah, I do too. Poet and Samuel Smith are pretty good.
Yes. If a demographic group isn’t represented, it is ipso facto evidence that they perceive they are unwelcome and are being discriminated against. It is inconceivable that they are just not simply interested in it.
If men aren’t represented in something, it’s because they’re repressed troglodytes. If women aren’t represented, it’s due to oppression. It is known.
I keep showing up to bachelorette parties, but they keep discriminating against me.
I’d have thought they would expect you to be the stripper and then laugh at your “assets”.
Sadly, and I really do mean that, your analysis does reflect the proggie left’s thinking.
see, also: “men are defective women” school of thought.
I blame Nestle changing the packaging of Yorkie bars.
Bars made out of Yorkshire terriers?
It’s not for
girlscivviesTed’s!How about Crunchy Frog and Spring Surprise?
This is where I see this heading.
Those were my school colors and thus triggering an unwelcome memory of something trivial that I didn’t enjoy once back then. Therefore it must be banned until the branding becomes more inviting to my personal tastes and experiences.
You are wrong. By the. time it gets to that p point you will only see that can on a sign warning consumers that there is none in stock. New shipments are expected in the fall and will be rationed.
reported with 700 people attending. Granted this number probably beats most libertarian conventions,
I think the market should be able to sort this out. If the label bothers you that much, don’t buy the beer. But on the other hand, I’m fucking weird.
In other beer news, Oktoberfest 2019 has begun. Unfortunately, no drinking for me for a few more days.
Danke, have one for for me.
Too many Deutsch manner and not enough dirndl in that video.
But “Prost!” to all.
Sorry, I’m not planning on going to Fathead’s tonight.
On a more serious note, it’s why I love the fuck out of Flying Dog. They dropped out of the BA after a rule change that any beer with an “offensive” name or label couldn’t boast about their GABF medal wins on the label.
“I’ll take ‘shit that never happened’ for $500, Alex.”
Flying Dog makes good beer. I haven’t had any of their stuff in a while. I feel the urge to fix that once I can drink again and I drink some of the stuff in the fridge.
I just saw Raging Bitch at my convenience store. But saw it was something something IPA so passed, in favor of my current favorite Spaten.
Granted this number probably beats most libertarian conventions . . .
Like the Dinsdale Brothers, this comment is cruel, but fair.
Perpetually-offended women need to GTF over themselves.
This reminds me of the Gamergate chick who basically made a game that sucked and then immediately claimed victimhood whereupon a bunch of minor league feminist equivalents of Al Sharpton leapt to the attack, claiming that women don’t play video games because of the patriarchy. Then it turned out that 99% of the people complaining about not having gender fluidity in video games didn’t actually play them, they just wanted an excuse to bitch about something.
I don’t happen to play video games, but it’s because they either don’t interest me or I know I’d get hooked and waste more time than I already do. I’ve had to delete Solitaire games from more than one computer because I COULDN’T MAKE MYSELF STOP PLAYING!! If it’s a pastime that doesn’t interest you, stay the hell out of any arguments about it.
The only game in recent memory I’ve ever been tempted to try was Clash of Clans, and that was just because the commercials were so damn cute.
. . . they either don’t interest me or I know I’d get hooked and waste more time than I already do.
The “get hooked” part is my problem with Duolingo Plus. **HEAVY SIGH**
::DuckDuckGo’s DuoLingo Plus:: Ooh, that does look dangerous! But $7/mo., when I don’t really have any cheap, tawdry excuse to learn another language..
DuoLingo Plus is the pay version. You can do unlimited learning with the free version, but you have to sit through the fairly unobtrusive ads they pepper the lesson with. I’d been using the free version for years, so I decided I should finally pony up and stop being a cheap bastard. 8^>
Unlimited & free, you say? Fairly unobtrusive ads, you say? Hmmm…….
they just wanted an excuse to bitch about something
Yup. Humorless shrews, the lot of them.
My wife is a bit antisocial, but at least she has a sense of humor.
She picked some beer for me once, and she said, “Look, they named a beer after me.”
Woo hoo! Available right up the street from me!
And available in Michigan after a lawsuit.
/points up-thread about loving Flying Dog for their full throated defense of the First.
Perpetually-offended women need to GTF over themselves.
Like some of my family members, but I’m not holding my breath in either case.
OT but relevant since it’s Sconnie:
Why is ❌ichigan ranked 11? Oh yeah, the name…
Badgers are putting the hurt on them and still haven’t allowed a point this season.
That warms my Ohio heart.
