See if you can spot the recurring theme…
Why America needs a hate speech law
When I was a journalist, I loved Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.’s assertion that the Constitution and the First Amendment are not just about protecting “free thought for those who agree with us but freedom for the thought that we hate.”
But as a government official traveling around the world championing the virtues of free speech, I came to see how our First Amendment standard is an outlier. Even the most sophisticated Arab diplomats that I dealt with did not understand why the First Amendment allows someone to burn a Koran. Why, they asked me, would you ever want to protect that?
It’s a fair question. Yes, the First Amendment protects the “thought that we hate,” but it should not protect hateful speech that can cause violence by one group against another. In an age when everyone has a megaphone, that seems like a design flaw.
Oh, fuck off.
(And an additional “fuck off” for being behind a paywall.)
John Legend to Remix ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside,’ Will Remove Problematic Elements and Promote Consent
“Hold on, hold on,” he says, when this reporter looks skeptical about “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.” It turns out that Legend has updated the lyrics with Natasha Rothwell (Insecure) and recorded it with his fellow The Voice coach Kelly Clarkson. The song’s every bit as fun and swinging as the original, and its newfound sensitivity feels genuine, not performative.
“What will my friends think…” sings Clarkson.
“I think they should rejoice,” Legend responds.
“…if I have one more drink?”
“It’s your body, and your choice.”
Oh, fuck off.
Court rules Colorado man who lost home in SWAT team standoff with shoplifter is owed NO compensation
A federal appeals court ruled that a home owner isn’t owed any compensation by police after a SWAT team blasted away at his Colorado house in a stand-off with an armed shoplifter and left the property a total loss.
Leo Lech sued after police in the village of Greenwood fired gas munition and 40-millimeter rounds through the windows of his home in the June 2015 standoff with the shoplifter who had barricaded himself inside.
Cops even went as far as driving an armored vehicle through the doors, tossed flash-bang grenades inside and detonated explosives in the walls of the property.
A federal appeals court ruled Leo Lech isn’t owed any compensation by police after a SWAT team blasted away at his Colorado house (pictured) in a stand-off with an armed shoplifter and left the property a total loss
Lech, who had estimated his losses at about $250,000 and filed a civil suit seeking compensation for the damages, was told he would get nothing by a three-judge panel for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit on Tuesday, reports the Washington Post.
Oh, fuck off.
Oh, fuck off.
An Interview With the Mayor Who Banned Trick-or-Treating for Anyone Over 12
Belleville, Illinois, has forbidden teenagers from trick-or-treating since 2008, with no plans to back down. Belleville, just across the Mississippi River from Saint Louis, is the county seat of St. Clair County and the most populated city in Southern Illinois. It is also the town where the company now called Jelly Belly Candy Co.—which helped popularize candy corn—was founded in 1869. Mark Eckert, the mayor of Belleville, signed an ordinance in 2008 that banned anyone older than 12 from trick-or-treating. More precisely, the ordinance forbids “seeking or obtaining gifts, food, candy or contributions of money, as is customarily and commonly known as ‘trick or treat’ in the celebration of Halloween day.” (An exception is made for older disabled children accompanied by caregivers.)
Oh, fuck off. With a side of “Christ, what an asshole.”
And a fine song to tell someone to “fuck off” to…
John Legend to Remix ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside,’ Will Remove Problematic Elements and Promote Consent
Christ, what a woke asshole.
The original wasn’t problematic in the first place.
It promoted womynistic bodies as subservient to phallocentric heteronormative cispatriarchical sexuality. How on Gaia could that NOT be problematic?
That’s some authentic progressive gibberish right there.
Someday I’ll write a python script to scrape and compile this and submit it for a PhD thesis.
There are several journals waiting to publish it.
That poor, poor script. That’s downright cruel.
Maybe he could do a cover of this next?
Christ, what a woke
asshole.I’ll just put this here. .
Also, 160k views and zero comments? Sure, YouTube, sure.
but it should not protect hateful speech that can cause violence by one group against another
Hate is subjective. And people are responsible for their actions. You don’t have a right to assault someone because they said something you don’t like.
How can we prevent another Hitler if we can’t stop Hitlerian speech? People are gullible and we must protect everyone from being hornswoggled into killing 6 million Jews.
If their arguments are that persuasive banning them won’t do much good anyway.
WE should start by burning bad books, seizing businesses belonging to bad people and then consider more final solutions to the problem.
The Hate Speech exception to the First Amendment nullifies that pesky freedom of speech thingy in its entirety without the bother of amending the Constitution, once the govt finished redefining hate to mean “anything we don’t want you saying”.
I know “Shall make no law” sounds pretty self explanitory, but it actually means “shall make no law except the ones that a lot of people think they should be able to make, because the Bill of Rights is about Government Power and not about protecting individuals from the abuses of the Majority”
And how can we prevent another Hitler from ruling that anything said by a Jew is hate speech? Why do assholes who spout this crap never think that one day the tables may be turned against them. Imagine the look on Robespierre’s face just before Madame did her job.
The example given is outlawing the burning of Korans. In other words, enshrining theocratic values into law. He basically gives away the game in the very article, but seems too stupid to realize it.
Imagine the look on Robespierre’s face just before Madame did her job.
Yes, having to sit through a performance of Wayland and Madame would terrify me too.
Is there a legal method of striking down laws based on there being another law that already covers it? Like why couldn’t a court just say, a law banning speech that leads to violence is unnecessary because violence is already illegal?
That would prevent prosecutors from piling on additional charges.
And politicians from using the legal code as a virtue signaling device.
But then we couldn’t ban guns because murder is already illegal, so we can’t have that.
speech that can cause violence by one group against another
But speech that causes violence by one person against another is totes OK.
Violence is OK against bad people, like everyone who doesn’t agree with us about everything. / the left
The first problem with hate speech is that it can’t be defined, and if it can, who is doing the defining? It’s never been about anything except nullifying free speech. The Constitution clearly does not allow anything like it, just like it doesn’t allow exceptions to ‘shall not be infringed’. The problem is, once got exceptions to ‘shall not be infringed’ in place, and no one in our cowardly Congress objected to it, it threw the doors wide open to allow all sorts of exceptions to the entire Bill of Rights.
Just like slander.
That’s a bad example, as slander is straightforwardly defined: making false statements that damage someone’s reputation to the point that it causes material damages. That’s a far cry from something as nebulous as “hate”.
Not all that straight forward in my opinion, define ‘reputation’ and how you determine damage to whatever that is. I could just as easily claim that ‘Hate Speech’ is making false statements that damage a group’s/race’s/religion’s reputation to the point that it causes material damages to member of that group.
If that were what hate speech were, then there would be no need to ban it, as there are already laws against slander. It is quite obviously intended to be something more. The proponents of hate speech laws don’t want to have to do the heavy lifting of proving a statement to be false and proving it to be materially damaging to a specific individual and proving that this was intended.
I could just as easily claim that ‘Hate Speech’ is making false statements that damage a group’s/race’s/religion’s reputation to the point that it causes material damages to member of that group.
You could, but that’s not “hate speech”. Hate speech doesn’t have to be false, and it doesn’t have to cause demonstrable damage. For an idea of what proggies think, it never hurts to check Wiki:
define ‘reputation’ and how you determine damage to whatever that is.
Plenty of common law on that. No need to reinvent the wheel.
And how did common law become… well, common? Reinventing the wheel is what we do, If people are going to start recognizing ‘hate speech’ as slander against a group,then there’s your definition. I don’t agree with either I don’t think hate speech or slander are actual harm but if one can be defined as such so can the other as both are equally subjective terms.
