Pure filthiness
Gerrit Cole gave a masterclass in pitching again last night as he carried the Astros to the ALCS showdown everybody (except some people on the Florida gulf coast) was hoping for. Let’s hope their rotation holds up after going 5 while the Yankees were just relaxing for the last few days. Game 1 is Saturday.
Elsewhere, the Patriots looked dominant in the second half to pull away from a game Giants team. Your winners on the ice were: Detroit, Tampa, Edmonton, Pittsburgh, St Louis, Winnipeg (sorry, Wild fans), Nashville, San Jose, Calgary, Colorado and Phoenix. And in the only basketball news I’m going to mention, Steve Kerr is a stupid, spineless, kowtowing assclown.

Nice sideburns, yo.
Condiment magnate Henry John Heinz was born on this day. So were First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, real estate developer Fred Trump, writer Elmore Leonard, soccer legend Sir Bobby Charlton, musician Daryl Hall, rocker Al Atkins, actress that always annoyed me Joan Cusack, football great Chris Spielman, the late acting legend Luke Perry, entrepreneur and philanthropist Peter Thiel, and person on television Cardi B.
I apologize if my Joan Cusack comment offends any of you. She just isn’t a good actress in my opinion. Anyway, on to…the links!

“It was just a joke. Don’t be such a drama queen.”
Fredo may get the proverbial Lake Tahoe fishing trip from the LGBTQ community after last night. That was pretty cringe, but not as cringe as some of the things the candidates said. They pretty much said they all want the 1A abolished and would like to punish wrong think as a hate crime. Terrifying stuff, to be honest.
I’ve got three words for the Nobel Peace Prize Committee: HOW DARE YOU! But its cool. The abused child can win next year. Unfortunately, we may all be dead from global warming climate change climate catastrophe by then.

“Don’t care how, I want it now!”
“License and registration, chicken fucker!”And no, this is not about one of the “Super Troopers” actors.
Australia: the Florida of the (onetime) British Empire. I’m sick of people not tolerating this man’s lifestyle choices. Just sick of it.
Looks like we may have discovered the candidate the “whistleblower” may have ties to. That’s mighty convenient. Also, where the fuck is Hunter Biden and why isn’t he being subpoena’d?

Another fine officer of the law
I’ve got a question for you. How does a freaking police officer rape five women while on duty over a two-year stretch without getting caught? I hope that piece of shit rots in general population for the rest of his life. (I’d wish he get publicly executed, but that’s not possible.)
As PG&E customers get their power restored earlier than expected, people further south are being told to prepare for the same fate. Nice job, private sector government-enforced energy monopoly.Way to do exactly what we expected you to do: fail spectacularly.
Yeah, if you thought I was gonna play something weak at the end of the week, you’ve got another thing coming.
Have a great Friday and weekend, friends.
So the dads with young kids are here already
I think its just me. Kids fortunately still asleep with a four-day weekend from school though. And my two older kids are in for the weekend too! So its gonna be an awesome time here.
Whew full house! Have fun
Buckeyes off this weekend as well, so they all get my full attention. 😛
We may do the Reniassance Faire.
Giant turkey legs for all! (even if just for the photo-op)
Mead, FTW.
Mead Forall?
Gerrit Cole gave a masterclass in pitching again last night as he carried the Astros to the ALCS showdown everybody (except some people on the Florida gulf coast) was hoping for. Let’s hope their rotation holds up after going 5 while the Yankees were just relaxing for the last few days. Game 1 is Saturday. – Rays in 6!
Wouldn’t it have to be “Rays in 7”?
good point. Rays in 7!
I took it to mean the year 3006.
I’ll take “Tire Deflation Devices” for $200, Alex
AKA roofing nails?
How slowly are you trying to deflate these tires?
Sheet metal screws are my go-to.
Speaking of Alex…here is some sad news.
That sucks. He seems like a decent man by all accounts.
He just gave $2 million to the University of Ottawa.
Two wings will be called, ‘Education for $200, Alex’ and “What is ‘Diversity!'”
Too soon?
So its true, the good die young.
Pancreatic cancer is the worst, few symptoms and then its too late.
Appendix cancer ain’t any better. (And being rarer, it’s probably worse.)
My best friend from high school has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, his dad died from it at 69. Fortunately prostate cancer is usually slow growing and he’s 82. Yesterday he said he’d just wait it out.
Its like what Roseanna Roseanna Danna always said…
My dad has prostate cancer too, but he’s 91. He’s been pretty active in his older years with hunting and fishing, but in the past month he’s kind of slowed down and started walking with a cane. He “joked” that it was the cancer, but I’m not so sure he was joking.
My doctor says that for most men it’s not really a question of whether we’ll get it, but when.
Not a Trebek fan but I give him a lot of credit for doing as well as he has on the show while undergoing his treatments. I just hope he gets replaced with another Canadian, I couldn’t stomach a woke American hosting the show.
You’ll get a handicapped trans-dwarf of color and like it, Mister Finger!
As long as it’s a Canadian trans-dwarf of color I’m OK with it.
They need someone smaht. I know! Fredo!
I’ve got three words for the Nobel Peace Prize Committee: HOW DARE YOU! But its cool. The abused child can win next year. Unfortunately, we may all be dead from global warming climate change climate catastrophe by then.
Honest a question recently on the communist orphanage kids that became street junkies in 90s Romania recently sort of reminded me how privileged (pardon the language) this fucking kid having a temper tantrum is in the grand scheme f things
Do you get high when you drink their blood, or is it bullshit like second-hand smoke?
eeeewww like anyone respectable would touch those.
Now sufficiently coke up a teen model and we are talking
https://youtu.be/Dx7JBDAEQZo (skip to 0:50)
They used to play that commercial in the afternoon when kids were watching. Even as a wee tyke I knew it was parody but the atmospherics sorta terrified me. I was an excitable boy.
But after ten long years they let you out of the home?
^ Thumbs and other appendages up!
An excitable boy you say?
What We Do In the Shadows
Best laugh I had in weeks. Thanks CP!
“Winchester would find a potential victim who had committed some minor offense, Wagstaffe said.
Then he would make sure none of his fellow officers were in the area and that no major incident was happening that might require his participation and take advantage of that time to commit his crimes, Wagstaffe said. “
Probably said he could find them and plant a gun or drugs if they thought about talking
Yep. And they were probably afraid to go to another cop for fear they’d get raped again and/or thrown in jail for the original offense.
This is a sad story for those poor women. I hope it has a happy ending with this guy being pummeled daily for the rest of his life.
The cop should have been named Wagstaffe
Australia: the Florida of the (onetime) British Empire. I’m sick of people not tolerating this man’s lifestyle choices. Just sick of it. – to be fair he was probably there first.
He doesn’t look like an abbo.
remember rule number 2
No member of the faculty is to maltreat the “Abos” in any way whatsoever—if there’s anyone watching.
“I don’t want to see you not mistreating the abbos!”
G’Day, Bruce!
There’s probably a STEVE SMITH joke in there somewhere, but I couldn’t find it.
Christopher C. Cuomo✔
PLEASE READ: When Sen. Harris said her pronouns were she her and her’s, I said mine too. I should not have. I apologize. I am an ally of the LGBTQ community, and I am sorry because I am committed to helping us achieve equality. Thank you for watching our townhall.
Leftists have killed comedy.
Q: How many LGBTQ does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: That’s not funny!!
Boo, you just recycled an old feminist joke.
Poor Gloria.
A: Depends on the orifice
Fredo Repents
I still think adding the Q is stupid.
I have also wondered about the retention of the B. There seems to be a strain prevalent in the political zealots of the rainbow that denies that anyone is actually bisexual. Bring back the GLA!
The terrorists from Command and Conquer: Generals?
The best GLA
Looking back, that was a better game than I gave it credit for. If they hadn’t put the Command and Conquer label on it, I would have had a better opinion at the time.
It’s like the Romans had when Paul speaks about the altar to the unknown god. You have got to make sure you have all your bases covered.
So Romania no longer has a government, not that you people care ! It is chaos! Anarchy!
So you’ve gone and torn the tags off your mattresses?
why would you do that?
Well, with all the lawlessness…
American cultural joke. Mattresses in the United States have a tag on them that in large words says DO NOT REMOVE UNDER PENALTY OF LAW. If you actually read the rest of the tag, it’s for the manufacturer and retailer, not the consumer (the reason, IIRC, is the color of the tag indicates if it was filled with new or recycled filling).
It’s a joke, Pie. US mattresses have these big scary warning labels “This Tag Not To Be Removed Under Penalty of Law,” then in much smaller type “except by the consumer.” Presumably there was a problem with this at some point in history, or the tag existed to assure the consumer he was getting a new mattress.
He’s Romanian. He’s probably amazed that instead of stuffing burlap sacks with straw to sleep on, we have a mattress store on every other street corner in America.
Burlap sacks and straw? Luxury!
+1 family living in a shoebox in the middle of the street
As long as you are inca I’d be careful mocking the former commies lol. Former beats the hell out of rapidly becoming.
I think he’s intx, but it confused all of us who didn’t realize it was supposed to be a geographic indicator.
and another joke fails 🙁 Although all the incas becoming intxs will eventually make it true,
It’s next to the Starbucks
Money laundering FTW!
