We need good JV tonight!
Nice planning, NHL. You take the day when MNF has a pair of scrubs on and there’s no World Series game and you schedule…two games? The Canucks and Sabres won those contests, in case you were interested. Oh, and that MNF game was won by the Steelers. Because the Dolphins are just horrible.
Anyway, the aforementioned fall classic is back tonight. Fingers crossed there’s no game 7. Nobody wants a game 7.

That’s quality special effects.
Motivational speaker and author Joseph Goebbels was born on this day (hat tip to WaPo for the descriptor). As were painter Bob Ross, actor from Jaws, which was a great film regardless of what OMWC says, Richard Dreyfuss, Canadian hockey legend Denis Potvin, The Cure’s Roger O’Donnell, wonderful actress but terrible shoplifter Winona Ryder, and voice actor Dan Castellanata.
Well, here we go. Hope you’re ready for…the links!
This story is FAB-U-LOOOOOOOUS!!!!!! ::jazz hands:: I’m happy the idiots above him were exposed. I’m not happy the taxpayers will suffer.
We’ll all be crying for Argentina in a few years when the failed policies lead to Venezuela-like conditions.

Yes, please!
-milllennial shitheads
Millennials: the stupidest fucking generation ever. That’s really all I can say.
NSA official listening in on call between Trump-Ukraine raised concerns. Wait, why is a spy agency listening in on calls between heads of state again?

Get that bitch out of that school!
Seriously, this is why I’m about to homeschool. Its not our ISD, but its the one next to us and ours will probably get some bright ideas from this shit.
I’m sure there are a few of you that expected this song.
That’s it, friends. Have a great day.
We’ll all be crying for Argentina in a few years when the failed policies lead to Venezuela-like conditions. – I will be quite indifferent. Maybe the wine will be cheaper.
You live in Europe. Why would the price of second-rate wine have any effect on you?
I occasionally partake of South American wines for variety.
Too many good wines in America. Great wines. The best!
Chilean Carmenere > Argentinian Malbec.
I have a Chilean Syra in my wine cooler
For Venezuela I was hoping some young Venezuelan women would refugee around Romania, but alas it did not happen. There are richer Spanish speaking countries in Europe. aka Spain.
Dude….latin women….Xnay on the atinlay omenway. That is unless you enjoy sleeping with one eye open.
I have a coworker finding this out the hard way.
Having grown up around Mexican-American women, but encountered Japanese women while stationed in Japan when I was 19, well, let’s say it was an easy choice.
“There are richer Spanish speaking countries in Europe. aka Spain.”
It’s Spain really richer than Romania?
I think Spain is pretty poor, all things consitered. I could be wrong as I’m going by gut instinct, and have done no research.
Romania is pretty poorer, all things considered
Looking at the numbers, it appears Romania still hasn’t recovered from the Soviet era and lags behind Spain’s current levels of economic activity.
Compared to the US, Spain is poor. Compared to all of History, Spain is rich beyond all dreams of avarice.
Argentina’s electorate voted overwhelmingly on Sunday to ditch the economic liberalization and austerity of conservative Macri, which has left the commodities-rich nation teetering on the brink of a $100 billion debt restructuring, and turned instead towards the Peronist left.
I honestly doubt it was Macri who left the country on the brink. There was not a period in the last 25 years when it was not. I say fuck it go full Venezuela.
Go long on Helicopter makers. Argentinians swing more than Katie Hill.
Argentina tries not spending themselves into a massive hole for a few years out of fifty then claims it doesn’t work at all. Resumes spending and defaulting.
Yet there are still assholes who will buy their bonds.
I predict default next year.
Yet there are still assholes who will buy their bonds.
This is what amazes me. I’d think it would be almost a guaranteed loss. I guess the interest rates must be high enough that people are willing to gamble that they’ll be one of the few who gets paid before it goes up in smoke.
Pension funds are obligated to put a certain portion of their investments in bonds. But bonds are yielding horrible interest rates right now and the funds can’t square their necessary forecasted returns (usually 7% and up) with that.
So they take risky bonds like Argentina’s in order to try to make the numbers work even though it will probably blow up in their faces.
The bond market is ready to implode in any case. It’s been on a tear for thirty years, it’s way beyond due for a bubble pop.
“which has left the commodities-rich nation teetering on the brink of a $100 billion debt restructuring,”
I’m surprised anyone is willing to loan the Argentines money.
Pension funds looking for a bond that has an actual interest rate.
The big players also seem to be burying them in their ETF’s.
It’s not as if they weren’t warned. The 100-year Argentinian bond, wrote Gillian Tett in the Financial Times, “may end up being the government bond market equivalent of the Pets.com IPO during the 2001 tech boom — the sign of a bubble peak.”
That sentiment was echoed by Matthew Lynn in MarketWatch. “In reality, someone is going to get badly burned by these issues,” he wrote. “And it won’t take a century for it to happen.” In fact, it took less than 100 weeks.
The beauty of the free market is not that everyone makes the best decision. It is that the people get burned for making bad decisions.
Peon was a fucking loser, what they need is a Pinochet.
We had a guy from Argentina at my school. He would often call people “Weezers” or “Marns.” Nobody knew what he meant for the first few months and then we figured it out. Wizards or morons.
If you’d had a theef and a waryar you’d be ready to fight the dragon.
Marns are most important if you’re gonna fight a dragon.
We’ll all be crying for Argentina in a few years when the failed policies lead to Venezuela-like conditions. – I will be quite indifferent
Right? I’m certainly not crying for those retards.
The British Royal Navy might want to ramp up their carrier building program…
Millennials: the stupidest fucking generation ever. That’s really all I can say. – meh. I don’t know what each generation was doing and thinking as yutes, but looking at history I doubt it.
I mean there is that generation that has maintained power for pretty much the last three decades and done everything to screw three country up. And it wasn’t the millennials
Luckily, they’ll start expiring soon.
*Worlds oldest Gen X*
This is highly geographically dependent as well. Millennials might be the dumbest generation of Americans (then again they might not – FDR was elected to 4 terms in office for taking a typical cyclical recession and turning it into a lost decade). There was a whole generations of Russians who supported the October revolution.
The millennial are stupider because they’re ignoring history and/or want to repeat it.
The history that their so smart gen x teachers don’t teach because they are true believers?
To be fair, nearly all of my teachers were boomers.
They are not ignoring it, no one has taught them.
The watched the Berlin Wall fall in their childhood.
To be honest, when your age was in the single digits, the fall of the Berlin wall doesn’t have the same significance as it does to someone who was an adult at the time.
The Berlin wall fell a few weeks before my 3rd birthday. It had exactly zero impact on my life. The big events that stick in my mind are the OKC bombing, Columbine and 9/11.
I was months old when the Berlin wall fell, and I’m considered an “older millennial”. My first geopolitical memory is watching the night vision of desert storm. The first political thing I remember having any level of understanding of was Clinton’s impeachment. I was in middle school during 9/11.
We are the first post-commie generation.
Can confirm what Pat and trshmnstr are saying. My only childhood knowledge of the Berlin Wall was that my Dad had a piece of it in his office (because he was stationed in Germany when it fell so went and got a piece). If not for that, I wouldn’t have had any knowledge of it or its significance until I was much older.
I was seven when it came down. There was no significance at the time. I was more confused that Reagan was no longer president. (I had no concept of terms in office at the time)
Yeah i was born after the fall of the USSR, am a Middle “Millennial”. The first political thing i remember was Dole loosing to Clinton (cause 1st Graders needed to know about the election for some reason.) Me and my friend who i convinced to vote for Dole in the class election were the only ones to do so. Apparently his parents were staunch Democrats, because my mom laughed when i told her about it and said his parents would be petrified. Anyway the biggest political event in my lifetime would be 9/11, and then the recession.
My first geopolitical memory was McRib coming back.
I was a new 2LT in the Army, all prepared to protect Freedom™ from the Red Horde™.
Big impact. The year between that and Desert Shield was scary because of the uncertainty of a crumbling Superpower.
Ah, the Fulda Gap Band.
Slightly younger than you, but remember the wall coming down on tv. Not much later, all of my senior NCOs had been in either Korea or Germany in the 80’s and were kind of blasé that their mission was to be a speed bump until everyone else could arrive.
Jesus Jones Weeps.
Yeah, I’m an “old” GenX, and I don’t remember GenX (or the Boomers) being that clueful, either. I didn’t start reading history in earnest until my early 20s (late 1970s), and it was only then that I realized just how badly my public education had mis-served me and everyone else like me.
Forty years later, nothing’s changed. If I’d had kids, there’s no fucking way I would’ve let them be indoctrinated and stupefied by the public school system — the spousal unit and I had precisely that discussion when we first got married. Of course, life had different plans for us. It always does.
I don’t remember GenX (or the Boomers) being that clueful
Every generation has those who study these things and those who don’t, of course. I was attracted to history and books/articles/shows that covered those things, especially military history. Most of my peers pronounced that a “drag, man” and went other ways. And people who don’t know anything are in the majority and get to decide what’s cool (someone mentioned Dunning-Krueger recently), so bringing these things up just elicited eye-rolls.
So, yeah, not clueful: the eye-rollers’ kids are still humping in Afghanistan. Who knew that Asian adventures almost never work out! (answer: eight year old me).
They are not ignoring it, no one has taught them.
Its because we made buying books more difficult than buying guns.
I can’t pass a bookground check.
They’re stupid because they listened to their teachers and bought it all hook, line and sinker. When I was a kid it was “question authority” all day.
Now you only should rebel against the bad authority, the good authority is there to protect you from the bad authority. We’ll tell you who the bad authority is, don’t worry.
I think the idea that millennials just took to communism in a vacuum is dumb. The popularity of communism is because it had been supported by gen X and boomers throughout the education industry. Boomers have held to all the reigns of power, but let’s say this stupidity is all on millennials. Is collectivist and lazy.
Millennials: the stupidest fucking generation ever
Like sin, there’s usually enough stupid to go around. Again: 45% of Americans believe in ghosts.
A couple of things are going on here.
a/ Millennials are kinder. They played for fun and didn’t much keep score. I was raised that coffee was for closers, but Millennials are just better at team sports. It’s true that their killers are a bit under the radar and under-appreciated because that’s out of style. But the fierce and quick prejudices of previous generations that I came up hearing constantly (That so and so is a lazy looking fuck) just doesn’t exist much with them, and that’s great.
b/ Social media means that idiots and children get more attention earlier, and this has outsized Millennial impact and brought it on earlier. We could blame them for an infantile quality in our society, but I can point to any number of Boomers who have led that parade.
c/ Perception depends on who you know. Of course, my son is a Millennial: he and his friends are badasses. His friends are West Point alumni, MIT PhD in nuclear physics, hard enough troopers. Not everyone knows 200 Eagle Scouts well and dearly and follows them on Facebook, but I do, and they’re great guys: you’d be lucky to lock and load and jump out of a plane with these guys. They’re not typical, but neither are the commies.
I get the joke; no problems with that. But know there’s a lot of greatness coming.
a/ Millennials are kinder.
The point I failed to add is that they are more open to socialist ideas because of this. They’re not as competitive and don’t appreciate competition as much as they should. Many generations, though, avoid hard decisions now and opt for less or worse later because they just can’t accept obvious, eternal consequences (eg: national debt).
They’re not as competitive and don’t appreciate competition as much as they should.
See also: Volunteers football
Master Escaped Tennessee?
