After my last post, I’m a little gun-shy:  Most of you ingrates fine, upstanding glibs seemed to be feeling it (I said most), and things just started to peter out early.  The action was a little light that night, admittedly, regardless of my smoothest moves.  Oh, well—it’s that time:

Aww, yeah

Gotta rely on my patented moves, here.

OK—Gotta thank everyone who talked about lucid dreaming.  Haven’t had a chance to share the insights with the friend in question, but will do so ASAP.

I recently asked about TPTB being IRL friends.  Without getting into more initials, I am interested in meeting “you people” in meat-space (What?? I’m trying to broaden my horizons or, some such crap).  Of course, I don’t really travel for business purposes, and, just getting up and going isn’t quite as easy as that, so, this is all theoretical at this stage.  Since it seems I’m in a bit of Glibertarian desert here in North Texas, which of you lot ever make it up this way, and are up for meeting?  What about where you live (not an official attempt to doxx you, unless you like this sort of thing)—do you entertain guests of a certain political/philosophical persuasion?  Raise your hand in the comments, if you’re feeling adventurous.

To Catch a Predator!  What a crap-fest.  While I think I know what the overall attitude here is about this…situation, I am interested in reading your (yes, you) thoughts about it.   From what I can tell, it was the sting in Murphy, TX, which heralded the downfall.  Murphy is very close to where I work, and, former co-workers of mine, from my first agency, worked there just prior to it.  To the best of my knowledge, they had no take on the issue that I ever learned.

Sum moar LE talk:  Most glibs who have commented on property crime investigation tend to snark that police have better things to do.  From my experience, this is actually very correct.  And, I think the reason why is the realization that stolen property, especially when resulting from a burglary, is usually hit-or-miss in whether it will be recovered.   When it comes to stolen property, the national LE databases have it broken down thusly:

  • Vehicles/boats (conveyances of just about every kind)
  • License Plates
  • Securities—financial instruments of various types
  • Guns
  • Articles

“Articles” is the catch-all for any property that doesn’t have a specific database for it.  There are some rules that govern what can and can’t go in.  Fun fact:  Pets and livestock can be entered as stolen in the Articles file.  So, as you can imagine, this database is filled with all kinds of things.  Federal rules say that items entered into it are kept for the remainder of the year of entry +1 year.  For instance; if your stolen PlayStation gets entered into the database on January first of 2019, it will auto-purge on December 31, 2020.  That’s all the time allowed.  In my experience, agencies do not re-enter property into this database (I believe it is prohibited).  I can say that, at least in Texas, pawn shops have to provide info lists of all items they take in weekly, to their local police department.  That agency is supposed to check the list against stolen item reports.  This can be very helpful in recovering property.  However, it’s more than likely that, if you rely solely on the agency that took the report, you’re not likely to get the item(s) back.  This is going to be at least one reason why Joe Flatfoot is less than enthused about dealing with a home burglary that is really just a list of stolen property.  Of course, feel free to speculate on the other reasons for that apathy.

Considering the feedback on ol’ Teddy; the only president from whom I consider shilling.  What??  I gotta give y’all some red meat/green veg every so often.

You go, Beto!  OK, so maybe the source of the award isn’t all that.  Then again, snark is our life blood around here.

No snark necessary.  I’m not sure how to do so, but, this guy deserves a lot of support and praise.  Just cleaning up messes can go a long way towards making life so much better.

So, was it good for you?  Oh…  Well, gimme a week and I’ll be good to go again.  Be excellent to each other, ya rotten bastards.  (Not you.  Or, you…)