For this week anyways.
You, our readers, contributors, lurkers and staff have made TPTB here at Glibs reflect in wonder at this little site of ours. We have been going for quite a while – frankly, longer and stronger than most expected here at Glibs HQ. You have our thanks and our gratitude.
OK, enough of the sappy sentiment – here is what is upcoming, and the comments are yours!
Monday – More of “Growing Up With Animal” and Trigger Hippie speaks of the punchfest between Hagler and Leonard.
Tuesday – Tonio has a bit of a guide – to explain us Glibs. A Florida Man post later on. I was afraid to look at it, so you will just have read it yourself. Prepare for further teeth gritting, reading the details that Ozymandias lays out before us.
Wednesday – DOOM… I mean, Sugarfree. Then trshmnstr finishes us off. My brain hurts already.
Thursday – SNP! Crossword!
Friday – The Glibbening continues. Cryptid(s) links, advice, mayhem.
Weekend – the continuing misadventures of OMWC, Spudalicious, Sir Digby, Mexican Sharpshooter, Not Adhan, et al.
Weekday Links from sloopy, Brett and subs as needed.
A Florida Man post later on. I was afraid to look at it, so you will just have read it yourself.
I’m intrigued.
A church shooting that probably won’t make widespread news
Archer said her father told his family he leapt from the balcony to tackle the shooter. He called for help and three others joined him in pinning the shooter to the floor.
When police arrived, Roark said, they found wedding guests holding down the gunman. Police would not discuss the relationship between the gunman and the victims. But, Roark said, “This does not seem to be a random event at this point.”
T-nation post about trans athletes being the death of women’s sports
That is, quite frankly, fuuuucked up.
Those TERFs need to check their privilege.
Does anyone really believe that Illy has pondered thoughtfully over this issue for any longer than the five seconds it took for her to conclude that the destruction of women’s sports is a valid step on the way to the real goal of “smashing the system”?
No. And I’ll either “medical science” either hasn’t addressed the issue or its findings directly contradict her assertion.
“The myth that trans women have a ‘direct competitive advantage’ is not supported by medical science”\
That is a completely unadulterated lie and they know it. There is no way to inject enough testosterone into a female body to overcome the testosterone advantage of a natural born male. But, please, go ahead and destroy yet another thing that you touch, leftards.
Related. Posted in last thread.
No words.
I responded there and I’ll do it here, JB.
Anyone – ANYONE – who tries to justify that atrocity against women via intersectionality matrices should be publicly flogged. In a just society they would be hectored and laughed out of the public square (and maybe lightly flogged, just for good measure) never to be heard from again.
A fucking disgrace. Everyone involved should commit ritual seppuku.
frankly, longer and stronger than most expected here at Glibs HQ
I guess I should have read the opening paragraph instead of jumping into the preview and a few links I found.
I’m not surprised glibs has lasted this long. It’s not a bad place.
Such high praise.
I always look on the bright side of life, except when I don’t.
Wait until Biggus Dickus hears of this.
Hickok45 teaches us how to carve a pumpkin.
Hickok45 advertising a 2nd Amendment rally in DC on November 2nd.
My thoughts:
– It’s the 2nd of November. I thought that was not a weekend and said, “Hardly anyone will show up as most gun owners have jobs.” Then I checked the calendar and saw it is a Saturday.
– I would not be surprised if Antifa shows up. I am not going to make any guesses about whether or not the gun owners showing up will leave their guns at home given DC gun laws
– I expect many media outlets (CNN, MSNBC, and Vox immediately spring to mind) will pillory those that show up and portray them in the worst light possible.
Holy shit. did you have these all typed out in a Word doc ready to copy/paste?
This last one is the only one I cheated on. I sent it out to an e-mail list I’m on.
Everything else I typed up. Any cut and paste was from the original page.
I can type pretty fast.
For sure.
“Tonio has a bit of a guide – to explain us Glibs.”
If he can explain SugarFree, I’ll grow a beard and turn gay.
Having met SugarFree personally, I can explain.
His favorite cocktail is Basil Hayden Black Label, and grandfather peyote.
By cocktail, I mean he drinks one neat, then the other ten minutes later.
I’ll have what SF had.
You don’t have to grow a beard and then turn gay. Turn gay first, then there will be plenty of women willing to serve as your beard if the financial aspects are good.
“SpongeBob Squarepants Is A ‘Violent,’ ‘Racist’ Colonizer, College Professor Says”
No, really:
“Unsettling SpongeBob and the Legacies of Violence on Bikini Bottom
Billions of people around the globe are well-acquainted with SpongeBob Squarepants and the antics of the title character and his friends on Bikini Bottom. By the same token, there is an absence of public discourse about the whitewashing of violent American military activities through SpongeBob’s occupation and reclaiming of the bottom of Bikini Atoll’s lagoon. SpongeBob Squarepants and his friends play a role in normalizing the settler colonial takings of Indigenous lands while erasing the ancestral Bikinian people from their nonfictional homeland. This article exposes the complicity of popular culture in maintaining American military hegemonies in Oceania while amplifying the enduring indigeneity (Kauanui 2016) of the Marshallese people, who maintain deeply spiritual and historical connections to land—even land they cannot occupy due to residual radiation contamination from US nuclear weapons testing—through a range of cultural practices, including language, song, and weaving. This article also considers the gendered violence of nuclear colonialism and the resilience of Marshallese women.”
WTF is wrong with people?
I think it is easy in an academic sense, to takes something that is out in the public, make a couple of assumptions, and then trash the original as “bad”.
Once you have got the process down, it doesn’t take much of an effort to churn out articles like that.
Gotta get paid. Since they have nothing of value to provide society, they produce BS. Seems like professors and politicians have a lot in common. They’re both con artists and parasites.
The only thing I suck is titty.
Not ass?
Ass is for eating, tits are for sucking
That’s a quote from the Dalai Lama, right?
Champagne is for when you’re thirsty, reefer’s for when you want to get high.
I could only make it halfway through that argle-bargle I was laughing so hard.
When I was doing debate back in college I, as a lark, proposed that my opponent’s scenario would lead to the further proliferation of Barney the Dinosaur to the point where, like shoe shops, it would completely take over the entire economy and it would no longer be possible to do anything but produce and consume as a participant in the Barney zeitgeist. I did it to be outrageous while being aware that other silly but less fantastic sounding proposals came out routinely during debates.
I wonder if this particular professor poked his friends in the ribs, winked, and said “watch this” before hitting submit on the article.
I always hated that son of a bitch sponge. Now I know why.
“15-y-o #FreeHongKong protestor found naked and dismembered, floating in the harbor. Police called it a suicide, and cremated the body without investigation.
She “committed suicide”. Presumably by juggling and strategically dropping chainsaws.”
What did she know about the Clintons?
That’s some fucked up shit.
Let’s see what the nba, has to say.
