A nervous man at the moment.
Well the Astros are making me sweat. Thank God Cole’s on the hill tomorrow night to hopefully end this nightmare from becoming a reality. The Dodgers hope to do the same tonight against the Nationals. And the Braves/Cards will play their decider as well. On the ice, the Hurricanes, Oilers, Jets, Stars, Mighty Ducks, Predators, Kings and Bruins were your winners. Across the Pacific, the USA Eagles got beat again. Man, I really wish some NFL players would switch to rugby so we could have given those Argies what-for. Oh well.

Slap that bass!
Alfred Dreyfus was born on this day. He shares it with: Prince Edward, baseball player Joe Pepitone, musician John Lennon, musical genius John Entwistle, other musical genius Jackson Browne, funny man Robert Wuhl, person on tv Scott Bakula, and fashion model Bella Hadid.
That list has some great musicians on it. Two of them, to be exact. Disagree with me if you want in the comments, but first please read…the links!
President Trump kicks the regulatory state in the balls. Oh, I can’t wait to see his detractors go off about this one. I’m sure business owners and people who have been screwed by big government will just flock to them.

Turn this into condos!
This just breaks my heart. I sure hope they can scrounge up enough money to keep their sinecures, fund their “aid” (read: sex parties for family and friends of officials), and spend time condemning the one stable nation in the Middle East. Actually, I hope they fold, the buildings are sold for apartments, and they roll back to Europe.

The rift between China’s ruling communist party and the NBA continues to widen. Looks like the tipoff between teams in Shanghai, which you could have watched if you had a good enough social credit score and weren’t in a reeducation camp to have your organs harvested, has been cancelled. Meanwhile, it looks like ESPN have finally found a social issue they don’t want their talking heads discussing. What a bunch of gutless pussies.
Nancy Drew was not an instruction manual, according to police. Uh, but it worked. Luckily.

“If you’re in one of the red areas, fuck you”
-PG&E Press Release
If you’re a NorCal Glib, we’ve enjoyed your company here. See you sometime next week. And may God have mercy on your soul.
File this under “No Shit”. I mean, is this really a surprise?
And since that link from my usual source was so short, here’s a second link from there. Unfortunately, it will most likely piss you off like it has me.
I haven’t played a birthday song in a while. I have to change that for today. I apologize for nothing because this is one of the greatest songs ever written.
Enjoy it. And enjoy your Wednesday.
Jackson Browne was my very first concert in life, Snata Barbara County bowl, 1979.
Mine was Johnny Cash, the University of Northern Iowa’s UNI-Dome, 1977.
Good answer…
Foreigner, Budokan, 1979
Van Halen: 1984 tour Cincinnati Coliseum. Fucking awesome.
When Van Halen says “jump!” We said “Let’s get high!”
I saw Van Halen in 1979. Center, halfway up the back. It was so loud and distorted that you had to put your fingers in your ears to hear anything clearly. But it was a monster show.
But Rush was my first concert, earlier that same year.
$16 – had to mow 6 yards to get that kind of scratch. Didn’t spring for the T-shirt for Rush, but after seeing that everyone wear their tour shirts to school the next day, I made sure I had enough for the Van Halen tour shirt.
Ah, yeah…. nothing says 50-something white dude more than concert memorabilia from Rush and Van Halen concerts in 1979.
The Ramones. 1985, Janus Landing in St. Petersburg, FL.
First big concert? Supertramp at Jarry Park in 1979. I wasn’t a fan but that album (Breakfast In America) blew up that summer + free tix + underaged drinking + Jean-Luc Ponty of whom I was entirely ignorant until I started listening to Zappa about a year later.
April Wine and Eddie Money. The fantastic Met Center, 1982.
I was too young to see them but they used to do the regional circuit through town when I was a kid in the early-mid 70’s. One of my first vinyl purchases was “April Wine Live”.
1993, Morbid Angel, Motorhead, Black Sabbath at the Agora.
Sick. How many songs did MA play?
I want to say they did a 45 minute set. But that was quite some time (and a lot of concerts) ago.
AC/DC 1980 in the old St Louis Checkerdome
KISS. Seattle, Love Gun Tour 1977. Cheap Trick opened
Did you wear your Kiss boots? j/k I knew kids that nailed chunks of 2×4’s to their boots in emulation.
So what’s wrong with that….pushes spray painted 2×4 platform winter boots under bed.
^^^ This guy lived the legend!
I’m not actually sure. Probably a Beach Boys concert in the early 80’s at a festival.
First big concert was Genesis in 86 at the Hampton Coliseum.
Aw. That’s about four years after they started to suck.
Hey, at least they were still playing selections from the Gabriel years then.
Understood… I liked all of their output until “Duke”. There are gems on “And There Were Three”!
Pink Floyd, 1994, Division Bell Tour, Arrowhead Stadium.
*mutters* lucky…
Whoa-I was there too.
I saw them at Mile High Stadium on that tour. 3rd freaking row. unbelievable!
Who remembers their first concert?
Mine was a Sublime cover band.
I wanna say Offspring. Doesn’t matter. I hate concerts.
Yes opening for ELP in 1971.
WOW! 14 year old Festus just had a disturbing dream about Miss Carlson.
Autograph in a High School gym 1983 or 1984.
Big bro took me to see Stevie Wonder sometime in the very early 80s. He also took me to see Dizzy Gillespie playing in a downtown park around the same time.
The first concert of my choice was probably not until college… REM? Green tour.
Three Dog Night. Probably around 1974.
Reverend Horton Heat and the Toadies…1993ish? Can’t remember.
Oh wait, Tripping Daisy was there too.
There was a whole series of Rock Superbowls in Orlando in the late 70s, my first concert was one of those. I went to several, and don’t quite remember which one was first. I think it was the one with Aerosmith as headliner, probably in 1978. IIRC, earlier acts that day were Blackfoot, Brownsville Station, and some other local band.
Huey Lewis, SLO county fair. 1982 (with my mom, I was 11)
My first concert was Iron Maiden, Powerslave tour, Long Beach Arena 1985
Iron Butterfly, 1968, Civic Auditorium ABQ
U2 at the Buffalo Aud in 1986.
hey, there were still good then. Bono had a broken arm for the concert.
actually it was 1987 I think.
Mine was U2 at the Cow Palace in 84 or 85.
Doobie Brothers, 1978, Alpine Valley, Wisconsin.
The original Astro. Even before George Jetson’s Astro.
This just breaks my heart. I sure hope they can scrounge up enough money to keep their sinecures, fund their “aid” (read: sex parties for family and friends of officials), and spend time condemning the one stable nation in the Middle East. Actually, I hope they fold, the buildings are sold for apartments, and they roll back to Europe. – lets pas the hat round here for the good old UN
/throws a bill into the hat for my cut of the US funding of the UN.
/throws invoice into the hat for the prior years overcharging for “services” rendered by UN
/throws anthrax-laced bill into hat for the lulz
?Throws Subpoena into the hat and follows it with a swat team
I can feel the burden of excess regulations lifted from my back. As I yelled at top volume Friday night: MORE! MORE! MORE!
Almost forgot Rays in 5 🙂
Dude, stop. You can say that tomorrow. Jump on the Nats bandwagon today.
GO Dodgers!
Definitely a happy Yankee fan, needed to see this series go as long as possible for us to have a shot at beating the Stros.
#metoo. terrible move pitching Verlander on short rest.
Fuck the Dodgers.
STL @ ATL: pick ’em
The rift between China’s ruling communist party and the NBA continues to widen. Looks like the tipoff between teams in Shanghai, which you could have watched if you had a good enough social credit score and weren’t in a reeducation camp to have your organs harvested, has been cancelled. Meanwhile, it looks like ESPN have finally found a social issue they don’t want their talking heads discussing. What a bunch of gutless pussies. –
Is using pussies as a slur not banned yet? But yes, it is a sight to see how the woke are less woke when there is some of the old skin in the game. Signaling aint that easy now
Screw those finger-wagging pussies and their “bans.” Screw them, their siblings, their parents, their first and maybe even second cousins. And the horse they rode in on.
