Q. I lost my best friend to suicide last year and, in the aftermath, became close to her husband. We eventually began a romantic relationship. She had left him six months before she died and they were in the middle of a divorce. Her death was a complete surprise. Despite all this, we have worked hard to be open and honest and build a good foundation, and I am very happy in this relationship. It has been a mutually good thing for the both of us to have close support and be able to start to heal.
We have five children between us, and for the most part, they have smoothly transitioned into this new chapter between our families; they all get along, as they had known one another somewhat before this. However, my boyfriend’s 12-year-old daughter, “Polly,” isn’t having an easy time. Her dad has said that she likes me as a person, but she’s got mixed feelings about him dating. I completely understand that, and I am doing my very best to be very careful. She just lost her mother and is hurting, and I do not want to put pressure on her to accept me.
My partner is a very attentive father and has had many conversations with her about this relationship. He lets her know that she can express her feelings about it to him and they’ll work through it, but tells her that our sex life is none of her business and she needs to drop it. I personally feel the same way; I have no problem backing off while she adjusts and I will do whatever I can to make her feel more comfortable, but I am at a loss as to what to do about this particular fixation she has with us having sex. I am very conscious about not being too touchy-feely with him in front of the kids, but I am not about to have a 12-year-old dictate my sex life. Short of leaving the relationship, I’m unsure of what else to do here. I appreciate any advice!
Q. Is it bad manners to finish someone else’s plate without asking? I will leave half a sandwich to finish later, and my husband will come along and eat it without even asking if I am going to finish it. And most times it is the only sandwich like it. I cannot duplicate it or remake it.

Q. We have a small house, and family and friends are always welcome. We also have six cats, and their care and comfort are important.
We have to keep our cats separate so they don’t fight (everyone is spayed/neutered; they just don’t get along), so two cats live in what used to be our guest room.
We explain this to our overnight guests, several of whom are allergic to cats and/or don’t like cats, and they still insist everything will be fine. They then refuse to let the cats in the room during the day, while the distressed cats howl and claw the door.
Frankly, I don’t care if the cats take their jewelry, but I do care if the cats choke on it.
There are also simple things that must be done when living with cats, like making sure indoor cats don’t run out the door, keeping toilet lids down, and keeping breakable things out of their reach. It seems our guests simply don’t care, and don’t comply. I don’t see why this is all so hard to understand. The cats need care and consideration; they are not disposable furry houseplants.
To be fair, we stay with these pet-less folks when visiting them, so we can’t ask them not to stay with us. I’ve even tried putting Post-it notes around the house, reminding guests to keep doors and toilet lids closed, etc., which was considered rude. How do we handle this situation politely so there are no hurt feelings?
She’s showing off her avatar…for those of us who can see them.
*preen* *pose*
I get it! You’re a ghost right! You just forgot to cut out the eye holes.
/this joke will be worse when the avatars come back
/kicks pebble
No avatars for me.
That movie sucked anyway.
Avatar adjacent … Last Airbender
Mr. Mojeaux won a trip to NYC for the premiere of that movie. We were there for XX’s birthday, too.
Got to meet M. Night Shyamalan. The girl who “starred” in it was in the bathroom after and XX shyly said hello. The girl was there giggling with two of her friends and I think she saw me roll my eyes at their high school-ness.
We had a lot of fun, but I always have fun in NYC.
I worked with a guy many moons ago who would eat other peoples food at work. Nothing anyone said made a difference. So we melted some chocolate Exlax and coated a couple of mini donuts, and put the box on the top of the fridge. He came in and grabbed the box. We warned him they were covered in Exlax. He laughed and ate them. 20 minutes later, we heard this loud, “glub, glub, glub” coming from his gut. He ran off, went home and we didn’t see him for a couple of days. Never touched someone else’s food again.
I find having a higher then normal tolerance level for spicy food is a great way to prevent people from randomly trying to take my food.
The flip side of that is people not believing when things are hot. Last Thanksgiving my dad grabbed some smoked ghost pepper I have on my table (it’s labeled, and has HOT written on it several times) and put about three good grinds onto his plate. I figure he’s an adult, and can make his own bad decisions. I did prevent my nephews from putting it on their food though, offering them up a much milder spice (which they passed on).
I’m a chile head. I recently warned a guest about how hot the salsa was. He still hurt himself.
My dad was leaking by the end of the meal (he did manage to eat what he had put on the plate), and kept commenting that all he tasted was the pepper.
20 minutes later, we heard this loud, “glub, glub, glub” coming from his gut.
Spud, I’m going to need you to hold this thought until tomorrow…
I prefer our cats to house guests. It’s current year, hotels/motels are EVERYWHERE; why are these people imposing on those poor kittehs?
I wouldn’t even let my brother stay with me. There’s a hotel down the street, bruh.
Huh, you were obviously raised in a different culture than me.
If I were to not offer relatives a place to stay, or even accept their offer to stay elsewhere, I’d be disinherited.
LOL there was never anything to inherit.
But I get it. My family is not like some others. FWIW, I have let a different brother stay over before.
I imagine that I won’t inherit much, since I didn’t give them legitimate grandchildren.
However, there is an odd thing going on where people in my family get downright hurt if you don’t come and stay with them often enough. I am way behind in visiting my Uncle. He lived in Hilton Head, so that’s another reason to make up the debt.
You gave them bastards?
Just one.
That I know of.
Also, don’t you have some connection to Rochester?
these guys were at the Gore Octoberfest I went to and managed to sell me a few bottles becasue the person giving out samples was wearing a tight T-shirt. Their “gin” is interesting enough.
Neat. Yep, Rochester is my hometown.
As for my family, we have that northern Europe standoffishness thing down to a science. E.g. I have (had?) an uncle somewhere whom I haven’t seen in 40 years. Plus my parents divorced very unamicably when I was three so that side is a complete blank.
Lol at the Northern Europe.
My Prussian-descended parent is very tight with her siblings, as they all survived my grandfather/grandmother.
However, my generation… I haven’t seen anyone from that branch for over 40 years. I think a decade back I heard that one of my cousins got married. The rest? I dunno. I assume that I’d find out if one of them died.
