My youngest has been coughing the last couple of nights like a seal barking. Now, rationally, I know there’s nothing dangerous about it — there’s no fluid or labored breathing — still I was up several times to check on him, give him cough medicine, and just generally lay awake in state of helpless alert. Stupid monkey brain.
“This Syria withdrawal is almost as haphazard as our Iraq exit” — paraphrase of the money quote.
PG&E: Hey, you wanted us to be responsible for fires — suck it!
So yesterday, I posited that the $730B in “propsed gains” from “taxing the rich” wouldn’t even cover the deficit. But Holee Fuch.
Man, intersectionality is a bitch.
Space is BIIIG.
So glad I left that Shithole…
Sup Tres!
“Almost Unprecedented”
So not unprecedented then…
Also staying in Syria indefinitely has no consequences.
As Sen. Paul pointed out, kind of like leaving Lebanon, ala Reagan.
Reframed as upper-middle-class white people with too much time on their hands and money to burn to scold the world, they aren’t wrong.
I liked the related story linked on that page:
He’s not wrong either.
Nope. I had a huge grin while I was reading that tirade. It was glorious.
Pretty much the story of communism in general.
I love to give my mom crap about the cannibalism that grows in the #resist tent. If your arguments aren’t based on any defensible first principle, and you let a lot of other equally stupid people into your army, don’t be surprised when you find your team shooting at each other.
Anyone else get this?
“This video is restricted from playing in your current geographic region
You in Europe?
I get it but I don’t watch videos so DNGAF.
Ya I got that to. In ‘Merica.
“a white child”
Wait, I thought the designated term was “youth,” or “young woman?” Isn’t that disrespectful?
You only get to be a “child” if you are ten or under, or have killed someone.
Eye *claps hands* Dentical!
Why not “white body”?
why Greta, a white child, is gaining so much attention over indigenous activists
Uh, she’s from Sweden. Pretty indigenous or are we going to stop pretending that indigenous isn’t a euphemism for not white?
When the hear the word “indigenous”, all I can think is “grifter” anymore.
You can’t call yourself indigenous unless you’re demanding reparations.
Free the Swedish blondes!
Well, ok then.
“However, Indigenous peoples have been saying this for 500 years. So it is not a new message. Her message has political and cultural authority due to white supremacy.”
That escalated quickly. Why not tack on another zero? Maybe the great pyramid was actually built to warn us about climate change!
I’m indigenous to the United States, and I’ve been telling people climate change (née global warming, née global cooling) is a crock of shit for decades.
These are not serious people.
They’re serious about taking your shit.
*orders moar ammo*
Please, tell me why!
Granted my sample size is quite small but I don’t know of anyone who is angry with the girl. I certainly oppose her prescription; Hell, I oppose the entire underpinning of her argument. But all the folk I know who have opined on the matter have a great deal of sympathy for the girl. The anger is directed at those who are using her for their own selfish ends.
Not angry with her, not even angry at her handlers who should be put on a conveyor to a wood-chipper. I am disgusted, however, by the great masses of willfully ignorant fucktards who want to worship her.
Support for Greta Thunberg is evidence of “white supremacy”, “white privilege” and “white power”, activists claim.
The best time line.
They have a point though they’re overstating their case a bit. If her name was Rashanda Washington and she was from the poorest part of Detroit no one would be paying her any attention.
Does Flint have clean water yet?
No, damn those Republicans!
Like most modern commies they’re making a class argument – which in this case actually has some merit – as a race argument. I mean, CindyLou Cousinfucker from the hollers of West Virginny isn’t getting any more traction than Rashanda.
While certainly not the only person on the planet to have envisioned this, I am taking a certain sort of joy that my prediction that she’d be shaken down by the intersectionality crowd would come true. Just didn’t expect it to happen this quickly.
^ This is why gay males are out of the stack you shitlord.
Galaxy, universe… same difference.
*looks over glasses at Rhywun*
When you are travelling from one part of the galaxy to another, you are also travelling from one part of the universe to another.
When you walk from your computer to the fridge for a beer you are travelling from one part of the universe to another.
Maybe it’s the universe that’s traveling beneath him.
You all rotate around me!
I was wondering what that sucking sound was.
Every thread long enough reverts to Ross Perot.
Winston’s mom.
It’s A FICTIONAL FUCKING TV SHOW (anger not directed at you.) WHO CARES!?!?
PG&E is in a no-win situation. If they had preemptively turned off the power last year they would have been pilloried.
Oh, I’m loving it. They can’t take reasonable actions like clearing brush, logging, or setting controlled burns*, so all they can do — as they have been found solely responsible by the government — is de-energize. Who could have seen that coming?
*I also understand that the place where the fires started last year may not have been amenable to those mitigating strategies, but on a larger scale, it would have certainly slowed the spread and final reach
Clearing brush from around power lines would prevent power lines from causing fires, and is totally doable. Expensive, and depending on regulations perhaps not achievable in an effective time-frame, but it is possible. Certainly better than shutting down the power for half a million people.
They started burying the power lines here because of storms/hurricanes.
Which is a smart move for a location where line ravaging events are a common occurrence, but it still costs about 5x as much to build and is more difficult to maintain, so I can see why the power companies are hesitant to do this everywhere.
Doesn’t Elon Musk have a solution ready made for drilling through the substrate of Western California?
That sounds like a bad idea. Which means California is probably going to do it.
Certainly better than shutting down the power for half a million people.
That’s a point of view.
Because fuck California.
They don’t have the money to pay for routine brush clearance.
Wanna guess why?
I thought it was that they were not allowed to clear brush.
Prop 13?
Some relevant info on PG&E’s site.
I work for a multi-billion dollar electric utility. If you can put in the towers and lines, you can trim the fucking trees. Vegetation management is expensive, but certainly less than paying out billions in damage claims to the point where you have to file bankruptcy.
Oh, I’m loving it.
I’m not loving it. Right now we’re being told to expect no electricity from Wednesday through Friday.
That means we’ll lose hundreds of dollars worth of food in the freezer and fridge.
Probably means no internet access or cell phone connectivity in our county either, so much for getting any work done — I work out of a home office.
Just let them charge us more. At this point, “uncle!”. We’re just too dependent on electricity. I’m getting Stockholm Syndrome and am empathizing with my hostage-takers.
p.s. apparently no generators for sale anywhere near here, everyone’s cleaned them out like water bottles before a hurricane.
I’m sure PGE’s bankruptcy leading to increased control of PGE by the state is a price the state is perfectly willing for PGE to pay in order to placate California environmentalists.
the seal bark cough would be croup. kids older than 2 have airway passages big enough that it’s not typically a big deal.
Like I said, rationally, I know he’s just losing sleep. At some point my hindbrain will crash from exhaustion and I’ll catch up.
However some are questioning however why Greta, a white child, is gaining so much attention over indigenous activists. They say that Greta is benefiting from a “global system of white supremacy” which has given her “privilege and a platform”.
/intersectionality folk
Hey now, that’s somebody’s PhD thesis in grievance studies right there.
