My wife is sleeping about 11-12 hours a night these days. Even though I stay up after she goes to bed, I’m spending way too much time with my head on the pillow. I guess there are worse things in life.
Hey! There were birthdays today!
Shitlordy, shitlord stuff, UK style.
Augusto Pinochet has a sad.
They’ll have to find another global pandemic bogeyman, but I guess not dying of hemorrhagic fever is a good thing.
The cognitive dissonance plaguing our country right now is just mind boggling.
“Once they found us, it turned into a bunch of big jokes and laughs,” he said. “We were so happy to be getting care, and that we weren’t dead.”
The look on this guys face says it all.
Doobie dooby do.
Cognitive dissonance and denial. What a world.
Is it new though?
What? How is shouting insults at someone in public rude? The true rudeness is eating while disagreeing with New Yorkers!
Brexit s never going to happen. Representative Democracy is only as good as the Representatives being of the same class as those they represent.
Maybe the EU will get sick of it and kick them out.
Well I, Built me a Raft,
and She’s ready for floatin’
Excellent Song choice!
Thanks! Childhood memory.
I second Yusef. LOVE the Doobie Brothers.
Meh, they’re just alright.
I don’t care what they may say.
Hey pal, Jesus, he’s my friend.
A buddy of mine in high school used to sing that song as kinda a joke. The funny part is his first name was/is Jesus.
That’s funny.
Jesus is just alright with me.
This. One of the earliest songs I remember & constant radio play in my house.
They are touring. Every time I see the billboard, I immediately say,
“Aww, man–the Doobie Brothers are back together! Shiiiit!”
I haven’t liked them since Rerun brought a tape recorder to their show and they got all sanctimonious on his ass when he started dancing and it fell out of his coat.
Rhy, I ended up having to install VLC anyway to watch my videos. It’s good for that. I feel stupid now.
it’s a good app, that’s what I say…
His cod’s got to be magic or sumpin.
Or his wallet is magic and she is bi.
No doubt one or both XX’s are bi. But THAT dude’s got something else going on.
I should have said and, instead of or.
Disjunction is inclusive!!!! by default
I was told to got to Rotary park for kite flying, so I drove by after my Walmart run and Ho Lee Cow! more Soccer fields than the monkeys could possibly fill,. +1
2 Dog parks with Agility stuff for Bella, can’t wait! +1
Riverside beaches, palapas, another dog park +1
Then I saw a Disc Golf cage/hole, a Course? Hell yes! +100
Skatepark, playgrounds, picnicking, I’m impressed and happy, a big Park in a small town.
right now the Snowbirds are arriving, other than driving, this is the time the Locals actually enjoy our little Desert Paradise, all the way til May,
/Local Now! Yippee!
That’s awesome. You definitely deserve it.
Than you Spud, in all things, YKWIM
Agility + Dog = awesome.
Considering how Star Wars was about ‘Nam and how Palpatine is Nixon perhaps selling out to the Chicoms is very Lucasian?
Why is Quebec separation a bad thing? It will spare us from the Trudeaus and hasn’t exactly awoken the libertarianish impulses of Anglo and French Canadians. For example schools: either give the French and Catholics free shit or actively suppress French and Catholicism which is what the Anglophones wanted.
Cause French aren’t deserving of Freedom
Constant and Bastiat have a sad.
To be Fair, The English and Americans aren’t deserving of Freedom either, and here we are…
Sorry I meant Canadian unity hasn’t awoken the libertarianish impulses of Anglophone and Francophone Canadians. And the School System dispute is in all provinces.
Was there ever a time when this wasn’t the case?
It’s always been there, but the sheer volume because of social media, and the media, and ignorance(willful and otherwise) has taken it to new heights.
I agree…. we are in a whole different world. Not with disagreement, acrimony or discord. But with the wide and immediate access to information combined with the widespread and intentional ignorance of any facts that might contradict one’s selected world view…. yeah, that’s new. It takes a special level of mental work to be angry about so many things that you imagine the “other team” is doing while simultaneously doing much worse yourself, all while ample information is instantly and widely available that would allow anyone to easily avoid this trap.
Imagine interrupting Teddy Roosevelt or Andrew Jackson’s dinner. A severe beating is the best outcome you could expect.
Aged like Fine Wine. Also our beloved pro-trade globalist, woke SJWs are perfectly fine with war right now. Hmm….
See also, the McDonalds theory.
Ironically quite of a few of these theories are quite collectivist and elitist: assuming that everyone agrees with you and that TOP MEN agree with you. I mean Xi Jinping supports international trade so he can’t be a statist fuck now can he?
Xi wants to control international trade, so yes, he’s a statist fuck.
Your sarcometer needs adjustment.
Funny enough, despite being disproven completely, Angell was award the Nobel Peace Prize in 1933.
That’s what I get for drive by commenting.
He was anti-war until he wasn’t. Hmm who does that sound like?
Also when he wrote that book he was working for the Daily Mail, that great pacifist publication. LOL.
Makes sense. Most “anti-war” people are either Communists or Liberal Internationalists.
Scrubbed out the Beretta. A lot less black crap was removed than I am used to seeing (maybe because the slide is all but skeletonized?)
I grabbed 50 rounds each of six types and tested to see if the cleaning solved the problem. It didn’t. It did make it better, with only one failure to feed in those 300. It was on a brass-cased reload from Minuteman Munitions. Fired without incident were:
Winchester USA Forged steel
Tula steel
Wolf steel
Federal Champion aluminum and
Federal Champion brass.
These were all 115gr round nose FMJ/TPJ.
Tomorrow morning I have my IDPA orientation, I’ll be packing this gun and more of the 115gr TPJ Minuteman round nose and some 125gr TPJ truncated cones. The 125s should be IDPA legal, the 115s should also be legal… IF they are as fast as the box claims. Since IDPA requires you to submit samples of your ammo for chronographing before a match, that will be important to know.
Glad the FTFs went down. Is there anything other than price driving the truncated cone bullets?
I have never had luck with 115gr loads, myself. I may just have bad luck buying it. For example: I have one HK that is a laser pistol with regular 124gr FMJ, but freaking patterns with 115gr from the same manufacturer.
[For function checking I’ve always started with 124gr FMJ 9mm (not + anything, but full SAAMI load). That’s the reference cartridge, and if you get US or decent Euro ammo, all the dimensions should be good.]
Nope, just the price.
Ideally, the 115s would mean less recoil at competition loading, but if the 125s work well, I’ll probably stick with those for IDPA.
For my club’s “Action Pistol” where I can use the CZ, I’ll use whatever is lying around, since it’s jusr for fun. And is IS fun.
Was that HK a VP9? Those seem to be extremely well thought of. I haven’t had a chace to shoot one yet, though I have a cowworker that owns one. i should peer-pressure him into letting me have a go with it.
9mm USPc. An oldie but a goodie. Also a great pistol to introduce women to shooting on.
I have an early HK USP in 45ACP. It’s been my primary go-to handgun since the first time I brought it back from the range. Never fails to function on any type of ammo. More accurate than I can shoot it. Really great guns.
Yup. Just reading about the development work and standards to be met for that program sold me even before the final test was done. Looking at what HK put into it and what the DoD was requiring told me I had to have one. I got mine in 1996 for $650 NIB.
My only question – is there a reason to be running a Beretta? I’m definitely a Glock fan (the only Glock I have is the M20) but IMO there are better 9mm guns out there.
Bleah… definitely NOT a Glock fan…
I only own two full-sized 9mms, and one is too heavy for IDPA (CZ Shadow 2). I’m trying not to buy more gear until I have fenced in the yard and populated it with a small dog pack.
Oh – I didn’t know the CZ was heavier than the M-9. I was wondering why you didn’t run your CZ, and now I know.
Yeah, if I could run the Shadow 2, I’d never run anything else. Except maybe a few I’ve only dry-fired in the shop but never bought. Oddly enough nobody here seems to sell STIs.
Utah Defense: Hey Bro we’ve limited ASU to 40 yards, here’s the ball again.
