I predict this week that a dear friend, a lovely (former stripper) and intelligent (degree in Math) woman will come to visit me. We shall see how the Albany airport will fare against my prognosticatory abilities.
For the rest of you less fortunate ones, here’s what the stars have to say:
Jupiter (rulership, rules, order happiness — the astrologers who came up with this were filthy statists, but that’s probably a necessary thing to get research grants from kings. Plus ca change etc. ) has got a double leg construction (though neither of them are particularly tight.) On one leg there’s the sun and Mercury (good news, beneficent change in leadership, strength and growth) and on the other there’s Mars and Venus (marriage, righteous war/just peace, domestic reconciliation) and together they form a “V,” which of course means “victory” though also the door knocks of fate and “va fangul.”
Libra lets Mercury slip away, but with the Sun, Mars and Venus (plus the association of the latter two with Jupiter as mentioned above) all being in the sign of Balance we are looking at a brief period of universal harmony. Honestly, this is a ridiculously unlikely prediction considering everything that’s going on, but let’s look back on the results during work week 42 and see how clear my foresight is. Mercury moves into Scorpio, signifying a buff to your speed and agility, but also the risk of poisoning. Coupled with this, Capricorn receiving the moon in addition to its usual Saturn further signals enhancement to mental/creative abilities, but there is a dark undercurrent. If you need to figure out how to break contracts or off someone, this is the best week to plan.
Events in my life may be bleeding over into the cards I’m drawing. Eleven of the twelve cards are designated “woman.”
Libra: 10 of Cups reversed – Repose of the false heart, indignation, violence.
Scorpio: Wheel of Fortune – Destiny, fortune, success, elevation, luck, felicity
Sagittarius: 2 of Wands reversed – Surprise, wonder, enchantment, emotion, trouble, fear
Capricorn: 3 of Cups – The conclusion of any matter in plenty, perfection and merriment; happy issue, victory, fulfilment, solace, healing
Aquarius: 4 of Coins – The surety of possessions, cleaving to that which one has, gift, legacy, inheritance
Pisces: Page of Coins – Application, study, scholarship, reflection, news, messages and the bringer thereof; also rule, management
Aries: Knight of Coins – Utility, serviceableness, interest, responsibility, rectitude
Taurus: 8 of Cups – The decline of a matter, or that a matter which has been thought to be important is really of slight consequence–either for good or evil
Gemini: 2 of Coins reversed – Enforced gaiety, simulated enjoyment, literal sense, handwriting, composition, letters of exchange
Cancer: 3 of Cups – The conclusion of any matter in plenty, perfection and merriment; happy issue, victory, fulfilment, solace, healing (First time doubles have been drawn?)
Leo: The World – Assured success, recompense, voyage, route, emigration, flight, change of place
Virgo: 6 of Cups – Childhood, happiness, enjoyment coming from the past, things that have vanished
About bloody time I get a good one .
Virgo: 6 of Cups – Childhood, happiness, enjoyment coming from the past, things that have vanished
I’m not even sure where to begin.
I got nothing….
Related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXRviuL6vMY
I would ride one of those.
Kiss me like ya missed me.
“Childhood, happiness”
I suppose that means I should play the lotto.
I predict this week that a dear friend, a lovely (former stripper) and intelligent (degree in Math) woman will come to visit me. – forgot the Oxford comma or is it one person?
No Oxford comma for a list of two.
Technically speaking, there should be a comma between “woman” and “will,” to set it off.
I didn’t want to be that person. 😉
I wasn’t either and then RC pointed a thing out, so I wasn’t THAT person.
So I guess THAT person would be me.
*waves at Ted S*
Pie started it, though.
Yeah, it’s all Pie’s fault.
well i still see a list of 3 not 2
if you ignore the braces that is
oh never mind
Only 2.
“lovely and intelligent woman” modifies “dear friend”
Not after come?
Cancer: 3 of Cups – The conclusion of any matter in plenty, perfection and merriment; happy issue, victory, fulfilment, solace, healing (First time doubles have been drawn?) – if my shoulder isn’t healed by end of the week I am unsubscribing
You can’t predict the future!
* goes back to predicting which football teams are over-rated
the glitterbacks?
I am still lobbying the NCAA for the annnual South Carolina v. Oregon State game, a.k.a. the Coitus Bowl. They haven’t returned any of my letters. I even used the fancy crayons to write them this uear.
Capricorn: 3 of Cups – The conclusion of any matter in plenty, perfection and merriment; happy issue, victory, fulfilment (sic), solace, healing
not bloody likely; good things never happen to bad people
it would not kill you to occasionally help an old lady across the road
OT gripe: Scouting has almost fallen apart because of perceived liabilities and risk management. In the seventies Scouts were part of emergency response and did everything from rescue to directing traffic. I dare any chartering organization to dare let 14-year-olds do something useful during a local emergency . . . double dog dare.
/ Eagle Scout
Stands and applauds non-toxic, awesome, masculinity and it’s place in society.