If people are going to start recognizing ‘hate speech’ as slander against a group,then there’s your definition
Except that’s not what supporters of anti-hate speech laws are planning to do. Nobody but you is saying that hate speech is slander against a group.
I don’t think hate speech or slander are actual harm but if one can be defined as such so can the other as both are equally subjective terms.
You’re the only one requiring that hate speech cause actual harm, as far a I know.
Like it or not, there is a great deal of judicial discussion of “reputation” and “harm”, in context of a great many different specific cases. The meanings these words express have been put through the mill and refined. They are no more “subjective” than anything else dealing with abstract concepts.
Okay here is were I usually get sidetracked and start making arguments I have no intention of making so for the record, The impostor stated that you can’t define ‘hate speech’ my ONLY contention is that if you can define Slander then you can define hate speech and personally I think both are bullshit. Arguments that we have centuries of precedent behind slander don’t change the fact that slander is just as subjective as hate speech. if things go as many here seem to fear then hundreds of years from now someone will be able to say that ‘hate speech’ has centuries of common law backing it up as well, I doubt you’d accept that as a justification.
We don’t have a right to yell fire in a woodchipper?
“I hate Wal Mart stockholders”
Probably protected to these fools.
Will Remove Problematic Elements and Promote Consent
I never took the song to imply anything but a guy trying to convince a girl to stay with him. IOW it was already about consent.
Oh there is more to it .He wasn’t just trying to convince her, it was absolutely clear to anyone who listened to the original that she WANTED to stay but was afraid of the social ramifications of doing so. If anything the wokesters should be complaining that societies double standards in how it treats women and men who have sex outside of marriage is blocking this poor woman from doing what she so clearly wants to do.
He wasn’t just trying to convince her, it was absolutely clear to anyone who listened to the original that she WANTED to stay but was afraid of the social ramifications of doing so.
It was also abundantly clear that it was DAMN COLD OUTSIDE! Aint nobody got time for that.
The original song was written by a husband and wife team, not like it was from the devilish mind of some single Lothario.
Q’s models are more sincere and believable.
The ‘every other country does it’ argument is the Nick Gillespie of arguments…something something everyone jumping off a bridge…
Stressing the dislike the Arabs have for free speech doesn’t exactly bolster his argument either.
Did he ask any of his Arab friends how they feel about burning the torah?
It’s almost if our political top men are blithering idiots that can’t form an actual argument other than “OHMIGOD HOW CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS IT’S LIKE SO AWFUL…”
“The ‘every other country does it’ argument”
It may be the single most dangerous statement uttered in the USA outside of ”For the children’. Seriously, what a completely lazy and disingenuous argument. Reminds me of when I was a kid and my parents would say ‘If little Jimmy jumps off the Empire State building, does that mean you should do it too’? But it’s how lazy half of our society are now, a prime example ‘Every other civilized country has Health Care!’. Really, I mean must because you won’t be able to get it when you need that life saving procedure, who cares, everyone does it!
The ‘every other country does it’ argument is the Nick Gillespie of arguments
It always reminds me of that story from the Bible where the Israelites want a king because everyone else has one. Their prophet warns them it’s a bad idea, but they go ahead with it anyway, and the next four or five books of the Bible are all about how, lo, it was a bad idea.
So today a friend from church came over to chat. We discussed the fascist state we now live in and that we must watch everything we say–not for propriety’s sake and knowing one’s audience and respecting it–but because SOMEONE will ruin your life over it.
This is why I’m a happy little drone at work. I’m surrounded by progs, have already had an unpleasant #liedtoo incident, and have seen the initial thrashes of an impending feeding frenzy when somebody dared walk too close to the line. Nope, I just shut up, do my work, and go home.
Our future
It’s more likely that instead of Ned, we’ll get a 350 ln Andrea Dworkin lookalike screaming at us.
“Stupid sexy Flanders”
What are y’all going on about? Everything’s progressing wondiddlyunderfully in my book. I even have my piece of excised brain displayed on my mantle.
The spousal unit and I have had precisely that conversation in various forms for the better part of half a decade now, at least. It’s an unnerving world we live in these days.
I was having that conversation back when Clarence Thomas was being confirmed.
blasted away at his Colorado house in a stand-off with an armed shoplifter and left the property a total loss.
A shoplifter . . . and I’m sure they took care to not to risk harm to innocent bystanders.
Oh, fuck off.
Someone other than the shoplifter could still have been in the house, too.
A shoplifter.
Who sends a SWAT team after a shoplifter?
The cops, because they’re creaming in the pants at the opportunity to use it.
Not only that but if they kill the mother fucker then they all get a sweet paid vacation.
There was case locally where the cops had used an informant (burglar) to find out who had drugs in their house. The informant turned on his brother-in-law because he wouldn’t loan him money (and he burgled his house). So the cops, instead of picking the guy up at work and then serving a search warrant on the domicile, decide to perform an early morning, in the dark, no-knock raid. As they’re beating down the door, the occupant, thinking he’s got a home invasion going on, fires into the door. A SWAT cop, who had his arm and shoulder thru the door, dies as a result.
In the end, all he had was a blunt and some Japanese maples. He, of course, was convicted on murder charges and the cowboy cop who liked busting down doors in the dark got a hero’s burial.
Our local cops, in conjunction with some federal anti crime task force, decided to practice their no-knock 6am raid to get a criminal mastermind that was wanted for… yep, shoplifting. The criminals father sees armed men sneaking up to his back door grabs a rifle and gets ventilated for his trouble, I think they (the city) ended up apologizing and giving the family 50 grand, after ten years or so of court battles.
Cops who are this guy . Skip to 1:17.
If I’m not mistaken, the Department of Education has a SWAT team.
Who drives their Lexus to Walmart to shoplift a belt?
Plenty of nice cars drive up to the local food pantry. I’m not surprised someone would drive a Lexus to go shoplifting.
Same thing here. I don’t know any one that goes to the food shelf myself but I see a lot of older folks puttin’ their groceries in the back of that suv.
Who fucking shoplifts at Walmart? Everything there is 2.99.
If only there were some sort of commercial power equipment which could be brought to bear on this ruling. Power equipment into which all copies of the ruling could be tossed, unceremoniously and with small contempt, yielding confetti.
Hmm. But some of those copies would exist in the minds of the judges who ruled it. Would this machine solve that problem too?
Preet is over here fishing, everybody be careful.
He has long since returned to private practice, but his legacy still looms large.
It’s ok, the servers are inside this really nice orange room. Preet can just climb in and examine them.
Would the judge be attached to those copies?
Not the whole judicial branch?
That wood be great!
Could branch out into other areas of bureaucracy as well.
Don’t leaf anyone out either. Get them all.
Their bark is worse than their bite.
Seems like a poplar opinion.
Yeah, that ruling badly needs to be reversed. I’d say it’s even unconstitutional, as the government destroying someone’s house is basically a takings, and those have to be justly compensated.
Of course he was armed! How do you think he carried the stuff he shoplifted?
“40-millimeter rounds”
You mean a grenade launcher, or do cops have anti-aircraft cannon? Either way it’s stupid.
Shush, you. “Incendiary device.” Civilian LEO agencies do not use weapons of war such as grenades.
“thermal pellet”
How else are you gonna set a toddler on fire?
that made me laugh
Enthusiastic pineapple.
