Q: When having guests over for dinner, I am unable to find a gracious way to refuse alcohol to those who will be driving. I generally don’t give it as an option when asking what they would like to drink, but they often request a glass of wine nonetheless. It’s not that I associate with lushes and felons, but I personally would prefer not to serve any alcohol to a designated driver.

“May, Friend is crocked…again.”
Q: We were invited to my boss’s for dinner and cards (“Bring your appetite, we’re serving our special”). When we arrived, we were greeted with, “We’re just getting through; get yourselves a drink and we’ll be right in.” We did bring our appetites and were painfully starving as we exchanged perplexed glances. Upon leaving, we thanked them for a wonderful evening and, needless to say, drove to the nearest restaurant. Did our hosts really forget that they asked us to dinner? What would others have done in this situation?


I wanna fly my Sport Kite, but the winds are high, should I go balls out and fly?
Help me oh ZardoZ!
No, you should wear pants.
Oh that was good, I’m laughing now!
I was going to say go balls out. ??♂️
The benefit, of course, being that you can use your penis in a ZARDOZ approved way… As an anchor for a supplemental line to keep the kite stable in the wind.
Ouch, penis extender?
At home transgender surgery
Also known as a “loppadickoffame”.
A sit-down dinner with people outside your family? That’s peculiar.
Look, I know you like laying around with others, but, for grazing purposes…give standing a try.
There’s two dinner parties I’d be skipping.
If somebody promises me dinner, but doesn’t supply said dinner, then I’m chain smoking and drinking all their liquor.
Your jib, it is cut in a manner that I approve of.
Yeah, but boss…
@Gender Traitor
Your mention of Twyla Tharp brought to mind The Be Good Tanyas (rec’d by a Glib, but I now, ashamedly, cannot remember who). https://youtu.be/-0SmXVrLlZ4
That’s a good one.
Sure, if you were feeling too happy.
My bad. ?
Just teasing. I listen to the Cure, ffs!
Okay, if you like the Cure, you won’t like this but it’s peppy.
Is that Nikki Sixx? LOL.
Yeah, so what?
Don’t judge me.
*curls up in corner clutching copy of Heroin Diaries*
You have heard pre-1980’s country music before, haven’t you, Tundra?
The original.
T., if the tone of my reply was too sharp, then here you go.
I though country was in minor keys?
Who can tell with all the yodeling?
+1 Slim Whitman
I liked it.
A happier tune:
THAT touched something in me.
That was lovely! Thanks CP!
Love the Be Good Tanyas!
In concert, however…
Pro tip:
Don’t change your tuning for one song if you have 1 guitar and 0 roadies.
Cool tune! Through the magic of random neural firing, my mind went to another song that has little to nothing in common with yours except that it, too, is haunting.
Well, that’s going on the Cuntes & Cods playlist. Thank YOOOOOO!!!
Appropriate – they’re from Northumberland, so….close enough!
Oh, yeah! Poifect!
They do some pretty bitchin’ covers, too:
‘Twas me, lovely Lady of the Burning Pups.
Thank you, Festus! I need to start writing down who leads me down what paths. They are lovely.
A new Uber competitor?
I like it, wanna ride?, PUSH!
Substitute “brother” for “boss” and substitute “Thanksgiving dinner” for “dinner and cards” and almost the exact same thing happened to us. We (husband, me, baby) sat at the kitchen table and ate what little was left while everyone else sat in the living room and had a good time. We didn’t know what to do precisely. I suppose we should’ve left, but my brother, SIL, and all 4 kids are painfully socially awful. Much doofus. So cringe.
We went to a kids birthday party a while back. We didn’t expect to be fed. The hosts bought enough food for the kids and their immediate family. Was awkward.
It was awkward for us, but my bro and his fam didn’t think anything of it at all. Dude, you said 7:00. It’s 7:00 and you’ve been done with dinner and pie hours ago? Dude, please.
Ouch. Growing up in an Italian family, there was never a question that you were going to eat.
And eat.
And eat some more.
Did bro ever ask you again?
The same in a black family. If you ran out of food (which never happened) you were mercilessly ripped apart for eternity.
That’s funny, one of the cousins married a black dude who’s brother owns a barbecue restaurant, so it’s like double trouble. His first family event with my in-laws he got there an hour late and there was pretty much nothing left. He was just like, “Wait, I don’t…what do you mean there’s no food left? I don’t get it. When’s the rest coming?” When he did his daughter’s first birthday it was enough food to feed an army.
They moved to Florida before the next year, and he only asked because the rest of the family was out of town for Tday. We would not have gone if he had.
My aunt has taken over Thanksgiving for my side of the family, and despite the fact that nobody is on speaking terms anymore she still does the full monty. There are courses. Silver and china come out. She starts with the oyster stew from the recipe in James Michener’s “Chesapeake”. There are hors d’oeuvres, including caviar, nuts, and cheeses. Typically there will be peanut soup, turkey of course, oyster stuffing, asparagus casserole, game hen, ham, possibly duck, and we’ll wind up with pecan pie and coffee, often with scotch and/or bourbon, depending. This is for six people. Without necessarily trying, it becomes the most formal event we attend in a year.
My wife’s side of the family are Irish Catholics. There are around sixty people at Thanksgiving dinner. There’s a big-ass turkey provided by the host and every family brings at least one dish of some kind. Paper plates and Solo cups. It’s served buffet-style thusly: As food arrives on the serving table, people who know begin to nonchalantly place themselves close to what will become the head of a line. Once the announcement is made that dinner is ready, a brief prayer is said. At this point, the room is filled with people standing around the table, edging each other out of the way. Following the last syllable of the Lord’s Prayer, all Hell breaks loose. The common wisdom is that if you don’t fight for position in line you risk going hungry. Once plates are full, people retire to various corners of the house to eat and resume watching football.
Thanksgiving is gonna be interesting this year. I’m gonna be home alone. I may cook up something traditional , or I may go get a bucket of crabs from the restaurant down the street. Haven’t decided yet.
I’d be all over that bucket of crabs. Tradition be damned.
Isn’t it likely that the original Pilgrims would have had crab on the Thanksgiving table? That’s what I’d go with anyway.
If it really happened in November they’d be way out of season. Oysters, though.
Huh. Didn’t know there was a season. When is it? Is there a season just because of humans vs. weather, or some other reason?
Maybe out of season down in the mid-Atlantic. Up here in New England, November is smack-dab in crab season.
Thanks for the informative article, HM. However, I was weirdly disappointed that it was a legit link.
And no, that’s not a challenge.
I know. I was expecting something about splash them with tequila and then set the pubes on fire and then stab the critters with an ice pick as they run out. Or something.
You people wound me to the quick.
Who you calling “you people”?!
Huh, learn something new every day. I assumed it was a water temperature thing.
Casino on a Friday night, all you can eat crab legs. What’s not to be thankful for?
Your in-laws probably wouldn’t even notice that I didn’t belong. What time are we starting?
Yeah, Naptown’s second paragraph sounds great.
Once you figure out that the smart place to be is in the kitchen, pickin’ the carcass until the dust settles, it’s easy.
So my mom lives with her two sisters. All widows. The alpha sister has insisted on doing Thanksgiving even though my mom and other sister are really just physically incapable of the work that takes. Every time I do Tday alpha sister sulks because she’s not doung it.
This year, mom and other sister put their feet down and said no, Mojeaux’s doing it as she offered. So alpha sister sulked. THEN our drastic life change is happening, so I asked my mom if she’d mind going out to eat for Tday. She loved the idea but the sisters wouldn’t. Okay, what if I have HyVee cater it? SheMs like, whatever is fine with me.
Soooo I ask other sister and alpha sister what they’d think about going out to eat. Other sister was all over it. Alpha sister says, “You all can go. I’m staying home.”
I’m like, “Really? You’re gonna be like that?”
Other sister was like, “Fine, stay home and act like a spoiled brat.”
(70+ year old women, people.)
So alpha sister relented, but I couldn’t find a place we all agreed on that would be open on Tday, so it’ll be catered in from HyVee.
My mom and other sister don’t care in the least, so long as they don’t have to do it, and they’re tired of alpha sister’s tantrums.
I am so happy to be in a drama free family. Every time we get together, the food, booze and laughter abound.
It’s just alpha sister who creates all the drama.
Your side is cool. Your wife’s side, on the other hand…
There’s only one of them at this point. Way outnumbered.
