Now that we’re all back, the question becomes what to do. Saying you are going to work out is a far cry from knowing what you are going to do when you work out.
My return to fitness two years ago made me realize I was at something of a crossroads. When I was a young man, I wanted to be the biggest. badass possible. Reading ’80s bodybuilding magazines gave me a completely unrealistic idea of what was possible.There were times I spent hours in the gym trying to follow some workout routine that required dozens of sets. I was dumb enough to not realize how many of the top ranked bodybuilders were taking steroids and the published routines were the fitness equivalent of letters to Penthouse Forum. It’s no wonder I had so many injuries.
The question I asked myself this go ’round was, who are you? I’m now in my 50s, have a number of commitments, and am seriously pressed for time. So, what do you want? (Thank me later, Nephilium.) I wanted to get past my dad bod. OK, that’s a start but not terribly specific. I had a gut. I wanted to be trim. I wanted a six pack. That was a stretch because I never had one before. I wanted some muscle but wanted to look like a real person, not a cartoon. I also wanted my wind back. I enjoyed running and the endurance I had when I ran. But I knew I wasn’t going back to any sort of distance running.
The wife roped me into joining a gym. I floundered around for about a month. My form on some important lifts had gone to hell. I had a vague memory of some of the training I used to do but remembered those injuries. It was bad enough in 20s and 30s. In my 50s I imagined it being worse and possibly permanent.
I needed a plan. My wife was pushing for a personal trainer. No fucking way was I going that route. I saw what trainers had their clients doing. Some had no idea what they’re doing. Some seemed to know their stuff, but I wasn’t really sure. Listening to the chatter the trainers make with their clients drives me nuts. If I’m lifting, then STFU. I’m concentrating on what I’m doing. I don’t want to hear your blather.
I was running out of options. Until I remembered the internet knows everything. I stumbled through a bunch of stuff on Google then YouTube. YouTube was genuinely fascinating. There was some awful garbage and some invaluable advice. Video is a particularly helpful medium for demonstrating what to do. I’m going to go into some of the gems I found in future posts.
Among the really good advice I found was a guy named Jeff Cavaliere who has a channel called Athleanx. He’s a physical therapist and strength coach for pro athletes. His advice was eye opening. He has a ton of content of YouTube that’s all free. The call to action at the end of each video is to go to to check out their programs. Fine. Whatever pays the bills. The videos are complete videos that conveyed useful advice. More that that, this guy repeatedly emphasizes proper form, demonstrates it, and explains what makes it proper form. His tag line is, “If you want to look like an athlete then you have to train like an athlete.” He was speaking my language.
As a side note, Glibbroads (h/t Gender Traitor), this channel is still worth checking out even if you never want to see the inside of a gym. You won’t be disappointed with what you see. Same advice for gay Glibs who aren’t bear aficionados.
I don’t know how many videos I watched but it was a lot. This was the real deal and a good fit for me. I bought what I believe is his first program, AX1. I rediscovered just how out of shape I was. But I also had a plan. The plan was achievable, realistic, and could be done in an hour or less 5 days a week. I was hooked.
And so it begins. Who are you and what do you want? What will get you where you want to go?
I was able to Change my Avatar without accessing Gravitar… I think…
and apropos for the posts as well.
SP fixed it.
She sure did. All hail SP!
ugh: digging through thumb drive from last laptop
named it Glib something, I think; oh: there it is
whew: didn’t hafta redraw it
What will get you where you want to go?
Fixed back is step one. I go in for a cortisone shot later this week. We’ll see if it helps. If not, I’ll consider surgery.
I sure hope the shot does the trick. I suppose much back surgery has become pretty routine, but it always sounds scary.
Thanks. From what the ortho told me and my own research, the surgery he wants to do if I go that route is pretty minor as back surgeries go. Despite that, I’d like to avoid it.
Fingers crossed for Cortisone being the fix.
It will work for a while, maybe years. But eventually you’ll have to have surgery.
I ignored my rotator cuffs, limping along with shots, for so long it was no longer a simple repair. (Still ignoring the left one.) I was about 3 years past its sell-by date and my ortho was mad I’d ignored it.
My hope is that once I get the shot and the pain goes down, I can get back to lifting – squats, deadlifts, kettlebell swings. From what I see on the Starting Strength boards and from others I’ve talked to, they are a huge help. We’ll see. I really don’t want surgery, but if it has to be done, it will be done.
