I wanted to wait for a resolution, but I can’t wait around. It seems my Company bailed on me due to a dubious, unethical series of events, so I’m in limbo right now, maybe go back to Walmart.
We did make it to AZ, broke as fuck but not hungry, yet, so I decided to build a 1/144th scale Wargaming table. There are 2 million Wargamers out there, and while they love to play, they hate to build, that’s where I come in….
How it’s done
First question, what are you going to do? Dioramas? WG tables? Scatter pieces?
Some nomenclature:
WG: Wargaming tables with fixed scenery and terrain, very tough and take players abuse well, not cheap, if done well.
Dioramas: very expensive due to the level of detail required, and very fragile when finished.
Scatter pieces: these are cool, basically rocks, trees and terrain features that can be moved around to create new scenarios, usually with a battle mat.
Battle mats: I forgot those, imagine a tarp with caulking covering it, a bit of paint and Voila! War gaming!
In this episode I will show you How I do it. I hope you enjoy, let’s begin.
First is materials. I get slab foam from Home Depot, but it’s widely available, and some drywall mud, this is essential to making foam look like life, then I figure out what to do….
After deciding I glue my foam slabs together and cut/sand it all down, layer it all together, then make a trench for my water courses, this is critical, the material I use wants to level, so you need to contain it somewhat. By this time we have the bluffs, hills and river mostly in place, now we need roads.
The Megalith:
I have a plethora of small stones in the front yard so I went wacky with a Stoned Henge monument, take my psycho mind and some rocks and behold! StonedHenge!
I went with the Roman roads theme after watching a YT on the subject, very east/west, with some north/south to follow the river, this is difficult. Try to make sure a straight road looks natural after 2 millennia? Let’s see…
As usual, I had no thought of doing this until I sat with a beer and just looked, and it came to me…..
How it’s done pt2
Good materials, and an imagination are all it takes, fun or money, it matters not. Build or die is my motto.
Do your elevation layout first, then paint a base coat of your landscape, brown, green and blue, keep the glue away!
How do I do landscape, Yusef?
Foam, a cheap knife from Dollar Tree, some sandpaper and you’re done. It’s important to notice that nothing in nature is static, even with patterns, chaos rules, deal with it and you will make nice scenery! Find primary colors for your rock features, then tint dark, overbrush, then tint light and dry brush.
I’m out till next week, see ya!
Gallery, so far.
I have no idea what wargaming is, but cool.
‘Playing with toy soldiers’ for those with OCD.
UCS plays a lot, I like to build
My brother and I had something like 10,000 1:72 soldiers of every army under the sun when we were kids. We didn’t paint, nor did we formally wargame, but the basement usually had some awesome battles set up.
That sounds fun! if I had a basement………
I’m hoping I retire with good enough vision to put all my 1:72 soldiers to good use.
diminutive dolls for dudes
Impressive as always.
Needz moar Legos. ?
Ooo I love the road climbing the bluff at an angle.
I have one more article in the pipeline for this project, and it has some neat features, Bluffs look way better, as do the roads,
Sorry about your employer.
Well.. Fuck them, I started my HVAC job here locally just today and they already dig me, so I’m going to be alright in AZ after all,
That’s great news! ?
I’m confused, though that is not unusual. I thought you were in Bullhead City with a new gig. Hope that is accurate and you are fighting the AC Wars and winning.
You are a man of many skills and interests and make the little people look easy. Good article and the pix explain a lot.
Kick ass, buddy!
And remember; the V is for vacuum.
…and vagina.
I don’t know, man. You really think there’s that much demand for A/C work in AZ?
Damn, I was this close.
Congrats. I hope it all works out.
Glad to hear it.
Awesome, Yusef! Both the job issue and the creation here.
Congrats on jobs well done.
Lovely, Yusef. Good luck!
Is this the new job company? Or is the new job since you wrote this?
Since I wrote this, I was hired last Friday, and my Next article went in on Saturday, I think, so this is a new company for me,
Go Browns!
/that is all
I’m not a sports fan, but I am following Don’s rating articles. I’m curious what he has to say about UF now that they beat auburn.
That is how you get the Ravens! Didn’t Modell teach you anything?
Somebodies got to say it……
So far, not so good.
Boo! Go Niners! // don’t really care.
I work a block from the stadium, so week-day game days means getting to go home early to avoid the stupid crazy traffic the area can’t handle, so they get my support tonight.
How fucked up is the NFL scheduling that Cleveland/SF gets a MNF game?
/’Niners fan.
First quarter of the first game I won enough to cover the rest of the season. I haven’t won anything since, but it’s all found money from here on. We’ll see. I’m glad the Broncos finally found somebody they could beat.
That was sweet. Fuck the Chargers.
I really like the stone wall!
Thanks! that’s Dollar tree foam board, with the paper stripped off, the piece is about 3″x 10″
Putting the 2 year old to bed, I read her a book about a kid losing a tooth. She was a bit confused and concerned about it, so I explained the whole baby teeth, permanent teeth thing, and she got it that the baby teeth come out when she gets bigger and older and that new teeth grow in after the baby teeth come out.
Anyway, we moved on to singing bedtime songs and as I was tucking her in, she said “No I get older, Dada, no I get older.” in her reassuring voice.
I didn’t realize how dusty her room was, because some definitely got in my eye.
I’m a tough cookie, nothing prepares you for your own kids and their little innocent random beauty. We won’t talk about the flip side of that coin though.
