Drive seventeen miles from my house, then get out of the car and hike another mile and a half.
I am writing this during a rare moment of downtime in my vacation. I’ve been unable to read Glibs for the most part — partway through the comments on Mojeaux’s 101, so I am wondering exactly how many new memes have been birthed and died, and exactly how unrecognizable the glibscape is going to be once things are back to “normal.”

Harris’ Hawk coming in for a landing
No alignments of note, though I will note that the top of Cascade Mountain would be a most excellent place to do some stargazing, assuming that the wind didn’t kill you.

Harris’ Hawks are social raptors, meaning that they understand the importance of mugging for the camera. Owls tell you to go fuck yourself if you pull out a phone while holding them.
As for the regular planetary visitations, Libra is keeping conflict in balance (whether this is good or bad depends largely on your viewpoint), and Venus and Mercury in Scorpio bring tidings that your favorite porn will be easily available in high quality. The one new thing, the moon in Cancer, has two possible meanings, but because of the relative position of Saturn the correct interpretation is “a great secret will be created,” so if you’re not the one making secrets, someone’s keeping one from you. There might be a way of diving who this person is, but I’m too busy to do that at the moment.

Owls land vastly more lightly than hawks. Even considering the size difference.
As for the cards, not terribly great. There’s a typical amount of bad luck and good, but the good luck is for minor things while the bad is for major. So if you get a particularly good sandwich, don’t eat it while walking or you’re liable to fall into an uncovered manhole.
Libra: Ace of Cups reversed – House of the false heart, mutation, instability, revolution.
Scorpio: King of Wands reversed – A severe, austere, dark man. Attack from a lion.
Sagittarius: 3 of Coins – Métier, trade, skilled labor, nobility, aristocracy, renown, glory.
Capricorn: 3 of Wands reversed – The end of troubles, suspension or cessation of adversity, toil and disappointment.
Aquarius: The Sun reversed – Material happiness, fortunate marriage, contentment, but to a lesser extent or with added difficulties than if the card had been drawn upright.
Pisces: The Hermit reversed – Concealment, disguise, policy, fear, unreasoned caution.
Aries: 4 of Cups – Weariness, disgust, aversion, imaginary vexations, “wine is now offered the wastrel, but he sees no consolation therein,” blended pleasure.
Taurus: 5 of Wands – Imitation, sham fight, strenuous competition and struggle, gold, gain, opulence.
Gemini: 9 of Wands reversed – Obstacles, adversity, calamity.
Cancer: The Fool – Folly, mania, extravagance, intoxication, delirium, frenzy, bewrayment
Leo: The Tower – Misery, distress, indigence, adversity, calamity, disgrace, deception, ruin, unforeseen catastrophe.
Virgo: The Chariot reversed – Riot, quarrel, dispute, litigation, defeat.
Finally, in case I’m not caught up by the time this goes live, another invitation to come shoot at my club. Details here. I’ve posted pictures of the pistol I’ll be using here before; otherwise, I’ll be the middle-aged white guy with a beard wearing green Howard Leight earpro, safety glasses and a hat.

Two trails diverged in a yellow wood. And I… I took the one more traveled by, because it was slightly shorter and led to a better view.
Hello. Beautiful pictures.
“Capricorn: 3 of Wands reversed – The end of troubles, suspension or cessation of adversity, toil and disappointment.”
Finally, we get a break?
About damn time
Sorry man, your horoscopes have been wrong for two solid months.
I’m labeling fake news.
Cancer: The Fool – Folly, mania, extravagance, intoxication, delirium, frenzy, bewrayment
Close enough.
Good for you to get out in the woods. Great for the soul.
Viva la revolucion!
Cancer: The Fool – Folly, mania, extravagance, intoxication, delirium, frenzy, bewrayment
So you are saying I should buy that bottle of scotch I am undecided on?
also spell check does not recognize bewrayment.
So you are saying I should buy that bottle of scotch I am undecided on?
All of your star scorcery and you couldn’t give us a heads up that not only is Tulsi a Rushun stooge, but a white supremacist as well?
Not wanting to bomb brown people is the first sign that someone is a white supremacists.
Sagittarius: 3 of Coins – Métier, trade, skilled labor, nobility, aristocracy, renown, glory.
It’s all not just in my head?
Great pics, NA! I’m glad you had a good vacation. I just got back from a mini vacation that included some quality nature time. Like Ozy said, good for the soul!
A necessity, I guess, given Leo’s scary-ass card this week. Yikes!