I need something that fits my schedule. That’s as far as I’ve gotten on a goal. I have a treadmill, a spin bike, TRX straps, and some light dumbbells in the basement. I have a wife who is a former personal trainer and a current group trainer. I have everything I need to get started, except for time, motivation, and energy.
Once I get over that hump, I think I’ll be able to focus on my long term goals. I need to lose 80-90 lbs, and I’d like to gain enough functional strength to play tennis well again.
Currently I’m focusing on eating healthy (I’m doing well during the weekdays and poorly on the weekends) and trying to get outside and walk during lunch at work (1 for 5 last week). I’d like to get back on the treadmill to do intervals this week. Perhaps I’ll try to do it before work again.
You people. I have all the motivation i need i would just like for my goddamn shoulder to stop hurting.
Right? I’ve lost the 30-40 extra lbs. I had but my damned rotator cuff is determined to make me to look like an OHL player (ass and legs like a horse with no “adult” upper body bulk) rather than an NHL player.
See my response to DEG about steroid shots and rotator cuffs.
Get the shoulder fixed sooner tham later.
limping along with shots
Quit walking around on your hands!
It’s my special party trick.
Serious question Trashy, you said you need to lose 80-90 lbs. If that isn’t your motivation then what is? Also, what’s your challenge with time?
A motive is not the same thing as motivation. Transitioning from “I need to do ____” to ” I am doing ____” is tough.
Let’s save transitioning for the political posts.
Avatar check
On topic – beer and chili on the menu, sitting on the couch, gained close 30 lbs since quitting smoking 22 months ago, no exercise plans.
I suck.
Your avatar is two guys holding hands, not that there’s anything wrong with that.
I took them as Siamese twins.
Those aren’t heads, that is a umkaut.
I was going for Pi + Umkräut but now I’m not so sure…
Kraut pie? Not sure …
While Athleanx is quite better than most, take it as everything else with a small unit of sodiul chloride, he is selling shit like the others. But at least you will not fuck yourself up following his advice. Fitness is quite simpler than all the 50 exercises you must do following old jeff
PITS have you actually purchased any of his programs? I agree he is selling something. What I really appreciate is his transparency. When he is giving advice, delineating training, or explaining a concept that is exactly what he is doing. He doesn’t give you the bullshit sales pitch so many others do. When he is selling, he tells you he is selling.
Also, I don’t what you are talking about with “all the 50 exercised you must do following old jeff.” His program has gym routines and substitutes if you are training at home. He emphasizes the need to get your workouts done in a limited period of time. He openly tells people not to spend hours in the gym and has at least one video mocking the training routines that require dozens of exercised in one day. If anything, I’d say he does an excellent job of demystifying training.
“gay Glibs who aren’t bear aficionados”
[ambles off dejectedly]
Sorry Tonio. I knew you and Jesse would be disappointed.
My best advice is to walk and/or run at least 5-10 miles a day. It’s what humans are designed to do. If I’ve done my research well, humans for most of our history would typically cover 20-30 miles a day just to get enough food to survive. Go from that to sitting at a desk all day, things are probably not going to go well for very long.
Philosophically speaking, this post speaks to more than fitness. For the first time in my life I do not care what I look like or agonize over reclaiming a youth I never had.
“What do I need to do to get what I want?” is the easy part.
“What do I want?” is the hard part.
Note: WP did another update to the forms today, and about 15 registration requests dropped into my inbox, your friend ’s among them. It’s a complete mystery to me where they have been in the meantime. Grrrrrrrr.
The more WordPress “improves,” the less control webmasters have. It’s maddening. And a template I finally actually LIKE made me pay for it and then wants a yearly sub fee. Whatevs. I don’t need updates that badly.
Oh and thank you!
That’s an interesting comment Mojeaux. Before I started this round of GlibFit it didn’t even occur to me philosophy would be part of it. As I’m writing it, I have to be mindful not to drift to far into philosophy.
I cheated by starting a couple weeks ago but my goal is to try to lose some of the extra around the middle and delay the health complications of age. Treadmill, 4 miles in an hour plus some upper body weight training about 4 days a week. If I have something else scheduled I don’t feel bad if I miss a day but week ends are the same as any other day.
I don’t need to be stronger, just don’t want to lose any more.
