Bullhead City AZ
Ten days into a multi week layoff and I was getting really bored, and decided to do a diorama, with the barest needs, as I was staying at the Daughter’s house, and things can get messy.
The Kit.
Just about everything you need to build a basic landscape, it’s a great buy for the young ones, and and a nice add-on for us old guys/gals.
I watched a video from Mel the terrain tutor, here’s one: https://youtu.be/uBiMry45qhM
Mel Bose taught me just about everything I know, anyway….
HaHa! it seems there is still a lot of work even though you are working with three colors, which is actually those colors plus black and white for tinting. Let’s begin with a basic wall, and throw some color on it.
That brown is pretty weak, but let’s see what we can do.
Better, let’s continue.
The scenario: SW desert, USA , a known set of American Indian petroglyphs that can be accessed by canoe in the Spring, so Road Trip!
Where is everyone? the model needed the canoes early but the very expensive people could wait til later, next we did some waterfalls and moss, tedious painting and waterworks, but the moss colored paint ended up as a complimentary color for the main wall, coup!
After a lot of tricks and fun, I came up with this:
And to add a bit of whitewater, and the finished product:
I wasn’t happy at first, I never am, but painting and tweaking the idea, I usually come up with some thing nice, enjoy!
PS: there are some petroglyphs, find em all!
Wanna play?
It’s pretty simple, and you can go from a window decoration to a full sized wargaming table with the same recipes, and even make money.
I’m going to do a dragon on a pile of gold next, and a duck pond, just because, try one!
OH Yeah.
Notice I don’t tell you how I do this? That’s for you, or Magic, whatever.
nice work
Is that supposed to be a deer being hit by a spear?
how about a random Moss cover that looks that way…
OK, I thought it might have been some native carving that got filled with moss.
I’ll take that, good idea, thanks!
You’ve definitely got the touch, Yusef.
Thanks again, I blew it using the White talus on the river edge, should have tinted it it like the other color mix
I see that. That would have looked good on a western free stone stream.
How long did it take from start to finish? Inquiring minds and all. Looks great, as well. Good job, Yusef
I was hoping this was going to turn into Land of the Lost fan fiction/diorama.
I thought that too!!!
I considered a waterfall at the end, so let’s go with it, Land of the Lost, lost,lost,lost,…
Chaka Lives!
Always good for a laugh/reminiscence.
I think you must be doing something wrong. This looks nothing like any model or diorama I made when I was young and still willing to try this stuff. Where are the crooked bits with waterfalls of glue and thumbprints? Where are the spots where you touched the paint before it dried and got blue on the rocks and green on the faces? Where is the random dog hair stuck in the paint? lastly why isn’t it smashed in a corner in frustration?
I laughed . . . up here, not down there
Well, Bella does supply my Dog hair, IRL I needed to wait till I got older and more patient to do any of this,
and YT, eBay, PayPal Amazon, Hobby Lobby, Pegsasus Hobbies, online ordering, these things help.
MicroMark? I used them /mumble/ years ago.
OT: TW baseball
We were talking about pitching through the lineup a third time. STL 39 Mikolas RHP beat the game yesterday:
7.2IP 2ER 8H 1BB 4K and saw 30 batsmen (I’ve never seen more than 30 TBF)
I laughed
“One of the key aspects about social-justice theory is that it’s completely unfalsifiable (as well as unreadable); it’s a closed circle that refers only to itself and its own categories. (For a searing take down of this huge academic con, check out Douglas Murray’s superb new book, The Madness of Crowds.) The forces involved — “white supremacy,” “patriarchy,” “heterosexism” — are all invisible to the naked eye, like the Holy Spirit. Their philosophical origins — an attempt by structuralist French philosophers to rescue what was left of Marxism in the 1960s and 1970s — are generally obscured in any practical context. Like religion, you cannot prove any of its doctrines empirically, but children are being forced into believing them anyway. This is hard, of course, as this teacher explains: “I’m trying. I am. But you know how the saying goes: You can lead a White male to anti-racism, but you can’t make him think.”
The racism, sexism, and condescension in those sentences! (The teacher, by the way, is not some outlier. In 2014, he was named Minnesota’s Teacher of the Year!) Having taken one form of religion out of the public schools, the social-justice left is now replacing it with the doctrines of intersectionality.”