Hey, one sister believes that my aunt is stealing the silver my grandmother says she’s leaving her and the other tried to punch her in the face over the casket my grandfather was laying in the last time they saw each other. None of them under 50. I don’t get it, but I’m glad I don’t have siblings.
Thanksgiving is probably just going to be me and Dad again, and I’m fine with that.
I’ll be at work. Lovely, blessed work. It’s a sad fact that I’d rather be wielding the broom and earning double-time than picking at dry turkey and having a miniature panic attack for eight hours. I’m a Glibertarian, leave me the fuck alone.
::kicks rock down the road::
Sure, Festus….
Forced merriment is my personal nightmare. That’s why I don’t participate in any rituals except funerals. Jesus, that sounded a lot darker than my intent.
Oh, I agree–mandatory fun is shite.
Now, you better be here tomorrow night!!
I’m not sure how Thanksgiving is going to go this year. We always do a big meal at our house with turkey, brisket, at least 6 sides, plenty of alcohol and invite everyone including my in laws, my sisters’ in laws, and extended family. This year, sister #2 and I have cut all contact with sister #1. She’s mentally ill (my aunt had the same thing… kind of like a cross between sociopath and narcissistic personality disorder) and it’s just reached a breaking point where we can’t take anymore. My parents are still deciding whether to come to Thanksgiving with us or spend it with sister #1 as their final holiday together. My father is ready to cut now, but Mom is unfortunately in the beginning stages of some sort of mental decline and sister #1 is manipulating that hard.
Sorry about that, SS. All that it usually takes is one.
Oh, that sounds awful. I’m so sorry.
I used to do a big turkey for T-day with a lot of the trimmings (mostly from the commissary on a local US base). A few times we had Japanese friends over to experience what a traditional American T-day was about. After a few years of that I noticed that my wife didn’t care for the leftover turkey which would be frozen and indirectly refused until it went bad.
Nowadays I might do a big tray of enchiladas or chilaquiles. No more turkey here.
When I do a turkey, I spatchcock it. The last time I did it, I used all fruit for the bed instead of putting in carrots and celery with the apples, oranges, and cranberries. The turkey was awesome, but the gravy had a weird fruit flavor to it.
I would brine mine and they came out fabulous – even the Japanese guests (who often have no experience eating turkey) never refused seconds, thirds, etc. My wife just doesn’t like turkey – but couldn’t spoil my American dreaming day to tell me.
The sad part is that I imported and installed a 27 inch Dacor oven primarily because local Japanese ovens are too small for a full sized turkey. I still love it to do large batches of enchiladas or different dishes in parallel so it’s not a total loss.
Maybe it was a sugar cane knife?
Asian machete?
You mean a bolo?
Nope. Small penis reference.
It’s not a good joke if you have to explain it.
“Microscopic penis.”
The man has a dongle that isn’t very longle
Stunning and brave.
“Love is in the air for woman sexually attracted to an airplane”
Let’s not kink shame KK.
You do you.
I’ll do me, and right now what me is doing is judging you. And boy is it going badly for you.
You mean KK?
To the extent that I meant anyone other than just a random joke, I meant the chick in the link
To continue from a couple of comments in the morning links re: once-funny web comics that are circling the woke drain, I present Least I could Do.
He got the title right, anyway.
Bezos has done more to improve my life than these twerps could ever dream of.
I do kettlebell snatches every other day now and they really tear up your hands. I ran out of hand salve, so I used my phone to order more via Amazon. It showed up an hour ago.
On the other hand, smug Marxist hipster yuppies have never done anything for me other than be a pain in the ass and complain about people who’ve accomplished things having money.
Jeff can make time with a tranny and take my money as long as he keeps making my life better.
Yep. Well me stuff I want at a good price, I don’t care what you or who you do
Otoh, that’s sort of the problem with China.
If Amazon starts shooting protesters I’ll reconsider Amazon.
Yeah, near as I can figure Jeff Bezos’s cardinal sins are a.) being rich and b.) not paying part-time unskilled labor triple-digit annual salaries. I’m fine with those things and I’m happy to pay his company money for doing things that benefit me. And really, even though I’ll avoid some companies who virtue signal and support horrid Proggie bullshit it’s still not quite the same as the China situation.
“In “Joker,” black women are visible but they are not seen”
Why are lefty journalists losing their mind over a comic book movie, or did I just answer my own question?
What’s the fun of watching a movie if you can’t go home and critique its perceived lack of intersectionality?
/really tedious bores
Go fly a Kite!
If I’m gonna fly anything, it’ll be this.
I take it back. This is kickass.
Sure you can fly it……… I fly 3D airplanes and that would be a chore,
Too much wind here for my Big R/C aircraft so I went with kite,
/R/C is hard….
There’s a badassed r/c airfield at Woodley park out here. Some guy’s got a corsair that’s close to that that size. Amazing to hear and see those tiny jets fly.
This is a big model as well. 1/10 scale.
And here.
I missed them for some reason. Good stuff.
EDG is gonna be pissed!
They write nearly perfect jangly pop songs.
Like this!
Grand Prix is a great place to start.
Look, I love jangly pop as much as… no, no, I don’t. I like this.
Sweet. They always make me happy.
You disappoint. One of the few songs they let Keef sing on……”Happy”
They dont smile enough?
/Ill see my way out
To be fair, having it turn out that the mental breakdown that leads to the Joker actually being a psychological operations experiment set up by Amanda ‘The Wall’ Waller in the DC Universe’s version of MKULTRA would have been an interesting twist.
Because the wrong people are getting a hero.
Have you seen the movie? I wouldn’t categorize this “Joker” a “hero”, even of the tragic or anti- flavors. Not to mention that we all know that his future is just getting the shit beat out of him by Batman on a regular basis.
I haven’t seen it yet, although I might actually go to a movie theater to do so because I’m really, really interested. All the cringe-worthy social justice complaints about it that I’ve briefly seen seem to be that it’s in essence denying white privilege by portraying a white male character in detail as a victim without paying attention to the hardships of PoCs around him. In other words, “Portraying a white male as a victim is an example of white privilege.” Shorter version: “If we write this article about privilege, race, and maybe intersectionality, we’ll get all of the clicks in the world!”
“Good morning, fam. We did it. You absolute mad geniuses.
HK Mei is now on local news in Hong Kong. Overwatch is now a symbol of the rebellion.”
Top Kek
I wish Hong Kong all the best but the sad fact is that the more successful they are the closer they inch to Tiananmen Square II Sad Day Boogaloo.
I desperately want to believe that there’s a long game here where the rest of the world decides that while cheap iPhones are nice and all, if you can stop eating one kind of chicken sandwich because the owner of the company doesn’t personally support gay marriage, sending a message to a murderous, Orwellian dictatorship is worth giving up a brand of smartphone or buying different shoes.
I hope so but I’m not going to hold my breath. Americans like their cheap shit and they have short memories.
It’s easier to protest against some chicken sandwich place because you don’t have to give up shit…but giving up electronics or swag from China requires some sacrifice that these activists aren’t willing to do.
Like Doc Martens. You can choose the crappy Chinese versions which are now the default, or the original (better) versions made in the UK – for a considerable premium.
Vans. I wore all black short tops as my signature until they got Chinese in the mid nineties. They flat out suck now. I see ads claiming to buy pre-94 vans for cash.
I’m wearing an all black pair of slip ons right now. You’re right, they do fall apart pretty quickly.
I love when there’s a choice, TBH.
Put your money where your mouth is, so to speak. I haven’t bought Docs since my last pair which I had wondered why they were crap and then found out why. They didn’t exactly advertise the move to China.
I own a custom pair of SK8Highs that have served me at work for three years, YMMV
I have a pair of Vans that must have been made after ’94 that I’ve been wearing for years.
Just because they don’t fall to pieces in the first week, doesn’t mean they’re good. You’d have had to have pre-94’s to know the difference. They used to have thick plush soles and padding all the way around and serious strong stitching. They were made for skateboarding and could take the abuse and be comfortable. Now, they’re cheap deck shoes.
Yeah, my first Chinese DMs were a true wtf moment.
That explains it.
I had a pair I beat to shit for like 5 years, replaced it with one I rarely wore for 3 years and it’s already falling apart.
I made it through the week. Woohoo!
Three day weekend.
*Happy dance*
Yes! Three-day weekends are sweetest when I’m the only one in my family who has the day off. I’m planning on finishing an AR, maybe playing video games in my underwear. It’s gonna be awesome.
“finishing an AR”
Are we talking completing a build or applying a surface finish?
