After my last post, I’m a little gun-shy: Most of you ingrates fine, upstanding glibs seemed to be feeling it (I said most), and things just started to peter out early. The action was a little light that night, admittedly, regardless of my smoothest moves. Oh, well—it’s that time:
Gotta rely on my patented moves, here.
OK—Gotta thank everyone who talked about lucid dreaming. Haven’t had a chance to share the insights with the friend in question, but will do so ASAP.
I recently asked about TPTB being IRL friends. Without getting into more initials, I am interested in meeting “you people” in meat-space (What?? I’m trying to broaden my horizons or, some such crap). Of course, I don’t really travel for business purposes, and, just getting up and going isn’t quite as easy as that, so, this is all theoretical at this stage. Since it seems I’m in a bit of Glibertarian desert here in North Texas, which of you lot ever make it up this way, and are up for meeting? What about where you live (not an official attempt to doxx you, unless you like this sort of thing)—do you entertain guests of a certain political/philosophical persuasion? Raise your hand in the comments, if you’re feeling adventurous.
To Catch a Predator! What a crap-fest. While I think I know what the overall attitude here is about this…situation, I am interested in reading your (yes, you) thoughts about it. From what I can tell, it was the sting in Murphy, TX, which heralded the downfall. Murphy is very close to where I work, and, former co-workers of mine, from my first agency, worked there just prior to it. To the best of my knowledge, they had no take on the issue that I ever learned.
Sum moar LE talk: Most glibs who have commented on property crime investigation tend to snark that police have better things to do. From my experience, this is actually very correct. And, I think the reason why is the realization that stolen property, especially when resulting from a burglary, is usually hit-or-miss in whether it will be recovered. When it comes to stolen property, the national LE databases have it broken down thusly:
- Vehicles/boats (conveyances of just about every kind)
- License Plates
- Securities—financial instruments of various types
- Guns
- Articles
“Articles” is the catch-all for any property that doesn’t have a specific database for it. There are some rules that govern what can and can’t go in. Fun fact: Pets and livestock can be entered as stolen in the Articles file. So, as you can imagine, this database is filled with all kinds of things. Federal rules say that items entered into it are kept for the remainder of the year of entry +1 year. For instance; if your stolen PlayStation gets entered into the database on January first of 2019, it will auto-purge on December 31, 2020. That’s all the time allowed. In my experience, agencies do not re-enter property into this database (I believe it is prohibited). I can say that, at least in Texas, pawn shops have to provide info lists of all items they take in weekly, to their local police department. That agency is supposed to check the list against stolen item reports. This can be very helpful in recovering property. However, it’s more than likely that, if you rely solely on the agency that took the report, you’re not likely to get the item(s) back. This is going to be at least one reason why Joe Flatfoot is less than enthused about dealing with a home burglary that is really just a list of stolen property. Of course, feel free to speculate on the other reasons for that apathy.
Considering the feedback on ol’ Teddy; the only president from whom I consider shilling. What?? I gotta give y’all some red meat/green veg every so often.
You go, Beto! OK, so maybe the source of the award isn’t all that. Then again, snark is our life blood around here.
No snark necessary. I’m not sure how to do so, but, this guy deserves a lot of support and praise. Just cleaning up messes can go a long way towards making life so much better.
So, was it good for you? Oh… Well, gimme a week and I’ll be good to go again. Be excellent to each other, ya rotten bastards. (Not you. Or, you…)
Good night
You say that…but, do you mean it?
Careful SD. He’s got a pillow and he’s not afraid to use it.
I’m totally gonna change my name now.
Night Game Guilty pleasure.
The more hear the Outfield, the more I like.
Excellent choice
HM is here. The gay dog may be coming our way.
And deserve it, you will.
Steers into skid.
What a great song! Haven’t heard that in years.
::whispers to Rhy::
That was my first link in my first NS post….
/just saying
Blares at Digs: I don’t click every link!
Ah! Kindred spirit, I see.
A different night shift.
Needs more Markie Post. Lots more Markie Post.
Ok. Plus some bonus Sela Ward
You’re a pal.
Oh My Word!
Night Train
Night Shift.
Some links for the glibs; let it never be said that Aus never did anything for the peoples
Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s batshit crazy hearing:
@BetoORourke gives me a #WarBoner
This is how college students talk today
Somebody likes you AUS. I haven’t seen a 3 link comment outside TPTB.
I tried to drop another multi link comment, but it’s still stuck in pending. All the admins must be sleeping, or more likely, drunk/drugged out.