Utah Offense: Nahh Bro, Here ASU you can have the ball back.
Utah Defense :What the fuck is wrong with you guys?
Kmele is doing the commentary for the game?
This story is just meant to be a humorous little anecdote but it makes me hate the Kennedys even more:
Shit like that takes some nerve.
That actually ground my gears, too.
But Camelot. Our own little piece of royalty…
You know Hillary wanted her life to be Camelot II so bad….
I’m not convinced she was ever into the “perfect marriage” and “devoted wife and mother” charade because she wouldn’t have gotten so testy about “Rodham” and the cookie baking bullshit.
She wanted her own power, knew she couldn’t get it on her own, and hitched her wagon to a charismatic womanizer to do it.
Quite frankly, I don’t even know why she bothered to have a child.
And Chelsea hasn’t done anything of note, but the media are pushing her to run for the US House.
Sure, why not, and one day she’ll be the known as Senator from New York Chelsea Clinton.
True. I just meant the royalty aspect.
It was a political decision, like everything else in her life.
Yes. They both knew exactly what they were doing.
However, I bet it galled the shit out of her that she needed a man to get where she wanted to be.
And she STILL didn’t make it.
Everything she touches turns to utter shit.
Delightful, isn’t it? Unless you’re Libyan.
She stands by her man.
^^Mojeaux confirmed as Russian asset.
I hope that assfucker never got the chance to smoke most of them.
That story has been around for decades. Dickish? Maybe. But in the end, he got his head blown off in a parade.
Wilson, Prohibition, wine celler
In 1960, Ike decided that we needed a balance of payments. The American Class VI (liquor stores) in Europe were selling scotch for about $3 a bottle, I don’t know the brands, etc. Anyway, scotch then had to be imported to the US and then exported back to the European Class VI stores and the price went to something like $4.50. The other liquor prices remained the low, low prices.
European cars had been shipped back free via Mil ships for qualified individuals. I shipped a Euro car to France for free in ’62 but paid to ship one back in ’65. Government works in mysterious ways
I grew up in MA and knew they were all scum. That story is just one more confirmation.
Cross fit, huh? Never saw that coming.
That tank / amputated leg story – holy shit!
Also, fuck autoplay videos.
There are ways to stop that – varies by browser & might require a plugin.
I’ve changed both media.autoplay.default and media.autoplay.enabled in Firefox, and still get autoplay videos.
On Firefox I use UBlock Origin which I think might stop autoplay too. Anyway I don’t remember seeing autoplay. (I don’t use Firefox a lot.)
NoScript + AdBlockPlus means there’s no autoplay videos unless I’ve allowed far too many scripts.
I’m using Brave and ABP, so idk.
In any case, I rarely visit MSM sites, so not a big deal. I hate that it’s commonplace though. Must be for the boomers.
Mix a few thousand young boys and girls with only a couple years experience in with a bunch of equipment designed to kill people, bounce them all over the area in a semi-coordinated fashion for hours on end for a week or so and the law of averages will show that few of them get mangled, maimed, or killed even without an enemy to add their input.
The military loses a person to a work accident about every other day. During the Cold War it was about eight people a week. Like Tejicano said, it is a dangerous business.
Yeah. It is dangerous. But a lot of the “accidents” are not. Lots of time’s they are stupid things either done by the victim or being put in bad situations by leadership.
I went to the 40th memorial service for the Fuji Fire – which happened 40 years ago yesterday. I happened to have been there and had a number of buddies who were burned. 13 Marines died from that one incident. I was usually up in the training camp where the fire happened but at that time on that day, by chance, I was at the base camp.
JFC, when will violence erupt in the UK? I get the stiff upper lip. But at some point I’ve got to believe this turns ugly if Brexit remains stymied.
The referenda will continue until the right answer is achieved.
More seriously, I think we’re seeing the “silent majority” effect right now – the crazy hippie pro-EU types are predictably doing their protest-larping because they don’t have anything better to do while the pro-Brexit side mostly waits on the sidelines for now. No idea what comes next.
The next general election isn’t until 2022, unless the Remain majority agrees to dissolve the HoC and call a new election. They shot down Johnson’s previous call for a general election because they would most likely lose.
The Queen is going have to step in at some point.
She does and see parliament step in to replace her with a Jacobite King.
A good English civil war would be fun.
She might express her opinion in private, or through intermediaries. No way would she publicly take a stand, or make any concrete action.
I was going to throw on a Michael Kitchen/Ian Richardson scene from To Play The King, but apparently the BBC is bunch of dicks.
She can force new elections, can’t she?
Not any more.
And the courts just neutered her ability to prorogue parliament as well.
If the average Brit, like the average American, didn’t have a comfortable life and really doesn’t give two shits about the EU or Brexit, perhaps. It’s not like the UK would be the land of liberty outside of the EU. Just exchanging one yoke for another, although perhaps a step in the right direction or at least not in the wrong one.
It’s all moot since the establishment politicians, media, and civil service are working to sabotage Brexit.
Chile is going to hell over a 4 cent increase in subway fares, would seem like Brexit would be more serious than that.
John Barcow is the most partisan speaker of the house of commons ever. He’s done irreparable damage to that body all because he doesn’t support Brexit
I think that the democrats are doing something similar with Impeachment. If they succeed at their shadow impeachment investigations, then Why won’t a Future house of Republicans do the exact same. Turnabout and whatnot.
Because the corporate press would not cheerlead Republicans in doing so
True. There would be a lot of “without evidence” being thrown around.
Late Roman Republic guys like Gaius Marius decided to ignore the rules and Constitution. After that It was only a matter of time until it collapsed into a series of civil wars, oligarchy, then dictatorship.
This piece just showed up in my feed – apparently Boris’s deal stinks too:
He doesn’t address the theory that this is 4D chess meant to lead to “no deal”. Which Parliament is going to block by any means necessary anyway.
Heh. So dumb. Why are Brits so afraid of being out of the EU?
All the cool kids want to be in the EU.
Unsurprising. The whole need to negotiate a Brexit in the first place in some sort of deal is the tell.
Stop payment on monies to the EU
End EU authority over the UK in any form and no longer accept EU rules/regulations/directives. Existing rules are null and void
Expel any EU employees and organizations from the UK
Offer bilateral movement and border controls, with unilateral withdrawal at any time and no EU rules or benefits to visitors or workers in the UK
24 year old Jennifer Anniston still looks good in Leprechaun.
I love how the cover of that movie changed once she became famous.
At least Warwick Davis got featured billing with that.
A lot like several of the Marilyn Monroe movies in which she has small parts feature her prominently on the DVD artwork.
What Should You Wear To Church? A Handy Guide For Each Denomination
Whether you’re visiting your parents’ stuffy old Baptist church or piling into the family minivan because the kids are begging to ride the roller coaster at the sleek new megachurch down the street, the age-old question persists: what should you wear?
Wonder no longer, good and faithful servant. We sent a team of Babylon Bee agents to over two thousand churches, big and small, new and old, all across the land to research customs, dress codes, fashion do’s and fashion don’ts. This exhaustively researched article is the result, and it’s absolutely packed with helpful fashion tips.
Bookmark this page and check it any time you’re unsure what it is you ought to be wearing to church!
Baptist—When you hit the local Baptist church, dust off your best polo shirt and slacks, like Jesus wore. Women should be sure to wear long enough skirts, lest they should cause a brother to stumble by flashing too much ankle.
Calvary Chapel—God is worthy of our Sunday best, so make sure you pick out your finest sandals, shorts, and Hawaiian print shirt when you show your face at one of your city’s fifty-eight Calvary Chapel churches. The hardcore believers will be touting a copy of Left Behind or The Late Great Planet Earth tucked beneath their arm.
Presbyterian & Reformed—The key word here is classy. Sport a three-piece suit, top hat, and a monocle. Pair with glass of scotch or craft beer and a Romeo y Julieta brand cigar to really blend in.