That dude is the second best running back in the Big Ten this year. Next year, he’ll run for 1500 yards. He’s an absolute beast.
very well played
My son is Gen Z, but he grew up in the Millennial culture. I agree with many of your points. The kids of the past twenty or so years are just…good kids. They respect authority, they’re more interested in health, more empathetic to others.
There’s part of me that finds it boring and depressing, but to be honest, those notions are conductive to life in the modern era. Culture is a response to environment. The hard men and women of the “greatest generation” were a reflection of the experience of the depression, and rise of state sponsored evil. The boomers, too, were a response to living a life of plenty. They acted as caretakers of what the previous generation built. My generation, Gen X, we don’t care because we never had to care.
I suspect, however, that Gen Z is going to be a great generation….and that’s depressing. Our institutions can not be sustained. The bread and circuses will run out, and the message of peace and love the millennials live by will be tragically cut short by reality. My son will have to learn how to become tougher. I wish it wasn’t the case.
I suspect, however, that Gen Z is going to be a great generation….and that’s depressing.
I suspect it will be the one after them. I share the feeling that a crash is coming (how could it not, the way things have been teed up?), but unless it gets hastened by some out-and-out socialists (a real possibility) I don’t think it is going to hit all that soon.
The yutes were always stupid.
I think what’s changed is the media fawns over them more and more. In my day nobody gave a shit what they thought, as is proper. Now we’re expected to ooh and aahh over the wisdom of children.
Headlines coming:
‘Were children right all along?’
‘What people kind has missed: The wisdom of children”
‘Children aren’t just our future; they’re our conscience and mirror into a better world.”
“Why children should sacrifice adults”
“Make children great again: McGa!”
“Adults can no longer ignore the children.”
“Children won’t accept being asked to leave the room: And they’re right.”
I remember those headlines stretching back to my late teens. During my lifetime, there’s always been a portion of the adult population (not to mention the legacy media) that’s fetishized children and “innocence”. Product of good times, I think.
There’s also a bunch of ‘emotional incest’ going on. The psychology and role stuff, not inherently sexual.
Parents putting children into their roles, inverting various emotional dependency stuff.
“Nobody wants a game 7”
Doesn’t everyone want a game 7? More games, more money.
At leas one side want a game 7
Yeah, sports bar owners do, Nationals fans do, the MLB and TV bigshots do.
Like I said: nobody.
THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU! THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU! THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU! – does it? does it really compel me? is that what is going on around here jay? Is the power of Christ compelling me? Is that what’s happening?
That is the greatest headline for that story that can be imagined, thank you Sloopy for that one.
I sometimes do that to my kid ( he doesn’t get it, but sometimes the older people around me do)
::nods in appreciation::
This was quite the twist on the normal situation. Usually it is the parent who is cross with the kid.
*narrows gaze*
A jury has awarded nearly $20 million to a police officer in Missouri who alleged that his department discriminated against him over his sexual orientation and said he was told to “tone down your gayness.”
Twenty. Million. Dollars. Dr. Evil has been going about things all wrong.
Nobody needs full flaming gayness
It didn’t work for Radar. Ahead of his time apparently.
Radar was normal, if childlike.
Klinger was trying for the discharge.
Right. It was the seventies. If you remember it, you weren’t trying hard enough. My bad.
And Hawkeye was the asshole. Just in case anybody had forgotten.
There was a lot in that show that would not pass in the me too era…
The erasure of Spearchucker Jones must not stand!
NYC settled the Eric Gardner lawsuit for $5.9 million. For, you know, taking a man’s life. I guess that’s small potatoes compared to being called a fag.
Did you just call me a fag?
Pay up.
Look, you can be a fag, just don’t talk like one. And your shit is all fucked up too.
The jury foreman literally said they wanted to “send a message”. When you’re playing with taxpayer dollars, who cares, right?
Damn. I need to up my gayness if I ever want to retire.
I’m not gonna lie I’ve worked with a person who need to tone down the gayness. It wasn’t the fabulous type. He had just come out and decided that he would only talk about that. To customers.
Oh I get it… I’m not persecuted, I’m just an asshole
Should have showed that to the jury… “I rest my case!”
I’ve worked with several of those people, I just saw them as new religious converts or people jumping into the new fad diet. The guy getting shielded by HR for watching gay porn in the call center… that’s a different story. Actual HR defense, “He may not have internet at home.”
That’s great.
He still violated policy by watching porn at work. Violating a clear written policy is the easiest way to lose your wrongful termination suit in pretrial motions.
There was some lawsuit up here that resulted in the courts saying that firemen were allowed to watch porn at work. The justification was along the lines that their shifts were so long that the firehouse doubled as their domicile or something.
This was in a call center (in a business sales position), they did offer the option of 4/10 shifts for those who wanted them. While there were showers at the office (and a couple of cots), I think the only person who slept there on a regular basis was the old owner of the company before he got bought out.
I’m cool with the amount. I think it should come out of the department’s retirement fund.
Well, they tried that with PG&E out here. The response hasn’t been very good.
$20 million for being asked to, “tone down the gayness”? Nah. Make the chief wear some buttless chaps and clean up after the pride parade.
Lost wages with a generous 10% interest, I’d be interested to see what that total would have been.
This. The guy deserves something, but anything north of $1M is ridiculous.
Are there butted chaps?
It’s a meme from TOS. Another common usage is “assless chaps.” Yes, chaps are pretty much assless by definition, otherwise they’d be trousers.
Can’t tell where the memes start and my memories begin.
Good one.
That dance party gonna be lit.
“During the fight, Martinez allegedly grabbed a crucifix from the wall and socked her mother in the head with it, according to the report.
The woman was rushed to a local hospital and treated for a skull fracture.”
She must have nailed her.
Did the hospital clean the wound with vinegar?
These puns are a real thorn in Swiss’s side.
Careful, He’ll stigmata-tize you.
I am sure he can be reasonable enough to break bread with us.
I’m just going to hang around to see the reactions.
See ya in a few days.
Break bread? Sounds fishy to me.
Sounds like she was cross.
[golf clap]
That clap sounds funny, kind of hole-y.
The power of Christ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I8IxLr_r-4
“Would you describe your level of pain as… excruciating?”
Something must have resurrected negative feelings.
The daughter wouldn’t stop hanging around.
Wuss. Evan survived much worse and even glibbed about it!
Speaking of, has there been an update?
He had an update after his surgery saying that he was recovering at home.
Ah, good. I missed it when first posted.
Oh, how many stars did he rate the hospital?
Yeah, he needed that like needed a hole in his…nevermind.
Christ! What an asshole.
Yep, I was waiting for Swiss to crucify people.
He gave us the point…
Right in the ribs.
I thought only Commie Pope could Excommunicate someone until a preper replacement is found.
prepers are rarely catholic
Well, they’re not going to find a proper replacement, so we tried to buy a vowel.
The Vatican hoards a shitload of stuff
Oh, that’s were they stashed John Gotti.
Is this avatar the same invisible finger as before the avatar issues?
Apparently my avatar is invisible
I was going to say I can see that but, well, I can’t.
Yeah, he’s thinking of the Mormons.
Being denied communion isn’t the same as excommunication. And there are several things that still carry a penalty of immediate excommunication (such as apostasy, or being friends with an apostate). These are not really enforced anymore.
These are not really enforced anymore.
Anyone who will tithe is welcome in most holy houses. Reminds me of the question of who can get married: the answer has gone from
heteros only now and foreverto please volunteer for this tax.Religious discussion, voluntary taxation? Don is DNT confirmed.
Well to be fair the church was being asked to provide services and a venue for people that hadn’t set foot in there on a Sunday in a decade.
And wouldn’t be back until Grandma insisted they baptize the kid several years down the road.
Being denied communion isn’t the same as excommunication.
This. Being denied communion is merely a call to repentance, not cutting someone off from the church, which given Catholic doctrine seems appropriate in this instance.
Mea Culpa.
I am not catholic and am unfamiliar with the degrees of chastizement available to the church.
I am not either, but their willingness to chastise is the one thing I think other denominations could benefit from emulating.
I’m not anymore, but was raised Catholic. No need for an apology UnCivilServant, that’s far from the worst thing I’ve heard about Catholics.
“Wait, why is a spy agency listening in on calls between heads of state again?”
The same reason we’re supposed to believe they don’t have Hillary’s emails?
From the article it appears he and others included some of Pence’s people were listening in the Situation Room, If the VEEPs people were there I don’t think this was some nefarious thing and that Trump
most likely knewshould have known about those people listening.Other nuggets from the report include that 22% of millennials believe “society would be better if all private property was abolished,” and that 45% of Generation Z members and millennials believe that “all higher education should be free.”
Free education- it will be worth the price.
And not a penny more.
But not personal property amiright?
And there is an arbitrary and ill-defined line between “property” and “stuff.” Private ownership of land and property are forbidden; private ownership of your iPhone totes okay. Everything in between is questionable.
This is, of course, another expression of the well-observed leftist resentment of anyone better off than themselves, particularly the class just above them. Millenials can’t afford houses so they resent people in modest suburbs.
These are people that think they are getting a discount when they get a new phone on a two-year mortgage.
My niece and her boyfriend are in one of the gentrifying neighborhoods in Cleveland (by choice, they were in a cheaper suburb but moved). They’re both working, and seem to be alright and happy where they are. I have the feeling they would hate living in my neighborhood (one of those modest suburbs), but they did like the bar we met up with on Sunday to watch the Browns lose. Reasonably priced beer and cheap wings bridge many gaps.
Private ownership of land and property are forbidden; private ownership of your iPhone totes okay.
Which makes no sense, as if you don’t own where you keep your stuff, how are you going to keep it? If everyone owns the closet where you hang your clothes, everyone can take them.
You could argue millennials have figured out the value of higher education and are just asking for it to be priced accordingly.
The fact that “free” education scores less than 50% among those cohorts is actually a ray of hope.
“The historical amnesia about the dangers of communism and socialism is on full display in this year’s report,” Smith said in a statement on Monday. “When we don’t educate our youngest generations about the historical truth of 100 million victims murdered at the hands of communist regimes over the past century, we shouldn’t be surprised at their willingness to embrace Marxist ideas.”
That, and teach entitlement.
“100 million victims murdered at the hands of communist regimes over the past century”
You do realize that’s only one million per year, right?
why is a spy agency listening in on calls between heads of state again?
Because Orange Man Bad.
I assumed they’ve been listening to Trump’s phone since late 2015.
And they still can’t actually produce any evidence of wrong doing.
Or, it’s their job and everyone knew they were listening.
Yeah, I always got the tone that this was one of the Intel officers who always listens to the calls.
Yeah, Trump would be tweeting about it to the rafters otherwise, I think.
In Romanian patetic has a somewhat different meaning of the English pathetic due to basically the difference between patos – it can mean emphatic, fired up, passionate – and pathos – a quality that evokes pity or sadness. But people started using the word in its English connotation as pitiful. I blame Americanese cinema.
I can see you’re quite patetic about this issue.
I blame Americanese cinema.
So it has nothing to do with superhero movies.
-some old, Italian-American filmmaker
“Under that legislation, only police, members of the military or those authorized by school boards would have been allowed to carry guns onto school property.”
Posse commitatus be damned, we’ll make sure the military can come to schools armed.
“have been allowed to carry guns onto school property.”
And the guy who wants to murder a lot of unarmed people. Just them.
Don’t worry, they’ll ticket him afterwards.
Tennessee preempts local gun laws for some years now.
It’s a major hobby of mine contacting various authorities in the major cities and having offending signage removed. I’ve got the code on speed-dial and can CTRL-V that shit on a bureaucrat so hard it’ll make his head spin. At first, responses were slow; after a case or two and the AG’s interpretation, it’s gone better.
