I have to confess to being interested in politics, perhaps unhealthily so. I wasn’t always. It wasn’t like I had some childhood fascination with my local senator. In truth, I think I’ve only ever voted in one Presidential election. (I may have voted for Perot, but I can’t honestly say for sure). Which is a nice way of saying that the current election cycle is a nightmare for me,* as it is for many thinking and principled Americans. It feels like the devolution of our country. To those who see politics as the public barometer of the state of a Nation, it feels like a forceful bellwether of decline, the dying gasp of a once great and moral Country.
The hair on his face is dirty, dreadlocked and full of mange
He asked a man for what he could spare with shame in his eyes
“Get a job, you fuckin’ slob” ‘s all he replied
God forbid you ever had to walk a mile in his shoes
‘Cause then you really might know what it’s like to sing the blues
Then you really might know what it’s like…
I had occasion to find myself in South Bend, Indiana, (yes, the one where Notre Dame is) for work. Driving up and down a particular main avenue running some errands, I noticed a man standing on the corner near the onramp to a highway. He was disheveled, though not too badly, and holding the ubiquitous sign that told his (alleged) story: “Homeless and I need to feed my family” read the message in red paint on the cardboard. I passed him in the afternoon without too much thought, though the prevalence of veterans among the homeless always makes me hesitate and ponder long after I’ve passed. Sometimes, if the timing is right, I’ll give what I can or have on me, though not always. I would imagine I’m like most people in both my thoughts and deeds with regard to the homeless. Perhaps better than some, certainly worse than some others. I’ve worked the odd soup kitchen or two for a church function or for a community service project that my kids had to and I rolled along.
Albert Jay Nock was a brilliant and radical philosopher of the early 20th century. Born in 1870, he lived to see the First World War and died just as the Second one ended in 1945. One of his more well-known and seminal works was “Our Enemy, The State.” Finished and published during the height of FDR’s “New Deal” in 1935, Nock believed that the most effective form of government, and protective of individual rights, was the tribal “anarchism” of the early Native Americans. In an earlier work, titled simply, Jefferson, Nock argued that Thomas Jefferson was a firm believer that the smallest possible governmental units, or wards, allowed the people to, in Jefferson’s own words, “crush regularly and peaceably the usurpations of their unfaithful agents.”
Nock’s later work in Our Enemy, The State focused on the difference between the spontaneous “social power” of individuals coming together for common cause and the forceful usurpation of social power by “State power.” His central thesis was set forth very clearly in the early part of the book and, in three short pages, Nock compels even the casual, disinterested, or even adverse reader to reconsider their entire understanding of State intervention in human affairs.
One might wonder just what the hell all of this has to do with an (apparently) homeless guy standing on a corner in South Bend, Indiana, in mid-October, as I drove by him more than once over the course of several hours. Fair question. Let me convince you by pointing to one of the most trenchant parts of Nock’s argument that stuck with me:
…just as the State has no money of its own, so it has no power of its own. All the power it has is what society gives it, plus what it confiscates from time to time on one pretext or another; there is no other source from which State power can be drawn. Therefore every assumption of State power, whether by gift or seizure, leaves society with so much less power. There is never, nor can there be, any strengthening of State power without a corresponding and roughly equivalent depletion of social power.
Our Enemy, The State, p. 5 (emphasis added).
The thesis seemed interesting to me, but I wasn’t quite sure what Nock meant by “social power” versus “State power.” I thought I quite understood the latter, but I wasn’t quite sure what the former was. Nock’s examples left me with a permanently-altered view of government attempts to intercede to “help” the citizenry. Nock provided two (then)-contemporary examples to illustrate his point more clearly.
…it follows that with any exercise of State power, not only the exercise of social power in the same direction, but the disposition to exercise it in that direction, tends to dwindle. Mayor Gaynor astonished the whole of New York when he pointed out to a correspondent who had been complaining about the inefficiency of the police, that any citizen has the right to arrest a malefactor and bring him before a magistrate. ‘The law of England and of this country,’ he wrote, ‘has been very careful to confer no more right in that respect upon policemen and constables than it confers on every citizen.’ State exercise of that right through a police force had gone on so steadily that not only were citizens indisposed to exercise it, but probably not one in ten thousand knew he had it.
(emphasis mine). We discussed the idea of a citizen’s arrest in law school, but I couldn’t and can’t recall much of what was said. My initial reaction reading Nock was to recoil at the thought that we all had the same powers of arrest as against each other as any officer of the law does, but then again, how much of the current problems in troubled neighborhoods stems from the fact that the local citizens who live there have abandoned even the most modest attempts at reducing the crime, violence, poverty, homelessness, drug abuse, etc., in their neighborhoods? The rejoinder is that the people are not armed and the drug dealers and gangs are and thus the people are at a distinct disadvantage, and hence comes the justification for military-grade police forces armed as well as or better than combat troops for the national defense; yet aren’t their some fundamental factors missing from that analysis? If the drug dealers and gang members inhabit those self-same neighborhoods, who is giving them succor? How do they put their heads on their pillows at night and feel secure in these same neighborhoods where they prowl and prey? These are, perhaps not coincidentally, the very same issues that confronted me while I was in Afghanistan, attempting to “police” a particular area that was rife with terrorism (and narco-traffickers, as well). I’ve watched many a frustrated military member talking to village elders asking, “Why are there rockets being launched from this area at our base every week? How is that happening?? Where do these people come from and sleep??”