/conspiracy theory
Not to mention that we’ve dedicated the entire AM radio spectrum to selling said mattresses.
Takes all that bandwidth because mattresses are such an awkward load to carry.
Dirt from the homeland
Libertarian moment?
Not really. I still pay taxes the cops are on the streets and the escorts offer no discounts
If you have no government, why is anyone there to collect those taxes? And why haven’t those police been replaced with armed vigilante mobs?
Last time that happened in Romania a Top Man got killed. Can’t have that.
Would you really want a government escort?
“Clients are assigned by seniority.”
Also the pilgrimage to Saint Paraschieva is starting. A sorry display of mostly old people trampling each other to touch old bones and get “holly” water. You can occasionally grease a priestly palm to cut in line though.
That’s the patron saint of vampires, right?
You can occasionally grease a priestly palm…
Now that’s a euphemism!
Dear Lord, man! Why are here? You should be out protecting the roadz!
The damn Bulgarians already stole half of those
Go defend a winery! Damned Bulgars cannot be allowed to make off with any of them!
Just tell them the red case is a smoke bomb to cover their escape. You foil Bulgars the same way you foil the Coyote according to Ian Fleming.
Go loot a liquor store!
Robert Francis continues to prove he is a wannabe tyrant.
During the broadcast of CNN’s town hall on LGBTQ issues on Thursday, 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) said religious institutions that do not agree with same-sex marriage would lose their tax-exempt status under his presidency.
Don Lemon asked, “This is from your LGBTQ plan. This is what you write. Freedom of religion is a fundamental right, but it should not be used to discriminate. Do you think religious institutions like colleges, churches, charities, should they lose their tax-exempt status if they oppose same-sex marriage?
O’Rourke said, “Yes. There can be no reward, no benefit, no tax break for anyone or any institution, any organization in America that denies the full human rights, and the full civil rights of every single one of us. And so as president, we’re going to make that a priority, and we are going to stop those who are infringing upon human rights.”
I think last night pretty solidly proves that Team Blue needs to be kept as far away from the reigns of power as possible. They seem to be anti-all freedoms, including the entire BoR.
“religious institutions that do not agree with same-sex marriage would lose their tax-exempt status under his presidency”
Scary stuff. Let’s hope Trump gets to make at least one more SCOTUS appointment.
Beto’s position will be mainstream in the Democratic and LP in less than ten years. I’d bet money on it
“These amps are special! See the dials? They go to eleven!”
“ Freedom of religion is a fundamental right, but it should not be used to discriminate”
Freedom is important but not as important as thinking the same as me.
Fundamental. You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.
“and we are going to stop those who are infringing upon human rights”
Seeing as civil rights are infringed by the government I’m classifying you as fucking evil.
The guy is trying to be considered the most evil mother FR running for the Dems.
Only because Warren wasn’t there.
And the Dems take one more giant step toward Orange Man being the least awful choice in the next election.
Actually, they are nearly there already. It’s just that there are still some moderates to whom it’s not apparent yet.
I still don’t understand how a normal person – and I’m sure there are normal Democrat voters – could listen to this and possibly vote for these illiberal mental cases.
Two reasons. 1. Team Uber alles. 2. Unfortunately people are generally stupid and have short memories. By June 202 you won’t hear any of this, all you’ll hear is “Jobs, jobs, jobs, and free shit for all paid for by taxes on the 1%”
June 2020
They’re not normal and they don’t listen. They just vote based on vague senses of this seems to feel gooder.
This is why some people don’t vote. They won’t vote against their team, but they won’t vote for this shit either.
I want to see Robert Francis march up to the ISNA mosque in Bridgeport and tell them this.
You misspelled Dearborn.
Why not both?
Because zombies aren’t real and he isn’t Jesus, so he can’t do it twice?
Freedom of religion is a fundamental right, but
Ah, the good old “but” negation
I am an ally of the LGBTQ community, and I am sorry because I am committed to helping us achieve equality.
Fredo is a transwoman? It’s all starting to make sense.
“I’m smart. Not like everybody says, like dumb. I’m smart and I want respect!”
Word is that he knows things!
Well he was colicky handful as a child…
This power thing is so fucked up. It’s 2019 and these monopolies are saying they have no idea how to safely supply power to major cities in the US. The government is going to cave and give them rate increases, because 500 bucks per month per house is just not enough to insure reliable delivery of power. Fucking mamby pamby CA politicians are n’t lifting a finger to stop it, because the outrage is going to provide them cover for when they cave and they’ve all stated their desire for more expensive energy, anyway.
They can’t safely supply power – under the limitations imposed by the state of California which precludes properly clearing brush from near power lines, and makes it cost prohibitive to refit infrastructure due to additional liability gained from doing so. The whole thing is an interlocking web of disincentives imposed from on high. All I blame PG&E for is not simply dissolving and saying “Fuck it, we’re not doing this anymore”
They are also going bankrupt. CA has been imposing their unrealistic fantasies on this company for decades. When I lived there in the early 90’s I knew some guys who had worked at PG&E for their entire careers. They were proud of how they helped build California’s infrastructure with a mix of hydro, nuclear, coal, and gas. The nukes are gone now, and the companyis floundering.
Electric distribution is one of those natural monopolies that unfortunately needs to be regulated. States with any sense keep them under control and healthy.
Or they could eliminate the monopolies by having a competitive energy generation marketplace…like Texas has.
CA first tried it in the mid-90’s. Of course they fucked it up so badly it was a colossal failure that killed in-state generators and created huge opportunities for generators to wheel in power from out of state. Wasn’t that how what’s his name (Grey?) got recalled?
“Electric distribution is one of those natural monopolies that unfortunately needs to be regulated. States with any sense keep them under control and healthy.”
Um, wut? A rather extraordinary statist assertion. Proof plz.
Your neighbor open to having a second set of utility poles and wires strung down the street for competition? Or everyone’s front yard dug up for new wiring?
The problem isn’t end of line distribution. It’s a lack of generation. In CA, you have one option. In Texas, you have dozens sending power to the substations. I think you’re wrong in where the issue lies, Drake.
If you had scores of companies providing electricity and end users able to pick who they get it from, those companies will innovate better tech to increase their profits. If you have a govt-enforced monopoly, everybody is fucked.
Same in most states. In the 90’s they started breaking the industry up into 3 components – Generation, Transmission, and Distribution. Generation was fairly well deregulated except in CA. Transmission became federally instead of state controlled (allowing you to buy generation across state lines). Distribution continued to be regulated at the local level.
Here’s the difference between TX and other places.
In TX we were burning about 2100kwh/month on average. Here in VA, we burn about 2500 on average.
For the last year in TX, we were on a plan where if you hit between 1800 and 2500, you got a substantial discount. We paid between $30 and $50/month for our electric. There were other less risky options for $75/month or so.
Here in VA, with the monopoly provider, we pay roughly $200/month for the first 2100, and an additional $50-100 for the extra electricity we use here compared to TX.
Save us Almighty Government!
You seemingly gain some efficiency by having unified monopolistic distribution. Rates would probably be higher if you had multiple companies running lines, but even that is not certain. You might well see companies arise that didn’t provide any service except line running and maintenance, whose customers would be power suppliers, cable companies etc. We have always done it this monopolistic way but I think a way could be found. Even if it involved some use of Government coercion, the railroads were private and competitive, and railroads face the same issues in terms of needing continuous track connecting start and end points.
There are companies that provide either back-up or primary generation on big sites (casinos, factories, etc.). But competition in distribution is hard to image, nobody has an appetite to re-open right-of-ways, lay down new cable, etc.
Tesla described his “system of energy transmission and of telegraphy without the use of wires” as:
(using) the Earth itself as the medium for conducting the currents, thus dispensing with wires and all other artificial conductors … a machine which, to explain its operation in plain language, resembled a pump in its action, drawing electricity from the Earth and driving it back into the same at an enormous rate, thus creating ripples or disturbances which, spreading through the Earth as through a wire, could be detected at great distances by carefully attuned receiving circuits. In this manner I was able to transmit to a distance, not only feeble effects for the purposes of signaling, but considerable amounts of energy, and later discoveries I made convinced me that I shall ultimately succeed in conveying power without wires, for industrial purposes, with high economy, and to any distance, however great.[7]
Muahahahaha I can cook your potatoes in the ground!
you shitlords must live in museums. 500 bucks? my power bills come out to 40-60 a month and I ran the AC all summer.
Are you in Commiefornia?
Maybe he lives in a coffin.
My one-bedroom goes up to about $150 a month during the summer.
No, a catbox. The avatar is a self-portrait.
Haha. it’s a decent sized 1 bedroom with high ceilings in philly. I think having central air helps. my bill was much higher in north Jersey with window AC units and floorboard heating
My whole house gets up to about a $150 electric bill in the summer (when I need to run the AC). Natural Gas bill gets up to ~$100 in the winter when I need to run the heat.
Hawaii has even more expensive power than Commiefornia. With no A/C, one person living here, and just one small modern refrigerator $300/month was common for me.