I know I’m physically weaker than the average male. I rely on good men to keep me safe.
Thank you.
Dammit, why does autocorrect sprinkle in unwanted apostrophes???
Because it hates me. 🙁
I was dubbed the Grammar Goddess in high school. I gold medaled in the state Tournament of Champions of written tests in grammar.
We’d have a most pedantic but enjoyable conversation.
Its o,k, T’ed
I’m okay with chicks in BSA so long as reasonable accommodation is made: they should get to run chainsaws instead of bucking through a log with your buddy the old-fashioned way
My nieces went to world jambo, and the oldest is trying to get Eagle — she’s getting an age dispensation since she couldn’t join until she was 16. If she does it, I’m getting her this: https://www.henryusa.com/rifles/golden-boy-eagle-scout-tribute-edition/
Oh, man. That would become a treasured possession.
Both of my first 2 guns were gifts from Dad
He never gave my sister one. He knew his daughters were different.
as someone who disapproves of the concept of toxic masculinity I also disapprove of the concept of no-toxic masculinity as it reinforces the former
Get bent, fag.
Pretty sure gay guys approve of masculinity
Hmm. That may be one reason my church got out of it.
You’re sacrificing your Friday night to make your wife happy, you’re not exactly Bundy.
Last week:
This week:
I don’t know what you’re smoking or what spirits you’re channeling, dude, but you are right on.
This past week has been a rescue/decision of massive proportions. Today that decision was strongly affirmed.
the sun shines even on a blind dog’s ass?
I’m trying to avoid any on topic comments on these posts because they would be mean.
I’ll take it! It would be nice just to get SOME kind of feedback from the publication to which I submitted a short story on 7/31. If the tarot reading is entirely unrelated, that’s OK too.
Hey Gustave, if you’re around, thanks for poetry edification. I never heard of that before. I printed it out and left it in my bat-cave. We’ll see how my wife reacts.
Her: “Is there something wrong with you?”
Me: “Well, duh.”
[Insert gay dog photo here]
Uh, I don’t remember, but you’re welcome.
Were you drunk too?
I must have been.
@Pie: Just the one person.
Leo: The World – Assured success, recompense, voyage, route, emigration, flight, change of place
Yeah. That’ll do nicely.
Kitchen cleaned, guest room cleaned, roast in the sous vide. Living room time!
Woot woot!
Just pulled rubbed ribs out of stovetop smoker and put in slow cooker with BBQ sauce.
I have rediscovered Elbow.
Audience with the Pope
Gemini- I don’t want to know what it means. Yipes
Does seem… ominous
Beatings will continue until morale improves.
Speaking of, what happened to Creosote Achilles?
He got tied up somewhere
Sounds like a lot of stuff that would be associated with online dating…?
That awkward IRL meeting…
That’s what I’m afraid of
Was the prediction #wannafud ?
I just a little mental movie of Johnny Mathis singing “Wanna fud? Wanna fud?”
Yes, I know I ain’t right.
I suppose it beats Lawrence Welk saying it…
I live down the road from the Lawrence Welk resort in CA.
I admit I intend to go to the Addams Family musical they are hosting now.
“Enforced gaiety”
Well of course. We’re here. Gayity is the main theme.
Sounds like I will have to go to a supervisor’s barbecue or a wedding for people I barely know… with a cash bar.
Libra: 10 of Cups reversed – Repose of the false heart, indignation, violence.
Ha… nice birthday horoscope!
Happy b day! (?)
Thank you!
Happy birthday!!!
Hope it’s a good one!
At work so far. Plan to do some swimming and BBQing as soon as I’m out the door!
I’m good at both those things!
Happy bday!
Happy birthday ???
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Tulpa!
Happy, Happy Birthday, Sigh
“Leo: The World – Assured success, recompense, voyage, route, emigration, flight, change of place”
My travel is next week. Missed it by this much. *holds up thumb and forefinger a 1/4 inch apart*
Please update us when it gets pulled in a week.
I wish. Big risk management conference. Part actuaries, part insurance drones. I’m meeting with offshore regulators.
My long distance digital pen pal is asleep. I haz a sad
Someone Tries Proving How A Family With A $350k Yearly Income Is Still Struggling By Posting This Expenses Chart, Gets Roasted
It would be better if people did less scrutinizing of the family expenses and took the time to notice that the gov’t steals 33%+ of that $
Imagine hating someone you’ve never met for doing well in life.
Ahhhhh, so you’re saying Generic White Guy is a fucking moron. Gotcha.
The people on that budget COULD become the “millionaire next door” types if they thought about it for 1/2 second.
6 years for good savers. 10 years for ok savers. 15 years for people who want to live somewhat comfortably. That budget doesn’t have any good excuses.
They probably already are, at least on paper.
$40K/year into the 401K plus any employer match. If there isn’t an unrestricted employer match, pumping 20K (15K if over 50) post tax into an employer controlled 401k instead of a Roth IRA is just plain foolish.