Upon careful inspection, what one finds is: first, the police do not actually live in the same neighborhoods that they patrol. In point of fact, they live in suburban outposts, miles and miles from the streets they pass through in their cars, as distant from the citizenry they supposedly serve and protect as they are from the gangs they are supposed to be interdicting. A lot of that is economics and has to do with the pay disparity between cops and the average inner city neighborhood they’re patrolling. Second, the people are at an “arms disadvantage” specifically because the State has disarmed them! It is a well-established historical fact that modern gun control suddenly became vogue during the late-1960s after armed blacks showed up to the California State Capitol armed with – (gasp) – “assault rifles!” (and shotguns, and pistols, as the above-linked article notes). As an aside, Clayton Cramer, a software engineer, does about as good a job as a law professor could in explaining that virtually ALL gun control laws have been racist in their origins and intent. This might seem self-evident when one considers that the right of a freeman to own weapons goes back to the days of sword ownership in England. If not still convinced, the Supreme Court made this explicitly clear in Dred Scott v. Sanford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857). Yes, that Dred Scott. The case itself should be required reading as a part of any basic civics course because of just how many incredible statements of historical significance for Constitutional law are in it – including statements by the Court about what defines a “citizen” and the Congressional power to “naturalize;” the right of states to admit immigrants, the status of descendants of slaves in free states vs. those of native Americans, the limits of judicial construction, and more – but of paramount importance for this discussion is what the Supreme Court used as one of its Constitutional justifications for finding Dred Scott could not sue for his freedom:
More especially, it cannot be believed that the large slaveholding States regarded them as included in the word citizens, or would have consented to a Constitution which might compel them to receive them in that character from another State. For if they were so received, and entitled to the privileges and immunities of citizens, it would exempt them from the operation of the special laws and from the police regulations which they considered to be necessary for their own safety. It would give to persons of the negro race, who were recognised as citizens in any one State of the Union, the right to enter every other State whenever they pleased, singly or in companies, without pass or passport, and without obstruction, to sojourn there as long as they pleased, to go where they pleased at every hour of the day or night without molestation, unless they committed some violation of law for which a white man would be punished; and it would give them the full liberty of speech in public and in private upon all subjects upon which its own citizens might speak; to hold public meetings upon political affairs, and to keep and carry arms wherever they went.
Dred Scott, 60 U. S., 416-17.
To return to Nock’s point about social power and state power, what has happened in inner city black, and other minority, neighborhoods more broadly, is that the state has systematically usurped the “social power” – and the ability to wield it – that was originally resident in most neighborhoods and replaced with state power, which is only intermittently there “on patrol,” but not resident in that area.
If you’re still not sure about Nock’s thesis, he provides many more examples that will shock the modern sensibility about how this country used to work.
Heretofore in this country sudden crises of misfortune have been met by a mobilization of social power. In fact — except for certain institutional enterprises like the home for the aged, the lunatic asylum, city hospital, and county poorhouse — destitution, unemployment, “depression,” and similar ills, have been no concern of the State, but have been relieved by the application of social power. Under Mr. Roosevelt, however, the State assumed this function, publicly announcing the doctrine, brand new in our history, that the State owes its citizens a living.
Students of politics, of course, saw in this merely an astute proposal for a prodigious enhancement of State power; merely what, as long ago as 1794, James Madison called “the old trick of turning every contingency into a resource for accumulating force in the government”; and the passage of time has proved that they were right. The effect of this upon the balance between State power and social power is clear, and also its effect of a general indoctrination with the idea that an exercise of social power upon such matters is no longer called for.
Our Enemy, p. 5.
Nock’s second example involved natural disasters and this is a matter I have given some thought, particularly in light of the revelations regarding the Clinton Foundation’s actions in Haiti.
It is largely in this way that the progressive conversion of social power into State power becomes acceptable and gets itself accepted. When the Johnstown flood occurred, social power was immediately mobilized and applied with intelligence and vigor. Its abundance, measured by money alone, was so great that when everything was finally put in order, something like a million dollars remained.
If such a catastrophe happened now, not only is social power perhaps too depleted for the like exercise, but the general instinct would be to let the State see to it. Not only has social power atrophied to that extent, but the disposition to exercise it in that particular direction has atrophied with it. If the State has made such matters its business, and has confiscated the social power necessary to deal with them, why, let it deal with them[!]
Id.(emphasis added)
I think the power of this example is that it has been repeatedly demonstrated through the modern era, considering the string of well-publicized failed federal disaster relief efforts through FEMA. A fairly comprehensive history of US disaster relief efforts proves the exact point that Nock was trying to make. Over time, as the federal government has increasingly intervened, local disaster relief efforts have tailed off and, in the ultimate slap-in-the-face, have even been prohibited and physically turned away by FEMA, most notably during the Katrina debacle in New Orleans.
Nock’s final example of this diminution of social power was the one that stuck with me, though. Writing during the horrors of the Depression, Nock opined:
We can get some kind of rough measure of this general atrophy by our own disposition when approached by a beggar. Two years ago we might have been moved to give him something; today we are moved to refer him to the State’s relief agency. The State has said to society, “You are either not exercising enough power to meet the emergency, or are exercising it in what I think is an incompetent way, so I shall confiscate your power, and exercise it to suit myself.” Hence when a beggar asks us for a quarter, our instinct is to say that the State has already confiscated our quarter for his benefit, and he should go to the State about it.

Humor works best as a vector for Truth.
And NOW we come back around to our homeless man on the street in South Bend, Indiana. (And Thanks! for sticking around).
As I drove by him for the final time, it was past sunset, but not quite fully dark yet. He stood there in the same place holding the same sign. I couldn’t even tell if he had moved. I started to reach for my wallet but then the light turned green, so I accelerated away, leaving the man dwindling in my rearview mirror.
“Aaaaahhhh….” I looked in the mirror as I went under the overpass, headed toward the comfort and warmth of my hotel. It was a rather warm October night, one of those last gasps of Summer before Fall fully settles in, he’d be alright… I thought of Nock’s words. “Fuuuuuck….” I muttered, rubbing my chin.
I made an abrupt U-turn like any person who learned to drive in Rhode Island would, went past him, “banged another U-ee,” and there I was – and there he was – still holding his sign. It wasn’t the nicest part of town, but it wasn’t the worst, either. All I had was a ten and twenty dollar bill in my wallet.
