Not photographed: a Nebraska defender within 10 yards of the play
Damn you, Mack Brown. Kick the extra point. KICK THE FUCKING EXTRA POINT AND TAKE YOUR CHANCES IN OVERTIME!!!!! Elsewhere, Bama cruised, TTUN won their rivalry game, Minnesoooooda has rowed to boat to 4-0 (but both them and Michigan State stay behind aTm in the polls after they powered themselves to a close win over juggernaut Arkansas), USC (West) continues to disappoint, and Ohio State curb-stomped the shit out of Nebraska. And that was just on Saturday! On Sunday, the Browns actually looked good, the Patriots continue to get every break in the world, the Chefs escaped Detroit, and the Saints-Cowboys played an entertaining game.
The MLB Playoffs are set, with the NL Wild Card game coming tomorrow and the AL version on Wednesday. My predictions: the Brewers and Athletics will win. Once that happens or doesn’t, I’ll lay out my divisional picks. Not that anybody cares.

Why the long face, Eric? Its your birthday!
Underrated actor Eric Stoltz was born on this day. He shares it with such luminaries as: band leader Buddy Rich, flamboyant writer Truman Capote, brilliant author Elie Wiesel, annoying actress Fran Drescher, and a person who allegedly makes music named Trey Anastasio.
That’s it. That’s the whole list today. And it sucked. Step up your game, September 30th. And start with what we hope is an enjoyable installment of…the links!

Fuck you, MTA! I’ll smile at whoever I want!
You like the First Amendment? Well that’s a shame if you live in New York City. Seriously, they can go eat a bag of dicks. Not one dick. Not two dicks. But an entire plastic, single-use 55 gallon trash bag filed to overflowing with dicks. And then they can eat some more.
Looks like this impeachment circus train is heading further down the tracks. And Trump isn’t slowing it down when he retweets things like this. But in all honesty, he might be right. This could unravel the whole deal.
This guy appears to have handled just about everything right. Which is probably why he’s being charged. The only mistake he made was in not just having his wife call 911 right after they got off the phone with their lawyer. Interesting to see how this plays out.
“Uh, yeah. This should have been expected,” said every single person in the world who has a basic understanding of economics.
Maybe you should have grown up and taken some marketing classes, huh? I’d also considered saying “Nothing lasts forever”.

Which one is a nuisance?
And here is a follow-up to my link from the other day about people putting boulders on San Francisco streets to deter “urban campers”. Bless her heart.
I’m finally switching genres for those of you who (wrongfully) hate the 80’s new wave/punk/pop stuff. But I reserve the right to go back to the well if I get a bunch of shit about it. Also, the keyboards in this are amazing.
the Saints-Cowboys played an entertaining game.
I got sick of the penalties and turned it off.
It’s every single game. The zebras suck. The NFL sucks.
You should have seen the Giants-Redskins game. The crew has the distinction of throwing the most flags of any NFL crew this year, and they lived up to it. And at least half the time on the replays even the announcers couldn’t see an actual penalty as called. As I Giants fan I was even getting pissed when they flagged the Redskins, and was yelling “Jesus Christ, just let them play already!”. It was awful.
It was the perfect storm, because the ‘Skins draw penalties like they’re going out of style AND those refs LOVE to throw a flag. Add to that the Redskins being a dumpster fire this season.
Why kick the extra point? You’re playing the Number One team in the country at the time. You go for glory. Why fuck around? Go for the Win
I’m of the firm belief that you extend the game. UNC has a reliable kicker from 40 yards in and Clemson struggled to move the ball all game.
But if you’re hellbent on going for it, don’t run the option when you aren’t an option team.
I didn’t like the play they ran, either. And I lean towards what you’re saying. If it’s a play-in or playoff game I get extending. But it’s Mack Brown. Being in that position to win against Clemson, I can fully understand why he went for it.
Decision to go was great. Play call sucked.
Yeah. They had made the point by even being in the position. Clemson should be way lower than #2 after that fiasco. But since they still got the W journos forgive all.
Oh, they paid.
Clumsun figures in my latest Overrated writeup which I shipped off to SP last night: it might merit an 11pm posting sometime.
I mean, Sure. Us level headed glibs may have made them pay. But one of the sports writers i read litterally said he was moving them from 1a to 1b. So in his mind they are still tied for the Best with Alabama. I’m not saying that they should be unranked, but they don’t care.
You know, in Week 1 I could see an argument that they’re on par with or even slightly better than Alabama, but as the season progresses it starts to look increasingly like Clemson either suffers from a massive hangover or they had a lucky season last year.
Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger condemned President Donald Trump on Sunday for quoting Pastor Robert Jeffress’ warning that impeachment might cause a “Civil War-like” fracture in the U.S.
“If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.’ Pastor Robert Jeffress,@FoxNews,” the president wrote on Sunday evening in a series of tweets.
Just go quietly, Trump, so the country can heal.
It’s really not too far off. When one party says to the other, in effect, you will not be allowed to win an election, What do they expect?
If you’re innocent, or if you believe you’re innocent, you defend yourself. If that means saying something like this, then so be it.
Also, if he is innocent and they railroad him out of the WH because they refuse to accept they lost 2016, then we can just write off ever having an orderly transition of power ever again. And if that happens, a cold civil war would be likely (since they won’t ever let a state peacefully secede).
^ This, in a nut-shell. They don’t seem to care about consequences anymore, just a naked grab for power. If the Skeksi kicks off before the next election things are gonna get really ugly.
Actually, I think it is something even more horrendous in nature than a naked powergrab: They are sending a message to everyone that they will not tolerate anything but one of their own in power, and thus, that their agenda is ruling the day. In the past they were willing to be incrementalists while pretending to actually not by the tyrannical fucks they really are. That sham act of pretending seems to no longer be part of the game, either because they thought they were so close and are seeing it all go up in smoke, or simply because they feel they have come far enough to no longer have to worry about what the unwashed masses want. What? Do you really think they care what the serfs want?
Normally I’d say reel that conspiracy/mind reading stuff in, but the mask is off. I got nothing. Just staring at blind powerlust and not liking one bit.
The about-face has been quite illuminating, to be sure.
All these things. Plus I think after Trump gets re-elected, we’ll actually see some criminal prosecutions for deep state shenanigans. And the Democrats/deep staters know it & fear it.
