It all ends tonight.
Well the Astros blew it last night. But like I said yesterday, everybody wants a Game 7 anyway. Across the pond, the Carabao Cup games pretty much went according to plan. A couple of big boy matchups today. Let’s see what kind of team each of them put out there. And in hockey, the winners yesterday were Boston, Washington, Pittsburgh, Carolina, NYR, Detroit, Nashville, Dallas and Anaheim.

Now a semi-famous writer
Explorer (and exploiter, appropriator, genocidal maniac, and enslaver – WaPo) Christopher Columbus was born on this day. So were founding father John Adams, Admiral Bull Halsey, poet Ezra Pound, actor Henry Winkler, actor Harry Hamlin, soccer legend and cocaine aficionado Diego Maradona, and heir-apparent to the coming dictatorship Ivanka Trump.
Actually a decent list today. Now on to…the links!
Preemption, bitch! At least that’s how I would have stated it were I this judge. But that can cut both ways down the road, so I hope these kinds of idiotic ordinances start getting struck down because they’re unconstitutional rather than on procedural grounds.
Want to read some stupid ass shit? Here’s some stupid ass shit. But in a way they’re right: a lot of people would be happy to join a mob of bandits. They’d be even happier if they could safely outsource all the violent heavy lifting.

Mmmmmmmm, tacos!
Here’s a lesson on why you should never apologize. Actually, this company learned that lesson twice in one day. God, I hate griefers. I hate em with the fire of 100 suns.
Somehow I doubt she’s being honest here. But I’ve doubted that about her all along.
California continues its march toward the Middle Ages. What’s next, medieval diseases coming back that were eradic…oh yeah, that’s happened too.

Apparently this is not ok.
Covington Catholic II: Electric Boogaloo. Man, I’m not sure I want to live in a world where your fans can’t taunt opponents. But this may have gone a little over the line.
Regardless of what happens with the baseball, this will be how I feel today. I hope some of you can say the same.
Now go have a great day!
Just to continue the discussion from last week—Verlander, alleged Hall of Fame shoo-in, now 0-6 in the World Series, knocked out in 5 and apparently the last pitcher you want on baseball’s biggest stage
One game—small sample size. Two games—small sample size. Six games, across four World Series over 13 years–doesn’t seem like a very small sample size.
Strasburg, alleged borderline HoF case, 2-0 in World Series, with 8 1/3 dominant innings
If I were to vote for the Hall of Fame today and had to choose between Verlander and Strasburg, the choice wouldn’t be JV!
Speaking of awards, the Academy Award for Most Inspiring Performance should go to Alex Bregman. He certainly inspired the Nationals! Dave Martinez should send him a fruit basket.
Best WS pitcher ever: Dave McNally. Not only pitched shutouts, but hit a grand slam.
You’re right. I guess Dan Marino doesn’t deserve to be in the HOF and Eli Manning does.
“I’m a fucking idiot because I can’t
make a lampwin a World Series game?”“No. You’re a genius because you can’t
make a lampwin a World Series game.”I fail to see the John Bender/Brian Johnson connection here.
There’s a dude out there with a Heisman and two Super Bowl rings as a starting QB, and still isn’t in the Hall of Fame.
Was he just lucky to be out there when his team as among the elite, or is he being snubbed?
I’d say they both do.
(But I’m a Giants fan, so I’m biased.)
The fact that he has been in 4 world series across 13 seasons without being a Yankee is a pretty key indicator of greatness.
This, Verlander may not be good in the WS, but he’s almost single-handedly responsible for getting some teams there.
The Win stat for pitchers is like Batting Average, it’s not a good measurement of performance
Yes, but his other stats are terrible too.
6 games is still a small sample. His post-season stats are 14-11, 3.40 ERA, 1.066 WHIP — not stellar, but then the competition is better. With 71.4 WAR in 15 seasons, Verlander should be put in the Hall when it’s all done. His WAR stats are about average for a Hall-of-Fame pitcher.
Strasberg is younger; at his current rate, he will have about 50 WAR by the time he is Verlander’s age — that’s not Hall-worthy. He’s good when healthy, but hasn’t been healthy enough. If he can put up 6 more years like 2019, then it’s a different story.
“But like I said yesterday, everybody wants a Game 7 anyway.”
*narrows gaze*
:shrugs innocently::
Is it Friday already?
Is it Sunday the 3rd yet? Because the Popeye’s Chicken sammich is returning, permanently.
Ow, my eye!
“Here’s a lesson on why you should never apologize. Actually, this company learned that lesson twice in one day. God, I hate griefers. I hate em with the fire of 100 suns.”
How about we let businesses sell their wares to paying customers and not sweat it beyond that?
“But I want to social signal!”
I’m kinda wondering why there’s an ICE facility in Buffalo. Apparently, the Canuckistani hordes coming down from Toronto is a worse problem than I thought.
Niagara Falls is a high traffic border crossing. It’s more or less an attractive nuisance for someone trying to slip in to the country.
Speaking of Niagara Falls, another birthday today is Ed Delahanty, a Hall-of-Famer who went over the falls without a barrel (and was very drunk at the time). He did not survive, and nobody really knows what happened (accident, suicide, robbery/murder are all possibilities).
The illegals slide right over the falls and before you know it, they’ve swum the Erie Canal to NYC and it’s impossible to find ’em at that point.
Shouldn’t the flappy heads be a dead giveaway?
I’ve seen immigrants being pulled off the greyhound bus I was on. (I live nearby) plus farms bro.
If you can get in a barrel and go over the falls and make it, you get to stay
“A true acknowledgement of historical crimes against humanity must include both the heinous genocides of the 20th century, along with earlier mass slaughters like the transatlantic slave trade and Native American genocide, which took the lives of hundreds of millions of indigenous people in this country,” she said in the statement, according to CNN.
So… Omar won’t acknowledge there was an Armenian genocide because the US had slaves decades earlier?
The population of the entire planet in 1600, which was a good century into the European ‘genocide’ of the Americas, was not more than 500 million.
You and your vulgar facts trying to gum up a good narrative.
Unintentional disease spreading doesn’t count as genocide in my book. They didn’t even know germs existed back then.
Might have been around 10 million native americans in what is now the U.S. according to Wikipedia, give or take about 8 million, before the Europeans arrived. It’s hard to get high population levels when hunting and gathering. Even harder when you’re not disease resistant to invaders.
Eh this is a common misconception. nowhere near all natives were hunter gatherers prior to the European arrival in the Americas. There were several large empires in both North and South America in 1500. Nowhere near on a level of size and complexity of European nations of the time, likely on par with kingdoms of the middle east circa 1000 BC minus the metal working skills.
My understanding is that to get larger populations, you need agriculture, and there was relatively little agriculture, at least in North America. I gather the high estimate is 18 million. Central/South America apparently had a larger population.
*leaves out Arab slave trade*
Ask her why there aren’t many blacks in the Muslim world where there were a lot of African slaves. The answer is very uncomfortable.
Hmm … castrating all male slaves, and turning women into concubines kinda jumps out. Short answer is there is likely quite a lot of black ancestors among Arabs – but not on the Y chromosomes.
I’m not so sure the offspring of the unions had all that great a survival rate either.
Even going back to the trafficking part, there are more slave bones cast throughout the Sahara than slaves that made it to the Arab world.
This is the exact same ploy the Squad tried with their little “condemn racism” stunt that was rewritten to condemn only wypipo.
“Want to read some stupid ass shit?”
It’s asking me to subscribe to read it. Which is stupid.
I just clicked “Don’t share” and closed the popup and I was good to go.
We need to rescue the money that the rich have stored in their vaults and get it back into circulation. Everyone needs a piece of some one else’s pie.
Time for a sequel to 113) Executive Order 6102?
But with angry customers on both sides, and apologizing for their apology, the taco company became a proxy for America’s culture wars.
The controversy has deep layers. From the role that Mexican food has had in the immigration debate to the iconic 2016 moment when Latinos for Trump founder Marco Gutierrez said if nothing was done about immigration, “you’re gonna have taco trucks on every corner,” a taco is not just a taco.
“You know, we just want to serve tacos,” Cimino said. “This is not a political thing by any means.”
It’s all political, now. Right down to which hand you wipe your ass with.
You don’t have a robot to do that for you?
And they call me luddite.
You let robots do that? Won’t somebody think of the orphans’ jobs?
Eeew! Do you know where those orphans’ hands have been?
Eeew! You don’t have special designated wipin’ orphans?
Yur either fer us, or agin us.
Somebody should write a grievance study PhD thesis on it.
Cultural Appropriation, ICE, and the Silent Genocide of Non-papered Workers: A Critical Study
I want off this rock.
And? What was the fiance’s reaction? Did he validate the statement, or disprove it?
From the retellings I’ve heard, the room fell silent momentarily as the rest of the family cringed, she gracefully let the moment pass without confrontation, and everybody else let him have it later.
Most tribes felt that way about every other tribe. Unless she was a left-wing idiot (but I repeat myself) it was probably shit she heard in her own home.
Good for him she was probably already drunk by the time he said it, amirite?
The good news was he didn’t have to attend so many family reunions after that. Gotta admire someone that pre-cancels those events
If my son were doing that, he’d get a forked tongue-lashing.
Re: apologizing, their tacos are overrated anyway (for the price). I dunno if it says in the link, but when asked if they’d serve at the ice center again, he said he wouldn’t answer hypothetical questions. Bruh…
Lloyd’s Authentic Mexican Cuisine, the way Mom would have made it, if she was into cross cultural stuff.
Lloydo O’Rourke?