Completing a build. It’ll be the first one, and I fully expect it to not be quite right. But, I’m about halfway through and I figure I ought to go ahead and see where I can get before I drop a bunch of cash on an Easy Jig 2.
Ah… completing an 80% lower. Good stuff. Aluminum or Poly?
I just do the “erector set boogie” using finished lowers. I have all the tools/jigs to swap uppers – just don’t have a bench or a vice to put it in. Next time I’m gonna have to slap together some kind of 2X6 blocks to sandwich around the upper jig and drive a car on top to secure it while I spin the barrel nut.
Like the guy that bent his AK receiver flat with a floor Jack and a 2×4 to the header of a door in his house.
I’ve built a half dozen FAL’s in hotel rooms with the barrel vise bolted to one end of a 4 ft length of 2X6 on the floor. All you really need is leverage.
Tejicano, please don’t ever explain why you are building FALs in hotel rooms, because the Truth cannot possibly be better than the Tejicano is the armorer for a top secret team of supersoldiers story I am making up.
*high five*✋?
Dead Rat Epoxy (ASMR)
Good lord…
*clears YouTube watch history*
If that is ASMR, I guess I don’t understand the concept after all.
Do you get little chills running through you when someone plays with your hair or sweeps their fingertips very slightly across your skin?
If so, that’s ASMR.
It is not sexual in the least bit.
Today, my cat, who was hounding me for scratches, decided that kneading my back would be a good way to get it. “No, kitty, you just keep doing that, there’s a good girl.”
I get the chills too and, you’re right, it isn’t sexual in the slightest but lord have mercy does it feel good. Watching the above isn’t going to do it for me though.
Some people get that with certain types of sounds or watching certain things. It doesn’t do that for me, though.
In this video, it’s the scraping. (He ruins the effect with his voice, though.) It’s like what happened to a lot of people during Bob Ross’s painting episodes, the scritching of the brush on the canvas.
Slow and repetitive movements do it for me. Thank God for YouTube.
ASMR courtesy Gender Traitor.
I forgot to say that quite a bit of music does this to me as well, but it is not quite the same flavor as being stroked.
I always get it from the sound made when people suck the last drops of a milkshake through a straw.
Now that plastic straws are practically illegal in California, I may not get that experience so often any more.
Maybe there’s a way to train a cat to do this…
*rubs catnip on spine*
It is not sexual in the least bit.
Today, my cat, who was houndin
I get that, but it is a rotten rat. If y’all find that appealing I’m going to repost my comment up thread:
You do you.
I’ll do me, and right now what me is doing is judging you. And boy is it going badly for you.
Strike “Today, my cat, who was houndin” I overquoted
No, I didn’t say it appealed to me! I’m saying “the sound he makes is probably what the ASMR is referring to.”
MC 900ft Jesus did it 1st. Hate to steal his edginess.
I love this!
Today I washed down the kitchen cabinets. I will be sore tomorrow from climbing up and down the step ladder. Tomorrow, I will do all the baseboards. I’m still finishing all the rugs. 4day weekend! Yay! Clean everything!!
Good for you. It’s bullshit work but when you are done, it’s amazing.
Like washing windows.
Dog almost played with neighbors dogs. I think she has ptsd from earlier incident. But, baby steps, she’s getting over it.
Trump in LA, crushing it.
He brought generators I presume…..
Louisiana not Los Angeles
The other LA.
Lower Alabama ?
Well played Mayan, well played.
We still have our power down here, it’s up north that got played as pawns (so far.)
That’s what we said 12 years back, and we got bit,
/Buh Bye Cali!
I envy you. I’d leave myself, but I can’t make the same money elsewhere. Should’a learnt to code, I guess.
HVAC my man, Fuck coding at a desk, Sky!
I was bored so I turned on the Trump rally out of curiosity since I’ve never watched one live. This whole political situation is fucking hilarious. A billionaire developer and reality TV host that gives zero fucks (and acts like it) is president. I need to add extra popcorn (and beer…) to my grocery list.
My Mom who is helping us with the new baby was watching the news about Trump and her response was, “He’s not that bad, he seems like cares about the average American worker.” She’s a union Democrat who believes that the current crop of Democratic primary contenders are a bunch of nuts.
Key word being “seems“.
At least he pays them lip service which can go a long way when you feel left out. It’s like the peaceniks here, Trump talks an occasional good game and they (and I’m one of them admittedly) cling onto that like a drowning man who just found a life jacket. He might not do shit but at least it gives a little bit of hope.
All hail Edward Longshanks
Crazy how two or three decades of utter contempt for the American working man by both parties leads to a political vacuum which can be filled by just the slightest actual pretense of giving a fuck.
I mean, I understand the math of free trade, I get it, but there’s a reason Mitt lost, and its because he looks like, hell he fucking is the guy that came and closed the plant down and turned a prosperous American town into a grim shell.
I love The Wire, think its a great show. It has great writing. Season 2, the head of the stevedores union, Frank Sobotka, has been smuggling shit through the port in order to get cash so he can bribe the legislature into spending state money to get the grain pier back up and running. He gets caught, and this scene results
It’s true. It’s just absolutely true. Not everyone can code, not everyone can be an ad exec or a salesman. But everyone can show up, perform a task eight hours a day, and go home to their families at the end of the day. If you have a political system and a legal system and an economic regime that recognizes that and rewards that, you have a healthier polity overall.
The US bipartisan consensus has been run by, and run for, the people who will be successful no matter what the situation is. It doesn’t matter to them if the plant closes, because they went to a good college and they can get a job. It doesn’t matter if we’ve been losing boys in Afghanistan for 20 fucking years because its not their fucking boys and they don’t honestly give a fuck. No one is gonna break down their door and rifle their house for weed, because they’re the right sort of people.
I mean, look at this: https://sf.curbed.com/2019/10/9/20906839/map-pge-blackout-power-outages-cities-california
Look who has their power turned off. It’s not SF proper. It’s not the tech companies. They matter. They’re important. The peasants can sit in the dark, the actual people they don’t lose power. Because they run the place. Cal State East Bay is in the affected zone, but UC Berkeley is not.
I’m pretty sure the fucked zones represent areas where there is a risk of fires. SF is not one of those areas.
Well the headline, and the caption on the map, and the text in the article all say it’s the places where the power is out.
Wouldn’t shock me if the media was getting it wrong, but thats what the article is saying.
Right – the power is out because the power company deliberately put it out. They did that because those are the hilly forested areas where the risk of fire is the greatest. SF is covered in cold fog right now; there is no risk of fire.
I may seem simple, cause I am. But PG&E just filed bankruptcy over the last fire they ’caused’.
If I were them? Fuck yeah…..you all just got shut down so we can do the shit you burned (heh) us on the last time.
Yeah, they’re caught between a rock and a hard place. The enviro whackjobs won’t let them do the needful in the more dangerous (prone to fire) areas that people have spread into.
It’s the left coast analog of building in flood zones or coastal areas prone to hurricanes. These fire zones are not safe places to build without the necessary protections.
Bullshit. It’s a shakedown, pure and simple. PGandE runs just like a government agency. They desperately seek to enhance thier budget. They caused a fire by negligence and refused to suffer as a result. The state doesn’t “prevent” them from clearing brush or fortifying the cables. They refuse to, because the money’s all spent. 500 bucks per house just ain’t enough. They cheaped out and when they got called on it, they went crying to the PUC and demanded rate increases to cover it. When they got denied, they came up with this shit to lash out at.. their customers. Not the state, their customers. Crony capitalists by definition. Fuck them and fuck the state for allowing this monopolistic bullshit. Nice electricity you have there, sure would be a shame if we flipped the switch! Yeah, fuck them.
Note the hills above Palo Alto, as prime a place for a wildfire as any in the Bay Area, was not affected on this map. I’m sure it had nothing to do with all the politically connected tech billionaires living there, right?
I think you make some good points, damned if I know how to address them using a libertarian framework though.
Well I think that the proliferation of manufacturing overseas is caused in large part by the Pax Americana. What companies are going to put a billion dollar factory overseas if they’re not convinced there will be clear sea lanes, and that the local governments won’t nationalize them?
Then you have to the massive regulatory anaconda strangling American industry. Why would you jump through the hoops and pay off all the grifters and buraucrats to build a new brown industry type of operation in the US when you can do it overseas for pennies on the dollar?
Then you have the market distortion of funneling billions of dollars worth of capital into useless degrees. When you tell the bright young people of the country that they need to be knowledge economy workers, politicians, bureaucrats, or in tech to be worth a damn, that creates a distortion.