John Legend to Remix ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside,’ Will Remove Problematic Elements and Promote Consent
In the movie Neptune’s Daughter where the song more or less debuted, it’s sung twice: first Esther Williams wants to leave but Ricardo Montalbán tells her it’s cold outside. The second time it’s done by Betty Garrett and Red Skelton, with the roles reversed: Skelton wants to leave, and Garrett does the “baby it’s cold outside” part.
I have it on good authority from the relevant demographic that 40’s and 50’s era Ricardo wouldn’t have to get past the second verse to convince most of the women I know.
“Esther Williams”
As I understand it she goes by “Corn Pop” now.
I can’t believe you haven’t been awarded a medal for what is obviously the gold medal comment of this afternoon links.
I just tracked that one down. You’re right. That is a fucking brilliant get. Gold Medal. I had forgotten about that part of the story.
Thank you (both) for that laugh. Holy shit.
Googles “esther williams corn pop”
Ah, now I get it. Chortle.
I’ve had some good ones but this feels like my Sally Field moment. I honestly am touched and humbled by your appreciation, the people here crack me up like this multiple times every single day. If there’s a funnier place on the internet I don’t know what/where it is.
Salon is funnier. Oh, you meant funny humorous not funny odd. Move along.
Not funny ha ha, funny queer?
It is my contention that songs are different from rape in crucial ways that should color our response.
I posted the link above.
I agree with all your righteous “Fuck off”s. However, in defense of the Belleville mayor, wasn’t it some town in Illinois where Michael Meyers was always murdering people? They do have a penitentiary near Belleville. Maybe he knows something.
Better safe than sorry.
At the gym today there was some cable channel on I’ve never heard of, “Crime TV” or something like that.
They had some Nancy Grace wannabe up there ranting about how a judge prevented a sheriff from going around to sex offender’s houses and planting signs saying “Don’t trick or treat here” and that children were going to be abducted and raped.
I believe that around my area anybody on the sex offender registry must leave their porch lights off and not answer the door on Halloween.
Haddonfield. Modeled on Bowling Green, Kentucky, where Carpenter grew up.
To be honest I liked Jimmy Fallon’s take on “baby it’s cold outside” for SNL.
She may be moonbat, but she is hot.
I don’t know who that is.
Cecily Strong
Might want to check and make sure all the factory parts are in place…
The girl you wish you hadn’t started a conversation with.
Which congressional district does she represent?
The one next door to hers.
The Babylon Bee has published a very handy guide to assist journalists who seek to cover problematic stories in a way that in inclusive and progressive.
It’s also a handy guide for the rest of us to map news content back to reality.
The Babylon Bee’s Updated Style Guide For News Corporations
The guide is a classic.
Broken clock.
If there is a better site on the internet, I’m not aware of it.
You’re on it now
Your hands are soaking in it.
You’re soaking in it!
Gott Damerung!
Porn Hub.
It’s certainly more popular.
Nah, that’s only good for about 5 minutes a day. I’d rather hang out here.
Yeah, I hate to say it but they’re overusing “austere.” We get it. But at least do some actual comedy and come up with a pithy, appropriate adjective for each person. The Bee can be so much better than that.
I look forward to Snopes’ fact check of that.
Snopes rates it
“Nuh-uh! We are!!”“False”.Ask them how many people are beating down the door to live in their countries.
Also “Most sophisticated Arab diplomats” are you go to for expounding on what rights people ought to have? Do these diplomats come from countries that happen the throw gays off of buildings, and refuse to let women drive? I mean maybe you have to agree with them. In this age of hate, should we really let women drive and people marry whoever they want?
It’s like Friedman and China.
Do these diplomats come from countries that happen the throw gays off of buildings
Don’t be silly. These are sophisticated countries. They would never stoop so low as to throw them off of buildings. They just castrate them or chop their heads off.
There were Syrian refugees who tried, but the Saudis wouldn’t let them into their country.
So, Mohammed, how many homos you people execute this month?
Or draw a pic of the prophet and get their response.
“Even the most sophisticated Arab diplomats that I dealt with did not understand why the First Amendment allows someone to burn a Koran”
This is the shallowness of leftist political thought. Sophisticated here most likely means “expensive suit, matriculated at the right university.” It has nothing to do with their actual intelligence, actual integrity, or actual character.
Nice suit, the right vacation homes, the right social indicators, that must be a sophisticated person.
A savage wearing a suit from Savile Row is still a savage.
They do love them some sophisticates.
If you dress smart, you can get away with all sorts of stuff. I’d imagine these guys wear Hugo Boss.
“the most sophisticated Arab diplomats”
Is that like Biden’s, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”?
Broke: Mocking religion is protected by the First Amendment
Woke: Not that religion, bigot!
Bespoke: The First Amendment is worse than Hitler
Now, that’s how you tone-deaf.
Ask those sophisticated Arab diplomats how things are going at the local synagogues back home.
And the most sophisticated Nazi diplomats didn’t understand why we allowed the dirty Jews to have businesses and rights. Why in the hell are we worried about what diplomats from third world tyrannies have to say about anything?
But, they are so well-dressed and, you know, not white.
Arabs are white if we are playing race games.
Nah, they are POCs. Ask any proggy.
Oh fuck off is right.
“sure we should protect speach that we don’t like, but not that speach that we hate.”
M for mendacious?
I went with motherfucking.
Melon farming.
Does it mean I spend too much time here if I could decipher that acronym effortlessly?
Seek help now. Before it’s too late.
It makes me very happy that you did.
I read that as GoFuckYourselfAndDieInAFireyYMC-A
Were you dressed up like an indian when you sang it?
The construction worker, obviously.
Is he the gay one?
They all seem pretty happy in their videos.
As Iowahawk said, I’m totally in favor of hate speech laws, so long as I get to be the one to define what hate speech is.
Group sues Michigan over checking absentee voters’ signatures
Okay. I see the argument there. Makes some sense.
If you aren’t allowed to confirm a signature, then there’s no reason to have a signature, is there?
Just let people drop off completed ballots in boxes. Until the right result is reached.
Political theatre. Suburban prog moms can’t imagine themselves forging a signature, hence nobody forges a signature.
Twitter has announced they’re not accepting any political ads at all now. I’m actually fine with that. Much better than having some … entity decide which ones are “truthful” enough to run and which aren’t.
What makes an ad political? That it is paid for by a politicians campaign? a PAC? twitter may be trying to extrcate itself from this but i don’t think it will help.
For round 2, define what a “political ad” is. Because this community service information graphic describing how Trump is killing us all and you need to vote for Warren or you’ll get herpes totally is not a political ad.
Hate speech?
Foxnews is actually talking about the Epstein autopsy results. I thought he was memory-holed for good.
I saw those popping up in the news today.
Will the story get traction? That’s where it gets interesting.
I saw the word “homicide.”
Foxnews got the forensic equivalent of Bill Nye to opine on the autopsy, color me unconvinced.
TV personalities are they most reliable experts!
He wasn’t shot in the memory, he was hanged.
Twitter has ads?
Doesn’t matter, they don’t make money anyway. They appear to survive on the armpit sweat of outraged lesbians and tears.
That’s pretty interesting since everything is political now. No more ads!
Twitter value plummets
No more twitter.
Wait, the Internet’s official toilet stall wall of graffiti wont allow people to stick political ads on it?
I guess that’s something….
That is a perfect description.
Well said, Sir.
ConcentrationHappy CampBelarus, often considered the last dictatorship standing in Europe, delivered the statement on behalf of the China-allied nations at the General Assembly in response to a group statement condemning China’s human rights atrocities.