Robert Francis’ Uncle?
“Ll” pronounced with a “Y”?
Worse, i think they’re greasy wops.
An Italian owned and operated food truck called “The Wandering Dago” was kicked out of the horsetrack here because of its name. Then the wops sued and won:
If it wasn’t for cultural appropriation the food world would be a much duller world. Case in point, I want to try this Indian/Mexican place that was supposed to open this month.
Indian/Mexican? Columbus opened a restaurant?
Gives you the shits, but you use the street
I see nothing wrong with vindaloo/naan tacos! NOTHING!
If there’s not an item on the menu called “The Lost Italian”, I’m going to be miffed.
They’re located in San Francisco?
I had a Gujarati working for me who used to say, “Indian is Mexican plus garam masala.”
+1 Manila Galleons – lots of colonial-era sharing between the East Indies and Mexico.
The colombian exchange was just cultural appropriation on a grand scale, and it ruined the authentic Mexican cuisine of sacrificed prisoner!
I suspect that the original filling of most Tamales was long pork.
“If it wasn’t for cultural appropriation the food world would be a much duller world”
Ya think? Let’s see, what food items did the Europeans bring back from the Americas? – Tomatoes, corn, potatoes, all chilis (every last one used in Korean, Thai, Chinese, or Indian food!), most bean varieties, cacao (!!?!!) – and that’s just the main contributions. I often wonder just how bland the European diet was in 1491.
History is problematic!
Apparently, the Canuckistani hordes coming down from Toronto is a worse problem than I thought.
I’d like to see this Canuck air get sent back to where it came from.
*two degrees below zero*
Yikes, wait’ll November comes.!
It’s from Siberia, d00d. Effing Russians!
While their tax-the-rich proposals vow to create a better economic balance
That’s not what taxes are supposed to be for.
You don’t have a robot to do that for you?
And they call me luddite.
I can’t afford a Japanese toilet.
Then have your orphans do it.
“A true acknowledgement of historical crimes against humanity must include both the heinous genocides of the 20th century, along with earlier mass slaughters like the transatlantic slave trade and Native American genocide, which took the lives of hundreds of millions of indigenous people in this country,” she said in the statement, according to CNN.
And what of the African slave trade among Muslims?
The descendants of the castrated and murdered Zinj couldn’t be reached for comment.
Also, there were not hundred of millions of indigenous people to kill. You need far more modern agriculture to feed that many mouths.
I noticed that. If there had been hundreds of millions they may not have been defeated.
By “indigenous people” she means “passenger pigeons”.
You have to count the unborn in that. The only time the left counts the unborn as a life.
What about European slaves in Africa?
It’s almost like this sort of thing has, unfortunately, been the norm throughout human history.
Yeah, in most cases when two cultures clashed if one didn’t either annihilate or enslave – or a bit of both – the other it wasn’t for a lack of trying.
At least the native Americans went out of town to find a bride
Whatever the headcount of indigenous peoples was it is pretty well understood that something like 90% died of diseases before Europeans had a chance to either convert them to Christianity or put them to the sword. I would bet parts of my anatomy that these progs would blame the white man for deaths caused by disease but I would wager these progs are not aware of this fact in the first place.
But if there were hundreds of millions of indigenous people at the time, they would have built up immunities to the white man’s diseases and would have in all likelihood transmitted red man’s diseases to whitey and killed him off.
Plagues were largely the result of animal husbandry in cities, and the natives didn’t have either.
If there were hundreds of millions of them they would have had cities.
There weren’t, and they didn’t.
The Toltec, Aztec, and Maya civilizations did have cities but as their primary food sources of beans, corn, and gourds had an almost perfect blend of the 8 amino acids they were quite healthy without much animal protein in their diet. So without a need for domestic animals there wasn’t much exposure to viral diseases from other species in the way that people living in the Eurasian land mass had been exposed for millennia.
I’m not arguing with you, I’m pointing out all the other likely realities that Omar seems to be incapable of comprehending in her exaggerated drama.
There weren’t “hundreds of millions of indigenous people in this country” even in the highest, most politically-motivated estimates by people other than Prof. Omar.
Had those honkies stayed on their own turf that shiznat would never have happened.
Uhh, it actually is quite likely that the diseases that decimated indigenous Americans were brought over by europeans….
But to be a genocide, it would have had to be deliberate. Just because the sailors were a dirty, diseased lot doesn’t mean they meant to wipe out the locals with pestilence.
That’s like blaming the Chinese for the Bubonic plague, Dutch elm disease, and the Emerald ash borer…
Alright, I’m starting to get pissed at the Red menace.
Just wait until Pig Ebola crosses the pacific.
The loss of Bacon is a Cassus Belli for nuking them off the face of the planet.
That would mean war! I live in Jersey and need my pork roll.
You mean Taylor Ham.
I prefer other brands. I actually buy Shoprite store brand “tangy”.
Likewise with the Shoprite tangy!
I’m not blaming anyone.
My response would be “Okay. Some people did something.”
I’ll also add that Congressional resolutions like these are worthless gestures and are just another form of pandering to try to earn votes.
Explorer (and exploiter, appropriator, genocidal maniac, and enslaver – WaPo) Christopher Columbus …
I like to refer to him as the Lost Italian (even though Italy didn’t exist as a nation back then) because he discovered and returned to the new world 4 times (never reaching the continent itself) and went to his grave convinced it was Japan, or at least the Indies – while most of those in Europe who knew about his travels realized he had found unexplored islands.
There were plenty of scholars back then who had a pretty accurate idea as to how big the Earth is – they were among the naysayers who told him he would run out of rations before reaching China. . It must have dawned on him at some point that he was hitting land way too soon.
He was also a Crusader. Spain had just thrown out the last of Islamic invaders while the Italian Peninsula and India were both being ravaged by Muslim attacks. Plans had been around for a long time to link up with the Indians and unite against the jihad that was threatening most of the civilized world.
Louis Bertrand’s concluding discussion reveals how Columbus’ westward voyage, motivated by anti-jihadism, “chimerical ideas,” and his own persevering genius, begot “immense discovery”:
Less than a century later, European fleets were in fact fighting Muslim armies in India.
” It must have dawned on him at some point that he was hitting land way too soon. ”
The reason why Columbus thought that the Indies/Asia was much closer than most European scholars of his day was because he did his own calculations of the size of the earth and erroneously figured it was much smaller than common knowledge of the day (and actually what had been known for centuries). He figured it was just about where he found it – thus he never wavered in his belief.
” It must have dawned on him at some point that he was hitting land way too soon. ”
The reason why Columbus thought that the Indies/Asia was much closer than most European scholars of his day was because he did his own calculations of the size of the earth and erroneously figured it was much smaller than common knowledge of the day (and actually what had been known for centuries). He figured it was just about where he found it – thus he never wavered in his belief.
There were some smaller estimates floating around at the time (IIRC one appears in Isidore of Seville’s encyclopedia). Columbus cherry-picked the smaller estimate because he knew that nobody would fund (or go on) a trip involving several months on the open ocean.
Good morning Sloopy! And a good morning to the rest of you tax cattle!
Interesting lynx strategy, Sloop. Start with a gentle reminder of just how bad the Wild are, great news from PA and BOOM! Retardation, aggravation, a horrible human being (and Leap’s rep!), more retardation, and stupidity.
Breathtaking, really.
But, yeah, despite all of that I can indeed say the same. Thanks!
I’m just happy Warty provided me with the positive link out of Yinzerville.
Good luck to your Astros. Death to all capital teams.
“California continues its march toward the Middle Ages.”
I’m no historian, but I’m pretty sure medieval times suffered from lawlessness and a lack of technology. California has the opposite problem. Although back in the MA one didn’t need to pass 37 different regulations to open a shop, or get horses emissions tested, or permission from the king to collect firewood.
I see you’ve never read medieval statutes on trade then.
I haven’t. Regardless, whatever laws and “regulatory agencies” they had must have been way less than what California has now, just based on communications technology.
“Although back in the MA one didn’t need to pass 37 different regulations to open a shop”
I don’t know–most trades were run by Guilds, which had a lot of strict rules and regulations. I’m not an expert an guilds, but I have to assume many or most them were arbitrary, and designed mostly to uphold the Guild’s monopoly. I think California would fit right in if they were transported back to, say, 1100AD.
And you absolutely needed royal warrent to collect firewood, that was the king’s (or lord’s) trees.
We’re gonna need an ICE office on all roads leading east and north outta Cali, to turn back the hoards that will be leaving, “Cause the rent’s too damned high”
I recently read a book by John Horvat arguing that the social hierarchy and decentralized government of the middle ages are a perfect model for the re-Christianization of America when our current neoliberal consensus falls apart. Seriously.
I suppose feudalism and manorialism could be called “decentralized”…
Not without mobility between polities.
That was his exact contention, yes. And that feudal contracts engendered quasi-familial relationships between lords and serfs.
Can we at least get the Burbclaves?
Like Strom Thurmond?
Read Medieval Cities by the Belgian historian Henri Pirenne to see how that system evolved after the collapse of Rome.
The whole impeachment farce is decsending even farther into craziness. Schiff ‘interrupted continually’ to ‘coach’ latest Trump impeachment witness.
Tomorrow they want to make that kind of thing official. After the show trial, they’ll have to figure out what they are tying to impeach him for.
Totally trustworthy
Reps. Steve Scalise, R-La., and Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told reporters that Schiff shut down a Republican line of questioning toward Vindman.
“When we asked [Vindman] who he spoke to after important events in July — Adam Schiff says, ‘no, no, no, we’re not going to let him answer that question,”‘ Jordan said.
