Well, my son’s toilet costume was a great success. Everyone we saw last night really enjoyed it. And so it is the end of the week and I am more than ready for the weekend. I hope everyone enjoys the cool temperatures as glaciation winter descends across America.
Just so I’m clear, bullying witnesses is a tactic only Democrats can use? I just assume anything that doesn’t factually report what Trump is doing is just a giant projection of what his opponents are doing.
Blind Melon got a little overplayed, but this is just an unreasonable reaction.
“Yerrrr the reason why teacher drinks.”
Text charges when you’re international are a bitch.
“According to the Washington Post, the girl was struck in the lower neck with a stray bullet. The man thought to be the target of the shooting, a member of the Latin Kings gang, was walking near the girl on the street when the gunman fired at least seven shots in his direction.
“We heard the shots … and I went outside,’’ Lali Lara, 25, who was working at a store near the scene, told the Chicago Tribune. “The girl’s father was screaming, ‘My little girl’s been shot!’ ”
An ambulance arrived five minutes later to transport the girl to hospital, where she remains in critical condition.
The target of the shooting is also in the hospital after being shot in the hand.”
Expert marksmanship.
Future CPD recruit?
And yet if I propose sending NRA instructors out to teach Gangbangers marksmanship, awareness of the backstop to your shot, and trigger discipline people mock me.
They should put shooting ranges in jail.
Like the police, their power is partially derived by fear of their incompetence.
I was assured that fears of Latin Gang Violence were overblown.
When I was an Assistant State’s Attorney in the Chicago ‘burbs….the Latin Kings were slowly and bloodily displacing the Gangster Disciples. Brr….lots of shootiness.
The mostly won….then the 2007 bubble burst and the LK’s lost most of their recruiting pool and they sort of …diminished.
Whoa, you have done it all.
Well he’s never eaten an entire elephant in one sitting, so he still has that on his to-do list.
Was it your narrow gaze that scared off their recruiting pool?
I was assured that fears of Latin Gang Violence were overblown.
They are overblown. Do you see formations of gladius wielding, toga-wearing Romans running around?
” Officers say they also found marijuana in Edelstein’s car. ”
So she was out of meth?
“Adopt your own donkey for 45$ a year!”
I don’t want Democrats in my family.
Based on my payroll taxes, I pay enough for jackasses.
Those are Israeli donkeys? Do they get bombed and stabbed by Palestinian donkeys?
I’m not clicking that! But I would guess this is a result of Drumpf cracking down on the Tijuana border?
LOL, it is a charity supporting Israeli shelters for donkeys that have been rescued from abuse.
If you don’t adopt them, they will be forced into the sex trade.
A thousand Al-Baghdadi Jr’s rub their hands in pervy anticipation. Some day when they are more successful, they will be able to work their way up to American aid worker sex brides but for the time being, they need a cheap reliable piece of ass.
Tijuana donkeys need to get organized, otherwise I see a lot of unemployment in the clubs
So you’ve also been to Juarez ?
Acting like a true ranchero,
Dancing round a big sombrero
Nick’s the one:
How could you pass on Moshe?
Because it’s too fucking sad!
I used to support a jackass named Nick. Does this one you’re talking about wear a leather jacket everywhere too?
You can probably make leather from a donkey, so, yes?
If Steve Bannon is going to destroy CNN hosts, he’s not going to get invited back.
I love Scott Lincicome’s daughter’s costume. LOL
She needs to be dragging around a dead dog
Or a scorched baby doll.
And a warrant that reads, “BULLSHIT”.
My son wanted a similar costume several years ago. I got it for him, but I felt so dirty doing so.
looks like she just got a swat.
Anyone care to meet up at Elite Shooting Sports in Manasshole VA tomorrow? THey’re having a customer appreciation event, with gun-licious raffles.
I like you, Kristen……but not enough to subject myself to Northern Virginia.
I like you too, but Virginia’s 3,800km away from where I live.
But it sounds like fun. Shoot a whole bunch o’ stuff for the rest of us!
Maybe. I have been thinking about going, but I’m gonna be working most of the day tomorrow, so I’ll have to try to peel myself away.
I’m-a go in the morning
So tempting, but Manassas.
Right? But it’s fancy
It’s the less shitty part of the shitty side of manassas, if that helps.
If it was a tad closer I’d be up for it, but it’s a little too far for me. Now, Delmarva Sporting Clays, on the other hand, is a place I know is worth the drive.
Scruffy Nerfherder… has anyone seen Scruffy recently?
He was here for morning links.
He was posting yesterday, I think – replied to my Soviet national anthem comment.
Email me, bro.
Halloween candy is so fresh. I’m taxing the kids’ stash right now.
Candy management fee
Yerrrr the reason why teacher drinks.”-
Be fair; it’s Pinellas Park.
I saw the most ironic thing today. A blind man walking with a cane by himself, with a shirt that reads “lead, never follow”.
I’m mean…come on!
You shoulda saw that one coming.
How did he know what it said, hmm?
Let’s break into bind people’s houses and substitute their t shirts for funny ones.
blind. It is less funny with kinksters.
And they like it when you break into their house and dress them up.
I’m a fan of crimes for humor.
Yes, because it was written in braille.
Actually makes sense, he’s asking us, the sighted to lead and not follow him into a car, etc. He has another shirt that says “I’ve been everywhere, man.”
I hope they clean the needle.
No Taco Tuesday next week!
Hey Donald…
Uh, don’t….. don’t, uh, you know…… grab her by the….
$3300 to get infected with the flu. Room and board included.
I’d let them give me the flu for $3300, but I wouldn’t stay in a hospital for a week for $30k
It might not actually be a hospital. Hopefully, they have Netflix.
Ohio’s Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.
Hospital, no thanks lol
I used to occasionally pay bills by doing experiments at NIH. Never anything that required pokey things and sickness, though.
Those are the most fun.
They also pay the best, but I’m a big chicken.
I did consider doing a study on novocaine, though. I think they were looking at it for other uses.
I had a friend in college who used to make extra money doing studies like that. Usually nothing major, but he did get hellaciously sick a few times.
RFK’s granddaughter died of an overdose.
That’s awful. Poor kid.
I suspect that it’s far less likely that it would have happened if she were in a normal family.
Given the funerals and fundraisers I’ve been involved with lately, I don’t think so.
a toxicology test found methadone, fluoxetine, norfluoxetine, diazepam, nordiazepam and alcohol in her system.
That’s a hell of a stew for a 22-year-old.
Prozac can be used recreationally?
People use Benadryl recreationally.
Fuckin’ eh!
A Benadryl +3 beers > 6 beers. Keeps spending and beer gut under control.