China has built hundreds of concentration camps in western Xinjiang province – home to the nation’s Muslim Uyghur ethnic minority – since late 2017, which it has used to imprison up to 3 million Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and Kyrgyz Muslims. Survivors of the camps, mostly Kazakhs or Uyghurs married to foreign nations who appealed abroad for their freedom, say they were subject to forced sterilization and beatings, forced to memorize Communist Party propaganda songs, affirm their loyalty for dictator Xi Jinping, and serve as sex slaves for guards at the camps. Some also accused China of using the prisoners for slave labor to manufacture products sold in, among other places, the United States.
The Chinese government published the favorable statement in full.
Belarus, claiming to speak on behalf of other draconian states like Russia, Bolivia, Pakistan, and Democratic Republic of Congo, condemned “politicizing human rights issues by naming and shaming” human rights violators.
“Faced with the grave challenge of terrorism and extremism, China has undertaken a series of counter-terrorism and deradicalization measures in Xinjiang, including setting up vocational education and training centers,” Belarus said, using China’s preferred term for the concentration camps. “The past three consecutive years has [sic] seen not a single terrorist attack in Xinjiang and people there enjoy a stronger sense of happiness, fulfillment and security.”
OFFS. We really are in clown world now.
-1 Michelle Malkin
Mattress Girl gets redpilled, learns to like Fruit Sushi?…..
I’m going to laugh if she ends up accusing Robby of rape.
*The Trial of Robby Soave*
Prosecutor: Your honor, we intend to show that the defendant, in an act of aggression could not control his inner masculine predispositions and took advantage of Ms. Sulkowicz by physically restraining her and then forcing himself upon her
Judge: Does the defense have an opening statement?
Defense: Your honor, I intend to show that my client cannot change a tire, nor has he ever consumed red meat in his life. The prosecution will attempt to portray a man, when I intend to show a confused boy who happens to be fully grown. In fact, just before we entered this court room, he squealed at the sight of a ‘daddy long legs’ spider. I repeat: he ‘squealed’. He did not ‘scream’, nor did he ‘yell’. He ‘squealed’ like a school girl. I ask that the jury take a look at my client and his finely maintained hair. Does this look like a man capable of restraining a 115 pound woman, let alone a 50 pound dog?
You forgot to put a “to be sure” in there somewhere.
“To be sure, he does have a penis, but I could fit my thumb and forefinger around his biceps. To call him a man is a stretch”
Much better. Well done
One suggestion:
Does this look like a man
capable of restraining a 115 pound woman, let alone a 50 pound dog?*gestures to Robby*
*gestures to judge*
“I mean, C’MON!!!”
No one deserves that.
Robby is a fucking moron for spending a nanosecond in a room with her let alone giving her his contact information.
Should he corresponds with her at all, he will deserve everything she does to him when she inevitably decides that spreading malicious lies about him will serve her interest.
So the book was the ultimate neg?
She already has a Chad, she doesn’t need Robby. Everyone should really read the whole article.
Moving over to where Soave is shouldn’t be considered being “red pilled”. You’re just not taking as many “blue pills” anymore. This should be titled “Mattress Girl Reduces Daily Dosage of Blue Pills”
I wouldn’t trust her as far as I could throw her mattress, but if she’s truly changing her ways, I wish her good luck.
From my reading, she isn’t changing her ways as much as maturing into a world view.
Interesting. One take-away: The editors and writers at TOS really do just float around at Manhattan cocktail parties.
ManhattanK-Street cocktail partiesIt’s all the lobbyist elites meeting after work at overpriced tapas bars and wine rooms in DC. I’ve been to a few such social events, and it’s a very odd experience. Most of the time you’re sitting 2 tables down from the people lobbying for the exact opposite thing. I only spend a few hours a year inside the beltway, but I can’t imagine how much brain damage would be inflicted by spending one’s entire life inside the beltway. It’s a very strange place.
He’ll be fine so long as he doesn’t go for anal.
A federal appeals court ruled Leo Lech isn’t owed any compensation by police after a SWAT team blasted away at his Colorado house (pictured) in a stand-off with an armed shoplifter and left the property a total loss
Lech, who had estimated his losses at about $250,000 and filed a civil suit seeking compensation for the damages, was told he would get nothing by a three-judge panel for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit on Tuesday, reports the Washington Post.
Next, city fines him $1000.- per day for maintaining a hazardous eyesore, and seizes the property for unpaid fines, fees and interest.
How can one even go on after that? I doubt his insurer will touch it. The state basically ruined his life.
The insurer will likely pay out policy limits. However, as I believe Mr. Dean mentioned, many people don’t have replacement cost, but instead actual cash value. My guess is his contents limits would be exhausted either way with the limits most people carry.
The house doesn’t look like he has Chubb Masterpiece.
His insurer didn’t touch it. He had the $$$ to fix his house, and he has, but he’s basically spent all his savings (and has dipped into his 401(k) for the lawsuit).
I would have spent some of that cash suing my insurer instead. Doesn’t seem like an intentional act. Although perhaps under the war clause… 😉
Your typical HO3 exclusion:
You might be right on that. Normally I think of that in terms of police seizures.
I’ll have to keep that one in mind!
Also, there’s always “Act of God” exclusions. I think they could make a decent argument that a plenipotent, omni-surveillance state is close enough to God as to make no difference.
This is the sort of exclusion I had in mind.
I like the cut of your jib. Do you have a newsletter?
The police will immediately go out aget thisnd get this now. Why not?
the company now called Jelly Belly Candy Co.—which helped popularize candy corn
“Evan Rachel Wood calls out Paris Hilton for ‘that’s hot’ comment on Millie Bobby Brown’s Instagram pic: ‘she’s 15’ ”
She has boobs though.
I’ve posited before that there is about a zero percent chance that Millie Bobby Brown hasn’t been passed around by Hollywood producers like a cheap fleshlight.
Evan Rachel Wood? Never heard of her.
Evan Rachel Would is the only person in that show that didn’t show her boobies.
I thought she did?
She’s shown them plenty of other places.
I believe she was dating Marilyn Manson for a while.
Then you need to see this:
They found a terrible picture to run of her. I find her looks quite mesmerizing, and perfect for her role in Westworld.
Also, that has been that has been Hilton’s catch phrase for almost 20 years, and applied to everything she likes, it’s not a sexual remark.
I remember Howard Stern’s sound guy (Fred?) had it assigned to one of the buttons on his board.
Barnacle Bill, Popeye-style
Barnacle Bill, Ma Kettle-style
John Valby style.
That’s why I recommended that John Legend cover that one above.
That’s not how we sang it – and Olive Oil is a tramp.
She may be a tramp, but she is good at anal (because she is self-lubed) unlike that stuck up Dora the Explorer.
Oh fuck off CNN
Yes I am aware this is a joke, but in today’s environment you never know.
It’s stolen from a Babylon Bee story.
“It (Belleville) is also the town where the company now called Jelly Belly Candy Co.—which helped popularize candy corn—was founded in 1869.”
It should be nuked from outer space for this.
You cannot expect to be able to yell “Nuts!” in a crowded loony bin. It’s hate speech, straight up.
So cops can cause unlimited damages to private property and it’s all tough shit? Seriously?
Meanwhile Uncle Sam hands Iraqi civilians cash if their goats get hit by a truck.
We’ve long noted the rules of engagement and consequences for the US Armed Forces are far more restrictive and severe than the police.
