Let’s see. Today my work computer decided it needed to spend an hour and a half “updating” between 10:00am and 11:30am, and then I found where Microsoft has “enhanced the usability” of drop-down in the coming release of Dynamics to the point where my test-users, who are a pretty competent bunch, couldn’t figure out how the hell to use it. I finally found the self-congratulatory announcement where the MS team told us how they fixed a problem none of us had. So now I get to tell users that the process that worked perfectly fine for them is going away. Is it beer-thirty yet?
I just don’t think reminding voters of your weak points is a winning strategy. These people need a red team in their campaigns. Surrounding yourselves with toadies is not the way to win.
I thought my day was bad, then I read about this guy. Dude walked 350 miles from Indiana (through Illinois) to Wisconsin to get arrested for attempted sex with a minor.
Nothing says “high executive function” like facial tattoos.
Oh man, who (besides pretty much everyone here) could have guessed that a review of FISA court abuses would generate a document “as thick as a phonebook”? For millenials, that’s “as tall as an avocado”.
I think I need the theme song today.
I don’t know why, but Warren frightens me more than Hillary and Biden.
Is everyone drunk around here? Where is everyone?
Just got back from the range.
Hope you did better than I did the last time I went. I need some better eyeglasses for sure.
The range I went to charges $3 for every hole above the top of your target.
I’ve never heard of such a policy.
Did ok. Took out the new ar pistol in 7.62×39.
It is a lil finnicky with hard primers. Guess I should order the extended firing pin.
Columbus Day. I’d imagine they are busy oppressing indigenous peoples.
I legitimately LOL’d.
I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I got a wounded knee
Yeah, after my injury, I will fight no more, forever.
I’m here! I was just busy writing the latest post for my blog.
Enjoy Sidney Poitier having a bad hair day.
I thought that was David Hasselhoff in blackface for a second.
It’s from the movie The Long Ships. IMDb says the producers originally wanted Ernest Borgnine for the role that went to Poitier, which would only make the movie more ridiculous.
Elsewhere in his career, Borgnine played ancient Roman in Demetrius and the Gladiators and an Amish farmer (LOL!) in Violent Saturday.
“Is everyone drunk around here? Where is everyone?”
Some of us work. I got home from the office about 10 minute ago.
-“Is everyone drunk around here? Where is everyone?”
Some of us are making refrigerator bread as well as chocolate coconut rum banana bread. And drinking rum.
Ditto. She’s a true fascist.
She’ll scare you even more on Wednesday, when it’s revealed how she got that 1/1024 injun heritage.
Warren thinks she knows how to do your job better than you do. And she can hire a bunch of like minded people to do the same.
I’m sure she will be kind and send us back to the land to learn first principles.
“Hillary and Biden”
They’re pretty much exactly the same, both a product of the Clinton years in the Whitehouse. There is nothing either of them would stop at to stamp out what is left of the Constitution or your rights.
“The story of America’s mistreatment of indigenous peoples is long and painful. And yet, Native communities have proven resilient. We owe them our respect—and we must honor our government’s commitments and promises to them. #IndigenousPeoplesDay”
That’s racist against Italians and Hispanics.
I’m sure her family has plenty of Native American blood, just mostly on their hands.
Someone should promote Free Market Day for, I dunno, the first Monday in September? The story of the American Left’s mistreatment of businessmen is long and painful.
“An Indiana man walked 351 miles to Wisconsin to have sex with a 14-year-old girl — who turned out to be an undercover cop, authorities said.”
Well, at least Wisconsin is doing their part to end the scourge of child unemployment.
pfft and they say Americans are lazy.
I could never understand why the man in this situation–entrapped by the cops–is considered to have committed any crime. He never communicated with any 14-year-old.
Mens rea, properly applied. It was his stated intent to knowingly break the law.
There is no Oscar for attempted acting.
Not true, Meryl Streep got one.
Gwyneth Paltorw too
At what point should they put a person younger than 18 into the actual situation? I’m not saying that catfishing dudes who want to have sex with underage persons is a good use of the time and resources of law enforcement officials, but at the point where morons walk (or drive) to a house to have sex with someone who has clearly stated they are underage and (usually) have traded text about how the dude “could get in trouble”, you’ve pretty much established a clear intent.
To use an alternate scenario, at what point is a burglary a burglary? Does the perpetrator have to gain possession of another’s stuff or just clearly state his intention by arriving somewhere he wouldn’t otherwise be and announcing “I’m here to steal stuff”?
Can they put in a minor to sodomize Chris Hansen?
Wow. Isn’t that a terribly bad analogy? Or am I just drunker than normal?
Of course you have to actually steal something to be charged with burglary. Are you actually saying that someone standing in front of your house saying, “I intend to steal from this house” should be charged and convicted of burglary?
How did nobody call Brett out on this hours ago? Am I missing something? Why am I necro-posting? Where is Andrew?
No, you don’t. Buglary is entering a building with the intent to commit a crime. If you intend to and you actually enter the premises, you are guilty of burglary, regardless of whether you actually steal anything or not. There are other crimes (other than theft) which qualify for burglary, as well.
Sorry, that’s in California. Those “to catch a predator” guys would be guilty of burglary here, maybe not other states.
I get what you’re saying, but Brett’s example (to drunk me) makes it sound like; I knock on you door, you answer, I say “I’m here to take you shit”, and that makes me automatically guilty of burglary.
And in Ca, at least, if you say that and cross the threshold, you’re guilty.
What if a man believes that a gun is loaded–even though it is NOT–and points it to the back of the head of someone he wants to kill. The he pulls the trigger. Will he be prosecuted as if he committed a murder?