Non-Denominational Megachurch—Whatever you woke up in. If it’s good enough to party in late Saturday night and crash on your couch in, it’s good enough for God. If you overdress by wearing a shirt that doesn’t show some skin or a low-key, modest outfit, you’ll stick out like a sore thumb!
Pentecostal—Go with something loose and flowing—anything good for waving your arms around in or flopping around like Magikarp. Secret pockets and compartments you can use to stow a tambourine or dancing ribbon are useful.
Catholic—You’d best wear your spiffiest Sunday outfit or your Grandma will pinch you, and it will hurt like the dickens. If your Grandma isn’t there, don’t worry, someone else’s Grandma will assume her pinching duties.
Methodist—Mainline Methodists should wear a tie-dye T-shirt with a left-leaning political statement like LOVE IS LOVE or PRIDE. If you’re one of the few Methodists still left in orthodoxy, a WESLEY IS MY HOMEBOY shirt oughtta do it.
Lutheran—16th-century German monastic robes are ideal. If you are having trouble locating those, you can go with a Baptist-esque business casual outfit as a fallback. But really, you’re gonna want to try to find the robes if you don’t want to look like a loser.
Episcopalian—Wear anything you want; no one will be there to see you anyway.
Eastern Orthodox—Your outfit doesn’t matter so much as the fact that you’ve got a long, flowing beard. Women are not exempt from this requirement.
Take special note of the Babylon Bee’s description of Presbyterian attire.
I’m in for everything but the three piece suit. And somebody at the Bee is a lurker.
This must be true, re: lurker.
Maybe a merch trade is in order?
And no to the three piece suit means all I’m wearing is the hat and monocle, while holding a cigar and a glass of scotch.
Not true for Catholic, at least when I was last going to Church. The fancy outfits are for Easter, Christmas, funerals, and weddings.
Of course… I’d be willing to bet those four events are the only times most Catholics go to Church.
Makes sense why my family grew up Presbyterian.
Now where did i put my monocle
The Episcopalian one is just mean
They deserve it though.
The Lutheran one makes me think they’ve never been to a Lutheran Church.
Unitarian Universalist – Fair trade, vegan, gluten-free, cruelty-free hemp everything. Pentangle pendant is a plus.
For real?
For real.
More than 25 years ago, I was a UU minister’s wife. In most of the congregations with which we were involved, members who practiced Wicca or other “contemporary pagan” traditions were not at all uncommon.
As an FLW fan, I’ve picked up a minor smattering of UU beliefs, but I didn’t know they were so accepting as to welcome Wiccans.
It’s been almost 25 years since I was involved, but at that time there were broad regional tendencies. New England UUs (of which there were many – HQ is in Boston) were more likely to be “liberal Christian” (liberal in their religious beliefs, not necessarily politics.) Left coast UUs included a lot with interest in Eastern (i.e. Asian) and/or Native American spiritual practices. The Midwest tended to be the “radical center” – lots of agnostics/atheists. Pagans/Wiccans were probably scattered throughout.
One continental General Assembly I attended at Yale included an evening presentation by Starhawk, a prominent Pagan. I didn’t attend that program, but I think I recall hearing that someone in the audience was moved to start howling at the moon. Good times.
(P.S. What’s “FLW”?)
Oh, sorry: Frank Lloyd Wright.
I take it there is some connection between FLW and UU that I was unaware of…?
/former architecture student
As it happened, the aforementioned UU minister ex (we’ll call him Rev. GT) was a great admirer of FLW and at one time considered becoming an architect. Then he found out math was involved.
I quit architecture when I found out that both “artistic talent” and “massive amounts of work” were involved.
Apparently so, which, if I knew, I’d forgotten.
Unity Temple
Ah yes, I remember that building from an architecture history class.
I love/hate FLW – he was a mad genius. There is a magnificent complex in Buffalo that I got to tour.
Mad Genius is a good way to describe him. That’s cool that you’ve gotten to tour The Martin House. I’ve been to Unity Temple and his original studio, both in Oak Park. Fallingwater is high on my bucket list
And the same client’s even more stunning workplace that was maddeningly torn down.
I attended the School of Architecture at the University of Buffalo – it’s a rite of passage 🙂
That is maddening. Another maddening loss.
I could go on all day in this theme. Here is a wonderful confection that was demolished in favor of an anonymous sixties skyscraper. Yay.
Rev. GT & I visited Falling Water on our honeymoon (on the way to Boston.) Smelled musty.
Many years later, one of the most fascinating musical ensembles in the Dayton area spent some time at Falling Water and composed/recorded some music inspired by the house & its setting.
Speaking of architectural confections…
That’s awesome! Last Christmas, we had a gingerbread house making contest at work. If we do it again this year, I should do that.
On second thought…
Falling Icicles – look out!
Well, I WAS raised Presbyterian…..
The megachurch one is funny…
A couple of decades back I was in the early congregations of Andy Stanley’s church. He had to give a short primer to all the hotties every other month, reminding them not to dress like they dress at the club. Lots of people “returning to the church” at that megachurch. So lots of former (and maybe current) strippers were in attendance.
I’m in wedding hell.
You’re in NJ. It’s all down from there.
I’m also sure your meal was woefully underprotected.
I don’t think I’m going to eat for the next day or two.
But there’s booze on the table.
Open bar
Then all is not lost, unless you’re driving.
Get to it.
On it.
*Benny Hill salute*
Electric slide.
Hey, at least it’s not the chicken dance or the Macarena.
Hey hey!
You’re getting married right now? Congratulations!
You’re off the xmas card list.
I was on it???
This started 4 1/2 hours ago.
I’m still here.
I went through the same thing (NJ wedding) a couple weeks ago. My condolences.
Don’t actually send cards. But I keep a list.
4-1/2 hours and you’re sober enough to type? Brutal.
I drank a fuck ton of wine today remain upright. And ate some carbs,
Sorry Tres
I think these fuckers are doing coke and not sharing.
Nah, coke is for the bachelor party. Or so I’ve heard.
Got a massage today and can finally turn my head to the right with out pain.
Good news!
Oh, aren’t massages divine?
I need one.
*looks at bank account*
That’s why I need one.
I’m sure STEVE SMITH would be willing to massage you….
By massage mean…
*flees in terror*
Never had a massage. They steal your wallet, you know.
Might also steal your “vitality”…
Or, your soul.
/Bubba Ho-Tep
Is that a “happy ending” euphemism?
“Vitality”? Yes, in the John Kellogg sense
One of the many benefits of living in Japan is how a massage is seen as completely normal. It took me a while to read the vibe to avoid the “extra service” venues though. It’s not just that I’m not looking for that but they charge more for just a “non-extra” massage simply because they have the “extra” on the menu.
It also gives me a chance to practice my Chinese.
I got my haircut in a podunk town north of Shenzhen, China once. A very beautiful young lady took me upstairs and washed and conditioned my hair 3 times. Then she brought out THE INSTRUMENTS. Through pantomime I understood that she wanted to clean the wax out of my ears (not a euphemism). There was no way she was sticking anything in my ears so we went back downstairs and another person cut my hair. Then all 20 barbers and I took a picture. Apparently I was only the second round eye to get a haircut there. My ugly mug is probably still posted there. It was the most surreal haircut I have ever had.
Why is the signage in Hangul if it’s in Vietnam?
They know their clientele?
It seems like every commercial interaction I had during the week I spent in China was surreal.
Heh, heh. I once got a haircut in a small town barber in Peru. The old man barber was asleep in the chair when I walked in, but woke up on hearing me enter. I immediately had reservations, but he coaxed me into the chair. I received the worst haircut of my life. It was a hack job. He didn’t have electric clippers he had manual ones. And they were not that sharp. It was like pulling hair out of you. He did that a bit till I cried uncle and then finished the shitty job off with scissors and slapped some foul smelling liquid out of a large glass bottle on me and said in Spanish, “the girls will love it”. At least it only cost a buck fiddy .
Which is one reason I bought an inexpensive Wahl set at Pace warehouse some 30+ years ago and haven’t looked back. Cutting hair is pretty damned easy. I haven’t gotten a bad one since I went to doing my own.
