Exo-Squad was an American animated series that aired from 1993 to 1994. It, like the previously discussed Captain Power, was a show directed at children but did not pull any punches about the horrors of war.
I’ll let the opening monologue speak for itself as to the plot of the show:
J.T. Marsh (VO): It was a golden age for all mankind. Using the incredible exoskeletons called E-frames, we had successfully terraformed Venus and Mars, and were now poised to move on to the Outer Planets. Suddenly, it all ended. We were pressed into a nightmarish war on a scale previously unimagined. We were attacked by our own creations, the Neosapiens, a race of artificially created humans. Led by Phaeton, they had seized control of Venus, Earth, and Mars. This is Lt. J.T. Marsh, member of the Exofleet, leader of a small band of E-frame pilots dedicated to freeing humanity from Neosapien rule. We are… the Exosquad.
That’s right, this show not only delved into the subject of war, but also slavery and genetic engineering. The Neosapiens were genetically engineered to be slave labor on Mars and to survive under conditions human workers couldn’t. Fifty years prior to when the show takes place, the Neosapiens revolted. Humans were able to quell this slave uprising with the use of a new military weapon, the Exo-Frame, robotic mech suits that not only increased the wearer’s strength, but also allowed for the use of heavy artillery by individual soldiers. The two leaders of the slave revolt, Phaeton and Marsala, negotiated a surrender. Over the next 50 years, after public backlash from the terrors of that war, Neosapiens were freed from bondage, given citizenship and came to govern Mars for themselves.
And of course, even though these 50 years were years of peace, the military kept expanding to the point where at the beginning of the show the Exo-Frames are much improved and integrated into an entire space fleet. Which now is looking for an enemy to fight, so they mobilize against the Space Pirates (One of the weakest things in the show, I mean Space Pirates? That’s pretty lame.) who are clans descended from convicts sentenced to manual labor on the outer worlds (Pluto and I think they have another one they’ve discovered). It is at this time that Phaeton chooses to seek his revenge (Neosapiens being a heartier breed live longer, dumb scientists) and bring about a new order controlled by his genetically superior elite.
Now, this is just the prologue, the show’s plot proper hasn’t even begun at this point, but you can already see this wasn’t a ‘bad guy attacks, doesn’t land one shot then retreats to fight again’ type of cartoon show. And, this audience being who you are, I’m sure the heavy handed allusions of the story haven’t been lost on you. Yes, this was a show for children. Yes, it was made to sell toys. But it was also a story where main characters died in battle, families were sent to concentration camps, a complicit media helped a dictator hide the atrocities and in the end the actions taken by the good guys weren’t always in the right and neither were the villains always in the wrong.
Because of the shows willingness to take on heavy issues, it’s serialized story and the art style, Exo-Squad has been dubbed “The American Anime” by those who remember it. But why do so few remember it? It was a fun show with badass toys, why was it not a global success? Well, Exo-Squad was a syndicated TV show, meaning any TV station that payed could show it. This was a big money maker in the 80s with successes such as GI Joe, He-Man and Transformers. But the landscape was changing just as Exo-Squad was debuting. Networks were focusing on producing their own cartoon shows to get a greater profit share. This was the time-frame that brought us Fox Kids where the likes of X-Men and Spider-Man were featured, ABC and CBS as well had their own in house offerings. Local markets were running out of places to put syndicated programming, which led to the show airing early in the morning. I remember when my local network moved it to 5:30 am! Now you know I don’t sleep, but that was early to wake up just catch a cartoon (but I usually did anyway). And it wouldn’t even stay in that time-slot, it would move around. It’s hard to build an audience when they don’t know where to find the show.
So, alas Exo-Squad only ran for two seasons. It is fondly remembered by those who did catch it, and thankfully they were able complete this story arc. Season one was released on DVD in 2009 after a bunch of nerds (raises hand) signed an online petition. But apparently not enough people bought it as season 2 has never seen a release, but it has shown up on Netflix and Hulu, and some great people criminals were nice evil enough to record it from there, so digital copies are floating around if you’re interested a Space Pirate. If you want to know more about the history of the show, Toy Galaxy made a good episode on it.
The show had a big impact on me. When I saw Avitar the only thing I liked about it was that it showed that technology had advanced enough in CGI that they could make a live action Exo-Squad movie. (And me being photoshop literate here is how I imagine it. I can see it all in my head, someone just give me the money! Can we KickStart this?! C’mon man! I’m really jonesin’ here! Just a taste, just a little taste! That’s all I want! I’ll suck yer dick for a movie, C’mon!!)
I fucking love
scienceExo-Squad.I enjoyed it at as well. But it doesn’t look like it’s currently streaming anywhere.
I’ll still say that The Tick was one of the best cartoons of the mid 90’s.
I’ve already got the DVD’s (which unfortunately is missing one episode) and I had already pirated every episode before that. There used to be a website (that appears defunct now) that was dedicated to trying to save the old cult TV shows. They had torrents for all episodes, and pulled down the torrents when/if the series got released on DVD. Off the top of my head they had (and I grabbed):
The Tick
Max Headroom
Nowhere Man
Parker Lewis Can’t Lose
I really liked that show. Does it still hold up?
As much as the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day off does. At least the first two seasons (the third season wasn’t that good even when it aired). The fashion choices on the other hand…
Ferris Bueller was a flop for my kids.
It looks a lot different when you’re an adult.
I’m annoyed that the irresponsible reprobate never got his deserved comeuppance.
That was the entire point of the movie.
Unless you mean that someone other than Ferris was the reprobate. /hedging bet
Have you not heard of the No Ferris theory for the movie?
I have not! That is fascinating!
Here’s my theory, just hold on it’s crazy, none of them exist! It was all made up by some guy named John Hughes because he wanted to make a movie! Are your minds blown and wreked!?
No, CPRM, it is not. There is no evidence in the story of this ‘John Hughes’ figure.
That is generally how fiction works.
All shows I watched.
Found the Wikipedia article on the group. It was the Digital Archive Project. Still looks like the website is D-E-D though.
Duckman had some great season sets.
how is the recent tick show?
The Amazon version?
I liked it. The first season was a little awkward, but the second season was really fun.
The Neosapiens, sound a lot like NPCs.