Oh, I am sure the desperation comes from the fact they know so much illegal shit went down that someone will have to pay. The credentialed elite class however feels they should not only remain above such idiotic things as accountability, but should never be bound by laws they see are there for the unwashed masses and not them. They, after all, know better (courtesy of their marxist indoctrination), and more importantly, mean well (even when what they do really benefits them and always at the expense of others).
The NFL sucks.
This, on chromium stilts.
The NFL is listed as an entertainment business, not a sport. There was that lawsuit from a Jets single season ticket holder against the League over the Patriots and Deflate-gate saying it’s fixed. In the court case one of the things that came out was that a ticket only entitles you to admittance to the event. It doesn’t entitle you to a non-fixed completely neutral sport, it just promises you a seat to whatever the NFL puts on the field.
Look at the Patriots after 9/11, they became America’s Team. The Saints win after Katrina. Peyton Manning wins the SB on his way out, so does Bettis. The West Coast LA Rams go against the East Coast Pats for the SB.
I warned everyone how insufferable the Saint’s fans would be if they won that game and was proven right. You know who were the worst actors? White Libs that don’t give a shit about sports.
Same goes for baseball. When Barry Bonds was juiced up (allegedly?) and everyone was in an uproar all I ever said was “it’s entertainment. Who cares?” Then everyone belittled me and I became a libertarian. The end.
I went the the other direction.
‘That is a pet peeve for me. The best quest lines in Skyrim are the Dark Brotherhood and Thieve’s Guild. And the Thieve’s Guild you don’t even have an option to fight against, even though Mjoll walks around dropping invitations to fight them, there is no way to do so.
Meh. I don’t give a shit about PEDs. A TRUE LIBERTARIAN!!111!!!11! wouldn’t care what the players ingested.
*Hands Slammer some tinfoil*
Meh, the WNBA was pretty overt about it divvying up the star players between LA and NYC. Then Houston had to go and fuck it all up with the Cynthia Cooper dynasty.
What is a WNBA?
The bravest, most enlightened league of sports in the… a misogynistic league that underpays… something that seems to attract Subarus to parking lots.
Worse NBA.
Women with No Balls Association.
But in all honesty, he might be right. This could unravel the whole deal.
Imagine you’re a die hard Trumpster and you’ve seen all the shit other politicians have gotten away with over the years. Now you see your guy going down for innuendo. Yeah, this would turn into a total shitshow.
It’s Trump is going down for corruption then the whole shitshow should go down with him.
Bank bailouts, Iraq, Libya, drone strikes around the world etc. and we finally get a president impeached for this? You just gotta laugh.
Clinton wasn’t impeached for the hummer, he was impeached for lying about it. Still stupid, still ridiculous.
At least perjury is an actual crime.
Yeah, I was talking post Clinton. Shows what politicians prioritize and sure isn’t human life.
On the plus side, Trump may decide to burn it down if he goes. Imagine a mass release of papers incriminating everybody.
Probably not, but I can dream anyway.
Dump the papers out of the window of the Trump helicopter as he flies away. I’d end the movie that way.
Instead of a double peace sign he could give them “The Winston” as he boards Marine One. A nice little under the chin “fangu” would be nice.
Many on the left are pushing for war as much as the right.
Trump is going to Minneapolis for a rally, and their Mayor says, “Under ordinary circumstances, it would be an honor to welcome a sitting President of the United States to Minneapolis and to showcase all our city has to offer on the national stage. But these aren’t ordinary circumstances. Since taking office President Trump’s actions have been reprehensible and his rhetoric has made it clear that he does not value the perspectives or rights of Minneapolis’ diverse communities.
On October 10, our entire city will stand not behind the President, but behind the communities and people who continue to make our city – and this country – great. While there is no legal mechanism to prevent the president from visiting, his message of hatred will never be welcome in Minneapolis.”
He’s encouraging a complete shitshow in his City, maybe hopefully with violence
Since taking office President Trump’s actions have been reprehensible and his rhetoric has made it clear that he does not value the perspectives or rights of Minneapolis’ diverse communities.
Citations needed.
That he had the gall to win an election everyone said he was going to lose handily, and then, of all things, actually went against the machine and didn’t just fold when they decided to run a silent coup in order to hide the criminal activities of the Obama administration’s weaponized government, makes him deserving of this. What greater crimes could there be?
“his message of hatred will never be welcome in Minneapolis.”
Sigh. They really think he’s Hitler.
Nah, even worse, they don’t.
If I am near a casino anytime soon I‘m betting on Trump’s reelection.
his message of hatred
He’s encouraging a complete shitshow in his City
Profa will be happy to oblige.
Well, the mayor is a total cunte and most everyone outside of the Minneapolis city limits knows it. It will be fun when the rally attendees outnumber the residents.
Fuck you, Frey, you effeminate little douche. My favorite city is rapidly become a blue shithole and you double down.
You asked for this, Minneapolis. Wait until the shit spreads to your fashionable and oh-so-woke North Loop neighborhood. Gee, too bad you don’t believe in self defense, because you’re gonna need it.
The whole thing is clearly an attempt to further cover up the blatant ubiquitous corruption that was the Obama Administration. Biden gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, so let’s impeach Trump.
Obama’s really was trying to turn DC into Chicago
Well, son of a bitch
I don’t think there is any question that removing Trump would trigger a civil war.
Think about it, actually removing him requires 18 of 53 Republicans in the Senate to vote to impeach, if that happens that tells the Republican base that they can no longer trust their own party to protect their interests or honor their oaths to the Constitution.
If you are a Right wing gun owner who is already bordering on the fringes of the Sovereign Citizen/militia movements that is going to be the last straw to push you over the edge
Appears to me half the population sees the President as illegitimate no matter the outcome and factions of both sides have justified violence as a remedy.
that tells the Republican base that they can no longer trust their own party to protect their interests or honor their oaths to the Constitution.
Anyone who is not an idiot already knows this. Fuck all of them; cut spending!
If not liking Boy George is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.
Yeah…wait… : Runs through again:. Huh?
Do you really want to make me cry?
Do you really want to hurt me?
No, but wake me up before you go go.
$15-minimum wage hike is hitting, hurting NYC restaurants
Just pay your staff more so they can eat at your restaurant. You can name it “Ouroburoughs”.
Would you like some bread with your meal? Get in that line over there…
^^^ Straff makes a legit funny!
This is why Straffin is the most underrated poster here. 😛
So, it’s a snake eating its tail and shooting its wife in the head?
I would also like to say that Utah stomped Washington State a lot more than anyone expected.
