Got sick. Got better. Got crackin’ on a new post. Unfortunately for me, this timeline happened during the earlier part of the week, leaving me much less time to serve up my gold silver bronze-level goodness. So, I will probably have you enact some of my labor, and entertain me. The pay may be less than what you’re used to, but, the benes are pretty damned cool, in my book. Alright, enough with the small talk:
To start: Something groovy. What—you were expecting something else? (Yes, I know…I know)
You know what—you lot link up some music for the rest of us. Yeah, yeah; I know you usually do, anyway. Consider this an official request from ya boy Diggy.
News you can read. One word: Venom. When you find it, you can join me in a case of unending, full-body tremors.
That’s some good work, boys. Too bad the suspect wasn’t a soldier instead; I think the guy woulda had a great 3A case.
Well, get a load of liberty-minded Jazz! If you would only turn that kind of self-scrutiny on to your copsucking… I’m only bringing this up because it’s interesting to watch someone who’s made his scratch writing about the limitless virtues of America’s Boys in Blue, now dissecting his thought process in favor of the government NOT having a say I peoples’ lives. Little steps.
An ode to Q: 1930’s Edition. Yeah, yeah—you’ll be in your bunk.
Something of a follow-up on the local transgender/custody hearing in Dallas. Even I have trouble believing I’m linking to NYT, but, some perspective from “the other side”, especially in a case that wasn’t making much sense. Note the mention of the 10 cases at the bottom of the article…your thoughts on those?
Holidays—what are your plans for the upcoming slack days? Working, you say? Getting lumps of shit coal for gifts? Eating tofurkey? That’s the Chrismahanukwanzakah* spirit! (*Sorry, no Festivus-types allowed)
You made it to the end, much like we made it to the end of October. In fact, I’d say it’s exactly the same way—time passed, we’re still alive, and, we maybe got a few laughs out of it. If gift-giving is in your future, you might want to get started on those purchases (I wear XM 2X-Tall). Maybe pick up a chocolate turkey for the kids…however you do the holidays in your home. We’ll do it again next week—Lord willin’, and the creek don’t rise.
Yes appeasing the Richard Carranzas of the world and “modest gun reform” (one of the minority outreach proposed in the article that he linked to) is the way to go. Also slobbers over the neocons.
So it’s a choice between that and letting our daughters date League of the South-types?
Looks like that will the end result, alas.
What kind of libertarian stops their daughter from dating? ;P
One with guns.
Lots and lots of guns.
You only have to clean one at a time.
The reason I bring up Carranza is that that is the left’s endgame: We need to ban racism, Nazis, white supremacy, etc. and what do you know everyone I oppose is one of those people!
Mexican, university educated and a New York Democrat. His libertarian bonafides should be sound.
It would be helpful if Cato stopped letting the left dictate its opinions for them.
(Psst! There are racists on every side.)
Need those cocktail party invites. And to convince those libertarian Deep Staters and libertarian Democrats to come out of the closet.
Let’s be honest – that op-ed was quite milquetoast. I mean, if you have to stoop to “all lives matter” as an objection, you’re scrapping the bottom of the barrel.
I’m starting to believe that the reason why some take umbrage at articles like these is that in the minds of a fair amount of libertarians, they have some sort of nostalgic attachment to “the Right”. Considering the alacrity with which the Nu-Right wants to purge libertarians from the GOP Big Tent, I can only subscribe this to some sort of ideological battered wife syndrome.
Considering how the Sensible Republicans treated the libertarians that shouldn’t be that hard.
Personally I’m not too fond of the “we need to ally with the SJWs to save us from the Nazis” considering how the SJWs consider libertarians to be Nazis already. Or the hope that we’ll get some Libertarian Democrat or some Libertarian Deep Stater who realizes the errors of Trump and Warren.
I’m chuckling reading this discussion, because the reality is no one has the slightest interest in allying with us. We’re a low single digit segment of the populace, we have abysmal rates of voting or contributions. And even on this website, where we are in our ‘club’ we argue every minute distinction of doctrine like delegates at Nicea. We are a flea preening ourselves about ‘alliances’ as we hop from donkey to elephant and back.