I couldn’t pronounce the words between methadone and alcohol. Does one go to a pharmacy, stroll along the counter and order one of those, yeah better gimme a couple of these and some of that in the green box and…
diazepam is Valium
fluoxtine is Prozac
I don’t think this was recreational. I think this was suicide.
Some of those are metabolites of drugs, so double counting for shock effect.
But man that family.
America’s favorite white trash family.
Harsh, bro.
“Yerrrr the reason why teacher drinks”
The other teachers were in awe. 3 weeks in and this lady gets it. Kids noticed no difference in her teaching skills
Her grandma/grandpa taught in the school I went to, I’m sure.
My son thought his 3rd-grade teacher was the best. She’d sleep through class and he’d get to read his Doc Savage books. Eventually a couple of the students screwed it up, went wandering in the halls and got caught. The teacher wasn’t fired but she started staying awake most of the time.
We knew about but didn’t care. She wasn’t doing any harm while sleeping.
Also witnessed. Trump hat wearing patient remark when asked if he was florida, respond “I’ve lived in hialeah since back when they spoke English”
And still pronounces that town down south Miamuh
President Trump has sought to intimidate witnesses in the impeachment inquiry, attacking them as “Never Trumpers” and badgering an anonymous whistleblower. He has directed the White House to withhold documents and block testimony requested by Congress. And he has labored to publicly discredit the investigation as a “scam” overseen by “a totally compromised kangaroo court.”
I remember the media saying the same thing about the Clinton Impeachment, except a little different.
According to the Washington Post, the girl was struck in the lower neck with a stray bullet. The man thought to be the target of the shooting, a member of the Latin Kings gang, was walking near the girl on the street when the gunman fired at least seven shots in his direction.
I thought Chicago had strict gun control?
Edelstein was a probationary teacher and was only at Skyview for three weeks, police say. Officers say they also found marijuana in Edelstein’s car.
Ahh… that’s how she got fired. It probably be a much different story if she wasn’t a probationary teacher.
Russian scientists tracking migrating eagles ran out of money after some of the birds flew to Iran and Pakistan and their SMS transmitters drew huge data roaming charges.
I guess there are things the Russians can’t do.
Bruery Bakery is an interesting beer. Word on the street is that Founder’s CBS is available in some stores already.
Nice Suthen(ing).
Cell phone tariffs are ridiculously cheap in Russia. But most have very high roaming fees even for domestic travel: imaging paying for roaming when you go from NH to MA.
Yuck. Going to MA is bad enough.
Founder CBS?
What’s the C stand for?
I recently had the KBS (Kentucky Barrel Stout) and it was delicious. Fucking expensive though.
Not as expensive as the 120 minute IPA, which was also delicious.
Canadian Breakfast Stout.
Hard pass.
Founder’s has also announced this is the last batch of CBS being released for the foreseeable future.
What happened to my profile pic??? * bawling *
Reupload it. WordPress changed stuff and SP and Webdom spent all week making avatars happen again, but they have to be reuploaded.
WP hates you.
Luckily, SP loves you, so just go to your profile – avatar is at the very bottom.
It’s good that you’re late. Some of us have a gravatar account now.
That’s how the man tracks you.
I changed my gravtar to a mooning garden gnome. That’ll show ’em.
Brock Sampson! You old dog, you.
My buddy is a late-in-life father and texted me this the other day:
That is quality parenting.
Quality video clip — season 1 episode 1.
I confess, I didn’t fall fully for the series until season 2 episode 4, Escape to the House of Mummies Part Two.
The phrase “… your soft pink insignificance…” was the perfect line in a stellar episode.
Go Team Venture!
I thought I didn’t have a copy of it, hence my panic. Found the damn thing!!
I saw the most ironic thing today. A blind man walking with a cane by himself, with a shirt that reads “lead, never follow”.
Something something blind leading the something.
And he has labored to publicly discredit the investigation as a “scam” overseen by “a totally compromised kangaroo court.
Telling the obvious truth is laborious, when you work for the Daily Diary of the Deep State.
Everything old is new again.
I wonder, though: this isn’t a legal proceeding, so there’s no obstruction of justice. Its certainly not a crime to “obstruct” a purely political process. Would it even be an impeachable offense?
You’re trying to protect yourself. Obstruction of Justice.
/ just about every dictatorial regime’s legal system.
It is always obstruction isn’t it? My guess is that because they know that the original accusation is completely baseless so their only hope is to nab him in a process crime.
I don’t want to see Schiff’s O-face.
You ever see those junk mail envelopes that have text all over them like “Official: To Be Read By Addressee Only” and “Unauthorized Tampering With Contents Punishable By Law” and shit like that? It’s verbiage specifically designed to be technically correct while implying that the target has to interact with the mail. Usually it’ll be some sort of credit scam or extended warranty bullshit. I’ve even seen some that say something like “Operation of motor vehicle without insurance coverage is illegal and could result in fines and jail time. Act now to ensure adequate coverage. Your prompt response is required.” in order to get some poor old lady or panicky naif to send their credit card info to some random company for shitty car insurance or something.
This is like that but for impeachment. They’ve been doing everything they can to imply that, in some fashion, Trump is currently being impeached (or something very much like it) because he illegally threatened the Ukrainian government in order to benefit his political prospects in 2020. All of it’s utterly preposterous if you just take the actual facts of the circumstances and look at them without any preconceptions or agendas, so the Democrats are trying their hardest to blur those facts and sneak some outright lies in.
Remember when Obama claimed executive privilege for nearly every congressional investigation on is administration?
Pepperidge Farms remembers.
No. They don’t remember.
And that is what is driving me nuts. It is one thing for the propaganda machine to tell contradictory stories every couple of weeks…. it is another thing entirely when those contradictory stories are swallowed hook, line and sinker.
RC, you know that anything is impeachable if they want it to be.
But would the Senate or the public care? Actually, the public might care, but not in the way the Dems prefer.
I’m aware they can impeach for anything, but I’m not a legal positivist, so I don’t think he can be impeached for anything, only treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.
I did a little rabbit-holing on that last phrase. Its originally from the British Parliament, used for impeaching their members. “Misdemeanor” apparently used to refer to misbehavior that may or may not have been illegal, although its meaning began shifting sometime in the mid- to late 1700s. I even found some minutes of a Parliamentary impeachment, but on a quick scan they were not clear at all on whether what the member was accused of was actually a crime.
Kristen, when’s your crush coming to town?
Not sure Moj…haven’t seen any dates on their web site yet. I’m trying to tamp down this crush with extreme prejudice, as it’s causing me undue anxiety and mental overload (i.e. it’s no longer a fun little fantasy)
Anyhoo, I may still go to Boston for a lark. Just not sure when.