Jordan went on to say that Schiff seemed to be breaking his own rules for the hearings, implying the chairman was acting almost as a “lawyer” for Vindman.
Shifty Schiff strikes again.
A taco truck company is in the middle of a controversy after serving workers at an immigration detention center in upstate New York, then apologizing for it.
At least now we have something to tacobout.
That kind of thing will definitely earn you a chili reception here, RS.
Now that’s a hot take.
Watch your lengua.
I think I see what you bean trying to say
I don’t Juan-a get involved with these puns
That’s nacho best pun, Slammer.
Way to spice up the conversation
Cheese-us Christ.
My guy on Oahu made me the best fish tacos I’ve ever had. Mahi do the same for you.
There’s no need to have such a hard shell.
Always seemed silly to were a woodland cammo vest over desert commo utilities. The Army really knows how to fuck up uniforms.
They weren’t trying to blend into the background.
That really explains that UCP cammo. During field exercises it was easy to pick out that stuff from long distances. When they got much closer, you could start to see their buddies still wearing the old woodland cammo.
A National Guard dude I met on an exercise said the UCP cammo was perfect for varmit hunting in sagebrush in the high plains of Utah. That’s about the only place I understand they are useful.
Can Confirm. Blends in well with sagebrush and pigeon shit.
It kind of worked on the granite colored rocks at West Point. Just don’t venture off into the foliage.
What about blue Navy camo? Where is that concealment from anything?
Rescue crews if they go overboard? Just spit-balling.
That’s just one of the reasons they are phasing that stuff out.
I heard that at first they had infused the cloth with a hidden dye that would turn international orange if it was doused in salt water. Sounded good – if you fell overboard your uniform turned into a visual beacon.
But it was quickly recognized that a lot of deck crew get splashed with salt water during normal operations so, at best, they ended up with a mostly blue uniform with bright orange spots all over.
For the older pasgt vests, there was a DCU cover to put on. Made the woodland lbv stand out that much better and increased the heat retention even more.
Thats not issue eyewear!
Where’s those birth-control glasses?
Or ranger go faster glasses.
Tactical Eye Devices.
The Gaze who would be King
True story: I lost a creative crowdsourcing pitch for Old El Paso to an idea that was basically “Let’s Taco Bout it.’
The researchers found a very strong correlation between progressive tax policies and how happy respondents rated themselves. This effect was most pronounced – and statistically significant – among taxpayers in the lowest 40% of incomes. The correlation steadily diminished among higher-income groups, disappearing altogether for the top 40%.
What is the tax code for, if not to fan the flames of tribalism and resentment?
“Violence has disproportionately affected Native American women, who suffer from a rate of rape 1½ times the national average, and a rate of violent crime even higher than that.”
Based on what? The same bullshit surveys they use for college women?
I’ve heard stories from people who worked in prisons in reservation areas. The violence is real, but it’s all from within the same community, almost always reservation resident offenders and victims.
Gee, like crime in general. Whoda thunk?
But dare suggest it’s time to end the reservation system and all you get is cries of racism.
So 6 out of 5 Native American women are raped?
[golf clap]
It’s 7.5 out of 4!
You know what else delivers a happiness dividend?
A warm gun?
A Waverunner?
The 22 year commitment overrides the dividend.
Pork spending is typically only looked at over 10 years, and doesn’t really matter after an election cycle, rarely survives the 24-hour news cycle, so you’re good.
The best part of attending college basketball games. Especially when you got to a big enough school that you have fans fluent in whatever languages are necessary to effectively yell at the guy on the free throw line.
Yo, Ratboy — thanks for all the excellent info you provided about the origins of the term “SJW” in the comments to my Schroeder piece Monday. Much appreciated and have been incorporated into a revised version (manuscript, I left the original article intact since that is covered in the comments).
*Tips hat*
I find it fascinating that one side in the culture wars seems to be much better at reclaiming/repurposing language than the other. The shift between insult and self-identification seems to flow to the advantage of the memers. Hell, “shitlord” was originally a sincere expression of loathing.
Of course, my observations may be completely a result of selection bias on my part.
The advantage always goes to the side that employs humor and can take a joke. Call us shitlords and we revel in it. Call a snowflake a snowflake and they tantrum out.
Texas Luring Jobs Away From California With Promises Of Electricity
Roy Rivera, a tech analyst with decades of experience in cutting edge technology, explained that “a lot of tech uses electricity.” He then pointed to a chart showing that tech businesses can be at least 300% more effective when they have power.
California Governor Gavin Newsom was dismissive of Texas’s claims, though. “They’re making false claims of being able to deliver electricity 24/7,” Newsom said, “but it just can’t be done.” Newsom was also dismissive of the Lone Star State’s other claims, such as affordable housing, plenty of water, cheap gas, plastic straws, and not constantly being on fire. “It sounds made up,” said Newsom. “I don’t even think there is a Texas.”
Anyone have the Babylon Bees address so I can send them some salsa for Christmas?
“the Lone Star State’s other claims, such as…” “…and not constantly being on fire”
OK, That’s LOL funny right there.
Wow. That’s a big girl. Looks like John’s type.
After the show trial, they’ll have to figure out what they are tying to impeach him for.
“Sentence first. Trial afterward.” Adam Schiff should dress up as the Red Queen tomorrow night.
How do you know he doesn’t do that on a regular basis now?
I have no links to share. The bruins are on fire out of the gate.
I went to bed when I thought Dallas was going to lose, and I wake up to a complete turnaround.
Now I’m off to rekey athletic offices because apparently everyone and their brother has a master.
Do they pay by the lock, or are you on salary?
Hours. I wouldn’t do salary unless it would be enough to cover the number of call ins and late days.
I should switch to by the lock, were about to start an entire new system. They haven’t done much tracking since they opened…
Man, you’d think that ‘Do Not Duplicate’ stamped on them would do the trick…
Thankfully no, or I wouldn’t have some of my lab keys.
*drops dime*
“Yeah, the well dressed rat. He’s got some too!”
Well dressed lab rat.
Like they used those.
No, really. There are keys with “glass shed” and “library” stamped on it.
I had to explain why this might be dumb.
“Building with stealable shit”
“Place you can cause lots of damage”
“Place full of PII”
“people wouldn’t do that.”
LockPicingLawyer occasionally pops up occasionally in my YouTube feed.
In HS I used to try to pick locks for fun. In those pre-internet days we had to make the tools from certain brands of hacksaw blades.
Now thanks to the internet you can get them from multiple places. However, you can also get Chinese locks of some of the worst quality I’ve ever seen as well.
I’ve used his videos before. There’s so good info there.
I dropped Coyle in my pool.
Watch him take off.
Nah. When he was here, it was flashes of brilliance followed by his picture on milk cartons.
This Donato kid we got for him, otoh, is a fucking train wreck. The Wild are in deep trouble.
Yes, I know the Hawks are there, too. I was just hoping to make November with a little bit of hope.
On the positive side, I’m getting more sleep!
Good because I traded away Zucker.
The Rangers didn’t suck last night. Damn, 2nd last place feels nice!
We all have a master, DOOM.
SJWednesday: The Hottest Take
I’m not a fan of the Ten Commandments and the way most people interpret it. I wish Moses could back and do a redo.
King’s ideas were discarded long ago. Refreshing to see the race hucksters admit that they hate his stuff now.
I was going to say the same thing.
We all knew.
The original statement has been twisted to imply that there is something inherently wrong with blackness and that great effort has to be taken to overlook it and not judge someone by it. – how? when was the statement used with this meaning?
shhhh…. he’s rolling
Trolling and rolling. A troll on a roll, as it were.
Forget it, it’s Everydayfeminism-town.
The problem I have with Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech is the ending:
“When we allow freedom to ring-when we let it ring, from every city and every hamlet, from every state and of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, “Free at last, Free at last, Great God a-mighty, we are free at last.””
I mean first of all, why do we all have to sing an old negro song? What if some folks just don’t like that style of music? And what if I, a white man who actually likes that style of music, sings an old negro song, how is that not coerced cultural appropriation? I think that King fellow was pretty fucked up.
George Papadopoulos: Disgraced Trump aide runs for Congress
Great timeline or greatest timeline?
I saw the whole frame job the FBI did on him. Missed the “disgraced” part.
Put your CNN blinkers on dude.
*grabs some bubblegum*
I’m all out. ?
Great timeline. Greatest timeline has him winning and winding up on the Judiciary and Ethics Committees.
House Oversight would be perfect.
The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. I think he has relevant experience.
Re taxing the rich. ‘Emotional lift’ to steal from someone’s wealth?
Is that how they describe envy now?
Yeah, sure…
Deutsch said, “There’s a duck and cover.”
He added, “You’re seeing a turn. You’re seeing either silence from most the Republicans, or Republicans — obviously, Mitt Romney is at the front of it. I don’t believe it’s beyond comprehension, as David said —we’re early in this —the Democrats is got to keep it tight. It is not beyond comprehension that they can get 20 senators. We all know in a private ballot the Republicans don’t want him there. Nobody wants him there anymore. He’s really not good for anybody. You and I both know, everybody at this table knows they can take a secret ballot, I guarantee you there would be about a 98-2 vote because the Republicans don’t want him there. They just need air cover. As each day goes on, they get a little bit more air cover.”
They’ve got him for sure this time.
So what you are saying is that the GOP Senators need to be protected from the voters who elected them? If that is true, maybe the voters need to change Senators.
Do these people think about what they are saying? This chucklehead is basically saying that there really is a “Ruling Class” and they sure don’t want to have to listen to someone that the rubes in the sticks elected.