Bottom line, I think American Libertopia has a hell of a lot more of the manufacturing and resource extraction industries that the Niskanen type liberarians have sworn up and down, left and right, only left because of completely natural market forces, and nothing to do whatsoever with deliberate policy choices of the American government.
I’ve lived in a rural area of California for 40 years. If you haven’t realized you’re being subjugated you aren’t paying attention.
I think if we ever actually cut off all the subsidies, regulatory burdens, crony deals etc., it would be easier for people to believe that they had lost their job because the market had dried up, or some industry had become obsolete, or just bad luck. It would also encourage more reasonable bargaining by both sides in contract disputes if neither had the club of Federal oversight to bash the other.
When you see money being shoveled at this group and that group by the Feds it is entirely understandable that you will react poorly to be told your plant is closing and your industry has offshored and thems the breaks, lrn 2 code. On the flip side when the NLRB backs insane and underhanded Union tactics and the regulatory state acts to place roadblocks in front of any activity it is understandable that you want to offshore everything you can.
The hills above Palo Alto are heavily impacted by marine moisture. Unless, there’s a multi year drought, I don’t have a lot of concern for that area.
Oh yeah. I told her that while I find his bullshit entertaining, he’s just as shitty as the rest of them.
If you’re gonna be shitty, at least be entertaining about it.
Dude….he’s in the WWF Hall of Fame. And his wife has been photographed topless.
Best ever.
Ed, I saw on the other thread about your new baby girl. Congratulations!!! I hope you were able to take some time out and that your wife is recovering well.
I wonder why. Also, got here late last thread – congrats on your new baby.
Yeah, congratulations Ed!
Thanks! I love her to pieces but fuck I miss sleeping 7 hours at night. She sleeps all day and does whatever she can to stay up all night.
Does she have a Glibs handle yet?
In any event, she’s especially welcome on Saturday nights.
Put it back in your pants old man.
Ha ha ha! Welcome to parenthood.
I have two in grade school. A few months ago somebody asked me what I do in my spare time. I couldn’t even think of a way to define “spare time”, much less what I would do if I had any.
LOL suckers. On both sides. Not to mention anyone interested in paying the Man U tax on a Chevy.
Too bad they can’t all go bankrupt like Leeds.
Did you spell Bolton wrong? Leeds seem to be doing fine.
I’m going back to the beginning of the century.
Pffft before my time.
IOW not a machete. Besides I thought the UK had common sense knife control.
It’s a Butter knife that identifies as a Machete!, get woke Brah!
Isn’t there a joke about a 12 inch machete and a 12 inch pianist?
“Nervous Nancy”, indeed.
A nice summation of all the involvement the Dems have with Ukraine/Russia via Jimmy Dore (23 min):
It’s informative and even funny if you can look past the occasional leftist chest beating.
Pikeland Pils is good.
That looks good. I like a good Pils.
I’m having one of these. Think I’m going to pour a couple fingers of rye to see how the “after-burn” effects the spicy rye. Fun with alcohol!
Sipping a Bulleit Bourbon and pounding an IPA (don’t remember its weird name) before I get on my flight to LA.
+1 airport drinking.
I do love airport drinking. I don’t get to do it often as I don’t fly very much. But when I do, I don’t mind at all if I have long-ish layovers. That I have only ever flown for business and I’m getting paid while I’m airport drinking helps make it just a bit more satisfying.
Hmm…. Maybe the rye will be sweet?
Funny you should say that. About 10 minutes ago I absentmindedly took a sip of rye and thought that it tasted sweeter than usual.
Just came across this at SeaTac Airport.
404 reasons I can’t see your pic.
I tried Google pictures. I don’t know what I’m doing.
Just saw this show at the troubadour. Actually saw her the next night.
Coolness. I don’t know anything about her. But will check it out. Thanks!
Gonna spend the weekend in Pasadena. The hot. Dry.
Well, we are sequestered at home for the day with this typhoon approaching – supposed to peak in this area late tonight. Some remote parts of the prefecture are already seeing blackouts – I’m hoping that doesn’t happen here. My area is urban enough that I expect the infrastructure can take it.
Hey Straff! I hope all is well out your way. Good to know you are far enough away from any beach or port.
Good luck, and stay safe.
Hell, we do blackouts just for fun over here.
California, or drinking?
Funny, I can’t seem to remember?!?!?
Porque no los dos?
Apparently it’s really fucking up the Rugby World Cup.
Stay safe Nippon Glibs!
Thanks to all.
I doubt we’ve got anything to really worry about. Just a slow day at home with the family. Hoping we don’t lose power or I might be cooking dinner in a Weber on the outdoor stairwell landing.
Stay safe!
Just got all the hatches battened down. It’s pouring already. Looks like the eye might go directly over us if it holds together. Never seen that before. Take care cuz I bet we lose power at some point.
Yeah, losing power would suck. Making sure all PC’s, phones, and phone chargers are topped off.
Sitting around watching youtube with my boys. I was happy to find out their English reading comprehension is good enough to enjoy that misheard Soviet anthem. My oldest was almost in tears he was laughing so hard.
What Tej is referring to. Must listen and read,
That’s been rattling around in my head for a few days now. I even went through it with the original Romanized Russian lyrics and they look pretty close.
The number of pedestrians and vehicular traffic looks like 3am, not middle of Saturday.
That cracks me up. Exactly where I’d be crossing today at pretty much exactly this time if my company hadn’t called off work.
You could use it to live stream to the Glibs. Look for the guy in the top hat and monocle.
Fun idea. I’ll do that on Halloween. Already have the Glibs shirt.
Louisiana’s little league champs look like a Tide commercial.
Ha! But what a photo op.
This is not in my wheelhouse, but I love this:
Andy Rubin teases new Essential phone with ‘radically different’ form factor
Not sure what their target audience is. Most people consume media on their smart phones so they want large screens. This looks like a vape pen that doubles as a cell phone. Or a remote.
The only media I consume on my phone is books. If this thing could do that right, I’d be down. I am completely baffled by people viewing video on their phones. I don’t get it at all.
Same here. I don’t get it. I don’t even read books on mine. That’s what my Kindle is for.
Yeah I have a Kindle too and it is superior but I just got tired of carrying around multiple gadgets.
OK, that I get. Book reading is just something I typically do at home, so the Kindle is the easy choice. I can’t say I’ve never read some of a book on my phone. And I guess I’ve read plenty of newspaper and magazine articles on it.
I do *all* of my reading while commuting.
I’d love to, but Elon hasn’t made an auto-drive add-on package for my Silverado yet. ?
I’d buy one, phones are getting too damn big. If Apple isn’t going to give me a new iPhone 6se size phone this will do nicely.
You know, I’ve come full circle. I use my phone to text and email, a couple apps, and the rare phone call. Phones still–STILL–suck as browsers. I’m sitting at my mini-tower PC with three monitors and a soundbar that can set off my car alarm from here. Our new car is basically a smartphone with an engine. Why would I bother with a phone the size of a paperback?
Tomorrow I will vote in our federal election. In sure that my vote will forever brand me as a racist, misogynist, xenophobic bigot. And the candidate for whom I’m voting has no chance of winning.
** Kiff sigh
My contribution to the Saturday Night Party. I present to you the Stone Roses.
Too soon!
I have *never* been so impressed by a first album and so completely disappointed by a second album.
For reference, here is some Stone Roses that I think doesn’t suck.
Not my kind of music, but both of those links are killing it.
Try this one.
*boogies out as he folds laundry*
Hated it. That was the last song on the first album, which presaged them morphing from sixties pop into some trip-hop garbage I hate.
Sorry 🙂
My current playlist:
Breaking into Heaven; One Love; Fools Gold; Something Burning; Driving South; Begging You; Good Times; Love Spreads.
I’m guessing we don’t like the same version of Stone Roses.
They might as well have been two different bands.
Since your preferred version turned into my preferred version, I going to call that positive growth. 😉
Finally, a mention of “Love Spreads”!
I was getting worried.
“Love Spreads” is fantastic jam. As is “Fools Gold”.
Sorry Rhywun – you’ll hate our mix tapes.
They were a complete cluster fuck. It’s shocking that the first album was even made.
You’re right, though, it’s an amazing record.
A few years later they put out an EP of even earlier stuff that’s sooooo good.
And I find this one boring.
Oh well.
Woke AF
Kansas 13-year-old girl who pointed finger gun at classmates charged with a felony
Zero tolerance strikes again. My alma mater too.
Dude, what is going on over there in Johnson County?