They still have to gather a lot more information until they come out with some statements. In the meantime, they will continue to expel people who openly support the protesters from NBA arenas. You know to be fair to everyone.
Well – hot damn…. Cat Shit One was reposted. Worth a quick watch. Sadly never got picked up for a full show, but nice to see it up on YT in full again (download it while you can).
That was awesome, thanks for sharing!
Waiting here at Castle Green in Pasadena. My bro in law is getting married here tonight. I want to walk over to the Stone Brewery and get s beer while everyone is waiting around bored as shit. My wife is being… different. Need a beer.
Sunday wedding. That’s different.
I vote for walking to Stone. You need the exercise. 😉
Aren’t there (((lots of people))) who get married on Sunday?
But that’s the )))Sabbath(((!!!!
The sabbath?
Sorry. The Sabbath?
She’s great. That was a cool cover.
Local band that does Sabbath/Surf mash-up. Pretty amusing – https://youtu.be/g9Mg7hgorOo
That’s cool. It’s like Dick Dale meets the Church Lady. Maybe…NATAS is hanging ten?
We walked to Stone. Ghost Hammer IPA. Deeeelish!
I vote for walking to Stone.
My wife is being… different.
Many of us are … different around our families.
Probably not coincidentally, we also need beer!
Good luck and congrats to the happy couple.
Prepare for further teeth gritting, reading the details that Ozymandias lays out before us.
Fuck fuck fuckity fuck. Over the last two installments I learned that I didn’t have the worst flu in my life but instead was a reaction to the anthrax vaccine, how to read the lot number from my records (which googling doesn’t seem to be one of the ones with more problems, but who knows?), and how complicit everyone was with incompetence and assisting incompetence.
Can’t wait for more.
You’re very welcome, Gustave!!
I no longer think of that series as my therapy; it keeps me warm to think of it as my vengeance on society. I think I’m going to try to run some kind of ‘deal’ on my Patreon account to get it (self-)published and then inflict it on broader society. I bought all of the happy horseshit (((they))) were selling, hook. line. and sinker. I gave up a big chunk of my life based upon what I consider to have been fair service for my part of the “social contract.” Now I want to remind
rubpeople‘sfaces in itof the broken promises on behalf of all of my dead friends and all of those who were unjustly prosecuted.That’s all.
Oops. ごめなさい。
Someone needs to Raiden him up (or, 3 Storms, if you wanna go the Big Trouble route) in post.
I hope all the Japan glibs are safe.
Straff and TJ reported in ok. Mustang’s been awol with his real job.
Just opened the bottle on the right. It’s OK. Waiting for the one on the left because I know my cachaca and I know that stuff is something special.
Bottle on the Right
Man, there is a cigar bar here that used to serve caipirinha which I loved. Haven’t been there for a while but I seem to remember they dropped them from their drink menu.
Laphroaig Quarter Cask here.
Bloke and Chap at the Karabinerschiessen 2019.
From the sidebar, everything you want to know about the Stg 57. Well… assuming you’re like me that is.
I heard Glibfit was returning Swiss. Was I wrong?
Why are they returning him? Is he defective?
Well, he doesn’t like puns….
No, you would know! He missed it in the calendar. I blame drinking.
I’m tempted to start another round of GlibFit, if only to motivate my lardass to get on the treadmill and stop eating carbs.
Nvm, just sae down thread that Chafed is doing it. All the better! Motivation for me without any responsibility!
Too much drinking … or not enough?
Anything in particuar? Not that there needs to be.
Nothing big. Dallas just lost their third game in a row…to the Jets.
You know it will be a long season when you lose to the jets. I would say ‘ my condolences’ but this is what you deserve for liking the cowboys.
The only reason I’m following Dallas is the number of Boise Broncos on the team.
The Jets got their starting QB back. They could be a sleeper team this year.
For a wild card? No way they are beating the Pats for the division.
I think not just being a suck ass team this year would make them a sleeper.
Oof. Even the Browns beat the Jets.
I found a Yazoo Hefeweizen in my fridge. I’d like to think my fridge is breeding Yazoo beer, but that’s sadly not the case. I just missed the bottle last time I went looking for some Yazoo brews.
I do love me a good (or even mediocre) Hefe. Congrats on your unexpected win!
You flatlanders have good taste.
*high five*
“Climate change activists are literally burying their heads in the sand. Truly powerful stuff.”
I was on the fence about GW, but this convinces me yes sir.
That’s awesome.
They forgot to fill in the whole after their head was in it.
Uh, hole.
The whole hole?
Maybe the hole in their head.
Greta is coming to Alberta. Not sure what her reception will be like. 100 thousand lost jobs over the refusal to build pipelines has put a hair across Albertans’ collective ass, to be sure.
Mmmm…. While I do love the individual best, there is something good to be said about ass in the collective sense.
I see all y’all gots some fancy beers, I hope some of those tall cans boys show up. Makes me feel better about drinking labatts.
I’ve been working through a nice Session IPA (since I’m on call this week and next). I’m also trying to figure out what I’m going to brew up to have on tap for Thanksgiving this year. Right now I’m thinking a porter and a cream ale.
Pilsner or GTFO!
I was but now I’m out, Tall Cans!
I’ve got a 20oz Lagunitas Citrusinensis right now. Thinking about getting the Maui Coconut Porter next.
I also want to mention that Chafed is promising to reprise GlibFit next Sunday afternoon! (NOW he has to!)
He’s upthread pumping his own tires 😉
That’s a euphemism!
Is it ever!
*takes a bow*
I am looking forward to your challenge though. Diet? Fitness? Combo?
I vote that we put our money where our mouths are. I’m at 290 right now. I want to get to 270 by Christmas. If I make it, I’ll make a payment to Glibs and CPRM of a yet to be decided amount. If I don’t make it, the money goes to Cato.
I want to get to 270 by Christmas. If I make it, I’ll make a payment to Glibs and CPRM of a yet to be decided amount. If I don’t make it, the money goes to Cato.
Make it. Make that goal.
My goal is just to get my back straightened out. Who knows how long that will take.
I was afraid something like would happen so a week ago I turned the tread mill on, today did 3 miles. Rolled out the weights and started pretending with those.
A month before deer season and I’ll need to be able to drag a monster buck behind the tractor. If not a big ol’ thing maybe a cute little lady deer. All are good.
Congrats on your boys’ win against Philly.
I was thinking – if your girl will listen to Grandpa music have her listen to Quadrophenia. Kind of a win-win. I remember being 16 and figuring out The Real Me. It was an accomplishment. It’s basically a bass solo (by one of the greatest bassists) with a song wrapped around it.
If she’s into the grrrl power thing, play some Go-Go’s for her. Kathy Valentine was a brilliant bassist for them.
It was a fun game! Kind of shocking, actually.
I’ve played different Who tracks for her, both for bass and for drums. Kind of cool to have such great examples in one band. It’s funny, though, she detests chick singers and bands. Yes, my little grrrl is a misogynist!
