Q: Is it proper etiquette always to use a euphemism for the word “toilet,” as in, “Excuse me, where is the bathroom (or restroom, etc.)?” Has the word “toilet” become vulgar?
Q: I paid in advance when I gave a dinner party for 30 people for a special occasion, and only 26 people attended. Would it have been all right to ask to take the four extra dinners home? Or is it not permissible? Just curious.
Will you please root for the Yankees? And by “root for” I mean ass rape until the are all on the
Problem is they play just as well if not better with all the injuries.
STEVE SMITH hacked Swiss’s account!!!!
And by hacked mean…
He widened his gaze, if you know what I mean…
This is a serious failure of Swiss precision!
I like “so where’s the Shitter ’round here?”
John the Porcelin God? We have all prayed at that altar,
Dump zone,
“Where do you keep your cornflakes?”
I snorted at that
Is it proper etiquette always to use a euphemism for the word “toilet,”-
I’ve noticed other English speaking countries say “use the toilet” and it appears polite, but I do find it a little vulgar. You don’t know what I’m doing in their if I say “restroom”. I may just be fixing my tie.
why your Napping of course, ask for the Squat station instead,
I just assume everyone is either dropping’ bombs or masturbating
/Hearty chuckle
Obviously that’s what I’m doing, but I don’t want to announce it.
+ blumpkin
I’ve always thought ‘the necessary’ was the classiest, old timey way of saying it.
7 minutes of kpop girl groups dancing in tennis skirts (Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson Owning SJWs Compilation, Not Clickbait)
I’m not seeing the appeal, help me out here HM,
Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson remain unflappable when accosted by hysterical SJWs and expose the logical fallacies inherent in their arguments.
One is Jewish and the other is Canadian, go figure,
BTW, if one is JEWISH, doesn’t that make them kind of like Jews, as opposed to actual Jews? who are in fact Jews, not Jew-ish.
Yes, just like the Swedish.
we’re the Franks all named Frank? or was that a Frankish thing?
It’d take a lot of gaul to name everyone frank.
Is your name not Bruce?
That’s gonna cause a lot of confusion ’round here.
I’m a Bert,
+ monty python
Don’t trust the Swede’s. Their fish are fake and full of sugar.
I need to lose 30 pounds, 20 years, a wife, and move to South Korea.
Right behind you brother.
I lost 60 lbs. in around 3 months. But I’m not moving to South Korea.
She ran like 3 feet before she was gassed. Girl needs to work on her conditioning.
I paused a CandRsenal video to watch that, and I saw nothing in your linked video about Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson.
You need to watch to the end.
Those are some massive macaroons.
I don’t get it.
I’ll be in my bunk,
I think that means you get it.
My analysis:
Blonde number 2 is laughing at the ha, and would probably be a great girl friend, fun to laugh with on a date. Brunette number 1? She is really into it, no dates because we aren’t leaving home ever. Brunette number 3, she will kill you and take all your things, and I still would.
That’s basically the same conclusion I came to.
Anyone asking about Shapiro and Peterson here is providing a data point for HM’s new Essay:
Gheyness and Autistic Obsession in the Libertarian Community.
People it s hot Asian chicks in skirts! You don’t have to fret about the war on culture all the time, sometimes you can relax and smell the roses.
*nods head sagely*
/unpauses CandRsenal video.
^This guy gets it^
I don’t think roses are what y’all are smelling.
Summer’s Eve would never lie to us.
It’s digestible!
Does Pope Jimbo shit in the woods?
is Animal Catholic?
Russian Orthodox, I thought.
Wow, Tres, that was a close one, you ok?
Is it proper etiquette always to use a euphemism for the word “toilet,” as in, “Excuse me, where is the bathroom (or restroom, etc.)?” Has the word “toilet” become vulgar?
Is this person from Europe?
Europe seems slightly more direct than the US here. In Germany it’s perfectly normal to ask where the Toilette is.
I don’t think we should hold germans as the standard for things related to human waste.
Yeah, I set myself up for that one.
Japanese uses both. Toilet is casual and used among friends.
The formal essentially translates into “the hand washing place” as the bathing space is usually separate in a Japanese home from the toilet.
I like the third question about gifts. I have been waging a war on inter family gifts because adults shouldn’t be giving each other presents. Evidently, I’M THE ASSHOLE.
Hello Glibs After Dark (where STEVE SMITH lurks)
BTW, where would one take a dump in the proximate environs?
It’s 5:15 and 90 degrees KK, enjoy the Evening,
/Tall Cans!
Hi Yusef!!
Forecast is for 68 here tomorrow, and I’m going to the Renaissance Fair with Tulip! Couldn’t ask for better. Well, it could be, like, 60, but I’m not complaining. That under-70 threshold is what I live for.
So Tulip got a date! :-p
We both did, I suppose!
Bella and I walk at 6 am, 62 degrees, very nice Dawn,
Have fun, both of you,
That’s cool. You girls have fun!
Hi, KK!
We met my brother’s brother last weekend! It was fun. He and his husband are nice guys. I hope my brother gets to know them more.
I saw that. Awesome detective work! Good on you, Kristen.
I’m sorry. ?
The worst kept secret ever? Sanders heart attack confirmed.
Nobody needs 23 kinds of infarction!
Nobody would survive 23 kinds of infarction,
RBG might. Has.
In her case just because she’s still an acting SCOTUS justice does not necessarily mean she still draws breath. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that the donks would keep her passing under wraps just as long as possible.
Since when has bathroom ever been a euphemism? We use euphemisms for that.
Turd Gobbler
In related news, somehow our teenage son broke the toilet seat in his bathroom. No idea how, one of the connector arms just snapped. So today I went to the plumbing supply store, found a slow-drop bone-color round Toto, and then managed to remove the old seat and install the new one all by myself.
I know that seems like nothing to most of you here, but this all-thumbs fellow is rather proud of himself right now. Even the wife was impressed.
I have a good guess.
Me too.
SIL visiting this weekend, so I got 2 bottles of cachaca.
Rotgut from exotic places is classy?
What Rotgut are you talking about?
Cachaca, don’t feel bad, rum and arrack are also rotgut
I’m sure, considering the source, that those are very expensive bottles of liquor. Cachaca is wonderful, just like Bourbon, you just have to pay for the good stuff.
I’d definitely rate this ‘rotgut’ cachaca ahead of some of the best liquors I’ve ever drank. See the bottle of cachaca, $125, beside a bottle of Whistlepig Old World, $120, and I think the Pitu Vitoriosa is better. Not exactly what I would call rotgut.
Vitoriosa Cachaca
I am mostly just busting your balls, although I am kind of a traditionalist about this and despite the recent trend of high end Rums and related beverages they were historically the cheapest and easiest way to get ardent spirits. Ferment sugar syrup, distill, done. I intend no disrespect to your Brazilian kin. Vodka is rotgut also. Brandy and whisky are the true drams!
“Vodka is rotgut also”
Good vodka is elixir of the Gods.
Rotgut. And even if you’re telling the truth, your Brazilian wife better be hot.
Also, if that’s true, introduce me to her sister. (Adjusts tux)
Vodka is the best buzz of any alcohol, period. With beer and whiskey as close seconds.
Her sister is an insane drunkard, I don’t hate you that much. And she’d kill me if she reads this, although true. But, she is a beautiful girl, my wife.
I really need to start trying harder.
I’m old school. “Where’s the crapper?”
Real old school would be asking where the outhouse is.
Or if you want to be more flamboyant, ask for a chamber pot.
Ask for a chamber maid.
on a ship, use the Head,
I’m old
school. “Where’s thecrapperbuffet line start?”You’re a dick.
You don’t mean that.
Yes. Yes I do. And you don’t know any better. Penis Erecti.
I’m nicer in real life.
Aren’t we all? Except for OMWC, that is. I mean, you want to talk prick with ears…
I’m new school. “Where’s the San Fran Sidewalk?”
Why travel? How close are you to the tent city at Ueno Park?
Ueno is only good for Pandas, tachi nomi and Iranian drug dealers.
Calling it the crapper is an homage to the inventor of the flush toilet Thomas Crapper.
^^This guy gets it.^^
They aren’t. Their job is to protect the ruling class. Crime? What is that?
Lion lady? Yikes. Poor thing is freakin’ nuts. She needs help.
Tanzania? Yikes again. Students setting fire to dorms and teachers beating them? Sounds like a great school.
Well, in this case their malfeasance was accusing a bunch of respectable establishment types based on the blather of a crazy yobbo. So it was in fact a fuck up even by our cynical standards.
Media Warns Excessive Forgiveness Could Set Back Outrage Narrative Hundreds Of Years
I commented too late on the last thread. Scary shit.
“If the impeachment provision in the Constitution of the United States will not reach the offenses charged here, then perhaps that 18th-century Constitution should be abandoned to a 20th-century paper shredder!” —Rep. Barbara Jordan, 1974
Tweeted by Hillary Clinton
Elizabeth Warren when confronted with hecklers at an airport in response to THIS NEW COUP ATTEMPT: “Republicans have a lot of reason to be worried”
Far-left “Squad” member Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) told constituents on Tuesday that her Democrat colleagues are looking into how to arrest White House officials who refuse to comply with subpoenas as part of an impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump.
Speaking to her constituents at a town hall in her hometown of Detroit, Tlaib said Democrats are puzzled about how to arrest Cabinet secretaries, telling voters in a video captured by America Rising PAC that they could be taken into custody if Congress votes to hold them in contempt.
Beta running around threatening Americans for exercising their inalienable rights, Biden getting on board. NYC criminalizing speech.
It is just incredible, this kind of shit is all over the place. How did we get here? What the fuck is wrong with people?
‘How did we get here?’
The Port Huron Statement? Seriously though, this has been cultivating for decades. What’s shocking is how quickly they decided to rip the mask off. They’ve been winning through incrementalism, so effectively so that most people don’t even realize it’s happening until it’s too late or not at all. The new left, for whatever reason, has lost all patience with a proven strategy and it’s going to severely bite them in the ass.
It’s now or never, again, always, it’s probably time to fight for realsies, we shall see.
What’s up, nightcrew? For the third straight week I’m working on a Saturday and I hate everything.
What’s up? News story that we have physical, verifiable proof of UFOs. Turns out it is neither of those. Krugman hardest hit.
The Universe is really big. I would state it as fact that there is intelligent life elsewhere.
The Universe is really big. Intelligent life probably isn’t visiting us.
I tend to think interstellar travel is impossible because I believe if it was possible, it would be so common an alien species would have made contact by now.
like JF said, it’s a big place, unless you break light speed, no species may ever contact another…..
Ques Theremin from Star trek TOS
Maybe they’re waiting on US?
I’m not saying it’s aliens, but…..
