Mediocre Actress Cannot Recognize Mediocre Acting
This fear and pain is real. And it’s gut-wrenching.
No generation should have to deal with inaction from leadership.
We are blessed to have this warrior of the human spirit.
(Listen to her. Don’t just hear. Really listen.)
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) September 23, 2019
Life imitates mediocre movie:
Family Charged For Abandoning Adopted Ukrainian Child Who Turned Out To Be Crazed Adult Dwarf

You mean something other than the fact they named her “Esther”?
She’ll do it. I swear. She’s crazy! She’s really mad this time. I swear. She’s snortin’, she’s stamping her feet. Watch out!
The practice of inserting plastic or metal ‘sounds’ (long thin and very smooth objects) into yours or someone else’s urethra. Ultimately leads to stretching of the urethra so that larger objects (such as a finger) can be inserted in the penis.
Not a music post, but a movie post…
Fun Fact
This wonderfully braless character is played by Kristine DeBell, who starred three years before Meatballs in a porno version of Alice in Wonderland.
You guys are punctual today.
You guys is uninclusive and not longer acceptable on Glibertarins or any of its associated websites
The Glibs have “associated websites?” Huh. The things I learn here . . .
SP is the best.
EVERY child should be blessed with inaction from “leadership!”
That’s what stood out to me. Also I hate the notion that politicians are our leadership. It’s like saying a slaves Master is his leader.
The fetal alcohol syndrome potato sez: YOU WILL EAT THE BUGS
“They’re watching!”
stretching of the urethra so that larger objects (such as a finger) can be inserted in the penis.
There are much larger things than fingers. Unfortunately I have seen these things. (Damn you, 4chan!!!!)
Meh, the progressive scrotal inflation is far more disturbing.
I could have gone to my grave secure in my ignorance of what “sounding” entails. This is much worse than the leech and the craw-dad. Thanks, SF, thanks a lot…
What if if some lovely girl you just went home with said “Want to try sounding?” and in your ignorance you said “Whatever you want, baby” lowering your voice trying to sound super-sexy and then she pulls out these rods and you don’t feel like you can refuse and you end up like a worn-out garden hose down there?
I just saved you from that. Me.
I’m a goddamn hero.
One of my brother’s hospice nurses was an absolute 10. Then she put a catheter in and I lost interest.
No such thing as an absolute 10. Outside God herself.
So, by “God,” I gather you mean Nadia?
The only time I had a catheter put in while I was awake, it was a guy and we had a very awkward conversation.
Did you rip it out like an SSP racer?
Thanks for the flashback of my catheter removal.
Thanks… no really… thanks…
But did you make the sonic sound?
No sound, just a face
I had those toys. They did not last long.
Was it the eye contact that made it awkward?
And asking him to call you ‘Sahib’?
Sorry to read about your brother, I.F.
Not the hero that I wanted but the hero that I deserved.
Advise I could have used 18years ago, didn’t get laid, but did get stuff in my urethra and a pa by this lovely blond with huge tits.
Not my finest moment.
It’s somewhat better than injecting vaseline into it, but not much.
“…into yours or someone else’s urethra”
Ima take advantage of the “someone else’s” loophole.
Family Charged For Abandoning Adopted Ukrainian Child Who Turned Out To Be Crazed Adult Dwarf – allegedly !
Re Pipi Longspieling.
That wasn’t passion.
it was a neurotic nervous breakdown.
Some on the internet were comparing her favorably with Che Guevara which is kinda funny
She hasn’t murdered anyone (yet) so they’re right.
can she even ride a motorcycle?
I hate the message but you have to at least feel some empathy for her and the position that she’s been coerced into. No backing out now for poor, young Greta. That being said I did laugh at the meme where Trump breezes past and she looks like she was about to start “scannering” him.
I kept thinking of Billy Mumy. “That was a GOOD thing you did there. A VERY good thing. Now put him in the cornfield.”
Uncanny, no?
I feel terrible for her.
Her parents and the adults in the room are the assholes.
I’m not into predicting anything but man it’s hard to not think this won’t end well for her and pieces of shits who shoulda known better are just going to hand shield and put their heads down as if nothing.
Yeah, two or three years from now she’ll be found with a needle full of carbon in a vein.
Mainlining diamonds gets expensive fast.
Turning tricks for Norwegians in an oil rig port.
“I’ll suck your dick for a carbon credit”
She’ll probably keep the “Pippies” to give them sumpin’ to hold onto.
“It’s for the greater good! The Greater Good!”
Her parents are or support Antifa, I believe.
That would explain a lot.
There you go.
Exactly what I’d expect her parents to look like which is why I’m a bit dubious.
Right? It is a bit convenient.
If you can’t trust a website called “” to accurately characterize radical greenies, who can you trust?
Her mother tried to claim that she had no idea that it had anything to do with antifa or what antifa was when called out.
No generation should have to deal with inaction from leadership. – see the woman just wishes for a better world while assholes like you people dream of inaction from leadership. Hell some of you even doubt the concept of leadership. And action. And tits.
I never doubted the concept of tits. If there ever was a proof of concept, it’s tits.
The main teenager who befriends Bill Murray is the same actor from My Bodyguard, an after school whimsical movie with violent fights, wrist cutting, and cheesy music.
also: It Just Doesn’t Matter!
Also starring the always awesome Adam Baldwin.
And the always awesome Whitney Houston.
Always. I see what you did even if you didn’t.
I love you, man.
You are the wind beneath my wings.
Baldwin, Huh. I’ve been thinking was years that that was Vincent D’onofrio.
Chris Makepeace! The only reason I know this is that the Movie Network used to play that movie everyday when we first got cable.
My version of that film would have been by the end the bodyguard makes love to her and then kills her because she was so annoying and he was paid triple she was paying him.
INT. Rufus pitching movie.
Producer: Wow. Beautiful love story.
Rufus (eating a cracker letting crumbs fall): Yeh. And then we kill her….
Holy shit–same here, Fes. Although, it was prob HBO here.
Chris was in some Red Barchetta-inspired movie with $6,000,000 man.
I would once, just once, love to see some grandstanding activist asked the question, “Can you define ‘temperature'”?
The number on the thermometer – duh!
That’s easy, stitches in battered meat?
ideally less than whatever goes on in Arizona in the summer but more than Siberia in the winter?
“Too hot”
My guess is the measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules in a substance.
Or something like that. It’s been a while…
It’s a rising measurement showing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Or possibly causing an increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Oddly complicated systems get complex.
Isn’t that where mum shoves a thermometer up my ass* to see if I have a fever…..LIKE EARF?
*Is it bad when I say I like when stuff go into my ass?
I don’t need to know the exact technical science definition of temperature to know that human greed is destroying the Earth! It’s just like assault weapons!
+1 factually correct
Fuck, meant to type “morally correct”… The coffee hasn’t kicked in yet.
Wendy & Lisa
Alyssa. Remember the time when Miceli whispered in your ear and said, ‘who’s the boss?’
“Verified account
15h15 hours ago
Replying to @Alyssa_Milano
No better Representive to voice the science behind Climate Crisis!
She will be remembered forever.
She is a true Warrior. The most Authentic and self-realized young spirit I have ever heard or seen in my life .”
Some life.
Ack. I deserve to be copy and pasted in the face.
Alyssa. Remember the time when Miceli whispered in your ear and said, ‘who’s the boss?’
Wendy & Lisa
“Verified account
15h15 hours ago
Replying to @Alyssa_Milano
No better Representive to voice the science behind Climate Crisis!
She will be remembered forever.
She is a true Warrior. The most Authentic and self-realized young spirit I have ever heard or seen in my life .”
Some life.
She’s right. No better representative.
Caught this in the Retardo Milano thread:
I love the adds on that page
New Japanese invention allows you to instantly speak 43 languages (could they not have made it an even 50)
Anti-snoring device everybody in Romania is talking about (literally no one is)
43 is more believable than a round number like 50.
I would have gone with 43.6!
Which reminds me of a WKRP joke. When Les (I think. I forget) read a statistic in the bull pen stating Americans had sex 2.4 (I forget the exact figure) times a week Dr. Johnny Fever (aka Johnny Sunshine) asked, ‘I wonder how they calculate the .4″
Again. I paraphrase. But you get the gist.
0.4 sexits = 2.5 handjobs
The UN also predicts disaster if they don’t kill all the Jews.
UNEP estimates it would cost the United States at least $100 billion to protect its east coast alone.
So like a week’s Federal spending. I hate to hand wave a billion here and a billion there, but when your worst case scenario costs what we spend every 5-6 days already, it isn’t the end of the world.
my ex got mad @ me for posting a pic in a tube top so here is my tiddie (NSFW)
I’d say the tiddie is a 6.5-7 out of 10
Loses points for the superfluous jewelry but I’d rate that an 8 on a small framed woman.