This means every time she appears there will have to be a speaker or speakers of color up there with her. This is all about riding the coattails of her publicity.
On the 12th day of Climate Change Sad Gaia sent to me
12 Hutus starving
11 Mongols burning
10 Malays drowning
Nine Inuit freezing
Eight Pygmies roasting
Seven Brahmans rioting
Six Mestizos migrating
Five baking babies
Four trapping trannies
Three Cubans choking
Two Arabs frying, and
A Greta in a tantrum
Baked Baby is delicious.
Especially if it’s nestled in a bed of aromatics.
I like children, but I couldn’t eat a whole one.
This is excellent but may I suggest that her last name works better? “A Thunberg in a tantrum”
A Greta in a vendetta?
A Thunburg in a tirade?
suck it!
This doesn’t even seem to be a “suck it” move by PG&E. It’s more of a “Holy Shit! We’ve been put in a position that if we run power to these people, we run the risk of more bankruptcy-inducing lawsuits.”. 20:1 says the same bastards in the California government who delighted in the prospect of blaming them for causing a fire, will be the first to crucify them for not providing the power people need. Frankly, I can’t see why any company would invest a dime of capital in California. I’d call it a banana republic. But, at least in a banana republic, you have a chance of surviving if you grease the right palms.
No Bet
Sorry, that’s fair. That’s what I would be shouting if I was the managing engineer getting ready to throw the switch.
Maybe. But, do you doubt for a second that they aren’t going to get pilloried for doing this? They could have had not an iota of spite, and they still wouldn’t have much option but to do this, given the game California is playing. Really, the only rational option is to shut down their power plants and turn them into parking lots.
Picture this, Santa Ana winds, no power for water pumps, wlidfire near homes, glad I left…..
They can’t just run the pumps off solar?
not even the nukes plants They SHUT DOWN! will help them now, and Socal will be affected as well,
They paved power plants,
And put up a parking lot.
The California government knows PG&E is getting a raw deal. Their only perspective on the situation is whether or not they can use PG&E as a heel to their own heroic protagonists.
Between the PUC, probation oversight for the criminal conviction, and bankruptcy, the government in one form or another is running PGE.
The last operation I was associated with in California closed it’s doors around 1998. It was essentially duplicated in Arizona.
My demented brain read that as “prolapsed gains”.
About a foot of intestine.
IRT traveling at warp speed, wouldn’t time stop from the perspective of the passengers basically making a trip anywhere instantaneous?
From the perspective of the travelers only, meaning it would take on the appearance of time travel. Skip 500 years in the blink of an eye, realize the Federation went defunct 3/5 of the way through your instantaneous hop across the galaxy. Not ideal.
Ahh but in the Star Trek Universe they can go back in time by something something around the sun, so they just have to something something every trip and it all comes out right.
“Modulate the main deflector shield” is the phrase you’re looking for.
+1 Heisenburgh compensator
+1 reverse the polarity
Download Adobe reader?
But if the goal is to spread humanity throughout the galaxy it doesn’t matter if it’s a one way trip. Every colony will be on there own, but you guarantee the survival of the species.
A virus with shoes, man.
Live long and prosper.
I blame the Vulcans.
Romulan Eric Bana was right.
PSA: Stay away from bears
Then the bear made a noise “like it was hurt.”
Did the bear stub his toe?
Choked on a piece of spandex?
Twenty five mph is pretty fast on a mountain bike. Something that big (human plus bike) slams into you at that speed you’re going to feel it.
Sorry I glossed over that part. Either way it was a good shoot er maul.
I’m thinking the bear probably made a noise like it was annoyed, not hurt. If it really was a big male grizzly, it could be 500 pounds or more.
Maybe he got hit in the bear balls.
A mountain bike to the groin?
I don’t care if you weigh 1200 lbs. That is gonna make you eyes water.
Geeze. What a way to go. That sounds awful.
This is why my S&W 328PD in .44 magnum is a constant companion when I’m camping or riding in Colorado. I not really fond of that pistol; it hurts to shoot but it will penetrate a bear.
These euphemisms.
bear has a sad
It doesn’t sound like having a gun would have helped in this situation.
The biker was a law enforcement officer with the United States Forest Service. It’s possible he was carrying a gun.
I think carrying is smart, but a dude I know got mauled in WY last year. He came around a corner and startled a couple bears. One was on him in about a millisecond. Shit, he had his bear spray in his hand! He survived but it really fucked him up.
“This Syria withdrawal is almost as haphazard as our Iraq exit”
Wouldn’t that mean that Trump is doing a better job of withdrawing from Syria than Obama did withdrawing from Iraq?
“It is a SYMPTOM of global white supremacy that certain people are HEARD & given a platform, certain people have access to the RESOURCES to be the HEROES that the world will pay attention to.”
“Greta at the UN was the epitome of White Privilege/White power= Save white kids!” another tweeted.
To my surprise this did not link to the Bee or the Onion.
I have no problem with this.
If they’re going to play the game, let’s play.
The only way to win is…
…not to play.
My XX tax deduction loves that movie.
…be able to make up the rules as you go along.
It’s worked for them so far.
Dallas Police Assistant Chief Avery Moore has a huge forehead.
“Only one of the men, Jacquerious, is currently in police custody. He is in hospital in a ‘critical condition’ after claiming to have been shot by Brown. ”
Well that is some new information.
OMG the tweets….
These people fucking love “special prosecutors.”
What is the age of Jacquerious?
I admit to being bi-Jacquerious.
The CBO has warned that the nation’s debt is on an unsustainable path.
We can just print more checks.
We need more trillion dollar coins.
Or…. PG&E could fix some of the 100 year old towers so that they don’t fall apart in the wind…
How will turning off the power prevent them from falling down?
Ted, is that you?
I’d like to know the exact role of the CPUC in setting PG&E’s priorities and fiscal allotments for distribution repairs and upgrades.
It all goes to “renewables”
Figured as much. PG&E can’t do squat without regulatory approval.
And what regulations might prevent them from clearing brush and trees from around the power lines.
They’re allowed to do so, but don’t have the money. Others don’t have that problem (see Path 66).
Interestingly, they might cut power to Berkeley. I know the campus has its own grid, but I’m not sure about the lab on the hill. Hopefully, it does.
“Breaking: Effective immediately, Blizzard has removed Hong Kong Hearthstone player blitzchung from Hearthstone Grand Masters, rescinded all his prize money, and have suspended him from pro play for one year for his recent interview. ”
China is asshole.
Still best advice that Trump ever received. So naturally he didn’t listen
YouTube video on the same:
I hope Blizzard chokes on that decision.
What is “Blizzard”?
Videogame development/distribution company
It’s pretty amazing, looking back, on how unbelievably (almost comically) wrong the old mantra of “if we trade with tyrants, they’ll liberalize” was. If anything, we have become far more like China than they have become like us
It’s Activision. A Chinese company has a 4.9% stake in them.
May or may not be a pun.