He should definitely be prosecuted for attempted murder, yes.
I’ve seen that case. The problem is the prosecutors are only too willing to try any gambit that results in any flavor of punishment for just about anyone (except cops, family and friends.) Don’t worry about them undercharging.
Someone I know knows someone who just got 2 years+ for the same thing following a guilty plea. There was no doubt what their intent was and they were busted by the feds for crossing state lines to indulge in the activity. But, same thing as here, only person they communicated with was an FBI agent on the other end of an e-mail address.
I find this thing much more difficult to figure out as a libertarian: on the one hand, he had committed a crime but the crime for which they were convicted was the intent to commit another crime. OTOH, do I want this person walking free since they’d pretty much admitted to doing this kind of thing before?
From the article: “after responding to a friend request on Facebook
from an account the police had made”
I’m no expert in criminal law, but this just seems like they were
trying to get him. I’d have to look up what constitutes entrapment,
but if you offer a drug to a known addict, I’m going to have
a hard time holding them criminally responsible, especially
if all they accomplish is the attempt.
That’s crazy.
A low carbon footprint pedo? He should get a reduced sentence in exchange for his carbon credits.
“But I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles
To fall down at your door…”
Math checks out in metric
351 miles is 565 kilometers
For what does it benefit a man who walks 351 miles, but forfeits his soul(s)?
Couldn’t he have just used his Indiana arsenal to grab someone off the street? That’s how I understand it’s done in patriarchal rape cultures like Indiana.
Monkeys are assholes
So when is Xenu coming?
‘I was so naive’: Student from JoCo tells of his vaping addiction. Will teens listen?
Oh please… Grow up and do coke like an adult.
Time for the youth to switch back to the smooth taste of Marlboro reds or the cool and refreshing pickmeup of a Newport if you happen to be a minority kid.
They buried this part:
“Could THC be a culprit? Most of the more than 1,000 cases of lung injuries attributed to vaping so far involved people like this girl using products containing THC, the CDC reported. Those patients are 70 percent male and 80 percent younger than 35.
Mayo Clinic researchers found a similar common thread when they reviewed lung biopsies from 17 patients, — 13 men, median age 35 — who “were clinically suspected to have vaping-associated lung injury,” the New England Journal of Medicine reported. More than 70 percent of those patients had vaped with marijuana or cannabis oils.”
“70 percent of those patients had vaped with marijuana or cannabis oils.”
30 percent did the same but won’t admit it.
Technically, these are biopsies; whether the patients admit it is beside the point.
You and your moral panic can kindly go fuck yourselves.
the Mondays
Damn neighbors getting work done on their house caused me to pick up a nail in one of my (new and most expensive I have ever bought…) tires. Of course, that happened last week. This Monday has been pretty ‘meh’.
Our local Midas does free tire repairs. Dunno if that’s nationwide
It wasn’t a big deal. I just had to fill it a couple times over the weekend, slow leak. And my dad is a service writer and a dealer. So I get all my work done there and get employee pricing.
Tires are pretty good these days. I haven’t had an honest-to-goodness blowout since 1985 (which was a doozy, it sounded like a gunshot). Slow leak, refill until you can get it to be repaired.
As long as it isn’t on the sidewall you can get it plugged.
Sams Club does repairs for free if you bought the tire there.
Don’t know about Costco.
When my original set of tires is dead on my Tesla, I intend to get Michelin.
I’m not typically a brand snob, but Tires are an exception. Michelin all the way!!
BFG KO2s!!
Tastes great!
Less filling!
You can call me Ray, or you can call me Jay….
My dad loved those commercials.
‘Miller Lite Girl Fight Commercial’
I’ll be in my bunk.
BFGs are made by Michelin.
Mic drop!
Continental Extreme Contact DWS!!
I’ve had two sets of those. Would buy again.
If not, the kit to plug a tire is like 20 bucks at any auto parts store (same as downtown.)
Two journalists discover there are customer reviews for “Liverpool’s seedy underground sex world…from sex parties in city-centre hotels to the brothels hidden in plain sight” at PunterNet.
Emilia Bona and Anna Savva 18:45, 14 OCT 2019
Pleasure Detected! Unleash the pain!
Former Vice President Joe Biden unveiled an ethics plan on Monday that directly targets President Trump, accusing him of creating the “most corrupt administration in modern history.” It’s a sign the Democratic presidential candidate is ramping up his defense ahead of the fourth Democratic debate in Ohio on Tuesday.
That’s some mighty fine projection, Joe.
That senile old goat is done.
“Former Vice President Joe Biden unveiled an ethics plan”
What, he’s planning on getting some after all these years?
Now you know he’s getting senile.
Today in my new job:
“This stuff is supposed to be a light tan color. Overnight, it turned bright red. Should we still use it?”
What stuff is it?
The red stuff.
“Did you get all the blood out of it?”
Cherry flavored?
Red meat turns brown when you vacuum seal it.
or when you cook it
NBA reserving judgment.
You may say I’m a dreamer…
The first part of that quote is a bit more chilling:
I guess the gloves are about to come off.
From the Morning Links:
How exactly is one supposed to withdraw troops from Syria and keep Turkey from invading Syria? Isn’t trying to other stop other countries’ wars also interventionist?
“How exactly is one supposed to withdraw troops from Syria and keep Turkey from invading Syria? Isn’t trying to other stop other countries’ wars also interventionist?”
Well, it would mean staying in Syria, so yeah, sort of defeats that whole purpose of getting out. Just let Erdogan get himself into a nice Vietnam there, fuck that guy.
Fake news watch it before it gets taken down for copyright violations.