We aren’t getting in either tent, and we aren’t even a party or in agreement about what that party should be. I’d be hard pressed to say I agree with Sarwark about as much as 25% of his positions, and I’d probably have a similar amount of overlap with a Republican like Gowdy (although likely a different 25%)
The proper terminology is “How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?” Time for another factional dispute!
I kid I kid of course.
Which is why I see no need for Gilmore-esque pragmatism, the gender-fluid of ideologies. There is no reason to compromise on principle.
Please persuade Reason and the capital L folks of this!
I have pointed out before that “Big Government is Bad but politically inexpedient to do anything about it” has been the main Republican MO since Eisenhower at least. How that is different from libertarian pragmatism is unclear to me.
Talking with my gonna-be-a-prog-if-he-stays-in-Seattle-much-longer brother. I was reminding him that Trump is the only weapon the People of Walmart between California and Virginia have to keep the elites from oppressing them like serfs, when I realized I sounded like a Trump supporter.
There is no way in hell to tell a prog where/why progs are fucking themselves up without sounding like a Trump supporter.
But let’s continue to be honest here, Trump as champion of the salt-of-the-earth ‘forgotten man’ is a polite fiction Trump supporters tell themselves. The ‘forgotten man’ is a myth (working class middle America has always punched well-above its weight politically and culturally), and Trump has sold these ‘forgotten men’ to his pack of cronies to be fucked over and over again.
The only reason they bend over and take it is out of spite for years of insult (actual and imagined) at the hands of Obama Democrats.
Point well taken and I had not thought that far into it. All I see is rage and a Trump reelection.
William Graham Sumner has a sad.
Anyway my real fear is that Trump is more libertarianish then most of the Nat Pops (And yes that is “tallest midget territory”) and since the Sensible Republicans have fucked up and the libertarian Democrats are not happening then things aren’t looking up.
For what it’s worth, I believe that Trump will be reelected in a historic landslide.
I don’t. I could easily see Trump losing. Economic slowdown, some legal problem for Trump or even Team Blue nominating someone like Buttshisstuff and not Warren or Sanders. There are a million things that could go wrong for either team before the election. I’m saying it’s a toss up at this point. Who knows?
I’m with HM. GayJay got 3 million more votes in 2016 than he did in 2012 because of how divisive and horrible a candidate Trump was, plus Evan McMullin grabbed another 700,000 by screaming “Never Trump!” How many of those voters are going to pull the lever for Biden/Warren/Bootyjudge/etc. next year? I’m not betting on a large number.
No new wars, decent economy, low unemployment means they’ll give Trump another term. Trump will win the popular vote as well as the electoral vote in 2020, and Team Blue will shit themselves inside out.
I’m not disagreeing with the overall assessment (I really have no idea), but, was Trump that “horrible” of a candidate? He did win. Of course, he did turn off some R voters. But, it seems he turned on some non-R voters.
IMO, Trump beat Hillary only because she was an unlikable candidate who foolishly ignored campaigning in the midwest. Also, Hillary won the following states by a margin slimmer than what GayJay got there: Colorado (9 electoral votes), Maine (4), Minnesota (10), Nevada (6), New Hampshire (4), New Mexico (5). Arguably she won those states and their 38 electoral votes because so many more people voter Libertarian than in 2012.
I strongly suspect that a Marco Rubio/Rand Paul/Rick Perry nominee would not have resulted in such a large vote total for Johnson, and wouldn’t have resulted in McMullin running at all, so those states Hillary won would have flipped red instead.
“For what it’s worth, I believe that Trump will be reelected in a historic landslide.”
I think he is likely to be re elected, but there are too many locked in Dem states for a landslide.
Flip those states I mentioned above to Trump, and he would have beaten Hillary in the electoral college 342 to 194. That’s at least a serious ass-kicking.
Sorry, 344-194.