The claim is that the featured budget is “struggling”. I can agree that envy over the salary itself is disgusting, but I can also see why there is disgust (if not hatred) that it’s called “struggling,” when it doesn’t have to be.
And you are ABSOLUTELY right that no one’s talking about the government’s shakedown. It didn’t occur to me either. “That’s just the way it is.”
Yes, the idea that they are struggling is a joke. I think they were trying to show that people with that type of income still don’t have a ton left over if they budget well and they definitely allocated some expenses as necessities that are anything but.
What really stands out to me though is the naked envy in response. If they want to blow $400 a month at old navy (not even sure how one does that but Old Navy does seem to have throw away clothes), that’s entirely there prerogative. I don’t begrudge them that and I don’t understand why people are so angry.
Doing well? They’re getting scammed at both the clothing store and their local food resellers.
Imagine going through life like that. SMDH
I think he hates that family for being spendthrifts and then claiming they’re struggling.
^^^ That.
Imagine sharing any personal information with the retarded Twitterverse.
^^^ That too.
-Generic White Guy
As a saver, this dude angers and terrifies me. Calling people disciplined enough to save ‘hoarders’ and implying they owe some of their (((gold))) just by virtue of having it, ignoring that they sacrificed to save it up, and implying the collective has some nebulous right to it really grinds my gears.
/guy who started dumping cash into a 401k at age 19
“Who is spending $400 a month on clothes and $70 a day on food?”
OK. that’s 2500 a month, still leaves some $18K a month after fed taxes. Most folks could squeeze by on that
Yep, the biggest slice of the pie, always. I still use Quicken to manage my finances, the “Government” category always exceeds the “Family” category.
Generic White Guy better be a troll:
According to him, the largest barrier that prevents people from becoming wealthy is that “extremely wealthy people are able to hoard their wealth and continue to amass it through exploitation of workers.”
“A wealth tax would be awesome as well, and also makes a lot of sense. Money works when it flows, it’s destructive when it’s hoarded,” Generic White Guy shared his opinion.
GWG has no idea how money works. It isn’t sitting in bags in a closet.
Even the money I have in my savings account is just a promissary note. The actual cash has gone and been loaned to someone else already.
To hell with anyone who says any tax is an awesome idea. But these people are far from struggling.
We’re in that general neighborhood for pre tax income. Total expenses including the mortgage average under $9K/month. We save more than that.
I can’t afford $9k/mo!
I need more monye!
/notserious, but I’ll take more if I can get it.
Do I need more? No.
Could I have an awful lot of fun if I had more? Absolutely.
Money can’t buy happiness, but it sure makes the rough parts of life more survivable.
My dad says it’s not what the money can buy, it’s the bullshit you don’t have to put up with.
Divide all the numbers by 2 and that’s roughly where we’re at. 35% goes to living costs, 40% goes to debt, and the rest goes to the tax man. I look forward to being able to redirect that debt money to bolstering retirement and actually enjoying life.
Exhibit 9997754 of why the UBI won’t work. Too much is never enough.
The Trades have failed and there is only a light breeze here. Today’s sailing races are going to be sloooow. The good news is you can drink beer while racing sailboats.
“Not if I have anything to say about it”
/Boat cop
Hi, dbleagle!
Hope you have a great time. Bit early for drinking for me…
Guilt free in less than an hour, eh?
I just cracked one but I don’t think I’m really in the mood. The first taste didn’t inspire a second.
Howdy Hayek! It is only a few minutes after 8am here. Before we leave the dock we’ll have a good luck bit of cognac. We’ll be at the starting line at 10am and the racing will run till around 4:30 or 5pm.
I’ll miss the Packers game, but a day with friends on the water is a better day than watching FB. (Plus I can probably see the replay on the NFL Network later this week.)
Puck the Fackers!
Have fun on the waves!
Sorry, I don’t follow the NHL so don’t know who the Fackers are.
*runs away before SP hurls a thunderbolt ⚡*
Bit early for drinking for me…
Does not compute. Beer is a good breakfast drink.
“Libra: 10 of Cups reversed – Repose of the false heart, indignation, violence.”
Sigh. Looks like I’m going to have to cut a bitch this week.
Threat or promise?
I can only go by what the stars give me.
okay, it took over an hour to format an article using the WP editor (includes learning curve for first attempt); pictures are in the right place and formatting complete and everthang!
so now I’m thinking it should only take a moment for the Glib Super Friends to touch it up and post it (should they so deign)
I felt really bad when I figured out how much work it took to tie a bow on my shabby articles: much more than they were worth
* starts day-drinking *
It gets much easier when apathy sets in.
/see Spud links
Ignore Spud, it gets easier with practice.
“* starts day-drinking *”
Right behind you. Anything special?