“ABC apparently used video of a shooting range in Kentucky called Knob Creek as war footage from Turkey and Syria.”
Thank God we have the fourth estate keeping the govt in check.
Almost forgot the original clip.
I’m going to have to save that as a possible retirement destination.
When real war isn’t real enough, show fake war.
Meh, the editor needed filler; the stock footage was probably labeled ‘fire fight’ or something and he threw it in.
It was cropped to hide the crowd, and they also overlayed the video with a date.
How dare you call them fake news!
The story of America’s mistreatment of indigenous peoples is long and painful. And yet, Native communities have proven resilient. We owe them our respect—and we must honor our government’s commitments and promises to them. #IndigenousPeoplesDay
She proceeded to do a little dance. Then it started to rain.
Yeah, raining all over her parade. The reply about buying a White Jeep Cherokee and naming it after Warren is hilarious.
“Even the dancers are packing heat”
Pics or it didn’t happen.
You don’t want to see pics of the types of women working at these joints.
I’ve just never seen anyone pole dancing with a gun.
Well, if you like ’em Thicc
So shoot them and send them to reserves?
Bringing Back the McRib aka People Are Dumb
I think that tops Animal’s story about the dynamite in the “stupid shit young men do category”
That’s going to blister.
When you think you’ve seen the most stupid thing ever click on the youtube video. Bucking for management?
When I was going to college, a lot of the black frats would brand new initiates with a Greek letter.
Yeah, quite often with a coat hanger which would sometimes cause poisoning from the coating on the wire.
Always burn off the contaminants first guys.
Damn. If you’re going to get branded, shouldn’t you want to at least do something cool, like making people think you are a Shaolin Kung Fu master or something?
This is what SJWs profs Actually believe!
There’s no bubble in higher ed
Bullshit. You’re just a dumb anti-intellectual yokel who thinks “Book-learning is for fags!”
You got me. My shit’s all retarded.
I always figured Squidward for a white supremacist so this essay’s premise doesn’t surprise me.
I used to love that show as a kid.
I seriously hope that was tongue in cheek.
Hiya Brett!
Sorry you are having a rough day.
Here, enjoy Maria Bartiromo!
I still can’t believe all of the Ramones are dead.
That’s better than I remembered it being.
I’m a fan.
I always thought she was super hot.
The song is okay too.
Used Cars Still Expensive
More than 7 million Americans are already 90 or more days behind on their car loans, according to the New York Federal Reserve, and serious delinquency rates among borrowers with the lowest credit scores have by far seen the fastest acceleration.
The seeds of the problem are buried deep in the financial crisis, when in the midst of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, automakers slashed production. A decade later, that has made a relative rarity of used 10-year-old vehicles that are typically more affordable for low-wage earners.
According to data provided to Reuters by industry consultant and car shopping website Edmunds, the average price of that vintage of vehicle is $8,657, still nearly 75% higher than in 2010 despite some softening in prices over the last year. The average new car, in contrast, has seen a price rise of 25% in that same time period.
Vehicle prices have gotten absurd.
Easy money. Get rid of it and watch the prices plummet.
Recent road trip:
Turned on lane assist
Set suspension to comfort
Used adaptive cruise control
Used Waze for navigation through the cash
Streamed podcasts though the car for entertainment
There’s a reason why prices have gone up, plus all the safety advancements.
plus all the government required safety advancements.
Fixed it.
Yep, the manufacturers quit fighting the mandates when accounting explained to them they can price it into the vehicle for higher profits.
“serious delinquency rates among borrowers with the lowest credit scores have by far seen the fastest acceleration”.
Huh, well that’s weird and completely unexpected.
Just like sub-prime mortgages going tits up. Who could have seen that?
I know. Crazy isn’t it.
The seeds of the problem are buried deep in the financial crisis, when in the midst of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, automakers slashed production
No, they’re buried in “Cash for Clunkers”, which utterly warped the used car market.
The real stupidity of cash for clunkers was the edict that the cars turned in be destroyed so that they couldn’t even be recycled other than as scrap. Just so stupid and such a waste.
Worse, in CA they have a “gross polluter ” scheme where they buy the car from you for 1500.00 if it fails smog too many times or too badly. THEN they crush those cars too. The remaining cars are deprived of used parts and the market is totally upturned by the loss of product. It’s further fucked up because registration is so fucking expensive and hard to get here, because the dmv is a fucking joke (as in 4-6 hours minimum with no appointment and two month waits for appointments.) Yeah, the car market in CA is an onion, and it will make you cry.
Thanks, Obama!
“Used Cars Still Expensive”
I’ve got an idea…. let’s destroy millions of perfectly usable cheap used cars and nudge people into buying new cars that they cannot afford. Let’s call it ‘Cash for Clunkers’. I’m a freaking genius!
Fascists everywhere cum when you say nudge.
That’s because failure to nudge results in mass graves. That’s the part they’re looking forward to.
From Wikipedia: A 2013 Brookings Institution study found that the Cash for Clunkers program resulted in a modest short-run stimulus effect (specifically, an increase in vehicle production, GDP, and job creation), but that “the implied cost per job created was much higher than alternative fiscal stimulus policies” and “these small stimulus effects do not account for the depletion of the capital stock that resulted from the destruction of used vehicles.” (my emphasis)
So, the broken window fallacy rears its ugly head. Who would have known?
Time for the Duke to be cancelled.
Well, he wasn’t much of an actor anyway. No range
“With a lot of blacks, there’s quite a bit of resentment along with their dissent, and possibly rightfully so,” Wayne said when asked about “black militants.” “But we can’t all of a sudden get down on our knees and turn everything over to the leadership of the blacks. I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don’t believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people.”