Silly scientists. When I genetically engineer a servile species, I make sure it can’t outfight or out think my base species’ capabilities.
*goes back to nerve-stapling xenos in stellaris*
I think you would be an evil overlord, all things considered. It is better for everyone if I rule the world.
Oh, of course I would be an evil overlord. I’m not blind to my own tendencies.
But there’s no way in hell I’d let you rule. Or anyone who isn’t me.
You guys bicker and dream about what you can never have. Mwahahahaha mwaaaahahahaha!
I had completely forgotten about that show. I’ll check it out on Hulu
I’m not sure if it’s still on there, but there are eps on youtube.
Still want a proper Starship Troopers show. Roughnecks did feature some battle suits, but even they lacked most of the capabilities from the original book. 1 suit per 5 square km is a helluva capability.
yeah but it was fascist and shit
I would like to see Armor get made.
Although, considering the abortion they made out of Vampire$, I’d be afraid.
Me, too. Really enjoyed that book.
Bolo or GTFO. Actually I want to see Retief movies also. Laumer wasn’t proggy though so no dice.
I do not remember exosquad. was it on cartoon network?
well the point is not to watch it now 🙂 but thanks. I was just thinking.
Syndicated on Universal.
what happened to the thick gas atmosphere on Venus? You cannot just say terraforming began on Venus and wave it away. Venus is 400 degrees on the surface.
They stole it to terraform mars
I think they might have gone into it a bit in one of the episodes set on Venus, but it really was just an excuse to turn World War 2 into Solar System War 1.
I remember 50s era Asimov stories in which Venus was just a place people could live
Knowledge of Venus was pretty rudimentary until the mid-1990s.
I’m pretty sure by this time though they were talking about The Greenhouse Affect on Venus (that hadn’t been weaponized for politics yet)
Cloud cities.
I hear a plan once about bringing massive amounts of hydrogen from a gas giant and turning the co2 to water making a planetary ocean.
I don’t think I remember every cartoon of this type I saw. I am curios what % od cartoon I remember… one may never know. The ones that are more vivid in my memory are probably more simplistic or I was to young to catch any heavy stuff, especially since in the 90s when I started I did not fully master English
Now I have to google the one I don’t remember how it was called but it was thi unstable part of the earth where there were rare minerals or something and there was this group of people with special suits that would zipline on wires and would shoot wires between cliffs tot travel and they fought the bad guys. gaaah
Sky Commanders
I read that part but it did not say much. I have no idea if it was on cartoon network shown in Romania – dunno if Europe was identical to US – when I was a kid.
Stupid belgian blue t bone half of it was like bone and conjunctive tissue I am still hungry.
Have some pie. Hot apple pie with vanilla ice cream would be my choice.
I don’t much eat sweets. Real pies have meat or cheese.
You mean a calzone, or an empanada. Those aren’t pies.
I mean a merdenea
It has “merde” right there in the name!
Are you trying to start some shit!?
Why not just bread your cheese and fry it?
because that is cascaval pane not merdenea
also frying things is bad for you. I generally get Halloumi skip the breading and grill it
Local restaurant does a flaming saganaki using kassari cheese that’s pretty good.
Romanian version of tyropitas?
A Click real pie.
Looks like your closest store is Coles Geraldton 6530 – I don’t thing that is true my closest store is a Mega Image
hmmmm hope that is not your location I would not want to doxx people
Yeah, my closest store is about 8500 miles away.
Yummy. We used to have an Aussie food truck at work. Disappeared before I could complete the rewards card for a free pie ?
That reminds me, I have a big, juicy ribeye waiting for me at home thawing in the fridge.
Huh. I would have guessed you for the last person to want stake.
Someone is trying to earn a piercing stare.
A comment you can really sink your teeth into.
Or, perhaps, one on which to reflect.
You’d have to be blind as a bat not to see it.
Was this the movie where this guy was stuck out in sunlight and was basically burned to a crisp?
Right to the gaze, huh?
Couldn’t you maybe have give us a bit of a head’s up first? Maybe started with a bit of discreet coffin to let us know the puns are getting a bit out of hand?
This is what happens with an open invitation. They just come in and suck the life out of you.
Well since you were invited, don’t forget to send a fang-you note.
Nice CPRM. I’ll have to read it a bit later. This show seems like it should have been for me as a kid, but i never saw it.
Never saw it. I do remember a comic book character, the Grizzly, from the early 70’s who had an exo-skeleton. I of course wanted one too.
A panderer’s panderer.
Beto O’Rourke
Verified account
We should mark the foundation of America not on July 4, 1776, but on August 20, 1619—when the first human beings kidnapped from Africa were brought here to build the wealth of our country. Until we acknowledge this history, and repair this damage, we cannot build a better future.
Except the country didn’t exist until the Articles and July 4th is to commemorate the Declaration of Independence, you ignorant fuck.
then again the invention of slavery is a significant moment in history
How many millenia BC are we talking? It was before any of the mesopotamian law codes were recorded, as they treated slavery as an existing institution.
Yeah but that slavery was different it wasn’t like the chattel slavery in American South…
(Argument i’ve heard)
yes before racism slaves were just part of the family. The orphans in the Athenian mines were happy to be there
Just like the orphans in my mines.
They’d better be happy, if they know what’s good for them.
Slavery, no doubt in my mind, precedes modern humans.
yes because Homo erectus females earned 70% less meat on the same hunt as males.
*aphids wave their antennae*
Well, I suppose there’s a difference between someone who is treated as a possession by someone else under the threat of harm and someone who’s legal status is property.
There have been a lot of variations over the years in the details of slavery. There’s really a continuum that runs from “free citizen” to “slave”, including indentured servants, serfs, draftees, etc. The Romans were big on slavery, but I think their version was different than the British/American version, etc.
Seriously, go after the Brits instead.
If only the native americans had access to slaves from Africa, they too could have built up a massively wealthy nation.
that’s totes racist: implies that African slaves would have been superior to the American slaves they already had
Native Americans had slaves!? Next you’ll tell me they didn’t actually use every part of the buffalo!
Ackshually, they ran large numbers of them off cliffs, creating a glut of foodstuffs, most of which they couldn’t preserve or carry and was left for scavengers.