Jesus, 28-zip at the half. Badgers out scored opponents 138-0 in 10 quarters of play. Go Sconnie!
I’m calling my doctor because I believe I have an erection that will last more than four hours.
Lol. I wondered if you’d show up!
Who do you think corrected your post?
I knew right away.
Oh man. It just gets better.
Saw that after the punt penalty. Hilarious. Fuck harbaugh. Hated him since the bears.
He’s a cunte.
And Cal holding on to the lead in a game that will end long before the sun goes down.
Do you happen to have the score?
Last second goal-line stand to stay undefeated.
Call me crazy, but businesses tend to want people to buy their product and won’t typically market it in such a way as to chase away actual customers. The majors have been trying to capture the women’s market for ages, which is why there are so many attempts at gimmicky flavored beers, or “diet” beers like Michelob Ultra. Women, for whatever reason, as a demographic just don’t like beer that much. Certainly not craft beer. I don’t know if it’s a cultural thing or what, but I do know that as competitive as the market is and as narrow as the margins are, if cheeky labels were keeping women from spending money on beer they’d be gone overnight.
And that ghastly-sounding hard seltzer stuff.
My daughter just hit 21, and is stuffing my bar fridge with that seltzer crap.
Ain’t no laws…
Sean gets it.
Tardis, live the good life.
My daughter just hit 21, and is stuffing my bar fridge with that seltzer crap.
Try one, unless you’re afraid you might actually like it.
I have. I didn’t.
They’re horrible.
Fine. I don’t hate it after all. I guess I was expecting a “wine” cooler in a can. Turns out, it’s kind of like what I make with a Sodastream.
Carbonate 1L. water
2 pinches of calcium chloride
2 pinches of magnesium sulfate
2 squirts of Stevia-sweetened flavoring.
2 shots of cheap vodka
2 shots of cheap rum or bourbon
It is over-priced, but it’s popularity makes complete sense.
I don’t like carbonated beverages.
See: Stone Brewery’s I’m Peach IPA (impeach)
It didn’t sell as well as their others, and I bought it up on the cheap. I don’t care what the bottle says, because I’m allegedly an adult.
That one was just weird. Peaches are nice, but in beer its a bit…off.
“It’s a low-carb strawberry beer. We call it She-Wolf. It’s… OK.”
A cookie to anyone who spots the reference.
If it was Raspberry I’d guess you read Ringo, as it is I am assuming you are looking for some leather games with Ilsa.
John Ringo? I’ve read some of his stuff, wasn’t terribly impressed. I sat next to him on a panel at DragonCon ’08.
He’s actually kind of a dick.
He’s actually kind of a dick.
Lol I don’t find that hard to believe at all.
100% believable.
I read the first for Posleen War books, which were reasonable enjoyable – but I kept feeling like I had missed a book or two somewhere. He kept referencing things like I should understand what he was talking about.
He has some sense of humor about himself. There was a thread on somethingawful years ago about the Ghost books and a review with the safe-word “oh John Ringo – no” that was absolutely laugh until your face hurt funny; and at some point he actually checked in to it to comment (approvingly). Sadly you can’t even find that on the wayback machine and you’d have to pay to read it now.
Something Dave said?
You’re back to the classic avatar! Excellent!
only one thing missing…..
Ouchie. :-(
Ohhhhhhhhh. Yikes.
Damn it! I could have sworn I scrolled down far enough before posting…
*kicks pebbles*
Better “Das Boot”.
That movie was so fucking well done.
“It’s hard to understand why some brewers would actively choose to alienate the vast majority of their potential customers with material likely to only appeal to a tiny and shrinking percentage.
There was a woman in the bar one day, bitching about a beer called “Fugly”. She would have made a good illustration for a working definition of the term.
“It’s hard to understand why some brewers would actively choose to alienate the vast majority of their potential customers with material likely to only appeal to a tiny and shrinking percentage.
The dissonance is strong in this one.
Perpetually-offended women need to GTF over themselves.
User name verified.
Serious academic question for HM:
On the subject of professor/student sex:
What are the correct rules?
1. Only if the student is out of your league hot.
2. Only if you are horny
3. Whenever you feel like it
4. Hey, you took the job knowing sometimes you’d have to teach students that you didn’t like, get in their and teach em good and hard.
For me? Never. I’ve always been a don’t finish in the company pond kinda guy. That having been said, it all depends on the institution’s particular policy. For example, my alma mater specifically allows them, whereas other institutions ban them.
don’t finish in the company pond kinda guy
You pull out?