Children can get, difficult let’s just say,
enjoy em young, lots of fun!
That’s what OMWC said
I knew as I wrote that, what was coming……..
Also, the older they are, the cuter they ain’t.
and that’s what I meant, though my Daughter IS Hawt,
Trump hardest hit.
Ah, the ol’ “the cobbler’s sons go barefoot”, eh?
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Its absolutely amazing how the intellect develops in a child, they can puzzle things out at such an early age when they acquire the language skills. I remember my son, 4 years older than his sister, explaining things to her, when she was very young. The little ones learn so fast, from the parents, from their siblings, to conjugate verbs, vocabulary.
Not sure if singing before bedtime helps though j/k
It cracks me up and scares me a little that she has the entire first verses to Amazing Grace and It Is Well memorized.
Every once in a while she’ll be doing something and start absent mindedly singing “when peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll”
It gets me every time. She dont know what any of those words mean, but she can sing them perfectly.
If you’d like a nice combo of picture book and CD of wonderful kids’ songs, please check out Sandra Boynton’s Dog Train She has several book & CD sets out, but this is a personal favorite – and I don’t even have kids. Lotsa big-name singers and actors featured. Best track, as far as I’m concerned, is Weird Al and Kate Winslet on “I Need a Nap.”
…and Alison Krauss can help you rinse all that dust out of your eyes.
HIPPOS GO BERSERK was a fave of my guy as a toddler.
Here’s a little extra, trshy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3qWS-Ja1jg
Well done Yusef. It’s nice to see someone enjoying one of the many hobbies I wish I had more time for. Any other Warhammer 40k players in here?
as far as players go, we have several around, as far as hobbies go, I don’t think I’m going to fly my R/C planes out here, they big but still way too windy and erratic,
so I’m buying a 2 line control Kite next week, plenty of room right across the street, and plenty of wind,
I wish you the best in AZ. I have no idea why any non-sadomasochist would ever choose to live there. Granted, it’s probably a good place to be an AC tech.
I used to. I think I only played a few full games.
Gaming group was
Space marines
Chaos (me)
Too expensive and hard to set up a time to play. I ended up just giving my stuff to a friend ?
It wasn’t cheap. I was pretty proud of my little Necron army.
That’s why I build, way cheaper
Your terrain and battle scenarios are awesome.
I am always awed by painted miniatures and terrain. My attempts were usually pretty poor
I was meh, and when I wanted to learn something, I found Mel Bose, the Terrain Tutor on YT, and his techniques helped me build what I see in my mind, that’s when it gets fun,
While still having a pretty large collection of Little Dudes, I haven’t actually gamed since I ran a comic shop back in the mid-1990s (3rd or 4th edition rules… I was always partial to Rogue Trader/2nd. ed.) but I kept up with the painting and modeling until the birth of our 1st child pushed my hobbies away. I ran Marines (custom chapter), Imperial Guard, Squats, Orks, a Genestealer Coven, and a smattering of Chaos. My unfinished shame is the conversion of a shit-ton of Fantasy Skaven into a 40k race. I’ll get it done one day.
Impressive, Yufus. Outside of anyone named “agile” or “cyborg”, you have to be the weirdest we have.
Mad props @ Mrs Yufus for putting up with you.
I’ll take that compliment, I would have said SF or even HM, if they post my newest article, I’m sure to get a smile..
or screamed at, thereby taking my place amongst the Strangest,
Natty Ice!
Milwaukee’s Beast Diet!
LOL! I got out just in time, they do that and it will Cascade all the way through the State, it did last time. PGand E are saving themselves from Lawsuits, sorry Cali!
They’re punishing the PUC for not allowing them rate increases to cover the settlements from the last round of fires. People are going to freak the fuck out, so bad, the PUC will reverse course and allow the rate increase. It’s all a chess game and we’re the pawns.
Coming to NY soon, but for different reasons*.
*Green, anti-pipeline, anti-civilization BS
Reminds me of Atlas Shrugged with the sky scrapers being dark.
LOL gfy.
Whu? Do they mean propane?
My generator is hooked up to my natural gas line. I have gas heat and water heater.
Oh, that’s neat. I didn’t know that. I thought they were gasoline powered.
Some are.
Permanently-installed systems run on natural gas or propane, which ever the building is serviced by.
Two different gasses.
About 80% of our fleet of cars and trucks run on CNG, or compressed natural gas. The same stuff your stove runs on. It comes from fracking. The trash trucks run on LNG which is liquid natural gas. There’s a couple of other flavors, but the city doesn’t use any of them…yet.
This is going to get interesting if it lasts. I suspect better off homeowners and some businesses will get generators. The watermelons will lose their minds.
Then some proggie municipalities, like Berkeley, will ban generators. The contrast between who has light and who doesn’t should be interesting.
Be some positively Korean peninsula-esque photos making the rounds, no doubt.
Very cool hobby.
Were you ever tempted to build an elaborate working train set?
I have, and I may yet build one, for now I’m hoping my skills working towards a house for Wendy and I, Then I’ll start building some big things, and selling small thing for Filthy Lucre! I need my own space for a workshop you see,
PREMIUM Malt Liquor?!? I thought you said you were poor!
Seriously, another awesome build and congratulations on the new job. You’re one tough SOB.