It took over three years of jumping the electric utility hoops but I finally got the permits to put on solar panels. Since then I have paid only the $25/ hook up fee. When the prices come down I’ll put in the battery pack and tell the electric company to fuck off.
Here’s a small thread about why the map of the 2015 legislative elections in Portugal looks remarkably similar to the map of Portugal in 1160.
But if the power company is allowed to prune the trees along the power lines, it will ruin my viewscape! I want to pretend all this modern technology happens by magic.
There’s some entertaining trees in my neighborhood that appear to have been planted right before the power lines were strung through. So with the constant trimming and such, the trees grew up either lopsided, or with a trunk that branches into a big Y with the power lines going down the middle. I missed getting a good picture after the last trimming trucks went through though, it looked like a box was sent down the power lines cutting 90 degree angles into every tree with branches near the power lines.
Had those on a street where I previously lived. They were maple trees and by the time I had moved into the neighborhood they were all starting to die from the constant over-trimming. When they get to that point they are very prone to coming down during a storm and knocking out power.
These have been standing for 20-30 years like that at this point, most of the maples and oaks near power lines were taken down. My lot somehow avoided these issues, and has two oaks and three maple trees on it.
helicopter + gang of chainsaws = getting sh*t done
Wichita Lineman FTW!
I have those on the street I live on. A bunch of Y-shaped pines on one property. The power company seems to not care to trim, as we have had several outages from huge oak branches falling on lines. There are still several lines at risk among the 4 streets that make up our “neighborhood group”.
Back in my power company days, we got to the point of telling people which of their neighbors were responsible for their unreliable power. That often resulted in permission to remove or trim the really troublesome trees.
When my folks bought their land in Allamakee County, we were the first family to build in our valley since before the Civil War, so obviously, no power lines. Dad went to the county and then to whoever the hell provided electricity to find out what the criteria were.
We had to:
1) Obtain permission from all landowners between us and the state highway, about five miles, to clear trees along the roadway where the power pines would go. This wasn’t hard as it was all cornfields and creek-bottom, and the landowners didn’t much care as long as their planting wasn’t encroached on and cattle could still graze.
2) Remove all of said trees. One of them was a cottonwood with a trunk almost six feet through. When it fell into the field, it drove limbs into the ground so deep we couldn’t pull them out with the tractor. Also when it fell, Mom felt the ground shake at the house, over a mile away.
When this was done, the power company ran poles and lines down from the highway. We then had to:
3) Wire the house, and run wiring out to the final pole.
4) Arrange for a county inspector to come out and look at the house wiring, the tool shed wiring, and the wiring run out to the road.
Only then did some tech come out and spend five minutes on the power pole connecting the two parts up.
We had gone two years there with no electricity. I still remember how cool it was when, that evening, Mom, Dad, my brother, his wife and I were standing in the house, and Mom flipped the light switch in the kitchen. Let there be light!
Best of all, it allowed me to run a long series of drop cords down to the creek and use Dad’s electric fence generator to shock the big corner pool and shovel all the carp and chubs out into the cornfield.
You don’t miss power until its gone. I worked for years in some primitive camp conditions and when the juice went out you just went to sleep.
I did a lot of reading by Coleman lantern back then.
An Iraqi Army base?!
Care to bet that there won’t be a bump in births nine months hence? Since the lights are out, what else is there to do?
Oh great. More Californians, just what we need.
How many will survive the abortion though?
Heard on the radio on the way to work:
He was only a good vice president because he understood how to kiss Barack Obama’s ass.. – DT referring to Biden
The people complaining about how Trump campaigns are historically illiterate. That’s what makes me laugh more than anything. If they think this is beyond the pale, they need to see what candidates have said about their opponents throughout history.
“My opponent is a direct lineal descendant of the impenitent thief on the cross!”
Best. Political. Insult. Ever.
Yours wins, Swiss. I was going to mention T. Roosevelt’s calling his former pal Taft “a Puzzlewit” after Taft called him “a Honeyfuggler”.
hideous hermaphroditical character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman
a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father.
Sad thing is, the candidates themselves would be crowing those “credentials” if running in this season’s Democrat primary.
+3 or more genders
Read some of Cicero’s speeches to the Roman Senate, especially during the second Triumvirate. Cicero really, really, really, really, really hated Mark Antony, and he was very eloquent and long-winded about it.
Cicero was jealous because Cleopatra was putting out for every powerful Roman not named Cicero.
Hunter you are a loser, why did you get $1.5 billion dollars?’ Trump goes after the ‘crooked’ Bidens who ‘got rich while America got robbed’ and says ‘stupid’ Joe Biden was only ever good at kissing Barack Obama’s a**
Someone should have told Steve Kerr “collaborators get the bullet too”. Let’s hope the people of Hong Kong will one day have the opportunity to convey that message
“Everyone’s talking about Nazi Germany, but what about our own concentration camps that we set up during our war with the Boars?”
– Steve Kerr circa 1941
You mean pig farms?
Well, they did have a bunch of trouble with a chap called Napolean.
Steve Kerr is just a mellow dude ya know… thinking is difficult don’t judge
I mean the guy has really complicated back surgery a few years back. Must of been spine removal.
*shakes fist at pie*
Speaking of that… Ctrl-Alt-Del weighs in on Blizzard (Activision, partially owned by Tencent) and the Hearthstone champion getting banned.
Cad is still a thing? I though it has been considered a joke for years
It’s gotten better after the reboot. Nothing has gone as downhill as much as Sinfest which decided to go from slight Calvin and Hobbes-esque rip off about a guy trying to hook up to a full on woke strip with a literal Patriarchy as the bad guys.
Damn i liked sinfest back in the day. I did not pay attention to webcomics last 6 7 years but used to follow more than a dozen
Fuck the NBA and China and everyone connected to this despicable display of China cocksucking.
Dont hold back so much my dude
South Park doubled down on the anti-Chinese government message Wednesday night.
Steve Kerr is a stupid, spineless
Makes sense. He does have chronic back problems,
Elites Against Western Civilization
Teaching youth that there is nothing good about our democratic cultural inheritance, the intellectual class is working to discredit our past and demolish our future.
Because they are representatives of the Chinese communist party and that’s how people should view them
Know what? I’m there now.
Time to fight.
It’s funny but the NBA story really is a message we should be heeding.
There are enemies within.
I’m looking for a name from anywhere in Eastern Europe that has similar connotations to ‘Bubba’. Anyone know any?
What does bubba mean?
Gigel… Dorel…
It is the stereotypical redneck name/nickname oft associated with a rural, unsofisticated and probably heavily armed individual potential with aptitude in percussive engineering of otherwise nonfunctional hardware.
and probably heavily armed
*sensible chuckle*
Oh… well we don’t have that in Romania so can’t help you
What about your less sophisticated neighbors?
I don’t know.
Years ago, when I was stationed in Germany, I lived in a “Residenz” run by a little Greek guy named George who had a Polish girlfriend. He spoke Greek, English and German; she spoke German, Polish and Russian. So he talked to her in German, and would translate to English for those of us whose Sprechen Sie was inadequate.
One evening as a bunch of folks were sitting around gassing over great German beers, I described to her, through George, about the phenomenon in various places of telling jokes at the expense of Polish folks; my own mild-mannered father was known to tell the occasional Polack joke. She knew of that practice and found it mildly amusing.
So I asked her, through George, who they made jokes about in Poland. I didn’t need a translation to understand her answer:
“Oh! Russians!”
Was it this one? Nice! ??
Not so much. The Army wasn’t going to spring for that. It was actually this one. Still pretty nice.
Hill people are hill people, wherever you go. You can find the same attitudes in Appalachia that you had in the Highlands, that you have in the Balkan mountains.
dee duh deedeedee
Catskills too. It isn’t all negative. Hill people are clannish, distrustful of outsiders and education, and sometimes degenerate but they are self reliant and generally hostile to revenoors as well.
Banjo guy has freakishly large hands. Must be a genetic anomaly.
They like me! They really really like me!
Bubba is the stereotypical name for a redneck (rural, working class) male.
Also, often black.
I’ve never had that association. And when asking for a eastern european equivalent, it’s probably not going to apply.
+1 Clinton
Our redneck stereotypes like Dorel are not armed and generally not that competent…
I think UCS is looking for a serbian or albanian or something… they may be armed
Slav-squat dudes.
The Balkans are full of hllbillies. Every thing that happens there is just what happens in Appalachia on smaller scales.
I always thought it was the nickname given to the third son? In the south anyway.
6 of one, half dozen of the other…
It’s a pet name for your brother, I always thought. Your brother is Bubba, and your sister is Sissy.
Hey, those are the nicknames of my kids, really. They still call one another Sis and Bubba. Fortunately (I think) they have gender association correct
Hmm, I don’t think I can help you. I spent time in Slovakia, and it was all rural.
“I’ve got a question for you. How does a freaking police officer rape five women while on duty over a two-year stretch without getting caught?”
White Male Privilege, its the only explanation that makes sense.
The 5 women he raped should get to spin the wheel to see who gets to shoot him in his junk.
Bonus if the weed falls out of his ass?
Maybe go Murder on the Orient Express style and everyone gets a crack at him?
It was all about the Lindbergh kidnapping.