That was a John-o of the Year contender right there.
Well, of course.
Michigan sucks! Lol:)
Incoming x
Man, I really missed that grater. Happy to see it again.
But nothing of my cooling racks?
BTW, enjoying a traditional old fashioned with Bulleit Rye and a twist of orange. No neon cherries or other junk.
No muddling?
Nope. Sugar, bitters, rye, orange twist. Clean, simple, awesome.
Don’t let experience with crap-ass maraschinos keep you from enjoying Luxardos in your cocktail.
Luxardo cherries are amazing, but hard to find in my neck of the woods (and not cheap, either).
I think I came up with something like $0.10/cherry, doing some back of the napkin math. Spendy, but great.
The Canadian cost is going to be significantly higher; last time I checked, I involuntarily sucked in my breath at the difference.
MAKE YOUR OWN!! I put up about 10lbs. of cherries every season, as soon as they go on super sale at the CostCo. I use a sous vide and mason jars, follow basic canning/jarring procedure, and use a mixture of Luxardo Marachino Originale liquor, black cherry juice, lemon juice, a cinnamon stick, a scraped vanilla pod, and a wee bit of sugar. Better than Luxardo’s jarred product, and worlds beyond grocery store Maraschinos.
Amerena are the best preserved cherries. But no cheaper.
Yeah, if I went all out I might top it off with those.
I ordered an old fashioned at a local bar recently. Just awful. Orange pulp floating and neon cherries. Blech.
I made the mistake of ordering a Manhattan at a rooftop place in Charleston – shaken hard, served in a plastic coupe with a crap-ass maraschino.
Rookie mistake – quality is almost always inversely proportional to the view.
It seems if a place relies on a gimmick, the drinks are poor quality.
I’ve never had a good cocktail in Hilton Head, but that’s because I assumed all the good bartenders were in Charleston. Now I think the entire state is garbage.
Hey South Caroline: do better.
The bartenders at the two places on either side of my hotel were excellent.
Those two places were 82 Queen & Husk, btw – I’m not sure there’s another place in the city with that kind of talent on either side of it.
? South Caroline
Good times never seemed so good ?
Bah bah bah
OT: Barstool Sports and the persistence of traditional masculinity in sports culture
A good business model or a haven for white hate?
She sounds fun.
Yeah, that stuck out at me. I bet it absolutely reflects how she lives her life.
Get out!
Maybe she could change her name Tsani.
She’s probably one of those feminists who considers her character defects to be not defects at all but rather perfectly natural things that the patriarchy has falsely told her are bad (e.g. uncontrollable rage, infidelity, etc.)
Obligatory answer: Why not both?
The daughter of one of my academic mentors is the CEO of Barstool Sports.
Yes, daughter.
Soyaya and Marie can ligma.
That is a truly awesome academic pedigree.
Nardini seems pretty cool and is a foxy lady as well, but the HM connection is disturbing.
Mr. GT & friends are playing a “Halfway to St. Paddy’s Day” gig tonight. I’m trying to talk them into a more libertarian-leaning version of “Wild Rover”:
I’ve been a wild rover since long, long ago,
And I spent all my money on hookers and blow…
Scans and rhymes better than “Mexicans and ass sex.”
Nice. One of my favorite songs.
4 more touchdowns and Michigan is right back in this.
Badgers, I was kidding about that…
I tried this last night. https://www.totalwine.com/beer/specialty-styles/fruit-beer/wells-banana-bread-beer/p/101837507-1?glia=true&s=1123&pid=cpc:Shopping+US+CALI+ENG+SPART:::google:&gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlJfsBRDUARIsAIDHsWquqmhxOLwCXdijW2sxLnAF6cAJa7oORNzjBY6CgK0boQznG_V306EaAhN0EALw_wcB
I bought it because youngest daughter picked it out while we were in Total Wine. To my surprise, it was good.
I’ve had Wells Banana Bread beer before. It’s not bad.
Lack of beer leads to good things.
The beer line up on the front reminded me of this line of wines.
To see how absurd feminism is, all you have to do is reverse the genders. Would this person argue that the wine industry is not doing enough to court male customers since the labels and brand names tend to be more on the girly side?
What’s girly about Mad Dog and Thunderbird?
Now YOU get some!
Although girl’s obviously like the name too.
Isn’t Thunderbird that gas station wine that tastes like gasoline?
Not only would they not argue that, they would use any wine marketed specifically towards men as an example of “fragile masculinity”.
Video from the last Glibertarians meetup
Seems legit.