If your so broke you beg your friends for cash online, it pays to be humble, I’m making cash, I’ll buy some good beer on payday,
I assumed this episode was sponsored by Tomatin.
it contains materials, and keeps making it’s way into the pix, I don’t know why, it just does,
Here’s my 3rd call of the day, midday, 95 degrees, Rio Linda condos Clubhouse, looking West at the Colorado River,
Fucking Cool!
I know, maybe a picture?
Thats a ill crib
Love that river. I go out there at least once a year.
Havasu? or Laughlin?
Bullhead, Laughlin Ft. Mohave area,
Seen it a hundred times! You can get decent Italian food there. Buncha low rent mobsters have restaurants there. If you can, sneak away and go see Oatman. It a cool ghost town about 10 miles south on RT 66.
I’ve been coming here since I helped build the First the first McDonalds in 1980 or so, my Daughter and the grandkids live here so it’s cool,
/I walk around in the Summertime,
Sayin’ how ’bout this Heat!
Yeah, it’s dry.
*understood that reference*
And, if you want a cheap and cool casino, I like the AVI. The injuns tend to be more laid back.
Yep, that’s where we always went when visiting, the pool is open to the public for a price, so Wendy can still swim, they have Handicapped chair thingies that you drop in the water, Quite nice, Awesome Pool
Yusef, I’m going to ask a friend if he’s interested in talking to you. He does a LOT of military gaming, from ancients to more moderns; I think he buys them as kits, and he does some of the pieces himself, as well. His basement has several boards on display at any given time.
Anyway, they remind me of the STEXes (Sand Table Exercises) we had at TBS. 10-12 of these boards that were “pre-made” for particular scenarios that we were tasked with working on. Emplacing MGs, mortars, etc. based upon the scenarios we would be given and the sand table in front of us. I enjoyed the shit out of them.
Start with bomber support from the Air Force, some drones, and pick off the rest with some AH-64
/Air Cav
This one has a pair of Jugs, on a low level bombing run, and I just realized what I did picking those planes, and a pair!
I’m a firm believer in nukes.
One and done.
We’re in Europe here, we didn’t nuke the White folks,
Comparing Japan and Europe. .. maybe we should have?
Dresden filled the bill quite well,
Yeah, the town I lived in in Germany was one of those that was so thoroughly destroyed they considered rebuilding it elsewhere.
“We meant to hit the factories and I oop!”
Not enough casualties
/Bomber Harris
The British didnt KILL KILL KILL!!!!!
they just killed, they didn’t get Angry,
they got even and then some,
that’s how they used to be,
now just a hollow shell of itself,
Farewell Britain1
Everyone knows that when wants the battlefield properly purged, you send in Nape then Snakes.
“Nails for the kickers and screamers” was our arming motto and driving principle when I was on float.
On float?
LOL. The old joke about submariners on deployment was, “90 guys go out; 45 couples come back.” (NTTAWWT)
sure, Lemme know,
In other news, Jugsy finally got the nuts cut on her boxer today. Due to allergies, he recently got some giant ear hematomas, so they got drained as well.
Hilarity has yet to ensue.
He’ll never look at you the same way again…..
Boxers are the ? of the dog world.
/plays calliope
Bella isn’t a Boxer….. well a little maybe,
Yeah, they’re a laugh a minute. When they aren’t eating couches.
So you also bought leather…..
I got a whole article on a certain couch eating dog…
We moved into our current place with 5 cats, a 4 year-old, and another kid on the way. Bob’s Discount Furniture is our go-to place because of their Goof-Proof Protection Plan. It’s an extra $50 or $100 depending on the item but they replace the piece no questions asked for 5 years. Then you purchase the Goof-Proof Plan on the replacement item and wait for the inevitable kid/pet damage to happen anew.
Well it is Bob’s it must be Totally Cool, nice plan too, I’d get it,
We call her Teufel for a reason,
Poor guy. No one likes the cone of shame.
Jugsy wore boxers and had nuts? …Did you miss something obvious?
+1 Obese Crying Game
That’s a lot of retard to pack into one Corporate board!
I’m guessing the company tasked with ‘ destroying’ the guns may have lost a few in boasting accidents. Just guessing.
I’m sure they’re on their way to whatever African country is having a civil war right now.
All of them
CEO was on 60 Minutes last night; he acknowledged an assault weapon ban wouldn’t stop shootings but was still good “if it saved one child’s life.” O.K., Dick’s, if that’s your criteria, then stop selling sports equipment because we all know more than one child is killed every year playing some stupid games with balls and sticks. I doubt his stockholders would keep him around very long if he took that kind of principled stand.
Somebody is on fire out here.
House next door just sold, about 100k more than I paid for my place 3 years ago.
Wow. You need a hobby.
Very cool, Yusef
6 please.
3,6,7,11,13,17 Thanks Q! you make the place looks better with Redheads around
3’s buns win, butt 50 has the ideal skin color.
Moar like Die-O-Ramma! Am I right?! *waits for high five that never comes, slowly moves hand down and pretends to check phone*
I’m going to be the first to narrow a gaze at that. Keep it up and I’ll have to PUNch you…
We only kill the bad guys, OK?
Like Machete.
/throws Natty Ice at CPRM, misses and hits his hand….
That hit my knuckles and set off my bursitis! Imma Sue!
At least you deflected the vile thing, good work!
Yeah, I haven’t fallen victim to Natty since I was in college. I’ve moved on to more sophisticated beer, like Red Dog since then.
Aye, mate, the trades be rough like the hide of a salty leper.
Gorgeous as always, Yusef; nice work on this one. Also, I’m very happy things are on an upswing for you and Wendy.