And then the drugs fell out of her butt
“According to the Kansas City Star, the girl was having a discussion with a classmate who asked if she could kill five people in the room, who would they be.”
Where is THAT precious angel ?
[insert jpeg]
Nice. But I was expecting Gretta.
FMK is a criminal act now?
I hate the cuntes who called the cops for this childish bullshit and the cunte who’s prosecuting her. I point my finger rifle at all of them. If I could, I’d go to court and do it in front of god and everyone.
You know, the one with the finger that goes up.
Would this be the high-capacity hand with the fully-automatic assault fingers?
Nobody needs more than ten fingers.
Was it black?
Nothing like a little Rifle Sport to liven things up
The prosecutor should absolutely be run out of town on a rail.
The fact that every single parent in that school district is not outside the prosecutor’s office demanding their resignation is the reason that this happens. Because they work for us. And apparently we are just hunky-dory about having a 13 year old kid charged with a felony for kidding around like that.
And anyone who thinks that is a serious threat should be run out of town on the same rail with them. Nobody should have to live with people like that in the same city with them. What kind of dark heart do you have if you really would answer the question “who in here would you kill” with a serious kill list and immediately start prepping for the massacre to come? The fact that anyone thinks that is a felony threat is a sad commentary on the nature of some folk. The fact that it isn’t being met with holy hell is a stain on society as a whole.
A Kansas middle school girl who formed her fingers into a gun and pointed it at several of her classmates after another student asked her who would she would kill
“would”. Who doesn’t answer that question? “Would” as in “if murder were legal”. Total bullshit.
I thought that was OMWC’s shtick.
Too old
Yeah, there’s a wedding on the finger already in the video.
The only way the prosecutor (and cop, etc, but particularly prosecutor) is not both evil and insane is if the conversation went:
Kid 1: I really feel like killing some people. I’m gonna do it too!
Kid 2: Oh yeah? Which 5 people in this class would you kill……
Other than that very unlikely scenario….
That is a question designed to get the girl in trouble.
“Who would you kill?”
“blah blah blah”
“Teacher! Susie said she was gonna kill some people!”
And NBC carries the story without their usual insertion of opinion into news articles.
Not even a single “asserted, without evidence”…
C’mon guys. If you’r gonna do music links, give TJ and I some rain or typhoon/hurricane themed music. *No Scorps or Prince, please.
The first one that comes to mind involves Neil Young, and even I am not that cruel.
You’re like an anti-hurricane!
I spared him Neil Young, and you gave him Dylan?? Not cool, man. Not cool.
You’re both wrong.
But no hard feelings.
The classics/
I can’t stand CCR.
Mo! You….Not…Wha….I can’t even.
No, I’m with her, except for sweet hitchhiker and fortunate son. Oh, and Down on the corner. Nevermind the best one is
Dammit. Midnight Special.
Yeah, try this one at least.
Probably more appropos
A poor man’s version of Rush. And it’s still great.
Favorite REO song. I know, I’m weird.
REO Speedwagon. Favorite band of the first girl that tap danced on my heart. Fuck you for dredging that shit up.
*weeps quietly…*
Ha! I had a similar take…
I saw them sometime around 1983 or so…. I don’t even remember the particulars, other than it was a date that didn’t go the way I had hoped. I think it flipped hard to friend zone. Wow, that’s a long time ago….
My favorite Dylan song.
I have a buddy who plays it around the campfire.
Not exactly per request, but good times.
Neh. How about Sweet Green Fields?
Great minds, amirite?
Here you go, not a typhoon, but a storm
LOL Awesome.
As requested.
Summary: Grunter, Punter, Grunter, Cunte er, Cunte Licker, Perver.
Oops. Missed Rywun: True Rockers.
It ain’t monday, but it’s close.
Rocked a mullet in high school myself. Very proud of my yearbook picture today.
Here’s another from the same era.
That is not bad at all.
I forgot which one of you lot got me into them. But it all started here.
OK, this captures hard raother!in like no
Fuck, bad typing. Hard rain like no other.
Yeah, that’s the beer typoing!
Listening to Trump’s Minneapolis rally in another window. Perfect background music.
Someone has to do it.
Uh-oh, we have a winner! Thank you!
Yay!!! What’s my prize??
Here ya go.
Someone has to say it, I’m not your…
…bitch, Buddy?
Where does that meme come from, anyways?
South Park
The sky is a crying.
Thanks everyone, for not playing Riders on the Storm, GNR November rain, CCR Who’ll Stop the Rain, or that horrible Niel Young song alluded to upthread. Good job.
And thanks to TED S. for not playing any song about Mondays getting me down.
Karen Carpenter had the most perfect voice that ever voiced or ever will voice.
“The money’s in the basement.”
Karen Carpenter
This is absolutely true.
Earthier, maybe? Sexier? More relatable? I dunno.
Whatever the reason(s), the lower register songs proved to be the most popular/profitable.
I, personally, like “earthier” as an apt description.
That, what some rando on the internet said.
None of that changes the cheesiness of the fucking Mondays song.
Oh, here. Not the fucking Mondays song.
You’re not wrong. Love it.
That’s not Motley Crue.
I’ve been cheating on them with a bunch of bands tonight.
To paraphrase Karen Carpenter, your hate put me at the top of the world.
Just begging for some Jimmy Buffett aren’t ya?
If I had still been up, I would have given you this.
I’d have guessed you’d go for this cinema classic.
Are any of you Spider Robinson fans?
He’s OK. Interesting premises, but I remember rolling my eyes a lot when reading his stuff. Including at the end of his most famous story, Melancholy Elephants.
I’m thinking more the early Callahan books. I had an idea for a post/series of posts here and wondered if anyone here would be interested.
I’m thinking some pun/word play puzzles.
Admit it – you just want to write about banging fat chicks.
(that’s much of what I remember from Callhan’s – naked on the roof, in the rain, with a large lady)
I was actually thinking more the Riddle Night game from The Callahan Chronicles.
At least partly to annoy Swiss 🙂 Albrecht Gessler’s Riddle Post
Hey Zardoz, I would like a non-prescription supplement recommendation to help with anxiety or stress.
Kava Kava
I was going to go the 5-HTP route so thank you for verifying my decision.
Ditto on kava kava and valerian. Both are fast acting relief.
St John’s Wort (a mild SSRI without the bad side effects) and Dopa Mucuna (metabolizes to dopamine) can be very effective for long term management of stress, anxiety, and compulsive behavior.
Tincture of Malted Barley in Ethyl Alcohol
You’re poop.
Yeah, ethyl alcohol is my go-to. Works like a charm.
Black market xanax.
NATIV FLOWER CBC OG. THC 7.40% CBD 12.62%. I am 2 bong hits in and I’ve found the cure to your disease.
As far as I can tell it’s the only perk to living in California.
Yeah, and I can’t partake because of random tests.
If I’m on company time 24/7, then PAY ME for 24/7!
Apple Told Some Apple TV+ Show Developers Not To Anger China
I’m not convinced that their values were so far apart to begin with.
I’m not convinced that any company who does business in China has values any different.
When nothing’s on the line.
I have been inspired by all of this to take a stand!
“Women should not be beaten”
/looks away modestly, to allow the applause to run.
Next, they’ll claim he’s doing a better job than Jobs of running apple.
It’s always just one bad apple.
We Can Be Heroes: Superhero Fans Take Up the Fight for Suicide Prevention
Superhero nerds my God.
If some dork in spandex showed up to talk to teenage me about depression I’d have offed myself just to show my displeasure.
It’s almost as if these dumbfucks know absolutely nothing about suicide.
? Teenage suicide… don’t do it! ?
Big Fun!
Teenage suicide a gateway to adult scuicide
Robert Forster, Resurgent Oscar Nominee From ‘Jackie Brown,’ Dies at 78
He was fantastic in everything, even the shit.
Shit. From my hometown, and with the aaaaaccent to prove it. RIP!
Aw man…..he was great in Jackie Brown and Confidence
“Forster said that when his career was at its lowest ebb, he had what he called an “epiphany.”
“It was the simple one,” he said, “when you realize, ‘You know what? You’re not dead yet, Bob. You can win it in the late innings. You’ve still got the late innings, but you can’t quit. Never quit.’ ”
Fuckin-A. RIP.
Cannot believe noone put up THE greatest of roles…
I kind of enjoyed that movie.
PLINK!! Man, you bet you liked it!
I remember it advertising itself as being so much more technically sophisticated than Star Wars.
With 100% less Force!