Getting paid for the goat that they just killed doesn’t mean as much after they droned your daughter’s wedding reception. But, I agree that at least they get something. We get a middle finger and another hand stuffed in our pockets.
Twitter banning political ads “with exceptions”
Dorsey added, “I am complete fucking moron.”
I bet he supports “public” financing too. You know, so only the pre-approved candidates have a chance to win.
I wonder what they will do when Trump just posts his ads in his Twitter feed.
And, of course, its ridiculously easy to repackage ad content. What are they counting as “advertisements”, anyway?
Yeah, I have no idea what a Twitter ad even looks like.
Hmm I thought foreign travel and interacting with foreign people was supposed to make us all libertarian, not the opposite. Almost like that line of argument was a bunch of superficial elitist nonsense!
Sure didn’t make me an open borders guy.
Serious people told me that foreign trade would make Xi a libertarian and that the fact that he sent his daughter to Harvard and that he spent some time living in Iowa a few decades back was further proof of his libertarian ways.
Harvard doesn’t produce libertarians.
The little time I spent there indicated that they mostly recruited the globally connected, including children of dictators, and some token minorities for show.
Foreign travel is supposed to make us appreciate the virtues of a nanny state with a vast social safety network. People just cannot be trusted to look after their own affairs, and an inefficient but virtuous government is better than no government or the corrupt government of Russian capitalist oligarchs.
I should point out that in the feudal days only the aristocrats could afford to engage in foreign travel, buy expensive foreign goods, have nice houses in the city and go to university. You know the same people that classical liberals and modern libertarians loath so much.
In fairness, living in a foreign country showed me how a powerful bureaucracy only creates opportunities for corruption.
Somehow in my case I keep both travelling to foreign countries (map) and getting more libertarian (drifting to the ancap territory).
Living through a coup d’etat while living abroad also helped.
Where was the coup?
Sows’ ears and silk purses, Winston.
Kamala Harris to slash staff, restructure campaign as she hemorrhages cash
You hate to see it.
That’s a shame.
I’d think that Special-K would be the one to slash her staff.
Heaven forbid she calls it in.
We’ve let her down like the Cleveland Browns.
*cracks knuckles*
Well, you have Tulsi to thank for that
*walks away*
Perhaps it’s time to break out her dick sucker.
That’s what got her into trouble; she just used it wrong.
It would be hilarious if Tulsi outlasted her
The result of racism and sexism obviously.
Maybe she could suck Biden off and get a VP slot.
Dammit so free trade and modern technology did not bring about the libertarian moment and it turns out being a New Yorker doesn’t automatically make one a libertarian either.
“wiser governance”….yes, that’s definitely the description that leaps to mind when thinking of the NYC, LA, SF, Chicago city governments.
This doesn’t explain why cities have trended MORE democratic than they once had been from the 90’s forward. Remember that Republicans did fairly well in most cities up until George W. Bush.
I think gentrification accounts for cities becoming more progressive and carbon copies of San Francisco. Gentrification led to a steep decline in families living in cities and also led to an increase in wealthy residents. Gentrification also led to atomization in cities. There are no more communities in major cities, few people even know anything about their nearest neighbor.
And I think that’s an assumption that has been borne out to be true across the West. Twenty five years ago, the Yellow Vest movement would have originated in Paris, rather than originating in its suburbs and the exurbs. Cities now represent the interests of the wealthy and elite. And the political divide in the West today can only be described as a class conflict.
Considering Turdeau Jr.’s antics and Richard Carranza I agree completely.
Look at the Labour Party that draws none of its voters from laborers anymore. Or consider the French socialist party which has become a party exclusively comprised of rich urbanites. Or consider that socialists have only won elections in America (in recent times) in gentrified parts of urban America. They’re not winning votes from the poor or workers.
Okay, I can buy some of the first part. Sure, living cheek-to-jowl with others might drive people to want codes, and code enforcement. People get pissed when the neighbor tears down the old bungalow and constructs a towering eyesore that blots out the sun. Or blasts music at 2 am. Etc. But then the author goes to….
“As a result, residents of dense cities tend to reject libertarianism as unacceptable chaos and instead agitate for wiser governance related to health care, housing policy, and climate change.”
Getting pissed and calling the city because the neighbor’s trash and bitey dog keep ending up in your yard has fuck-all to do with agitating for climate change policy.
TL;DR – does it touch on the machine politics that have caused half, or three-quarters, of the voters in large cities to check out of the process entirely?
Well it does mention have socialists made some headway in urban Democratic political machines.
As the disillusioned middle stops voting the zealots get more important. Things are headed toward some interesting outcomes.
“As a result, residents of dense cities tend to reject libertarianism as unacceptable chaos and instead agitate for wiser governance related to health care, housing policy, and climate change.”
I hadn’t noticed that proggy urbanites were demanding wise governance, just more of it, preferably landing on other people.
It appears that Liverpool and Arsenal are playing without goalkeepers today.
Liverpool’s playing their 3rd choice goalkeeper and the defense is made up of U23s. So yeah.
Being in this competition probably hurts Liverpool so I don’t think Jurgen Klopp really cares if they lose.
I was gonna watch it later but yeah, it’s the
CarlingCapital OneCarabao Cup. Nobody gives a shit about it.‘Baby it’s cold outside’woke remakes are for losers.
Been done. Check out this nauseating version.
I bet Eckert derives pleasure from causing disappointment among kids.
A real asshole for real.
Our fearless media firefighters on Twitter are now checking the veracity of Trump’s (admittedly hilarious) tweet wherein he is pictured awarding the Purple Paw. It’s so fucking dumb I’m not even going to link to it. The world has gone beyond full retard and into someplace uncharted and unspeakable.
Okay, you know what? Fuck it. Here you go…
He’s getting savaged in the comments.
The comments are priceless.
One, its an obvious photoshop. Two, there is no such thing as a “Purple Paw” medal.
So, are the comments what the kids call “getting ratioed”?
At first I was filled with despair, but the comments restored my faith a little bit.
I’m laughing so fucking hard I’m crying. I’ve never loved millenials more than at this moment. That guy is getting savaged in the comments. It’s worse than a high school hockey locker-room. Man, some of those are just… wow. The one with the “giant girl holding up the Leaning Tower of Pisa” and reply bust my gut. Holy shit, maybe there is hope, after all.
‘I like that!’
‘I used to joke it was a song about a predator’
Trump killing off GOP politicians. Local lefty columnist has the goods on why so many more GOPers are not seeking re-election than Dems.
Blah, blah, derp, blah, blah, burp…
Do they ever tire of this?
Not in Minneapolis.
“John Legend to Remix ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside,’ Will Remove Problematic Elements and Promote Consent”
From The Root.
A mag about black culture.
Am I missing something? Problematic elements and consent?
The whole HIP HOP musical genre maybe?
Today we got this gem from Fruit Sushi:
“Obama has always been an eloquent defender of the culture of civil discourse and tolerance.”
Now this?
I can’t even make sense of the sheer hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance anymore.
It’s beyond comprehension.
Obama has always been an eloquent defender of the culture of civil discourse. Let’s just ignore how his administration used Title IX to subvert due process and necessitate expanded speech codes on campus.
“Words speak louder than actions” is a founding principle of the Faith of Wokeness
^Bitter clinger
Isn’t a black guy remixing a song by white people to change its meaning cultural appropriation?
Nothing screams consent like a culture that glorifies robbin, killin, and pimpin. I’ll leave the hos out of this they get beat enough.