BTDT. May you feel all the good vibes I am sending you.
Thank you!! <3
Be strong, KK.
Good luck!
Uffda. Our new gov in Minnesoda is way better than ex-Gov Mumbles, but he has been much worse than I thought he’d be. Latest stupid idea: Let’s adopt Cali’s stupid car standards to “entice” more people to buy electric cars.
I’m sure phase 2 will be the state having to subsidize charging stations because it is surely the lack of charging stations that is stopping us from buying electric cars.
doG help us if any of his plans work and electric vehicle use sky rockets. Because then we will have to switch from a gas tax to a mileage tax to pay for roads and then our vaunted state IT dept will blow a few hundred million dollars building a solution for that that will never work.
But the Vikings beat the Redskins, so it’s OK.
Remember when the TC had emissions inspections? Then they were cancelled when it was determined they were not doing anything scientific. Pepperidge…
Nope. I was living in Memphis at that time. (but they had vehicle inspections there too).
I think Memphis got rid of them too. For the same reasons.
selling off the sites as we speak
Ohio had statewide testing. Then it was decided that only a certain area needs the testing,
::Nelson laugh::
Jesse was instrumental in killing them. Give the man his due.
If you want to lower emissions from automobiles, ban all government-sector workers from using automobiles.
Saw a Nissan Leaf in the parking lot today. Included badge on the tailgate “Zero Emissions Vehicle”.
I guess there’s some sort of magic software that knows if the electricity was generated with coal, oil, or gas.
Solar and a long extension cord
Great idea to have an electric car in a place as cold as MN.
Read the comments! A lot of e-car fan bois are totes setting that lie straight.
Okay. I hear you. What happens when you unexpectedly have to drive out of town?
Rent a gas guzzler.
Presumably whatever hippie you are visiting has a charging setup. Or there is always the ignominy of the Wal*Mart eVehicle charging station.
You recharge at a station about 1 hour sooner than you would have if your drive occurred in summer time.
This does not compute. An hour short of my destination puts me somewhere in the middle of the desert.
Bing Bing. I regularly drive 300 miles in a day or two. A range of 150 miles strands me in the middle of a canyon.
We are accustomed to only refueling our vehicles when the needle gets near E, so that often defines our thinking on EV cars.
Lets say you need to go 300 miles.
In summer your range is 300 miles so you can make it w/o stopping. You just stop at a fast charging station before heading home.
In winter your range is 200 miles.
As long as the last charging station on your route is between 100 and 200 miles from your home you’ll make it to your destination.
Lets say that the last charging station is 100 miles from your home.
So you stop at mile 100 and recharge to do the final 200 miles. This is a shorter stop because you don’t have to go from empty to full.
Recharge when you arrive at your destination.
On your return trip you have to recharge again after driving 200 miles to make it home. This stop also need not be a full charge as you only have to recharge enough to make it home.
In all probability its taken you 30-45 minutes longer because of the two extra stops compared to the summer drive. Annoying to be sure, but still entirely doable.
I don’t know about the Bolt, but Tesla’s when you input a destination will tell you how to get there, and were/when to stop and how long you need to stop for each charging session.
I assume you don’t live out west.
Lets say you live in Wyoming, where the nearest town is approximately the distance most gasoline powered vehicle run out of fuel (250-300 miles)…There is no charging station in your winter scenario, there isn’t even a gas station.
I don’t live out west, but I travel out west every year.
Your characterization of WY is rather incorrect. 350 miles from E-W so the realistic max distance you are ever from a gas station is 40 or 50 miles.
Even the loneliest road I’ve ever been (MT200 from I94 to Lewistown) on has had some sort of fuel stop at least every 75-100 miles.
Yes today you are certainly farther than 40-50 miles from an EV charge stop in WY, MT, ID, OR and the like if you get away from Interstates and major US Highways, but give it 3 to 5 more years and that will change.
approximately the distance most gasoline powered vehicle run out of fuel (250-300 miles)
Is that low or am I out of touch. Maybe this is why hybrids are the winning technology. I get 500-550 on 12 gallons
Your characterization of WY is rather incorrect. 350 miles from E-W so the realistic max distance you are ever from a gas station is 40 or 50 miles.
Unless you’re driving through the mountains.
Yes today you are certainly farther than 40-50 miles from an EV charge stop in WY, MT, ID, OR and the like if you get away from Interstates and major US Highways, but give it 3 to 5 more years and that will change.
Okay. They’ve been saying that for the past 3-5 years. I’ll believe it when I see it.
Unless you live in a city, electric cars in Idaho are a truly stupid idea.
I think you’d be surprised at how many fast EV charging stations there are now. Unless you are looking for them because you need them, you’d probably almost never see them.
And I really do think you are exaggerating the distance between gas stations especially in Wyoming. The East (which I know is 55 miles), and North East entrances for Yellowstone are about the only places I can see from a map that would exceed 50 miles from gas station to gas station.
trshmnstr: When I travel out west I do so in a minivan towing a camper. My range doing so is about 250 miles. Non-hybrid vehicles w/o a camper (and not running 80MPH) should do 350-440 per tank easy at highway speeds.
There’s also the issue of capacity at electric charging stations. Its one thing to wait 5 minutes when all the gas pumps are being used. How long are you going to have to wait when all the charging stations are full?
And, if you run out of gas, you can call a tow truck or service vehicle and they can bring you some. Is there a comparable service for battery recharging?
Don’t get me wrong – I think electric cars have a definite niche now, and its likely to grow as battery technology improves and more charging stations are built.
But I don’t think an electric car is a one-to-one substitute for an IC car outside of that niche. I’m sure its been studied, but at some point we also start running into some pretty big electrical infrastructure issues, as well, as in, generation and transmission capacity.
Elimination market-distortions and let’s see what happens.
Elimination market-distortions and let’s see what happens.
Elimination market-distortions and let’s see what happens.
I am a car guy. I like lots of different kinds of cars.
I have picked out my electric car.
But don’t fucking force me to buy anything.
Electrics will sell. Let the best models win.
Better paint scheme.
Yeah, baby!
And I really do think you are exaggerating the distance between gas stations especially in Wyoming.
Fine. Cheyenne to Jackson Hole A drive I have made. 422 miles, with seven towns in between along a major interstate highway. You got me, I am exaggerating. I hope you are happy with yourself.
That said you haven’t convinced me any of those seven towns will have a charging station, or will be open at night. Yes, I did make this drive at night during the winter. Your purported 150-200 mile EV range may get me to the next town but I may be stranded when I get there in sub-zero temperatures. Your entire argument that it’s not that hard to “work around” charging your vehicle is fine, if that works for you or whoever it works for…cool.
