It’s cold here in Houston. Damn cold. 34 degrees is unacceptable. Man, global warming is bullshit.

Third place is better than fourth place.
New Zealand have dispatched Wales in the RWC third-place game. Grand Final tomorrow around the same time (let’s go Springboks!). Not sure if that’s Saturday or Sunday. Thanks a lot, International Date Line. Baylor remained undefeated while App State fell off the list. And on the ice, your winners were Calgary and Montreal. And in the NFL, the 49ers stayed undefeated thanks to Kliff Kingsbury’s “unorthodox” coaching moves for the Cardinals. Yikes! That was some serious stupidity.

“I WANT YOU” to buy a NWO t-shirt.
Lou-, Lou-, Lou- Louis th-, th-, th-, the Stammerer was born on this day. As were author Stephen Crane, sportswriter Grantland Rice, golf legend and one of the nicest guys in the world “The Black Knight” Gary Player, businessman and philanthropist Charles Koch, free speech and titties advocate Larry Flynt, Hebrew country legend “Kinky” Friedman, wrestling manager Bobby “The Brain” Heenan, electronics exec Tim Apple, and anti-vaxxer with a nice rack (at one time) Jenny McCarthy.
A solid list there. Especially Gary Player. May he live to be 150. Anyway, on to…the links!

Trust this crazy, malignant fuck at your own peril, Dems.
The House of Representin’ has voted to move to “the next phase of the impeachment inquiry”. I guess the previous stages didn’t require a vote, since this is the first one. I hope McCarthy sticks to his word and subpoenas Adam Schiff. That should be a TV-worthy shitshow.
Trump changes residency to Florida citing “high taxes and poor treatment” as his reasons. Good for him, even though he’s a bit late to the party as scores of extremely wealthy New Yorkers have been doing so for years. Of course, leftards are going batshit, but that’s not surprising.
Chicago continues to be an unsafe shithole. Indiana to be blamed in 3…2…1…
When “Don’t Tread On Me” is taken to the extreme. I don’t get people that keep these pets. I never will.

They need to drop the last four letters from the masthead.
Deadspin is dying. Jeez, David Portnoy is gonna have a huge domestic staff now. (Context)
You want a NHS-style health care system? This is what you get with a NHS-style health care system. Well, that and the Liverpool Pathway. And excessive wait times for basic services. And shitty care. And no innovation. And a host of other deplorable side effects.
Yes, folks. We are ending the week with an absolutely fantastic song. I won’t accept any debate on it either. It’s just wonderful.Now go have a great Friday and an even better weekend.
My favorite of the special characters
I did a cross stitch of that. It’s cute, too.
Hah. 34 degrees was early April when I was a kid in Allamakee County.
Say, that reminds me of this one time…
Mornin’ Animal,
Always seems to start that way…then the stories keep on coming. As a kid I always enjoyed being around my dad and favorite uncle, ’cause it was a good way to hear their exploits, maybe a little embellished, maybe a little forgotten but to a kid before TV these guys had a great time in their “Old Days”
“I remember…”
My Dad, my uncles, my grandfathers, all the same kind of thing. My Grandpa Baty in particular was a great spinner of yarns; he could reach back effortlessly to the 1910s/1920s and vividly describe some of his exploits as a young man.
It was great stuff. I wish I’d had the foresight to write a bunch of his stories down.
My grandfather was born in 1880. In about 1902, he and some buddies during the course of one night, completely dismantled an automobile (cars were very simple back then) and then rebuilt it on the roof of a building.
So technically, Donald Trump is now Florida Man?
Yes! Tha’ Hat needs to return now.
He’s always been Florida Man. He was just displaced.
I remember some lulz from converting “Marco Rubio” headlines to “Florida Man” headlines in the last campaign. Would work even better with Trump.
Tens of NY trustafarians will be upset at losing their permanent protest gigs. Won’t someone please think of the larpers?!
More evidence for “Best Timeline”.
“New Zealand have dispatched Wales in the RWC third-place game.”
Bah. The Kiwis are still displeased, and Wales is still a fun team to follow.
Agreed on both counts. I hope the Three Lions are equally displeased this Time tomorrow, but I doubt it’ll happen.
I don’t want the despicable government of SA to get any propaganda value out of a RWC win. Plus, I want to see Boris celebrate with a bunch of English rugby players!
Rugby players…
Meh, the victory will go to the players. Nobody cares about the government hangers-on.
What a bunch of self-entitled little brats at Deadspin.
Not that I care as I never read it. They felt like a bunch of smart-ales douches.
My boss told me to do something I don’t like! GTFOH.
they are artists they wont be order about by The Man
You take the Man’s dollar, you do the Man’s bidding.
Don’t want to take orders, don’t take the cash.
I read Deadspin years ago, back when it was America’s most trusted source for stories about athletes getting sloppy drunk in public. This magnificent piece of art was originally published there, but they took it down ages ago.
It was fun and unique back when it started. But those 15 minutes got stale fast.
They went the way of the late night talk show circuit.
New Zealand Springboks? (This is gonna look funny after he edits that…)
I went back and looked and I’m still confused.
Bleah – I misread that.
I plead Friday night beer.
“An Indiana woman was found dead with an 8-foot python wrapped around her neck by the snake-breeding county sheriff who owns the home, according to a report Thursday.
Laura Hurst, 36, was discovered by Benton County Sherriff Don Munson around 9 p.m. inside his Oxford house, which contained 140 other snakes, according to The Journal & Courier.
Munson, a snake breeder who actually lives next door to the home where Hurst was found, was able to free the snake from Hurst’s neck, but it was too late, the report said.
“She appears to have been strangled by the snake,” Sgt. Kim Riley, an Indiana State Police spokesman told the paper. “We do not know that for a fact until after the autopsy.”
Was it her snake?
Badder than the deep blue seeeea! Badder than you and meeeee!
The article doesn’t shed any light on what she was doing there or if there was any connection between her and the snake’s owner.
“She appears to have been strangled by the snake”
What a cold-blooded statement
I need an aspirin after reading that story.
Let’s hope the scales of Justice fall hard on this snake in the grass.
*narrows gaze*
That’s so constricting.
Enough with the slithering criticism.
Yeah these snake puns really get under heel pretty quick.
You guys are unhinged!
They didn’t teach me to write good when I was in journo school.
Seriously, that first sentence is a dog’s lunch.
Am I just asking for trouble by saying that I’d love to see how my fellow candy-deprived Type 1 would expand on this story/explanation? No, no I don’t think I am.
“Do you think if I could afford real snake I’d be working here? “
That seems bizarre. I have had a 9 foot python for several years and although when panicked they will constrict and make it uncomfortable around your neck (and possible even cut off blood supply, I suppose), they are generally not aggressive towards humans who outsize them and are generally easy to remove even when trying to constrict by anyone who is not disabled or incapacitated. Also, as stealthy as they are, they are not going to get wrapped around your neck without you knowing about it so unless she is Natassja Kinski (which if she was, nice catch, sherif!) this is a pretty odd scenario.
PVC and latex are the worst fetish materials.
That sounds like it’s going to squeak with every movement.
and stick to bare flesh in a very unpleasant way.
Leather is bad enough.
One along the southern border, one along the north?
I would link to DU but I’ll wait until the railroad job fails yet again and they wallow in existential despair.
Oh, they’ll vote to impeach.
The only question is whether the Senate will even hold a trial, or vote on a motion to dismiss. I’m kinda hoping for a trial, with Schiff, Nadler, etc. put under oath and grilled about their leaks, witness coaching, etc.
The smart move would be to hold a trial. The Democrats are going to use their subpoena powers to dig up dirt on the Republicans, so the Republicans should reciprocate. It is unprecedented for the House to try to impeach a president when the dominant party does not also control the Senate, and the Senate should remind them of why that is.
^^this. Scorched earth. If Trump isn’t already working this stuff to coincide with a final report being published in early October next year including a congress-ape by congress-ape indexed listing of wrongdoing, then he’s not taking full advantage of this.
McConnell has been signaling that the Senate will hold a quick vote to put the impeachment proceedings out of its misery.
I would love to see a full trial in the Senate, with the defendant give appropriately broad latitude to make arguments and introduce evidence. But I don’t think its going to happen.
I don’t know if Trump is getting updates on the Barr/Durham investigation, but that may be the schwerpunkt of his counterattack.
Can they vote on a motion to dismiss?
” And a host of other deplorable side effects.”
These effects have been known by economists for a long time. At this point I deem then to be what people who push for public health want.
Pretty much. These advocates for state control of health care who shrug off shit like this are little more than eugenicists.
Known unknowns?
That’s my screen name on some other blogs. Don’t know why I didn’t use it here.
That is unknown.
Oh, no, they don’t. They just think that they are the ones who can finally get it right this time.
Foreseeable consequences are not unintended.
I need a sign “Hands off my Medicare”
If everyone is getting Medicare what are the benefits of getting old?
It was reported earlier Friday that Trump had officially filed to change his permanent address, prompting New York’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) to respond on Twitter: “Good riddance.”
Brave. Statesmanlike.
Truly the sort of man qualified to run your life.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
So if he’s not a resident, can NY State prosecute him for his taxes?
I’m certain Leticia will find a rationale.
It’s “Tish” now, ever since her first campaign ad for AG. (I am not kidding.)
“‘We just couldn’t resist’: Donald Trump Jr and girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle dress up as a ‘witch hunt’ for Halloween just hours after Democrats in House vote to approve impeachment inquiry”
Damn. What a rack
She’s fine until she opens her mouth and starts talking. Calling her voice “grating” is offensive to grates.
Ring gags > ball gags
DTJ cleans up well.
I was going to say that for a big city type guy, he manages a reasonably convincing appearance as a bow hunter.
But apparently he does hunt so those may not be props, but gear he uses in the field. Though I sorta expect a rich guy to do something closer to a canned hunt.
canned hunt
I heard somewhere, maybe on NPR, that he only hunts captive transgender homeless people on the grounds of his estate.
Well, if they’d stop tresspassing…
Titties. That is all.
Yup. ?
That looks painful.
Face is busted.
Good news friends – Science has made it easier to locate the throbbing vein in your forehead.
An 84-year-old veteran of the Korean war who also served as a police officer for decades was relieved of his job as a crossing guard and had his guns seized after criticizing a school resource officer (SRO) for allegedly leaving his post during school hours.
“Stephen Nichols, who worked as a crossing guard in Tisbury, Massachusetts, was eating at Linda Jean’s restaurant in Oak Bluff and speaking with another patron when a waitress reportedly overheard part of their conversation. As the MV Times reported, Nichols said he was discussing the SRO’s alleged visits to Xtra Mart to get coffee when children came to school in the morning. Nichols said that he told his friend that someone could “shoot up the school” as the SRO was “leaving his post.””
That just mind boggling.
Bad tipper?
American Stasi.
Sounds like he was fired for the crime of making the SRO, and whoever sent him on the coffee run, look bad. Security theater and sinecure exposed.
Well, there’s your problem right there.
No one could have seen red flag laws being used to take guns away out of spite by cops. /Pusy footing Republicans (cause liberals don’t care)
“But cops are for the 2nd Amendment!! They would never take our guns”
/every Right-wing tard I know
They can never stop fellating law enforcement. And that goes extra for the hate-radio hosts that I listen to on my commute.
I like when you bring up any number of the litany of abuses we see every week; cops arresting kids, shooting unarmed, peaceful people, executing the family dog in front of the family just because they can, the veritable response is to stick their fingers in their ears and say “lalalalalala”.