Only a pussy would deprive us of that very meaningful term.
Uffda. I don’t get why people use pussy as an insult. Everyone loves pussy.
Just call a person an cunt and move on.
Bring Back dingleberry. No one loves dingleberries
I’m not gonna rule 34 that to prove you wrong, but I’m sure it could be found with a short, if quite disturbing, search
Uh, Dude, I believe the correct nomenclature is “cunte”.
Can we use “pussye” as well? I like to mix and match when I’m on a roll.
Your Excellency, “pussy” is a coward. “Cunt” is a horrible person.
So a cunte is like a dick?
Not relevant to your comment
but I thought you might like this.
Heh, I like all corg videos
Two distinct histories of the usage of “pussy”.
The insult derives from pusillanimous — lacking courage and resolution : marked by contemptible timidity.
I thought that, too but heard a while ago that’s an example of “ingenious trifling“. etymonline says
I don’t get why people use pussy as an insult.
Because it’s an ancient insult, and old habits die hard.
From 2,500 years ago: “but as to those of whose cities he obtained possession without fighting or with ease, on their pillars he inscribed words after the same tenor as he did for the nations which had shown themselves courageous, and in addition he drew upon them the hidden parts of a woman, desiring to signify by this that the people were cowards and effeminate” – The History of Herodotus, Book II.
ESPN actually has run into a no-shit authoritarian government. For all their bluster about Trump being the second coming of Hitler and how they’re fighting the good fight against him, they’re running scared like little bitches when it comes to the ChiComs.
I’ll put money on the gag order coming from Disney.
Too late…already there.
So… South Park already did that.
They’re not running scared. They’re embracing it for that sweet, sweet moolah.
I guess they figure they’ll be the last TV network put up against the wall.
Watched a dude last night tie it to the shoe companies.
I want someone to get wokester Popovich’s comments. So brave in RESIST ORANGEMAN BAD. How you doin’ when it comes to the CCP?
He’s not taking interviews. Doesn’t want to face the questions on this or on his massive failure at the world championships last month.
Wut? “We’re going to discuss fighting the wildfire without discussing the fire”
Moreybad, orangemanbad, wow that’s Zhaoping Good!
Some guy claims, without evidence, that Hong Kong is less free than Trump’s America?
Japanese wrestlers perform an acrobatic feat with fans, circa 1890. Colorized. More photos here:
I thought the “with fans” meant people from the crowd.
Also, this is a Japanese wrestler IMHO.
President Trump will sign an executive order Wednesday that requires agencies to seek public input before issuing regulations, saying the prior administration used “off-the-book” guidance to crush small businesses and families.
He will sign an accompanying order that gives families and businesses a chance to give their side of the story before being hit with harsh fines based on secretive or unlawful interpretations of existing regulations.
Total. Fascist.
There are times when I hate being right.
I’m trying to get our windows, redhat, and solaris boxes talking to each other again, but the consolidation took away my administrative rights on all of these. So I am spending too much time bothering people for each set to get changes made. I don’t even have the rights to read the server logs. Of course no one from any of these groups cares because the piece that falls in their fiefdom “works as expected”.
To circle back to the first line, I predicted this sort of situation when consolidation and reorg into silos was announced.
You need some coding gloves. That’ll make it better.
The only computer gloves anyone needs is a pair that not only oozes soothing ointment but also allows you to control the mouse while jerking off. Think how many you could sell of those!
I don’t even know what any of that means.
Okay, I’ll distill it down to a simple statement:
The governer made things worse.
You work for the government. None of this should surprise you anymore.
Did I say I was surprised?
I’m frustrated, because I need to get my work done lest I get hounded by my supervisors. My work is getting held up by other people with no reason to act.
Three different systems running different operating systems (all built on different architectures) aren’t cooperating with each other.
That is always soooo fun!
I love it even more when you get to the bottom of it and it turns out that they are all operating on the same standard protocol, but none of their versions of the same standard protocol are entirely compliant, and thus not compatible with your current use case. And everyone points the finger at the other guy….
Ahh… good times…
NFS is NFS, except when it isn’t.
Wales fends off Fiji. Some good hitting and tackling in that match. Ice and ibuprofen for everyone!
They did? I was too tied up in getting the links done to check the score. Last I was, Fiji were up. Dammit. I was hoping some pacific islanders wold win something since this is the last RWC they’ll be around for before global climate catastrophe sinks them all.
Wales is one of my favorites to watch. Fiji was up early, Wales came back and took the lead…it see-sawed for a little bit, then Wales put them away. Our gym had it on, so I could watch while lifting. Inspirational! There were some tackles, that even in my prime, I am not sure I could have gotten up from.
So they leeked out the win?
You misspelled Whales
*Wails at Pie*
Fiji invaded Wales? Well, good for those intrepid Welsh militiamen for seeing off those presumptuous islanders.
SJWednesday: It’s About Time, We All Knew You Were
was it a great surprise?
I came out as skinny, the laughs, the jokes, the unintended insults, like “You’re lucky, you can eat whatever you want”. Even as I tried to dress to hide my thinness it was all too obvious. Average sized people would snicker when they thought I wasn’t watching. It was a nightmare.
This sentence has precisely zero meaning. It’s completely content-free. Except, perhaps, for being utter horseshit.
No, I believe that person is really fat.
“I got stuck in a doorway and had to admit to myself that maybe I wasn’t svelte.”
Coming out as fat: honey we already knew you were fat, you mean you gave up trying to slim down.
The headline is even better.
From my interactions with lesbians I wouldn’t think it was that hard.
I think it means they find even more people who don’t want to sleep with them.
:contemplates joke: That’s what she said…?
I thought it rather reverent, m’self.
Yeah we get it you are vain in your van.
I thought it was for fantasy. Or Lulu.
This was your best performance, IMHO.
Good morning, Sloopy and the rest of you mischievous mayhem-makers!
Cali is such a silly place. Isn’t a reliable grid one of the demarcation lines between first and third worlds? Good luck Dr. Chet!
Good on Donnie Two-Scoops for hamstringing the bullshit federal agencies. Better to shut the fuckers down, but this is a start.
I apologize for nothing because this is one of the greatest songs ever written.
No argument. A great way to start the day!
Miami cop placed on leave after cameo in Playboy model’s video
He should have shot one of them. Then he would be fine.
The rift between China’s ruling communist party and the NBA continues to widen.
Better send in Dennis Rodman.
Send in the Swiss!
Only if I can take them with me.
Not disappointed. Was hoping for more “Swiss Miss”. Great, now Imma gonna get the skeletal cow…
Swiss Miss
She’s Slovak.
There’s always some holes in that plan.
That’s a dandy tune, Sloop! I wonder how “Lifehouse” would have turned out in an alternate timeline. Sometimes Townshend lets himself get a little too far up his own ass but he mostly wrote gems. Thanks for that, haven’t listened to it for a dog’s years.
I listened to the whole album over the weekend. I really do think it’s their best overall effort, start to finish.
Do you have the Lifehouse box set? Pretty much everything ever recorded that related to Lifehouse.
Curtis Yarvin and the Perfect Imperfect Dictatorship
I though the Curtis Yarvin character had been retired
That’s his actual name.
that’s no excuse
Apropos of nothing, who decided to name a ‘highbrow’ magazine after a movement of my drunken sheepshagging ancestors?
Naever Georgists?
San Francisco County was not expected to be affected.
Oh, well, that’s nice.
Vote right and keep your electricity!
Hate free zone
Parscale on Twitter accused Frey of “trying to deny the rights of his own city’s residents just because he hates the President.” Trump similarly accused Frey of trying to “price out Free Speech.”
“Yawn,” Frey replied to Trump. “Welcome to Minneapolis where we pay our bills, we govern with integrity, and we love all of our neighbors.”