Oh yeah. I forgot about the “PAC After Dark” game that ended at 5 am on the east coast. Could have mentioned Cal losing to ASU too.
Will that league ever get their shit together and realize they’re killing their brand by having half their games on after the east coast has gone to bed?
Yeah… It’s even late for her. Game ended at midnight.
Who’s she?
No, they’re killing their brand by fucking over their actual fans in pursuit of the east coast media money. Thankfully the stupid ass crack of dawn kickoff idea was killed (for now).
Scott is an idiot and should have been fired years ago. The east coast can go fuck themselves as well. They will never be Pac12 fans no matter how much Scott thinks they will be.
It’s been all downhill since the Pacific 8.
Leon has a sad…
Honestly though, i’m glad the Utes made it into the PAC12. In the Mountain West Conference had become Big Fish in a Little Pond thing. Sure they don’t win all the time like they used to, but the games are better.
It’s “barbaric” to block tent cities on your sidewalks? Pissing, crapping and strewing needles about in front of their homes and businesses is what? Civilized?
Next, you’ll tell me that not liking new wave is “wrongful.”
If you opened your eyes you’d see that capitalism is barbarism.
I love how she says the bouders “intercept” the pedestrians. Uh, nope; they just sit there. Intercept is an action.
She probably was stoned too often during the days of the pet rocks and thinks they are really living entities?
“Too stoned?” Bit early for a pun war, idn’t? Sorry, didn’t mean to rock the boat.
Papa was a rollin’ stone..
“Bit early for a pun war, idn’t?”
We’re getting bolder.
This thread is really starting to ungravel.
We used to have a problem with the indigent setting up shop at one of my locations. After they met me and my “resting murder face” we don’t have that problem any longer. They steer clear of the Tacoma, too.
“That’s money they could (have) used to help people,” she wrote of the money raised for the boulders.
The city of SF spends about $40,000 per year on each homeless person
They spend $39k per year per homeless person on administrative costs.
Gotta keep those useless bureaucrats employed.
The Canadian taxpayer pours one million dollars a day into a 20 block section of Vancouver’s worst neighborhood. Ponder that on the tree of Whoa…
Woe to those who misspell the Tree of Woe…
Intentional misspell, Crackerjack. I’ve been doing that for months.
I thought those grew in Keanu Reeve’s orchard.
It’s a little known fact, Normie, that Keanu Reeves was originally cast to play Thulsa Doom, but was fired because every time he tried to say Tree of Woe it came out as the Tree of Whoa, and everyone else on set was convulsing with laughter at every attempt.
I kind of like it both ways.
(have at it, friends.)
Pivot man on the rotisserie?
How many of those homeless persons has that woman invited into her home?
She’s the quintessential San Francisco millennial artist who specializes in ironic.
There was problematic glasses. Why must it be the problematic glasses every single fucking time?
People should start listing her shit on Craigslist.
They care and help (with other people’s money and time)!
I wanted video of her trying to lift boulders.
She has plenty of serfs she can order to do that work for her…
In her over the shoulder holder, or just swinging free?
I don’t know, but it’s probably equal to the number of modern conveniences she has sacrificed in order to fight climate change.
Mornin’ Sloop! I’m kinda over The Doors but that model is exquisite (and I’m not even a blonde-type guy).
I’m going to the roadhouse (the Troubador) on Friday. They played there a lot back when.
Nannybot says, “EQUALIZE!”
The average CEO of an S&P 500 company made 287 times more than their median employee last year, and Sen. Bernie Sanders wants to force them to change that — or pay for it.
Sanders’s presidential campaign unveiled its latest proposal to curb inequality in the United States Monday: An “Income Inequality Tax” on companies with massive pay disparities between the executive suite and the median worker.
The plan calls for increasing the corporate tax rate by half a percent on companies that pay their chief executives 50 times more than their median employee, and progressively hike up the corporate rate the bigger the inequality. The current corporate tax rate is 21 percent — the result of President Donald Trump’s corporate tax cut.
Under Sanders’s proposal, if a CEO makes more than 100 times the median employee, their corporate tax rate increases 1 percent, to 22 percent; more than 200 percent the median employee, the company pays an additional 2 percent on the corporate tax rate, and so on, up to a 5 percent increase to the corporate tax rate for companies that pay their CEOs more than 500 times the median employee.
“It’s a sin tax,” said Sarah Anderson, with the progressive think tank Institute for Policy Studies, who worked with Sanders’ team on the plan. “You are hoping to reduce harmful behavior. We see these gaps as harmful to society at large…but we think that it’s likely that some companies are so wedded to this idea that they have to pay their CEOs 100 times more than their workers —then they have to pay more in taxes.”
Sure, Toots. Incentives matter. But only when and how it suits your ultimate goal.
Anyone that makes more money than me is a capitalist pig and needs to face the guillotine!
/Camarade Sanders
How much more did the average commie Senator make if you count in kickbacks, bribes, and phony book deals?
Senators shouldn’t make more than 50% their median constituents income.
Wait, they are so stupid that they think a rule like that is going to impact anything?
Hmm, the CEO pay can’t exceed 100x the lowest paid employee?
Ok, everyone who makes under (current CEO PAY)/100 is now a contractor
I was thinking more along the lines of “everyone who makes under (current CEO PAY)/100 is now living in India”.
You mean, you won’t be allowed to have that 70K yr Job because companies just won’t hire for it anymore? You mean to say that by taking away the option for anyone to work at the job that they have chosen to work at currently would hurt people, not help?
Being a contractor is now illegal in CA. Bye, bye Uber.
She’s the quintessential San Francisco millennial artist who specializes in ironic.
How too, too utterly.
Finished listening to a Part of the problem podcast where that discuss a claim that anarco-capitalists are not real anarchists. There’s something silly to me about an anarchist trying to be the gate keeper of who gets to call themselves what. Anyway the guys arguments they took on didn’t seem that convincing, and in fact made me go the opposite direction. If anarcho-leftists think they can keep people from setting up a voluntary capitalist/property holding societies, then they would have to use aggressive force. You know the Hallmark of states.
Anarcho-communists tend to be the dumbest of the dumb.
I used to be of the opinion that any anarchist group/ideology would be compatible in a anarcho-capitalist world (go with me here), because they would be opposed to violence. But after listening to this guy, it’s clear that they don’t give two shots about using violence. It might still be possible, but I thought the NAP was more universal among anarchists.