Fair enough – it’s not like I read the thing 🙂 Until now – and I won’t belabor the cherry-picking going on there because it’s late and I’m near-drunk.
So, I was reacting to the chosen quote. I’ve never been part of “the Right” myself, so ??♂️. I am just sick and tired of the pretense that only “the Right” can be racist.
I agree that Progressives should be called out on their holy-shit, honest-to-goodness racism. But I don’t see that pretense here, nor does it preclude telling shitheads like Steve King to shut the fuck up, which I think is Boaz’s point. As long as we continue to be associated with fuckheadery, we leave ourselves open to Progressives justifying their slurs by pointing to those shitbirds as an example. And even if one argues that they’ll call you racist anyway, I don’t see the need to slum with mouthbreathing fuckheads just to own the libs. Indeed, without regard for what others think, just for the purpose of keeping one’s own house in order, people who advocate denying other human beings their basic dignity based on certain immutable characteristics should be shown the door.
This gets to what Jordan Peterson is always asking: We know when the right has gone too far, but when does the left go to far? Sarwark told Dave Smith that communists shouldn’t be booted from the LP because they’re “misguided” on economics, but racists should because they are “evil”. Personally, I don’t align with either of the groups and so I don’t feel the need to defend or ignore racist shit. There will always be racists, socialists, communists. Too bad we can’t have a party that says, “No, none of you are welcome.”
Sarwark is a fucking idiot and he should be booted from the LP.
I don’t disagree at all.
My outbursts probably reflect my long membership of the Democratic party and my disgust with that side after I grew up. If I don’t have much to say about the unsavory characters on “the Right” it’s because I find their odiousness to be so obvious that it doesn’t even merit a response. Maybe I’m wrong about that and it does.
So transgendered rights. Or how about the Bill of Rights, written by racist slaveowners?
This also makes me wonder about the age old conundrum of we should all believe what we want but there are certain views that must be suppressed. First of all doesn’t that contradict free thought? And who decides what views are unacceptable? And what measures should be taken against those unacceptable views? And what is going to prevent said authority to use it to suppress dissent?
I am reminded of how the likes of Jeff Tucker supported Big Tech censorship until he realized that he is one of those Nazi trolls who must be silenced.
“certain immutable characteristics”
Oh, we’re back to those? I thought it was all “social constructs” these days.
Also this was published in the Bulwark.
Well, sometimes you do have to preach to the choir, I guess.
As one of his biographers wrote, Buckley “stood guard over the movement he founded and—in what he called his greatest achievement—kept it free where he could of extremists, bigots, kooks, anti-Semites and racists.”
Those anti-Semites like Rothbard.
And that damned Friedman!
Considering Rothbard’s views of Cato I’m skeptical that Boaz would consider that a mistake.
That’s a strawman Straff. Buckley was serious about clearing out racists and antisemites from the conservative movement. He more or less single handedly told the John Birch Society to take hike. That was something when he did it.
I don’t care about JBS. I do care that he pulled this stuff on Rothbard.'buckley+attacks+rothbard‘
Was JBS racist or antisemite? They kicked out Oliver when he went in that direction.
Fun fact: JBS was bankrolled by the Koch Father.
It was neither.
“All we are interested in here is opposing the advance of the Communists, and eventually destroying the whole Communist conspiracy, so that Jews and Christians alike, and Mohammedans and Buddhists, can again have a decent world in which to live.”
–Robert Welch Jr.
I grew up around Birchers. There were definitely racist and anti-semite members, but given that this was the 60s and 70s, the same was true of basically every group you can name. The society itself was beyond single minded in its focus on opposing Communism.
Per your request – two of my favorite artists, together again for the first time.
Thank you much, ma’am ?
Bonus track, just for you, Diggy!
That’s a helluva bonus, GT!
If he’s out of toilet paper, making he should focus on wiping someone’s ass before worrying about whooping.
To give Ruthie equal time – true story: My remarkable MIL, a tiny little white lady, was a lifelong civil rights activist in sneakers, and she loved to travel, so when she passed, we made arrangements for this song to be played at her memorial service.