Joe is fully embracing the dark side
Former Vice President Joe Biden seemed to go even further. When asked about how he would fight hate crimes against LGBT people, Biden advocated for three things: passing the Equality Act, monitoring groups that are similar to terrorist groups, and reinterpreting federal civil rights law to prevent discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity — an issue currently before the Supreme Court.
Biden’s second proposal should terrify conservative Christians. He essentially advocated adopting the “hate group” monitoring of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an organization that accuses conservative and Christian organizations of being “hate groups” and lists them alongside the Ku Klux Klan.
“What we had before to deal with hate crimes was we had a position in our administration, within both the Department of Justice as well as within Homeland Security, a provision to keep watch on these groups that we know are out there —like terrorist groups, they’re similar — that we know are out there, to be able to follow — without violating their First Amendment rights — to be able to follow what they’re doing and follow up on threats that come forward,” Biden said.
Uh huh…
Did I go into a coma and recover somewhere in the dystopian future? Now, I’m just a simple working man but this shit-talk from the Democrat candidates “scares” and “confuses” me.
Yeah. Me too. The bigotry is incredible.
and reinterpreting federal civil rights law to prevent discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity
Fuck you, motherfucker. Write a new goddamn law instead of just twisting a plainly-written statute into what you wish it were so you could avoid doing your fucking job.
Say something like “Amend the Constitution” and they all scurry like roaches when the kitchen light get switched on.
I got into a conversation with someone who said the Constitution had to be treated as a living document because it’s too hard to amend.
What they want is for the supreme law of the land to be adjustable to whatever appears to be mildly popular at the time.
I got into a conversation with someone who said the Constitution had to be treated as a living document because it’s too hard to amend.
Did you tell him “that’s the point, dumbass”?
Or you could have just said “silence Boomer!”
Hell no! We do not need any more infringements of the right of association. We can be decent and tolerant of one another without giving up fundamental rights.
2019: “Nobody wants to take away your ordinary conservative/libertarian groups. We just want to keep an eye on these hardcore extremist groups that might commit terrorism. Don’t worry, we support the First Amendment!”
2025: “Hell yes I’m going to ban conservative/libertarian groups!”
And the courier just brought my bottle of Arbeg Uigeadail, it is almost 4 on a friday and I have worked enough this wekk. I am outta here
Have a nice weekend.
You have courier delivered whisky? And you complain about Romania why?
Outside US and Sweedenstan alcohol can be easily delivered
I…I want to move to Bucharest.
Maybe the gypsies will adopt you.
No, he squints too much to be able to deliver the Evil Eye.
One last link before I go
Social norms help sustain wage floors with workers taking jobs at wage cuts in private, but rejecting them in public due to fear of sanctions
I’m thinking he’s running Catalina on a rotational drive. I have SSD, but I’m still sticking to Mojave.
I’ve been on the betas for months (“Fusion drive”). No major problems. The biggest being I have to either use Firefox or go without Eyepiece. A replacement for Tampermonkey is coming soon that will work on Safari. Ditching 32-bit is not as painful as I thought it would be.
I apologize if my Joan Cusack comment offends any of you. She just isn’t a good actress in my opinion.
You monster!
She has her charms. I thought she was sorta cute back in the olden days but this is her finest moment – https://youtu.be/dR7IAfTFQyE
Indeed she was.
I should have known you’d come out with this piping hot take, you Jaws-hating Philistine.
After Samson, can you blame the Phillistines for hating jaws
Don’t be an Ass.
What you did there, I see it.
*narrows gaze…and reluctantly applauds*
Is Greta sitting on the can? I suppose that’s how you get a Nobel peace prize these days.
+1 Presidential Shitter
I do not, as a rule, watch it, but last night I watched at little bit of that Cramer idiot’s show on the MSNBC business channel. He said Apple took down that app because “protestors were using it to TARGET the police”.
These people are shameless.
Apple is not having a good week.
Beto will not let Warren with this voting block easily.
Are there enough trans women of color to fill a town hall?
If Yusef built it.
+144 scale.
In related news, model paints manufacturer Citadel is facing a class action lawsuit for producing too few skin tones.
replace Citadel with whatever brand he uses, I don’t recall any bottles from the pics.
Global Chick-Fil-A Death Count Climbs To 0
While previous years saw counts averaging 0 and sometimes going in the negative as Chick-fil-A employees saved the lives of their customers, this year the count has skyrocketed to 0. Critics are claiming the company’s strong and pervasive culture of hate is contributing to the expanding number of deaths.
“Chick-fil-A is poisoning our cities, killing people by the zeros,” said Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. “We do not welcome hate in our country, and neither should any other countries, eh?”
He then had to go address a 76th blackface photo that had emerged.
Reporters and journalists have demanded an answer from Chick-fil-A, but so far spokespeople have only responded with, “My pleasure.”
I am sure fried chicken is sufficiently bad for health to have a deathcount
Obviously you have not had Chik-fil-A!
Well it can be bad for your health to try and consume 5 lbs of chicken tenders at one sitting.
Pretty sure, we may need to test this.
Obviously. I had kfc though
The two are not even close to being similar.
Yes, that is a lot more lethal.
That “My pleasure” meme was sick-funny and I laughed and laughed.
I think I was almost #1.
We go to CFA A LOT. We have like 40,000+ “points” on the app. Every Wednesday night after church, about 25-30 of our friends go, and its our kids’ main social activity every single week.
Anyway, when Chick-Fil-A sauce came out a few years ago, I liked it a lot. Probably too much. Used to joke about it being CFA pudding you could eat with a spoon (didn’t really, though). After a coupla years of this, I noticed that I started having hives and trouble breathing every Wednesday night. Kept getting worse. I did some exclusion experiments and figured out that I was having allergic reactions to CFA sauce. Tried to see how little I could eat without starting to have breathing difficulty, but eventually the answer was “stop it, dummy”. So I did.
Still go all the time, just skip the pudding.
That story reminded me of this recent article:
Chick-Fil-A Opens First Restaurant In Megachurch Foyer, Still Closed Sundays
We go to CFA A LOT. We have like 40,000+ “points” on the app.
Ah, you too! I’m surprised the Mrs didn’t pick up cfa for lunch today.
What are the chickens? Chopped liver?
Beto will not let Warren with this voting block easily.
He should show up at the next debate dressed like Minnie Pearl.
I can’t believe that he’s still in the debates.
Weigel? That ratfucker still has me blocked.
Trump Reminds Everyone There’s Nothing Impeachable About Him Burning Down An IHOP
“Yeah, I burnt down an IHOP. Who cares?” Trump told the press. “Where’s the crime? How are they going to impeach me over that?” Trump went on to explain that when the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution, they never envisioned someone being impeached over burning down an IHOP, as IHOPs did not exist in the 18th century.
To further show he had nothing to hide, Trump released the security footage from the IHOP. It shows Trump getting enraged that the IHOP ran out of blueberry syrup and then fashioning and throwing a molotov cocktail. The video ends with him laughing maniacally as the place burns around him. “It’s just a video of someone getting breakfast,” Trump said about the footage. “What are the Democrats going to impeach me for? Liking berry-flavored syrup? That’s the do-nothing Democrats for you.”…
Nancy Pelosi has announced the House will start an impeachment inquiry into Trump’s burning down an IHOP, but perhaps sensing that’s rather thin, she says they are adding other frivolous charges to the inquiry, such as when Trump drove a presidential limo into a Taco Bell.
Paging the Hat and the Hair…Hat and Hair, to the red courtesy phone please.
Those guys are relentless! I haven’t seen a single take from them that hasn’t evoked at least a sensible chuckle.
“No. Nor has our record of human rights abuses come up either,” he said after a reporter asked if he had been questioned about Chinese human rights while in China. “People in China didn’t ask me about, you know, people owning AR-15s and mowing each other down in a mall.”
What a little shit Steve Kerr is.
It is pretty impressive. This whole affair is sure ripping off a lot of masks.
I thought his father was some sort of ambassador during the Clinton admin so I’m not surprised about any of his statist blathering.
He picks a bushel of statism in the Chinese patch and spreads it ’round the American pasture and then we have just the right amount of autocrats and safety for everyone!
The false equivalency attempt is absolutely staggering. Yeh, shootings by private citizens who do it for whatever reasons is totes the same as the GOVERNMENT of China committing an endless stream of human rights abuses. Totes.
What a fuckhead.
You guys don’t get it. Steve Kerr is saying all those shootings (and other human rights abuses) would be fine if it was done by the government.
Its certainly shown what folk are actually “brave”
Do something, even if it costs you everything. Except your Chinese sweatshops.
Saw a Fox sports dude on Tucker a few nights ago, “It’s all about the shoes”, he said.
The Chicoms don’t have people getting randomly killed. Their system is orderly and efficient and best of all it is scalable. That’s the sort of thing that gets Tommy Friedman all wet.
Last night I explained to my wife we never really defeated communism while Marxism (rebranding itself as socialism) merely slithered past WW2. Yes, we ‘won’ the military war but the spread of the idea kept going in the form of the U.S.S.R and of course the various Western forms of communist parties most notably in France and Italy. There may not have been a UK commie party but it manifested itself more in academic circles and spilled into ‘Labor’ and ‘Democrat socialist’ parties.