Nope, they don’t. Which is why they always end up with an iron-fisted leader.
That is only temporary, Comrade! Really. We are one five-year plan away from a true dictatorship of the proletariat.
You’re free because you don’t own property. Oh, you can keep your toothbrush, but anything that would add a benefit to society must be subject to a vote. It’s ridiculous.
I thought the NAP was more universal among anarchists.
Nope. You have to have violence to get through all the stages before the State withers away and yields true communism.
It’s not just that but their biggest argument against Anarcho-Capitalism (in my view) is that you need a state to enforce property rights (i disagree, but you can have that discussion). But this guy’s argument was that without a state you wouldn’t be able to protect your property against the violence of workers.
He clearly thinks that workers have a hatred of their employers. I mean i’ve worked for some bad companies, but you know what… I left. And i didn’t think “I need to take over this company”. I was Glad to get a paycheck while it went down the tubes.
It’s not just that but their biggest argument against Anarcho-Capitalism (in my view) is that you need a state to enforce property rights (i disagree, but you can have that discussion).
While I’d say you need a state to enforce property rights consistently/fairly (in theory, if not always in practice), the idea that it is necessary to enforce such rights at all speaks of a great ignorance of both history and human nature. There have been countless instances of extra-state actors enforcing their own property rights throughout the ages (from ancient nomadic patriarchs down to modern drug lords), and most people are instinctively possessive (“mine” is one of the early words kids learn, after all). Preventing people from taking possession of something and creating property is what requires a state.
Me too Leon.
Logically it should be a happy coalition of red+gold+black, but in reality we’d be the first to the gulags if the commies ever took the reins of power.
Eric Stoltz – would, even though I keep telling myself to lay off the gingers.
Didn’t even know that was Eric Stoltz. Assumed it was Sara Jessica Parker.
*narrows gaze*
Big nose?
“Why the long faces?”
John Elway.
Federally, Reps. Mark DeSaulnier (D-CA) and Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ) introduced a bill proposing national CEO-to-worker pay ratio tax on publicly held companies in 2016. It has the backing of former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, as well as several leading economists on income inequality, like Thomas Piketty.
That’s it, then. If those two intellectual powerhouses like it, I’m convinced.
And which article of the constitution allows the federal government to impose such a tax? Other than the FYTW clause, that is.
When do shareholders get a say?
Oh that’s right, they don’t matter anymore.
“well as several leading economists on income inequality, like Thomas Piketty.”
Pickettys whole thesis is that the return to capital grows faster than general economic growth.
Larry Summers pointed out that when you factor in replacement costs (something Picketty didn’t do) you never see a return to capital grater than the general economic growth.
Finally I love the way they stake out their position as a field of learning.it let’s them call anyone who agrees with them an expert.
It’s like saying “black community leaders”. It has no real criteria, so it’s just a stand-in for “people who agree with me”.
capital grater
Euphemism for wood chipper?
No one should make more than 10 times minimum wage. I propose a minimum wage of 25 dollars an hour and a 100% income tak above 500,000 dollars.
So Trudi just promised another 27 Billion dollars of our own money for students, Natives, parents and vows to crack down on internet “Hate speech” by taxing and regulating the big tech firms. We are Euro 2.0 at this point. If he doesn’t lose we are done.
That’s a thousand dollars per person
That’s 300 Billion real currency if Trump promised something that stupid. He plans to spend us into prosperity until everyone is equal. I’m getting fitted for my grey pajamas as we speak. Fuck, I loathe that guy…
Good thing it’s only Canadian money.
You don’t get that when he gets embarrassed for being a racist, you have to pay the reparations?
You’ll have to die to pay for Zoolander’s sins.
what a cheap fuck. He should pledge thrice that. Just raise income takes a bit as well.
Luckily they can easily afford it. In fact, they can’t afford not to spend the money.
The Brits get it. Hate speaker jailed for 21 months.
Check out the 1 and only comment. And then the vote ratio.
HoLeeFook that country is done.
If he wore redface he would’ve been drummed out by now.
You don’t have enough black people in Canada.
I don’t think Trudeau has the capacity for shame, so redface is out.
I work part time at a large convention hall. This week we have the Grace Hopper women in computing conference. FB, Google, Apple, etc all have booths. And the men’s restroom turned into this when no one was looking.
Did they do the same for the women’s restroom?
No they wisely left that alone. Also, inside the men’s room, pipe-and-drape was put up blocking the wall of urinals.
But what about women who pee standing up?
Are they more important than dudes that need to sit down to pee cause otherwise it ends up running down their leg?
At first I thought the drapes were to prevent the urinals from being used at all. But I suspect they’re to allow non-binary whatevers to use them without being seen with their skirt hiked up over their shoulders.
LOL, of course.
It’s like the Wizard Of Oz.
Why is it so important for people to take a shit with people who don’t want to take a shit with them?
If some lady wants to drop a bomb in the stall next to me, no problem. Some defensive tackle in a dress wants to go into a closed room with my daughter? No. Just make all bathrooms individual stalls with individual doors. It’s a waste of time, but it’s better than these “inclusive” restrooms.
The women’s room didn’t change.
I don’t see why that matters. Is that going to stop anyone who wants from going into any restroom?
The women’s room is the nasty room as has been mentioned on these boards. I’m a professional, you can trust me. *thousand yard stare*
That is the real reason why they want to get into the men’s room.
Been there man. I know things… I have seen things….
Of course they then say : you think all trans people are rapists. Which isn’t what you said at all.
I don’t want anyone around when I pinch a loaf. It must harken back to the savanna when we were basically having to shit on the run so that we didn’t get eaten by something that was stalking us.
Meh we had all gender restrooms in high-school as in the girls used to smoke on a stairway near in the boys bathroom and just used that if needed. Outside of not fucking in a stall, nothing bad happened.
Y’all didn’t learn to shitlord properly. Stupid Communism!
Example of some lefty pandering in one of the booths.
Move. Not even kidding.
Where do you recommend, an island off Cathay? Sadly, my best option right now is a full time gig they’re offering me here.
Not have any problems with that here. Yet. Can you guys do another embargo?
I think I would make a good ex-pat, since I love languages and enjoy being an outsider. But I can’t leave my ex’s vicinity until my 13 year old grows up.
Maybe you could @ Trump some anti-Japan stuff on Twitter and get him to close down the pipeline.
Which has fuck all to do with competence in programming.