That’s pretty remarkable for someone in their 80s.
They came for the smokers and I noticed
They came for the drinkers and I noticed
They came for the chubbies and I noticed
They’ll soon be coming for the serious oldies and I’m trying to stay ahead
I coined a word! I coined a word!
Granted, it’s no “cunte,” but I’m irrationally proud of it.
::checks out “Hardgainers & Skinny Guys” and “Fit Over 40”:: Not bad. I like ’em on the long & lean side. (Moje has seen my favorite example.)
Overall head-to-toe physique, I mean.
Glibbroads! Totes awesome!
I don’t have much of a preference anymore. For instance, my celebrity crush is 5’9″ and lean. But I also like tall, bulky dudes with big guns but not bodybuilding big. Do not like borderline emaciated.
Where does Nikki Sixx during the heroin years fall into this?
Nikki’s appeal is his face. He is a VERY handsome man. Now that he’s sober amd fattened up a little, he’s more attractive.
Also, heroin is a preservative.
Keith Richards approves.
His speaking voice is divine and he’s a brilliant businessman, even when he was a snot-nosed punk.
He must keep quiet about his business acumen unlike, say, Gene Simmons. I don’t anything about his business interests. What makes him a brilliant businessman?
How he handled his intellectual property when they were just starting out.
Firstly, he didn’t sign over his/their IP rights to the record labels like young hungry bands usually do. He negotiated contracts that were beneficial to them and he wasn’t desperate enough to do whatever they wanted him to do.
So then, unlike most bands, he had a lot of control into how it was handled and how they were paid. He was very young, very hungry, very drugged up, very bad at making decisions, and he still held his ground on his IP rights.
That, to me, is fucking brilliant.
As for my own fitness, I didn’t do very well this week. I had in mind to do my treadmill walking mid- to late evening before showering, but I was either distracted until it was too late or still too full from (generally late) dinner to consider it. I think I need to revert to my previous as-soon-as-I-get-home-from-work walking schedule. I’ve also been tempted too many times by treats in the too-close-for-comfort break room at work.
1. Credit where credit is due.
2. Damn it. I thought you were doing euphamisms.
Totes on-topic, I swears. The lovely, charming, and fit Bethany demonstrates bike seat height adjustment. Geared for Spin bikes, but applicable to bikes which actually move. (TW: the other presenter, toothpick girl, has military grade vocal fry)
Would girl in white shirt with extreme prejudice, and…. oh who am I kidding, would the other one too.
I need to watch that later. Every time I bike in the gym it gets uncomfortable about 5 minutes into the ride and/or I have some minor injury the next day.
That’s because bicycles are for children.
Cycling, even “spin” (which I personally loathe but cannot dis because…), is good low-impact exercise which provides good cardio.
At the upper end, there is Danny McAskill.
I know, I was just being an asshole.
RE: Six-pack.
Ab exercises alone will not give you a six pack. Big compound exercises that strengthen your trunk overall combined with a low body fat % (<10%, preferably lower) will give you a six pack.
Ya, that aint happening unless I start chemo.
The bright side of cancer!
I lost twenty pounds when I had giardia. Parasites are the only thing that make me lose weight.
For me, it’s my peptic ulcer. I just slowly stop being able to eat. If I lay off my omeprazole long enough, I’ll get there.
That’s really not a good idea. I spent 3 nights in the hospital with a bleeding ulcer; they transfused 2 pints of blood and I could have used another 1/2 to full pint.
I’ve lost at least 15 pounds in the last month due to not eating from severe anxiety.
It’s kind of a pattern of mine . . .have severe anxiety and lose a bunch of weight . . .anxiety turns to a depressive state and I eat way too much and gain a crap load of weight . . anxiety and depression is the real killer . . when I have them together I eat too much and feel terrible. At least it’s just one at a time currently.
If you are past 40 it is probably not healthy to go down into single digits (and getting a six pack is probably more like 5-7% than 9).
Ya, that aint happening unless I start chemo.
Yeah, I’m at about 33%. 10%? No way. I’ll be happy if I can get down to an “A” cup.
My L5 disc hates me. Plus I have diastasis recti, which is totally sexy.
I had to look up “diastasis recti.” Ouch. How did you get it?
