Me: /walks in front door
SP: You’re back just in time.
Me: In time for what?
SP: In time for me to not burn down the house. This has been the longest week of my life.
Me: Speaking of the longest anything in your life…
Birthdays today include a very nice guy; a very nutty guy; a guy who inspired me; and someone I never heard of who has a great name. And after that… news.
Wow, soon I’ll be able to get shitty fast food!
Molon labe, slavers. No way this would survive a constitutional challenge.
I have some issues with this research.
Isn’t it great that Trump pulled our troops out of Syri…. uhhhhh…. fuck that guy.
Oops. Well, omelets, eggs, you know.
Old Guy Music today is something I just couldn’t resist. The Pride of Frederick County.
“The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) opposed the bill, saying it “poses a significant threat to civil liberties” because a restraining order can be sought before a gun owner has an opportunity to dispute the request.”
And because firearm ownership is a civil right, ACLU?
“California adopts nation’s broadest gun seizure laws”
Flip Wilson said, in one of his skits “You don’t know what you can get away with until you try”
Newsom is not funny like Flip but still he is trying to get away with some things
Heh. Oh, you.
You know a gun control law is awful when even the ACLU doesn’t like it.
FTA it sounds like they dont like it on due process sounds, not gun rights grounds.
“What are these gun rights of which you speak?”
SP: In time for me to not burn down the house. This has been the longest week of my life.
The days Dad had to take the car to the dealership to get serviced and left me alone to take care of Mom for half a day were the most stressful ones. 🙁
“longest week of my life”
Every day of my first marriage
Your wife agrees, but even more so
Ah, the famed Minnesoda Nice.
Oh, Mom very likely suffered from an undiagnosed mental illness long before she was diagnosed with dementia. So she was stressful to be around even before the dementia.
If California banned private prisons, it was because the prison guards union wanted them to. No other reason.
Exactly. But “get rid of for-profit prisons” sounds like a virtuous mantra. When I say, “How about we put lots fewer people in cages by getting rid of lots of laws?” the long knives emerge.
The union was the key proponent of Three Strikes back in the day.
I look forward to mandatory minimums for plastic straws in public.
Dayum, OMWC! That song kicks ass, but it’s pretty daggone intense before I’ve had my second cuppa coffee.
Another intense kick-ass song
See, tunes like this in the morning, you don’t need coffee.
/smiles as he pounds his third cup
Why would I want a plant based burger? I want a meat-based bun.
This is on my short list of new recipes to try.
We’ve made pizza crusts with thin pressed meatloaf mix (beef/pork/veal). They are wholly delicious. The crust gets a nice crispy fond on the bottom and, while overcooked for meat, makes an excellent delivery substrate for the toppings.
Vegan’s eat my food’s food.
That’s upsetting to me.
Vegan’s what eat your food’s food?
Vegans eat my food’s food.
Ted to the apostrophe rescue.
Pulled pork between slices of meatloaf? Yeah, I’ve done that.
Did Triggsy just out himself as a gay chubby chaser?
Heh. Yep, walked right into that one. Lay it on me, boys!… Wait, I did it again, shit!
Slices of meatloaf also make most excellent ‘slices of bread’ into which one may make egg-in-the-hole/one-eyed-jacks.
I can’t tell if those are euphemisms or a way to prepare eggs that I’ve never heard of. Both?
Wait, you’ve never heard of egg in the hole? Take a slice of bread, cut a hole in the middle, put it in a pan, crack an egg into it, and when well cooked shove it up your anus while riding your sex partner bareback.
We call that a Toad in the Hole here. (And you ride you sex partner reverse style)
We make Scott Rea’s toad-in-the-hole on a fairly regular basis. It’s quite yummy.
I’ve obviously led a very sheltered life, when I thought farm boys knew everything
So, a pre-shower kinda breakast.
If you’re a clean-freak, I guess.
Hey, egg in the hole infections are no yolk!
After reading SP’s welcome home greeting I thought some Talking Heads would have been appropriate.
That was for GT…swinging and missing right out of the gate! I need coffee.
I’ll see your Talking Heads and raise you the best damn singer to come out of Tupelo, MS.
I liked the tune, though.
Just spitballing here, but maybe if he couldn’t last 15 minutes without power, you might have considered some sort of contingency plan.
I’d like to see her medical degree.
Ogan said the man’s oxygen equipment required power, but could not say whether the shutdown was related to his death.
Hey Firemen can be mendacious shitheads too!
And one bisexual man said he had an non-pleasurable orgasm after pressure was put on him socially by a woman.
He said: ‘I wasn’t really attracted to her, but I was in a dry spell and she came onto me.
‘She made me feel pressured because she eventually started crying and asked why I couldn’t orgasm.
‘That really killed the mood, not a good experience. [The orgasm was] much less pleasurable. More like relief than pleasure.’
Dear Abby-
My life is not a fairy tale. What a gyp. Help me.
Whatever man… you nutted.
Oh puhleaze. Everybody has had that time when they’re just like “let’s get this over with, I’m not feeling it anymore”
This is why people need to shut the hell up about sex. They’re fucking drama queens.
‘Partners who are coerced into sex, have consensual but unwanted relations, or felt pressured to orgasm may not enjoy it all, they found.’
So after conducting a study they discover what long term couples have known since the invention of relationships. Time and money well spent
I’d tell him to fcuk himself but he would probably complain about that too.