Ironically, they became stronger than ever having infiltrated major institutions. Hayek and Soltzhenitsyn did a good job explaining how that works. We also saw it with those three academics who got SJW gibberish articles publishes in peer reviewed academic journals. Heck, you even have four women in Congress proudly showing their far left creds in CONGRESS. I see The Squad +1 (Warren) as this coming full circle.
Not a good situation.
Not to worry, the NYT seems to be working on an article to say “well, ackshually….Steve Kerr is right”
Oh, wow. Steve Kerr just flew to the top of my list of people I’d give cancer if I could.
Leftism is cancer of the reason.
That transgender article. I felt like I was in a vortex of bizarro reading it. What in the hell have things become?
Bonjour, Muppet!
Alternatively, “Hi!” like we’re allowed to say in the rest of this God-forsaken country…
I have actually witnessed the beautiful hilarity of a Cajun and a Haitian trying to communicate in their respective patois. I would have loved to have a Quebecois joual speaker there as well.
The Quebecois Government is trying to force people to say Bonjour rather than Hi.
Guten Tag
*Delivers Glasgow Greeting with forehead to Quebeci nose*
Not the chicks, though. There is an unaccountably high ratio of hot girls in Quebec. King Louis was on to something back in the 17th century. It’s like California during the early modern age, 1920-1990.
So now we are up to 3 reasons to back my plan to bring them into the union.
1) Pokes CND in the eye.
2) No official US language, so no conflict there.
3) Hot chicks
I am in favor of implementing an oficial language – Middle English.
Middle English
So, Icelandic?
OMFG, yes they are. They’re losers what can we say at this point?
Here. Have some communitarian simpering
The technology sector’s global conquest rests partly on its total unconcern for the real-world impact of its products and services. Tesla beta-tests its “autopilot” semiautonomous mode on public roads because it can get away with doing so. Google Maps and Waze optimize for the fastest trip, no matter what effect those routes might have on traffic or safety. Amazon has evaded responsibility for damages, injuries, and deaths caused by its delivery network by presenting it as arm’s-length contractors, even as the retail giant imposes pressure to increase the speed and volume of distribution. Technology firms cover their exposure to risk the same way they create it: through willful ignorance.
Public safety protects the public—a collectivity worth shielding. It is a shared effort that begets a shared benefit. Some technological innovations, such as automobiles with lane-departure warnings or automatic emergency braking, help owners of the equipment along with those who surround them. But tech in the sense of Silicon Valley Big Tech has subtly rewritten our conception of the public. The industry has undoubtedly improved people’s individual, private lives—that’s the business model. But it has not necessarily benefited their communal ones. The vision of the future that firms such as Uber, Amazon, and Facebook have grown rich selling is a decidedly individualist one: Get a ride just for you, wherever you are, via Uber. Receive almost any product tomorrow, without leaving home, from Amazon. Hear from only the people and groups you choose on Facebook. Technology products can improve health and safety, but largely at the personal level: carrying a cellphone for emergencies, or wearing a fitness tracker to motivate regular exercise. Solving one’s own problems can de-escalate interest in solving communal ones. This libertarian individualism also grips the big-tech companies themselves, which pursue their private aspirations no matter the public cost.
Toxic individualism strikes again!
Technology is killing us.
Get a ride just for you, wherever you are, via Uber. Receive almost any product tomorrow, without leaving home, from Amazon
You know you can actually get products for others on Amazon. I bought a friend of mine who was having a rough patch a water pump so he could fix his car and keep his job. I did this, while on vacation, pulled over in a S Dakota rest area, from my phone, and he had the part the next day, delivered to his door. Fuck anyone who wants to take this ability away.
Ooooh for the bucolic 19th century days of Sears Roebuck and Montgomery Ward.
Related: several governmental agencies have propped up the redevelopment of a Sears warehouse in Memphis after 30 years of cobwebs. It’s modestly successful, but none of this would not have happened except for the cronyism and tax dollars.
Meanwhile, Amazon is being granted tax abatements to install the contemporary version in the same county. But only a fraction of the jobs created will be filled by county taxpayers.
The brave new world looks a lot like the old world, except with cronybucks.
WTF? So FedEx, UPS, and the FedGov Post Office don’t have insurance or pay gas taxes?
Oh, deep pockets for Amazon, less so for the first 2 I mentioned.
I don’t think ANYONE has deeper pockets than USPS but they are likely harder to nail for tort.
Didn’t the Trump administration have a hand in the Eritrea-Ethiopia peace talks that helped get the President of Ethiopia that peace ribbon from the Nobelians?
If they did, Trump will be taking credit for it by noon. And rubbing Greta’s nose in it, obviously. Which should be good to get the outrage mob lathered up.
I’d rather him pile on the NBA’s pandering to China though. I really want the left to embrace that regime of sociopaths a little more. For the lulz.
God help me Sloop, it really has come down to the lulz at this point. I remember people freaking out over Nixon and pulling their hair out over Bush but this is unprecedented. The sheer agony. The appeals to emotion. I don’t know my Grand-kids very well but I hope that their parents are steering them in the right direction. They’re all solid middle to upper-middle class people so fingers crossed, I suppose.
Uffda. No love for our Trump rally in Minnesoda? Why do you hate the Somalis?
Wait, Klobuchar got the Dem nomination? Huh, I didn’t know the DNC had already picked the winner before the primaries started even though that seems to be their MO.
You can see why she had to get herself to a fainting couch. Imagine people using immigrants and refugees as political pawns. That is beyond the pale.
“Those are Our Pawns! How Dare You!”
You’re using pawns? But I’m using a queen. Checkmate, loser!
-Trump (probably sometime today)
*mashes Diet Coke button*
Prawns? WTF is up with that? Oh, misread, more coffee, Hon!. Oh, forgot, she never gets up before 10.
Oh, that’s rich.
::inserts gif of AOC crying at a fence without anybody on the other side of it::
If someone hasn’t created a Gif of her grasping the chain-link fence like Linda Hamilton in Terminator II then someone is asleep at the switch.
What would be a better gif is one that transitions between AOC crying at the fence and Harry Stanton yelling AVENGE ME
OT – Part of our wonderful Rockaway peninsula contains a sizable Eastern European contingent, particularly Poles. Consequently, one of the local supermarkets has a stupendous selection of Polish beer. I’m enjoying a delicious Zywiec 1881 Porter Beer right now. It’s very dry and crisp but nice and burnt chocolatey; 9.5% ABV, and 500ml for $1.50 – will drink again.
Hey Rufus, Wednesday, we went up to The Museum Of The Moving Image. They have a big Jim Henson exhibit that includes (amongst many AMAZING things) the actual Roosevelt Franklin.
I used to live near there. Fun place.
Yeah, I bitch about NYC quite a bit but I do really love (what remains) of the wildly different neighborhood flavors.
I just meant the museum. The neighborhood was kind of a dump. 🙂
(I used to call it “the other side of the tracks of Astoria”.)
The museum is great, I could spend hours with the audio recording equipment alone. But yeah, it’s so not like that anymore. Both Sesame Street and the various Law & Order iterations have their home stages across the street at Kaufman Astoria Studios so the immediate neighborhood is all boutique restauranty stuff geared towards them.
I lived about a mile due north of the museum, literally across the tracks. It’s still a dump there. The closer you get to the East River around there, the dumpier it gets.
Speaking of places called Astoria, how the ever-loving fuck did One-Eyed Willy convince his entire crew to sail down the SA coast, through the Strait of Magellan, then go all the way up the Pacific to Oregon and put in inside a cave just to hide his treasure?
No way would pirates have accepted that. No fucking way.
/end rant
Clearly they just took the Panama canal
He told them they were gonna rape and pillage the California girls on their way up the coast.
Boy were they disappointed when they found unwashed patchoulli hippies.
Four day weekend! I am unreasonably excited despite just staying home!
Boner killer! :: goes back to sorting old photographs by level of shame::
Stop using immigrants and refugees as political pawns!
Now, about that pile of dead school children…
“I should be in school on ze ozer side of ze osean!”
Maybe she meant the other Ocean? Greta goes to China!
I read a story about how when Steve Kerr was in college his dad, who was a college professor, was killed in Beirut for trying to bridge the divide between Christians, Muslims, and Druids in Lebanon. It’s too bad that the lesson that Kerr learned from that is “be on the side of the murderer”.
Druids? You mean Druze?
Haha…that is the second time in two days that I have made that mistake. My God, I’m an idiot.
To be fair, though, it would be more impressive if he went back in time to bring peace between the Druids and the pagan Romans
Crucified? or burned in wicker?
Both – it was a glorious display of unity before the fighting resumed.
No. Druids adds that certain je ne sais quoi that really makes TGA’s comment “pop”.
Someone, last night, linked to a Will Franken set at Comedy Unleashed in London. I’ve been letting it autoplay on the DerpTube and it went ot Scott Capurro and Nicholas De Santo sets. They are hilarious.
“Portland Trail Blazers Join Boycott Against Israel”
Morally bankrupt
I mean makes sense.
When you “both sides” the NC law to allow private businesses to decide their own pee pee policy and China running REEDUCATION CAMPS.