That always bugged me as a kid walking through the Museum of Natural History in DC. Practically in the same exhibit they’re talking about how the Indians lived as one with nature, wasting nothing, all that shit, and then two feet away there’s a diorama with an entire herd of buffalo being run off a cliff with maybe seven guys with sharp rocks and no way to carry anything more than they can hold in their hands. Like dynamiting a lake for a fish sandwich.
I had an anthropology prof who said that the only reason the Indians used every bit of the buffalo was because they had so much trouble killing them.
Once they got horses and could start killing them fairly easily, they were just as bad as anyone else for taking the choice cuts only.
^this. People are people. They do the same things. Doesn’t matter what color they are, they do the same things.
The whole idea is bulshit. If slaves made a country so rich, why is the United States way richer than Brazil, the Caribbean, Colombia. All places where the Spanish/Portuguese enslaved natives and Africans.
No one gives a shit about historical slavery. Not even one tiny fart of a flea. They have no intention of trying to set anything right. This argument is about enslaving YOU. Disarm, surrender all of your wealth, all of your rights, prostrate yourself and DO AS YOU ARE FUCKING TOLD.
The Spanish enslaved natives in what is now Texas as well.
Slavery is only bad when Brits enslave already-enslaved Africans.
Slavery is only bad when Brits
enslavebuy already-enslaved Africans.I wonder, BTW, how many died crossing the Sahara or otherwise getting to the markets where they were sold, and how that compares to the number that died crossing the Atlantic.
Well, it shows the evils of government:
See how the internal inconsistencies of capitalism perverts good-hearted public servants into doing this kind of thing. This would never happen under non-capitalists societies where only the state can own everyone.
Yup. when a person owns you and has an interest in the value you can produce for them it is all about dirty profit. When the State owns you there is no impurification.
Government is just a name for things we do together.
Government is just a name for things we do to each other.
You kids and your euphemisms for sex…
ignorant, i mean it’s Beto so that goes without saying, but this is just plain old mendacity. The only way that makes sense is to say that America exists and only exists because of Slavery. That Slavery was and is the defining charactersitc of the American Experiment. Now i’m not saying that Slavery wasn’t a part of American History, but quite frankly i don’t think it’s defining. If that were so then there is no country in the world (apart from maybe Liberia, which history ironically is defined by American Slavery and racism) would be free of it. Maybe that’s the historical model you want, but it doesn’t seem very useful. It’s only use, in fact, is to stir up animosity over a system that is well over 150 years in the past.
I hate to tell you Leon, but the first thing the freed American slaves did when they arrived in what is now Liberia was they enslaved the local populations. The last civil war they had there was a war between those two factions….so basically they are still at it.
See also Haitian slavery after the revolt. Slavery existed everywhere in some form or another until the industrial revolution made muscle power too inefficient to compete.
Dear Robert – why are you erasing the lived experiences of all of the Native Americans held in bondage before August 20, 1619.
The NYT wrote a whole freaking magazine on that premise, Robert Francis. It was a blatant attempt to stir up racial animosity then and coming out of your stupid pie-hole it still is.
When a guy says he despises America and the ideals it is based upon it is a good idea to listen when he demands that the citizenry disarm. He’s got plans for you and when you find out what they are, you wont like them very much.
Suthenboy coming in with the common sense truth.
I always do wonder exactly what the tipping point was for my fore-fathers when they decided to FTFO of the Bloodlands.
Diversity mandates?
From the book: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloodlands
Makes it easier than answering the question of where this branch of my family came from. My answer used to be “What year do you want your answer in?”
In the nineteenth century many emigrants from Europe were polled as to why they were leaving. No.1 answer by a wide margin? —–> “I heard they have no kings in America”
The answer to your question is that inalienable rights were not, and still are not, recognized in European societies. They are marginally respected here. People got tired of being fucked. I mean, these are cultures where they encoded into law and practiced it literally with primae noctis FFS.
Or more specifically, the tipping point had been reached long before they came. The fact that America existed just gave them a place to escape to.
This branch of my family left Europe in the late part of the interwar period with impeccable Catholic baptism records from a part of the world known to forge baptism records for Catholics and non-Catholics alike.
“When a guy says he despises America and the ideals it is based upon it is a good idea to listen when he demands that the citizenry disarm.”
Michelle Obama, for example.
A big part of this campaign is to delegitimize everything about the founding of the US – the DoI, the Constitution, the whole works.
Remember when the MSM went crazy because Sara Palin was such an uneducated fuck that she said we should party like its 1773 even though the country was founded in 1776. Pepperidge Farm remembers.
And they were the stupid ones in that particular instance, anyway, because she was talking about the Tea Party, whose namesake happened in *drumroll* 1773.
Who was the dumbfuck who made a big deal about that? Wasn’t it Kos?
Him, and IIRC one of the compensated whiperers at PBS was leading the charge.
God, he gives stupid a bad name. America wasn’t “founded” dumbass, it’s the name of a land mass. If you want to commemorate that, here’s your date: April 25th. And you can thank a German cartographer for that.
We should mark the foundation of America not on July 4, 1776, but on August 20, 1619—when the first human beings
kidnapped from Africabought by British citizens from Arab slave traders were brought here to buildthetheir wealthof our country.Where does this idea come from that slaves were brought here to make the country rich, rather than their owners, anyway?
Progressivm, aka fascism.
BTW, there is an Exo-Squad video game for the Sega Genesis. If you are saying “Say, wasn’t that the final era where people would put out shit games with licenced characters and hope for the best, instead of actually combining a licence with a good game to create a sales goal greater than the sum of its parts?” I would say yes, this game was shit.
I know of the game, never played it. It was never at the local rental store.
This would be hilarious if idiots wouldn’t completely buy it:
Oddly, the options presented include no actual health care providers other than the VA (unless you happen to work for one).
Punchline – I work for a hospital, and have never gotten health care here.
Why would anyone need a calculator? We already know what it means, 60 income tax for the middle class and a 25% VAT tax on everything. It’s not like government ran health care has never been done before. Any more questions?
When the media reports on Lieawatha’s MFA plan price tag, I wish they would stop writing $52 trillion and actually write out the numeral: $52,000,000,000,000. The shortened version doesn’t really get the point across regarding just how immense a number this is.