(honesty time…. I mostly do it myself because I always have something more important than getting a hair cut – so it gets long and unruly before I manage to find the time. Doing it myself is easier. And it actually gets done on time, since I can just do it any time I feel like, without commuting or waiting for a chair. Plus, I’m cheap. The clippers cost $15 bucks back then, and a single haircut was the same price. )
I got a haircut in Yalta back in 1992. It wound up looking like a bad Bill Clinton blow-dry thing.
“Got a massage today … turn my head to the right with out pain.”
So the ending was happy? ;^)
I’ve been rubbing my neck all day. Strained it working. Fucking being hunched over a computer all day.
Raise your monitors up bro. Use books or packs of paper if necessary.
When i’m at my desk i do, but on Friday i was most of the day with the Laptop.
I *hate* trying to get real work done on a laptop. Everything about it is just wrong – “desktop replacement” my ass.
Just a little girl reading to her cat.
Cats love bedtime stories too.
That’s quite a book for a kid that age.
How were the prawns? A winning idea you had.
They were superb. This is a neighborhood bar and grill that turns out great food and has an awesome atmosphere. Six lightly battered and crispy large prawns, and a side salad and a beer. Lots of screens with football on them.
I’m a little pimp with my hair gassed back
Pair a khacki pants with my shoes shined black
Got a little lady… walk the street
Tellin’ all the boys that she can’t be beat
Twenny dollah bill (I can set you straight)
Meet me onna corner boy’n don’t be late
Man in a suite with bow-tie neck
Wanna buy a grunt with a third party check
Standin’ onna porch of the Lido Hotel
Floozies in the lobby love the way I sell
I’m on a serious Zappa Kick. It has been really good for my productivity at work actually. Just don’t let anyone hear it XD
OH, point being that I found a song of his I’d never heard before, or forgot about perhaps: The Illinois Enema Bandit!
“The Illinois Enema Bandit
I heard it on the news
I heard it on the news
Bloomington Illinois…he has caused some alarm
Just sneakin` around there
From farm to farm
Got a rubberized bag
And a hose on his arm
Lookin` for some rustic co-ed rump
That he just might wanna pump”
Gonna be a dental Floss /tychoon?
But I’d leave the sweet stuff… to somebody else.
+1 pair of Zircon-encrusted tweezers
I gotta spot that gets me hot.
And you ain’t been to it!
So I snatched it all away from him and showed him how to do it right:
I wrapped the newspaper around my head, so it looked like I was deep
I said some mumbo jumbo then, I told him he was going to sleep
I robbed his rings and rocket rods, and every else thing I found
I had that sucker hypnotized, he couldn’t even make a sound
I proceeded to tell him his future then as long as he was hanging around,
“The price of meat has just gone up and your old lady has just gone down”
Where I stole the margarine
What a juxtaposition between the soldiers who suffered horrific injuries and those cunts from NY harassing Paul.
Yes, the cognitive dissonance is astonishing.
Aren’t they supposed to go high or some such?
‘You just ran into two people from NY kiddo…’
Ooo. Scary.
Progressives are the nastiest, meanest people around. I don’t even thing ‘both sides’ are bad. I really believe at the moment the left are jerk offs.
My wife was listening to some show on Faction Talk ch. 102 in Sirius today. There was a girl being interviewed talking fashion and whatever pop culture junk of the day. She was talking about how rude and mean fashion bloggers are and then told the story of Ashley Judd who she was so excited to meet. Judd treated her like she had leprosy. She’s a ‘nasty woman’ indeed apparently.
I think it comes from a belief of being Culturally/Politically Dominant, combined with rightous indignation of being “On the Right Side of History”
Add in a heaping helping of oppression narrative, and you have a particularly noxious mix.
I alluded to this last night in regard to those horrid little people, but I find as I get older I lose what little control over my temper I had when I was younger. I’ve actually reached a sweet spot, so to speak, where I’m young enough and in good enough shape to look physically capable of violence, and old enough to look like breaking a stranger’s jaw wouldn’t be unfamiliar territory for me and I could afford the lawyer to get out of trouble afterwards. Joking aside, I don’t know how people in those situations maintain their composure. I know me, and I know that I can handle a person in my space, a person being rude, or a person raising their voice to me, but give me two out of the three and I will lose my shit and start swinging.
I’m older and I have more insurance.
The old man strength is real! Fear the greybeards!
An old martial arts instructor that I hold in high regard has a saying:
“Don’t mess with a grown ass man. He’s not going to play, he’s just going to kill you.”
I haven’t lived in the US for decades so I don’t know much about this recent phenomena – but I’m pretty sure my response would be to lightly grasp their upper sleeve and inspect it, get right up in their face then remark “I don’t see any stripes or bars on your shirt which means you don’t outrank me and I’m allowed to kick the living shit out of you if you proceed to disturb my dinner. Still interested sweetie?”
I learned a while back that being able to speak calmly and quietly works quite well to get people to back down. The fact my usual attire tends towards the punk/rockabilly, the shaved head, and the long beard probably help a bit as well.
But Paul is trying to kill poor people by stealing their healthcare and giving the money to billionaires or something, which is much worse than anything the left has ever done.
Police, they’re the same all over.
Well, maybe not quite the same.
It’s because of sexisim.
Isn’t that the plot of a Kurosawa movie from the 50s? A cop leaves accidentally leaves his gun on the bus on the way home and it gets picked up by a gangster who shoots someone with it or something like that?
Stray Dog, 1949
That’s the one. Haven’t seen it yet, but it’s on my list.
One huge difference with the cops here in Japan is that you can pretty much expect that they will never shoot you. There have been a few incidents in which Japanese police have been stabbed to death – never even unholstering their sidearms presumably due to the monstrous admin and career penalties they face for shooting anybody under any circumstances.
working part-time at a fuzoku parlor
At least she has something to fall back on.
Where’s the damn picture? How do I know if would, or not?
She’s Asian. Of course you would.
…and if she’s been accepted to work in a shop over here she has passed some standards which tend to be objective.
Is it too early for Christmas music?
Me, trying to assuage a nostalgia boner. This one actually works, though, unlike most things I’ve tried to revisit.
Yes. It absolutely is to early.
Because you still have it from last year, amirite?
*If your nostalgia boner lasts for more than four months, see a doctor*
I have *no idea* which seventies collection we had, but I am pretty sure there weren’t any popular artists on it.
/we were classy like that
We had this one at least
I think you would likely dig this internet radio station Mo. I’m a big fan of a few of their other stations and this one gets some play as well.
Thanks! I love that!
My husband got me this entire set for Christmas when we were first married.
I’ve been reorganizing and re-tagging my music since I am now using a different player that has better tagging features.
Yes. Thanksgiving is the earliest that Christmas music can be played (with the exception for Christmas in July).
Yes, I start in with the music usually before Halloween, but Christmas in July is icky and oogey.
Then you should probably avoid Cleveland in July. One of the vacation islands in Lake Erie had a celebration that grew out of control over time and the idea spread throughout (at least) Northern Ohio. It’s even up to the point that the local breweries (who all release a Christmas Ale thanks to Great Lakes), brew special batches to release in July.
The Christmas Ales are on the shelf now (including my personal favorite, Saucy’s Three Hos), which I accept as it moves the Oktoberfest beers off the shelf.
One of the signs of the cultural breakdown in our society is the overlap of holidays/celebrations. Particularly the Haloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas sequence.
Same goes for sports. Playing hockey, basketball and baseball at the same time is an offense against nature.
KK bait. Mike Rowe interview.
Has anyone read his new book yet? Anyone planning on it? Anyone hate him?
Not just KK.
My wife is pickin’ up what he’s puttin’ down, too.
Same here.
Then, uh….stick around. No guarantee of satisfaction, as no pic/video, but, you can certainly supply your own.
Me too
Didn’t mean to other you gals, it’s just that KK is very vocal about her, uh, appreciation of Mr. Rowe.