I’m not really sure. I was slouching on the sofa (album name?), and when I sat up, I noticed it through my T-shirt. It doesn’t hurt yet, it just looks I have an alien in me. I’m positive that I was never pregnant. Improper training is the most likely suspect. I was pretty active until about 5 years ago. I’ve just been too busy with work and cancelled my membership. I average about 300 extra hours of work per year. Excuses, excuses… I know. We have just signed back up with the local YMCA though. One of the female trainers said her husband has it too. I need to see him and find out if he has some pro tips.
The causes, per Google, appear to all be related to female issues. So, congratulations on being the first confirmed female libertarian.
Well, I am a hairy lesbian.
What type of Subaru do you drive?
My goal is to fit back into some old shirts I’ve got. Today is a bad example as I walked up to the bar for beer and wings to watch the Browns
Dude, I gave you a shout out and two links that should delight you. Did you read anything besides the headline?
I do. I just feel bad about talking about myself generally.
To keep it back on topic, from last week to this week -2 pounds, (-1.2 average pounds), but up .2% body fat (based on the scale I’ve got).
Would you feel better if I mentioned a meal plan?
I hope you’re enjoying the beer at least.
Hey, wait a damned minute! I had something to post on the Halloween screed but no, perhaps someone had jumped the clock a little.
It’s been a tough weekend of automatic updates here at Glib HQ. Playing havoc with everything. Not that I’m a control freak, but I much prefer it when I can control things!
Control freak away! Thank you so much for keeping this place running!
The tough reading the glitches made for did free up my time to submit two things this week (just submitted the 2nd I hope there’s room for it this week)
Yeah, I noticed a post appearing and then disappearing also.
Nothing fitness related, but the dog is snoring with her eyes open again.
So is my MIL.
0-8 Halfway home! Looking at the box score at 4:15 is so much more pleasant and easier than watching the Bengals play. Anyone masochistic enough (or a Rams fan) able to explain why the score went from 24-16 with :04 sec to go to 24-10 final?
lost another pound last week
* eating ice cream *
OT: a new low for the WaPo
actual WaPo headline: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48
[anguished Zoidberg groan]
WaPo changed the headline after a torrent of criticism.
Please rise for the national anthem of the WaPo province of Clown World:
There is a narcissism to zealotry that is truly evil and frightening. The idea that one’s loved ones should share one’s death is the most selfish and evil thing I can imagine.
The story first appeared to run under a headline that referred to al-Baghdadi as the “Islamic State’s ‘terrorist-in-chief.'” It was unclear why or who decided to change the “terrorist” label to “austere religious scholar.”
The Post then changed the headline again, settling on “extremist leader of Islamic State.”
Washington Post Vice President of Communications Kristine Coratti Kelly told Fox News, “Regarding our al-Baghdadi obituary, the headline should never have read that way and we changed it quickly.”
[head desk]
Trump has done the country a great service in exposing the legacy media for the utter incompetent, partisan slugs they are.
I think it’s very telling that whenever the media gets called out on bullshit like this, they are very quick to claim it was just incompetence. Just plain ol’ incompetence – so sorry, won’t happen again. Move along folks, nothing to see here.
The leaked Clinton emails proved that there is literal collusion between the DNC and the media. Now they’re hiring intelligence officials as paid contributors, and some networks straight-up admitted that they’re just doing anti-Trump activism at this point.
None of that really makes me mad; it obliterates this tiresome excuse from the Left that media bias is just a crazy conspiracy theory. What makes me mad is that a lot of people you meet in real life will still act like you’re some kind of tinfoil-wearing Alex Jones-listening nutjob if you don’t believe everything that is reported by CNN, MSNBC, NYT, et al.
I hate to give Trump much credit for anything because it’s like crediting a broken clock for being right twice a day. But… you’re right.
But wait, there’s more:
Obama’s envoy to Qatar says Trump’s description of al-Baghdadi’s death “will endanger our personnel in the region”
It’s complete bullshit this guy shouldn’t be called a terrorist and loathed as a terrorist. I’m not clear if she saying that shouldn’t be done. As for Trump’s description of what happened, she isn’t entirely wrong.