Some hope, maybe, for my fellow Leos:
“The kind of event that the Tower card marks does not have to be something terrible, like a disaster or a great loss. Change itself is a normal part of life that one has to embrace. But it can sometimes strike fear, for it means that we must abandon the truths that we have known prior to this event. The old ways are no longer useful, and you must find another set of beliefs, values and processes to take their place.
Be positive, it is time for you to replace the old foundations of the past with something that is more genuine and will serve you better in what is to come.”
Good luck out there, people!
Kestrel attempting to steal dinner from a captive Harris Hawk
Is sharing caring?
Are Kestrels the Chihuahuas of birds?
Virgo: The Chariot reversed – Riot, quarrel, dispute, litigation, defeat.
So I should STFU, lay low, and avoid everyone. I have no problem with that really. I actually prefer that mode.
Just stock up on beer first. I had to do that for about a year while Capricorns suffered from blatant Signism.
I has beer:)
You’re good to go.
I don’t like people anyway, I’ll take your advise
Yeah, I get it. While wife and I are house searching, she keeps making comments like ‘I like that one, and look it has neighbors!’. *crosses off list*
C’mon cut me some slack. It just keeps getting wose.
You’ll be OK. I know because I somehow survived a year of Capricorns wondering in the desert while being attacked by scorpions during a rare flood, earthquake, tsunami, and a plague of locusts.
Locusts? Well then, it wasnt your fault.
Turtlehead beats them war drums
OK, Mitch Baby. We get that you’re too old to pick up and AR and head out to defend Greater Kurdistan yourself. And we see you lack the courage and moral fiber to send anyoune in your family in you plance. Howerver, you are the Majority Leader of the US Senate. Just do your effin job and declare war.
Just drafting that declaration would be an interesting thought experment for you. Who do we declare war on and under what conditions will we accept their surrender?
Guy is pretty much a douchebag. Rand Paul supported the guy and endorsed him and he was just too beholden to the establishment to return the favor. Fuck off, Turtlehead, time to retire and let a real man like Rand Paul have a shot at your Senate role.
Who do we declare war on
All socialists everywhere
and under what conditions will we accept their surrender?
After they complete their helicopter rides
Wait, what? Did *I* drive you away or did life happen to intrude right then?”
What do you think? Ruin our family friendly status? I told you, you’re the worst!
MUST I be the worst? /whine
*longsuffering sigh*
As I always tell the wife after smacking her on the butt and her saying ‘Ow, stop that!’, you know you love it. (:
Me: You squoze my butt.
Husband (squeezes my butt again): Did not.
Tushy squeeze! Difficult with my wife, I have to opt for smack because she has a plump bubble butt.
Brazilian confirmed.
I was an idiot and did a good solid 2 hour gym day a few days ago. All arms and upper body. I’ve been walking around like a T Rex because my arms have stopped functioning properly. My wife thinks it’s great be cause she can smack my ass and I can’t do anything about it.
Serious or Satire. I honestly can’t tell anymore.
Women don’t suck at sports, except against men pretending to be women.
“Time to accept the superiority of testosterone”
As far as raw power, speed, and agility goes, why was this ever a question to begin with?
That filled up my sarctank for the next 5 years.
It’s satire. A conservative source.
Already happened, does that mean I’m good for the rest of the week?
Great pictures, NA, fall is a special time for outdoor guys/gals
I just came out the woods with my game cam, 7 days, 1400 pictures. The does and fawns love mugging for the camera. most of the pictures at night, 1 nice buck but antlers are non-conforming but still better than anything I ever see. 1 porcupine, 1 fox, 1 raccoon at night, 1 squirrel in the day time. One of 4 of my favorite seasons. I’m moving my camera to another location, see if the deer look different over there.
Lovely indeed. I do miss the New England woods in the autumn. Then I rember how short is and that it’s followed by mud season, dirt-covered snow season, mud season (again then black flies followed by mosquitos and humidity.
Thankfully no people.
Yeah, the trees here in Northern Ohio are finally changing. The cold snap appears to be over for a while, and we’re back up to the upper 50’s/lower 60’s for highs.
Maples are dumping leaves. I’ll clean up one afternoon and the next day it looks like I did nothing again.
We had wind yesterday. You can’t see the lawn.
…and Venus and Mercury in Scorpio bring tidings that your favorite porn will be easily available in high quality.
Those are beautiful pictures and I am envious of being so close to raptors.