That restaurant seems to have a rat problem.
[golf clap]
“Alice Eve and Naomie Harris perfect Clueless’ Cher and Dionne, Demi Rose sizzles as a PVC Barbie and Lily Allen nails her Kris Jenner look… UK stars pull out ALL the stops for Halloween
What did YOU dress as this Halloween? Send your costume snaps to”
I did not dress at all and no you can’t have my nudes, but thanks for asking
Do you even appear in photographs?
Sure. I was in every photo of my scotland trip post
Well, the hand-model you hired was.
So how DOES that work now that cameras don’t have mirrors?
The reason that vampires don’t appear in mirrors and on film in mythology was due to the silver content of them. And in the standard SLR cameras, the mirror is only there for the viewfinder, not for the exposure to the film.
So if the electronic manufacturer uses silver solder, how does that effect the digital image?
Today, in way over doing it
Major difference being that Perri Lister was actually attractive.
It is a great song but I will never forgive The Police for a butchered version of ‘Roxanne’ the last time I saw them live. That was probably Sting’s idea too. He strikes me as someone who would do that.
Sting is pretty clearly the least talented member of The Police.
He’s talented. Just ask him and he’ll tell you all about it.
A great musician, but a giant douchebag at the same time. Like many other musicians.
He can be both very talented and the least talented in the trio.
Like being the least talented member of Rush or Cream.
^^^This is the correct answer.
Or Hall & Oates.
/Stops. Counts fingers.
Never mind.
*debates whether or not to mention the Moulin Rouge version*
There was a one album band named Alien Fashion Show that released a cover of Roxanne as well. It appears to have been purged off of YouTube though.
I saw them around 08. Elvis costello opened and totally stole the show. The police sucked balls. Barely watchable. Only made worse by Stings smugness.
Lucky SOB.
If you get a chance, go see Elvis. He remains one of the best performers I’ve ever seen live.
aka the Guy Who Ruined Diana Krall
Deadspin continues to operate, the rep added. The comments sections for the site are currently disabled.
“Good riddance.”
You don’t think the world has supplied enough desperate assholes who like sports that they won’t be able to get a full staff up and running in about 12 hours?
I’m not that smart, but boy does that sound like all kinds stupid.
Andrew Cuomo hits fainting couch.
He had pretty much the same response to a recent exodus of zillionaires that was reported.
You’d think at some point he’d play nice with the folks who help keep the gargantua afloat but nope. I guess it’s not in his nature.
Donald Trump Jr and girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle dress up as a ‘witch hunt’ for Halloween
Junior went as Elmer Fudd?
That which was done was also seen.
I don’t even wana know.
Why would there be any debate? Great song.
Must have been Indiana guns.
Once again, some stellar wordsmithing by the journo here. What the fuck was supposed to have possibly, maybe happened?
Certainly wasn’t CA guns, ’cause that would be against the law. Might cause a wild fire or something
So has anybody read the rules voted in about impeachment? I know they want this to feel like a step forward, but I don’t feel like anything has changed. Will these “Grand Jury” meetings continue, with no ability for Republican input?
No, and CBS (Sloop’s link) doesn’t link to it or mention its formal title. Way to journalist, CBS.
If I read correctly, the Republican can give all the input they wish, but it won’t be acted on without Democrats approving.
The House of Representin’ has voted to move to “the next phase of the impeachment inquiry”
And it is being describes as the “public” phase even though it is anything but.
Ugh, described*
Stayed up too late with you deplorables last night.
Staff editor Dan McQuade became the latest to hit the exits, tweeting his resignation Thursday morning. “Deadspin’s new owners wouldn’t publish my Wildwood boardwalk t-shirt column this summer. I should have quit months ago, instead of just now,” he wrote.
In a statement on Twitter Wednesday, the WGA East-affiliated union local that reps G/O Media edit staffers called CEO Jim Spanfeller’s actions in the Deadspin situation “bad business” and “morally reprehensible.”
“From the outset, CEO Jim Spanfeller has worked to undermine a successful site by curtailing its most well-read coverage because it makes him personally uncomfortable,” the GMG union said. “‘Stick to sports’ is and always has been a thinly veiled euphemism for ‘don’t speak truth to power.’”
Self-important twaddle. That’s what I like to read.
“Stick to sports’ is and always has been a thinly veiled euphemism for ‘don’t speak truth to power.’”
If your wanted to speak truth to power, don’t try to do it on someone else’s platform. You’ve got Twitter, blogs, podcast’s.
If you wanted to speak truth to power you could have also considered getting a job where that sort of thing commonly happens instead of accepting an offer as a human ESPN crawler.
Yeah, but those other sites that write about politics wouldn’t hire me. They said I was even too much of a hack for them. The only people hiring were these guys. Why should I be forced to do the job they hired me to do?
“wouldn’t publish my Wildwood boardwalk t-shirt column this summer”
Can’t tell if serious …
You want a NHS-style health care system? This is what you get with a NHS-style health care system. – I mean mistake were made. there is no reason to throw the baby with the bath water (also only a minority of UK hospitals threw babies away)
And excessive wait times for basic services – this is not necessarily true. My mothers cousin lives in London and had a skiing accident in march and by June she already got he MRi appointment
The surgery is booked for 2027?
No, that’s the pre-surgical consult.
Andrew Cuomo✔
Good riddance.
It’s not like @realDonaldTrump paid taxes here anyway…
Uh huh…
All I need is this thermos.
I don’t need one other thing, not one – I need this. The paddle game, and the chair, and the remote control, and the matches, for sure. And this. And that’s all I need. The ashtray, the remote control, the paddle game, this magazine and the chair.
Trump is audited anually by the IRS.
He’s paid his taxes.
You don’t need that “u” in “anually”.
The best thing about the Deadspin vs. Barstool Sports feud is that it was exactly like that in the old days. Papers went after each other openly and aggressively. And you know what? That helped get the actual truth out. If Paper A lied about something, Paper B was only too happy to point it out.
Ever since Journalism became a college major, and the fancy pants try to pretend that it is a profession shit has gone downhill.
. Barstool Sports needs more wokeness
*starts sharpening stakes*
Yeah, the NY Post goes after the other local rags all the time.
“World Series champs should get statehood. #FinishTheFight”
That doesn’t even make sense.
Parkinson’s Dementia is a terrible thing.
Well, so’s Hillary. They belong together.
Bitch trying to get extra electoral college votes.
Note how their tune changes when “Jefferson” wants separate statehood from California.
Never mind the whole reason that and similar districts around the world were crafted in the first place. You know, to be independent of partisan fucking politics.
Politically I oppose DC Statehood, but if you think DC is independent of partisan politics we will need to take away your crayons before you eat them. 😉
You know what I meant 😛
National politics.
The World Series.
To think my beloved Montreal Expos would eventually be subjected to this crazy bitch’s Tweets.
Life is all kinds weird.
So you oppose Quebec statehood?
The day they stop taking equalization payments like hobos is the day I’ll take them seriously.
I don’t mean independence, I mean a US state.
Oh. That I’m for.
It’ll flush out the parochial business model mentality at the very least.
But like I said in my rant that went unnoticed yesterday, I argue Canada is already a state pretending to be a nation-state. For all intents and purposes, we’re an extension of the U.S. economy. The mere fact we can’t defend ourselves militarily seals our fate. Canadians assume and rely on the fact the Americans will play nice.
Why should we expend the effort of making you de jure subjects? There’s no benefit to us to cross that line.
Wait, what? Canada’s not a US state?
I was lied to.
Sorry, Mojeaux, but Ontario CA and Ontario CA are two different places. One’s a City NewEgg ships from in California, and One’s a province big enough that I spent almost all my time in Canada driving through it.
I got my fill driving across Manitoba, Sasatchewan, and Alberta, thanks.
And they say Kansas is flat and bland. No, not really.
Southern Ontario isn’t so flat.
I have a decent number of pictures of lake superior taken from cliffside roads.
B.C./Alberta is Rocky Mountain beauts.
Sask and Man are Prairie flatlands. EH?
My bad on Alberta. I mistemembered (okay, it was >30 years ago). My mom wanted to go to the Tetons. She LOOOOOOOVED the Rockies something fierce. (I don’t know if she still does or if she got her fix or if she just can’t hack road trips anymore). We spent a few nights in Banff.
I drove across SK and MB (I was 17 or something). I remember oh so well because my entire family slept the whole way and I felt very proud and grown up that my whole family could aleep while I was driving.
Before I crossed into Ontario, I had come from driving through the Adirondacks. So it certainly seemed flat and boring, but it may have just been the contrast.
You to could join the United States, if your team wins the world series.
Just what we need, a procince of welfare sops who think the Bloc Quebecois and Trudy’s people make for good government.
The time to have ‘taken’ Canada was right before Tommy Douglas ruined the minds of Canadians with public health care.
This is a guy who in the early 2000s a CBC survey asked who was the greatest Canadian and he came out on top.
That’s how retarded Canadians are.
Meaning before then, there were parts of Canada that could be absorbed without the socialist leanings leaving a more equitable voting pattern between conservaive/GOP and liberal/Democrat.
Mind you, they could still have gone full California.
Bah. All ‘what if’ conjecture.
Make the swamp part of Maryland again.
No, Virginia can take it.
No, thank you.
The point of D.C. is that the capital of the union of States not be in any State. Granny is senile.
Also so that Congress could be in control of the city it resided in.
No shit that is the main reason for it, because the Governor of Penselvania refused to call out the Militia to save congress from an angry mob. If it becomes a state, then there has to be a governor and Congress is back in the position of not being in control of the city.
Congress is back in the position of not being in control of the city.
so literally no change from now?
We have the world’s largest fucking military. I’m sure they can handle security for the federal buildings in DC.
Sign a fucking lateran treaty with Maryland and Virginia and end this nonsense now.
If they want a voice in Congress, DC can make like Alexandria and vote to go back to their original state. They don’t deserve their own state.
I was listening to POTUS radio last night with Smerconish. The callers seem to have bought into the Democrats game (save every c. 5th person with a brain). Smerconish had Brian Fitzpatrick and Steve Bannon on and their explanation of the whole sad, witch hunt spectacle by the cynical Democrats was really insightful and informative. Particularly Fitzpatrick who was an FBI agent. He said that if this is so serious, let the FBI handle it. If it were he, and judging by what he has been allowed to hear, he would not have prosecuted. Bannon called Pelosi a master of disinformation and actually played this perfectly.
But I’m glad Fitzpatrick did one thing. For 15 minutes prior, Smerconish was going on and on about how the ‘facts are consistent’. And for 15 minutes I said to myself that’s because they’re selectively leaking out information to give the appearance of a consistent message. I can’t believe he wasn’t seeing that until Fitzpatrick explained in detail what’s going on. Basically, it IS without due process. They’re conducting this inside the SCIF while not allowing the basics, like cross-examining witnesses and whistleblowers while denying the right to present evidence and witnesses for the defence. Crazy shit.
Worse? What Trump is being accused of is really not impeachable. Alexander Hamilton worried that impeachment could be used as a tool for political expediency. Here we are. The Framers thought of everything. They knew people can be such assholes. Makes you think about how silly the ‘they couldn’t foresee AK-47’ line is. They couldn’t imagine specific items but that’s not the point. It’s the FRAMEWORK and language of the amendment that’s genius and transcends such frivolous assertions.
