Damn, two outs away!

Man, I stayed up until almost midnight to see if Greinke would get his no-hitter. Damn Mariners players spoiled it in the ninth.  But the Astros still won and put a death grip on home field as the Yankees lost. The Brewers locked up the final NL playoff spot while the Indians hopes are on life support in the AL with just a few games to go.

ManUre avoided the same ignominious departure Spuds suffered the day before as they dumped mighty Rochdale on penalties.  A handful of PL teams weren’t as lucky, falling to third and fourth-tier squads. There wasn’t much else going on, but hockey season is rapidly approaching. And the NFL gets back in gear tonight.

Asshole thinking. Or maybe he’s just drunk again.

St Francis of Assisi was born on this day. So were: dog-torturer Ivan Pavlov, poet T.S. Eliot, Pope Paul VI, fitness guru Jack LaLanne, rocker Bryan Ferry, singer/”actress” Olivia Newton-John, Terminator-killer Linda Hamilton, dipshit Francis O’Rourke, and possible steroid-user Serena Williams.

OK, not as many lookers today as yesterday. Oh well, on to…the links!

A majority of the House now backs “some type of impeachment”. So gone are the days when you name a specific high crime or misdemeanor and lay out evidence. We’ve reached the point when the rule of law is dead as it relates to this process, folks.

Union workers, meet your replacements.

The GM strike is starting to have a ripple effect on the Michigan economy. I sure hope those guys who make on average more than double what nurses make to push buttons can make it through these tough times. Actually, I don’t. I hope GM relocates all of those operations to plants in right-to-work states and tells them to fuck off.

Gee, who didn’t see this one coming? So. Stunning. And. Brave.

Nobody cares anymore!

Just in case you’d forgotten, everything is a shitshow in the UK government as well.


I know college kids can be smelly-ass slobs, but seriously? (Anything else here would give the story away, so that’s all you’re getting.)

Uh, next time maybe question why they’re serving guacamole with sushi, ok? Ugh, that could not have been a pleasant surprise.

This is for Tundra! And no, it’s not Joe Jackson. I wouldn’t do that to anybody.

Well, that’s all. Have a great day, friends!