Have you been playing much?
Greatest rhythm section ever. I think it was Stravinsky who said “finally a rock drummer with (perfect) time!” about Moon. Also great that they have so many good songs.
Too bad about her mansplaining her bass. Through the Go-Go’s career, Valentine puts on a master class in how a bass line can tie a song together. Ah, well – give her a link to the Barney Miller theme on Utube. That’s a fun one.
I have been playing a lot more recently. If you saw my post last thread, I’m pretty sure you know why.
Oh my.
Congrats, man! Tobacco sunburst?
So beautiful! Enjoy that little beast
Great. I get to fail at another glibfit. These upcoming attractions spots only make me realize what I miss during the week.
I’m already skinny. *sips moar bourbon*
I’ve got some getaway pics to upload & share. Maybe tomorrow.
Me and the twenty pound pulled pork lasagna I just removed from the oven thumb our noses at skinny people. *sips moar tequila grapefruit cranberry and soda*
That sounds awesome.
I have a winning strategy.
I have considered that.
No love for Yusef? Do I bore you?
I don’t think anyone could label you as boring.
But, Muh Articles!
Sean speaks truth.
I do appreciate it, but I wonder if my submissions are stale? or in one case, over the top? I has confuse….
Not for me, I always enjoy the pictures and the read. Its like being a kid again to see the stuff you do. More, Yusef.
Same for me.
I too, particularly enjoy your tales. Keep them coming.
Same here. Keep ‘me coming.
Err, ‘em
Man, I don’t like them in that way, NTTAWWT.
Now I miss John.
I will join in on GlibFit, as well. I need to start getting serious and regimented again about my fitness. Mine includes a slight weight loss goal and some other concrete metrics. I’ll just come along to provide some accountability with some kind of similar $$ commitment. I need to think about it. I’ll post it somewhere.
What a waste.
‘A 26-year-old woman with dual American and Israeli citizenship who has been jailed in Russia since April after authorities allegedly found nine grams of cannabis in her luggage, has been sentenced to seven and a half years in prison, her sister said.’
*looks at coffee table, looks across the room, gets up, walks to world map poster on wall, pulls out pen, draws huge X across Russia, sits back down*
Dear Glibs Lurker You Know Who You Are — Thank you!!!!!
Of course we know who they are… the lurkers are all Tulpa.
Everyone is Tulpa except for me.
Hey, I’m not Tulpa.
I’m also not Poppy.
Maybe a Smith?
I was Tulpa but I reformed.
You liked the dick jokes I sent you? 😉
I guess I suck……
/can’t write
Me neither, but that didn’t stop me. Keep sending in articles. I’m usually at work when your stuff posts but I’ve enjoyed looking at your landscapes afterward.
You need to punish them for their oversight, Yusef. I suggest even more articles. If they won’t post them, send them to me. I’ll slip them in the back door.
Not even a euphemism.
Many submissions! Have to spread out the times.
First rule of Fight Club…
That is … demented.
Having spent time in a secure ward in a previous life I am not sampling their wares.
Those are some sick, sadistic people.
I’ve been doing my fall cleaning this weekend. I even cleaned the dryer vent. I also made apple cider donuts. So, now I have most of a gallon of apple cider left. Drink suggestions?
You could warm it (either with or without mulling spices), and mix in a whiskey or a honey liquor. You could also pitch some yeast into it, and let it ferment out and have hard cider.
I like apple cider doughnuts.
No drink suggestions sorry.
Pour a glass of bourbon, add two ice cubes. Tomorrow take the cider to work with the donuts.
I already gave the donuts away to the neighbors and I used the last of my bourbon for and Apple cider bourbon glaze.
I think I found the problem…
I don’t know. That sounds like a pretty legit use of bourbon.
Sounds like alcohol abuse.
ROFL and agree.
Add vodka to it.
/my solution for everything
Rhy’s workplace……..
Coworker: Paper is jammed in the printer again!!!
Rhy: Add vodka to it!!!
A better solution to the printer problem.
Well, it IS a lubricant.
Mix with Apple Pie Moonshine and some cinnamon sticks.
I’ve made that with grain alcohol. It is deceptively easy to get drunk on that.
I’m doing my fall cleaning too. So far, I’ve cleaned out the inside of about four Stella Artois. Prolly clean out two more tonight.
Sounds awfully familiar.
I think I should make this Zeno’s Rye my last bit of booze for the night.
I really like rye beers. Maybe that will become a beer fad?
(Neph will be along shortly to tell me why it won’t or that it already has been)
Nope. Rye has maintained a relatively stable popularity in the beer and brewing world.
Now, if you want to start pumping for black IPA’s, IPL’s, kettle sours, or barrel aged beers, that’s another story.
I stopped by a somewhat new brewery in the area, and they have kettle sours and black IPAs among other beers.
Huh, black IPAs seem to have pretty much disappeared around here. Hazy IPA seems to be where it’s at, with Brut IPA making an occasional appearance
Just drink half of the remaining amount every time you take a sip. It will never end. Or will it?
Just got back from seeing the Joker movie. Very dark and very good.
I was supposed to see that last night but things didn’t pan out. Awesome song and video. Much better than my current earworm.
I don’t hate this song or band, but three days is enough.
You poor man.
Thank you all for providing such a variety of content. There’s always something new.
Second that emotion. They even published my story, talk about diverse!
What really amazes me is the diversity of the Glibs, a lot of tech people but also a variety of others. Educated, smart, well traveled, skilled, artistic and all are bound together by a common thread. The desire for freedom, liberty and to be left alone.
Meeting a Glib in real life is a great experience, to find another person that has traveled some of the same roads, searching for some truth and affirmation. TOS was a denigration of libertarianism. I’m truly grateful for this site, where an insult = acceptence. Grateful for all the work of TPTB, the contributors and this past week end saw what looked to be some lurker crossover to the wild side. Bring it on!
Well said, Fourscore.
Whatever, Tulpa.
That is lovely.
STEVE SMITH luring in his next victim… Side note STEVE SMITH is autopredicted on my phone CAPS and all.
Ah, “The Call of the Wild”. With a little more work we might shoehorn a Lou Reed reference into it!
STEVE SMITH no need shoehorn.
So I’m in the middle of a discussion on the merits (or not) of graphic designers doing “spec work”. It’s happening, of all places, on my E-Commerce class discussion page. He posted his assignment (this week was on crowdsourcing) and he had to go on a mini rant about how bad spec work was and proved it by linking an article from the AIGA.
I took issue with his position, and now a discussion page meant for posting our assignments has turned into free markets vs. pay scale argument. I suppose it’s my fault, but I just couldn’t let him get away with it.
Also; I dropped Accounting. I literally immediately felt relived. In just a few days I got a week+ ahead on my other three classes and was able to get my attention back to the business I am starting.