If they have interstellar travel capabilities, then them bothering contacting us would be like us trying to contact an ant hill.
Can you imagine the cocktail parties the higher species have…?
Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster ftw.
Dont tell Robbie.
+ gold brick wrapped in a lemon
Why not? We visit primitive countries from the first world. If they believe in trade it’s an opportunity to share some science with us do we could be future trade partners. Hell, even to hunt us for sport or burns us with lasers.
‘Can you imagine the cocktail parties the higher species have…?’
Speaking of interstellar parties…
Pulling it from the vault!
I tend to think interstellar travel is impossible because I believe if it was possible, it would be so common an alien species would have made contact by now.
Holy fuck, I didn’t know that kind of fuckup was possible.
Are those your own thoughts or is there a link to know more?
meh, it works just as well to distinguish quote and response backwards. I think your point c is weak though.
point c:
Here’s a video from Fermilab that explains it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIJTwYOZrGU
The rate of expansion is accelerating, the speed of light is constant. The visible universe is shrinking.
Yeah, the immense mathematical improbability of an advanced species living at the same time(which from the limited knowledge I’ve gained about space-time and gravitational forces, is very fucking relative) not only existing but also being aware of our presence and secretly visiting us for god knows how long, is so small that it’s not worth considering for an average smuck like me. But I agree that there’s a much higher probability that one does in fact exist now or has existed in the past.
Jarflax: Agreed. There is bound to be tons of life out there but unless they have figured out how to bend space it is very unlikely that we will run into them. The distances are just too great. Also, tons of life doesn’t have to be very intelligent. It seems a bit odd to me that we have light reaching us from many other galaxies yet we have found no transmissions from other critters.
It is possible we live in a universe full of morons….sponges, algae, jellyfish equivalents. After all, earth was a planet of stooopid until just a few days ago. Intelligent (nominally) life has only been on earth for the blink of an eye and with no guarantee it will continue indefinitely.
we have found no transmissions from other critters
I’m not remotely qualified to speculate about this but… gonna anyway…
How detectable are our transmissions at 5 light yrs., 10? 100? a 50,000 watt station sounds like a lot, but how distinguishable is it from the background emissions of the Sun at interstellar ranges?
Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7_gcs09iThXybpVgjHZ_7g
They actually get the math right.
Ooh. I can’t wait to have time to watch these. Thanks!
I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.
bump bump bump
….by Motorola.
(We had one of those color TVs in th 70s.)
I’m on the third straight decade of that. Love working Saturdays if it means I get a weekday off instead. Embrace it, TH.
Even though I am a proud NoDaker, I am drinking some Minnesoda whiskey and beer while listening to their baseball team beat the
damnfucking Yankees.Eh. I drink whiskey from Maryland & Vermont. No one is the best at everything.
I drink whisky from over the sea on Skye. The King will come over the water and make things right!
I don’t recall claiming anyone was the best at anything.
I’m wrapping up a tall can of this beer.
That peanut butter porter looks good.
I’ve had about a dozen different PB porters/stouts, and Dangerous Man’s is still my favorite. It’s amazing.
Cheese Nips
You broke his pattern!
Wait, that’s Gadfly.
He’s not my Venus, if that’s what you’re getting at.
“Goddess on the mountaintop”
You go, girl.
Clamp your Ham
I don’t know why those are funny, but they are.
Beats coconuts.
“I don’t know why those are funny, but they are.”
You are twisted.
Like me.
Anyone ever notice Grandpa Gulag sounds like the Aardvark?
Anyone notice AOC – fresh off her GND success – just tabled her Just Society plan?
Yes, it’s as bad as you think.
Shorter socialist scum: You invest the money and take the risk and WE’LL manage and run the operation.
Geez…those crazy eyes of hers.
Makes me want to fuck climate change to death.
Then, after she got shot in the nuts, drugs fell out of her ass.
/someone had to do it
/paging Jarflax
S’okay Rufus! I can’t stop watching it.
I cannot stomach that child, her face, her voice, no matter how well parodied she is. I live with two know-it-all teenagers and I’mma snap on the next teenager who thinks they should be chastising adults.
So what you’re saying is you hate children?
Worse….you hate Greta?
You couldn’t create a better example of teenage obnoxiousness if you tried. She has it all; the expression, the tone, the arrogance, the ignorance, the hatred.
And contempt.
And toxic friends.
The parents who want to hang out with their kids like friends? Ugh.
I tell my kids quite often: I am not your friend. I am your MOTHER.
That’s perfect. Too bad John Wick doesn’t enter that scene.
“I brought you into this world, I can take you out of it!”
I hope that one makes the rotation.
Instant obedience: “Do you want me to tell you about the day you were born?”
Watching clips of that movie. Looks funny. “I have a fifth sense. It’s like I have
ESPN or something.” Thanks, Mojo.
It’s very sharp, very smart.
Written by Tina Fey, and regardless her politics, she is a brilliant woman.
Also this: Drop Dead Gorgeous
That chick from “Ramen Girl” is in that, eh? Too bad she died. She was a damn good actress.
No, that’s not Brittany Murphy in Drop Dead Gorgeous. I think the one you’re thinking of is Amy Adams.
Brittany Murphy was in Clueless.
“Rollin’ with the Homies”
You’re right. I can’t tell white chicks apart anymore.
Me neither.
Or black people. Or Asian people. Or any other people from other people.
I have the worst memory for faces in the world.
She and David Hogg would make a cute couple.
Ya think?
OMG, you’re right, the royal couple of useful idiots.
Pretty much.
Heh. I scrolled too far and thought you were talking about Sandy.
That’s brilliant.
Greta. It’s been done.
Of course. By a Canadian.
Deutsche Welle is the Robert Mueller of broadcasting.
You just caused 3 more Glibs to quit, you Canadian hate monger. How is Twink in the North going to fix this?
John Wick 2 was a complete disappointment. They took the only lame parts of John Wick 1 expanded them to revolve the plot around. I feel like the director of 2 killed my dog.
Don’t watch 3 then. I liked 1 & 2, but was displeased with 3.
Just wanted to see a movie and scanned the list of new releases. Everything new looks terrible. I watch one movie a month or so. Wish some glib would do a review of new movies so I had an idea of what not to miss. I don’t have time.
Well I’m going to watch Joker this weekend and zombieland 2 next weekend. I’ll let you know.
You are going to Wal-Mart next weekend?
*The last time I was in Wal-Mart I think someone had released a gaseous tranquilizer in the store. Everyone seemed to be in a daze. As we are leaving I was talking to my wife and suddenly had to stop for some people that seemed to be comatose on their feet. When I finally got around them and caught up to the wife I said to her “I am sorry, I got blocked at the door by the zombies. God, it’s like the Walking Dead in there”
Another woman was just passing by us and overheard me say that. She started laughing her ass off.
That’s just the effect of end-stage capitalism. Zombie hordes wandering aimlessly in their meccas of consumption, cowed by the overwhelming choice on display.
I wouldn’t mind so much if they wouldn’t park their buggies on one side of the aisle and then stand on the other side in a stupor staring at the ceiling with blank eyes and drooling. They can sense. you coming down the aisle, surely they must know you need by but they just stand there blocking the whole aisle.
Of course check out is worse. It is like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHd6dLqynUE
Suthenboy: scroll down.
Three different streaming channels and Im watching A Bridge Too Far because I can’t stand wading through the crap right now.
Straffinrun, just go back over Kurosawa’s movies. They’re all pretty good after the WWII period.
There is a 3? Great. Take another decent flick and make 27 sequels, each worse than the last.
The opposite for me. I thought 2 was derivative and boring, but 3 was watchable.
I don’t want to give any spoilers, but I was looking for something definitive.
The answer is Simon.
I find use of the word “derivative” derivative and I don’t even know what “derivative” means.
It’s the opposite of “integral”
Opposite of Honda…*scratches head*
I found Chun-li best for this.
I thought 2 was derivative and boring, but 3 was watchable.
You follow my PornHub reviews?
3 did ok with the story but the action scenes were meh. The Halle Berry fight scenes with the dogs were a little too cheesey.
I just stopped by to say fuck all you people, I like John Wick 2. 😉
No one told me Knight Rider had a reboot!
Always had the biggest crush on KITT…not so sure about the new one though.
AI has gender expressions?
C-3PO? Duh!
Enh he was just an English robot.
He identifies as a brass-balled bitch.
Those are not the roids you’re looking for.
Love is love! **mumbles to myself: at least I don’t go down on the output port… **
Hey! Fuck Of!
Just for Mad Scientist and Penguin.
Ha ha. I didn’t think anyone saw that comment.
lick virtual michelle obama feet and toes at http://www.michelleobamafeet.com
What are you waiting for? The First Lady’s feet is ready on command. You can lick them, tickle them and suck them however you want at http://www.michelleobamafeet.com
Imagine you have no dirty toes to suck on. Now imagine you have Mrs. Obama’s toes to suck on. Feels good right? Yes. It does. Go to http://www.michelleobamafeet.com right now.
You suck on whore toes, your girlfriends toes, but have you ever wondered to yourself how does a first class luxury toe tastes? Wonder no more, http://www.michelleobamafeet.com fulfills all your feet and toe desires.
You wanna make Mr. Obama jealous? Suck on his wife’s toes at http://www.michelleobamafeet.com, Barack will be furious.
If Safari can open it.
And I know….
Wookie toes, all the rage.
No, not even with your mouth.
The Twins are useless.
He’s talking about his balls.
More like these orphans tasked to help roast my peppers.
*dejected sigh*
You are correct.
Kershaw is useless.
Rufus! Hi!
Good. Fuck the Dodgers.
I’m writing a very fun article right now, I’m running out of Glibs names to use,
when it’s done, you get to decide me, you’ll see…
Well, I’m looking forward to it.
I’m at 40 right now, but it’s harder than I thought coming up with all of our handles, but a fun project so far,
I’m wishing you luck bro, I’ve been inspired to write a novel several times, and it just never gets off the ground. Good luck, really wish you the best.
Write it Mad Glibs style.
A funky mix of SF, Snow Crash, Dayton based Ready Player One, and tall cans?
Dude, that’s excellent. Catchy name is 90% of the game. Do it.
Your a good entry BTW, you will laugh, or hate me….
Not the first time I’ve been called a good entry.
ERM,,, what?
He always runs as two horses
It’s like the eating baby thing.
I wanna point out two….but TPTB would strike me down with great anger furious vengeance
I have one already, it’s safe enough to avoid Cat butt
Ha. #GreenNewMeal. I’m lovin’ it!