I can’t imagine that they will suffer much at all in the way of consequences. The other pro players aren’t going to walk out, and the retail market probably won’t even show a ripple of backlash.
If I still had a WoW subcription, I’d cancel, but I don’t…so…*shrug*.
I just logged in to battle net and opened a ticket to express my displeasure. I have no active subscriptions to cancel
Kudos. And I sincerely mean that.
Boycotts are often stupid, but when it involves boycotting people that willingly take orders from serial murderers that just seems like being moral.
Trump may have started a trade war with China for all of the wrong reasons but if you’re going to put pressure on a country China would be definitely be on the short list.
China is asshole.
I’m almost at the point where I can no longer blame China. China is a totalitarian communist dictatorship. That’s what they do. You may as well expect a scorpion not to sting.
On the other hand, if stupid Americans are willing to sell their souls to them for thirty pieces of silver, who’s to blame for that?
They’re certainly making Trump look more prescient.
Consider the fact that the elites in your civilization are hyper nationalists, just not domestic nationalists.
I’ve argued not to go there. Two firms I’ve been with have happily agreed to tech transfers for access, my screaming mattering not at all.
To me it was always weird when there were Asian countries situated with the resources and logistics to handle the Chinese market without actually being under the thumb of the Party.
“Progressive Parents Sit Their Kid Down For Talk About The Birds And The Bees And The Birds Who Want To Become Bees And The Bees Who Identify As Birds And Buckle Up, This Might Take A While”
“Orange man bad! Orange man bad!” she chanted at one heckler, though the heckler turned out to be a Wendy’s worker asking if she wanted the Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger 4 for $4 or the chicken sandwich one.
Aides then gently ushered her back onto the bus to take her back to Bright Sunrise Home For Seniors.
Here’s why owning a dog can help you live longer, study says
“They found dog owners who lived alone after being hospitalized for a heart attack had a 33% lower risk of death, compared to non-owners. Those who lived with someone had a 15% reduced risk”
Makes sense. Whose dog is as big of a pain-in-the-ass as their spouse is?
I’ll go buy one after my first heart attack.
With a 100% chance that the dog will be a bit neglected because the patient can’t physically take care of it, and a big risk that the patient will not leave the dog to go back to the hospital because it will be left without care, and a big risk that the patient will leave the hospital too early to take care of it.
Spouses have opposable thumbs.
Spouses have opposable thumbs.…to make better sandwiches.
Whose dog is as big of a pain-in-the-ass as their spouse is?
To the best of my knowledge, my spouse has not soiled the rugs/carpeting.
Or whined at me to open the door and then stands there refusing to go outside.
Where I live, that means coyotes.
And get you out of your chair.
And fluff your pillows.
And drive you back to the hospital because you’re a stubborn cuss.
drive you back to the hospital because you didn’t follow instructions and you required frying pan/rolling pin therapy.
I was trying to be nice.
Not me and my GSD. I had my knee replaced and two days later I was at home taking great care of my sweet puppy.
Maybe because having a dog forces you to take a walk.
You cheated and read the article.
Because cats will try to kill you?
* looks at harmless little kitten and wonders… *
They won’t try to kill you, but they will eat you when you die.
Recycling FTW!
“My youngest has been coughing the last couple of nights like a seal barking.”
I am not angry with Greta Thunberg. I feel sorry for her.People have terrorized her with a lot of irrational and improbable catastrophes, to the point where he is a paranoid wreck. She should be skiing, or playing tennis, or riding bicycles, or laughing and flirting with boys. Instead, she is the high priestess of a death cult.
It sucks.
“to the point where he is a paranoid wreck”
Are you just trying to cover your bases with pronouns?
Hey, if the intersectionality brigades want to make a deal out of it, why not play a trump card on them?
You and me both, Brooks.
Instead, she is the high priestess of a death cult.
Not even that. A high priestess would get to call the shots, but I don’t buy that she’s anything more than a pawn in others’ games.
Because priestess’ eventually get sacrificed
Ya. She’s more like the official escort for the sacrificial lamb. Or something like that. I’m not thinking exact here, so don’t waste time pondering my metaphor.
Your face is ridiculous.
In an article published Monday titled “Global Brands Better Stay Away from Politics,” the Global Times warned Americans, and international actors, that Chinese authoritarian speech restrictions now apply worldwide and any protests in the name of free speech are “ridiculous.”
“Daryl Morey, general manager of the NBA team the Houston Rockets, has obviously gotten himself into trouble,” the article lamented, calling Morey’s skill at his job “simply too poor” for challenging an authoritarian regime.
“Commercial and cultural organizations which engage in transnational operations should manage their attitudes and statements over sensitive issues. Impulsive words can easily trigger a backlash,” the newspaper advised. “Respecting customers is a universal business rule. Morey has to choose between safeguarding his individual freedom of speech and protecting the Rockets’ commercial interests by respecting the feelings of Chinese fans. When he opted for the former, the Rockets will have to make a second choice from the perspective of the team.”
The Global Times called Americans “ridiculous” for defending freedom of speech, especially targeting 2020 Democratic candidate Andrew Yang for criticizing China.
“Morey does have the freedom to praise Hong Kong protesters, just like the Chinese fans also have the freedom to abandon the Rockets,” the Times claimed. “The problem is that Morey’s freedom is at the expense of Rockets’ huge commercial interests, which the team is unwilling to give up.”
Kindly fuck off. That is all.
“Respecting customers is a universal business rule.
Does that include customers that aren’t ChiCom goons?
Christ, it’s like they’re trying to make me boycott Chinese products.
“Morey does have the freedom to praise Hong Kong protesters, just like the Chinese fans also have the freedom to abandon the Rockets,” the Times claimed. “The problem is that Morey’s freedom is at the expense of Rockets’ huge commercial interests, which the team is unwilling to give up.”
Man, that talking point sounds awfully familiar. I feel like I’ve seen a few videos of skinny wristed boys wearing black masks saying the exact same shit
To antifa’s credit, they are not yet murderous assholes like the Chinese state.
Death to Chinese communists and the Nationalist Beijing Association
Funny how there’s no mention of a hypothetical freedom of Chinese fans to praise HK protesters….
We need more trillion dollar coins.
You can’t fool me. That’s a wooden nickel. I ain’t takin’ it.
In a statement, Michael Lewis, senior vice president for PG&E’s electric operations, warned — “This is shaping up to be one of the most severe dry wind events we’ve seen in our territory in recent years.”
Or, you know, you could just spend some money on vegetation management.
OT – Tucking into a large pizza pie, half BBQ chicken, half Buffalo chicken and a few bottles of Coors Banquet beer. In this place, at this moment, all is right with the world.
Sounds like a prisoner’s last meal.
Coors Banquet?
Sounds like torture.
Are you just trying to cover your bases with pronouns?
Tuping id hsrd.
I’ve thought a lot about this and if given a choice, my preferred pronoun would be “Wizard”. Sounds pretty cool to me
“Sorcerer” is more alpha.