Adolf Hitler, vegetarian and public health advocate…
German re-unification enthusiast, public works proponent, and critic of Zionism…
The Iron Dream is a metafictional 1972 alternate history novel by American author Norman Spinrad. The book has a nested narrative that tells a story within a story. On the surface, the novel presents a post-apocalyptic adventure tale entitled Lord of the Swastika, written by an alternate-history Adolf Hitler shortly before his death in 1953. In this timeline, Hitler emigrated from Germany to the United States in 1919 after the Great War, and used his modest artistic skills to become first a pulp–science fiction illustrator and later a successful writer, telling lurid, purple-prosed, pro-fascism stories under a thin science fiction veneer. The nested narrative is followed by a faux scholarly analysis by a fictional literary critic Homer Whipple which is said to have been written in 1959.
If you read that paragraph, you are now a level 40 shitlord
Also Hitler (as he would probably be described by today’s media):
– Champion of the working poor
– Took steps to alleviate income and wealth inequality
– Proponent of sensible gun control policies
“Sought to spread German values throughout all of Europe.”
God damn, do I love The Who.
Who are you…
Just ‘zis guy you know?
As I hoped, I hit my initial weight goal this week (28 lbs down). I’m gonna do at least 10 more, as I feel pretty goddamn good. I haven’t seen the 170s in a long time.
I liked Tejicano’s goals last week. I’m plagiarizing him and focusing on pull ups, push ups, etc. 20 strict pull ups, 100 push ups sounds good to me. I won’t be running, but I’ll come up with something else.
Mostly I want to get back on the rink. My wife thinks I’m done – so of course I want to prove her wrong 😉
For you peeps who like lifting and easy plans, I cannot recommend Wendler’s 5/3/1 enough. I made tremendous progress and really loved knowing what I was gonna do when I got to the gym.
Good luck, y’all!
Who’s the donkey?
The Dalai Lama, himself. Twelfth son of the Lama. The flowing robes, the grace, bald… striking.
big hitter, the lama
I was setting you up for this joke:
(20 seconds in)
Hey Tundra, maybe you want to give your girl this.
Or, you know, me…
I work out with a trainer twice a week. He’s as old and damaged as I am, so none of the stupid shit we see other trainers doing.
My goal is to stay vertical and functional.
“My goal is to stay vertical and functional”
Except when you wanna be horizontal and functional amirite?
That’s a big afirm!
The only personal trainer I’ve ever met that was worth a damn is working with my wife. She (the trainer) has a degree in Kinesiology and custom-designs and modifies exercises for the peculiarities of my wife’s physique and, let’s face it, personality. I’ve had personal trainers in their twenties that didn’t have a clue about how to help someone in their 50s/60s get stronger, and kept recommending exercises and full routines that were pretty much guaranteed to injure an older person.
I watch trainers and just shake my head. “That’s going to be a ACL”, “good luck with that rotator cuff”, “chronic back pain should start any day now”.
That’s an interesting observation. I’m increasingly of the mind that anyone who claims to be a trainer should have a degree or some meaningful background in kinesiology, physical therapy, occupational therapy, or something like it.
I have a guy that I’ve hired as needed to teach me lifts I wasn’t comfortable with. I have no clue what his qualifications are, but I watched him teaching others and I watched what he himself did.
Thanks, SP!
Once again, procrastination brings dividends.
The one time I didn’t procrastinate….
I’ll stop procrastinating tomorrow.
fun fact: crastinus means “belongs to tomorrow” in Latin
Top Ten Reasons to Procrastinate:
fitness for me? Kiting.. the upper body workout I need, plus the legwork of just staying in one spot.
The winds are gusting at +30 mph, and it’s truly a workout..
Looking forward to a kiting article from you, bro.
Agree. I’d enjoy an article on kites. Several if necessary.
Box kites, fighting kites, aerobatic kites, non-traditional kites, ‘relaxation’ [easy] kites.
Getting started, flying, resources. Buy/build. Etc 😉
Heh, yep
Who are you and what do you want? What will get you where you want to go?
*ponders……..goes back to frying tortilla chips for nachos*
That’s the other thing, I don’t want to be forced to radically change my diet due to health. I had a glass of wine a a few slices of pizza for lunch today, as opposed to the whole pizza and three glasses of wine.
SP is a goddess, and I am her subject
Avatar me!
If you’re a glutton for punishment, you might enjoy this:
The Alt-Right Playbook: How to Radicalize a Normie
For those who only need a taste, skip to the 5:35 mark.
Crowder and Peterson are alt-right? Give me a break. I didn’t recognize the other two.