I ventured down to the garage fridge and scored a pure cranberry juice, pure OJ, and a lovely box of finest Cardboardeau (h/t to SP for that term)
I’ll be stealing that…
I went up the bluff and into my favorite slum package store to lay in some Oban before the tariff hit, but all they had was Glenfiddich 12 . . . . SAD!
Sounds rough! I like to keep it simple. Bottom shelf handle of spiced rum and coke.
Well, it is your birthday, celebrate, celebrate, move up a shelf
The Great Flamingo Uprising of 2010
Quoth the link – 404.
Fuck a duck. Copy and paste. https://zookeeperproblems.tumblr.com/post/148474117426/the-great-flamingo-uprising
All I could think of was “Why haven’t they shot all the geese yet?” Geese are pests, not zoo exibits.
Hey, I was just enjoying the laugh.
I was hoping the battle ended with the normally chill flamingos butchering the hatebirds and driving them from the zoo.
I was amused that the swans “hellbirds” got involved. Those things are terrorizing.
When I was a wee one visiting the OKC zoo, they had free-roaming swans, and they never seemed to cause problems. Usually they just swam around in their ponds.
Ok State has a campus feature called Theta pond. Beautiful tranquil place to think and study and daydream.
It had a pair of swans for years, then some drunk asshole wanted to throw a prank by kidnapping the male swan.
It got violent (swans not being wusses) and the guy killed the swan and tossed it in a dumpster.
The female swan was devastated. They mate for life.
Then a male mallard duck decided to be her Champion and was by her side in the pond fending off attacks or attempts to dethrone her.
Very sweet.
In the UK, they are property of the Sovereign and you would do well to leave them be. https://youtu.be/av_c3ta9N4g
MN is seeing a lot of swans, last to leave in the fall, first back in the spring. Always good news to hear them trumpeting in the spring, we know it won’t be long before the weather changes a little.
Of course, it was the fault of the geese.
Mr Mojeaux won tickets to tonight’s chiefs game. He’s been asking since 9:00 a.m. if it’s time to go yet.
I enjoyed getting to Astros games way early — parking was cheaper, beer was cheaper, and I’m pretty sure the hitters were actively trying to tag us during batting practice.
“Sorry, we missed it.”
The elk are out
Very Cool. Didn’t realize PA was in elk’s range.
They were re introduced not long ago.
“Elk County”, even.
Game farm/game preserve?
PA state game lands.
Nice rack!
How the hell is Mason Rudolph still a resident of planet earth after that tackle? Brutal.
Why the Ravens got rid of Weddle is still beyond me.
I notice they aren’t talking about Lamar Jackson being a great quarterback anymore. I wonder if somebody will bring up how they were talking about him the first couple of weeks of the season.
OK, so the guy who got struck by lightning after running his 50k race, what did his horoscope say that morning?
“You’ll have a shocking finish.”
Electrifying !
For that I’ll need to know the date, hour and place of his birth, his bank account and routing numbers, the name of his pets, and the birthdates of his children.
I have discovered that high end resorts in Orlando are just like Caribbean cruise ships- crowded, noisy, insanely expensive, and tacky.
I can hardly wait to get out of here and back to my child bride, my polar bear, and my Alzheimers-addled mother.
I was only briefly in Orlando, but I didn’t like it one bit. It seemed like a support system for D-world. I really liked Daytona, though.
I am ok with Orlando. I had a rather memorable and naughty time there at a conference once…
Unfortunately, no naughty.
Go on….
The prices here make me long for the bargains to be found at airports and stadiums. An 80 cent bag of potato chips- $7. A small bottle of Diet Coke- $8.50. I looked at the snack menu at the bar and almost threw a blood clot.
You know where you’re going to end up when you die?
No, you’re going the other direction. I was thinking more the Disney resort in Orlando.
I feel the same way about Las Vegas. I was picturing classy James Bond kind of stuff, but it is totally tacky.
Isn’t tacky kind of the point of it all?
Yeah, but stale cigarettes and desperation wasn’t what I had in mind.
I’m not at all a fan of Vegas, but at least it’s not this expensive. And far fewer kids.
SP and I got married there. Tacky wedding chapel, then off to see Penn & Teller.
Mr Splosives and I got hitched on my pastor’s backyard deck, then went inside and had a taco casserole, changed into NFL jerseys, and watched MNF with pastor and his wife
The day we buried my dad, we had a house full of people watching the Chiefs and snacking because that was what he would’ve been doing that day.
Same here, but Baltimore Colts.
then went inside and had a taco casserole
Usually newlyweds at least keep it in their pants until they leave their pastor’s house.
Yeah, go “see” Hollywood. It’s a cesspool.
It was pretty good, back in the day. Everything was free but the gambling. Could sit a a $2 table for hours and get hammered on free watered down booze. And then hit a $5 buffet for a late dinner.
Last time I was there I’d lost several hundred dollars at a $10 table before I got my first drink. FUCK VEGAS!
I have a friend who is a moderately talented card counter. Not enough to be suspicious, much less make a living at it, but every time she goes to Vegas, she goes home with quite a bit more money than she left with.