It does occur to me that if you’re a man in computing with poor career prospects, putting on a dress and lipstick will get you an interview with the big dogs.
The thing is that there are plenty of firms willing to hire incompetent programmers. And from my experience, getting in with a “big dog” at a low level, just sucks.
It pops up on the bulletin board at work. It is relentless.
So woke, much brave.
That guy/gal in the wheelchair really HAS TO GO.
New York will slap haters with a $250K fine for calling someone an ‘illegal alien’ and threatening to report them to ICE out of hatefulness
That’s literally the legal term the federal government uses. But I await the lawsuit on 1A grounds.
Why do you hate the valid visa challenged?
I hope the NYC tax payers get hit good and hard by this stupidity.
And while an individual would have trouble getting standing, I can see a Trump DOJ taking an interest in this. States can’t decide to not be sued by the feds.
Does the city not have lawyers consulting that tell them this is illegal? Or are they making this a gate crime proviso? I mean hate crimes are still against the first amendment.
I don’t think they care – what’s the point of constitutionality when you’re signalling your impeccable virtue?
I don’t understand how unelected “commissions” get to make laws.
All together now: Because Fuck You, That’s Why!”
Because you live in a progocracy?
“A person who uses the term ‘illegal alien,’ is facing a fine of up to $250,000 in New York, which adopted a new law designed to protect both immigrants and non-immigrants from hate speech”
WTF!! when did we become the UK? This is insane. It is cleverly worded so anyone finding offence to the law can be painted as a racist. I hope there are a few 1st amendment loving people willing to take one on the chin for this so it can be sent to the supreme court. This is what the ACLU claims to be all about, but it’s been a joke for so long.
No one needs a knife with a point. It was only useful when there were no forks. No all knives should have rounded tips.
Can’t debone meat without a point? No worries, we’re banning meat next!
Yes, a blunt tip filet knife will be awesome! Maybe I’ll just rip the trout open with my teeth…
“If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.’ Pastor Robert Jeffress,@FoxNews,” the president wrote on Sunday evening in a series of tweets.
That’s some mighty fine ramped up rhetoric, Don.
What the heck NYC? Plus this nugget:
They’re going to mandate retrofitting buildings because they claim they account for 70% of emissions? How are these people not laughed out of a room?
If I were Mayor? I’d arrest these people for their fanatical gibberish.
I await to hear about the national emergency I’ll be forced to pay for when thousands of New Yorkers drop dead in the winter from the inability to keep their homes warm.
“Chief Climate Policy Advisor”
I knew we shouldn’t have let those Dago wops in.
Well, I’m sure the activity that goes on inside of buildings does account for ~70% of energy usage, the other 30% being transportation.
Oh, they’re working on that “activity” problem – have no fear.
Plus I think after Trump gets re-elected, we’ll actually see some criminal prosecutions for deep state shenanigans. And the Democrats/deep staters know it & fear it.
Could this be why I’m seeing stories about Atty Genl Barr “going rogue”?
“Whaddaya mean, we don’t get professional courtesy anymore?”
Remember the freak out when bannon lost his clearance?
They are scared to death that they can’t run the clock out on the call for justice to apply to their criminal activities.
Oh, they’re gonna out run it.
People don’t care anymore. They just don’t.
Hence Canada. We just go on about our day, safe in the routine. Trudi really stepped on his dick this time and nothing will come of it. Fuck it. I’ve probably got twenty or thirty years left and I wasted all the good ones. Cat food and shivering in the cold, here I come!
Mean while, in Chinese corruption news…
The ultimate aim of socialism is as simple as it is beautiful: the freeing of all people from domination, replacing stunted dreams and alienation with human flourishing and boundless creativity.
Sure it is. That is why people in socialist countries always flourish.
They made good fertilizer in Cambodia, where Pol Pot managed to off 1/3 of the country’s 6 million residents in a record time period. The other 120 million bodies tallied by such austere people as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, the Kims, The Castros, and so on, also went a long way to helping rid Gaia of the parasitic human infestation…..
By % of the population, I’m sure Pol Pot was the most killy.
That’s why they always flee from it.
Socialist: I’m escaping my beloved socialism to show how free it is!
Needs more Iron curtains!
I see you’ve met my ex-Wife.
Oh… So you’re free market capitalists?
Curious how it always results in tyranny, misery, and mass death.
There’s something very important going on in that claim.
Specifically, it is a claim that amounts to “the end result will be good” without ever describing the means by which the end result is achieved.
We err badly when we fail to engage on this point. We must keep harping on means, and their lack of mechanisms, let alone workable mechanisms.
We do this not by arguing against their end state on a means basis. Instead we must compare actual end results, grab their standard “but that’s not real socialism *because it didn’t achieve the ends that ‘define’ socialism*” by the throat and and drag them into the mechanisms argument.
We all want [or claim to want] all people free of domination, flourishing and creative. Don’t let them evade means when they want to argue about ends.
I get that, but the means argument suffers from it too. “Well stalin wasn’t implementing real Communisim, so of course his means were wrong”. I also balk at just ignoring the fact that what they claim is the end is not what their end is. Their end is the seizure and the State or Common ownership of the means of production. That means Factory Equipment, Tools, and that’s right Labor. It has nothing to do with “creativity” and everything to do with slavery.
Absolutely. Pin them down on means and demolish them. Do not allow the goalposts to shift to some ‘but if we did that everyone would have a pony” fantasy by relentlessly questioning “so how would that work? What would *you* be doing? How would this end be accomplished?”
I think a big part of the problem is that we understand means/ends, they don’t. They have no conception of trade-offs, of limits, nor of change overtime. Those are major weaknesses we need to relentlessly hammer.
What are you talking about? They don’t give half of a fuck about any of that. True believers are impossible to engage and the cynics driving socialism don’t care to engage wi the the likes of us. In the end there is only one way this will be resolved. You know it, I know it and they know it.
The events of 1989 are usually remembered as an unprecedented extension of the “free market” to formerly socialist countries. But as the history of 1970s Hungary shows, neoliberal restructuring had spread East long before the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Loool. I smell this is some sort of attempt to say communism did not fail until it was corrupted by neoliberalism.
It is always those damned wreckers, the wrong people in charge and an unwillingness to hit it hard enough. If only someone would try real socialism it would work.
What’s wrong with stealing everything and diving into your personal Scrooge McMoa money bin?
I don’t know if you just meant to do that, but I am now imagining Scrooge McDuck as a Moa.