Damn. You’re right. I should have ran this by a woman before deciding to identify as a wizard.
Sounds pretty cool to me
That’s so wizard.
“They say that Greta is benefiting from a “global system of white supremacy” which has given her “privilege and a platform”.”
Arent white folks a global minority? Why yes!
“According to a census section of White people – Wikipedia, there are 850 million whites in the world which is about 11.5% of the world population.”
I’m thinking I believe Clapper this time:
Because I don’t think he would lie to drag Obama into this scandal.
What scandal?
NYT Tomorrow: “Republicans Pounce On Fact that President Obama Was Concerned About Russian Interference”
No more scandal
Some Kid Keeps Leaning Into Camera Shot During Greta Thunberg Speech
Greta Thunberg was giving an inspiring speech to her fans earlier this week. Camera crews were trying to catch the action, but their view kept getting obstructed as some kid appeared out of nowhere to slowly lean into the shot.
Just as Thunberg started calling for people to blow up their cars to prove they don’t hate children, the lanky, college-aged boy with dark hair slowly started poking his head into one cameraman’s field of view.
“Scram, kid, we’re trying to get some shots of Greta here,” said a cameraman trying to record the speech. “How the heck did you get past security? Make like a tree and get outta here.”
The kid insisted he was a famous celebrity, but nobody had any recollection of him. A few minutes later, another cameraman was trying to film Thunberg saying that flying commercial is one of the seven deadly sins, when the boy popped up again, slowly lowering himself into the shot from a tree branch overhead.
“What the—who the heck are you!?” the cameraman said. “Get down from there. You’d better not let me catch you hanging around here again.”
The boy said he was the media’s favorite kid used to exploit their agendas, but the cameraman just laughed. “Kid, take a hike.”
“No, really, I’m somebody important! I’m famous! The Democrats love me!”
Lighting up a cigarette, the older man chuckled. “Kid, ya got a lot to learn about this town. You were the talk of the town, what—a few months ago? A year? Nobody cares anymore. Greta’s the new hot thing.”
“That’s just America, sport,” he added as he grabbed the kid by the collar and tossed him out of the event.
I could barely stop giggling long enough to post this. And I still can’t stop.
Greta could kick that kid’s ass.
It’s Beto isn’t it?
uhhhh, the message I’m getting from all of this is apparently what we were supposed to have done was to ignore the Russian interference, ignore the Russian meddling and the threat that it poses to us
Remind me. How many verifiable votes were cast by the Russians?
The Russians interfered via Facebook memes. Although, no evidence has been provided to support that assertion, but only white nationalists question the intelligence community or something.
Now this may be confusing, but also Facebook is well within its rights to ban anyone (even a politician running for office) and that doesn’t count as election interference, because this is all bullshit and why didn’t she win? IT WAS HER TURN!
The Russians interfered via Facebook memes.
And they were so successful their $50K operation somehow defeated the $300M spending advantage Mrs. Clinton had. Maybe next time she should hire Russians to manage her campaign.
Whadda ya mean “next time”?
She just needs to hire better Russians.
Eh, she mostly used Ukrainians last time. Prolly ought to get the Putin upgrade.
Although it will be really weird for her to be paying Russians, instead of the other way around.
62,984,828 Because no one I know voted for Trump.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign probably spent more on laxatives than “the Russians” spent on influencing that election.
As expected, Apple continues its downward spiral. New iOS update sucks donkey balls. Tim Cook should be sent to the board for his incompetence.
to the boats, not board.
Autocorrect- another thing they keep fucking up.
No, you’re right. Then the Board can send him to the boats.
Tim Cook should get sent to China with the rest of his workforce.
I actually like the iOS update.
*disappears back behind shrubbery*
It would be ok if they didn’t waste screen real estate, add more scrolling and burying function in layers that weren’t before, and assuming you want to open a link when “hovering” (holding down the link) over it.
And who’s the dickhead that thinks spelling out every function on a single line is better than a row of icons that clearly represent the function?
I’m avoiding Catalina.
Where did you read that?
My wife just called to complain about it, and it disconnected 3 times.
It’s a blessing and a curse.
You see? It’s a feature.
From using it first hand.
Of course the fellating sites think the latest update is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
“Chinese state media and Tencent suspend broadcast of NBA preseason games in China”
All this is telling me is that the Party is (still) terrified of the masses. They could have just done nothing and nobody would have given a shit. Instead, they’re inviting the world’s scorn. So… they’re not very bright either.
I’m impressed by this logic.
My experience, though, is that the best logic isn’t a great indicator of what people will do or have done. People and institutions are busy slamming their thumbs in the door most of the day, every day.
Instead, they’re inviting the world’s scorn.
Yes, but if much of the world is comprised of two-bit whores who’ve already sold out to them and won’t so much as say “boo”, does it really count as scorn?
China is always one food shortage away from revolt.
“they’re inviting the world’s scorn”
I assure you that no one in a position of power in the West is going to scorn China and they know it. Our elites are better understood as representatives of the Chinese communist party. And I really don’t think that’s an exaggeration.
Ni hao.
Just another point about the Blizzard story. Think of the irony in all this. The U.S. government goes to bat for companies like them against China specifically on enforcing their (probably over-stringent) IP protections. And the first chance they get, they cuddle up to the very bastards they demand our government protect them against. At this point, maybe it’s time for a bit of IP reform.
Probably why government shouldn’t be in the business of protecting business.
On the other hand, if stupid Americans are willing to sell their souls to them for thirty pieces of silver, who’s to blame for that?</em.
"They said they would never sell knockoffs of our product, or cheat on OUR deal. That's good enough for me."
“Using gender identity as click bait is a privileged act of violence”
the transwoman complaining in that thread presents as a fat ugly guy in a muumuu which makes xer a hypocrite.
“Using gender identity as click bait is a privileged act of violence”.
Kudos for this superbly constructed sentence of woke gibberish.”
This is really the value of college. If it weren’t for college how could someone string together such disjointed made-up words and think that they’re smart for not really saying anything at all?
Media Horrified By Lack Of Violence At Joker Screenings
“We found one incident of a guy cheering too loudly at the fictional violence,” said CNN reporter Terrance Shelton, “but that was it. There was nothing. Absolutely nothing we can glom onto and spin into a hot take that reinforces The Narrative. I’m shaken to my core.”
Journalists have already been shaken by many attacks on the press. Much of this has come from President Trump, but a lot also from reality, which has specifically gone after many of their hyped predictions and disasters. “We had expert opinions saying that the Joker movie was just adding fuel to the fire with all that’s going on,” said New York Times writer Glenn Peterson. “And once again, reality has defied experts. That’s not right.”
No, it’s not. It’s not OK.
When did the Bee get into straight reporting?
but a lot also from reality,
That, right there, is gonna leave a mark.
We’re Not Exporting Our Values to China — We’re Importing Theirs
Yup. The myth of “if you trade with tyrants, they will liberalize” is perhaps the dumbest argument ever made by free marketers. It’s so laughably false.