But be sure: there were many people who were happy to leave incorrect signage up . . . who fought to oppress gun rights.
Excellent. I don’t live in TN, but I certainly appreciate your efforts.
Whoa, that’s awesome. So what happens when they leave the signs up? I assume you’re contacting city attorneys, not the school principals?
I don’t think that’ll work, but the school apparently got a lawyer already to fight off the lawsuits.
the School Board unanimously approved a policy prohibiting anyone other than law enforcement and school resource officers from bringing guns on campus during school hours and during school-sponsored activities. The district already had rules against students and staff carrying firearms.
Which will do absolute dick in preventing anyone intent on causing harm to others from carrying a gun on school grounds.
The superintendent (I think) was interviewed this morning.
He said parents can still have guns while walking their kids to school, and still allowed to have them on the grounds, juys not come inside.
The best part was when he compared it to alcohol. “we don’t let people in who have open containers!”
Well, they wouldn’t want anyone to get bombed 😉
Which will do absolute dick in preventing anyone intent on causing harm to others from carrying a gun on school grounds.
Yeah, I’m fine with gun-free zones if and only if they’re willing to put in the work to actually make it so. Unless you have a secured area where the only points of entrance are guarded and have weapons checks, you are not serious. A rule on a piece of paper isn’t going to protect anyone. A little sticker on the door isn’t going to protect anyone. And if you are not serious about defending the people in your care, you need to allow them to defend themselves.
“School board member Karen Yasenka said the policy protects students and staff without infringing on anyone’s rights.”
Up is down, black is white. Truth is treason in the empire of lies.
Are we just going to pretend that the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 isn’t a thing now?
There’s something different about your Avatar, Sloopy.
Did you trim your beard?
I think it’s the eyebrows
It’s the Charlie Hebhairdo.
Now this conversation just looks crazy.
He has a jaunty feather in his cap.
Huh. It seems to have reverted to my old one. Shit, I don’t know where my regular one went.
Found it, check the media library.
De nada.
Next time, the Gulags will be run by cool and trendy people, in a cool and trendy way.
They will be called the Coolags.
Alexander Vindman, an Army lieutenant colonel who served in Iraq and, later, as a diplomat, is prepared to tell House investigators that he listened to President Donald Trump’s July 25 call with new Ukraine President Volodymr Zelenskiy and reported his concerns to the NSC’s lead counsel.
“I was concerned by the call,” Vindman will say, according to prepared testimony obtained Monday night by The Associated Press. “I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen, and I was worried about the implications for the U.S. government’s support of Ukraine.”
What a noxious lie. American law enforcement agencies do it all the time. How can somebody say something like that and not just burst into flames on the spot?
The power of Christ is busy compelling elsewhere. Please call again when we may have a Christ ready to compel on your behalf.
“Olivia Wilde irritated by airline’s editing of lesbian scene in her feature film directorial debut Booksmart: ‘This is truly a bummer'”
Even thought the MPAA is retarded, I’m thinking airlines shouldn’t pick R-rated movies in the first place.
I’ve lost count of how many different cuts exist of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.
Yippee ki-yay Mr. Falcon!
Funky Pete!
Or when you find a stranger in the Alps!
+1 asshole aka Ashcroft
Thousands of 50-pence coins minted to commemorate Brexit on Oct. 31 will be melted down after Prime Minister Boris Johnson accepted an extension from the European Union, two people familiar with the matter said.
I wonder if one of the ones doing this can somehow keep a few to sell as rare collectors items…
Of course a few will fail to make it in the crucible and find their way onto the market.
“When asked about his support for President Donald Trump, West explained that he doesn’t believe it is smart for black Americans to bloc vote for Democrats, claiming: ‘You are quite easily controlled if they know everybody gonna be blue [Democrat]. If you go to a white [person] bar, you gonna hear people talking Independent, you gonna hear people talking Democrat, you gonna hear people talking Republican’.
In the 2016 Presidential Election, 88 percent of black Americans voted Democrat, while only 8 percent of that same demographic voted Republican.
West went on to take a swipe at Democratic lawmakers, saying: ‘We’re [black Americans] brainwashed out here, bro. Come on, man. This is a free man talking.
‘Democrats had us voting for Democrats with food stamps for years. What are you talking about guns in the 80s, taking the fathers out the home, Plan B, lowering our votes, making us abort children.'”
Conservatives are so dumb. I mean the media really scours the field looking for a smart one, but only can find Kanye West.
I get the impression that the media isn’t looking for conservative voices, and only reports what Kanye says because he has pre-existing celebrity.
They really do work on the negative perception of a conservative. Just look up here and the hit jobs on Scheer and Bernier. It was utterly disheartening. ‘Politics of fear’. GTFOH with that shit.
But people eat it up – mostly in Ontario and Atlantic Canada. Mum, mum, mum.
Apparently, even saying Trudeau is ‘incompetent’ is considered ‘disgusting’ ad campaigning now.
I find West to be particularly astute on the subject matter, if not fearless about the truth.
I hate-watched Goliath to the end. What a stupid ridiculous story, filled with stupid ridiculous characters. I just about threw a shoe when he made his dumb fucking appeal to emotion speech about the “1%” in the closed hearing.
Those people who hit the jackpot? They’ll be broker, and worse off than they were, in 18 months.
Are you talking about season 3? I’ve only seen the first season, and it was pretty decent. I heard season 2 kinda sucked, so I haven’t watched any more yet.
My wife and I enjoyed season one and looked forward to season two. But we could only get thru a couple episodes of season two before we gave up. I’m leary of season three.
Repost for morning glibs:
Most of you by now have heard me talk about Lilah and her battle with Epidermolysis Bullosa. There is now a book based on her available for preorder.
I also wrote and recorded a children’s song based on the book. Her mother and I are trying to find a way to make the song free with a pre-order. If we can’t find a way to do that, I’ll just make sure anyone who orders the book has a way to get it anyways.
It’s EB awareness week, so the timing is perfect . . . .please get a copy today if you have young kids or know someone who does.
OMWC . . .you can use it to lure girls to the van!
I missed Lilah’s story but good luck!
As far as the song goes, I think Bandcamp will let you issue a free redemption code in their checkout system if you publish on there. You could give everybody who buys the book a code.
One of Earth’s fastest ageing societies, Japan’s grapple with a bigger population of elderly drivers might teach the rest of the world lessons about safety and inclusion.
Meh, traffic will go slower.
So they’re just drifting a bit. Isn’t that popular over there?
“We’re out of champagne-colored Camrys!”
Dear retard, shoshinsha are required for the first year after getting a license, regardless of age.
South America and Millennials. A match made in heaven.
exchange program?
Hmmmm… If they would pick a country like Chile empty it and just allow libertarians to move in, how many would move?More than the free state project?
Are you Pinochet?
Also I would move to Val Paraiso
I know libertarians have a fetish for Chile because of its relative stability and prosperity, but the flock shouldn’t be fooled. Socialism – the ghost of Allende – lurks not too far below the surface. It never dies because it’s a virus. You can’t kill a virus.
A dear, close friend of ours is Chilean and she insists the country’s default and prevailing attitude is ‘socialist’.
They simply see the ideology as benign collectivism and if it leads to its inevitable outcome, people just say, ‘meh, buh capatalismmm!’
We’re fucked on so many levels in the West. We have some Bizarro combo of Lord of the Flies, Animal Farm, 1984 and Brave New World going.
Mostly because we’re bored and pampered.
That is why I said empty it. Get all existing population out and only allow libertarians to move in.
That would be a nasty paradox. How are you going to sort that out? And what if they change their minds after they’re in? I could see how it could be done, but I can’t see how it’d be done (realistically) and not violate the NAP.
Hmm it was totes realistic in my mind… I mean that would be the challenge get lets say 1 million libertarians in Chile and see if it keeps libertarian. Experiment if you will. Maybe it will go back to statist.
Got no strategy myself. May as well go with yours.
And that combo of works will lead to….a world like in Demolition Man!
Go back and watch it again some time, Pay attention to Associate Bob. Each time power shifts, the bureaucrat is still there, in the same role, still at the ear of whoever is in charge. The odds are he’s the one running things.
Oh he wasn’t lost on me.
That movie doesn’t inspire ‘joy joy feelings’ because it’s probably closer to our future than we think.
I’ll end up under ground with Edgar Friendly probably.
Notice, also, the reviews. More negative than not. Which only solidifies my suspicion it’s not only a classic but prescient in some way.
I get the sense that’s what they’re rioting for right now.
The replay is straightforward now: Fiscal Conservative and classical liberal values along with free market principles lead to prosperity. When wealth is achieved, the socialists and other left-wing cretins enter the foray and begin to raid and dismantle those successes like termites eating away at wood. Then the former group comes backs in, fixes things and resets the course back.
Rinse and repeat.
I suspect the millennial ignorant support for a murderous system is rooted in bitter experiences with colleges. The college debt problem has reached absurd levels. Want to put a stop to this shit? It will happen in a day if we get rid of the federal guarantees on student loans. The whole fucking corrupt nonsense will come crashing down and the diversity departments and other such marxist horseshit will evaporate instantly.
I still say US conservatives have some blame calling everything socialism. Many do think Denmark is socialist, and more prosperous than it is
Denmark isn’t socialist. There are no truly socialist countries in Europe.
Except that the US is so far down the socialist/fascist path with a good chunk of political world also in the same boat, that they’re right.
Except that the marxist instructors are essentially campaigning in every classroom for more federal guarantees of student loans. The instructors want that taxpayer loot and have the students parroting their ideas.
My brother-in-law teaches (music) part time at a university. One of the scams colleges pull is offering a kid a scholarship – and burying the fact that it is only for one year. All they need is 5% of the suckers to pay up for the other 3 years (the source of the funds doesn’t matter to the school) and they make bank because the tuition is so high. Drug dealers are more ethical.
That’s going to be difficult to pass. Politically, it would be like trying to repeal the VAWA (which has only made things worse for women). Its opponents would just paint it as being against education. Why do you hate the children?
If college kids are considered children….we’re in worst shape than we thought.
Mind you, judging by what I read and see from Campusreform….it may be the case. Some of those lads don’t belong in college. ‘Like, um, yeh. I’m not super informed but I still think, like, free speech, you know, should be, um, less free because it hurts, I don’t know, feelings.”
If college kids are considered children
I take your point and don’t disagree, but, FWIW, there’s nothing new or odd about that. Until the 26A and even some time after that, you had to be 21 to sign a contract or even get married in some places (my mother at 18 had to have her parent’s permission).
There has always been a split between people who were capable and contributing at 15 on one hand and those that were still useless and dependent at 21 on the other.
“Why do you hate the children?”
Because I have a cold, black heart that is hard as flint?
Unfortunately, a lack of funding won’t end those. They’ve established their empire and they’d be damned if it’s going away. See the divisivity and exclusion in corporate HR.
If funding actually shrunk, they do the Washington Monument strategy of impacting the most visible and usual parts of a university.
Shame they already burned down the useful parts of the university.
teach the rest of the world lessons about safety and inclusion.
Fuck off.
Nazi Court Sides with Nazi Children in vendetta against the free press
Judge William O. Bertelsman of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky, a Jimmy Carter appointee, partially reversed his previous ruling in which he dismissed Sandmann’s $275 million lawsuit. The reversal will permit the Covington student’s lawsuit to proceed, reported LifeSiteNews.
Odds on WaPo going full Oberlin and fighting past the point of sane settlement?