“Yes. The NBA deserves the finger wagging coming its way. But protests like McCrory’s have all the moral certitude of a speeder who’s mad because the cop didn’t pull over another speeder. Is the NBA inconsistent with its outrage? Probably. Does that absolve Republicans, including McCrory, of policies that NBA players speak out against? No.
What it does is remind us that we’re all a little hypocritical with the stands we take. We fuss about climate change but shrug at electric vehicles. We drive past Chick-Fil-A because the CEO supported anti-LGBTQ groups, yet put our money in banks with histories of discriminatory lending. Or, we frown with Franklin Graham at Target’s LGBTQ-friendly policies, yet post our family photos on Facebook, an equally pro-LGBTQ company.”
This is wokism in its pure unadulterated form.
A bullshit ideology meant to absolve white liberals of being terrible people.
Not wanting adult men to be pissing along side little girls is totes the same as imprisoning millions for religion and/or political dissent.
What are you, some kind of Nazi?
I bet those re-education camps don’t even have gender-neutral bathrooms!
‘Cause they don’t have bathrooms. Problem solved!
“This side of the ditch is for men, that side is for women! Get it right!”
The men dig the ditch while the women lie on their backs under the guards.
Except the uggos. They’re for bayonet practice.
Who in the fuck has time for this? Seriously. Live your life! Fuck! Fight! Fuck again! Nobody cares!
That sounds like a very unhealthy relationship.
Relationship? The Fight happens when the hitchhiker tries to escape the cellar.
Sounds like my first marriage. Well, except for the “Fuck” part.
Same except a “hate-fuck’ is an actual thing. *thousand-yard stare*
And… I’m out.
That’s unadulterated BS.
Most of the Ls I know don’t like the idea of men in their bathrooms. I have less knowledge of how the Gs feel. I assume the Bs go both ways about it. 9/10 of the Ts probably oppose the law, and we all know what Q is doing in the women’s locker room!
It’s not even a matter of what people feel comfortable with. It’s the fact that all the law did was say “private businesses can make their own bathroom decisions” in response to Charlotte mandating pee pee policies on private business.
I agree with your larger point, but that is not all the law did.
but in no event shall that accommodation result in the local boards of education allowing a student to use a multiple occupancy bathroom or changing facility designated under subsection (b) of this section for a sex other than the student’s biological sex.
in no event shall that accommodation result in the public agency allowing a person to use a multiple occupancy bathroom or changing facility designated under subsection (b) of this section for a sex other than the person’s biological sex.
The law did require people to use the bathroom that corresponded with their sex in public facilities. So, yeah, you’re right that the law did more than allow private businesses to regulate their own bathroom policies. And that part of the law is problematic, but it also was the status quo. There was no prior law that allowed people to use whatever bathroom they wanted to in public facilities in North Carolina.
I just can’t believe that white liberals are trying to “both sides” pee pee policies against genocide.
Public facility usage is fair game for legislation. Private is not.
There’s nothing stopping the school systems and municipalities form creating single occupancy multi-gender facilities.
Oh, I’m not even saying it is problematic. I think it is incredibly unfair to women to NOT have women only bathrooms and I do not believe Transgenderism is anything but a paraphilia, or sometimes a mental illness. I’m not even really calling you in particular out. I’m just down on talking point arguments after examining some things I have said myself, that were based on a shallow understanding of an issue. Everyone does this, but it isn’t a good practice.
Not my point at all Scruffy.
And that part of the law is problematic,
I don’t think so. In fact, I think current Civil Rights laws prohibit allowing biological men into women’s bathrooms (and vice versa) because allowing it has a disproproportionate impact on women, and because current Civil Rights laws refer only to sex, not to gender identity. Congress to date has refused to amend the law to refer to gender identity or sexual preference.
Of course that hasn’t stopped the administrative state from just writing and enforcing whatever the fuck rules it wants. But those are ultra vires, and thus void ab initio.
I don’t care myself. But a lot of people – mostly women – do. I find it amazing that women are getting thrown under the bus with issue after issue and hardly anyone’s talking about it.
They’re primarily getting thrown under the bus by other women, specifically twenty something singles and middle-aged to elderly hippies.
The backlash is going to be something to behold.
Shorter Charlotte: Don’t look at us!
Anyone going to Suzuka this weekend?
No, I made plans to visit my mother.
What is it?
Japan’s roadcourse
Saturday is cancelled so far. Will see how Sunday goes.
Females with fabulous fronts flaunt for Friday Funbags.
No soap for you!
In a few years, you’ll no longer be able to rely on hotels in California for those travel-size bottles of shampoo and lotion.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill Wednesday that bans hotels from supplying such bottles in an effort to reduce the number of plastic containers being thrown away by hotels and guests.
The bill, set to take effect in 2023, will apply to lodging establishments with more than 50 rooms. Hotels with less than 50 rooms must stop using the tiny bottles by 2024.
This would not impact hospitals, nursing homes, residential retirement communities, prisons, jails or homeless shelters, according to the bill.
It is well known that the progressives’ invisible sky-mommy hates clean people.
They’ll probably ban latex gloves next. Goodbye modern medicine.
Or all plastic in the operating room.
It’s been 2 decades since I’ve seen latex gloves in a medical setting. Theyyvinyl now, because of latex allergies.
Heck, I visited a doctor’s office with a large sign forbidding balloons because of latex and the possibility someone might be allergic. That was 97 IIRC
Alternatives to latex gloves started showing up around 1992, maybe earlier. But I couldn’t guess when latex was no longer available.
No soap, no light, no gasoline, not a single luxury. Like kulaks in the gulags, as primitive as can be.
The enlightened ones will of course get to keep all those things.
How can you expect them to save the world without modern technology?
Dude, I get the “sunshine tax” thing, but at a certain point no amount of nice weather is going to make California an attractive place to live or visit if they keep going down this path.
We passed that point long ago.
I can’t envision any scenario in which I will set foot in CA.
I’ll probably go back to visit in the next year or so since I lived out there for quite a while, but I’m glad I left.
My BIL and his family live in San Diego, so we’ll go out to visit some time, but that’s the extent of my interest. I lived in Escondido for about a year after high school and yeah, the weather is beautiful and it’s a neat part of the world. On the other hand, I can get a house and property for a fifth of the price in places that I like just as much AND can own firearms AND don’t have the likes of Gavin Newsom breathing down my neck.
Y’all are going to visit CA, but with no soap, no gas, no lights….?
Bring Levis.
When I was job hunting 11 years ago and again 6 years ago, there were a handful of states I redlined, including CA and NY. And those states have a large number of in-house jobs that I would have been interested in.
Back in the Big Dump of ’08, Mrs. Dean and I did a little TEOTWAKI planning and visited Panama as a potential exit from the US. Just the nicest people ever, but still pretty third world, so we didn’t buy. There was one property that was a little too expensive that I was mightily tempted by in Boquete that had views of both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
Oddly, she brought it up again a few weeks ago. That was kind of a canary in the coal mine moment for me. I’m now thinking its not just me, things are probably building to a head.
I’ve heard Costa Rica is a good location along those same lines. Pretty good government for the region in that there’s not a lot of corruption and they mostly leave you alone, and the economy is decent. Pretty place to live, too, because you get a combo of the Caribbean vibe but also some jungle and a little bit of mountain, too.
Also, depending on how TEOTWAKI it gets, Nicaragua is right next door, and while the country itself might be a mess every Nicaraguan woman I’ve ever seen in person (which is an admittedly small number) has been an absolute smokeshow.
My husband is from LA and he would never go back.
I was born there (we moved to Ohio when I was 3) and I used to think it would be so cool to move back, but not since I became an adult. Insane taxes, ridiculously expensive housing, and severely curtailed gun rights? No thanks.
People think I’m silly for refusing to live there just because of the political situation, but these things affect my quality of life. And the positive things people bring up are either things that I can get here, or things that I’m not really interested in at all.
I’ll stay right here with my cheap and spacious house, a fenced backyard, minimal traffic, never having to pay for parking, low taxes, virtually nonexistent crime, and relatively strong gun rights.
Just wait until they lower the voting age to 16, or whatever the
appropriatewoke age is. Then the real fun starts!El Salvador is sunny and has beaches too.
See how many people are flocking there?
Isn’t that the origin point of MS-13?
I thought Costa Rica was the preferred Central American shitlord exit destination?
There’s a handful. Panama is very expat friendly (at least, last I checked) and has a pretty good expat community. Because it goes from beaches to mountains in pretty short order, you can dial in your preferred micro-climate.
It is noticably lacking in well-cooled taiga.
Chile if you have the money, Costa Rica if you don’t. Dictators are not all created equal. Argentina was Switzerland speaking Spanish before their dictators, and is now a wreck. Chile was on its way to becoming a wreck before Pinochet, and is now Switzerland speaking Spanish.
Interesting. One thing about Panama is that it is stunningly beautiful. You get above Boquete, and there are rainbows everywhere.
If we had had the money, we probably would have bought that lot with views of both oceans. Probably one of very few in the entire world.
I can’t take year round heat. I have heard good things about Panama, and the expats supposedly are mostly Vets, so likely more politically and socially compatible, but it is just too hot.