Sometimes failing isn’t really failing. It’s admitting to yourself that you’ve over committed, or the plan didn’t work as intended, and you need to make some tough decisions that might sting short term, but will ultimately help you succeed in the future.
Not very insightful stuff, but there it is.
Business Accounting is so horrible, I wanted to take Theoretical Physics so I could invent a time machine, go back to 15th century Italy and kill the people who came up with it.
You get me.
*sniffs brother!*
Sounds like you made a good decision. Do you need an accounting class to complete your degree?
I do. And I honestly, begrudgingly, want to take it to help me with my business. But it just demanded too much time. The plan is to re-take it next semester with no more than one other class. I enrolled in 12 credits this semester and that was just too much with a full time job and liking to have a minimum of a social life.
That’s a good plan.
I was there once. Dropped a class that I needed, retook it later, worked out well.
Same situation, I didn’t drop the class. Failed it on a technicality.
Sounds smart. I’m not sure accounting will make you a better businessman but it will help you understand your business’ finances.
Exactly. I already have an account lined up, but I need to understand what sort of magic she is performing, too.
“…liking to have a minimum of a social life”
Look at Mike, the social animal. *runs away sobbing*
Dedric Clark and the Social Animals (a once local band) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSqJBFj5y-Q
I dropped Mechanics of Materials because I couldn’t understand the chain-smoking Iranian who taught it. The second time I barely passed…because he was the only one teaching it. And THAT is why NDSU will never get anymore of my money
Smart commanders know when to retreat to survive and fight another day.
I ranted about the “never give up” business.
A quote from one of my favorite authors:
some tough decisions that might sting short term, but will ultimately help you succeed in the future
*places debit in column C and credit in column F, tallies, checks bottom of ledger*
Yep, math checks out.
We have been going for quite a while
Did we pass a milestone? I haven’t been keeping track.
There was a mention about a survey that most Americans have not made a new friend in five years.
Well, I’m here to to tell you that I made a whole bunch of new friends in the last five years. While most of you are hiding behind avatars I’ve had the pleasure of meeting a bunch of you in meatspace and, despite the on-line bluster, you all turn out to be wonderful people, whom I feel glad to call “friends”.
Except that one guy. He’s an asshole.
Well, he bought dinner so I guess I can excuse him.
Oh good, I thought he was talking about me.
I never even met him and I assumed it was me.
And I’m here to tell you that both BH and his lovely wife are fine people. I was glad I got to spend the short amount of time with them that I did. Everybody I’ve met from here have been wonderful people.
Well, “wonderful” may be a bit much for Pope Jimbo.
I’ve come close to meeting Y’allins IRL, but always miss it by That, Much….
Yusef, buddy, if you ever get anywhere within a few hundred miles of Eastern NoDak, you let me now. I’ll buy us some tall cans and we’ll talk about vacuums all night long.
Our retirement plan is to travel the country. We’d like to meet the glibs who want to be met.
That’s a good plan.
Idaho awaits.
We’ll need a new Mystery Guest next year. It was a great but I didn’t get to join in the frivolity too much. All the glibs we met are fine people, impressive that some came a long ways (looking at the Hobbits) for an afternoon. Well, Jimbo is “good enough” even if he wasn’t wonderful, he made up for it with his wife and kiddos, they behaved themselves in an exemplary manner.
That’s what next years are for.
Our hope is to be on the way to Alaska this time next year so I’m afraid we’re going to have to skip to the next. Daughter #2 is still in Michigan so we will be in your neck o’ the woods again.
“…whom I feel glad to call “friends”.”
*angrily* Who are your calling friend, pal?
He’s not your pal, buddy.
He’s not your Buddy guy!
Warren’s Economic Advisors will be fun.
Got my birthday blowjob yesterday from my good friend 32F, now it’s Slutty Sunday!
Congratulations on both!
Happy birthday, Q!
Happy Birthday day Q!
Congratulations and Happy Birthday!
Fuck the The Chive’s adblocker blocker.
By the way, PornHub had their 2019 awards recently. Angela White won best breasts.
Merry Birfday, man. Keep the titties coming.
Geez, what is with Glibs and October birthdays? That’s at least #4. My nephew’s tomorrow, my sister’s FIL was last weekend, and two of my closest colleagues are also celebrating this month.
People like having sex in winter.
People like having sex…
Best Wishes, Birthday Boy, and many more to come
I like sex year round.
And the lights don’t have to be out either.
Socks on and through the slit in the underwear?
Were you guys watching me just now?
Do you at least microwave the watermelon?
That’s no way to talk about a lady!
Happy B-day, dude!
¡ʎɐpɥʇɹᴉq ʎddɐH
*Figured since someone is going down on you.
Man I am enjoying the Chargers getting their asses kicked. Schadenfreude is probably a sin but it feels so good.
I can root for the Steelers now that Rapethisburger is out.
Everybody was kung fu fighting.
The Hong Kong situation is not going to end well.
I am inspired, and saddened, by what is happening, and the inevitable outcome.
The protestors may have more firepower and perseverance than we think.
They may surprise us.
And since I’m praying again, I’ll add them to my list.
OK, now that was pretty awesome.
Chevrolet Reveals the Super Ugly Corvette C8 Convertible to the Thunderous Applause of Corvette Owners and Dealers
Snark. Glorious snark.
He’s right, though. It’s ugly.
LOL. One more:
I have toured the Corvette factory at the insistence of Mr. Mojeaux and I am soooooo glad he did. Loved it. XY got to “birth” a Corvette coming off the assembly line (first person to rev it and drive it a foot or so).
The 1976 Stingray is one of my favorite cars.
My favorite Corvette.
Not my picture by the way.
Husband toured that museum too. I didn’t because I was tired.
I toured the museum and have a picture of the car, but I think that picture is better than mine.
I also hand-delivered robc his BIF beer at the museum.
It’s a good museum. I recommend it.
“The 1976 Stingray is one of my favorite cars.”
1962 is my favorite.
Alienware makes cars now? That is hideous.
Best Vette
Imma go with this.
Looking at some of the cars and trucks around here, and I can’t even figure out where they put the engine. With those Vette’s there was no doubt where it is.
Heh yeah that one is an engine with some other stuff tacked on behind it.
The way God intended.
If need be, at least put a banana in your speedo.
Almost. My shot was from the local car show this past weeken. Across the street was an ice blue stingray. Two best cars there
Imma go with this.
Yup. That hit all the buttons for 16yo Hobbit. There was one, exactly like the one pictured, for sale next to the place I was re-modeling. I think that is was $4k which I could swing but would destroy my living expenses and college funds.
I would have killed myself.
Yeah, I screwed up and got the wrong pic. I want a ’66 with an l-79, four speed and a/c. That’s an l-48 ’64. Close enough.
Hottest teacher in our High School drove something similar except red. No naughty stories, unfortunately.
Wait–so, that wasn’t a euphemism?