I had forgotten about that. The claim is that the ‘eat the baby’s’ stunt was pulled off by the LaRouche Group and they are tagged as extreme right Trump supporters. However looking up the LaRouche group I find this “The group, which was founded as a Marxist group by Lyndon LaRouche in the 1960s, transformed into a right-wing conspiracy-theorist movement in the 1970s. ”
More of that ‘they switched parties’ nonsense. Funny how all of the deplorables magically fled the left to. the right all at once.
I was just watching novelas with wifey, while really talking to her son, but I have to tell you, Brazilian women are so beautiful it hurts me in my soul. I don’t know what else to say. We need to make that shit illegal.
Jamie Lee Curtis is quite mannish.
Sigourney Weaver is hot AF.
A difference with little distinction. Citations needed.
Dude…she’s 60 years old, what do you expect?
She doesn’t have to keep trying to look like her dad.
Lipstick? She has rigor mortis already?
Uh-huh. Suck it up, Sconnie
I’d smear lipstick on that and imagine she’s a pug.
JLC is still hot, but so is Adam Levine, as far as Mannish looks go…
SW, no boobs……
I dont wanna steal Q’s thunder, but….
Maybe NSFW….sorry, thought this was ‘after dark’
You’re still not making a point.
Must be the metric system with you people.
No point?
“Be careful, there, kid – you’ll poke your eye out.”
I’ll let all of you argue tits and lipstick while I just enjoy them in several of the finest comedies ever + other stuff they’ve done.
Dude, I’m guessing you’ve seen Galaxy Quest. If not, watch it immediately – for Weaver, and because it’s a really good movie.
Ah… didn’t see your link above. Never mind.
What a fucking week. I’m exhausted mentally and emotionally.
Thank god for bourbon. And the greatest film ever; “Passenger 57”.
Gould, you glorious bastard. Thank you for letting me know about WFMU.
Glad you are enjoying the trip. It’s great for getting out of a musical rut. Free form radio, baby. Get weird an stay weird.
Cheers, Tres!!
How’s the relocation going?
Relocation went smoove. Fully settled in Ballard and enjoying the bars and restaurants of Seattle.
Got a full schedule of work for the next month. Vancouver, BC, Back to Los Angeles for a minute, and then rural Washington. Lots of lumber stuff. I love it.
Say, I was out in Moscow, ID a couple weeks ago. The Palouse is truly gods country. I’ll be spending more time in ID. I know that’s where you’re located. Maybe we can meet and have sone wine? I’m no connoisseur like OMWC. Also, I’ll be drinking bourbon.
I’m off to work but I wanted to let Suthen know I saw his comment in the last thread. I’m doing my part, towing my share of the lion. I greet everyone now with a hearty “You’re an illegal alien. I’m calling ICE.” but I’ve received nothing but quizzical looks and couple of laughs.
I think it works better if you start somewhere other than your family reunion.
I suspect the law. is nominally aimed at the bobble heads on tv. Also, how does that work? You have to use the term in NYC? or are they planning on fining anyone in the states?
What I find most disturbing is their tearing off of the mask and forbidding people to stray from the narrative, enshrining their leftist lunatic fringe narrative as the only legal point of view.
In the grand old tradition of late night music links:
If you don’t know, you betta axe somebody.
I saw these guys in a barn in Davidsonville when I was 18. A good friend of mine went to Riot Fest recently and told me that they played there. First show in like 20 years apparently. I still don’t know why these guys didn’t blow up.
4 am Friday?
You need some KLF and 3 AM Eternal.
I’ve seen those dudes a couple of times back in the day. Columbus, OH at Stache’s if I remember correctly. Listened to that stuff, but forgot about it. Good band. Added to the weekend listening list. Thanks for the re-mind.
Man, I had a huge back in the day moment with a friend tonight telling me about these guys at Riot Fest. When I saw these guys live it was seriously like an eye-opening experience. After that, I got into hardcore in a big way. When I went out to San Diego in ’97 I brought mix tapes with a bunch of local bands and people I knew out there had no idea what the hell I was playing. It was all ska and west coast pop punk. They were like, “What’s ‘hardcore’?”
Which is not to say that they’re ‘hardcore’, but then that gets into a whole big debate which is why I sort of got out of the scene eventually anyway…
2 more, hehe
Last night drinking gin with my brother. We spent two hours trying to come up with the ending to, “The stick of gum that came with football cards tasted like…” Bro came up with, “microscope slide”. And for some reason I couldn’t stop laughing. Gen Xers are imbeciles.
Football cards? I don’t ever remember seeing those. Just baseball cards and Garbage Pail Kids.
Wacky Packys
The offensive linemen stats weren’t very interesting. I’m gonna ignore your last sentence.
gum-flavored cardboard is the answer
Tres –
Catholic gum
-flavored cardboard?The gum they ate after the last dinner?
Jesus Gum?
Sweet, chewy host?
Since I missed last night, these are for Chafed. Fit girls.
I’m flattered. Thanks Q.
Finally. So lovely.
Oh. Hello.
It’s that time again. Stifle yourselves.
Well, here ya go.
Don’t look at it Marion!
“I don’t care.”
Edith! Would you stifle yourself, uhhh?
It’s great that the creators of that show set up Archie to be the butt of all the jokes and he ended up being the most popular character.
Norman Lear had an eye for “woke” even in the 1970s
The Jeffersons as neighbors was ‘socially conscious’, but Archie giving CPR to the tranny was a bit much. Then when the story lagged, Edith got raped.
Okay, this morning’s conversation about boxing has got me thinking. By the way, sorry about skipping out abruptly but I needed to leave for work. Anyway, I’ve never contributed to the content here aside from a small comedic panel about the STEVE SYSTEM(in honor of the DENNIS SYSTEM for all you It’s Always Sunny fans) that was added as a photo to a links well over a year ago. So i’ve finally decided on a topic aside from painting and staining, which I’m quite good at but have no real passion for, and will instead review some classic and recent controversial decisions in boxing. If that’s acceptable by the powers that be, please let me know.
Right now, I’ve just paused Leonard vs Hagler after round 5 and so far I have it Leonard 48, Hagler 47. In a review I’ll do a round by round breakdown of what I saw and why I think the fighters won or lost the round. One thing about this fight though, holy shit are the announcers hyping up Leonard. The bias was baked into the broadcast. I wish I could find a version without the tv feed, oh well.
Anyway, if that sound like something you all might want to read, hit me back.
Holyfield/Lennox Lewis was the worst big fight robbery I’ve seen.
To be honest, my drug addled brain doesn’t remember too much about that fight…added to the list!
Never watched another HW fight after that one. Just as an aside, you think Hagler’s angry black guy image hurt his popularity with the judges and/or fans?
Hearns v. Hagler.
I’ve said in the past that that might be the greatest fight ever but it was just too damn short. I want epic ebbs and flows that last if not the entire scheduled fight, pretty damn close before it ends…the first fight between Corrales and Castillo comes to mind.
Oddly my hyper conservative Dad and his equally conservative friends loved Hagler and HATED Leonard. Hagler was a man, Leonard they all called a pimp.
Huh, that is kinda odd.
Oh yeah. And Leonard was pretty, he had the female block wrapped up. He was also charismatic. I see it like this the boxing world had just lost Ali a few years ago and was looking to find his next suitable replacement. Leonard not only fit the bill, he was a cleaner cut, far less controversial figure. The all American hero perfect for the end of the Reagan Era. Hagler,despite it not being the least bit fair, was thust into the role of Frazier. The moody, slightly resentful anti-hero that most Americans felt comfortable rooting against. The Archtypes helped make it the big event that it was, but it hurt Hagler in the public’s eye.
And then came Tyson..
I think Tyson was already the Champ by then but I think his star exploded after the Leonard vs Hagler fight was set, not fought, could be wrong. But by 1988, yeah, it was all about Tyson, all the time, for most of the public with a passing interest in boxing.
The public loved Tyson is my point. Love mixed with terror. Sonny Liston was the last HW that had that pure killer rep IIRC. Before my time, but the old timers had fear in their eyes just talking about Liston.
Oh, sorry. Yeah, no argument there. Tyson was on the list of sports demigods in my mind, certainly the most feared because, well.
I remember watching a few sports docs and reading a bit about how feared Liston was. The consensus seemed to be that Clay/Ali’s victory by stoppage and the phantom punch in the next fight propelled him into instant legend status because Liston was so feared. I’ve never watched more than a few Liston clips aside from the Ali fights so I really can’t say if he was that good.
Yes, yes, and yes.
As always, worse case is everyone snarks on off topic stuff. So like all articles.
Ha! That’s the best any contributor can ask for.
I used to follow boxing in the aughts, and honestly the Golden Boy Productions shit was the end for me. At a certain point it just became so apparent that fights were being scheduled in such a way that it really wasn’t about who was the better boxer so much as how do we get PPV money that I checked out.
That’s why UFC is so popular. People want their bloodlust, but they want a somewhat even field.
Pride FC was cool. I’m not sure if that’s still around, but I liked that in the day because it was fascinating if you were a grappling nerd.
Its not bloodlust- you want a matched fight
That’s what you and I want. A lot of loonies out there watch for different reasons.
Yeah, like it or not, belts are fought between whoever generates the most hype. And top boxers nowadays are far less active and far more careful about protecting their careers than the best fighters from the past. Inside the boxing community the running joke is that the greatest fights are among the opponents’ lawyers and promotion companies, not the actual fighters.
Yeah, I guess it’s an entertainment industry first and foremost. That’s the thing with the NFL, too. It’s not rigged, I don’t think, but everybody involved works for the same company and the goal is to get people to tune in, so you’re going to wind up with a certain product.
And top boxers nowadays are far less active and far more careful about protecting their careers than the best fighters from the past
Another way to put this is that these days they are less under the thumb of the shadiest, most evil bastards around. So they, at least occasionally, make decisions in their own interest. Not taking title fights on 5 weeks rest, not coming back from hand breaks before it heals, etc. You look at some of those old school guys and how they wound up and it’s really sad.
And that’s certainly a fair take on it. Like I said in the morning links, boxing is one of the most corrupt sports in the world. One thing about PPV, despite it not always giving us the best matchups, it has not only leveraged the best boxer’s payscale far higher, it also probably gives his management less incentive to push the fighter into training for upcoming fights before he’s fully recovered. Why use your fighter up like a NFL running back if you can get a far greater return on investment by dragging out their careers for years making huge money on fights once or twice a year on PPV?
‘You look at some of those old school guys and how they wound up and it’s really sad.’
It really is, but because I’m a dick and probably have some minor brain damage, I give you my favorite old boxer story…
That is hilarious.
Thought you might like that.
Need to get some sleep, later.
Rocky V
Boo this man.
Just giving ya shit, bud.
And a bonus.
Dood covering HK on the ground.
Seems like an actual war is brewing.
