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But the world is gonna end and Obama’s mansion will be flooded.
She’s gonna get stuck with that face, FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope its not contagious
I didn’t realize she’s 16. It’s weird how she has the body of an 8 year-old girl and the face of a 50 year-old spinster.
OMWC gets out his trusty paper bag…
*glances at “Happy 50th Birthday!” card, and my two cats, pouts*
You’re saying Lizzie Warren had that look as a teen?
Well, she’s not a teen anymore, so of course it’s past tense when talking about that eon.
BTW my younger G son is autistic, blazing smart, and never looks like a young, deranged Cat Lady,
Just say’n
Well, I’m sure being raised in your home he knows all about the laws of thermodynamics.
I have an autistic bro and he’s never rheeed in his life that I know of, thank goodness. Tinkering with cars and models and model cars doesn’t leave any time for that.
Oh my God, I cannot stop laughing! Thank you for making the world a better place.
Also, thank you
In the same vein, let’s also not forget this one
Yeah, the whole “my three year old child is terrified and asks me why Trump hates everyone so much that he won’t end [insert stupid pet issue]?” is getting really fucking old.
They were all prequels to this.
Yea, I’ve seen that shit too. Assuming that the child actually did say anything about Trump, my response would be: Maybe your child wouldn’t say things like that if you hadn’t spent the last 3 years prosletyzing nonstop about how Trump is going to kill everybody and end the world if he gets elected.
That’s really good.
In all seriousness, the Left’s obsession with warping young, impressionable minds for use as figureheads for their pet issues is beyond disgusting. These prop-children are the victims of psychological abuse. Kids her age should be in trouble for staying up all night playing videogames but she’s already been enrolled as a puppet in some adults’ fucked up apocalyptic fantasy world. Very sad to see.
On the other hand, the age of consent in Sweden is 15. So if she has the power to consensually engage in sexual relations with a 30-year-old, she’s fair game for ridicule, I say.
Also, WTF Sweden?
Ew. That’s so young OMWC wouldn’t bite.
And it wasn’t even a “loophole”. In 1971, Swedish legislators thought of, wrote up, voted on, and passed a law that legalized “child, animal, and violent pornography“.
And they have the chutzpah to scold us over the 2nd Amendment?
The balls on those boot-licking stat-worshippers!
Do you know anyone at the White House who can whisper this in The Donald’s ear?
*cue Austin Powers explaining ‘it was a different time, baby. Yeah!’*
In fairness the issues are linked. One important reason many of us have guns is to prevent our children from experiencing violent sex.
The ole cleaning the shotgun on date night, eh?
I was gonna mention that yesterday but decide to censor myself. I knew someone would come through.
I love it when you get fucked up.
I haven’t even started drinking.
Who said anything about alcohol?
Harsh, but fair.
can’t believe i’m the first one to do that
I’m still proud, though.
You sir, win the thread.
What would happen if she hooked up with the anti-gun kid from Florida? Would there be a conflict over whose project was more important? Which one would have to give in?
Battle of the End of the World?
They would breed, and I think the rest is detailed in the Kalachakra Sutra.
In layman terms would this be more idiocracy or time machine morlock/eloi?
Think the final 20 minutes of Ghostbusters.
The Statue of Liberty gets up and leaves?
Rick Moranis has sex with Sigourney Weaver.
Devil dogs hop around.
Stay-Puft Marshmallow man.
And then …
Then …
They cross the streams.
The colorlessness out of space
They could mate and spawn the ultimate Dem prog presidential candidate for the 2059 presidential race. Too bad we will all be in camps by then.
HM damn your nimble fingers.
I will be dead from them killing me. I will not go to their camps willingly.
They’d just kill you in the camps, I’d rather go out with a bang than a whimper, Elliott be dammed.
This. This is what would happen.
Now I won’t be able to sleep tonight. Thanks MJ
I love it when I can answer people’s questions!
Maybe this.
“blocked in your country for copyright reasons”
Because clips from 50+ year old movies aren’t fair use. These idiots are going to kill off the internet because they are too stupid to make money with it. Oh well, I lived the first half of my life with no usable internet
Wow. King Kong Vs Giant Octopus (1962) is fantastic. Too bad.
::slow clap::
You win this time, Mojeaux.