The funny thing to me is that History will vindicate Trump, if he were removed. It might be 100 years later, but by then he will be remembered only a little, pehaps like Andrew Johnson, and the political biases will not be so strong as they are today. So the desire to cover for lies and bulshit vs “being honest historians” will be their.
Andrew johnson was 1 vote away from being removed. He was not popular in the North, but when i learned about his impeachment, My teacher said it was a good thing he wasn’t removed or else Congress would have learned that they could just remove anyone they didn’t like.
Yeah and I probably won’t live long enough to see history come to grips with all the Obama dirt either.
It’s not dirt. He’s half black.
See, it’s coming off!
Trump will be remembered as a very influential Presedent.
He has had a tremendous impact on the Federal judiciary and possibly more to come in a second term.
He has been pivotal in the World wide move to decouple from China as the West begins to remember just what communism is all about. Even some of the African countries are beginning to regret taking Chineese easy money.
Ihan is a sociopath. And a clever one. She understands what drives her critics now and know how to placate them and shut them up.
This is one way.
Ilhan: I really need to find a way to distract these whiteys.
Whitey: Support a good thing. Like this Armenia genocide bill. They love that shit.
Ilhan: Perfect! Who again?
Whitey: Armenians.
Ilhan: Are they like the Kurds but different?
Whitey: If you want.
Ilhan: And what I want is to get whitey Jew off my back.
Feels nice to be appreciated.
/flips over like kitten to be pet.
Ha, I know that trick.
Do you bite too?
She heard “genocide” and wished she were present.
Whitey: So here are a list of peoples, tribes and other assortments of ‘what’s the point?’ elements claiming being victims of genocide…
Ilhan (perks up from watching ‘One, two, three steps to baking a Jew or Two!’): Genocide?
Whitey: How did you pack up so fast?
Ilhan: Genocide?
Whitey: You know, we can just deny the claim.
Ilhan stand motionless holding luggage.
She probably masturbates while viewing photos of girls on crosses. She is one sick bitch.
Is she like Elizabeth Bathory?
You are giving her way too much credit.
Some interesting pics and info on land cruisers.
I’m happy I have a more normal transfer case system.
I assume you realize that the Toyota in-line 6 of that age was a blueprint copy of a Chevy straight-6 – one of the reasons why swapping Chevy sixes and eights (often with the Chevy transmission as well) into those Toyotas was a common conversion.
Australia’s ‘backpacker tax’ ruled illegal by court
‘Emotional lift’
But I really cringe at the line “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
I know, right? We’ll never build a subservient client population with that kind of talk.
SJWednesday: Disaster Communism
Climate change represents the biggest threat humanity has ever faced. – nonsense. humanity could have gone extinct several times through its existence
Why does it seem that we cannot do anything about it?- evil libertarian cabal, duh
Because the productive forces we created are totally outside our rational control. – Ha I knew it
But if you’re talking about the ice ages and epidemics those were things beyond our power to do anything about at that time. Particularly the ice ages. I’m sure that a Malthusian would say that urbanization made the epidemics possible.
“We could build new cities for populations forced to leave coastal areas.”
Citizen at gun point: I don’t want to leave my home!
Disaster Commie: You have to, this place will be underwater shortly!
Citizen: When? I don’t see any water!
Disaster Commie: Get in the train, you Denier!
Absolutely true. Killing or imprisoning a third of your population and bringing manufacturing to a halt causes huge reductions in CO2.
Yay Genghis Khan!
Not in the Soviet Union or Mao’s China, it didn’t.
They didn’t bring manufacturing to a halt.
Never let a good crisis go to waste.
I like how there is no contradiction between democratic control and rationally organized… Even if there was such a thing as rationally organized (lol) that may not be according to the stupid demos and their wishes
Good catch.
Useful idiots like this have literally zero understanding of how humans actually think and behave. The ones who DO have this understanding know you have to create great big piles of corpses in order to put these ideas in place and are A-OK with that.
A socialist revolution is now more urgent than ever.
Those tend to be quite messy. So let’s not.
Was War Communisim ever something to be envied? I ask because i’ve always hated comunisim, so i know i’m biased. But Why would you take a phrase that is litterd with bad history?
“A socialist revolution”
A solution in search of a problem.
Singing a different tune these days.
“This idea of purity, and you’re never compromised, and you’re always politically ‘woke’ and all that stuff, you should get over that quickly. The world is messy. There are ambiguities. People who do really good stuff have flaws. People who you are fighting may love their kids and share certain things with you. And I think one danger I see among young people, particularly on college campuses… and this is accelerated by social media, there is this sense sometimes of, ‘The way of me making change is to be as judgmental as possible about other people, and that’s enough.’ Like, if I tweet or hashtag about how you didn’t do something right, or used the wrong verb… then I can sit back and feel pretty good about myself. ‘Cause man, you see how woke I was? I called you out… That’s not activism. That’s not bringing about change. If all you’re doing is casting stones, you’re probably not going to get that far.” – Barry
Then he apologized for his role in encouraging this environment, right?
Dude’s come a long way of telling Americans to report potential terrorists to Attackwatch. Potential terrorists of course defined as white men over the age of 30 that vote third party and vocally support the 2nd amendment.
Good news. The centralized city heating in Bucharest will start Tomorrow. Although it may not last through the winter as it is old, ill maintained and the government refuses private investors who want to improve it.
Why do they refuse the investors? I mean, it sounds like they’re trying to keep a soviet era steam plant running. Modernization would do some good.
Well one he was delivering hot water to the network at 25% less then the government owned plant, not good optics. Second they accused him of wanting to big of market share (he had 4% and would have gone to 10%). Third he probably did not bribe the right people, or the people had promises of bigger bribes from a different investor. Or he simply was not part of the group of the people currently in power. Who knows, in Romania.
That’s hilarious in a Brazil (the movie) sort of way. It reminds me of the old Thomas Sowell bit about the American city that cuts the fire department budget instead of the Benedict Arnold Statue Maintenance budget because if they cut the latter people will start asking why they have the statue in the first place.
Holy fuck. You have those? I’ve never heard of a municipal system in the US. Generally the only multi-building systems are for campuses of various sorts — schools, hospitals, etc. This was an artifact of communism, right?
Steam or hot water?
They pump hot water. Although a lot of it is lost on the way. And it does not reach the buildings hot enough as they cannot pump it with sufficient pressure as the pipes could burst.
Also, each time it passes through a radiator or a poorly insulated stretch of piping it loses heat.
That is such a perfect example of why collectivism is idiocy.
Apparently it works much better in Denmark or some shit. The idea is that it can be more efficient, which is what some investors are proposing. Decentralized smaller pumping stations rather then the few huge ones made by the commies.
You’re saying the Commies were the epitome of “Bigger is Better”, or “Everything is Bigger in Soviet Russia”
We had a saying Russia has the worlds largest dwarf
Denmark has like 50 people. A large bonfire could keep the country warm.
They stay warm by skating everywhere.
But it also keeps the sidewalks clear of snow for free!
I wish
Hot water and heat. If someone lives on the 10th floor and wakes up at 6 AM it quite a wait for the hot water
Is it the same system, ie is your hot water supply for your shower an extension of the same line that runs through your radiators?
No I believe they are different circuits
This is probably a stupid question and I suspect I know the answer, but are apartments that use this don’t have any control over the temperature, do they? There aren’t thermostats in each apartment where they can set the temperature where the heat kicks in, I mean?
Probably zero control, so you get open windows and space heaters depending on personal preference and the weather.
Yep. We had this system in college – radiator on full blast or you get no heat. Window open to moderate the temperature.
The radiators usually have some knobs with which you can control the water flow.
But often these do not work great and it is the open window method
I had a friend who lived in a small public housing complex ironically near St. John’s College (a private liberal arts school in Annapolis not to be confused with the university in New York) and they had that system. You’d go to his house in the dead of winter and every window above a radiator would be cracked about three inches. Because of science things, apparently, if you keep the window cracked and make minor adjustments, two things happen. Convection caused by the hot air rising past the crack draws cold air in, creating movement. That incoming air is heated as it passes into the room, creating an effect similar to having forced air. The temperature can be adjusted by raising or lowering the window, which will be necessary due to what is called “ghetto heat”, or the fact that if the windows were closed the room would be 95F.
I assume on of you American windows that opens vertically.
Here it is worse for ground floor apartments under which the pipes for the whole building pass. They can get very hot
Horizontally. Picture an ‘H’ with the bottom part being able to slide up.
Now it usually works okayish, but people with small children often get additional heating usually electrical, wither something that blows hot air or a radiator filled with a special oil and electric heating elements.
Con Ed in NYC
Quasi-private of course.
Yep. That’s why you see this all the place during the winter.
Look, unlike in the 80s at least there is some heat and hot water
Most of these hot water pumping station also make electricity to be cheaper, burn whatever to heat the water to steam, run it through turbines to make electricity and then deliver it to the city for heat.
Obligatory new avatar check post.
Wish me luck all, I’m in the office for a full day of on-site meetings. I’m sure they’ll all be productive…
A former Boston College student has been charged with involuntary manslaughter over her boyfriend’s suicide in May.
Inyoung You, 21, from South Korea, verbally, physically and psychologically abused fellow Boston College student Alexander Urtula, 22, right up to his death, according to prosecutors in Massachusetts.
In young you? That’s how OMWC signs his notes to SP.
You don’t remember this being posted yesterday?
I double checked the morning links and did not find anything.
Did something just fall out of your ass?