I have a friend who’s excellent at blackjack. Never cheats, but has been banned by every Minnesota casino and a few in Las Vegas.
I’m proud of him.
“I beat the house.”
Achievement unlocked.
Heh, got a PM from Francisco d’Anconia: “How come the men are all outnumbered today? I’m afraid to comment because of the estrogen level.”
Well, I am about to go to the Coliseum and watch the gladiators.
Masculinity stirs my hormones toward mating.
As Churchill said, “Let us go forward together in our united strength”
I’ll be your wing woman
We estroglibertarians need to get together. I volunteer to be the designated driver.
designated driver
I prefer the term dedicated enabler.
I’ll take either. Or both.
I don’t know when or how but I’m going to use estroglibertarians.
Until I actually meet one in meat-space, I’m going to continue believe they are all just advanced AI.
If I were that clever I would have stopped at estroglibs.
Is there a defined term for a group of Glibs? As in when 3 or more Glibs meet up, male/female/mixed?
A Gliberation of Glibs? There must be a term.
A Conflagration of Glibs.
A gaggle of Glibs? a glibble?
A group of ravens is called an unkindness.
How about a shitlord of Glibs?
A Snarking of Glibs
Bob-bob, I like Glibel of Glibs, short, inclusive
How about a Glibnation?
Is there a defined term for a group of Glibs?
A Perv of Glibs?
An Uninsurable of Glibs
That’s good too, Tardis, it shows that we have high hopes and we’re on the the move.
A group of Glibs becomes a Glibnation. My final answer, unless voting is rigged!
A scofflaw of glibs.
Someone needs to collate these for future use; there are some very nice entries. Hard for me to choose between “a scofflaw”, “conflagration,” a “shitlord” – which works on a number of levels, especially considering it sounds like an Asian guy trying to say “shitload” – with an honorable mention to a “uninsurable.” (Both my wife and I have worked in the legal side of insurance.)
Crap – I vote for all of them. (A perv is funny too). Maybe we could use them seasonally?
Is it just me, or is there an abundance of estrogen on this site, lately?
NTTAWWT! It’s just that no one’s gonna take our libertarianism seriously! 😉
It’s you, Girlie.
I’m a certified Cis-shit-lady
Look, I’m busy, I finally got words on the page.
Take this for your excess testosterone.
Ugh! Now I need to go kill something
I remember that song being in heavy rotation on 97X (BAM! The future of Rock and Roll!) in the 90s
The more girls, the merrier. I’d rather hang out with the cool chicks than you other losers.
I am going to identify as female, so JB won’t lump me in with the losers
Nice to see that, in keeping with tradition, Cincinnati is playing just like, well….Cincinnati.
They went into this game a 3-point favorite, too.
Sigh. I like Andy Dalton, that lovely ginger Jack Frost of a man with fantastic eyebrows (quite rare in gingers).
But it’s just not gonna work in Cincinnati. Hope he invested well.
AJ Green is still out, and its like he’s the only person on the team Dalton can throw to.
Panthers know how to get rid of their franchise QB who only has 2 offensive targets without rocking the fan boat.
Get him to become vegan to impede healing. Let him play a season with a messed up shoulder.
Then begin the season without letting him run and hang two losses around his neck before letting him get injured.
Wow. Harsh, but spot on!
For some reason he always makes me think of Abby Dalton.
They managed to tie it up with 2 minutes to go.
David H. Koresh, this is bad for my heart.
Assured success, recompense, voyage, route, emigration, flight, change of place
Sure. I expect more shit, different day.
Ginger Baker Died…..
A good movie about him, indeed,
Beware Mr. Baker
Yep. He made it to 80, though.
Mmmm, Chimay Premiere Ale.
That’s good beer.
I’m almost done with the NFL pussy league football. Now, the officials are supposed to decide the game. Raiders vs Chicago, that is the worst fucking call I have ever seen in the NFL. Are you now not allowed to touch the QB now? WTF? And if you do, that not only results in a 15 yard penalty, but a change of possession? Fuck you, you bunch of cowardly pussies, go home and shove a tampon up your ass and bow down to your woke masters, and then kill yourself.
Exactly why I quit a few years ago, pussyBall indeed
There’s always estrorugby.
”Are you now not allowed to touch the QB now?”
Had he already thrown his hankie on the ground?
Ask Clay Matthews about that.
That was an obvious bad call. He deserves better, and he’s an ex packer so you know I mean it!
Not just that one, but the tie game against Minnesoda last year.
I was watching the other day. A good hit that would have made a highlights reel a few years back is now flagged as unnecessary roughness.
No way a player like Romanowski could ever exist in what the sport has become.
And even with replay they didn’t call the obvious pass interference in the Packer/Eagle game.
II didn’t see the play you are talking about. I’m sure I’ll catch it on highlights.
But how could it possibly be worse than the non call against the Saints in the NFC game.