Gorgeous. Design for the sake of style.
yep. and Virgil Exner at his best.
Good lord. What year?
;59 or ’60 I think.
The interior. Friend’s dad had a Dodge same vintage. You could hardly drive it on a sunny day with all the interior chrome.
And don’t forget the ’59 Chevy.
Jesus that takes me back! I can just smell that old car smell from when I was just a wee Festus, playing in the cars in the neighbors junkyard.
I like the Dodge Prowler.
Don’t judge me.
Nobody’s perfect.
You’re OK anyway/
That’s the only critter we have around here that the cats leave be. They’ll tear up a big dog’s nose, but they watch passively when the raccoons come around
It’s in his nature.
“Slipknot – Psychosocial in 25 styles”
Jimmy Dore: Honest Lefty
One of his favorite hobbies is shitting on Rachel Maddow for being a liar, and boy howdy…
You’ve got all those progressives in the media and DNC sitting in a traffic jam and Dore says, “Hey, this lane is open” and turns onto the off ramp to a wide open lane by himself and Tim Pool.
OK, so I’m not the only Glib who listens to those two. As much as I disagree with them, I think they’re honestly seeking the truth.
Dore I think is genuine, Pool gives me the feeling that he’s in it to gain an audience. I might be wrong, but that’s my impression.
I watched Pool videos several times a week a few months ago and thought he seemed genuine. Near the time I kinda fell out of interest he did seem to fall into a Me vs YouTube, they’re hiding my vids, please support my other channels rant a little too often.
Everybody has an angle. Pool is upfront with his perhaps a bit too often. “I’m on the left, but this is crazy!”. Helluva lot more honest than the self avowed “unbiased” media.
Yeah, that’s why it rings untrue. ‘I’m one of the enemies, but I also hate your enemies!’ Like a reverse Tokyo Rose.
This is where I am with all those attractive young conservative women bloggers, their shtick is just too on the nose, Maybe I’m cynical but I get the feeling these girls would change their ‘values’ in a second if it got them more clicks.
Yeah, and they probably bleed out of their where-ever.
True enough, and I get the skepticism – no one deserves a free pass – but I’ll continue to listen until I hear something patently untrue.
Damn you, BP! You can’t go around being so…
reasonablerational!CPRM: He ‘s definitely trying to gain an audience. But he has stated his political preferences clearly. If he changes his mind, he has to state why, or be seen as a hypocrite. He’d lose much of the audience who view him as trustworthy (including me). He’s stated his 1A principles. That alone puts him far above so many MSM dickcheese who bloviate constantly, but feel they are immune to criticism. (That means you, Fredo. That means you).
Why oh why must these guys be so long-winded? 24 minutes is too long unless you are on the shitter having a very unfortunate dump (or not) or maybe stuck in traffic. Get to the point, Coleridge!
No way you guys missed this, but just in case.
Ummm, ok…
I didn’t really think The Kingsmen was a good movie. There I said it.
The thread and responses are what interests me.
NEW: A video depicting a macabre scene of a fake President Trump shooting, stabbing & brutally assaulting members of the news media & his political opponents was shown at a conference for his supporters at his Miami resort.
People are freaking out over this (or, more likely pretending to freak out). I’ve seen worse on Twitter almost every week for the past 3 years, but this was done by the wrong people.
Yeah, I read the responses, and they were acting like this was a fully produced video. But it’s just someone with a pirated version of After Affects using footage from The Kingsmen, hence the joke.
Speaking of assaults on the press:
Christ, what an asshole.
PS. I have a feeling this is just a prelude of what’s to come. Even the NYT can’t bury what’s coming.
According to CNN, the Biden campaign also sent letters to Facebook and Twitter on Wednesday, “imploring the companies not to run an ad that spread the debunked theory about Biden and Ukraine.”
And they compared Trump to a mafia boss?
It’s good to be the Kingsmen.
What you did there! Also, I didn’t look at Patreon payments for the month, but I saw the total. Danke.
No problem.
Neither did I, C.
Don Wick.
“Every person & organization in this video needs to call FBI. The person, or persons, responsible, & whoever made decision to show it, must be put in prison. We’re at a point in this country we haven’t been to in over 150 years. Scary to think about where this country is going.”
Christ, what an asshole.
Yes, it is scary when people demand that someone be locked up in federal pmita prison for making a silly video.
But it mad them attack Benghazi…Oh, that’s not the video you’re talking about…move along, nothing to see here…
Can we reconsider forced exile for just this one asshole. I know, but man, what a prick. I’d love to see him dropped off in Iran with no way out of there.
That was the most hilarious and horrifying political video ever. It wouldn’t matter who the politician was it would be humorous to me. But jesus you have to hand it to the Trumpers man they can fucking meme. There is so much going on in that video, Bernie getting killed by the DNC, Romney stabbing Trump in the back I mean just good lord.
I’m out for the night. See you all whenever I have time to log in.
So, the fucking Rotary Club of Simi Valley has cancelled the 2020 Cajun Blues fest. They started fucking it up about three years ago, when they closed the front of the stage and sold “VIP” tickets to (mostly elderly) people and they all just sat there in their expensive seats and prevented the usual dancing and partying. Then, they kept removing blues acts and replacing them with, oh, I don’t know fucking Ambrosia and a Queen knock off band. Yeah instead of Guitar shorty and Tommy Castro and the Painkillers, we got “How Much I Feel.” I’ve been going for ten years now. I hate to see it end like this. I’m considering approaching them and trying to do something to save it. Who am I kidding, I have a full time job and a 7 year old kid who’s a full time job himself. I doubt they would relinquish enough control to actually make a difference. Another one bites the dust I guess (sung karaoke style but some wannabes). Fucking people.
That bites.
I want to say that everything sucks when people try to monetize it, but that’s not quite what I mean. You should be able to monetize your art or blog or whatever.
But big rock bands monetized their art and made gazillions and gave the audience what they wanted.
Where is that sweet spot between one’s art making money and your blog being overrun by popus and ads and clickbait and paywalls and things that drive away an audience.
I don’t know why all that came out of my fingertips.
I’m sorry you lost your tradition.
Thank you. I’ll get over it. Time moves on. Look what they’ve done to country music, LOL.
That was a very sad article.
I haven’t regularly listened to country music since 2002.
Pretty much the same. I listen Prime Country on Sirius and miss what used to be.
There have been a few acts that have caught my ear here and there. Little Big Town, Miranda Lambert,
Band Perry, and Jana Kramer, but I think I started to fade out with Faith Hill’s “Cry.” I like the song, but it’s not country.
Butch Walker’s Here Comes the Heartbreak is a better country song than any of those, and it’s not a country song.
I don’t know what makes that a better country song than the ones I linked because it’s thematically and musically similar to the sad one.
Second, what makes it NOT country? It walks like a country song, talks like a country song. Pink’s backing vocals make it auto-NOT country?
De gustibus, and all, but I’m not seeing the superiority.