PS. Looked at their website. It’s pretty weird seeing green shoots of gentrification there. That place is about 3 blocks from where I attended 3rd to 6th grade & is/was a *really* sketchy neighborhood.
I had to laugh at that part. I think me and my sister are closer then my mom and any of her siblings are, and we see each other every couple of months (we live an hour away from each other). When my mom went in for surgery (to get a pacemaker due to a low heart rate), I got a call the day before she was going into the hospital. That was the first I learned about any of it.
The girlfriend got upset at me at my mom’s retirement party because I didn’t individually introduce her to my entire extended family there. Both of my parents are from families of eight (I don’t even know some of my matriarchal aunts/uncles due to family drama there) and me and my sister are the least kids in any of the aunts/uncles families.
It probably still is. Sketchy = cheap.
Not Adahn:
Yep. Breweries (and distilleries, and the like) will start in the cheap neighborhoods. There was a news article I read a couple years back for Great Lakes Brewing Companies anniversary where they talked about their first time the founder’s brought their wives to the area they were building their brewery. During that visit, a dive bar had a knife fight spill out into the street in front of the wives.
That brewery has now basically gentrified the neighborhood around it, making it a brewery district. Off the top of my head there’s almost a dozen breweries within walking distance of them.
See Boulevard Brewery.
Yeah, I’m sure it’s not Williamsburg or anything but a quick look at the Google map seems to indicate more activity in the area than there was in my day (30+ years ago).
I found at least a version of the story:
I’m with Rhywun here. House guests are a plague worse than locusts. And there is nothing quite as uncomfortable as staying in someone’s home.
Three days. I can do three days.
My bestie stayed with us for 4 months, with mixed feelings on everyone’s part.
Never again.
I do not like being a guest in someone else’s home, no way no how.
We wouldn’t be besties after two weeks.
Yeah, I got kicked out after 3 weeks in a similar situation. Was briefly pissed but it was the right thing to do. Helped me get my shit together, at least. I forget where my next stop was – rooming house or downtown flophouse? Enh, live and learn.
Generally speaking, I enjoy her company.
Things did get tense for a while, though.
Maybe I should add that she was very close to dying while homeless. Like, literally. Both dying and homeless.
I did not feel I could neglect her when she had no one else at all. Actually, it never occurred to me to do so.
I share a house with my best friend. We cook, eat, shop etc separately. We even have separate refrigerators. We still get on each other’s nerves.
We wouldn’t be besties after two weeks.
Isn’t your besty some kind of pervert?
That’s kind of a different situation
*Everybody* is some kind of pervert.
My mom was supposed to stay with us a week shortly after the kiddo was born. She went home on day 4 after I woke up on the morning of day 4 to find blood all over the kitchen and an entire month’s worth of vitamin gummies gone.
We didn’t talk for a few months after than.
This sounds like a Sugarfree story. Is there a connection between the two events? Is your mom a multivitamin addict? Did the gummies attack?
“Gummies Attack”
Band name, album name, or geriatric pr0n title?
Choose 1.
The connection was my mom was hungry in the middle of the night because she refused to eat dinner with us. She decided to eat the “candy” on the counter without reading the packaging, and then decided that some cheese off the cheese block would be good. She proceeds to cut her finger open and instead of asking for help, smears blood all over the kitchen. She cleaned most of it up, but I could tell she went out for a smoke at some point because there were bloody fingerprints on the back door. Between that mess and her being a bit of a drama queen about other things, I told her that I would be paying for her hotel room and for her early flight home.
Yea. That’s it.
I mean, everyone’s family had it’s own weirdness, but I’m very blessed to have a loving set of parents who stayed together. I think anything long term might be difficult, but then, me and my wife stayed at their house for a few months when i moved back to my home town. Very little drama was had and we all enjoyed it.
Q. Is it bad manners to finish someone else’s plate without asking? I will leave half a sandwich to finish later, and my husband will come along and eat it without even asking if I am going to finish it. And most times it is the only sandwich like it. I cannot duplicate it or remake it.
Is this real?
Never leave food on your plate. Eat it all. There’s hungry kids in China, India and even in the US. Thousands of North Korean kids go to bed with little or no lobster for dinner.
Take what you want, eat what you take.
Obviously this person only eats sandwiches made by the most innovative and talented chefs in the world. Who then commit ritualistic suicide. They’re that rare, dem sammichs.
I grew up with 2 brothers. It was a constant battle over food. Survival of the fittest.
Is there a once in a lifetime sammich? I’d certainly hope so, if not, why even try? Has this woman made not just one but several? No, no she hasn’t. Sure we joke about women making us a sammich, but we all know in our stomachs of stomachs, that a true once in a lifetime sammich isn’t crafted by delicate hands. A true once in a lifetime sammich requires strength, courage, and toothpicks. No woman is going to labor over four or five layers of meats,cheeses,veggies, and mustards, they lack the requisite fortitude. So to answer your question, No this isn’t real, not even a chance.
Sounds about right.
I mean, really…it sounds about right.
Yeah, I’m trying to find fault.
My wife, making a sandwich: “is this how you like it? ”
Me : where is the meat?
her : I put 2 slices.
Me : you’re dead to me
“I cannot duplicate it or remake it.”
Ok then.
Is the daughter’s name Electra?
Good Mourning.
I work for a grain company and I fudged our position because the accountant we have is a lying cunte. My other coworker realized it and had to work all day to resolve it. Should I be fired? Inquiring minds want to know.
What do you mean “fudged our position”?
Shit the bed during sex?
Well I don’t think that’s a firing offense, but it’s definitely a foul.
Oh, now you’re German ?
Speaking of which…My brother and I were having drinks at small bar last year. We were standing just outside the door when an international group of tourists stopped by. Germans, French, Americans etc. Handed my brother my beer to hold and went inside, put 2 girls and one cup on YT on the big screen TV. Went back to bro and took my beer back. “Wait for it.” “What?” Suddenly there were gasps of obscenities from inside the bar as the tourist fled past us and outside. My brother and I peeked inside and the Germans were sitting there without a care in the world. True story.
Shit (pun), it wasn’t Youtube. I forget where I found it online.