Well, unfortunately, this is going to be yet another unfortunate lesson in why you do not give up your right to bear arms. Sad to say, I expect that some time in the near future, the Chicoms will murder a few thousand HK citizens and get on about their commie business.
Sweet Jesus. It would be nice to get through a decade without bloodshed.
But, bloodshed and tyranny is the human condition.
Yeah, but you’d like to think we’d take a rest now and again.
We actually have. Contrary to the doom mongering of the left, it’s the safest and most prosperous time to ever be alive as a human being, right now.
I’ll just say it again, when the dems finally get control and entire countries have become devoid of inhabitants, because they’re all here, and we go to the uninhabited lands, say El Salvador, the first thing we do is have a ballistic nuclear arsenal pointed straight at Moscow, Bejing, and Washington DC. That way, we get to make to day 2 of Libertopia.
A nuclear arsenal requires money, investment, infrastructure…we need savage-ass pipe hitters who will lay up in the cut and then suddenly bust out of a closet when a national leader is in the shower and say, “You’re going to vote against invading Libertopia or else I’m going to come back and cut your balls off with a cheese knife.”
“A nuclear arsenal requires money, investment, infrastructure”
No, it’s not the former corruptocrets of now libertopis I’m worried about, it’s the the 3 big meanies with all he weapons. They are not going to like this Liberopia at all. YOU owe them taxes and stuff, and you’d better pay up, or else.
Well, we’d better plan ahead, because we are not making it to magical day 2 as a nation without it. We can have all the arable land, water, ports, minerals, whatever, but we won’t make it to day 2 without our nuclear arsenal, because the God of the Great State Gods is a jealous god.
Ah, but you don’t need military force to dissuade invasion. Take El Salvador as an example. If we take over El Salvador we pretty much just need to lay up in the cut and not piss off the locals. We’re so small we fly under the radar. I mean, worst case scenario, we need to get bold at Honduras. Mostly, we eat pupusas and learn how to surf.
Never in history, and never gonna happen, Humans are Violent….
I’d be willing to give them weapons.
You say that about everybody.
Yeah I’m kind of an arms slut.
In all seriousness, I’m really dreading that this is gonna go right to shit. A lot of innocent people are going to die and there isn’t really shit anyone can do about it other than the people about to do it.
I’m going to put a Free Hong Kong bumper sticker on my car and then make a sad post on social media.
That should ease my conscience.
Yeah, I don’t see this ending well without blood being spilled and treasure wasted. I don’t see a way for Hong Kong to stay free without foreign intervention. Fortunately we seem to be starting out of it, at least for now.
Ugh, this is one of those situations where there’s a perfectly good moral reason to go and send volunteer troops to defend Hong Kong from China. But there’s not a moral excuse to send American soldiers to go defend citizens of another country from their own government. You just want to make China an offer to buy the damn island and call it a day. It just sucks. It’s frustrating that people are going to die and there isn’t really shit we can do about it.
“It’s frustrating that people are going to die and there isn’t really shit we can do about it.”
Again, this is why you do not give up your right to bear arms. Do you think if HK had as many gun owners as Texas, the Chicoms would try some shit? Because I think they would not.
If HK had that many guns, the CCP wouldn’t exist,
Do you think if HK had as many gun owners as Texas, the Chicoms would try some shit? Because I think they would not.
HK is a very small area. I think arms or not, this ends in something like the Warsaw Rising. I also think intervening would be more moral than virtually any of our recent wars, but the thing is that we can’t. No way can we fight China directly and not end up with WWIII.
In seriousness, if we were to engage China in a war over Hong Kong we’d be on our own, likely against a Russo-Chinese alliance, and it would result in our losing control of the Pacific. I don’t think that Japan would join us, nor Australia.
The Flying Tigers wont be enough in this case, I think the CCP will crush HK, whether or not they kill of a cash cow in the process, they are nervous,
Odd how all of my CCP spelling keeps autcorrecting….
You might want to keep an eye on your own house. Our own leftists are incrementally stirring the shit harder and harder.
Rape, misogyny, racism, homophobia, incest, pedophilia… But it’s Georgism that sets people off. This place is fucking awesome. Thanks TPTB.
Georgists! (spits)
Please explain Georgism, I never heard it before..
All better than a land tax. Let me tell you about land taxes…
Did RobC post something?
Well straffin, it kinda hits home for me.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind it at all.
Retread from last link because I think it’s fantastic! https://youtu.be/jxczVhG0os8 (H/T to the Splodey-Lady)
Missed that before. I wasn’t in a position to listen to it then. Me likey!
Thanks for re-linking.
Reminds me of these guys – https://youtu.be/FZa5GZsCW30
Been re-watching Ash VS The Evil Dead; and the use of film grammar to visually connect the series to the Evil Dead universe is great. If I can figure out how to show why Ash VS The Evil Dead connects to it’s first movie made almost 40 yrs ago, and how the lack of those same things disconnects the new Star Wars movies from the originals. But I get copyright strikes anytime I use anything, yet youtube is filled with nothing but people using footage they don’t have rights to.
Fuck the Yankees
And the Damn Yankees?
This at least should cause no disagreement. ☝?
Why, bless your heart.
Them’s fightin’ words.
The key is to phrase it in such a way both parties can interpret it as a good thing. Like when I tell my wife, “I don’t deserve you.”
Hell to the yeah! And fuck the Braves too!
Western Civilization is Stupid, did we really think if we gave HK back to the Commies it would make them capitalists? Really?
Maybe we deserve to lose the Great Culture Wars
Wait, who is this ‘WE’? Wasn’t it Great Britain who gave them back?
I said Western Civilization, I know who pussed out, us in the Panama Canal…….
There’s almost enough American expats in Panama right now to annex it, but I don’t want that, I’m considering retiring there.
This is one case where there is a moral justification for us getting involved. It is also the one case where getting involved would be a possibly world ending disaster. I’m really dreading what comes next.
“moral justification for us getting involved”
Go right ahead. Leave me out of it. I can’t see intervention as a Libertarian action. The Chicoms taking over HK may not be good for the “freedom index”, but it’s not our battle to fight.
All in for condemning their actions; but not using force.
Yep, their fight. You can’t learn when you aren’t allowed to do so.
Learn what? How to die in camps? I admit we can’t intervene. But I’m not buying that there is anything inherently unlibertarian about defending the innocent. In this case we couldn’t defend them and we would be starting a world war level fight.
Not sure why you are confused. I’m just stating the … well typical libertarian talking point. We are not the world police. And people need to fight their own fight, you cannot rescue them, and even if you try, they will just hate you for it. Am I missing something here?
I don’t fully agree with that take. I oppose nation building and adventurism, but I do believe that free nations should stand together. HK has been a free and autonomous polity and it is about to be snuffed out. We can’t effectively do anything about that and if we could there is certainly merit to the idea of not getting dragged into foreign wars, but the players in this case make:
Not our fight.
remind me of:
They’re only coming for the Slavic Jews, not the good German Jews
There are very few free spots on Earth, HK has been one of the freest.
The british fucked Hong Kong over when they handed the keys back to China.
Hong Kong is China. Any attempt to help HK is an attack on the sovereign nation of China and thus an act of war.
Hong Kong is already gone.
It’s like watching two kids on a playground fight. One’s a huge bully. The other’s little, but he’s a scrapper, but he’s going to lose. Bad.
You want to intervene because you know the little one’s going to lose. But you also know that if you lay hands on the bully, you’re going to jail.
And maybe, just maybe, through some miracle, the little scrapper will win.
Nothing wrong with standing up to bullies. There is something wrong with getting millions of people killed by standing up to a bully.
Mojo beats me to the exact same point.
My only point was why a person would feel compelled to get involved, but still know that he should not and would not.
“Hong Kong is China.” I’d say the PRC is completely illegitimate, but I’m an AnCap so that’s neither here nor there.
“I do believe that free nations should stand together.”
Do you want massive wars? Because this is how you get massive wars.
Flesh out the analogy a bit then. If you stand up for the bullied kid, the bully will fuck up all it’s neighbors for the fun of it and give you a black eye to boot.
While I can see and even agree to an extent on the morality of intervention in this case, especially in relation to our past endeavors, in terms of real politik it is beyond stupid to directly involve ourselves.
I’d be perfectly happy with giving Hong Kongers refugee status, but that’s about as far as we could go.
I don’t remember who I said this to the other day, regarding a personal matter, but it fits.
I have regretted every time I ever stuck my nose in something that wasn’t my business, for whatever reason: courtesy, loyalty (that’s a rant), outrage, misplaced sense of justice, drama.
I have NEVER regretted one moment of minding my own business.
Do you want massive wars? Because this is how you get massive wars.
Or how you avoid fighting them alone. It does not require two to star a fight, pacifism is silly. I have already said in every single post on this subject that this war would be too costly, and unlikely to succeed, I am just objecting to the blanket “Not our fight” stuff, and expressing some angst about a group of free people about to get run through the meat grinder.
If China decides to move on Taiwan next, do we still sit it out? How about Japan or the Philippines? China has issues with both, and while I think it is unlikely that they go that far, it is certainly possible. Do we sit all of those out? What if they go for a foot hold in the Americas?
Yes, the neo cons have made a mockery of the idea of standing together by using it to justify idiotic empire games, but take the ultimate example. Someone attacks Canada. By the logic of not our fight we sit that out too don’t we? But then we no longer have allies, distance or buffers left.
Again, we can’t save HK militarily and trying would open the gates of hell, I am not advocating that, but I am sad and a little ashamed watching this unfold, and if the PRC moves on Taiwan I think we have to intervene.
The Brits were in an untenable position. The lease on the New Territories was expiring and they would be unable to hold Hong Kong itself without those.
The Brits could have said “Lease? Let’s see, yeah, we’ve got a lease here. We got it from that emperor dude who used to live in your neighborhood. Haven’t heard from him in ages and we’re not giving his shit to anybody. ”
Now, how they were going to enforce that would be another problem entirely.
Again, it’s not about using force. It’s about using justifiable force. I agree that nothing good would come from sending US troops there. Then again, I don’t think the US has used justifiable force in decades.
Dude, We can’t help HK without starting a bIG war we don’t need. We would win, but at a huge cost. to both sides, just kiss HK goodbye…
Giant authoritarian state surrounds tiny bastion of relative freedom. Yeah, the script is already written.
+1 Ukraine
Not my monkeys, not my circus. They’ll collapse under their own weight soon enough.
There is no chance in hell the US sticks our dick in there. Sorry, Hong Kong.
The real question is what happens when this same scenario plays out in Taiwan a few years down the road.
Tick tock…
Nah. Our deep state would get us in a stupid war.
*would never.
Good snark wasted.