SJWednesday: Fear and Loathing and Lost Wages
The most effective way to fight back against this system is to not procreate. – I support that. Please sterilize yourself. It is for the greater good.
Certainly worked for American blacks amirite?
I agree that person should not breed.
Someone is off the reservation. Without children there is no need for public schools.
Also, robots.
True and no one to pay the next round of public Ponzi premiums.
Robots need to pay FICA taxes / Next Berni sanders/ Warren plan.
That idea has already been floated, although I don’t remember where.
I presume that the writer and all that think similarly will commit mass seppuku as well.
The author is quite mouthy for a slave. Its master is slacking.
“When you have a child, you’re just creating another cog that keeps the capitalist machine going. ”
Wow. Putting the charm offensive right upfront. That’s a bold move.
Looks like Sunday’s a twenty-five hour day. Have to change the clock. Good thing I took that week off, otherwise my sleep schedule would be brutalized by the change.
Really, we need to pick a time and stick to it. This clock changing farce causes more trouble than it solves.
Howcome you hate the timekeeping system designed by our Congressional betters?
Look at the bright side. At least the damn links will come in at the correct hour.
Getting an extra hour of sleep will brutalize your sleep schedule?
Trying to move it an hour tends to cause far more drastic shifts or potential inversion, which doesn’t work with work.
It’s actually easier for me to adapt to a sudden five hour change than a sudden one hour change (I was never jet-lagged going to/from England, but daylight savings time changes always cause problems)
Move to AZ, all the cool glibs are doing it.
I find 80 degree weather lethal.
I’d not survive 110 degree weather.
Are there any cool glibs? How many of the best cocktail parties are they invited to?
Invited to? We throw the parties!
The cool AZ glibs host the best cocktail parties. Oh, I thought you got an invite? Sorry, sort of.
A group of boys seized upon the fumble and began mocking the away team, witnesses said. They imitated Native American dances and rituals. They mocked tribal war cries. They yelled, “Savages!”
I suppose it went something like this.
But the billions of working people around the earth can take control of the economy and subject the productive forces to democratic control. If we lived in a rationally organized economy (i.e., a socialist republic), we could immediately start fighting climate change. Just to name a few examples: We could phase out fossil fuels in a few short years. We could eliminate private cars and replace them with free public transit. We could build new cities for populations forced to leave coastal areas. Scientists who are now forced to work for corporations would be free to use their work for the benefit of all humanity. Instead of competing socialist states, we would have democratic and collaborative self-government for all humanity. Climate change would be a difficult but manageable challenge.
Totally not a doomsday cult.
What about the well being of the god knows how many would have to be led to the killing fields to make this vision happen? I guess they don’t count.
“I don’t hear any objections, Comrade. Do you?”
“No, Comrade. It is pretty silent here.”
When they start in with their socialist brain vomit, I like to suggest to my proggies that they do a search for S-21.
They are fools.
We could phase out fossil fuels in a few short years.
No, we couldn’t.
These people are seriously dangerous zealots.
“Scientists who are now forced to work for corporations”
This is the worst part about being a scientist.
She’s got an absolutely busted face and toned bodies are a dime a dozen. I remain baffled how the fame machine works.
would though
Who punched her in the mouth?
1) British publication, so consider the comps
2) Women wearing clothing fame is mostly driven by other women, who don’t select based on reproductive quality (ie good facial proportions)
Was this covered?
My @WashingtonPost piece on why the very broadness of the First Amendment suggests we should have a hate speech law. And if we did, why the President might be in violation of it.
Why am I not surprised an Obama lackey was anti-liberty?
Even as polarized as we are now I don’t think the idea of crushing the 1st Amendment as a means to gig Trump is a popular idea.
At this point they would tear down every law in the land to get after the devil.
+1 Homer ripping up the Hallowed Sacred Parchment.
It’s all parchment to them.
I think they’re just warming up for a complete gutting of the First Amendment. They’ve got enough phony excuses between “hate speech”, “fake news”, “corporate electioneering”, and “foreign interference in our elections”. Just look at the Second Amendment – after decades of denying that anyone would ever dream of confiscating a single gun, they’re now discussing widespread confiscation as a perfectly respectable position.
And First Amendment restrictions may not be popular, but the question is whether or not people will hold their nose on that issue and vote Democrat if the Republican candidate is sufficiently shitty. If a lot of people think it won’t pass or won’t affect them, it could be a real risk.
He should be impeached for violating this guy’s theoretical unconstitutional law!
No, fuck you Stengel.
“That you want to put the guy you think would be violation of your hypothetical law in charge of enforcing your hypothetical law demonstrates that you haven’t thought very hard about this.”
Or they have, and they don’t care, they just want to crush liberty. I know the Maxim is “Don’t assume Malice” but when it comes to these lifelong government types advocating the destruction of a core leagal and cultural belief, I really see no credible alternative than they just want to be autocrats.
Yeah I am starting to assume they are willing to take whatever when they are not in power so they can dish it when they are and punish their detractors
Of course. See that grotesquely mendacious “Project 1619” crap from the NYT, the entire point of which is to delegitimize such beliefs.
This guy has the support of the entire MSM and it’s being pushed in your kids’ schools now too.
Fuck off, Bitch.
the very broadness of the First Amendment suggests we should have a hate speech law
The very broadness is why such a law would be unconstitutional.
Ok, this explains why my wife came home last night and was like ranting angry about another professor who complains about a lack of “cultural perspectives” in math students and holds seminars where she, and I quote, “tries to trick people into saying something she thinks is racist and then gets all excited because, surprise surprise, she’s proven that all white people are racist”. She literally left the house that morning talking about how she’s 100% sure Trump is going to be impeached and she hopes he gets the chair and then comes back home redpilled as hell. Which means that the pendulum has swung so far towards Progressive fascism that she has to balance it out.
Spider-man points
We are living in a cyberpunk world, but its 2000AD and not Neuromancer.
I am… the law.
I’ve seen those things for a couple years now. It’s just a generic help-line. I suppose it could be used to “call in a suspicious package” too.
The world is messy. There are ambiguities. People who do really good stuff have flaws. People who you are fighting may love their kids and share certain things with you.
Obama’s “good people on both sides” moment.
*sits back awaits media outrage storm*
*taps foot, looks at clock*
What about the well being of the god knows how many would have to be led to the killing fields to make this vision happen? I guess they don’t count.
Think of the beautiful fields of poppies. What do you have against poppies?
What do you have against poppies?
Some don’t wash their hands before tossing pizza, and then pee on your new couch.
Read up more on the Kotaku/Deadspin/G/O Media happenings. It’s very bad when parent companies fire journalists for doing their jobs.
Luckily, it appears no journalists will be affected by these recent firings.
They really think they are heroes for defying their bosses. Good luck I guess.
Why won’t these pesky minorities shut up and let us save them?
Local plant that makes stuff out of lead was shut down because a few kids of the workers had high lead levels in their blood. Now the workers are demanding that the plant reopens because they need a job.
It’s for the children though, just disregard the kids that’ll be screwed because their parents have been unnecessarily denied a decent paycheck.
Congratulations, you are being rescued. Please do not resist
Dumb immigrants. That’s not how you make a PB and J sammich.
Uffda. You write kanji like a fag and your shit is all fucked up. Stick to hiragana/katagana so us rubes can keep up.
豚—swine. 真珠- pearls.
Look, I have a hard enough time reading english. If I go too fast, all sorts of words and letters get transposed. And now you want me to try learning pictographs? Fuck that.
And don’t be like my in-laws and tell me that it is easy because you can learn all the little stories.
Here you go Pope Jimbo
OK, Your Holiness. PB as in lead. I hate esplainin’ jokes.
It isn’t the joke that needs ‘splaining. It is your insistence on using crazy writing.
And don’t even get me started on math….
The scary part is that after you get middling proficient in Japanese using romanized Japanese is actually much harder to read.
The pictographs actually help to quickly convey meaning.
But then you get Keyboards like this.
It’s all an elaborate joke. We only use Japanese when wypipo are around. *Applies yellowface*
I always find it fascinating when expressions are similar between English and Japanese.
Negative house equals apartment building?
Clearly that is “Don’t jump off the diving board onto passing jellyfish”. Sort of like “let sleeping dogs lie”
一 is 1
二 is 2
三 is 3
so naturally 4 is 四.
Makes perfect sense!
“Why, Japanese people?”
I hate Atsukiri Jason. He stole my shtick: “WTF, Japanese people?!?!”
I think Dogen does a much better highbrow version.
And pi/4 is west.
That came directly from English I’d bet.
Wikipedia agrees!
Next thing you will tell me is the word for bread in Japanese came from the Portuguese.
It’s weird reading Murakami Haruki novels in Japanese. I’ll come across an idiom that obviously came from English and ask my wife, “Wow, do you actually use that in Japanese?” She’ll say, “No, but I understand it and it’s beautiful.” Kind of a cheeky way to write and pass it off as his own.
” the plant reopens”
You are such a shitlord.
what an influential guy, how crazy is it he doesn’t have a wikipedia page despite uhhh founding a satanic movement author of multiple books about satanism and black magick and oh a lt. colonel in US army psychological operations. nothing weird about that 1st amendment religious f
I got nothing…
Think we found who’s been eating all that lead.
“Hi! I’ve just been fired from Deadspin for not sticking to sports.”
As someone who worked as a sports writer that’s not difficult. Athletes compete against each other, then you tell what happened. Unless someone is throwing out a first pitch or something, there are no politicians involved.
He’s got support from the real journalists with like… degrees and shit.
The guy wouldn’t play ball.
I thrive on bad press.