Schiff is one evil motherfucker.
Democrats wanted to impeach before he even took office. That’s all you need to know.
That is, Congressman Fitzpatrick, Pennsylvania.
I was wondering why a mediocre, hit/miss quarterback was doing political analysis.
I always call BS on that. I think they could have easily imagined all the things people claim they couldn’t. These were some pretty bright folks well-versed in the great technological advances that had already occurred in the directly preceding centuries.
People were actively working on advances in firearms with the goal of higher velocity, increased accuracy and increased rate of fire. Jefferson in particular was an avid reader of scientific publications from around the world. These people fully understood that technology advances and that the rate of advance increases over time. They also understood something the modern world seems to ignore.
Moral axioms do not change because human nature does not change. Rights are not dependent upon the times.
^This. The notion that you step out of the DeLorean, demonstrate what a fully automatic assault rifle can do before the Constitutional Convention and they go “I say sir, that beist crazy! We shall have to rethink the second of our amendments” is a bit nuts.
The greatest Canadian is named McDonald. It is known.
You misspelled Pre-1990 Neil Peart.
MAC DONALD. But whatever.
“Trust this crazy malignant fuck at your own peril Dems”
Yeah. I mean they just want to get Trump, but I think trusting “Ive seen collusion evidence” Schiff is only going to work out for so long. I don’t believe anything he says.
I also heard on Breitbart (I think Gohmert said it? Or it may have been Monsour I forget) real whistleblowers have been quietly fired or loss security clearance.
Real whistleblowers are exiled, imprisoned, financially ruined. This guy is cool with all the shite done by CIA but worries about a phone call he didn’t hear??
No one is worried about the phone call. They are grasping for any excuse to get rid of the president.
Let’s be honest- Gohmert is the Team Red version of Hank Johnson, but maybe a bit nuttier.
Good to know. And he was a judge?
Yes indeed. That increases my respect for the judicial system.
Even by politician standards, he’s a nut-riddled piece of shit.
From The Hill:
In the past, Trump has feuded with New York State and New York City local governments. He is currently facing investigations into his personal finances and business, including a lawsuit seeking his long-concealed tax returns.
“Feuded” you say.
Trump calls them incompetent bozos. The State of New York employs every law enforcement resource at their disposal to pursue criminal and civil charges against him. That’s some feud.
“long-concealed tax returns”
Pretty sure the government has had them the whole time.
I mean obviously they are conceled, because they are totally something that is public. You can waltz to the IRs and get anyones tax records but Trumps. It’s a travesty.
Don’t know about the IRS, but I’ve heard of DTF employees who were prosecuted for just looking at the returns of famous people out of curiousity when they had no work-related cause to do so.
Shockingly, the remaining employees appear disinclined to leak the data.
I’m kind of surprised no “whistleblower” has surfaced to leak his returns to the NYT. There really must be nothing there.
Well, decades of yearly audits will tend to make someone be very particular about the quality of their accountants when filing.
And as I’ve always tried to point on Twitter, it’s not as if Trump does his own taxes on TurboTax on April 14th. He probably has an entire floor at an accounting firm do that shit. I would bet a bazillion dollars the only time he even sees the forms are for signature.
But these nutjobs really expect line 27 to read “Check from Putin 2,000,000”.
RE: Deadspin.
Barstool always cracks me up. They’ve avoided most of the ridiculous wokification of sports reporting and Dave Portnoy is a troll of almost Trump proportions. They also post a lot of cheesecake which I approve of.
And one hell of a drummer!
No wait…
Por ejemplo:
Same chick in all pics but she is spectacular.
I figured you would be a fan of the smoke shows.
But of course no matter how unpopular/unsustainable it is, you can never get rid of it (see also: Security, United States Social).
“A government program is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this earth.”
The Mayor of Montreal attempted to ‘cancel Halloween’ and move it to today because of weather.
Except the weather didn’t cooperate. While still a shitty night, the ‘dangerous’ howling winds that scared her didn’t happen until 4am.
Then she claimed, after being mercilessly chastised (one guy said won’t be long they will outlaw candy forcing us to buy only organic or vegan candy) for micro-managing our lives, ‘damned if do, damned it you don’t.
Except no one asked you to involve yourself in this and was clearly a ‘don’t’. The city is in construction shambles. Focus on getting that settled.
She’s also a hardcore greenie. I call her Green Plante Vert. Her name is Valerie Plante.
Get it? Clever, no?
And these people want to fight climate change?
“And these people want to fight climate change?”
That’s about 10th on the list after various forms of grifting and power seizing
Cancel Halloween?! That’s like trying to cancel Christmas or Easter. Unless Canada is that fargone already. People are going to celebrate it.
Apparently local municipalities up here decree on what day children will be trick or treating, if yesterday’s flurry of “rescheduling” notices meant anything.
Judging by the reaction, no, they didn’t. I’ll say one thing about Quebecers: They’re tough when it comes to weather.
They LOVE being outside.
But, sadly, people don’t see this is a symptom of a wider problem where we permit all sorts of nanny-state legislation government to even consider such things.
The old give them an inch, they’ll take a foot argument. I don’t need to expand on this here.
When I was in in Quebec, there were these little ice slides all over the place that people would put their toddlers on (bundled up to the point where they couldn’t lower their arms). They would go zooming down, often bowling into packs of tourists.
It looked like an awesome place to have a childhood.
Lol. Yup. It is.
It’s no coincidence freestyle skiing was invented here.
Why doesn’t Montreal stick to what it is known for? Hot strippers, prostitutes, and tasty food. This whole thing of pretending to be intelligent is such a waste.
This is why NoDaks can’t be trusted.
A silly article about how a historical tourist trap in Jamestown ND won’t be relocating to a new historical tourist trap in Perham, Minnesoda. This is why I could never be a public official. I couldn’t put up with all the busy bodies getting their panties in a bunch over crap like this.
Perham, MN, tourist trap. hehehehehehe he said “tourist” hahahaha
Perham makes Tuffy’s dog food and Barrel O’ Fun potato chips (in the same facility). What more does a Minnesoda tourist need?
You Emily-ans are just jelly.
What more does a Minnesoda tourist need?
I was a bit confused by this discussion until this line. Now it all makes sense: the only people to tour Minnesota are Minnesotans.
I spent a pleasant couple hours at Pipestone National Monument last Summer.
Frontier Village vs. Pioneer Village?
Democrats wanted to impeach before he even took office. That’s all you need to know.
By hook, or by crook.
Troll in Chief
President Trump denied any wrongdoing in his dealings with Ukraine, maintaining that a phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was “a good call.” The July 25 conversation between the two leaders is at the heart of an impeachment inquiry launched by House Democrats last month.
To prove claims that the substance of the call was not cause for alarm, the president remarked on Thursday that he would be willing to do a “fireside chat,” broadcasted on television to read the correspondence transcript.
“This is over a phone call that is a good call,” Trump said in an interview with the Washington Examiner. “At some point, I’m going to sit down, perhaps as a fireside chat on live television, and I will read the transcript of the call, because people have to hear it. When you read it, it’s a straight call.”
There are no conservative values without Christianity.
Libertarianism is inherently not conservative.
Don’t get it twisted.
Libertarianism’s end result is young kids being flashed at drag queen story hour, heroin overdoses, and mass migration.
“Live and let live bro!”
The free speech social media ladies and gents
I don’t remember those Christian values that require me to go to War against brown kids. Or the parable where Jesus taught us to forcefully stop people from making personal choices. I mean I always saw Jesus’ sacrifice as one that grants freedom to people because it allows us to choose to be redeemed. But I guess we’re supposed to force those values on others.
“Gab got triggered by libertarians, this is a good sign.”
Well, that’s the end result of the version of libertarianism being pushed by Reason. But all the kids get leather jackets, so it’s cool.
2 out of 3 ain’t bad.
That was a reply to Pie.
No mention of ass sex!?! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED, GAB!
This just in: people on the Internet make bad arguments in bad faith, continue to intentionally confuse the words “libertarian” and “libertine”.
Let’s be fair, it’s an easy mistake to make. Libertarianism is amoral, and the people who most benefit from that are those outside the mainstream.
Yeah, but he’s just doing a version of the same bit Bastiat was arguing against in his famous quote about how being against the government doing something is not the same thing as being against the thing itself. Actual libertarians may or may not be in favor of drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, but they’re first and foremost against the idea that the state would step in on one side of the argument or the other.
He’s also grossly overestimating the influence of libertarianism, which I find is something niche conservatives do in an attempt to ingratiate themselves to Republicans, or to “movement” conservatives. It’s easier than taking on Progressivism or head-on, I think. For my money, people who do this are essentially the same as Progressives, they’re just wearing a different jersey. There’s pro-liberty and anti-liberty, and they’re anti-liberty.
This is a good example though, the fact that libertarians are willing to mount the hill on issues like tranny story hour at the public library, but at the same time demonstrate open hostility to religious activity taking place in the same space. It may come from a position of principle (albeit with some lack of consistency in application), but it has the practical effect of making people think libertarians only care about libertinism or subversive progressive social issues. And to be completely fair, that really is entirely true for the most vocal, most organized, and most funded public faces of libertarianism.
Well libertarianism is its own worst enemy in that sense. Gab, ironically, is a great illustration of how unprincipled or immoral people will take advantage of an environment created to hold to a principle of liberty in order to pursue their own ends without repercussion. In order for the greatest degree of individual liberty everyone has to voluntarily concern themselves with their community. Or, if you want to get rid of police *everyone* has to become a cop.
Libertarianism is amoral
No it isn’t. Libertarianism is based on the central moral precept. The NAP is at its heart the Golden Rule simplified into its limit.
NAP is comparable with, but not required for, libertarianism. One can be a 100% consequentialist libertarian.
if one want to be pushed of a cliff, sure
You would never do that because my burbclave is fully paid up with Machinery of Freedom safety insurance who has a mutual-aid agreement with Living Romanian safety insurance, and LR will activate your embedded shock collar before you can perform an act that will make MoF liable for a payout.
or to put it another way, ancap doesn’t require the NAP and can prevent me from getting pushed off a cliff.
(I’m a classical liberal, which has a moral underpinning..)
I am not an ancap either and like to think of myself as a classical liberal as well so at least we got that going
To the extent that the NAP is a moral precept it is so minimalist as to be meaningless compared to a more robust religious or personal morality. I understand that’s by design, and it may even make for a decent way to organize political bodies, but for people who hold moral values that go beyond the mere initiation of force it will always seem inadequate, and it will always be most accommodating to those who hold minimal or no personal or religious morals. The practical result of that is that libertarianism attracts a lot of people who actually are libertine, who don’t hold any religious or personal morality beyond the bare minimum implied by the NAP, and they often end up being its loudest voices. Let’s face it, the entire canon of libertarian scholarship and philosophy is testament to that.
It is minimalist deliberately because it describes the limit. The NAP is the least restrictive rule that is consonant with an ordered society. I do not believe most libertarians regard it as the only moral rule or value, just as the only one that can rightly be imposed with the threat of force.
Yes, libertarianism invites libertinism, but to me at least that is because I believe that self harm and voluntarily accepted harm are properly personal choices, not subjects for external enforcement. I still think it is morally suspect to destroy yourself, I just believe it is morally worse to make you stop.