This time.
Visited the BBC World Service app for the first time in awhile. I don’t remember it going full Pravda before. This is disappointing. That poor future world dictator/psych ward patient they have spouting the climate bullshit is on every page.
There is no true god but Gaia, and Greta is her prophet.
Speaking of–Redbubble and Teespring have gotten in selling merch to help do something for climate initiatives.
Well, as Robert Downy Jr. told us in black-face, you never go full regal.
If that was a link to anything else, you would have been dead to me.
After watching this review, I kinda want to make the 3hr drive down to Milwaukee dressed like John Travolta from that movie and hang outside their studio.
“John Travolta is the Nic Cage of actors.”
Not unrelated…
That and the talk of watching Rambo making you racist and watching Joker makes you sexist, furthers my idea that they are shitlords, but yet classy like us.
It’s about time you shared your dissertation.
I am pretty sure Greta plagiarized her speech today
9th Circus continues.
I once worked in a group where one asshole demanded that the manager read aloud the safety topic handout (that was distributed in advance) in the monthly safety meeting.
Since we’re reiterating: We have to listen to that crap every payday. They pick a chemical and read the SDS for it. Then they read prepared remarks about some inane subject like shop cleanliness. Every other week. Then people bitch about pet peeves for another half hour. I’ve never been injured in a safety meeting, and a few of us sing the “Safety dance” song just to mock the whole thing. We can meet if want to, leave real work behind… so there’s that.
Droning voice:
“And in closing I’d like to remind all of you that inserting your penis in the rotating air impeller is grounds for termination”
Of your penis?
They used to have those at an auto parts plant where I worked.
I think the safety lady was required to come up with some topic or another, and most of them were not related to work at all. For instance, one of the presentations around Thanksgiving was about food safety. There was audible laughter when she said “Don’t eat your steaks rare and bloody; it’s just not safe. Cook it until it’s brown all the way through.”
But yea, shut down the entire plant for 20 minutes every Tuesday to lecture a bunch of blue collar dudes about the dangers of rare steak. Great idea.
That should have resulted in a massive “STFU!” shout.
Replaced a monitor that was giving me headaches because it was too dim with a TV the same size. Now the TV is giving me headaches because it’s too bright. Maybe I just have a tumor and this isn’t a monitor issue at all………
Not adjustable?
Futzing with the settings seemed to jump from too bright for viewing at monitor range to too dim to view at monitor range.
I get that way if I am out in the bright sun too long during the day. Or when my glasses lenses get dirty.
The answer is your avatar.
Since I’m not Dwayne Wayne, I haven’t worn sunglasses since I started wearing glasses.
Look, I give you 2 fucking dollars a month. That’s like…20-some dollars a year. By my math, you should have enough for a new monitor in…the year 2020-something.
$2 per month!?! Look at Bill Gates over here.
Yeah, that’s like half a cup of coffee, nowadays!
Hey, it’s “Dollar Menu” donating, not “Circuit City” donating…
Dollar menu and Great Value groceries, I’d be dead (well probably really thin and sickly instead of fat) without them.
Alright, MikeS–cough up a few more bucks!
Digby, we’ve known each other for 2 years and 1 week. But it seems like 4 years and 23 weeks…
Mike, I like talking numbers with you, but, do you know who you’re talking to?
That guy hangs out here! He does woodworking and shit!
It just dawned on me, that it is a prequel to Bowfinger!
Trust me, Mike–I have NO intention of ever kicking him in the balls.
I give more than that to the local food bank. Christ, you’re an asshole.
But yet he donates more to the charity of me than you do; see, you’re the asshat.
Fair point.
Mike drop
No Mike, you actually came out on top in that one. Spud got dropped.
Right between the eyes.
I saw that.
Did you check the thermostat?
I’ve said it before but….
Glibs really needs a ‘night mode’ / ‘dark theme’
Honestly I’m considering cancelling my subscription over it
Submitted for your approval
What–too “on the nose”?
Haha, I have a sexier radio DJ voice than Idris Elba! Thanks for boosting my ego Sir Digby!
I, uh…yeah. It’s all….you betcha.
The Hair’s voice, with a good dramatic reading through a good mic would make sprinklers go off in panties.
Down arrow from monocle FTW.