Mexican Sharpshooter is in a real pickle.
I work at a university. I have those moments every day.
Letters to the Local Rag: Shine On You Crazy Diamond
At least she’s not posting an outraged screed based on a misunderstanding of what the Jolson version is about.
Yeah, that was one the least absurd LttLR he’s ever shared. I mean, Neil Diamond is cheesy as all get out but in comparison to some of the other things I’ve read from LttLR that’s downright sane.
Cut me some slack, it’s hard to maintain full-blown derangement all the time.
You suffer for your art. Taking a break once in a while to maintain sanity is understandable.
If it’s any consolation, that article got these skits stuck in my head, which is it’s own type of derp.
Yep, that’s a perfectly cromulent sentiment.
No way this would survive a constitutional challenge.
Something something reasonable restrictions, public safeties.
Letters to the Local Rag: Free Advice for a Dollar
aka: “Why won’t you people shut up when I’m trying to tell you about my cats?”
“Yeah but wait’ll you hear what happened to me”
Would you like to improve your relationships with neighbors and friends?
A psychotherapist explains why some adults are reacting badly to young climate strikers
I read that as “afflicted with”.
Methinks you may not be the most unbiased.
Also, “as an academic and psychotherapist” means just as much as saying “as a random drunken asshole” to me, except that I may actually like the RDA
Some lurker needs to man up and start posting under the handle RDA. it’s too good not be in use around here.
Uffda. I’m out of the loop I guess. What the fuck is an RDA?
Random Drunken Asshole, from the Secret Nazi President cartoons.
Naked appeals to emotion are to be celebrated.
Does she study how parents and other authority figures are trying to turn the kids neurotic by using the so-called “climate crisis”?
Of course. I’m certain she provides advice on how to best do it.
I find these children inspiring. – because you are a very stupid person?
I know several people who are academics and psychotherapists. I would much rather take advice from an RDA.
She is clearly ignoring the mental manipulation and abuse of children for her politics. I would not use her, and she ought to have her license revoked.
Because the whole thing is retarded?
“California has outperformed the rest of the nation, because of our gun safety laws, in reducing the gun murder rate substantially compared to the national reduction,” Newsom said as he signed the measures surrounded by state lawmakers. “No state does it as well or comprehensively as the state of California, and we still have a long way to go.”
The sooner that shithole falls into the sea, the better.
Besides being utter horseshit.
I thought California has above average violent crime rate for the US
Yes, but it’s less of an outlier now, which means gun control is “working”
They benefit from the fact that shootings in Compton only count as 3/5 of a crime.
If you start out with many times the crime of your neighbors, bringing the numbers down to simply much higher than your neighbors qualifies as a greater reduction. It’s like the old story about Anchorage Alaska, which supposedly could not meet EPA requirements for removal of various contaminants from its water, because the requirement was phrased as a required percentage removed and the water being largely glacial melt was too pure. (no idea if that story is true, but it is a great patable either way)
California is a beautiful, varied, amazing place. The problem is not California. The problem is Californians.
I’m a 4th generation Californian. The problem is with the imported Californians, and I don’t necessarily mean immigrants from other countries.
SO being autumn and all an old Romanian tradition is to drink “must”. What is it you ask? Basically grape juice. But it is the kind of grape juice that is a precursor to wine. We have a different term for grape juice that you buy year round in stores. The tradition is to bring wine presses in the city and grapes and just squeeze em on the spot for customers. I don’t like it as it it excessively sweet, but it is a thing. Usually small pop-up fair spring up next to the must. Grills, large pots of mutton stew,fruit, sweets, bread, cheese and usually toys and knick-knacks – usually Chinese crap.
Huge bread and mutton stew
Bread looks good, hopefully crispy on the outside. Reminds me of real French bread made in France.
Austria has the same tradition of drinking grape juice just before it is made into wine. I can’t remember the German word for it. I had a glass on my last trip to Vienna. I liked it.
The traditional thing to eat is pastrama, which is a cheap cut of mutton which has been packed in salt and some condiments for a while, then rinsed of the salt and grilled. It is still usually rather tough and salty, but not old boot consistency if it is a good one and can have decent flavor. Recently pastrama was made from pricier cuts like mutton tenderloin, but this is seen as by some as a great delicacy and by others not real pastrama. Traditionally the choice cuts were eaten fresh and the cheap cuts packed in salt to preserve. It is traditionally eaten with mamaliga and mujdei de usturoi .
That was one of the fun parts of working the vendange in the Rhone Valley: lots of sampling of the freshly-pressed juice. Amazingly, the viognier juice had all of the wonderful aromatics of the finished Condrieu wines.
Better than drinking musth.
Interesting. I thought must was when you were about to get an Elephant up your ass? Now you claim it is baptist communion wine. I wonder if there is a correlation? Baptists are often republican and sexually frustrated…
Uffda. When is this Global Warming thing going to start? Sure, sure, sure, the recent snow storm in Minnesoda that dumped snow at my parents’ house and close interstates in Fargo is just weather and doesn’t mean anything. But snow on Oct 12th?
I dunno it is beautifully sunny outside with a light breeze and around 70 of your silly american degreese here. Then again October is probably the best month in Bucharest, warm and dry and sunny not to hot not to cold.
We have the windows open here at the trash can. 55 degrees going up to 70 this afternoon with nary a cloud in the sky. Ideal autumnal weather.
No word from MikeS this morning?