I smell this is some sort of attempt to say communism did not fail until it was corrupted by neoliberalism
The fact that even the most brutal regimes weren’t able to keep people from moving towards markets speaks ill for Communism.
Why do these people never refer to the wondrous success of Moldova, they stayed commie and look how well that worked compare to all you ingrates who abandoned socialism.
Police say he said he fired again “into the night” in the direction of the park then went back to bed.
That’s a no-no.
Though if he’s smart he didn’t fess up to that. I was called in for jury selection on a similar case but the guy told the cops everything. He thought he was ok cause the criminal’s had been the other guys. But he told them he shot at the getaway car as it sped off.
If he called his lawyer first, no way did he say that.
“I shot twice, I might have hit him once” is the official statement. Prove me wrong.
If he followed his lawyer’s advice. And assuming his “lawyer” is one.
Biden says it’s OK if you’re using a shotgun.
And only if it’s on your balcony (ya know, that balcony that every single person has. Democrats are soooo in touch with the working classes!)
“Forever 21, the California retailer that helped popularize fast fashion in the United States with its bustling stores and $5 tops, said on Sunday night that it would file for bankruptcy, a sign of the eroding power of shopping malls and the shifting tastes of young consumers.”
I don’t know. Isn’t it part of good management to move along with ‘shifting tastes’?
“My parents built an amazing brand,” she said. “When you think of fast fashion, there’s really only a handful of names that come top of mind for most people, and to be in that top list is a pretty amazing feat.”
I unbuilt it!
Inertia has killed more than a few businesses.
Everybody gets comfy and afraid of risking change.
Bootlegger would like a word.
Never invest in fashion. It’s fashion. It doesn’t last.
The ultimate aim of socialism is as simple as it is beautiful: the freeing of all people from domination, replacing stunted dreams and alienation with human flourishing and boundless creativity.
I’ll remember that, as I lie dying in a mass grave, waiting for the vanguard of the proletariat to push the dirt in on me.
Yeah, but you will be free once the dirt piles on.
Finally everyone will be equal.
The girl in the video is cute but she lacks that certain ‘je ne sais quoi’ certain women. And just to be clear, ‘lover her madly’ doesn’t mean ‘beautiful’. You can be ‘average’ looking and possess sex appeal that make you ‘love her madly’.
Bite your tongue, Muppet!
::Plants a big kiss on Rufus’s fuzzy little cheek::
Uh, I totally agree with Rufus!!
Well, you didn’t think of it first, but you may kiss my hand and join Rufus near the top of the “Nice” list, which is my watch list for future rewards. Festus is on the “Naughty” list until he mends his ways.
Something like this?
Exactly like that.
My ass cheek right?
Uh…no. Don’t push your luck. ; )
Ugh. Re-read my comment two hours later. I mangled it. Oh well.
/runs off like a muppet.
I knew what you meant, sweety.
They aren’t even trying to hide their anti-Trump ops any more.
Brennan Calls on Unlimited Number of Deep State Spies to Use New, Secretly Altered Whistleblower Complaint Form to ‘Report Trump’
Brennan has to be the biggest POS in the giant cesspool of DC.
Yeah. I reserve my deepest loathing for that guy. How does a former communist get hand-picked for head of the CIA? That’s Obama, all over again.
Former communists tend to be libertarian or right wing. If you leave communism and become a prog you never left communism, you just learned to lie about it.
How did he pass the security questionnaire?
They do ask if you’ve ever been a part of the communist party still.
That’s been replaced with “Hail
HydraHillary”Technically i don’t think he was a member of the communist party usa, i think he just voted for their candidate.
Don’t harsh the narrative Leon!!
If there was going to be one good use of Obama’s unconstitutional murder drones…
That skull faced communist voting sack of shit should be in prison.
Of course. He’s literally a dirty commie.
Enemies of the people.
Keep it simple.
A lot of journos are spouting off about “the rule of law” lately, yet oddly enough none of them are advocating trying John Brennan and James Clapper for perjury. Wonder why that is???
Dude. It’s been PROVEN Justin abused his power and undermined the rule of law in the SNC-Lavalin scandal and the response was ‘meh’ and ‘well, he was just trigs to save jobs!”
People are apathetic and astonishingly ignorant of what doing such a thing represents to the health of a democracy.
Now apparently Scheer is a bigot. This is their biggest concern in the retard camp.
*Conservatives now in Guy Caballero voice* “Big Mistake! Oh Biiiig Mistake!” Should have been Bernier. He’d wipe the windscreen with Trudi.
The second they nominated him I said it was dumb.
Bernier had all the charisma needed to take on Trudeau and was more known across the country. FFS, he’d even get some Quebec votes.
Very dumb move. Ironically, the Liberals nominating that little shit was a stroke of genius. Because they knew Canadians are that moronic and would be gullible enough to think Trudeau wouldn’t be so bad.
He’s bad. Real bad. I mean terrible bad. Bad terrible awful bad.
But alas. DEMOCRACY!
He’s your Obama. Blackface and all.
Once Trump has been turfed out of the White House, we can get back to business as usual:
“It’s not illegal when the government does it.”
Maybe New Yorkers should watch this brief talk by Hoppe about legislative madness:
Does it involve helicopters and council members?
No. But it involves German accents and…..tits!*
*You have to click to find out!
If it’s a German documentary about small birds I’m going to be very, very unhappy.
He’s surprisingly mild mannered for a Nazi sympathizer, isn’t he?
Is he now? Huh.
“It made sense at $8 an hour but not at $15.”
Funny what happens when you double the cost.
When they double the tolls into New York, I took the hint and stopped visiting.
I wonder if they voted for de Blasio.
Been in business 25 years? She looks barely 25.
You telling me they couldn’t find some illegal immigrants* to make tortillas for 8/hr?
*Is hauled away for thought crime*
Believing in the dominant ideology of your time does not automatically make you “reasonable” and “moderate”.
As it is, the small number of capitalists who control industry are going to destroy the planet so they can make more money.
This is an unreasonable, extreme ideology.
Any ideology which produces billionaires whose own workers are sleeping in their cars living paycheck to paycheck is an extremist ideology. We live in a time of extreme inequality, the centrist status quo are extremists
I’ve already hit my daily limit for retard today, thanks, not clicking that.
Something something Orwell etc.
One of the entertaining things to do with Existential Comics is to point out that every one of his critiques of capitalism is actually a critique of socialism or communism and absolutely not-applicable to free market economies.