Thankee Mate! the last installment has the treats installed, and it really pops,
Bufes Edsama
^Confirmed Nazi!
Oy vey
^Alt-Right Zionist Confirmed.
Well, they already call me YUFUS, Shit for brains, and I’m told second only to a certain Cyborg in the strange category, so why not?
You’ll not out-weird Sir Digby and I.
a friend of mine says otherwise^
Well, he might!
/No, he really won’t.
Hakuna matata?
Either is fine, thanks
I’m actually a very serious person, I just don’t give a fuck, there’s your trouble free, philosophy…
That second pic is awesome. Question: why are the explosions of water of similar height?
the same explosive force will have the same reaction on the same body of waterSTFU!They exploded at the same time? I’m sure there’s a reason for it which is why I asked YUSEF.
I was just joshin, no need to go all dick on me. Geez. A guy lives in a country where his dick is the biggest for a decade and he loses his sense of humor.
Realized my question came of as criticism after I posted it. I have a hard time not being a dick, IYKWIMAIKYD.
C, it’s not a dick measuring contest. Well, not one to bet money on…
I’m so confused, he’s using eurofag measurements! I still don’t know If I’m ‘normal’ *weeps*
In the Euro-sense? The “New Normal”?
Yes, I know–you use Freedom Units (heh). Also, save the tears, as they may come in…handy.
That boy can use any measurements he wants.
GT, Hayek, Tulip, KK, go look at this young man in Sir Digby’s dick-measuring vid.
Oh, dear….
Done. I am disappoint.
And what about circumference, huh?? What about THAT measurement??
Magellan…? He’ probably the one with whom you could consult.
Oh. OH!!
We don’t need to circumnavigate it.
I should clarify that I am disappoint because I thought there was going to be a REAL CONTEST!!! ::pouts::
*slaps 9×2 for being subpar.*
Fine, Mrs Saucy! ::sigh:: Eratosthenes, then.
Also–you may need to depending on the body in question…
Meow. Straffin’ turns into the mean girl
It was an honest question. I wanted to hear the story.
That’s a close shot, the bigger pictures contain various sizes and shapes, I learned the way to do it, then modded it to suit my needs,
I must mod Everything I touch,
As I said, it’s excellent. I give my nephew kit model airplanes from Ww2 every Christmas. They are all sitting in the box unopened. ?
I gift tools for men, cash for women. Winning strategy thus far.
Leave them on the dresser?
Maybe when he grows up he will give them back to you, and You get to build em!
Delayed Gratification
and Thank You,
/Takes a bow, Nippon Style
He could just be autistic. I have models I got as presents, that I was freaking over-joyed to get, that I never built, because I knew I’d fuck them up, and I wanted them to be perfect.
The only spectrum he’s on has lazy fuck on one end and self centered teen on the other. Great kid, though.
Sounds like my kinda dude. Not in the OMWC sense, but, you get it.
It took til I was 50 to really get good at detailing models and stuff, same thing, need to perfect
OT: Music time
That bored me. So I listened to a metal song by the same name.
You bore me.
Some whom I bore decided to try and steal my avitar. Ok, I guess I have the most bored stalker ever.
If we’re now showcasing clowns….
I guess Cacciatore was correct!
That’s the best song Slipknot ever made.
That is pure cancer.
You’re a Towel!
I’m a pair of Gucci sunglasses.
That is…odd.
Singing clowns?
Now, why didn’t I think of that…?
Is it that Tinkles creep?
Clowny clown clown
Crispin Glover is good, but it’s no RLM.
Well done, Blue eyes is Dead
Cacc? Here’s an anecdote about your favorite glib: Back around age 4 or so
CPRMI had one of those inflatable, punching bag-type things, that was held down with a bunch of sand.When I heard the Judy Collins version of that song back then–yeah, it’s what mom listened to–I always thought it was “Sand in the clowns”, because, isn’t that what’s in the clown?
On the subject of voices that are fingernails down a chalkboard for me: Aaron Neville.
Chill with this-
Fun fact: Its dudes. And retards.
Where do you find this………stuff? YouTube?
I posted it the other day. Back in the day 97X (BAM! The future of Rock and Roll) played it heavy.
Oh, the 90s
That reminds me of this for some reason: Prototype.
This is why we lost LH.
Who’s that?
Let me google that for you.
Love the song; hate the voice.
I’d put in Heart’s version, but if I put in more than 2 links, it sends you to pending.
Heart’s version
You suck. Heart Vision.
And the stole the whole thing from “Keep Your Love Alive”
Believe it or not, I have never heard that song, but I love love love it!
This is my favorite Heart song ever.
You still suck. Other than “Barracuda”, this is the best- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UkLVTdg7Og
I would give my left tit to sing like Ann Wilson.
Okay, you’re gonna say I suck again, but here’s the playlist for my pirate book. Heart was a big part of it.
You still do. Find inspiration in this-
Kinda ties in with your upcoming post, too
One thing I will never, ever miss from the states. Slow dancing.
Footage of straff
Thought for sure I was getting Booger from Revenge of the Nerds.
You don’t like awkwardly swaying your hips while trying to be gentlemanly and not grab her ass?! Pussy!
The internet is forever; so don’t put shitty stuff out there kids.
A love story for the modern era.
You really do want J pop links, don’t you? I’ll spare you this time.
Do it.
Voice isn’t bad, but the song *shudders*
That’s what he said.