But can you handle a full court press by the h8ters?
“Deadspin staffers had nothing to do with the changes on the front page. Here’s how it looked earlier today and here’s how it looks now.”
Ah yes, Deadspin wrote a blog about Covington Catholic and it was popular! Even if it was bullshit.
“Don’t doubt wat you saw with your own eyes” … Unless you watched the entire video and not the ones cut and edited short. Then very much doubt what you saw cuz those kids are Racists!
Clicks on their political coverage outpaces clicks on their sports coverage!
Of course, that’s because they’ve cultivated a much smaller audience than they once had because of their politics, but hey.
I *really* miss pre-Gawker Deadspin. Now that was a great site.
Deadspin is what I love most about The Athletic.
Huh. Nice to know that fads like road diets spread so fast. A road near my house just had this happen. A nice 4 lane road was shrunk down to 3 lanes (and bike lanes that are 3 ft away from the existing 8 ft. paths).
This article says that the idea is still being studied, but it sure seems like my suburb has jumped on the bandwagon.
Build pedestrain overpasses. Don’t make things worse for the cars.
Pedestrians won’t use overpasses because too much work to climb that height, and don’t even think about tunnels because there is an armed rape gang in every one of them 24×7.
Then put in some anti-pedestrian barriers. These people shouldn’t be on the road.
Thanks for blowing up my spot bro.
Aren’t you down there looking for some blowing?
Hey, 10 bucks is 10 bucks!
A married couple down on their luck decides to have the wife work the corner to try to make a few extra bucks. After the first day the husband picks the wife up and asks “How did you do?” “Pretty well” she says, “I made 200 dollars and 50 cents”. The husband asks “Which asshole gave you 50 cents?” And the wife replies “All of them”
Some idiots here keep yammering about doing that to a secondary artery that passes through a short stretch with two poorly thought out intersections, one of which also has an elementary school. They’ve lowered the speed limit and are now complaining about people running lights, passing illegally, etc.
Welcome to the woods, Jimbo. Where the roads don’t need diets but the strong women do.
Don’t forget the sharrows!
Yeah, I too keep noticing the emotional lifts coming out of Venezuela.
Since “happiness studies” are bullshit anyway, it wouldn’t be hard at all to produce an apparent uptick in happiness after the implementation of
communismthe wealth tax.Was City Of Dallas Founder John Neely Bryan A Cephalopod?
A Mysterious Statue Recently Placed Near The Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Suggests Bryan Was More Than Human, Calls Dallas “A Shared Delusion.”
Nobody there has apparently ever heard of HP Lovecraft. I looked at that and immediately thought “Cthulhu.”
Oh goddammit. Once you get an Illithid infestation, they’re a real bitch to get rid of. And don’t get me started on the damage the umber hulks do to your lawn.
On the plus side, they got rid of the voles.
…but replaced them with cranium rats.
The rats were willing to negotiate, and we came to an accord about living areas.
Proving that you can never make the mob happy, Special K is getting beat up by the LGBT crowd.
Amy is going around talking about how she helped stop a constitutional amendment to prevent gay marriage in Minnesoda. Locals are calling BS on her. They point out that she was privately supportive but wasn’t about to publicly support it (until the last second).
It warms my heart to see her get wrapped around the axle because of her gutlessness.
Minnesota is weird in choice of lawmakers. That is all.
Best governor we’ve ever had.
Minnesota is weird
in choice of lawmakers. That is all.Wait just a damned minute!, Oh yeah, I forgot
/Looks at group picture of Honey Harvest
Nice to see that Canadian professors enjoy the same academic freedoms as their American colleagues.
University dumps prof who revealed polar bears actually thriving
I assume she sent her resume to Hillsdale.
There is a LOT of land locked up in Polar Ice caps. Seems to me that melting some of those could be good for life. (not saying it would be good, just that the question is ambiguous)
When I as a kid my favorite Russia joke was In Soviet agriculture corn stalks grow like telephone poles or even further apart.
As usual, am not sure it translates
You saw my garden from your house?
In Soviet Russia, corn shucks you!
In Soviet Russia, you can go shuck yourself.
I am a golden god
Golden girl if you go by his chest.
Thank you for being a friend!
visiting Straff would actually involve traveling round the world and back again.
“I hope I get a chance to see this Biden fellow”
“Is that a taco truck?”
“Hey Esther! Get down from their!”
Me and Corn Pop here are off to get some bitches!
“Make a hole assholes, I see some hair I wanna sniff.”
So many bullshit stories to tell, so little time.
“I think I heard it over there. Click the unlock button a couple more times, this Corolla looks familiar.”
Also, I own that shirt in grey. Also also, Brooks Brothers is overpriced trash. For $800, I expect a sport coat to have functional surgeon’s cuffs.
For real, man. I hate non-functional stuff on clothing.
I bought a vest where the pockets were sewn shut. OK, that’s usually how it’s done on dress clothes. Sliced open the bottom pockets, no problem. Go to slice open the breast pocket, and surprise mothafucka – that one is not a real pocket! There’s something there that looks like a pocket, but if I were to put anything in there, it would just drop down into the space between the lining and the outer fabric. Fucking stupid.
You utterly uncultured cretin, we don’t use our fine clothing for storing our personal effects!
You monster? Where do you clip the lanyard of your monocle? Where do you store your snuff box filled with healthsome cocaine?
I beat the game: I exclusively travel in the nude.
Oh, so that’s where you store your snuffbox.
“Where the hell am I?”
“Swiggity swooty, I’m coming for that booty”
“Ignoring the blatant display of Toxic Whitenessnicity, Biden looks away as The One Black Man at his rally is shoved aside by an ambitious, white, corporate photog.”
That neckbeard on the left does not look like he wants to be there.
Indeed, that is an expression of regret.
“Why do I have to carry his garbage?”
“If this is Tuesday then we should be in Memphis, which means… or is this Wednesday… Did I get lunch yet?… should have gone with the orange polo – do I still have that one?… it went well with that belt which I lost in Dallas.. or St. Louis?… “
“This way, Joe, it’s time for your nap.”
Wait on a second, I sees me avitar on a sign behind Gropin’ Joe. Is this fame?!
It says something about Iowa. It’s probably a cousin.
Told some Year 8s theres going to be an election. Their chat has restored all my faith?
“My mum said that Labour is gonna give us a three day weekend and free tuition fees”
“Also, does that mean that wasteman Boris Johnson is gone?
“Bruh my mum better vote Labour”
This is why 16 year olds need the vote.
Warning Man: Don’t do it California. Don’t do it California. You’ll end up all kinds mid-evil fucked up! Don’t do it…..don’t do…..aaaannd they do it.
California: Wha happened? Stoopid Republicans!
It will be exactly the same with the “wealth tax” and all their other commie ideas.
“Man, I hope there’s nobody in that porta-potty over there.”
I don’t know what it is but it is something that exists
Uffda. Local lefty columnist gushes over Preet Bharara because he says impeachment is totes cool.
Thing I learned: Preet has his own podcast Stay Tuned with Preet. Anyone want to listen?
I’d rather listen to reruns of Iron Chef.
Sure, if comments are open. *Double checks jurisdiction*
Is the podcast sponsored by a woodchipper manufacturer?
Did any of us ever mail him the model/toy woodchipper mounted as a trophy? I know we talked about it. I was willing to ‘chip’ in.
Ryan Saavedra✔
Arizona Democrat Party Chairman Felecia Rotellini: Trump “has aligned himself with ISIS”
Rotellini made the remarks on Saturday, approximately 1-hour before a Trump-authorized raid in northern Syria resulted in the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Well he only had him killed cause he was a rival for the ISIS leader role. This literally confirms that Trump is ISIS
Say stupid things, win stupid prizes.
Oh, man, I expect at least a solid week of the anti-Trump crowd beclowning themselves but good.
Why do you think he authorized that raid? He saw the tweet and had to do something to shake us off his trail.
“has aligned himself with ISIS”
This person also probably thinks that John Brennan is an American hero.
Well I mean, Trump armed ISIS. Oh wait, my mistake, that was actually the previous president who gave weapons to ISIS. What was his name again??
Something Bush, I believe.
China bans anti-blockchain sentiment as it prepares for launch of state cryptocurrency
Authoritarian usurper
It’s a nightmare scenario for Washington: a government shutdown smack in the middle of the House’s impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump.
And Chuck Schumer says he’s “increasingly worried” that it might come to fruition.
As he and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell battle over government funding, the Senate minority leader said on Tuesday that he’s fretting that Trump will balk at a short-term spending bill during the Democratic effort to oust him from office.
“I’m increasingly worried that President Trump will want to shut down the government again because of impeachment,” Schumer told reporters. “He always likes to create diversions. I hope and pray he won’t want to cause another government shutdown because it might be a diversion away from impeachment.”
Come on, Chuckles, why stop there? Go big. Tell everybody Trump is going to dissolve Congress and intern you all in the Nevada desert, pending summary execution.
From experience I tell you that living in the Nevada desert is a fate far worse than summary execution.
And he’s going to get rid of the liberal supream court justices and declare Marshall Law!
Ol’ John Marshall’s law? Can’t be THAT bad… can it?
*spits coffee*
Perhaps Congress should be working on a budget instead of chasing impeachment shadows.
Trump is going to dissolve Congress and intern you all in the Nevada desert, pending summary execution.
*Trump vote LOCKED IN*
-2F here but the lovely ladies of Ass Wednesday will warm you up.
4, 14, 24, 29 in no particular order
Love the coat-hook sword hangers in 24. I mean, the ass is great, but the sword hanger coat hooks will have me smiling all day.