Trump announced the rally in September. Frey at the time said that he could not stop Trump’s visit but his “message of hatred will never be welcome in Minneapolis.”
Instead, the city imposed a large bill. Though there is no requirement that campaigns must pay for the costs of municipal police during rallies, candidates are allowed to use campaign funds to cover these expenses, the Federal Election Commission’s Judith Ingram told The Minneapolis Star-Tribune. Sen. Amy Klobuchar, for example, reimbursed the city for the security costs at her presidential campaign announcement earlier this year. The city imposed the bill after officials said it was “not fair” for its residents to pay for the costs of Trump’s campaign rally, the Star-Tribune reported.
“It’s an unfunded expense and it should be borne by those who are putting on the event or at least the venue operators, it’s an expense that should be accounted for,” Minneapolis City Attorney Susan Segal told the outlet. “It doesn’t matter who the candidate is or what the event is, if it’s anticipated that there will be a need for additional response … a source of revenue for that needs to be found.”
Democracy means I get to decide who you get to hear.
Non-Salon cut at it.
One thing the fine folks at Salon left out:
Frey is a cunte. This is not gonna turn out like he hopes.
IANAL or even an American but that seems to be teetering on the point of election interference.
Not to mention, the contract for the event specifically makes the Secret Service responsible for security and says no security costs will be charged to the campaign.
That’s the part that has been left out of every news report except for one that I’ve read thus far. Feature that…
Penalty on Dean, 15 yds for getting facts in the way of the narrative
“and we love all of our neighbors.”
Well, some of the people don’t really love all their neighbors. Some may not even be socialists.
I actively dislike my neighbors. Can I be a Party of one?
I would be your neighbor and you could dislike me as well
I’m sure we’d get along, 4×20. You respect property lines and social boundaries.
“Well, some of the people don’t really love all their neighbors. Some may not even be socialists.”
It’s the socialists who dying love their neighbors.
I love them more now that I live in the middle of a fenced 3 acre lot.
message of hatred
I am only hearing hate from you.
SJWednesday: The Revolution Will Not Be Circumsized
must be anticapitalist, eco-socialist and antiracist
So it will embrace poverty, misery, and be racist against Caucasians.
The Witch is running again.
Hillary said, “You know, it truly is remarkable how obsessed he remains with me. But this latest tweet is so typical of him. Nothing has been more examined and looked at than my emails. We all know that. So, he’s either lying or delusional, or both. There was no subpoena, as he says in a tweet this morning. So, maybe there does need to be a rematch. I mean, obviously, I can beat him again. But, just seriously, I don’t understand, I don’t think anybody understands what motivates him, other than personal grievance, other than seeking adulation.”
You didn’t beat him the first time.
:;insert gif of Daffy Duck jacking off while wearing a trilby::
Here she comes!!!
Remember that time that Trump “Rand-tackled” me from behind and then I scissor-locked him into submission and then my precious Grand-child said “Let him go, Gam-Gam! He’s just a silly little man!” That’s when the audience started applauding and why I wore his bloody scalp on my head during my inauguration…
“I mean, obviously, I can beat him again”
I thought the loss would kill her. But it seems it has only pushed her into delusional denial.
Also if parties were reversed, that comment would be late night fodder.
I wonder if she has stationery that looks like presidential letterhead and she prints up pretend memos and signs executive orders she would make?
I bet there is a room in her house that is a perfect replica of the oval office. I bet Huma spends time under the desk in that room.
Like the stories of Napoleon in exile after Waterloo, where he had an envoy to boss around.
Well, heavy drinking tends to lead to drunken delusions, so….
I think she’s laboring under the delusion that since she won the popular vote, she’s the rightful president and he’s only sitting in the Oval Office through nefarious subterfuge.
The whole “muh popular vote” thing is so stupid. Legendary dipshit Chris Hayes was arguing on MSNBC, “If you run for 4th grade class president, you win if you get the most votes” and implied that it’s absurd that the presidential election doesn’t work the same way. Well gee, don’t you think there are some different dynamics at play between a class of 30 kids and a nation of almost 330 million people?? They think every single thing is scalable. It’s like when they point out some primitive tribe of 100 people that has something kind of like socialism and herald that as evidence that it can work for the entire world.
Wait, is she stealing material from Babylon Bee, or did those guys get an advance copy of her interview, or are they just that damn good?
Blarg! Sorry for the OT but can somebody please direct me to the proper place to submit an article? What passes as my brain is too groggy this morning to find it. Thanks in advance.
Psst… look up at the top.
Thanks, bud.
Not a problem. Every article someone else submits gives me a little more time to finish up my submission. 🙂
*taps foot impatiently*
I think Swiss should do a weekly pun post, called the Squinty Look.
A Pun post? Is that where he burns the puns at the steak?
‘The Weekly Punisher”
This graphic ignores the reality of the electoral college, but it paints a useful picture.
FWIW, as I keep pointing out, notice that Fort Worth is the only Republican city in Texas.
Land doesn’t vote, but states are the sovreign members of the federation. Anyway. Bitch and moan all you want but the EC is mostly divided up by population.
I didn’t bring a position or attitude: it’s just a useful graphic.
Sorry, I wasn’t directing that to you, but to the folk who rail against the EC.
It’s an interesting infographic. However the idea that any office is elected by popular national vote depends on the fact that schools have been deliberately pushing a nationalist view of civics. This is why you have people think HRC will become president after the house removes him from office. And when someone points out where they are wrong, it’s not that they are wrong, everyone else is.
I am interested for theories as to why Urban areas go blue.
Urban areas don’t go blue. Utah, Florida and Ohio all went red in 2016.
Can Confirm, University of Utah is full of Commies.
Ohio went red in 2016, but Cleveland (last R mayor in 1989), Columbus (last R mayor in 2000), and Cincinnati (last R mayor in 1971) all vote blue.
The urban counties within those states went blue.
Anyway, it’s a pretty universal phenomenon. I’ve seen it in Britain and Germany too.
Those were all places that Urban Meyer coached Football.
I have no idea who that is.
At least a couple of you got my perfectly awesome joke.
That joke gave me a headache.
Do you think the people fleeing the PRK and other socialist shyte-holes are moving to the wide, open spaces of the west? Nope, they sell their million dollar hovels, move to Dallas or Austin, and buy up nice houses in cities where they can find a job.
Lyndon Johnson told you why in his inimitably racist way. Dependency. Even if you are getting some assistance form the Government in a rural area you still need to be somewhat self sufficient and responsible to survive. Cities allow almost total dependency on Government to live your life.
As a general rule there are 4 broad groups of people who “vote blue”
1) College educated technocratic elites
2) Minorities and welfare sponges
3) Artisans and creative workers
4) Certain classes of blue and grey collar workers susceptible to collectivism via unions
In their own way each of the last 3 groups is looking to have the government give them free stuff and the first group see’s themselves as the natural rulers of this collective “utopia” they seek to build. You will note however that each of those groups is very heavily concentrated into urban areas.
On the flip side entrepreuneurs, non unionized tradesmen, and others who tend to reject collectivism and have no interest in free stuff are either equally spread between urban and rural areas or actually eschew urban areas in favor of the greater freedom offered by wide open spaces.
It’s useful also to highlight the underlying problem. Call it rural-urban, or whatever, but it’s largely the cultural divide where concentrated populations want to impose their political will over broader ones.
The revolutions in both 1775 and 1861 were driven at core by a political sense in the rebelling area of “we don’t want to be your colonies and tax-farms”. Same today.
It’s useful also to highlight the underlying problem. Call it rural-urban, or whatever, but it’s largely the cultural divide where concentrated populations want to impose their political will over broader ones.
The revolutions in both 1775 and 1861 were driven at core by a political sense in the rebelling area of “we don’t want to be your colonies and tax-farms”. Same today.
Highlight it and underline it!
fill in the blank:
The United ___?___ of America
They still don’t get the concept that we remain a UNION of STATES. Change that if you want to truly change America.