Thanks again – I’ve got some exploring to do.
BRILLIANT!!! ????????
That looks like four people. Or is it two Siamese Twins?
Thanks. Great stuff.
That story about the cops destroying the home to get the shoplifter is infuriating. Absolutely no need to do what the cops did.
All just so some badged jerks can play GI Joe.
No need??? But, but, but….shoplifter! Who ran from the cops!
If you don’t like cops blasting a hole in your house, then don’t call 911 when a crackhead busts into your bedroom at midnight, slits your throat, and then sodomizes your corpse, libtard.
You forgot the part where they rape your dog and make yer chillenz into drug mules!
Music, ok…
I’ve been waiting to throw this on.
Gustave–I love you, and want you to bear my (enormous) children.
Uh ok.
Later I figured out they were behind Whitney Houston’s two best songs and why all three sound the same.
I had not known that. It doesn’t make me like Star any less.
Demo version of one
and Boy doing the other solo
She’s quite nice on the Dance demo.
I’m pretty sure this is her more recently
And would
? waiting for a plane to stall…
Awww … I love that song.
Silly man. That’s because she’s a ROMANCE writer and thus, not worthy of existence, much less inclusion.
I could write a best selling romance novel, for straight men: She Had Big Boobs, She Let Me Touch Them. It Was Hot. Why can’t I get paid the big Danielle Steele bucks?
And lots of pictures.
Needz moar pikchers.
A pop up would be nice.
Just rotate your avatar pic 90 degrees to the right…
This in reverse?
was supposed to start at 1:52
That’s crowdfunding your cishet porn-mance novel.
No penetration.
I thought that was called Penthouse.
Dear Penthouse, a lady just told me about her Penthouse letter…SELLs 1 BILLION COPIES in the pre ots. Oh, its a lady…
As I slowly entered her, she spread her legs, arched her back, and moaned deeply.
Then she said kissing was $200 extra.
And Jarflax drops his balls into a bowl of ice.
That is a problem for any genre writer. In fact, Austen’s work is closer to the artsy-fartsy “What Upper Class White Women Think About Fucking” genre, aka “literary fiction” than, say, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.
What genre is “What Upper Class White Men think about Fucking”? Libertarian propaganda ;P
Basically this blog.
So Q is literary fiction?
You’re absolutely correct. However, romance novel readers of the third-wave feminist variety, in a desperate bid to be Taken Seriously or at least not be ridiculed for their shameful hobby, claimed Austen as one of “our” own.
I do not, in fact, approve of this.
Your thoughts on Austen in general? I love her humor, and I think she had a gift for portraying the unspoken subtext of interactions between women & men of her social class & time.
Austen is clever and sly. I like her a lot and many, many female filmmakers love her, given all the riffs on her work. See, “Clueless.”
Are Alcott or the Brontes part of this?
Alcott definitely not.
Brontes, rarely.
Austen does not have problematic themes and there are fairly straightforward and wholesome romances. She’s thoroughly unobjectionable.
They are still harping on changing the canon after 30 years of them changing the canon and requirements for a English degree. We lost this fight 30 years ago, because no one was willing to admit they thought 90% of the new minority/woman ‘entries to the canon’ were tripe. I’m all for teaching good books, regardless of the race or genitalia or uses to which the genitalia are put, of the author, but when you tout Maya Angelou as superior to Wordsworth, and Gordon Parks as the equal of Hardy you are not to be taken seriously. Teach Baldwin by all means. I don’t like his themes or politics, but he could write. Teach Douglass, because he could write AND think, but even if there was nothing at play but percentage of the English speaking population over time you will have a significantly lower percentage of great books in English by black people, factor in the disparity in literacy rates historically, and since the devastation of the public education system, and the percentage is likely to decline.
Bought time the Republicans end their traditional opposition to polygamy.
Christmas and Thanskgiving, so effectively 6 weeks left in the year. Everything seems to be crammed at work, and lots to do at home.