I’m not going to say this isn’t racist, because it is. But he ain’t exactly advocating mass-murder or displacement here.
You’re in trouble now, Zuck
Look, I’m a signal about how woke I am, but I’m not going to let Liawatha destroy my little business. No hypocrisy there, you know.
Well, I did it. I voted for Maxime Bernier. First time I go off Conservative or Liberal.
Back to putting my (egg based) lasagne with veal, and home made sauce.
My lizard brain read that as Maxine Waters at first.
White supremacist confirmed.
It is also the riding with the highest percentage of White Caucasians (99.3%).
Well opposition to open borders is a key part of his platform…
Wait, Maxime is a guy?
Well opposition to open borders is a key part of his platform…
So important I said it twice!
The wiki article grrizzly posted says that Bernier is on your ballot under the flags of both the People’s Party and the Rhinoceros Party. If true (and not a cheeky wiki edit) I hope you voted for him under the proper banner.
To the extent you’ll see this, the RP is its own party and if they ran candidates in my riding would strongly consider.
I have not heard this. It was under the shitty ‘Peope’s Party’ banner.
The Rhino party is running a guy with the same name as Bernier is his riding. They pulled a similar stunt in 1988 against John Turner.
My hope for CanGlibs is, at the very least, you get rid of Dumbass McBlackface as Premier.
Time to go rake up a few thousand of these fucking things.
Beats hell out of sweet gum tree balls.
I have wanted to cut down our sweet gum trees for the last 14 years. Alas, for the last 14 years, we’ve had more urgent things to do.
Hell I’d just mulch those.
I’m not convinced they’re biodegradable. They’re the Keith Richards of seed pods.
But they so pretty when it’s the fall. Now rake them balls so we can look at the pretty trees!
These euphemisms.
You know that is worse? There’s a ginormous White Oak tree in front of our place. The thing is about 6′ or so in diameter at least and probably 80-100 ft tall. It’s huge. Everyday when I walk to the parking lot to my car, I get a rain of acorns falling on my head. It doesn’t hurt really, but it’s annoying as fuck.
Done. 8 giant lawn bags stuffed full. Pita.
She’s actually running on this slogan?! OMFG.
She has more plans than the Soviet Union.
You know who else had a plan?
Slim Pickins?
I like this plan too
The ol’ number 6
George Marshall?
Ed Wood?
So did Hedley.
anyone appearing before a zoning board ?
Charlie, according to Bugliosi?
“Warren has a PLAN for that!”
And she won’t hesitate to spend as much ‘of your money’ on it, as necessary!
It is too late here in Minnesoda for hot swimsuits like this(Probably NSFW) and that is too bad.
I had to scrape my windows this morning.
I’m not ready for winter yet.
That’s what garages are for. Frost here, too
No. Garages are for storing all your shit in.
Garages are for storing all your shit in.
Incorrect. This is what basements, attics, and sheds are for. If the stuff starts to encroach on the garage, that’s a sign that your dumpster needs some love. Don’t have any of the three storage areas? That’s a sign it’s time to move.
Pistoffnick’s rule of shit (closely related to Boyle’s Law of Gases):
Shit expands to fill the available space.
Also I have a hard time throwing things away. I finally threw out the gallon sized zip-lock bag of twist ties during my last move.
Or if you have the land, just build a pole barn.
5 things that my wife and I agree on:
1. All politicians suck.
2. Sex, overall, is best in a closed relationship.
3. Smoked meat is the best. (Not a euphemism, not related to #2)
4. Children should have an XX and an XY parent at home. (assuming neither parent is crazy)
5. Garages are for cars, not junk. Junk goes in the basement, attic, or over the fence; in that order.
I’m slow.
Or apply the 2-year/1-year rule.
Every guy needs a big metal building, in addition to all the other hiding places. For the collector cars, the extra lawn tractor and “stuff”
In L.A. that costs an extra 500k for the dirt to put it on.
“2. Sex, overall, is best in a closed relationship.”
I have to say that STD prevention is high up on the reasons why list. Of course there are other strong reasons, like trust for one.
*looks for garage under a thick layer of tools and stuff*
It got down in the low 60s here last night. I don’t see frost on the agenda for this month. Typically first couple weeks of Nov.
Damn! Here in LALA land, it got down to around 50 ish. Of course, its 75 in the middle of the day.
77 here today when I did commute home at 5PM. I can’t remember where LALA land is. Is it anywhere near L.A.?
I noticed the cleft chin.
…would generate a document “as thick as a phonebook”? For millenials, that’s “as tall as an avocado”.
I enjoyed this joke, and then I overthought it, so now you get this comment. Millennials are actually the last generation to have experienced the pre-internet and pre-smartphone era, albeit for a short period, generally as children. So while we might have an over fondness of avocados (personally I don’t like them – except in tortilla soup) we do generally know what phone books were. Gen Z are the ones with no memory of the Old World. Which in my experience has led to some funny conversations where Millennials get all “Kids These Days” about people only 5 years their junior.
Older Millennials are unfairly tarnished by the young dumb ones.
Collectively grouping people tarnishes everything.
Sorry to offend was just making a joke
I’m not offended by your joke. I’m offended by the entire concept of generations.
I’m offended by the entire concept of generations.
That’s a very Boomer thing to say.
Some phone company still drops a pile of phone books in front of my building every year.
Mandatory recycling of phone books in MN. I use them as renewable energy
I do not understand Minnesota. I put up with California legislative BS because the weather is so nice all year long. Want to go to the mountains? Sure, there’s some right there. The beach? Same thing. Racetracks? Several within a few hours. Bugs? What are bugs? Then there’s Minnesota. Nine months of freezing weather. Mosquitoes the size of birds. Garrison Keillor. Why would anyone live there and put up with the government?