What was the really nasty one? The one that started out with some dude raising money on 4chan to pay Brazilian crackwhores to make the worst porno in history? Scat, vomiting, vomiting scat into orifices.
No idea, but Pewdipie should get on that.
I can see a government career in your future
Moves back to D.C.
Becomes wildly successful
I heard Hillary dabbles in the comodities market.
Well sure; that’s where she sources her feed.
The Chicago Child Soul Exchange?
PS I wasn’t hired to keep track of our position, I was hired as a buyer and forced to take over for our secretary who quit. I suck at menial calculations. How much D should I suck?
PS I wasn’t hired to keep track of our position, I was hired as a buyer and forced to take over for our secretary who quit. I suck at menial calculations. How much D should I suck?
Looks like two.
You’ve got squirrels in your grain silo.
and bats in the belfry
Twice as much as you do now.
I don’t make any decisions I can’t back up if I’m challenged.
Does that help?
Not everyone can bring their guns to work.
When I was 16, we all brought our guns to work. Pickup trucks all over the parking lot, gun racks full of guns. No one ever freaked out and I never saw anyone shot, ever. Why is that?
You were willfully blind?
I brought a pocket knife to school every day. We had a physics teacher who had us take BB guns into the gym and shoot at a ballistic pendulum. I can’t imagine what would happen today.
I started carrying a pocket knife at 10. My dad gave it to me.
I almost got expelled for bringing mine. People say millennial are the worst, but gen x and boomers were fertile soil.
“Should I be fired? Inquiring minds want to know.”
Just do your job and let cuntes fall on their own swords.
I haven’t been around much lately. Is this a new Tulpa?
Not sure. Whether he is, or not, feel free to tell him to fuck off.
Fuck off, Tulpa!
I’ve seen xer around enough to be reasonably confident that xe is no Tulpa.
Hmm. Well, Rule # 1x is never apologize, so I guess xe will have to live with the ignominy of being told to fuck off. Sad, but unavoidable.
Wait being around here is evidence that one is NOT Tulpa? Is this some zen paradox thing?
Oh, we’re all still Tulpae. No contradiction at all there.
If a tulpa falls in the forest and no one tells him to fuck off, did it ever matter?
Does “fudged” mean that you miscalculated the position or that you deliberately misled? The latter is pretty much always fireable based on my experience, although of course almost no one actually truly gets “fired”.
We don’t really even know if SPACE SMITH is a thing, or the ranting of some sweaty, overweight bureaucrat.
Swiss is a sweaty, overweight bureaucrat?
Any PA glibs here? I think I clearly remember some but I cannot remember whom at the moment…
I believe there’s a couple, I’m going to be out in Philadelphia the first weekend of December.
Bucks county. *Benny Hill salute*
You’re far away from me, I thought here was someone here who live in York or Lancaster County… Juris Imprudance?
I grew up there. I don’t live there now. I visit sometimes. Probably not what you’re looking for.
Dude, I live in Baltimore. Are you sure it’s not what I’m looking for?
Baltimore is a special place.
You don’t even know how special until you’ve been summoned for jury duty 7 times in the last 6 years.
If you live in Baltimore the thing you’re looking for is “not Baltimore”.
*hangs head in shame*
Run lady. It’s not going to get better.
The marriages I admire: the kids come second. They come and they go, but a couple’s devotion is paramount. This thing with deferring to the little ones is broken: help ’em out, get ’em going, kick ’em out.
I suspect things were not on this track before the wife died.
“…the kids come second…” Ewwwww!
My wife (then girlfriend) used to work at a place called “Kids Come First”
A 12 year old girl whose mom committed suicide last year, while going through a divorce from the father, is upset about her Dad moving on to hook up with Mom’s best friend. IMHO if Dad prioritizes the new chick he is failing as a father. This is a far cry from spoiling the kids by letting them run your life.
Keep it in your pants and get your kid some therapy before she becomes an unstable wreck with massive abandonment and daddy issues. Those girls tend to live hard lives.
This. 12 year old girls take a longer time getting over losing mom than ex-husbands take getting over the ex-wife dying. Dad probably needs to slow his roll and let her heal up a bit.
I totally agree. Dude, your mom kills herself before the divorce is final and within a year dad’s fuckin’ “aunt” Suzy? Oh, and the mom instigated the divorce, kills herself (!?), and then her best friend starts bangin’ the ex-husband/widower before the body’s even cold? The 12-year-old is right and frankly they’re lucky she’s not trying to go to the police.
I am a firm believer in single parents not dating until the kids are out of the house.
Sneaking around is okay, though, I guess. Maybe. If you can maintain something like that for a while.
I can see the logic in that. My wife’s dad got remarried when she was in high school and it took 15 years to get on decent terms with her. Granted, she was the mistress that broke up the family, so there was that dynamic.
Generally, it’s a tricky business. Seems like one of those “you need to fully understand the rule before making an exception to the rule” situations.
Gee, it seems like guys possess cods, women possess cunte. And we want to put them in each other.
I mean, I guess that people who can’t keep it in their pants while their kids grieve losing mom is on one end of the spectrum and a stereotypical rebound after a normal divorce is on the other end of the spectrum. I’d say that anybody who takes a “fuck your emotions, little kid and mind your own fucking business” attitude while pursuing jollies is a raging asshole.
fuck your emotions
exactly right: that’s criminal
but it’s not an either-or thing; maybe they screwed up with a lack of discretion, but a pleasant Glib “why not both” is my answer
LOL I had a half-dozen different “dads” from the age of three on. Sometimes they lived with us, sometimes we moved into his place. Whee.
My husband’s parents divorced when he was 1. He had 3 different stepdads.
His life was…not pretty.
No details, but let’s just say that if his mother hadn’t been dead when he and I got married, she would have been by the time I got through with her.
Women’s threats are scary in their lack of specificity.
All things considered it could have been a lot worse for me. I was pretty blase about all of it. As long as I had a book and a corner to read it in, I was happy.
I didn’t date many moms. Jen had two kids and a master with its own patio. Sometimes I’d roll in late and be gone before the kids knew they were back in this world. We never got to the next big steps, but we might had some day . . . but it didn’t work out.