It’s look better when contrasted with that face.
I’m old, she’s young. That’s at least one point to the good.
Young girls don’t get better looking as I get older. My standards get lower. Big difference.
That’s the joke.
So we’re on the same page? Of Seventeen Magazine.
Teen Vogue sksksksksk!
And I oops!
^this guy gets it!
I believe it is and I oop.
Piercings and a butterface. Nope.
That hairline, though
I know there are no more beloved characters around here than tax collectors and other thieves, but I’ve been thinking of a story where the protagonist is both a Riding Officer and highwayman who stumbles onto a rennasiance man making dinosaurs.
steampunk dinosaurs?
Maybe, if I can capture the aesthetic in prose.
There was once a man from Nantucket
Who wrote verse on a bucket.
Put this cob up your but and …
You just had to go there, didn’t you?
SF links. I’m just along for the ride.
I am a highwayman…
“Stand and deliver” or “Your money or your life”?
Today I was disappointed to find out that Animal puts pictures of scantly clad readheads on his personal site. And here I though he was woke.
It’s ok cause he does it to support them, not leer.
I support single moms. (Probably NSFW)
Wait, you only just noticed that?
I don’t really visit 🙂 Sometimes I forget some of you people have links in user names
Thomas Cook customers in shock over flight prices
Price gouging! Profiteering! Usury! Taking advantage of poor people. Capitalism is evil!
Fraser Mallen and his wife paid £779 in January for Thomas Cook flights to New York for next month.
But on Monday, he had to pay more than £6,000 for replacements.
To be fair that is stiff but last minute transatlantic can be pricey.
It only cost me about $800 transatlantic. I don’t remember if that was business class or economy plus though.
6K+ pounds has got to be a first class ticket. I have no sympathy.
How… how did I only just learn of this?
Stop printing conservative opinions
He seems like a reasonable fella
“He died disgraced and reviled by many ”
“He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.”
Clearly the popularity of someone at death indicates how good or bad they were.
They should just dis-entomb his corpse, dress it in Papal robes and put it on trial. Later they can chuck his mouldering remains into the Tiber.
Been there, done that, not going back.
Damn, I should know who that was. Help a fellow out?
I’d like to know too. I know they dug up the bones of John Wycliffe and burned them but I’m pretty sure that isn’t the reference….
Pope Formosus
Ahhh…..what was it about the dark/middle ages and their fetish for relics (body parts)? I was in Germany recently and went to a museum with all kinds of dead saints appendages. Ornately decorated skulls, hands, femur bones, baby skeletons. How something so macabre could be considered sacred seems really twisted.
It was a combination of a holdover from pagan veneration of the dead and the fact that other than a painting, there were no other likenesses of the dead. That why even among the non-holy, keeping a lock of hair from a dead loved one (or in Mary Shelley’s case, Percy’s heart pressed into a book) was so common.
Pope Formosus in the 9th Century. It’s okay, I had to look it up too. I used to read a lot about medieval Europe but his name didn’t stick.
To tell the truth…..MY TROOF.
“Everything in the narrative, nothing outside the narrative, nothing against the narrative.”
“. The bedrock tenet of that Beginning Journalism class was “tell the truth”
Now you’re just making shite up.
The journalism I studied in the 90’s seems quaint.
“stop printing conservative guest opinions”
Nothing says I’m right like demanding no one else be heard.
You forgot “cunte”
So, in other words, she doesn’t have a real job.
Graft is a real job. Right?
“social worker”
I have been catching up on “Mindhunter” on Netflix and really enjoying it. The scene where the social worker is going through the house looking through the kids bedroom, the parents bedroom, in places that really have no bearing on anything, had my blood boiling. How you could do that job and not hate yourself is beyond me. If I meet a girl in a bar who says she is a social worker or is majoring in social work, I promptly turn on my heel and walk away.
Wiser words were never spoken, Bob…
In fairness, a lot of nursing homes and assisted living homes employ social workers to help the old people keep their affairs in order (sign up for new insurance if it expires, etc) if they don’t have any family members doing that for them.
Squawking parrot mindlessly squawks and parrots.
I am sure the Editors at The Missoulian are very pleased to have someone tell them how to do their job and what their paper’s standards should be. Did he mention that the paper would no longer publish him? I wonder why.
Also, I thought the Kochs were never-Trumpers.
The idea that the Missoulian is anything but a left-wing rag is laughable on it’s face. When it’s not lefty enough for someone you know you aren’t dealing in the realm of rationality anymore
Threat from within
A 24-year-old soldier in Kansas who allegedly planned to fight with a violent far-right group in Ukraine was charged Monday with distributing bomb-making information over social media, according to the Justice Department.
The FBI says Army Spc. Jarrett William Smith, stationed at Fort Riley, came under investigation in March, when authorities learned he had given bomb-making lessons over Facebook. The FBI also says Smith was in talks about traveling to Ukraine, where he wanted to fight alongside the neo-Nazi paramilitary Azov Battalion.
“To fight is what I want to do,” Smith wrote to an extremist associate, according to an exchange included in the complaint.
Court documents portray Smith as a young man who has been active in the far right for years, predating his joining the Army in 2017. The case is the latest in a string of recent arrests and investigations related to attempted far-right extremist infiltration of the U.S. military, prompting calls for more thorough screenings of enlistees.
“Prompting calls for more thorugh screenings of enlistees.”
We should be recruiting antifa warriors from places like Portland and San Francisco. They’ll have to be potty trained, but that’s what Basic is for.
Don’t trust NPR’s version of “right wing extremist”, so I clicked the link to Azov Battalion. NPR actually found a true scumbag for a change*.
*Whether Nazis are far right or not is another question.
NPR is A-OK with far-left extremism so any bad kind of extremism can only be on the far-right
True. Just saying that in this case he was an extremist in the bad sense of the word.
Nah, just one of those “bad apples” that the police keep hiring for some reason.
Interesting Black Sun iconography on their patches. They’re definitely Nazis or at least very close. I wonder how they square that circle considering the German brutality in Ukraine during WWII
Slavic memories are long memories. Nazis burned his barn down but not before Commies starved his ancestors to death.
There were many Ukrainian collaborators. Many concentration camp guards were Ukrainian (e.g., John Demjanjuk).
There once was a guard named Demjanjuk…
I look forward to said investigations. Nothing breeds solidarity and esprit de corps like a thorough witchhunt for wrongthinkers.
Why not enlist with a demolitions MOS and keep your mouth shut.
I was in the first Gulf War with a Marine who was Serbian and told us he was going to go back home to fight for them as Yugoslavia broke up.
It’s sad that by coming to America he was infected with the racist virus.
Excess of ‘cuddle hormone’ turns people into sex addicts
“Hypersexual disorder, ”
How do we know, like you guys aren’t the ones with the disorder?
Yeah, and there is no way this could ever be misused. Get convicted of leering or thought crime and get sentenced to medication.
Nobody wants to take your guns away.
Nobody will lose their doctor or health plan under this law.
Nobody wants to chemically castrate men based on any accusation at all of slight sexual impropriety.
“Four-time Emmy award winning animation producer J. Michael Mendel, who is best known for his work on The Simpsons and Rick and Morty has died at the age of 54.”
54? That’s young, what got him?
Tax cuts.
He hung on for a long time.
Net neutrality.
School vouchers 🙁
“How dare you!” How dare I what? C’mon Greta, don’t leave me hanging.
Indignant is the most popular emotion among teenagers, this is known.
Why don’t you Greta grip on reality, fella?
Feed the hungry, warm the frozen, succor the afflicted. You know, the stuff cheap energy allowed us to do.
I blame the Constitution
Three Navy sailors assigned to the USS George H.W. Bush aircraft carrier committed suicide last week in separate, unrelated incidents, officials announced Monday.
“It is with a heavy heart that I can confirm the loss of three Sailors last week in separate, unrelated incidents from apparent suicide. My heart is broken,” Capt. Sean Bailey, the carrier’s commanding officer, wrote in the announcement.
Something something suicide pact.
The USS Consitution wasn’t sailing anywhere near that carrier group.
OooooH, Ooooohh! Pick me! End the forever wars and global policing that needlessly separates military members from their families for extended periods of time? Downsize and eliminate the vast majority of the soul crushing bureaucracy comprises the kafkaesque labyrinth that is military service? Stop putting military members in no win situations and telling them that murder-droning innocent civilians is somehow protecting their freedom?
Why do you hate America?
This episode resonated with me and reminded me of my own service in many ways….worth the listen.
Somehow I don’t think bringing families on naval vessels would improve anything.