While stopped at the light, I looked left quickly where another car had pulled up to the light. There were three young black kids, all teenagers, ranging from perhaps thirteen to seventeen. The car was a bit dented up and they were watching me as I fumbled with my money, then tried to find the window unlock button in my rental car. I finally managed it all and motioned the man on the corner over; I handed him the ten as he leaned in my passenger window. He didn’t see it at first in the dark, but as he stepped back he said, “Oh My God, thank you. Thank you!” He started to walk away and I could hear his voice crack as he said: “I’ve been standing here for hours…”
“I know,” I started to say, but it died on my lips. I’d driven by him all those times…
I looked left and the three black kids were holding their thumbs up. The young kid in back was clapping. I just shrugged sheepishly. Then the car door opened and for a moment I thought, “Aw, fuck. Here we go. He’s going to ask for what I have left.” Then it became clear as I looked at the car it was because the window wouldn’t roll down. The teen leaned out and yelled: “I wanted to give him something, but I don’t have any money!”
“Well…good on ya.” I said back. I couldn’t think of anything clever to say. “He needed that more than I did,” I yelled. “And I had it, so…” They smiled, waved, honked, and drove away as the light changed.
And that was it.
At a time when our country is rife with divisions over political parties, where we are told which lives matter, where we are no longer allowed to speak without fear of retribution if someone should be offended, where “hate speech” is now all the rage, and where I am told a car full of black teens should concern me because they are “superpredators,” where statisticians write papers claiming that abortions of black kids have helped drive down crime rates, where 1 in 4 or 5 or 7 homeless folks are military veterans, I think the “soft revolution” is what I now hope for…
I hope that people will recognize that we all could and would be far more inclined to be charitable to our fellow man if we got to keep a little more of our hard earned money, if our government wouldn’t tell us that IT is the ONLY possible solution to our problems, and if we all decided to simply act more charitably toward our fellow man – to take back our “social power” instead of waiting for the State to fix whatever the need is of the moment. Individual US citizens gave $258 Billion (yep, with a “B”) in 2014 – a record. At a time when the economy isn’t exactly humming. We should be proud of that, but how much better could we do if we got to keep more and decided to “just do it” ourselves, locally?
Regardless of which shitheel gets elected, we should ignore their grand plans to “cure” _______ (drug use, poverty, racism, school shootings, or whatever the issue du jour is) and start exercising our social power. We don’t need to be told what the right thing to do is. We don’t need government to tell us to be kind to one another.
We need to realize that we have to be the change we seek in the world and start doing it in the small ways that we can. Maybe eventually we’ll figure out we don’t need a three or four or five-letter federal agency to fake like it’s doing something while it hands out contracts to favored political donors and the people who really need help go wanting. Else I fear we risk continuing to ignore those in need among us because we have the excuse that “someone else” – like some bureaucratic agency or even the police – is going to do it. They’re not and they never have – and even if they did solve a problem, when was the last time you heard of some federal agency announcing that it had accomplished its purpose and thus was folding up so as not to waste taxpayer money? I won’t hold my breath waiting for the numerous examples…I’ll just try to exercise Nock’s social power to make the world around me a little bit better.
*This post was originally written in the lead-up to the 2016 election.
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Well written and thought provoking.
I’ve enjoyed all your posts.
Thank you, OneOut. I’ll keep being nice to TPTB and hopefully they’ll continue to graciously allow me to blather on here in Virtual Glibertopia.
What happened? Why are the comments hidden unless you do wierd things?
Comments are on the right.
Yup. The site is broken for me too.
You’re supposed to scroll down for the comments, not to the side.
So what wierd things did you have to do?
I had to have sex with a troll.
I just had to click a different link.
You people are strange.
Good question. It just seems to be this post. It was basically copied and pasted in from Ozy’s site, but I didn’t notice any weirdness that would explain this. (I’m on my iPad and it’s weird.)
I’ll check It from my actual computer in a while. (On MIL duty at present.)
As of right now I’m homeless, but you couldn’t tell by looking….
Sleeping in the front seat isn’t conducive to proper back care,
Sorry to hear that Yusef, I thought you had gotten a place in AZ?
Had to get the Wife some quality care before she died, We had to bail on everything, I have my Kia, so it’s all good
Sorry to hear that man. Hope the wife is okay.
Ditto, friend.
You are an inspiration. We have heard you lament your problems, but never complain.
What the Wheel said.
^This. Hope everything turns good for you and yours.
Can’t add much to this but same
Damn, Yusef. That’s tough stuff.
Pat Bagely can be a turd sometimes, but when he’s right, he’s right.
Everyday lurker. Had to log in to say this a great article. This site is awesome.
And a hearty FUCK OFF, TULPA!!
Is this a hazing? Should I be clothed?
Great article, man. No yoke.
It’s a hearty greeting. I remember my First FUCK OFF Tulpa..
:DIGS arround: Ahh there it is. I have another if you would like it.
I’ll have to wait until I get home to read this. Reading on a phone sucks for me. Especially with all these people bothering me and wanting stuff.
Dammit, I need a new tablet.
Very well written.
Thank you for writing this.
Thank you for reading it.
The main issue with beggars – and i occasional give – in Bucharest is you never know who is someone needy and who is a pro. There is a whole mafia for beggars here. Some of them make more money than the average person. Or they are kids which are trafficked and /or mutilated and don’t get the money. It is tough, especially since I work in an area with high office density, that is a prime spot. I doubt the mafia will leave those spots to randos.
Where I work there is the same woman in the same spot for 10 years. The story changes occasionally but I don’t buy it. She had a picture of her daughter and it was the same for 6 years. She is fighting various fatal diseases for 10.