A call no less by a ref who once played for the Rams and lives in L A.?
No bias there right ?
He shouldn’t have even been reffing that game.
It was an obvious legal sack and an interception. You won’t see it on the highlights, because they’re (the NFL) ashamed to let it make the light of day.
Man, I hate mail-in rebates. It’s just enough moo-la that I can’t blow it off.
Thats what they are counting on.
The store made it sound like I could just scan the receipt, and email everything in. I don’t see that option on the manufacturer’s website. Bastids.
And Willie Brown is the first to say it… That’s gotta burn if you’re Harris.
Looks like I called thane all wrong; my money was on Harris as the nom. She seems to be tanking pretty hard for which I am grateful. Of all the statist shitheels running for Team D she’s the shitheeliest IMO.
Unfortunately it’s making things easier for Warren.
What Brown said was “none of these clowns can beat Trump – help us, Hillary, you’re our only hope!” Which is cold water for everyone, but at least the others didn’t have to see his willie to get where they are. (Presumably.)
With any luck she’ll be too toxic for the VP slot too.
She’s ambitious enough that whoever the nom is doesn’t want to spend the next four years looking over their shoulder if they win.
Yep. The VP is supposed to be an insurance policy, not a threat.
Hence the reason most VP picks are generally good-natured seeming dolts
/I realize there are no good natured pols
There have been some notable exceptions, of course. Picking LBJ as your VP is like picking Jason Kidd as your assistant coach.
Also see Dick Cheney
I only hang out here for the chicks
/Winks in Hayek’s, Mojeux and SP’s direction
//married women find me polite and adorable and ask me why I’m still single, I’m all thumbs and two left feet if they are actually single
Shit. You people have ruined my ability to speak politely.
I just texted a dude “Not fellating the president and granting king powers to him should be a lesson learned regardless of which party is “in””
Mission accomplished
Which is never the lesson learned. It’s always, “WE NEED TO KEEP OUR GRIP ON POWER!”
You’ve got potty fingers.
Is it still fellating if the president is Hillary ?
/SF to the courtesy phone, please
Twelve men aged between 18 and 22 are arrested for statutory rape of two underage girls on the campus of Jacksonville State University in Alabama
12 is a bit much, but 16, lying about their age and showing up on a college campus to hang with 19 year old(s)? I don’t like this, lady Glibs and others.
‘The fact that she lied about her age on Tinder on Facebook is of no consequence.’
Except for her whole credibility. And should be a defense for the defendant(s).
Total crap. It was consented at best, entrapment at worst.
Not to statutory rape.
I get the theory behind minors not being able to consent, but I think the parents should be held to some level of account if kiddo is running around lying to people and trapping them in statutory rape.
I know this leaves me wide open to “blaming the victim” accusations and I’m honestly not trying to do that, but one way to avoid a situation where either women who look younger than 40 are ID’d by potential romantic partners OR creepy dudes chase after ten-year-olds and say, “Well, I thought she was 18” is to reinforce the notion that young women should not hang out with a bunch of dudes on their own after dark. I know it’s fusty old Puritanical uptightness about sex, but time and again those boring old Victorian sensibilities about how people ought to conduct themselves are helpful in avoiding situations like trying to determine the moral culpability in an underage gang-bang.
Not always
§ 3102. Mistake as to age.
Except as otherwise provided, whenever in this chapter the criminality of conduct depends on a child being below the age of 14 years, it is no defense that the defendant did not know the age of the child or reasonably believed the child to be the age of 14 years or older. When criminality depends on the child’s being below a critical age older than 14 years, it is a defense for the defendant to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that he or she reasonably believed the child to be above the critical age.
(May 18, 1976, P.L.120, No.53, eff. 30 days; Mar. 31, 1995, 1st Sp.Sess., P.L.985, No.10, eff. 60 days)
Interesting. Not my field, but I had not seen that before. Beats strict liability.
16 is old enough to know what you want
16 is old enough for your mother to have said “Keep your legs closed” at least once.
See? Now I know you’re both bots! I say these things to my wife, and I don’t have use the A/C for two days.
I have a 16yo girl.
I am terrified what trouble she could get into by herself without me dogging her ass.
I guess I should clarify and add to Ms. ‘Splosives comment.
…but not the consequences to yourself; others be damned.
Which are very often emotional and emotionally devastating.
Men use love to get sex and women use sex to get love.
I went to school with girls who at 12 could’ve easily passed for 17, 18. Some girls mature earlier than others. And, I’m sorry, but while there’s obviously other shit going on if there are twelve dudes involved, if I’m a reasonable 18-year-old and I’m at a college campus, I assume a girl I meet at college is of the same age group.
I’ve never understood the allure of a gang bang………it seems really gross and not and infinitely regrettable……..there’s got to be some unseen dynamic going on here
notThe dynamic is a girl lacking in any self-esteem whatsoever seeking approval any way she can get it.
It’s not just for girls.
Sexist much?