Carl Benjamin aka Sargon and Paul Joseph Watson of InfoWars.
Some lefty dingbat made a network diagram of the so-called dark web, and the nodes were all my favorite youtube channels. I think they put horns and devil’s tale on the Fox News website.
Gamergate, in the form of song
Good job, Anita. If you had just kept your yap shut, Carl would not have become famous.
I’ve never listened to Sargon but from what I’ve heard others say he is pretty much a standard conservative. I’ve never listened to InfoWars. I thought InfoWars was just a bunch of nut jobs peddling conspiracy theories. Does it have a political bent?
InfoWars is a loose confederation including conspiracy theory nutjobs, conservatives, libertarians, anti-SJWs, and people who just don’t fit in anywhere else. It is the political equivalent of the Island of Misfit Toys.
One contributor is Kaitlin Bennet, who goes undercover as Jenna Talia to interview lefty dingbats:
UCLA students sign petition to put Trump supporters in re-education camps
lol @ the name Jenna Talia
OT: John Conyers, DEAD DEAD DEAD
Dead, Dead, Dead
First comment:
6 years ago
I’m playing this at my funeral
I assume his pension will still be collected for decades.
The usual suspects will attend his funeral, and they can just use the Cummings eulogies they wrote last week.
Some people think bad news comes in events of three so with any kind of luck there should be another one soon.
“When your back was up against a wall, he was right there with you. Not just for me, but for everyone.”
Um, phrasing?
The wind is up, good buzz, flying in the backyard…….
see you in a bit,
“The wind is up”
Sure is! And I’m keeping a close eye on the Valley Center Fire since it’s close.
Hoping for the rain to come through.
I told you Cali has issues, but did you listen, NOOOOO, it’s so warm and pretty……
take care Sister…
Another intense flight, major wind, I shot some video if my Hill Billy rig worked,
My two main fitness goals at this point:
1. Get bigger arms. I know they’re just vanity muscles and core strength is where it’s at, but I’ve been exercising for about 10 years now, and I think it’s fine to do something “because it looks cool”. I actually have this ridiculous muscle-gut that makes my arms look kinda small, so I need to fix that. I think my ultimate goal is to look like Chiyonofuji.
2. Get back up to running 20 miles a week. I used to do about 5 miles on Tues/Thurs/Sat/Sun, but I haven’t done that in a while. There was a sort of chain reaction about a year ago where I had to do a shitload of overtime at work, missed my runs for a while, put on some extra weight, then got some foot pain from running with the extra weight. I had to do indoor cardio until the foot pain subsided, and now I have to build my distance back up. I can do 2.5 miles no problem, and occasionally the full 5 miles if I’m feeling just right. My calves are still sore from doing 4 miles on Friday night, so I’m about to go do some sprints (which seems to hit the quads more than the calves, so I should be good).
I’m working on improving my diet too. I need to cut back on alcohol, but having a woman in my life has actually helped me with that since she provides me with alternative things to do on Friday/Saturday nights IYKWIMAITYD. I’ve also tried to space out my protein intake throughout the day. I now take two smaller sandwiches to work instead of one giant one, and also bring yogurt with oats and a protein bar.
My forearms are on fire right now from the workout, and it was fun!
I’m splooshing over the Babylon 5 references. I recognized them all.
Until I get over the spine fracture, I ain’t exercising, but diet is just basic low carb goodness.
Bought some low carb cereal by mail. Pretty good!!
Babylon 5 recurring big questions:
The Vorlon question: Who are you?
The Shadow question: What do you want?
The Centauri/Narn question: Where did you come from?
The Minbari question: Why are you here?
The Human question: Where are you going?
I’ll take Babylon 5 love wherever I can find it.
How are you doing? I read your comment about the fall in Big Bear. I hope that didn’t reinjure your back.
Nah, everything is fine except for my Meg Ryan level lip job, lol!
And thank you for asking.
I’m glad you are mending.
Die in a ditch CBS. I’m getting the Raider game instead of the Patriot game. Just because they are in California and I’m in California doesn’t mean I’m interested. I don’t know how these broadcast decisions are made but I am not happy.
Try Fubo subscription on Roku. I get a ton of “blacked out” games there. Also Aussie Rules football, fusbol, other cuckoo sports; plus live news etc.
I think they are bouncing off some international server, but it works for me.
Thanks for the suggestion HS.