Meanwhile, her 11 year old always had a yourtheguywhosbangingmymom regard for me. I was never caught, I wasn’t pushy or assertive or turfy: I was the quiet and boring 40 something BF who mounted the new television. But she always regarded me in a certain way. We was weighing me, and she was weighing the world and learning what she thought of herself, all normal things. But she never presumed to have any vote in her mother’s affairs.
You could all be right. We’ve got a paragraph to work with, so it’s far from any hill I’d die on.
But they didn’t say she had big problems: they said she was inserting herself into her dad’s sex life. That happens at 12 whether mom’s dead or not. I’m not an expert on 12 year old girls, but I think tiny flecks of self awareness are pretty much par for the course.
Maybe there’s a sensitive way to play this, but I insist that the answer includes boundaries, sooner or later. The guys got six years with her in the house, and she doesn’t need to get a veto on things a dozen years into this life.
That happens at 12 whether mom’s dead or not.
The difference is that when mom’s alive, daddy is replacing his wife. When mom’s dead, daddy’s replacing mom. That’s a big fucking deal for any kid, especially a 12 year old girl.
But he deserves to be happy and if that means he gets happy by being a cretin, well, welcome to the age of “you are what counts”.
Yeah it is damned selfish of the 12 year old to get in the way of Dad getting off.
Seriously, there is something fucked up in that guy’s head if he is sexually attracted that one specific woman. I wouldn’t doubt if it’s because she’s mom’s best friend that he’s getting his rocks off.
Maybe she’s just a smoke show.
Extensive online research about mom’s friend doing dads confirms my hypothesis.
Very true, but the pubesent daughter vs Daddy’s New Girl Friend is its own dynamic. Different from Mon and Dad raising the kids. DNGF has a tough row to hoe and it won’t get better until leaes home.
“Here are some true words about the presidential campaign I am about to write:
Weezer is performing at “Yangapalooza” in Iowa next week.”
Yangapalooza? I can’t decide if that’s a disease or a bunch of Japanese criminals.
Pre-pussifcation Japanese rock.
Rock and Roll Crazy Nights
Wow. Blast from the past.
Here’s another tune from a Japanese power trio. https://youtu.be/LR_IMmJrPVo
Ugh I watched Weezer perform before last year’s NHL Winter Classic. Rivers Cuomo comes across as the most insufferable prick I’ve ever seen. Am a huge fan of their first couple albums but they can kiss my ass these days.
I checked out after Pinkerton.
It didn’t help that I actively hated “Hash Pipe”.
There was another song they came out with about the same time but I don’t want to think too hard about it because it’ll get stuck in my head.
I hear you.
Here’s something to take all our minds of it.
Meh. Pales in comparison to any track on Pinkerton.
I was trying to trigger the hippie. Guessing the song he didn’t want to hear.
Yeah, I got that after I clicked.
Just when I thought Weezer couldn’t possibly suck any more, they had to pull a stunt like this…
Bourbon drinking Glib PSA: Go buy a 1L bottle of Early Times “Bottled in Bond” bourbon for $24. It ain’t Elijah Craig Barrel Strength, but it’s a drinkable dram, and you can do some serious self damage at that price.
Same goes for rye drinkers regarding Old Overholt. I think I paid $19 for a bottle.
I’m pissed I can’t find anything cheaper than Bulleit around me. Bulleit is great, sure, but I want to try something more affordable.
Evan Williams crashes the party
I need to try Rye. I have been drinking brown liquor as long as I have been a drinker, started as a bourbon drinker then graduated to scotch, but I have never tried a Rye. Probably because Ryes were not even a niche thing in my bar going and working days.
Scotch selection was thin when I went to stock up
My bar was in Lexington. Ordering any non-bourbon whisky was about the same as singing Marching Through Georgia in Atlanta
I was not a big fan of brown liquor until I tried rye for the first time a few months ago. Never liked bourbon. Scotch I like once in a while. But rye… on my.
“oh my”
The thing is, Bulleit should be affordable. I get it here in the Hinterlands for about $24 per 750ml.
That’s like $35 here. God bless state liquor laws.
A horrifying experience with Google Nest
In summary… I didn’t think about the consequences of being unsecure with a product I bought and that is not my fault!
They expected something different? Morons.
However, what makes this issue even more terrifying is a corporate giant’s complete and utter lack of response.
someone was ‘sposed to take care of me !!!
Who puts a bug in their house? Not just a bug but one anyone can hack into? Even if. your password is secure the company people are recording every damned thing that happens in your house. They are watching you screw, shit, sleep, eat and recording it all.
And people say I am nuts for putting tape over my computer’s mics and cameras.
None of my computers has a webcam, or even internal microphone.
Hey Password is 8 characters, with all the possible permutations it is quadrillions to one that someone could guess it!
“password’ works for me.
“Podesta” doesn’t have enough characters.
Make the s a $, they’ll never figure on that.
Here’s the formula for at least half the passwords in an organization:
Root password (password, changethispassword, first initial then last name, or month, date, and year of hire) + ( (months of employment / months until password change is required) – 1)
I’m surprised the password wasn’t jpodesta12 or something.
It’s the fault of people who have big piles of money.
The nanny agrees.
I doubt that’ s the last time he gets “hacked.” He doesn’t sound like somebody who has learned his lesson.
Whycome you not fix your security? “Sir, on the log in screen we have a warning that your account is unsecure and strongly recommend setting up 2 factor identification. To do so you simply have to click the link highlighted right below the warning. WTF do you want us to do?” Make me safe! It’s your job to make me safe! “Very well sir”
/selects permanently disable account
“Have a nice day”
/blocks number
2 factor won’t work for people like this guy. He’d be tricked into giving out the OTP texted to him.
“Now please do the kindly and read me back the code on the back of the gift cards. We will apply those to your incomes tax that is behind.”
“Thank you, come again!”
Whycome the IRS calling me from NIgeria?
Probably right. This is the kind of guy who leaves his laptop on the passenger seat of his convertible, parks it in an alley, and then complains about rampant car theft.
Oh, my. My, my my, that is horrible. Oh, my. Goodness gracious, me oh my.
“Hear that?”
“My eyes rolling.”