What changed?
He looked at the amended complaint and said “uh oh, Imma get reversed…”
What was amended?
This is the new ruling, I haven’t seen the amended complaint. But the judge says that they added new information about Philips’ reputation, and that the kid could in fact be identified (the judge earlier said that he couldn’t be specifically identified).
‘Defend China’s honour’: Beijing releases new morality guidelines for citizens
Carl Minzner, China scholar and professor of law at Fordham Law School in New York, said: “The general goal of these guidelines is to define ‘good’ behaviour, and that includes everything from the ethical lessons you might want your children to internalise, from reading Peppa Pig stories to more political concepts of civic virtue – such as how citizens should think of their relationship with respect to their leaders.”
What honor?
China’s Obesity Rate Triples in 10 Years
They should start with Chinfit
We’re gonna need a bigger suicide net around the factory.
Nah, the ones too heavy for the current net won’t be able to climb the stairs to the roof.
Keep the guns away from Carl.
Is it NBA approved?
The China-NBA spat is so stressful it’s causing hair to fall out of Lebron’s head!
CNN Uncovers Evidence Hero Dog Sniffed Dozens Of Butts Back In College
Obviously the dog was an Islamophobe.
Because he growled at a Persian cat?
Which social media genius decided to film Bernie Sanders –the presidential candidate people accuse of being a socialist — in front of empty grocery shelves
In the comments:
The last time I saw empty shelves at a store, I was at a going out of business sale for a mismanaged company. Just along the same black were a dozen or more properly stocked and better run places that took their business.
We had empty shelves after the earthquake. As long as the shortages aren’t too bad, it’s nice living in an ethnostate.
Then people picked the product off the floor and put it back?
Try shopping at a mid-Atlantic grocery store right before 2-4″ of snow.
It’s not my fault a light dusting causes people down that way to lose their minds.
Heh. I moved from MI to NC for a job in 89. The store shelves were stripped bare, and school preemptively cancelled for a forecast of “up to an inch” for the following afternoon. (No snow fell.)
Target – when they bungled their expansion into Canada.
It looked like shopping in Soviet Russia c. 1985.
Millennials woulda loved it.
I see it on occasion, usually in one section of the grocery store. It always seems to be either the bagged salads or the frozen vegetables that are light. Thankfully, there’s another grocery store within five minutes that is properly stocked.
“see? Even leader Sanders doesn’t have stocked shelves with food!”
“the presidential candidate people accuse of being a socialist ”
I mean even that Rat Bastard Sen Sanders calls Bernie a socialist.
Check the defensive argument out:
“Corporate greed”, not “Detroit is a shithole”.
What the fuckity fuck is he talking about? Goddamned fuckin’ tankies really are insane. I am guessing the closest grocery to that location has plenty of food and a diligent search of the area would not turn up a single starving individual.
There’s probably some starving kids.
But I would guess that it is not because of a lack of resources to draw on. It would be because the parents are lazy assholes that can’t be bothered to take care of their own children.
An acquaintance that teaches at an inner city school just sent a kid home with a heavy blanket because they were too cold at night and couldn’t sleep. There is no way that any parent who wanted a blanket for their child couldn’t ask any number of charities for one and get it for free. Simply put, the child didn’t have a blanket because the guardian didn’t care enough to get one for them.
It pains me to know this guy shares his name with The Anvil.
Nobody needs more than one type of pasta, from the looks of it.
See? This is precisely out in the open why lefties are unprincipled and excel at sophistry.
They can’t be honest; not even with themselves.
Sorry. My bad. He’s a ‘DEMOCRATIC socialist’. Carry on.
Dishonest, deceptive AND cowardly.
Got it.
That photo just needed some bread lines.
Carl Minzner, China scholar and professor of law at Fordham Law School in New York, said: “The general goal of these guidelines is to define ‘good’ behaviour, and that includes everything from the ethical lessons you might want your children to internalise, from reading Peppa Pig stories to more political concepts of civic virtue – such as how citizens should think of their relationship with respect to their leaders.”
Bring back Lao Tzu.
Someone has escaped the plantation.
Chappelle informed the audience “I did not write a speech.” During his impromptu remarks, he defended freedom of speech when talking about comedians he knows who are “very racist.”
“(I) don’t get mad at ’em, don’t hate on ’em,” he said. “Man, it’s not that serious. The First Amendment is first for a reason. Second Amendment is just in case the First one doesn’t work out.”
Kanye West releasing a Jesus album, Chappelle praising the 2nd Amendment…the world’s done gone crazy but in a good way.
I’m glad a smart guy like Chappelle gets it.
Welcome to the dark side my friend.
Yeah, but he’s one of those Islams….
You know what he wants those guns for.
The First Amendment is first for a reason. Second Amendment is just in case the First one doesn’t work out.
I’ll bet he didn’t get a standing ovation for that. He deserves one, though.
I’d like to offer sincere thanks to everyone who offered support yesterday. It was both welcome and helpful.
You’re a quality bunch of folks.
Lol. ‘Quality’. ‘Thanks’ was enough.
Shirley didn’t say what value of quality.
Actually, I’d rate it as ‘very high’. I got more sympathy and good input here than on the breed-specific page on Faceslap. Not that they were pikers, but I really wasn’t expecting the quantity and quality of response here. Y’all are good people.
Shh, you’ll ruin our reputation.
My reaction:
That’s a Donald Sutherland REEEEEEEEEEEEE! face right there.
I missed out on whatever I was supposed to offer condolences on, so I’ll belatedly offer them now.
My condolences.
This is why I’m so popular.
It’s OK, I’ll make it up on the final.
I was paying respects!
I’m sorry I missed out. My empty gestures of support are often greeted with thanks.
Conservatives Successfully Conserve Massive Deficits
“These progressives want to destroy our country by getting rid of all of our traditions,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. “That’s why you need to vote for us conservatives—we make sure that our traditions are conserved, such as spending trillions of dollars we don’t have and expanding the size of the federal government every year.”
“American customs and traditions like an ever-expanding federal government must be protected,” said House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. “The progressives go a little too fast for our liking. When you vote for a Republican, you can be assured that we will hold the deficit steady at around $1 trillion per year.”
Not really satire.
I read that yesterday and thought “more evidence that one of them is here”, but that’s probably just wishful thinking.
A channel I’ve come to appreciate. ‘Friends of Science’ on the Green lobby:
It really is a scam. And a hoax as Limbaugh has always maintained.
‘A sucker is born every minute…’ No truer words have ever been spoken.
Tony Heller is pretty good at de-constructing warmist narratives
Especially the fraud Michael Mann.
West / Chappelle 2024
Now we just need Norm MacDonald to somehow make right that apology he made.
And tell the Democrat twats on The View to go to hell once and for all.
Tard Tuesday: As Clear A Case of Projection You’ll Ever Encounter
They’re exhausting. The projection…..it burns. The goggles do no work.
How can you possibly debate such people?
I’ve been told the debate is not about convincing the other party, but about swaying the audience.
Just don’t sound like a batshit loon, and you’ve got a leg-up.
Its a real thing, but it says at least as much about the researchers as it does about the subject. Most of the time, the experiment takes the form of “We believe X, we say we believe X because of Y, we found someone who believes Z, we showed them Y, they still believe in Z and think I’m out to get them.”
It is based on the assumption that the researcher is a pure-minded, disinterested, rational truth-seeker, and that their subject is irrational. Its outside of the realm of possibility that either the researcher is just as tribal in their beliefs as their subject, or that their subject just has different base preferences than they do. Therefore, they call it “backfire effect” and drown out the nagging voice telling them to think harder by turning up the soft cooing from their local listener-supported NPR affiliate.
I’m correct, and therefore the most rational.
Was this tween upon application of the scientific method by US prosecutors covered around here?
“”no, it’s okay, this is not the only form of pseudoscience in our toolkit””
That’s scientifically proven to be just as accurate as a polygraph.
:laughs: :cries: :gets into fetal position:
As a prosecutor, she thinks every autist is a liar.
Knowing how many cognitively delayed people have been railroaded by cops and prosecutors, I shudder to think how many neuro-atypical folks have as well.
But the will be totes fine navigating speech codes that are build around a framework of implicit and unspoken social assumptions, so at least they / we got that going for them / us.
Also, don’t worry, the Judge will increase their sentences because they failed to show proper remorse at sentencing…
What about “Back and to the left?”
The Unpersoning of Ken Fisher
Remember that gas station that converted to an electric recharge station?
Doley also revamped the station’s former convenience store and turned it into a charging lounge, with black leather easy chairs and Wi-Fi. He says he doesn’t want to sell food in the lounge. That’s in part to encourage drivers to wander around the neighborhood while their car charges, which takes around 15 to 30 minutes.
He’s a terrible business man.
Well…. bye….
Why on Earth would I want to “wander around the neighborhood” while waiting for my wee ‘Lectric Shave car to charge? Sell me some snacks and maybe a magazine, ya schmuck!
I mean…. If charging takes off maybe he can make up for it on the price of recharging?? I think changing it to a lounge makes sense. A’int nobody want to hang around a dirty gas station convenience store for 30 min. Making it nice would do a lot. But i’d think keeping a restaurant would be good.
He doesn’t want to sell food because that would be another 12 months of regulatory bullshit he’d have to work through.
I sure wish I could make improvements to my business with tax dollars.
It’s subsidies all the way down with this crap. Nice racket.
Essentially, the backfire effect means that showing people evidence which proves that they are wrong is often ineffective, and can actually end up backfiring, by causing them to support their original stance more strongly than they previously did.
And, of course, by evidence they mean assertion, possibly buttressed by an appeal to authority.
Katie Hill retweeting media bias:
“Trump is accused of rape and becomes more popular
Hill is accused of an improper consensual relationship with an adult and leaves government ASAP
Trumpists are right: white men have it so bad
It’s like you get accused of rape and have to endure *one or two awkward news cycles*”
Christ, what an asshole.
“Accused” and “Proven” are totes the same thing.
You see the serverity of the accusation is what is important, not the actual credibility.
Unless the accusation is not believable. Then you have to talk about how credible it is for the mere fact that someone made it. I mean, nobody would lie about that shit…
It’s a good analogy because we have that photographic evidence of Trump sitting with his cock out stroking the hair of his mistress.
Its the same tactic they use when people complain about Franken being run out. First of all, the only people who “Force” someone out is their party. I’m pretty sure the opposition is fine with having a delinquent in office because it gives someone to point at. The Democrats forced her out because they could see how hard it would be to maintain the seat after the election.
If you don’t want pics of you naked with a bong hitting the news, then don’t pose for them. If you don’t want people to know that you’re into wifeswapping, then don’t post your naked ass to wifeswapping sites with a goat in the background.
Would any of that have actually hurt her re election campaign in California?
Her district is right outside the San Fernando Valley, so probably not. It might even help.
Probably not, if you ignore the work relationship part of it.
In all honesty, except for the “fingerbanging my employee” part of it, it’s up to the voters to decide what they want to do.
Yes. Her district is 50/50.
I heard Cernovich was thinking about tossing his hat in the ring. That would be fun and possible if it’s 50/50.
“To everyone being like, “well Katie Hill shouldn’t have taken nude photos!!!!”: you are the reason more women don’t run for office. You are the reason women don’t report the kind of abuse Hill’s ex has inflicted on her.”
So Hill is fucking around on her husband beyond the terms of their understanding, getting hammered at Congressional events, and generally violating every regulation on workplace relationships in DC, yet it’s all about her sex type.
Got it.