For a lot of people that’s not going to work out. For me where winter isn’t so bad, it means I might get stuck somewhere in the desert. It might kill me in July, but we’re discussing extremes in winter. For those that deal with winter extremes, (like MN) that might mean freezing to death. Being a meat popsicle in Bumfuck, ID, MN, ND, SD, MT…etc. is not something any rational person is going to want to consider “working around” when considering their next car purchase.
Which is probably the point of the original comment made by JaimeRoberto Delecto. when he said, “Great idea to have an electric car in a place as cold as MN.”
Judas Preist man….in our scenario we’re assuming the driver is rational. Please remember, by definition half the population is below average intelligence and will probably end up a meat popsicle.
@RC Dean
I think they are more capable these days than most people would expect.
If you have a place to charge it overnight, the only time you’ll ever have to hit a recharge station is when your daily drive exceeds its range.
With 300 miles of range, road trips that stick to major highways are 100% doable and not as much a PITA as you’d expect. After driving that far you’ll probably want a break to eat, piss, etc so that is when you charge.
The only road trips they really fail on are those that take you away from Interstates without an overnight at some place you can charge up. So something like going to Yellowstone to camp.
Jason@Engineering Explained on youtube has a video on his experience doing a road trip in his Tesla from Boise to Chicago. Worth a watch.
I cannot imagine in what world I would go roadtripping in an electric car.
Cheyenne to Jackson is 436 miles
256 of that is on Interstate – Cheyenne to Rock springs
There is a Tesla supercharger halfway between those towns in Rawlins
Rock Springs, where you turn off the interstate has a Tesla supercharger as well as 2 other 16kW chargers.
Rock Springs to Jackson is 180 miles. Pinedale, about 100 miles from the interstate has a 16kW charger.
There is a Supercharger in Jackson for when you arrive.
Enjoy your Tesla.
And then there’s this chestnut.
Don’t have one. My gas car has not died yet and won’t for a good 5-10 years probably.
Just saying, they will 100% work today for all but the most extreme of cases.
In 5 years when charging stations are built away from Interstates, even the route you showed going through the reservation will be doable.
Let’s see what happens to those batteries in cold weather once they are a little older.
…and you are on 20%, and make a quick stop at a grocery store and it’s -20F outside.
Yeah, battery powered cars are the bomb when it is -20.
See, we need special, heated public storage sheds with built-in chargers for eVehicles to prevent that. What? No, I’m not asking for free stuff, you shitlord.
Modern EVs have some means of heating the battery from the grid, and will also pre-warm the cabin from the grid as well.
In a commuting situation the heater would be timed to be ready for whatever time you depart.
If you start with a warm battery, driving, and braking should keep the battery warm during a morning commute.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure it’s more efficient to just burn the coal for heat then to use it to heat water that turns to steam to turn a turbine to generate electricity to send down the transmission cables to go out an outlet to turn back into heat to keep an EV battery warm.
Phase 3: A tax on the charging stations to make up for revenue shortfalls from lost gas taxes.
The Taxed Window Fallacy
Hey that is how we got the mansard roof! See taxes spur innovation and are a good thing!
his latest plan to adopt California rules for tailpipe emissions
If that’s not an impeachable offense, it should be.
Looks like Copmala may be dropping out?
The Devil you say!
goes all in on Iowa
makes sense; I’d take them at their word
Maybe she could meet some children in a corn field out there…
Reviewing Elizabeth Warren’s Tax Proposals to Fund Medicare for All
Cost Recovery
Under current tax law, firms may accelerate cost recovery for their investments by fully deducting the cost of investments from taxable income in the year that they are incurred, for most types of investment. Warren’s proposal would eliminate the acceleration of depreciation and amortization, requiring firms to deduct the cost of investment over the life of the acquired assets. Estimated to raise $1.25 trillion from 2020-2029.
How does a timing difference raise revenue over the long-term?
Mark-to-Market Taxation of Capital Gains Income
Eliminate the preferential tax rates on long-term capital gains and qualified dividends for the top 1 percent of households and apply ordinary income tax rates. Implement a “mark-to-market” tax system on capital gains for the top 1 percent of households, where capital gains income (excluding retirement accounts) would be taxed annually instead of only when an asset is sold or transferred. Both are estimated to raise about $2 trillion from 2020-2029.
Evil, pure evil.
capital gains income (excluding retirement accounts) would be taxed annually instead of only when an asset is sold or transferred.
So get it all back when the value of the holdings goes down the next year, right?
Hah, they should, otherwise you would be paying twice (or even more often) if the stock goes up and down a lot before you cash out.
It would mean people would likely get a tax refund when the market (and the economy soon after) tanks.
That would be an interesting way to create a stimulus, and I doubt very much that people would get a refund. After all, the government would still want its cut.
It would introduce a hell of a lot of volatility into tax collections. Naturally, in boom years, spending will go up because lookit all the munneez! In down years, well, we’ll just have to borrow and spend more to stimulate the economy!
Mark to market capital “gains” taxation would probably drive capital from equity to debt, as well. The more leveraged the economy is, the more volatile it is. The more volatile the economy is, the more volatile the government’s revenue is.
This is a recipe for economic instability and disaster.
Mark-to-Market Taxation of Capital Gains Income
Just think of it as a property tax. As land is not the source of wealth as it used to be, we can even create a single stock value tax.
Its obvious that Missy Betsy has never had to worry about reading a Profit/Loss statement. The bottom line is very important if one wants to stay in business.
Financial Accountant Full Employment Act.
well that’s certainly not going to have any secondary effects at all.
Under current tax law, firms may accelerate cost recovery for their investments by fully deducting the cost of investments from taxable income in the year that they are incurred, for most types of investment.
This will hit the books as a net increase in the cost of capital investment. Which will slow down investment and thus the economy. They are estimating $125 billion a year, which, if true, means this will hit around $600 billion a year or more in capital investments. That’s a lot, and I think this alone would take a good bite out of economic growth.
Bullshit and confusion
The Trump administration is backing away from a plan to freeze tailpipe-emissions targets for new vehicles through 2025, say people familiar with the process.
The administration is now considering requiring a 1.5% annual increase in fleetwide fuel efficiency, using an industry measure that takes both gas mileage and emissions reductions into account, the people said. That number is closer to the Obama-era rules calling for 5% gains but still provides auto makers with significant relief and would allow cars to emit more pollution.
This is the third story I have read about this, and I still have no idea what is or isn’t happening. I do know this much:
mileage =/= tailpipe emissions
The whole thing is complete bullshit, because that CAFE number has no relationship to real world fuel mileage (or emissions). It’s a bunch of theoretical estimates and offsets.