There are a lot of pros around here, too, and it makes it hard to tell who’s hustling, who’s just a bum, and who’s a regular person down on their luck. I remember one guy who drove into town, changed into begging clothes, and worked a busy intersection like it was a job. He made enough to spend his summers in Ocean City. I drove past him one day and saw that he’d forgotten to change his shoes, which were newish Jordans. A lot of beggars around here are people from local public housing who are looking for booze money, too, although some are pretty up front about it, which I can kind of respect.
I saw a beggar girl once who forgot to take off her gold chain.
Back in the day, a friend of mine got hit up outside a bar with someone giving the story about needing bus fair. My friend handed him some cash. A couple weeks later, the same guy came up to my friend outside the same bar, with the same story. That time he received a fuck off while I started laughing.
Back in the 80’s, in South Florida, my friends and I were out late at a McDonalds. We were just sitting around the outside tables talking, and this guy came up, and started spinning his tale of woe, asking for some money for McDonalds. I don’t remember the details now, but he kept going on, and it was this incredible story, and by the end up we practically stood up and gave him a standing ovation. We all knew that everything he’d said was completely made up, of course, but we gave him a bunch of money anyway. And when he asked if he could go spend it somewhere else, we just kind of chuckled and said, sure, go on, have a great night.
“And when he asked if he could go spend it somewhere else, we just kind of chuckled and said, sure, go on, have a great night.”
Right there, I would have handed over a couple more bucks…for asking.
I run into the same thing where I live, and it’s not a big town by any means. There are 3 intersections where the same guy has been begging literally every day since I moved here, and I’ve seen him late at night in the aisles of the big box stores looking much less desperate than he does on his corners.
People like that ultimately wind up making people cynical, but at the same time that’s also an advantage of locals supporting their own community. I know who the grifters are and aren’t. I’m not giving that guy one thin dime. Likewise the meth head who used to live across the street from me and was trying to hock some obviously stolen shit to me in exchange for cash late at night on multiple occasions. On the other hand, when the disabled guy who lived next door to me needed help getting in and out of his house because his wheel chair was malfunctioning I was happy to go help him. Or when my other neighbor’s elderly mother with dementia fell down in their driveway while no one was home I was happy to help her and get her medical attention until her family could get back.
People like that ultimately wind up making people cynical, but at the same time that’s also an advantage of locals supporting their own community. I know who the grifters are and aren’t.
I wish I did. Some are obviously (well, to me) mentally ill. I debate throwing a few bucks their way, but I wonder if it really will even help, or just facilitate their dysfunction. I am genuinely at a loss as to how to help them.
I regularly, though not that often, see people bringing homeless/beggars (fast) food.
One of the spots the aforementioned beggar uses is right outside the Taco Bell driveway on the main drag running through the middle of town. Not too long after I moved here I once watched him turn down food that somebody offered him from Taco Bell as they were leaving. I understand that’s not definitive necessarily, but it does make you go hmmmmm. Of course as I said, since then I’ve come to find he’s definitely not on the level.
When I lived in Washington state there was a guy who used to hang out outside my local Safeway late at night and ask for change to get some food. I always had the feeling he wasn’t on the level and didn’t want to get taken for a chump, but one time my compassion got the better of me, so I decided to compromise and told him I’d buy him a sandwich from the deli instead of giving him money. He wasn’t interested and said he had to wait for his friend to pick him up. OK.
When I get asked for money for food, I offer to buy them food. You can quickly dismiss the grifters from the people actually looking for food this way. The grifters don’t want food: they want the cash for something else.
I was stopped by a beggar lady in San Francisco just after I had bought a loaf of sourdough bread.
“Sir, can you spare any change so I can buy some food?”
I broke off a quarter of the loaf and handed it to her.
“I don’t want that!”
Another time in Seattle, during the Grunge Rock days, my boss and I had just had dinner at a nice jazz club. Two teens, a guy and a girl, asked us for money for food because they were hungry.
I handed them my leftover box. They refused it.
Yeah, pretty much whenever they ask for money for food and they refuse any offer of food or you buying food, you can bet they want the money for something else like drugs or booze.
Thanks for the article and including links Ozy
You are very welcome, Frosty.
It feels like the devolution of our country.
*This post was originally written in the lead-up to the 2016 election.
In hindsight, how did that work out for you?
About the same as it did for everyone else, Pie! But watching the TV anchors weep and gnash their teeth on election night was election one of the most sublime moments of schadenfreude for me – ever.
Haha, I still watch those videos when I need a chuckle! Especially this one.
Also: A few weeks ago, I got to wondering what your screen name was and searched it on DuckDuckGo. I found the poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley, enjoyed it, and ordered his complete works. So thanks for that!
well this post seems to attract the lurkers
Excellent, Ozy.
Danke, Brooksy.
Very well done. Both the article and the charity.
Thank you.
Wonderful post. Tracks my own thinking on how government fills the vacuum left by civil society, and we are deep into a campaign to eradicate civil society. Naturally, the government wants to expand, so it is indeed the enemy of civil society and tears it down wherever it can.
We have a fair number of homeless and beggars in Tucson, partly because of the weather (and partly because we have a progressive city government which does everything which is proven to increase their presence here). So, I see beggars every day, some of which are probably homeless.
the prevalence of veterans among the homeless
I think they are disproportionately represented. However, I don’t assume that every beggar I see claiming to be a veteran actually is (or, for that matter, is actually homeless).
Let’s hope this isn’t the new format for comments.
However, I don’t assume that every beggar I see claiming to be a veteran actually is (or, for that matter, is actually homeless).
Are you questioning Special Agent Orange?
Most of the beggars I see may or may not be homeless but are almost certainly either alcoholics and/or drug addicts, or people with terribly skewed priorities. I used to give them change if I had it on the off chance that they might really use it to buy a sandwich, but I so rarely use cash nowadays that it doesn’t come up. I don’t get asked that often anymore, either, likely because I’ve spent years cultivating a “don’t approach me” face as a default expression when I’m walking somewhere.