Doing fine. Never lost power, so that was nice. Now to dig out from 14(?)-ish inches of the wettest, heaviest snow I ever remember seeing.
Good to hear you have power.
I suggest a flamethrower for the snow.
Fuck it. It’s supposed to warm up next week. Let it melt.
That was supposed to be the plan here. Then my dad just went out and shoveled anyhow. I think he just wanted out of the house for a bit.
How much snow did you get?
Probably about 3-4″ here. Most of the roads are OK
For sure. The “digging out” will be a very minimalist endeavor. Just enough to get to my shop (where the beer fridge resides) and to get out of the yard.
Weather is not climate you denier!
Look PROOF of Climate Change! How dare you!
I-29 is open now. I-94 and US 2 going west are still closed.
My yard
I specifically remember snowboarding at wild mountain on oct 26 one year in the early ’90s (their site says 7 oct was the earliest they ever opened).
Would an early open now, 25 years later, be due global warming?
What about back then — due to global warming or relative lack thereof?
It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.
Heard some hack staffer at MPR interviewing ameteorologist about weather reports for nodak the other day .. “But you would say this type of weather is unprecedented, right?” “Well, don’t know if I’d use ‘unprecedented’, but it’s pretty early.”
Kill me now.
All of you for whom it’s currently Saturday morning – would you answer the door for Joanie the Jehovah Witness stripper?
Every damn time.
“The Lord showed her how to make a thousand dollars a night”
Haha. Excellent. Thanks for sharing, GT!
I see he covered Snake Farm. This would be a good time to link the original.
My pleasure! Hey, right up ^there a few comments, Fourscore was worried aboutcha. You snowbound or otherwise weather-beaten?
Not a bad song.
Related tune.
Fun! This one popped up next. I may have to share it with Mr. GT. (Have I mentioned he’s much older than I am? He’s much older than I am.)
Have more Southern Culture on the Skids.
SP: In time for me to not burn down the house. This has been the longest week of my life. – is it not illegal in the US to leave 7 year old unsupervised for extended periods of time?
Don’t be silly. She’s 9. And Mom is there.
Does Mom know this?
Also I bought a bottle of moonshine at the fair. 15 lei for 750 ml. 38% alcohol plum brandy.
So about tree fiddy?
pretty much… pretty tasty for that money
There may be pills to make your dick bigger, but if you want a smaller dick all you need to do is get woke.
So, Dick’s has gone soft and their rifles no longer have the thing that goes up?
“$5 million worth of rifle inventory because Stack believed no one should be allowed to own them”
So he’ll continue to prchase and destroy them? I mean if he truly thinks that No one should be allowed to own them then that would be his only option.
And he apparently has no qualms about throwing his shareholders’ money out the window.
Don Escaped had a good “devil’s advocate” defense. I actually think he would get a pass in court under the “business judgment” rule.
Hyperbole, if you are about, I finally had time this AM to sit and work through your asset forfeiture puzzle. Loved it, thank you so much for your work.
I watched The Bad News Bears yesterday. The Matthau one. I forgot just how incredibly funny that movie was. And, no, I do not see anything like it ever being made in these times. Cigarettes, alcohol, BULLYING! child abuse… And those kids- they are portrayed as thinking, feeling humans; that can’t be true.
The lack of respect given to Buttermaker by the kids at the beginning is great. Telling a kid to lean into the pitch, drinking and smoking in the dougout, and cursing at the kids. He was an amalgam of my little league coaches.
“This one’s for Allah and it’s goin’ way out there, sucka!” 😉
Been a long time. “Breaking Training” has a lot of funny dialogue too but let’s not mention “Japan” at all.
Sponsored by a bail bondsman!
+1 Chico’s Bail Bonds
Great musical selection today OMWC. Have you ever seen them live? They also have a great instrumental band called the Bakerton Group.
I’m in Austin this weekend listening to as many bands as possible, watching OSU TX play in a mixed crowd, eating all the Mexican food and BBQ, and drinking.
Trudy’s Five Star.
We had a great meal and margaritas at Curras last night. Great tamales.
Nice tunes.
Are vegans really chomping at the bit for meat-alike options or is this the woke spin that I suspect it is?
No, they just want more converts and they think a burger substitute will help.
I just don’t see the product as something that will have every restaurant quaking in their boots if they don’t rush to add it. Every veg*n I’ve known doesn’t like meat, period – the taste, sight, or smell. But yeah, maybe it’s the “convert” angle. One ratchet towards the end-goal. I dunno.
Almost every veg and vegan I know has at one time or another regaled me with the story of their favorite meat substitute that tastes “almost the same as the real thing”
The thing is that they’re not lying, it usually does remind me of meat… the texture is usually reminiscent of poor quality, improperly prepared meat.
That said, I don’t hate things like tofu, when used to their strengths. One vegan I used to hang out with would go to Moe’s with me on a regular basis. To this day, I’ll order the tofu burrito on occasion. They don’t try to make it resemble meat like some other burrito chains that shall remain unnamed.
There are some mushroom dishes that have the texture of meat down pat.
You know what really does a good job of having the texture of meat? A porterhouse!
Also I like your Avatar!
Just bending the knee to mother nature.
What ails us? Vox knows.