Guess what- when you see somebody driving a Newell across south Dakota at 85mph flat-towing a goddam SUBURBAN behind it, you can be certain of one thing: that guy doesn’t give a shit about fuel economy.
Uffda. The
knivesgay blades have been out lately for Special K. First she got mocked for trying to jump on the gay marriage wagon, now she is getting wrapped around the axle over an old earmark.Halloween is good because it teaches children that handouts are free and its the neighbor’s obligation to provide for others. Its sort of like forced charity. .G. Bush
understood this because/and he is a Republican. Miss K doesn’t understand it because/and she is a Democrat.
Implement a “mark-to-market” tax system on capital gains for the top 1 percent of households, where capital gains income (excluding retirement accounts) would be taxed annually instead of only when an asset is sold or transferred.
Oh, for fuck’s sake. Will they be sending refunds to compensate for paper losses?
Who keeps voting for Andrew Cuomo?
This fuggin guy…
Don’t be a climate denier!
“We didn’t have hurricanes”
I think I know what he means, but then maybe he really thinks hurricanes only occured because of global climate change
If he means they never had hurricanes hit New York, he’s wrong.
The GOP is functionally non-existent at the state-wide level now, so he wins by appealing to all the usual suspects and telling everyone else to go fuck themselves.
No super storms….like, say a blizzard in fucking April that dumped over a foot of snow on Long Island with wind chills below zero?
I remember it. I was five years old and very excited about the snow. Mom told me “You’re not gonna like it”, and I had to agree once I went out there and the snow was almost waist high and I could barely move around in it.
See, also: Blizzard of 1978, Hurricane Gloria
Or the Great Colonial Hurricane of 1635, which probably made landfall on *Long Island* as a cat 3.
In Rochester we just called that “winter”.
LinkedIn celebrates my buddy’s being at X bank for five years
now that he’s been dead for a year
I’m kinda shocked only two people liked the post
Uffda. You expect anything to really get done on a Friday afternoon in a bank?
* When I was working in Memphis I was always stunned at how many people swamped banks on Friday afternoon to cash their pay checks.
I was instructed to be out of south Memphis by noon on Friday. Once the eagle flies, everything stops, most folks don’t come back from lunch, the games start up in the alleys, and all rules are off. In a town where few believe in the future, a few bucks in hand can only mean a full sprint at the most severe distraction.
odds and ends
I dressed as Toucan Sam for Halloween and won a costume contest. Actually, since I couldn’t get the right colors, I was more like Tucán Tonio, his non-union Mexican equivalent.
My bottomless 6-pack would be Guinness, Alaska Amber, Marston’s Oyster Stout, Moose Drool brown ale, The Poet oatmeal stout, and Belching Beaver Peanut Butter Porter.
I read Escape from Laos recently. It’s about one of the very few American POWs who escaped during the Vietnam War. He credits his survival to his brutal childhood during and after WW2 in Germany.
A story I heard from a guy stationed in Germany in the mid-90s: he was on guard duty and making his rounds. He starts hearing a weird electro-mechanical sound. He follows it to a repair bay. The gun on partially disassembled Abrams tank was tracking him. If he moved left or right, the turret would rotate to keep the gun aimed at him. If he jumped up the air, the gun would track him and make a quick whirr-whirr sound as it swiveled up and down. He found out later that the maintenance guys forgot to turn off the infra-red tracker, so it locked onto to the first heat source it saw.
A link for all dino lovers: https://paleobiodb.org/navigator/
It’s a map showing where all the fossils have been found in the world.
This made me laugh. There was a post WW2 fad of fake German signs in computer rooms:
Sehr lusting, ja?
My bottomless 6-pack would be Guinness, Alaska Amber, Marston’s Oyster Stout, Moose Drool brown ale, The Poet oatmeal stout, and Belching Beaver Peanut Butter Porter.
Not bad.
Honorable mention for Robert the Bruce chocolate scotch ale from 3 Floyds.
Hows Army life?
The guy stationed in Germany is either fucking with you, or someone was fucking with him.
The M1 does not have an IR tracker, or at least not in the 90’s. My guess is someone was in the tank and fucking with him. It is very easy to track a moving target with an M1. In Desert Storm they were getting confirmed kills at 3.5 kilometers
I’m 3 weeks away from the 4 year mark. Man, time flies. The re-enlistment rate for my MOS is lower than whale shit, so I’ll probably make E6 next year.
As for the guy, he was a cav scout so I figured he knows more about such things. He said one time he sat in a captured Serbian tank somewhere in the Balkans and that the turret gets traversed by turning a hand crank.
cool Abrams fact
A total of 23 M1A1s were damaged or destroyed during the war. Of the nine Abrams tanks destroyed, seven were destroyed by friendly fire, and two were purposely destroyed to prevent capture after being damaged.[20] Some others took minor combat damage, with little effect on their operational readiness. Very few M1 tanks were hit by enemy fire and none were destroyed as a direct result of enemy fire, none of which resulted in any fatalities.
I suspect Soviet tank commanders were less than excited by this news.
Speaking of tanks, there was a real War Daddy, but his tank was not named Fury:
Lafayette Green Pool (July 23, 1919 – May 30, 1991) was an American tank-crew and tank-platoon commander in World War II and is widely recognized as the US tank ace of aces,[2][page needed] credited with 12 confirmed tank kills and 258 total armoured vehicle and self-propelled gun kills, over 1,000 German soldiers killed, and 250 more taken as prisoners of war[3] all of which took place in a combat career that covered only 81 days in action from 27 June to 15 September 1944 with three different Shermans.
Pool’s first tank, an M4A1, lasted from June 23 until June 29, when Combat Command A attacked for the first time at Villiers-Fossard. It was hit by a Panzerfaust, causing Pool and his crew to bail out of the stricken tank. Pool’s second tank, his first M4A1(76)W, lasted from around July 1, 1944 to August 17, when he was leading CCA in the process of clearing remaining German forces from the village of Fromental.[13] This tank was knocked out by friendly fire from a P-38. Pool’s third and last tank, another M4A1(76)W, was destroyed on the night of September 15, 1944 while CCA was attempting to penetrate the Siegfried Line at Munsterbusch, Germany, southwest of Aachen. The tank was hit by an ambushing Panther, and while Pool’s driver was trying to back his damaged Sherman up, the Panther hit it a second time. Positioned precariously on the edge of a ditch, the force of the second round caught the tank and tipped it over. The round killed Pool’s replacement gunner, Private First Class Paul King, (Corporal Oller had been temporarily transferred back to the United States) and threw Pool out of the commander’s hatch, severely injuring one of his legs with shrapnel. The leg was so badly mangled that it later had to be amputated eight inches above the knee. As a result, Pool would not return to amateur boxing after the war.