I explain everything per capita: that’s $150,000 per person.
Now, how many folk are in your family?
52 Trillion in what time frame?
That’s just for the new website they’ll take 3 years to make.
no idear: just suggesting a way of looking at national programs
No yeah that’s good. I was just thinking aobut it. The common one i get was 10 years. So 5.2 trillion dollars a year or 25% of GDP. I.E forcibly tax 25% of the Economy, just for this one plan. So take what you make right now keep all the taxes you have still. And then take out 25% and send it to the Government.
And of course that isn’t the way the economy works because things will get changed. So really say goodbye to your job, and then get shitty healthcare.
I never look at healthcare squabbles. It’s a sixth of the economy, no matter who controls it, and nobody cares what I think about it. Y = C + I + G + X – M . . . not a single person in line to vote with me understand any of it.
G already controls a third of the economy: we are terribly broken (in popular notions about the proper role of government) already; this has been normal for a long time, and very few voters have any sense of it.
The obvious improvements that small government and free markets aren’t important, and Republicans couldn’t outsmart the cloture rules when they had the WH and both houses for two years. * shrug *
All these plans seem to be floating figures in the 10-year range.
Yeah, that’s what this is. So, $15,000 per person per year.
Keep in mind that around 1/3 to maybe 1/2 of health care is already paid for by the government. I don’t know if the price tag for Medicare for All includes what the government is already spending or just the added government spending. I’m guessing the latter, but don’t know
They’ll make up for it in volume.
The sick part is what that does to young people. They’re the ones who benefit the least on average from commiecare, and they lose the ability to use that money for other things. A 20 year old who otherwise invested that $150k over his 20s would have over $2.5M at retirement age if they invested nothing else the rest of their working life.
No, see, only richy-rich types are going to pay for it!
I’ve never even heard of this one, CPRM.
…aired from 1993 to 1994.
Ah, that explains it!
I was busy with my last year of college & jobs & partying & stuff.
Newly married, working in finance, buying the first house and the GSD.
A fun, busy time.
Late in first marriage, working like a dog for a couple o’ cuntes. Busy, not so fun. Started getting better New Year’s Eve ’94.
2 yo and 4 yo daughters. Working full-time and going to college. No TV time.
I mean, I love Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is the best. Lol.
Lol nice. She almost got Epstein’d
Somedays, fun things happen at work.
*desk phone rings*
Technician: “Not Adahn, the detector compartment on this ion chromatograph won’t connect.”
Not Adahn: “Have you done…”
Tech: “Yes”
NA: “Have done a complete comms restart?”
Tech: “yes.”
NA: “OK, I’ll be right over”
*NA enters lab, walks over to IC*
NA: *moves mouse, clicks mouse once*
DC: *connects*
I hope you waggled your eyebrows, spun on your heel and walked away.
Bonus point for jaunty whistling.
…I didn’t waggle my eyebrows. But yes there was jaunty whistling.
Sounds familiar.
The good news is I had a day off work today.
The bad news is the power has been out since 0445.
You in CA?
New York had a bit of a windstorm last night that knocked out power for a lot of users. So poor Ted probably got hit by that.
I still had power this morning, and hope I’ll still have power when I get home.
But I do live within a half mile of the hydroelectric plant, so I tend not to lose power unless the wires on my street are down.
Looks like major outages north and south of you.
Yeah, I lost power about 1:00, and apparently another line went down near me about an hour ago. 🙁
Yeah, Ulster County. Power finally came back at 3:45 PM.
You should take off Monday too. That way you get 4 day’s off.
Some stats to make you pause:
Something else to make you pause:
So it’s a scam, then?
The supposition that anyone can describe the motivation of HFT bots is a red flag that the rest is bullshit.
probably my biggest pet peeve when reading the tech journalism about neural nets and AI. They are neat, and impressive, but the journalists (like everywhere) have no clue about how to write about them.
THEY ARE TURNING OUR (paperclip factories) (into robot overlords)!!!!
As somebody who deals with AI tech journalism on a daily basis, I cosign.
Oh, and leon, I kind of overstated it. I’m sure the people writing, deploying, and (lord hopes) controlling the HFC know what they are doing. But obfuscation is so built-in to these processes. They are supposed to look like one thing to an outside observer while doing something else.
I see what you mean, and that makes sense. I was mostly going after a bit of “pet-peve/hobby horse” with regard to AI. I only worked in the space for a little bit, and am by no means knowledgeable, but i do have a basic understanding of a series of AI “algorithims”/”setups” and the way they are treated as “intelligent” is a bit off putting, because there is a lot of base stealing by the journalists that potray things as they aren’t. The AI is very cool and very capable, but in the end they are all Input-> Output Machines.
I wasn’t claiming otherwise.
I wasn’t saying you were? I’m confused now. I was just beating a dead hobby horse.
Sorry, please continue your beatings.
Generally, I don’t consider anything of these things to be significant in isolation. But in toto, the market is way overvalued, particularly when you consider the extraordinary steps the Fed is taking to keep the repo market liquid. They’re basically undoing all of the tightening they did last year at an accelerated pace. The bubble is here now, it’s only a matter of time before it pops.
The bots do what they’re programmed to do. Namely, use their speed advantage to trap traders who short based on the news.
Fitbit also made a big splash with their announced acquisition by Google today. There were rumblings of that deal coming for a while now.
I consider that one a outlier because of the acquisition. But if you look at companies like CAT, you’ll see the same pattern, bad news -> jump in stock price. It’s highly counterintuitive, but the majority of the stock market volume is HFT now. Its proponents would say it creates liquidity, which it does, but it’s also causing significant distortions.
Its proponents would say it creates liquidity, which it does,
How does it create liquidity? Isn’t it just redeploying existing liquidity?
They can push a large number of trades thru quickly to generate a profit on small bid/ask spreads. The increase in volume creates “liquidity” of a sort. It is prone to disappear just as quickly as it appeared. The exchanges actually subsidize the activity with a rebate to several HFT players.
“liquidity” of a sort
Macro guys talk about “velocity.”
I hope Google can fix the app, I’m having all sorts of issues with it on Android.
They’ll fix it.