+1 Shut up, Wesley
Sailors are always apart from their families for long stretches , even in times of peace. Nature of the business to be at sea for months at a time.
But markedly less if we aren’t participating in a police action; blockading some country to enforce no fly zones or sanctions.
BZZT I’m sorry Bob, the answer we were looking for was “What are floating brothels?”
+1 General Hooker
Are you insane?! We have to do that stuff, or else the Middle East will turn into a backwards hellhole full of extremist nutjobs who are committing daily acts of medieval violence – oh wait…
An adapted child who turned out to be a crazed adult? Was her name Finster or Rocky?
I miss ultraviolent cartoons.
Ultraviolet Cartoons?
This means you must be claiming to have vision outside of the normal human spectrum.
Burn, Mutant!
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t
The state is entering the height of fire season, with a dangerous mix of strong winds and temperatures approaching triple digits forecast across its valleys and foothills. For the first time this year, several Northern and Southern California communities simultaneously are facing preemptive blackouts to reduce the fire risks.
This is adding a new element of uncertainty and controversy in scores of communities.
“It’s the new normal we expect to see,” Brown said. “These shut-offs — they understand it, but it’s frustrating. It disrupts their lives.”
Pacific Gas & Electric has vowed to power down to avoid a repeat of last year’s Camp fire, in which thousands of homes were burned and 86 people were killed. Investigators identified downed PG&E equipment as the likely cause of the deadliest blaze in California history.
But the power shut-offs have generated debate, with some residents saying they create a whole new set of dangers as they try to watch out for news about fires. There has been heightened concern about those with health issues who rely on medical equipment to stay alive.
Some state and local officials have also complained that utilities don’t always give enough notice before turning off the power. And they have expressed concerns about communications and evacuations if the power is out, especially if traffic signals don’t work and cellphone service is affected.
They should just bury all those power lines.
*Something I have actually seen.
And disturb holy Gaia’s sacred dirt?!?!?
I think he have a heretic here who needs immurement!
We did that in Oklahoma.
I need your opinions on this legal stuff. This is the Flavored E-juice regulations for NYS.
So what’s possession? An individual who has the e-juice with no intent to sell, just private use? Or has the stuff and wants to sell it to someone else?
IANAL, but “possession” means under your control. So, on your person, in your apartment, in your car, etc.
You know the rule: if you have it and a cop finds it and the cop is being a dick you’re in some sort of trouble.
The hoops they jump through to avoid defining “tobacco” as a “flavor” are ridiculous. What a bunch of signaling nonsense.
That law is insane.
An individual who has the devil’s e-juice in his or her pocket, with no intent to sell, sounds like they have “physical possession” to me. An individual who has the devil’s e-juice in their nighstand drawer, with no intent to sell, sounds like they have “dominion or control” to me. I am not a lawyer.
End the forever wars and global policing
*reports Bob Boberson to FBI*
It’s like he never saw Team America!
Laura, you’re my girl.
In the interest of research, I took a few moments to watch the more salient parts of “XXX Alice in Wonderland”.
Jesus- that thing is a full-production show, complete with songs & dance. No wonder the 70s are the the Golden Age of Porn.
This weekend I was at a hipster bar in Georgetown with a highly diverse group of friends from New York. I started chatting with a nice young woman next to me at the bar, only to notice that she had Ruth Bader Ginsberg wallpaper on her phone. I was not dissuaded. After all, I’ve never met a woman who wasn’t an ardent Trump supporter after two or three dates. But then she did something truly unthinkable… She opened a “Fantasy Football” app on her phone and looked at it with the focus of someone who’s performing surgery. That was the dealbreaker. If young woman would spend more time reading @TomiLahren and less time watching ESPN, tragedies like this could have been prevented. P.S. When the young lady asked me to enter my phone number into her contacts, I saved my name as “Coach.”
Don’t understand whose voice I’m supposed to read this in. Morgan Freeman?
Gilbert Gottfried.
WWE announcer Jim Ross.
So I’m home sick. It’s ok, I’ve got like 5 weeks of accumulated pto. Only one of my cats actually cares. But she is being kindof a nuisance. Just knocked over a lamp. The other one is indifferently lounging on the rug in the living room. I guess this what they do all day on weekdays.
See, this is why you guys lost that war…
Thomas Cook customers in shock over flight prices
trying again. I blame the website.
Price gouging! Profiteering! Usury! Taking advantage of poor people. Capitalism is evil!
Fraser Mallen and his wife paid £779 in January for Thomas Cook flights to New York for next month.
But on Monday, he had to pay more than £6,000 for replacements.
To be fair that is stiff but last minute transatlantic can be pricey.
Germany is considering issuing financial aid to the Condor airline after Thomas Cook declared bankruptcy.
Thomas Cook, which has a 49% share in the airline, collapsed on Monday.
Condor has applied for a bridging loan from the federal government and is awaiting a response, with German media reporting the amount requested was €200m ($220m; £176m).
Thomas Cook’s collapse has reportedly left 600,000 tourists stranded, including tens of thousands of Germans.
German economy minister Peter Altmaier said that the government would make a decision on financial aid within the coming days.
The government in the state of Hesse has already promised its support, a statement from the airline said.
You know, I’d never heard of this airline until the news that it had collapsed and stranded thousands of customers.
Germany is considering issuing financial aid to the Condor airline
Holy crap! The Nazis are STILL flying Condors across the Atlantic? It was hard enough doing that while the Allies had complete air supremacy in WWII, but to still be doing it 75 years after they lost the war is impressive.
Thread on Thomas Cook
I knew of Thomas Cook but I had no idea they ran planes. That is an… interesting business plan.
This City Is A Multiracial Mecca
Note to self: avoid Tacoma.
My Book Defending Free Speech Has Been Banned
Honk fucking Honk
Black Irish?
Only a superior race could pull off such a scam over centuries.
Two observations.
1. It is always 1950 with these people.
2. I thought “not caring” about race was bad? Seems like all we hear is how much we have to “care” about race now.
This “not caring” about race is a similar social calculation like “male gaze” – it’s only “male gaze” if she doesn’t find him attractive.
Your first point- seriously! Where exactly in the US are interracial couples unusual now? I lived in rural Alabama for several years and there were white girls with black boyfriends all over the place. In fact it seemed like half of the babies you’d see out and about were clearly mixed. To read this thing, you’d think there were pasty, brylcreemed gangs who look like extras from Hoosiers roving around, hassling interracial couples.
Unlike many places in America, this is a city where Baker and Wyena can stroll along the Tacoma waterfront hand-in-hand and not be seen as the least bit unusual.
It’s getting old. No one here in the deep rural south gives a shit about multiracial, interracial, or any other kind of racial words. My wife’s cousin grew up in a singlewide trailer in the Appalachian mountains, and yet no one in her entire extended family blinked when she married a black dude other than to remark that he was too good for her. Later events proved them right, poor guy, but at least he got sole custody of the kid.
This never ending obsession with race seems to be strictly the domain of liberals in blue strongholds.
According to the U.S. Census, people of multiracial descent in America are just 2.1% of the population but a groundbreaking 2015 report by the Pew Research Center found that the population was closer to 6.9%.
Hate to break it to you, but pretty much the entire black population is of mixed ancestry, and a big chunk of the Hispanic and White populations as well.
Defined “Mixed”
Lizze Warren Mixed, or Tiger Woods Mixed?
Michael Jackson mixed.
Do you even one-drop rule, bruh?
In the town of Paradise, news of the preemptive measure provided little comfort.
PG&E announced — then canceled — a power shut-off just before November’s Camp fire. Investigators with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection later determined the blaze was sparked by a transmission line, which PG&E said would not have been included in any preemptive shutoff.
“It’s frustrating,” Paradise City Councilwoman Melissa Schuster said Monday. “We heard this before the Camp fire. Power was not shut off. So rather than being relieved — and we’re coming up on Nov. 8 again — it’s a little bit of a trigger for most of us, I think. It’s where we were a year ago.”
The only big difference, she said, is that there’s not much left to burn.
She said that as residents rebuild, more are outfitting their homes with generators and solar panels to serve as backup power sources “because electricity is just not dependable anymore.”
“It’s kind of crazy,” she said. “It’s just one more thing that we all have to address in this ‘new now,’ being prepared for this type of thing.”
Oh, no. They might have to accept responsibility for themselves, instead of depending on Society.
The first thing I thought of when I started reading that was, “I bet generators are selling like hotcakes, out there.”
Let me guess: the rates charged by PG&E are set by the government and are artificially low which caused more building to take place and more money to be spent on additional electricity infrastructure and less capital investment in maintenance of existing infrastructure .
Their rates are controlled by the California Public Utilities Commission. So yeah.