I got out of work early one day this past week, but unfortunately, the weather wasn’t good enough to go for a longer walk. And it’s hunting season anyhow, so I’d prefer to avoid walking on the trails on state land. 🙁
My wife is watching this flick ‘Good Luck Chuck’. Pr0n I tell you! Is that stuff legal? I mean in the USA, it’s just like primetime TV in Brazil, only with prettier women.
Good Luck Chuck has some funny spots, + Jessica Alba. *swoon* It is worth sitting through “into the blue” just to watch her swim.
Capricorn is the Dutch of astrological signs.
“ Libra: Ace of Cups reversed – House of the false heart, mutation, instability, revolution.”
I’m going to get burned by my contractor, aren’t I?
It’s a rare case tat i haven’t been burned by the contractor.
Hey Playa, do you have the Cal score from yesterday? My internet hasn’t been working.
Elections to the North
Shorter version: If Canada has an American prime minister, let is be Obama, he’s waaaayyyy more popular!
Apparently he’s a dual citizen.
Elsewhere in election news, Swiss’s bosses gave huge gains to the extremist Greens party.
Like Boris Johnson, if the US didn’t tax extraterritorial income/gains.
Ya, I read that. I am just surprised you could run for any office if you maintained two passports.
Even NPR thinks he’s an empty suit.
He still has some change up his sleeve
Jesus… Canada is fucked. If not the Twink, some other Liberal will be running the show again soon.
Make Canada Spend Like a Drunken Sailor Again!
I have a feeling they’re not real cuts anyway, just slowing the rate of growth.
I can’t tell if this is the usual NPR spin or if Canadians are actually falling for that hoax.
The Greens seem to be making gains in lots of places. Switzerland today, Austria a few weeks back. And most other parties are buying into that shit.
TFW you’ve been banging your head over a work problem and you find out the solution’s been there for years. Ugh! I feel very inadequate as a book shepherd right now.
*Starts working on bunker*
Great pics, NA. The Moreau overlook is awesome. And the raptor stuff looks super fun!
It’s a wonderful 78 in BhC, winds at 18, Bella had a blast at Dog Park, she did very well
Laundry, lunch then Kites!
BhC sounds like a place that needs you, Yusef, and vice a versa.
It’s a kind of cool place. The river’s nice and the pace is relaxed. Even the casinos across the river are more laid back than Vegas or Reno. I like visiting that area.
Calamity. Great.
You know who else had Big Balls ?
Bon Scott?
That guy was so cool
There is a statue of him in Fremantle. It’s next door to a good fish and chips place.
Missing link
This chic
Not This Chic?
Andre the giant?
Great pictures.
Venus and Mercury in Scorpio bring tidings that your favorite porn will be easily available in high quality.
Something new is coming to Pornhub?
The Tower – Misery, distress, indigence, adversity, calamity, disgrace, deception, ruin, unforeseen catastrophe.
Ah, just another week.
Department of Defense on the cutting edge of technology.
8 inchers? Wow that’s old.
8 inches?
*looks at it skeptically*
You sure about that?
It’s floppy so I’m not sure the measurement counts.
Heh. I used to work on that system in the long ago and far away. Given how the military and it’s procurement systems work, it’s virtually impossible to keep up. I worked on he upgrade of the [redacted] system and part of the upgrade was from tapes to the latest and greatest – Zip drives (remember those). By the time we were ready for the first prototype units we couldn’t find any drives to buy.
I can remember installing DOS on 5.25″ floppys, and LOTUS 1-2-3. Then of course on to the 3.5″.
I can also remember Tres Sr. bringing home boxes of disused punch cards.
I used to use those for book marks
these days I go rob the paint sample strips at the hardware store
*Looks at horoscope*
A Lion? Really? REALLY? I am just now recovering from a lion-hunting dog and now I have to deal with the lion? Fuck, I cant catch a break.
We’d best get ready to tow
Never gets old
Finally, in case I’m not caught up by the time this goes live, another invitation to come shoot at my club. Details here.
Unfortunately, there is no longer distance travel for me until my back is straightened out. I might go shooting, but if so it will be to my local club.
Leo: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a1b389Fjj9Q
Porter is in the ferementer, came in a couple points under gravity, but within striking distance. Now for the cleaning.
“The NYPD has become aware that the Waze Mobile application … currently permits the public to report DWI checkpoints … Accordingly, we demand that Google LLC, upon receipt of this letter, immediately remove this function from the Waze application.”
The NYPD has become aware that the Waze Mobile application … currently permits the public to report DWI checkpoints