Feminism must be anticapitalist, eco-socialist and antiracist.
Yes, yes, of course. The pinnacle of modern political philosophy. The bedrock of all understanding.
SO under eco-socialism will the feminist wimminz be pulling the plow in order to scratch dirt for some meager rations? Animals, I assume, will be a nono
The wimminz will be in charge.
That’s the whole point of all of this.
If society reverts I very sincerely doubt that, although I have not done the math
It absolutely would not. And to some extent I think the feminists understand that. It’s why they advocate for the one economic/government system that would allow them to be in charge regardless.
I don’t think that it would though
It is funny that all of the “underprivileged” groups tend to advocate for a system that has power as the only metric.
We can eat all the aborted fetuses. Planned Parenthood will become a killing factory/soup kitchen.
Funny that… SF stories entertain and amuse me but I grew up with a diabolical genius of the grotesque so I am rarely shocked by the things that I see on this website. I am home.
More from Salon:
Although the campaign may not be legally obligated to pay, the costs of hosting Trump’s rallies can seriously strain local budgets.
“The fiscal impact on local governments, especially during campaign seasons in critical vote states or communities, can be significant,” Richard Myers, executive director of the Major Cities Chiefs Association, told CPI. “When one considers how much money campaigns raise and spend, it does not seem unreasonable to expect some degree of reimbursement for such demands for service.”
Look at all the money he has. We want a cut.
Or, you could try not cranking up the cop overtime machine every time there’s a campaign event so you can shake down the campaign for cash.
Or even say, hey, this is what we collect all those taxes for, no need to shake down the campaign for cash. Those are our citizens we are providing security for, at a civic event.
Well now that’s just crazy talk. Why do you hate our heroes in blue?
No do sportz ball stadiums.
There are LOTS of hidden costs too, though.
When Trump came to Doolooth, security shut the airport down. No flights in or out. No pedestrians on the tarmac. They even said we couldn’t walk from our building to our cars in the parking lot after 4pm (he was expected to arrive at 4:30 pm). That meant that we had to leave work early. All that lost productivity, just so some stuffed shirt can speak in flyover country.
Another example: We were in Hawaii for Christmas one year. Unfortunately the Obamas were there as well. We tried to rent a sail plane (glider) the next day but couldn’t, because the Obamas planned to have a picnic on the beach that day. Every business at that small airport was being shutdown without compensation so the king could have a fucking picnic.
On my vacation this year we went to Tetons NP, and decided to run up to Yellowstone for the last day of our vacation. Can’t be that close and not stop by.
On that same day Pence was there.
They more or less shut down about 1/4 the park for a few hours so he could have a photo-op moving some 2x4s around.
In 2010 we were in Yellowstone on the same day as Biden. I guess we were lucky that Biden was in the part of the park that we had already visited. No inconvenience, fortunately.
Trying to get people to feed the bears?
Feed them Kellogg’ Corn Pops?
It drives more cars to other parts of the park, so it still causes inconvenience.
We had to wait 30m to get parking at Norris because everything from Old Faithful to Madison was closed.
The security blanket around top politicians is utterly ridiculous. A) they shouldn’t be traveling anywhere most of the time, and even less so on government means and b) they aren’t that unique. There’s 300M people that can step up if needed.
On its face, I am in favor of making the candidate pay the full cost of his visit.
So this may have been covered already
Today’s @bopinion post is about taxing the very wealthiest Americans.
But I am curios of something. The income tax graphs show lowest income decile pays like 25% federal income tax. I thought that was not accurate. Does that include payroll taxes? I though in Americanism there was a difference between income tax and payroll taxes
But Damn this Noah dude is a moron. I though he had at least some interesting stuff a year ago or so. I was wrong.
The whole billionaires say they want to be taxed more is so fucking stupid I won’t comment upon it again. But “But most importantly, higher taxes on the super-rich would increase social cohesion. It would make Americans feel like they live in a SOCIETY, rather than a dog-eat-dog world of winners and losers.”. This I see ass punish the sucessfull so the uncesesfull feel better. But beyond this maybe plenty of things could increase social cohesion that does not mean they must be done.
The billionaires who are speaking out only want to immunize themselves from a potential revolution and being strung up in the square.
It wouldn’t work.
But I do think they gain some peer-group virtue-signaling cred. The ultra-rich are a study in the oddities of human behavior. When you remove all concerns about basic survival from the equation, what do you worry about?
“He became so powerful, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which, eventually, of course, he did.”
/takes geek hat off
“It would make Americans feel like they live in a SOCIETY, rather than a dog-eat-dog world of winners and losers”
Envy is good. It brings people together. We must protect people from hurt feelings over others having more money than they do.
“feel like”
You can safely ignore the rest of the statement.
It’s not about raising trillions to fund Warren’s fantasies – that will require massive tax increases on everybody.
It’s about punishing the rich.
“You’ll be ostracized from society!!”
“There’s a society?”
Deep down, Larry David is very regressive.
“tax. I thought that was not accurate. Does that include payroll taxes?”
10% is the income tax rate at lowest bracket. Add in the payroll taxes, including the part payed by employer and you’ll get around 22%.
The mendacious party is not including the credits and deductions, and refunds. That might be the tax rate, but actual realized rate is lower.
A good chunk of the 10% bracket actually gets more ‘refunded’ from credits than they pay including FICA.
There’s both income and payroll taxes (on top of various fees, property, capital gains, and sales taxes). Income tax can be broken down by federal, state, and local (depending on where you live and work, you may get to pay two local taxes). Then there’s Social Security and Medicare taxes (FICA) as well. If you’re self employed (or a 1090 worker), you get to pay both the employee’s and employer’s share of the FICA taxes.
A quick search came up with this blog explaining them in more detail.
Adding another layer on to all of that will of course make things simpler and less confusing for the average person.
“you get to pay both the employee’s and employer’s share of the FICA taxes.”
I will point out that most economists agree that workers pay the employer part in the form of lower wages.
there is wisdom in that
but I always think in terms of the client as paying for everything: for the product, the process that produces it, and all the overheads and residues
somewhere in the GDP discussion where income = all the things sold, this should pan out
Yes and no. A tax increase can be split between both producer and consumer, depending on the elasticity of the demand. If the increase doesn’t affect how much product is demanded then yes the consumer bears the tax. Think luxury tax vs cigarette tax.
I get elasticity for many decades now.
But that’s about price point, margin, and volume. I submit that pricing dynamics have zero to do with my stated perspective: the client pays the first penny and the last no matter where we are on the curve.
Mine isn’t a demand-side argument or a macro over micro perspective; it’s more yin and yang. Everything that is sold is bought. C + I + G + Xnet are all buyers; there is no Y without them.
True, but I’ve known quite a few people who shifted to contract work or took a 1099 job and didn’t realize the true cost of those taxes.
Every time I have been involved in figuring out what an employer can afford for a specific job we have used a 1.2 multiplier for the offered salary. It’s all salary, whether the check goes to the employee, the IRS, or to a retirement fund of some sort.
The employee/employers share thing is nonsense. It is the same tax
All the better to hide the ball.
“This I see ass punish the sucessfull so the uncesesfull feel better.”
Dan Mitchell also wrote a blog about it:
More Sloppy Analysis from the New York Times
Now graph effective rates, dumbass.
Ass Wednesday will make up for the lack of (((food))).
Ass is Halal, but not Kosher.
Racism prevent diets from working?
Racism, what can’t it do?
be equitable?
But I thought Obama fixed healthcare …
Now he’s a race traitor? My word!
“But most importantly, higher taxes on the super-rich would increase social cohesion. It would make Americans feel like they live in a SOCIETY, rather than a dog-eat-dog world of winners and losers.”.
I don’t have a clue what that is supposed to mean, Pie.
A crabs-in-a-bucket version of democracy, I suppose. That or some equivalent of medieval witch hunting.