He’s just annoying. Here’s someone I actually like. How can you dislike a band named “Spitz”?
By being a fan of Swallowz?
Yeah, Spitz was one of the ones I liked from that countdown list of J-Pop.
Good song.
Here’s one from the local. This guy is an old, old friend of mine. Total dipshit, but I love him. I took Timeloose to his bar when he came over.
Who, straff–the sweaty, shirtless guy? I mean, Mojeaux…if you want someone to gawk at.
Not that guy. One of them, I’m assuming because it’s his home channel. Again, I got bad eyes.
Not pertaining to him specifically, but this is something I’ve noticed generally around the world:
People like our music and our instruments. Doesn’t matter what it is, they like it and they want to make stuff like it.
I think that’s awesome.
As well, there are a ton of articles on why Chinese people excel at Western classical music. I don’t remember why (not gonna look it up), but two of my favorite classical pianists are Chinese and the third is Ukrainian.
I can’t really think of very many other ethnic instruments or much ethnic music that’s gotten that far around the world. Bagpipes maybe? Accordions, sure. Bollywood music is kind of popular, isn’t it?
Loudness is going in a new direction.
Pax Americana is a thing. At times I wish it weren’t.
at least they are cute,
Oh, they were adorable! /nosarc
There were a couple that were too frenetic for my taste, but there seemed to be one that was Evanescence-esque.
Oh, dear Lord yes!
But, not the face? I mean, it is something of a warning…
Et tu?
*cranks up Wild Injuns and Banks of the River Jordan*
But all the other Neville Brothers are so cool!
Now I feel like a Hurricane.
And I feel like beignets.
I wore myself out on funnel cake.
I learned how to make it at home. My kids and husband were like, NO MORE FUNNEL CAKE!!!
On the other hand, fall’s coming on and winter’s going to be here so it’s time to start making pumpkin pies for my kids’ breakfasts again.
Not a fan of pumpkin….anything, really. But, I trust you do
itthe pies up well.Sort of. Pumpkin pie is the only vegetables I’ve ever fed them. Ever. And only in the winter. It’s the most nutrition they’ve ever gotten out of my hands.
Also, Bill Cosby: I haz a sad.
For him, or, for the link?
/sorry for a sad link
Kind of for him, but kind of for me. And everybody who ever loved him.
This is why I don’t like knowing things about the people whose work I really admire.
True… Great stand-up…er, sit-down.
Since we’re all in on clowns now:
Don’t forget the furries, Cacc…
/CPRM–his linkage has one of my fave lines…you know the one
BTW, last week when I was the grocery store, there was a guy sitting there on the bench that looked just like your current *as of 10-7-19* avitar, and he gave me a wink. it was odd.
Hmmm….maybe I made him famous? I dunno, but I don’t think I look like my avatar. Not nearly as handsome. Or, as fashionable.
I’m not accusing you of looking like your avitar, I’m a accusing the GOVERNMENT of…putting a guy that kind of, a bit looked, kind of like that in my local grocery….ORANGE MAN BAD!
Hmmm…it checks out.
I’ll allow it.
Rampant institutional white supremacy confirmed. Thank god for Twitter.
Littering; something only White Supremacists rail against! :Scrubs EVERY episode of Captain Planet from the internet: SEE!
I love how he refuses to move on to actual violence claims when they tarnish his narrative.
She looked Black,
Dude looked like a lady
Wow. The comments are a figurative cesspool of ignorance and plain old dumbfuckery.
What do you expect of the twitmob?
Did you read them? This one was extra bad.
I didn’t make it far.
Oh, that one is extra bad, Mike. Just so…empty.
Jump in! The water is room temperature!
It wasn’t that way until you got in. *Arches eyebrow*
[in the manner of television’s Jonathan Higgins] – OH MY GOD! I hate litterbugs to a likely unreasonable degree. Littering just enrages me and makes me want to shove the trash down the offender’s throat. This German biker girl is my hero.
Why do we have two pairs of aviators here?
I think Cacciatore has a mancrush on CPRM.
I’m being passive aggressive, now if you’ll excuse me, I still have some work to do…
Oh, so you’re a woman. Ok then, I’m flattered.
Don’t get so excited, big boy.
Why do we only have one chimp? You ever thought of that?
Someone else has a monkey or gorilla IIRC.
Ahh! But, I specified “chimp”, you see.
Kinnath has that ape that somehow was granted rights to the photo.
That’s it. And Mojo, but I can’t see so well.
I’d do a chimp wearing aviators, but why should I change!? When can change?!
You talkin’a me?
I always thought he was a squat-ape…
If I’m wrong, consider my question cheerfully withdrawn!
Mojo Jojo!
Don’t go near, Mojeaux!
I only see Ozy tonight.
Well, he is pretty great… Just don’t neglect the rest of us.
I mean seeing only one aviator. FdA was around earlier.
Does this count as the second?
Yes. Yes it does.
I saw Ann Wilson a few years ago do this impromptu cover between bands.
She still has a fantastic, powerful voice. At around 2 AM she came out and did a set of Zeppelin / Joplin / Heart / Mule songs with Gov’t Mule. It was awesome.
Supposed to be a reply to Mojeaux above.
Brooks’d it
So far as I’ve ever been able to tell with both sisters, they are lovely people too. (If they aren’t, don’t burst my bubble.) So talented, I’m blown away.
I used them a lot for my pirate book playlist.
Well, this was at an Xmas Jam for charity, and all the musicians donated their time, so that’s one for the good column.