“And then there is the disturbing “social justice” response to gender-nonconforming boys and girls. Increasingly, girly boys and tomboys are being told that gender trumps sex, and if a boy is effeminate or bookish or freaked out by team sports, he may actually be a girl, and if a girl is rough and tumble, sporty, and plays with boys, she may actually be a boy.
In the last few years in Western societies, as these notions have spread, the number of children identifying as trans has skyrocketed. In Sweden, the number of kids diagnosed with gender dysphoria, a phenomenon stable and rare for decades, has, from 2013 to 2016, increased almost tenfold. In New Zealand, the rate of girls identifying as boys has quadrupled in the same period of time; in Britain, where one NHS clinic is dedicated to trans kids, there were around a hundred girls being treated in 2011; by 2017, there were 1,400.
Possibly this sudden surge is a sign of pent-up demand, as trans kids emerge from the shadows, which, of course, is a great and overdue thing. The suffering of trans kids can be intense and has been ignored for far too long. But maybe it’s also some gender non-conforming kids falling prey to adult suggestions, or caused by social contagion. Almost certainly it’s both. But one reason to worry about the new explosion in gender dysphoria is that it seems recently to be driven by girls identifying as boys rather than the other way round. Female sexuality is more fluid and complex than male sexuality, so perhaps girls are more susceptible to ideological suggestion, especially when they are also taught that being a woman means being oppressed.”
Or maybe, just maybe, getting kids to accept obvious untruths about themselves at face value makes them more susceptible to manipulation.
we need a good, Big, cleansing War to fix what’s wrong in Western Civilization, and the Chinee will provide the cannon fodder to match our own…..
We’ll just end up like the UK, hollowed out and devoid of real men.
Or, possibly not. Who’s going to dare question it?
Yeah, that kinda jarred for me, too. Who’s to say it’s a good thing, after all? We don’t know how many cases of gender dysphoria would resolve successfully with therapy and treatment that doesn’t involve reassignment. Frankly, I think the jury’s still out on whether reassignment surgery constitutes a successful outcome five, ten, twenty years down the line. It seems as if the number of suicides and instances where people express regret after having the surgery in later life would indicate at least that it’s being performed in cases where it’s not appropriate. But God forbid you suggest that there’s anything at all amiss.
Who’s to say it’s a good thing, after all? We don’t know how many cases of gender dysphoria would resolve successfully with therapy and treatment that doesn’t involve reassignment.
I’m with you on this. How does mutilating your body in irreversible ways, destroying functional organs, risking complete inability to orgasm, and ending up as a nonfunctional cosmetic version of the other sex constitute a good outcome to a mental illness? Only only the left does one treat dissonances between perception and reality by trying to alter reality, rather than recognizing that your perception is wrong.
I don’t want to minimize the pain of people who are dealing with gender dysphoria, and of course the SLD that what an adult does with his or her body is their business. I’m just saying that it’s incredibly irresponsible of mental health professionals to treat this as anything other than a mental illness that should be treated in conventional ways.
The very concept of being born as the “wrong” sex doesn’t make sense. Wrong by what standard? According to what ideal? That’s like saying you were born the wrong height. Your body is exactly what it is, neither correct nor incorrect. If you think you should have a penis and you don’t, then the problem is likely psychological in nature. Maybe you grew up believing that your own predilections matched the opposite sex rather than your own because of your upbringing, or maybe you’ve just got a screw loose. Regardless, surgery isn’t going to solve your problems.
As much as I’d hate to agree with Andrew Sullivan, he is correct here. There are people who are legitimately trans, and facing less social stigma is a good thing.
“The very concept of being born as the “wrong” sex doesn’t make sense.”
It makes if you accept what science has shown for decades, that brains can be sorted into two categories, male and female.
Less stigma is certainly a good thing, for sure. But when it comes to masculine and feminine traits in brain structure and chemistry studies find that it’s not as simple as “male” and “female” brains. There are tendencies that appear, but most people have combinations of the two. And this is complicated by the fact that some of these differences are detected through behavioral evidence, which could easily be imparted by culture rather than genetics. And this is still talking about gender rather than sex, IOW culturally-defined categories rather than chromosomal differences. So you might believe you were supposed to be a woman despite having a penis because you think the way you’ve been taught women think and are more comfortably living in the way you’ve been taught that women live, but that doesn’t mean that your XY chromosomes were some sort of error. Like I say, though, what an adult chooses to do with that situation is wholly their concern and I’m certainly not going to judge people in that situation.