Ah well, I’ll drop it again in another thread sometime.
Got a TL;DR version of the Chris Hansen story? 38 minutes of a YT video is tall order.
It’s just about how his career is pretty much over after the Murphy, TX TCAP episode–a DA(?) got caught and killed himself as police were trying to serve a warrant on him, and cameras were rolling. Huge crap-fest.
He keeps trying to revive TCAP, and, it’s quite pathetic
Arrest gone wrong. Budding empire spirals. Creepy creep and creepy org ride it into the ground. Bleached teeth aren’t so clean after all and kind of jerks. That’s as far as I made it before I gave up.
Speaking generally, I’m not a big fan of entrapment/stings, particularly using minors. State liquor agency uses underage volunteers to make buys. My feeling is everyone in the state agency should be cited or charged just like clerk is. Actually, no. The agency employees should be reamed harder because they knowingly did so.
Uhhh…what Gustave said.
Chris sure did seem to relish nabbing pervs a little too much. He looked like a sadist at times.
At times = always
Chris “Gotcha!” Hansen.
Now, hearing the name doesn’t have to involve a band in order to piss you off.
I put this together the night after last Night Shift, so I’m getting a refresher in what I submitted.
Nicely done. Business Time was the first Conchords video I saw.
Good stuff!
::doffs cap::
Thankee, Good Lady.
Re: property crime investigations – Way back when I was between husbands and living alone in a near-downtown first floor apartment, I came home late one evening to find my place in more disarray than usual. Then I noticed the broken window. Thankfully, my cell phone-less self had the presence of mind to get the hell out of there and go call 911 at a nearby c-store. I didn’t lose much – a VCR (they didn’t get the remote,) a mantel clock (of all things,) and a thrift shop pocket watch I’d had in some kind of display case. I was DAMN lucky they hadn’t found my hidden-but-unsecured revolver.
The next day, I was walking the window repair guy around the side of the house to show him the damage. On the ground under the window I found some sort of court document – a notice to appear or something? – complete with name and address. Took it to the police, but of course, nothing ever came of it. I did think it was rather considerate of the burglar to leave a calling card. Manners!
Man, that is some crack detective work!
One of my CJ classes (Abnormal Psych) had a son of one of the Darlie Routier case detectives as a student. He brought the vid the DA used in her case.
That is one weird case, with a lot of questions. However, the facts of the case REALLY point to her being guilty,
Of course, not a property crime, but your burg story reminded my of that
Darlie, Darin, Devon, Damon, and Drake
Thing about the murders is that the knife wounds went SO hard through the children that they actually chipped the concrete slab of the floor. That kind of force is a rage–lending to the idea that the killer knew the children.
Also, the window screen was cut from the inside.
She was never charged with the murder of her other son, six-year-old Devon.
I wonder if this was intentional by the DA to hold that as a potential charge if somehow she beat the first trial? They can only execute her once.
Now that you bring that up, I think you are correct. I seem to recall the discussion in class…or, maybe I saw it on some Dateline shit.
I had my first brush with identity theft in 2003, when it was relatively easy to open credit in someone else’s name.
I had good evidence of who passed the info to a place in Indonesia; which was laundering money for terrorists at the time.
The cops were polite, but I could tell they had no hope or intention to follow up.
But then I got a call from a federal govt agency, and they were very interested indeed. Took all my documentation, apologized that they wouldn’t be able to follow up with the outcome, but thanking me for my help.
Worse than being robbed is being robbed to fund the people who want to kill me and other innocent Americans.
Well, not that I know about FedGov activities, but your point is spot on.
I should clarify that they couldn’t follow up with me on the outcome. They were definitely planning to investigate.
My brother used my name when he was busted for various and sundry petty crime back in the 90’s. I had no idea until I went to re-up my drivers licence. Was told to pay the fines or start proceedings against the shit-heel. I payed rather than go through the hassle. Happy fucking birthday to me, I guess.
Too soon?
Nope. He’s dead to me already. Now it’s just a contest to see who can hang on the longest. He’s got Hep-C and lives on disability so I’d put money on me being The One.
Here’s how my lucid dreams always begin.
“White Station”??
I guess it’s a sister city of White Settlement, TX. And, it was absolutely names for wypipo.