Why would anyone live there and put up with the government?
The state was basically founded by Germanic peoples, who are used to both bad weather and bad government. Why anyone else would put up with it is beyond me.
I assume it’s fulfilling a government requirement.
“avocados (personally I don’t like them”
Ah, I see, you one them weirdos who don’t like avocado or cilantro, right? Something wrong with ya’ll.
They are sick people, they are.
Even worse is the poor folk who cannot tolerate spicy food.
Avocados and chiles are mandatory staples here. The Mexican food in Socal is one of the reasons I stay. Don’t even bother trying it in most other states.
Socal is where I learned to love spicy food. The Mexican food vendors on the street corners in Simi Valley got me all hooked up for life.
It really is stark.
Though probably everyone thought that about people ~5 years younger than them. I always cut it off at people born after 1990.
I’m on the cusp of boomer, with 1966 as my birth year. I feel like I’m 3-4 generations back.
Fun fact: There is a sliver of the population from 1958 – 1968 that some demographers have called the baby busters, children of the silent generation.
’66 is a weird one. I’m ’69 and definitely Gen X. My youngest brother is ’63 and definitely not.
I feel like there is a space between baby boomers and Gen X. It’s a small space, but there is a space.
Yeah my brothers were born in the early ’60s and I’ve never thought of them as baby boomers.
it’s a weird one. My parents are boomers, but I’m not really genx. I can’t be the same generation as mom and dad, though.
I know it’s not nice to ask a lady her age, but you know, I’m a Glib, so not nice by default. I’m 59, but you know, of course a very young and handsome 59, my wife said so, and she doesn’t want anything from me, so must be true.
I’m 51.
I feelz better.
Now look here, y’old geezer!
Mondays are generally not too bad for me. Tuesday, on the other hand, is an asshole.
No rain here
Not what I was expecting, but excellent choice!
Yeah, can’t trust that link.
I didn’t want to do it, it just turned out that way…
Today sucked, but went well as far as sucks goes. Meetings all day, starting a major upgrade, people calling me both on office phone and skype at the same time, and texting me all the while I’m in a planning conference all for the upgrade, Wife texting me all the while about people who were here to work on one of your bathrooms.
Can I say ‘information overload’?
Tuesday’s just as bad?
“I just don’t think reminding voters of your weak points is a winning strategy.”
LOL, and they’re going to nominate White Squaw. There’s the real punchline of the joke.
Comedy hour tomorrow evening.
Hours. Three of ’em.
Probably will be used for torture in some countries.
Howdy! I celebrated Columbus Day by showing up late to the wrong place and declaring myself king.
Researchers promote sex robots that can turn down sex with their owners
Sex robots should have a consent module to prevent “unwanted behavioural patterns,” according to Peeters, a “philosopher specialising in embodied cognition and artificial intelligence,” and Haselager, whose specialty is “Theoretical Cognitive Science.”
However, even “active consent” has its problems since “verbal consent does not necessarily mean that a partner is freely engaging in sex.”
They also suggest using “a compassion cultivating sex robot” to teach teenagers sex education. “A sex robot which not only can practise consent scenarios with a human partner, but which can actually cultivate a virtue like compassion could potentially be used in sex education and therapy,” the authors argue.
A law professor who has called for Congress to regulate sex robots says this paper “is totally divorced from reality,” however.
Sexbots programmed by feminists?
[Bender laugh]
Dilbert did the feminist robot joke 27 years ago:
Yes, my first thought was that rape charges for sex with robots would be next.
“Researchers promote sex robots that can turn down sex with their owners”
Well, that’s going the way of the Dodo. No one is buying a sexbot who won’t have sex with them. They can get that for free. Worst researchers ever?
I suspect the Friendzonebot and the Nagbot will sell as well as the Edsel.
tangentially related Transformers parody:
“I suspect the Friendzonebot and the Nagbot will sell as well as the Edsel.”
Yep, go woke and go broke.
That video is pretty damn funny.
They can always sell them to incels.
There are men who pay to get humiliated by women, so I suppose that’s possible.
Some of them even hire dominatrices instead of getting married.
At least those guys are getting something that they believe is sex. It’s not like, sorry, you just spent a bunch of money on me, you ain’t gettin nuthin. Or maybe I just don’t get it. Anyway, Edsel, Dodo, worst researchers ever.
So I called my Congressional Rep.’s office today and actually had a nice chat with the staffer that answered. Might do this more often, although it’s clear there’s a difference between calling the local office vs. calling the DC office. So maybe I’ll mix it up between the two.
Did you regale them with authentic frontier gibberish?
They work for the government, I doubt they’d understand a word spoken around here.
Constitution? What? Bill of rights? ‘Fuck you, cut spending’. Hey! ‘Fuck off slaver!’ *click*
I’ve been an City-dweller for ~12 years now, so… no. I’m afraid my frontier gibberish is weak these days; but I can decipher City street parking signs like a boss.
Can you help decipher this sign? Under the DO NOT ENTER sign there’s a white sign that says “Except City Residents and Bicycles // 7-9AM & 4-6PM”. Does the time apply to the residents or the main sign? Can a non-resident drive there at 10am? Can a resident drive there at 5pm? Cryptic signs like this have recently popped up everywhere locally.
I wish I had one of those on my block. Stupid city built a bridge over the expressway on my one-way side street instead of on the two-way avenue one block over, so I get all the through traffic.
Oh, yeah, I don’t know what the sign means either.