Ah, links of triggering I see.
Ass Wednesday Redux.
It’s 15 whole degrees here now!
I have no words for this story.
Somehow they seem to imply opening some new mines in northern Minnesoda will be a giant headache. I guess there aren’t enough unemployed workers to fill all the spots, so then they will have to import workers and then it will be a boom town like the Bakken oil fields.
The only good thing about the story is that they didn’t find a way to blame Trump for the shortage of unemployed workers.
The song’s every bit as fun and swinging as the original, and its newfound sensitivity feels genuine, not performative.
OK, let’s see about that:
Yeah, you lied. The fun of the song comes from the furtive rebelliousness, the implied illicit behavior. “I think they should rejoice” doesn’t fit the theme, at all. Some pieces of art work best when left in their original context and should not be updated.
Yeah, fun. Like how diet soda tastes just as good, or the hip teen bible camp is just as fun as senior week at the beach.
“I think they should rejoice”
Rejoice at what? That you’re a dull prude?
“It’s your body, and your choice”
Sooper. Now to WoD.
Also, a guy white knighting a girl like that and *not* actively trying to get laid (read: not coercing, just trying) comes off as creepy and insincere.
This is the same guy who sang the chorus to Kanye West’s Blame Game.
So let’s talk about pluralism. According to Will Wilkinson in a plural society no one can agree on anything and there are no inalienable rights. This strikes me as a disaster since this means either majoritarian tyranny or a dictatorship to keep everyone in line. Not to mention that a plural society requires that people actually agree on pluralism and what that is and who decides that and how that is enforced or that politicians have no compunction against exploiting tension among various groups for political gain.
Is there some better definition?
Why are you paying any attention to Will Wilkinson?
Well I see Tom Palmer and Dalmia and Heroic Mulatto talk about “pluralism” and I have some issues so good starting off point…
The Wilkinson stuff I refer to is here:
Will Wilkinson is one of the reasons why I don’t call myself a libertarian.
He’s the definition of the “nine times out of ten” rule.
Also, you don’t have pluralism without defined, inviolable natural rights. Wilkinson is just driving a few miles over the speed limit
Does Wilkinson call himself a libertarian anymore though? Hasn’t Niskanen rejected libertarianism in favor of some mealy-mouthed radical centrist Deep-State bootlicking?
And Wilkinson takes a savage crotch-booting from none other than Robbie Soave. Public intellectualism ain’t what it used to be.
Given your reaction about those Ding-Dongs, I’d be interested in your take on this product. I did a double-take when I saw it in the store the other day.
1. Former Rep Katie Hill can make more money as a:
A) Lobbyist.
B) Porn star.
2. I would watch porn featuring Former Rep Katie Hill:
A) Yes.
B) No.
3. Would?
A) Yes.
B) No.
A. A. A.
Correct answer.
I think what’s really been lost here is that she allegedly has an iron cross tattooed on her pubic region. Get freaky.
It’s true. Saw the unredacted pic of her naked doing a bong rip and you can clearly see the tattoo.
1 a. by a long shot
2. b. I’m not into MILF porn
3 a. But I’m not above a MILF romp.
Hey Dick, you can pass whatever law you want restricting speech. I am going to ignore it and speak my mind. Anyone comes after me for it I am gonna find you and kick the shit out of you. I mean a good solid ass whippin’, the kind you don’t forget.
“the second (Amendment) is just there if the first (amendment) doesn’t work”
– Dave Chappelle
Video of the Baghdadi raid.
You know who else exploded after a night penetration?
Everyone who has encountered STEVE SMITH?
?Pop goes the weasel?
I will pass, thank you.
Baby It’s Cold Outside in the era of #MeToo:
Funny but sadly accurate.
A classic, just for you.
Comment: “Did not consent to the wink. See you in court”
There’s just no winning. Dear feminists, please stop helping me.
These people are annoying, but the mom is hot.
By popular demand (4 people), I’ve written an article on David Bowie’s cod. It’s pending approval.
Looking forward to some sweet cod-cunte action.
Well that was fast, lol.
She’s been thinking about it for a long time?
I’m going with “bored with her usual routine.”
Rhywun gets it. See me after class for your extra credit points.
She thought about all night.
I think your supposed to “hit my theme music ” with posts like that…like Tres does.
Let me help –
You could debate Debbie Harry, who has recently spoken on the subject.
LOL, you are killing me you know? For some reason this whole cod thing is triggering my inner pedant so hard. Cod is not a synonym for penis, it is a synonym for testicle when pluralized, or for the scrotum when singular.
Yeah, yeah, yeah … I didn’t have many other options (or ones I could swallow). The heroine calls it a spindle, but to me, that’s just a Nice Girl Word For It.
It was noticed, what you did there.
. . . or ones I could swallow . . .
We’re really not doing phrasing anymore, are we?
I’m quite sure I don’t know what you mean.
Now hit my motherfuckin’ theme music!
Make sure I don’t miss the sheet. I miss out on a lot of them. ?
Has anyone seen straff?
How do these news outlets think paywalls are going to make them money? There is nothing in any newspaper I’ll pay a subscription to read.
Sometimes – like this time – my browser’s reader view gives me the article. Block harder, LA Times.
Is anyone familiar with, or have you used, Airtable?
It sounds great, but I don’t know how I feel about it being cloud-based. But I do like that you have database-like functionality without having to learn db software.
That’s interesting. FWIW, though, MS Access, as much as I hate to say it, would do database stuff in a GUI format without being cloud-based (at least the data portion) and without requiring having to learn any SQL or anything.
MS Access is expensive. I think LibreOffice (free) has a desktop database app, if not as polished.
It comes bundled with Office 365, which I have. But like I say below, I just haven’t ever been able to get the hang of it. Maybe I’m just haven’t found a good learning method for me.
Just stick with it. It’s a decent product at what it does and you can’t beat free.
Also, everyone uses it or has used it, so there’s tons of help online.
I mean, if not for the lack of a GUI, I would recommend just using something like Django or anything with an ORM if you don’t want to bother with SQL. Of course, then you’ve got to write templates and Python and HTML and stuff, but still.
Or Mongo, which as I recall has a pretty simple query language.
Yeah, I’ve made a few runs at Access in the past, and never seem to get the hang of it before I loose patience. At first blush, Airtable appears to have a less steep learning curve.
So I am sipping some more Michter’s Rye, it is tasty, but I think I’d be hard pressed to identify it as other than bourbon if I was blind tasting. Maybe a touch more spice than most bourbon, but I’d say well within ordinary deviation between bourbons.
There’s rye, and then there’s rye. Michter’s is good, but it’s definitely not 100% rye whiskey.
It’s labelled as single barrel straight rye, are the rules on Rye laxer than on bourbon?
Is it the US 1? To be designated as rye, it has to be 51% rye, just as bourbon has to be 51% corn. Most of the ryes I drink have much higher percentages.
So 3.0/5?
As Whiskey? 3.5. As Rye? I’m not qualified.
That’s about the right score for me.
Try Sazerac Rye. It was my standard back when I could drink.
Sazerac is a little light for me. I think Knob Creek Small Batch, or Rittenhouse Rye are good examples in the $20-40 range. At the price of Michter’s, around $40, I would drink Willet rye all day long.
I’ll search those out. The options at my store were Angel’s Envy Rye at $99, Michter’s at $35, and some special edition Whistle Pig at $130. Since I had never tried Rye I didn’t jump on the expensive 2.