BOO!! Sorry did I scare you?! WASSUP GURL??? ITS ALMOST COCKTOBER ????? AND IF YOU?? ARE GETTING THIS??? IT MEANS UR A HALLOWEEN ?? HOE???? every year in Cocktober the jack o slut? comes to life???????? coming to harvest ??? his hoes for THOT-O-WEEN??????? send this to 10 other Halloween Hoes or else you a TRICK??? ? IF YOU GET 4 BACK UR A THOT-O-WEEN TREAT? IF YOU GET 6 BACK UR A SLUTTY WITCH BITCH??✨? BUT IF YOU GET 10 BACK UR THE SPOOKIEST SLUT ON THE BLOCK??⚰???? If you don’t send this to 1️⃣0️⃣other thots??? you will get NO DICK ? this COCKTOBER?
Am I doing this
Welp, that’s my new t-shirt design idea, thank you very much.
Just finished watching House (the movie, not the tv series) so this is surprisingly milquetoast.
Wife has They Live on now.
In the buff being rude
Doin’ stuff with the food
Getting lude with his food
We heard that’s what you are into
I have so much FotC stuff around here, I could open a shop, I think. Seen ’em twice in concert.
That Meat Loaf album received ALOT of play time in High School. The play by play calls still bring a smile.
Plus he was good in Rocky Horror.
+1 Eddie
Yeah, that was HUGE when I was about 13 or so. My Aunt bought me that for Xmas not knowing that I hated it. Traded it for Deep Purple “In Rock”. Score!
I hope that cleanup project instills some sense of pride in the “residents” so they will keep up with it.
I have my doubts.
My cynical side says this is more pleasure for that guy than the residents (campers?). Oh, yeah, he found one person to quote for support but c’mon… Let’s not pretend he isn’t doing it to own the libs.
TL;DR – this isn’t solving shit.
He’s gonna send them into a shame spiral.
thotthought that counts?I’m with you on the pessimism. That said, I want to encourage the “pay it forward” spirit.
At least this is all documented, so that, if/when it goes back to shit, there is a nice record of someone trying.
You know, if the city is determined to outlay taxpayer cash to clean up these horrible places, they could do worse than hiring a company to maintain a row of ports-potties and to provide trash dumpsters and cans in close proximity.
If the residents don’t use them, then don’t spend a dime more. Encourage them to police themselves.
True. Very true.
Yes please
Digby; consider yourself officially invited to NE NoDak. We’re waiting for you.
Thank you, Mike! Consider yourself invited to the Metroplex, should you ever find yourself that bored.
You guys can both go to Hell! ?
I thought Texas WAS hell. ???
Well, you’re invited, too!
I mean, sometimes I wonder if I’m there already. Then, I realize things aren’t so bad.
Q, you are most welcome, too. Maybe you can scope out NorTex “talent”…
OK, that was up before I saw Mo’s post.
Burnin’ The Midnight Oil
Fun fact: Foghat is an anagram of…well, never mind….
Burning the midnight oil.
I prefer this one Still listen to it to this day.
I would link to my favorite, but, I gotta have something for other posts. I’m not exactly a deep well, you know.
That’s the first song I remember from them. I still listen to the old albums all the time.
One of my favorites is this throw-away.
Spurning the midnight foil
Ugh, go away for a few days and lose the link-fu.
Spurning the midnight foil
So the whole Ukrane thing. First it was claimed to be quid-pro-quo and that was a bust. Then it was a mobster movie shakedown and that was a bust.
Then in deep irony claimed the issue was moved to a secret network (not in a closet but an actual secure network) and turns out that ot was standard SOP due to leaks..
What a political shitshow. I love it
Hey; the Left wants us to be more like Europe*…they gotta start somewhere, I guess.
*yes, plenty of non-wypipo countries behave like shit in politics, too
Shit. I’m anti-NHK so I guess that means I’m pro my own genocide.
I thought that was assumed?
Oh, I just gotta…
Kind of got excited when the mob analogy started making the airwaves. Then it turned into, “No, it’s only mob tactics when you do it!”
Speaking of which, this type of headline is presented without a hint of irony.
Which irony? That it’s a Hearst newspaper or that it’s the 2nd largest newspaper in all of Connecticut?
More irony.
Seriously, if someone wants to break it down for me, that’d be nice. I’ve been busy and just following the whole thing casually. All I’m seeing is that Hunter Biden took 50K/mo from a Ukrainian gas company despite having zero skills or experience in the field. His dad as Veep pressures the Ukrainian govt to fire the prosecutor who’s looking into possible corruption at the company. Trump calls them and mentions that they should look into it again. Am I missing something important?
That’s my understanding of it. How this is the “final straw” and he now needs to be impeached is beyond me…unless it’s a smokescreen to keep the heat of Biden.