City residents and bicycles are allowed to enter 7-9 and 4-6. All else prohibited.
/professional de-garbler
In buraeucratese, the strictest interpretation is usually the correct one.
I see your point. Nonetheless, I believe that city residents are allowed to enter at any time. As a city resident myself I enter that street whenever I want. It’s a one-way street, the street residents should be able to get home somehow 24/7. If I ever get ticketed there, that will be my defense.
Strictly based on the signage, I agree with Derp’s interpretation.
However, based on logic, I agree with grrizzly.
It’s clearly a residential parking street, so residents must be able to enter it at any time. What’s the alternative? Enter down an alley then back up down the street to reach the first spots? Obvi not.
That is an impressively dumb sign though, might have to save it for my files. (Sometimes parking sign discussions arise in my line of business)
“CLEARWATER, Fla. (WFLA) – Clearwater police arrested a man earlier today for driving under the influence after he was seen driving on a sidewalk.”
The guy should be excused for this if it was in my hood, since everyone driving are on their cell phones and more impaired than your typical DUI. Also, she sidewalks are nicer than the streets and no one uses them for walking, they walk down the middle of the street.
Lady that hit me was just plain stupid. Can we outlaw that? She was certified safe by the government, BTW.
Just finished carving pumpkins with the kids; son made a zombie, daughter made a vampire. Life is good.
Did you remind them that they just appropriated Cryptozoology culture?
“Planned Parenthood Pledges $45M in 2020 for Pro-Abortion Candidates”
So they get money from the government to get more money from the government.
Is this where they chime in and assure the country “we’re not just about abortion”?
NO! It’s where they claim that the funds they use to perform terminations are from a totally different bank account than the funds they use to grease the palms of CongressCritters and then get cross when I ask them about the fungibility of currency.
“Vegan Activists Segregate Hens From Roosters ‘So The Hens Aren’t Raped’
Spanish Activists ‘Anti-Speciesist, Transfeminist’ Group Highlights Issues of Consent Among Chickens”
I noted the “vegan dog” article on that side. SMFH.
sidesiteThat’s just cruel. If people want vegan pets, they should pick herbivores.
and all the cats went missing in the neighborhood, hmmm….
Life posing as satire.
What a day! I got a nice trip from a hot, Randy,66 year old lady, who definitely wants more than just “service”, very awkward, I have never been hit on before,
it’s like Geriatric Penthouse, Ghaaa!
A nice trip, not trip
Just the trip.
a 30 dollar TIP, Christ autocorrect sucks……
Yusef’s call was taped.
Never saw that movie, but I have seen American Gigalo, maybe Trailer Park boogaloo? Senior Style……
Wuuuuut???? Yusef my good man. Run, do not walk, to find a source for the Big Lebowski. Much will make sense after it.
I shall, what you played was enough that I must see it, TY!
It’s overrated.
Ted, I trust your judgement on these things but I still have to check it out, I’ll get back to you on it,
Seriously, you have some good old movie chops, even if you are a pedant of the first order…..
Notwithstanding mb but y solidarity with my brother grammar
Nazienthusiast, Ted S., he is incorrect about TBL. “Overrated” is the wrong term. It’s become a cult classic and therefore is now “overplayed,” but not overrated./steps down off of soapbox and walks away whistling
Clean her ducts man, balance her system, check her pressures, program her thermostat… You know what I mean.
“balance her system”
True story- as a young environmental scientist, on a VOC capture job, I heard one of the engineers talk about “make up air”?
I asked my boss what that meant, and he said, “thats what they blow into women’s restrooms”
I still think its funny.
I laughed! Sup Tres!
What? How do you live in L.A. and not get hit on by chicks? I’m up to maybe 5 this year alone, and I’m old and beat up!
I thought I was going to have more time but had to harvest another bunch of Apple Bananas a few minutes ago. Anybody need 100 bananas?
Fall is setting in here. I almost needed to get under a sheet around 4am. Tomatoes have slowed down to about a dozen a week.
Waiting for the Packers kickoff.
Wait a minute…, you’re a Packers fan, but you have bananas on your property? Transplanted Packers fan, I see.
Raised in AZ by former Kenosha, WI parents. I live in Hawaii now. Formally from: WY, GA, WA, GA, NC, FRG, AZ, MT, CA, ROK, NC, PA, IRQ, MO, NY, IRQ, NY, CA.
I moved around a lot during my early years, just not out of the US. Ohio, Cali, Nevada, TX, Indiana, TN, Kentucky, Wyomming, Georgia, and now MD.
You got some road chops there Hype. My moves were for my job after I graduated from college. Yusef I think beats both of us.
For the road warriors among the Glibs:
I could have very easily wound up back in TX, or GA, but wound up here in the People’s Republic of Murland in latest move. Maybe just luck of the draw on that one. Sometimes I check my sanity over that, but I’m doing well, it’s just for sure not my final destination, no retiring here, no way. That might not even be in the USA, but if it is, probably TN or SC, TX, or AZ maybe.
Also Warriors-
Packers? PACKERS?? I thought I knew you, man!
OMWC blames me for the Packers final field goal during the NFL championship in 1965. I swear I was just watching it.
We’re good Hayek, unless you are a Cowboys fan. JK, or am I?
Go Pack! You are not alone, db.
BTW, my wife and I own a condhotel unit at the far end of Waikiki (across from the zoo). It is in the hotel pool most of the time (we are on the mainland). Which island are you on?
“Kurt Eichenwald Posts 1983 Image of Child Earthquake Victims to Bash Trump Over Syria Pullout”
“Journalist and New York Times bestselling author Kurt Eichenwald”
There’s no pile of dead children that’s it’s too late to jump upon for political purposes. Even if we have to exhume the bodies first!