Having no cod or ever identified as if I had one, I will not presume to speak as if I had that ecperience.
Your accusation is problematic and a demonstration of toxic masculinity.
I guess that’s it. Someone that insecure is truly a sad human being. Bad enough that some young girls are forced into that situation….I cannot comprehend the pathology that would bring a girl willingly into that situation.
I am guessing some serious daddy issues. No father or no attention from the one who is there.
The commies hit the nail on the head when they decided to try and destroy ‘the patriarchy’.
“I cannot comprehend the pathology that would bring a girl willingly into that situation.”
Some people just want a challenge.
Yeah, it’s real gross and it’s a sign of other issues. All of these factors are of a kind: multiple sexual partners at the same event, underage girls attending some party on campus by themselves…these aren’t emotionally whole girls with stable families.
Reminds me of the time I went to Mormon prom. I was a few weeks short of my 18th birthday and decided, after a while, to pursue a girl who looked 15 or 16. Got to dancing with her and talking to her, and she mentioned that she was 12. There was enough room for Jesus, Brigham Young, and Joseph Smith between us after that. To add insult to injury, the girl I was there for had long since left to go make out with some nice Mormon boy.
I am glad I am old. If I were that age these days I would be in a monastery or a prison.
Groom-to-be is charged after ‘sexually assaulting drunk bridesmaid two days before his wedding’ and his fiancee still MARRIED him
Alpha af
“Well we already paid for the venue and the food and all the RSVP’s are in, I guess we’re still doing this you asshole.”
“We’re not giving those gifts back.”
Maybe she was in on it?
Article says she walked in on it, oddly enough it didn’t turn into a threesome
/porn lies
Puff-sleeved dresses are trending for fall, and we can’t get enough
They say, “laugh at me” and “don’t take me seriously” and “I have not watched Seinfeld.”
Um, wut?
Oops, this goes up one spot….
When an elderly woman went missing, these four ‘junior detectives’ saved the day
The parents should be locked up for letting these monsters roam without adult supervision, and for the names. I’ll fight Kashton right now. This poor woman wanted to be left alone and these little assholes decided to become tools of the state to hunt her down, and then had the audacity to not only brag about it to a complicit media, but also their ridiculous celebration.
For shame.
Alphabet soup people sue Google
[anguished Zoidberg groan]
I don’t think any of them seem like they’d be fun to hang out with
I have no words. None at all.
Maybe they should come on over to Gab or Minds…
That would mean they are willing to be responsible for themselves. You won’t win the victim Olympics that way.
I couldn’t make it any further.
Gotta be parody. Please.
The posting of the rant on Youtube should be a tell.
Uh….that is a joke right? Parody?
I cant tell any more.
Joker” Is a Viewing Experience of Rare, Numbing Emptiness
lol omg
Check, please. There’s Parks and Rec to binge.
Speaking of incoherence…
Yeah, bro, Joker is a rip off of Black Panther. I mean, obvi.
Ahhhh, finally a review that I can use.
Wait, are you serious?
I couldn’t be more sarcastic in that last statement if I tried. There should be a special font for the level of sarcasm and scorn in that last statement.
Try this one.
There’s got to be some way I can switch over to comic sans as needed!
I mean, seriously, who is supposed to believe that a movie about the most popular comic book villain of all time is a money-grab based on the success of a fringe comic book hero movie that came out a couple years ago? What world do these people inhabit?
one in which the world’s run by white supremacists and they, despite living better than 99% of the worlds population and better than anyone from previous generations, are the victims of some vast, nebulous oppression.
Well, I think it’s people who start off looking for anything they can possibly ID as oppression and then proceed to develop an “interest” in comic book movies, say. And since they didn’t give two shits about them the day before they heard about Black Panther, they have no idea that there were other more popular black superheroes, or that the Joker has been around for decades prior to Black Panther, etc.
If anything, Bane is a rip-off of the Joker and all villains in western fiction are a rip-off of the devil to a greater or lesser extent.
Darth Vader and so many others started out as good characters who became evil because they were hungry for power and knowledge and wanted to rise above their station.
So the lesson is ‘know thy place’?
I’m with Mojeaux. They all make Faustian bargains to one extent or another. They allow ambition to overcome their virtue, and in so doing lose their souls.
To an extent. I’d say the lesson of most villain-origin stories is “don’t bite off more than you can chew”.
“A man’s gotta know his limitations.”
-Dirty Harry
My Monday morning mantra.
All that for a Movie? SMOD, Save us All….
From what I remember — and I saw the movie today — Arthur became violent defending himself against a bunch of rich white men. I find it interesting the author of the article compares the group of people of color who are filmed beating Arthur up with the Central Park 5 who were arrested for something they did not do. It seems that in this case, the author believes, Arthur, a poor mentally ill white male who was just twirling a sign, deserved to be beaten.
Reading the rest of the article makes it plain the author wasn’t reviewing a movie as much as making a political statement — the kind of which where the author would apologize after being beaten by a group of people of color for standing on a corner.