We have nearly 0 homeless in Minneapolis. I’ll give you -10 guesses as to why.
You shipped them to Tuscon?
Yes, actually. Or SF, or Seattle. We get a fair number of ‘vagabonds’ in the humminbird’s heartbeat of nice weather we get every year.
There are a few churches (!!!) that you can call if you see a homeless person and the weather is cold, and they’ll be there in their white van within about 15 minutes, because some days sleeping on the side walk is a death sentence.
The starving Somalis ate them?
Because Minnesoda Nice is a myth.
Any form of good manors or hospitality that people need to tell you about over and over again is probably bullshit. I’ve seen better hospitality and niceness out of Yinzers than I have out of Virginians or Minesodans.
” Tracks my own thinking on how government fills the vacuum left by civil society,”
My thought is government creates the vacuum first in order to make society less civil and thus grabs power from the citizenry. How many of these people would be homeless if not for drug prohibition, ridiculous zoning laws, and over-regulation of housing?
When I see a homeless person, I also imagine 1 unskilled bureaucrat sitting in a government office making a top quintile income trying to create more problems to solve – and succeeding.
“ridiculous zoning laws, and over-regulation of housing?”
Indeed. 100 years ago, they had the same kind of drunks/dope fiends/layabouts/headcases, but they also had cheap boardinghouses and SROs. A man could stock shelves or sweep up or collect junk, and make enough money to pay his weekly rent, keep himself in cheap booze, and have a spare set of clothes to wear on laundry day. If you had a boardinghouse, your landlady would cook a hot meal every evening, and you’d sit there with the rest of the residents and eat beans and cornbread. On Sundays she might make a ham. Not much of a life, but a hell of a lot better than sleeping on the streets.
Just the regulations on work might be another thing. I’m not an expert on historical US labor laws, but I’m guessing it was far easier in the past to just pay someone cash for some odd jobs instead of having to go through all the malarkey of hiring them as an employee.
No idea why the comments are weird for some people. They are odd on my iPad but only for this post. When I can get to my actual computer in a while, I will investigate further. (MIL duty at present.)
now they are normal
Fixed, at least for me.
There was some odd random div code in a couple places. Likely carried over when it was copied and pasted. Didn’t notice it in editing preview since there were no comments.
Sorry for the oversight, kids.
Thank you for figuring it out.
SP you do not owe us an apology; we owe you thanks. This site runs more smoothly, with less drama and awfulness, than just about any other place on the web.
No one likes an ass kisser Jarflax.
OK Boomer
I was tired of this the very first time I saw it.
OK Boomer
sksksksk . . .
Dean with the cross court winner.
^^^ Much better than my response.
ummmm…. Have you read some of the commenters here? A few seem to like the ass a lot.
Sorry for the oversight, kids.
You’re fired.
j/k! Thanks for keeping this place functional, so we can be dysfunctional.
Sorry for bringing my cooties to the Glibs site, SP!!
*Gets into MOPP4, narrows gaze*
Great article and really good advice, Ozy.
The social power issue is incredibly real. And it doesn’t extend just to charity. There’s a famous article talking about the decline in civil society in America (Bowling Alone). I think you hit the nail on the head by identifying the growth in state power as its cause.
If you want to see what happens when civil society
declinesis strangled, pull up paintings and photos after the 1906 earthquake that basically destroyed San Fran. Now pull up satellite photos New Orleans.State power can’t build a city out of nothing unless it is willing to go all Peter the Great to get it done.
Leap – I was going to include that as one of my examples, but for a change I edited out something. 😉
Honestly, it’s the strangling of civil society that has me the most worried, long-term. Civil society provides a set of “mediating institutions” between the individual and the government. Things like churches, clubs, fraternal lodges, alma maters, even unions, provide people with a set of connections to their fellow man beyond the reach of the government. You’re no longer just an insignificant spec faced up against the entirety of the state, but someone with roots and connections that define you beyond the minuscule opposition you might present. If I wanted to establish a totalitarian dictatorship, regardless of the particular branding thereof, I’d look to destroy or co-opt those mediating institutions. And that’s just what both the communists and the Nazis actually did. Not only does civil society make for a more robust civilization, it presents a barrier against the state taking control of our lives.
pull up paintings and photos after the 1906 earthquake that basically destroyed San Fran. Now pull up satellite photos New Orleans.
You don’t even need a time machine. Katrina victims and the Cajun Navy. Compare and contrast.
I wish I could take credit, wd, but it goes all to the good Mr. Nock. I’m just a humble student passing along a story. And I agree, this goes for a LOT more than just charity. The state of American politics is perhaps the most disheartening example of it, I think.
There is a crew that works the freeway exit where I get off to go to work.
One of the local news groups observed them for a couple of days a while back. The crew has several people that rotate through multiple interchanges in the city, so it’s not the same seedy guy at each exit every day.
The news crew followed one of the guys back to his car after his shift. The news crew followed the guy back to some rural house where the whole begging crew was living.
The news crew attempted to interview the beggars, but they refused to show themselves on camera.
There aren’t any truly homeless people living on the streets around here as far as I can tell. Iowa is too fucking cold in the winter.
Someone (I can’t remember where I read it or heard it) said something to the effect that a WHOLE BUNCH of “societal problems” seem to disappear when you get above the 38th parallel. I thought it was funny, but I recall the article where I read that was pretty well-substantiated. Detroit may be the notable counter-example, but I think it may have also included some caveat like “outside of major metro areas.” Fundamentally, winter acts to weed out those who can’t take care of themselves, for better or for worse. It’s also an interesting study in the phenomenon I’m talking about here: you see more “social power” in areas off the grid, so to speak. Where we are all forced to be self-reliant, we’re also much more likely to stop and help a car stuck ion a snowbank because we know if that were us, we would want the help and also perhaps because of the desire for reciprocity.