Y’all aware of some of the babes running for congress?
Catalina Lauf:
Anna Paulina Luna:
Sixteenth! I win the Internet, or not….
YU!!! I was hoping you’d drop by!
I’m out of weed! and have to drive to Cali to get some , Agghh!
/first world problems….
You get high, it’s “otherworld problems”
/yeah, I don’t partake….how could you tell?
I only buy from American Stores, tested good weed, grown by first world hippies, I’ll be fine….
Oh, no doubt, Yu. I was trying to riff on “First world problems”
Hit it for me, if you would, pretty please.
Done and done, when I heard you were going to overnight, I thought cool, I can comment in my timezones, which is Yusef Time, so hey, how about a nice
FUCK OFF, just for fun…….
Fucking off, Sir!
/how I imagine this exchange would look like IRL.
Hey, can you pick me up some underground vapes while you’re purchasing your legal MJ…?
/future-soon request
Even though I bail early (if I even make it late enough) I hope you keep this up. I like it.
Thanks, MIke–again! Maybe I will do a NoDak trek at some point (not that I wouldn’t, otherwise).
Yeah this is great! I always warn about bailing early but end up talking to myself at 4 AM. Thanks, Digs!
Festus, you my man, fi’ty grand!
In a New York state of mind.
Excuse me….1/4 million dollars? That makes it a felony level (not that is will pass Constitutional muster). How can the city enact a felony?
De Blasio is De Batshit
Phil Collins hardest hit.
Well, he’s no fun…
He should be, just for his solo career.
I still love In the Air Tonight.
Local “classic rock” station plays it nightly. I’ve grown inured to the drum break.
Wait, I thought that was Sting.
I’m not a Sting hater, but i can say I fell asleep during a concert of his.
This makes me laugh so hard…
Andy and (especially) Stuart were the real power in that band.
Still on my play list after over three decades
Stew is probably my favorite musician, especially as a drummer. He really comes across as tremendously fun and interesting to be around.
And, if he’s keen to double-team….I would consider sharing with him. Maybe.
Someone please tell me that there’s no way this could survive a 1A challenge.
This is the same city that criminalized calling a co-worker by the “wrong pronouns” and basically turned the right to bear arms into a government-granted privilege for the rich and famous.
“Criminalization” requires a low. This is a “regulation”.
Ain’t it grand?
lowlawImpeachment doesn’t mean Conviction, doesn’t mean removal, see Clinton, Bill
I don’t vote, but I may rethink it regards Trump,
Even though I’m in a pickle, the USA (Fuck Yeah!) is rocking, in spite of the hype from the MSM, and you just can’t stop the Trump, I say good for America,
Fight me!
I wouldn’t blame you given how batshit insane his opponents are. Personally, I’m holding out as usual.
Not sure if anyone likes this type of music, but I’m currently enjoying the lovely female vocals of the band “Wet”
ps If someone could approve my pending comment, that’d be swell. I seem to have access to approve it myself, but not sure if that’d be kosher or not 🙂
it’s fine, not my style, but good stuff
Yeah, the college radio station here plays about 50% of that species of music.
Well, if we’re linking great voices, allow me the following:
–For our Nippon-based/Nippon-philes
–To lure in more of our mythical female libertarians
–To honor a great voice who passed waaay too soon
Lovely! I’m supposed to be listening to the Sunday morning choral music show on the SiriusXM classical channel, but y’all are linking to too much good stuff.
Modern folk, well played, violinist has pshyco eyes,
I like Bluegrass/Folk/Roots way too much. I think I’m going Bald!
Karen Carpenter has the most perfect voice in the world. Fight me.
Then there’s Rumer. Yes, I’ve posted this before.
Going to bed now. Nighty Night.
Fight you??? Hell she’s part of the Holy Trinity of 70’s female vocalists, along with Carly and Olivia!
My parents had an old timey juke box with neon and all that.
The Carpenters featured prominently.
Damn, now that’s a good home!
Karen always said, “The money’s in the basement”, with regard to the lower register she typically used. Not related to anything, other than my showing off my Carpenters’ trivia
BB, Why do Birds, call out from the sky….
Close to you…..
How could you forget Marilyn McCoo in that group of singers? Plus her pipes have held up well.
Plus still married to the same guy.
Dbl, I absolutely agree, and forgot about her. Anytime I see/hear someone giving grief about 5thD, it get my dander up
“That Marilyn McCoo, dammit!!”
My mom had one of their albums when I was but wee. “Would you like to fly on my beautiful balloon…”
That would be one in my play list.