A crabs-in-a-bucket version of democracy
This is what democracy is. It is not something else. Unless you somehow place certain things off limits for democracy to touch the mob will drag people who try to climb out back in.
As soon as you cross the line into redistribution of money (other than as remediation for some kind of fraud or damages) then it just devolves into “gimme gimme gimme”. It changes the government’s role from a guarantor of rights into a giver of free shit. Every election turns into a contest to see who can promise the most free shit.
Scandinavia has actually wised up and realized this. They’ve been slowly rolling back some of their welfare programs since the bad incentives reared their ugly heads (e.g. people enrolling in the free college and just loafing around forever). Hopefully the US can do the same someday.
“Compassion” Comes to Chinatown
Until progressives reconsider their support for decriminalization and aversion to committing mentally unstable people, massacres like this weekend’s are inevitable.
It is worth noting that, in addition to four counts of murder and one count of attempted murder, Randy Santos has been charged with—ironically—unlawful possession of marijuana. An enthusiastic pot smoker, Santos’s displays a meme on his Facebook page that reads, Que fumes marihuana no te hace mala persona. (Smoking marijuana doesn’t make you a bad person.) Despite its reputation as a drug that keeps people calm and mellow, marijuana use has been linked to the development and amplification of mental illness in young people, and violent, mentally ill criminals invariably report regular use. Deprioritizing of marijuana enforcement has likely increased the chances that more young people will be exposed to the drug and its dangers.
It was the devil weed that done it… I don’t see how some conservatives are so blind the the whole weed criminalization does not work.
I’m just spitballing here but maybe violent mentally ill criminals use it because it’s good for the free floating anxiety they seem to have. It’s rarely a cause of violence.
That’s as dumb as the day is long. Mind you, I have seen my Brother go into full-blown rage-mode when he couldn’t remember where he hid his stash. He’s been mildly psychotic for forty-odd years though. Encephalitis is a hell of a disease… He hits the bong every hour on the hour like clock-work.
That outfit is generally pretty good but their obsession with reefer madness is pretty laughable.
That, and Heather MacDonald’s cop fellatio.
Their solution of involuntary commitment also leaves something to be desired. Given who runs the places with the worst bum problems, I would not assume that it’s the bums who will be adjudged crazy and locked up, if you know what I mean.
Love in the West is consumerist – we choose a partner to give us what we think we need. But Russians do things differently.
The most important requirement for choice is not the availability of multiple options. It is the existence of a savvy, sovereign chooser who is well aware of his needs and who acts on the basis of self-interest.
a light, amusing read
The most important requirement for choice is not the availability of multiple options. – right… I’ll take my chances with the multiple options
“savvy, sovereign chooser who is well aware of his needs and who acts on the basis of self-interest”
36DD-24-36, good cook, nymphomaniac, doesn’t talk.
You misspelled B maybe C at most
not necessarily related but
In refutation allow me to present Lech Walesa.
ESPN and the NBA. The cowardly hypocrisy is breathtaking.
They never shut the fuck up about social justice and act like the carriers of virtue and progress but in the end they’re just a bunch of fucken loud mouth’d shnooks.
Imagine being this gutless and pathetic. Kerr, Pop, Durant, James – the whole lot. Cowards.
Kerr is especially nauseating. I ventured into his Twitter account. Dude, go run for the Democrat party already. He actually danced around the China saying the most ignorant and idiotic things. Like ‘I have to ask my brother in law who is a professor of Chinese history’. Yeh? You been living under a rock there Steve for the last 30 fucken years or so? Are you that ill-informed or indifferent about what a major country does in the world? Oh I bet you had a lot of comments about Trump’s trade policies with China though, right?
JFC how that league is insufferable.
ESPN and the NBA are consistent. Statism uber alles.
Top down thinking, all opinions are accepted from the technocrats who formulate them in thought factories via sustainable, artisanal organic, holistic approaches.
Update from ocracoke. Spent a month no tv no internet limited power. I am now off the island at a little marina btwn Bath and Belhaven waiting for a spot to open up at the boatyard in Lil washington. Replaced my whole solar grid and controller, still need fiberglass and gelcoat repairs and probably some paint.
The island is a mess. Winter nitpicking and busybodying already beginning. Half the debris removal crews have revolted and left because alcohol sales not allowed on island, ran out of weed and no women. Fortunes are being lost and made everyday in people’s minds.
The place will be back by spring I imagine with a little of the red washed off our collective necks and a lot more Yankee understanding of what everyone should be doing .
I’m assuming you’re ok and if so, I’m glad of it.
Limited power and no alcohol? Sounds like Hell.
Sounds like California, but we made out own natural disaster.
Everyone is ok for certain values of the term.
There was a shit-load of worry about your welfare when the storm hit, sss. These are solid folk!
I really wanted to be more in touch, but internet was limited to cell phone and it was really a little weird for a while. Very in the moment constantly just taking care of something and trying to stay sane. Getting off the island is everyone’s first big step to normalcy. I picked a buddy up at the ferry yesterday. It was his first time off island since the storm. He has been at alert level red for over a month. Hopefully it will be good for him.
Glad you are well. Best of luck with the rebuild, finding women and scoring weed (not necessarily in that order).
When I get set up at boat yard I think I’m taking a road trip to TX. Haven’t been to see family in ten years. Would love to have a drink with some glibs and former TOSers along the way.
And buying alcohol!
When you’ve been around long enough, you know where alotta bottles are hidden.
Pamlico Beach? This place has an errrm…reputation.
Potter’s marine on North creek. Highly recommend. Reputations are just to keep the sissies away.
Glad you’re ok. I thought I remembered seeing there was a NC glib on the coast in the 2018 hurricane season.
Diego The Tortoise Had So Much Sex He Saved His Entire Species
*cue Marvin Gaye music*
He was thinking of the greater good.
But won’t that just result in a ton of inbreeding?
They’ll just join the ranks of species where cancer is a communicable disease.
“Just one plastic straw…”
Only a matter of time until he gets #MeToo’d and #Canceled.
I get Joe Pepitone and Al Dark’s quotes mixed up but both are highly quotable. Where have all the Yogis et al gone? Baseball needs more character (s)
Who wants to read Splinter comments on the PG&E story?
PG&E is late stage capitalism at its worst.
Condemn PG&E and seize all of their assets. Then, try their executives and management for all of the homicides they have committed.
Geeze. For people willing to overlook the Holmodor, they sure are going all in.
Morons who don’t understand or want to understand that PG&E is functionally controlled by the California Public Utilities Commission.
This. Those executives may as well be state employed bureaucrats. They work within tightly controlled and limited parameters set by the state legislature and utilities board.
And what isn’t, is now controlled by the judge supervising PG&E’s criminal probation and the bankruptcy courts.
So you’re saying it’s a market failure due to completely unregulated capitalism?
Saboteurs! Wreckers!
Whew! *wipes brow*
What is with police and not using lights or sirens when exceeding the speed limit? I had a state trooper go past me the other direction going possibly 70+ in a 55 with no lights or sirens. This was in a partially populated area where there is a very good chance that someone would try to pull out in front of the trooper and get plowed into because they didn’t comprehend how fast the trooper was going. They just can’t be bothered? I don’t get it.
if they light ‘me up, they probably have paperwork they have to fill out.
Yeah, I don’t think he was responding to a call, just driving recklessly.
pistoffnick’s list of worst drivers:
1) cops
2) young squids on crotch rockets
3) soccer moms who are late for the game
50) anyone else who is not pistoffnick
You leave it open to assume that this entry is in the list:
4) Pistoffnick
*Rainman voice*
I am an excellent driver!
Worse: Young squids on tiny crotch rockets.
Dude, if you’re too poor to get a bile over 250cc, go get 750cc of a normal person’s bike so you won’t sound like you’re riding a go-kart.
How about 8300 cc?
Wait, that’s not street legal.
That is disgusting.
The biggest I ever rose was a 920.