It keeps the garden gnome on the stairs from getting into them and killing the dog.
Joe Biden✔
Some Americans celebrate #NationalCatDay, some celebrate #NationalDogDay — President Trump celebrates neither. It says a lot.
It’s time we put a pet back in the White House.
Well, Barry DID have you…And Trump should get a cat. A Russian Blue would make for an excellent troll.
Yes, we have a President so that they can celebrate stupid national jackoff days.
Does Joe Biden employ a 65 year old grandma for his Social Media account? I half expect him to start sharing Minion Memes.
Barry had a Sasquatch, too.
Trump should get a goldfish.
Name it Barry. When people get all wrapped around the axle that he is mocking the Anointed One, be can tell them its named after Barry Goldwater.
I like it. You have to be koi about these sorts of long con trolls.
Here we go.
Another reason for Swiss to carp.
No doubt it would make suckers out of some of ’em.
Trump should get some weird, off the wall pet like a ferret or a tortoise.
Ant Farm.
And Trump should get a cat. A Russian Blue would make for an excellent troll.
Go all in, and get a Siberian tiger. It’ll disincentivize the fence-jumpers.
That’s a great idea. Let it sit in on cabinet meetings.
Paul Joseph Watson rails against the modern world for ten minutes:
It’s pretty standard fare for him but he highlights a guy who likes having sex with containers full of earthworms and other insects. That’s actually a fetish I’ve never heard of before.
I don’t blame him. The modern world has failed to provide him with a decent haircut.
After watching that, I forgive the haircut. It’s pretty good.
It’s just the Eric Blair special with a bit of a cowlick in the front:
Vice weirdo: There are definitely folks who have concerns around consent. I don’t worry over much about issues of consent if I’m talking about a maggot.
Watson: Yeah because that’s obviously the weirdest thing about putting your knob in a jar of worms, whether the worms consent or not.
I lost it there
If there was a way to return to the 1980’s, I’d do it right now.
I’d consider 1880s. Modern medicine and logistics and stuff is pretty great, but…damn, man, I don’t know if it’s worth Drag Queen Story Time and racist diets and shit.
If there was a way to return to the 1980’s, I’d do it right now.
Because you want to sit through the last 30 years again?
OTOH, if I got a do-over, my investment strategy would be different. And better.
The hit list would be pretty long, and look fairly random to authorities.
“This is why we need Sharia law.”
I lol’d.
Yep. Boeing is fucked.
Nothing the Import Export Bank can’t fix.
Trump Claims He Personally Pushed Al-Baghdadi Off Nakatomi Plaza
I larfed at that headline.
It’s somewhat true.
Chuck Grassley Rips Comey
The State Department report said: “Instances of classified information being deliberately transmitted via unclassified email were the rare exception and resulted in adjudicated security violations.” That clearly says some individuals deliberately transmitted classified information on unclassified systems. Those individuals were subject to security sanctions but the State Department failed to describe who the violators were and what the sanctions were. Those answers ought to be forthcoming and I intend to follow up. Ensuring the proper handling of highly classified information is an issue that should garner bipartisan support.
Has he heard of a lady named Hillary Clinton?
Chuckles doesn’t fear Hillary. Chuckles is immortal.
Lock them up
Sen. Bernie Sanders can say he wants CEOs to go to jail all he wants, but experts in corporate law say it’s unlikely to happen.
In a wide-ranging interview with CNBC’s John Harwood published Tuesday, Sanders ripped Wall Street CEOs for “greed” and “corruption,” saying that jail should be on the table as punishment for the pain he says their companies have inflicted.
He came down harder on pharmaceutical and energy executives.
Sanders said Exxon Mobil executives and their peers “knew that the product that they were producing was causing climate change and in fact helping to destroy this planet.” Exxon Mobil is battling a lawsuit that accuses it of misleading investors about the risks of climate change regulations to its business.
Sanders, who describes himself as a democratic socialist, has said he wants to use the Sherman Antitrust Act, a federal statute that outlaws monopolistic business behavior, to prosecute CEOs who lead allegedly anti-competitive companies.
“I don’t want to listen to a lot of legal mumbo jumbo. Capitalism is evil. Lock those bastards up.”
Bernie will save us from that authoritarian monster Trump. He’ll bring back the rule of law.
I say Bernie doesn’t go far enough. We need to start locking up those who are using these evil products, along with the producers.
Seriously though, it is disturbing that this assclown is anywhere near the levers of power.
“Laws, shmaws!”
Wrong. That’s already been debunked.
The only scope that’s left in the lawsuit is something about “cooking the books”.
Madison Bumgarner is seeing his value as a free agent go up even more after that Verlander performance last nite. Hope he can stay a Giant.
NBA Live 20 canceled as EA Sports looks to next-gen consoles
I don’t really care about NBA Live, but for sports games in general…do we really need a new game every year at this point? Just update the rosters FFS.
If EA can get people to buy an updated roster every year, they’re going to.
There is a surprisingly big market of people who only play sports games and not other genres.
^This. There’s almost a whole separate demographic that just buys sports games. Sure, you could sell them DLC with the new rosters, but why do that when you can sell them a “new” game at new game prices? I’m a little surprised that they haven’t moved to a SaaS model for those games, though.
Well, it only works if they can actually release a game.
Omar is a snake in the grass. Just call her what she is…whatever the word they use….a lying sack of shit doing whatever they can on the sly to undermine non-muslim societies. That is her goal and her sympathies lie with anyone who undermines the west.
Fuckin POS should be flown to Somalia and dropped in the middle of nowhere.
People like you is wy the US needs more POC wimmins in leadership positions.
Now snowflake students need to be warned about ‘violent material’ in… FAIRYTALES! Glasgow University gives ‘trigger warnings’ before lessons covering classic Brothers Grimm tales
what is worse kissing without consent or eating children?
“Moodle”. Now that’s an appropriate name for that website.
Christ. The UK is ripe for invasion.
Moodle is actually a widely used ‘course management system.’ I’ve looked at it a number of times as a possible route to delivering training on-line, but it has some assumptions and presuppositions baked in that pushed me away.
It’s biggest competition back then was a Microsoft product, ‘Blackboard’ IIRC.
Oh, yeah, I’ve seen Blackboard. My wife’s done a few online courses for UMD using Blackboard, but I think they’re on to something else now.
TBF (don’t laugh) the original Grimms’ tales were darker than their later editions or the popularized versions.
Noted actor Juicy Sommelier agrees.
“more than 50 instances of racial harassment against Native American athletes, coaches or fans nationwide,” 50! in 10 years! It’s an Epidemic!
Federalizing personal relationships- what could possibly go wrong?
Rep. Katie Hill’s (D-Calif.) resignation this week after nude photos of her surfaced online has reignited a debate over the need for a federal “revenge porn” law.
The freshman lawmaker, who resigned amid allegations she had inappropriate sexual relationships with congressional and campaign staffers, said Monday that after she leaves Congress she will devote her time to fighting revenge porn, a term used to describe when an intimate or explicit image is published without the consent of the person photographed.
Forty-six states and the District of Columbia have laws banning the practice, but there is no comparable statute at the federal level. That discrepancy has created legal challenges — like whether Hill’s case falls under D.C. or California laws — and inconsistent enforcement.
Bills to address the issue have been introduced in both chambers of Congress this year, though none have made it out of committee. However, the circumstances surrounding Hill’s resignation may galvanize those legislative efforts.
“It is likely that the attention that is being paid to the Katie Hill case might push it forward,” said Mary Anne Franks, a professor at the University of Miami School of Law and president of the Cyber Civil Rights Initiative.
The most prominent revenge porn bill on Capitol Hill — the Stopping Harmful Image Exploitation and Limiting Distribution (SHIELD) Act — would establish federal criminal liability for individuals who share private, sexually explicit or nude images without the consent of those photographed.
“Federal legislation, the SHIELD Act … is the most clear, comprehensive law that you could have on the books. And it has the added benefit of being federal, so you don’t have the jurisdictional question,” said Franks, who helped draft the bill.
Nowhere to hide. When everything is illegal at the federal level, we will have truly achieved Utopia.
I got one shiny nickel says Reason does a huge write up supporting just such a law while still sticking by their defense of Gawker in the Hulk Hogan case.
How can we turn this into more power for the Federal Government:
What every Congressman thinks for any stimuli.
“Man, don’t make a federal case out of it.”
Another one of those long-lost bits of wisdom you used to hear all the time before 1990 or so. Like “it’s a free country”.
Rep. Katie Hill’s (D-Calif.) resignation this week after nude photos of her surfaced online has reignited a debate over the need for a federal “revenge porn” law.
An excellent example of a sentence that is technically true, but substantively false.
It is true she resigned after the photos surface. But that’s not why she resigned. A truthful version is:
Rep. Katie Hill’s (D-Calif.) resign
ationed this week afternude photos of her surfaced online has reignited a debate over the need for a federal “revenge porn” lawher staff confirmed that she violated House rules by having an affair with her legislative director.Stopping Harmful Image Exploitation and Limiting Distribution (SHIELD) Act
Best Timeline would’ve produced the “Stopping Harmful Image Transmission Act”
The situation with legos, and, specifically, #LegoMovie is significantly worse than any reasonable person could possibly expect
“Everything is awesome…”
Modern day witch tries to place an evil magic spell on a police officer but doesn’t have enough time to envoke the right demons before she is taken out
Well we know that both straffinrun and Tejicano so that rules them out…
Japanese climber on Mount Fuji may have live-streamed his own death
TW: Washington Post
what is worse kissing without consent or eating children?