Wedding Bell Blues is the other.
This on my 4th July play list since the 1970’s,
Billy Davis Jr.
Good night, ma’am!
I… can’t fight that. I adore The Carpenters.
a brother/sister duo…she sings wonderfully AND plays the drums…has good musical industry backing….
What’s not to adore? Especially for us “Gen X” types.
Yes, sneer quotes
This album stands up well and was on the stereo during my high school years for way too many accidental pregnancy scares.
Oh God… mid 70’s “cuck-rock” was really big back then on the MOR stations. Little wonder that punk and disco came into vogue.
Damn this was outright manly compared to such hits as “If You Could Read My Mind Love” or “Seasons in the Sun”. (Ain’t no way I’m linking those.) But this was popular as well:
Or heaven’s forgive us this earworm:
You gotta forgive Gord, since he did Sundown.
I’m probably going to lose any and all cred with Chafed if I keep talking like this…
Present for ya
Can’t disagree – she’s the Goddess to us WWDVs. (Woo hoo! Altos get the melody in the choral arrangement of “Bless the Beasts & Children!”) But this is who I wanted to be when I grew up.
People’s Exhibit B
Anybody seen LH? or SoBoy? Have we become too toxic for some?
I say, Whatever, it’s cool to even speak out like I a with no Doxxx/Cancel shit,
I love my Home….
*Shakes spear*
I will miss LH, SoBoy was transient…….
Soyboy was no loss but LH and EF… That fuckin’ stings, Man.
Notice we mourn there loss but forget so many others…..
I;m glad to be here, no matter
#metoo. I like camaraderie and don’t much care for strife. We’re all glad that you’re here, Bob!
Hip Hip!!
You can’t find the words to say,
LH surprised me. I get why he was upset, but there’s also the concept of intent. Didn’t see any real malice in any of the glibs.
Wait…what? I’ve been gone for a few days. What the hell did I miss?
Kidding? If not it’s Tuesday’s links IiRC. Other than that, I’m done with it all.
HM said bad thought about Special need kids,(I have one BTW) and LH took offense and left, for good
Mike, it has to do with a certain post by a certain HM about a certain autistic teenager
As I understand it, LH found the post to be…mean(?) wrt people with mental illnesses, especially young people (?)
This is all gleaned from a couple of sentences, so I could be way off.
I really wish/hope they would come back and forgive whatever transgressions they’ve seen.
Not kidding. I had to go out of town for work this week and this si the first I’ve signed in since
…Mondya, I think?
Loosing LH and EF sucks, big time.
Ok, sorry to be a dunce, but.. Who’s EF? Elspeth Flashman? I could swear a did a ctrl+F on every one of the threads pertaining to this incident and didn’t find that name.
yes, you are correct, it sucks they left but..
Yu confirmed it. When hubby goes, wifey goes, too, I suppose.
Again, I hope there can be a healing of the rift. If not, God bless ’em.
The best Carpenters,
Too many bad memories from back then. If I ever go to hell I’m pretty sure that The Carpenters would be playing on a loop.
We’ve Only Just Begun
Rainy Days and Mondays
Fight me!
ok Piața Universității at noon
*readies a limp-wristed slap*
Or, you know…”Blimey”, a la your post from late last night.
Gotcha. I love that show.
Same here. Watched through it 4 or 5 times.
It’s time for white, black, Latino, straight, gay, bi, male, female, young and old come together and realize that Asians are the problem.
Well, they certainly seem to be at Harvard….
The New York Times until very recently…
Samoans are a pain in the ass, are they Asian?
I live in the Whitest place on Earth, asking for a friend….
I’ve heard that Samoans can be a pain in the ass but if you tell them straight out that you aren’t into that they will leave you alone.
Asian dudes, the chicks be alright
that looks problematic
Just give her ten years and kid or two an she’ll be playing nose tackle for the Patriots.
you alcoholics still around? i am waiting for the coffee place to open
Speaking of…Any late nighters make Chemex-based coffee?
Just bought one, and am trying to master it
use an ibric like normal people
copper off course
Nescafe Dark Roast instant, bold as fuck, it’s like Stout, but Coffee!
You have no Renfield or The Sisters to grind and brew? Huh. Some Romanian….
when winter comes i will probably start making it at home. But October is some of the nicest weather round here i like a morning walk
You are a good sport, Pie.
It only made 92F today, with a 30 miles an hour South Wind, pretty nice for AZ
Heck, it’s almost nice for DFW
Agreed, been there, here is 20% humidity, all the difference
I would believe it.