Now it’ll just stay “Stop fat shaming – accept your body the way it is.”
It’s been working fine for me. Anytime I’m having issues, turning Bluetooth off and back on usually fixes it. What’s the problems you’re having?
I switched devices and it worked fine for a few days, then all of the sudden stopped syncing. I keep messing with it, but no luck so far. I’ve also had 2 of them go bad on me in the past months. They’re pretty cheaply made, but the tracking and heart rate feature seems pretty accurate.
Tried switching Bluetooth on and off and the thing still will not sync. I ran 4 miles this morning and the app is stuck on 978 steps. Shows fine on the device, it’s just the app, sigh…
Try putting it in the microwave on high for 30 seconds. Should also recharge the battery.
Have you tried rebooting the Fitbit? Depending on the model it has to be in the charger, and then hold down the button for ~10 seconds.
I’m always entertained by the disconnect between steps and distance.
“Great! You biked 65 miles today. You only have 1,489 steps to go to meet your daily goal!”
So what’s the thinking there? That they’re anticipating a recession?
They’re betting on higher interest rates later.
In spite of Trump cutting regulations and creating an overall more business-friendly environment than the Lightbringer, the economy still has major structural problems that are overdue for a big correction IMO.
“U.S. companies spent $114 on buybacks for every $100 of capital investment in the past two years. ”
a 53/47 proportion. In the past it might have been a 47/53 proportion. Either way, it’s fairly normal and no reason to pause. The low interest rate environment tends to make liability reduction much more attractive than in an historically-average interest rate environment.
Get back to me when US companies spend $100 on buybacks for every $14 in capital investment.
How do you chase a bad guy with those?
I’d handcuff myself.
Power Girl is the best superhero. It is known.
Offering the most anatomically improbable girls the chance to do cosplay too!
I’m late to this party, but one of the best reads was time Powergirl lost her memory, and HQ kidnapped her and made her friend. It was fun.
Why does my brain expect everyone to supply their own determiners?
See, that’s not super.
*clicks back to Supergirl*
That’s really super!
Lovely. Thanks!
🙂 Welcome!
Love bodypaint
Nazi Pelosi is concerned.
STEPHEN COLBERT: When you heard what was in that telephone call, what was your first reaction? What were the first words that came out of your mouth? And we can bleep them if need be.
SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI: I prayed for the United States of America. Really, because it’s a really sad thing. We don’t want to impeach a president, we don’t want the reality that a president has done something that is in violation of the Constitution. But it was more about — so much had happened before — and I had not been, enthusiastic about the divisiveness that would occur from an impeachment. Weighing the equities, I had said then, “he’s not worth impeaching” because it’s going to divide the country further that he had already divided. But, this was something that you could not ignore.
In one conversation, he undermined our national security, by withholding military assistance to a country that had been voted on by the Congress of the United States to the benefit of the Russians. At the same time, he jeopardized the integrity of our elections, the heart of our democracy. And in doing so, in my view, he possibly violated his oath of office, to protect, defend, and preserve the Constitution of the United States.
Just a very tragic, solemn but necessary affair.
She’s been told to limit it to one bottle of Grey Goose a day! Only one!
he jeopardized the integrity of our elections, the heart of our democracy.
The sacrament of Elections is one thing that i find interesting. I know that since i was a kid i’ve been told how important the Vote was and is. That is what makes us free. Especially from the left, the idea that the ability to Vote is the most sacred right. Probably in part, because it is the most useless tool we have in our arsenal to fight against to state. To me i would say the Heart of our democracy is Freedom of speech, conscience and the right to defend them. Sovets had elections, Venezuela has elections. Syria has elections. But that doesn’t make those people free.
Freedom of speech, conscience and the right to defend them
Hard to argue with that.
Of course, if the government were as small as it should be, there would be few would would wish to be elected to manage it.
I prayed for the United States of America.
I literally burst out laughing when I read that.
Well you can pray for something you don’t currently have but covet. It’s a bit selfish when it’s not something you deserve. I took the statement in that context. Plus, she never said what she prayed to.
It involves playing Led Zepplin backwards and sacrificing chickens.
Yet praying is still among the most sane reactions by the Democrats to that phone call.
In one conversation, he undermined our national security, by withholding military assistance to a country that had been voted on by the Congress of the United States to the benefit of the Russians.
This, of course, is a flat-out lie, as there was no mention of military assistance in the rather smarmy phone call.
Good thing I’m at home alone, I laughed so hard when I read that.
“It is a structure in which cheating and viciousness are rewarded while civility and truth-telling are punished.”
You know, funny how that sort of applies to my post right below as well.
One trannies view.
I think one reason the Marxists embrace this sort of thing is that it kills individualism and competition. It’s not important whether individual woman win. By losing to a Trans, you are contributing to the greater good which is a higher purpose than yourself. It’s another form of control.
If there’s no advantage to being biologically male, why aren’t we seeing any FtM transsexuals dominating men’s sports? Everyone knows goddamned well why not, regardless of if they have the stones to publicly admit why not.
How well can you lie? If you can do it well enough, you get awards!
Every woman should be empowered to level baseless accusations against men.
Is she still speaking in that squeaky little girl voice even after the farce ended?
Interesting. They do have a short clip of her talking, and its not nearly as squeaky as I recall.
Of course, testifying in front of the Senate could make anyone nervous.
Boldface lying in front of the Senate could make anyone (not working for the CIA) nervous.
Comparative Healhcare is a topic these days, so a short story of the sorry state of healthcar in the US.
Friday: Wife calls for Dr appoint – not feeling right.
Tues: Appointment. Doc says “We need an MRI here” Uh Oh.
Thursday: MRI
Friday: Sorry it’s unterine cancer
Monday: Surgery appontment made for Thursday.
Thursday: Surgery. Doc says he’s 98% he got it all.
Couple of months of radiaton to make sure.
Year later. Cancer free.
TL/DR; 10 days from diagnosis to successful operation.
Oh, and we live in a little cow town in the middle of nowhere.
I am glad they caught it all. How long ago was this?
Dude, first of all, great news.
But, if we would have had wonderful
National HealthcareSingle PayerMedicare for All, we would have saved tons of money by waiting a year for that appointment!A year? What sort of super fast track did she manage to get on?