Can’t speak highly enough of the tool racks from Gemplers. Finally getting the hand tools off the floor and out of the corner in the garage. Maybe if I’m really adventurous, I’ll put up Christmas lights this year.
A Gemplers rack sounds like a medieval genital torture device.
I mean, I guess it could be more modern….
An extra hour? I guess we’re playing smash liver tonight.
I already played Rock em Sock em Spleen, so, I’m good for the night.
I got ridiculously dehydrated during the past 3-4 days of illness, vomiting, not drinking enough fluids’, s as d eating soup, which has too much sodium
It is bad enough to have made my eyes puff up and I look ridiculous.
So no booze or salt for me for a while. Maybe ever.
Why ever? Are you feeling OK now (besides the eyes)?
Yes, the sniffles and cough are about wound up, I think.
Just the water retention everywhere in my feet, eyes, face…ugh.
And the back fracture reiteration.
I should take a vacation!!
Beach fun ‘n’ sun?
A European train trip?
Hey–you could do a Venice gondola ride, a la the front page pic.
I’ll take the last 2 outta 3, my good sir.
I’ll need someone to carry my bags for me though.
My back still needs to be treated gingerly.
Now, where did I put that porter costume….?
Well, crossing fingers and whatnot…
You only get to keep your Glibbroad card if you abstain from alcohol for religious reasons.
Is “not really wanting to leave Earth yet” a religious reason?
Who won?
Thir Digby did, he’th the Hat’th betht friend, Donald wouldn’t let him down!
Or, what THe Hat said.^^
The doctors.
::takes bow::
I will be here all night…+1
So the new Terminator movie flopped. One thing people overlook is that isn’t the Terminator franchise a Cold War film? Apocalyptic Nuclear War and crazy robots and computers created by military contractors doesn’t have the same cachet that it did in 1984…
LOL it’s been in release for one day.
Below expectations. So flop…
Do people even breathlessly flock to movies on opening night any more? I don’t go, so I wouldn’t know. But to me a movie is only a “flop” if it loses money and it’s way too early to tell.
The industry seems to think so. At least, they talk as if they still use opening weekend as a metric.
Opening weekend is typically the biggest for a film, so you can figure out the trajectory from there.
You’re making sense so you obviously don’t work in Hollywood.
Box office legs aren’t what they used to be…
I haven’t been inside a movie theater since… oh, maybe 2007, so I’m not an authority. But I do see ads for advance tickets for blockbuster opening days. Do people actually do this????
No, no…not at all
::hides Star Wars tickets::
If we are to believe some theater staff, one of the biggest preorder customers for movies are studio marketing departments trying to generate hype through sellouts.
Yeah, the article I saw arguing that the franchise has been flopping managed to overlook that every single Terminator movie has made money, sometimes hundreds of millions of sweet, creamy profit.
Prolly see it, but the trailer emits a certain aroma of woke.
According to the reviews, the latest film is saturated in woke.
Disclaimer – I’ve not watched it, nor will I break my pattern of not going to the movies in order to do so.
Are you sure about that? We have a presidential candidate who is campaigning on “robots will take all your jobs” and being taken seriously.
and he is one of the saner ones in the field …
LOL, then a single year upon realizing the truth in this statement.
I meant the idea that military contractors developing killer robots isn’t exactly what people fear today about robots. Drones and technological unemployment doesn’t really resemble the Terminator. Oddly the movie does appear to address the notion of robots taking our jobs with the brother of the new messiah losing his job to a robot before *Spoiler alert* the terminator kills him.
I meant the idea that military contractors developing killer robots isn’t exactly what people fear today about robots.
I blame Short Circuit for this.
I was thinking about that movie too. Short Circuit along with WarGames did address similar Cold War fears that The Terminator did but I don’t think those fears resonate today. Short Circuit came out two years after Terminator by the way.
It would take a heart of stone not to laugh out loud at this.
It takes a government to screw properly.