Cleveland just blocked a field goal. 17-7 Patriots.
Check out each Wed afternoon. It shows the NFL coverage map for the entire country. The sizes of the broadcast areas demonstrate game interest.
So…. I was jogging to the gym this morning. Normally I swim for my non-weight exercise.
My calf seized up. I limped to the gym, did my workout (upper), and then stretched it out for about 10 minutes.
Everything seemed fine, so I started jogging home. About a block from my house, both calves seized up. I’m soaking them in the hottest water that will come out of my tap, and it’s helping a little bit.
This is SOOOO disappointing. This is the end of the second month for me consistently working out. I was extremely careful to start slowly, allow my joints time to adjust, and warm up properly. And then I get hurt by jogging?!?!?
Potassium, potassium, potassium. My worst leg cramps are at night. I’ve cracked a tooth grinding from leg cramp pain.
I’ve had the cramps so bad tears came to my eyes. Maybe partly the lack of potassium but I’ve noticed that when my hands cramp badly a 1/2 bottle of water is like medicine, 5 minutes and the cramps disappear. Even if you’re not dehydrated it seems a glass of water at bedtime is not a bad thing.
It’s the combo of hydration and electrolytes. Hyponatrema (low sodium) used to be virtually unknown, and then people including athletes started going on this insane low sodium kick which is fine if you are fairly sedentary, etc. But then sports medicine and emergency medicine started to see a spike of people passing out because of low sodium even though they were perfectly hydrated. The body needs electrolytes to move the water through the cells.
The Brits issues salt tablets to their troops in India. They knew what they were doing.
And hydrating can make it worse. I saw a guy get medevaced out of the field after collapsing from what turned out to be over hydration/low sodium. His squad leader and team leader were pushing him to drink during the FTX but weren’t making sure he was eating as well.
Or calcium. Or magnesium.
Any of the 3 can be replaced with misery and pain if you’re deficient.
Also, vit. D is probably worth looking at, especially in conjunction with calcium.
If you’re past 50, and especially in a northern climate, getting a vitamin D test with your next bloodwork is wise if you’re not already getting that periodically.
Our doctor has pretty much all of her patients on Vitamin B and D supplements. I take 4,000 units of vitamin D a day.
What’s the best source? Green peppers? Electrolyte drink? “Salt” substitute?
I’m good on magnesium and calcium. I take slo-mag and eat calcium gummies every morning.
I never got hurt (seriously) until I turned 40.
Hold the stretches for at least 2 minutes each. Make sure your electrolytes are cool.
I turned 40 2 months ago, and it seems that the wheels are coming off the wagon. (not really though, my gains are much faster than when I was 16. I’ve just never been hurt in a slow jog before)
That’s really weird. It kind of sounds like a charleyhorse, but those usually occur in sleep. Does it feel like it’s just a pain in the muscle, or is it actually in a joint? I’ve gotten really bad charleyhorses in my calves before – so bad they make me groan in pain – but they are usually better after a day or two.
I get severe charley horses commonly. . . .
The worst I ever had was when my leg seized for over a minute, I was crawling on the floor to get my phone and call 911 when it finally released.
I also had one in the pool earlier this year and if it wasn’t the shallow end I could easily see drowning as a possibility.
And that is why I don’t go swimming alone!!
My “muscle cramps” (i.e. epileptic seizures) can break my own bones so….
I’d swim with you.
Just sayin’.
That’s a nightmare rescuer scenario, hon.
I was fairly impressed to learn of my own muscle strength. Unfortunately it came in the form of “coming to” in the ER after my workplace seizure after having a 2nd one in the ER itself.
They had to inject me with i have no idea what to make it stop after 5 full minutes.
The doc said “You doing ok? You just had another one.”
I was very dignifiedly strapped into the gurney/ER bed, and I said “yeah, I’m good. But my back hurts. Like, it REALLY hurts.”
Still took a few repetitions if the “my lower back hurts” before they took an X-ray the next day and said, “That’s because you broke two vertebrae.”
Okay, I’ll stop whining about the numbness in my leg now. Geez.
Yep. Both legs at once and no relief for 5-10 minutes, can’t walk. I get them driving, so bad had to park in the first driveway and try to get out of the car. Dangerous then it happens in traffic.