Only if it would benefit the intelligence community. The deep state is the CIA, DIA, NSA… not hard to see.
I’d be willing to give them an American island of the same size and let them all relocate there.
Give them Delaware, there’s no one there.
Hong Kong was never the play. Trade was. It was working until around 2008. Property rights in mainland China were beginning to be recognized, the newly wealthy began demanding freedom. Then, we signaled another abrupt policy change.
Wait… are you saying it’s our fault that they’ve anointed a dictator for life and are now unpersoning millions of their own citizens with a social credit score. and are probably soon going to murder thousands of HK residents in the street to assert their authority? We did all that with a policy change? I must be confused, sorry, I’m sure that is not what you mean.
Policy does not live in a vacuum. Our position with China from Nixon through Bush II was trade, with war always on the back burner as a threat. Through that time freedom in China expanded. In 2008, Obama came to power, it seemed we kept trading, but looking back on conditions in China, it seems they started to turn authoritarian again right around then. I haven’t studied the great texts, nor do I know the specifics of any deals since then, but it is odd that their turn back towards authoritarianism started then.
I visited Guangzhou a couple of times in 05 and 06. It looked like Moscow with about ten times a many people packed into the same space. Pollution was terrible. The place did not look sustainable to me.
Yeah, that was LA in the 80s. How does that dispute property rights being expanded? The case I cited in a paper seems to have been since swept under the rug, and it was in this very crucial time, the Bejing 2008 Olympics; The case was a homeowner who wouldn’t sell, and at first the Chinese courts did the right thing and left them alone. It seems subsequently the case was memory holed and they bulldozed everything. But then again, that seems to happen here as well.
I visited Beijing, Shanghai, Xian, and a couple smaller cities in 2001. In every place, they were busy tearing up everything old and replacing it with shiny new stuff. And all of it seemed empty and fake. The pace has only ramped up enormously since then.
two systems one country
Hello late night glibs!
I just left a friends house, he is in the midst of a big move an very miserable. I went to try and cheer him up and he felt the need to call me an asshole for doing so.
No good deed goes unpunished; so I’ll be hanging here for the night.
Time for a bourbon, cheers!
Well, at least you know where you stand with that dude.
I’ll pour another Evan Williams, big ice cube, topped with Perrier.
A taste of the future,
Cacciatore: A pasta that identifies as a Casserole, but susbstitutes as a pineapple Deep Dish pizza for beer money…
Sour Apple Four LOKO, really, it’s a Jolly Rancher at 14% Abv
Sorry to hear that. Stress makes people act in uncustomary ways (see: anytime someone close to you dies and gauge the reactions of the people most profoundly affected) so don’t be too quick to cross Buddy off the Xmas card list.
No skin off my teeth, just going to leave the man alone. His loss- offered my trailer and labor to help move and got no thanks.
FIne. Do it with your cheating girlfriend who hates you and cough up to rent a truck.
Another person from my past that I probably should forget about; but I can’t resist a challenge and have tried to help this guy forever.
After this, just walk away, we all have to much BS to worry about, enjoy life my friend!
Tough when you share a lot of good memories- but they are just memories.
Getting old is not for the faint of heart: everyone you used to know starts dying on you metaphorically and/or literally.
Odd you hsould mention that. Lately I have been having dreams about people that have passed on that I miss very much. It is a bit annoying.
My grandmother has oft repeated the words of her mother: “Dreams are contrary.”
Yeah, after further perusal of the situation Festus hands you a virtual jerry can of gas and some wooden matches. “Burn that bridge!” I’m no one to talk reconciliation because once I’ve been crossed I just plain walk away like I’d never been there. It’s a lonely life but fuck people that take advantage of my good intentions.
This is a high class place. Act respectable.
Sit up straight and button your top button!
Huh. His British accent has mysteriously vanished.
It’s Nine PM, time for Alice!
Jangly song with a noisy dissonant guitar solo at the end. Australia.
One thing I found traveling in the 21st Century, if you have signal, you have Radio, and I found some great stations out there, Kcsm, jazz, Kusc, classical, and 105.5 Denver, don’t remember the station name, but all available on Tune in Radio, a nice app
Tune ln app es muy bueno. I stream Dodgers games. And there is a particular radio show out of Castlemaine, Australia I fucking love. “It’s a Jangle Out There” on MainFM 94.9 Wednesday nights in the USA. Jangly guitars from past and present. https://jangleoutthere.wordpress.com/
MW (AM) DXing is one of my hobbies.
I own a few too many portable radios. Lots of great stuff on air still.
I’m a garbage person and I like garbage music:
Garbage Man
Hadn’t heard that before. Not too shabby.
The Family Vibes “Garbage Man”
Trash https://youtu.be/x9d5csMFAfE
The Trashies belt out their classic hit “My Knife”
By the way, congrats on the Army life. Sounds like a fun and kick ass adventure. 20 years and retire and dig for dinosaur bones. Fuck yeah.
DOES EVRYONE SLEEP AT NINE PM? are you tired from Ass Sex? acting like a Mexican? Stoned on Weed? Fucking Glibs!
Shut your cock holster.
Sexy, I think? I can’t wait til you see what I did to you….
Well, if you have to ask…
You so mean.
I’m waiting on Sir Digby to wake up.
I got him to, did you see yourself^?
Yeah, I finally made it….
What was simply a dull headache has now spread and grown worse.
Sorry dude.
Ehh…I plan on surviving.
We don’t roll up the sidewalks in the Hyperion sphere.
Just chillin’
Where we would we be without the SMITHS?
*takes a quick look at tree family tree*
Well we’d have about half as many Irish bastards running around without the Smiths for a start.
Damned English Pillow bitters,
‘Sup Yusef! I’ll have some whiskey in your honor.
Howdy! start my new job Monday, HVAC, yes I’ll check the thermostats,
great – where?
Sliante! Don’t forget the filters.
Walking around /without/ colostomy bags.
P.S. Stop it with the avatars. You’re just showing off, now.
She has a reason to. 😉
I find the unbreaking eye contact threatening and offputting.
*breaks away*
Sorry, but that’s one platform I can’t support.
+1 golden age of ballooning
If you act now, you may purchase, from the BBC, a life-sized porcelain frog that croaks the words, “Sir Digby’s Golden Age of Ballooning” for £18.50, or, six months imprisonment.
*Morrissey links incoming…*
Stuck with the Cure? no Morrissey?
Finally. Sorry, but I love the Smiths. Morrissey cracks me up.
We might be better able to enjoy standing/bending at the waist/walks in wooded areas…
That’s just my thought.
Look who went to medical school.
Umm…Hollywood Upstairs Medical College, thankyouverymuch
So…what did I miss?
Everyone here is still all fucked up. Did that cover it?
I….guess so. It’s kinda that way here.
I mean, especially Mojeaux, amirite?
Do you hear that?
My eyes rolling.
Yeah, sure, I know you, pulling ponies and writing pr0n. All the bad things.
I thought you liked me for all the bad things.
Oh, wait, no. You claim I’m the worst, even though Nikki’s the worst.
I read it. Just really disrespectful….
Hyper…tsk tsk tsk
I got her Covered MLW my ass..
… Run away… Save… your… self…. SF …. unleashed Aaaargh
Me, you fool….
I am a fool for Yu….
Diggeeeeee! May I call you Diggy? Great! Thanks! Diggy Babeeee! It’s me, semi-drunk-posting from somewhere near Dayton, OH! Thought of you this evening – Mr. GT and I went to hear some friends playing at a bar in Eaton, in the next county to the west of Dayton. Fun fact: guys ’round these parts compare the relative merits of datin’ a girl from Eaton and vice versa. AAAAAANyway, our friends covered this Steve Earle song, and it reminded me of you! Enjoy!
*delighted squee*
Most pathetic part: I had all of two draft beers. Toooooo draft beeeeeers. I might even be able to remember what they were and do some sorta half-assed review..
Man, this is a hip crowd!!
I guess I should show up more often (i.e. earlier)
Good to see you–both of you–too.
::crosses fingers for a third female greeting::
/Four? Better not push my luck
She’s the life of the party until you wind up holding her hair out of the way while she ralphs in the toilet at Quik-E-Mart.
Hey now! I haven’t gotten sick from drinking for more’n 20 years, and that was on Long Island Iced Tea, which is WAY too yummy for my own good. I didn’t even get sick after I went to see the band that fired me (and replaced me with a Stevie Nicks wannabe and a drum machine) at their first post-firing-me gig (where they well and truly sucked,) and I was drunker’n a hooty-owl. (Mr. GT thought it was hilarious!)
In fact, I’m not nearly drunk enough. There’s a screw-cap bottle of Chardonnay – another Christmas gift from my non-oenophile boss – in the basement fridge…
Any more liquor, you’re going to start speaking Gaelic.
Enh – decided to leave the Chardonnay for another day. Just drinking water and grudgingly sobering up. Hmmmph!
Although it WOULD be fun to be able to speak Gaelic…. I don’t have to know it first, do I?
The Irish make it as they go along, I don’t see why you couldn’t do the same.
Nobody would be able to tell…
I was in Provo, UT at a bus stop. Two dudes were talking. In Provo, you hear damn near every language on the planet, but for the life of me I couldn’t figure out wjat they were speaking. I finally asked.
They looked at me like I was off my gourd and said, “English.”
“Ahhhhh huuh. Where you from?”
“That explains it.”
Aww…GT, you ain’t drunk! You got “obligatory” right!
I call shenanigans…
I’ll have you know I’m an EXCELLENT speller. And you have no idea how long it’s taking me to type this shit.
No, I’m honored! Have another’n for me.
Well, technically, after drinking a bunch of water, I’m sobering up now…but I identify as drunk!
You know, I haven’t had booze in a few weeks, and I’m just now realizing that Mojeaux wasn’t providing that *delighted squee* on my behalf….::cue somber Peanuts tune::
Also, yes, you may certainly call me “Diggy”, Might take me some time acclimating before I respond immediately…
…and I’m off to bed. ‘Night all!
‘Night, ST…er, GT!
Everyone knows that shit is totes worth it.
The first few times.
+1 it seemed like a good idea at the time
Hyperion finds his Brazilian wife very sexy and is trying to set up a three way with his sister in law.
Speaking of which, what became of Rasilio and Creosote Achilles?
Night all!
Is it wrong to take Bella to Shit at the local Mormon Church? they have Grass, Bella likes to Shit in Grass, we live in the desert…..
Do you pick up the shit?
+1 Pickin’ up what you’re layin’ down
I did some Caving in my youth and it was leave footprints, take nothing, the next week the cave collapsed….
+1 Bringing down the house!
/Thank you! I’ll probably be here most of the night..
Yes, I seem to the only one, that’s just the right thing to do, no matter, Bella and I get lots of attention cause we are nice folks… really
As long as you pick it up, I see no problem.