Congenital syphilis can be prevented, but requires testing a pregnant woman for syphilis right away. If tested positive, they can be treated with antibiotics
You know what else can prevent congenital syphilis?
Forced sterilization?
If only there was some other way to reduce STD’s without holding your hand out to the government.
Hey! I didn’t live a responsible life and end up being a 36 year old virgin for nothing! Wait, which side am I on?
Yay, I proved that I do not have a heart of stone and startled the dogs. Did Salon basically just say Trump has cooties?
Glad you’re feeling better, Hot Diggity Dog
My man! Thank you kindly.
What do you think of CPRM’s ‘shop skillz?
I don’t think you can improve on work like that!
Take a bow, CPRM!
Also, next time, try to come up with a concept that involves nude photography, capice`?
Bowing out, and glad caccitore is no longer psycho stalking me.
Something groovy
I’ll take the well bronzed one
In observance of No Nut November, the editorial board has made the decision to ban you from commenting until Dick Destroying December.
I don’t like the sound of your December.
I thought it was Hovember?
Redhead on the right.
Great call on The Still of the Night video Sir Digby. I had forgotten about the end. It foreshadowed Tawny Kitaen’s future. Given how hot she was, I can only imagine the crazy quotient.
You do know who her HS sweetheart was, before Coverdale came along, right?
I have no idea.
Mr. RATT himself
No shit. The things I learn here.
From what I’ve heard, Robbin was a consummate gentleman, especially with the press. I’m sure he indulged in more than just drugs, but, the word is he was at least charming and easy-going (heh).
I’ll second that. Whitesnake is the only hair band I can stand.
Funny enough, David Coverdale didn’t want Whitesnake to be…well, Whitesnake for a long time, as I’ve heard. He wanted to do some kind of jazz fusion thing.
Mojeaux would like a word with you.
Also, I will not allow you to disrespect the Night Shift national anthem.
It’s a damn shame what happened to that band after Mark’s balls dropped.
/I’m kidding!
Vienna Boys Choir hardest hit.
The opening of that song grabbed 16 year old MikeS by the shorties. Still love it.
But really, this is more reality.
That was adorable.
Also, me.
You’re hot.
Our collective imagination is easy on the eyes.
I meant I’m stuck in 1985, not that I look like her.
Your modesty only makes it
betterworse.Well, duh! Obviously you look better!
Stuck in 1985
17yo me would’ve been all over that dude.
I was expecting this.
And reality check, everyone else on glibs is the guitar player from Bowling for Soup who isn’t the lead singer.
Not since GlibFit returned.
/takes a bow
Rightfully so.
How is this playing in NY Rhywun?
Too soon to tell. In the long term, I see a slide back to seventies-style crime and dysfunction – because that is what the pols seem to be advocating. The endless circle of life.
Isn’t there nostalgia for the Seventies being all authentic and such?
Yes, and mainly driven by people who were either not alive then or didn’t live here.
Maybe they would enjoy some Son of Sam authenticity. If Cuomo’s energy policies stay in place they will get to enjoy some authentic blackouts.
Reminds of all the nostalgia for 70s UK and USA from lefties.
Also does anyone try to claim that racism has gotten worse since the 1970s?
No, the usual shtick is that we’re still living in 1950 and nothing has improved.
Interesting. I wonder how long until the general population gets fed up and the circle of life takes NYC to Giuliani II: Electric Bugaloo.
Well, the last cycle took about 25 years from the time Lindsey first started spending like a drunken sailor and the first signs of a “relaxed attitude” towards crime, through the seventies financial crisis, and the eighties crime-a-palooza.
We’re somewhere in the middle of the cycle now, I would say around 1970-equivalent. The drunken sailor thing is a given, and all signs point towards not-tough-on-crime.
The goods is real estate will get a lot more affordable as the cycle continues.
Damn right! We just need to lose almost a million people like we did during the seventies and a burned-out shell of a building in the Bronx could be mine for pennies on the dollar.
Her last Hail Mary
One last bone to pick?
It’s got to be desperation.