Yay for vocality!!
Oh, no big. I think Tulip and I are a little more low-key about who turns our heads.
How could you hate Mike Rowe?
Well, I guess if you are from prog-town.
I like this comment:
“Mike Rowe is the modern day Paul Harvey.”
That’s where I’m at. His podcast is great. I wasn’t 2 minutes into the first episode and I said the same thing to myself.
It clicked with me guys. I was scrolling through YouTube, and saw a video Talking about the absurd bias of the SCOTUS. And i thought “That’s silly. The SCOTUS isn’t more biased than it ever was, the leanings of it just switched from liberal to conservative.” And that’s when the Epiphany hit. Like scales falling off my eyes i realized clear as day this truth: Only conservatives can be biased. Liberals cannot be biased because “Reality has a well known Liberal Bias”. In other words Liberals aren’t biased, they are just agreeing with reality. So it is true. The SCOTUS is more biased than it was before, because it wasn’t biased towards liberal ideas. It was “biased” towards truth and reality. I hope that this helps some of you with more clouded minds on the subject to see the truth. We must abandon our wicked ways and denial of reality and embrace progressive truth, which is real truth.
On any single big case, it’s rare to see the so called “conservative” justices voting as a bloc, whereas it’s rare to ever see the so called “liberal” justices ever break rank and that’s been true since the Rehnquist court
Well of course. Truth is singular. So clearly the people who have grasped truth will be voting the same and appear like a “block”. But people who don’t have the truth will come to various false and differing conclusions, that’s why they might appear to be disjointed.
Progressivism is a religion in all but name
So, pedantic opinion here, and feel free to disagree, but i think the comparison to Religion is misplaced. Or at least misplaces the issue i have with Progressivism. I Don’t fault the religious person (being one myself) for believing in a higher authority or power, or believing things that cannot be proved. Where i take exception with them is their zealotry and desire to enforce their beliefs through the sword.
You know who else…
Yes i do. And i used that phrase specifically.
Agreed. But, progressivism is the only faith that still advocates for its religion to be imposed via state violence.
Islam does also.
Saudi Arabia stands in disagreement. So does the Vatican.
I wasn’t aware that Muslims in America are using violence to impose their religion
I must have missed all those Vatican soldiers forcing people in America to convert.
I really need to catch up on the news
The Lateran Treaty pretty much ended claims to direct political power by the papacy.
Likewise, CNN is completely objective.
I actually fell for this in the nineties. I mean, it was the only thing I saw in the news sources I trusted. It was obviously true.
“Reality has a well known Liberal Bias”
Yeah, except when it comes to the effects of the minimum wage, what the 2nd amendment means, the differences between men and women, the relative merits of capitalism and socialism…
You know, little things.
I mean, it was the only thing I saw in the news sources I trusted. It was obviously true.
I don’t understand what you mean… News isn’t allowed to be untrue. Except that evil news FoxNews
Well, apparently reality has a “screw us all over” bias. The conservatives sometimes prevent a particular screwing, but then come back with a new and improved one. End result? We all get screwed, again. I will grant that the lefties would screw us a lot more absent the right keeping them slightly checked, but remember it was Roberts who proclaimed O’care to be a tax and therefore legit. “It’s not our job to protect you from the results of your elections..” Yes, Roberts, it actually is your job to protect us from unconstitutional edicts resulting from irrational electoral politics.
An obnoxious guy with pistols drawn (no word if was a New Yorker) interrupted Teddy Roosevelt’s dinner in a Montana bar. TR knocked him unconscious then ordered his dinner.
Has this made the rounds yet?
Why a brainless yellow ‘blob’ that can learn is mystifying scientists
A yellow organism which looks like fungus but acts like an animal has gone on display at the Paris Zoological Park.
The slime mould – Physarum polycephalum – has almost 720 sexes and has been described as one of “nature’s mysteries” by scientists.
It can heal itself in two minutes if cut in half, and detect and digest food despite not having eyes, a mouth or a stomach.
Physarum polycephalum has been shown to exhibit characteristics similar to those seen in single-celled creatures and eusocial insects. For example, a team of Japanese and Hungarian researchers have shown P. polycephalum can solve the Shortest path problem. When grown in a maze with oatmeal at two spots, P. polycephalum retracts from everywhere in the maze, except the shortest route connecting the two food sources.[3] When presented with more than two food sources, P. polycephalum apparently solves a more complicated transportation problem. With more than two sources, the amoeba also produces efficient networks.[4] In a 2010 paper, oatflakes were dispersed to represent Tokyo and 36 surrounding towns.[5][6] P. polycephalum created a network similar to the existing train system, and “with comparable efficiency, fault tolerance, and cost”. Similar results have been shown based on road networks in the United Kingdom[7] and the Iberian peninsula (i.e., Spain and Portugal).[8] Some researchers claim that P. polycephalum is even able to solve the NP-hard Steiner minimum tree problem.
720 sexes!? I guess that means the scientists have observed 720 different sets of chromosomes- different number of chromosomes, different lengths of chromosomes…
♫ Beware of The Blob, it creeps
And leaps and glides and slides
Across the floor
Right through the door
And all around the wall
A splotch, a blotch
Be careful of The Blob
The slime mould – Physarum polycephalum – has almost 720 sexes,
Like everything french it is Over Sexed.
The only thing that can hurt The Blob is cold:
“720 sexes”
The wokest organism on the planet
It identifies as something different about twice a day.
When you defeat all the other SJWs, this is the final boss.
Slime molds ain’t shit. There are some species of fungi that have over 36,000 different sexes. Why? You’d have to ask a biologist about that, but it is fairly common in organisms that reproduce using spores.
the google machine sez
A true mature slime mold is one gigantic cell–easily visible to the naked eye. Unlike what we typically think of as a cell, however, a smile mold ‘cell’ consists of cytoplasm with millons of nuclei. When it comes time to reproduce, a stalked fruiting body is produced which releases spores into the air. These spores develop into sex cells.
Slime molds make sex cells that are only one size (isogamous); when size is the same, other features determine cell sex. In slime molds, it’s three genes, matA, matB, and matC (all of which contain variants) that are responsible for determining sex.
A mature individual has two copies of every gene and is capable of producing 8 types of sex cells. When one counts all the different combinations of variants of matA1-13, matB,1-13 and matC1-3 available, you get more than 500 potential different sexes!
For successful reproduction, a spore must simply find a partner that has different variants of the three genes. What makes slime molds truly successful, however, is that the cytoplasm of the offspring is merged from both parents. How’s this work? Mitochondria are only inherited from one parent; there’s a hierachy within the variants of matA.
This is why I don’t eat mushrooms.
Fucking perverts.
*corporate press style book*
Saying that Hunter Biden, who was discharged from the military for cocaine in his system, getting a job with a Ukrainian energy company, a field in which he had no experience, is not nepotism and is in fact a baseless conspiracy.
Tulsi Gabbard being a Russian asset is a legitimate question, because she won’t war hard enough
Finally, someone is talking some sense.
From the recent debate:
BIDEN: Look, my son’s statement speaks for itself. I did my job. I never discussed a single thing with my son about anything having do with Ukraine. No one has indicated I have. We’ve always kept everything separate. Even when my son was the attorney general of the state of Delaware, we never discussed anything, so there would be no potential conflict.
I went through the transcript to document all the derp and this is about where I threw in the towel.
This is where I gave up:
YANG: Senator Warren is 100 percent right that we’re in the midst of the most extreme winner-take-all economy in history. And a wealth tax makes a lot of sense in principle. The problem is that it’s been tried in Germany, France, Denmark, Sweden, and all those countries ended up repealing it, because it had massive implementation problems and did not generate the revenue that they’d projected.
If we can’t learn from the failed experiences of other countries, what can we learn from? We should not be looking to other countries’ mistakes. Instead, we should look at what Germany, France, Denmark, and Sweden still have, which is a value-added tax. If we give the American people a tiny slice of every Amazon sale, every Google search, every robot truck mile, every Facebook ad, we can generate hundreds of billions of dollars and then put it into our hands, because we know best how to use it.