PO Nick is a young squid? I know PO Nick, PO Nick is a friend (as in libertarian) of mine. I’d bet he mostly rides carefully and considerately but still, Wisc cheese has a best used by date.
Around here they use lights but rarely with the siren, and then get pissed when traffic isn’t parting for them. Hey dipshit, how about some warning?
If she’s at it for 12 hours, that’s once every two minutes.
She’d have a dominant arm that’d make 1980s Navratilova’s look like a toothpick if that was the case.
Can’t tell if this is serious or not.
wait now women want dick pics? I am so confused (not sexually though)
Random blurt:
What are all the ESPN political theorists who were so appalled by the maltreatment of Colin Kapernick (who, last I heard, is still alive, well, and free) saying today about Hong Kong?
um, Orange Man Bad?
Yellow lives scatter.
Take a Lee
China doesn’t have a history of institutionalized Racism and Slavery that is informing todays oppression of minorities. /ESPN
They all look alike so they aren’t persecuting based on race. Persecution based on race is bad. Therefore China good. /ESPN
Han/Hun what’s the difference?
Even the ones who don’t work for ESPN anymore are making tepid criticism of the NBA.
This is as opposed to the firebrand frothing at the mouth that they espoused during the Kaepernick episode.
Being Brave is easier when there’s not a lot at stake.
Ding Ding!
Virtue signalling is great fun when there are no consequences.
Bring back Michael “Republicans buy shoes too” Jordan.
Hope you’ve got a strong stomach.
holy shit
the plastic surgeon deserves a Nobel.
Whoa, poor little girl!
I rag on the medical community sometimes, but that’s pretty fucking cool.
Jaw dropping story bro
this is pretty funny…
Lee Zeldon treating the press corps like they’re Dem stenographers.. which they are.
Jim Jordan’s face trying to stifle his laugh.
That’s awesome. Is Jim standing in a hole? I honestly had no idea he was that short.
short. solid chin. also appears to have a little cauliflower ear… (googling) yep, he wrestled.
I listened to his interview with Chuck Todd via Part of the Problem. My main reaction was: i don’t listen to the Media Talking Heads, but every time i do, they loose more credibility that i didn’t think they had to loose. Chuck Todd was absolutely horrible. As soon as Sen Johnson started talking about the origins of the Russian Investigation Todd tried to pain thim as a crazed Conspiracy Theorist. Why? Because he wants to know why the Russian investigation started. You know. That thing that CNN railed about for 2.5 years and then turned out to be completely untrue.
For me, the most damning part was a “journalist” sucking a CIA dirtbag’s cock. It’s beyond parody.
I hadn’t gotten to that part. it would have been less obscene if he had actually started sucking brennan’s cock.
Put a couple grand in the swear jar before watching.
1. Drag your man to the Women’s March and make him wear a pussy hat
2. Endlessly bitch, nag and blame him for your personal failings
3. ????
4. Sex!
*holds up left hand*
Nah brah, I’m good.
*reads article*
I don’t see anything about another person being involved and their well-being.
For all their bluster about men viewing women as objects, feminists don’t seem to view anyone else that they’re sexually involved as anything more than a vehicle for their own pleasure.
Good old progjection
#3 is intravenous Viagra + fluffer
Based on the cover, step 0 is “eat more and stop exercising”
Pretty sure even the underpants gnomes are confused about this plan.
Land of the free, home of the brave
Officials seized several guns from a 23-year-old Redmond man after he made “concerning Twitter posts posing with weapons and referencing the Joker movie,” police said.
Six guns, including multiple semiautomatic assault rifles, were removed from his home Oct. 1 as part of an Extreme Risk Protection Order filed by the Redmond Police Department. A protection order allows law enforcement, family members and household members to file petitions to take away gun rights from people who are threats to themselves or others.
He does have a concealed permit license issued in May for two handguns, but his license has since been revoked
The man claimed that the posts were a joke, but police still plan to seek a full protection order which if approved, would keep guns out of his hands for a full year.
Police became aware of the posts last week when notified by the Seattle Police Department’s Criminal Intelligence Unit. One post depicted the man holding two AK-47 style firearms and pointing at the ceiling, with the caption, “one ticket for joker please.”
You can’t be too careful when scary speech is involved.
Too bad IJ doesn’t litigate 2A abuses.
Hey NRA and GOA! How about it, huh?
GOA maybe but don’t hold your breath waiting for the corrupt pussies at the NRA to take this one up.
How about 1A abuses since this is both
Well, I’m sure taking away his guns will make him calm down and think about why he doesn’t really need them in the first place.
It was a silly joke with no specific threat so have a chat with the guy and figure out what his motivations were. It seems like this would be good grounds for a lawsuit.
that news vid even has an annoying “We support gun rights but…” woman-on-the-street.
“…but gun lefts are unacceptably sinister.”
It was clearly a joke, but perhaps an ill-advised one?
Haha. I think it’s funny though.
Take guns First, Due Process second.
“…Due Process second.”
Ha ha ha ha ha!
semiautomatic assault rifles
Nowhere to go, and plenty of time to get there?
Wear some good shoes, because your feet are going to get hot.
There’s not enough room between that steering wheel and driver’s seat for me to fit.
Good think that space goes unused most of the time.
I saw this bad boy at a local car show.
Yeah, yeah, I know they suck. But at least they have style.
poverty nostalgia?
don’t hold your breath waiting for the corrupt pussies at the NRA to take this one up.
Seriously. Those idjits running the NRA would never, ever take a position which called for a reduction in the power of cops to subjugate the civilian population.
They want red flag laws, and they want to be front and center in rooting out the dangerous kooks. Because officer safety.
I saw this bad boy at a local car show.
That is a damn fine piece of driveway art.
I dunno. Plenty of room to drop in a nice small block Chevy. Just make sure the fuel delivery system isn’t too aggressive or you might twist the chassis.
This one had a fully functional Citroen motor. Started and drove off like it was new.
Really 😉
Somehow I don’t believe it.
Oh, so it caught fire and spawned rioting frogs?
“fully functional Citroen motor”
I would love to see the accurate translation of this phrase!
Jezebel says there is no such thing as a good man.
No, really.
These people are all-in on the hate.
Sigh… I think it’s funny that we are supposed to be astonished or upset about this. What is it that they have in support of her story? That it is “Credible”. Sorry, but so is his side of the story. Barring any evidence, and seeing the circumstantial evidence against her (the way she let Democrats handle her story for political gain, the false allegations that came out after hers wasn’t making headway) I’m more than happy to say, i Don’t know the truth, but if i were to bet, i’d bet it didn’t happen.
Look, just because her “best friend” who she says was there says she doesn’t believe it happened is no reason to doubt her credibility. And just because her own father didn’t buy it…. he’s a dude. ‘Nuf said.
And just because not one of the witnesses she claimed would back her story actually remember any such gathering…. Well, she was crying, for goodness sake! That proves she was telling the truth!
And just because the first time she ever mentioned it was in therapy after Kavanaugh got nominated to the court of appeals in 2012…. no reason to doubt it.
I mean… what did he have? Every witness, sure. And a calendar that showed his whereabouts every single day that summer – so that even though she declined to specify a date or time or even day of the week, he still pretty much conclusively proved that he was at no such gathering…. But what kind of weirdo has a calendar in high school? And who keeps that? That’s suspect, right there….
That it is “Credible”.
Even taken at face value, its not credible. There are major gaps which are difficult to accept, including who drove her there and home again.
“I thought he was going to accidentally kill me” 😮
That line alone should kill her credibility.
Nobody who was in fear for their life in the midst of a sexual assault would think that. It’s a transparent attempt to claim the event was life-alteringly traumatic while explaining why she didn’t complain to anyone. “I thought I was going to die, but he wasn’t trying to kill me, so I didn’t complain.”
She is full of shit and should be ostracized from polite, decent society.