Sounds like Bella is on a mission.
OHHHHHH, just got it! yes!!!! FOTFLMAO
A dog with a habit, true devotion.
She always Circles the Church, like the Vikings? Yes, for She is,
The Tueful Hund!
The word evades you; you’re not getting the message.
I’ll stop with the protestant puns now.
*grumbles in Presbyterian*
They should be lucky to receive the free fertilizer.
Listening to the Green Hornet on SiriusXM today, originally broadcast in 1942. Britt Reid refuses to run an ad for someone offering top wages for experienced drives because he doesn’t support “job pirating”.
I swear I had something for this. Someone make a joke about Somalia and immigration.
Ugh…you can’t immigrate there: They have no government and no roadz!!!1!1
emigration to euroland*
And the Alligator eats us last…
Oh… Ewww!!
Well, the Green Hornet does feature a black beauty.
In regards to the PRC/Hong Kong the best we could do would be to start opening up the visa process for dissenters. Let in several hundred thousand. If China doesn’t want a bunch of people who love freedom then we should. Come here and make businesses and work and write about how terrible the PRC is and the absolute shit that is communism. Public condemnations against what the Chinese government is doing would be nice to see too from our hired help, media and large corporations, but I won’t hold my breath on seeing either of those things really happen.
Just needs to be sold in the right package. “Boat People” ring a bell? In all seriousness, the Media won’t back this because it would set back the narrative that they’ve been crafting for the last few years.
I hated the Boat people, they took ER Jerbs! they turned out to be a great American Asset, who knew?
I’ve yet to see an Asian vagrant.
I’ve seen many.
The media wound absolutely not push that. It offends the Cinese government p, which they do not want to do at all. Almost all major media has largely ignored Hong Kong for the silly Russia/Racism/Ukraine nonsense. I also don’t think El Trumpo would pull such a move, although if he did there would be some narratives getting hastily rewritten. I thought one of the lowlights of his presidency so far was sending China a congratulatory tweet on the 70th anniversary of the communist victory.
You need to crack open the oyster to find the pearl. He’s tone deaf about this because he’s ignorant of history and sees the world though a transactional lens. Everything is a deal to him. It’s been rather refreshing but at the same time maddening.
I get Realpolitik.
That was… beyond the pale.
Seriously, what an asshole move there. He didn’t even try to get in some half subtle dig. I shouldn’t expect any better from him, but he is so fond of insults, boasts and general statements that you wouldn’t expect to hear from a president that it especially stands out. I’d expect Obama or President Mitt Romney to make such a tweet.
I could see Trump *maybe* doing it to own the libs but under any other circumstance? No fuckin’ way. The Cold War is (supposedly) over.
“ I won’t hold my breath on seeing either of those things really happen.”
Wise move. Think about how bad Afghanistan has turned out and the US actually had direct national security reasons for the initial attack. If the US can’t even get right a war that was somewhat legitimate at the start, how are we to believe the US won’t screw up something that only has indirect national security interests? Oh, and if we really want to help oppressed people, how doing something easy like stop arming the Saudis in their attacks on Yemen?
Something something land war in Asia something.
But this time we’ll totes do it right. Oh, and ignore the other immoral stuff I’m doing. Has nothing to do with the good I wanna do.
Yup, and there is not even a nascent armed resistance there fighting. If there was it would still be not a wise move to intervene I would argue. At least then though, it would be a possibility of encouraging anyone who wanted to volunteer to go over and fight them the pat on the back. China is one of the biggest dangers to freedom on this planet. I wouldn’t have said that ten years ago, but I think so now. In another 10 after they crush HK I think they will try the same with Taiwan.
Whycome you hate America?!
Heh, heh, I love it too much straff. I’ve spent at least a little time in a couple dozen countries or more, five years in Brazil and the NL combined in one stretch. I came back. A mi me gusta mucho de los Estados Unidos. There are other places though, and you find different freedom in different places.
Muddy Waters, I’m a Man, KCSM on Tune in Radio, or KCSM. org
That is an outstanding tune on many levels!
SD, where is the night shift?
I wrote about you Man! I’m here! listen to the tunes Man!
Fuck if I know… I’m just here for you people.
*marks calendar*
I’m a lover, not a fighter
…well, a lover AND a guy who’s willing to rumble for the right
pricereasonWalmart shopper?
I was tonight!
I’ll be there unless I’m in a body cast. *grumbles*
Festus–watched this last night and knew you must partake:
Smells familiar. You know me too well, Digs.
Well, I do what I can. I’m a pretty good amateur Festus-ologist.
Well then, I’ll handle it for a while, Bong Cough….
Brian Stelter wants to be Ben Shapiro’s sexy little cum kitten. He wants daddy Ben to boss him around and slap him for being a naughty little sissy boy, and then pin him to a cold wall and chastise him with FACTS and LOGIC to OWN him as he moans and screams at the sheer force of his flesh inside his tight little asshole
So Jordan is a top? weigh in here Jesse….
“Brian Patrick Stelter is an American political commentator and is the chief media correspondent for CNN and host of the CNN show Reliable Sources”
“CNN show Reliable Sources”
“CNN […] Reliable Sources’
Hold my whiskey while I laugh uncontrollably.
Who? really..
We prefer the name “Bag of Dicks” when referring to Brian Stelter. Tucker was calling him “The Court Eunuch” awhile back but must have been threatened and kinda backed off.
Husband of the cute-as-a-button traffic girl on my morning news.
I just threw up in my mouth a lot.
Josh Gad is the Brian Stelter of musical theatre. Thoughts?
*stares blankly into drink*
He’s a talented guy and he can’t help the way he looks but that smarmy smile thing just sets my creep-o-meter off.
HM is that you?
My school decided to “ban” dating. Like, how the hell can they do that? Sure, they have caused some issues like last monday, 2 students were caught going at it in the biology classroom. Talk about studying human biology. A bit weird to do that in school but ok whatever. This week my school also found out that one of the teachers had sexted with one of the students. Those are pretty messed up but not allowing students to date each other as a result? That is truly annoying and makes me furious
I fucking hate my school. Anyone else being homeschooled?
No, but, I may enroll over there, Q…
Just a warning.
“PDAs” were banned when I was in high school. Didn’t stop me; or anyone else for that matter.
Cigarettes were banned when I went to school,
Get of my lawn!
We smoked outside the ag class gate. It was always open.
We had a smoking area right outside the entrance. One of our sister schools had an indoor smoking room. “Luxury!”
Back then, the teachers and administration turned a blind eye to pot smokers but alcohol was strictly verboten. That scene from “Fast Times”? That wasn’t much of an exaggeration.
Brian Stelter is another reason to hate circus peanuts.
*insert Orson Welles gif*
When I was a kid my parents went out for the night and left me and my brother with a babysitter and I ate a bunch of circus peanuts and then I woke up at at like 3 in the morning and barfed all over the place and it was all gooey gluey partially digested circus peanuts.
Layer in the morning I had pretty bad diarrhea too.
Like fiberglass insulation blower?
Excellent advice.
That awkward moment you get a call from the school telling you your daughter was caught with a boy in a stairwell going at it and it’s on camera.
My condolences. I can only imagine….
She was a freshman. He was a junior. She was so embarrassed she hasn’t gone near a boy since, so net positive.
I’m inferring no baby and no STD. So, I suppose so.
I have two daughters. Oldest just left for college. No major problems so I’m declaring a successful launch. Youngest is in 8th grade. 4+ more years of praying for things to stay on course.
No, the clothes hadn’t come off yet, but it was bad enough for all that.
That’s a relief. You were right. Total net positive.
Is that………? Did you……….?
No. Just empathizing with Mo.
Riiiiiight! Gotcha.
I think my wink-o-meter just redlined.
Late-night euphemisms….
I got the cheap balisong I ordered on a whim in the mail today. It’s more fun than a man should be allowed to have with a piece of cutlery.
I had one of those when I was a senior in high school. Cheap-ass thing I got at a flea market. Had no edge. Couldn’t keep one. But it was fun to play with.
Factory grind is OK, it has not been honed. I’ve no reason to sharpen it, just a toy.
I bought a halfway decent one (also in high school) that had steel handles with imitation pearl inlays. It was a beautiful thing. Wish I knew where it went.
I had one years ago, including a spell as a EDC, but it ended up gathering dust so I sold it to a buddy who appreciated it more.
It was a nice one too. Benchmade before they went through the roof price wise.
Heh… I read that over my glasses at first and thought you wrote “ballsong” and my ears perked up.
Damn, Cacc! Good call on that one.
I picked up a couple when I was in Olongapo 40 years ago. I also had a tiger-stripe camo short-sleeved shirt made with an upside-down pocket for the balisong inside the sleeve – with a single snap closure on the flap.
I’m taking over a lead position in my. new shop, no backup, not clue as to the intentions, but tons of PMs, and did I mention, no backup? If I can’t figure it out,we are fucked.
Now I brag about how good I am,
No help is better than incompetent help, in many trades. So you’ve got that on your side.
Dude….give him your knife, yo!
I’m a fucking mercernary right now, but I may have found a spot here, I start Monday, and I plan to take over, muhuahahha!
Yes, but whatever happened to guys like me? did they vanish? I know a very few young guys willing to work hard, even though I tell them it gets easier the better you get…..
There are a few of us young bucks out there, raised with tools in our hands by the old guard. I spent most of my youth in the workshop, I feel most folks my age (25) have made poor life choices and took the job for income alone. They don’t give a shit and have no interest in learning, entitled.
I feel fortunate to have cut my teeth with some top notch guys, and miss their presence now. Seems like incompetence rules.
Laziness. Wages for skilled trades constantly dropping. Disposable labor replacing skilled positions.
That’s the situation in South Florida. Throw temp labor at the problem when it arises so you don’t have to pay career tradesmen to stay on staff during non peak seasons.
The trades are cutthroat down here and it makes for a very poor work environment filled with transient people. Hence why I am back in school.
The best money that I’ve ever made was from the sweat of my brow wielding a saw. The second best was managing crews. I was pretty good at it but if not for my age I’d choose the contract work in a heartbeat. So many layabouts and nere-do-wells…
Live without a net. Way to go really. Congrats, ?
I’m so set up, I can work anywhere, and do anything, my business card say’s Consult. Design. Build,,
Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
The world continues to need heating, ventilation and cooling. Most especially with the upcoming climate catastrophe.
Because climate changes.
The Green Communists want to ban anything the uses energy. I imagine this would include air conditioning and heating systems.
There is no net.
Lead position and no backup. Means you’re training the new grasshoppers?