I have pushed a lot of cars out of snow drifts over the years.
Not all of them, as our Alaskan commentator can tell us about the dysfunctional reservation villages.
The exit ramps up here appear to have a set group that has a schedule, so every Monday and Thursday it’s one person, Tuesday and Friday it’s another, and Wednesday and weekends are someone else.
I was walking out of the grocery store a couple of weeks ago, a guy drove his car (which was nicer than my car) up to me and asked for money, I guess he had just finished his begging shift and was going home??
Great Article Ozzy
We are trying to set up a glibs Diplomacy game, with cutting commentary by myself (and others if they desire). Right now i have: robc, Neph, RBS, Swiss and Leap on the docket. We just need 1 or 2 more to sign up, and to get things in order. let me know if you are interested.
Back on Topic now
I remember diplomacy from back in the day. There was also an online version. Never trust the turks. Or the russians.
What does the Syrian situation have to do with a board game?
My Yiayia used to say the same thing.
What is a Diplomacy game and how much time are we talking?
What is a Diplomacy game
Everybody lies to each other and tries to steal each other’s shit?
Diplomacy is a game of international Power and Intrigue. The point is to take control of victory points, and you do so through war and diplomacy and backstabbing. The game has ports for web play, and when playing on the web is not generally played all at once, but over time (weeks). The game is divided into rounds (called seasons) and each round ends after a certain time frame (a day or two) when all players have put in their orders. Because of its pace and rules, the game can be played semi-asynchronously, via mail/messages.
Diplomacy differs from the majority of war games in several ways:
– Players do not take turns sequentially; instead all players secretly write down their moves after a negotiation period, then all moves are revealed and put into effect simultaneously.
– Social interaction and interpersonal skills make up an essential part of the game’s play.
– The rules that simulate combat are strategic, abstract, and simple—not tactical, realistic, or complex—as this is a diplomatic simulation game, not a military one.
– Combat resolution contains no random elements—no dice are rolled, no cards are drawn.
– Each military unit has the same strength.
– It is especially well suited to postal play,[2] which led to an active hobby of amateur publishing.
– Internet Diplomacy is one of the few early board games that is still played on the web
Do you need your own board at home? I’m in the process of moving and my board is …. somewhere.
Social interaction and interpersonal skills make up an essential part of the game’s play.
It is especially well suited to postal play
These don’t line up for me.
A lot of the game play is negotiations with other players, as well as selling people on moves that benefit both of you (but you a little bit more) or help the player you’re talking to while hurting a third player. The game is also imbalanced at the start, with some players having stronger positions. But any player can win (solo wins are relatively difficult and rare, while shared victories are fairly standard).
Ah, I have never heard of that before, sound fun, If you still need a player I’ll give it a go, but I’m not very good at lying so I’ll probably lose.
He’s lying.
You don’t have to lie at all to do well. I (in general) make it a point to not lie during the game. It can assist in convincing someone to change their allegiance in the mid/late game.
For those who have never played before, I would suggest reading some of the rules/strategy guides that exist. The game can be very cutthroat, and has a reputation for ending friendships (due to some people taking things very personally).
So like Risk, but slower and less satisfying. ///jk
I’m in
I’m game, Leon… (see that?!)
Where do I go to join?
We got a lot of volunteers. I’m going to set up a Game on https://webdiplomacy.net/ And announce it in the links this afternoon. I’m thinking 2-3 days for phase. I think that gives enough time for players who might be busy to still get orders in, but not so long as to have players forget about it.
If their are issues with that, speak now or forever hold your peace (i know you wont but whatever…)
I played on this back in the day, the day being 2010
I used the phrase back in the day 3 times in these comments. I don’t know why.
I would like to try.
Is it very time consuming ?
Please ask SP for my email.
SP if Leon asks for my email you have my permission, and thanks, to give it to him.
It is too identifying to post.
It is too identifying to post.
Whatever you say, STEVE.Hitlerlover.SMITH@aol.com
Any of these homeless folks who aren’t mental cases or addicts can probably walk into any church and find compassionate people to help them. The church I attend always stands ready to find temporary housing, meals, veterans counseling, etc. etc. The question is what to do, if anything, about those who refuse to use the services that are available for their addiction and mental problems.
The church I attended growing up would, at most, give you a $20 gift card to a local grocery store and then refer you to the local welfare office. Which is in large part why I don’t attend church anymore.
This reminds me that there is a church (very informal and “evangelical”) that I think really focusses on the homeless in Tucson. I’ll have to try to dig up their name, because my impression was that, dollar for dollar, they probably do more to actually help homeless people than anyone else. I still have money in the budget for charitable donations; if I can track them down and they check out, I’ll kick some bucks their way.
R C, I hear ya. What spare cash we have around the house goes to the Salvationers because the seem to do more and take less for administrative use than most.
Great article.
I thought “once a Marine, always a Marine”
Off to read the Nock article…
TBH, if you want to read something shorter for Nock as a starter, I highly recommend “Isaiah’s Job.” It is among the greatest essays in the English language, in my opinion, and Mises has it on their site for free. Hopefully the link works, but I’m currently on a place using inflight wifi, so I can’t be certain.
I’ve known plenty of former marines. They left the mindset and the corps behind the moment their discharge was final.
I think there are (active duty) Marines, and former Marines. Calling a former Marine an “ex”-Marine is a no-no, as I understand it. Possibly unless they were dishonorably discharged.
They left the mindset and the corps behind the moment their discharge was final.
I think the mindset persists at some level for most, because the former Marines I know all have a certain commonality – a focus(?), directness(?), something. I can spot it in some people who I don’t even know yet. As far as I know, I haven’t been wrong often when I guess.
At least one of them (Honorably Discharged, served during first desert storm) was pretty much the central casting archetype of a stoner minus being stoned. It was only after having known him a while I found out he’d even been in the military.