“And you, sir – are you waiting to receive my limp penis?”
My new spirit animal.
And that is why I won’t join the folk willing to write off the Brits, well that and I’m Millwall guy
That was glorious.
Question for the mechanically inclined, and Yufus as well.
I had air conditioning installed at my house a few weeks ago. It seems like it’s taking longer that expected to cool the house down, even though the unit is properly sized for my house and I had all of the ductwork redone.
I went outside, and the unit is cold to the touch when it’s running. Significantly colder than ambient. I thought the outdoor portion of the system (the compressor/condenser) was supposed to get warm when it’s running.
Does this mean that I have a plumbing/valve problem?
Did you check the thermostat?
Indeed I did.
Did you unplug it, wait ten seconds, and then plug it back in?
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
I thought of this.
I do want a Shockey Monkey for my orphans.
Yufus will know the specifics, but yeah, the outside compressor is supposed to be dumping heat (the system’s basically a heat pump). I’ve never run into an outdoor compressor on an operating A/C system that was colder than the surrounding air.
in heating, it will pull down to below freezing if the absent drops to far, then they freeze.
Ambient temperature
you mean the air coming out of the top of the unit?
if it’s cold, the reversing valve is wiring backwards
Hang on. I took a thermal pic.
The entire unit is in direct sunlight. Anywhere there is a heatsink/coils on the unit, it cools down when it runs.
Put your hand on the larger pipe, under the insulation, if it’s real hot, it’s in heating, sure looks it to me.
I would go straight to the control wiring if it were me,
It’s AC only, not a heat pump.
Would it have a reversal valve?
No it would not, is the Suction line Cold? it’s the larger of the 2, maybe the compressor isn’t running at all, if the Suction isn’t cold, or even warm, it not compressing/low on R410
Is the suction line the one that goes from the air handler to the compressor?
Suction comes from the Evap coil, the large one.
Liquid line is about 3/8″ i.d. and should be hot, it’s leaving the Condenser coil
2 lines to my compressor. The large, insulated one is cold. The small one is cool to the touch/ambient.
OK. They’re both ambient now.
sounds like it’s running, maybe a broken Return duct connection that’s pulling hot air from the attic, even on new construction it can happen,
Now it sounds like the Compressor is short cycling,
Warranty time,
Confirmed, Playa is a Predator.
My kids were using the FLIR camera to video their farts yesterday. I did not try to stop them.
Yellow is warm, purple is cold, dark blue/purple is very cold.
Can you pull the State and take a picture of the wiring?
also on the State may be some dip switches, if you see and O/B switch, flip it over and put the State back on. wait about three minutes for it to start and then see.
STAT, not State, fuck!
I’m not allowed to touch anything under warranty. They’ll come out and do it for me. I’m just trying to see if something is wrong
Did you try turning it off and then back on?
Hey! You guys want to see a video of a dog licking some pussy?
It’s like when the cosmos and troo libertarians attempt to make peace.
Lies! troo libertarian is a singular noun, it has no plural.
I have a dog and cat (both old now) that used to be like that. I often laughed when the cat would hold the dog in place with her claws while cleaning her. I’m gonna miss that dog.
Is it dusty in here?
*looks across the room*
Meh, I can see pussy licking pussy right now. (the cats get along with each other)
You live in a sorority??? J/K
We another cat (outdoor wanderer) long ago that got along well with the cat we still have. They used to clean each pretty well, but when outdoor cat was done being groomed…look out!
Nice. I have one who bullies the other one and as a result she is terrified of her – and most everything.
LMAO at the end
He almost ate some pussy, right?
Who says chicks don’t like beer?
Oh, so that’s how you get me to drink a bud light.
That’s pretty much it. Except for chicks, if they’re going to drink a beer, it’s going to be some ‘near beer’ bullshit. Except for my wife, who almost never drinks beer and almost always wine. But when she does drink a beer, she asks for Heineken, which is of course the world’s best beer. I should know, I’m drinking one right now. Hmm, they changed the caps and the labels on the bottles. It says ‘Premium Malt Lager’. I don’t remember it ever saying that before.
One of my local stores just got in some Ayinger Oktoberfest yesterday. I had a couple last night, very good, like everything that Ayinger makes.
Heineken, which is of course the world’s best beer
No, that’s inaccurate.
Goddamn! I mean, Heineken is still the best beer ever, but thanks for the idea! I got to try that out soon! ‘Honey, I know it’s cold, but I don’t have anywhere else to put my beer’.