It’s better because it is. As far as not being an actual country song; it’s Butch Walker ft. Pink; It does feature a lot of things like acoustic guitars and such that country music does and fits the same thematics, but it isn’t country in a lot of musical elements as well as the artist not meaning it to be such, which is why I pointed it out. This was an ex-hair band pop-punk solo artist doing a better country song than most country artists make today, even if the aim wasn’t to make a country song.
If you say so, then it must be true.
Now you’re getting the point.
I’m a radio DJ, and your not!
But I DO know how to spell “you’re.”
There’s something about Kimberly Perry’s singing voice that I like to hear.
Of course, stepping into the way back machine, the country/pop crossover last happened about 45 years ago to where New Country eventually rose as a rebellion against.
That to me is the quintessential country song. The instruments, the sound, the pace, the vocals, all of it.
punksolo artist doing a better country song than most country artists make todayBut enough about Darius Rucker’s solo career…
The last bastion of argumentation against those of us whom are your betters, spelling pedantry. (if this doesn’t make it clear, I fear I’ve been too subtle)
Ug Darius, I I liked Xerxes better. I liked him before it was cool.
Too soon?
Too late?
Okay. In case *I* have been too subtle—fuck off with your “I know what’s good and you don’t because I’m a DJ and you’re not” bullshit.
Are we clear NOW?
An old one, to be sure…
I just realized that all the aongs I linked are from years and years ago.
WTF, 2001 was, like, last week.
That’s what I keep telling my nieces, they just look at me like I’m an old fool.
Y’all have heard of the Dead South, Be Good Tanyas (TY Chipping Pioneer) and Turnpike Troubadours/a>, right? Just a sample of the good bands that aren’t gonna suck Nashville’s ass.
Dammit – Be Good Tanyas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdIhpkEkC4c
Yes, Festus introduced me to the Be Good Tanyas. ❤️ The others I have not heard of.
I don’t listen to the radio at all (except when my husband makes me listen to Boston over and over because that’s all our classic rock station plays) so I never hear country music anyway. I don’t hear pop music much either.
I click on links people share and then save what I like, find the artist and see if I like any more of their stuff or if the song I liked was a one-off.
I found Rumer that way. I was lamenting Karen Carpenter (again) on Twitter and somebody said, “Hey, you’ll like Rumer.”
Also, r/ifyoulike has given me some good stuff I would never have known existed.
I much dig Turnpike Troubadours.
And I’m not a country person. I do like good tunes.
For Mojeaux (and anyone else): Dead South.
BP—I buy those dudes’ music cuz I love them!
I don’t know if this is country but I like it.
I’m not a fan of modern county pop. I saw Kasey Muscgraves tonight and the chick can sing and she looks good, but that’s pop music not Country.
I like it, too. Thanks! *adds to wishlist*
Welp–that one’s right in the feels…
Last year, at my job, a guy used to play the modern country station. Fucking horrible. There was a song about a toyota pickup where he rhymes it with soda. With a few hip-hop touches no less. I burst out laughing. I’d like to spit some Beechnut in that dudes eye.
Blue Tacoma. One of our stations is Modern Country. That song is so fucking horrible. Maybe that’s our answer to the Vegas Shooting? He knew how shit country music was going to be? I mean, we aren’t getting any answers from investigators, so it’s either that or my Harvey Wienstien story. Those are our only options.
LOL! I remember (probably you) linking that. It’s SO awful. He’s pretty, though.
If you have access to Sirius Xm listen to “OutLaw!!! country” there are some good new country bands/artists out there. You aren’t going to hear them on the stations that play whoever this years’ Shania Twain is but they do exist.
I’d take mid 90’s ShaNeyNey over the current crop of crap. Mutt Lange knew how to craft a product even if he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants or his wife’s.
Shania had some bitchin’ outfits. Forget Wonder Woman. I’d cosplay as Shania Twain.
Make that a facet of a future character, and you can cosplay for the book cover!
Here’s Wheeler Walker Jr. explaining it all on Joe Rogan.
That sucks, I’ve been going to the same blues festival for 18 years now, been to all but the first year. Early on the guy running it never knew if he would be holding the next one, but he kept at it and now sells out more or less every year, and while I can’t knock him for his success, I have noticed the quality of the acts has been slipping and he’s monetizing everything, In the early years it was first come first serve and people would set up tents and such wherever they could now he auctions off the spots and sells ‘permits’ for damn near anything bigger than a folding chair. Again, he put in the effort and risked his own money in the early years so props to that, but when you start squeezing every nickel outta the crowd and go form having Robert Cray or Dr John headlining to Ronnie Baker Brooks (who I love, but let’s face it he’s not in the same league as a Bonnie Raitt or Gary Clark jr) I lose a little sympathy and start grumbling a bit.
Maybe I don’t have to worry about housing my little not brother. I invited him over for some drinking and playing Madden, and true to form he hasn’t come over like he said he would. Hopefully this means he won’t take me up on my offer to live here while he once again sorts his shit out. I don’t really like roommates, but I had to offer.
Change your locks.
Just to be sure.
You big city folk always with locking doors.
Swap out the shells in your shotgun?
I have an old friend who finally did what he should have done a long time ago and moved back with family to try to get his life back together. A week later I get a call asking to stay with me “temporarily” because he had to come back to pick up some paperwork that he needs. This isn’t the first time he’s asked to move in. I’m 50 years old and I don’t want a roommate, dammit. Saying “no” isn’t easy but I’m finding it easier each time.
Best thing about living in a three room shack, none of my deadbeat buddys ever need to ‘crash’ for a few days, back when I had extra rooms it was like I was running a halfway house for all my divorced/out of work/loser friends.
I have a spare “bedroom” that probably can’t fit a bed. It does fit a cat-box along with some junk. A while back he floated the idea of him and his girlfriend shacking up in there. Yeah, no.
I had a terrible habit of bringing “strays” home when I was teen-aged Festus. None of them slept with me and it infuriated my parents. Points for karma, I guess.
Well, I guess you missed my earlier post, little not brother is need of a home because baby mama #2 and him are on the outs, so he’s living with his sister, but her man is getting out of jail soon, and there is a protective order that says the two can’t be near each other, an his mom’s new boyfriend doesn’t like him, so he can’t stay there. I tried to help him out by letting him live with me when he got out of prison; but he moved out when I got mad he didn’t show up for his first day of work for his first job ever…If he were woke he probably would have yelled at me about white privilege (he’s feather not dot).
I’d blame it on his real family and not mine who did much of his raising, but then again until this week I didn’t know my oldest sister was only my half sister. Erbody is fucked up when it comes to family.
For you
S-club 3, that’s just depressing.
When S-club doesn’t make CPRM happy…woe be unto humanity!
Meh, my main interest in S-Club was Rachel, if she’s not there, what difference at this point does it make.
oops, splooge, I mean link.