In many ways, the American tech mogul blaming some invisible arc of innovation for his choices is simply an echo of the very ethos that founded America: progress at all costs. The men and women who colonized America largely saw progress as a march, a continual straight path, forward at all times, never to be questioned or slowed. Benjamin Franklin (himself an inventor) once wrote: “The rapid progress true science now makes occasions my regretting sometimes that I was born so soon. It is impossible to imagine the height to which may be carried, in a thousand years, the power of man over matter.”
So to suggest a slowing — or perhaps even (god forbid) a reverse — seems antithetical to the fabric of America. When former Uber engineer Anthony Levandowski says, “What already happened doesn’t really matter. You don’t need to know that history to build on what they made. In technology, all that matters is tomorrow,” he is echoing the sentiments of our nation’s founders.
“These arguments for corporate supremacy and technological progress are so deeply connected in the American mind,” says Luke Stark, a researcher who studies behavior and computing at Microsoft Research Montreal. “It’s really tied to the whole American manifest destiny and the broader history of American settler colonialism.” The attitude is that we must march on, forward, westward, no matter what stands in our way. Going back is simply not an option.
Reject the false god “Progress”, America!
True progressivism means turning the clock back to a time when life was simpler and your true betters told you what to think and feel and do.
Let’s get back those halcyon days of dying young and being a slave to the world around us.
They’re probably fine with governmental contributions to progress…. like Tang.
I wonder how much NASA paid Pillsbury for space food sticks.
I remember ’em. Now I’m bummed that the new generation of them is out of stock. ***SIGH!***
“progress at all costs.”
So even the progressives are realizing they are reactionary regressives.
‘So to suggest a slowing — or perhaps even (god forbid) a reverse…’
What irks me the most about these handwringing pieces is that the people who write them never, ever, then lead by example and revert to the barest minimum of energy use possible.
Sorry, I know they’re talking about capitalism but what it boils down to is putting people back into a primitive environment with little to no access to energy unless your running the show.
Ted can you bring that spare apostrophe from upthread down here? Grab an e on the way will you?
I saw that two seconds after I posted…
You know, I’ve grown accustomed to enjoying the soft bigotry of low expectations around here. Don’t start holding me to standards or anything. 😉
What a steaming pile of horseshit.
Ask someone scratching in the dirt in Africa or Asia what they think of a “reverse”. They are not sitting there shaking their heads sadly at America’s “uniqueness” – they are wanting it for themselves.
Exactly. I got mine, fuck you. What’s also funny is that the people who seem to want poor brown people from developing nations to suffer for Gaia tend to be the same people who think that around half the people from their own countries are these horrible racists looking to oppress a minority at every opportunity.
The problem is that they are miserable people and they hate you because you won’t join them. Also, signaling is easy. Of course they are hypocrites.
::tilts head to side:: Why did they name the typhoon that just hit Japan after icky Scottish “food?”
Srsly, hope all nearby Glibs are safe & their homes unharmed.
The worst of it has passed my area with no known issues. It’s finally quiet enough to sleep.
It rained more over on Straffirun’s side of town but he was posting so I believe he got through OK too.
That’s great news! Thanks!
Thumbs up. This one wasn’t nearly as bad as the one last year windwise. Dumped a buttload of water.
Glad your both ok.
Thirded. Thanks.
Perhaps the most telling place this kind of loop shows up is in the high-tech baby device market: Bluetooth diapers, internet-connected baby monitors, an anklet that keeps track of your infant’s every move, heartbeat, and temperature fluctuation. In a country with an ever-eroding social safety net, parents are sold these surveillance devices under the guise of care and love, with a healthy dash of paranoia.
As Stark writes in his paper on consumers who surveil their loved ones, “Parents (in particular mothers) have long been reminded by advertisers that their children are at risk — from external threats, poor nutrition, social exclusion, the mother’s own failures as a parent — and that their surest route to protecting their children, and ameliorating their (newly provoked) anxiety about these dangers, is consumption.”
Wait, what? It’s the ADVERTISERS who incessantly stoke mommies’ fears? Not CNN, with their, “Tell your child you love her before you send her off to school, because you’ll probably never see her again!” drum beating?
“In a country with an ever-eroding social safety net”
What country would that be?
Plus, I immediately heard that in Movie Trailer Announcer Guy’s voice.
In a World….
Fuck the entire mommy shaming industry and the emotionally immature women that enable it. What a fucking blight on our society.
And the way suburban mommies’ fears are what drives government policy.
“Hey, Boilermaker!”
Also liked boilermakers
So, last night about 3 am one of our cats freaked out and ran over my face trying to get away from whatever imaginary threat caused her to panic. Now I have four puncture wounds on the left side of my face, including one on my eyelid. She missed my eye by about 3mm, so I guess by some measures I was “lucky.” On the other hand, it did cause some blood vessel to rupture so now I have a nice purple shiner underneath my left eye to go with the puncture wounds.
Sometimes cats are assholes.
Only sometimes?
Well, nearly always. But that’s what makes them so endearing.
Not gonna go with the “I feel down the stairs” story most domestic violence victims use. I respect that.
“I fell off a ladder, I swear”
“Sometimes cats are assholes.”
Most libertarian animal, so…
I think I’m naturally a cat person. Every time I see one of those dog training shows on TV, my first thought is “Dude, don’t let them boss you around like that!!”
I love cats. I always get them in pairs because their antics are constant entertainment.
We currently have seven, but they are all middle-aged so they don’t run around as much as they used to. But two of them are brothers and they still roughhouse once in a while. Since they are both in the 15-18 pound range, everyone else gets out of the way.