No, it is in the long muscles in the back (posterior) of my calves. I can get some relieve by massaging them and when I do that I feel the muscle contracting on its own. It really reels like a subcutaneous rope knot.
Dead center of the muscle. They’re still a little sore to the touch.
Tough break. I’ve had good luck with walking uphill on treadmills- low impact, burns lots of calories, you can do it every day.
4 or so years ago during my weight loss odyssey, I hurt my foot, so I took a 5 day break from the treadmill to let it heal.
My 2 cents- do not jog again unless you can do it with very little or no pain/stiffness afterwards. You might also want to have your running form checked at a sports clinic.
If uphill treadmill walking gets to be too easy, put on a weight vest.
Walking is the best form of exercise in terms of injury risk.
“Uphill treadmill.” Or what I do when I pull a steep, rocky, rooty hill and have to stand tall in the saddle even in lowest gear. It’s stamina versus terrain, and the terrain often wins at my age. But still buns o’ steel!
I did 3 mph, with 15% grade, 5 hours a day for about 3 months. I worked up to that over the previous 3 months.
With this song stuck in my head:
I laugh in the face of pain and have no fear of hell.
Derpy, you are the son I always wanted.
With this comment, you join the ranks of immortals such as:
wchipperdove on September 18, 2017 at 8:08 am
OK, that’s TWO lines I’m stealing from you, the first being ‘I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out something more coherent.’
Maybe you should be doing MORE facepalming and headdesking….
OK. I’m limping myself over to the grocery store.
I’ll check my phone when I get there to see what you guys recommend for potassium.
Maybe I should slug down a pedialyte.
Getting more potassium is easy, as long as you like orange juice and/or bananas.
And of course there’s always a plain ol’ Google search:
Dole Pineapple Orange Banana lives in my fridge, with mandatory backup.
Also, coconut water. Yes, it tastes like crap but you get used to it and it gets the job done. Pineapple-flavored least icky.
Dole Pineapple Orange Banana + tequila and soda.
Try this:
1.5 -2 oz fresh lime juice
1/4 – 1/2 tsp pink Himalayan salt
Magnesium powder/pill
1/4 tsp lite salt (potassium)
Where’s the booze?
I just chugged a bottle of pedialyte.
I was always told to ice any injuries/part that needs to heal.
The key to losing weight is not eating.
I’ve found that when the body thinks it’s starving, if you can push through the initial pain and misery of hunger, it will start releasing endorphins and you get mild euphoria.
Or just eat a little tiny bit (preferably something with fat and protein). It takes some time after eating for the hunger signal to subside.
When I was scrambling to lose weight after my road trip, my food was a vitamin/protein shake and a bowl of chili. I walked about 15 miles a day for a month.
Like that trembling and shortness of breath and inability to walk farther than 10 feet before collapsing and all that euphoria?
90% of maximum for 5 reps
Cut weight in half and do at least 15 reps
Select your muscle groups and do this for two cycles.
IE: Chest (dumbbell presses), back (unassisted then assisted pull ups), arms (unassisted then assisted dips, curls), shoulders, legs, etc. etc.
Assuming you don’t take much rest during the lifting, you’re going to get your heart rate up by default, but if you must to cardio, do inclined walking (like Derpy said), elliptical or swimming. Running is begging for a hip/knee replacement at age 60.
Here’s your workout,
A bit of setup,
God, how do you phone Glibs do this? I feel like I’m typing by trying to get a monkey to hit the right keys using a megaphone.
My goals are first, to build strength, and second, to lose fat. I don’t care how much I weigh as long as I reach and maintain some particular strength goals, and I’d like to get down to around twelve percent body fat.
As for what I do, I need to be able to exercise at home with a minimum of space and limited time. Kettlebell and bodyweight exercises are my wheelhouse for those reasons. I’m a big fan of Pavel Tsatsouline and I’ve been doing a lot of his programs with success. He’s big on strength as a skill, meaning never training to failure, and a common feature of the various programs he designs are lots of sets of high weight, low rep lifts, along with a lot of variability programmed in. He’s also a proponent of something he refers to as “greasing the groove”, or practicing exercises or portions of exercises thoroughout the day. So, for instance, if you’re focusing on pull ups you might do one every fifteen or thirty minutes over three hours, or every time you walk past a chin up bar.
And here I figured all the plans with this group would involve twelve steps.
Looks like a Bandersnatch. I’d say you are an alien.