Who cares about the “boys” in S-Club? Shoulda just been S-Club Four as far as I’m concerned. Now I feel the shame and go to box.
Imagine my shock…
Extinction Rebellion isn’t about the Climate
Stuart Basden
Yes, yes, I know. The climate is breaking down. It’s urgent. An emergency. We’ve only got a few years left to ‘fix’ it.
Indeed, we won’t fix it. Weather patterns will become increasingly unstable and unpredictable, and the effects it will soon have on how humans around the world grow food will be devastating, likely causing harvests to fail across entire continents and food prices to sky-rocket. Millions have already suffered due to the amplified instability. We’re facing imminent societal collapse (whatever that means), both around the world and in the UK. All of our lives are soon going to radically change.
And I’m here to say that XR isn’t about the climate. You see, the climate’s breakdown is a symptom of a toxic system of that has infected the ways we relate to each other as humans and to all life. This was exacerbated when European ‘civilisation’ was spread around the globe through cruelty and violence (especially) over the last 600 years of colonialism, although the roots of the infections go much further back.
As Europeans spread their toxicity around the world, they brought torture, genocide, carnage and suffering to the ends of the earth. Their cultural myths justified the horrors, such as the idea that indigenous people were animals (not humans), and therefore God had given us dominion over them. This was used to justify a multi-continent-wide genocide of tens of millions of people. The coming of the scientific era saw this intensify, as the world around us was increasingly seen as ‘dead’ matter — just sitting there waiting for us to exploit it and use it up. We’re now using it up faster than ever.
Euro-Americans violently imposed and taught dangerous delusions that they used to justify the exploitation and reinforced our dominance, while silencing worldviews that differed or challenged them. The UK’s hand in this was enormous, as can be seen by the size of the former British empire, and the dominance of the English language around the world. There is stark evidence that everyday racial bias continues in Britain, now, today. It’s worth naming some of these constructed delusions that have been coded into societies and institutions around the world:
The delusion of white-supremacy centres whiteness and the experience of white people, constructing and perpetuating the myth that white people and their lives are somehow inherently better and more valuable than people of colour.
The delusion of patriarchy centres the male experience, and excludes/hinders female assigned people from public life (reducing them to a possession or object for ownership or consumption). Patriarchy teaches dominating and competitive behaviours, and emphasises the idea that the world is a place of scarcity, separation and powerlessness.
The delusions of Eurocentrism include the notion that Europeans know what is best for the world.
The delusions of hetero-sexism/heteronormativity propagate the idea that heterosexuality is ‘normal’ and that other expressions of sexuality are deviant.
The delusions of class hierarchy uphold the theory that the rich elite are better/smarter/nobler than the rest of us, and make therefore better decisions.
[Fred voice]
Now wait just a minute- this isn’t the Ghost of Captain Cutler…It’s a mask!
“Curses! And I would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn’t been for you meddling kids!”
let me guess, the name of the ‘toxic system’ rhymes with ‘mapitalism’?
Ding ding ding!
Marxist watermelons for everybody!
2nd guess, humanity?
He’s not wrong. The klimate krisis is not about climate, it’s about the whole Marxist-Leninist laundry list.
‘The delusion of white-supremacy centres whiteness and the experience of white people, constructing and perpetuating the myth that white people and their lives are somehow inherently better and more valuable than people of colour.’
Therefore, we demand policies that would eventually bring down western civilization, but the people most likely to feel the impact first and suffer the most would disproportionately be non-white people in nations outside of western civilization.
Modern environmentalism is a death cult.
Normal in scare quotes.
Heh the German slang meaning “straight” is “normal“….
What the ever loving fuck is that?
Yes, Europeans invented these things. They never occurred before wypipo showed up.
I think I’m going to start scolding Leftists for promoting Eurocentrism next time they say we should be more like Scandinavia.
This is why I stopped being a Lefty circa 1992. First Wifey went back to Uni and I heard all of this nonsense second-hand whilst paying her way for her studies. They are assaulting me because I happen to exist. Bring it on you cuntes.
Gunfire, abandoned suv with a missing driver, dead Profa/anarchist, and police aren’t saying squat. Very strange.
Kealiher, who was also known in the activist community as Anteo/Armeanio, was an activist for most of his life, Raiford said, always willing to pour his energy toward social justice; a young man bearing the burdens of social issues.
Great. Now we get to talk about whether people who don’t know any better get in heaven. Again.
Now we get to talk about whether people who don’t know any better get in heaven.
No one does, also love the new avatar.
Can you be my God? I like your plan.
But ‘All Dogs Go To Heaven’ and that damn dog died twice!
Nelson laff.
Dang, Fes!
Are we supposed to guess which one gave you your birthday gift?
Inquiring minds want to
knowsee.Well, sort of….
Thanks Q! I needed a little bit of cheer after the derp posted up-thread. You’re good people.
And one insomniac to rule them all!
Sing the song boys!
Damn right…
For 2001!
90s-2000s metal meets country music, without Fred Durst.
You know whats the most anti-country thing ever, (no, not Michael J fox) it’s singing about how god damn country you are, either that or bitching about wanna-bes wannbeing about how god damn country they are (yeah I’m looking at you ‘Shooter’). Fuck it, you like that pop star dude, Butch what-his-name that’s cool, but he ain’t Johnny Cash, never will be, neither will Tom Waits or Luther Dickinson, country,punk,rock. All the this ain’t “real ‘insert genre here'” shit ring the same bell. A tired old lonely bell.
I love that song, but had forgotten it existed. Brought back warm fuzzy memories of childhood.
Sidebar tune – https://youtu.be/1n57WBtvtC4
“Cheeks of Wetness” for the Porn Princess of the LDS!
You fall victim to your own game! *comes out of the shadows clapping*
Wifey sold two pieces of art today at $200 a pop. I’m very happy for her!
Was this related to the earlier travel?
Congratulations to her!
Is she on Etsy? Was it at an arts festival? A fair?
Facebook but she should do Etsy. It was word of mouth most likely. Her handle on Facestalk is “A Wee Peek”
A Wee Peek. A product of Time out Productions unless you want to look at pre-natal imagery. Sorry about that.
Hey; it’a broadening of horizons in multiple directions.
Found her. Followed.
Beautiful work. Just beautiful.
Thanks Mojeaux! I think that you and her are spiritual Sisters. I’m soooo lucky!
Awesome! I’ve got to give props to people who can produce art (whether visual art, music, literature, or whatever) and actually make money doing so. My neighbor’s daughter makes a pretty comfortable living selling paintings (a lot of upscale hotels and restaurants buy original artwork).
I’ve had this dream of writing fiction and have attempted it on and off over the years. I’m still at the stage where I get a spark of inspiration, start thinking I have the greatest idea ever, write it down, then come back to it a week later and it sounds fucking stupid.