Here’s a thought*: If women as an entire sex have so little self-control or common sense that they can’t avoid sleeping with employees and posting naked pictures of themselves on the Internet, maybe they shouldn’t run for office. Also, it seems like there’s a plethora of evidence Hill is guilty at least of professional misconduct, but we’re kinda light on the evidence of abuse. Oh, and which ex are we talking about?
*How’s that for a homophone? Also, bonus points for phrasing, I should say.
I think of man, and I take away reason and accountability.
“I spent my whole life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless. But not men.”
I want to know why she really resigned. Nudie pics, bong hits, and sexual adventurism don’t seem like things that would unseat a California Democrat. Is there something much bigger that the DNC is trying to keep under wraps?
Jinx. You owe me a bong hit.
Come to NYC, good sir. I just packed a bowl of this delicious strain called Cotton Candy Kush to facilitate a quick nap before it’s time for doing chores.
Travelling to smaller cities always gives me a smile. 😉 *Shit I like saying to NYers.
When I first moved up here, I was shocked that The City That Never Sleeps seems to roll up the streets pretty damn early and the people are surprisingly provincial.
“surprisingly provincial”
Sleeping with a subordinate is a no-no no matter what, for the most part. If it was the stock girl at the local Albertson’s, who gives a shit.
He’s a terrible business man.
No kidding. That place will end up as a tattoo parlor. Or a sex toy shop.
Good morning, Sloop!
That whole K9 article was amazing.
Uh huh. Explosives, huh? And if during these proactive, explosives sweeps you come across some weed, what then? SWAT response?
Thanks for the song. An excellent choice and perfect to rinse away the bitterness of the lynx.
In the local news: a government worker in Romania tried to contact Molière for some copyright issues and asked a secretary for his email.
Look at that, my old avatar came back. ALL HAIL THE HYPNOTOAD
*hails Hypnotoad*
The SpaceX Starship is a very big deal
I wish they’d just go back to Jefferson Airplane tbh.
I’m waiting on the results of the Alan Parsons Project myself.
Possibly of interest for gunglibs:
I picked this up on sale for $40 from Versacarry. The guy who runs the IDPA club said that my Fobus holster had too much cant, which is NOT in the rules, but hey, it’s his club so…
Finding a left-handed Beretta holster available for shipment is surprisingly difficult. And I’ll fight anyone who says that the model 92 isn’t the sexiest gun ever made.
As long as the fight does not involve weapons. I mean, the Model 92 is ugly, even for an autoloader.
You know, just when is seems that your reputation for atrocious taste isn’t true…
My tastes are impeccable. It’s all y’all who have warped sensibilities.
The rule is perfect: in all matters of opinion our adversaries are insane
Are you fucking seri— *looks up and see’s its UCS*
Jesus Christ dude, you know that a holster is supposed to cover the trigger guard, right?
If your RSO has a problem with a holder’s cant, he’s going to have a problem with a hole in the trigger guard large enough to cram a Vienna Sausage into.
Oh, it will, it’s still breaking in. If you look, you can see a large amount of un-stretched leather in front of the trigger guard.
Oh hey in case anybody from yesterday’s morning links was wondering, my watch was delivered. I still feel a little guilty for pissing away money on something I didn’t need, but I’ve abandoned the idea of reselling it. It’s too purdy.
Don’t feel guilty. Pissing away money is what separates us from the Animals.
We all need to splurge on an unnecessary orphan or two once in a while.
I sometimes used to have buyer’s remorse over my Monaco, thinking “No one can tell it from a watch I could’ve picked up at Target for eighty bucks.” But the compliments from horophiles and track day drivers has proven that to be false. Bottom line: I wanted it, I could afford it, so I got it.
Next up is a gold case Daytona. And an Egard, because I still remember.
When it comes to chronographs there are 2 types: the one that went to the moon and all the rest.
(tongue firmly in cheek, de gustibus non est disputandum and all that)
Being chosen for a government contract means one of two things – lowest bidder, or you lined the right pockets.
sometimes you get to write the spec because the bureaucrat is too dumb or lazy to do it
What’s the spec got to do with awarding the contract?
Fun fact, we once ended up kicking a vendor to the curb because they kept trying to re-write the statement of work so that we did all the work but still paid them. We’re doing all the work, but we’re not paying them.
Kind of an interesting story, actually. NASA solicited watches from 10 different manufacturers. Only 4 responded. Hamilton sent a pocketwatch when NASA had specifically asked for a wristwatch. So it came down to Rolex, Longines and Omega. The Speedmaster had actually already been to space on the wrist of Walter Schirra during the Gemini and Mercury missions — he procured that model himself and it went up by happy accident. By the time NASA was in procurement for Apollo they had a lengthy spec sheet for temperature, pressure, shock, acoustic noise and several other factors. The Speedmaster was the only model of the 3 tested that passed qualification, and the rest as they say is history.
1. You can’t get it with actual moon worn movement anymore.
2. It’s not autowind which can be a plus or a minus. (I have something like 20+ manual wind watches)
Signed, Watchnerd.
Hell, I don’t think the actual reference actually survived into the ’70s, let alone today. The 50th Anniversary model sure is pretty though.
As a watch movement nerd the thing I find interesting was the group of companies that developed the auto-winding compact chronograph movement.
Vintage Eye for the Modern Guy: TAG Heuer Monaco Calibre 11
Very interesting bit of history. I’m not a big fan of chronographs so I never heard the origin story of the auto.
auto-winding compact chronograph movement
Someone mentioned Ward the other day. I’m pretty sure my son’s calibre SH21 is COSC and under $1000.
I’ve been out of the watch hobby for a while. Very interesting.
A Closer Look At The Christopher Ward Calibre SH21
Swatch Group really tightened down on movements and parts and seriously squeezed small watch brands. My understanding is they have near monopoly on the metals used in hairsprings and shock springs.
Rolex is the large exception here – they make both of these in house, but have generally never sold them to other makers.
The used ones I’ve seen are as much as new, not that I’m on the wait list for the later either.
Why gold? I think tech/sport watches look better in SS.
Tard Tuesday: The Russia-Trump Stuff That Never Happened? Yeah… We’re Just Going To Pretend It Did
One of my favorite developments in this simulation is that the Left now loves the CIA.
Life is a beautiful adventure.
The grand programmer in the sky is trying really hard to keep it fresh for you.
formerDirector of National Intelligence James Clapper, who perjured himself in front of congress
And Russian leader Vladimir Putin is laughing his ass off watching the ants run around in circles for years on end.
It’s true because we say it’s true. Don’t ask us for proof.
It doesn’t even matter if he did it at this point. He’s got to be pleased that the Dems think he did it.
A stunning view: Sebastian Steudtner, a German pro surfer, rode a wave over 115 feet tall at Nazare, Portugal
Hope he had his brown wetsuit on.
I’m a hick from the landlocked sticks. If i saw a wave like that, I’m pretty sure I’d be screaming ‘Run for the Hills!!!!’
He cheated death.
If you’re going to cheat, cheat Death.
Meh. Florida man would’ve done it with a blunt in both hands.
There you go. Updated avatar. Now you all know how edgy I am. //Sarc
It is edgy, I’ll give you that. All I see are edges.
All I see is a bright window in the background randering the foreground a dark splotch.
You should see a ophthalmologist for that.
And now he’s gone and cleaned it up so we can see the watch he’s showing off.
Bitch set us up! /Marion
i didn’t clean anything up
Nice watch.
Really? I need better glasses.
Thank you. It is pretty nice,
Can’t make it out from the pic, what’s the make/model?
…don’t pay retail.
Very nice. From the avatar I was thinking IWC.
My aforementioned acquisition upthread was one of these. Lightly used. About 40% off sticker.
Nice. The most useful of compilations.
Utterly useless for me as I don’t travel. I’ve just had a hard on for the Rolex GMT Master since high school, and there’s no way I’m ever going to drop 10-20k on a vintage one (the new ceramic bezel is repugnant). This scratches the itch.
How much is globs paying you for the links?
Nice watch. I have a similar style.
Clean. Crisp. Classic.
There are quite a few silent watch nerds here.
Better that most don’t know even the street prices of these pieces of man jewelry!
It’s Great Value Johnny Cash!
It is five degrees below zero, in Men-on-the-moon degrees. No wonder it’s cold in here.
23 here. I guess I won’t whine.
It was a sweltering 53 on my commute in to work. I guess it’ll be in the 60s by this afternoon.
Funny, similar temps here, totally opposite reaction. The mornings are starting to get cold, and it fills me with dread.
It is 15 above 0 in not-freezing-my-ass-off degrees
Goddamnit this was a reply to Brooks
Consent rhetoric is letting abusive men off the hook.
In a consent model, all a man needs to do is get a yes and they’re untouchable, ignoring the fact that women have been conditioned all our lives to prioritise men’s desires.
Consent is not enough.
That’s a philosophy PhD.
She never could get past Plato’s Cave.
“Some ideas are so stupid only intellectuals agree with them.”
It’s not right that men can get away with rape just because the woman consented!
Close the consent loophole!
/Andrea Dworkin
Dworkin holds the all time prize of most unattractive female, inside and out.
OK, now I’m definitely not clicking that
So we’re going back to rape? Geez, I can’t keep up.
Then what’s this whole ladies first, hold the door open, women and children first, don’t use coarse language in front of ladies bit we’ve been doing for the past hundred or so years?
And if you’re prioritizing my desires how come I’m always the one taking out the trash? That’s just for starters, by the way.
O.F.F.S. ***SIGH!***
Welcome back.
Thanks. Damn day job – getting into busy season w/ budgets, evaluations, pay raises, etc. Getting in the way of my Glibbing.
I’m trying to get everything squared away for vacation… and of course that’s when the most roadblocks pile on.
I was such a chump to accept personal responsibility for encounters I later (mildly) regretted.
Consent is not enough.
That’s okay — most of us have long been conditioned to move to full-on bribery.
Consent is not enough.
Twenty bucks is all I’m going to pay you.
LaMelo Could Be the Best Ball—and the Most Fascinating Draft Prospect in Years
Maybe. It’s hard to tell at the age unless they are of Lebron’s or Kobe’s caliber. The team to watch this year is going to be the Mavericks. They start gelling and they could go deep.
Joe Biden Claims He Started Out At A Historically Black College. He Didn’t
Look, he identifies as having attended an HBCU.
Bullshitter extraordinaire. He’ll say pretty much anything to ingratiate himself with an audience.
You can pander better.
Bring a bottle of hot sauce or GTFO.
Maybe Trudeau was enrolled at the time.
Harris keeps bragging about that too. You know, daughter of an Indian and Jamaican professors who spent her formative years in the richest town in Canada. ?
Holy fuck!!!!!!
But no profitz.
That seems a tad excessive
That ain’t possible. Even Europe tops at 25%
If you’re a Democrat who supports “Medicare for All,” pick your poison. You can ruin your political career and immolate your party by imposing a ruinous new sales tax, a gargantuan income tax hike or a surtax on corporate income that would wreck thousands of businesses.
This is the cost of bold plans.
But i can promise you, Costs for the Rich will go up, and prices for the poor will go down. Because you know the government is really good at soaking the rich. It wasn’t the poor Russians that were able to escape the USSR in the early years.
sloopy – OT, but hopefully your boys can break the “away team” jinx in the next couple games. Jeebus knows DC deserves nothing, ever, so I’m an Astro fan for the next week or so. Fortunately, they look up to the task.
Uffda. Do you like supporting domestic abusers?