It makes if you accept what science has shown for decades, that brains can be sorted into two categories, male and female.
This may be true, but if anyone has ever done a double blind test where they identify ‘trans’ brains as actually being cross sexed I have not seen it. If in fact there is a female brain type, with actual empirically demonstrable physiological differences, AND a trans person has said brain type in a male body, you still are not putting it in a female body via the surgery, you are just putting it in a mutilated male body.
I am very much sympathetic to people who are suffering, and regardless of whether there is an actual physical component, or simply a mental illness trans people are suffering. The fact that they are suffering and are desperate for solace does not trump reality and suicide rates cast doubt on surgery being a successful treatment. If I really thought these individuals were choosing any part of this I would have less problem with it all. I am not arguing for preventing people from choosing the surgery; I am arguing that we are getting into a state where the politics of it all prevent people from proposing other methods of treatment, and that is sad because obviously a group of people with 40-50% rates of suicide attempts are not being well served.
“If in fact there is a female brain type, with actual empirically demonstrable physiological differences, AND a trans person has said brain type in a male body, you still are not putting it in a female body via the surgery”
Because the technology to swap brains and bodies around doesn’t exist.
In regards to suicide, it strongly correlates to how well they transition. That is to say, biological males who “pass” as women are way less likely to commit suicide. (There is less data for FTM.)
I am very much against experimenting on kids like this. Pick an age – eighteen seems convenient – and from then on let them knock themselves out.
This gets into really interesting areas of libertarian philosophy, some of which I am still struggling my way through, but if we protect children because they have not fully developed their rationality, don’t we have to similarly protect those who are mentally ill as well?
I joked the other day that some stupid article had made me give up on liberty because it proved that humans aren’t rational beings, but sometimes I wonder about that, very few of us ever act rationally, just about none of us do most of the time. It bothers me because I think about these things from a moral basis, and I truly believe that liberty has to have some sort of basis beyond “I wanna do what I want” if it is ever going to get anywhere.
The chief advantage of liberty from a social good perspective is that you minimize the negative effects of bad leadership. In theory, you avoid situations where the bad judgment of others forces you into bad situations. The flip side is that you then lose the opportunity for a strong leader or authority of some kind to limit the impact of bad but persuasive ideas. The hope is that if you build a deep cultural respect for individual liberty you’ll avoid the latter more often than not, or at least minimize the worst of it.
Yeah, I’m not qualified to say these people are “mentally ill” or God forbid decide that there is some level of “mental illness” that removes some freedom.
Thorny issues, for sure.
Well, if you ruin your own life, then that’s your perogative. If the government ruins it for you, that’s evil. It’s just as bad as a criminal ruining it. The problem here is parents are ruining the lives of children. I have deep seated concern for allowing the government to intervene with parenting choices, but giving hormones and puberty blockers to prepubescent kids seems an awful lot like torture. Surgery is pretty point blank. Then again, there’s probably a kid somewhere who actually needs this stuff. I doubt it’d be the end of the world to have to wait until they reach the age of majority ( which I believe should be 16, btw) and then start undoing nature’s work. Government is a blunt instrument and will always harm someone, ALWAYS. It sucks that people are all off into this fantasy land where “trans” equals god-like and proves your lefty/sjw bona fides. Makes the whole question much harder than it ought to be.
I haven’t thought long or deeply about this, but to me, liberty is a good unto itself. Maybe that’s a sign that I’m not particularly moral.
An important part of liberty is having the right to be wrong.
If liberty were a good unto itself that would be a moral basis. The argument goes:
Reason is the primary ability of human beings
Reason’s functionality is limited by each and any infringement of liberty
Human flourishing is good in and of itself
A thing flourishes by acting in line with its nature
Rational beings must rightly be free.
My point is that you need something like this (or the theistic version which gets into God granting free will) or else you are arguing “I wanna” which is countered by “You shouldn’t”. There has to be (and I believe there is and I have stated it here) an argument that says “liberty is necessary, therefore infringement is wrong”
That’s why you’ve got to land on this shit with both feet wherever and whenever you encounter it. It’s absolutely pernicious, and it will spread like kudzu because its perpetrators will intimidate non-believers into silence and because most people with any goddamn sense whatsoever tend to mind their own business and don’t want to be rude. But this shit has to be confronted everywhere, without hesitation, and without restraint.