This has been going on for awhile. Look at why happened to Marriott when they made the mistake of listing Taiwan as a country destination on their website.
And if you don’t comply, the murderous ChiComs will use their usual tools up to and including torture and death to force compliance.
I can’t really argue with that. Even our homegrown commies are generally Maoist.
He is just begging them to do it…
The White House outlined in a defiant eight-page letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and top Democrats on Tuesday why it will not participate in their “illegitimate and unconstitutional” impeachment inquiry, charging that the proceedings have run roughshod over congressional norms and the president’s due-process rights.
Trump administration officials called the letter, which was written by White House counsel Pat Cipollone and obtained by Fox News, perhaps the most historic letter the White House has sent. The document tees up a head-on collision with Democrats in Congress, who have fired off a slew of subpoenas in recent days concerning the president’s apparent efforts to get Ukraine to investigate political foe Joe Biden.
“President Trump and his administration reject your baseless, unconstitutional efforts to overturn the democratic process,” the letter stated. “Your unprecedented actions have left the president with no choice. In order to fulfill his duties to the American people, the Constitution, the Executive Branch, and all future occupants of the Office of the Presidency, President Trump and his administration cannot participate in your partisan and unconstitutional inquiry under these circumstances.”
The document concluded: “The president has a country to lead. The American people elected him to do this job, and he remains focused on fulfilling his promises to the American people.”
As I understand it, the White House is free to tell them to go pound sand so long they don’t hold an actual House vote to begin the impeachment process.
That’s pretty much his position, because historically that’s how impeachment has started.
The punch line is, not only hasn’t the House as a whole not voted to start impeachment, no committee has either. This is pure governance by press release, nothing more.
The punch line is, not only has
n’tthe House as a whole not voted to start impeachment, no committee has either.No other person with an R next to their name would ever even think about this course of action. I approve.
I have the best IT support.
Wanted a program installed that is on the approved list, technician manages to turn off all my usb ports and then fixes it three hours later, unfortunately the computer won’t boot Windows anymore. Fuck This place.
He left the second after handing it to me. Also coughed all over my keyboard. Fuuuuuck.
Probably worked on your laptop while taking a dump.
The end product probably would have been better. i do kind of feel like he handed me a turd
Better than my IT.
Me: the computer isn’t work
IT: it should
Me: I know it should
IT: taps at keyboard like space odyssey monkey
IT: it’s not work
Me: I know. I called you.
IT: I’ll get you another computer.
Me: I’m glad we pay you so much
IT: me too!
space odyssey monkeys
excellent band name
The IT guy at my work is from Romania. I keep wanting to ask if he’s a vampire like Pie.
I disagree. You got a new computer,one that likely works.
Steve Kerr may be the most morally bankrupt man in America and that’s saying a lot. Dude is always woke af to say “orange man bad”, but when confronted on China he hems and haws and says “man, I’m just ignorant about China’s reeducation camps that happen to be located in the exact same city as an NBA training camp. Gee golly.”
For reference, that is not an exagerration. The NBA actually has a training camp in the same city where China’s reeducation camps are located.
Doing business in an authoritarian country like China inevitably presents ethical and political dilemmas, as several tech giants and airlines have recently learned. But doing business right in the midst of a campaign that some human rights groups have described as genocide is another thing entirely—and most U.S. companies have unsurprisingly given Xinjiang a wide berth. Yet one of the exceptions is striking: the National Basketball Association. In Oct. 2016, the NBA set up one of its three Chinese training centers in, of all places, Ürümqi, the capital of Xinjiang and site of massive race riots in 2009 that left hundreds dead. The center, which houses roughly 240 student-athletes ages 14 to 18, according to its website, has kept a very low profile. That’s unsurprising—because the NBA presence in Xinjiang is shameful.
It must please China very much to have emasculated the US so thoroughly.
I hope reporters now give up on the charade that Kerr has anything interesting to say about any topic other than basketball.
Dude, he’s going to consult with his BIL who’s a Chinese history professor. Then he be expert in all thing China.
And there is nothing interesting to say about basketball.
True facts, just like how pineapple is not a pizza topping
And what about Popovich, who sure loves to run his suck about gun control – cat got his tongue on this one?
Someone posted the David Leonhardt dishonest chart on average tax rates yesterday…
Even Matty Y is calling it bullshit.
Oh, FFS. Its almost like they juked the data to get the narrative they wanted.
Statistics are a language of science. Why do you hate science?
“I think that Crooked Hillary Clinton should enter the race to try and steal it away from Uber Left Elizabeth Warren. Only one condition. The Crooked one must explain all of her high crimes and misdemeanors including how & why she deleted 33,000 Emails AFTER getting “C” Subpoena!”
“Don’t tempt me. Do your job.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you two?”
– Kmele
Opera applause
Oh, thank you, kind sir
Is this where they start making out?
Why are Americans so irrationally afraid of socialist policies?
It’s going to be a bitch for a lot of people when the major currencies really go tits up.
“but not because it had socialist policies. Russia had Gulags because it was a corrupt dictatorship, but not because it had socialist policies.”
Is there an example of a self-proclaimed socialist country that DIDN’T have gulags?
I think in Cambodia they mostly skipped the Gulags and went straight to the killing fields.
“Oh, that won’t happen to us. We know how to do it right.”
Ya think?
The place with the concentration camps?
Or that weren’t corrupt dictatorships?
As an European I think that’s a very good thing, because the socialist parties have always been the reason why we have such amazing standards of living and quality of life.
Portugal per capita GDP: $21,136
Mississippi per capita GDP: $31, 881
Is Mississippi back in last place?
man, not that again
/ prays fervently for OK, WV, or KY to have a really bad year
KY has done a lot of deregulating under Bevin they’ve been moving up, and OK is over 40k Looks like Idaho is now second to last then WV and AR.
I”m well-used to losing and know who’s in the race.
As for regulation, you can nuke a gay whale in any county in MS and get a tax abatement to help pay for it.
Adjust for cost of living. California drops to the bottom
I’m pretty sure 31K in Cali gets you a nice box on Skid Row.
all we’re good at is football players and Miss Americas
And tailgating – Oxford on Satudays in the fall is a blast.
I had a girlfriend from Alabama who used to say “God made Mississippi so Alabama would have someone to look down on”
I’m delighted to see that DC is able to rake so much off the top that they’re nearly triple the “product” of the highest state.
What is actually produced in DC?
Swamp gas.
hyperinflated real estate markets
Seeing DC dominating that list pretty much highlights that GDP has nothing to do with actual “production.” I’m sure a few things get produced there as it has some service oriented businesses, but otherwise.
I couldn’t find it by google, but
Michael Ramirez drew this cartoon once of the F435: one part of the fighter was built in each congressional district
“Portugal per capita GDP: $21,136
Mississippi per capita GDP: $31, 881”
Do you know what the real difference is? Portugal will take 60% of that in taxes and tack on to that a 25% VAT tax on almost all consumer goods.
But you get a free frogurt!