I can’t take year round heat.
Head uphill. The lower elevations are hot, but the higher elevations are cooler, as in, no AC needed.
Re Pinochet
… and here comes Helicopter Twitter …
(Not sure, but I think Clarkhat started that.)
This was actually meant sarcastically.
If I were bailing, it’d probably be Chile.
California loves the homeless more than they do tourists who spend money.
Wait until they give select tourists the right to vote.
They already do, for certain values* of tourist.
*Citizens of other countries who are mysteriously light on documentation.
Stupid question… what is supposed to replace them? I suppose people are just gonna buy their own travel size and… throw them away in California.
I don’t think they’ve thought this through.
The progressives’ invisible sky mommy hates rationality even more than it hates impediments to disease transmission.
Remember, the primary source of human prosperity is our capacity to reason, and it is prosperity that displeases gaia more than anything else.
The only thought that runs thru their shriveled minds is how they can spin any vote or legislation as an example of their virtue. Consequences be damned.
The big wall-mounted dispensers that a lot of hotel chains have already switched to, probably.
To be honest, they’re probably more practical and save hotels money. But I don’t need the government legislating this kind of shit. Not to mention, many small hotels will have a hard time making the investment. Especially once we all find out Newsom’s brother is the owner of the company that’s the sole provider licensed by the state to sell them. (That last part is just an educated guess based on the graft I’ve seen by political families.)
I’ve mentioned this before, but my great fear is the second order effect the folk who want to ban plastics haven’t thought through. The alternative to shipping consumer-end liquids in plastic is shipping them in metal or glass. How much more fuel will need to be burned to compensate for the increased shipping weight of millions of items across the globe?
Paper cartons, waxed if you are lucky. Spoilage and spillage will skyrocket, but eventually we will get everything back to locale production and we can go get our liquids in our own pitcher just as Gaia wants!
A laundry detergent factory in every neighborhood, or, more likely, back to beating laundry on rocks. Hell, it’s only been scant decades since the only products on the market were multi-use detergents; Rinso was for dishes, laundry, and the bath until about WWII. These Luddites would drag us back. Harrumph I say, harrumph!
back to beating laundry on rocks
As long as those rocks aren’t in a body of water.
I’ve been in a couple of hotels that have had refillable pump style dispensers in the showers.
Bulk dispensers with shampoo and body wash. Like in the cheapest hotels.
Prell for everyone!
“(I’d wish he get publicly executed, but that’s not possible.)”
Death By Unga Bunga might be more appropriate anyway.
Better than death by Oingo Boingo?
That is a fate worse then death, Young Lady.
Being pelted with snow as we speak. Greta needs to return and cast another spell.
Awwww, she so spunky! Can I have a Magic Retard for my very own? I promise to take good care of it!
A true Baba Yaga for our times.
Doin’ right ain’t got no end
California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill Wednesday that bans hotels from supplying such bottles in an effort to reduce the number of plastic containers being thrown away by hotels and guests.
If a hotel in California doesn’t comply with the ban, its owners and operators could be subject to monetary fines. On the first violation, a written warning will be given along with a $500 fine for each day the lodging establishment is in violation, according to the bill. Any second or subsequent violations would result in a $2,000 fine.
Assembly Member Ash Kalra of San Jose co-authored the bill, known as AB 1162. Kalra has said small plastic bottles under 12 ounces cause a sizable amount of waste and believes his law will help reduce the problem.
The legislation comes at a time when many cities and companies are moving to ban single-use plastics such as water bottles in airports, straws and grocery bags.
California has been at the forefront of bans on single-use plastics and became the first state to ban plastic bags in 2014. New York state also moved to do the same with plastic bags last month and is now looking to prohibit hotel plastics with a bill sponsored by New York Sen. Todd Kaminsky.
Thanks, California.
When can we push that shithole into the ocean?
Posted without comment -https://youtu.be/_YwFv2zg0NY
This https://youtu.be/_YwFv2zg0NY You’ll thank me later…
Define sizeable, Ms. Kalra.
Ole Miss: sensitive since 1962
Ole Miss officials are asking students to be sensitive when making Halloween costume choices this year. . . The letter comes after an Ole Miss honors student self-reported to the Bias Incident Response Team that he posed in blackface on a social media account. . . That student is now going through the school’s “restorative justice process,” allowing him to engage with groups impacted by the post. . . The letter also reminds students that social media posts are never private, and that irony and sarcasm do not come across as intended online.
restorative justice process,
These phrases are scarier to me than any monster.
allowing him to engage with groups impacted by the post
The Cultural Revolution is upon us. Somewhere, Mao is smiling.
Bias Incident Response Team
I understand these words separately but not together. It’s along the lines of “Mayors Against Illegal Guns”. Wtf does that mean?
to be sensitive when making Halloween costume choices
I guess a duo with one dressed as a Klansman and the other as a black guy is out.
For extra points, have a black person in the Klan costume and white person in blackface. A transgressive inversion of stereotypes and structural oppression!
Snopes rates this “mostly true”.
That somebody can be stupid enough to self-report as a racist and still be an honors student doesn’t speak well of Ole Miss.
Haha, too slow, I wuz.
Out: There is no moral equivalency between Nazis and protesters
In: China may have reeducation camps, organ harvesting of prisoners, and a repressive state, but orange man offends my white liberal sensibilities
Check and mate
Socialism causes yet another death
Police in Knoxville are investigating whether man whose decomposed body was discovered hidden in a shed may have been killed for his Social Security benefits.
Unfortunately, we may all be dead from
global warmingclimate changeclimate catastropheclimate horror by then.FIFY
Cloudy with a chance of Yog Sothoth?
restorative justice process,
These phrases are scarier to me than any monster.
No kidding. How long ’til we get to “Report to the disintegration chamber, number 4,884,751.”?
“Dear Citizen, you are now allowed to report to disintegration chamber, number 4,884,751.”
I didn’t know a reanimated corpse ran the NBA.
That bit with Fredo is hilarious, but also very telling. I mean, honestly, that’s the real mask slipping. For all the lip service about pronouns and othering the differently-gendered or whatever, everyone knows it’s a joke. It’s all bullshit, and the game is to pretend it isn’t in order to set traps for your political foes. But at the end of the day Fredo’s not letting his kid go to Drag Queen Daycare or calling anyone Xe.
So much this.
And Biden running up to Anderson Cooper after their little “coming out” play-act. What in the ever-loving fuck.
All the climate protests… women’s marches… this crap… it’s all fun and games.
It’s not even a joke. It’s really just an excuse to bully people. I’ve noticed any number of times that the people who use the whole “they/them” pronoun game always refer to themselves as “I”. It’s about making you accept something that he or she knows him or herself is ludicrous and is even flaunting it in your face.
I love you Lisa.
This guy is a riot. <3
Well, I’m not as agitated as earlier. Now I mostly want to crawl under my desk and try to sleep.
Not going to do that either.
You need the George Costanza approach-
Legendary Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, the First Person to Walk in Space, Dies at 85
A sad reminder that our species has lost its way. Should we not have expanded to the stars by now?
Low earth orbit is 1200 miles
The nearest star is 25 trillion miles
It’s the difference between a mortgage payment and the total federal debt.
We could have at least had moon bases and mars colonies by now.
I thought the nearest star is 150 million kilometers give or take
yes, someone has to be that guy
*pedantic applause*
Sigh… a boy can dream. Seriously, if we grant the premise that the state is gonna state and tax/spend individual’s work product, I think a great deal of blood and treasure has been wasted on NOT trying harder. Is a Moon base too much to ask? Or a more efficient way to harvest Sol’s energy on the other side of the atmosphere (full disclosure – l0b0t is a college drop-out, a drinker, and often muggled so has no idea if solar radiation works like that)?
I hate to stomp on your optimism, but how would a moon base not devolve into the same statist shithole we have here?
I think if history is anything to go by, an exploratory, homesteading frontier might be the only environment in which the freedom I truly desire for humanity can flourish.
have you not read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress? it involves line marriages
It started to, but then Wyoh, Mannie, the Professor, and Mycroft threw rocks and it ended up with TANSTAAFL on its flag.
Hear, hear!
Hrrmph, “walk”, all he did was float. I’ve seen babies walk better!
Lawlessness and defiance
Then the Trump administration hurt demand for his corn, by allowing dozens of oil refineries to sidestep their legal obligations to use billions of gallons of corn-based ethanol in gasoline blends.
Impeach now! Trump has thwarted the Will of the People.
Being corrosive and less energy-dense, ethanol isn’t even good for the cars made for it.
Fuck off grifter
Verified account
Follow Follow @CNN
Cory Booker to a man who was at the Pulse shooting and lost friends there: “I will elevate, as President … an office on hate crimes and white supremacy to make sure it is a presidential-level effort to protect our country as a whole.” #EqualityTownHall https://cnn.it/313sCfe
Something here seems unrelated to something else.
What does that have to do with Islamic Terror?
Forget it, he’s rolling…..
Why is the solution always another agency? When I buy something and it doesn’t do what I want I don’t go buy another one.
When you live your life under the surface of a swamp, you can’t think above the pond scum.