PG&E rates are far higher than an unregulated company’s would be because they’ve been forced to do all sorts of stupid shit by their regulators – like shutter all their nuclear plants.
Prices are simultaneously too low (due to price regulation) and too high (due to various other regulation). It’s a shit show.
Mother Fuckers demanded rate increases to cover the liability from starting the fires. When they were denied, they came up with the blackout plan. It’s extortion plain and simple. They’ll shut down the grid a few times until everyone’s pissed and then go back for the rate increases.
I’d be pissed if iwas paying for a service and it was routinely being cut and throttled.
Sometimes cutting and throttling are just part of the service.
The New Normal! *SHUDDER*
My partner tells other men that she loves them
If you’re willing to have a future as a cuckold, sure.
Thomas Wolfe said it best – “You can never go home again.” I tried twice to re-up relationships with high school sweethearts in my twenties and both ended in disaster.
Ex-Dallas cop who fatally shot neighbor was distracted by sexting: prosecutors
Yet another reason why sexting should be illegal.
I mean, i remember the last time i was sexting, i really just stopped paying attention to what i was doing. I don’t remember what happend. Only remmeber that it was in El Paso.
So I’m guessing that will translate into ‘Good shoot’? She was in a vulnerable position & feared for her life + totality of the circs?
“Some people did something”
furtive movements.
Tard Tuesday: Fear and Loathing in Blue America
The outfit in question
Don’t sweat it too much, the DU is just a catch all for those who are too mentally ill for Huffpo.
I’m just sweating the Q-worthy outfit. Yowza!
She’s a petty lady.
Just think about it. We could be looking at Chelsea’s nipples if it weren’t for the electoral college.
Watch it, SF–straff’s gunnin’ for your spot.
I assume Chelsea’s nipples are really just two gnashing mouths.
OK, OK…you’re spot’s safe!
I envision two lamprey’s maws but yours will suffice…
I was thinking Gene Shalit’s mouth.
Why not both?
No need to stop at two.
More women (in their 20s and early 30s) should dress like that.
Honk honk! Jesus.
Daytime running lights
I take you seriously. It would behoove you to take me seriously.
He can always become an AnCap, but I’m guessing that he doesn’t have a problem with power per se.
She had points of her own . . . .
Way up firm and high.
Yep. Happy to be there.
I, um, couldn’t help but notice a couple of things about that top she’s wearing…
Wow. The “tennis shoes” quip is a dead-giveaway to someone that remembers voting for McGovern, though.
See, it’s shit like this that pops into my mind when I hear Lefties whining about how Donald Trump is “divisive”.
No generation should have to deal with inaction from leadership.
Real leaders don’t by into faux science. And speaking of, as I approach 30 I am wondering what I am doing with my life. The founders of the US were only in their lower/mid 20s. What the fuck am I doing? I may have taken too much Dayquil. . .
Meh. You’re not even an Evan old yet.
The average age of the Signers of the Declaration was 44, so i wouldn’t worry about it too much.
Is the Life Expectancy of Trans Women in the U.S. Just 35? No.
Homocides? No, these were likely suicides because ‘trans’ people off themselves at shockingly high rates. It’s almost as if there’s an untreated mental condition there.
Or maybe it’s the despair that sets in after the realization that you permanently destroyed your genitalia because you were confused about your sexuality and thought that this irresponsible surgery would “make me who I really am”.
i can fathom a high homicide rate. prostitution + drugs = short life for anyone.
Gripping video shows furious judge in Amber Guyger murder trial LOSING IT when she learns the DA jeopardized the case against the cop who shot dead her black neighbor by doing a TV interview
Sabotage the case!
Is the DA in jail for contempt until the end of the trial? He can hand out with the reporter’s laptop.
You’re Funny.
I guess there is a reason I am not a judge.
Never won the election?
That’s called poisoning the case.
Any of you miscreants know a good derogatory word for Hawaiians? Google keeps telling me Haole, but as I understand that’s for non-Hawaiians.
In what context do you need it?
Is it only for native hawaiiand or non hawaiians born on the islands, or anyone living in the state?
I want to insult Michelle Wie.
Nothing comes to mind. And I have canned responses for just about everyone else on the planet. But I guess I have never heard of people hating Hawaiians.
I have. I’ve heard school can be hell for white kids there because you the natives despise the haoles and like to fight. Reportedly there are certain places whites are very unwelcome. I’ve been told they really hate being called Samoan and/or Polynesian (because many of them are no more “native Hawaiian” than the white people they despise. Just what I was told.
Spam-slapping chichisuckers.
I bet the N word would work in a pinch.
What I understand of the social hierarchy of Hawaii:
Kanaka – I forget the origins but that’s kinda their N-word
I spent boot camp in a Hawaii state platoon – I sometimes lapse into Dakine when I’m around a bunch of Hawaiians.
Thanks everyone, Inspired by Sir D and SF I went with “Poi slurping”.
I’d like to thank The Hyperbole for the lovely award. And, Sugar Free…I couldn’t have done it without ya!
Shout out to my mom! You always kept me on the straight and narrow. Except for your irrational hatred of Hawaiians…
OT: So in beer news, Weyerbacher (based out of PA) filed for bankruptcy a while back. The first news coming out for their plans after bankruptcy don’t fill me with a lot of hope for them moving forward:
Weyerbacher to Release White Castle Collaboration Beer as Part of Post-Bankruptcy Reorganization Plan
Isn’t White Castle where you go after drinking all night? Hell, I didn’t even think they could sell alcohol at them (at least here in their home state of Ohio).
White Castle is where you go after drinking six Mickey’s Malt Liquor Big Mouths.
I know I have had their beer, but I don’t remember anything.
Refilling the power law is hard business. Getting back to equilibrium is going to have some interesting shake outs.
I am hoping starting next week when I am funemployed, I can work on my Beer Wars series I started about 2 years ago. I have two more prelude articles before I get to the actual Beer Wars meat of the series.
My favorites from them were Insanity, Blithering Idiot, Old Heathen, and the old Double Simcoe (it was brought back with a different recipe, and they did release the old recipe at a homebrew scale).
If I remember correctly, they had a pumpkin beer that was a big seller, and fairly early to market. They expanded expecting the volume of that to grow, right around the time that everyone and their brothers went big on pumpkin beers (it didn’t help that Southern Tier is close to them with their Pumpking). They weren’t able to ramp up their sales enough to cover the cost of the expansion after that. It’s interesting to me that now we’ve got breweries that have been around for over 20 years that are all getting squeezed out by expanding too fast. Another example would be Arcadia Brewing which just ceased operation in the past couple of days.
It’s just the realities of a compeditive market. Misjudge your expansion and you’re in debt over your ability to pay. Time it right and you strike paydirt.
It’s interesting to me because the last shakeout was in the late 90’s. So some of these breweries that are starting to fail now already survived one downturn. There’s even a couple of the national craft breweries (Stone, New Belgium, Green Flash, etc) that are either pulling back or showing signs of troubles.
The 90s shakeout was a bit different…it wasn’t about too much expansion as it was too many startups who didnt really know what they were doing.
It did lead to the great thing that breweries starting in the early 2000s were able to get equipment cheap. Those starting 2010+ had to pay full price.
The thing was that someone was going to expand and succeed, but if 20 breweries expand and 10 grow properly, that is another 10 that screwed up. And it is very hard in the brewery business to expand with cash flow. The expansion steps are too large. It is very easy to grow incrementally until you hit the production limit for your equipment. Then the next step is large.
Here in Cleveland, we’ve only had a couple of breweries close so far (most due to mismanagement, or other issues). For the couple who have made the successful jump up the production facility chain, there’s then huge rumors/stories about who’s going to buy the old location. Fat Head’s old production facility went up for sale last year. In that time, there have been two different breweries who purchased it and applied for a license (one a startup moving from contract to their own facility, the other moving from a different production facility). No one has brewed a drop of beer there yet.
Of the breweries that went under, one of the locations was picked up as a production facility for a smaller regional brewpub that needed to expand production for years. To my knowledge, the equipment at the other locations may have been sold, but not to any local brewery that I’m aware of (one was engineered poorly enough they had to use low-DMS precursor malts, the other was in a brewery that had a massive infection problem).
This place — Tacoma, Washington — is one of those rare cities in America where it almost seems like no one cares about race.
If by “no one cares” you mean “everyone is obsessed by”, sure.
The stupid author isn’t everyone.
Not caring about race is racist. This is known.
Trump Told Officials To Withhold Military Aid To Ukraine Days Before Call With President
It’s impeachment time! It’s impeachment time!
President Pence, it’s your time to shine.
Reminds me much of Johnson’s impeachment. Johnson was impeached because he picked Cabinet Members that house leadership didn’t approve of.