I admit it. I’m totally irrational as opposed to those completely rational people who spend money they don’t have.
That’s right, it was the dictatorship that implemented socialism’s policies of nationalizing industries that led to starvation.
Consequently, this bears on European condensention. Why do Europeans think they understand history so much better than the rest of the world?
Because they’re Europeans.
Europe, parts of it, still have a good living standard, if you don’t compare it to the US, because they have strong work ethics and they pretty much all agree on the social spending they are doing. Angela Merkel and the rest of the Brusselcrats have changed that dynamic forever with all the migration from poor 3rd world countries and it’s all going to implode. It will not be pretty.
I can’t speak for everyone else, but the piles of bodies are off-putting.
There’s poverty, poor services, and lack of technological progress.
But mostly it’s taking my money giving the apparatchiks their cut and giving it back to me and telling me I’m lucky to be getting this is what does it for me. I really want to cut out the government middlemen.
Looking for info, I came across the Guardian headline:
LOL never change
It’s not irrational.
I’m wearing my socialism kills t-shirt as I read this.
I wish all those conservatives who were indignant about players kneeling for the national anthem and progressives who expressed how god damn brave were those players would get as worked-up about the NBA running PR for the Chinese communists while having a training camp in the exact same fucking city as where the Chinese run their reeducation camps.
To be fair, everything I’ve been hearing about this story has been coming from the right. It’s the woke champions who seem perfectly okay with gulags. Maybe that shouldn’t surprise us. It should certainly be instructive.
“Moderators of Black People Twitter, an online forum, asked participants to submit a photo to prove they were not white. Many black users came to believe that white users were pretending to be black to give their unpopular opinions more credibility.”
Do they really think wypipo blackfacing it on Twitter couldn’t find a picture of black person to submit?
But that would be dishonest.
If I had a Twitter account, I would be tempted to submit a picture of me. In blackface.
Or my dick in black face.
Sucks to be “passing”
I have what they call
A passing complexion
So they were weeding out Shaun King?
Yeah, that’s Reddit.
You can’t make this stuff up.
You want me. I know you do.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Tuesday shot back at President Donald Trump after he taunted her about entering the 2020 presidential election, saying, “Don’t tempt me.”
“Don’t tempt me. Do your job,” Clinton said.
Clinton’s tweet Tuesday comes months after she told CNN affiliate News 12 Westchester in March that she would not run for president again in 2020.
“I’m not running, but I’m going to keep on working and speaking and standing up for what I believe,” she said at the time. “I want to be sure that people understand I’m going to keep speaking out. I’m not going anywhere.”
‘I’m just waiting for the call. I know it’s coming.”
Don’t tempt me.
Gosh, it never crossed her mind until that tweet.
Speaking of Greta and the left eating each other —
This is a very long look at the players around her and how she became a “spokeschild”: The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg.
This is a lefty take, and there’s a lot of the underlying principles/assumptions I think are wrong already (and I’m only in part 3), but so far it’s an investigation of how NGOs/corporations/politics intersect. The author attacks this as “capitalism” but in another circle it’d be called “globalism”. It’s just kinda nice to read an Old School Marxist take down of International Environmentalism Inc because usually the useful idiots lap it up.
I’ll continue to plow through it and maybe write up a summary of the most interesting parts. But if you’ve got some time to kill and a burning desire to find out about climate scam NGOs, this is for you.
Anyway her parents could be prosecuted, and I think they already should for child abuse, for scamming 900K?
My favorite part so far is how her mom sits on some board of one of these places, the CEO was interviewed and he was all *gushing* about Greta — of course, with nary a disclosure that her mom is RIGHT THERE in the organization. Amazing how keeping her own last name means people forget they’re related.
It sure was convenient that the book detailing “their struggles with mental healh and anxiety over climate change” came out only four days after Greta *spontaneously* decided to sit in front of the Swedish Parliament all on her lonesome.
Tiger Moms got nothing on this piece of work.
Moderators of Black People Twitter, an online forum, asked participants to submit a photo to prove they were not white.
Here’s mine
*The woke adventures of Steve Kerr*
Reporter: Do you have any thoughts on…
Kerr: Yes. Orange man bad
Reporter: er…I was going to ask you about China
Kerr: Yes, China is a beautiful place. And that’s because they have gun control
Reporter: I was more so interested in your thoughts about China running reeducation camps in the exact same city as where the NBA runs a training camp. What are your thoughts?
Kerr: China? Reeducation camps? Gosh, I got to plead ignorance on this. I have never heard about China ever mistreating its people
Reporter: You have got to be joking, right? You were alive for Tienneman Square
Kerr: Look, I’m not a historian. I don’t anything about that.
Reporter: Uh…Mr. Kerr, you have something dripping from your mouth
Kerr: *wipes mouth* Yeah, I visited Xing before this press conference. I tell you, that guy…..*loud gagging*….ehhhhhh
Reporter: Mr. Kerr? Are you alright?
Kerr: *loud gagging*….ehhhhhh
Reporter: Are you joking?
Kerr: *catches breath* No. I’m OK now. Xing just really filled me up
Reporter: Uhhh….?
This is obviously parody, as there are no reporters in America.
Xing must have some kind of special mojo to stay hard that long.
I hear the owner of Dick’s Sporting Goods jumped in for sloppy 2nds?
“Space is BIIIG.”
And this is the reason, I always try to make the argument, why we cannot know there is anyone else out there, unless they are ridiculously close on a universal scale. The distances are just too vast and the universe too damn big. I mean it’s so big we don’t even know how big it is because we can only detect a small part of it. This is how we get the Fermi Paradox, right. It can be so likely it’s almost 100% sure there is other intelligent life out there, but they could be so far away, we will never detect it.
“This Syria withdrawal is almost as haphazard as our Iraq exit”
As was too easily predicted, the media, looking at you CNN and NYT have went full on war monger over this. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so pathetic.
It would be hilarious if it wasn’t for my veteran friends who killed themselves.
I’m really sorry to hear that, Leon. Sometimes people forget about the costs of war that go beyond the battlefield
“Man, intersectionality is a bitch.”
We will hit a new level of derp when they actually give a retarded 15 year old, a Nobel prize. A Nobel prize for being a petulant child and useful idiot. Oh well, they did give Gore, Krugman, and Obama one, so I guess it’s not that big of an escalation of stoopid.
Neuro diverse, bigot.
A hero will rise
But I really do wish they would go extinct, he should be nice and help them.
He doesn’t look like a guy with whom you’d wish to fuck, especially when he’s hungry.
He’s got a bit of a STEVE SMITH vibe, so your wishes might not matter.
Absolutely not.
I love how “fucking hippies” is recognizable in any language.
I love the pony tailed guy immediately breaking eye contact and meekly slumping. This is an individual neither prepared nor used to actual conflict. Might as well be a dog showing his belly.
Yeah, this is what they are going to run into once they’ve really pushed it too far, only a lot angrier and more dangerous.
I learned today that “F*cking hippie” sounds really similar in English and Danish.