Journalist, NY Times best selling author, AND tentacle porn enthusiast Kurt Eichenwald.
“Journalist, NY Times”
Oxymoron with a comma delimiter.
You misspelled Moron.
He has tentacles in all the piles of dead children.
This guy gets it.
At least it wasn’t his hentai stash
All we are saying, is give peas a chance.
the broccoli, or the girl?
Apparently, we should have stayed in Vietnam. Totally betrayed our loyal South Vietnamese allies.
With the policies of the last couple of decades in place, we WOULD still be in Vietnam today.
Cheney gets a stiffie at the mere thought of that.
McCain just got one from the grave.
[puts on Captain Hindsight hat]
Korean War – nuke Beijing and/or Moscow, Vietnam war doesn’t happen, USSR collapses 30 years sooner.
[new timeline]
Vietnam War – Send tanks into Hanoi- it worked for the Soviets in Hungary and Czechoslovakia
[new timeline]
US sends 0 help to Soviets during WW2; US ends war by nuking Berlin
[new timeline]
US stays out of WW1, which ends in a stalemate. No WW2.
[new timeline]
US fights Japan but not Germany; war in Europe ends in stalemate
There are many more timelines.
I like most of that timeline, We still would be #1, and probably have a monopoly on Nukes,
We should just be glad that Hitler was mentally unstable and pretty much insane. If he would have had even a sane level of restraint, we might all be speaking German right now. We got the bomb first primarily because he was insane and all of his best scientists defected to the USA. Also, Japan performed one of the biggest ‘Oh no, you just didn’t’ when they attacked Pearly Harbor.
The British had plans to assassinate H-dawg, but canceled them when they realized he was such a bad strategist, the war would be over faster if they just let him do his thing.
cases in point:
-not letting long-range 4-engine planes be used for strategic bombing
-insisting on bolt action rifles when they could build semi-autos and assault rifles
-letting the Dunkirk evacuation happen because the Luftwaffe said they could do it alone
-making no effort to break the British codes and assuming their own were unbreakable
-forbidding retreat even if it meant huge losses
There are others…
There are others,
Books full, he could have had it all with just an inch of humility,
That’s why they are called MEGAlomaniacs,
This guy gets it, and add just a touch of insanity.
He was clever in other respects- he sent anthropologists to the US before the war to study the various Indian languages. During WWI, the US used Choctaw code talkers. He wanted to blunt that advantage.
That is the reason the Navajo code talkers did not deploy to Europe during WW2.
Hitler’s pre-war anthropological and archaeological expeditions provided some of the inspiration for the movies featuring my childhood hero:
Forgot for a moment you were talking about Hitler and went, “The British wanted to assassinate Hillary? WTF?”
I mean, they succeeded in assassinating Diana, but you know…I thought they liked Hillary.
You’re thinking Hill-dawg:
I remember all my filthy rich customers were shocked by her death. She had so much money, and yet she still died! They thought they were exempt, lol.
“The British had plans to assassinate H-dawg, but canceled them when they realized he was such a bad strategist”
What, you think that deciding to fight a war on multiple fronts at the same time and deciding to invade Russia when you know you’re going to get caught in Russian winter is a bad strategy? Wut?
I’ve herd pretty convincing arguments that it wouldn’t have mattered in the end anyway. Although, I always thought declaring war on the US and Dunkirk were incredibly dumb. Oh, and allying to Italy. 😛
“declaring war on the US and Dunkirk were incredibly dumb”
Well, declaring war on the USA and invading Russia to for sure get bogged down in Russian winter at the same time is incredibly dumb, also known as being insane.
I think it is likely Stalin planned to do something about Hitler eventually. I think the delay in the German attack was related to being allied to Italy.
“I think it is likely Stalin planned to do something about Hitler eventually.”
Sure, if you don’t believe socialists hatred for one another because disagreement on some small detail about their religion, just watch the current democrat debates.
Lack – yes, Mussolini was pissed when Germany took over Norway and sent him notice with a telegram. So he decided to invade Greece from Albania, and send Hitler notice via telegram. Except the Greeks pushed the Italians back into Albania, so Mussolini had to beg for Hitler’s help. Hitler sent the 6th Army, and they conquered Greece. It set back the Russian invasion 6 weeks and probably kept the Germans out of Moscow. Where ~50% of Russian manufacturing was at the time.
The internet:
Sometimes, I don’t even know what the fuck I just saw these days.
It’s best not to look sometimes, especially around here, and Never HM stuff,
“LIL KIm dance like she guarding Kyrie Erving.”
I thought that was one of those wannabe singer shows. I thought black people were supposed to dance good. Jesus, my toddler can do that.
I show up in AZ at the Daughters house and take a shower, no hot Water? No Daddy, we live in Bullhead, there is no cold water, OK
now it’s 80 degrees tops and Fuck Cold Showers! So I had the gas turned on, next is Rent a center for a washer/dryer combo…..
gotta start somewhere,
Fuck cold showers, everyday, all the way.
*peeks head out from under pile of life*
Fuuuuuck, I’m tired. Still dealing with my grandmother. Long story short: Found a rehab for her I loved. Hospital said it was “too high a level of care” and Medicare wouldn’t pay for it. Moved to second place … place. She hates it. Her roommate in the rehab is transferring to that first rehab – apparently the hospital they were both at tells people the care level thing, but it isn’t true. Social worker there is either malevolent or an idiot. Probably both. So now I’m dealing with two places and a hospital and trying to get her transferred as well. And I’m apparently the only one who can do this shit. Plus she won’t actually do the work to get better so she can go home.