I’m torn, because I couldn’t care less about baseball and the sooner it’s over the sooner the local sports people can stop talking about it. On the other hand, the more DC teams who aren’t the Redskins that win national championships, the worse Dan Snyder looks, perhaps hastening the day when he sells the team.
$3 trillion in new spending
It’s good to see such a high tax projected to the extent that the cost is finally pounded into someone’s head. Of course, none of us are interested in turning any of this over to the government.
That said, healthcare is already a sixth of the economy, so, one way or another, ~16% ~$4T over everything that someone is paying every year already. We might concede that 20% are underinsured or uninsured, so round that up to 20% in their ideal world.
The full accounting is, of course, that most of us already pay for this stuff by the value we deliver to our employers, so we’re all getting big raises when that monkey’s off the boss’s back, right!? Right??
The other bogey would be updating Medicare to pay as you go; balancing that baby would be another fine slap in the face to all of the “free medical” folk.
It’s nice of Yahoo to be writing Donald’s campaign ads for him. Finally something useful from those hacks.
Holy fricken shith!
I have a feeling this time Canada will have an unforeseen illegal immigration problem.
This will be a huge boon for border cities in Mexico. Right now, there’s a whole lot of Mexicans who come to the US to shop; about the only thing Americans go to Mexico to buy are pharmaceuticals. Put a 42% sales tax on things bought in America, and people will buy them in lower tax jurisdictions.
A 42% national sales tax
Fuck. Off.
Only a shitlord would cast a movie with an 8-1 male/female ratio.
I’m sure that the Patriarchy has covered up the role all those brave fierce women played at Midway.
“Men die in battle. Actresses 75 years later hardest hit.”
Well we do know that women are the most effected by war, so it really doesn’t make sense to exclude them from the movie.
Now I’m tempted to go see that steaming pile of Emmerich crap just to spite them.
The Previews looked pretty good, but i’ll wait. I want more Tora Tora Tora, less Pearl Harbor
True fact: I saw Independence Day over 10 times in theaters. I was 9. Big explosions!
I only watch about 1 movie a year, but Midway is the one I’m looking forward to now.
And if you’re a history buff, go check out the Youtube channel of a young (Mexican?) guy called Montemayor. He does a pretty good job on military history videos. His Midway part 1 has been out for a few months and I’m checking back every few days for part 2.
I’m more excited about 1917.
Top Gun.
Eh, in 30 years they’ll do an all-female remake.
First they have to rewrite history so people will be ready.
All those famous female pilots who never got a chance because patriarchy!
Fun fact: My brother was born on Midway Island. Our father was Navy. My mom reminisces about the roaches there being so big she’d wake up to them click-clacking across the kitchen floor.
Land of the monopolist
What the middle class may not fully understand, however, is that much of its stagnation is due to the money monopolists and oligopolists can squeeze out of consumers. Telecoms and airlines are some of the worst offenders, but barriers to entry also drive up the prices of legal, financial, and professional services. Anticompetitive behavior among hospitals and pharmaceutical companies is a significant contributor to the exorbitant cost of healthcare in the United States.
In my research on monopolization in the American economy, I estimate that the basket of goods and services consumed by a typical household in 2018 costs 5 to 10 percent more than it would have had competition remained as healthy as it was in 2000. Competitive prices would directly save at least $300 per month per household, translating to a nationwide annual household savings of around $600 billion.
And this figure captures only half of the benefits that increased competition would bring. Competition boosts production, employment, and wages. When firms face competition in the marketplace, they also invest more, which drives up productivity and further increases wages. Indeed, my research indicates that private investment—broadly defined to include plants and equipment, as well as software, research and development, and intellectual property—has been surprisingly weak in recent years, despite low interest rates and record profits and stock prices. Monopoly profits do not translate into increased investment. Instead, just as economic theory predicts, they flow into dividends and share buybacks.
Taking into account these indirect effects, I estimate that the gross domestic product of the United States would increase by almost $1 trillion and labor income by about $1.25 trillion if we could return to the levels of competition that prevailed circa 2000. Profits, on the other hand, would decrease by about $250 billion. Crucially, these figures combine large efficiency gains shared by all citizens with significant redistribution towards wage earners. The median household would earn a lot more in labor income and a bit less in dividends.
If America wants to lead once more in this realm, it must remember its own history and relearn the lessons it successfully taught the rest of the world. While legal scholars and elected officials alike have shown more interest in antitrust in the United States of late, much of that attention has been focused exclusively on the major internet platforms. To promote greater economic prosperity, a resurgence of antitrust would need to tackle both new and old monopolies—the Googles and Facebooks, and the pharmaceutical and telecom companies alike.
I am viscerally suspicious of these types of numerical claims, but I don’t think he’s wrong in general. I definitely believe much of the incentive for consolidation has been driven by economies of scale in regulatory compliance.
The devil, as always, lurks in the details. Letting Elizabeth Warren decide how Facebook and Google (or General Electric) should be broken up and made “better” is unlikely to benefit anybody outside the beltway.
. Anticompetitive behavior among hospitals and pharmaceutical companies is a significant contributor to the exorbitant cost of healthcare in the United States. – now do regulations
You can always tell an industry that is anti-competitive because their margins are in the . . . low to mid single digits?
land-line based telecom isn’t listed, but cell telecom is.
Yep. It’s no coincidence that the most regulated industries are also the least competitive.
He tosses out Google and Facebook at the end, but those guys could be gone in a blink.
yup. It’s the regulatory compliance bureaucracies that are driving the appearance, and effect, of monopolization.
Guessing which bureaucracies will grow under the policies of any of the candidates running.
I thought Britain had biased, Left-wing media – until I spent time in Canada
Rufus you must defend the honor of the Canadian press
Fuck them. Let them rot. They’re an insufferable bunch of left-wing sympathizers.
They all gang up on Sun Media and Rebel Media.
I loathe them for a) taking Justin’s $500 bribe money and b) for turning the other way while RM gets sued by Trudeau and is constantly harassed by Notley (former NDP leader).
And they’re behaviour during the election was nothing short of breath taking in its lying.
The CBC first among them. It’s insane it a) took the conservative party to court DURING THE ELECTION and b) continues to employ outright liberal shills like Rosemary Barton.
‘Biding Canadians coast to coast’ my ass.
Defund it.
The Globe & Mail. One of Canada’s biggest and most respected papers ran a headline saying ‘Canadian rejected your ‘politics of fear’ Bernier.’
Which was disingenuous journalism at its best.
I voted Bernier and never felt more comfortable with a vote in my life.
Another study finds that when public figures offer apologies for comments that provoked a public outcry, the apology either does not help, or increases (some) people’s desire to punish
I was such a chump to accept personal responsibility for encounters I later (mildly) regretted.
I think we all can confess to a “learning experience” or two, if we’re being honest with ourselves.
Yeah, but I’m a chick. I should’ve found a way to cash in instead of shrugging & moving on.
Oh hell yeah.
Or thirty, as long as we’re being honest. Let’s just say I’ve taken the “quantity is its own quality” approach to dating in the past. Even the “any port in a storm” strategy on occasion.
Sorry for not being around a lot lately. Surely you guys have covered this story?
Grow some balls Robby. Change a tire or something.
Your new liberaltarian power couple!
Sulkowicz is an evil bitch who was willing to ruin the life of guy to satisfy her political aspirations. That Robby can’t see past her personable demeanor enough to risk her dissatisfaction says a lot about him.
Spoiler Alert: Mattress Girl is also friends with another Reason writer who offered to correct the record in Reason if she wanted him to.
What a saint! To not want any vengeance on the people who called her out for lying about some poor guy.
Now do Ron Paul…
she wanted to ask a real-life libertarian
Noobs. *SMDH*
::drops to knees, thanks To Whom It May Concern & TPTB for creation of Glibs dot com & her escape from TOS.::
We will pass your thanks along to Zardoz.
To be sure, false rape accusations are distasteful, but isn’t the real problem the pussy grabbing president?
IOW, he raped her.
Having found the art world humorless, narrow-minded, and grotesquely competitive, Sulkowicz says she stopped making art about a year ago.
Her art was totes different.
There’s a tell.
Maybe she, Cindy Shaheen, David Hogg and Greta Thunberg can create an art installation where they sail around the ocean in a yacht made of mattresses while conducting mock burials of soldiers killed in Iraq in coffins made out of assault weapons?
The name of the ship could be the USS Kicked to the Curb.
Useful Idiots and whatnot. That Soviet Agent was clear that the Useful Idiots were the true believers who only helped get the evil people in power, but their ideals would be a hindrance for said power. Though… I don’t think David Hogg actually fits in with that. He clearly seems to be about getting his name out their, and i don’t think he much cares about Gun Control. He would be pimping Gun Rights if he thought it was what would get him attention.
I saw some of her art on Pornhub and it was amateurish at best.
You all are a bunch of judgmental assholes.
Read the Parable of the Prodigal Reverse-Centaur.
I’m not.
Boy did this chick get mileage out of basically being a sex fiend. Good on her.
She even bagged Robby.
Power couple. Yeh whatever. /rolls eyes.
“The First Amendment is first for a reason. Second Amendment is just in case the First one doesn’t work out.” – Dave Chappell
“”If it is a right to be able to rise up or stand up against your government, I don’t accept that, that’s not my reading of the constitution.” – Beta O’Rourke
Is that a paraphrase quote, or did Beto really say that? I know it’s been 240 years but I would think the right to rebellion would be as ingrained in American Society, as the Monarchy is in England.
He did say something like that IIRC.
Any elected official who says that ought to be tarred and feathered.
That is a quote
The thing is, Chappelle is an intelligent person and Beto is legitimately straight up retarded.
“This story is FAB-U-LOOOOOOOUS!!!!!!”
No one needs to walk with arms akimbo.
JesusSiddhartha fuckingChristGautama! Y’all didn’t learn the last time?Maybe they just like rape?
That is….something else. We are in one weird timeline.
That is interesting. having been personally exposed to both cultures and languages over a long period of time I really get what’s going on. People deal with other people on a one-to-one basis and it’s easy to drop the history out of that. I’ve had numerous conversations with the total flip side of what is shown in this video – Chinese living in Japan.
Still, I can’t see giving up a first world living standard and going to live in China. Unless you are running your own business with some believable path towards making enough bank to go back to Japan wealthy it just leaves you an ex-pat with a low standard of living.
I think this sucks.
No I don’t have a problem with the suit, if what he alledges happened actually did he was absolutely discriminated against and absolutely should have the right to sue,
No I don’t have a problem with him winning the suit, I am assuming in the absence of any evidence to the contrary that the jury decided fairly based on the evidence so I presume that he had a strong case to back up his allegations.
No I don’t even have a problem with the Police District having to pony up $20 milion. Yeah it would be better of that $20 mil could come out of the pockets of the shitweasles whose heads are still stuck in 1956 but this will hurt the organization and to a lesser extent the taxpayers and maybe it will remind some of them to go vote in the next local election so they get some better people in there
My problem is this guy does not deserve $20 million dollars,
Yes he was discriminated against, and yes that absolutely harmed him and he should be compensated for that harm, maybe even some multiple of the amount he was harmed but this guy was not going to earn $2 million dollars total in his entire working career forget $20 million. A ridiculously generous assessment of the actual harm he suffered might come up with a figure in the $200k range. Sure a $200k damages award doesn’t work as any kind of deterrent against future discrimination, even giving him $600k + legal fees wouldn’t really be much of a deterrent, you’d still be looking at well under a million dollar payout the problem is making the penalty large enough to be painful to the organization and then giving the entire penalty to the plaintiff is basically turning your entire tort system into a form of lottery actively encouraging unscrupulous lawyers to find similarly unscrupulous plaintiffs and just fire off as many suits as possible and all it takes is 1 win and neither the attorney nor their client will ever have to work again.