In my thinking, the largest US city NOT on a major waterway shouldn’t have this much humidity. I guess that’s why I’m not in charge, because I’m sure it’s obvious, as to why, for many others.
Sup! Straff
Pie! Howdy! I don’t get to talk much, how’s it going, my Vamipre friend?
poorly mostly. but could be worse
if it helps, I’m fucked too, hang tight, it will get better….
For me it is mostly my shoulder acting up which means no gym which is bad mentally for me. But i think i will just get surgery on it
If nothing else, eat well, it’s good for you, don’t forget…..
’80s Italy, Hat!
So, the youngest Grandson daughter decided to play football today, LOL, a 56 year old qB throwing to a 3 year old Girl, with 11 year old interference, good times,
Where did Y’allins go?
To get coffee as i said earlier
We’re down here, sir,
Some classic scenes in that movie.
Absolutely! I remember watching it for first time on VCR as a teen, and just losing it at the foot chase scene.
Seeing me trying to describe it to my mother was probably embarrassingly awkward…
As a side note, I’m writing up a post on comedy movies. I didn’t add this (or, Big Lebowski), but I think I have to, now.
During my 2008 all expenses paid year Iraq one of my Captains was from a good Irish Catholic family and had missed a huge part of the American Canon for American comedies. I proclaimed Thursday night was movie night in our movie spaces and that she would be there. We caught her up on The Big L (which was THE movie in Iraq in 2003), Raising Arizona. the Monty Python hits, Caddyshack (how did she not see that?), Dogma etc. “Strategic Engagements Division” because the Th night place to be in the MNF-I headquarters. Good memories.
Sounds like it makes life inside, and in-country, bearable. Damn, that does sound like an excellent line-up, too.
The fact that TBL was big there in ’03 is fascinating, in a fun/funny way.
When I was 10-ish, my mom picked me up from school, and announced that we needed to get dinner and get home, because there was a movie on TV she wanted me to see. Turns out it was Holy Grail. If you knew my mom, you’d see how strange it is that she turned me on to MP, as I started watching it on PBS almost immediately.
Oddly, my memory is that she claims my dad loved it. Funny thing is, it was released State-side a month AFTER he died… I must be remembering it wrong, and it doesn’t really do any good to ask about it now,
Cherish it, Sir. Don’t question it.
Oh, agreed. It’s just the timing aspect in my head. Nothing nefarious.
The fact that she introduced me to MP isn’t exactly against her sense of humor. But, introducing me to it, circa age 10, isn’t exactly her style. But, I’m grateful, nonetheless.
Yep. The Coen brothers write and direct live-action cartoons. It’s really quite something.
I’m here! Just waiting another few minutes while my ribs finish cooking (also my twice-baked potatoes and green beans).
MikeS, I’m listening to this in re to the Biden scandal. It’s Glen Beck and Solomon. It’s filling in some blanks.
Thanks, Straff. I’ll check it out tomorrow, gotta get some shut-eye now.
Night, Mike!
See ya, Mike!
Really, where’s the coffee? if it takes that much work to get that much coffee, I’ll go to 7-11
I usually drink espresso which is practically one of you american fluid ounces
Two completely different “Motorcycle Mama” from the 1970s
The second is better for the AZ highway from Kingman thru Wickenburg to Phoenix.
Not completely unrelated:
I had/have a groovy uncle
I had forgot that one.
How about R Crumb and Joni Mitchell?
I didn’t know this existed… Thanks, Dbl!
One of my favorite segments from “Crumb” which also happens to be one of my favorite movies. Joni was a nice addition. Really great, thanks Dbl!
I always groove this song when I’m in the doldrums Hate his politics but I love the muse.
He is a hell of a musician but you are right. I don’t need to hear his politics.
Why do entertainers feel the need to open their mouths in politics and thus alienate half their audience??
All that traveling, and all those paying fans, must mean something!
Or, yeah…hubris
I just realised my Wife’s prothetic is in storage in Cali, this is not good, 5k and molded to her leg, oh Shit,
Can you get it??
Shit, indeed!
Surely they have a way to let you access the storage for a medical emergency!!
Dang Yusef, Good luck. I think Hayek is correct, especially if you can beforehand.
Call. Where the fuck did “can” come from?
I have the key, but I’m 250 miles away, I have 2 weeks to figure it out but if nothing else, my Telecaster and Wendy’s leg for sure…
Jesus. Call the place. There must be some way!