I agree, I’m just saying it’s a tough pill to swallow for most people with a strong sense of personal or religious morality, and they will normally end up gravitating toward a political philosophy with their values embedded in it. It is comparably easier to on-board a person with a weak or non-existent religious or personal morality.
strong sense of personal or religious morality – the issue is conflating this with state imposed morality. And the general delusion that they will be in charge
And the general delusion that they will be in charge
That’s because they view government differently than us. They view it as a black box with levers. If their person is pulling the levers, the box operates in their favor. If the other person is pulling the levers, the box oppressed them.
They fail to see that their guy’s buddies are adding more parts and mechanisms inside the box the whole time. They also fail to see removing parts and mechanisms as a viable option. It’s a black box, it doesn’t matter what’s inside.
First statement is demonstrably false.
Second statement is true as far as it goes.
Third actual statement is a huge flying leap of bullshit. Did the Gab account get hacked or something? From the rest of the comments it looks like dude is just trolling the shit out of people. Or is Gab like right about to fold and dude is going out in a blaze of glory?
It depends upon that which is to be conserved. America believes its founding is inherently Christian even though all of the intellectuals involved in the political movements of the day were closeted atheists clinging to deism to maintain standing with the unwashed masses. For those people Christian morality is inherent in their political conservatism. European conservatism moreso, since the state and church spent so long intertwined.
closeted atheists clinging to deism to maintain standing with the unwashed masses.
I really don’t buy that. There is plenty to evidence they believed in a higher power, if not in a Christian Deity. The fact that there were a lot of Masons, for example. Or that their many writings seem to point to the fact that they believed in something.
I did lose a friend over the “Founding Fathers were/not Christians” questions.
She was shocked that I held them to be not Christians and I’m like, “We’ve been friends for 20 years and you hever got that? WTF? Why NOW is it a problem for you?”
Jefferson was deist, Adams was devout, Washington was devout, Madison was likely a deist of some flavor, Hamilton was likely an atheist, Franklin is ambiguous with writings that suggest agnosticism and others that suggest belief. Patrick Henry was devout. John Jay was devout.
Even the deists were strong supporters of the Judeo Christian values even if they were not believers. The only founding father that I’d place outside the Christian category entirely is Hamilton, who not coincidentally was also the most authoritarian of them.
Well some say that even western deism / agnosticism / atheism / humanism has roots in Christianity and as such is based on christian values. who knows.
Adams was devoted to his church and to Christian good works, but even he rejected the divinity of Christ. Practically speaking he was immersed in Christian culture, but he rejected arguably the single most fundamental element of Christian theology. It was the era. Virtually no one of education or refinement really believed in the literal veracity of Christianity. They just weren’t yet prepared to throw the baby out with the bathwater – particularly not when they were in the business of trying to organize a motley polity of true believers into a nation-state.
he rejected the divinity of Christ
I’ve seen this claimed, but the evidence is spotty, regardless the man who said:
I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.
was clearly religious, clearly a believer in God, and while a fundamentalist might take other writings of his and cast him out of Christianity, that same fundamentalist would do the same for Catholics, Mormons etc.
Washington was indisputably Christian, Sam Adams was indisputably Christian, Patrick Henry was indisputably Christian, Benjamin Rush was indisputably Christian. Josiah Bartlett was indisputably Christian.
I am personally agnostic, but this idea that the founding fathers were not overwhelmingly Christian is poorly supported. It is based on cherry picked excerpts from their writings that indicate doubts and uncertainties, and then assuming that those moments of doubt are their real beliefs, while their lifelong membership and participation in their Churches were just window dressing.
I mean you can make a case that it’s cherry picking, but at the same time the intellectual underpinnings of the revolution came from a relative handful of the founders, and of those most were educated, cosmopolitan and very much a product of the elite/intelligentsia of their time. If we’re being really honest, no member of the ruling class has probably genuinely held any meaningful religious conviction since Constantine.
The thing is, it’s kind of a silly question, because the founding fathers were not one person and were not of one mind on anything past the US being an independent nation. There were deists, and probably a few closet atheists, and cultural Christians, and devout Christians. Were the Founding Fathers Christians or not? Yes.
Meh, I maintain that most of that was a pretense made to keep from having their ideas rejected by broader society, but in any case very few of them could be described as Christians in any meaningful way. The rejection of Christianity and Christian society is the defining feature of the Enlightenment intelligentsia. In spite of that, Christianity is still pretty comingled with conservatism even in this country for cultural reasons.
You are taking a claim that is arguably true of two of the founders Jefferson and Madison, and with a great deal of cherry picking arguable about Franklin and applying it broadcast. Adams and Washington and Henry, just to pick the most obvious examples, were devout Christians.
And then there was Tom Paine.
You don’t think those are the words of a devout Christian?
Tom Paine was a spark of the Revolution, I don’t consider him a founding father. He was basically an eternal revolutionary and anarchist.
In the late 18th century a significant percentage of Americans were Unitarians – although Unitarianism was more Christian than it is today. And a large number of our founding fathers attended Unitarian churches – though I would dare say their ideals of a broader theology for the day would have been primarily Christian in thought.
Exactly. The things that are being “conserved” in conservatism are not exclusively Christian or even especially Christian in nature. They’re essentially hearkening back to a theoretical culture that apart from aesthetics would be familiar to most developed societies.
Developed societies like China?
Or like a slew of western countries where Christianity dominated for well over a thousand years and close to two thousand in some places?
That’s the thing. Those political elements that we consider a part of Western society – which we’ve successfully secularized here lately, and not usually for the better – aren’t theologically Christian, but they are very culturally Christian.
Living in a modern but non-Western society often reminds me of how deep most Western societies are steeped in Christianity.
Just yesterday I was explaining to my wife the roots of Halloween – all hallow’s eve – the night before All Saint’s Day…
True, it was adapted from Paganism but you can’t deny how it was made to fit a Christian purpose.
I think to some extent it’s a chicken-egg type of thing, but I would also say that there are a lot of people from non-European societies who would agree wholeheartedly with typical conservative ideals as espoused in the US and also be bemused by the notion that those ideals required Christianity.
Oh for sure. This is kind of presumptive of a Western outlook. What we’re ultimately talking about is traditionalism vs. modernity. In the West, it’s very difficult to separate traditionalism from Christianity.
Yes, under imperial rule, China would be a good example. Confucianism would blend pretty well with what most conservatives would want to see as an ideal society. Demure attitudes towards sexual conduct and the importance of sexual modesty and chastity, an emphasis on loyalty to and support of the family and then the community, respect for elders, obedience to parents, respect for authority…I could’ve described China at pretty much any stage of its history prior to Mao, or Japan pretty much ever. In the west those values were spread by Christianity, but they were present in one form or another before that. For that matter, Judaism is the foundation of most of the moral precepts of Christianity. Christianity in the west provided spiritual scaffolding for those values but Christianity did not invent those values.
ITT – Naptown Bill gives us his book report on The Diamond Age.
“…any stage of its history prior to Mao, or Japan pretty much ever. ”
What you’re saying about China I cannot argue with. Japan, however, is/was a different kettle of fish when it comes to sexual mores. On that point Japan has changed very much over the past 150 years – quite a bit even in the 40 years since I first came here. It isn’t that contemporary Japanese do/don’t have morals about sexual behavior. I’m not sure exactly how to describe this in Western terms – it’s like they have more latitude in forgiving themselves for being immoral when nobody else is harmed.
That’s interesting. Would you say that Japanese culture is more permissive in that sense? Has it changed over time along the same lines as in the west, a la the “sexual revolution” of the 60s?
A huge part of Japanese culture is the “Hone/Tatemae” – which is basically “True nature vs. What is presented”. Your observed behavior needs to tow the lion with society however how you actually feel about it and what you might do if given free reign don’t necessarily have to match.
What an own goal.
How about Gab says shit about anything and just lets people use the platform?
What about millions in prisons and unsustainable welfare state budgets? Are those features?
Stupid weather (upper 30’s/low 40’s, strong winds with gusts up to 40MPH, and spitting rain) kept almost all of the trick or treaters away. We had under a dozen kids stop by last night.
Anyone want some leftover candy?
Low 80s in Charleston.
Temp dropped over night, today is first day of fall. High in mid 60s.
Nope but I’d take some leftover peaty scotch
That’s not leftover. That’s just on the shelf.
Halloween is white supremacist. Only in the South is it warm enough for it to make sense. And that is where all the racists live.
Based on discussionabove and quick skim of Wikipedia:
Sommers:The Police::Peart:Rush
Given the weather has gotten colder I went to the butchers and bought some pig skin. mmmm pig skin
Was this covered?
Dear Prudie: Kids from poorer neighborhoods keep coming to trick-or-treat in mine. Do I have to give them candy?
Tolerant, white progressives ladies and gents.
That’s made-up BS to demonstrate how racist we are.
I mean, it’s Slate.
The retweet I saw this on said, “Perfect summation of limousine liberalism: hate has no place in our neighborhood… and neither do poors”
Welcome to Blade Runner everyone,
Los Angeles
November, 2019
I would have expected light-up umbrellas to have become a thing by now.
light sources on screen are always stupid. IRL you want the light to shine on what you are looking at. On screen, the director wants the light to shine on the actor’s face. The proper place to carry a lantern is (like your 1980’s pistol grip shotgun) at your hip. The proper place to hold a torch is above and behind your head. But on screen, everyone holds them right in front of their face.
Yeah, holding the light where it shines in your eyes and makes it harder to see in the dark makes a lot of sense…
Or just put a reflector on the lantern. Makes it more effective too.
Like this?
*Looks out window* Nailed it.
“New York will ban restaurants and grocery stores from selling foie gras, after the bill passed the city council Wednesday. Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office confirmed to CNN in an email that he will sign the bill into law.”
Don’t make me defend geese, you giant asshole.
Don’t defend Geese. Use Duck Foie Gras.
Get the smoked duck maigret, but for the love of God SAVE THE FAT!
Goose fat is better than duck fat which in turn is better than tallow which in turn is better than lard which in turn is better than vegetable shortening.
Yes, but this fat has been smoked.
And you left horse off of your ranking. I’ve heard it’s excellent for fries.
In the US horse fat is unavailable because while is is perfectly legal to chop Bossie up and chow down, killing Dobbin is horrible and illegal.
“Ol’Stew-ball was a racehorse…”
Forgot the link
These people are fucking tiresome.
Assholes want to make laws for their neighbors. Film at 11.
Bernie Sanders Cheerily Greets Trick-Or-Treaters Before Stealing Their Candy For Redistribution
Sanders cheerily opens the door each time children knock and cry out “Trick or treat!” and greets them, commenting on their costumes and wishing them a happy Halloween. Then, he pulls out his large bowl of candy, reaches his hand out, and takes from the children who have a lot of candy, placing their “donations” into his bowl for later redistribution to the less fortunate.
“What a nice Captain America costume you have!” Sanders said to one boy. “Although I’m always a little disturbed by the large selection of costumes made possible by corporate greed and the evils of capitalism, I still appreciate your spirit. Now hand over the Milky Ways, bub.” Sanders then dug into the kid’s bag and pulled out over 40% of his haul, lecturing the boy on the need to be generous.
Of course, the senator doesn’t provide his redistribution services for free: he takes a “small tax” out of his collection before carefully redistributing the candy based on his fair and equitable Candy Plan, which he draws up every year.
Sting was good in Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels. It wasn’t a singing part, though.
He almost single-handedly ruined Dune.
He was too late, Frank Herbert did that.