But plenty of firepower
I will give them props for an “interesting” laser pistol design.
We should’ve told Turkey that, “If you cross into Syria and harm one hair of a Kurdish head who help us destroyed ISIS, you’ll be taking the United States on.”
That’s a low bar for going to war with Turkey.
If we seize the Dardanelles we can REALLY piss off Russia.
Dardanelles is the name of Lindsey’s pool boy.
New Jersey man jailed for allegedly threatening farmers who denied him sex with their animals
Three thoughts:
– as the one Troo libertarian I don’t believe in age limits.
– as much I as I don’t like pederasts this man gets an A for effort and should be allowed to at least suck a teen toe.
everything is wrong with this link.
Graham is gonna murder some assholes. Shocker!
In 2012 the great William Friedkin had the perfect take on both superhero movies and the voting public.
Pretty much with him, except I never liked comic books to begin with.
Ronan Farrow Stands By His Reporting On NBC’s ‘Corrosive’ Secrecy Around Sexual Abuse
She was getting her blood changed again.
Good news! Another four years worth of links for Glibs to snark at.
*and he’s the best of the lot running
**currently on paid vacation in Denmark, along with a bunch of others
So many activists and organizers to choose from – oh my!
Good luck Portland. You’re going to need it.
New Jersey man jailed for allegedly threatening farmers who denied him sex with their animals
Kink shaming is real, yalls.
I’m making a meme of this:
You do you.
I’ll do me, and right now what me is doing is judging you. And boy is it going badly for you.
You have to exploit an image to make it a meme. JEEEEEZ DAD.
Ok, where is that disapproving cat from earlier.
“allegedly found explosives, an unregistered gun and tire spikes.”
On one hand, the guy wants to bang farm animals. On the other hand, he sounds like he might be a blast to hang out with. I say let him plead to a misdemeanor and let him serve a couple of months of weekends.
OK, JIm Butcher gets points.
Nicely done.
OK I just watched El Camino, 5/10 it finished the tale, but left out a lot, still a good movie,
Good night, all! Glibs in Japan, be safe and… powerful!
Night, GT. We’ll be fine or wet.
Blacks and Asians are Stupid.
I’m goi going to guess their is a high socialism/social justice component to these rankings.
There’s a book called The Tyranny of Metrics went into detail about how a lot of these rankings have bias built right into them. For instance, a lot of healthcare rankings award points for “financial fairness”, which is the degree to which every single citizen pays the same amount for healthcare regardless of use. Actual health outcomes could be outweighed if it’s “equal”.
Rewatching Fellowship of the Ring for the first time in probably years. The last time I watched I was getting trashed with a friend and banging afterward. Not as much fun this time, but at least it’s not the extended version.
I don’t know whether that intro does the series much credit. Halfway into this dumb film, I’ve already forgotten all that bullshit. And I’m a big fan! I stop this stupid movie every couple minutes to google some dumb shit about the valar or istari or Iluvatar, or why did Sauron release Gollum after torturing him to get the whereabouts of the Ring? How did Strider fight off the ringwraiths on Weathertop? How’d Hugo Weaving heal Frodo? Why’s Hugo Weaving so weird looking, but sympathetic? Is it his unnaturally prominent eyes? Who’d win in a fight, Agent Smith or Elrond? Why didn’t they sail the ring west to Valinor?
Mostly the answer is: it’s in the book, you half-literate scrub.
I got the impression that the movies were made specifically for people who had the books memorized.
I haven’t read the books. Loved the movies.
You two are dead to me.
Why the hate, Gustave?
People here think Jaws is a good movie. We must forgive the Philistines.
Is this your shirt? https://shop.tastelessgentlemen.com/products/the-mayor-from-jaws?variant=12425598959713
I re-read The Fellowship every few years right about this time of year. Makes me ponder the waning season.
Haven’t read it in years, but loved it. Don’t think I would know. And yes, CS, you should read Moby Dick.
I love the films. I wish I were more familiar with the books. But it’s like saying I should read Moby Dick someday, it might not happen.
I’m mostly in it for the musical stings.
Why does Gandalf know about the fate of Moria, but Gimli doesn’t?
Boromir is without a doubt the most tragic character of the films. He’s played by Sean Bean, the most actoring of tragic characters there is.
How does Gollum get into the mines after the watcher destroys the entrance?
Gandalf’s pitiful light is stupidly powerful in the great halls of Moria.
Also, is Balin’s tomb lit by daylight? I expect that’s the idea from the films, but that is… so stupid. They’re miles underground, right? Did the dwarf tombmakers find the one recess in the reaches of middle earth where the light of sun would not only evidence itself, feebly, that far underground, but shine like… well, like a stage light?
And weren’t they harassed into that tomb by orcs? That’s what Gandalf read. So… did they build a tomb for Balin while they were fighting off the orcs? Am I reading this wrong?
What’s up with the well in Balin’s tomb? What purpose would that serve?
You must be a treat to watch movies with.
I really like these films. I expect they’re the last gasp of Christian civilization, dumb as I am to recommend them as such. I think they’re institutional in that sense. Existential, even.
But there’s only so much I can explain away.
Why do the orcs not just murder the dumb hobbits?
Gandalf’s fall is still dearly affecting.
I don’t know much about the books, but in this case I think I’m okay to comment. Gandalf vs the Balrog is a tipping point. The balrog (just *a* balrog, afaik) is drawn to the ring. The duel on the bridge of Khazad-dûm is the focal point of the books. This is where it’s clear that Sauron is in control, and even his deepest delving, furthest hiding minions are drawn out.
And the stupid bridge of Khazad-dûm makes NO FUCKING SENSE.
Saw each movie once. Never read the books. That’s where I sit, no motivation to change that stance. I knew enough of the books to know they did credit; but mostly I just watched them because I was a fan of Peter Jackson’s prior work.
Et tu?
I read Bored of the Rings. Does that count?
/breakfast of salves and unguents
I know it was something that should have interested me, but I just never gave a shit. Kingship and unbeatable foes who get beat with ‘this one weird trick’ aren’t the parts of ‘fantasy’ that I like.
#2 will surprise you!
Galadriel, come to bring Frodo into the fold… goodness, this is a scene. Things that were… things that are… and some things that have not come to pass. And the end of it. She chooses not the burden of the ring.
Fuck, this is great.
You’re not wrong.
+2! Imagine if us geezers had YouTube back in the long ago. We wouldn’t be so busy burning up the planet and crushing dreams because we’d still be living in Mom’s basement. Jesus, all we had were fan-zines, maybe a good radio station and our older siblings to guide us musically.
She has a great voice. Mahalo for the treat.
Damn. This is getting a tad more serious.
Yikes! Stay safe, Straff!
How far from you is that?
Chiba? About 100 km, I’d guess.
An hour’s drive. Not cool!
LOL. I’m on the other side of Tokyo. It would take about 3, 4 hours.
I was talking civilized driving distance, not ant farm.
I’m not sure I’d hang out at the beach today
Surf’s up.
No, really–the surf is waaaay up!
I’ve seen Godzilla do worse.
Fair enuff.
Oh no, there goes Tokyo. Go go Godzilla!
I think politics is finally breaking my brain. Trump pulling out of Syria is somehow a Wag The Dog make war to win an election. It’s ok to endlessly investigate the sitting president looking for a reason to impeach, but don’t you dare investigate anyone else. Everything is racist. everything is sexist. I’m, I don’t even know. Everything is just starting to turn into Charlie Brown’s teacher.
I don’t like Trump, but they keep putting me on his side of these arguments. Fucksake.
“Society” is definitely broken in some way that is slightly terrifying, Trump or no Trump. I have a very high tolerance for bullshit and I’m very close to checking out for awhile, for sanity’s sake.
Killing Joke
I’m much more of a Mark Hamill fan.
Man, if you dislike Trump….
If you hate everyone, eventually, you are the side of someone…
Same here.
I am blaming Gender Traitor for the current wetness of my cheeks.
Mo, I am glad you specified that.
/for the most part…
Yeah…just putting that…I’m a bad person…
I need to not talk to you people late at night or else just engage DIRTY MODE when doing so.
It’s not like you don’t know what you’re getting into.
Congrats, Mo–you have the local animator/auteur AND the local dunce cracking sexual jokes on your behalf.
You have finally arrived!
*takes a bow*
*runs and hides*
::checks selection::
You minx…. ?
Her presence in that video is rather unfortunate. Sing and let me watch the matador and the effing bullfight.