Cash, I gas money, I will NOT lose it, thanks for the urgency, really
Yes and yes, but I am without money or local help right now, so I can only hope for work right now, as I said, I’m fucked
PSA: Shit happens, Yusef ain’t whining, just telling it like it is. Enjoy life!
No, man…we care, especially that your wife gets an expensive prosthetic back.
If I was CA-side, I would be down for a road trip to help. Fat lot of good that does.
Road trip, out and back, even if I lose all stuff at least I get her leg and my guitar…
Godspeed, Yusef! Most stuff is just “stuff” but some things are precious. I’m sending good vibes your way, Buddy.
Count me in on the good vibes!
Thanks, now I’m thinking about leaving tomorrow AM, get it done, it’s only 500 miles in a day….
/oh good what have I done?
Aren’t there some Glibs around LA who could help if you fedexed the key??
The rest of us would pitch in for shipping and expenses
^^^ THIS!
Good Idea, but I’m just going to go, only a days work, and I’ll be happy to see it myself..
Count me in.
I could use 100 bucks, PayPal at if your interested, and thanks if you do…
(Note to self: refresh more often!!)
/not much, but, I hope it helps make the goal.
Early morning* offerings collection–First Glibertarian Church of California
*late night/middle of the day for others–duly noted
Yusef, you wiling yo trust a Glib with your PayPal email?
you can’t log in, I’m good
Derp. I meant just sharing the target address which you already did above.
R Crumb & his Cheap Suit Serenaders can keep you rocking with the hits.
MMM MMMM good:
For the Glib cat lovers:
Loving cats at arm’s length?
I approve, of course.
Sorry, no
It’s funny that Crumb loves the music that his parents would think was old-timey. His entire family seemed like unpleasant people but Jesus, what a talent.
Pardon my sudden departure earlier. I fell down the rabbit hole of Peyton Manning’s n100th anniversary of NFL.
What a loveable nerdy 5 head.
Welcome back!
OK–the look of my avatar and the “Welcome back” jars me a bit…
I know, right? It was a laugh, and then “ewww…”
Not unrelated:
Legit chuckle. Quick on yer feet for a big man.
Whoever did that Thanks!, straight into the gas tank!
For whenever you take off for the storage space: Godspeed, good man!
I cannot thank you guys enough, I am leaving tomorrow AM because some people financed me, I am humbled,
You? Cause you look like my Wife
Now, imagine that comment, but, with my avatar…
Hayek is Beautiful, that is enough for me,
Safe travels Yusef!
As long as we have the Internet unfettered, the equivalent of the Free Press and free speech as the founders intended, there is still hope for America, and thus for humanity.
“an internet–if you can keep it”
But muh Net Neutrality!
Muh equal time!!
It was a good run while it lasted. 🙁
God…it took forever, but, apropos:
Let me try again….
“The Night Shift” makes me think of The Night Crew
Thread fail.
How about Kolchak, the night Stalker?
How about Night Crawler
Kolchak appears to be before tv watching days
Then why not Richard Ramirez – the (IRL) Night Stalker?
Did you know that Richard Ramirez, F. Murray Abraham, and Robert Francis O’Roarke all went to the same high school?
Thank goodness I only like one of them!
FMA can do comedy very well. Plus he has…interesting initials.
No matter. Makes me think of this
If they manage to keep us from (or punish us for) congregating as Glibs, it’s over.
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
So Say We All!
Yusef Adama
We probably won’t have it for long at least not in the free for all way we did. Don’t know enough about the tech side, but I do know enough about the “Govt needs to do something!” side. I fear it’s going to take blood being spilled just like it has for almost every other clawing of freedom took.
I’m afraid individual liberty is not the natural state of humanity.
I don’t mind the battle. It’s what it is.
And Christianity was only 2000 years ago and is the only evidence I’ve seen of a major religion taking about freedom. (The verse above is one of many.)
And yet it’s always a goal, not an attainment.
Amen! ? ??
Right there with you. I don’t really have much to lose, which makes me particularly dangerous.
The entire premise of Mel’s Lethal Weapon character
I’m out, some Angles made it possible to run to Cali and back, see you soon!
Safe travels!
I’m jealous of your Husband, and he would be jealous of me, you gorgeous Woman,
for realsies
I liked the first answer! Your next avatar should be holding up an OK sign.
But that’s white supremacist!!!
*readies salad bowl for hair cut*
/cool guy!
Safe travels.
G’night all.
Night, DBL. Tide out.
‘Night, dbl!
Buh-bye! Til next time you come to San Diego!