$100+ for booze? I wanna hang out with you people. My normal swill costs a fourth of that.
That’s a good price for Michter’s. Whistle Pig is Canadian source, so it’s a little soft and sweet for me.
Canadian source, so it’s a little soft and sweet for me.
Hey Rufus…
Interesting. My reaction was almost the opposite. But to a certain degree, taste is idiosyncratic. FWIW, I liked the standard Sazerac considerably better than the 18 year.
I was really disappointed the one time I tried the 18.
For my taste-buds, I think there’s many better than Sazerac.
Bulleit is a great medium-shelf and Rittenhouse is a bottom shelf that hits above it’s weight class.
Y’all are making me miss drinking. sigh
We use Bulleit, but we’ve got enough home barrel-aged now that we can just drink the improved version.
I really need to do that. After your article I had a barrel picked out and everything, but just never pulled the trigger.
I think the Impeachment “whistleblower” has been identified. If you thought he would look like vegan millenial beta, you were right.
And, yes, he is just as compromised as you think he is.
Why does it matter who the whistleblower is or what his political leaning are? What facts or accusations change based on the identity of the whistle blower?
Rule 608(c) in the Federal Rules of Evidence reflects a more ancient rule of the Law of Evidence in the common law that allows for a questioner to ask of his accusers regarding matters that might “bias, prejudice, or motive to fabricate.” It’s been at the heart of the concept fo the right to confront one’s accusers. If the guy who is banging your wife is on the stand testifying and saying you should go to jail, it might be relevant for an jury to know that and give it what weight they think it deserves. I could do a million examples like this.
This guy looks like a naked political operative trying who worked for Biden. That doesn’t seem even, ya know, a teensy bit relevant?? C’mon, guys.
This is the “Ethos” of Ethos-Pathos-Logos, it absolutely is relevant to judging the substance of the claim and always has been. This isn’t a disinterested servant, it’s the bag-man for Biden’s doings in Ukraine.
Is the whistle blower the guy on the stand saying you should go to jail? or is he the guy who called the cops and said you are running a dog fighting ring behind the circle K? If the cops on that tip find you behind the circle K running a dog fight, what could the motivation of the tipster matter? You were either running a dog fighting ring or not, the tipsters relations with your wife are irrelevant.
If the “whistleblower” “
and also met with Schiff and his staffers prior to initiating his complaint, yeah, that’s kind of relevant. You can try to play rhetorical sleight of hand with the analogy, but now you’ve admitted that it’s at least relevant, no? I mean, if “the whistleblower” was Hunter Biden, that might be relevant? And if you admit it is for him, how many steps removed does the person have to be for it to still be relevant?
Also, we don’t have a case of some smoking gun – as you’ve tried to mangle the analogy; we have a case where some whistleblower is claiming in a secret hearing that Bad Orange Man tried to “meddle in the 2020 election” because Joe Biden is a possible nominee for Team Blue’s schlub in the coming election. Except that Biden also happens to have been ass-deep in Ukraine matters when he was Veep. But I guess we ignore that to pretend that this is Trump attempting to “influence 2020” – when Biden openly bragged on camera that he previously threatened and got a prosecutor removed over a billion in military aid to Ukraine… and the company involved just happened to be one where his son was sitting on the Board. The “whistleblower” claiming Trump’s call was icky previously worked directly for that other disinterested party, John Brennan. You know who he is, right?
I mean, c’mon, how obtuse can you be on this?
And then there’s the whole “CrowdStrike” angle to this, which is where some have claimed the DNC servers went to be “analyzed” – instead of the FBI, which was headed by that paragon of Bureau procedure Jim Comey.
This is so laughably obvious and yet there are people (evidently) who will insist that Strzok’s “insurance policy” text meant nothing at all. Nothing to see here at all. This is all totally above board, just some unbiased civil servant who happened to get removed from the NSC because it was alleged he was one of those selectively leaking to the press. And previously worked for Biden as Veep. On Ukraine. And met with Schiff before the complaint was filed. All perfectly normal behavior for whistleblowers, too.
None, that’s just it. The whole impeachment effort is theater based on smoke. They make an accusation and it turns out to be another hoax so they just invent something else and the impeachment effort keeps rolling along uninterrupted. To call this a travesty and a sham is an understatement.
The identity matters to this extent: that there’s a reasonable possibility that this person is part of a larger conspiracy, either explicitly or in a “will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest” sort of understanding, that would be indicated by his connections to people with a stake in Trump’s impeachment or at least political trouble. As to the actual truth of the accusations, obviously, it means nothing, but once we establish–again–that it’s bullshit, the “who” becomes really interesting if it’s someone with ties to Biden, Clinton, or other heavy-hitters in the DNC.
What hoax? in this case, as far as I know, everything the whistle blower claimed turned out to be true, there may be argument on whether it’s impeachable or what size of a deal it is but I’m not seeing the “hoax”.
in this case, as far as I know, everything the whistle blower claimed turned out to be true
Since this is the whistleblower who started the whole “Trump told the Ukraine he would withhold aid unless they investigate Biden” thing, your definition of “true” is . . . interesting. His version of this is what Nadler tried to read into the record, which everybody mocked because Trump had already released the transcript showing it was laughably false.
I thought it was that Trump pressure the Ukraine’s to investigate the Bidens, which he did, and that was Schiff that did the parody bit wasn’t it?
Three points:
1. you are stealing a bit of a base with the pressure claim. The transcript is Trump asking, it does not really support a claim of pressure.
2. The real point to me is this: If there is reason to believe Biden improperly used his position to protect his son from a criminal investigation then there is nothing wrong with Trump asking the Ukrainians to investigate. If there is no such reason then what Trump did is probably still not criminal, but it was certainly unseemly.
3. The whole thing in the House is political theater and directed at shutting up the squad.
There’s also the question of whether Trump was fishing for info about 2016 rather than 2020.
2. is the one that gets my head spinning, so Burisma paid Hunter a shitload of money so that Joe would stop the investigation into Hunter being paid by Burisma? I’ve never actually heard what the crime Burisma or Hunter are accused of other than burisma paying Hunter to stop the investigation into why Burisma hired Hunter and round and round, and then I get a headache and have to take a nap.
Burisma was being investigated for Enron type scams and manipulation of the markets. The theory is:
1. Burisma (like many Eastern European Oligarch run energy companies) was dirty
2. They hire Biden’s son for influence with the US
3. Ukrainian authorities look into Burisma,
4. Hunter asks Daddy to help
5. Daddy does
I don’t think the claim that Biden was protecting his son is really accurate. I think Daddy was just providing the very influence to protect Burisma that they hired Hunter to obtain.
No, they paid Hunter a shitload of money because he had access to the Vice President of the United States and the guy who approved it – a pal of the ex-President of Ukraine as both fled to Russia – wanted Hunter in place as protection from any possible investigations by the new Pres.
Thanks, that makes a bit more sense although ‘Enron type scams and manipulations’ is all Greek to me. Show me a mugger beating a guy and taking his wallet, that I understand, once you get to that macro level shit my assumption is that everyone is fucking everyone else in one giant con game.
‘Enron type scams and manipulations’ is all Greek to me.
Have you ever worked commercial or sub contracted to a builder? You know the scam where company A hires the trades to build a building, then folds leaving the trades people unpaid, and magically company B ends up owning that building without the trades people getting paid. And it turns out somehow the people who own Company B are the real people behind Company A. Think that only bigger, and not in that grey, legal but sleazy area. And yes, Trump has episodes of that in his past also.