[head desk]
Other peoples/countries experiences only count if they confirm our preconceived result. Otherwise they do it right.
Dammit “they do it right” should be “they did not do it right”
Maybe if I was drunk I would have done it right the first time.
TGA asserted without evidence, or the new one because the Hunter Biden stuff has gotten too much even for NPR… asserted mostly without evidence.
You know who else used cocaine, was in the military, and worked in the energy industry?
Begins with a Dubya?
Dunya Dubya Eff?
Both straff and leon are correct.
The Aughts were a simpler, more innocent time, no?
No nepotism with W too. It is known.
Black Dynamite?
Putin is only trying to get our weapon manufacturers laid off. What an asshole.
Bloody hell.
What did you expect, straff?
We all know she has blood on her hands.
I hate to cramp your style, but those are clean tampons.
Are saying she doesn’t have a case of the Red Ass?
Fresh squeezed V8. Yummy.
1 in 4 huh? Opportunity to throw their parents in jail then.
I know I did. I locked myself in my room for days when mom was on the rag.
I recently bought some tampons for my wife at the supermarket and she requested absolutely no plastic insert bullshit. She to.d me it was hard to find the ones without that (“except for the stupid organic frigging tampons, I don’t want those”). She was right. Several rows of tampons with massive plastic dildo thingys. Talk about killing the environment. Somewhere right now a turtle ? is dying on a choked plastic tampon applicator. Where is the movement to get rid of those things? “Stick it up your pussy with your finger goddamit!” I have to agree with the wife on that.
Poor turtle, but I’m thinking it would fit better in a dolphin’s blow hole. The neighborhood kids and I would play tackle football in our front yard when I was in elementary school. On a busy street, but a rather large yard. After getting our elbows and knees scraped up, I ran into the house and discovered a great solution for us. My mom came home and found a half dozen kids withblood stained maxipads taped the their elbows and knees. I even had one on my head like a mohawk. She was not pleased.
Hahahaha! That’s hilarious. I don’t know how anyone couldn’t see massive humor in that.
Once my stress level goes down a bit, I may write an article on my experience with different leadership styles. This whole no pre-planning, micromanage the results BS is killing me.
Write it while you’re still spitting mad and leave in the typos for added effect.
The sad thing is that I’m not even angry. I’m just exhausted and probably suffering from a bit of depression/anxiety. Long story short, leadership said a few things last week that made it all click. One was “we are an up or out department” and the other was “we aren’t looking for somebody who wants to put in their 40 and go home. We want people driven to constantly improve and grow”.
That wouldn’t be the worst thing ever, except that “improve and grow” means do more shit at a lower level of quality.
Did you say, “LOL, ok Millennial start-up culture twat. Shut the fuck up!”?
I wasn’t drunk enough to tell my boss that.
Up or out department. Sounds like a line from Office Space. *Barf*
“we aren’t looking for somebody who wants to put in their 40 and go home” does sound like someone who would get pissed at someone putting the required number of flair on their uniform.
That crap is exactly why I won’t go into management.
We want people driven to constantly improve and grow
Ah, so like the Borg.
There’s no way that will go wrong.
Lol, it most commonly goes wrong in that nobody says no to anything, they delegate worthless work with arbitrary deadlines, and have $80+/hour attorneys burning tens of hours designing email templates rather than doing anything that requires a JD.
But hey, we all get to put our names on a report to the GC! Yay!!!
Sorry to hear that man. You’re looking for a new job, right?
Yep, but not super seriously. I’m hoping to get the most out of the benefits (including 6 month paternity leave and a substantial student loan repayment program) before hopping jobs.
6 month paternity leave
Want to be a freelance writer? Too bad that job’s illegal in CA.
What in the hell?
One-party rule brah.
Every time I read the comments to his videos, people poke fun at him. Not in a bad or disrespectful way but more for the fact they can’t believe Poole still clings to his ‘I’m a lefty’ mode despite all the evidence of how insane the left are. He doesn’t realize there is no coming back from this and the only way out is to leave and stop defending them.
And no, it’s not any better under Sanders.
Jimmy Dore is another one who is almost there. He supports Sanders and goes after other progressives but they’re all the same shit in the end.
I don’t mind people calling themselves liberals, as long as they make the distinction.
Or, “I’m an old-school Democrat,” which I bet is the nomenclature mom subscribes to. She and I talked earlier. She’s getting shockingly reactionary. She believes welfare recipients shouldn’t get a vote. (She called out tax-sponge welfare moms in particular.) She’s basically alt-right, but she’d be surprised to hear she’s anything but a centrist Democrat.
Yeah, the old school Democrats did believe that; that’s why we had to amend the constitution. Your mom’s a racist, bro.
What do you call someone who’s all Romney’s 47%, but believes in universal healthcare?
A binder?
That song works great with the replacement lyrics of “fuck it all”
I’ll take “Le Tit Go” for $200
I’ll take JAP ANUS RELATIONS for $500.
I was hoping for lettuces.
Had a strange dream last night… and when I’ve been dreaming I know I haven’t been drinking. So I’m flying right and proper liquored up tonight.
As opposed to a perfectly sane, logical dream?
…….Oh! That kind of dream!
I really do get sick of having to wash the sheets just so I don’t stick to them…
That you watched a man jerk off only to realize YOU’RE THE DICK?
I get those too!
You sailed away to China in a little rowboat to find me?
I just cooked an ‘A’ dinner (I give myself grades). Dead simple entree, but for once I got everything just right. I hate fucking up the salt or the spice, or something doesn’t melt properly, etc. etc.
I suggest you reward yourself with some delicious rye.
Rye was my first pre-dinner drink. I’m on vodka-sodapop during the meal. Moving to Negronis next.
Congrats brah. What was the dish?
Cooking is just trial and error… Everyone thinks I’m an amazing cook, but I only make things for other people if I’ve done them 50 times before and can basically do the recipe in my sleep. I fuck up all kinds of stuff when I’m just cooking for myself, but it’s a learning experience.
I’ve got some Cuban beef in the oven in a braising dish right now (beef, bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, cumin, oregano, and some cayenne). It’s called “Ropa Vieja” and FoodWishes has a video if anyone is interested in the recipe. This is about my 4th time doing this dish, and it gets better every time.
Chicken and a spicy alfredo sauce over angel hair pasta.
I was especially happy with the sauce – it was exactly what I wanted. Turns out most of the shortcuts I’ve tried don’t work.
I’ve brought experiments out before. One of the more epic ones was a twist on Tiramisu. I’ve got a variant version that is very well received that you do a pumpkin cream, blend with spiced whipped cream and soak the ladyfingers in a stout. It was summer, so I decided to go with a tropical fruit version. I used banana, papaya, and mango in the cream, and instead of stout figured that dark rum would work to soak the ladyfingers in. The problem was that the ladyfingers soaked up nearly a full bottle of dark rum. The only flavor that survived was booze.
Doesn’t it feel good to get it just right?
Tomorrow, I’m going to braise a pork shoulder in apple cider, make hummus, make chicken stock, make pickled carrots, and maybe make butternut squash risotto again. Ahh, kitchen therapy.
Oh hell yeah. I’ve had way too many B- and C meals of late.
I’lits way past my bed time.
Have another glass of booze.
Navarro the Hutt blames rape on the way victim was dressed
The Hutts are criminals and gangsters! We can’t take her royal highness there!
Glibertarians is a website beyond the reach of the Trade Federation.
Just think, some poor guy wakes up next to that every morning.
Her husband is around 25 years her senior.
Dave might be old, but much like Keith Richards, he’s been well preserved by the drugs.
Going down on Jeb isn’t weird at all.
You went down on Jeb?
*Please clap*
“Please clap.”
Is there an echo here in this chamber?
Sneaky nip.
Please. Clap.
Matter of time before the Yankees take the lead.
While I’m here, I’ll share a video of a woman having sex with the Eiffel Tower
That whore!? The Eiffel Tower is cheating on me!? Fucking tramp!