*reports UCS to the Fedaykin*
When your mary sue is so overblown unlikeable that I’m rooting for the obese gay pedophile sociopathic murderer designated villain with incestuous tendencies, you dun fucked up storytelling.
1. That is an improper use of Mary Sue.
2. You are just wrong.
So how would you describe the character who ticks off a whole heap of boxes on the mary sue checklist?
Like what?
Missing the key box:
Author insert.
Author insert is not a pre-requisite.
And I don’t know enough about the man or how he viewed himself to say that it isn’t the case.
UCS is correct that Mary Sue does not require author insert.
One could, in fact, argue that Mary Sue is at its core reader proxy.
I know the term has drifted over 40 years, but I consider author insert to be a prerequisite.
Which boxes does he tick, exactly?
Yes, he is more skilled than most people, but that’s typical of all protagonists.
Do people spontaneously love him? No.
Do things go right for him? No.
The dude watches his wife and children die, is trapped in a loveless political marriage, goes blind, and dies alone and forgotten.
Not Adahn, All of the events you site appear to come from a book other than “Dune”. After reaching the end of the first volume, there was no interest in seeing if there were any sequels. And yes, people sponetenously loved him, and things that should not have gone his way did, and not only was he more skilled but downright superhuman within that volume.
well Paul was superhuman. That is the point. He was the result of a thousand year breeding program. That is like complaining the genetically modified superhumans in something like Warhammer 40k are superhuman
You can do superhuman without making the character inappropriate and disproportionate.
The lone superhuman makes for an interesting villain, but is very hard to do as the protagonist.
It is hard to do as a protagonist but in this case it worked
Paul is A God That Failed.
But now that I think about it, you’re right. Dune really is a part of a trilogy, with the second and third books clarifying what was in the first. They are as inseparable as the The Fellowship of the Ring is from the rest of The Lord of the Rings.
If anybody, Leto ( the Father, not either son) was the one people immediately loved.
And he did lose his first son in Dune, during the attack on the southern sietch during the final battle.
Yes, he was superhuman, he was bred that way. His superhuman abilities were the entire goal of the BG breeding program.
And he was not the sole superhuman. The entire Bene Gesseret are, and they were directly opposing him. Plus the Guild, the Fremen, etc.
Paul was a messiah. That is the point of the novels. If you are writing about messianic themes having a messiah character is necessary and therefore cannot be a flaw.
And I am with Robc, if the character is not meant as an avatar of the Author it is not a Mary Sue. It may be a Deus ex Machina, it may be over the top, but a Mary Sue is an Author writing their fantasy day dream character.
When your mary sue is so overblown unlikeable
That was the point.
Unlike the latest Star Wars incarnation where you’re supposed to approve of the unlikeable Mary Sue.
Dune Messiah makes it more clear, but he is supposed to be an antihero type.
Taste…you have none.
I’m with UCS. I slogged my way through Dune once and never got why people liked it so much.
Good world building, good story, decent dialogue
World building, I’ll stipulate he did a decent job.
I have to disagree on the story assertion.
Nah, the best SciFi (imo) are about teasing out how things will diverge if people are the same, but the technology is different. Dune’s stories absolutely do that.
He was telling the story of Mohammed. UCS just hates muslims!
What the fuck is a “Dune”?
A buildup of sand due to wind in an arid environment lacking in plant cover.
I don’t remember him in that movie. What part did he play?
Sting was the father who owned the bar that was lost in the card game.
I see.
The bar was never lost in the card game. hatchet proposed to the father to trade the bar for the debt
Didn’t he have the Vinnie Jones character make the offer and Sting said “your Boss has a reputation so I’ll choose my words carefully. You can tell him to go fuck off.”
Or something to that effect.
it was a punching part
Was there someone in that movie who wasn’t great? That and Snatch are movies that I can rewatch countless times.
My favorite Sting story: he released the song “Desert Rose” and it was a total flop. Then Jaguar used the song in a TV commercial and it became popular and made millions for Sting. So doubling down on stupid Sting puts together a US tour with himself and 3 Arab/North African pop musicians with the first concert scheduled to open on September 14, 2001.
Total flop.
Thot Thursday über alles.
2 & 5
A British Parliamentary committee says many people with autism or learning disabilities are being detained in “horrific” conditions and is calling for an overhaul of the system intended to evaluate their treatment.
They learned it from watching Trump.
“The “War on Drugs” theory of crime has criminalized addiction and ripped apart families — and largely failed to reduce drug use. We need to decriminalize marijuana and erase past convictions. Sign up now if you’re with me.”
I thought there was too much money in it?
on the other hand saying shit don’t cost nothing if you are a politician
Now do vaping.
Because that’s the only drug people are rotting in prison for, of course.
Criminal pot addiction?
Relevent with regard to the difference between legal pot and decriminalized pot.
Of course, a law school instructor would know that the president could deschedule marijuana and end the illegality federally.
So introduce a bill. You’re a Senator, you can do that.
She doesn’t actually want to decriminalize anything.
Why are young people so left-wing?
Left-wing professors think it’s their responsibility to open their students’ eyes to injustice
Not all Injustice. They won’t give a shit about state power and those atendant injustices.
What a self-aggrandizing crock of shit.
RE: Impeachment.
For my money, Pelosi and her cabal of smoky-back-room dwellers have concluded that none of the candidates have a chance of beating Trump in 2020, so they’ve put all their eggs into this absurd impeachment theater. The smoky-back-room dwellers are not stupid, and they would not do this if they didn’t believe it was the only option. I think it’s going to backfire and Trump will not just win in 2020, but the Dem will get Mondale’d.
Time will tell however.
It’s just straight Alinsky tactics. Always accuse the opposition of what you are doing. As soon as they realized that Joe Biden was caught red-handed messing in Ukrainian affairs for fun and profit, they accused Trump of the same.
I think it’s going to backfire and Trump will not just win in 2020, but the Dem will get Mondale’d.
I think the former is possible, but not the latter. The country is way too divided for anyone to get Mondale’d. Even a Reagan or an FDR could not repeat their avalanche performances in the current political climate.
Yup. If Felonia von Maojackets carried triple digit electoral votes, anyone with a (D) can and will.
Yeah, I think it’ll be another squeaker. And I’m not placing any bets on the outcome yet.
Who knows what it turns on. Americans treat an election like a reality show, and last time lots of reasonable people didn’t want Hillary on the island any more. It could easily turn on a factor that is not remotely on the table today, or one that hasn’t bloomed fully (impeachment).
It’s interesting that DJT45 is losing net approval in chunks of Dixie, not that any rational basis explains that other than, maybe, early exuberance.
Shaping blame is important. Lordstown ain’t coming back, and neither all those jobs from China, but metals plants are closing in the midwest in spite of the tariffs. Who will WI, MI, and OH blame for that?
It could very easily be very, very close.
I know that when DJT looses the tears are going to be just as salty as when Herself lost.
When? What data are you basing that on?
More meant it in the sense of “If”
I don’t know about that. I doubt there will ever again be any tears as salty as when she lost. It was such a surprise, and people threw such a fit over it, I had never seen anything like it.
Not saying there wouldn’t be salty tears, just that I doubt it could reach the epic scale of that night (and the weeks after). Just that 2016 will remain an exalted vintage among the tear-drinking set.
It was such a surprise
I sense great detachment on both sides: everyone living in their own little world with little sense for the other. If Trump lost, I would guess it would be a huge surprise to his fans: they talk about landslides and don’t seem to appreciate the EC gauntlet her ran last time. Even if you believe he’s consolidating power in Ohio and Mississippi (I don’t), that doesn’t move the needle.
Too early to guess the arc yet: still waiting on the Dem shit show to pick the challenger.
If Trump loses, its not so much the Dems who will win as the Deep State.
Which is why I plan to vote for Trump.
In my mind, the biggest threat to him at this point is voter fraud. The Dems have some good organization in Milwaukee and other Midwest cities; I could easily see enough manufactured votes to swing some of those states, which were damn close last time.
Huh. That WS did actually coincide with Hell freezing over.
Uffda. For once prosecutors don’t pile on stupid charges.
And of course in this instance the criminal is guilty of all sorts of violations of the NAP. Good thing this guy only robbed people and shot them in the neck. If he had sold any pot, I’m sure he’d be doing way more than 4 years.
He did not really mean to kill him when he shot him in the neck
Best Police song.
Best police song
Wrong. Best police song
No one went here?
Audio NSFW
Best Police Song.
Police song
The Police suck. You can only argue over least bad.
*stabs Drake with Copeland’s sticks*
I can put up with a lot Drake, but this might be the final straw…
I didn’t like them back when they were popular but they’ve grown on me as I’ve gotten older. Now Sting’s solo stuff, that is bad.
Agree. The Police are New Wave’s version of The Doobie Brothers. At best.
I thought I knew you.
Nobody really knows me. Largely by intent. 😉
My musical tastes are generally an outlier. Who else listens to Einstein on the Beach for pleasure?
Agree. The least bad ( it’s actually a really good song, but it’s ruined by Sting) is One. Watch the Warren Haynes version for proof.
dogamn phone. Link
*Nelson Laugh*
A group of climate activists crossing the Atlantic by sailboat to a UN summit in Chile were shocked to learn the event was canceled — four weeks into their grueling voyage.
The 36 young environmentalists set off from Amsterdam on October 2, using a sailboat in order to highlight the impact of flying on greenhouse gas emissions.
They had completed more than half of their seven-week journey to the UN Climate Conference (COP25) in Santiago, Chile, which was scheduled to take place in early December.
However Chile’s President Sebastián Piñera announced Wednesday that the country would no longer host the summit, amid protests that have left at least 20 people dead and led to the resignation of eight cabinet ministers.
How the ever loving fuck can people afford to take 7 weeks to do this? What is their job?
My understanding is that in Socialist European countries, there are classes of people who are poor and work, and classes of people who are titled or something and able to do what ever they want.
The only thing better would have been them capsizing while rounding the Horn.
How about a year of starving and death by exposure like these guys?
I’m sure all of them are vegans too. Would they be willing to compromise those values by eating sea birds or fish (or even each other) when starvation set in after the tofu ran out?
Round the horn!
I don’t remember him in that movie. What part did he play?
He was the bar-owning dad.
Rebel Rouser
I joined Extinction Rebellion last year because I care about the environment and I wanted to meet Emma Thompson. But over the past few weeks there has been a horrific backlash against our brave work. For instance, footage circulated online of an Extinction Rebellion protester being dragged from the top of a Tube train by commuters. That’s the thing about fascists: they always want the trains to run on time.
The hero we need.
:Golf Clap: I’ll admit, i’m pretty sure that’s a troll, but either way it’s funny.
Titania? Never
A higher calling.
MARGARET BRENNAN: There is something unique, you would have to agree, that the impeachment inquiry is underway, sparked by a complaint from somebody within the intelligence community. It feeds the president’s concern about an often-used term, a “Deep State” being there to take him out.
JOHN MCLAUGHLIN: Thank god for the Deep State. Everyone here has seen this progression of diplomats and intelligence officers and White House people trooping up to Capitol Hill right now and these are people doing their duty and responding to a higher call. With all of the people who knew what was going on here, it took an intelligence officer to step forward and say something about it, which was the trigger that unleashed everything else.
Now, why does that happen? This is the institution in the U.S. government with all of its flaws, and it makes mistakes, is institutionally committed to objectivity and to telling the truth. It is one of the few institutions in Washington that is not in a chain of command that makes or implements policy. Its whole job is to speak the truth. Is engraved in marble in the lobby.