Only one of my cats actually cares. But she is being kindof a nuisance. Just knocked over a lamp. The other one is indifferently lounging on the rug in the living room. I guess this what they do all day on weekdays.
I always assumed my cats were on the computer, trading yen futures.
I’m from Indiana, but I still don’t know what to make of this dwarf thing. Seems too Florida for this state.
I wouldn’t worry about it to much. You’ve got to be busy supplying the world their Guns.
To be sure, this is a distraction we don’t need right now. With all the talk of gun bans we need to step up our exports while the gettin’s good.
He’s Got an Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie
Five months…
Clearly he’s trying to rip his dick off because he’s trans……just to be safe they should start with hormone therapy immediately
When he starts to guide her hand down there, she’ll know he’s okay.
My son was born with a stiffie.
Sounds like mom has gone without for a while
Wife, when Thing 1 was about 5 months old: “I know he’s supposed to do that. How long do you think this phase is going to last?”
Me: “Probably about 80 years.”
She thought it was a joke.
I know that these lifeless, grifting, vapid, empty vessels deserve NOT ONE NANO-SECOND of my serious thoughts.
And yet….
This person should be free to focus on truly worthwhile, important people, like the Kardashians. Instead the Trumps have taken up residence in its head, like squatters on a run-down plantation after the Civil War.
This person claims to have serious thoughts.
The Dudes Who Love Their Wives’ Pregnancy Pillows
Back in my day when we cheated we fucked a diner waitress or the wife’s slutty friend, not a pillow! This is why we lost Afghanistan.
Hey man! A beer belly is kinda, sorta like a Baby Bump! Stop othering the Dad-Bods!
So you like pregnant chicks?
“Climate change reflects our common flaws as a civilization, and can only be fixed by penitence and penance. To even talk about the possibility that it could be fixed cheaply, without penance, indicates you are planning to defect on your part of the penance.”
Totes science.
Jesus, the guy’s serious.
Seek help.
Just once i want to see a respectable “Scientific” voice (I’m looking at you Hank Green) call this out as non-scientific bullshit.
You’ve got to be pretty secure in your position in order to risk your career like that.
Or safely out of the country.
A guy who spends an inordinate amount of time telling us that one current activity (AI research and development) is going to lead to the Apocalypse (paperclip factories literally killing us all) if we don’t amend our ways repeats the pattern with another set of activities an Apocalypse.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Rationalist Community (TM). Totally not driven by inborn instincts they deny and don’t understand!
Is this some kind of tradition?
Philly’s next sheriff is throwing a party for a former sheriff before he goes to prison
China planning to join other countries with controls on e-cigarettes
President Trump, China is doing it, which is why we shouldn’t!
“You can’t vape that! You’d be breathing gasses cleaner than our air!”
/opens can of Perri-air
I told you never to call me here! This is an unlisted wall.
“The president of the United States may have used his position to pressure a foreign country into investigating a political opponent, and he sought to use U.S. taxpayer dollars as leverage to do it,” the lawmakers wrote in the Post. “He allegedly sought to use the very security assistance dollars appropriated by Congress to create stability in the world, to help root out corruption and to protect our national security interests, for his own personal gain.”
I get it, now. NOT burying allegations of impropriety or outright corruption on the part of politicians’ family members constitutes a breach of trust.
Laws are for little people.
At least they aren’t advocating execution for treason a la Bill Weld.
How’s that working out?
We’re sending money to foreign governments to help root out corruption?
Anybody know what to do when you work in a crowded employment market, tick off everybody’s requirements but still can’t make it to the fucking interview stage? Goddamn it’s enough to wanna fucking hang yourself
Don’t do that, it won’t solve anything.
Don’t do that. Agreed. It won’t solve anything. Never understood that unless you’re religious.
No sense holding a grudge either.
Grudges are everything.
*records CPA in book of grudges*
Think of it like the woman who rejects you for some stupid, superfluous reason or no discernible reason at all; she probably did you a favor in the long run.
I hear you, I’m there too – made it to several interviews, then things go silent. Taking some classes right now to update my skills.
I just need another 5 to 8 years of decent income, then I can ditch this place and become a gentleman farmer in a free state.
Only thing I’d say is “connections”. Find people that are in the business and make friends.
This. I’ve been looking for 3 years for a job either close to home or remote. Close to home didn’t work because there are very few tech companies in my area. But remote wasn’t good either because I was competing with people from all over the country. Once, I got an email from Indeed saying there were 300+ applicants for a job I applied for. With those numbers, the employer can be super picky about checking every box.
I did end up getting a remote job, which I start next Monday. I just happened to find it on Indeed. I got it because I’d applied to them in the past, and they liked me, but that job wasn’t remote and the commute was too much for me. They still had me on file. I also have a former co-worker/buddy who works with my new team, and he gave me a great recommendation. Without that, I think I’d still be looking.
Outside of that, have someone look over your resume and cover letter and see if they can enhance it for you. I had two people do that and I think it got me more attention.
Connections for sure.
I got my last job through a friend who knew the top manager at the place that was hiring. I got through the multiple interviews with flying colors.
Unfortunately, the guy who I was hired to work for quit seven months later and his replacement wasn’t a good fit with me.
I’m having trouble getting people to come in for an interview. They make an appointment and never show or call.
I did manage to hire one guy recently, and he started last week. I still need to hire 2 more.
What kind of work?
Not wanting to dox myself too much. Let’s go with field tech – experienced or will train.
Keep on sending in the resumes and applications. If you can, network with people to get a step above the competition.
What type of position are you looking for and where at?
One of my co-workers sent out over 1000 resumes.
His situation was different, as he is H-1B, so that excluded him from most of them.
He ended up with a decent job. He isn’t living in an area he really wanted, but apparently CT > India.
From what I’ve learned about India, there are a lot of places here that still manage to be better.
A lot of job openings are disingenuous. The hiring manager already has an internal candidate selected for promotion into that role, but HR often requires the dog and pony show regardless. An external candidate can sometimes still win but you have to overcome the incumbent.
Also, I had a lot of success using LinkedIn for my last job hunt. I paid for the premium account and it showed me the number and breakdown (education, experience) of all other applicants for the job. It also made my applications stand out and let me directly contact recruiters. It might depend on your field, but I was able to land several interviews and ended up accepting my current position all using LinkedIn.
One note about LinkedIn, there is a lot of shit to sort through. A ton of recruiters wasted my time with jobs that didn’t fit my criteria. There are diamond recruiters there though and solid connections to be made.
Paying for the premium version of LinkedIn, and changing my status to “actively looking” got me a lot of attention from recruiters and a lot of interviews.
Even just moving to “kinda interested” got me a ton of attention from recruiters. That said, I find recruiters to be in the same strata as realtors and used car salesmen, so I haven’t bothered to use one.
I would say this is one thing the internet might have fucked up. It used to be you’d work with a few headhunters that had personal contacts (and contracts) and they’d separate the wheat from the chaff for you, you just had to get rid of the headhunters that were chaff – once you found a good one you stuck with them. When the first internet job boards came along they killed the headhunters, but now that HR is using the internet you don’t have a professional running interference for you anymore. And there’s more chaff than ever before to sift through.
Get in touch with everyone and anyone you’ve had a good interaction with professionally and let them know you are looking. Most experienced hires seem to have internal referrals. It can be as simple as a vendor you’ve exchanged a few emails with, or whatever.
Just a random thought. Why does every depiction of a Neanderthal look exactly like Richard Marcinko?
He own’s a time Machine?
I’ve read some of that guys books. It has to be 90% hyperbole 10% bullshit. If the special forces are as dysfunctional as he said in the 80’s it must be horrific now. Fucking wildman.
I used to get his books-on-tape from the library. His highly creative cussing had me laughing so hard I had trouble driving.
At long last, someone who is willing to take on the plutocracy
Senator Bernie Sanders on Tuesday unveiled a proposal to create a new tax on the wealth of the richest Americans, including a steep tax on billionaires that could greatly diminish their fortunes.
With the proposal, Mr. Sanders is embracing an idea that has been a centerpiece of the campaign of his top progressive rival, Senator Elizabeth Warren. But while Ms. Warren came first, Mr. Sanders is going bigger. His wealth tax would apply to a larger number of households, impose a higher top rate and raise more money.
Mr. Sanders’s plan to tax accumulated wealth, not just income, is particularly aggressive in how it would erode the fortunes of billionaires. His tax would cut in half the wealth of the typical billionaire after 15 years, according to two economists who worked with the Sanders campaign on the plan. Mr. Sanders would use the money generated by his wealth tax to fund the housing plan he released last week and a forthcoming plan for universal child care, as well as to help pay for “Medicare for all.”