I’m currently catless because we’re living in an apartment, but we’re looking for a house. When we find one and get moved in, I’m going to get a couple kittens.
Clean it carefully. That would be a bad spot to get an infection and cats are vilely dirty.
i will of course do that. But ours are all indoors (much less dirty) and I get scratched all the time so I don’t think it’s a big deal. I think this is the first black eye I’ve ever gotten from a cat, though.
I had to laugh this morning. The first time in months that our kid sleeps in past 8am, and the cats start loudly fighting for the feeding pecking order at 9am shart.
(and I poop)
Thought my type was bad.
what you did there was seen
Most of the people around you think your type is bad. Sux to be a Gaijin.
I woke up to the dogs going absolutely bughouse. Barking and slamming up against the glass door trying to get out. It was an adolescent doe eating the corn we put out, same as every freaking day. Sometimes I hate my dogs.
I taught my cats to not get on the bed. One night I woke up and one of my cats was on the bed walking around and she was a big cat, like 15 lbs. and I’m thinking ‘WTF is she doing on the bed? So I started saying get off the freaking bed!’. That was when I noticed the entire bed was moving and realized it was an earthquake, she was freaking the fuck out.
They make these cute little soft plastic things you can put on their claws. It’s sort of like giving a cat a bath though, you have to start doing it when they’re small kittens or you will definitely get scratched up trying it.
Been there, tried that. Most of ours are feral rescues so it didn’t go so well.
Yeah, it won’t in that case. I always get little kittens and then they’ll just fuss when you trim their claws or give them a bath.
Yeah, I gave up trying to trim the claws on mine within a week. But somehow they come back from the vet with trimmed claws as if by magic. I can only imagine the torture device they put them into in order to proceed with that safely.
You know what they really like? Eye drops. One of ours had an eye infection once and we were supposed to give him eyedrops 3x a day. My wife and I settled on twice a day because we figured that if we could manage that it would be a success. After the first day he would bolt every time he saw the two of us in the same room together. it was a 15 minute rodeo every time we had to capture him and give him his meds. After about four days we just gave up. He did heal up on his own.
Ha I had the same experience with administering pills and liquid medicine to one of mine. Next time I’m getting one of those straight-jacket things first.
You can’t beat the classics.
*can confirm the process*
Ayup. I’ve got one who is deathly afraid of the flea and tick applicator. I have to palm it in my hand, pretend I’m petting her, and hope I get enough on before she bolts that it’s actually effective.
Have you tried the flea and tick pills? We use one for our dog and they work great.
Also a treat? Drawing blood from elderly cat’s ear so as to keep the ‘beetus in check.
When my wife grooms cats it looks mean and uncaring. She stretches them out and binds the back legs to trim the front and tucks their front half under her armpit to get the back. Its impressive.
The trick is to not get cat ganked when you are done.
The most trouble I’ve had out of mine is when trying to dry them off after a bath, because they love to bolt and run all over the house straight out of the tub.
Long-haired George Kitteh LUUUUVED to be petted (all utterances translated to “PET ME!!!”) but HATED to be brushed. Many mats most of the time until we could work ’em out little by little under cover of petting.
Next one’s gonna be a short-hair.
Roll them up in a towel with just the paw you’re trimming sticking out. You won’t get scratched, and as an added bonus, they HATE it.
Also, when having cats in the house, always sleep with one eye open and your assault spray bottle in one hand with the safety off.
Cats are the best.
Mine did that to me once. He was resting on my chest and suddenly something spooked him and he bolted jamming his nails into my chest to gain traction.
But still….the best.
And just this past night he decided to tap my head to demand a love session at 3:30am. There I was comforting him as he rubbed his head into my hands and chest while purring like an animal. And when he had enough it was ‘fuck you sucker’ and off he went.
Demanded a love session? So your cat is into bestiality?
Yep, I’ve had that happen too. This one was sleeping up next to my head. I don’t know what scared her, but she’s a tortie so it could be anything.
I miss my tortie. She was the sweetest, most loving cat…. to me. She fucking hated my wife with the fire of a thousand suns.
I miss George Kitteh Chatterbox Underfoot [insert GT’s IRL last name here.] ***SNIFF!!!***
*Looks over at dog dozing peacefully – notes lack of defensive wounds on self*
Y’all are crazy.
Dogs are so needy though, it’s sort of like having a small child. Cats you can just ignore when you want and they don’t really seem to care that much.
Weirdly, mine are demanding more and more attention as they get older.
The thing that also irritates is people who own breeds they have no business owning. My neighbour’s daughter got herself a Rottweiler. She’s slightly irresponsible and immature (as per what I observe and what her father tells me), has woke tattoos, owns a motorcycle bought by her father she never rides. And she very rarely walks that poor dog. Plus she’s 30 and single and never home. Which begs the question: Why that breed knowing your lifestyle? Just get a small dog you can let out in the yard. I’m not sure doing that with a Rottweiler is enough.
Those breeds need to walk man. All that muscle needs constant movement, no?
But what do I know?
I don’t trust Rottweliers at all. Some of them seem docile enogh, but some are just meaner than fuck and not trustworthy. I’m not sure why anyone wants a 150 lb dog that might turn on you.
All that muscle needs constant movement, no?
Not necessarily. Big dogs can be the laziest. If I can ever figure out the gene that lets pit bulls grow muscles upon muscles while they sleep, I’ll be billionaire.