Heart was one of those WOW! concerts for me the first time I seen them live (1989?) I knew their hits, but wasn’t really a big fan before the show. But when I seen them live I was blown away. They kicked some major ass live. I’ll always remember that I seen them the day after I had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled. My mouth was all swollen and I could hardly talk, but I powered through with a thermos of Mom’s chicken noodle soup and weed.
She does it justice. Hard to do given how unbelievable Cornell’s acoustic version is.
Who did the original?
Mrs. Original?
Oh, sorry!
Audioslave, which was basically Rage Against the Machine with Chris Cornell replacing their singer.
Thanks. I have their first album. From the conversation above, I was starting to think it was one of those songs where the cover version is popular and the original is a footnote.
Enough with the glasses. Back to my old routine.
I’m glaad you were able to cum to a resolution on that.
Shame you weren’t able to handle it.
If you were a good stalker, you’d know I’ve never handled nothing that wasn’t my own.
Ahh, a virgin.
Yeah. Like I said, not even a good stalker.
So your stalk is not good, No need to put yourself down!
Alright, yous twos–give each other $20.
Put it on Underhill.
Sierra Del Fueago.
Pup ‘N’ Taco.
Straff’s criticism notwithstanding, I’ve wanted to change my screen name to “Sugar, Mr. Poon?”
I’ll stick with Sir Digby, though.
But, like I said, not even a good stalker.
Because I’m not a stalker? My first impression of you here was a mean spirited rant directed at Winston.
I was mean spirited towards Winston? And that’s your impression of me? If that has been your experience, I rally would like some references. I’m usually a lone Winston supporter, while getting in a few jabs.
“This is why nobody likes you.”
Bit more than a jab if you ask me.
I propose we bury the hatchet without further bickering. I do enjoy glibs after dark.
Can you give a bit more context than that? I think I do know that comment, and it wasn’t meant as mean spirited, it was meant to help him understand the WHY people view him the they do, not that I do.
Just don’t change handles. That’s annoying.
Thanks, man!
Your posts are, shall we say, unique. No problem there.
The posts are fine–just my eclectic tastes in screen names that’s troublesome?
Cathy Newmanizing. *sigh*
Blue blood?
Tom Sellek?! Where?!
Not enough Don Amiche.
Oh, never enough Don
42-year old’s powerful Ko, indeed.
Weirdest porn casting couch.
Wait–THAT’S weird???
Sara Angelic
Never played, but, used to watch friends play one of the series, back on PS2.
Recommended reading: https://www.amazon.com/Day-Sun-Rose-Twice-Explosion/dp/082630768X
Just finished, excellent.
inb4 this bored me and here is something better
Done Brooks’d meself. That was meant to be a new thread, not a reply.
That was an odd segue, but, duly noted.
Ah! Yes–the old “new thread” ploy…
Was meant to be a change of subject proper. Nonetheless, a great read.
Done Brooks’d meself. That was meant to be a new thread, not a reply.
No, You Gilmored it. Brooksing would be making a new thread as a reply.
Correct. Twenty lashes for me, then.
As many times as I do it, that oughta be hung on me. Of course, you Digby’d it is….hmmm.
NIght, kiddos
Night Tres. Fondle jugsy for us.
Who is this “us” pale face?
No, no–he can count me in.
Both lens in his avatar
I must say, I am very confused by all this animosity. Also, yes, my face is very pale.
What?? I’m in agreement with your request.
Mmm Kemosabe… ride horse long way
What was the name of the Lone Ranger’s nephew’s horse?
I didn’t grow up rich, I’ve never ridden a horse (crazy that, something was the means of a common man has become the domain of the wealthy) but you don’t care about that, because somehow, when I was probably defending Winston you took something out of context, but you won’t say what the purported slight was. Ok.
Here’s something to take your minds off your bickering.
Something else…
I am, in fact, listening to Sixx:A.M., but I very often am.
Let me get this straight. You’re Mormon, female, think about sex and theology constantly, and you’re a metal head. If I have that right then you, madam, are in fact a unicorn.
Funnel cakes. Don’t forget the funnel cakes.
And, a published author, by trade.
And coined the term Cunte….and, Cods and Cuntes
No more of a unicorn than any other female who can hold her own on this board.
We exist. We’re usually just too busy to make ourselves known.
If there is another female metal head here then I don’t know who it is.
Gender Traitor was in a band. I think Hayek’s husband is in a band. I don’t know what type, but they’re about my age (I think), so if they weren’t, I’d be shocked.
It was hard to get through the 80s without being a metal head. Nikki Sixx is my pet rocker.
Better than Tommy, AFAIAC.
He is what he has…
Tommy’s dumb as a box of rocks.
Nikki’s the brains of the org and if there is one thing I respect him for is this: When they were just getting started, he insisted on keeping their copyrights. He wouldn’t sell them to the record company. Here’s this young punk juvenile delinquent junkie who’s like, “No, you don’t get my shit. Pay me or get out.”
Artists almost NEVER do that. They’re too hungry.
I respect the shit out of that.
That is an excellent point, Mo.
Of course, the pee lapping and ant snorting kinda out-shone that for a long time. But, drugs can have that effect.
I think you may be assuming things that aren’t true. Still, I tip my hat to you.
What do you think I’m assuming? (There was no snark to that tone; I’m just curious.)
As for Tommy’s drumming, I will not deny he’s one of the greats.
That the people in bands are metal heads.