+1 Snatch the rock from my hand
They want me to train a College kid, oh fuck, they suck. I’ll do it, and they will fail. Attic work? fail, Fibreglass:\? fail.Rooftops and heat? fail, otherwise let’s go make some money, you will earn it…
They want me to train a College kid, oh fuck, they suck. I’ll do it, and they will fail. Attic work? fail, Fibreglass:\? fail.Rooftops and heat? fail, otherwise let’s go make some money, you will earn it…
They want me to train a College kid, oh fuck, they suck. I’ll do it, and they will fail. Attic work? fail, Fibreglass:\? fail.Rooftops and heat? fail, otherwise let’s go make some money, you will earn it…
Who, a triple!!!
Spend a day inside of a cooling tower on the roof of a high rise in Miami running a hot water power washer to clean the inside of the crates and basin. Been there, done that, got the trenchfoot.
Fuck Yeah! HVAC Big Time! go rest!!
Sandblasting tanker cars in the midsummer heat. I was young and skinny enough to be able to juuust squeeze into the hatch if I held one arm over my head. We’d do 20 minute shifts and then the next kid would don the suit and clamber in. Dirtiest (not filthiest) job that i ever had.
You don’t often see a triple.
For five years in my youth I insulated attic crawlspaces, sometimes with just 18 inches of space, and wrapped old asbestos covered pipes with fiberglass. That was the fucking worst job ever, but it was to help out my parents who were absolutely bleeding money from another business.
I laid insulation 25 feet above the warehouse floor for my company. One false step and I was dead or crippled. I don’t know why I did that other than the fact that they asked me to and I wanted their approval. I feel the shame.
Natty business, glad you survived….for now
SD I was listening to Eddie Trunk while scrolling through comments. I see your first one tonight when this came on:
Methinks you should use it as a music link.
Sorry, it loads a blank YT page. Says it’s a server error…dammit.
Take a guess what it is.
You magnificent BASTARD! A Foreigner video? For me??
Possibly the greatest music video of all time.
Hmmmm…I would think this is
As sexy as Lemmy was… I’ll take the ladies dancing to Foreigner.
Chafed: second.
Great! You, too, BP?
I mean, I get the “one dick per fantasy” rule, but…duuude!
Take a lesson from BP. He’s got good taste.
I got good tastes, too….
::kicks pebble down the road::
What about this? https://youtu.be/dlJew-Dw87I
Or this? https://youtu.be/7-0lV5qs1Qw
Or this? https://youtu.be/cn73Wtem0No
Festus, we’ve already determined that the tension is palpable.
Now, you’re practically try’na seduce me right here…
Heh. Classic rock station here plays that tune every. single. night. The folks I work for don’t seem to care that the play-list consists of maybe 200 songs. It’s like fucken Groundhog Day in these parts.
It’s easier to stomach if you remember this video.
But then I’d be sporting a half-chub and that wouldn’t be Cricket!
::nods knowingly::
Actual suggested music link
Acceptable alternate
AHH! That’s the stuff!!
“Chafe-Rolled” yet again! Confound it!
I deserve that but the story is true.
So Channel 39 played it? Or, 38..?
Neither. Live stream of his Friday night over the sir broadcast. It may be available on Dallas radio. Nif not you can stream Q104.3 out of NY.
Ah. Gotcha. I just know him from XM.
Channels 38 & 39 usually give me a good fix, beyond what I have downloaded.
Is he pretty entertaining in that format?
It’s my Friday night ritual. Mostly music with just a little talk.
Stop making me defend Trump.
Yech…she’s as ugly on the inside as the outside. And, that’s saying something.
It takes a lifetime of dedicated practice to greet the world with a scowl every waking moment.
I should know, I come from a long line of Scowl-Canadians. A dour lot, to be sure….
She is the personification of that Reddit story about the hairy kid shitting on the bench.
I would say the one about the “homophobic” force-jerkers, but, that denigrates jerking off.
Things I learned from Drew Carey today: Rick James and Neil Young were in a band together until James was arrested by the Navy for being awol.
The price Is Right is hipper than I thought.
It was his Friday night show on Little Stevens Undergound Garage channel on Sirius.
That makes a lot more sense.
Signing off. Live long and prosper.
Maaaan! Ugh-Fine! Take off, ya…ya…East-Coaster!
Now I play the Old Man Card, Good nite my fellow Glibs!
Yu too?
Damn, I was late!
OK Digby, I’ll play, that Pasta guy? cacciatore? He plays on big buildings, I play with Houses, who has more fun? I’m 56, he’s 25, who makes more money? who needs more money?
why do I sound like the Judge? Discuss….
Fun? WEll, getting down from a tall building my have a comparatively larger thrill than coming down from a 2-story house…
The $? Hmm…If he’s not married, I’m gonna say you have the larger need, but, you may have skills that pay more…?
And, I don’t think you sound like Judge Judy at all
I’m going to work residential, some Rooftops and some indoor splits, Almost no commercial. I love commercial, no people, etc. now I have to deal with old people, not optimal, I need to smoke more weed….
Now you have to deal with people. FTFY. That’s the best part of my shitty job. I interact with the staff at my leisure, I’ve spoken with my supervisor a handful of times over the last seven years and I usually am free to gambol about my business on my own time. Indispensability has its perks.
You resi guys earn it. The saving grace with industrial/heavy commercial is that the original install was engineered and so is generally done to a high standard and in a way that makes sense. Makes service easier. And these sorts of customers have money and pay their bills on time.
Wait…you didn’t sign off, but, instead, stuck around to talk about work??
Cacc–get some sleep!
yes, gone PC!
Just…you know–be back here tomorrow evening.
Damn, this is almost porn for me. I wants it, I wants it. Gotta not be stupid. But, precious.
Those 12 easy payments…
Umm, I don’t know if you noticed it, but that is only 12 payments of 145.84. You’d be a fool not to.
I’m just chilling at home. Watching the 3rd grader and his buddy playing games and watching TV.
That’s fun, enjoy!
Japanese cartoons are as inane as you can imagine them being. They’re doing their own thing – I’m just here as adult supervision. Not as much fun as it should be. Too freaking hot still to go outside and have some real fun.
I assume they involve a WW II era ship flying through space inhabited by people with largeceyes and tiny noses.
+1 Iskandar
Nah. These are little kids.
Here’s a taste with English explanation – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_QqWcyKuTI
My nickname in college…
Sniff out any clues?
Room mates or coeds? This is a safe space, no judgement here Sir…
I did manage to find myself in some tight spots…
I suppose some cases needed a little probing?
Alright…Festus with the swoop-in comment, to make mine all awkward.
/umm, yeah–that’s it
He’s missing this
I got into this Japanese stuff decades before anybody in the US knew about Anime – and I never quite developed an interest in it myself. I dunno, maybe some day some of it will cross my screen and I’ll be interested. I am vaguely aware of most of the more popular stuff simply because I’ve been here for most of the past 40 years and understand the language. But if it all dried up tomorrow it wouldn’t have any impact on my life.
Reminds me. I need to pick up sone sweet potatoes at the store tomorrow. Or today.
Really, I’m out PC!
‘Night, Yu!
No! I am not a 2 year old child! I will not go to sle……..
Quiet, everyone…don’t wake up
grandpaYusef.I defie my Parents! and I drink their stale beer after they pass out,
/true story, when I was 3
3?!? That must have been some impressive fake ID!
First drunken tale – I was five years old at my Auntie’s wedding and one of my Grandpa’s drinking buddies thought that it would be great sport to give me orange juice spiked with vodka. I remember little of the evening except holding forth at the table and making people laugh and laugh. I was pissed that my elder brother got to be be the “ring bear” in the wedding party and I got nothing. I sure showed them, I did!
‘Night Yu!
I’m gonna drink coffee, and talk all night about stuff no need cares about, and I’ll cuss, and shit on the Chessboard Because I can!
or not…
I have done all three of those, so I’m waaay ahead of ya, Yu.
Top men never make mistakes.
But like, yeah, the science is settled. A mere bump in the road.
I wonder (only kinda, a little) what the story will shift to 5 to 10 years from now when the oceans haven’t risen some measurable amount. I can probably make up a few probable scenarios but I wonder which one will fit their plans best.
The heat is hidden somewhere/building up/natural systems are out of whack/etc. It will be something requiring more money and giving them more authority.
Now, that sounds like a case for the Butt Detective!
Oh! You meant….not….well, shit.
SMOD. A made-up SMOD.
I was only half serious since we are already 5 to 10 years down the road from when this took off. The climate apocalypse will always be “in just a few years”.
It truly has become a religious cult:
– Some world-ending catastrophe that is always just a short time away
– Excommunication of the insufficiently pious
– The need for self-flagellation and penance for what you’ve done by merely existing
I can only expect that Greta will be shuffled off the stage as she gets obviously older. The urgency of her cause will be incongruous with the image of her being on stage with her three high-school age kids.
She’s gonna breed??
Somewhere there’s some twisted boy who is growing into a pajama-boy watermelon for whom there could be no other.
Jesus, Tej! That made me cackle like an old hen! Nice work!
What are the odds on it being Hoggy-Proggy?
End of the world predictions don’t have a good track record.
1 and done.
Me without the teeth Gap,
Sounds like an HM link.
A bit pedestrian, but…yeah.
Then you click the link.
Insert “Its A Trap! ” GIF here.
Jeez, first the Wife now Bella snores? really loud? A Dog? my Dog? I’m doomed…..
Wifey puts me to shame, snoring-wise. I’ve pushed over on her side and she still persists. How is that physically possible?
Well, I had to get a new bass after it was demanded of me by KSuellington and Sir Digby. Don’t look it up, they ordered me to do it, and I was forced to comply because reasons. REASONS!
The good news is: *girlish voice* I got a new bass; I got a new bass! Squee!
The bad news is: paying for it.
Ah well, whatever.
Well, you can use that purchase to make some $…if you want to.
Hell you say – also, don’t try to deflect; it’s your fault. Just wait until I get done playing along with Police and Iron Maiden covers and forget.
I’ll send an SOS to the World…
I love both IM and the Police (UK band)…May the Lord bless Stewart Copeland and Nicko McBrain.
Also, you’ll recall that I claimed they were “easy” payments… So, this shouldn’t be difficult at all.
Also, your musical tastes are correct, because they concur with mine. So there.
SEE??? I knew I had good tastes!
Just saw a grandma with big tiddies, a mother with average tiddies and granddaughter with small tiddies walking together. It’s like Q’s nightmare version of that evolution chart.
/In Japan?? Hahahahahaha!
Some of the old broads have quite the rack.
Go on…..
That can’t be. Fifty-odd years of conditioning have taught me that all Japanese girls are demure and flat-chested, just like Macarthur intended.
Oh weirry?