I’m sure the AB circus has been discussed here over the past few days, but I probably just missed it. Anyway.
Really? WTF, old man, where the hell have you been the past few months? Somewhere with your head up you own ass? There were warnings, fucking sirens, red flashing screaming sirens all over this guy when you decided to hire him. So after hiring a mass murderer and all of these warnings, you didn’t learn shit? How can some people be so smart and successful and yet so dumb?
Eh, up until last week it was all football-related antics, which the Pats have successfully dealt with in the past (Corey Dillion, Moss, Josh Gordon, etc.).
Well, it wasn’t football-related antics when Aaron Hernandez murdered a few people.
And all of those people you mentioned were lightweights in the crazy circus compared to Brown. Dude is completely fucked up and exhibiting clearly anti-social type behavior. I said a month ago that the guy is done in football, now he is. So he already has enough money to last a lifetime with no worries, but crazy people do not tend to manage that well.
I mean seriously, how hard is it to stay the fuck off your cell phone or social media when everyone is watching you? No self restraint at all is typically a problem just waiting to happen.
Jury’s still out on Gordon. I don’t know that their batting average has been good enough to keep doing it though.
Haynesworth, Ochostinko, now Brown.
“The unnamed woman said she was included in a group chat by a number that Brown gave her when she worked for him, before she was branded a ‘super broke girl’ and accused of trying to extort money.”
Oh, she was absolutely trying to extort money.
Pretty funny, Globo news was just running a segment with that useful idiot Greta in it and my wife asked me if Greta is retarded. She was like ‘No, I’m serious, look at her, she looks like a special person’. I just said ‘Yes, she’s obviously retarded’, lol.
Shitlord status confirmed.
Searching for audio clips, and I got to hand it to whoever wrote this part of the speech. And great delivery.
Geez, the way he gasbags on and on, there must be a goldmine of material for you. Too bad you have to listen to all of it.
Yeah, I’ve spent like 3 hrs today combing through rantings. Not sure if I have enough to string together a full episode yet, but I’m done for the day.
Okay, I thought that was funny. You’d think he was talking to his bar buddies.
I wouldn’t listen to too much of it, but a few minutes was funny.
I don’t have enough time to go through the whole name. So just Cortez.
In my experience most women don’t like beer. I know there is not supposed to be any difference between men and women but apparently someone forgot to tell the men and women. Most men like beer. Most women do not. Most women like fruity, tasty drinks…most men don’t.
Also, what moron came up with this: “reflect out of date and discriminatory attitudes and images ” ?
Scantily clad young women will never be out of date. Ever. No matter what else goes out of date, they never will, not until the end of time. Fucking useful idiots aren’t called idiots for no reason.
I read something once upon a time, which I can now not verify (well, I’m too lazy to go deep diving), that women like tart flavors.
It is my understanding that beer is bitter.
That said, my only passing encounters with beer involve my nose and the smell of all that fermentation makes me ill.
men and women have different metabolisms and I imagine things taste different to each of them. There are very definite catagories of things that women like that men don’t and vice versa, in general. Not true for all individuals, obviously, but there is a definite statistical difference. I buy avocados all of the time for my wife. I cant stand the things. Other foods containing asparagine women seem to like more than men. Women in general don’t like many of the things I find delicious. Oh well.
I don’t really see the problem with any of that or why the SJW freaks are trying to deny reality once again and call up down and down sideways.
Also, really tired of hearing people complain about being offended. The offended should grow a skin or go blow it out of their ass somewhere out of my earshot. I really couldn’t give less of a fuck about precious’s feeeeeeeelings.
I believe there is also a genetic component as to whether one likes cilantro and anise (licorice/fennel).
WRT transgenderism, I believe the battleground for this will be women’s sports.
Yes, they have already made women’s sports the battleground. They go after Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, organized sports – especially women’s – charities, churches etc.
Every angle of their attacks are about destroying competence and character in our society. When they said their goal is destroying western civilization they weren’t kidding.
And yes, there is a genetic component but I don’t think it is gender related. It is a strong clue that genetics plays a role and so not unlikely that some preferences could be gender related.
Ok, I am off to the store…..
I don’t think they’re going to win that battle.
I agree.
I am interested in what the tipping point will be: 1) the women stop playing or 2) the women take it to court.
But I could see a scenario that if they take it to court and they are ruled against, they’ll just stop playing.
What is the point of playing a game y ou cant win? For that matter what is the point of the loonies playing a game they cant lose? This s why I am convinced the goal is to destroy the institution. I see no other point to it.