“Let me be very clear: As president of the United States, I will reduce the outrageous and grotesque and immoral level of income and wealth inequality,” Mr. Sanders said in an interview. “What we are trying to do is demand and implement a policy which significantly reduces income and wealth inequality in America by telling the wealthiest families in this country they cannot have so much wealth.”
Asked if he thought billionaires should exist in the United States, Mr. Sanders said, “I hope the day comes when they don’t.” He added, “It’s not going to be tomorrow.”
Go, Bernie! Cut them wealth hoarders down to size. They stole it all, anyway.
Did i miss something? Like a 28th amendment to the constitution, that would make a wealth tax possible? This is where i think it gets funny. The Left is going gaga over promises by people who not only have no intention of keeping them, but can’t keep them.
So long as they apportion it among the states, it’s doable.
What that would look like on the ground, I’m not too sure.
The Constitution?!? That old thing? What are you, some kinda Tea Bagger?
My question too. Or do they simply plan to pack the Supreme Court and outright ignore that old piece of paper?
Like a 28th amendment to the constitution, that would make a wealth tax possible?
How quaint. The plain wording is ignored elsewhere. It shall be ignored here as well.
But in all seriousness I am actually concerned about the lack of questions of constitutionality in the Democratic debates. They aren’t even pretending anymore.
They haven’t for a long time. Look at the chicanery whenever it’s time to nominate a new SCOTUS pick; as we all know the end game is a court that will nod along with whatever insane shit they come up with
You ever notice how Bernie used to say “millionaires and billionaires”, but after that fiasco where he got called out for becoming a millionaire from his book sales, he shortened it to just “billionaires”?
Also, fuck these people. They are literally communists at this point. I no longer believe the whole “I vote 3rd party because the Democrats and Republicans are equally bad”. It’s Trump 2020 for me unless he does something incredibly terrible between now and then.
Asked if he thought billionaires should exist in the United States, Mr. Sanders said, “I hope the day comes when they don’t.” He added, “It’s not going to be tomorrow.”
-George Orwell
Robert Heinlein, I believe.
From his classic allegory Charlotte’s Web, I believe.
I thought WEB Dubois wrote that one.
No, I’m pretty sure it’s from TS Eliot’s Pride and Punishment
No. I’m pretty sure he wrote “A Brave New World”
FTFY. (It’s also a big party of the slips of tongue and under-the-cover motivation for the Dems anti-semitism. It’s hard to keep up the “inequality” schtick as a party when some members of the keep outperforming other members. Looking at you Mr. Lee! And you, too, Moishe!)
Jim Jordan smacks a bitch if he has to tell her twice.
I’m not nearly as amusing in the mornings. I shall go do some actual work, since I haven’t since I started writing this book.
Speaking of actual work, what would your rates be if I were looking to contract out a historical verbiage check of a story?
Not quite sure I understand the request. You want someone to look up words and phrases for anachronisms and then find a different way to capture the meaning with contemporary language?
If the contemporary was say the early 1700s when the story is set to avoid sounding like the narrator stepped out of the early 21st.
Oh, sure I can do that. The language timeframe makes the vocabulary rich enough, but I have no idea how I’d go about setting a price.
Not the same timeframe, but close enough.
Scroll down to the sample and see if you like what I did.
Arg, scribd is blocked at work.
We have time to discuss details, since the work isn’t finished yet. It probably won’t be that long.
I’m not able to do that for this one, set in 1420, because I have no written records to go on.
For the pirate book, I depended heavily on phrasing and syntax in Fanny Hill and Pamela.
Fanny Hill was particularly florid because Cleland’s goal was to write smut without using vulgarities, which he did, with hilarious results.
Smut without vulgarities? Sounds like a challenge.
When I read My Secret Life I noticed how few euphemisms were used, and also the term “gamahuche.”
I’ve read that, but it wasn’t helpful in the way I needed it, which was to get a feel for the rhythm of speech (or a close approximation so that I could wrangle it to at least sound like plausible speech).
Gamahuche is from the French (i.e., not on and is late Victorian, and I was writing in late Georgian (a difference of 100 years).
So, one author I love wrote a romance in which she made up medieval syntax, but I’m not that invested in this book. This book was sheer cliched fun, which I have never written (and I do something different every book).
He doesn’t want to use ‘bespoke’ wrongly again.
Thus bespoke zarathustra?
Lookin’ good.
I made that mistake once.
He’s asking for bespoke editing.
All editing is bespoke.
MS Word’s grammar suggestions hereby presented as a counterpoint.
Let me rephrase: All human editing, those editors one pays scads of money to to edit, is bespoke.
Hmm, I was joking around, but now that I think it through, I disagree. If you hang out a shingle as an editor, and just provide general editorial services, that would not actually be bespoke editing. There needs to be something specific to the client in the service. See bespoke tailoring. Using your definition, all tailoring would be bespoke as it is always done to clothes which are sold to specific individuals, but we do not use the word that way, we use it for tailors who are individually crafting the garment for a known person, to suit that person’s needs and tastes.
Further let me propose that calling your service bespoke editing justifies a rate bump….
When I say editing, I mean, going through the manuscript line by line in exacting detail. A content editor makes sure the story is consistent. A proofreader catches mistakes. They are not the same thing.
Each manuscript is unique. Each author is unique. One must tailor one’s critiques and corrections to the manuscript: If it’s fiction, it has to serve that story. If it’s nonfiction, it has to serve the thesis. A story concept or thesis may not be unique (never), but the author’s voice IS. The editor’s job is to make the manuscript the best it can be without sacrificing the author’s voice.
Men’s Wearhouse may have tailors on staff to alter suits, but I would argue that everyone thinks “tailor” means bespoke. We simply don’t have another word for an alterator who works at Men’s Wearhouse, whom nobody thinks of as a bona fide tailor.
There are two different words for women: dressmakers (bespoke) and seamstresses (not bespoke). Dressmakers are seen as professionals. Seamstresses are hobbyists or tradespersons.
Mr. Sanders’s tax is projected to raise $4.35 trillion over a decade, while Ms. Warren’s is projected to raise $2.6 trillion over the same time period. Those estimates were produced by Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman, two economists at the University of California, Berkeley, with whom both the Sanders and Warren campaigns consulted as they developed their proposals. (The projection for Ms. Warren’s plan differs slightly from their original estimate of $2.75 trillion earlier this year.)
“The Sanders plan is really pitched at the idea that we don’t want billionaires and decabillionaires to be billionaires and decabillionaires for as long as they currently are,” Mr. Saez said. “It’s going to erode their fortunes much faster than the Warren wealth tax.”
Mr. Sanders included several steps in his plan to enforce the tax, including creating a “national wealth registry,” increasing funding for the Internal Revenue Service and requiring audits of many taxpayers who are subject to the wealth tax, including all billionaires.
“National wealth registry” just rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?
Vote for me, and I will punish the bad people. I will strip them naked and drive them before me. , like swine to be slaughtered.
This country has gone insane.
Let me guess, those estimates assume that the tax won’t drive assets offshore into foreign companies, and that those subjected to it will both contually replenish their holdings and not restructure to avoid it.
The concept of a wealth tax is bad enough, but you just know that money isn’t going to go to paying down the debt or balancing the budget. It’s going to go to more government boondoggles that get bigger, less efficient, and more expensive as time goes on, thereby causing bigger problems down the road. For once I’d like to hear a candidate propose making the government do more with less, instead of just blindly throwing money at it and making it bigger.
“Eventually we’ll all have cushy public sector jobs and the debt won’t matter!!!”
/level on which most Bernie supporters think
We’ve already cut to the bone, man! Nothing left to cut! Austerity!
Emmanuel Saez
The man of “Venezuela is a rousing socialist success” fame?
Public enemy number one
Calling out bitches for their shenanigans by name, including supposed allies.
If the democrats impeach Trump they can’t possibly have Biden continue to run….. can they? Would they go Hillary due to Obama’s and establishment dems hatred of Warren? We truly live in the greatest timeline.
Yes, let’s impeach a person for the “crime” of calling for an investigation into corruption, and then have another person who is tied to that corruption be the party’s nominee. Those are some great optics right there.
Again, with the Democrats, I don’t get it. The policies they’re pushing (wealth taxes, gun confiscation, reparations, Medicare-for-all) aren’t something that the mass of Americans have been crying out for. They’re really not something that has much popularity outside of an insular circle-jerk. As I’ve said before, all they’ve really had to do is not sound crazy. I’ve got to imagine that even a reliable lefty like Pelosi has got to be thinking, in the back of her mind, “What the hell is wrong with you people?”.
Pelosi has the political acumen but she is getting too old for that shit. She has pushed back against that stuff but not enough.