Now one of the managers at that same place was the stereotypical stick up hte backside, couldn’t leave it behind ex-officer type. I did not get along with him. Ask me to do something, I’ll probably oblige. Tell me to do something and I’ll resist. Order me to do something and I’ll tell you to fuck yourself. But I think he had been army.
My risk financing guy is a former Marine. When I ask for something, I often get one or two word responses, which I love: “Aclnowledged.” “On it.” “Will do.”
Great guy. Got injured training for Force Recon just before the Gulf War. I believe he is hunting elk in Northern Arizona as we speak.
Oh, and on the “former Marine” title: that was the correct terminology when I was brand new to the Corps, circa late 80’s, under General Al Gray. I think General Mundy then trotted out the “once a Marine always a Marine” bromide in an effort to… well, I’m not sure why, honestly, and I won’t speculate. I can’t remember if it was Krulak or not, but then we went to “Veteran Marine” and at some point along the way I stopped caring. I put in a total of 27 active and reserve (both active and inactive) and have the ink to match. I also was once told by “Chesty’s” handler (the USMC mascot, the bulldog) that I looked like him (the dog) in human form, so I don’t know that I need to announce it for people to know.
I was getting “former Marine” mixed up with “ex-Marine” as RC pointed out above.
So my buddy where I used to work was a former Marine and Lee Harvey Oswald was an ex-Marine.
Nah, Oswald made his shot, he and Whitman still get mentioned by Marines in their cups
That was always how I’ve understood it. I’m not as old as Ozy, so my instruction on the supposed etiquette of it all dates to 2001.
I was made crystal clear to us, in the way that only a DI can make it, that there was only one “Ex” Marine and that was Oswald because he shot the President. Everyone else was a “former” Marine. As I got on in years in the Corps, I heard more discussion among the troops that anyone who got bad paper (DD/BCD) shouldn’t rate the title like those with DD-214s that said “honorable.” It all seems kinda funny to me now.
I was just catching up on the morning thread. RE: Voter Suppression and it not being real; I do know of one instance from 2004, but it’s not the kind the dems complain about.
David Burge @iowahawkblog
Thank god the monster who leaked video about ABC spiking news on a politically connected billionaire pedophile will no longer be disgracing the journalism profession
Raston, that whole thing tells you everything you need to know about the Media. It’s almost like an Aesop fable (except it’s real) that explains the MSM.
An actual conspiracy to destroy the life of a whistle blower.
I have a hard time with articles like these. I think it also sucks that for some reason, I’ve got to play the heartless prick devils advocate. So here’s the short version:
We’re living in the most wealthy time in human history, in the most wealthy country in human history. I can throw a rock and hit a job in just about every direction. If you’re in a place where you can’t throw that rock and hit a job, MOVE.
A lot of the ‘homeless’ problem isn’t a problem, they’re homeless because it can be a pretty good gig in the right place. “I’m oppressed or addicted or depressed or beaten or a victim or… etc.” We live in a country where people can make over a $100,000 a year by begging on a corner.
Why is it that everyone is entitled to food and shelter over their head? Where do we finally draw the line? Why am I socially obligated to feel bad for someone who has probably made a long string of shitty choices to wind them up where they are, when in fact there’s a pretty good chance that person is literally trying to scam me?
Is our country not wealthy enough, our economy not strong enough, to finally look at these people and just ask “WTF?”
A lot of the ‘homeless’ problem isn’t a problem,
Some of the “homeless” aren’t homeless; they are beggars. I wouldn’t give anything to a professional beggar.
Some of the homeless are genuinely damaged and non-functional; those are the ones I would help if I could figure out a decent way (like tracking down that church I mentioned above).
I can be very cynical, and generally am about the ‘homeless’, but lately I have been rethinking that. With the drift toward complete bureaucratic control over very little aspect of life (including in bureaucracy, not just government, but also the corporate world) I am starting to think many of these people are actually disabled, just not in a physical way. To a person who finds complying with seemingly (and often actually) pointless rules and customs, holds opinions that are vilified, our ‘booming’ economy is not all that welcoming. A lot of application processes for even laborer jobs now involve a whole pile of red tape, HR processes, compiling of various documents and information. I personally find that a daunting process, and I am well educated, and at least somewhat stable and in control of my neuroses. Take a person who is not all that bright, has some minor anxieties about unknown situations, and maybe a bit of unsavory history and it is all very well to say “Get a job”. He might even be willing to work, but can he navigate the HR swamp?
Cy, let me start with an admission: I wrote this article largely as bait for you; not ‘you’ specifically, but for someone to take the Devil’s Advocate position. I’m not really surprised that all of the monocle-wearing, orphan-drivers here didn’t respond directly, although I think many of the mentions about “professional beggars” hits upon the same issue. Drake also encapsulates it pretty well. “I’m not good at telling them apart.”
I have two responses to it: first, I want to acknowledge that we live in a time of abundance beyond anything our distant ancestors ever imagined, but that to me is an aside from the problem of homelessness. Even the Depression was abundant by the standards of the decades that came before it and in comparison to the rest of the world. So what? Does the fact that there is material abundance somehow mean that everyone is given part of it by birthright? The answer to that, as we all well know, is absolutely not. I grew up in the 70s and we were quite broke. Something like 60% of all personal bankruptcies come out of divorce. Take a blue-collar family that’s making it “okay” and then split that in half and now you have two broke households living apart. Second, as mentioned while I was typing this comment, there are the barriers to rising out of poverty that govt has placed in the way.
But I’ll go directly to your point with one question: why do we condition our charity on what we believe the person might do with it subsequently? i.e. Buy more booze or drugs. Dig down and ask yourself why you feel differently about someone panhandling based upon your estimation of what they’re going to do with the charity afterwards. I’d be curious as to your answer.
And thank you for “taking the bait” as it were. I really appreciate it.
why do we condition our charity on what we believe the person might do with it subsequently?