It’s not even that complicated. Here’s what a member of Ukranian parliament said the reason was for Biden being hired:
Totally. Legit. Nothing to see here. Hunter BIden got thrown out of the Navy before he even started because he pissed hot for cocaine. 6 months later he’s on the board of a Ukranian natural gas company, Biden brags he got the prosecutor tossed, but it’s really Trump who is interfering in an election by asking them if there’s anything to this.
And you definitely have to believe the CIA hero who used to work for Biden because he says Trump said things ickily… or so he heard… from someone else.
He said “I want you to investigate Biden seven or eight times”.
Why does it matter who the whistleblower is or what his political leaning are?
Helps in assessing his credibility, and thus the credibility of his accusations. Its not like he is smuggling verified documents, etc. out of the White House. He is providing, as far as I know, an entirely testimonial account, and one that seems rife with double and triple hearsay.
We have a pretty good idea that his account of the crucial phone call was almost entirely inaccurate, because Trump, in a move that completely wrongfooted the Dems, immediately released the transcript of the call.
Short of burning a lot of cycles running down every accusation a witness makes, normal people acting rationally determine whether the witness has sufficient credibility.
Given that the “whistle-blowers” didn’t reveal any crime committed by Trump or even anything remotely inappropriate, we’re left with speculating why they are pushing this nonsense.
Trump didn’t ask the ukrainian President to look into the Biden’s? I’m seriously blanking on what the speculation here is, he said Trump did X, Trump himself releases tapes of him doing X, now as I said above whether that’s a deal or no is up for debate whether it happened not so much.
He did. Which is gross, at least superficially, but not the crux of the issue. The crux is whether he threatened to withhold military aid in relation, which he didn’t do in the call and it’s unclear whether he really intended to. I seem to recall a lot of quibbling about what a reasonable prosecutor would conclude on matters of intention.
At this point we’re being asked to be disgusted by something Trump did (fine) and to reward a bunch of conniving Dem pols and bureaucrats in retaliation (uhh) in the hope that one of their candidates can take Trump’s place and implement some brand of crackpot socialism (go fuck yourselves).
He did. Which is gross, at least superficially,
I disagree. Biden’s overt threat to withhold funds unless a prosecutor investigating a company which was paying his son a million dollars a year was fired strikes me as a perfectly legitimate basis for a criminal investigation with the cooperation of the government who buckled under and fired the prosecutor.
This is the favor he asked for:
Here’s the reference to Biden, later in the call after it veers into the prosecutor being fired:
I think the whistleblower version is what Schiff (not Nadler) read just after Trump released the transcript. It bears little resemblance to the call itself.
This is what pisses me off so much about this. We don’t need the whistleblower, or the military guy, or anybody else’s testimony about what they heard from someone who was in the next room, or what the NSA guy said he heard was on the wire tap. There’s a fuckin’ transcript of the call. There it is, in black and white.
It’s perfectly appropriate for the US President to ask foreign leaders for help in the corruption investigation. In fact, that’s his duty. Trump even campaigned on draining the swamp. That means investigating corrupt swamp dwellers like Biden. Running in the Democratic primary is not a reason to claim immunity from criminal investigations.
^This. If you look at it like this–“Any criminal activity that Joe Biden might have been a part of doesn’t matter because he’s running for office”–the ridiculousness of the position becomes apparent.
Has Trump started criminal investigations into Biden here? has he pressured the Ukraine’s or any other recipient of funds to investigate “corruption” anywhere else? It looks pretty shady (yes, just as shady as getting hundreds of thousands of dollars a month just for sharing the last name of the veep) when his only concern is Joe, Hunter, and Hillary’s emails. Look, Trump is using his power to his advantage, every other Prez did to, if that’s just the name of the game and were cool with it then fine, what gets me is the smoke being blown up my ass that Trump is the single most moral and upright person every to hold the office and he wouldn’t think of doing something that even approaches the lines of propriety.
Jesus Christ – “we’re” “impropriety”, and probably a few other fuck ups I still don’t notice.
what gets me is the smoke being blown up my ass that Trump is the single most moral and upright person every to hold the office and he wouldn’t think of doing something that even approaches the lines of propriety.
Who here is saying that? He’s a gauche obnoxious blowhard. Some of us just think he is better than the alternatives.
Who here is saying that?
Its implicated in the complete disbelief that many, not all, but many here show toward any accusation that Trump maybe might have coulda bent the rules a little bit. “It’s all Bullshit” “Hoax” “Fever Dream” do these terms sound familiar at all?
I think you are mistaking the absolute skepticism with which we great claims by anyone with a D after their name with love for Trump. Or at least in so far as I am concerned that is what is going on. I admit there are a few here who may be massive Trump fans. Suthen, Alex, and your nemesis are probably the most likely candidates.
greet not great
Who’s Alex?
The Obama regime has fabricated the Russia collusion hoax and attempted to overthrow the duly elected US Government (President Trump) . In my opinion, this is one of–if not– the biggest political scandals in the US history. My support of Trump depends on how ruthlessly he and nominally his DOJ can prosecute the leaders of the Obama regime. For me the most interesting part of the conversation with the Ukrainian president was the CrowdStrike server. But that’s not the only issue that has to be investigated. I don’t want Trump to investigate some sort of “neutral” corruption. I want him to investigate the most toxic form of it: the Obama-Clinton criminal gang.
In my view, most of the American political class no longer has any legitimacy. They actively or passively participated in the coup d’état. Trump is one of the very few figures that has any legitimacy left. I may like or dislike the things he’s doing–but there’s nobody else out there.
Goes to credibility, your honor.
My ass. He is not related to Blasey Ford, is he? This is more fabrication from the Dems. Everything they have said since 2017 is fabrication, hoax and lies. Every goddamned word. I am not sure what any of the ‘testilying’ the dems are having means. What are they doing it for? We have the transcripts of the call…I don’t need the opinions of 100 different lying dingleberries, I can just read the transcript.
Seriously, after the pathetic lies and sooper seekret Soviet Star Chamber antics do they expect the American people to accept the reversal of an election? The invalidation of our votes? What the fuck do they think is going to happen? Herself will automatically ascend to the throne?
Oh, yeah, this guy is real credible. No axe to grind at all.
And of course, we know that Trump actually fired Comey on the recommendation of Rod Rosenstein, after Rosenstein had been secretly talking to Mueller.
All roads lead back to Her Tentacleness
Drop the chalupa!
For her sake, I hope Alexandra Chalupa is a size 4, because otherwise, man oh man, the jokes, they tell themselves.
Ciaramella worked with a Democratic National Committee operative . . . to link the Republican campaign to the Russian government
See what I mean about credibility? This guy is a long-time player in the Deep State opposition to Trump. In my book, he should be presumptively disbelieved until anything he says is corroborated. And corroboration ain’t free, so how much you invest in it depends on, wait for it, the credibility of the accuser.
Schiff, man. There’s no way this wasn’t dirty from the start with him so heavily involved. That tool has never once said anything that resembles the truth, and now it looks like a pure power trip as well.
I don’t guess waiting out the armed shoplifter was ever considered an option.
ROFLMAO. Don’t be silly. There’s doughnuts out there that need wranglin.
Police: Why are we held in such low regard by our ungrateful public?
Also police: drive a fuckin car through it lol
I beg to differ. All that ammo… it needed to be spent. “Fuck the doughnuts. We’ll get to them later, after our heroes reception.”
John Legend needs to remix a harder song… like Big Booty Hoes.