When the Bush admin created the Department of Homeland Security, I distinctly remember some Leftist relatives raging over it and saying things like:
– “It doesn’t do anything that’s not already done by other agencies”
– “In most cases it’s just creating another layer of bureaucracy and actually making it harder to fight terrorism”
– “It’s just another way for the government to control us”
Now, I fear, they would applaud the creation of the federal “hate crimes” department.
And then Trump gets the new agency created as a sub-dept in DHS.
I remember, in real time, when CNN decided that an ISIS attack on a gay night club was actually the fault of Christians. I think conservative lawmakers were grilled more during that time than the Obama administration that was literally arming ISIS in Syria at that time.
What a disgrace.
Never forget. It’s everyone’s fault, but Islamists or white liberals.
The Orlando shooter picked the gay night club by accident. He tried other establishments first but they appeared to have better security. And no, he had not visited that gay club before. There was an article in the Intercept that covered it.
Yeah, I remember that. I’m just saying that CNN turned the fault on Christians in real time. It was beyond bizarre. Look at the link above of Anderson Cooper grilling Pam Bondi for mourning the tragedy while not supporting gay marriage. It was a bizarre disjointed argument that underscored the inherent bigotry that the corporate press has toward some.
Anderson Cooper: I see that you don’t like people getting murdered
Pam Bondi: Um…yeah. That’s correct
Anderson Cooper: Even gays? You don’t like gays getting murdered?
Pam Bondi: Um…yeah. Humans should not be killed. I’m sorry where is this going?
Anderson Cooper: Oh, I’m just pointing out that you’re a hypocrite for not wanting gays to be murdered, but opposing gay marriage
TIL camgirls use TeamViewer for private shows. That’s all that results when you search for TeamViewer on Twitter.
TeamViewer had a nasty little bug that let people backdoor into your system. for years. They’re an expensive, bug-ridden solution.
What is TeamViewer?
Good (late) morning Sloopy and the Jets!
My, what a meaty bunch of lynx! They almost made me forget the travesty of the WIld/Jets game last night.
(sorry, Wild fans)
Keep that one handy, Sloop. It’s looking like a rough season already. RIP Bruce. He doesn’t deserve it, but as the saying goes, you can’t fire the players.
Re: the naked jogger – what’s the problem? Dude is pretty fit, at least. Is this more of that war on boys I keep reading about?
I finally got to see JP at one of their reunion tours a few years ago. I sat in a suite at the X and felt like a complete dork – until I saw the rest of the crowd. Where the hell do you keep a monster mullet between metal shows? Queensrÿche opened. It was actually a pretty entertaining show.
This song rolled around after JP. And it’s fantastic!
Make it a great day, y’all!
At this moment, there are 429 comments here. I will go back and read them after I’ve posted this:
Forgive me for hearkening back to last night’s post, but @Naptown Bill said a wall of text I can now digest and there were other comments while I was sleeping.
That said, which I purposely did not say in the article or the comments, I have come to a conclusion that is MOSTLY satisfying but perhaps a tidge convoluted. I’m still not 100% sure, and though it does make sense to me, but it still leaves God in the “not actually all-powerful after all” situation I am unwilling to think of him in.
However, @Michael, my co-religionist, offered that maybe God is not all-powerful in that he has to obey certain laws of physics. I can get on board with that.
@Naptown Bill made an excellent and well-thought-out comment, which struck me deeply. He ended with
That is where my mother stands on the issue.
@invisible finger said
@salted earth said
Exactly so!
My question is, “Why can’t the Deity grant it himself?” This assumes that the Deity is all-powerful.
The consensus seems to be that we, as sinners, cannot stand in God’s presence without the protection of Christ because we will blow up like Humperdoo in Preacher.
I said once that Dogma was the most spiritually uplifting movie I have ever seen. In that, God grants the angels mercy and love without an intercessor. But they are angels, used to being in God’s presence, so it’s not analogous. (That has nothing to do with anything except I like movies and TV shows that explore the nature of God instead of ignoring his existence.)
@invisible finger
His being executed for the crime of challenging the authority of the Pharisees and Saducees, while not being an entirely foreseeable event, did effect his death. It was the mechanism by which it came out. I can appreciate the rabblerouser Jesus, the one who cleared the moneychangers out of the temple with a whip.
Anyway, I want to sincerely thank everyone who read and/or also participated last night. I didn’t expect such a discussion before Q stepped in with tits and I was more than pleasantly surprised to be indulged so.
You all are great.
PS, Thank you @Mike S for the Steely Dan links. I know that was difficult for you. Thanks to @Chafed for my beloved Mötley Crüe. ?
“I didn’t expect such a discussion before Q stepped in with tits”
That always takes priority
Wasn’t it Moses who said: “Tits are proof that God loves us, and wants us to be happy!”?
I believe Moses said: “Ti…ti…ti…ts a…a…ar….are pr..pr…pr…proof th…th…th..”
To which the Israelites said: “What the fuck is Moses trying to say? Aaron can you translate?”
To which Aaron replied: “Moses said- ‘look at dem Egyption titays'”
Egyptians are some of the most beautiful people in the world.
I hate to harsh your buzz, but the people living in Egypt now are probably no more closely related to the Egyptians of then than Warren is to the Americans of then.
You know who else is beautiful, and egypt-oriented?
I think copts are mostly egyptian.
Genes travel less than language, as NNT wold say
“I hate to harsh your buzz, but the people living in Egypt now are probably no more closely related to the Egyptians of then than Warren is to the Americans of then.”
I am well aware of that. But, that’s part of the reason why they are so hot. All the Mediterranean people melded together in Egypt from Alexander the Great until Nassar (when he started kicking out foreigners).
You take a little Greek, mix it with a little Roman, throw in a dash of Arab, stir in all together and you get hotties
While there’s obviously been some ethnic intermingling in the region over the past two thousand years or so we can glean some idea of what “native” Egyptians looked like and how much of that phenotype is still in the region based on stuff like skeletal analysis, art, and references from pre-Alexander Egypt. They didn’t disappear or anything. Still, the region has always been something of a melting pot because of trade and the fluctuation of boundaries, invasions, etc., so it’s a moving target at best and of pretty much no actual importance.
Yes, but then he followed up with. “THE FUCK? I leave you assholes alone for a couple months and you start worshiping veal? seriously veal? No tits! Ladies put your damn tops on NOW, or I’m bringing back the locusts!”
“Tits are proof that God loves us, and wants us to be happy!”
That’s how I took it.
I read your article last night, so excuse me if I misrepresent it.
My question is: how can you be certain that your concept of justice aligns with God’s notion of justice? As in, what you find to be unjust, God might view it differently?
That is a good question that has lingered at the back of my mind, but only as a wisp of something to contemplate later.
I think the gnostics had a point with an imperfect god for the material and a perfect one beyond the spiritual or some such hippie crap
I was sleeping – well there ain’t no rest for the wicked, so you must be one of the good people
Reminds me of one of the rabbis in A Serious Man: “We all want the answers! But Hashem doesn’t owe us the answer, Larry. Hashem doesn’t owe us anything. The obligation runs the other way.”
I like movies and TV shows that explore the nature of God
I contend that a prominent effect of organized religion is the stifling of that exploration.
I just now saw this comment. You are so correct! I “know” the things I think about/watch/write are “irreverent” bordering on “blasphemy” if not outright “heresy”, but I don’t do it mockingly. I might be questioning or resentful or angry or confused, but I do not mock.
Michael McKinley has resigned
not posted at FoxNews.com yet
this exists on the internet
I am drunk dick pic
I get to be a slutty gypsy. I always wanted to be that.
Dude, that’s hot.
I was just trying to find that clip! Nice work.
The name is Apologist- Tulsi Gabbard Apologist
I think this is the first scene that comes to ever cisgendered heteronormative shitlord’s mind when they think “slutty gypsy”.
I wonder if women find that strange
I personally would never fight for a man and certainly not in such an undignified manner.
Stabbing in the dark.
No hair pulling. That shit’s not proper.
Classy lady.
Say hello to Seductive Vaginal Crabs!
Winston’s mom?
Slutty lamp.
I like it.
Seductive Boris Johnson… 🙁
No shit, me too!
You guys are telling a person from the land of Gypsies and Vampires your birthdays. Incoming hexes!
Oh what the hex. Naked Dog here.
Same here Jarflax. I know another naked dog as well but we’re not hosting the convention.
Ugly tramp!? Shit, how will people know I’m in a costume?
Sexy condom.
“Horny Immigrant”
I think I can do that.
The internet sure is a neat way to refresh people’s memory of 2014.
Does this building diplomatically have any concerns
“Um, no, its a building. It doesn’t have any concerns at all, at least not that its told me about.”
There are really only two skills involved in journalism. An ability not to predetermine the truth and an ability to speak or write literately. How do they all seem to fail at both?
Re today’s musical selection: ’Member this?
Died from complications of diabetes, right?
*thunderous applause*
My fave Lou Reed song.
Oh fuck a duck.
Formerly SF’d link
Of course I remember that. I just remind myself that it is impossible to understand those parents’ grief.
So when I say “fuck them”, I say it out of love.
Halford is a class act, regardless.