Oh, true. The few people I’ve known who are in bands were very eclectic regardless of what they themselves played.
I remember when Yngwie Malmsteen came into my and my friend-group’s life and suddenly, my pals were all about baroque music.
AOC: White Supremacist.
She looks like she has a palsey.
Yeah–she messes everything up
This is the second time this caccitore fellow has pointed me out for attack for some precieved sleight to Winston. Everybody here makes fun of Winston, but I am usually the one defending him. And the one time I play into the joke and try to give Winston some insight as to why others pick on him gives this person a vendetta against me? lame.
I think it was just a jab in jest. He wants to bury the hatchet, as he has stated higher up.
But, like I said, this is the second time. Seems to be a real beef I’m not privvy to.
Sometimes typed comments come off sounding different than the commenter means.
I’d let it go.
Also–Iron sharpens iron. You two are good peeps (to me, at least), so I think this much ado about nothing.
Also, what Hayeks suggested.
Also also wik…
I’m fine with letting it go, there is no ‘it’ for me. I’m just confused is all, like I said, this was the second time, with some vague thing that I’ve somehow attacked Winston. I’m just confused is all. But, I should sleep.
Watch the Motorhead video upthread. It’ll clear your mind and you’ll sleep like a baby.
(((I’m))) upset with the ADL. Their statement about the OK symbol is appropriately nuanced. But they had to know it wouldn’t be treated that way in the press. It would have been far better to say what’s currently happening is being promoted by 4chan trolls. To the extent white supremacists adopted it, they are being trolled.
Yeah, that seems rather narrow-sighted on their part.
Blinders, and whatnot.
Clearly. I assume Teen Vogue said it’s racist. So, it’s racist.
Also what Lady Boom said above.
Also also also wik…
/Man, I gotta get better about my refresh fu
What the hell is wik?
Opening Credits of Monty Python have fake Norwegian subtitles.
Thank you, M’Lady Boom
Thank you. I’ve seen all their movies and that would not have occurred to me.
Well, that’s why I hang around–your dose of weird shit and non-sequitur thinking.
MP and the Holy Grail credits
Sorry–thought you were hip to my jive, or…whatever.
I’m at least 2 steps behind.
A view from the rear, eh? Let us go first, and set off any traps?
Or, just an Ass Man?
You’ve seen my license plate!?!
At work and catching snippets of the news. Why are we bound by morality to stay in Syria until 2055?
We’ve always been at war with Middleeastasia!
If that’s when the cows come home, then, yes.
Didn’t we arm ISIS? If we’re so worried about them coming back, a much simpler solution seems obvious. No one makes money that way, so I guess I answered my own question. *No one except the US soldiers that aren’t killed.
No, we didn’t arm ISIS.
Don’t have time now, but next time we can talk about what you the CIA and others were up to in Syria and Iraq under Obama.
Cross out that *you*
Thanks. You almost blew my cover.
I was just meaning “open ended”, not our chickens coming home to roost, as it were.
I do agree that maybe a “go Roman on them” policy could be what it takes to end them (for the time being). Battle Strategy and tactics aren’t my strong suit.
No we don’t but, once again, we screwed up by dipping our toe in the water. The Syrian Kurds that are about to get slaughtered are the same ones we helped arm and support. Stepping out now says to other similar groups that we are an unreliable ally.
Libya shows what happens when you start playing ball with the US. If there was a way to actually make the situation better, I suppose you could make a case for staying. The US military gave it a valiant effort, but DC as usual squandered it. Sad situation whatever course is taken now.
Completely agree. What we did in Libya was fantastically stupid and disgraceful.
I was just re-reading some old ideas for books. I had started a standard romance with two people who are sensible and talk to each other and communicate. It’ll take me exactly ten pages to get them to the altar.
Do they play naked funnel cake games before they get there?
This, Mojo! Deep-fryer bread treats with your lover sounds rather intriguing.
They do not. They go on sensible dates, have sensible sex, get sensibly married.
I’m losing my edge.
If you can’t give me good plot then give me good porn. I need one or the other if you want me to read the book.
Cuntes and Cods II: The Sensible Years
I do not consider myself to write PORN (she said haughtily). I write love scenes. Chapter 18 is necessary to establish that the hero is not kidding about his vast lust.
Sometimes my love scenes are a little bit…out there.
This is a mighty phrase. A mighty thought, too…
Since you can’t be arsed to read the first seventeen chapters… 😉
He has four mistresses and four bastards with them, plus he has three more maidservants he plows on the regular.
His abducted bride thinks this is hilarious.
“Is your lust so vast that you must keep a stable of paramours?”
“Aye, my lust is that vast. ’Tis a Kyneward trait. I can break any one woman with my lust, and I have, every last one.”
She gaped at him, then she started to chuckle. Then she started to laugh. “Break her?!” she squealed, laughing until she was snorting and squeezing tears out of her eyes. She mimicked nearly falling out of the saddle.
He glared at her. “I am glad that amused you, Budgie—” He gave her a smug smile when she stopped laughing and glared back.
Then she snickered until she snorted. “‘Break her.’”
“—but I say that in all seriousness.”
She looked to Grimme’s man at arms for confirmation, which irritated him.
“’Tis true, my lady.”
“Oh. Huh.”