What should have happened here is there should have been some defined formula to calculate the harms caused to the officer discriminated against and then if he won he would have been awarded from 1 to 5x that dollar amount + his legal fees which would have been capped at half of whatever he was awarded but the Jury would not be informed of what that dollar amount was they would simply have decided on a multiple which is based on the level of responsibility the organization bore for the harm and how “guilty” they were of trying to avoid the law and then a dollar amount of the penalty. The organization would have to pay out the larger of the two between damages times multiplier plus legal fees and the penalty amount. Any penalty over what was awarded to the plaintiff would go to a charity fund which is divided up equally among some list of charities defined by the government in whatever way.
This ensures that plaintiffs in a suit and their legal representation are compensated for their costs and maybe a little extra and that organizations are properly punished for bad behavior but no one has an incentive to pursue a tort as a form of lottery ticket because how much they are going to get is going to be limited to damages plus a little extra.
So lets say in this case the damages calculation came up with a figure of $90,000 mostly representing lost wages over the course of his career. The retaliation would convince the jury to select a multiple of 4 and a penalty of $20 million. The officer would receive a payout of $360,000, the Lawyer would get up to $180,000 if they could show legitimate billing up to that amount but lets say they do bill $140,000 to make it a nice round half million. The police district would still have to pay the $20 million penalty with $19.5 million of that going into the states charity fund where yeah I am certain there would be corruption and cronyism getting illegitimate charities on the role of the ones that get a cut but at least they are not screwing up the incentives of the Tort system.
Twenty million does seem a tad high.
Well, in addition to the amount being excessive there’s the problem of it being ultimately born by taxpayers. I appreciate the intent to make the damages punitive, but it fails to serve that purpose if the people who allegedly did the discriminating aren’t bearing the cost of the punishment.
Did they elect the Sheriff?
It gets sent to the SorosJusticeForSome Fund. Said fund hires lawyer for “work” Or plaintiff, and uses them as a consultant, motivational speaker, etc…
if what he alledges happened actually did he was absolutely discriminated against and absolutely should have the right to sue,
Not under the federal Civil Rights Act, which deems “sex” to be a protected class, but not “sexual preference” or “gender”:
It even gives a (somewhat) helpful definition of “because of sex”:
I think its wrong to discriminate against people because they are gay, but I cannot place my finger upon that (legitimate*) provision of federal law that makes it illegal.
*Naturally, federal agencies have deemed discrimination based on sexual preference and gender identity to be illegal, but those pronouncements are ultra vires and thus void ab initio.
There is a kind of toxic debt embedded in much of the infrastructure that American built during the 20th century. For decades, corporate executives, as well as city, county, state, and federal officials, not to mention voters, have decided against doing the routine maintenance and deeper upgrades to ensure that electrical systems, roads, bridges, dams, and other infrastructure can function properly under a range of conditions. Kicking the can down the road like this is often seen as the profit-maximizing or politically expedient option. But it’s really borrowing against the future, without putting that debt on the books.
In software development, engineers have long noted that taking the easy way out of coding problems builds up what they call “technical debt,” as the tech journalist Quinn Norton has written.
Almost everywhere you look in the built environment, there are toxic technical debt bubbles growing and growing and growing. This is true of privately maintained systems like PG&E’s and publicly maintained systems like Chicago’s Department of Water Management. It’s extremely true of roads: Soon, perhaps 50 percent of Bay Area roads will be in some state of disrepair, not to mention the deeper work that must occur to secure the roadbeds, not just the asphalt on top.
Faced with this unfathomable reality, most people have tended to think of the problem as a failing of their local governments and utilities—even in places (like California) that have laws in place restricting property taxes and thereby preventing governments from reckoning with the technical debt. Or maybe they’ve thought of it as an imaginary kind of debt, like what the Federal government owes to creditors, or you owe to your ancestors.
Weirdly, life goes on. As the firestorm raged, it was a beautiful, clear weekend in Oakland. There were costume parties. People undoubtedly went as global warming, climate change, Gaia. Then, Sunday night into Monday morning, another (smaller) fire broke out, pouring smoke into the inner Bay Area. Out came the other kind of masks people had stored last year, maybe even next to the Halloween decorations. But, really, there’s no way to deal with climate change alone, no matter how many HEPA filters and P95 masks you buy.
Climate change is calling in the debt on America’s infrastructure. The blackouts are already costing Californians billions of dollars. The status quo has been revealed to be expensive, as it will be elsewhere. When the true costs are calculated, more radical solutions will start to seem practical, even obvious—which is good, because we need them.
Blah blah blah neglected infrastructure. I see nothing remotely resembling a solution. I guess we need to spend more money.
If you want your bridges maintained, stop pissing highway funds away on fucking dog parks and bike trails. We could start there, and see what happens.
He’s leading with the incorrect party.
Where corporations have failed to address long-term investment, there’s either of two situations. One, they’re in a competitive environment and they will fail, as is proper. Or two, they’re a granted monopoly that is controlled by the State and they will continue to rot and the politicians will use them as a rhetorical foil while they creep along, delivering substandard services.
You missed #3, they get bailed out because they are too big to fail
And of course #1.a the company goes bankrupt and is out of business a decade after the ones who made the bad long term decisions have retired or moved on from the company. In other words “the company” never really existed and never made any decisions individuals did and instead of making decisions for the long run benefit if the fictional entity they work for they make decisions for the benefit of themselves and the deferred costs of that action are borne by others so don’t pretend this is a not a problem. it is explicitly a problem because of the way in which our implementation of “Capitalism” has separated ownership from control and day to day management.
The Agent Principe problem is well known, And i don’t think it is insurmountable. I’m not saying current corporate governance is perfect, but many of the issues with it are due to government interference into corporate governance. Often the people running the companies are themselves the owners of these businesses. I really think the problem of CEO’s going after short-term gains at the cost of future viability is overstated. But i’m open to look at any data you have on hand.
Who is talking about CEO’s?
I’m talking about EVERYBODY in the company.
I once sat in a meeting with 8 other QA engineers. There was not a single person in that room who had anybody that worked for them. We were all individual contributors, albeit senior ones, no managers at all. Our job, to decide on what software automation package we were going to use. Now it is important to note, there was another division of the same company who had a robust set of automation code which could be pretty quickly be adapted to our needs using the cheaper of the two tools we were considering and they had way more licenses than they needed and were willing to share them with us for free. So total cost to the company to acquire the software would have been $0 and we would have gotten a significant leg up on getting the automation written by leveraging the existing libraries. Problem was the company who owned that software package had gone out of business a few years earlier and it’s future was in doubt and the other package was rapidly becoming the defacto industry standard that everyone in the room wanted to put on their resume for purely selfish reasons of making themselves more marketable.
Guess which package we settled on? The free one or the one that came with a half million in software license costs and double the time to get it up and running?
Ok you say so our managers had an incentive to force us to make the other choice right? Well no, the QA Manager had the same incentive we did, she didn’t control the budget and she wanted the hot new software on her resume too. How about the Director? Nope, he had very limited control over the budget and it cost him nothing personally to let everyone under him get what they wanted. What about the Vice President? Well he had almost no insight into what we were doing and had already requested money for a test automation project, the larger the budget he could request the better it was for him because it demonstrates how important his division was and sets him up to be able to request an even larger budget next year. What about the President? Yeah this entire effort was nothing more than a single bullet point on a status report to him, he might have stopped it if anyone made that status report say “we are choosing between 2 options, one costs half a million dollars and the other is free” but no one had that incentive so all he saw is “The test automation project is necessary for reasons 1, 2, 3 and requires a budget of $x
So we dropped a half million dollars on software licenses spent 6 months trying to make time to even get started on the automation and then the company laid the entire division off because they were in a contracting marketspace.
I can give dozens of stories like this of ridiculously bad and inefficient management up and down the corporate hierarchy where decisions are made for the short or long term benefit of some individual or individuals within that hierarchy and not for the benefit of the organization itself because no one in that hierarchy has any actual incentive/power to stop it and that is just what I have personally experienced. The issue I am raising is not about C-level executives managing the company for their own personal benefit, I am pointing out how little actual control over the day to day operations those C-level executives have over their companies because they are too large and complex to be managed by a handful of people and at every point in the hierarchy there are differences between the persons and the companies objectives/needs and the personal incentives will nearly always win out.
Lets take Boeing, they may well go from one of the largest and most profitable companies in the country to being out of business because of a decision made by someone to offshore critical software development to $9 per hour software engineers and I guarantee you that decision was made at least 2 levels removed from the C Suite, if anyone at that level was even informed of the decision at all it was a single bullet point in a single status report and never came up again. We don’t know who made that decision and we probably never will but that person will likely move on to their next job as if nothing whatsoever happened.
This was pretty much my experience with software development. Smaller shops are less susceptible, but it happens. Toxic small shops guarantee it, good small shops get bought/absorbed and wind up in big dysfunctional organizations.
Yeah, climate change didn’t create the problem of maintenance costs. Bureaucrats spending taxpayer money as if–Gasp!–it’s someone else’s money wasn’t caused by Donald Trump or climate change “deniers”.
If you want your bridges maintained, stop pissing highway funds away on fucking dog parks and bike trails. We could start there, and see what happens.
** BIG OLD SLD/ANCAP/Minarchist Disclaimer **
I was going to write a long thing, but you basically summed it up. The author is not wrong that ignoring infrastructure can be seen as a form of debt, like a company that is eating up it’s capital without replacing it. Eventually things are gonna need to be fixed. The Issue is that it is not really an argument for raising taxes. It’s an argument for government to focus on (SLD) what it is supposed to focus on. The perception of Government has become a big Charity / Rich Community Committee that can do whatever it wants. Money has been redirected from the “so-called” public goods, to provide free private goods (Education, entertainment, Health Care, etc.). Increasing Taxes only rewards the people who have been plundering the public treasury by giving them more money to funnel to private interests.
Whenever I hear of this infrastructure bullshit, the first thing that comes to mind is all the price controls government put on private transit systems decades ago which caused them to eat their capital which led to their bankruptcies. Two generations later just assume that mass transit was always government-owned when the fact is none of it started that way.
Exactly one of my Pet peeves is when people call clearly private goods public goods. The Economic definition of a Public Good is one that is non-excludable. So when i see things like Mass Transit, or Education, both goods that are Highly Excludable, labeled as public goods, it drives me up the wall.
It’s a variation on the old “firemen first” theme whenever budget cuts (or, thanks to baseline budgeting, decreases in the rate of increase) are bandied about.
“If only we had some tax revenue to pay for
the firemenour infrastructure!”To which the taxpayer should ask, like a scolding parent to a profligate child who spent his allowance at the candy store: “Well, what happened to the $3.6 trillion I gave you last year?”
Nothing will change without pubsec benefits reform. Dog parks and bike trails are a drop in the bucket compared to the titanic unfunded pension liabilities that are on the verge of bankrupting every state and city in the country.
It’s never going to get fixed because it’s a guaranteed voting bloc and the majority of the rest of the voters fall into one of these categories:
1. Don’t know
2. Don’t care
3. Think they deserve the benefits
4. Want the benefits increased
Between that and the courts holding that these benefits are the only inviolable contract in the history of the United States, we’re fucked.
inviolable contract
FDR could redefine the dollar, and Nixon could close the Gold Window, but don’t you dare renege on social security.
The problem with the saying “the people should get what they vote for, good and hard” is that it implies the people can get what they vote for.