Its the herding breeds that you have to exercise the crap out of.
And sighthounds. See: Scottish deerhounds. They seem lazy, but put something very fast in front of them and they won’t come back till it’s dead.
Its the herding breeds that you have to exercise the crap out of.
This x thousands of miles
Yes. That’s right. I remember my BIL telling me that.
“It’s the herding breeds that you have to exercise the crap out of.”
Yeah, I had an Australian Shepherd. He was all high energy all day long. My neighbor got mad at me because he wanted to herd his cattle, lol. But that’s what he was bred to do, his daddy was a champion cattle dog. He would go flying around our house, there was a hill behind the house and he would use that as an enbankment to pick up speed and come off of there flying. One day I was standing on the back step with groceries in my hand, trying to unlock the door and the fucker came flying off that slope and ran right into me, groceries flying and me on my ass. I was cussing him out and when I went to look for him, he was lying on the deck out front, on the rug by the door looking all innocent. Smartest dog I ever had, but it was a job trying to manage his energy and keep him out of trouble.
Why not both?
I love having both cats and dogs. Each have their winning qualities.
Dogs are awesome because it is like having your own personality cult without having to starve a bunch of North Koreans. Cats are awesome because it is cool to basically have a mini-predator living with you.
Why not both?
Terrible allergies, to start!
I actually have nothing against cats, but I’m definitely needy enough to enjoy one creature around who is genuinely happy to see me every single day.
Cats are happy to see us too – we just have to read them better. They’re not Captain Obvious like Dino.
They estimate 80% to 90% of the time cats kill it’s just for the trill of it. They love to bestow their kill upon their masters too. Nothing beats the time when my brother in laws cat nonchalantly dropped a decapitated bird’s head at his feet. I was, maybe 13, and I asked why he did that? My BIL answered, ‘it’s my gift for being his King’.
How can you not love living with a psychopath like that?
Thrill and kills.
Edit me!
Could happen in our house soon. I want cats, but wife is torn between a cat or a dog and so maybe we get both. The only thing she seems disagreeable about is that I’m thinking of getting a Savanna and they sort of freak her out. She’s all into the big fluffy cats like Maine Coons, which I also like.
We have our second Maine Coon. She’s surprisingly tiny. The last one was hunormous. She’s a great little cat. Likes to hunt. Best way to get a hunter (ess) is to get a young kitten and let her grow up around a proven killer. They teach that skill to the little ones.
Best hunting cat I ever had was a big yellow tabby whose mom was basically a barn cat, they kept her out there to get rid of critters. I got him when he was only 6 weeks old, but the guy grew into a pretty big cat, about 12 lbs of pure muscle. He was like a damn cheetah. One day I was cleaning out my garden shed and he was just lying on the ground in the sun. All of the sudden I hear this chattering and I looked and this squirrel had come down out of a tree about 20 ft. way and was fussing at the cat and I’m thinking ‘not a good idea’. The squirrel made it about half way back to the tree after the cat got up. He didn’t have a chance, broken neck and the cat leaves him on my front doorstep. He would ambush rabbits like that all of the time, best garden protector ever made.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill on Friday that would eliminate private, for-profit prisons, including those used for immigration detention, by 2028.
Starting on Jan. 2020, the state’s Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation won’t be able to enter into or renew a contract with a private, for-profit prison to incarcerate people.
It gets rid of one set of crony capitalists. On the other hand, there are still too many damn laws and the unions are still around to lobby. On the gripping hand, just bring back the fucking Weregild.
Inspired by an earlier comment, I’m watching Bad News Bears. HOLY MACKEREL! Funny, well cut, would not get made today. Is the 2005 remake as bad as I imagine it must be?
Have a good feeling about that movie even though I don’t remember 99% of it. Saw “Green Book” tonight. Not bad.
Kelly Leak is dreamy.
Remake was uninspiring, but not terrible. The original is the best.
“Oops. Well, omelets, eggs, you know.”
Common sense population control. And the spotted owl is doing well! / WIN/WIN
California is one woke-ass place.
The inspiration for northern progs up here. Thanks for nothing CA.
SAFE [sic] Act prevents crime in New York
If only the underground men’s club had all its papers in order, this tragedy could have been prevented.
What’s a “Men’s Club”? Not sure I wanna google that.
Around me we just call them “hookah joints”. But over there it’s going to a different clientele I would imagine – more shooty.
The standard of living is so incredibly high in the US that people have the time and money for this to exist. Excellent.
Good morning and welcome back, Old Man!
And good morning to the rest of you misfit toys. I hope everyone survived their blizzards/typhoons/hurricanes/pissed-off spouses alright.
Right now it’s gently snowing here. On October fucking 12. Grrrrr.
The CA gun bullshit still has me grinding my teeth. I see that the ACLU and NRA both oppose the bill.
Well, no fucking shit. My question is who is gonna start the lawsuits?!?
Fuck all that negativity. On to the important stuff:
So, I’ve heard of Clutch of course, but never listened to them. I’ve got them going on Spotify right now and early impressions are positive. Thanks!
I hope each and every one of you has a great day, whether the day wants to be had or not!
Clutch is a great band. They have progress through many different phases, so your likely to find something you’ll like.
Early albums are punky in the Melvins vein, late 90’s early2000’s are hard rock/stoner rock, mid 2000’s were very heavy blues, recent stuff is more straightforward hard rock.