Teacher of the year isn’t an outlier? All the teachers in Minnesota are above average I see.
I’ve mentioned that I got a terrible primary school education, but at least I wasn’t indoctrinated.
Why does that make me think I need to call my dentist and get my teeth cleaned?
Sup Tres!
Probably that White Talus I didn’t tint, Shiny!
Yusef: I’m bored, lemme go make a museum-quality diorama of an actual place that looks like it would be in the Welcome Center of a national park real fast while I’m in the middle of a road trip at someone else’s house.
Naptown: I’m bored. Lemme go see if the cars have moved out front. Nope. I’ll go mow half the lawn and then take a nap.
Shirley: work fascinates me. I could watch it for hours.
Work? this is my mind operating on all cylinders, there must be a story, a time and a place, and Then I build my toy,
/Rejected from the Psycho Club
LMAO, and thanks! if it was for sale it would be a bit more perfect, but whatcha gonna do?
I’ve said this before but I’m 100% serious: I don’t know how you’d even begin to do it, but whatever market there is for dioramas in museums, parks, places like that, I would imagine the quality of your work would be more than enough to garner some interest. You’ve got a hell of an eye for detail and the scenes you create feel like they’re in motion, like there’s a story.
I thank you Sir, ALL of my dioramas have a story, how else do you explain what’s happening?
Detail is like Easter eggs, I usually put my initials somewhere, in shrubs, bushes, etc. Just because.
That’s funny, I had a buddy who illustrated the covers for Science magazine for a number of years, and he’d find a way to incorporate the name of our mutual friends’ band somewhere in the details.
how else do you explain what’s happening?
“Some people did something.”
Heck, I took a nap after the mower wouldn’t start on the third try.
I ❤️ that response.
Well said Naptown!
Do you ever sit and contemplate your dioramas and imagine yourself shrunken to scale and running amok?
Not Amok, but definitely down to scale, what does one side see? and the other? maybe a hill, or a Grove of trees? it is important in WG tables, which is for the next article….
+ lilliputian
Like that 22 year old chick who got herself adopted?
I gotta make Nachos, Commiserate til my Return,
Tall Cappuccino Stouts!
Nice work Yusef. We should all indulge our creative sides more like you do.
Hell, if my PC didn’t blow up I would have produced a few songs while working the Terrain,
I gotta go! as in Go man go….
I kind of want them to meet and have a summit with each other because I think it would be hilarious to read about, but I’d need someone able to withstand the radioactive levels of awkwardness that would result in order to record the salient points.
Carbon bad, guns too.
Salient points? You must be thinking of a different meeting.
I’m just picturing like a younger version of the Adolf Hitler from Preacher and a Bjork fixated on pollution on an awkward date.
That’s possible, after all Humperdoo is busy quarterbacking for the Broncos.
Their child
Michael Malice has been having a field day trolling. It’s been 2 hours of stuff like this:
People on Twitter need a new spit-take gif. I’ve been seeing that thing several times a day for over a year.
SugarFree’s mind is already a fertile ground for Lovecraftian degeneracy, there is no need to provide any more characters to the pantheon of horrors.
Nice. Can you add real vegetation to these dioramas? You could have the world’s largest pot plant.
You could, but it would be 70’s G.I. Joe sized, 12″ tall and pricey, not for the plants,
Just saw a commercial on tv by something called Sandy Hook Promise. The scum behind that commercial and everyone associated with it, including the networks that accepted it, need to be expelled from society. Leaving aside their evil agenda, the fear mongering and use of children is exploitative in a way that leaves me rage filled. At them.
Sandy Hook Promise sounds like a threat. Hope they don’t get SWATTED.
The commercial just made a lot more sense.
They’re running an abbreviated one with the girl texting her mom in the bathroom.
I’m not sure about the efficacy of using a stretchy sock as a tourniquet.
I regret watching that.
Oh lovely.
School shootings are a sucky trend. I miss the good ole serial killer like they had when I was a kid. Never even considered screeching life to stop over that. Just used old fashioned police work to catch them. People used to be way less suicidal about this stuff. How do deal with someone who knows he’s about to die or go to prison for ever? Dunno. I can say that hypnotizing all the kids into freaking out about ain’t working too well.