It’s not HM approved until the masseuse slips a finger in…
The boobs are fake AF. You can google “Kano Shimai” and check it out.
Actually, I’ll take all the bodacious babe on this side of the RoF
While I should refresh more, that did kinda work out.
Does anyone else find monotonous but productive activities to be therapeutic and relaxing sometimes? Right now I’m sitting here with my new Spyderco knife sharpening kit, 6 kitchen knives that need some TLC, a glass of Russell’s Reserve Rye, and a 5-hour YouTube video of Mozart piano sonatas.
It’s a Zen-like satisfaction.
Aren’t you supposed to sharpen your knives after every use? I usually run it across a few times before I use one.
::looks around::
I, uh…..I don’t what you’re talking about…..ahem
That’s not productive!
You don’t know me!!!
*In disgusted and dismissive tone*
And you’re at work.
No, I’m not!
See, you don’t know me–I get days off.
I mean, there are days on which I’m not required to sh–you know, let’s just stick with the euphemism
You’re internal clock must look like bomb boy’s science project.
Yes, I suppose I am rather empty inside.
I’m white, so I have no (circadian) rhythm.
People of color tell themselves that we have no soul just the same as we treat Gingers. Helps them to sleep at night.
I used to tie flies and built elaborate models. Yes, it is calming and very Zen. When I was younger I was pretty good with charcoal on paper but mastery of color always eluded me.
“Colonel” Festus, I presume?
Also: c’mon you lot–get in on the random letter cascade! We should be able to do much better than those Morning/Western Time Zone folks.
So, can we get a late-night alphabet/letter cascade going?
You had one job….
/I mean, you apparently have more than one…but, here–just the one
It was gonna be JUGGS and the Gaijin had to ruin it for everybody else. Harrumph I say! Harrumph, indeed!
It’s not ruined.
Kinda close, you know, but…
It’s tough being a Gaijin if juggz are a priority. They’re not unattainable but you can’t expect them.
Although, back when I was taking a few courses at the local uni getting ready for grad school I had a thing going with this sweetie from Nagoya who was sportin’ a pair to make Q drool.
Go on….
Oh, I most definitely did!
Tell me more! Tell me more! Was she wearing a skirt? Tell me more! Tell me more! Didja get under her skirt?
“shirt” Fuck a duck.
Y’know, there was a reason that my typing teacher from high school failed me upward and noted on my report card that I should never take another typing class again… I was just there for the chicks and he was spot-on right in his assessment.
Is … is that a wide-eyed gaze? If so, furious applause and much pogo in the back of the venue.
You’ll need bigger eyes….IYKWIM
Igreetings all night owls and “alternate time zone” dwellers!
I have awakened. But I got nothing to say about Japan so I will lurk.
Carry on.
I like when pretty girls watch me do stuff… Like fixing cars, cooking and building things from scratch. You know that your mind went there, no shame in that.
OK, taking the brood to meet mommy for dinner. See ya’ll on the other side.
See ya!
Eat, drink and be merry, friend Tejicano!
Sorry for the giant copypasta but this is sticking in my craw. This is a discussion I had last night with a member of a libertarian DerpBook group… a LIBERTARIAN group. I thought it was Hihn for minute. The original post was about how charter schools are great for LBGTQ kids as the schools are able to expel bullies and troublemakers.
Full disclosure – Both of our children attend public schools, great public schools. My wife teaches at the worst school in that district but the reason the school poached her from her previous location was to change that and she is busting her ass to improve the metrics for her classes.
I think some people believe Libertarianism is liberalism on steroids.
Or they buy into FDR’s freedom from want, freedom from fear claptrap.
Communist SOB. (Spits on fine)
On DIME!!!
I am going to turn off autocorrect
::Follow-up spit on fire::
Free helicopter rides for them–one way
::spits a follow-up on said dime::
“Brian” is an ignorant cunte and wouldn’t know a Libertarian even if he were cupping their balls.
No true Scotsman…
Right, Lady Nostrovya?
*clinks vodka shot*
Here’s lookin’ at you…
Please to raise your glasses for a women of whom I have been in awe since I first read of her in a comic by Spain in ’83 or ’84 – Lylya Litvyak The Rose of Stalingrad.
Pours another vodka.
Have you found a possible costume theme?
Sir Digby, do you think I wait for excuse when I want to dress in costume?
Uh, no ma’am…
::hangs head::
Chin up, Sir Diggs.
Time to saddle up and let slip the dogs of war!!
(Trivia: Welsh + Russian yield Hayeksplosives. Ancestry.com has proof. What could possibly go wrong with mixing Celtic hotheads with cynical, fatalistic Slavs??)
That has an interesting ring to it. Of course, we have proof right here!
Also, this puts Rosie the Riveter to shame!
She sings like a bird and can drink you under the table at will?
One can certainly hope so.
Yeah–talk about a blind spot to park the Concord in…
I even kinda sorta agree about the triumph through adversity, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, etc. but it really makes my blood boil thinking about the educational disservice he would do to OTHER PEOPLE’S children. FUCK! I’ve seen grown folk weep when their kid doesn’t lottery out of their bad zoned school. The school my kids are zoned for is a shitshow and I would do, quite literally, anything to keep them out of it (sadly the school is named after its only notable graduate Dr. Jonas Salk).
It seems some animals are more equal than others, to this guy.
The dude could easily start his own school, to run as he sees fit. But, he insists on farming out his violence.
He seems a run-of-the-mill coward, in that sense.
I once encountered elderly Russian immigrant, 1stgen, in Minneapolis liquor store. Asked him what is best vodka? He said Tito’s.
God bless Texas.
Shit. Apparently I’ve lost command of definite and indefinite articles again.
I’m blowing my own cover.
Don’t tell Mueller.
You need a voucher? ‘Cause, I’m sure we could put together a conv-
Oh, right….
::written in best invisible ink::
Just tell them you had just finished watching Conan the Barbarian, and you were in character…
What is best in life?
What is best vodka?
Ah, good times. Good times.
I was once taking a bus where I was seated next to a Russian immigrant who had helped teach herself English by reading Danielle Steel novels. She was proud of this and even kept the thank you letter from Steel to prove it.
Better than learning from 50 shades of grey, I reckon.
That would make for, like, THE BEST bus ride.
Or, the worst….could be the worst.
This settles it: Danielle Steel does add to literacy
Do ?s be?
If they’re Babylonian…
Better than learning from 50 shades of grey, I reckon.
Whats wrong with some Babushka using “thrusting loins” in polite conversation?
That ‘s a question for the ages, Festus.
I, for one, can’t find any fault.
I tried to get wifey interested in the Titos but she still prefers her Ketel One. Many moons ago, when I was drink-slinging on Bourbon St., we had a group of Mardi Gras regulars – 5 -8 guys who came down from Chicago every year. They drank triple Ketel Ones with Red Bull exclusively. The entire week they were with us, nothing but triple Ketel Ones with Red Bull. G/d bless those lads and their expensive drink/high tipping ways.
Customers like that make the job bearable–so I’ve heard
I’ve probably already bored some of you with this story, but here goes.
::sits on the floor at Hayek’s feet, listening, and waiting for recess::
Waiting for the nip-slip.
I was tending bar as an amateur volunteer at in International Masters Student inaugural social meeting in Sweden.
There were 3 Russian dudes there. Best in mind, the Cold War had just ended.
The Russians teased me about being an American who probably couldn’t hold her liquor, so we made a bet. I would match them , vodka shot for vodka shot. If I failed, they didn’t have to pay their tab. If they failed, they had to sing the Russian national anthem a cappella.
I took one for ‘Merica that night.
Great moments in diplomacy
That story has three excellent elements to it: Hayeks, drinking, and Russians.
/Honorable mention for Sweden
“Patriotism swells in the heart of the American bear.“
OK. We are about 160 posts away from quad-digits with about 45 minutes before tomorrow’s articles drop. WE CAN DO THIS! LET’S SHOW THEM 1K POSTS!
Well I could share a silly throwback link…
Please do!
This one is funny yet full of pathos – https://youtu.be/6jVi_kVy7V8
Well I could share a silly throwback link…
I see what you did there.
/I think….
I always hear Charlie’s voice as Bob from “Bob’s Burgers”.
H. Jon for the win!
Fun fact: I have a Bob Ross’ Burgers T-shirt
You are a man of many T-shirts. I wore my “Weasels Ripped My Flesh” tee under a Hawaiin shirt to my 30th reunion. Problem was that everyone expected me to be “on” the entire time. I sure had a good time but Wifey was not amused. Who knew that middle-aged women would be so bawdy?
Oh, I am totally hoping for this.
The ten-year was a fuck-fest. All that pent-up emotion in a room full of hundreds of people that were 27-28 years old. Dragged out by the ear, I was!
100+ in 20 minutes?
Either way, this was an epic comments post.
I expect nothing less from each and every one of you tomorrow night for my post.
You have been warned.
As noted above, if I can survive the roofing work, I might show up.
I’ll probably be in bed by the time your post drops.
Well, you’re usually up near the end…that counts.
Uh oh. I’ve regained use of indefinite articles!! You know what this means???
IT MEANS IM SOBERING UP!! It’s come to this…
Oh, no! Get 100cc’s of hooch, stat!
Aye, aye, Cap’n!
Your wish is my command, as you are my chivalrous Champion, and I am your patron from afar.
Oooohh…never had a patron before!
Hold, on–let me throw my cloak down before that unsightly puddle, M’Lady.
::covers puddle::
There you are!
Apple-polisher. We hate you because you’re good-looking and can do the Hustle! Plus, all the chicks dig you so you must be a fag, right?
Harsh, man!
Back in the actual chivalry days, a Knight was to chose a fair lady to admire from a distance. It was ok for it to be a Romantic love, but it was strictly platonic I’m practice. Yet knights were to have their lady to champion and think of as they rode into contests or actual battle.
It was oddly linked to centrality of Mary in the Catholic Church of the time.
Huh…didn’t know the history that well.
Welp, who’s next?
::draws sword::
The bees are triumphant? Mueller can go fuck himself?
Nightmares about English class and gerunds stealing my under-pants?
Are you worried about their stealing?
duh Duh DUH!
Go on (notes that this dude could be a freaking weirdo)….
I Gilmored the comment and ask the fair Lady for her forebearance…
Granted. (Nods amicably)
*bows with many a flourish*
Huzzah! Who just finished downloading a complete run of The Benny Hill Show? This guy.
Oh my. High speed footraces of coppers with nightsticks chasing down flashers, women in sexy nighties with garters.
“Do unto others; then run.”
Deposit 25p
::drops coin in::
Thank You
The entire run???
Aw, snap! New thread.
I’m done for now. Tomorrow night, perhaps?
Good morning, all!
See you tonight–hopefully!