Climate change is calling in the debt on America’s infrastructure.
Won’t constantly repaving all the roads exacerbate “climate change”? Is there some magic material to make roads, bridges, power lines, sewers, etc. without fossil fuels and nonrenewable resources?
The infrastructure is in disrepair because it was politically expedient to spend the money elsewhere and to pass pie-in-the-sky regulations that drove up the costs and discouraged proper maintenance.
privately maintained systems like PG&E’s
A nice story about a nice Minnesoda farmer.
Access Denied
That’s a nice story for a change.
OMWC hardest hit.
Trigger warning: Summary post a la … who? and The Late P Brooks. Blame Usenet. I get up too late to keep up with comments.
I don’t think that’s true. I think we are such a small generation that we got penned in by boomers and millennials and the boomers refuse to let go. There’s a meme going around about boomers and millenials going around: “You forgot, there’s a generation between you that hates you both” overlaid on a Breakfast Club poster. Like the silent generation (parents of the mid and late 1960s babies), we make the world run, but we’re invisible.
I have a friend who homeschools and is taking the whole school year for WWII because she believes that her sons will be forced to into a war they shouldn’t have to fight, subtext being Civil War II, fighting for the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
To expand on the talk of Americans being self-selected malcontents (who was it who started that discussion? Bob Boberson?), I do believe that there will be a contingent of silent malcontents who will seethe until they break, not really knowing their history but internally motivated to take control of the situation.
Until Alan Alda started writing it. He was still an asshole but not for the reasons he thought.
@leon @mexican sharpshooter
Mine, too, but my kids’ teachers are Millennials. Gen X, the forgotten generation. That said, XX’s history teacher has a Gadsden flag in his room and taught that Socialism killed more people than the Holocaust.
Second, when I did a deep-dive of XY’s phone, I found lots of anti-Communist stuff but I also found (and I’m not proud of this) a lot of racist stuff he didn’t learn at home. It’s all shit my dad would have said that both me and Mr Mojeaux grew up with but do not say in our house. Liberals are going to get the race war they’ve been agitating for.
Thirdly, he and his cohort aren’t buying climate change. Whatever they’re being taught at school is not sticking.
I was 21 in 1989. Grew up during the tail end of the Cold War (of course, we didn’t know it was the end) and I cried when the Berlin Wall came down.
@Shirley Knott
They do that because of the busses and their insurance policy coverage.
I have learned not to blame the people who inhabit FB. Blame FB for not showing them your posts. I belong to several groups whose posts FB hides from me.
Related only to the mention of guns. In preparation for moving and in the spirit of a true purge, I decided to sell my .410 and my purse pistol, along with my long recurve bow. I will never take the former two our shooting, much less use them. I can’t pull a bow with that heavy a pull with my shoulder (although I’m actually quite good at archery). I’ve kept the .410 and bow for sentimental reasons that don’t seem important anymore.
@Scruffy Nerfherder
Tangentially, part of my prepping regimen is hoarding blankets (vacuum bags are the shit, people). I buy them at thrift stores. $2-$10.
Hello, black market, one of the legs on the table of the economy.
@Gender Traitor
I stopped reading TOS when I honestly could not tell if they were taking a libertarian position or not, because I had a hard time believing that a libertarian rag could take such positions. Me, suckered by labels, every time.
The history of the pocketwatch is fascinating. [Insert rundown of my research for a book here.]
Side note: When links go to sites that have all sorts of popups and don’t load very quickly or have popups every time I scroll, I exit without reading. I honestly don’t know how y’all put up with it.
YES! Inject that shit straight into my veins.
I see I have been working in the Department of Redundancy Department.
Technically, I’m at the very tag end of the Boomers, but I’ve always related more to Gen X. So, can confirm.
What I see in the Millenials I am exposed to at work is a colossal sense of entitlement and a shocking naivete about the way the world works. Fertile soil indeed for socialism and communism to take root.
I heard the term baby buster, which were the children of the silent generation, loooooooong before I knew that demographers had lumped us in with Gen X.
So, how did you handle that situation?
I honestly don’t know how to handle it because that is the least troubling thing we’ve got going on with him. In short, last week he should have been arrested (sadly, wasn’t). I damn near had him committed. His life is miserable right now, but he’d rather be miserable at hime than in the loony bin or in juvie.
His racism comes down to one thing, which is that my bestie, who is black, lived with us for about four months when she was homeless, destitute, and starving. She hated him (he is difficult to live with) and immediately made it known not nicely before I told her to deal with it graciously or she could find somewhere else to live. Thus, he hated her. She brought the racist shit into the house, including liberal use of the n-word, before I told her to cut that out, too. Just because she’s black doesn’t give her the right to use it in my house. Unfortunately, he found friends to vent to who fed his anger.
That is tough. I hope he finds the peace he needs.
Thank you. We got his meds upped significantly, which may be helping or he may just be cowed enough to tow the lion, I don’t know.
He is under constant threat of being emancipated when he turns 14 and being kicked out (since he knows everything, yanno) or being committed. My husband is not on board, but I have had enough and XY knows I don’t play.
uBlock and Ghostery
Brave, but I’ve used both of those in the past and they work well.
I’m a dev, not a designer, but I hear rumblings that designers are starting to, very slowly, drift away from JavaScript. I have mixed feelings since most of my work is effectively JS-based UI development, but, and this seems to be the consensus among the newer designers, so much of the shit people want that requires JS is bad design and/or bad UX. It might be that so many people are getting sick of pop-ups and videos that follow you around and shit like that that they might, hopefully, start going away.
To be replaced by what? HTML5?
The web has become a platform for application development, and despite repeated attempts in the past to turn applications into purely declarative syntax, imperative/functional/etc. languages have endured. There are always going to be too many unique requirements (or at least, requirements believed to be unique that can’t be easily shoehorned into an existing structure) to do away with the behavior part of markup+style+behavior. Yes, there are lots of ways to make unnecessary and counterproductive bells and whistles, but it’s not possible to encapsulate all application functionality in markup and style alone, no matter how powerful the markup becomes (as long as it stays declarative, anyway).
Now, if you mean that WASM or other things may supplant JS, that’s possible but it won’t make designers any happier.
I use uBlock and disconnect. Is ghostery better?
I’ve never used disconnect, so I can’t compare, but my uBlock/Ghostery team keeps a lot of garbage off my screen.
And I have “Disable HTML5 Autoplay” for…well, Imma let you guess that that does.
Implements a feature which is native to firefox?
Then why do I need it in FF?
Or equivalent.
So yeah, I deal with it by not dealing with it.
Mine, too, but my kids’ teachers are Millennials. Gen X, the forgotten generation. That said, XX’s history teacher has a Gadsden flag in his room and taught that Socialism killed more people than the Holocaust.\
TBF there are a lot of Boomers that were my Teachers/Professors.
Second, when I did a deep-dive of XY’s phone, I found lots of anti-Communist stuff but I also found (and I’m not proud of this) a lot of racist stuff he didn’t learn at home. It’s all shit my dad would have said that both me and Mr Mojeaux grew up with but do not say in our house. Liberals are going to get the race war they’ve been agitating for.
I’m sorry, i trust your judgment on that. I think you’re right and the constant drive to make the utterly banal into racist is doing it’s part to legitimize more hard racism. I’m not talking about Making kids think it’s okay to lynch, but defiantly helping them to feel that if saying banal joke was racist, and saying the N-word is bad, then saying the N-word must not be all that bad. My experience with this was when my mother insinuated that i might be a racist because i thought a Key and Peele sketch about Pegasus in the Projects was funny.
As a note when that happened i was sufficently mature enough to realize that she was overreacting, not that the N-Word is okay.
Your mom realizes that both Key and Peele are mixed-race, right?
He’s hardly black at all after doing White Claw commercials…
I think a big problem is that, over time, people have conflated offensive language with hatred, and hatred with the threat of physical violence. Growing up I understood that there were some things you might say to some people and not to others because it would offend them, even if they said it themselves. If that feels like a double-standard with regard to race, then consider any conversation that has started with, “Do these pants make me look fat?” Picking a group and applying special rules to it just isolates it and makes it easier to generalize and easier to dehumanize. As people become more familiar they take more liberties. Let people bust each other’s balls and they’ll end up friends in the end.
The goal used to be getting along. Despite differences, without (too much) prejudice, to accept or at least tolerate each other. As the goal shifts to empowerment, equity, righteousness, whatever you want to call it, it requires drawing bright lines between “good” and “evil”. There’s no room for gray, no understanding that offense is not hate, and hate is not violence. Evil is evil, and good is good (until tomorrow, when what’s good today is evil, or vice versa). But, in order to get along, people have to get over themselves. Hubris is the order of the day more than hate.
we don’t have all this generations crap in Romania.
Although we sort of have our version of boomers decreţeii, called so as they were born after the Ceausescu decree banning abortion Decretul 770
The goal was to get the population above 30 million
Best news all day.
Thanks for the pocket watch link.
You’re very welcome! ?
+1, good read
I fudged a bit. My character owned a K1. Other character said, “There’s only one and Cook has it.” She said basically, “You sure there was only one?”
Alternate horological fiction… now that’s a niche.
*Alternate horloogical historical fiction, rather.
Oh, not slagging the FB page at all — they’re good people and were supportive. But that’s sorta the point of the breed-specific page. I wasn’t at all expecting the outpouring here, and the great link to “humans are to dogs as elves are to humans,” etc. I’m genuinely touched and felt y’all deserved to hear it meant a lot.
I told you people North Dakota rocks!
Nice link.
Click on the hand: ??
So what you’re saying is, there’s nothing else to do, so people go to concerts?
I was told by Drew Cary that Cleveland rocks
But you overbid by a dollar.
Ohio only got a 2.6, so he may be incorrect.
Cleveland has always had a very good live music scene. We hit above our weight in pulling in acts.
Tell that to Vivid Seats
Five O’Clock World intro > Cleveland Rocks intro /Dayton resident
Now do most rappin’ state. Or line dancin’.
Old Town Road may complicate the calculation.
Disney is doing some really, really weird things with Star Wars.
Their voiceover acting has really gone to shit.
1) Yoda would have lived longer had Luke not shown up. I believe this.
2) Obama’s last name is…..SKYWALKER.
*hovers over link*
*thinks about it*
I probably shouldn’t click that while at work.
Wise man.
Any elected official
who says thatought to be tarred and feathered.Now I have this scenario in my head where elections are used as traps, just like those, “You are a WINNER! Come to [place] to collect your prize!” fugitive roundups the cops hold.
“So you want to be in charge, and tell everybody else what to do? Fine, fine. Good for you. Come in my office, and we’ll discuss your campaign.”
*muffled screams*
Here Mr President. This is your offical Presidential chair. Straps? They are there for relaxation. It’s a real treat. Would you like to try?
:Straps in:
Now let me just flip this switch and you’ll feel the most relaxed you’ve ever been.
The goal used to be getting along. Despite differences, without (too much) prejudice, to accept or at least tolerate each other. As the goal shifts to empowerment, equity, righteousness, whatever you want to call it, it requires drawing bright lines between “good” and “evil”. There’s no room for gray, no understanding that offense is not hate, and hate is not violence. Evil is evil, and good is good (until tomorrow, when what’s good today is evil, or vice versa). But, in order to get along, people have to get over themselves. Hubris is the order of the day more than hate.
Bring back the melting pot.
That’s racist now.
Yeah, because Canada’s “multicultural mosaic” has worked out so well for us.
/eyes roll so far back I can see my brain/