Very nice set, Yusef. It looks beautiful and really, it’s a nice job. Thanks for sharing your creativity.
As others have mentioned, it encourages us to be more creative.
He inspired me to legally change my name to “Slack Hambert”.
Respectable name, also I didn’t get to comment before, but digging the chimp.
He’s chillin’. We all need moar chillin’.
Thanks, I tend to write lyrics that are stories, they are important in Art, and building things like this would be pointless without a storyline, Fact or fiction…
I would think the water would be the most difficult part but damned Yusef, you sure knocked this one out of the park. I am not a model or diorama guy but that impresses me.
Yeah, I always love the water.
I always do the hardest thing best, because it’s hard, but you need to do things in a specific order, Water is easier now because I paid attention earlier
Great Job Yusef! The water reminds me of that Eddie Money song.
it was Mexico once,
Yep, cool, cool water Yusef.
Also, saw this diorama at a botanical garden this summer. Normally I’d just stroll past a diorama, but your posts inspired me to stop and take a pic. It’s Heidi.
I like it,
Ooo, that’s lovely – but why is she dangling a mile above the ground?
Perspective, always..
Exactly. Gave me vertigo just looking at it.
that’s Alcohol, not vertigo…..
Ann Althouse has an interesting article.
First thought is she is right. If they try to impeach Trump, Trump will run against impeachment and unless the Democrats get a lot more evidence then they have now, then the Democrats will lose huge. But if the Democratic leaders don’t think one of their candidates will win, then this might be their best way of slowing Trump down.
What do you guys think?
I doubt Biden survives this clusterfuck, and they can’t win with any of the others. ??♂️
More evidence? That would be some, any at all because at this point all they have is hysteria and nonsense.
I think what we are watching is the death of the D party. They have gone full totalitarian and disabled the brakes. I think they went off of the rails because they thought they had it in the bag. Obama was supposed to tee up the revolution and his successor was supposed to knock it out of the park. Oooops. Now they are in a panic. It was right there….right at the tips of their fingers….soooooo close…..
They are going to lose this election. We have a choice between a great economy and a guy touting the greatness of our country and a party that is openly calling for the destruction of both the economy and our country…. i.e. the destruction of the American way of life. It’s a no-brainer.
Careful, I haven’t successfully predicted an election,,ever. People do whatever they do in those booths. Only thing I’ve ever been sure of is the libertarians won’ ever break 5%.
the LP is a joke, the ideology, is much better,
I voted for GayJo, very much holding my nose doing so. Unless the LP nominares McAfee I will probably not vote for the LP. They really are a fucking useless party. They should be concentrated on getting four or five seats in Congress. They have been a total, unmitigated failure.
They should be concentrated on getting four or five seats in Congress.
or maybe just being a little bit libertarian?
That would help as well.
” We have a choice between a great economy and a guy touting the greatness of our country and a party that is openly calling for the destruction of both the economy and our country…. i.e. the destruction of the American way of life.”
But how many people are going to hear that message?
If you think impeachment will be a net benefit to Trump, and if you think Trump is a better choice than whomever the Dems put up, then you should be writing letters to your congresscritter, if a Democrat, demanding xe vote for impeaching Trump. Maybe Trump wins either way as there will be plenty of Dems pissed at their leadership and sowing chaos with their party, if it fails to move a bill of impeachment.
Apparently not so quietly.
Not how it works. Lrn2constitution
I got a fair bit of money riding on El Trumpo not getting impeached and removed (or resigning in disgrace). I think my money is still quite safe. I look forward to collecting it from my two buddies.
Biden is done. The body just doesn’t know it yet. Ukraine is peanuts compared to what happened in China.
Couple of years ago, I thought that about Trump. Voters are stupid, (D) voters are even stupider. They nominated Hillary last time. Never forget.
Yusef, I’m so glad you had the time, space, and materials to indulge your passion. Thanks for sharing your creative process with us. Hope it helped your mind deal with such shit as tends to happen.
Yep, and Thanks for watching!
::pulls out her just-started knitting project::
Anything you do for pleasure is good for the Soul, art, sex,the Zen of shooting, knitting and dioramas, it’s good for you…
“In 2017, 62% of women killed by men were killed by their husband or intimate partner — most commonly with a gun.
As president, I’d take action where Congress won’t and close the “boyfriend loophole” to prevent domestic abusers from buying guns.