Naw, I’ve heard from good sources that you can get in as fast as 6 months for the life saving surgery, if you’re still alive, and some nameless bureaucrat pulls your name out of the magic hat. But what really matters is that it will show we do things cheaper than in selfish heartless America!
and the 95% change in chance of full recovery between surgery 10 days after detection and surgery a year later is one of the small sacrifices we must make to ensure fairness.
I’m glad she’s OK!
Oct is the one-year anniversary. It happened so fast we hardly had time to get nervous. Hard to see how anything could be improved. Everyone incol ed was competnet and helpful.
BTW having gone though major medical procedures in the Boston area and in Montana we’d take Montana in a minute.
Great news! The prognosis is good when it’s a cancer than can be diagnosed fairly easily.
Suck it, rest of the world!
“sometime in her life” of course is the best time for any woman to be taking nudes of herself
It’s the taking of them in a world where they can be shared at a click of a button that is the problem. It’s a different world than the one where if you wanted to see a naked girl you needed a friend who worked in a convenience store.
Why should any woman need to take nudes of herself? I have a perfectly good camera!
Necro Ned disagrees, but thinks that you should have the right to be wrong about that.
I vote between 18th Birthday and 30th Birthday.
Probably leaning way toward the front part of that time period.
Ummm…I think it’s the who-you’re-with and the what-you’re-doing when the nude is taken…
She fucked her staffer, which is explicitly against the rules.
This has nothing to do with her being a sex maniac or the existence of the pictures themselves. If a congress critter had a sex tape leaked fucking their spouse it would be embarrassing, but not a fireable offense.
Ilhan Omar shrugs.
Spouse, brother whatever.
I was referring to her boyfriend / campaign subordinate.
I think the House rule applies only to Congressional staffers. Omar and She Guevara are both carrying on with campaign staff, so its totes cool.
I think Omar’s boy toy is a consultant. Not even officially part of her campaign.
The real scandal – if anyone cared to look into it – is how much money she is washing through his consulting group. She’s raising gobs of money and “paying him for consulting”. He has already billed her for more than a half million dollars.
“This has nothing to do with her being a sex maniac or the existence of the pictures themselves.”
Wasn’t she a democrat? You know they have different rules, right?
, we are going to have to figure out how to stand together and say it’s the leaking of them, not the taking of them, that is shameful
Fuck off. It’s not my fault you can’t think through your actions enough to realize the risk of snapping and sharing nudes.
Taking nude pictures of yourself – sure, whatever, kind of narcissistic, but you do you.
Sharing them in electronic format – see above.
Being shocked when they show up in times and places you didn’t want – you’re an idiot if you didn’t think that might happen.
Not running for office because you have circulated nude pictures of yourself – not my problem.
Pretty much what I think when I hear about former porn stars complaining about not being hireable in mainstream film anymore. You knew perfectly well that doing porn is crossing the rubicon and you can’t unring that bell. Instead of complaining about the culture, try some personal responsibility on for size.
I still feel bad for them. Everybody watches porn, but the porn stars have no place in polite society? Seems hypocritical.
Polite society and mainstream film don’t have much cross-over.
I think the problem is less that once they have done porn they are barred and more that most of them went into porn because they were not good at acting.
Counter point: Andy McDowell & heather graham. Both can’t act, but got jobs in mainstream film
Even Harvey Weinstein wouldn’t hire them. Tells you something.
Counter point: Andy McDowell & heather graham. Both can’t act, but got jobs in mainstream film
My casual survey of porn with plots indicated that most porn stars are even worse.
My casual survey of porn with plots indicated that Andie McDowell does not have the ass
etstits to pull off porn.It is hypocritical, but it’s the nature of the beast. They’re sexual garbage men; providing a necessary service without which our society would be greatly diminished, but not getting much credit and semi-stigmatized.
I’ll cut a bit of slack for those in-betweeners, technology-wise:
I heard Christy Canyon recently talking about how she thought it would just be these dirty films that almost nobody would see – it’s not like many of your neighbors were going to go to a adult theater to see these things and, if they did, who would admit it?
Cue the rise of video tape machines and suddenly her obscure adult film career is easily available worldwide, in the privacy of your own home.
(she’s at peace with it, btw, just a funny bit of timing)
I am not personally acquainted with one single woman that I know has taken nude pictures of herself. Maybe the Kids These Days are all doing it (although I kind of doubt it). I suspect this says a lot more about the people she runs with than any larger trend in society.
You mean, actions have consequences, and stupid decisions sometimes come back to bite you?
I know my wife hasn’t, and while I can’t say I absolutely know, I would bet my life that my sister hasn’t.
Is it “revenge porn” when you yourself were a party to posting nudes on some “hey, come fuck my wife” website?
See Trashy’s response below and it all makes sense.
You’ve never had a woman send nudes of herself to you? Asking for a friend you know.
Nope. Of course, I’m old and married; I rarely text, never use social media, and don’t go on the internet to cheat on my wife.
Where do you go to cheat on your wife?
Your place.
That’s gonna leave a mark.
Nah, Well played. Except my place is now the ex-wife’s. Good luck.
It is even worse when you reals Doc Fronk lives with his mother….
I’m old and married too. And I’ve never went on the internet to cheat on my wife. However, before being married, I met a lot of ladies online, it was great.
Yadda Yadda Yadda. Has every woman taken nudes of herself breaking the HoR House Rules? The picures in question are not equivalent to “Any old Nudie”. It’s not like her drunken college photos were leaked. But no, Women should be allowed to have irresponsible Affairs, AND shouldn’t be to blame when the pictures of said affair are leaked cause they are too stupid to figure out how to keep that shit quiet.
I know it is said a lot, but at what point does personal responsibility for ones own affairs come into play?
It’s the D, no D factor. If she has a D after her name and no D between her legs, she is incapable of being wrong or stupid or evil. It’s all the no D, D people’s fault.
how do (((D))) play into this?
Once you go snipped, nothing else passes the lips.
Once you go Jew, nothing else will do.
When you go Kike, your pussy will like.
Once you go Hebe, you’ll never leave.
Christ killer? More like pussy killer!
(starting to reach here)
Coin all the sayings you want, (((we))) ain’t becoming the sexualized stereotype.