No one can accuse her of laying down
foron the job.Willie Brown?
It sure was.
She is a disgusting lightweight who never had a contested election. She never had to address her flaws. The spotlight exposed them. I’m enjoying watching her down. (Not a euphemism this one time)
Music time
A personal favorite
Uffda. Here, have some music.
I played the hell outta that cd back in ’89-90.
Need to pick up a tour t….
Thank you. I’ve enjoyed your Kix kick today.
Wait–there was more?!
Yeah. You were asleep.
Excelłent choice. I love Brian Setzer.
Big ups madame Mr. Setzer is fantastic
I think it’s “Seltzer”
I thought I owned this song. I do not.
Night all.
Peace-out, man.
Seeya jarcat
Night, Jar!
This was a local favorite in Tucson in 1978. So it is almost 80’s.
Just for fun, ‘cuz I’ve been hittin’ cheap Aussie Chardonnay – heard one of the band members do a solo, acoustic version of this at a house concert and just about peed my pants laughing.
That was … interesting. ?
Oh great, another hour of drinking starts… NOW!
I’ve got a good grappa buzz on. It’s a unique and pleasant drunk.
We need a fierce dispute over the libertarianness of daylight saving and time zones.
We need a fierce dispute over the libertarianness of daylight saving and time zones.
Walking alone late at night.
Very cool & mellow!
A new meaning to ‘house music’??
Uffda. Have some music.
HI Mike S
I’m sorry but even the NIN admit this is the definitive version of that song.
I can’t remember which of you introduced me to The Critical Drinker but thank you.
Well good morning late nighters. Did the hour chnge? Are things back to normal?
Yes, in God’s Time Zone, it has changed. Now I need to catch up with where I was an hour ago. ?
We have an “atomic wall clock” that’s synched up to this signal, but the clock can’t go backwards, so at 2 a.m. local time it just started zipping forward all the way around the dial back to 1 a.m. And we stood there and watched it.
We lead sad and pathetic lives.
Well, it IS more exciting than a late night thread….
Are you kidding? This is the high point of my week!
As I said, sad and pathetic lives… ; )
A ‘culmination’, if you will.
I don’t know if you’re of a certain age like I am, but that sounds pretty damn awesome to me.
Yes, I am ***SIGH!!!*** A Woman Of A Certain Age, ::slumps off to bed::
What would Queen Marie think?
Huzzah, still made the tail end of Pacific Time Thread!
Totally worth being late, because I went to Casablanca at the symphony, It should be my favorite movie, but I will say, it is a perfect movie. There’s nothing you can add or remove to make it an iota better.
You know what—you lot link up some music for the rest of us. Yeah, yeah; I know you usually do, anyway. Consider this an official request from ya boy Diggy.
As you command, my favorite scene from the movie.
You Know Who Else’s favorite movie was written by a Communist?
By your standards? Literally everything not named Fountainhead.
Well Howard Koch was a no kidding Stalinist:
I will make sure to confess my sins to Libertarian Pope, as soon as I figure if the one in Rome or Avignon is the current True One.
This is your real crime:
I thought the Libertarian Pope is Pope Jimbo?
That’s the Minnisodapopa.
I read that in the voice of Father Guido Sarducci.
i find the prospect of 535 thugs in Washington that can send a man to prison without trial for refusing to play the assigned role in a kabuki farce far more troubling than a commie screenwriter.
Its not exactly Jaws but it alright
Get a shark to play piano, for the best of both worlds.
Can this guy be in charge of choreography?
Me? ‘Cause that just linked back here
My linking skills are impaired by the small slots of eyes I am having to peer through.
(It wa supposed to be Left Shark from the Super Bowl with Katy Perry)
Now, that IS awesome!
Some soccer holigans would make that one iota better.
Well, folks, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed spending my extra hour with you, but my eyes are slamming shut, so I’ll take my leave. Nighty night!
Thanks for having us, Diggy!
Anyway Destination Moon was directed by a Communist. Wonder what Heinlein thought about that. And the bad guys are implied to be Communist subversives like the director himself?