See this is what i’m talking about Jezebel. If you want people to believe you are presenting “Credible” information, then you should jettison the clearly incredible bullshit as fast as possible.
Doesn’t matter. Truth is a subjective concept to them. Power is the only metric.
They have a Rashomon view of the world in which there can be many parallel truths in which they get to pick the one that works best for them.
She was the one that didn’t actually remember the incident, right?
But the comments are where the gold is.
“These few, they might be good men. I’d have a hard time believing they weren’t. But we’re talking four or five people I’ve known over my entire lifetime, out of thousands. Many of those other thousands have treated me with respect! They are good husbands or good fathers. But they don’t always make me think they believe women are people. If they don’t, they can’t be good men.”
Look at pictures of his wife. She knows what’s up. Also, where’s the whistleblower who knows how Kavanaugh’s debts got paid off?
Many of those other thousands have treated me with respect! They are good husbands or good fathers. But they don’t always make me think they believe women are people.
What the ever-loving hell do you think believing women are people entails?
Check the top comment for some good old-fashioned Catholic hate:
I was hoping someone would clip that…. They are absolutely just a huge ball of projection… They think everyone else is consumed by bigotry, hate and evil intent because that is what they themselves are.
“decisions like Alito’s dissent”
Wait till Barrett gets nominated. This stuff will fill the pages of every MSM paper in America.
Hey now, They have some ample hatred for the Mormon Menace in there too.
But we need to recognize that destroying human rights
that is now considering destroying abortion rights
Killing your child is a human right.
Well, it’s not wrong about LDS being obedience-based or top-down, but there is plenty of room for free will.
We are literally being flooded with refugees from countries who have demonstrated that regimes run by Catholic ideals are cruel, corrupt, and murderous
Damn those Vatican City refugees.
Damn, maybe we should build a wall around Vatican City.
Socialism is a Catholic ideal?
Have there been any bad boy Kavanaugh stories post high school and college?
Well, that certainly is a lot of words.
She wants to parse the definition of “good man”? Fine – I’d like to parse her definition of “credible account” myself. A 36 year old story, denied by every person she named (including her own best friend from the time), accusing a man who neither went to her school nor lived in her town, who there is no evidence she ever even met, told by a woman who blatantly lied about her supposed fear of flying. “Credible”.
Unsubstantiated assertions that serve a left-wing narrative are always classified as “credible” whereas the same type of statement that serves a right-wing narrative is “asserted without evidence”. Hell, CNN had a commentator on who argued that Trump is the lying-est liar who ever lied, but Joe Biden fabricating a story about a veteran declining a medal was described as “a gaffe, not a lie”.
Someone should make a chart that shows the differing terms used by the media on these types of things.
D = nuanced response
Chart’s done.
The man claimed that the posts were a joke
Some people have no sense of humor
I have one o them heating systems which warms water and circulates it through radiators in the house. so I had a bad valve thingy on a radiator (it is called caleffi valve around here and also works to get extra air out) and cold is coming. I was gonna call the plumber but decided to take a crack at it myself. SO I removed the old thing and put in the new but I could not tighten it. I had this variable wrench, but there was a wall on two sides so no room to maneuver. SO I went out and bought some sort of variable pliers thing and that is way more maneuverable and I think I tightened it. Started the installation and no water seems to be leaking and the radiators are warming. They say a poor workman blames his tools, but sometimes you do need the right tools.
This being it
Also in the end is it duck tape or duct tape?
Both are types of tape similar to each other.
Depends what you’re doing with it.
I propose that we stop saying “fuck a duck” and start saying “tape a duck”.
Why do we wrap hamsters in duct tape?
So they don’t crawl out of the spud gun before being fired over the fence.
AKA a “plumber’s helper”.
Nice job! And yes, it almost always pays to have the right tool.
Be warned, however, that the more competent you become the less likely you are to go all the way to the garage for the proper tool (fuck it, I can get this a butter knife!)
It’s a weird phenomenon.
That’s so funny…. and so terribly true.
See also the accident/injury curve. Rates are high for new people in a profession, go down with experience then climb to a new high once familiarity has time to breed contempt, then come down once you get old and wise (read scared again)
*Pulls Leatherman out an prepares to do some home maintenance.
Prepares to pull and overhaul a 289 engine
A proper Glib just makes the orphans do jumping jacks to warm the house.
it’s a real tool because it passes the Tesla standard:
you could bang yourself in the nuts with it
your call; I was just citing the vampire standard from yesterday
Not using the right tool is what makes one a poor workman.
Pretty funny
Florida man accused of enticing alligator to bite him, pouring beer in its mouth
“Don’t hold my beer, I need it.”?
He probably poured some hopped up IPA to get the gator pissed off enough to bite.
Do gators even have a sense of taste? I mean, they’re wearing alligator hide clothes everywhere.
Accused of? Think you meant to say “lauded for”.
In regards to the China/NBA thing, it’s all about intersectional and POC bullshit. If a flyover white American male would support it, then the NBA won’t. That’s the NBA’s business model now and it may be a profitable strategy in the short term. Criticizing yellow on yellow violence just isn’t as juicy as “Hands up, don’t shot!”. That fit the narrative. The Hong Kong protests don’t.
Definitely not for the free trip to Europe.
I was expecting to disagree with “one of the greatest songs ever written”, but I cannot. Thanks Sloopy.
Got a wave of nostalgia just listening to that. Imagine what kids these days are going to wax nostalgia about. Poor kids.
I like the Stones, Beatles and Kinks a lot, but for my money give me The Who, as my fav British band.
Please forgive my remembery.
Which Glib was it whose wife opened a mobile dog-grooming business and bought a camper? We have some huge life changes coming up and I may need to outfit a camper as my home office. I am hesitant to rehab one myself as I have grown tired of DIYing, but I cannot afford to buy relatively new.
Not me, but this is the time of year to buy a good used camper fully outfitted that you don’t need to DIY anything. People will be looking to sell rather than winterizing and then trying to sell in spring.
Oh, good point! I will save up to buy one next year if we don’t light in a good place with room for me to work.
You are moving? After all the hell with your plumbing finally got fixed? Ouch, sorry!
In short, the house has bankrupted us. We broke. It won.
Roof has a giant hole in it (where the squirrels are coming in and it has spongey spots and the furnace is dying.
For 14 years, we have been living in crisis mode because of this fucking house because we were following the sunk-cost fallacy that began the month we moved in (December, freezing, back patio sliding doors just … fell out.)
Sorry to here that Mojeaux.
I hope the move goes smoothly, and the new place keeps you sane and happy.
Thanks. I never, ever want to own a home again.
My mother has been pushing me to do this for several years, but Mr. Mojeaux would not hear of it. He likes being able to say we “own” a home too much.
It has been a living, breathing, nasty hell for the past year. Years. This past year just capped it off. I have been in a very VERY dark place since June and my brother has stepped in to rescue me and my sanity because he knows exactly what I’m going through.
I put my foot down. I cannot bear this any longer.
The relief of tension in this house was immediate and palpable. My kids are happy for once, and the only thing they want is to stay in their schools.
I hesitate to put this all out here, but I feel like you guys will understand.
I can sympathize with both positions. Knowing myself, I’d probably be standing in the ruins going “But this is MY money pit.” with all the stubbornness I can muster. It runs in the family (Dad and Graddad are the same way with their property.)
Though I can see why someone would want to divest from the hassle and expense. (You do have to find a reliable landlord).
I hope you land in a good place. If there is anything I can do to help let me know.
My parents went through something like this. They are both retired and decided to full time RV it. They purchased a new coach for about $350k. It had problems from day one. They finally decided best thing for them was to declare bankruptcy to get rid of the damn thing. My mom wouldn’t let my dad sell it because she thought she would be cursing a new owner with it’s problems. They dropped it off at the dealership and never looked back. They now rent for six months up here and are buying a condo in FL.
They were embarrassed about the bankruptcy but both are now stress free and much happier.