“You think I boast, but rather, ’tis a complaint. ’Tis frustrating to enjoy a woman for some time and then hear her say, ‘I cannot accommodate you further. My body hurts.’ Or ‘I will not do this thing you ask of me.’ Or ‘I am with your child.’ Then, I must find another. ’Tis why I keep them all near. Each enjoys something the others will not do and I rotate amongst them to give their bodies time to recover. Not one of them alone could satisfy all my tastes or the frequency I demand. ’Tis also why I need a maidservant.”
“Or three,” his man muttered.
Grimme laughed. “Aye, that too. And I take my opportunities when I am at war or traveling.”
“Oh,” Brìghde said, seeming a little dazed. “Well. Then.”
Wait–where are these chapters? Are they up on your site?
Oh! I’m sorry. I thought everybody knew.
It’s here: http://moriahjovan.com/talesofdunham/blog/stilluntitled-chapter-list/
Scroll down and then you can just click on the next chapter whenever you get to the end of one.
Thankee…or, you know.
Jiminy Cricket! Mojeaux, you’re gonna turn me into a fan of the bodice rippers yet. Thinking back to fond memories of Grandmother’s sewing room with 2 walls completely covered in Romance and Zane Grey books.
I believe I’ve read all of Mo’s previously-published books and have a start on the latest (at least the version posted online. She sez major revisions to the early chapters since then.) These are not your ordinary bodice rippers.
Of course not, these are also doorstoppers.
I kid in the kindest possible manner.
No kidding! They’re all on the Nook, and I’d swear the daggone thing feels heavier.
BTW, UCS, our hero & the royal party have just come upon the frost giants in their great hall. I’m enjoying very much, and I’ve not been much of a fantasy/adventure reader in the past. Love the vocabulary w/archaic terms, and glad of the Nook’s built-in dictionary.
It’s always good to hear when someone enjoys something I wrote.
Goodnight Mo. You are a saint.
You out?
What I got from that is that Chafed is gonna man-handle me.
Or, inject me with something.
Latter Day?
Then you need a natural disaster to separate them.
Clearly both of them are liars deceiving the other for nefarious purposes, and neither is meant to end up with the person they married on page 10.
Goodnight SD.
Thanks, bud!
Late nighting at Glibs
Here’s the beginning of an idea I had:
The day my husband found our runaway daughter in the middle of a Spanish bullring with a cape in her hand was the day he found himself.
At least I didn’t have to find him, because I didn’t know where he was, either.
Okay, it’s funnier in my head.
It’s got potential!
“Mom said there’d be days like this. Then again, she talked a lot about junk bonds, too”.
“Blood is thicker than water. But, mayonnaise beats them both.”
This is why I don’t even attempt to write.
I could do something with that.
Have at it, I guess. You gave us cunte, and that is a tall order for that particular word, so…enjoy?
Some of us are here, however, briefly.
Yay! How you been? I haven’t been around when you have in a while.
Same old, same old. Except more so with my MIL.
Anyway, just popped in to do a couple updates after finishing writing a magazine article that was due tomorrow.
Now I’m going to try mightily to get some sleep before the next round of fun commences in the morning!
Be well, SD.
You, too! Thanks.
Have good sleeps, SP!
Adam Silver is a walking piece of shit.
Is this brought out due to the China kerfuffle?
“I think as a values-based organization that I want to make it clear … that Daryl Morey is supported in terms of his ability to exercise his freedom of expression.”
“We ‘support’ his right, but we’re trying to sidestep the content of what he said”
I bet China loves those ear flaps to hold onto when they face fuck him.
And more BS
in Tokyo ahead of a preseason game between the Rockets and Toronto Raptors in Saitama
Enough with the overseas exhibition games. Play your games in your own or opponents arenas. None of this neutral ground nonsense.
I have a feeling there are enough players who wouldn’t mind the “free” trip to Japan. Almost like being in the military…
Also, Silver look kinda like Lurch.
Oh sure. Rub it in my face that I missed North Wind by a year.
Just find someone facing south as they scarf down some chili.
I did TEAM SPIRIT in ’91 and ’92. They sucked ass. “91 wasn’t horrible but in ’92, I’ve never been colder in my life. It was around -14° and the ground was frozen so we had to have engineers come and dig our fighting positions with their excavators. The 1st man in our squad who woke up, had to pump up and start the Coleman stove; the rest of us wouldn’t get out of our racks until the back of the truck was warm.
Almost as much as Jeremy Corbyn.
Hey, now–no need to sully the reputation of shit.
Submitted without comment.
Not a reply–https://youtu.be/EIKnwEcPvmM?t=356
“Ain’t got time for gambling, boys” or “ain’t got time for gamboling boys”?
I have a few of these – https://images.app.goo.gl/JvKTXUrbkAzCVwBZA
But, damn, those Japanese covers are beautiful.
OK–so this last weekend’s post was a dud. Gotta try to find some way to redeem myself, and scrounge up some hot glib-on-glib action! Pardon me while I try to find interesting things to discuss.
I was busy.
Glancing at it, I just assume I’mnot the target demographic. Thill your credit, you elicited the funniest note from HM oh Dee raff still year.
even on my phone, how did that look okay before hitting Send ?
Is it bad that I want one of those, just so I can surreptitiously place it on SiL’s Honda Odyssey?
Mornin’, Sean. The decal your own work?
Nah. I thought this lot would find it amusing.
I’m making my kids watch Tex Avery cartoons before I take them to school. That’s good parenting.
Bringin’ ’em up right! Good on ya!
My brother is real into dioramas. Will send this link…been trying to turn him Glibertarian anyway. Good post Yusef!