I think one thing hanging me up is that I need to know what a story is supposed to do, and I can’t figure that out. What is the function of a fictional story? Maybe I’m being too “technical” about it and asking entirely the wrong questions. Maybe I just need to quit philosophizin’ and just sit the fuck down and write something. /off-topic rant
Most of my “great ideas” only seem great until five minutes after I wake up.
All my great ideas sound genius, until I wake up sober. That’s why I make the cartoons before then.
All humans tell stories. It’s part of what makes us human. All you really need to know is that:
1) a story has a beginning, a middle, and an end (Scheherizade gets a pass)
2) a character has a goal, motivation, and conflict
What does the character want?
Why does he want it?
What obstacles does he have to overcome to get it?
That’s pretty much it.
Sometimes you just need to screw your courage to the sticking place and ask that pretty girl for a dance! I’m one to talk, failed artist and pretty much everything else but if you want it you have to do it. If it fails, fuck it. Like I said last night, “They can’t all be gems…”
Congrats to the wife. I formerly (until last year) taught marketing to my fellow artists. Get her on Instagram and Pinterest. That’s where the money is without involving galleries who want large commissions.
Good advice, SP! I’ve been bugging her about this but she’s wary of shipping costs. Cross-border and all.
Catfish noodling. Because it’s neat.
She hunts too
I want to be her when I grow up.
She is due to be un-personed as soon as the right (wrong) person gets wind of her videos.
/not a hope; a concern
Oh, you’re totally right.
I really hope I’m not–I would prefer that to be rather dumb snark on my behalf.
But, that seems to be the way of things so often, especially for women who hunt.
No snark intended on my part. It is sad and inevitable.
She’s cute as a button, too, whoch the lefty XX’s hate.
Oh, other than us being Glibs, I didn’t totally see it as such.
Not being a hunter/outdoorsy type myself, she out-“mans” me…whatever the hell that can encompass.
I hope, as I’m sure you do, that she evades their notice, or, kicks their collective ass (paging Festus!) if anyone tries to unperson her.
Goddamn! When did I get so old? I’m not in the starting line-up or even a bench-warmer. I’m the fucking time-keeper…
Ah, c’mon, my man—older != “so old”.
Think of it this way: steaks are aged to make them more flavorful. Age one too long, and it’ll make you sick if you eat it.
Are you making anyone sick when they eat y-
Umm…maybe a different analogy…
Got an email from Buds about 380EZ and Shield 380 for $249 each after $50 rebate. Click through. First is $325 before rebate and reserved for Team Buds members only. Second is $367before rebate. Neither is anywhere close to the advertised price.
I haven’t bought a gun in a while from Buds, but they were decent on pricing and inventory when I did. This bait and switch is about the last straw before they go off into the permanent round file.
It’s time for some “oddly satisfying” vids to put me to sleep. Night all.
::reads comment more thoroughly::
I watch astronomy shows. It helps to think big before I think small.
You cuing up Star Hustler videos?
/I keed, I keed!
I’m glad that I don’t know that reference. Yet.
The man
I won’t link to his drama (hint: he wasn’t married and kids liked him).
Keep looking up!
*whistles ditty*
“The biggest show of all–the universe.”
Hey it’s after-hours Glibs! I assumed something filthy. Seems like a cool guy, RIP.
Well, of course there were claims of abuse against him. So, not completely unscathed. And, AFAIK, never adjudicated/proven.
We can’t have nice things, apparently.
No. We can never, ever have nice things. I’m starting to sound like CPRM or Ted S.
FesSing up too much lately. Keyboard needs a a speed governor. Read back through comments from last night. Not proud of myself.
::furrows brow, scratches head::
You did? I don’t recall anything (other than your mild teasing ?) that gets into that kind of realm…
Kittehs…fb ads… I don’t see anything.
Makin’ Bacon. I really need to just shut up and listen. Sandy Waterbed would be a great 70’s era porn name though.
Ohhh…Well, if it’s any consolation, I enjoyed the mention. If it’s something you’d rather I not have in the ol’ memory banks, don’t fret–it won’t be long until the ROM clears itself.
/not a robot
Ha! I’ll just crack another beer and forget all of my worries and woes like a good Glib should. That’s the second time that I told the Legion story and the waterbed one is a teaser.
Not to quibble (much), but, you may want to refer to it as the Legion Hall story. Otherwise, you may end up conjuring thoughts of demons…
I mean–I won’t be word police, or, anything….and, it does sound rather epic.
But, enjoy the oat soda!
Submitted without comment https://youtu.be/_mKPCJUW2I4
Talk about a Canadian success story! TPB is one helluva ride, and, even though it has ups and downs, is a rather inspirational tale for a creative endeavor.
It’s pretty true to life except for the gun-play. I have buddies that live in a trailer park a half-mile from their parents’ houses. Wild kids, much drinking and drugging and way, way too many ‘member-berries. Funny stories but I don’t need to rehash the past every time I meet up with you. I used to visit from time to time because my favorite golf course was right there. Wifey usually had to come to rescue me. The drive back was never pleasant.
OK–I’m not the only one. But, it seems saying so isn’t wholesome…
I mean…it’s true!
That was equally mesmerizing and yet disturbing. Payback for “Pippi Pubes”? If so, well played, Diggy… Well played…
No. I am still mesmerized by that phrase, if not the idea.
OK….the idea.
But, I can’t see here w/o seeing Stephen Merchant! I absolutely want to see him play some kind of quasi-young “wunderkid” parody of her. But, for all I know, he buys into it
He’ll keep his opinions to himself if he wants to maintain a career. He’s a smart man.
Is he? He seems somewhat funny, but…. I dunno–I get a vibe (he’s with Ricky Gervais, sho can be funny, but is fairly Left, I think).
who* can be funny
I saw that our Japan-based Glibs have checked in, for the most part… Any updates on this this evening/today?
Gonna need some shin shinkansen in Nagano.
So glad that I’m Hill folk.
Until the inevitable happens – https://youtu.be/cTBx-hHf4BE
Or this @ :36
Yeah, that.
So….shouldn’t expect them in late-night chat, huh?
Well, I think we’ve hit the end of this thread… At least, it seems that way. Prayers and wishes for those who can’t be here due to unfortunate circumstances.
Good night, Mr. and Mrs. Glibertarian.
If you happen to drop in after this, just remember: Same Bat time, same Bat channel!
You’re a good egg, Diggy. Sleep tight!
Song for Sir Digby, Not A Naked Intruder – https://youtu.be/hhXpGRJQV4Y
I want to time travel back twenty years and marry this girl https://youtu.be/x2xDXc1HXag
I have a hard time listening to talking heads anymore. I guess I’ve already made up my mind. Also, her nose looks a little red. Prolly has a coke habit.
As regards time travel, I was watching a Shiite and a kid was playing rugby in it. My first thought was, yeah, when I’m 14 I’m going to take up playing rugby again. Took me a few minutes to realize I’m never going to be able to do that.
You were a Shite-poke?