I’d like to send an American 16 y/o chick over there to air my complaints. Why the fuck are your massages so hard? How come you make your meatballs so fucking bland? The Wops make a decent meatball, learn from them, dammit. You’re squandering our future massages and meatball dinners. You say you care, but that’s not enough! RHEEEEE!!!!!
Spices grow poorly in the arctic. If only something would change the climate to be warmer…
Good point. A nuclear winter would be great for them. Let’s do it!
/John Bolton’s mustache
I love Swedish meatballs. Those other ones are good, too.
One of fondest childhood memories was Scandinavian New Years Eve dinners hosted by a family friend. Oh, the food!
Don’t even get me started about SAABs. Most famous Musicians? Fucking ABBA! Hey Sweden? We have more than two letters in our alphabet!
“Why the fuck are your massages so hard?”
Mrs. Dean, a licensed massage therapist, refers to Swedish as ‘fluff and buff’. She’s more deep tissue.
I was gonna praise them for coming up with the idea about an entire meal of dipping shit intopots of other shit, but then I remembered “oh yeah, that’s the Swiss…”
Fucking lutefisk is what they gave us.
And the smorgasboard.
Obvious, but obligatory
Scott Adams is about to become unpersoned because he pops Greta’s Doom Balloon.
But to use nuclear energy, you’d need a way to contain the waste, like in casks that survive a rocket powered train wreck! Using unicorn farts is far more scientifically sound.
Even if we all are about to die, we still should be able to slap our kids and tell them to STFU.
Perhaps, especially then.
And, the children of others. Don’t forget that.
Hell, Okinawan mothers strangled their babies not letting them get slaughtered in peace and quiet.
I’d make a joke about Saipan but I’ve read a couple of accounts by marines who were there and it’s not funny.
Too soon? I’m torn.
Hell Masada may still be too soon. Fanatical mothers tossing babies off cliffs because their leaders have persuaded them that the enemy will do worse is pretty high on my awful list.
I don’t mind. Holocaust jokes.
It wasn’t a chicken!
Was waiting for this.
We are old.
-1 Alan Alda virtue signalling.
Ugh. I did not need to know that.
/OK maybe I did
Get a hold of yourself!
You know, maybe if she’d followed her hubby’s lead, and not had that 2nd cup of coffee…
/Just saying, is all
I’m pretty sure he’s not alone. There is only so much grace this unfortunate kid is going to get. Going out in the spotlight to lambaste other people is going to draw fire (eventually.)
You will be the most educated and effective humans of all time.
I realize what tone he’s going for, but that deserves a belly laugh.
Though he did say most, not best, educated…
I think old Scott has been a villain a long time now
Sailing across the sea and going berserk is in her blood people. Viking gonna viking, leave her be.
If she Blood-Eagles a bunch of DC beurocrats, she’ll have my support.
Hell, if she does that I’ll donate to whatever charity she wants.
Remember, though–she’ll be more likely to do that to the ones that don’t swallow her…load.
These would be the ones more sane on the issue than, say, AOC.
Once the Berserker gets going they attack everything in their path. In DC I like the odds of her picking victims I won’t cry for.
Ripping on all things Swedish, I give you Bodies Without Organs, riffing on a Albert Hammond song
Which was covered by Joplin Tsai in a Mandopop version before she turned all plasticky, although the boobs are nice
That one was cute.
The boy is a younger and slightly more “pretty” version of my last ex.
That one will give me nightmares.
Ear bleach – a Swedish band that doesn’t suck IMHO.
I vote to have Stephen Merchant play her in the obviously upcoming biopic. They seem to have the same eyes.
Submitted without further comment.
You lot can comment all ya want, though.
Bunch of attention whores.
Something tells me he may not be well versed in the policy or science. Can’t put my finger in it…
DON’T….put your finger on it.
As mom once said, “Well, DON’T!”
/it’s where I get my way with words…
He said ‘IN IT’.
And you probably could if you wanted to.
He did–I just didn’t want it to be true, and…
Wait; why me?
Why do the people who want to end the modern world always seem like people whose lives are only possible in the modern world? I mean some Grizzly Adams looking dude who spends his life out hunting and knows how to live off the land may do ok when we ban fossil fuels but that dude is going to starve within two months.