Some of it gets a little trippy as well. I had a Hawkwind moment a little while ago!
Seeing them live is a must if they are ever in the area. Likely a cheap show with a rabid fan base. If I go to a show anywhere on the east coast I’ll see someone from my area.
Yes. I will, without a doubt, go see them if they play out here.
Humans are not designed to hunt and procreate at the same time.
This person has never seen Deliverance or met Steve Smith.
Since much hunting consists of sitting in the woods waiting for your prey to show up, I actually think you could fit in some procreation.
If you like subpoena coladas….
The democrats are betting the farm on impeachment. They are clearly not serious about winning elections.
soup fun for you!NOT FUN ZONE
Wow, I really hosed that one.
Link still works though.
They already did.
Wouldn’t care. Not a pussy.
They don’t seem to mind turning themselves into walking parodies.
Anything that is any fun or has any value at all to anyone, the left will destroy it as soon as they get the chance. They are hateful, miserable people, envious of everyone all of the time. There’s no chance for them to ever be happy so they don’t want anyone else to be either. As the saying goes ‘misery loves company’. Those 3 simple words pretty much sums up everything you need to know about the left.
I’d be honored.
Oh wait, they don’t mean “me” – they mean my “race, culture, or ethnicity” – my tribe, to which I am inextricably bound. Nope, still don’t give a shit.
“How would you like it if someone turned you into a costume?”
If you mean like “It puts the lotion on its skin”, not at all.
If you mean “dressed up as a fat balding white lawyer”, I’d probably chuckle.
is there such a thing as a not culturally based costume? THERE BETTER BE NO VAMPIRE I TELL YA
No, if it is fun, it must be banned. That should be the their mantra. The formula to get a progressive is AUTHORITARIAN+MISERY+HYPOCRITE = PROGRESSIVE.
I hope each and every one of you has a great day, whether the day wants to be had or not!
Seize the day, and rape it ’til it can’t walk in a straight line.
The STEVE SMITH RAPE THE WORLD theme song is kind of catchy:
Good man!
Here’s a special treat for you.
Actually, I like this one better.
Pretty cool.
Today is mead day. There will be much drinking later.
There will be much drinking later. – finally something completely new and different for the glibs
I’m still in recovery mode from last night.
avoid hangovers, stay drunk?
Good advice
I took it easy last night. 11am and no hangover is nice.
Same here, much beer. No hangover, but I’m feeling it. Need more beer.
I opted for a western omelette and glass of milk.
Oatmeal and coffee for me, but I’m getting hungry, so time to make a beer run and then cook.
Well, another future Glib made his way into the world. I’m now Grandfather Bob. Little stubborn jerk was pulled out six weeks early. Daughter in all but law has been in the hospital for the past three days, leaving me very, very anxious.
Now theres nothing to do but fret over the little one. Cant wait to teach him that taxation is theft, Bill Clinton is a rapist, and why roads are evil.
Congratulations, Bob!
Man the babies are coming fast and furious now!
Could it be… the libertarian moment?!?
All the best to you and the family, brother!
Congrats! Grandkids are the best!
Congrats, g’PAbob!
Mazel tov!
/cultural appropriation
“Well, another future Glib”
Congrats! And don’t forget, it’s never too soon to start the libertarian indoctrination. Early reading material should be choices like ‘Fuck Off Slaver!’, ‘No, Fuck You, Cut Spending!’, and ‘You Ain’t Takin My AR-15, Beta!’.
it will only make global warming worse, but congrats
That may be the first Glib grandkid birth announcement. Congrats!
Congratulations. Make sure to give him a LOT of toy guns to play with.
Congrats. Got my kid as a baby yesterday. Today, it’s his 7th birthday.
AND he has plenty of toy guns and electric cars/motorcycles.
Had a chance to ride in a Tesla S this weekend. Nice car with a shitload of pick up. My friend has a used model with 30K miles. Their resale value is crap so you can buy a used one at 50% of the new price. There is a distinct lack of fit and finish for a $100k car, but for a daily commute in tons of traffic in a major metro it’s a good choice.
Major downsides are the looming battery replacement around 150k miles which will cost you 20k or more. It remains to be seen if this goes down over time. The subsidies needed to make it a viable company are the other big issue.
And their woefully inadequate supply chain if you ever need parts of any kind.
commute on en electric scooter like a normal person
a daily commute in tons of traffic in a major metro it’s a good choice.
That’s always been my take. Electric cars are niche cars. If you are in that niche, why not. Unfortunately, my car also has to do long distance highway driving. I could easily see us with an electric and a gas car.
Honestly, I think the future is “hybrid”, meaning electric drive with a gas/diesel generator on board to keep it charged. Probably the most efficient, you can get really good tire-squawking performance out of electric, and you don’t need to spend trillions of dollars completely upgrading the grid.
Mr Mojeaux would buy a hybrid in a heartbeat if he could. I am skeptical. I’m angry enough that 6 cylinders are already too hard to come by, if they exist at all.
I haven’t really looked into it, but I think there are different varieties of hybrid – some go to direct drive by the gas engine when the battery bonks, and some use a gas engine as a generator. The latter makes more sense.
And the high end electric-drive cars have conclusively shown that performance is not an issue. It always comes down to range, and an on-board generator solves that. Can’t confirm that an on-board generator/plug in electric drive car is the most efficient, but I would expect it to be.