Trick question. The real atrocity is pushing a strong, independent, empowered
witchshe-goddess into an oven, just because you disapprove of her life choices.I had to have the talk with Thing 1 today. You know the talk you have to have with boys of a certain age: Your teacher is stupid and all the shit she’s teaching you is wrong.
This week, he had to make a mobile (yes, the thing you hang above an infant in the crib) with ideas for what actions he can take to reduce the plastic in the ocean.
Sigh. He was receptive to the idea and already wondered why parts of his science class were so weird. He’s had some good teachers already, and knows that science is a process, not a dogma.
Here’s one – Seawater sequestration. Can’t get plastic in the ocean if you’ve bottled the ocean up.
He liked my solution of being a kick ass engineer and helping China and India become as rich as the US so that they can afford the same clean environment we have + fewer dead babies and female education as a side bonus.
But I’ll keep that in mind in case he changes his mind.
1. Don’t put plastic in the ocean.
~ Fin ~
Build a wall around Asia?
Yes. I’m encountering this bullshit with my youngest in her “gifted” program. It’s roughly half education and half indoctrination.
I’m very close to having some words with the teacher over it.
Have words with the teacher – in front of the students.
You need to make the choice that’s best for your kids development. I went with the more subversive approach of teaching him that he needs to learn the shit his teacher tells him, then he has the responsibility to figure out if its bullshit. He’s at the maturity level to handle that, and frankly he’s going to need to do it for the rest of his academic career and possibly his professional career after that.
Also, my wife works at the school and I can’t go stirring up shit that will roll down hill on her if we don’t absolutely need to.
This is exactly the route I took. ideas are like germs. The more you are exposed to, the tougher your immune system.
It works.
He is going to make the mobile out of plastic, right?
This week, he had to make a mobile (yes, the thing you hang above an infant in the crib) with ideas for what actions he can take to reduce the plastic in the ocean.
Obviously, we need to return to horse drawn milk wagons, delivering milk to your door, in a glass bottle.
Reduce plastic and create jobs. WIN!
Plastic can be burned quite efficiently to create energy.
what actions he can take to reduce the plastic in the ocean.
Stop putting plastic in the recycling bin. What isn’t just safely landfilled here in the US anyway is shipped to China, where it may be recycled, or may be . . . dumped in the ocean.
This one is going on my reading list after I finish the toxic masculinity featured book here “Under a Lucky Star” which I have been enjoying very much.
This just got released in English because it made too many important people uncomfortable. Now it can be just safely ignored. From the blurb:
“Judgment in Moscow was an international bestseller published in nine languages, but has only now been published in English for the first time. It was previously at Random House, but Bukovsky refused to rewrite parts of the book which accused prominent Westerners of behind-the-scenes dealings with the Soviets. In this edition, the author quotes correspondence with his editor, who says, “I don’t disagree, but I simply can’t publish a book that accuses Americans like Cyrus Vance and Francis Ford Coppola of unpatriotic — or even treacherous — behavior.”
“Vladimir Bukovsky uses the Kremlin’s own documents to show how the Soviet Union provided a false face to the world and how Soviet leaders used Western leaders as dupes or willing actors.”
This is never coming out in audiobook format, is it?
It’s a small California publisher that put it out so I will venture to say that won’t happen soon. It is on Kindle though, which is likely how I will consume it.
Go on fiverr and get an Indian tech support guy to record it
I think there is an Amazon Service on AWS that will do text to speach.
But does it do the Tech support accent?
Particularly timely considering how Vance Jr is leading a bullshit legal crusade against Trump at the moment.
Rise up against the oligarchs
Brian Sweeney has a long list of complaints about Amazon, from the way it treats warehouse workers to the low taxes it pays and its effort to win concessions from cities to bring in jobs. So when he learned the online retail giant had poured $1 million into remaking the Seattle City Council with more business-friendly candidates, he pulled out his wallet.
The New York resident sent $15 to socialist council member Kshama Sawant, a target of the online retail giant. While that doesn’t compare to Amazon’s unprecedented spending on October 14, about 1,900 others also have donated to Sawant since then, her campaign says. It’s a dramatic rise in support and a reflection of the risk Amazon is taking as it splashes into the politics of its liberal hometown.
Many in Seattle aren’t happy with the council, but they also don’t like a company headed by the world’s richest man, Jeff Bezos, trying to influence their vote. As historic income inequality fuels homelessness and soaring housing prices, progressives elsewhere don’t like it either.
“Amazon could do this in hundreds of places around the country with all the money they’re not paying in taxes,” said Sweeney, a 28-year-old software engineer turned carpenter in Valley Stream, New York.
Surprise. If Amazon is getting actively involved in Seattle city politics, it’s purely self defense.
“software engineer turned carpenter”
*outright, prolonged laughter*
county balance sheet:
* massive local subsidy for new Amazon warehouse
* $101M in local and federal funds to re-purpose the 80-year-old Sears warehouse
are we doing free markets right ?
low taxes it pays
This bothers me, because it is often said but the people who say it don’t ever look into it. Amazon pays it’s taxes that it is required to pay. The idea of getting mad at someone for taking all the advantages provided them to avoid taxes is especially drenched in envy, because that money isn’t going to those people who are complaining. They are just mad that they aren’t paying more.
And they can’t make the tax system “transparent” because then it would punish the grifters they favor.
The difference between the top and bottom incomes are not the cause of homelessness, you fucking moron.
It’s not the cause of soaring housing prices either. Turns out if you keep interest rates artificially suppressed for a decade and a half and increase the money supply by 3 trillion dollars a lot of people get low interest loans for houses since the only place you can get any yield on your savings is volatile equities. And then compound that nationwide trend by municipal policies that prevent the housing stock from increasing.
The line from the Leftist media has been that high housing prices are all because of rich Chinese businessmen buying them up as speculation. I’m pretty sure that’s a symptom rather than a cause.
If Amazon leaves, Seattle is fucked.
Gosh, if only there were a historical example that they could look to. If only there were some event in the past where a prosperous city drove out their industry and then collapsed into urban decay and bankruptcy…
Seattle already tried to do that to themselves 20 years ago when they finally pissed off Boeing sufficiently to move their HQ to Chicago and thousands of jobs to Texas. It was a happy accident that Amazon got big enough to take up the slack.
With seven of the nine Seattle council seats in play November 5, business interests see an opportunity to shift city leadership closer to the political center and away from a bent to potentially tax big companies to fund homeless services or improve public transit.
The council is officially nonpartisan, but Republicans stand little chance of getting elected in Seattle, and many of the business-backed candidates are moderate to progressive Democrats. The race will decide whether the council is dominated by socialists and extremely liberal Democrats or more centrist ones.
“We are contributing to this election because we care deeply about the future of Seattle,” Amazon spokesman Aaron Toso said in a statement. “We believe it is critical that our hometown has a City Council that is focused on pragmatic solutions to our shared challenges in transportation, homelessness, climate change and public safety.”
Oh, come on. The people deserve justice, and somebody is going to have to foot the bill.
Amazon pays it’s taxes that it is required to pay. The idea of getting mad at someone for taking all the advantages provided them to avoid taxes is especially drenched in envy, because that money isn’t going to those people who are complaining. They are just mad that they aren’t paying more.
“They’re stealing from the government!”
In my experience, the same people who bitch about companies engaging in perfectly legal tax avoidance are the same ones who meticulously save receipts hoping that they can write something off at tax time.
Michelle Obama discusses why presidential center fits Jackson Park, and how white flight hurt her South Side community
Barack And Michelle Obama Are Buying Martha’s Vineyard Estate
Nice to see them walking the talk and getting a place in the ghetto.
If whites move out it is “white flight”. If they move in it is “gentrification”. Whites just need to keep their asses put. None of this moving about business, that’s racist.
No, staying put is racist too, since it prevents poor minorities from moving into those houses!
I want to remind white folks that y’all were running from us. This family — with all the values you read about.
Its always, always, all about her personally. Yes, white flight was to get away from Barack, Michelle, and their daughters.
The bride at every wedding, the corpse at every funeral.
Next week we will hear about how whitey is gentrifying neighborhoods and how that is also bad.
So now will white people start leaving Martha’s Vineyard?
Of course – would you want a house that’s going to be underwater in less than eleven years?
Another Seattle story
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has campaigned here — she drew 15,000 people to the Seattle Center — has also gone after Amazon, after it gave $1 million to the Civic Alliance for a Sound Economy, political arm of the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce. But Warren refrained from blessing Seattle politicians, tweeting:
“Surprise: Amazon is trying to tilt the Seattle City Council elections in their favor. I’m with the Seattle council members and activists who continue standing up to Amazon. Corporations aren’t people and I have a plan to get big money out of politics.”
Seattle has also become a punching bag for the political right, as part of a calibrated Fox News campaign to discredit West Coast cities (in a region that’s driving the nation’s economy) as dens of homeless encampments, drug addiction, and street crime.
Democracy only works when I get what I want. Democracy is broken if other people can try to thwart my plans.
as part of a calibrated Fox News campaign to discredit West Coast cities
They have done that themselves.
And I like how FNC is still the biggest boogieman.
I have a plan to get big money out of politics.
Would it address Democrats outspending Republican 3-1 in the past few presidential elections?
The last time Seattle tried to shake down Amazon they just said, “OK. We’ll move these jobs somewhere else.” and it was never heard from again.
This is exactly the route I took. ideas are like germs. The more you are exposed to, the tougher your immune system.
It works.
You’ll never get interviewed on CNN for spouting that kind of Nazi propaganda.