I used to do that on his facebook posts, and it drove him into a fury. Talented guy, but utterly blinded by his passions.
“Accidentally leaked”
Graham, one of Trump’s staunchest allies, told reporters on Wednesday that Romney was the only senator to voice concerns about Trump’s conducts at a private lunch meeting of the Senate GOP Steering Committee.
And Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), another Trump ally, sought to portray Romney as a disgruntled outlier. “Mitt Romney doesn’t like the president and he’s going to say a lot of things I don’t agree with,” he said.
The White House in recent days has worked closely to coordinate its defense with allies on Capitol Hill.
A White House aide accidentally sent a copy of its talking point for Republican lawmakers to Democratic offices on Wednesday.
The document argued that Trump made no quid-pro-quo request to Zelensky and discussed Biden only after Zelensky initiated the conversation about corruption-related issues.
The talking points also shifted scrutiny to the whistleblower by arguing the “real scandal” was that Trump’s confidential conversation with a foreign leader was leaked to the press.
The nerve of those guys, co-ordinating their talking points in response to the Democrats’ talking points. It’s un-American.
“Mitt Romney doesn’t like the president and he’s going to say a lot of things I don’t agree with,”
I wonder if he felt the quickening when John McCain’s spirit possessed him.
I love how mitt Romney so quickly went from misogynistic rape-campy millioniare to respectable statesman in just a few short years.
The sad part is how much he likes it.
+1 great concession speech
It’s the thing every abused women tells herself – “the press only abuses me because they love me so much”
Dude. Trump went from accepted Hollywood celebrity, friend to Jesse Jackson and Democrat donor straight to Literal white supremacist Hitler Orange Man Bad.
That’s what kills me about the “whataboutism” bit, and it has since Obama. It’s not that two things done by two different people can’t both be bad, it’s that they didn’t care until it was someone from the wrong team doing it.
“Trump declared the press the enemy of the people on Twitter! That’s dangerous! He’s inciting violence against the press!”
“Obama actually had members of the press investigated by the DOJ, hacked a reporter’s laptop, spied on whistleblowers, and threatened specific reporters.”
The other thing is that I can’t actually trust the Democrats to put a stop to something if they sit by and do nothing while a member of their own team does it. For instance, if I want wars ended, why would I vote for a Democrat when I distinctly remember them being dead silent while their perfect goldenboy president was bombing the shit out of the Middle East?
So, a “whataboutism” is actually valuable information to have when making voting decisions.
It’s that strange new respect.
Sometimes gun crime solves itself. Apparently, he decided to smash in a car window with the butt of a shotgun – with his finger on the trigger and the barrel pointed at his chest, hilarity ensued.
This is what I call social justice…
Wow, Indiana really gets around.
That slut. /Illinois
And so Reece Ramsey-Johnson comes in first in 2019’s Upper Class Twit of the Year.
I think he may just have an upper class name. Is SE London an upper class area?
I honestly wouldn’t know, but on paper that whole thing reads like it’s from the Monty Python skit of the same name.
Darwin Award, tournament of champions winner here.
Popular heartburn drug Zantac pulled off market
McKibbin says the amount of NDMA found in Zantac is low, but it’s important to be cautious about the potential danger.
He says the substance is found in the environment and the amount of it detected in Zantac is similar to that found in bacon, and processed meats.
Seems like a lot of heartburn over nothing.
For a second I thought you said there was Molly in Zantac and I was going to run to the store.
Heh. I misread it the same way.
Lame. Low levels of something that probably doesn’t even hurt you, unless you live in California.
Oh no I took like 1 Zantac 10 years ago. My friends pressured me to do it! Am I gonna die?
NDMA? Damn, so close.
But does this mean I can just eat more bacon to help with recurring heartburn? Because that’s a win in my book.
He says the substance is found in the environment and the amount of it detected in Zantac is similar to that found in bacon, and processed meats.
Ban bacon! And salami, and hot dogs, and… and…
Ban banning.
God morning, Sloopy and thanks for the lynx! A good morning, too, to the rest of you hungover, unmotivated but shockingly positive misanthropes!
I got to start the week refereeing a battle between engineers, contractor and end user. Fun!
The Vikes were so bad yesterday I found myself laughing and enjoying the suckitude. If your team can’t be good, it’s great when they are truly bad. Besides, tanking early in the season gives me many hours with which to accomplish something productive (or at least fun).
I’m not quite ready for the genre change (and unlike a lot of Glibs, I don’t hate the Doors), so this is what I was grooving to this morning.
Make it a great day and remember: get them before they get you!
Kirk Cousins! I was more invested in whatever that was with the Bucs-Rams. Not sure what it was but I couldn’t look away.
But each time I switched to the Vikes-Bears I saw an inept Vikings offence. 6 points really?
There some impressive defensive displays yesterday including the Bills and Saints.
Sure, not like the Bears had anything to do with Minnesota’s offensive woes…
Be fair. A good college team could have out-schemed the Vikes yesterday.
Now there is open rebellion in the receiving corps. Thielen, 2 catches for 9 yards. Diggs got 108, but it was largely garbage time.
Meltdown imminent!
Sure, except it seems to be a feature with Cousins. Or maybe the Vikings have sucky offence calls/schemes?
Cousins is an average QB behind a below average O line being directed by a rookie OC (although he is backed up by coaching immortality).
Zimmer is a dork sometimes. So fucking stubborn. Take what the other team gives you, FFS!
Cousins is a fantastic quarterback during practice, the preseason, and if he isn’t under any pressure whatsoever. Trust me, as a lifelong Redskins victim, I’ve spent a fair amount of time watching him throw picks in a game-saving situation, or take a nine-step drop and then hold onto the ball because the receiver he wanted to throw it to is in coverage. Or best of all, deciding that, by God, the play is what it is and he’s gonna throw it to that receiver, and if he happens to be in triple coverage, well, it’s in the Lord’s hands now.
I think Prescott made the first ever throw directly into quadruple coverage that I have ever seen (other than an endzone Hail Mary) last night.
The Cowboys just looked mediocre. In time-honored fashion, Elliott gets a phat contract and goes pretty much dormant.
i saw that. LOL.
I hate the Cowboys.
I had money on the Cowboys, which is an uncomfortable situation as a Redskins fan, but I was absolutely certain that the Saints couldn’t just lean on Bridgewater handing the ball to Kamara and win. Welp, that’s $50 down the drain. I wonder if it says more about the mediocrity of the Cowboys or the excellence of the Saints.