Her presence
in that videois rather unfortunate.I find this statement is usually true. Her voice notwithstanding…
I also approve of a man in a cape stabbing things.
My husband got me this for my birthday. My only celebrity crush.
I have a crap-ton of matador stuff. Also, I wrote a matador book.
You don’t say….
HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! I did not even know he posted that.
That’s not Nikki Sixx.
No. No it’s not.
Have I collapsed your entire view of me?
There, there.
A much safer and soothing and not as sexist Matador, from Minny-Soda.
That’s a very nice song.
Yeah, I kind of side-eyed “wetness of cheeks” but decided after fervent prayer and solemn vows to not go there. Naw, I just thought it was a wiffle ball…
Where there’s a wiffle ball, there’s a wiffle bat…
You don’t have children Diggy? The whiffle bat is always confiscated but somehow the whiffle ball abides…
Like them, but, don’t want to be responsible for them.
Merely a jest, Good Sirrah! I never spawned kidlets of my own but did help to raise a passel of step-children. All of the joy and anguish of Fatherhood without the genetic imprint. “You’re not my Dad!” never gets old.
Ouch. Sorry.
Yes, diito on the “sorry”
BTW, I didn’t take your question as anything other than clarification/seeking info.
Look, guys, I’m all tearing up over here about melancholy music and you expect me to switch directly to double entendre mode?
Get with the program. I’m pretty sure it was spelled out in no uncertain terms during the re-programming protocals when you signed up for the Glibertariat.
So what are you gonna do? Spank m–
Never mind.
:puts away wiffle bat::
Finally some libertarian lesbian video.
A belated “You’re welcome.” And yeah…ya kinda did walk right into the ensuing stuff. Your own fault – you’ve “met” them in the online sense. ; )
The End Times are truly nigh when Matt Taibbi is a voice of reason.
He’s always been one of the not-stupid ones.
Brennan, Clapper, Mueller, Comey and the rest should have their heads on pikes on the North Lawn when Trump does his bully-boy press conferences. Pour encourager les autres.
Reading – ok, skimming – that really impressed upon me the magnitude of whatever the hell is really going on here. It’s all been careening by so fast and furious that no sane person can keep track. The endless names just go in one ear and out the other.
*goes into fugue state* “This is my design.”
Oops, I read the comments. Are there really people that think Trump is some kind of mastermind controlling a large evil empire? He seems to be more of a narcissist who read the resentment of a section of the population which felt marginalized by the current direction our society has been moving in.
He’s *so* evil and mastermindful that he gives you the impression that he isn’t.
He’s either a wolf wearing the skin of another wolf or the village idiot. Choose one.
Yes! This is the way both extremes see him.
“He’s so evil he has a rebuttal to all of our claims. Because he’s an evil genius! But he’s too stoopid to do anything right!”
“He’s playing 64 dimensional chess. I wish he wouldn’t tweet all that weird stuff; but he meant to do that!”
That’s quite the read. Perhaps the best thing would be if a coup occurred, nothing changed in people’s everyday life and they realized they didn’t need the overlords in DC. Not gonna happen, but would be nice.
The thing about this that is amazing is how quickly people’s version of reality can shift.
Back in the fall of 2016 Trump was insane for suggesting that his phones were tapped. Within a few months we learned that it wasn’t insane, it was the US government. And nobody raised an eyebrow.
Remember, every single news agency and analyst told us the same thing – that 17 different government agencies had verified that Trump was colluding with the Russians. They had the tapes of the conversations – but it was so super-secret that they couldn’t release it. But it was for absolute certain.
$30 million later…. Uh, so… about that …. it never happened.
And nobody batted an eyelash. They were just disappointed that they didn’t get him.
And now here we are. Once we learned that Obama’s FBI had been spying on an opposition candidate, that should have been the end. The media should have turned on them and the nation should have been out for blood. The justification was also enough to condemn everyone involved…. “We have intel that Russia is trying to infiltrate the Trump campaign…… So we are not going to tell Trump anything, we are going to spy on them and try to set some underlings up for process crimes so we can have leverage to use them as spies on the inside. And we are going to send informants/spies to infiltrate the campaign…” That’s what we in the biz call “a tell”.
And one more thing about the “Pravda” version of media we have today: Has any reporter ever asked Obama if he knew that the FBI was spying on the Trump campaign? I mean, we know he did.. there’ s no way a snake like Comey did something like that without direct presidential approval. But has anyone even asked? Has anyone even asked him to justify the decision to spy on Trump instead of informing the campaign of the threat? Because that certainly seems like a question worth asking.
Nope. I get why people are outraged by this conduct but it doesn’t excuse Don Juane from stepping on his own dick. It is infuriating to watch the main-stream carry water for a political party without asking themselves why they continue to do so. The Left has turned into every nightmare that we used to hide under our sheets and tremble about when Saint Ronnie was in power. Police state? Restrictions on speech? War-boner? Fuck them and fuck the horse that they rode in on.
His voice ain’t half bad.
You’re right. That ain’t half bad. Not at all.
He does a pretty good job on those.
I admit to digging on the Dr. Trump song.
Holy shit! That was like the big reveal in “High Fidelity” back when I didn’t know who Jack Black was. Good pipes!
I mean, he sounds as good as any top 40 singer, but that doesn’t mean its good; and the song has no hook. Good production value though. He’s a douche, so in the end, it doesn’t really matter.
Singing douche?
Two in a row, you’re on a roll.
That verbose arsehole has no shame. If he trained so hard in the “Theatre Arts” he should be able to hold a key longer than a toddler’s ice cream cone when confronted with a hungry Boxer.
I have a theater minor and don’t know shit about music, not everything in theater is musicals, homophobe.
No homophobe! I cracked a jest at Stephan being as tone-deaf as I am seeing as my education consisted of chain-saws.
I could not tolerate five seconds of that. Not my thing.
Damn==tough crowd for Crowder….
I try to give props even to styles I don’t like. It’s not going on my 8 track.
It’s not the music or whatever – I skipped around the whole thing. It’s shouty radio personalities I don’t know from Adam. It’s just a genre I can’t stand.
Reel-to-reel? I remember those audio snobs. They all shut up for a few years when CDs came out and then they were suddenly all about the integrity of the vinyl recordings. Hipsters before the term existed.
“They were better before they went big!”
“You need to hear the boot-leg stuff before you can fully appreciate them as a band…” Kill me now.
You people make me spend money on music. :P~~~
Is that a fill in the blank? Because, guess what…
I am old. That bit of ASCII art is a razberry.
Damn, I wish I still had a link to that ASCII animated adult scene from back in the day…It was a lot more detailed than that….Not that I’m a perv, I’m just…What’s that over there!? *runs away*
Uh…huh. Quite an online history you’ve had,
First used DOS on an IBM in 1986.
First used a Mac in 1987.
For YEARS I did not know there was any difference between a PC and a Mac. I could use them interchangeably. This kind did this thing. That kind did that thing. It made absolutely NO difference to me. I knew what to do on each of them.
I was a temp for many years. It was the perfect job for me because I left before I got bored or they got tired of me. Got to put another skill on my set. I could be placed just about anywhere and do most of the admin jobs they had in their database.
I learned Pagemaker on a Mac. I ended up going to a place with Pagemaker for PC. I didn’t know the difference. Didn’t care.
I learned Photoshop on a PC. I took classes in Illustrator on a Mac. By that time I knew the difference. Still didn’t care.
I zero problem with either but I now I despise Apple. I even have a Mac. I use it for one thing and one thing only (uploading ebooks to iBooks). I didn’t buy it. I inherited it from the godfather of self-publishing, but that is neither here nor there.
So then we come to email. 1998.
Navigator. 1998.
IRC. 1999.
Usenet and List-servs. 1999.
Google, this brand new thing, 2000.
This is probably not as impressive as most of the Glibs, but I have indeed been around a while.
You’re a Hinh sock?
*bottom lip trembles*
Other than hurting my feelings, I have no idea what that means. LOL
He was always ranting about how he’d been around for so long that he’d used some obscure site. Wish I could remember what he had said. It was beautifully insane.
Found behind a teen-ager’s bed?
There are things back in the day I wish were still widely used. I loved Usenet and IRC. So simple, so tidy to use.
I still have utilities I’ve ported from before Win 3.x that I still use. My desktop is the Win 3.x green rivets.
Your green rivets just further damaged my drunken brain.
I learned to program Fortran back when it was still Threetran.
Tamagawa is about ready to burst. May be able to swim over to your house.
My brother taught himself all those languages. I think he got his first real job because he knew Assembler.