I am ashamed of the bankruptcy because it flies against libertarian philosophies and my own sense of personal honor (as in, stiffing people who gave you credit is not honorable) but my brother said to look at it like a business decision and that, I can stomach.
The relief from the stress, especially on my children, outweighs the shame.
We still have a hard road, but seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and knowing that it is not a train is worth it.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that my Hyundai needs a new timing chain, my beater is stuck in 3rd gear, and my truck also has transmission problems and needs a new battery.
Without my brother and this, we are screwed.
There’s nothing keeping you from paying folks more of what they’re owed when you can.
Bankruptcy sucks. It should make you uncomfortable, but it exists for a reason and the things you feel guilty about you already did. Bankruptcy is just recognizing that you screwed up and taking your licks, so you can get back on track.
That is what we tell ourselves. We will try to make that happen if we can.
That’s what my brother said. On some level I feel like we deserve to be stuck for our bad decision. One. Buying this house. On another, this has adversely affected our kids and family life significantly, and I’m not too proud to get this monkey off our back if it will improve things amongst us.
I am not blaming anyone but us. We bought this piece of shit and stuck with it even as more and more problems piled on, chasing that sunk cost, you know? “What more could possibly go THAT wrong?” That’s a bad question to ask, folks.
We held it together as long as we could, but we should have dumped this piece of shit a year into it.
Accept that you screwed up but don’t wallow in it. Learn from it. I ended up bankrupt almost a decade ago and I have not borrowed money since. Every credit card charge is paid in full before months end, every month, no matter what. Yes, it was my fault, yes this is your fault, but we are human and flawed, take the licks you have coming, but don’t give yourself extra ones.
Every time the wife and I make a big decision or do a large project around the house. We usually end up saying “We should have done that a long time ago.”
Glad to hear your feeling good about your choice.
I can sympathize. We’re currently selling our house in an attempt to avoid those kinds of problems. In the next few years my house will need a new roof, new A/C unit, and most likely some fairly extensive electrical work. So, though it breaks my heart to leave a neighborhood I love, we listed it last week. It comes at a rotten time as my wife’s job has been drastically scaled back (which means much less income). So we can’t make enough on the sale to buy a new house right away, which means staying with my parents for a while. It sucks having to do that at my age, but I’d rather do that than pour a whole lot of money into a house that I’d prefer to upgrade from anyway.
Best of luck to you and your husband.
I’ve had a few cars like that. More money spent, more things wrong.
Converted Sprinters are nice.
What sort of work for this office?
I think Mojeaux mostly does freelance actuarial work.
Every writer needs a day job to support their verbage habit.
You can say that again.
@Chips, I do ebook formatting and other helping-authors-to-publish themselves work.
It all looks like writing / author stuff to me.
Yes, but I can separate the business part from the actual writing part, which is key.
I killed the hobby love of my life trying to turn it into a business.
Night work pays for nouns.
That was me Moj. You can contact me at handle at gmail.
Im at work but if you have questions let me know.
The DIY is a big job but not too bad.
Thanks, I will!
I don’t really want one because I’m so spoiled I’d rather not walk to the driveway in the snow, but I do want something I can tow if I have to.
I know, get a flatbed trailer and build Don’s shed on that.
Generally speaking, that’s called a tiny house. ?
Now I’m wondering if I can get a contractor to build inside a shipping container. Not because I have any real use for it, but because it’d be funny to have a fully containerized house.
My brother stayed in an Air BnB that was a half of a shipping container, fully outfitted. It was adorable. But it wouldn’t work if you work at home.
You could if it were a full container.
If either of you find yourselves in Las Vegas, there’s a little shopping area near Downtown (which isn’t the Strip), which is a shopping area that is all containers. Little bars, restaurants, and shopping areas all in old containers.
That website is almost las vegas tacky.
A trailer might be the answer.
I don’t like buying more content than I need because there are always value risks there: like does the plumbing really work and will it last or is it better to do without and just go in the house for personal breaks. So I tend to minimize in almost everything: spend little, hope even less.
Another thing I try to do is compare options at the money. If you’re thinking trailer, you’ll end up comparing trailers and trying to decide which is the best value, and this might crowd out consideration of other solutions.
Of course, I don’t know the details and don’t wish to pry. The DonCo solution would probably be a very used mower shed, a catalytic heater, a folding table, and a desk lamp on an extension cord until the concept and need proved out. Run Romex and set a duplex outlet when the time comes.
The nice thing about small, separate parts is it doesn’t take on a life of its own. You don’t need to set a gate or get serious to get started. And you can liquidate easily: the parts sell in a few minutes on CraigsList, whereas selling a trailer become a chore: the entire kit must meet someone’s fancy and maintenance expectations. A heater is a heater and always worth $100 now, I’ll put it in your trunk.
your fee for this opinion: $0.02
I spend a lot of time in my office, so I would need it to be nice and tidy.
For years, I have fantasized about a back-yard shed office, but this house has drained us. I need something I can tow.
“President Trump kicks the regulatory state in the balls”
But… wait! The great state of California are just now proving how socialism works as intended by having gas prices exceed $5 a gallon and power blackouts putting millions in the dark! And people want that, the polls prove it! People want socialism and to have petulant children telling them how to live!
Have some energy hypocrisy.
They ought to be tarred and feathered.
I’m actually kind of surprised – the voters must really be giving them what-for.
The price should be that the proposed pipeline’s owner gets five minutes with each of them, a baseball bat, and full legal and financial immunity.
These bastards were all too happy to create havoc for thousands of people’s lives so they could posture. Now that the consequences are becoming apparent, they want to get bailed out. Does anyone think for a minute that, once they get their asses pulled out of the fire, they’ll reconsider their earlier stances? Does anyone think they’ll become supporters of allowing fracking upstate? Or will they go on their merry statist way making life hell for everyone else?
Splinter is really mad at Ellen: Celebs Rush to Defend Ellen’s Friendship With George W. Bush, Awwww
And then this brilliant comment:
Ellen would watch football with Adolf Hitler. During the backlash she would try shame the people criticizing her and she would never say the word Jew one time. That’s the kind of dishonest evil person she is. She didn’t mention Bush’s homophobia or dead Iraqis at all. She’s a terrible human being.
I feel little sympathy for her after her commentary during the Kavanaugh shenanigans.
She’s going to get spit-roasted by her erstwhile allies.
She’s friends with Hilary and the Obamas, so she is consistent.
On the friends of Homophobia and the killers of Iraqis.
Seriously though I await the hate pieces from Splinter about all the people who are friends with the Clintons and Obamas, because those two led to lots of Iraqui and Libyan deaths.
Bring your lunch…
Bush is so homophobic he’s friends with Ellen. QED.
Anyone know what day it is?
A workday. Not payday.
Don’t make me start drinking at work.
a man could get fired for something like that
And I rather not be him. I’ve got work stalled on one side my own management won’t be happy about, I’ve got agency heads on another who are quite miffed because another broken thing could open us up to legal liability if we don’t fix it soon. (or go through a painstaking and painful manual workaround) And I don’t have the access rights to directly fix either.
So my day has been trying to get people to respond without making them disinclined to help.
can’t they just give you access everywhere to avoid this in the future?
I used to.
Then we got consolidated into one mega IT agency and responsibilities were siloed out, so I lost my access since it “wasn’t my job” to handle that part anymore.
So I get all the hassle and have none of the authority.
win win it seems
Civ, sounds like you need a vacation. Come visit MN/ND and stay for the snow.
/brought to you by Climate Change
I have a week off scheduled for the start of November.
I don’t plan on going anywhere.
Glib road trip to UCS’ house! We’re bringing wine and IPAs.
In Eastern Europe? Really?
No in where UCS is working. My boss brought 8 bottles of wine to the office on his birthday this year.
His poor liver.
And bladder.
Whew! My alcoholic option is still safe. All I have to do is move.
Hat and Hair Day!
*Kermit the frog crazy arms as he runs off stage*
Rusev Day?