That’s some fine toxic masculinity, Lou.
Are they going to strong arm you down the warrant path? Not sure if that’s even an option for your field.
I haven’t heard of that, but the recruitment and retention bonuses are sky high. It would be very easy to fix the Army’s manpower problem, but that would require ditching a great deal of PowerPoint, paperwork, and pointy-clicky nonsense. I like the Army and want to stay in. It’s hard though when the chickenshit just keeps piling higher and higher.
I like the new recruitment ads. This one has a Michael Bay flavor to it:
Can’t say I’m excited about the much-touted ACFT.
You are an Armor guy? When do you have to decide/re-enlist, just out of curiosity. Really not my business.
Hint: my field is often given as an example of an oxymoron.
I have at least a year before re-enlistment time comes. 2 years left on my initial contract.
Looking back, I’m really glad I took the plunge. I got everything I wanted and more.
Thanks, understood
You’re a Jumbo Shrimp?
Enlightened millenial.
Progressive Intellectual
I know some guys who went through the warrant program (armor maintenance). Collecting Captain’s pay without the officer bs.
Years and years ago, the recruiter tried to rope me in for OCS. Navy wanted me for NUPOC. The OCS application made me angry because they wanted a head shot.
Hey asshole, I’m not auditioning for a movie.
I read up on NUPOCs. Seems like a Homer Simpson kind of job.
I believe that’s the source of Das Blinkenlights as a phrase.
Mid-50’s, apparently based on WWII era Allied parody signs.
mmmmm. Moose Drool.
This guy gets it. Big Sky Brewing is my favorite American brewer. What I would give for a Slow Elk Oatmeal Stout right now…
He credits his survival to his brutal childhood during and after WW2 in Germany.
Very interesting. Same thing with Dieter Dengler, whose story of escaping Laotian captivity was (sort-of, somewhat fictionalized) told in Rescue Dawn. He said he survived weeks on the run in the jungle because his childhood had been one of severe poverty and near starvation. Since they ate anything they could get their hands on, he was perfectly willing to eat anything he found in the jungle.
I just realized this book probably IS about Dieter Dengler.
I can handle things! I’m smahhhht! Not dumb like everybody says, but smart, and I want respect!
Little chipwooder needs to comprehend?
(Only playing off of the Herzog documentary title of Dangler)
*golf clap*
Well done
Dispatch from the “inexplicably dumb decisions” desk-
Molson Coors said Wednesday that the company plans to move its North American headquarters out of downtown Denver, which will leave four floors empty in the city’s second-tallest building.
The headquarters will be moved to Chicago, which already has the headquarters for MillerCoors, Molson Coors’ U.S. business unit. Support roles currently housed in multiple offices around the country will be moved to Milwaukee.
The shifts are part of a broader restructuring that will shift the company from four business units — MillerCoors in the U.S., Molson Coors Canada, Molson Coors Europe and Molson Coors International — to two, North America and Europe.
The company said it expects to lay off 400 to 500 employees in connection with the changes.
Molson Coors spokesman Matthew Hargarten told BusinessDen that the company decided it had too many offices and “we didn’t look outside our footprint” when it came time to consider where the headquarters should be.
“The main reason was it’s got world-class marketing talent,” Hargarten said of Chicago. “And in our industry, marketing is so important.”
Oh, okay. That makes perfect sense. If only there were some way to communicate from afar…
Coors not in the Rocky Mountains? Blasphemy.
Adolph might have jumped out of a window in Virginia, but I’m pretty sure he’s still in Colorado.
Where are they gonna get the Rocky Mtn goat piss to make their fine beverage?
New CEO likely lives there. Usual drill is the company does a big HQ site search and picks someplace near the CEO’s home.
So Coors will hook up the urinals at Wrigley Field to supply their water needs after relocating production later?
Mr. Mojeaux said, “I have a new coworker with the name Unthank. Poor girl.”
I sent him the link to the Unthanks. LOL
Schweet! ::grins::
Still nonpowernin the house and cell service went down around 2 (hopefully for repair purposes – I got a signal a few miles away). Just finished dinner in Lake Placid – hopefully will not be disappointed when I get home in a little bit – after a short walk.
‘No power in’ – stupid side buttons hide some text.
Storms from last night?
Storms this morning – lots of wind from 7 AM till about 2 – gusts reported up to 75mph, but apparently more trees down around Mirror Lake than where I am – but they have power….we’ll see if things restored when I get back in about 1/2 hr.
I got power back after 11 hours.
The Furry dropped out!
The idea that they’re interested in “service to the country” as opposed to “lust for power” annoys the hell out of me.
Northern New England is a culture, not a costume!
+1 Derry
Good thing I’m from northern Vermont! ZING!
Thank you for your service.
Maybe try getting a real job and serve your fellow man?
It’s a cookbook.
May be a barista opening at the mall in El Paso that got shot up a month ago. A career change could be in Beto’s future, he can speak Spanish and stuff.
Remember “It’s a cookbook!”?
They want to be the waiters.
Translation: He hopes someone will pick him for veep.
What a scummy POS. Too bad he’s merely angled for his next grifting scheme.
Like….dangit man…
Damn. He was one of greatest sources of humor there.
Shine on, you crazy diamond.
We still have Marianne
Yay! Go go go. She was my pick in glib poll.
Tulsi/Marianne 2020
Bob Frank. We lost him.
¿con quién hablará Cory ahora?
Yeah, that’s a shame.
some more odds and ends
The Ottoman Empire decriminalized sodomy in the 1800s. It was part of a series of reforms called Tanzimat. Some of the other reforms did not go so well, such as direct taxation of Muslim citizens. This led to several massacres of Christians throughout the empire.
Pablo Escobar had his own zoo on his estate, complete with lions, elephants, and many more. All the animals were relocated after his death except the hippos. The original population of 4 is now up to 50. They are all inbred and violent. One named Pepe got aggressive and was shot. Animal rights activists convinced the govt to outlaw hunting the hippos. They can’t be relocated to Africa because they will bring diseases and their inbred DNA. In 20 years, there will be 200 of them and they have no natural predators. Can a Planet of the Hippos be too far off?
Thomas Dewey did not invent the Dewey Decimal system. That was the obscure Melvil Dewey and he was the Joe Biden of librarians.
Dewey established a pattern of making powerful enemies early in life, and many of his friends found him difficult as well.[28] As one biographer put it, “Although he did not lack friends, they were becoming a little weary of coming to his defense, so endless a process had it become.”[29]
Another biography refers to Dewey’s “old nemesis—a persistent inability to control himself around women” as a chronic cause of trouble on the job.[30] For decades, Dewey engaged in “unwelcome hugging, unwelcome touching, certainly unwelcome kissing” with women subordinates and others, according to biographer Wayne A. Wiegand.