Coo-coo. Coo-coo. Coo-coo.
I remember my first time on drugs too.
Linky no worky?
I’m glad you’re happy crazy lady.
She’s gonna get more than an eye full.
One of my good friends just had to tap out of the friend-zone with a dude who saw her and her kids as a rent-a-family and/or his fan club.
She’s like, “Yeah, I can’t do this any longer.” He’s like, “I can’t be what you need.”
Wellallrightythen. Man, I’m so glad I don’t have to do that.
Why do I get the sense this was done at a bowling alley?
It was not. Email and text while she was at work and she ugly-cried all the way home.
I do not know why I felt the need to post this, other than I feel horrible for her.
A manly cry is one tear. One manly tear. Ugly crying for a guy is two manly tears. One too many manly tears. Two manly tears is two too many manly tears.
She. Respect the pronoun.
Yeh. Tough.
Are the kids younger or older?
The girl is 7th grade, I think? The boy is 4th grade.
The girl was absolutely certain she was going to get a new dad she loved and adored and would be Fun Dad (her real dad’s not even worthy of being called a dick). She was very “Did he kiss you? You look awesome! I bet he’s gonna love it! I bet he’ll kiss you!” I don’t know how the boy feels.
That girl’s about to get her heart broken, as if my friend didn’t have enough pain for herself.
That’s rough, especially for the daughter. I’m getting a little whiff of desperation from friend, which almost always ends poorly when major life decisions are involved.
Desperation from my friend?
No, she was being very patient. This has been going on for about a year. It was just fun at first, outings and whatever. She really did not want to get back into a relationship after her ex, so it just kind of happened.
She WAS frustrated, however, that it didn’t seem to be moving toward anything.
What I got is that the dude liked having a rent-a-family and a fan club and a fun, comfortable relationship he didn’t have to work very hard at.
I continue to be amazed by the number of single moms who are shocked to find that it affects their dating life.
warning: contains red pill/mra content
It’s different if a woman is a single mom because her husband died in a car accident, but that is usually not the case.
There is a connection between the declining rate of marriage and the increasing rate of single motherhood.
Can’t watch the vid at the moment.
I guess I don’t understand. Where is the shock part coming from?
He spent all his time with her, texted her nonstop, emailed her nonstop, encouraged her writing, bolstered her confidence, treated her kids well, and generally was an all-around awesome dude who couldn’t get enough of her… And it didn’t go anywhere.
She just drew her boundaries and said, “I need more than this now.”
He said, “I can’t.”
That’s it.
At the point your kid’s saying, “Did he kiss you?” and “He’s going to think you’re fabulous!” and you don’t know, it’s time to find out and if it’s not going anywhere, it’s time to pull the plug.
My wild guess – the guy thought he was doing everything (he “was generally an all-around awesome dude”), and she still wanted more.
I dated a single mom and she dumped me- because we went to a loud piano bar for her birthday party and I didn’t dance with her enough.
Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.
Don’t date single moms, in the form of song:
Why in heaven’s name would a man hang out with a single mom that much and do that much without intending it to go somewhere? There was no kissing, no sex, no…nada. Yet he spent every waking, non-working hour with her spoiling her and the kids.
WTF is that, anyway? At that age, you spend time to fuck or marry or both, but not just because you want an awesome pal whose kids you like.
NOW I get it. Dude knew what he was doing. He just liked having his ego stroked.
And now she’s a single dancer.
A guy that I talk to at the local watering hole brought his two kids with him last week. Not an izakaya. A bar. His daughter is 10 and his son is 6. This is a pretty boisterous watering hole, filled with drunk expats. There is absolutely nothing to do there other than drink and argue over dumb things. His kids were sitting there bored out of their minds. It’s 10pm and I’m thinking, “WTF, dude. Take your kids home.” but I didn’t wanna say anything. I pulled a notebook out of my bag and sat there drawing pictures with them until midnight. Last night, the guy shows up and says, “Man, my kids love you. They were talking about you all week.” OK. Guess that’s cool, but how he could just ignore his own kids like that was sad. Point is, sometimes even an asshole like me just wants to do something nice for kids.
“Why in heaven’s name would a man hang out with a single mom that much…”
Because he wanted sex.
“There was no kissing, no sex, no…nada.”
That’s why he left.
I saw a clip from a 90s talk show. The topic was dating after 30. To call the women guests good-looking would be to stretch the truth beyond the limit of its tensile strength. Yet they all wanted 6 ft tall guys who made a lot of money and dismissed anything else as “settling”.
In ancient Assyria, marriageable women were the property of the state and auctioned off to the highest bidder. There was also a cash-back program for marrying an ugly woman.
A more efficient and humane system, if you ask me*.
“You…you allow your females to wear *clothes*?!”
*almost serious
I totally get that.
Would you do it for a year solid?
Maybe I need to back up.
SHE wanted sex.
HE would not give her any. He wouldn’t even fucking kiss her.
Sounds like he wants to date you.
No, I’ve never met the guy.
It annoyed me to no end that OF COURSE the Jewy Ferengi who were obsessed with Spacegeld were naturally also neanderthals with respect to the battle of the sexes.
My guess (and this only because I can totally relate) is that he may have had a really rotten family life in his own childhood. If I see a kid being maltreated, I have an almost involuntary desire to help. If that guy’s childhood was bad enough, he might be thinking, “I don’t care if this relationship isn’t good for me as long as I can help these kids have a better life.” Generally, that’s the way abuse memories work. Either you are completely repulsed by seeing a suffering kid or you reproduce the abuse in your own family.
HE would not give her any. He wouldn’t even fucking kiss her.
And, BTW, that is fucked up. He needs to shit or get off the pot regardless if his intentions are good or not.
Straff, that is possible, I suppose. Her ex (although far, far away in NoDak) is the scum of the earth.
He’s twice her age, basically kidnapped her when she was 16, married her, took her off to wherever, and kept her out in the boonies in a half-chewed mobile home while drinking lots of alcohol, not working, and sponging off her work as a stay-at-home medical transcriptionist. She never learned how to drive.
Anyway, she got out (long story) and came here. She has done extraordinarily well for herself. I’ve known her for 15 years now, half of it online only, but she has just blossomed. It’s incredible and I’m really proud of her. She’s a good mom and she TRIES to do what’s best for them with regard to their dad (who is still in NoDak).
So…yeah…I can see how a dude might see her, know her story, see her nice kids, see she’s got her head screwed on right, and kind of go, “Hey, I can help.”
Want me to kick his ass?
Yes. She has known for a while she had to say, “Hey, this isn’t working for me anymore,” but had been putting off doing it because it was going to hurt, but the stars in the little girl’s eyes got to be too much. NOW he’s dicking around with the little girl’s feelings, so maybe it’s best to sever the relationship.
I really feel bad too because he’s not an asshole.
You jest, but if it were up to me, I’d say yes in all seriousness.
Dude regularly calls the police department here for a welfare check when he’s pissed at her, as if, say, she doesn’t let the kids talk on the phone to him past their bedtime. Then again, he’s pissed at her most of the time.
Obviously I don’t know the guy and it can set off red flags when a some guy just wants to be around/help your kids. Creeps use that same technique. About ten years ago, I saw this young Japanese mom with her son at Mr Donuts (used to spend my Sundays reading the paper there). The kid asked me, “Wha chor name? My name is [whatever it was]”. We talked in English for a little bit and the mother let it known that the father wasn’t around. “I’ll teach your kid English if you want. Just show up here on Sundays and I’ll be here.” She gave me a look like I was some kind of pervert. “Why would you do that?” Alright. Never fucking mind. But at the same time, I understand her apprehension.
I jest only because I can’t kick too many guy’s asses…and the NAP.
Completely unrelated: if you ever need me to do any sort of research, like say, for a book you are writing, or something like that, you let me know and I’ll do what I can.
Thank you!
I had that idea of a girl stranded out in the desert, but NoDak’s kinda desert-like, innit? Specially in the winter?
It is. Very much so. But colder. haha
Also, if you ever, you know, think you have a long lost friend up here and you’d like me to see if I know anybody who knows him and can give you info on him, you let me know and I will do what I can.
This is why single dudes need to stand and salute those single mothers as they sail by.
Be the man your father couldn’t be. Just salute those poor single mothers sailing by.
He was not interested in her sexually in any way, shape or form. No human male waits for a year of dating for any physical intimacy. It simply does not happen that way. He is either gay and hiding it or in denial or asexual or simply didn’t find her physically attractive. Who knows the motivation behind it. If I had to make a guess I would say he enjoyed her companionship and thought of her as a friend and nothing more. Or he liked her kids and just wanted to hang out and enjoy their company and admiration.
Yes, I believe that is the problem.
However, how does a man get to mid-40s and continue the relationship for a time past the point he knows the woman’s caught feelings and wants more? She told him months ago she was catching feelings. He said, “I don’t like you THAT WAY.” Okay. She said she wasn’t sure she could go on like that, but she would try. So…why would he continue to hang out? Isn’t that the point where a dude panics and splits? Unless…
He liked having a fan club and a rent-a-family.
Never underestimate a man’s ability to misunderstand or over/under-estimate a woman’s desires. At any age. And I’m not trying to be funny; I mean it with all sincerity.
Actually, that is very helpful. Thank you. 🙂
He told her the truth. He wanted to be friends. She had to have realized that would not change. Men don’t generally work that way. She liked having the possibility of a good guy who liked her kids and was kind to them be a potential daddy. He would have probably been quite content to hang out and be friends in the same way for longer.
To paraphrase Mike, never underestimate a woman’s ability to believe that with time and patience and all the right signals he will gradually change his mind.
To us, if a man spends that kind of time and emotional energy on us (never mind the kids), there has GOT to be something deeper there. Otherwise, we think, what’s the point?
Yet so many of them fall for the “male feminist ally” thing. Chicks. *SMDH*
It is almost like people in general live in a self constructed universe that bears little relationship to empirical reality. Magical thinking abounds.
Ugh. To me, that kind of dude’s just a creeper.
I would guess that his point was that he was enjoying the friendship. He should have been more upfront about that and the fact that it was never going to happen. Male sexual attraction is immediate generally. If you were talking about him waiting five or six dates that might be one thing. He might still be a bit unsure and very honorable about getting involved intimately. But more than that it will never happen in that situation. The Dolphins winning the Super Bowl would be more likely. He should have had the courage to make that very clear. She should have had the sense to know it would never happen.
That’s fair.
It is too bad for your friend, I can imagine she feels terrible. But she doesn’t know men. She needs to find one that is attracted to her and shares similar qualities to the dude in respect to being a good person and good with the kids. To belabor the point, but you’re a writer and will understand, I’m a happily married guy with three kids. I have no intention of having an affair, but that does not stop me from looking and admiring and imagining having sex with just about every attractive woman I see. When I was single I’ve gone out with women that I thought I wanted to jump in bed with but soon found out I didn’t. But it’s relatively quick. A year is forever, even if religion is involved. We don’t get that much time here.
Yeah. Watching it and not being able to do anything for her is difficult.
random memory
When I was a wee lad, I was nuts for dinosaurs. I noticed they had weird names and asked about it. It was mind blowing to learn that there were languages besides English.
I guess that’s how it all started.
I spent much of my childhood devouring the foreign-language shelf at my neighborhood public library.
I found a “learn 12 languages” cd at the bargain bin of a local store. It became one of my treasured possessions.
The weird thing is, I don’t talk that much. But I like to memorize things.
I spent my childhood where Spanish was the primary language for most people and in many situations. I did my best to catch up since my parents didn’t speak any other language than English.
When I first was stationed in Japan I saw it as a chance to learn that language and jumped right in. Japanese pronunciation is close enough to Spanish so that was useful.
I studied a couple other languages along the way for one reason or another.
Wifey and I spent all day looking for homes to buy. It was all going well until I got city girl out into the real countryside. Then she sort of freaked out, lol. We drove through one little village that had some Victorian era houses on the main street that had original metal roofs, that was cool as hell, I’ve never seen anything like that. Outside of that, rolling hills, very curvy roads that you cannot go more than 35 MPH on. I loved it, but she was a little freaked out. But we’re definitely moving up there, just that she would like to stay more near the little city that has her Walmart and Marshall stores, and no scary narrow 25 MPH roads. Wow, it is beautiful there, not saying where, but is NW of Baltimore.
Beautiful country.
This guy gets it.
You and I should get houses on opposite corners of a 200 acre plot and get a townhouse our wives can share in the city.
/wife does the same thing
I was just telling the wife that they have 28 acres for sale near Frederick on top of a very high hill with a spectacular view. Not quite 200, but enough to install wifey shopping places and some good pubs.
So, here in Northern New England, that’s pretty much anything that isn’t the highway.
I stopped at a gas station in western MD and was surprised that they sold ammo there. Idaho is the only other place I’ve seen that. It was right on the border with WV, so maybe that explains it.
Y’all come back soon now, ya hear?
Like I mentioned in a previous thread, in MD, you go from deep blue to deep red in a matter of a few miles.
Same in upstate NY.
Everyone deserves equal representation, let’s base state victories in national elections by county. For instance, you win the most counties in NY, you win.
They got NG way out there?
Jesus Alvarez is useless.
Christ, what an asshole!
Anybody hear from Festus?
not since last night, but, i think I developed some sort of sympathy pain for him.
At least, I hope that’s what it is.
He was around this morning I believe.
I guess I’m losing my day/night perspective. Was last night after all.
Last night, almost 24 hours ago.
@ OMWC, the homebrewers, or anyone else who knows:
The set-up: As I tool up my shop, I am in need of a refractometer to measure coolant concentration. My tooling supplier sells them for $77 and up. I thought this seemed a bit high, so I checked Midwest Brewing Supplies and they have one for $40. It even looks identical the one for $77.
Question: Are these going to be the same refractometers? Are the scales different? If I understand correctly they are able to be calibrated. So I could buy one for beer and re-calibrate it to work with coolant…right?
So I could buy one for beer and re-calibrate it to work with coolant…right?
I don’t think so. These refractometers are scaled to show percent sugar by weight (Brix) or specific gravity or both for the range of zero to thirty percent or so sugar by weight.
For coolant, you are measuring a different thing using a different scale. You might be able to cheat and measure some coolant of a know concentration and record the Brix/S.G. then interpolate between readings.
If -big if_ I understand right, it’s the same scale, I just need to account for the difference between sucrose/water and coolant/water?
More research when I’ve had less fermented sucrose/water is in my future.
MikeS, I showed my friend your Hillary meme yesterday. He loved it.
westernsloper shared it with all 37 of his Twitter gang, so I assume it’ll be going viral any day now.
Kinnath, the mini kegs you turned me onto at Northern Brewer don’t seem to be available anymore. Any ideas?
You probably wouldn’t want the homebrewing ones, they’re calibrated to measure unfermented sugars in wort. They won’t even work for fermented beverages (unless you also know the original gravity). Showing my ignorance here, but wouldn’t a hydrometer work as well?
I thought about that after posting, as well. I don’t see why not. The first time I add the coolant, I mix it properly, measure it with a hydrometer, mark down that number and I have my “base”. The problem comes when I want to increase it to a certain percentage.
Or would it? I need to think about this a bit.
Maybe take a reading of pure concentrate and pure water and do some math to determine mixture percentage?
Maybe not be a tight ass and just buy the $77 refractometer? Ha-ha.
Don’t you wish that you could go to a gathering where you have to wade through a mob of foaming at the mouth loonies just to get inside? It would make the event all that much sweeter.
You know who else attended gatherings of a mob of foaming at the mouth loonies?
I’m glad the Yankees and the Dodgers don’t get to advance. Off Chapman too. At least he smiled at it.
Hopefully we can go another decade without a Yankee world series championship.
I’ll be in my bunk.