It’s just common sense.”
It’s already illegal for people convicted of misdemeanor domestic to own guns. And if you prevent domestic abusers from buying guns, who is going to enforce this executive order?
Conviction for domestic violence already bars someone from making a legal gun purchase. The only loophole is that LEOs are exempt from being barred from gun purchases due to a DV conviction. If she wants to close that loophole I am all for it.
Are you sure? I’m pretty sure the Lautenberg Amendment applies widely. I seem to remember police officers that couldn’t carry a department issued service weapon due to the possession ban. I know there was one guy in my National Guard unit that couldn’t draw a weapon stateside prior to deployment thanks to that crap. Fuck you NJ.
What’s the percentage of men killed by their wives, relative to other women? Why is this meaningless drivel driving our legislative policy? Murder is illegal. These women won’t be less dead if they’re stabbed or bombed to death. This whole thing is stupid. Kamala is stupid and evil.
Close the girlfriend loophole! Convicted domestic abusers can get their spouses/girlfriends/intimate partners to buy the firearms for them. What could go wrong with banning those closest to criminals from obtaining firearms?
Make it illegal to talk while a big game is on?
“Rob Gronkowski’s Wife Gets Out Photo Album To Prove To Him He’s Met Tom Brady”
“”Human-Faced Pot Pies” by Horror Artist Ashley Newman and US baker Andrew Fuller ”
At least he didn’t smell her hair.
“This is the real corruption that the Fake News Media refuses to even acknowledge!”
Micro-rant: I want to see a movie. It will be released only on Disney+. Why do I have to sign up for various services to see things I want?
OTOH, it’s exciting that quality stuff is getting made.
Why, you ask? Because Disney hoards their stuff more fiercely than a dragon?
9th Circus continues.
I once worked in a group where one asshole demanded that the manager read aloud the safety topic handout (that was distributed in advance) in the monthly safety meeting.
Dead thread fail. HM is beating on girls in the next one.
We have to listen to that crap every payday. They pick a chemical and read the SDS for it. Then they read prepared remarks about some inane subject like shop cleanliness. Every other week Then people bitch about pet peeves for another half hour. I’ve never been injured in a safety meeting, and a few of us sing the “Safety dance” song just to mock the whole thing. We can meet if want to, leave real work behind…
Very nice, Yusef. You have a gift for this kind of thing. I really hope you get a home base again soon so you can really get back into it.
“There’s no shortage of footage of women attacking men online.
When it happens, rarely does anyone intervene.
Unless, of course, the man chooses to defend himself…
TRASH: Women HITTING Men (Male Domestic Abuse) | Ep 84”
Climate change is gay.
“A white supremacist tried to racially antagonize a group of Black kids at the Frederick Fair in MD. He started calling them the N-word, and one of the kids, fearing for his life, punched the racist man. The white supremacist later died and two innocent Black victims were charged”
“Fact check: A 59-year-old man died from being sucker punched in the head several times. Witnesses told investigators the man was the victim of a completely unprovoked attack by the teens. They even spit on him after he was already on the ground & dying. ”
so of course the fact check tweet is the one removed…
Here it is:
Yusef, that looks good.
I’m a model railroader and scenery of any sort scares me, particularly water. You did a great job with this.
As a whitewater canoeist and kayaker, let me offer the following: River water is rarely that clear or blue, but this is artistry not painstaking realism. Nice work with the foam in the rapids. I won’t ask how, but am very impressed both that you took the trouble to do so and that it turned out so well.
Rapids form when water moves around rocks. Sometimes those rocks are fully submerged, but even those can affect surface currents. Anyway, when water moves around a rock it creates a “V” shape on the surface of the water; the point where the lines of the “V” come together is where the rock is, and the apex of the “V” is on the upstream end. When you have multiple rocks, as you often do in a rock garden type rapid such as you have modelled (as opposed to waterfall or pourover), you will have multiple Vs side by side, ie VV (looks like a dubya but is actuall two vees). If I was approaching that in a canoe I would know to steer either through the downstream pointing vee formed by the inside legs of the two vees, ie
safe V safe V safe
Okay, the spacing is FUBAR, but you get the idea.
Thanks for the tip! accurate water is hard to do, this just made it easier.
as far as color? if we were going for realism it would be 5-6 shades of Blue, Green, brown and grey, I think it looks pretty, YMMV