What an idiot. It sounds like this is someone who probably has one, maybe two passwords he’s used for the past fifteen years and a Gmail account as his sole email. FFS, you’re installing cameras in your home that are externally-accessible via the web, maybe use a secure password, maybe change it regularly, and maybe use two-factor authentication. You know, the kind of stuff people have been saying for ten years that people like this guy hear and groan about.
Plus, what does he want Google to do? Change his password for him on a regular basis? Actively monitor connections to his devices?
Oh god save me from more mandatory password rules. I use Dashlane, and really really hate when my bank decides that the randomly generated 16 character string lacks some element that they insist on.
The worst for that is one system I have to use for work rejects any password with the same character repeated. So the password:
Would be rejected, even though it’s a pretty damn secure password.
I’m not an expert in cryptography but it seems to me that the more parameters you define the easier a code is to crack.
I would say the math treats your parameters merely as more characters to randomize. That 3 is a number and F is capital letter don’t matter since there’s no positional requirement, so we’re merely opening up the set of random opportunities to 10 numbers, 52 letters, and so many special characters in each position.
I was thinking more specifically of the no repeating characters rule. Mixing cases is just good sense.
I should have read more carefully.
In case you haven’t seen it. Length makes it harder to crack more then anything, forcing random restrictions doesn’t do much (besides force people to either write them down or use a password application). On the security side, I’m really glad that two factor authentication is getting more common. It’s kind of sad that Steam had it before some financial institutions though.
I saw an analysis that said XKCD got that wrong because a brute force attacker can attack it using words as the elements instead of characters and the permutations are low enough that it can be hacked in minutes.
I use an English word and a French word in all my passwords. Totally random too. If I have to have other stuff (numbers, special characters), I have a pattern for that.
Yes, if you use common words that’s true. But the attacker would need to include the common words in the attack, and if you use (as an example) a proper name or two that would also make it harder to brute force.
Until you learn that website is nothing more then a front for building Rainbow tables of the possible passwords people are using.
/no idea if it’s true, but I’m not typing my password into anything other then the login site for what I’m trying to access
Well, now I feel dumb…
+1 facebook “enter your birth date and the street you lived on as a kid and your pet’s name” to see your Harry Potter name!
Ouch, good call.
I’ve been working with computers long enough that I’ll still (at times) argue about the difference between a cracker and a hacker. I sort my online access from least secure (stuff like BoardGameGeek.com) to most secure (my financial accounts) and assign them different levels of passwords.
In any day and age, social engineering is the easiest way to gain access to an account you shouldn’t. Hell, back in the 90’s I got sent financial information (that should have been confidential) as part of a “sample dataset” (they included real names and SSN’s). I’ve gotten admin access to DB’s when I went to the wrong floor as a consultant and this other company was also having, “computer issues”.
Look at the kind of information all of those your porn/superhero/etc name things ask for. Things like the name of your first pet, the street you grew up on, etc… All of those are to get people to share information that should stay private.
I’m damned impressed you’re working to keep you’re kids names off the internet. I’ve got it ingrained in me so much that even when I’m face to face with my coworkers, I still refer to the girlfriend as “the girlfriend”. One of my coworkers asked if she had a real name, and I explained why I had the habit built.
+1 Jargon File
Oh, thank you very much!
I see plastering their lives everywhere is as bad as taking out loans in their names and trashing their credit before they can even drive.
If you use just regular (albeit random) whole words for your password, it’s almost impossible to crack. If you must, you add whatever numbers, special characters, or uppercase letters, but it should be a string of otherwise easily remembered words.
I read somewhere a while ago that sentences are actually relatively difficult to brute force, especially if you intentionally misspell words and include numbers and symbols. It’s not perfect, but the argument that made sense to me was that they’re decently secure and people are more likely to remember something like, “I never e@t avocado3s before sven oclock!!” so they’re less likely to do things like write it down and changing it regularly isn’t as daunting since remembering it is easier.
I’m not a fan myself, but I use LastPass which makes it easier because you can get pretty specific about the qualities of the random password. Work is the worst, because it’s managed by a contractor who is absolutely terrified of getting dinged on a FISMA audit (despite the fact that the network is paid for by the state, not the EPA) and comes up with password rules so arcane even he forgets what they are.
I use KeePass.
Then I crypted a folder on Dropbox (can’t remember how I did that), put the file in there, and Mr. Mojeaux and I share it.
KeePass is good. One of the security guys at work put it something like, “If you want to keep something secure you use authentication that combines something only you have with something only you know.”
IMHO the entire concept of the password is FUBAR. Until something better comes along, the only way to deal with it is to assume everyone has all your passwords.
Battlefield V – War in the Pacific Official Trailer
Female soldiers rocking mechanical hands notably absent.
Sexisim wins…
I see a lot of accuracy there with scenery and equipment. What I don’t understand is why anyone would want to experience that. The people who did and survived were irreparably damaged and rarely spoke of it afterward. The desire to experience it is borne out of profound ignorance.
I watched it intending to mock you for that comment, but I can certainly see that producing some nightmares.
And profound boredom, ennui and a dash of angst. *Prescribes more drugs*
Geeze… I was gonna say something but then i watched the video, and i have to agree with you on that…
It’s playing soldiers for adults. For a lot of people, that’s the closest they’ll ever come (or want to come) to being put in a situation where they can feel like heroes. Also, they’re not experiencing war, they’re experiencing a haunted-house amusement park version of war where they get a thrill and can indulge in some nostalgia without any risk to themselves. They can pause and go make a sandwich.
I am a pretty avid gamer, but I wonder how realistic we can make them before you start seeing PTSD type reactions. The conscious mind is playing a game, but I have physically recoiled a time or two in games like 7 days when a zombie comes up from behind when I was intent on something else, so I am not sure the older parts of the brain really understand it’s just a game.
Have you played Spec Ops: The Line? That may answer your question.
That game, man. God damn that was well done.
I find that’s the case with VR. There are VR horror games that I can’t play because I *won’t* play. For instance, there’s a game based on The Exorcist, but I can’t get past the beginning because I can’t make myself open the very obviously boo-scary haunted thing in the church. Just like in real life you wouldn’t see a jaguar walk into a closet and then go duck your head in the closet and see what’s going on, I can’t get over the “I have to do this stupid thing to advance the game” because “I refuse to do something that’s patently idiotic even though it’s not real” keeps winning.