My tweet to that, “Where’s a water cannon when you need it?”
Bobarian admits he wants to spray gayest man alive with his hose.
He said ‘IN IT’.
Yeah but he has a headache and I’ve picked on him a bunch lately.
That was the joke! *Storms off stage*
Protest larping. These people aren’t serious at all. What an embarrassment.
I feel sorry for normal gay people who have this guy reinforcing every negative stereotype imaginable about their demographic.
Pfft. We are no more reducible to a “demographic” than straight people. Attention whores are the same no matter the sexual orientation.
You like to get the D, so your supposed to love D’s! Get back on your plantation!
Sheila should really go on a field trip…
‘Is it ignorance? Or is it malevolence?’
Much as I like to blame things from the left on malevolence, in ol’ Sheila’s case ignorance is always the answer.
Well technically…
I thought of that, but I wager she’s not well versed enough to know that.
Despite my monitor troubles, I want
sapsfans to know I’m still working on new content,wastedspent 3 hrs today making new character models just to use in a throwaway gag to start the next ep.“The enemy copy”….interesting.
Aw, the potato head is adorable.
Yeah, didn’t draw that one or the other ones that are good drawings, they’re stock images.
Alright, just recorded the script audio while rendering a client video and drinking, that is fucking multi-tasking!
The most technical euphemism ever posted here.
With all the Greta talk today, I think I just out technicaled that in this tweet.
/my apologies–in a MikeS mood there
Holy shit! Trump is killing me. The look on Greta’s face is priceless
I think she’s the 21st Century’s Veruca Salt.
That was an epic glare.
The part at the beginning where she raises her eyebrows with excitement that she’s gonna get her prize, then the crushing disappointment as she’s not getting picked.
“This is my big moment! Daddy will finally love me!…and it’s gone”
I heard that guy down in Terre Haute won a bowling alley. Maybe they’ll mail the deed to her.
It pains me to see that. She is a child. It’s a shame to see what has been done to her.
In the new carbon free world she will have fun in the fields harvesting wheat with a sickle
Carbon free steel in that blade?
Flint microblades embedded in a stick.
To hell with her. She shouldered her way into this place. Her parents and others enabled her, but she actively decided this. A kid with a grenade is just as deadly as an adult with a grenade. Engage her and destroy this entire communist movement.
Dbl for the win! Daaaaaamn!
Hey, some kids actively decided to wear parachute pants, you can’t put that all them! They were only children! (Is she 16? By the time I was 16 I working ‘illegal’ hours because I was helping my parents make house payments and needed all the hours I could get. Kids these days/)
Agreed. I have no sympathy for her, or her enablers.
I’m not going to be yelled at by some cunte. Especially since their whole premise is delusional.
Yeah, this is pretty blatant exploitation of a vulnerable person–never mind child–who does not have a clear understanding of her circumstances or the consequences of her actions. Her parents should be ashamed of themselves.
And really, that should be the reaction of every adult, sad when Trump is the grown-up in the room.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s sad if/when Trump is a grown-up. But, point taken.
“We will never forgive you!”
Um … okay.
Trump is a man known to seek absolution…
Not a very hopeful statement from a supposed savior…
I’m good with that. Now get off my lawn.
Well can’t argue with that…
Good morning glibs.
Good morning.
If I had a top hat as spiffy as yours, I would doff said hat for you.
Look at the round earther here!
Donald J. Trump
She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!
Excellent meme:
Jay-zus, the pure hero-worship/fellating of the little pre-martyr is staggering.
I mean, it’s what they do. Still, it’s shocking to see the pandering pearl-clutching. Because, by God, she’s above reproach.
I was just about to go to bed then DJT has to drop this nuclear level troll at 11:30pm
Now I’m miles deep in the salt mine… my god it’s beautiful
I think you mean The Hat dropped. Follow the lore bro!
sorry im new here
Well, you’ve made “bro” level already, so, kudos!
There are hundreds (maybe thousands) of kids who routinely cross oceans with their families. They are not noticed because they don’t spout Greta’s bullshit.
Hey Greta, you are acting like my daughter did act 16 and trying to lecture me. I’ll act like I did then. “I am not interested in being lectured by somebody who I support. I give no consideration to your views because of your tone. When you support yourself we can discuss this issue, until then I gave you an instruction. Do it.”