That probably was English.
/this phrase didn’t come up in the Danish class I took decades ago but still
thanks for that. You fucking hippies! lmao
Yeah, lol, look at them, all of them against one guy. Much woke, many brave, lol.
RE: China.
My grandfather always said to be very careful about from whom you take money because once you accept money from someone, they can tell you what to do.
It seems that bill is coming due.
China owns about 5% of US debt. Along with Japan.
You know who is the US’s biggest creditor and owns 80% of its debt?
You are.
Don’t I know it.
When do they start listening to me?
*falls out of chair laughing*
Something about paying for the music and calling the tune?
I respectfully disagree. I took your money in exchange you got a product. That transaction is complete and I don’t have to due further business.
Giving people money is the flip side of that coin. they never go away.
“Senator Elizabeth Warren further detailed her experience of losing a teaching job because of pregnancy, refuting a conservative news site’s challenge of her account. “I had an experience millions of women will recognize,” she tweeted.”
Millions of women lie about their ethnicity to get high-paying, prestigious jobs.
refuting a conservative news site’s challenge of her account
I don’t think that word means with they think it means.
All the news that’s fit to invent out of whole cloth™.
I think their move is basically to say “well, some women got fired in the ’70s for being pregnant, so what she said is . . . truthy?”
There’s a lot of misuse of term whataboutism, but I think it actually applies here.
“I got fired for being pregnant.”
“No, you didn’t.”
“Whatabout the women who did?”
that happened to Gloria in All in the Family.
ipso facto: mostly true
that reminds me. Archie once said ifso fatso. I still crack up when I remember that
I saw that episode. Meathead still came off as a pussy. Get it together, Meathead!
He’s still a pussy.
“I think their move is basically to say “well, some women got fired in the ’70s for being pregnant, so what she said is . . . truthy?”
I knew a couple back in the 90s, who the guy was telling me at the time, his wife was being drive out of her job just because she got pregnant. I was sympathetic at the time, before I got to know them a lot better. Turned out they just kept ‘getting down on their luck’, fired from jobs all of the time. Last I knew of them they hadn’t worked for 20 years, both of them in their 30s and able bodies, on every form of government assistance you can get on, 5 kids, planning for more, bragging about how they get a ‘raise’ for having more kids.
I’m sort of skeptic now when I hear about people getting ‘down on their luck’. Yes, I know it happens and I’m not heartless, I been there, but there are too many liars and deadbeats out there these days for you to not be skeptical.
Sorry, 10 years, not 20.
They keep using ‘refute’ when they mean ‘rebut’. It’s omnipresent and has been for several years. My English teachers are spinning in their graves.
Millions of women have not lost their jobs due to pregnancy in this century Liz.
“So, Senator Warren, you have given two completely inconsistent accounts of why you stopped teaching and went to law school. Which one is true, and why did you tell the false one?”
We can’t expect reporters to actually ask substantive questions!
The replies are brutal. I think this is what they call getting ratioed. And its the NYT Twitter feed, not some “conservative news outlet” with dittohead followers.
My favorite: “She’s 1/1024th truthful”.
I do believe that the Twitter has backfired on them in spectacular fashion despite their all out censorship campaign.
Senator Elizabeth Warren further detailed her
experienceclaim of losing a teaching job because of pregnancy, without evidence,refutingrejecting a conservative news site’s challenge of her account.Shamelessly O/T: I’m having an adventure! I found out just before I left for work today that my boss will be out of the office for at least the rest of the week. This means that tomorrow morning I get to conduct TWO Excel training sessions – one Beginning, one Intermediate – that we have never done before. All! By! My! Self!
I spent pretty much the entire day turning our rough outline into handouts. “Prnt Scrn” is my little friend. I figure if worse comes to worse (worst? wurst?) I’ll resort to a little song and dance.
Excel, ma belle,
You do work with numbers very well,
My Excel…
Well…maybe not the dancing.
Woo hooooo!!!!
Don’t wanna be All! By! Your! Self?
Excel and SQL. My life.
Excel is only useful for dumping SQL queries into and emailing to your client so you don’t have to spend half the day making a real report and recompiling your code to make it conveniently appear in a menu.
Ultimately, but I use it for a bit more than that. Mostly to help piece together what data I’m going to need from where to solve for particular problem, before I put together a more comprehensive query. With the amount of data I have to sift through, it’s often more efficient.
I was just kidding. You can do a lot with Excel. I was just talking about what I use it for mostly.
So just today, I used it to export data from one database on a different server and import it into a database on another server. And again, it’s useful for a LOT more stuff than that, but being a dev, not a scientist, almost everything I use it for involves SQL in one way or other.
This is the strangest euphemism I’ve ever heard.
“I get to conduct TWO Excel training sessions”
This is fun? MY sincerest sympathy, and I thought I was a nerd.
I’m not really a numbers chick, but for reasons I can’t explain, I have the hots for Excel.
I got over Excel about 20 years ago when I discovered T-SQL. I’ll only typically use it to dump SQL queries into, to email to my clients when they want to know right now how many somethings are happening right now in Bangladesh compared to how many somethings are going on in Ivory Coast.
Hmmm…I work for a smallish local financial institution, so we’re usually dealing with dollars & cents. Is T-SQL anything that’s likely to come standard with Windows?
SQL server? I think there’s a free version of it with Windows. If you like manipulating and reporting data, you have to love it. Transact SQL, an extension of Structured Query Language. It’s used to interact with relational databases. It expands on just being able to write queries, to things like Stored Procedures and functions.
You won’t need it if you aren’t needing to extract and manipulate data from a SQL database.
But it is used a lot in finance along with most other orgs these days. I used to use it to export MFG data into billing system.
My wife bought a virtue signal yard sign (one I agree with, not a proggy, one), unfortunately the text is a little small.
It took made a while but I figured out how to correctly give my feedback.
“The sign is great, but needs to consider the visual diversity in today’s America “
So what was the sign?
“My wife is hot”
I’m hoping for “Get Off My Lawn”.
“So last night I asked my wife to do it doggy style. You wouldn’t believe how much tequila it took to get her out on the front lawn.”
“I’m hoping for “Get Off My Lawn”.”
Subtext ‘Offenders who are not shot dead will be taken as orphan slaves. Have a nice day.’
Get off my lawn!
Does this link work:
…except for Trumptards. They’re untermenschen and deserve death.
I feel like the last line precludes that subtext, or else I wouldn’t have allowed it.
It’s a good sign.
Almost as good as “My Wife is Hot”
I’ve been trying to convince my wife to wear a burka, ever since we got married.
(Islam is right about women)
I’m hoping the prankster who caused brainlock with those signs follows up with “Islam is w
rong about women”.
*contemplates his next yard sign*
Eh…Episcopalian. I’m willing to love my neighbor, but loving an Episcopalian is a step too far.
They’re not really people after all.
I thought the ‘pray like you’ line was for people who like the new way of saying mass, or eastern Catholics, not schismatic heretics.