I dunno, just ranting. Don’t mind me.
Also, my in-laws are coming on Thursday. This is actually a good thing, because my in-laws are far nicer to me than my own parents are.
Sorry man. Hope it improves.
I fought over that with my Wife’s rehab/ care centers, We eventually left, and I do it myself, She is healthier and happier,
Not my Mom, but the same BS applies
My mom can’t do it because she has MS herself. My uncle can’t do it because, well, he’s a 58 year old teenager. And Medicare won’t really pay for all the care she needs now to be done at home. So we’re stuck with the rehab.
I’m on the autism spectrum, diagnosed with major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and OCD, and I’m the only sane, functional adult in my family most of the time.
I am so, so sorry. I think I might have a very, very good idea what you’re dealing with right now.
Sorry 🙁
It sounds like she’s given up. Maybe being in a place she hates will be her impetus to work at it.
In better news, the cop in Fort Worth who shot the woman in her own home this weekend has been booked into jail on a murder charge.
That is good news. This needs to become standard until those of us who are intelligent and informed are less afraid of being shot by cops than killed by criminals.
Where do you see that? I only saw that he resigned.
Never mind. I see it now.
FTA: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/fort-worth-police-officer-aaron-dean-resigns-today-after-fatally-shooting-atatiana-jefferson-in-her-home-2019-10-14/
They misspelled “asshole’s entitlement.”
It’s about fucking time.
Cops are not warriors. That shit needs to stop. A warrior fully expects to be shot back at by those on the other side of the war. Cops expect that you are disarmed and they can just shoot you dead without consequence if that cell phone looked like a gun to them.
Yep. I don’t know why I got my back up about “warrior’s heart” but it’s sickening.
IOW, you want be a warrior, tough guy, here’s your service weapon and you’ll be air dropped on the front lines in the current conflict in Syria. Have fun.
Word Hyperion. That and referring to “civilians”. Listen MFer you are a civilian too. You don’t want to be a civilian and be a warrior? The infantry in both the Army and Marines are hiring.
The infantry in both the Army and Marines are hiring.
I lost a lot of police friends by posting a few of the more egregious examples of LEO stupidity/corruption on FBook. I solidified those losses when we tried to “hash it out” in person. I believe I may have said something to the effect of:
I believe that pretty much sealed the deal.
Well, I don’t know why that would upset anybody…
I might have still been a little testy because I had recently (then) lost two close friends in Afghanistan, so hearing cops talk about how “hard the job is” really grated on my nerves. Especially because the people in question also knew me and knew I spent a couple of dozen years in the Marines and in several war zones.
I’m over all of it now, but they still aren’t. /shrugs
Eh, they deserved it and you are better off without them.
The basic problem is that being a cop is a shitty job that most people don’t want or can’t do. So the public grants a lot of leeway for the people who do sign up to be cops.
There are times when I wonder if disbanding 911 for police would fix things- tell people they’re on their own and prepare.
Too much like the Purge maybe….
“The basic problem is that being a cop is a shitty job that most people don’t want”
I just keep thinking that the most likely person to become a cop is that 6th grade kid who bullied you when you were in 2nd grade.
I’m biased. I applied for the Chicago police test, but left the city for another job before I took it. I thought it would be cool to be a detective. The day I left Chicago, 2 convenience stores on my block got robbed.
My cousin is a cop in a major city. I talk to him about controversial police stuff. He seems like a sane, reasonable sort.
Protecting people’s lives and property is a legitimate function of the gov’t.
As you say, how do you keep out the bullies? I don’t know. The jobs go to the people who show up.
“I thought it would be cool to be a detective.”
Yes, I get what you are saying. I’m not anti-cop at all. I’m anti no consequences for murdering people or even abusing them in any way.
Also, detective is, always was, my 2nd choice in jobs. If it just paid enough I wouldn’t be an analyst/software engineer instead.
Sorry Derp but your cousin is part of the problem. Unless and until the “good cops” actively and publicly support the prosecution of the cops who murder, rape and steal then the good cops are properly held by the public to be the same as the bad seeds.
It will be tough at first, but it is a vital step to regaining the trust “the blue line” has pissed away.
Yeah. I talked to him about the Philando Castile shooting and he was a bit flummoxed. It’s like he knew the cop was in the wrong, but couldn’t bring himself to say so.
” but couldn’t bring himself to say so.”
One of us. But seriously, I blame media a lot. Stop trying to create heroes and bad guys. Just stop it and let people decide for themselves, you are not our moral superiors, you (media) are not even our moral equals, same goes for intelligence.
“I just keep thinking that the most likely person to become a cop is that 6th grade kid who bullied you when you were in 2nd grade.”
I often think of the scene from “A Clockwork Orange”
“A job for two who are now of job age.”
Um, no. The cops around here make right around 80-100 grand after just a few years, they can retire at 50, they play with shitloads of crazy gear like MRAPs and grenade launchers, AND they are extremely safe as long as they’re good drivers. The one’s who’s cars I work on are all happy as clams. It’s a good job. Oh, yeah, there’s no real qualifications. They have to pass background and the academy and then jump through all the same hoops. No years of experience or passing competency tests, just a desire to shoot people’s dogs.
Being a cop takes about 10 years off your life on average:
Yeah, lifestyle is a big part of that. No one looks at a ripped dude and says “ooh, must be a cop”.
My point is that it’s a high stress job even in the best cases.
You don’t see too many stories about 90-year old ex-cops.
Me bingeing on derp, artist’s depiction:
The Nobel Prize in Economics should have gone to the folks who wrote this: