That was a damn fine get-together last Saturday, if I do say so my damn self.. Interesting back-and-forth, and that isn’t a euphemism. Well…not completely. Since then, we’ve had epic weather, illness, arguing, drinking, sexy time. In other words: a very Glibertarian week. I see you’re wearing something loose, like I suggested. And, since you didn’t play the “I don’t know; what do you want” game, and gave me some suggestions for hang-outs, we can inject some variety into this evening’s festivities. To whit:
With a tip of the hat to Chafed—the most obvious music choice EVAR
Thanks to the awesome CPRM, I have a new avatar pic, based on the idea by Cacciatore. So, as of this posting I shall be opening Sir Digby’s Ice Cream Parlour and Woodchipper Emporium! Come one, come all! Just, you know—clean up after yourselves.
My one, non- patented copyrighted move.
Oh, boy—Texas has a police problem, it seems. Since the Amber Guyger story generated so much talk last week, I was wondering what could follow it up. Well, it seems Texas stepped up once again. This is very early in the situation, especially as of my putting this together. No telling if any new information will be forthcoming. Here’s a I will say that, prior to the last four or five years, I would have said I much prefer the idea of being policed by Ft. Worth’s finest than by Dallas’. Maybe not so much, anymore. The city itself is still preferable to Dallas, but only just so.
I gave birthday shout-outs to fellow Augustinian glibs at the end of that month, completely expecting to make it a monthly deal. Of course, I forgot September. And then, Q mentions his happy ending birthday, so, here we are. If you recently celebrated, or, endured another anniversary of your existence: Happy Birthday.
Favorite products: If you were giving advice on items on which someone could spend hard-earned cash, what would it be? Whether were talking a luxury you indulge, or, something you figure everyone buys. One recommendation I would make is jersey-knit (t-shirt) sheets; specifically, the AmazonBasics line. Excellent weight/thickness (natch); very sturdy for jersey-knit, but not a lot of colors available. I’m sure that, like most items, jersey-knit sheets are not for everyone, but I suggest that anyone give them a try, as they are comfy and cheap. They do NOT last as long as your standard percale sheets, but, if you find a good manufacturer, I think you’ll like them. Now, it’s your turn.
Speaking of favorite products… Give it a watch
This one’s for the ladies: Many of you say we live in the best time-line. I’m not completely sold on that, but this timeline does have Mike Rowe to be a voice of wisdom and sanity. The truly “best” timeline: Mike Rowe is Crusty Juggler.
When you worship the government, that pesky Second Commandment is a thing of the past. Plus, coveting is practically encouraged!
Well, that pretty much wraps up my contribution to glib-verse. Next week is a Halloween costume party for ol’ Diggy, so, while I plan on putting up a post, I may be a bit late to the show. To sing us out, I found something rather interesting (yes, I intended to troll you lot, but…just watch the whole thing).
You know the tide is turning when this is written on Hot Air of all places.
If only it had been Jazz Shaw who wrote thHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Sorry–couldn’t quite finish that.
That’s Taylor Millard. We’ve been friends for years, and that’s always been his position. He just gets regularly screamed at for it.
The issue of police militarization made me a Balko fanboy for quite a spell. Since I’m muggled and bored at work (these paper towels aren’t going to shelve themselves), I would like to tack into conspiracy land. Black Lives Matter is a false-front set up to purposefully misdirect and blunt any true attempt at law enforcement reform.
I’ll bite. Who said that?
Absolutely. I thank video. It is laying bare some uncomfortable facts for the copsuckers.
Uh, Dude….First week.
You really don’t check the links, do ya?
My rebuttal is still correct, regardless of what I do or do not remember from x weeks ago.
Well, we can both be correct.
Don’t be jealous Rhywun.
Thanks for the hat tip SD.
? ? ??
I’m not jealous. Just drunk.
some music to set the mood
PS. I love that album.
OK, getting back to the conversation on the previous thread about the guy who got off the pot without shitting:
Single Women Dating After 40
I want to make it clear that I don’t want innocent people to suffer. To quote the tag line from an old video game: for every choice, a consequence
The guilty should suffer in proportion to their crimes.
Dear god…
Why women are staying single and childless
[anguished Zoidberg groan]
Because they got woke, and decided that they were failing at life unless they become unattractive harridans?
More women choosing a childfree life
[quietly sobs and opens another box of merlot]
Is merlot this years trendy wine for sitting at home waiting for death?
Ugh, I’m glad the merlot trend is over. It tastes like death.
What is the best “waiting for death” booze?
My vote: a 30 pack of PBR
I just get sick of fads. There are so many good foods and beverages in the world and yet, every year it seems like there is 1 type of food, and one beverage that is all anyone wants to talk about or eat. Eat what you like, drink what you like, fuck popular.
Fuck Popular?
I am such a child of the 90s.
The video gets unexpectedly homoerotic by the end.
When I was at the grocery store getting that beer, I was noticing how unattractive the college chicks were. Body mutilation and piercings, tattoos, weight. I’m a fat ass, so I sympathize but these chicks are supposed to be in their prime. And they’re not. By choice.
Or, in other words, embracing spinsterhood.
Ding ding ding
If something happened to my husband, I would NEVER date again. I do not have the patience to train another dude AND I am a bit of a loner anyway.
“I do not have the patience to train another dude”
AHA! I knew it!
In her most provocative book yet, Dr. Laura urgently reminds women that to take proper care of their husbands is to ensure themselves the happiness and satisfaction they yearn for in marriage.
Women want to be in love, get married, and live happily ever after. Yet disrespect for men and disregard for the value, feelings, and needs of husbands has fast become the standard for male-female relations in America. Those two attitudes clash in unfortunate ways to create struggle and strife in what could be a beautiful relationship.
Dr. Laura is personally responsible for a semi-tragedy in my extended family.
Before that, I liked her.
Story? If you don’t tell I am assuming she vamped your grand father and broke up his marriage…
I heard she got into a throuple with Mo’s grandparents.
My cousin married and had children with an asshole. Okay, we all make mistakes, whatever. She was a good mom and all that. Divorced him. Got custody. Kids didn’t want to be with him.
She died.
Kids are barely tweens.
My aunt and uncle got guardianship, but asshole dad called up Dr. Laura and on national radio told some out-and-out lie. Dr. Laura went on a rant about how awful my aunt and uncle were. Gave the dude the “moral” authority to fight them in court for custody even though the kids didn’t want to go with dad.
The tape of his call to Dr. Laura was played and…that was that. Bye bye kiddies, go with dad.
I doubt the tape had much to do with that, you have a real uphill battle taking custody from a biological parent.
The phone got played at a custody hearing? By who?
This was a long time ago, but IIRC, the dad played the tape as some sort of “proof” that he should get custody in spite of the children not wanting to go with him.
Even if it made no difference whatsoever, the guy still got on the radio and blatantly lied about my aunt and uncle, Dr. Laura took it on its face, went on a rampage about how awful my aunt and uncle were without ever ONCE thinking he could be lying.
It was a weird disconnect I had. How many OTHER people had lied to her? Isn’t it her job to figure out if she’s talking to a psychopath?
Oh, right. It’s ENTERTAINMENT. Okay, whatevs.
Cousin died.
Aunt and uncle sued for custody.
Things were going well for them.
Dad got on the radio with Dr. Laura, who told him to go after aunt and uncle with guns blazing.
Got a better lawyer.
Got his kids.
It’s a terrible result. But I strongly suspect Jarflax is right. Getting custody from a biological parent who isn’t an obvious fuck up (think addict or felon) is very difficult.
Jarflax is right, of course, but my aunt and uncle WERE winning.
It was just such a bizarre thing that even though it was, like, 25 years ago, it still stirs in me a loathing for Dr. Laura.
That statement actually made me cringe, and, gave me headache…
/not putting that on you, Mo– on Dr. Laura
I don’t use sheets.
Duvet only.
Piles of leaves in a crudely scraped hole in the ground! Wait you live in New York… The equivalent used to be newspapers, but not sure how that works these days?
If by pile of leaves you mean nice fluffy comforter that’s comfortable year-round… sure!
You gay guys and your fancy schmancy accessories! (actually the thing I hate about the new house is that with central air I can’t set my room to be cold enough to sleep under a comforter without making everyone else in the house freeze)
It is a custom I adopted from old memories of hetero-Europa. Actually, I did the whole sheets and blankets thing until a couple years ago when I realized I could radically simplify the project and I’ve been happier ever since.
Just a duvet without a duvet cover?
Nah, nothing that fancy. If I buy a “real” duvet, I’ll think about a cover. Mine is just a thick comforter filled with some fake stuffing.
The primary benefit is it’s usable all year & I don’t have to futz with sheets and blankets.
Are you sleeping on a bare mattress.?
Ha good point. Yes, I do use bottom sheets. When I think “sheets” I normally think of “top sheets”.
Got it. I understood you were going “casual” but I didn’t think you were reverting to early poverty.
Well, I actually don’t use top sheets for the most part, either. (neuropathy thing)
That said, if you can find a good quality fitted jersey sheet, may I humbly suggest giving it a whirl? Usually not to expensive, so, if you don’t like it, not a big loss.
That said, I fully recognize that you just don’t mess with what works for your sleep space, if you can avoid it. If you’re up for the ‘challenge’. though…
Product recommendations? You can meet all your needs here!
Thank Zod someone gets it!
Kudos, Jar.
I didn’t see one ad for hookers or blow.
I’ve posted a friend’s cover of this OBVIOUS theme song, so I’m linking to the original artist’s version to broaden the range of musical genres represented.
Diggy, your avatar looks the same as it has (with those ***dreamy!!!*** eyes!) Are you really going to unveil a new one soon?
Done, and done!
Two can play at that game!
/hawt–animated style
Make me laugh.
That’s just begging for an “unzips” post…
Get a room!
I got plenty of room!
This was the next song in the playlist.
It seems to fit.
That was wonderful. You can’t be in a bad mood after hearing a song like that!
Yes……the song………?
Also–will be getting this soon
So Cool World is just chopped liver then?
Do I come across as the Brad Pitt type?? I mean, I did think about it, but, Hoskins, man. That hairy bastard….
If MikeS gets on tonight he’ll fall in love with those ladies.
I don’t see any ladies…?
GT’s link at the start of comment 6.
Steve Earl?
Sorry. My bad. I meant SD’s music link.
I almost forgot about that little find!
Heh…yes, MikeS bait’n for sure.
*points and laughs at Yankees*
Nice job, ‘stros.
It’s always a good day or night when the Yankees lose.
Whoa, look at YOU!
You can’t help it; you were drawn that way!
Earlier today, Ted’S’ said (in so many words) that I was a “bad person.” I was inspired.
Worst off! In the red corner the Mormon Marauder, fresh from her triumph over Nikki. In the blue corner the newcomer, Traitor to her gender, the bad bunny babe, GT.
I didn’t even know I was fighting.
Mmmm….more like…”contending”.
Cocky aren’t you?
She wasn’t difficult to take down.
*puffs fingernails*
*buffs on shirt*
Here’s a visual representation of GT vs the glibertariat
Full disclosure: this is me after Lasik and…ummm…at least one…procedure.
In the spirit of FD: I don’t really dress as spiffy as in the previous avatar.
If we are doing confessions… This is hard for me… I am not a disappearing cat.
I thought you were a 17th Century gay blade yesterday.
And I don’t have snakes for hair. *sigh*
My butt of Malmsey had a dead Duke in it so I gave that up.
How about turning men to stone?
*serves up a nice slow off speed pitch right at chest height.
Two hogsheads to the butt: measurements AND a euphemism.
It’s happened on occasion 😉
What you did there. I sees it.
Painfully obvious but enjoyable music link.
GT didn’t disappoint.
GT! Thank you!
I forgot how much I love ELO.
My pleasure! It’s a blessing and a curse when random phrases remind you of a song. Ya get some weird earbugs that way.
I must confess I had pictures of Standing Liberty Type 1 hidden under my mattress.
I’m not actually 8 bit.
You’re certainly not two-dimensional, either.
The Big 5-0 two days ago. A great first half; the second half will be far easier. I did a lot of smashing of my own thumb, as it were, before getting “smahhht”.
“Educations is what you get when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don’t.”
~Pete Seeger
Buy a sportscar, hook up with a stripper! Midlife time! Meh, too much effort
Here you go. Just replace “Mr. President” with “Ozymandias.”
Replace Mr President?
Happiest of birthdays, good Sir Ozy.
Another October one? Sheesh.
I was buying a six pack at the store today, and for some reason it slightly bugged me that the cashier didn’t ask me for ID. I can’t remember the last time I got carded in a grocery store and rarely even in the liquor store.
Even if you look younger than your age, sooner or later they stop asking for an ID.
No kidding.
Life can be divided into eras based on how you feel about being carded. Under 21? Carded sucks. 21-30? No big deal. 30-40? Annoying hassle. 40-50? Contemptuous disbelief. Over 50? Makes your day.
Yeah, they stopped asking for it when I was in my twenties, even with the card under 30/40/85/whatever nonsense. I was always happy before about not getting asked. Today I felt the opposite.
Another October one? Sheesh.
IRL, there have been around three birthdays a week since late September. I’ve no idea how they all stacked up.
Quoting Q when I said the same ‘People like fucking during winter’
A gift that keeps on giving, it wood seem.
If you want to be carded, go buy a pack of smokes.
He’s drunk not suicidal.
Happy birthday, young’un. Next drinks are on us!
Happy Birthday and welcome to the other side of 50.
Oh, and let me just say how much I enjoyed seeing the Yankees tie it in the top of the 9th, only to have Houston hit a walk-off in the bottom half… as a long-time Red Sox fan. I know, I know, no sympathies right now, but we gots a LOT of history with the Pinstripes. Watching someone hit a walk-off homer against them warms my cockles.
Yup, that was nice. I am happy to see that the Dodgers and Yankees both failed.
*forty year SF Giants fan*
Where the blue blazes is Cacciatore? The avatar was his idea.
For that matter–where’s CPRM? It was his labor!
You got CPRM to enact your labor?
Way to go, Shitlord!
Yeah, you got a film school guy to do actual work? That is amazing! (Hi CPRM!)
He entertains us pretty well with H&H animation, so, I feel fortunate that he offered.
Must be my ::flicks hair back over shoulder:: personality…
Howdy, ma’am, ?
Yeah, it’s pretty much shit all the way d-
Uh, never mind.
Yeah…it sounded good at first–in the ol’ noggin. Then, ‘reality’….
Flying with a firearm in a checked bag is not difficult or inconvenient. I tried it for the first time when I flew to America from Massachusetts this week.
Confirmed: grrizzly now on a(nother) watch list.
Vestiges of liberty
My experiences on delta with unloaded fire arms is the same.
Really? What does it involve?
a box, a lock, a checked bag, and you have to tell them at luggage check and they inspect to make sure the gun in unloaded and the box is locked with a tsa approved lock (they are sold as tsa approved)
I assume this works everywhere except NJ.
Well the tsa rules would be the same, but it’s probably illegal to drive it to the airport there lol.
And NY.
Flying with a firearm, I would be reluctant to connect through CA/NJ/NY if for some reason the onward flight got cancelled and this happened.
I would not pick it up. Let the baggage office take it and either send it on or return it to me at home. Far better than being arrested for possession.
The box with a firearm can be locked with any lock.
Contrary to that, I’ve seen check-in agents give people with TSA locks a hard time because they can be opened by someone other than the gun owner without their knowledge.
Also, use a secure hard sided case unlike the doofus using a plastic discount store rifle case that opened when flexed, despite being “locked”.
I got this.
I even thought it had to be a non-TSA lock, but theoretically there are more options. Each airline might have specific requirements.
You’ve found another home. I know you’re not alone…
Hahahaha, good stuff Sir D. Me like the night shift.
Say you will/sing your song/forever more
Much obliged, KS–always appreciate the company.
I have a beef to air.
In the seventies, Kathleen Anne Soliah was a member of the domestic terror group Symbionese Liberation Army. She helped maim and murder innocents.
She fled to Minnesota, renamed herself Sara Jane Olsen, and lived quietly for years. She got caught in 1999.
Here’s my gripe: the Minnesota press was 100% sympathetic and only called her Sara Jane Olsen, not Kathleen Soliah. She was lauded as a perfect wife and soccer mom!!!
Made me sick.
Nice to have allies.
I remember that. It was pretty disgusting.
As well it should.
Well, I can’t offer up any MN media types to laugh at, right off hand. But you may certainly do so at this POS
Savor that first paragraph.
Infuriating. There was a lot of that shit happening here when I was very young. I did a small job for this guy’s kids once and had a good conversation with them about their dad. It was pretty emotional. They were surprised I immediately knew the details of it.
Too bad.
I almost shed a tear with them that day for exactly that reason as they cried remembering their dad. I sniffed and shook their hands and thought about what might have been for the city that I love.
Reverse here. When this woman’s past was revealed (and she voluntarily turned herself in), it was always with her fugitive name
The coffee place she co-ran was pretty decent but folded after her arrest. The Italian restaurant was also good, but the quality slid until it folded about ten years after.
87 comments. SMDH. I was wondering why things got so quiet next door.
I was wondering where the heck you were…
Your latest love interests are up above.
Woo, West Coast Thread! Sadly, I’m late to lateness, because I went and saw this (cued to the best part part).
So last time Tolkien chat drew responses. Let me toss this spicy copypasta I found on Reddit and see if there’s takers:
In conclusion, fuck Gurmy, Gay Gavriel Key writes in the same “genre”, had his first book in his setting done a year earlier, knows history, has sympathetic characters and oh yeah, ends his fucking stories in one volume.
I made it through 3 seasons of the show, and I think I read his most recent book. Fantasy has value in depicting idealized situations and letting us see something we can aspire to. Martin gave us Machiavelli with pragmatism replaced by mindless cruelty to no end. Every decent impulse, heroic moment, and tiny show of decency is immediately punished with utter brutality. It is nihilism as fantasy, neither illuminating reality, nor displaying an ideal. It is the brainwashing room at NICE from CS Lewis’ That Hideous Strength in literary form.
Kay I mentioned above does the “dark, gritty mirror to our own history” so much better it’s not even funny. Brutality of the quasi-historical setting highlights both the noble acts and vile deeds of his characters (and sometimes they are the same character doing it), and he is a novelist, so doesn’t write the whole thing like a soap opera, from one cliffhanger to the next without resolution in sight.
Good piece Pan. I will contribute this. Think big thoughts.
I’m starting to think this isn’t a presidential campaign. It’s performance art.
I can’t tell this from Babylon Bee anymore.
Someone posted something on Discord about Warren talking about first boy who dumped her in a campaign speech.
This makes me think she’s electable, she appeals to both wings of Democrat party: Karens and Beckies.
Wins the internet.
OK, reply gremlins…you’re starting waaay too early.
The hero we need and want.
He had scrubs on. People are sick and need medical care. Get out of the way.
We’re all sick! We’re destroying our MOTHER!!!
No. But if I meet your mother I’ll beat her senseless for raising an entitled monster.
I wear a suit and tie. If I encountered these people in trafgic there are only two things I’d do. One, get outvof my car and push them out off my way. Two, drive through. I’m not letting some asshole restrain me.
Chafed–if I do ever get to visit you, can we do that–drive around and look for protesters to drive through?
Hell yes!
I’ll bring my suit!
The best part is how they just stand there as their banner is ripped away. No resistance at all. And no one watching their backs. Totally focused on pissing on the drivers.
Since it’s the nite shift and it’s that season. Have you had a near death experience? How did you pull out? Did it change you?
For me, not really. I’ve been very close to a shooting–watched it as it happened (somewhat), but, wasn’t in line of fire, or, anything.
Was mugged at gunpoint when I was 21, but, the guy was rather “seasoned” in that activity, for being about my age, and wasn’t physically violent, beyond brandishing.
He got $4.
I also had a mugger with a knife take about that much away from me in Brazilian reais. I didn’t feel in much danger either, I even asked him for a bit back to take the bus home. He looked puzzled and then gave me back bus fare.
Well, folks, I’m outtie. I am finding myself typing nonsense, which, since I am not drunk, must mean I’m exhausted. Or in a bad mood. Or something.
Thank you for engaging me with my friend and her zone, and trying to parse my tale of woe above. I have woe’d myself out this evening. If I were drinking, I’d have an excuse like the rest of you.
Awww….well, get some good rest, then.
Nighty night! Sleep peacefully!
Night Mo!
Sweet dreams.
Of Nikki Sixx.
That’s more like it.
My random play feed is throwing me some Monkees. Better than the Beatles? Yup! I’mma say it.
A YUUUGE influence on the Beatles.
The late great band used to do this Monkees tune no one remembers. Fun fact: written by Michael Martin Murphey of “Wildfire” fame. We didn’t do that one.
But, do you remember the New Monkees???
I had this CD.
My car, at the time (mid to late 90’s), was burglarized at a friend’s house
They left this CD.
So you did care about your audience.
So you did care about your audience.
So you did care about your audience.
A rare squirrel hat trick!
Squirrels helping Digby hit 200 replies!
It’s rather impressive…especially in the night time.
The squirrels are working overtime.
Peace-out, night crew. See you next weekend…maybe.
You better, you better, you bet.
Thanks for the ear worm
Most welcome!
Oh, you wish something better, eh?
::searches in secret stash::
How’s this?
Carl Sagan’s “Cosmos” was hugely better than the remake by he who will not be named. Plus Sagan was a better scientist than (spit) the other.
I remember being fascinated by it, and wearing out the companion book (god, it had gorgeous illustrations).
Too bad he’s responsible for reviving the dumb Hypatia story, and is probably the (unwilling, contested paternity in court) father of The Chart.
I’m ‘fraid I gots to get outta here too or my sleep schedule will be all fakakta. Thanks, Diggy! Nighty night, all!
‘Night, GT!
Night night!
Let’s have some Sexual Chocolate
/good ‘n’ terrible
That sounds way less tasty than Good ‘n’ plenty
And, that’s saying a lot. The should hire Mr. Randy Watson! to be their spokes
manperson.I was expecting Tim Meadows. I forgot about that scene. Great movie.
Yeah, I would love to see him brush off some/all those characters. While the comedy is rather broad, these characters have some nuance.
Scene: circa 1991, Derpy and his older bro are parked in front of the family Radiation King tv watching the Friday night movie
I think my parrent already bought the first post commie tv in 91. Or maybe 93? Anyhoo it was a panasonic
I’m thinking about a new TV. I have plenty of space, wanting to go big. Current TV is 37 inch. Wanting 60-75.
Any brand/model advice?
I don’t want it to have cameras.
I don’t know if 4K matters.
Leo Laporte talks about this all the time on his show.
Considering they have 8k in the wings, might as well.
I have NOT had good luck with Vizio. Samsung has been fairly good. Not sure about the camera thing, though.
Do any looking on Amazon? You might see what ranks well, presuming the reviews aren’t fakes.
Yeah, that’s why I trust you lot more than Amazon reviews.
Me, personally–I would most likely go with Samsung. That said, I haven’t done a lot of comparison between brands. And the camera thing–i agree with you, but, haven’t ever investigated who has what.
Also–Awww, shucks…?
I know have a 55 inch or so Samsung and it is okay. I used it to watch shows on neflix or hbo or amazon, little else. It worked fine. My previous samsung is at my moms now and works fine 10 years on.
Looking good for .
Samsung . Thanks y’all
As always, check Costco, especially for their extended warranty.
I have a 55 inch LG with HD that I am happy with. The only thing is I needed to by a sound bar to get decent quality sound, but that is a common issue across all flat screens.
From what I’ve seen, LG is pretty decent. I think my experience is an older plasma screen. Not great tech, but it seemed like a fairly good tv in and of itself.
This is mine
I got a good deal on it 2700 lei a year ago. Bout 600 USD back then
Samsung has been great for us but we’ve needed to look up very specific color correction settings as the default makes every source look like it was shot on video tape. Also, Roku, Roku, Roku! It unifies all one’s streaming services.
Roku rocks, it is known.
I am here to close the thread and have the las comment.
That sounds like a challenge….
Keep in mind i won’t be sleeping for more than 2 hours
12 i mean 12 hours
Ehh…you may just be victorious, then. I will definitely be ready for sleep before then.
Drinking Glen Morengie here. Not ready yo punch out yet.
That is either misspelled or a whisky i never heard of
It’s the best scotch ever’!!!
Sadly it is not available in romania
Communism’sp sad legacy….
Hayek once again proves herself a woman of great taste.
So, this is your contribution to the ‘favorite products’ discussion?
Glenmorangie one word with an a. Good dram! I see their very very high end bottles may be available in Romania I suspect the lower end may be as well, but google doesn’t show me
Oh i have had Glenmorangie. Still have a third bottle of quinta ruban at home
I’m counting on DenverJ to win this one for America.
I an not big on hazy ipas but found one that is decent as a sunday morning beer
I believe Pie has just given us the prefect name for a Simpson’s themed band.
Morning beer only works sunday and on vacation
Sagan’s “Pale Blue Dot”.
What isn’t mentioned in the clip is that he came up with the idea to look back at the Earth from that vantage point.
Oh yeah smart guy? How about this? ~4 billion years of life in 5 minutes.
And it culminates in this.
‘Murica, fuck yeah,
You can have the burger. I’m going to be eating something else.
……Onion rings?
You enjoy the onion rings. I’ll just have the box.
I think he was referring to fish tacos.
Yeah-=I was trying out my obtuse angle (!), a la Robert Barone/Everybody Loves Raymond
Everything on youtube is a lie
One of those nights when it’s too cool for A/C; too warm for the heater. Too damned quiet.
I dont get it. If you need neither AC or heating means the temp is just right. Also to quiet makes no sense / peron living in the middle of crowded loud city
Darn. Missed out on a late night digathon. That’ll teach me not do housework.
*Fishes giant hairball out of shower drain*
It is your fault for not being able to afford enough orphans. If only you worked a little harder
HouseWORK is work. But, according to the wife, I only “move stuff around”. Cuz everything we own belongs on the floor.
Its not work when someone else does it
THIS is a great motto.
It’s not work when I do the laundry because I enjoy doing it. *shrus*
But, hopefully not the drain/hair thing.
My problem is how my wife needs me to do some home repair work – specifically plumbing on the heated floor – but also expects me to be watching the kids and 15 other things around the house at the same time. She can’t understand that if I’m shutting the water off I need to focus on that one thing until the job is complete – I can’t just stop halfway and turn the water back on.
Trying to explain the details to her and I see her eyes glaze over after the second sentence. Bleahhhh…
“Its not work when someone else does it”
Hah! Yeah, one time I was at an Auto Zone picking up some parts. The guy behind me in line asks if I would be able to change out the ignition key tumbler in his Toyota.
I had never done that before and wasn’t sure how long it would take so I said I could do it for $20. I was half expecting to have to dismantle part of the dash and maybe some other stuff.
I took my tool box over to his car, got the new tumbler out of the box, and took a look under the dash. It only took me about two minutes to pop the old tumbler out and push the new one in place. The guy was a bit surprised, and tried negotiating the price down but I was firm in the deal we struck. I was willing to work on it up to an hour at which point if I couldn’t do it I wouldn’t have charged him and told him what would be needed if I could figure that out. So I took a gamble and it turned out good for me.
I’m sure the dealership would have charged him more and just made him sit around for an hour making it seem like it took a long time to do.
I probably would have just said, “Nah, keep it. Pay it forward.” I’ve been given too many free jump starts back when I lived in frozen Wisconsin. Can see your POV, though.