All praise our un-elected, bureaucrat betters.
“Its whole job is to speak the truth. Is engraved in marble in the lobby.“
Unless that was engraved by Jehovah on a couple of tablets I’d find it suspect because that’s just what you’d expect a den of lying snakes to say.
+ 1 Ministry of Truth
The people who run the bureaucracies are always the ones who are best at furthering the interests of the bureaucracies.
So spare me the noble hero bullshit.
“It’s whole job is to invent the truth.”
Fixed it for them.
institutionally committed to objectivity and to telling the truth
We’re better off with a king in Iran
We’ll overthrow Castro easily
There are good guys in South America, we just have to help them
There are WMDs in Iraq
Bashar al-Assad has crossed the “red line” and used chemical weapons
We are not spying on the American people
“Least untruthful answer”
You left out MKUltra, Operation Northwoods, and the Gulf of Tonkin.
Oh, I left out a lot. That was just what I thought of off the top of my head.
Oh, well now that the CIA spook has told me that they only speak truth, I’m coming to a middle in believing the opposite of anything he says.
But over the past few weeks there has been a horrific backlash against our brave work. For instance, footage circulated online of an Extinction Rebellion protester being dragged from the top of a Tube train by commuters. That’s the thing about fascists: they always want the trains to run on time.
*hearty laugh*
People who are just trying to go about their daily lives are “fascists”. It is known.
Fascists also want to get to work in the morning and that twat was holding up the train.
Just trying to keep everything on the up and up.
Host Norah O’Donnell asked, “Republicans say they’re concerned that the Democrats will block the witnesses that they want to hear from. Can you assure them that you won’t reject those witnesses?”
Schiff responded, “Well, we’ve asked them for proffer of which witnesses they think are relevant, and I have to say, we have concerns that they’re going to propose a bunch of witnesses that have no bearing, that they can use merely to smear the president’s opponents or for other improper purposes. It’s important to note that, to the contrary of what they have been saying, in both Clinton and the Nixon impeachments, the minority did not have the right to call witnesses on their own unilaterally. They could call for a vote, but it was a majority vote, that they were not assured of winning. So, we would love to hear who they’re interested in having come before the committee. But given the kind of circus-like tactics, the storming of the SCIF and all the stunts the president puts them up to, we can’t surrender the process to the minority party.”
Greatest non answer NO in the history of American politics.
What a colossal piece of shit who deserves to be raped by a posse of blind and starving racoons.
Heard Pelosi on Colbert – of course – blathering on about needing to defend the Constitution. It has sweet fuck all to do with that and everything about getting Orange Man Bad.
Pelosi…defend the Constitution
That’s rich.
The only thing better would have been them capsizing while rounding the Horn.
Rammed and sunk by a whale.
A white whale, or a whale of color?
Becoming part of a Somali pirate’s harem would have been good too.
*checks map*
Seems unlikely.
Could be Minnesoda Somalis trying to get back to fight in Syria. Since The Man keeps arresting them at the airport they have to sail over now.
Bird Migration Is Written In Their Genes
A team of researchers has identified a single gene associated with migration in songbirds by combining whole genome sequencing with migration tracking technology for the first time ever
I can (and have) gone on and on and on about men’s voices that I don’t like, like a roach that got stuck in my ear and is scratching on my eardrum.
But I like Sting’s voice.
*hides Glibs card so it can’t get taken away*
+1 Fields of Gold
+1 Desert Rose
All those uncultured swine can suck it.
+1 St. Augustine in Hell
But I trend toward theological/philosophical songs. Shocking, I know.
The do’s and don’ts of John Bercow’s wardrobe
Why would I link something like this? Who knows
Is his head really that big or did they take liberties with the picture?
I think it is his body that is small
This might explain why the Dems are so desperate to keep the details of their “impeachment inquiry” secret. Their “whistleblower” was mentioned all over the Strzok /Page text messages. Ciaramella was always a deep state plant.
deep state is a conspiracy they are just random heroes thrust into the fight for the good of the Republic.
And nothing else happened.
I’m not sure which libertarian commentator said this but “If we had state-run media, would it look any different?”
I’ve come to the conclusion that the 4th estate is as, if not more dangerous, to liberty than the state at this point. These people have appointed themselves as the gatekeepers of truth. It’s propaganda far more odious than anything the Soviets, Chicoms, or Norks ever dreamed up.
We don’t have a 4th Estate as envisioned. We have a corporate media, fully intent on aligning itself with governmental interests of either one of the two parties.
The whisteblower was always a plant. You could tell because the whistleblower wasn’t arrested, fired, harassed or assassinated.
That and he started blowing his whistle right after the rules were changed to include hearsay and fantasies instead of stuff you directly witnessed.
Indonesian man who helped set strict adultery laws flogged for adultery
Well those two lines contradict each other, since I’m pretty sure strict Sharia calls for executing gays.
They are the sophisticated Arab diplomats that our state department retard was writing about the other day.
What is worse? 28 flogs or 23 canes?
Is Muslim BDSM the same as Western?
We give cyclists a lot of shit on here. But we have to admit that there are some cool cyclists who like to open their beer using the fork of their cycle.
They tend to not survive long for some reason.
Wasn’t there a classic meme back in the day whit a cyclist putting a stick in the wheel thus collapsing and then blaming it for whatever issue the meme was making fun of?
The proper way is to have a cycling themed bottle opener in your jersey pocket (or stick to cans). Don’t fuck with the spinning wheels.
I prefer using a bayonet lug to open a beer but to each his/her own.
Front bumper of a deuce and a half
My favorite Police song
So The Week has a take on Deadspin:
Capitalism without consequences — for the rich
Needless to say, this isn’t how capitalism is supposed to work at all. Libertarians wax rhapsodic about the magic of how the price system provides efficient information about millions of products and the preferences of millions of consumers, but insofar as that actually is a true story, it certainly will not happen in a market in which things are sold for less than their actual cost. (Indeed, even Karl Marx took for granted that a capitalist commodity should sell for more than the price of its inputs.) Actual productive enterprises, like Deadspin, are being driven out of business because they don’t have Wall Street backing. Instead of “creative destruction,” it’s just plain destruction.
Seems the owners disagree on that one.
It might be out there somewhere, but I have not seen the claim “Deadspin was profitable” in actual numbers.
When your entire premise rests on the labor theory of value which even Marxist economists had to reluctantly discard at least half a century ago…
The Labor Theory of Value coming back into vogue after being objectively proven false has a direct correlation to “everyone is special and gets a trophy” schooling and parenting. When “I tried real hard” is the only criteria for reward and is completely divorced from actual results, it’s no wonder we have a generation of adults who think they deserve a fat pay check when in fact they produce nothing of value.
“But, Mom, I did my best!”
“Oh please. You did not.”
“I did!”
“Either you didn’t do your best or your best wasn’t good enough. Pick the one that makes you feel better.”
I’ll never forget evaluating an adult trainee on a task he had accomplished. It was not to the specified standards in at least a half a dozen ways.
“Airman Snuffy, if you were me what rating would you give yourself?”
“Excellent, Sergeant”
“Because I gave 100%”
“You failed to meet the standard in A,B,C,X,Y,Z areas. How does that constitute ‘excellent'”?
“Because I gave 100%”
/Sergeant Boberson walks off shaking his head in disgust
“Clearly you need to go beyond 100% to reach minimum standards.”
Great. Now I’ll be hearing “Just Once” in my head all day.
Yeah. Tom Woods just did an interview with the Author of “The Best of Marx”, where they talked about how by the time Marx had finished Das Kapital, the underpinings of it were destroyed by the new Subjective Theory of Value. Without a labor theory of value, there can be no exploitation a la Marx.
Actual productive enterprises, like Deadspin,
This is where Economics gets into trouble. I don’t know if it was to make it more accessible, but economics is littered with techincal jargon taken from every day words (e.g productive, supply, demand). This author (without evidence) says Deadspin is productive? really? In what sense? in the sense that something is produced? sure, but in the sense that it produces something of value? No, or at least not with their current production processes.
Well, a “productive cough” produces phlegm.
Sorry – a productive cough results in phlegm being expelled. (it doesn’t actually produce it).
Spare me. It seems like most of the writers and now editors have left Deadspin. Their talents didn’t evaporate just because they stopped working at a particular place. If they are indeed so productive they can, collectively or separately, start new enterprises. The barriers to (re-)entry are very low. This is exactly how “creative destruction” works.
Instead of “creative destruction,” it’s just plain destruction.
You are a media enterprise that is failing. Other media enterprises are not. Market working. ///learntocode
I have no links.
My dog is going to the vet today. Her fur is just falling out. We’ve tried a good switch and adding some sort of fish oil, antibiotics because the vet thought it was an infection of some sort.
Hope something gets solved today.
Every time you let her there’s a dog’s worth of fur on the floor. Her whole belly is just skin at this point.
Canine pattern baldness?
Anyway, I hope the vet corrects the issue. In the meantime, sweep up the shed fur and make a second dog out of it.
My socks act like swiffers.
*pet not let.
I had a dog that went bald on his belly like that. After several vet trips and medicating him for allergies and fleas it turned out to be mange.
My mutt had a ton of hair come off his back one spring. The vet said it was due to something in the water he had been splashing around in. She gave us some shampoo and things cleared right up (also kept him out of his favorite muck holes for a while too).
She hates water. We can barely get her outside long enough to pee when it rains.
It started when we were in Texas after she got all the fire ant bites. It just never really recovered and is getting worse now. The bite marks went away but the fur is getting worse. It’s just sad.
Any signs of a skin infection?
Originally there was. She had some red stuff in the corners of her pits and a few on her belly. They went away with the antibiotics and some sort of steroid we got.
They came back right after. They are mostly gone now, and show up when she licks too much.
No signs of mites or anything. We thought the red spots were from fire ants at first.
If she’s overgrooming in certain spots, sometimes it’s because of some internal pain underneath (animals can’t do much to relieve pain so they just lick). If it’s itchy there are some hot-spot sprays that will make the area feel better (less itchy) and there are some that just taste bad, which will help break the habit.
One of our dogs used to get hot spots real bad and she’d lose the fur there. In her case it was an allergic reaction and it cleared up when we changed to a grain-free dry food.
Poor puppy!
Prolly allergies. Vet will fix her right up!
She’ll feel better soon!
I’m so sorry. I hope your vet determines that everything is, or easily can be, fine, and that the pupper thrives for years more.
Alzheimer’s Disease Is Type 3 Diabetes–Evidence Reviewed
That looks interesting, I’ll have to bookmark it for later.
I can confirm. My old work (from several years ago) had contacts with Alzheimer’s researchers at NIH and they were all calling it “Type-3 Diabetes.” What happens is you see the exact same amylated plaques in the brain that you do in the kidneys with type-2.
Remember the old juvenile trick of putting sugar in the gas tank and ruining the engine because when sugar burns (i.e. oxidizes) it produces a slurry goo that can’t be gotten out of the engine? Well, it turns out it produces the same slurry goo on organs when it’s oxidized in the body, too. That’s a very short, unsophisticated way of putting it, but it isn’t at all far from the truth. Fructose specifically is the sugar that’s terrible in the body. See, e.g. Dr. Richard Johnson (“The Fat Switch”) or Dr. Robert Lustig, or read “Sugar Blues” or read about how Ancel Keys and the AHA fucked over John Yudkin, who was 100% correct and had his career ruined by Keys over the fat/sugar argument.