Please don’t tell me that was a real photo of a headshot…
I thought it was a zit closeup until you said that. People are fucked up.
I normally don’t complain about links but I wish I didn’t click on that. Ugh…
I didn’t link it as some kind of sick joke. Just find it extremely depressing that this is where we’re at. Best wishes for the guy.
Is it real? Who knows.
I don’t wish to find out
The headshot? No idea and it really doesn’t matter. Posting that pic in response to that tweet is sociopathic. The guy asking for help posted a bunch of tweets talking about offing himself. At least a dozen or so tweets have offered help
I honestly didn’t know how to interpret the pic. I should be relieved my mind didn’t go there.
I suppose the tweet could mean a “Do you really want to do this to yourself?” but I don’t care to look further.
I didn’t think you did. This site does take depression and such of its members in a compassionate way.
Reminds me of the time I decided it was a good idea to do a google image search of the Byford Dolphin. Oh dear…
(And don’t do it if you are sensitive.)
OK…Monocle just re-highlighted 66 random comments that were already posted, as if they were new….
Damn you, Standard Time!!!!
It’s now down to 59…what in the ever-lovng heck
Well. The interaction of WordPress and fall backward is… interesting.
So, you’re experiencing it, too?
Refresh and old comments are highlighted in blue.
Yep. I am seeing 56 “new” comments as I write this.
Party like it’s 2AM!
It seems to be stuck at 6 comments…plus, this one, I guess.
DST 1st bitches!
Wait–aren’t’ we out of it? Pain in the ass clocks…
You should have a conversation with Christopher Walken’s character from Pulp Fiction
Imagine it being played by Flava Flav…
OK, the 2nd 0200, and it seems Monocle has re-set itself, or, whatever.
Finally, something other than drinking to blame for the time-travel.
I thought it was the wife–turns out, it was the bartender.
Best sign seen at a bar – if you drive the old man to drink, drive him here.
The “worst” was one in my area that made the news–
“I like my beer like I like my violence–domestic”
I believe a manager’s position opened up a few days later.
That’s a quote from the T-shirt Waylon Jennings’ son used to wear. Terry called his Dad “Ol’ Man” rather than Dad and not Old Man.
Wait, you mean I had an extra hour to do morning links? Fuck, life in Arizona, where time stands still.
‘Fraid so.
You’re not known for being able to wait for the right time.
Good morning to all you wonderful people. My head cold seems to be fading, I’ve isolated the damaged RAM sticks, and managed to do a complete clean install of Windows… what a weekend.
Wait, you’re running your brain on windows? You poor man.
Also, I HATE Daylight Savings Time. Can’t we all just UTC? <a href="http://Time Zones (by Negativland)” target=”_blank” >
There is an intermediate step between daylight savings time and running off of the wrong clock all the time.
My eyesight is shit due to a rare genetic disorder (optical albinism). As a result, my driver’s license is only good during daylight hours. It has been difficult to get to work on time in the mornings lately because of how late sunrise is. Turning the clocks back an hour today will make that much easier until the winter solstice shows up. If it didn’t take place I probably wouldn’t be able to keep the job I have, as it requires getting into a store before it opens (I have to open the place, check the store safe, load cash registers, etc.)
ocular albinism… damn it’s early.
I only advocate that we pick a time and stick with it. If we picked the winter clock and stuck with that, I’d be happy.
Damn. And, here I am hating early sunrises because…well, I hate driving home and doing morning walks in sunlight.
What is the Glib-helping browser extension that displays its info along the left-hand side of the page and not the bottom? I think I installed the wrong one; it doesn’t auto refresh comments.
I use Monocle on Chrome–info along bottom and doesn’t auto refresh.
I thought I was using it as well. Previously, the new comments count, mark as read, etc. were displayed along the side with the arrows. I followed the links in Trashy’s article and now everything is at the bottom of the page.
My dog doesn’t know I’m supposed to be able to sleep an extra hour. Time for a poop walk.