“Insular circle-jerk” pretty much sums it up. They aren’t making many bones about it; it’s not about finding compromise and checks and balances anymore; it’s about putting the deplorables in their place and ruling over them.
it’s about putting the deplorables in their place and ruling over them
That sounds plausible. But, it seems to me that “sound so batshit crazy that the deplorables’ champion seems like a reasonable alternative to anyone who hasn’t drunken the whole pitcher of Kool-Aid for your side” might not be the best strategy to that end.
If twitter has taught me anything it’s that being far-left is synonymous with grotesque hubris
In the primaries, everyone runs to their base. This shit is popular with the base, ergo the Dems run to it right now.
You think the normies are going to know or care what their party’s candidate said 9 months ago? Is this your first election season?
No, it’s not. But, these guys aren’t running to their base, they’re running to the utter fringes of their base. And most of the campaigns I’ve seen, the promises to the base are vague enough that they can be re-interpreted in the general election. They’re pushing concrete far, far-left policies here that they’re not going to be able to walk away from in the general election. If Trump has an ounce of sense, he’s downloading videos of just about every comment the Democrats are running on right now. The campaign ads write themselves.
I’m with w on this. The Dem primary so far has been pretty unprecedented. It will be very hard to run to the center with any credibility, especially with Trump as the opponent. He’s not your typical Romneyesque Cuckpublican. He will absolutely hang all this crazy shit around the nominee’s neck during the general. And he’s the President, so the media can’t just ignore him. If they even try, he’ll just endrun them on Twitter and they will chase that laser pointer.
But what does that mean?
“Insular circle-jerk”
So you’re saying they’re just like us.
Maybe. But, the day that the candidates for the GOP nomination for president sound like Glibs hasn’t quite come around.
In all seriousness, I’ve lurked over at TOS a little bit to see what is said about us and the word “insular” is the most common pejorative. While it may not be wrong I don’t miss the mendacious fucks like Hihn, Tony, et al shitting up the place with their diversity of thought.
Well, TOS is insular. You can tell by the way n00bs are treated. Nobody wants anybody else to break into their big/little coffee klatsch.
Dissent is much more well tolerated here than back there. Granted, outright trolling is modded out here, so some of the worst abuses don’t have a chance to be thrown about.
We have very high standards for trolls. Hyperbole could have been grown in a troll lab, his troll game is so strong.
Here I was, thinking trolls were grown in haunted mushroom farms.
Calling out socialism/communism by name in front of the UN (!)…
Wow!!! This is EXCELLENT!!!
One last little tidbit:
Mr. Saez and Mr. Zucman calculated how the Warren and Sanders wealth taxes would have affected the fortunes of the richest Americans had each been in effect since 1982. The fortune of Jeff Bezos, the Amazon founder who Forbes said was worth $160 billion last year, would have been $87 billion under the Warren plan and $43 billion under the Sanders plan.
Over all, the economists found, the cumulative wealth of the top 15 richest Americans in 2018 — amounting to $943 billion — would have been $434 billion under the Warren plan and $196 billion under the Sanders plan.
Totally legit. Bezos and Gates and those other targets of confiscation would never have modified their behavior in response. And those numbers can be assumed to be Treasury receipts in exact dollar amounts.
And those numbers can be assumed to be Treasury receipts in exact dollar amounts.”
Oh, and of course, none of the resulting behaviors by the tax’s targets might ever have any effect on the expenditure side of the income statement.
I swear, today’s Democrats must have decided they love the Great Depression. They’re doing everything they can to bring us back to that situation.
I imagine Pol Pot being tortured in Hell with the information that the developed world is itself in a race to the 12th century, not with an armed revolution like he tried, but with a twisted line of BS parroted from top to bottom. If he had only known how to package this message back in 1975 he would have been hailed as a visionary.
“he would have been hailed as a visionary.”
The pioneers are the ones with the arrows in the back. Or in this case the saws on the neck.
Did they take into account the second order effects of wealth confiscation? As in, stripping all that capital, and its compounded effects, from the economy?
The scary thing is that they don’t even care about economic effects. They have pretty much admitted that this anti-wealth mentality is a virtue thing. They think wealth itself is immoral. Whether you were a fraudster or an honest businessman doesn’t matter. You’re still a filthy kulak who will be cleansed in the glorious people’s revolution.
They’re going to blast our country back to an agrarian fiefdom and call themselves heroes for it (while they clink champagne glasses in their opulent mansions).
Have you not noticed every Dem-controlled city over the last 60 years? The power is based on a fucked up economy getting even worse.
I’m eventually going to write something with this as the thesis: cities are not the pinnacle of civilization, but instead they are (almost) universally the harbinger of a civilization’s demise. Someone find me a metropolis anywhere that isn’t plagued with outsized rates of mental illness, crime – both violent and white-collar, by both the citizens and the authorities – and a complete loss of the virtues that produced the wealth that allowed the city to be built in the first place. And if you thought “Hong Kong!!” as a counter-example, I would only point out that it’s the exception that proves my point. What is it about Hong Kong that has made it unique? Freedom. Liberty.
Well, except for etymology and history.
Civilization means living in cities. Cities aren’t the pinnacle of civilization, they’re the roots.
Cities are marvelous engines for division of labor and comparative advantage.
It’s not “cities versus freedom & liberty” it’s politics vs. freedom and liberty.
Civilization means living in cities.
I guess if you don’t live in a city, you are uncivilized. Perhaps even deplorable and irredeemable?
I may have missed this being posted already: Wal-Mart is discontinuing the sale of e-cigarettes.
I say good, it leaves more shelf space for real cigs and dip which you can still get at Wal-Mart.
The black market sellers of sketchy juices thank Walmart for their support.
The concept of a wealth tax is bad enough, but you just know that money isn’t going to go to paying down the debt or balancing the budget. It’s going to go to more government boondoggles that get bigger, less efficient, and more expensive as time goes on, thereby causing bigger problems down the road.
Diminishing returns, like slippery slopes, are figments of libertarians’ imaginations.
Back to the topic of dreams…
This morning I woke up at 4 AM in the middle of a dream. It was another of those “military deployment” dreams but as I woke up in my own bed at home I was completely disoriented. I felt like I was waking up from a nap but didn’t understand why I was where I was. I had to take a leak but took a while to remember where the bathroom was. That hasn’t happened for a long time.
You get those too? I’m usually running around trying to make sure they issued me all the right gear before some crazy half-assed mission that makes no sense.
Mine have always been me and the other 40-60 guys in my unit (somehow it reflects my active duty days in the infantry – no women, rather than the last Army reserve unit – both sexes) all of us with the 120 pounds of gear piled in loose formation, waiting for a flight or some other mindless milling about. Not any real stress, just the usual no idea what’s going on, waiting for the word, picking up to move to some other place for some unknown reason, etc.
My simplistic dream battles have us marching up to nice straight trenches and doing 2-way rifle-ranges for a while like it’s WWI with M16s. Then we march some more down country roads looking for the next fight. I have these dreams despite having been in actual battles that were absolutely nothing like that at all.
I’m telling you guys, those weird flash back (and totally unrelated to any lived experiences) dreams are never ending. Less often as time passes but still are there and vivid but fortunately are always short and easily forgotten when you wake up.
Me during Trump’s UN speech.
The problem is that what he says and what is actually happening/will continue to happen are two entirely different things.
Ah, you’re focusing on what he says. That’s your first mistake.
True. And way to harsh my buzz. Then again, I think he is largely holding to his words. Take guns as an example. He just gave a large shoutout (to the entire world…) to 2A after rhetorically flirting with laws that would be anti-2A. Actions > words. (yes, I know bumpstocks, but that was largely meaningless)
The whole speech was one big middle finger, and I appreciate that.
Symbolically– THIS IS WHO WE ARE, SUCK IT –it was wonderful.
And the subtext– THIS IS WHO YOU WANT US TO BE SO SIT DOWN AND STFU –is also glorious.
White progressivism distilled:
“White woman caught on video lecturing Hong Kong protesters: ‘Safety is more important than freedom’”
Everything wrong with modern political thinking summed up in one phrase.
Watch a video like this, it’s hard not to root for the West’s demise.
From the margins:
Evidently Rawstory is in the business of nut-punches.
I’m shocked, I tell ya.
Rawstory is an anti-war Left wing publication, so there’s much to like on their pages, but a whole bunch that will also make you cringe.
I have a lot of respect for the Hong Kong protesters. I mean they know what’s going to happen and what the end result will be but yet, they are still protesting. People like this lady haven’t the clue about what real freedom is so she’s perplexed about why these students are willing to risk their lives.
The Progressives’s idea of freedom is having your life dictated by some government bureaucrat and given some substandard health care and shitty education in exchange for their complicity and obedience.