It’s the sugar. Period. Me and colleagues did an experiment where we asked every person who said they had a relative with Alzheimer’s if the person had a “sweet tooth” – in every single case where I asked, the answer came back with “yes” – either cakes, or pies, or sugar directly, or “candy,” or “sweets,” etc., even if they managed to maintain their weight or remain thin. It’s the sugar. It’s a poison to human beings in all but the smallest quantities, but it is also a massively powerful industry. I already have an article written on the subject, in fact.
I got called a fanatic at the office today when I said I won’t drink fruit juice. I think maybe calling it ‘fucking poison’ didn’t go over well with people washing down their donuts with orange juice…
Yep. OJ is just straight sugar. It’s terrible for human beings. I believe it was Dr. Johnson who had a paper showed that if consumed “straight” (in powder form) human beings can’t consume more than 23g of fructose before they’ll start to have digestive problems. You just can’t hold it down. BUT – put that shit in liquid form and… Le Voila! You can consume massive quantities of it.
That’s what soda companies are all about.
I never bought my kids fruit juice, either. (Milk is a treat, too.) Forget about pop.
We do have those things occasionally and the kids go behind my back for pop. I do keep Sprite for tummy aches, and if I am craving Gatorade, it means I need to deal with my electrolytes.
But I can drink a day’s worth of calories in orange juice in no time flat, so I just keep it out of the house.
I don’t want to be a pain in the ass, Moj, but Gatorade for “electrolytes” is… uhhh… how can I put this delicately…? COMPLETE HORSESHIT. It’s sugar water, plain and simple.
Just for some science to back this up, Gatorade has a molality (salt content) of 19mMol/L, while the human body regulates your salt content at 140mMol/L (plus/minus 4 mMol/L). The units aren’t really important other than to show that Gatorade is 19 and your body is 140. Drinking Gatorade to “replenish electrolytes” is like someone claiming they’re going to warm up your room by pumping in 38 degree (F) air…. but LOTS of it!!!
Gatorade is a complete fucking scam and it has killed people from EAHE (exercise associated hyponatremic encephalopathy) – which is to say that if you follow the recommendations that Gatorade has some hack doctors put out there for recommended consumption for marathons (40 oz/hour) that is a fatal dose to a 125 lb woman running a 4.5 hour marathon. Cynthia Lucero is the name of the woman who died following Gatorade’s guidelines.
Read this and pick up Dr. Tim Noakes’ book, “Waterlogged.”
Dreaming. Yeah, that’s the ticket. I was dreaming.
*Important health information for all you male Glibs who might keep shotgun reloading supplies near your bed.
You were Dreamin’?
“Dr Yin said that at first the patient claimed to have put just one bead into his urethra.
However, after an X-ray scan, the medic was surprised to see ‘a string of balls’. He said the tiny orbs had entered the patient’s bladder and bundled up.
Images released by Pear Video show the beads had attracted each other and grouped inside the patient. ”
Good thing they stopped him before he got to the wadding and powder.
Look up the Larry Niven story “Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex.”
Still waiting to hear how the Gizmodo Union was a good thing.
From CPA’s link:
Deadspin, the wildly popular sports website, is a smoking ruin.
Now you’re just making shit up.
The what now???
Deadspin hasn’t been wildly popular as a sports site for years. It used to be great until Gawker took over. Now it’s just soyboy clickbait bullshit. It should’ve been taken behind the barn and put down already.
Weren’t the Clintons just in Nebraska?
He’s got moxie. Police should respect that
If he’s arrested you could go for the “If iwas actually counterfeiting do you think i would do something so obviously fake? That’s why i thought it was real”
+$1,000,000,000,000 coin
The long history of eco-pessimism
Climate change isn’t the first eco-apocalyptic idea, and it won’t be the last.
No shit. When I was a kid I spend ages ~4-10 being inundated with bullshit about the rainforest being wiped out, which had only recent edged out the hole in the ozone layer as the most pressing environmental issue of the day. By the time I was in high school we were on to global warming. When my mother was a little girl they were teaching her about the coming ice age and Ehrlich’s mass famines. My dad was a little older, he was coming of age during the Silent Spring hysteria. 2 generations of people and we’ve seen half a dozen popular mass eco panics in half a century.
I wonder if I can find a web link to the In Search of… episode on the coming ice age.
No disrespect to Nimoy, but I was laughing my ass off the whole time.
Here it is!
Okay, the opening is a bit of a downer, but the econut predictions were when I lost it.
I’m watching the whole thing right now. This is gold.
That sounds to match my childhood. Did you go through school from 90’s to 00’s
Yep, same era. Born late ’86.
I am about 7 years ahead of you and in my senior year of HS they started pushing the global warming bit. Didnt care though I had a car and was getting tail on a constant.
“We must save the rainforest” was just straight-up neocolonialism. Europe was deforested to make room for people, and to a lesser extent so was North America. If the Brazilians, Bolivians, Peruvians want to chop it all down, that ought to be their prerogative (and if not, ditto). It’s fine to know about what the rainforest does (or doesn’t do) for the local and global ecosystem, but it’s not up to wypipo, the UN, or anyone else not living there to decide what to do with it.
When I was a yute, it was acid rain.
Still waiting 40 years later…
government saved you from that. be grateful and pay more tax
Acid rain, and gypsy moths.
There was acid rain.
In West Germany, as a result of unfiltered coal burning emissions from East Germany.
Acid rain was a solvable problem and it got solved (at least, in the West). You can’t run a coal plant without scrubbers anymore. Whether it was worth the cost and whether it would have happened on its own as people became more aware, instead of being forced by the government, are different questions.
Ditto “the hole in the ozone layer”. To the extent CFCs were a problem, it was solvable. Other chemicals with similar properties existed, and were used instead. Of course, some of those replacements ended up being worse in other ways, so there are always trade-offs.
But, much like going to the moon, just because some problems are solvable doesn’t mean every (alleged) problem is.
Yeah, all the statues and buildings were going to dissolve into puddles. But hair spray was going to make a hole in the ozone layer and we’d all die of cancer before we noticed.
Oh man, acid rain. I remember learning that it was for sure the cause of Dinosaur Extinction and the only way to prevent it is to stop using Aquanet and get a solar powered car.
When I was a yute, it was acid rain.
Still waiting 40 years later…
Dude, not that kind of acid.
It takes a while to kick in, but when it does, you better not be busy for 8 or so hours.
Dailoy Fail has an adblocker blocker now.
So sad.
Demi Rose hardest hit.
“Daily” too.
I thought you were inventing a Grauniad.
Good morning, Sloopy and the rest of You People®!
I like Portnoy’s pizza reviews and the Spittin’ Chicklets podcast, but otherwise Barstool is of limited interest to me. I do like the mocking of Deadspin, though.
Sting is a giant douche, but there is no denying the talent of that trio. I’m glad they broke up – Synchronicity was the signal that Sting was starting to enjoy sniffing his own farts a little too much.
I hope y’all have a fantastic Friday!
What do you mean “You People”?
OI! Tundra, have some classic car shots.
Thanks, Neph!
I love this one.
That’s America right there, baby! I gotta get out to that event one of these years. I hate Vegas, but the sheer fun of celebrating rockabilly may make it tolerable!
Just bought the plane tickets for April’s trip. Hotel room was booked back in April of this year. Southwest got rid of the direct Cleveland – Las Vegas route unfortunately. Now the only direct flights are with Spirit or Frontier.
I’m connecting through Denver.
“Your real name is Gordon!”
I always find Tom Naughton’s blog posts interesting. Here’s a link to his latest, about Alice Dreger’s book, Galileo’s Middle Finger.
Thanks, good read.
When will this brave soul be allowed to use the litterbox of her choice?
My guess is that this story is about 90% BS and is just a clever way to promote her web cam site.
Dude, don’t stick it in crazy.
Actual footage of her cam show is a thing if you want to do more research on the subject.
I must insist on being referred to as a cat.
Her name is Kat? What a fortunate coincidence.
Robecht Berg? Now this story is just ridiculous.
Cat Girl Manor – a residence in Colorado Springs which hosts animal role-play at BDSM events
I got nuthin’.
Birthday boy music:
Your daily does of impartial NPR.
More impartiality
In what way is it Trump’s Washington? The District went about 90% for Clinton and I doubt any of them feel differently now.
When I heard the interview, her tone made it obvious that she was fishing for a denouncement of Trump by the ambassador and was obviously disappointed when he wouldn’t give it to her.
How stupid is she, expecting an ambassador to slag on the President in public?
The only journalisming job she could get was NPR. She ain’t the cream of the crop.
More “journalism” from The Week
Police officers in Indiana are speaking out against a new law that gives citizens the right to use deadly force to protect themselves against a public servant who oversteps his authority. Tim Downs, president of the Indiana State Fraternal Order of Police, says the law (signed in March by Gov. Mitch Daniels, but only now getting national attention) might give people the impression that they can shoot police with impunity. “It’s just a recipe for disaster,” he tells Bloomberg.
Is this really necessary?
Not according to law enforcement officials, who lobbied against the bill. They say it’s wholly unnecessary, as Indiana was not exactly being marauded by rogue cops. And now, anyone who’s drunk or distraught might think he has a legal right to shoot a police officer in a dispute. “It just puts a bounty on our heads,” Downs tells Bloomberg. Sergeant Joseph Hubbard, for one, says he now worries that every time he pulls over a car, the driver might shoot him and cite the law as justification. “Somebody is going get away with killing a cop because of this law.”
The cop is a liar. The Week editorial writer is a maroon.
Fingers crossed
IIRC, Indiana was the state where the SSC stated that you don’t have a right to defend yourself against an unlawful search or action by the police. This would be the legislature fixing that issue.
No warrant, no entry.
Allow me to retort with my favorite Police song:
The police aren’t racist. They’re neofeudalist.
Also, not very bright. The word “bounty” does not mean “license to kill”.
Well, I guess that’s settled.
How much? Asking for a friend.
He’s not wrong. He just left out the part where the cop was acting illegally and put the citizen in fear of their life.
gives citizens the right to use deadly force to protect themselves
That right exists regardless of what the government says.
might give people the impression that they can shoot police with impunity
It doesn’t as you cannot shoot other citizens with impunity. But it is ironic considering police think they can shoot other citizens with impunity.
I hadn’t really thought about the projection buried in the cop’s statement. But you’re on to something there.
might give people the impression that they can shoot police with impunity.
NO FAIR! You have to be a COP to kill with impunity.
I don’t care what all of you like Sending Out An SOS.
You need an SOS for that link.
I hate that your right.
You’re right:
Wheres Ted’s when we need him?
Not here.
Were those writers all under some sort of contractual restriction preventing them from selling their musings about social justice to some other website or publication? Is it really that hard to say, “I write sports at Deadspin, and I freelance politics at Slate”? I suppose that’s just an onerous burden.
There’s a glut of woke journalistas on the market. How dare they need to underbid their fellow travellers! They deserve to have their rantings subsidized, even if it causes the company to fail, goverment dammit.
That implies that there are some outlets where politics isn’t the priority. But that would be wrong. Everything is about politics!
“Were those writers all under some sort of contractual restriction preventing them from selling their musings about social justice to some other website or publication?”
I know nothing about their contracts, but it wouldn’t be unheard of for a restriction like that.
Bombs away.
Drop Da Bomb:
You Dropped a Bomb On Me, (baby)
Bomb in the Beehive
Bullets, Bombs, and Bigotry?