In 1930, he paid $2,000 to settle a lawsuit by a former secretary alleging sexual harassment.[32]
The Lake Placid Club banned Jews, blacks, and others from membership, a policy written by Dewey.[35] In 1904 the New York State Board of Regents received a petition demanding Dewey’s removal as State Librarian because of his personal involvement in the Lake Placid Club’s policy of excluding Jews and other religious and ethnic groups. While the Regents declined to remove Dewey, they did issue a public rebuke, and in the summer of 1905 he resigned as a result.[36][37]
I had some Blood Monk beer the other day. Tasted kind of like Chimay Blue.
OK, last bit of randomness for today, I promise:
Roland Berrill, an Australian barrister, and Dr. Lancelot Ware, a British scientist and lawyer, founded Mensa at Lincoln College, in Oxford, England, in 1946. They had the idea of forming a society for very intelligent people, the only qualification for membership being a high IQ.[6] It was ostensibly to be non-political and free from all other social distinctions (racial, religious, etc.).[10]
However, Berrill and Ware were both disappointed with the resulting society. Berrill had intended Mensa as “an aristocracy of the intellect”, and was unhappy that a majority of Mensans came from humble homes,[11] while Ware said: “I do get disappointed that so many members spend so much time solving puzzles.”
[Nelson laugh]
The only way to avoid being drafted into the Turkish army is for the draftee to present a picture of himself being ass-fucked with the faces of both the catamite and the sodomite visible.
“Pablo Escobar had his own zoo on his estate, complete with lions, elephants, and many more. All the animals were relocated after his death except the hippos. The original population of 4 is now up to 50. They are all inbred and violent. One named Pepe got aggressive and was shot. Animal rights activists convinced the govt to outlaw hunting the hippos. They can’t be relocated to Africa because they will bring diseases and their inbred DNA. In 20 years, there will be 200 of them and they have no natural predators. Can a Planet of the Hippos be too far off?”
Get a grenade launcher, and wait until they yawn.
LARPing Hungry Hungry Hippos?
I want to make a reverse game called Skinny Skinny Models. You hit the button to make them barf up the marbles.
TW: HUFFPO Beto “Robert Francis” O’Rourke Drops out of 2020 Race.
Like….dangit man…
Neener neener
Pfft. Twitter is not a news source. Its the ultimate manifestation of the toilet that is Facebook.
LMAO – it’s Beto’s own Twitter
In memoriam:
The dog’s body language is great.
“Is he going to beat me if I don’t wag my tail?”
The dog is a metaphor(does that apply here, been smoking again) for gun rights after a preshot ravaging by Beto.
Sky F1 coverage sucks: I don’t want to listen to some spindly tenors’ opinions. So unnecessary: David Hobbs isn’t dead.
I saw a woman trying to flag down help on the side of the road on the way into work today. I thought about stopping and then I remembered this story and kept driving.
A few years back a friend stopped to help a woman with a flat tire. He got hit and killed by another car. He was probably about 70 YO. Good Samaritans are not always appreciated
I stopped to put out a car fire once and the lady couldn’t even bother to say thank you.
NOTE TO ALL CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: If your post is ready to be reviewed and scheduled, please make sure you SAVE AS PENDING so the editorial team know you are done working on it. You could even add something like [READY TO REVIEW] to the title.
Thank you, and have a great weekend!
Ive got a few ideas kicking around so that’s why I have bunch of drafts
Whose not doing that? You can tell us. Is it CPRM? it’s CPRM isn’t it. C’mon CPRM, get it together man.
It’s me. I drink a lot of beer.
Yeah, but you fixed your pool.
So that’s what that means…
Rachael Maddow tossed and turned in bed. It was the same dream every night. Haunting, yet strangely arousing:
Geez. I had it on mute and still only made it 30 seconds.
Try thinking about baseball next time. i hear that’s supposed to help.
“Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day! Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day!”
Hillary Clinton tossed and turned in bed. It was the same nightmare every time.
::Bra off, wine poured::
OK, NOW I’m ready for the weekend!
Dang – Moje mentioning the Unthanks makes me think this (which I’ve linked before. Deal with it.) would’ve been a good one for Halloween. Well…today’s Eastern Orthodox Halloween, isn’t it?
Raison D’Être, Candrsenal videos, and gun auction catalogs. I think this will be a good night.
Amoskeag Auction’s November live auction catalog and Rock Island Auction’s December auction catalog.
That reminds me, now that I’ve had work done on my Winchester 1873, I need to go put some rounds through it.
I shouldn’t be browsing the catalogs. I really need to shoot the stuff I’ve been buying, but the catalogs are so nice.
I just watched a couple TR6s go for pretty reasonable $$. Branch out, dude.
Why not have them all?
I had a little conversation this week with my insurance agent about upping my firearms coverage amounts.
In case you have a tragic boating accident?
Something to set the mood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqIY3NfoYvw
Warning, stage 5 derp
The internet:
According to this I’m conservative.
I got Libertarian, natch.
The quiz thinks I’m Sarah Connor.
Me too. And a libertarian. Wtf?
I got anarchist. WTF?
Welcome to the club (assuming you wish to voluntarily join the aforementioned club)!
Me too
You’ll fare well in a horror-movie scenario, because your natural distrust of authority and hierarchies will motivate you to save yourself instead of relying on others.
Mutually voluntary communities and just-in-time co-ops—like bands of survivors or monster-hunters—may appeal to you.
The villains that scare you most are manifestations of unchecked, irrational, predatory power: The Borg, The Thing, The Blob.
Read More: Do Zombies Scare Democrats and Vampires Spook Republicans?
The Blob scared me more than any monster. The 1988 reboot is up there with the The Thing:
#metoo. Quiz fail.
I initially read that as antichrist, which I did not suspect of you, but whatevs.
He is in Minnesoda.
Right. I should have suspected.
Interesting. It calls me an Anarchist.
Eh, my experience is that advocating the repeal of any law is enough to get you branded an anarchist.
Me: Do we really need laws regulating *margarine*?
Them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=us_0aLWOa8E
Margarine is an affront to humanity.
Margarine is evil.
I hate quizzes where the final result is obvious from the choices they offer you.
Why do I only attract white trash women with 3 children from multiple fathers or goody two-shoes with no life experience . . .It’s like I can’t find the in between.
Because there is no in-between. Bitches ain’t shit but hoes and tricks; lick on these nuts and suck the dick.