I don’t get it. Why the pinko hate for this movie? The limeys are losing their shit over it and the ones here too. I am guessing it is like the hate for Rand….it hits too close to home.
Anything that doesn’t preach social justice is now out of bounds. It’s only good if it’s propaganda.
It’s an opportunity to panic about/worry about lonely white men who commit mass shootings, so this allows them to feel morally superior on a number of topics, including “incels,” the gun control debate, racism, and movies and art in general.
Meanwhile, this weekend’s bodycount from Chicago will reported as nonchalantly as the score for a baseball game.
Scary Negros are committing those crimes, and you don’t expect our lilly white heroes to talk about that, do you?
Playing the movie back in my mind there is a background story of a sort where the poor and middle class or “clowns” as one of the characters puts it are upset with the rich (and by proxy the elite). They rich and elite are believed to be ignoring the rest of the population.
So although I don’t think the director meant it this way, you could say it hits too close to home.
Dallas has decided they don’t want to win today.
No shot Spud.
I just texted a fellow Cowboy compatriot.
Dak just turned down 30 million a year with something like 90 million guarranteed ?
He needs to fire his agent with a wood chipper for that decision
Prescott wants more than a four year contract.
I’m rooting for the Dallas Broncos, not the Dallas Cowboys.
You say that as though it were a bad thing.
What I said to myself.
I think I know why the Cowboys are not playing well.
It certainly doesn’t help.
Today’s beer: Pecan Pie Paradise porter by Pontoon Brewing
with pecans, cinnamon, vanilla, and lactose
The label art is Adam and Even eating pecan pie plucked from a tree
Side note- why was the serpent punished by having to crawl on his belly? Don’t they do that anyway? Seems like the little bastard got off easy. God must secretly like snakes.
Why I hate living in my tiny house
lol wtf?
I wonder if they can sometimes distract from other, more systemic solutions that are necessary
What’s needed is a permanent, final solution to this problem.
AOC says, ‘hold my chardonnay’.
National rent control will fix it right up!
I want to party with that chick.
What is the point that person is trying to make? I couldn’t find one.
That some people probably shouldn’t live in tiny houses that are too tiny.
Argue against that, smart guy.
Here it is:
“It’s similar to climate change, in that it’s going to take all kinds of approaches to help deal with the problem. But there is a lot of potential around ADUs. There are about a million single-family homes in the Bay Area. If 10% of homes had ADUs, we’d have 100,000 units of housing. It wouldn’t solve the problem, considering there’s a several hundred thousand unit gap, but it could go a long way.”
Rich people need to pay for my house, and it’ better be better than this junker
More directly, gov’t is going to take your back yard and build me a mother in law apartment
In my old Queens neighborhood people were snapping up single-family houses and building condos in their place left and right.
Crazy, I know.
Yeah, but that’s not the government doing it, so it’s eeeeeeevil.
How dare anyone not just play along with the narrative that that gibbering drooler is putting out! And impugning the good reputation of the the FBI and CIA to boot.
That’s hilarious, because prior to Obama the company line Todd would follow would’ve been exactly what Johnson was saying. It’s hilarious to see these Team Blue shills suddenly clutching their pearls at the idea that the intelligence community might not be wholly trustworthy.
BRibs turned out delish.
Ten minutes till Tacos!
/Tall Cans!
Mmmm, tacos.
The ladies are turning the Glibs into prudes!
I was a prude before it was cool
I think they were already prudes.
I am not quite sure WE are the ones doing it.
^^^ This guy gets it.
Nobody’s turning ME into a prude!
Welcome to Fall.
Man, I want that.
I have a Remington 870 tactical that I have never used to explode pumpkins or watermelons. I need to get my hands on some stat.
The stock he’s got on that Benelli is appealing to my worst mall ninja sensibilities.
Funny, that was the mail-in rebate I was whinging about. For however long the page lasts….
Change of seasons
Benelli M4: $1800
CZ 1012: $650
I bought my Benelli M4 at an auction for $1250, including buyer’s fees. I haven’t shot it yet.
Rip Taylor, 1935-2019
Anybody else remember The $1.98 Beauty Show? Chuck Barris produced this send-up on beauty contests back in the late 70s, and Rip Taylor was the confetti-throwing host. I couldn’t find a complete episode on Youtube, so you get just the confetti.
Yes, yes, yes.
“She treats her body like a temple, then wonders why old, jewish, men hang around her on Saturday night” is a line forever seared in my brain.
Why Socialists Aren’t Hypocrites For Using “Capitalist” Products
The funniest bit to me regarding these low wattage light bulbs is, what they call capitalism is just the way people have and will continue to conduct commerce. Hell even neolithic societies traded in a manner that was mutually beneficial. That is how you end up with Mesopotamian artifacts in proto-Gemanic dig sites. I mean there was a fair bit of bash ’em over the head and take their stuff going on but there was a great deal trade going on as well.