I’ve been in a few battles – nothing as dramatic as that – but some of those realistic games give me seriously fucked up dreams.
That game looks like a LOT of respawning.
I’m still marveling at Witcher 3. It is truly a beautiful game. It’s a ton of fun, even if it’s frustrating because I suck. (I’m playing Death March difficulty, which is exactly what it sounds like.) But when you have a successful bout with a bunch of enemies, it’s loads of fun. And even when you reload because you got eviscerated by some eldritch horror, or some fucking whoreson thug outdrew you, well, it’s still loads of fun.
And I don’t see much that’s visually better in this latest BF iteration. Witcher 3 is incredibly immersive and just dumbfoundingly pretty. The visuals hold up after a couple years. And unlike a BF game, it has just hours and hours of unfolding story, all voiced by mostly competent actors.
Except for Lambert.
Wow. You can see why kids would rather play games than go to the park these days.
Paranormal Activity V?
I dont get that
I do.
Not bragging, just mad at myself for watching that stupid movie.
I’m finishing up the documentary series Rotten on Netflix. The last episode is filling me with rage. It’s about marijuana edibles, and one of the complaints is that different states have different rules and there’s no federal oversight.
THAT’S NOT A PROBLEM! For fuck’s sake, they’re complaining about (usually) labeled products. “In some states each edible can only be 5 mg, in another state, the limit is 10 mg.”
Yes, its a problem, because we have no skills and we need a job. /government employees
They had some fscking ER doctor from Bend, OR complaining:
“In a country where we’ve banned Joe Camel, it’s insane to me that we put drugs into candy.”
Unfortunately, she was pushing for marijuana infused olives, capers, and anchovies instead of getting rid of the Joe Camel ban.
If we can only pass enough rules the kids will be safe from bad parents!
I haven’t seen them yet but I suspect the ‘BEWARE POT EDIBLES IN YOUR KID’S HALLOWEEN CANDY’ stories will pop up in the local news soon. Which is stupid. Nobody who spends that much money for an edible is going to either fuck up and mix it in the grab bowl or do it because they think it’d be funny.
The proper way to deal with those warnings.
Heh, I larfed.
I expected no less of you. I may have made an audible chuckle when I first read that strip.
I was in the right demographic when the razor blades and LSD scare first dropped. Razor blades I get in the “people are sickos” type of thing, but acid??? Ten years later I remember realizing how asinine the idea was. I also remember thinking around the ninth person my friend and I called to find drugs that I really, really need to find where they’re lacing Kit-Kats with LSD and giving it away for free.
I remember when you could carry your kid’s loot bag into a hospital and they’d x-ray it for free, in search of hidden needles
Ha! I’m old enough to remember most of the eighties, not all, and since I was in a very religious home, the whole Satanism scare and the dangers of Halloween were front and center. It sorta just made the whole season more spooky and exciting for me.
and even if they did what happens? the kid sleeps 12 hours and maybe has a tummy ache? On the accidental ingestion scale your kid eating a special lolipop is way down there. When I was 5 I ate an entire bottle of children’s aspirin.
That may explain a lot.
Are you implying… ah to hell with it, I’m going to take advantage of the excuse… Yeah, that is what made me weird.
Yep. The kid would probably eat most of the candy, which they were probably going to do anyway, sleep, wake up, and shit their guts out, which they were probably going to do anyway. Not that I’m saying feeding edibles to a kid is a good idea, I’m not a complete monster, but it won’t be the end of the world.
How disappointing.
‘How disappointing’
You know, I seem to remember you saying awhile back that you’d be open to you and the hubby meeting me in a public place. Be careful what you wish for.
Bring it!
I do want to meet up. However, we can’t for a while until we get our shituation sorted out.
No rush. The holiday season is a grind at the best of times without adding more obligations to the mix.
Yeah, we’re in the middle of a legal thing and then we will be moving. Don’t know when. I’m hoping we’ll be settled by Easter.
Well, I hope it all works out. I recall you talking about the details around that but I’m too stoned to remember. I’m probably checking out for the evening; another Saturday of work awaits in the morning.
See ya!
I did that when I was 51. Man, I love those.
Got a peptic ulcer to show for it too.
Yeah, I have had stomach issues ever since. Aspirin is nasty stuff.
I really was eating them like candy. I love them.
I haven’t had an aspirin since ibuprofen became popular.
I’m all for more savory than sweet.
Gimme my edible canapes!
Any Glibs in Langley, BC? I’ll be there Sunday night, and from the looks of it I should probably just get wasted to pass the time.
Carding the game.
Sadly: no okra.
I think your haiku is missing a line.
If it were haiku, it’d be “Okra homa”.
Whele the lind comes lipping off da plain!
Tattoo was Japanese?
Thank you. It sounded better when I was singing/typing.
that is excellent
Greinke’s grunt is turning me into a Nationals fan.
I dislike inconsistent things in the rest of my life (eg: Texas constitution), but I like the old-timey randomness of baseball.
I scored Altuve’s run in the third as unearned. That’s reasonable and straightforward rule, but it’s neat and silly and the perfect bit of pastoral 19th century life and budding 20th century industrialism.
four hours
Mizzou Tweet on Diversity Goes Wrong, So Very Wrong
Oh Mizzou you gave it the old college try.
“I am a brother”
Oh, boy. Great work, Mizzou. Sterling, really.
*looks at diploma*
“University of Missouri AT KANSAS CITY”
Right. The non-idiot campus.
Halloween Mojeaux is best Mojeaux
Awwww, thanks!
I wish that were actually me.
I’m terrified my alma mater Kansas State is heading down the same path. Recent racism hoaxes put them on PR defense, someone is bound to do something stupid.
Well, Pittsburg can stay in the shadows, down there all by its lonesome amidst the strip pits.
*Sigh* I have a Univ. of Missouri – Columbia diploma. At least when I went there, it was half-way decent and didn’t have any of this idiocy yet. The science labs didn’t have the money for pipettes to do experiments, but the football & basketball team had damn nice digs. Also, pretty good party school.