B’water moved/spread the ball well enough to get them in scoring position but couldn’t unchecking them in for 6. FGs across the board was enough last night but it may not be next time.
That was pretty close to a Hail Mary situation anyway, and his receiver still got his hands on the ball.
Not Adahn said, “Taurus: 7 of Coins – Money, business, barter, success in investing, successful completion”
I’m still waiting for the stars to come drop money on me…
*crosses arms over chest*
*taps toe impatiently*
business, barter, success in investing, successful completion
Warren Buffet is going to read Chapter 18, and come barter his success in investing for a successful completion.
One of this weekend’s threads had somebody (I’m lazy, not gonna look it up) wanting to know the genesis of rapesquatch. I also want to know.
Linky please?
Fuck a duck.
Posted comment in the wrong place.
Fuck a duck.
This is how it starts. Down that road lies STEVE SMITH.
I wasn’t at TOS when the whole thing happened and my explanation is all remembered second hand stuff I learned here. Someone over there had a friend named Steve Smith, and someone (I think Warty or SF) said he looked like a shaved Sasquatch. The rape stuff I think was a joke because he was a mild mannered guy.
So I went and bought some animated Halloween decorations, but they seem not to have innate motion/sound sensing equipment to trigger them, they just have little buttons to press attached to leads which activate the animatronics.
Whats the best way to make these things more automated?
I guess I found one possible solution which requires almost no work: button pusher bots.
I was going to talk shit, but, actually, that’s pretty ingenious.
No kidding. That’s brilliant.
Wire in motion sensors for lights? Prolly something on YouTube showing how?
That was my first thought, but the videos seemed geared towards things which are powered by outlets, these just have batteries.
I assumed this would be a common problem for cheapskates like me and someone would have posted (or sold) an easy solution.
Ban banning.
Jeepers, what a killjoy.
So I went and bought some animated Halloween decorations, but they seem not to have innate motion/sound sensing equipment to trigger them, they just have little buttons to press attached to leads which activate the animatronics.
Whats the best way to make these things more automated?
I have a little plug-in light sensor which turns a light on at dusk. maybe they (Amazon, obvs) have something similar with a motion sensor.
*plug little box with sensor into outlet, plug light cord into box- very handy
Speaking of the Vikes- I watched a few minutes of that game. There were a bunch of extremely unhappy-looking dudes on the purple sideline.
Will they mutiny?
In a league populated by prima donnas at a density only slightly behind the NBA?!?
Yes. I’m predicting Diggs asks for a trade. Thielen is bitching, too.
Defense is largely doing their job. It might be an uncomfortable locker room for awhile.
The overly conservative play calling is killing them.
I understand not wanting to abandon your game plan, but when they finally did abandon it with 4 minutes left, they scored.
TOP 37 minutes vs. 23 minutes. Bears 8 for 14 on third down. This is not good defense.
They take out their starting qb and the bu comes in and throws 80%
Ultimately they did hold them to 16 points at Soldier field. Vikings have too many weapons to only score one touchdown and no field goals.
I understand the point, but this is the Bears offense not the Chiefs. I do think the Vikes have a decent DL, the there were a few pass plays where you couldn’t see a defender on the screen when the receiver caught the ball
I’m planning to go as Justin Blackface for Halloween.
Also. Re electric cars. Since we don’t have enough data but as more and more come on the road, more will be involved in accidents. It will be interesting to see the environmental impact of battery acid on the roads. Do we know much about that part of the equation regarding EVs? IC car companies have poured money for R&D for such thing. Is it the same for EV?
I dont know any better, but I thought EVs used lithium batteries and not lead-acid.
I mean, just as toxic to Gaia, but nothing to spill.
Good point. But it’s still a battery. Is there such a thing as Lithium leakage? Asking out of pure ignorance and appeals to more the more literate here.
Sorry. Misread your comment. So no leakage and no other issues then?
If so, fine. +1 to EV.
Lithium batteries like to burn when they are damage. This cuts down on actual leakage.
Li ion batteries have a liquid electrolyte that is pretty toxic and prone to catching fire.
DMC is a flammable liquid with a flash point of 17 °C (63 °F), which limits its use in consumer and indoor applications. DMC is still safer than acetone, methyl acetate and methyl ethyl ketone from a flammability point of view. DMC has a recommended exposure limit (REL) limit of 100 ppm by inhalation over an 8-hour work day, which is similar to that of a number of common industrial solvents (toluene, methyl ethyl ketone). Workers should wear protective organic vapor respirators when using DMC indoors or in other conditions where concentrations exceed the REL. DMC is metabolized by the body to methanol and carbon dioxide, so accidental ingestion should be treated in the same manner as methanol poisoning.
Today I learned……
Fuck a duck.
You’ll never get to be a rapesquatch that way. Show some initiative. Fuck a moose.
I do not have a cod with which to do so. Also, I am short.
A Møøse once bit my sister… No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge – her brother-in-law – an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: “The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist”, “Fillings of Passion”, “The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink”…
Also. Re electric cars. Since we don’t have enough data but as more and more come on the road, more will be involved in accidents. It will be interesting to see the environmental impact of battery acid on the roads. Do we know much about that part of the equation regarding EVs?
I believe a lot of EMTs treat electric car crash scenes as toxic/biohazard sites.
A guy that I have worked with has a son that is a paramedic/EMT.
When the EMTs arrive at an accident involving an EV, they check to see if fluids are leaking onto the ground. Gasoline and lithium batteries produce toxic fumes.
The EMTS will stay by and watch you bleed to death as they wait for the other guys in HAZMAT suits to arrive and determine whether or not it is safe to approach the wreck.
There is also the not-zero chance of getting electrocuted when yo touch a car with a ruptured battery pack.
There was an F1 incident a year or two ago, in which the live radio communications involved the driver being told something to the effect of, “MAKE SURE YOU GET COMPLETELY CLEAR OF THE CAR. YOU KNOW WHY.”
*driver very carefully exited the cockpit, stepping up onto the cowl in front of the windscreen, and jumped, so as not to make simultaneous contact with car and ground.
I am proofreading my mother’s power of attorney, once again proving that my occasional shoulda-gone-to-law-school meltdowns are unwarranted.
I do not have a cod with which to do so. Also, I am short.
Always with the negative waves, Mojeauxiartity.
Do you think any of that would keep Hillary Rodham Clinton from fucking a moose? to death?