I often wonder if there is some tangential link to the rise of feminism; there seems to be a lot of misplaced maternal projection on the role of government. ‘Mother knows best’ gone completely sideways.
You’ll also notice that if these women have borne children they have only borne one. They have no clue about having a family where attention has to be divided to two or more children.
The Hong Kong protesters are the bravest and most inspiring people of the 21st Century, by far. And they are all being red pilled in real time. After the crackdown, the survivors will realize that all this talk of “liberalism” from the West really just means “rule by elites” and that’s why none of them are going to do anything more substantive than wag their finger when China mows all these people down.
Also, by far, my favorite video of an ethnic Chinese man protesting China and offering advice to President Trump.
Beautiful on many levels.
I wonder if Trump isn’t using his trade skirmish with China to put pressure on them behind the scenes over Hong Kong.
The Chinese economy is suffering, and as some production is shifted to not-China, is taking long-term damage. The timing for putting serious economic pressure on China was good.
I can’t imagine that being true. Trump could have shut down his tariff on China critics by simply renaming them “sanctions” after the Hong Kong protests (not to mention the fact that China runs literal re-education camps and its continued forced sterilization program) and then daring anyone to contend that sanctioning China was not called for. But, in reality, Trump did no such thing and has largely avoided using the Hong Kong protests as a bludgeon against China and his critics.
I suspect that Trump’s tariffs are only informed by his perverse economic understanding on trade. It would be a lot cooler if this weren’t the case, but I don’t see any evidence to suggest otherwise.
I absolutely think the tariffs were put in place for economic negotiating leverage. And I think it would be stupid to publicly link them to Hong Kong because that would set up a bad dynamic as the ChiComs get all “save face”. Its not like Trump, as far as I know, to do something smart on the down-low. Still, I wonder. The ChiComs are showing more restraint than I would have expected, and I wonder why.
Are they really showing restraint or are we just not getting the story?
Are they really showing restraint or are we just not getting the story?
There’s way too much crowd-sourced video coming out of Hong Kong for a true ChiCom crackdown to be hidden.
The APCs full of paramilitary goons haven’t rolled. The mass arrests, deportations, and camps haven’t happened. So I would say the ChiComs are showing restraint.
And doing that would be guaranteed to piss off the Chinese on a much more fundamental level, and possibly even force them into action against the protesters. If you want to pressure them behind the scenes, tariffs are a much better choice.
Wished American students valued and fought for their freedom like the Hong Kong students do. But that’ll never happen because freedom in the West means freedom from responsibility and choice. American students are tearing down schools and terrorizing their professors because of some vague notion of injustice and mispronouncing their genders, while the students in Hong Kong are fighting against a no shit tyrannical government. It gets me angry.
I get the sense that there is still much resentment about the handover from British to Chinese control, and that this is a cultural memory and a deep grudge.
Mormonism has a cultural memory (and grudge) of being chased out of the country by the US Army, who kept coming even though we were out of their jurisdiction (amongst other things).
“Mormonism has a cultural memory (and grudge) of being chased out of the country by the US Army, who kept coming even though we were out of their jurisdiction (amongst other things).”
The attempt to exterminate Mormonism by the American government, though, made Mormonism a better religion, in my opinion. The fact that Utah was lukewarm on Trump after his proposed a “Muslim ban” during the election and that they soured on Gary Johnson (who was almost tied for first at the beginning of the general election) after he pulled the “religious liberty is a black hole” shtick (he ended up dropping to third place after that little game) speaks well of Mormonism and its ecumenical outlook toward other faiths.
It’s horrible what happened to early Mormonism, but adversity clearly builds something better. Hopefully, the same will happen for the people of Hong Kong, in the long run.
That’s an interesting take. I hadn’t thought about it. I live in Clay County, Missouri, where a fuck-ton of violence against us happened. Interestingly, Jesse James was a staunch Mormon ally. He and his family helped a lot of people eat when they were starving and get out of town still alive. We have a long history with gold-hearted rogues, too.
I knew a dude once who said if his church membership depended on whether he thought Brigham Young was a prophet of God or not, he wouldn’t be a member. Brigham Young himself didn’t think he was, as he despaired that he didn’t hear God’s voice the way Joseph Smith did. (Go with me here and assume God spoke to Joseph.)
I said he was the right leader at the right time. He didn’t agree.
Brigham’s strength was in mobilization and organization. That is what they needed RIGHT THEN and that is what they got.
Now… It’s been several prophets who’ve gone through my life whom I would not say were chosen of God. The current one especially.
The people who like to mock the notion that Joseph Smith talked to God also still seem to believe that one man is the heir to St. Peter or that all that is true is found in a single book. I just find such criticism to be lazy.
I live in the state where Joseph Smith was killed by a mob and where a Mormon temple still stands. Any faith that produces people as decent and as dedicated to their faith as the Mormons I’ve met in real life is lucky.
And much like orthodox Jews or Coptic Christians, adversity is what helped sustain this strong faith community.
It’s not the original, but everybody was super excited when it was announced that it would be rebuilt.
I’ve been to Carthage Jail many times. Had to go to Carthage to get my marriage license because…. I got married there. 😀
I mean, I got married in Nauvoo. Not Carthage.
“I mean, I got married in Nauvoo. Not Carthage”
I was just about to accuse you of being a fake Mormon before your correction. Haha
It’s horrible what happened to early Mormons, but their hands weren’t always clean, either.
Oh, no! Never said they were.
The Book of Mormon starts out with God telling Nephi to go ask a dude for plates of gold. WTF? Who is this guy and why are we getting his loot? So Nephi says, “What if he won’t give them to me?” God says, “Kill him.”
So Nephi robbed and murdered a dude for his gold plates because God told him to.
Soooooooo then there was Porter Rockwell, who was the prophets’ enforcer. And he did. He was called the “Destroying Angel of Mormondom.” He is our folk hero.
We don’t talk about the MMM much.
I only know about it because I stumbled across a History Channel program about it (you know, back when it wasn’t all aliens and reality shows) and I remember being dumbfounded – “A massacre by Mormons? The incredibly polite people who go door to door in coat and tie trying to get you to join their church?”
There is no bad mood ancient astronaut theorists can’t lift.
/looks over to Kirtland
When my parents were in Salt Lake City, they kept saying that all of the locals asked them if they had visited the original temple in Kirtland.
Yep, it’s a sacred site for us.
Jackson County, Missouri is thought to be where the Garden of Eden was. To us, it is Zion and where Christ will come again, and the harbinger is when a temple is built in Jackson County.
Clay County is right next door to Jackson County. I live in Clay County, where there is also a rich history.
When the temple to be built in Clay County was announced at General Conference, it was preceded by a dramatic pause. Then he said it. You never heard a louder gasp of thousands of people. Utahns moved here by the hundreds.
So yes, our cultural memory is long and detailed, and that was almost 200 years ago, so that is why I think Hong Kong has a long, rich, detailed cultural memory of before they were under China’s control.
of being chased out of the country by the US Army, who kept coming even though we were out of their jurisdiction
I didn’t know this was a thing. Any good reading on the topic?
Quick and dirty
You know how I like it. *winks*
Interesting. One would think it might warrant even a passing mention in a school history textbook.
I went to a Southern Baptist private school.
Mormonism was ALL OVER our history books and assemblies and revivals, along with back-masking, 666, and live animal sacrifices.
I walked out on an assembly when a visiting preacher started to spew. I should’ve gotten in trouble for it and I would have for any other reason, but nobody said a word.
Actual white privilege in the flesh
She waded into a popular uprising and tore down the revolutionaries’ posters?!?!? Yes…. This person truly believes that safety is the highest priority… 🙄
Safety? Where the FUCK’S that? Her aunt in the Eyrie’s dead! Her mother’s dead! Her father’s dead! Her brother’s dead! Winterfell is a pile of rubble! There’s no “safety,” you dumb bitch.
Sandor Clegane being savage as fuck.
I gotta watch that. Maybe after I catch up The Expanse.
any suggestions for a porch cam? someone with a deathwish slashed the tires on 75 cars last night in my hood. no shit. 75 cars. multiple tires per car.
I understand this one is good. But you have to do the watching, it won’t watch for you.
a suppressed .300 blackout with subsonic ammo would be a much better option so as not to wake my neighbors’ babies.
neighbor’s cam has video of criminal act and full-face pic. my money’s on insane hobo.
Did Public Enemy Number One conclude his address to the U N by announcing they have thirty days to vacate the premises?
A man can dream…
That certainly would have been the cherry on top. “You all have 30 days to vacate the premises. I’m turning this dump into a hotel.”
so the conspiracy crowd can switch to decaffeinated for the rest of the week