CoMo is the nicest place I’ve been to a football game: visitors were treated like gold. Oxford is a distant second.
I have heard this.
UMKC’s a commuter school and (from the looks of the library on Sundays) a fairly international one, too.
I’m a doorknob.
One too many “o”s.
Wow. Just… wow.
In this age of identity politics which qualification is more important to a future Democratic candidate? From what I am seeing African American Woman trumps Doctor.
Good night all, I need to tap out early. I have signed up for the first spin class of my life tomorrow morning. I’ll see how well it can replace actual bike riding when the weather doesn’t cooperate (tomorrow is supposed to be mid 50’s and raining all day).
A bit early for me on such a fine eventide; I’ll be back when this thread starts getting good and Crispy.
I would assume Sir Digby has one coming up for the night shift.
Saturdays Are For The Boys
1) Selfish bitch and shithead horny dad drive young girl to inappropriate relationship with 30 year old, teen pregnancy, abortion and drug addiction.
2) Positive reinforcement: “Honey, if you don’t finish my sub, I’ll give you a blow job.”
Negative reinforcement: “Honey, if you finish my sub, no blow jobs for you.”
3) Hope you enjoy cats more than friends because you’re going to have more of the former and none of the latter.
People who are allergic to cats should not insist to stay with people who have cats.
That is like saying people with peanut allergies shouldn’t ride airplanes or go to school.
Note:. Have cat allergies…I will take medicine before I enter cat house, but owners need to fuckin vacuum.
No, because you are going to a small building to sleep where other people sleep. These people are your friends, and you know they have cats. This isn’t a public accommodation.
If I’m allergic to cats and going to visit my friends, I’m staying in a hotel room. If somebody wants a free place to stay, they can deal with the cats.
I miss the packets of honey roasted peanuts.
I prefer honey roasted cashews, but peanuts will do in a pinch.
Let me strengthen that People should not insist to stay with other people. Invite yourself to stay with me and we will see if you can ring the bell as long as I can ignore it, and I will be playing metal on headphones after the first 5 minutes.
The avatars are gone because it is learning.
We are all Tulpa, one Tulpa
Soon, the names will be gone too
We shall achieve utulpia
Fuck off Tulpa.
Tulpae Tulparum
That’s it; I’m going to do it
I didn’t see that last “r”; thought it was church of SQLs and got excited. Thats…wow…nuttier than a squirrel’s droppings.
That is SQRLSY One’s site. Yes, he has a website.
Flashback. I have seen this before. And the person behind it.
Church of SQL sounds too much like work.
She(?) posts here. And at the old site too. Sometimes a little manic, but whatevs.
That is interesting. It is like a completely crazy person set out to make a parody website to point out other people’s insanity, but his own insanity interfered and the result was a recursive insanity loop. I think if you read it to the end you wake up in R’yleh.
Scienfoology Song? GAWD = Government Almighty’s Wrath Delivers
Government loves me, This I know,
For the Government tells me so,
Little ones to GAWD belong,
We are weak, but GAWD is strong!
Yes, Guv-Mint loves me!
Yes, Guv-Mint loves me!
Yes, Guv-Mint loves me!
My Nannies tell me so!
GAWD does love me, yes indeed,
Keeps me safe, and gives me feed,
Shelters me from bad drugs and weed,
And gives me all that I might need!
Yes, Guv-Mint loves me!
Yes, Guv-Mint loves me!
Yes, Guv-Mint loves me!
My Nannies tell me so!
Our protectors, they will be,
FBI, TSA, and FDA,
With us, astride us, in every way!
Yes, Guv-Mint loves me!
Yes, Guv-Mint loves me!
Yes, Guv-Mint loves me!
My Nannies tell me so!
You misunderstood me. I do not want to wake up in R’yleh.
Not TOS flashback we need, but the one we deserve.
I like the atmosphere here as it is. Even people who annoyed me at TOS don’t really annoy me here because there isn’t the background noise of trolls so we can civilly disagree without someone deliberately fanning the flames.
people who annoyed me at TOS don’t really annoy me
I hadn’t thought of that before, but I think my sacrometer is better calibrated these days.
You annoy me every time you post. Every. Single. Time.
I annoy you, Spud?
No. Jarflax. But he’s not as bad as that one guy.
I think that was directed at me. It’s ok though he is probably baked.
Ah, observant is Jarflax.
(((no))) I like bacon cheeseburgers too much.
I’m gonna be baked in about 10 minutes. I’m back on the weed.
NewWife announces what she wants for Christmas: systolic drops five points for the next two months.
I take it she didn’t ask for a move to Texas?
she repented of Texas before I ever knew her
FWIW: our first date was in Dallas because we both had offices in the area
Threesome with her bicurious and amazingly hot friend?
Go on.
For some reason this guy is the hot new talent in Japan.
I’d let the girl foam my beer. The whatever that is in the shades can fuck right off.
He’s a famous Host at a club in Shinjuku. There is something creepily mesmerizing about him.
Hot, deep bass voice coming out of … that girly mess.
/cognitive dissonance
(When people don’t sound like you expect them to.) (But you don’t mind looking at him at all. No, not. At. All.)
He’s not gay. NTT… Lonely business women shower him with cash.
I didn’t say he was gay.
I said he was a girly mess. That bleach job is atrocious. That is the kind of bleach job you would find in a trailer park deep in Appalachia.
Is that “genderfuck”? I can’t keep up.
I’m saying that I thought he was gay. And that is exactly what I thought of the dye job.
Heh, he looks a little dated now but 1992 me would have been all over it.
Come over here and sit by me and we can drool together.
Ugh. I don’t want to get it.
No wonder the birth rate is dropping.
I prefer this Roland.
Oh, and he looks plastic.
It’s just an effing bobcat, not the risen incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Paywall for me.
as long as you don’t stomp it across state lines
Christ. Bipartisanship is always crap.
People see something they find abhorrent and pass badly written laws. Next thing you know horrible crap is happening that you cannot stop because any attempt to get the law repealed is cast as “You love abhorrent thing X” see war on drugs, 14 year olds on the Sex Offender registry for selfies, Hookers forced back onto the street by antitrafficking laws that criminalize reputation and advertising services, etc.