Tactically, this may be the smart play.
It still pains me. And pain makes me angry.
RC, if you Hulk out….
OK, I don’t really have finish for that. I do kinda want to see it. But, only kind of.
Of course it’s the smart play. Maybe I should compile the best “REEEEEEE” for y’all. The checkmarks are *SO* mad, haha.
“By complimenting the girl the media is going to be tripping over themselves. Lol”
“Awwww, bless your heart sweetie”
Politically active teenagers remind me of that video of the chimpanzee they handed a loaded AK-47. They have no real idea what they’re doing or how dangerous they can be – and the fools who put those teenagers are exactly like the soldiers who handed the chimp a loaded machinegun.
“…put those teenagers (on the stage) are exactly…”
This is great. And, I mean “glib” great… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02q1kUwOlYw
Obama and the MSM reacting to Greta’s address:
Is it OK if I want to see them all in that get-up? Because, I do.
I think I’ve discovered the game that glibs need.
Pretty good. But not this one?
That would be the one that glibs want. Not the one they need.
Hi, evvybuffy!
Evvybuddy, that is.
(Still half asleep and muttering to self)
You expect me to be awake just ’cause I made it to work?
Mornin’, hayek! Cuppa coffee?
Hey, how’s your back? Are you able to sleep well & comfortably?
Yes, mostly! Certainly not healed yet but no longer need the brace.
Thanks !!
Mornin’ y’all. Just home from work and getting the kids ready for school. It’s my day off and I have 2 strong beers lined up and ready. Both from Grimm Brewing – Noon Moon (imperial milk stout w/ hazelnuts, cacao, & banana) and Midnight Morning (imperial stout w/ coffee, pecans, vanilla, & maple syrup)
Ummm…is that a good thing?
For molasses, maybe.
Mornin’. Missed this post because I was busy watching the Redskins step all over their own collective dick on MNF last night. Now THAT’S an impending man-made disaster. We need a teenager to screech about that to the UN.
Seriously though, how the hell did her handlers think this would read? I get that the cultists will love this and there’s a “speaking truth to power” bunch that will think this is wonderful, but my only reaction when someone else’s kid starts yelling at me is to struggle to resist the urge to smack the shit out of them. And then to judge the shit out of the parents.
And let me clarify that I believe Greta Thunberg is a mentally ill person who is being exploited by a bunch of adults including her parents, who she should most be able to trust. I have a cousin who is autistic, and pretty far into the spectrum, i.e. will never be able to function on his own, and I know his mom could get him riled up about whatever topic she chose and then point him at a camera to get similar results.
So much this.
At my workplace there’s a hierarchy of office space. If you’re a newb or junior engineer, you get a cubicle. Later you can upgrade to a “dual office” where two people share a decent sized office with both getting their own desk, phone etc.
Then you can progress to your own office with seniority or whatever. I have a deluxe office with a window view of palm trees and mountains, because I’m a senior engineer and a department manager.
Last week, a few folks were moved, including moving a guy Dwayne DistinctveLastNsme moving into a dual office with Jared DistinctiveLastNsme, no relationship. Just coincidence.
Do I ordered online a laser engraved plaque reading “DistinctiveLastName & DistinctiveLastName, Attorneys at Law.
I stuck it on their office door early Monday morning, and they love it but have no clue where it came from.
At my workplace there’s a heirarchy of office space too.
If you’re IT, you get the shit spots until they find a shittier spot to move you to. Only political appointees and agency directors get offices, and there’s an almost unending game of musical cubes going on.
All I want is a quiet spot, but they moved me next to the loudest unit in the building.
I’m low on the totem pole at work, but I rated a private office as soon as TPTB at work ditched the HR bitch, hired a Professional Employer Org, and tapped me to process staff payroll. I was in one without a window, but when the Marketing chick moved out of her windowed office to another building and no one moved into her old digs, I asked for it and received.
Only downside: perilously close to break room with snacks – most recently, Hershey bars with Reese’s pieces in ’em. I admit I am helpless before chocolate & peanut butter.
You’re cool. ?
Image for this on the main page – Caedere?
This is gold. Thank you.
This is really offensive. And very funny. Worth.