Ah, just noticed the part where he tried to negotiate down. Nah. Make him pay. Perfect world: he hands over the 20 with a gracious smile and you hand it back.
I have jump-started more cars for strangers than I can remember. That’s the main reason I had an extensive tool kit in my car at the time. I don’t have a problem doing work for people in need.
This guy was well dressed and could afford the dealership without a problem. I was not working and putting myself through grad school. I probably saved him as much as I charged him as well as a bunch of his time.
Kids today will never know what, “Pop the clutch now!” means. Nor the feeling of ecstasy when it catches.
The dealership would have charged 1 billable hr for diagnostic and another billable hr for repair, then told him that’s their minimum. You should have told him “$20, same as downtown.”
Me, alone with this dude in his Toyota parked behind the Auto Zone – exactly the wrong place to use THAT phrase.
Did you tell the guy you’d never done it before? From his perspective, you charged him $20 for something you knew would be two minutes of work.
I did let him know that I had not done this before and would just have to figure it out since he didn’t have a manual. Granted, I am a degreed mechanical engineer and had over a decade of experience working on cars so I wasn’t exactly out of my depth. I just wasn’t sure how this particular job would go. And I hate disassembling dash board components. You never know how deep that can go.
Okay, then he should have paid what he agreed and tipped his hat to you.
Since some of you were asking earlier yes I’m still here. Had a bad reaction when they switched my sleep meds last night so today has been a state of limbo. Going home on Monday for better or worse. Thanks for all the well wishes. The hospital is a lonely, dreary place and it has been a comfort.
Slap a nurse’s ass for me, wouldja? Take care.
Sounds like something Tulpa would say.
Get healthy.
Remember bring in the hospital pre WiFi and pre Kindle
That sucked.
Glad you will be home soonish
I do hope it is for the better, Festus. You have been missed, which should help you feel a smidge better.
Not much to say except get well soon. And slap a nurses ass
There’s gonna be an ass ache tonight/an ass ache tonight, I know.
Hey Festus, even if you don’t listen to it now, here is a rousing bit of afrobeat for you to get better to. This song is testament to some strong beats.
Get better Festus. We miss you here.
Hey – get better buddy! I was just scouring this thread hoping to hear from you.
This is a strong measure of a glib–when others go into a thread to see if someone specifically posted.
Salute, Festus!
*looks to see if Q posted links, wanders off to bed instead*
Is he even up at this time?
I, uh….I mean, is he even awake?
Just riffing on the looking for specific poster.
I somewhat figured you were.
Man, I must have unintentionally mastered the “oblivious SD” angle …
Get better soon; your presence is missed.
Finally got around to reading about Chile rioting.
4% is a sharp rise? Note that the percentage is omitted from the article
Which would be about three months of subway rides in Santiago for every Chilean. And it would be gone for ever.
Well lots of chilleans still habe the old socialism in their blood
This all has to be a bunch of horesshit. I have been reassured repeatedly that the government will vanquish all ills, and, that no one needs 47 types of transportation.
Only good leftwing government not bad right wing one. Libertarianism… perish the thought
It looks like 3 am glib time.
You are quite correct.
Still around? Still a quiet night?
I’m around–trying to get correspondence take care of, and nursing this whatever-the-hell-it-is abdominal pain.
Still hoping it’s simply Festus sympathy pain.
I remember before I was conscious, when I was entropic origami, and the black eye of the universe gazed through my brain, and inside there was nothing but stars
Missed the link
::shakes head::
Man, Agile has let his talent slip quite a bit.
Agile would never be so cliche to put his name in Kanji. That is some cringy imposter.
2 hours to game time. Ni……pon! ???
What game? What are you talking about? Aint no games man. The world is in danger
I’m talking about ?. They’ve been the Cinderella of the WC. Personally, I only care because everyone else will be in a good mood.
Japanese are just not built for that sport
But given there is a game on the irish pub next to me probably contains people in theor 3 beer before noon
There’s a lot of truth in that picture.
I wonder how many people dont get the refference
Yes! The avatar! YES!