This pyramid literally applies to any and every form of human behaviour: ‘feeling a bit grumpy and fed up with everyone’ >>> >>> >>> ‘the sack of Baghdad, pyramids of skulls, the men slaughtered, the women enslaved, the Tigris running red and black from blood and ink’
He makes the correct observation that the leap from discrimination to violence is huge.
Interest rates- too low for too long
Can it be? The Week puts out something not completely wrong?
One well known problem is lower interest rates leave the Fed ill-prepared to fight the next recession. The less room it has to cut, the less juice it can give the economy. But there’s another, more subtle problem with low interest rates: they encourage bigness.
In some key ways, lower interest rates make life easier on big, established companies, while helping to kill off smaller firms and businesses that are just starting out. This leads to markets and industries across the country being dominated by a smaller number of massive players. That means more monopoly and monopsony power; less competition, less innovation, and less investment; depressed wages for workers and more payouts for the wealthy; and a less vibrant and democratic society in general.
Since 1980, U.S. interest rates have been on one long and almost-continuous slide, and are now barely above zero — the Fed’s current target range is 1.5 to 1.75 percent. Meanwhile, from 1994 to 2014, banks with less than $10 billion in assets went from controlling 40 percent of all assets in the banking industry to just 18 percent. The five largest banks went from controlling less than 20 percent of all banking assets to controlling 46 percent. The total number of banks in the country was over 35,000 in 1994, and less than 15,000 in 2014.
In short, interest rates that just keep falling for a long time leave the economy more and more dominated by a small number of giant firms. They do this by both consolidating the financial industry — the economy’s “shadow” government — but also by consolidating all the other industries that finance directs.
Oh, wait- never mind.
Mian also pointed out in his presentation that rising inequality is a huge factor here: As incomes stagnate for most Americans, and more of our total national income and wealth gets hoovered up by the top 1 percent, the economy turns to debt to generate enough consumption to keep functioning. At this point, there’s so much debt sloshing around out there that central banks can’t hike interest rates without setting off a crisis.
What we need is to use the other tools available to us to create a more egalitarian economy again, where everyday people get a big enough chunk of wealth and income to consume and keep the economy humming without relying on borrowing. That means unions and labor law reforms and minimum wage hikes and public investment and government hiring to tighten up labor markets and generate sustained full employment. With the economy back on sound footing again, then the Fed can safely raise interest rates.
By all means, let’s encourage the Federal reserve to use their alleged economic fine tuning superpowers to promote “equality” in American society. What could possibly go wrong?
I mean there’s a valid point to be made about Fed policy exacerbating inequality because of the disproportionate benefits a long-term no-interest policy accrues to the already wealthy. But what other cure do you need than to return to a sane monetary policy and let ordinary people actually accumulate savings again?
Gosh, why hasn’t anyone thought to try this?!
I’m not seeing any reference to the biggest source of debt, which isn’t consumers.
Step 1: Cut spending
Step 2: Cut taxes
Step 3: Untold riches
Sounds like the political class – including teachers and police – would have to either cut no-work jobs or take a pay cut.
Now, maybe I’m just a crazy Democrat-hating conspiracy theorist, but…..why is it that the Obama economic numbers were almost always too high and later (and quietly) revised downward, while Trump economic numbers are underestimated and then revised upward? From CNBC:
Dear Car Glibs:
My 96 Olds was stuck in 3rd gear. I was going to put up with it until circumstances improved, but today (cold snap the last few days), Granny’s tranny (band name!) is functioning normally again. Whycome?
Not a car glib, but my guess is that temp change lead to contraction of the gears (or whatever was stuck) allowing proper disengagement. I would ensure you have proper levels of transmission fluid and drive it a bit on some empty country roads and see if it stays functional. You may have overcome a 1-time issue with stiction, or the problem may reoccur when you get up to normal operating temperatures.
A self-correcting solenoid? Sounds like a GM, all right!
it could just be an open circuit in the wiring harness: GM automatics sometimes have a gear that doesn’t require any juice to switch to. If just the right wire gives out at the right (wrong?) time, the ECM (I think) can’t tell the solenoids to shift and you’re left in third.
If temps or just agitation has “made” the circuit, it will shift until the circuit opens again.
Total spitball. A pin can pull out of a connector (rare), a wire can work-harden and snap inside its insulation.
Very binary: you either have a trivial situation that is easy to fix or the tranny is totalled/will soon be totalled.
GM automatics sometimes have a gear that doesn’t require any juice to switch to.
I think it is third, now that you mention it.
I think it’s third in the 4L80E that came with my Big Ugly.
But I so lost track of anything after that, and that Olds is probably a T (transverse) anyway.
Back on point: there are some 6T out there, so who knows which gear needs no solenoid when you’ve got that much going on.
I intend to get rid of her after the timing chain on our Hyundai is fixed, but I have been driving her in 3rd gear. Just very carefully.
Mechanic said the word “vacuum.” The rest of what he said was unknowable.
Mechanic also said not to waste money on her and he wouldn’t work on her anymore.
That’s my sign.
My 96 Olds was stuck in 3rd gear. I was going to put up with it until circumstances improved, but today (cold snap the last few days), Granny’s tranny (band name!) is functioning normally again. Whycome?
Fuckin’ automatic transmissions, I hates ’em.
*makes sign of cross, spits*
Dream car: Dodge Ram, diesel, manual, not dually.
But keep in mind, Granny IS 23 years old, has given me very few problems, has dine cross-country no-stop road trips over mountain passes several times. She looks like shit, but she has always been dependable and I love her.
Hey guys watch this, I have a trick to make Boomer heads explode:
I’m 32 and I’ve never driven a manual in my life
Avatar checks out.
That’s terrible.
Escaped the Lesser learned in a five speed Passat. A lot of his learning is old-school stuff that’s he’s proud of, but splitting wood and backing trailers haven’t turned out to be big parts of his life.
As a guilty veteran of Big Auto, I can’t say that many people are missing out by having their gears shifted for them. But there is one part of life/driving that automatics make worse:
People drive bang-bang, like a video game: slam left, slam on the gas, slam right, slam on the brake. It’s stupid and annoying. The art of driving with the throttle is lost, of looking a furlong or so down the road and feathering the gas to get you where you needed without having to shift, without running into the guy in front of you. Drive like that much today and watch the guys behind you switch lanes (motto: I want to sit at that next red light longer!) and then, ten miles later still not be around you.
Over-control, over-management: no one knows how to plane out anything steady and just hold the plow in the row. I can’t wait until John Deere comes out with cameras for parallel parking.
Spawn 1 drives a manual Jetta. And loves it.
What I miss is engine braking.
Tbh driving has always been just a conveyance for me. If I had a lot of money I’d probably just hire it out. I can appreciate why driving enthusiasts enjoy manual though.
^^^This. If it weren’t for the fact that i’m pretty skeptical of it, i’d jump on the self-driving bandwagon.
If I were in a place like NYC and had the money, I’d hire it out too.
I am not a driving enthusiast. I am a control freak who happens to have fun driving sometimes.
I don’t mind at all.
A manual transmission is an anti-theft device now.
Lol. The only time it’s ever been an issue was in my senior year of high school when this girl I had a huge crush on asked me to move her car for her and it was a stick…
You don’t ride motorcycles?
/just curious, no sarc
Nope. Nor dirt bikes. When I was a kid my uncle had a place on some acreage with an ATV that I used to screw around on, but it too was auto.
It does make you a better driver. I some ways I miss it.
I learned (learnt?) on a 1983 Jeep CJ7 with a Hurst shifter and a Chevy 352 v8 under the hood with big tires. (not huge) The torque was hell on the driveshaft and the U bolts would snap from time to time (leaving the driveshaft on the ground).
Also, come to find out previous owner changed engines but probably not transmission, so yeah, I had to replace that after it was shot.
Once I converted an automatic transmission Datsun 510 to a 5 speed manual – changed out the brake / clutch/brake pedals and installed the hydraulic clutch system. Also fabricated the transmission mount. And shortened the drive shaft. ,,,mostly because I prefer having control over the selection of gear I am driving in.
It’s a distinct advantage in winter driving.
My manual front-wheel drive Honda CRX was teh shit in snow. I miss my Grasshopper so much.
Your tires were shit, not the car.
I had a 1984 that did great. But I always use snow tires.
I think in this case the shit was being used in the superlative sense.
“teh shit” = awesome blossom
I don’t reed gud.
That car got over 50 mpg, too.
I suspect I’m on my last MT vehicle now.
I’m a fan of wagons, and in 5-7 years when I’ll be looking to buy a used 2019 there’s not one production model wagon shaped vehicle with an MT, except maybe BMW.
I’m hoping by then that they’ll have that whole electric car thing down pat, or possibly ammonia or formic acid fuel cells.
Sadly, the Last Word in Station Wagons only comes in automatic.
When the media reports on Lieawatha’s MFA plan price tag, I wish they would stop writing $52 trillion and actually write out the numeral: $52,000,000,000,000. The shortened version doesn’t really get the point across regarding just how immense a number this is. People start seeing twelve zeroes on the end of a figure, maybe it will finally get through their skulls “Hey, this is absurd and ruinous!”
I think “it will cut your paycheck in half” would get the point across even more vividly.
I think at this point people are numb to large numbers. Once you get past a billion it’s so far outside a normal frame of reference that it doesn’t matter if it’s 5 trillion (the federal budget) 20 trillion (the GDP) or 50 septillion. It’s just a big number.
52 trillion bucks? We can afford that if we just eliminate waste, fraud and abuse at the Pentagon.
*folds arms, nods smugly*
“Oh, just make 51 more $1,000,000,000,000 coins. Easy-peasy.”
Mechanic also said not to waste money on her and he wouldn’t work on her anymore.
Did he offer to “take it off your hands”?
*The difference between keeping your own old beater running, and paying somebody else to keep your old beater running is not insignificant.
Oh noooooo. This is the second car in 20 years he’s told me to get rid of.
Powers been out since about 0830 in my temp neck of the Adirondacks – some seriously crazy wind. Hopefully should be a quick fix in a couple hours once the winds die down.
Thankfully no downed lines on the property, but I should probably check again in a couple hours just in case.
Same here. I realized a serious shortcoming in my domestic setup: my coffee grinder is electric.
Yeah, our recliners are electric.
I realized a serious shortcoming in my domestic setup: my coffee grinder is electric.
*staggers to fainting couch, collapses*
*revives, orders generator*
No UPS in the house?
The battery capacity will not last you that long. Especially if you have other things drawing on the power. You’d need a dedicated unit for the coffee grinder for any outage long enough to need the coffee grinder.
He just ordered a new grinder today, UPS isn’t that fast.
Meat hammer and plastic baggie.
Whoa. These euphemisms are getting pretty outre.
Been out here since 0445. Still out.
The UAW is striking GM.
I thought they owned a good chunk of GM. I wonder how much is this costing the UAW, not just in terms of strike benefits for their members, but also in terms of the damage to their investment accounts.
GAHHHHH Remind someone of that when they talk about Banker Bailouts (which were awful too, but it wasn’t just the bankers getting their hand in that pot)
It appears it’s the UAW’s health care trust – which is apparently dumping shares:
That article is pretty interesting. The Dump might put the UAW’s guaranteed seat on the board into peril (they would still have enough to nominate, but they wouldn’t have a guaranteed spot). Also that their current seat holder has resigned under possible investigations.