Fortran was just a support skill to my main skill-set in design. It really sucked to have put in so much effort just to see it become obsolete. Pissed me off enough to give up on programming in any language.
The Devil made me do it
*le sigh* Man, that brings back memories.
Me too. First had the album in college thanks to my roommate. At first I thought they ripped off Adam Ant’s look and the chorus to the title track is silly. That changed to I really like this album. I wonder what’s next.
I was actually introduced to them before Shout at the Devil. My bestie had their EP Too Fast for Love.
Too Fast for Love
I do not mind when my kids put music in the family music library but DAMMIT why can’t they conform to my naming convention???
You DO mean the music, right? NOT the kids…?
I never got to name a kid so I go to town naming my pets. They don’t seem to mind because they know that I’ll be good eats when I keel over.
What is your convention?
Sorry, couldn’t resist – https://youtu.be/j1hVY7bmqsA
They are world class. This cannot be disputed.
(Firstname Lastname) Song Title
Then I have my folder system.
I port this folder system across the family server and my phone.
I’m a luddite. I was expecting a giant CD tower.
Since you can find all of your music in your system, does it matter where the kids put theirs? It seems like the worst thing that happens is they can’t find it.
It matters only when they put it in the family server for the family to use.
I don’t care where they put it in their own system. Don’t put it on the family server without a) telling me it’s there and b) naming the files correctly.
How I organize
classical music
This is tiring. How bad is it to work in the Trump administration?
As a rule I condemn police brutality. Here I would applaud it.
Jeez, she’s 81 already. Time to hang up the political activist boots and graduate to sage and advisor. Unfortunately, it’s difficult doing either when your entire political career was based on feelz rather than reason and knowledge.
More cops than protesters. “Winning”
Boy, when Jane Fonda starts looking worse than Lily Tomlin….
Anyone else notice we’re TPTB-free tonight? Take advantage.
Of whom?
…unzips…passes out…wakes up to a rape allegation from someone I’ve never met *Shrugs Palms Up As Theme Song Plays*
Theme song plays
You can count on me!
That was good.
It does have a certain symmetry with that scenario.
The ban hammer is not constrained by time or space.
+1 ‘Pre-banned, for your convenience’
Nothing could go wrong with this.
“The only reason California is so expensive is because you “freedom lovers” insist on suing the government, instead of letting them do as they please. Your “liberty over safety” attitude is what’s costing us!”
There’s a face begging for a punch.
“How to put a coif on a douche, in 3 easy steps”
1984 is the new 2019.
Time to invest in Nevada based self-storage companies.
Excellent point!
I have actually considered the feasibility of setting up a firearms centric storage service in Las Vegas. Have everything from safe deposit boxes to a similar gun-safes-on-rollers set up where the renters have control of what they put in their “containers”. I’m sure there are plenty of people in the PRK and other gun-ban states who would like someplace to store their possessions until they are able to flee to some other state. It would also be useful for expats like myself.
Send me your prospectus.
The main issues I would have to answer are how we might be able to offer a “pick up and transport” service. That would broaden the market way beyond those who can bring their stuff by themselves. Not sure how the laws apply when we are taking possession without taking ownership – not even sure if that is legally possible (is this the same as a moving company transporting possessions for a client or do federal firearms laws come into play?).
There has been a great hollowing out of the middle class in California. Unsurprisingly, Nevada is one of the top destinations.
Lords and serfs. I remember when California was the place where dreams came true for struggling entertainers and fruit-pickers alike. Now they’ve just shit the bed and let Maria deal with the mess.
And they’re turning the state blue. 🙁
Night all.
Night Mojy! I’ll crack another beer in your honor!
Howdy all. Stuck at work, vaping OG Kush in the bathroom and trying to catch up on the thread.
Apropos of nothing, my random playlist just served up a double shot of spoken word stuff – William S. Burroughs followed by Jello Biafra. For 2 fellas I loved as a youth, they sure are crackpots when heard now.
Heh. Mind the bosses–so that they neither discipline you, or, try to share.
Never meet and or read accurate accounts of you personal heroes. This is known.
Having a nice night, then?
It sounds kinda half-n-half, but, that’s l0’s call
Japan is being punished for climate change sins.
*lefty brain* Payback for Nanking!
So much for the Japanese being smarter than Americans.
Looks like the eye of the typhoon is just about to hit Tokyo.
Being just east of Tokyo proper it seems the worst of the rain just went past where I live without dropping a lot of rain here. Now it’s just waiting for the high winds they are predicting for the evening.
Safety first, Tej! Hope you and yours escape any damage or inconvenience.
Beto O’rourke mendacious piece of shit part eleventy.
Beto is a cunte of the first order but that tax-free status for religious institutions needs to go bye-bye.
As long as it’s accompanied by an equal tax reduction.
Like, down to .05%
Just treat them like any other corporate entity.
Mostly , they aren’t (the legitimate ones ). They are charities, with additional facets of a social nature, that you don’t get with a straight-forward charity
Now, ‘corporate’ being a conglomeration of people as opposed to specifically a business, is what I’m going for.
Corporations are people too!
This girl charms and amuses me https://youtu.be/QFPvM5Qu-WE
I wanted to chase most, if not all, of the people in her videos with a claw hammer.
Just chase?
(Backs off slowly)
In my defense, it was only menacing…Festus is the one who escalated.
/how’s that bus, Festus?
Merely a jest. I am actually a gentle man.
They ought to be struck with a whiffle bat.
Hey y’all! Hayeksplosives in the house?!
How are things??
Going late!
Apparently ?!!
But having fun?? That is the real question!!!
Moreso now. Got some writing done, so…you know.
Yay’! The small victories
Mmm….remains to be seen if I can call it a “victory”, but, I’m still proud. 🙂
Pretty damn good! Got off work at 2 AM, now I’m drinking a Gamma Bomb IPA and thinking about what I want to do this weekend. Definitely making ribs tomorrow night.
Oooh…dinner at Akira’s!! I’m doing filets (they need to be cooked really soon).
Noice!! All I made yesterday was lovely bone broth in the instant pot from about a dozen chicken wing bones from a local bbq, garlic wing bones with rosemary from the yard plus celery and onion on hand.
Dang! We got some cooking going on around here!
I’m apparently stuttering chicken wing bones…
Next week, beef bones from the Asian market
Sweet! Nothing beats homemade broth and stock.
I bought a whole chicken from the meat market. Gonna cut off the breasts and legs for fried chicken, then make the carcass into stock for my stew of home-smoked ham, cabbage, sauerkraut, beans, and potatoes (yea, it’s gonna turn me into a damn fart generator for the next week, but it will be a cozy autumn stew).
A fartin’ horse is a happy horse!
Pretty much ok but I did manage to drop a pound of bacon on my big toe whilst digging in the freezer. It will leave a mark but I’ll have my revenge tomorrow.
Good for him. Still, not quite the same as a “real” marathon.
Terribly racist joke from my childhood – What does a Kawasaki say when you kick start it? Ruuuun, Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga! (Roots era humor and I apologize.)
Last again. #cancelfestus.
Nah. I just got home from work. Trying keep the kids to a full roar, so as not to wake wifey on the only day of the week she gets to sleep in. Prepping pancakes. Chocolate and peanut butter chips for the kids, plain for the missus, and blueberry for me.
I sma happy. Slightly buzzed, camper tonight.
Had a good long chat with a dear friend.
Sometimes people do lick ass. In a good way…
I am a happy camper, and kick ass.
Geez. Autocorrect is a perv.
Meh… works fine either way.
Kinda does…
Mornin’, hay! I gather you’re up “still” rather than “already.”
Yeah, mostly still. Fits and starts.
Are you on Eastern yime?
Yup. Up at 6 a.m. EDT weekdays, so I tend to stir about the same time on weekends unless I’ve stayed up WAY later than usual. And I tend to run out of gas pretty early on Friday nights.
At the moment, waiting for it to be light enough – and figure out if it’s warm enough – to do my usual back porch all-morning Indolence & Sloth Fest.
Hay, do I recall correctly you said your Meyers-Briggs “type” is ENTJ? I’m exact opposite – ISFP, though the “S” part wasn’t pronounced – almost an even split. First hubby had me do the test soon after we met.
….aaaaaand she’s out. Pleasant dreams, hay! : )
Greatest John-O EVER!
Any of the Japan contingent about? What little I’ve seen of that impending typhoon looked “problematic.”
Tej and Straff were seen above. Godspeed, Gaijin!