Night Dbl. You are a quality guy.
Good night!
I stepped away to help the youngest put away his train set and everybody slipped out the back.
I’m here witcha
Out of, or into?
Don’t be judging! It’s Night Shift!!
Judging? Moi? Not in my DNA.
Besides, I’m Buddhist. We don’t play that.
And, while I like Paul, I’m not linking to “50 Ways”, Jack.
Hey, nice article yesterday. Was tying one on and missed it.
Thanks Straff. I finally found a reason to get it all down in ASCII. Surprising how many details are still fresh after all those years.
What straff said. I am in awe of the adventurousness of my fellow travelers here.
And, a little jealous.
Funny, that. I can remember certain days from my younger life minute by minute but if someone asked for details about what I did three months ago I’d be stumped.
“Stumped”, eh?
OK, gotta head out and take my boys to dinner. See y’all on the flip-flop.
Suppose I should throw some food down the family’s throat, too. See you at am links. Thx, Digs. Late night at glibs helps pass Sunday laundry day.
Do you have to wash one tea-towel at a time? I can see how that would be a bother.
Thank ya, Straff! Good eatin’!
Bye Tex and thanks for all the fish, I mean articles! Cool beans.
I don’t know how many of you are still here, but, I think y’all are pretty damned awesome. I’m hoping we helped out a fellow glib, and have had some fun to boot.
Sir Digby’s humble-brag
Humble? Moi?
Dude, all of your efforts have been worth it just to get Yusef on his way. That’s fucking awesome!
it wasn’t mine! I mean, I just wanted to help–this was a group effort!
Vibes work, Man! Like I can sit here sending vibes out and something good happens! You can’t argue with the science, Man…
Well, he needs to get back safe to us, so that’s my current concern. But, thank you, nonetheless.
Well I have to Join the Daywalkers in a few hours, so I bid you night stalwarts goodnight!
Bye, Hayek! Tuck the girls in and give them best wishes from Festus.
Hmmm…now I want to watch Peep Show….
Oh–did I write that out loud?
Submitted without further comment:
I owned two Jettas. The first one I killed on some black ice and the second I gave away when I bought the Tacoma. Solid little cars, they were. Good on their feet and quite peppy with the five-speed. Thank heaven for highway barriers or I’d be dead as fuck. Imagine twirling down the highway at 75 miles per hour and coming to rest against the concrete just before a 300 foot drop. I still mourn for that little car.
Ho-lee-shit, Festus! Yeah, thank heaven for that!
Yep. Butthole clenching time. I hit the barrier just hard enough to fuck the radiator, so I managed to limp it to some random person’s place on the highway, called a wrecker and rode with him back into town. Did I mention that it was -30C, because it was that cold. I had to get a hotel room and Wifey drove down 250 miles to rescue me. That’s not even close to the worst trip I’ve ever undertaken.
I… scared, yet, intrigued.
Oddly enough, I cracked the radiator on my Tacoma, back in ’98, when I uhhh…rear-ended someone. It was repo’d in ’01, so joke’s on them!
I promise, I’m somewhat more responsible than that now.
The three day long fishing trip wherein we forgot the food cooler and subsisted on cocaine, weed, cigarettes, beer and trout?
Cocaine and Trout–Greatest British pub evar!
Not nearly as fun as it sounds on paper. Fishing for sustenance gets old right quick.
We ordered in Chinese from our regular place and the won-ton contained exactly one prawn. Never again!
Yeah, that is probably a hanging offense.
At least get them in front of a tribunal.
This is the “good” place, not the “cheap” place. So disappoint!
Quality lowers over time, it seems.
Restaurants and comment sections alike.
Are you sick-burning me??
Man, you run hot and cold…..
Heaven Forfend! Festus don’t roll that way. When I was a teenager my nick-name was “Mister Mellow”. I’m never mean for its own sake.
Well…..if I’m not providing quality commenting, there’s a separate “sake”….or, something like that.
Now watching the Peep show episode that reminds me most Of Tulip: canal boating!
Let me put it this way. I value the people here and unless someone takes my clumsy attempts at humor the wrong way, I’ll never mean to speak ill of any of you.
That is NOT how you shitlord!
It’s how I shitlord.
Festus is THE sweetest shirtlord! Gotta hit the hay. Double-shift Sunday awaits. Good night, Sir Digby and all the rest of you lurkers.
‘Night! Get rested.
She’s cute and she’s right
Two excellent qualities to have
I’m up for a North Tejas meetup. I’m on the FTW side.