I beg to differ.
The fact that they’re women only proves that (((men))) are just as sexy.
Or something.
“This Iron Cross only accepts foreskin”
I look forward to her new career as a camgirl.
I’m sympathetic to the plight of young girls that took racy pics. I doubt at 18 they’re thinking ahead to how this could come back to bite them. I’m also sure there are a ton of Polaroids that have been destroyed in the pre-smart phone days. Woman use to have that luxury of having fun in the moment and then later destroying the evidence. Unfortunately ubiquitous smart phone cameras and cloud storage have changed the game.
Its not taking the pics that causes problems. Its sharing them in electronic form, which even an 18 year old should know is a license for them to be republished by whoever she sent them to.
Vanessa Williams would like a word.
Times have changed. Most things are done on the spur of the moment. People literally have a camera on them at all times and it’s not even necessarily them that takes the picture. I just think we are asking young people to live at a standard of purity no other generation has had to. Everyone talks about how wild the 60-80’s were. Imagine if every stupid things from those decades was recorded and stored permanently.
That’s why I don’t want my kids to have social media.
I want them to have the luxury of screwing up in private.
it’s not even necessarily them that takes the picture
We’re talking about selfies, here.
I just think we are asking young people to live at a standard of purity no other generation has had to.
They do have opportunities to make stupid decisions that we didn’t have, no question. But it will never not be the case that stupid decisions can have bad consequences. Eventually, I think the culture will shift so that everybody says its no biggie, so even the bad consequences will be mitigated in time.
But for Katie, don’t forget, (a) she’s an adult, not a teenager and (b) the swinging and pics and all that are not what forced her out. We may be closer than you think to people thinking its no biggie, even for grown-ass adults.
Yeah, I’m not defending Katie, just talkin bout kids these days.
I doubt at 18 they’re thinking ahead to how this could come back to bite them.
This is true and also exactly the issue. It’s not my problem that Slutty McCoed took pictures of her naughty bits and sent them to Pothead Von Fratboy. Nor is it my problem that those pictures came back to bite her years later. There are plenty of people who made stupid decisions when they were 18 and had to bear the consequences of those decisions. Besides the horndog factor, what makes this any different?
The difference is that cameras are ubiquitous and you may not even know your actions were filmed. Privacy isn’t what it used to be.
Yeah, but when it has been an invasion of privacy (e.g. Erin Andrews), the reaction has been quite different. Nobody is gonna hold it against you if you were unknowingly recorded undressing in your room using a peephole camera.
On the contrary, if Erin Andrews had been caught on that camera in a three way with one of her hot friends, I would have sympathy and great admiration.
Erin Andrews’ naked hairbrushing – hot
Katie Hill’s naked hairbrushing – not
I would have sympathy and great admiration.
And a sore wrist?
I’m not talking about breaking laws, I’m talking about flashing or mooning or doing something provocative but stupid.
Me as well. I might loop pot in there as well, as a contextually socially acceptable thing that has the ability to fuck your life up if circumstances catch you the wrong way, but there’s a lot of legal idiotic stuff that can have lasting consequences.
To avoid playing “hide the ball”, the difference that sticks out to me is that the consequences in this case are social stigma related to sexuality, which has been a bugaboo of the progs for 40 years.
Why did that guy have a dildo on his E-frame?
I’m assuming it was relevant to the storyline in some fashion.
He was recon. Long nights alone watching the enemy tend to get boring.
That dude had an older D-frame.
One of those men who competes in women’s sports is an even bigger asshole than I would have imagined.
There’s more.
Christ, what an asshole.
How do you make a trans woman?
You get a man, and take away reason and accountability.
And his dick. Don’t forget to take away his dick, too.
I don’t even know if most of them bother with that these days. They just claim to be a woman and enter women’s sports.
As far as I’m concerned, if you haven’t had the surgery, you’re just a cross-dresser.
That’s hate speech.
OK, I might make an exception for somebody who is on a pre-op course of hormone treatments.
But if you aren’t seriously working on getting rid of your dick, in no sense do think you are actually a woman.
I wouldn’t make one even for that. It’s already been proven that a biological male still has an advantage even with becoming a eunuch and getting on estrogen. It makes a difference, just not nearly enough. It’s pure bullshit, but why should I care? If female athletes want their sports taken over by men, that’s up to them. If they don’t, they’d better be speaking up.
Even if you do get the dick removed, you’re still not a woman. Just a mutilated man.
See: TERFs.
A man who removes his genitalia is no more a woman than this guy’s body modifications make him an actual lizard.
Men who sincerely want to live as women (eg Deirdre McCloskey), who take pains to look and act like actual women and not freakshows like McKinnon, I have tremendous sympathy for. I see nothing wrong with accommodating their choices of names and even pronouns. I will not, however, be browbeaten into agreeing that a man is made a woman simply by taking hormones and getting body parts removed.
Sorry dude, new rules in Calvin ball. You just need the feels.
I don’t know if McKinnon had the twig and berries lopped off, but that kid who has dominated Connecticut high school girls sprinting has not.
This guy should be locked in a cage match with a UFC fighter for a while.
I heard Rhonda Rouseyis available.
This dude is absolutely an asshole who wants you to believe that he has no physical advantage athletically over actual women.
Fuck. The fact my overweight middle aged self was able to rank in the top 3 average power rating in a spin class should prove that to be incorrect.
My wife works out a lot, both aerobic and weightlifting. She teaches fitness classes. I’m a fatass 42 year old with creaky joints who hasn’t exercised regularly since the early days of the Obama administration. This is why she gets very irritated that I easily overpower her when we play-wrestle, and not just because I outweigh her by about 130 pounds. When I want to, I can simply put her in a bear hug that she can’t escape, and I’m probably in the lower 50% for strength in a man my age while she’s undoubtedly well into the top 50%, probably more like top 25%, in strength for a woman her age.
Dude: “Man, I feel like a woman!”
World: “You…don’t look like one. Or compete like one. Or talk like one. Or sound like one. Or think like one. Or have hormones like one. Or have two X chromosomes.”
Dude: “I’m a butch lesbian.”
World: “Pretty much every straight man is. Go adjust your jock strap and compete with the men.”