A breakthrough in battery technology is also needed, I think, for electrics to break out of their single digit market share. Lithiuum ion just isn’t good enough – prone to fires, made of toxins, etc.
He’s only interested in the one where the gas engine serves as the generator, specifically, a Hyundai Sonata(?) hybrid.
These are short term vehicles. When they need batteries, you throw them away. We have 10-12 Chevy trucks with hybrid systems that need new batteries at work. They go to salvage. Batteries cost more than a new one. We’ve swapped batteries from shabby trucks to nicer ones and kept it going a bit longer. Same situation with CNG tanks. They easily cost more than the vehicle’s worth. It’s not like a 1955 chevy, where you can pull it out of a field, mess around with it a bit and drive it for another 20 years.
The chevys use the hybrid batteries to crank the motor over. Likely in a free state, you could convert them to straight gasoline and keep using them. Here, in wackybird land, it’s illegal to modify anything that affects mileage or emissions. So, we throw them away, because that’s better for Greta’s mental health, right?
Super Mario Bros. (Tap Dance Medley) – Postmodern Jukebox
Then she walked off the stage and had a heart attack. Man, that looks exhausting.
‘A Pentagon statement on Friday said an additional two Patriot batteries are now being deployed, as well as one Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system, along with the two fighter squadrons and the air expeditionary wing.’
I’m assuming these units are not being redeployed to Saudi Arabia from Syria, yes?
Many vegetable skewered. Time to butcher the beautiful sirloin cap…mmm picanha.
Dinner will be great…and then…
Mornin’ Glibs.
Cats are assholes and also the best and also the worst and also awesome.
I am clicking on NO music links because you all made me want a bunch of music last night that I can’t buy (no, I do NOT stream).
@OMWC! Glad you’re home.
@SP! Sorry about your week.
@gbob, congrats!
Also, property management companies are teh suck.
Also, hope the Glibs who are serving as the Goddess’s playthings are safe in their snow and typhoons.
Oh, MAAAAAAAAN! I thought of sending you this one after your religion post the other night. This Cincy-based duo writes wonderful songs strongly influenced by their Christianity but delightfully palatable to godless heathens like me.
(I used to sing this one in the OTHER old band – the one that eventually fired me in favor of the Stevie Nicks wannabe.)
(Outta here. See ya in one or the other of the PM posts.)
religious song?
That’s a nice tune.
Yeah they are good (or were, don’t know recent). Pretentious and affected, but good enough to make it work.
Yo, Mojeaux. Followed some of your comments on your house and the turnaround in your situation. Curious about details if you don’t mind sharing with a bunch of RDAs on the intertubes.
In short, my newly very flush brother feared for my mental health (rightly) and offered of help bail us out on the condition we declared bankruptcy and walked away from the house.
I agreed immediately and with gratitude. Mr. Mojeaux is still a little salty that we must (yes, we must), but got significantly less salty when we found a huge hole in the roof that is letting squirrels into the attic.
We have almost 6 figures in this house’s infrastructure and now it needs a new roof.
Yesterday I had to have someone look at the furnace because it sounds like the yelp of a burning puppy.
I am done.
This is my shame. If I never own another home it will be too soon.
There is an old Chinese proverb about home ownership:
House finished, man die.
Not our house. We would have died first anyway.
Feel no shame. You are doing what you must for your family. Hold your head high and carry on.
Any minor world that breaks apart falls together again.
Here’s a good cover.
I really like that, too. Maybe better.
Awww…another Steely Dan for me. 🙂 Thank you!
Additionally, we have been living in crisis/survivor mode for years and it has very badly affected my kids. The peace in this house since we saw the lawyer is priceless.
Been there, done that, I feel for you. But you have a good support system, and I think Mr. Mojeaux has a high probability of winning the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes.
I’ll second this.
Such a relief sometimes to stop rolling the fucking stone up the hill.
Good luck, Mo. Better times ahead.
Thanks, all. We should have done this years ago, but we were too proud and every month it was “Next month will be better” and “the house can’t have anything more wrong with it. We’ve done x, y, and z.” And then the next month is worse and the AC goes out in 100+ degree heat and there are no AC contractors available for a month.
It was not sustainable any longer and I had no pride left.
Maybe try Audacity? If it comes out of your speakers, you can record it. I’m still playing with the levels, sometimes it sounds funny, but I have some cool stuff I recorded from Y/T.
*calls copyright police*
If you (still?j have a Mac, Mac Video Ripper Pro will grab music and video from YouTube and a host of other sites.
Same outfit makes Mac DVD Ripper Pro; both work quite well.
The only Google alerts I get are ones notifying me of which pirate sites have all of my books available for download. That hurts. Deeply.
I’m hesitant to pull and convert a vid to mp3. I only do it when I can’t find it for sale.
I don’t see a huge difference in saving the sounds I hear for later and just letting them come out of my speakers. Of course, youtube shoves a million ads in front of me, but I’ve never even considered buying anything from them anyway. Then again, I don’t have any intellectual property to protect. I see the record industry as desperately trying to prevent the inevitable. I remember recording direct from the radio with boomboxes onto cassettes, being thwarted by the CD era, then waiting for CD writers and making them. Then, Napster came and you could listen to what ever you wanted, then the RIAA started suing little girls and shut that down. I wonder if it’s legal to let my neighbors hear the music I play? Probably not from a sheer volume standpoint, lol.