She seems into it.
He knows how to handle a cougar?
Hopefully he’ll do the same thing to that cougar. Psyyyyko eyes.
This Image Is Too Powerful For You
There’s no resisting those eyes.
Needz moar monocle.
I don’t really know why (other than alcohol) but that really mad me laugh. Maybe because he’s such a joke.
That Henry Cho link sent me down a rabbit hole. Dude is funnier than I remember. You gotta appreciate gen X (maybe he’s technically a boomer) Asian Americans. Watching young Asian Americans wrapping themselves up in the POC victim blanket makes me puke a little.
Another juxtaposition that delights me.
There are Chinese guys down in the Delta who talk like Elvis. They’ve been there since the railroads were built and are delightfully unremarkable.
Yeah, all the Chinese-descended teenagers in my city talk like wannabe rap stars. God bless America!
I was going to go with Will [Wilber] Pan, but that homeboy’s from WV not NY.
I’ve met a few white guys over the years that only speak Japanese. People still insisted on speaking English to them.
The differences between Asian and Caucasian income, prison population, and a number of other measures of well being in the US are the same or greater than the differences between whites and blacks. You don’t hear much of Asian privilege though.
We make up half of Harvard, but some cashier at Waffle House asked where I was from!!!!
Hey guys, who wants to tell Navin straffinrun the bad news.
That he has no rhythm?
No that he can drive.
Over half? I honestly don’t know or care.
I was joking based on your first person. Navin, Steve Martin in The Jerk?
It’s really hard being asked the question of where you are from. Even though it is one of the most common interrogatives. Because racism.
Was it someone here that linked these guys? It is kind of addictive, give it a minute it has a long lead in before they play.
Tulip, I think?
It is hard to be more metal than Mongols playing metal on mongol instruments.
Yeah, I think it was her who first talked about them. Someone else more recently too. I dig it.
The Hu. Lol.
OMG I love that!
Good stuff.
Burma Shave.
A couple more and you could have turned it into an article.
Gotta go to a Halloween party after work. Need a quick-n-easy costume. Ideas? No gonna do Trudeau and kids will be there.
Birthday suit.
This is why you’re hard to get along with.
I’m just happy to see you.
Paint-spattered clothes, beret, paint palette with paint splotches, and paint brushes.
Rex Kwon Do.
Get this sweet robe from “Manos” The Hands of Fate.
Possibly the worst movie ever made.
40,000 yen? I suppose I’d be going as a future divorcée.
For whatever reason, I looked at some images of a salaryman. I thought, they’re one insult away from going full Michael Douglas.
Unleash the divine wind.
Gawd I love that movie.
PS. If anyone cares, there is an entire dance/industrial album centered around quotes from that movie. It was the soundtrack to my 1994.
Ugh correct link
I care. Love that movie. Put the FLA album in the weekend playlist.
We All Fall Down https://youtu.be/iKevbtJNbXQ
Make sure the costume comes with a noose.
/suicide forest rimshot
Rumpled Suitskin. That is something I can work with.
Shorts, black socks, sandals, be rude and demanding. German Tourist
Black face, hollowed out English cucumber, go as Long Dong Silver.
Hefty bag with neck and arm holes cut out, empty beer box for a chapeaux = “The Recyclor”! (I’ve done this one on short notice just to attend a “mandatory costume” party)
This is possible and within the 20$ I wanna spend.
Just watch out for those obasans making sure you’re sorted into the right bins.
Howdy, Ma’am.
Lovable Drunk Gaijin.
Straff in the cold light of the next morning – https://youtu.be/D1Oa6P7D2NQ
It’s good to see you! Between your recent hospital visit and now Evan’s.. y’all heal up.
Yeah, Evan’s misfortune kinda put my own into perspective. Jimminy Crickets!
You could go as a serial killer. No costume necessary, because they look like everyone else. It works for a Russian asset too.
Suit with white shirt and cigarette in hand. You could be any number of 50’s or 60’s Hollywood stars. Let them guess. Have a few Bogart, Rod Serling and Cary Grant lines mixed in with a few glib ones.
You should have a Sammy routine as well.
Ooh, an international incident!
I’m not encouraging a Justin Trudeau version. No blackface, but definite tap dancing and a couple off color jokes.
Junk in a box.
laker won ugly game though.
Good morning glibs
The Clippers are going to win the Finals this year. Bank on it.
I’m putting all my money on the The Washington Generals.
*Best odds of any team, but not over a 50% chance. Too many good teams out west.
The west does have a bunch of good teams. The Lakers, Denver or the Blazers would be possible, but I stand by my start of the season prediction. I’m going to see the Dubs play the Jazz in a couple weeks at their new place.
I say bucks of sixers
I just watched Dolemyte is My Name on Netflix. Very enjoyable film.
I’m very much looking forward to that. I want to see Eddie back doing R rated shit. It’s been way too long.
It was good, reminded of both Baadasssss and the ending of Bowfinger.
I very much liked your Badasssssss review. That was good work.
A sweet ass Lee Dorsey song that I had not heard in a long time…
Head meets desk.
For my own sanity, I really need to stop confusing Code Pink with Pink Pistols.
Yeah, that’s an important distinction.
I just realized how every school with a Title IX problem in their sports program can fix it.
Fun fact: in 1988 I shared a dorm suite with a nice race-walker guy who went trans a couple years later. We ran together – once – which helped me realized that sort of thing was not for me. I wonder what (s)he thinks of this stuff nowadays.
Good question. I would love to hear what Caitlin Jenner has to say. As a former elite athlete, I bet she would be disgusted.
Wait until we get Rene Richards II beat Serena Williams. Then there will be plenty of discussion.
Isn’t Bruce a shitlord politics-wise?
Rene Richards… yeah, I watch a LOT of tennis and it’s funny how that episode is completely ignored today. AFAIK there are no MTF tennis players on tour today. That must have been quite the shitstorm back in the day.
Me too. By saying there are four lights, not five. Good luck with that.
Vinyl is yesterday’s retro news. This is for the true audiophiles
This somehow reminds me of MLW.