You’re married to a Thai woman right? She doesn’t come here I take it?
We’ve been separated for almost 2 years now.
I’m dating a Chinese-Cambodian accountant now.
My experience has been a gallery of horrors: single moms, fatsos, nose-ringed feminists, scammers, used-up divorcees or some combination of the above.
And some nice women too, but very few second dates from them.
I’d take the goody two shoes if I was you.
goody two-shoes with no life experience
Goody two shoes can be taught. The trick is to find the ones who want to be taught.
This applies to men too.
From Jennifer Crusie’s Crazy People:
“I’m the sister of the bride, and I’m planning on making a pass at you, but I need to know first if you have a diagnosible psychological disorder, a reliance on controlled substances, or a predilection for whips, chains, German shepherds, or sheep.”
“Uh, no,” he says pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “But I’m willing to learn.”
Bill Murray may have did it 1st.
Whaddup, hometeam.
Happiness is finding a leftover half-bottle of wine in the back of the fridge that hasn’t turned to vinegar.
I love this metaphor.
You have earned my seal and walrus of approval.
Oh…ummm…yeah. It’s totally a metaphor and by no means intended to be interpreted literally. ***slurp***
Unless they’re young…
no life experience can be fixed, but three kids… well, that can be fixed too but you’ll have to be very careful.
True story from my last date with the goodie I was referring too . . . We were swapping stories and . . .
Her crazy college story: “this one time I went to a party and got drunk! I was wearing heels and there was beer all over the floor! I was slipping everywhere”
A typical Wednesday night story from my college life: “well everybody was doing coke in Kenny’s room. Somehow the dog got in there and started sniffing coke off the coffee table. No one really knows how much he did . . .so we decided the best course of action was to get him really, really stoned hoping it would calm him down”
While I don’t live those stories anymore, I really feel like I need someone who can understand that story. I just need someone who I can relate too.
You always have us.
So…her finding it funny and charming (while also making sure you’re past that silliness) is not acceptable?
Truthfully . . .If I want to do a deep psychological dig into my mind . . .I wonder if I know how damaged I am from my divorce (I didn’t take it well) and that maybe I’m looking for someone equally damaged.
Or maybe I’m just a glutton for punishment.
Maybe you should figure out what you really want before you go looking for it.
Or else don’t look for anything and let it find you.
OMG, they killed Kenny.
Wow. Way to tee it up, b.
No kidding. I actually had to get up and walk away.
Glad I could help.
For no particular reason, some Friday afternoon music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5WJm2cKkCQ
All right, you sons of bitches. I’m callin’ a posse to avenge Vern and kill the fuckers who stole his son.
Who’s with me?
…sons of bitches…
Harambe ?
“Joe Biden just claimed that he did not know Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukraine gas company while he was Vice President. ”
Joe Biden is just dumb enough that it could be true.
To be fair . . .he’s been pretty senile for a while
He was too busy fighting Corn Pop.
I look forward to the day when Biden becomes synonymous with “disgrace”.
“You really Bidened that up!”
He’s a real Nick Gillespie
Here’s politifact desperately parsing and evading:
Gettin’ my swerve on.
*lyrics NSFW
In local news…
We stayed there fairly recently. The place was past due for a remodel, but we still enjoyed our vacation. Sad to see it destroyed.
Shot trap there a number of times, and sporting clays (back when they had them before Kalahari opened). At the end of the article it said it was scheduled to be closed at the end of November for renovation.
Halloween has come and gone, but claymation is forever:
My favorite Halloween special is based on a Ray Bradbury story. In the end, 7 boys each sacrifice a year of their lives to keep their friend alive.
A group of eight boys set out to go trick-or-treating on Halloween, only to discover that a ninth friend, Pipkin, has been whisked away on a journey that could determine whether he lives or dies. Through the help of a mysterious character named Carapace Clavicle Moundshroud, they pursue their friend across time and space through Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Greek, and Ancient Roman cultures, Celtic Druidism, the Notre Dame Cathedral in Medieval Paris, and The Day of the Dead in Mexico. Along the way, they learn the origins of the holiday that they celebrate, and the role that the fear of death, ghosts, and the haunts has played in shaping civilization. The Halloween Tree itself, with its many branches laden with jack-o’-lanterns, serves as a metaphor for the historical confluence of these traditions.
I shoulda dropped this Will Vinton claymation classic here last night-
There you go again, Herb. Always thinking with your stomach…
funky We 3 Kings
“We Three Kings” sorta a la “Sultans of Swing.”
lesser known history: USS Sculpin
The account of Sculpin’s final patrol was given by the surviving members of her crew, who were liberated from Japanese prisoner of war camps after V-J Day. On 16 November, she had arrived on station and had made radar contact with a large, high-speed convoy on the night of 18 November. Making a fast end run on the surface to attack on the morning of 19 November, she was in firing position but was forced to dive when the convoy and its escorts zigged toward her.
The submarine’s commanding officer, Commander Fred Connaway, decided to surface and give the crew of the doomed vessel a chance for survival. With her decks still awash, Sculpin’s gunners manned the deck guns but were no match for the destroyer’s main battery. A shell hit the conning tower and killed the bridge watch, including Connaway, and flying fragments killed the gun crew, including gunnery officer Lieutenant Joseph Defrees, the ship’s sponsor’s son. The ship’s senior surviving officer, Lieutenant George E. Brown, ordered Sculpin abandoned and scuttled. Before he opened the vents, he informed Captain Cromwell. Fearing he might reveal the plans for the Tarawa invasion under the influence of torture or drugs, Cromwell refused to leave the stricken submarine, giving his life to escape capture. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his act of heroism and devotion to country.
Thanks for that link – very moving. Fun fact (to no one but me and a few surviving relatives): One of my favorite uncles was career Navy and a sub skipper during Operation Barney, a multi-sub mission in the Sea of Japan late in the war, documented in the books Hellcats of the Sea and, much later, Hellcats. He survived to a ripe old age and is buried at Arlington. He was the only person who always called me “Red.”
My paternal grandfather was in Navy officer school during WW2. The war ended before he went to sea. My other grandfather served stateside in the Army during WW2. He made illustrations for training manuals, among other things. He gave me a bunch of WW2 phrasebooks in all kinds of languages: Arabic, Hindi, Bulgarian, Chinese, and about 40 others.
I’m pretty sure he made the illustrations for those phrasebooks.
They both died before I joined the Army. What a shame. I think they would be proud.
I’m sure they would.
Go Navy! Beat Army! ; )
(Uncle Earl: Annapolis Class of ’32)
Im trying a mollases brined pork chop tonight…with some roasted carrots and brussel sprouts, side of mashed potatoes.
What time am I meant to be there?