Well done
What if the neighbor’s an asshole?
Daydream about firebombing his house. -Jesus
He says that about neighbours who keep their music too loud and act like you’re the asshole when you ask them to keep it down because you’re trying to put your baby to sleep. It’s right there in Suburbanites 2:12.
This Jesus fellow sounds all right.
“Inappropriate”? “Troubling”?
Puritans are alive and well.
I don’t know why this video of women dressed in lingerie walking to a jail handcuffed is arousing, but I think it’s their butts.
*cop kills someone*
City: We don’t know the whole story. That guy in a wheelchair lunged at him.
*cop makes video with playmates*
City: This cisgender asshole thinks it’s funny to be a misogynist. He makes me sick.
Morally bankrupt. We live in a morally bankrupt society. There’s no way around it.
That pretty much sums it up.
Throw as many flashbangs in as many cribs as you want as long as you don’t appear in videos with attractive women.
Well, how dare that cop try to be funny. He should be out murde….er…serving and protecting
Why come no titties?
Yeah, if he shot them later it would be rally round the family.
I clicked the link based on your comment. No butts. 🙁
That news station is racist against my people.
Which people?
“but I think it’s their butts”
Because Lego gets you hard?
My cat is eating the food she just threw up on the carpet ten minutes ago. Sigh.
Would you rather clean it up yourself?
I’ll hear our cat puke and before we can clean it up, the dog has taken care of it.
And that is why I do not let my dog lick me.
Your shitlord cat is taking away valuable dog jobs!
At least you don’t have to clean it up…?
Animals are stupid and we shouldn’t forget that.
But so cute
What’s stupid about not wasting perfectly good food?
Your cat is normal. And what R C Dean said.
Seriously, I wish the Dean Beasts would eat their upchuck.
Also, the whole freakin’ house has tile floors. And they nail the carpet every time. And not just any carpet, the best one.
Oh, there’s still clean-up. She’s only fishing the pieces out, not the liquid.
Your cat is a shitlord for enacting your labor.
you let cat vomit sit for 10 minutes? I thought you were gay?
Some of us are lazy.
lol you’re like people!
another brain cell has been activated.
“Leave it there the cat will get it”.
Honeymooners fans will get it.
I hate to pile on, CA, but what the fuck are you doing?
Gavin Newsom Could Soon Make California’s Gun Laws Even Worse
unless Newsom issues a formal veto, the bills will become law in just a matter of days
I have never heard of that before. I thought the rule was if an executive didn’t sign the bills before the legislature goes home, they are “pocket” vetoed.
Within 30 days after receiving a bill, the governor may sign it into law, allow it to become law without his/her signature, or veto it.
Oh, I believed it. Its stupid, so of course CA does it that way.
I’m no communist, but getting a one handgun once a month sounds pretty cool. 😉
Gun of the Month Club?
“CA, but what the fuck are you doing?”
Being Cali?
WTF is gun violence restraining order? Either convict me of a felony or fuck off.
He’s not always up to #Glib true believer status, but the live discussion with Dan Crenshaw via Cooke and Williamson is pretty good.
Screeching harpies still screeching.
Sure would be a shame if D.C.’s budget got hung up in the Senate while inquiries are made about the effectiveness of the D.C. police in protecting the property of D.C. residents.
Very much so.
Is it a bad sign that I tune out any commentarythat includes the word ‘ democracy’?
I was unaware that democracy was street protests. I thought it was more, you know, voting. Have we been doing it wrong?
Democracy by any means necessary.
And that’s why we’re not a democracy.
Democracy means give me everything I demand, not matter how stupid and Unconstitutional it is, or how much YOU have to pay for it. /the left
It’s only fair.
How to have a great relationship. Also, what’s she doing with him?
I could take or leave her.
That’s awesome!
Like hard maple
Hello from the low country. I am semi unpacked, which is a big improvement over not knowing where your stuff is.
The greatness of shrimp and grits is you can eat it for any meal.
He’s out on the bayou?
I have not found being unpacked to be inconsistent with not knowing where your stuff is.
Fair cop. At least my stuff is down to one state, instead of four.
Desks work like computer cases, right? 14 screws to take top off, 8 to reattach. Should be fine?
Front seems unstable, may add 2 more.
Duct tape is faster.
Nail gun.
*makes mental note to never have robc rebuild a carburetor*
I made that note 30 years ago.
Twisty bread ties will do in a pinch.
“Desks work like computer cases, right? 14 screws to take top off, 8 to reattach.”
No. 14 screws to take front off, 0 to reattach. Custom cooling on the cheap, throw the cover away, easy, cost effective, dust collection bonus.
I literally fixed a y2k bug that way.
“y2k bug”
It got sucked into the CPU fan along with all the dust in the neighborhood?
Everything tastes funny to me today. I hope I don’t have cancer or some shit.
That happens to me if I have a bad cold of flu.
Probably genital herpes. Or leprosy.
Or eating too much pussy the night before, that’s what a friend told me.
I had a sketchy woman bathe last night American Psycho style before I drove in
I knew I shouldn’t have fucked Mother Theresa.
I mean especially since she’s 110 and, you know, dead.
Have you had a concussion recently?
Lupus? Is it Lupus?
Writing up my review of the Leonard vs Hagler fight this evening, I’ll try my best to proofread it as best as I’m capable(bet that sentence made some you cringe, didn’t?). Ted, I apologize in advance if reading it makes you go into convulsions.
I was always a bigger Duran fan. Those days were fun.
I’ve always liked him as well. If you haven’t seen it yet, a movie of his life was made a handful of years ago. Think it was called Hands of Stone. The acting was pretty good and the woman who plays his wife is a smokeshow but it was your run of the mill formula for a sport bio. Still, worth a watch.
I’ll have to try to check it out. I mean don’t get me wrong, I liked all three of those guys, you could always count on a great fight when any 2 of the 3 were going to go at it. I just like Duran because he had so much heart and toughness.
except for, you know. 😉
Yeah, I know, Hearns. Duh!
*didn’t it
….oh, God help us all.
Awesome! Sugar Ray broke Hagler that night. Hagler could never get over how he could lose a fight where he never got hurt. Moved to Italy to become an actor shortly after.
Please do Hagler Hearns next. the best real fight ever.
Ah, sorry. I’m sticking with fights that had controversial decisions. It will foster more heated arguments that way. But it’s over a trivial issue, so it’s all in good fun.
“Ah, sorry. I’m sticking with fights that had controversial decisions.”
What about Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury? Fury won that fight, or else I forgot when they abandoned the points system?
So no Mancini vs Kim, huh?
The fight that changed boxing forever.
Dems are coming to town next week. I’m hoping for an asteroid.
You won’t need it, they’re ready to self destruct all on their own in 3…2…1…
I am completely fucking shocked!
They got him now!
Circling the wagons, for the 715,345th time in the last 3 years.
What is the problem with this? Whistleblowers are heroes, so this report basically says 2020 Democrat campaign staffer is a MOH winner.
The walls are closing in?