Back when I was a young man, if some dude would have pulled this, the sisters of his now defeated competitors would have told their brothers, who would have proceeded to hunt this ‘dude’ down and beat the living shit out of him. That’s the way it was done in those days, quick, efficient, final.
We must have a return to the old ways.
No, we really don’t.
A world where we ‘Emmett Till’ those who are seen to violate an ambiguous code of majority-decided norms is no better than a world in which a vocal minority uses the threat of state-sanctioned violence to enforce their norms on the majority.
I could say I was being sarcastic, and I was, but it was more like flippant.
Not to play gotcha, but isn’t this the best argument against anarchy? We delegate punishment for crime to hopefully dispassionate agents of the State because otherwise you get lynchings of outsiders and blood feuds between groups. How do you avoid an ancap ‘private’ justice system becoming exactly that? People always want over the top vengeance and if justice becomes hire your own police won’t the police deliver what the client wants?
This will continue until all women refuse to compete against these jerks. Just imagine when he rides up to the starting line and everyone else walks away.
Have fun being a champion in a league of one!
That apparently happened in his latest title. The defending champion biked in the qualifiers but then chose not to compete in the finals to make a statement that it is not a fair competition.
If a man can be proud of winning because he is genetically superior to his competitors, he would be proud that his competitors couldn’t face the shame of losing to him, leaving him the default winner.
He would consider it a badge of honor.
Sometimes I wonder if these dudes claim to be transgender because they can’t compete with men.
Case in point: the “trans” track athletes that competed in Connecticut broke the state record for girls. Their times wouldn’t have even been good enough to qualify for the finals in boys.
Yes. If I were those girls’ parents, I would have pulled my daughter out and urged other parents to do the same.
Isn’t that why one wins though?
I almost posted this same thing, but there is a serious distinction between competing to demonstrate your superiority to the others in the group to which you belong and finding a group that you can beat. Shemales are doing the equivalent of an NFL player showing up to play High School football and then bragging about their dominance.
I did not answer right away because the question deserves more thoughtfulness than something flippant.
But there’s a name for this: “Ringer.”
Isn’t that why one wins though?
Tom Brady is genetically inferior to about half the quarterbacks in the league, and yet…
The best part about that is that McKinnon has called women who don’t believe he should be competing in women’s races cowards who are afraid of tougher competition.
Right. That must be why you’re adamant about competing against women who are much smaller than you, right?
Isn’t this guy just stealing Andy Kauffman’s bit?
YES, I’m number one. I’m number one. I’m number one.
No, I really think he’s number two. A big steaming pile of number two.
Are you ready for Pelosi?
Both history and constitutional law, however, suggest that other successors to the office are possible. It all depends on the magnitude and nature of the “bribery” or other “high crimes and misdemeanors” that may or may not be established by congressional investigators.
More importantly, presidential succession, in this case, depends on (to paraphrase former Sen. Howard Baker in reference to the Watergate Investigation) what the Vice President knew and when he knew it. Specifically, was the vice president aware during his September 1 conference with Zelensky in Poland, that Trump had previously asked for a “favor” when discussing military aid and that the favor included a Ukrainian criminal probe of Joe and Hunter Biden. The political futures of Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi may well depend upon the answers to these questions.
If Pence’s September trip was intentionally designed to reinforce Trump’s demand for a “favor” with an intimidating follow-up message from the vice president, Pence may have a serious problem…
What might follow could be a double impeachment scenario that would make heads spin and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi the president of the United States. After Pence, she’s next in the line of succession.
These people are like 8 year olds for whom everything is still make believe. Not even a smidgen of reality going on in their heads.
They really get invested in their fantasy worlds, don’t they?
Go ahead and try to install Nancy fucking Pelosi as the president. That totally won’t set off civil insurrections.
If Trump is removed, and Pence succeeds to the Presidency, can Pence be impeached for something he did while not actually, you know, President? I thought a President could only be impeached for things he did while President.
Look, we’re The House of Fucking Representatives and the rules is what we say they are! /pretty much what they just said
Now that I think about it, they can impeach Trump and Pence simultaneously.
Go for it, Nancy. Me and about a million other people will show up for your inauguration. Heavily. Armed.
As someone recently said, she’s blowing smoke. She knows full well they can’t do it. They have nothing else. It’s so pitiful, I’d feel sorry for them if they weren’t so devious. Just get read for 5-6 more years of impeachment. And if the GOP wins gain after that, get ready for Impeachment Part II for another 4 years, from now on, forever.
The impeachment rules they voted for basically ensure that regardless of the findings no Republican could ever vote for them. Republicans are granted no ability to even ask questions.
Which means that this process is political. It’s designed to make Democrats look better for the next election.
Which is ironic to me, since the argument against Trump is he used his power for political advantage.
Further, I think it will backfire. As I said in Morning Lynx, time will tell, but IMO it’s either an enormous strategic fuckup or it’s a tacit admission that their candidates can’t win in 2020 so they’re throwing a Hail Mary.
“it’s a tacit admission that their candidates can’t win in 2020”
Exactly that. All of their candidates have went full in on the full far left agenda, the lock, stock, and barrel agenda. There’s no way back for them now, America’s not buying it… yet, and there’s no plan B. Well, act like a bunch of idiots and hope the media spin them up some sort of consolation prize, like keeping the house.
This is nothing more than a political fantasy circle jerk and would result in Civil War II Electric Boogaloo.
Poetic justice.
The fucking he gets for the fucking he got.
Hoo boy.
I bet Putin threatened him because he doesn’t want Trump to get into trouble.
People are starting to figure out what happens when democrats try to coerce them into testifying in public about something they know is a lie.
There’s something wrong with Schiff. I mean most people know it, but you can tell just by looking at him that he’s way off, way way off in the head.
Is there anyway that you can possibly get a woman to get ready to go somewhere when you want to, ever?
Me. ‘Can we go down to the pub at 4, happy hours is 3-6’. I’d like to sit at the bar.
4:36, she’s still in the shower. Sigh…
Sorry, this is the only place I can even my frustration with stuff like this. If I try to talk to her, she’ll cry/and or pout for a day. Sigh…
My husband has trained me to be prompt. I do not know how. I have no advice.