Honest soul searching answer? Because I subconsciously classify them into two categories: redeemables and irredeemables. I want my gift to be effective, so I try to seek out the redeemables. What strikes me is lack of faith espoused by that process.
Bingo. Thank you for your honesty, Trashy.
I once had a homeless guy look me right in the eyes when I asked him what he was going to do withe the money I was handing him and he said, “I just need a fix, Man.” I still gave him a smile, a pat on the shoulder, and the money.
I want my gift to be effective
I don’t see an issue with that sentiment. You have limited resources yourself, and trying to make the best of your charity is worthwhile.
To me the issue is when people start using “Well they are gonna go buy drugs” as an excuse to not give at all.
I’m pretty intimately familiar with a lot of the homeless around here and yes, they will definitely be buying drugs with any money they get.
Buy more booze or drugs. – if they aint pros I don’t care what they do with it. For the true down on their luck booze may be the best way to spend the money.
why do we condition our charity on what we believe the person might do with it subsequently?
As someone sympathetic to your overall stance, I have to disagree with you here. It gets to the question of “deserving” versus “non-deserving” poor. Justice, of course, should be tempered with mercy. But, it’s also fair to temper mercy with justice. A person who’s in a bad position because they’ve made bad decisions might still well deserve our compassion. But, someone who’s only going to continue to make bad decisions? On some level, that seems unfair to all the people who didn’t make bad decisions.
Ahh, so the guy who is “genuinely” homeless somewhere else – who you will never see or encounter – acts as a brake on your charity for the actual human being in front of you? Just food for thought.
I’ve got to step away for a bit and I don’t want you to think I’m avoiding this conversation. I should be bale to log back in, in a bout an hour.
Ahh, so the guy who is “genuinely” homeless somewhere else – who you will never see or encounter
I think you presume to much with that one. The fact is that I do give money to homeless people on occasions. Or I’ll buy them something to eat. Or a coffee. That can actually be a pretty good way of separating the wheat from the chafe.
I am just a dumb Christfag…
34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?
39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Is good enough for me.
Hear, Hear!
” why do we condition our charity on what we believe the person might do with it subsequently?”
Personally? Because I’m not an idiot. Seattle didn’t magically turn full on commie over night for no reason. If you keep enabling, through gifts, certain behaviors, guess what you’re going to get more of?
Birds eye future of humanity? Because Bill Gates generated more wealth by reinvesting in new ideas and methods through the creation and growth of Microsoft than he ever did through the Gates/Melinda foundation.
Giving someone gifts is a nice gesture that we get a nice shot of dopamine from. When you quoted the guy walking away, I could only shake my head. He saw your new car and he knew he had to give you that shot of “feel good,” otherwise, you’d never come back.
“Dig down and ask yourself why you feel differently about someone panhandling based upon your estimation of what they’re going to do with the charity afterwards.”
I spent a good part of my life in Seattle, I’ll never forget this asshole beggar on the board walk right next to Long John silvers. Big black guy in a wheel chair. He playe dthe aggressive game, he would mumble and shake his cup at people as they walked by, he’d even make sudden moves and stops at them with his wheel chair. He had a little bucket with church pamphlets. He had it all and he was AGGRESSIVE. Anyway, long story short, he got me. I gave him some cash. Frankly, some of the best money i’d ever spent. I was working a job across the street and I’ll never forget the feeling I had watching him pull his brand new Black Cadillac up next to where he begged every day and watching him gleefully jump out of the drivers seat and run around the back of his car to open the trunk and put his stuff away.
So again, I’ll ask… When do we get to just start asking these people, “WTF?”
Do you want to guess what that guy voted for whenever a new homeless initiative came up in Seattle? Do we really need to Guess?
Cy – Again, I really appreciate you engaging me.
I don’t want to put words in your mouth, but you seem a bit upset about the issue, and if it’s a big problem in your area, I get why, but I want to differentiate between some things here that are kind of conflated in your reply.
1 – You can ask “those people” WTF all you want, any time you see them. That’s your prerogative.
2 – I want to make a distinction b/w what we do as private citizens and what govt does on our behalf. I suspect you and I quite agree about govt programs that incentivize homelessness and other bad habits.
3 – I wrote this to raise a question about how we handle ourselves in these all-too-frequent encounters and what is going on in our heads and our hearts. You (and others, now) have raised what I consider to be the “utilitarian” or “efficiency” argument against charity. It’s the one that my wife blares at me whenever I give the money in my ashtray to someone panhandling, if I have the chance. It drives her nuts.
All I will say is that I find many of these arguments against charity in these situations to be rationalizations of one kind or another, heart-hardening mechanisms we develop specifically in response to incidents like the one you describe with the guy ion the chair. We get burned in our attempt at charity and so now everyone we encounter in the future had better be LEGIT HOMELESS, BRUH!! And it’s fuck you very much except for a very narrow set of circumstances we describe and justify to ourselves.
Maybe that’s not you. I certainly mean no offense, but I know the stats run as high as 1 out of 4 and as low as 1 out of 7 homeless people being veterans of some kind. Either way, those are ugly numbers. Is substance abuse part of it? Almost inevitably – yet how much do I spend on weed, booze, flat screen TVs and other foolishness while I begrudge some guy – who is clearly in a bad way – even a pittance for his vice? More importantly, and perhaps I should have made this more explicit, how often do I lessen the person’s humanity with my rationalizations and justifications in order to deny them my charity?
All I will say is that I find many of these arguments against charity in these situations to be rationalizations of one kind or another, heart-hardening mechanisms we develop specifically in response to incidents like the one you describe with the guy ion the chair.
Or people can decide to be selective with their charity. Saying you don’t want to help a person out who isn’t all that interested in getting back on their feet isn’t the same thing as saying you don’t want to help someone who is down on his luck. And you can write that off as “LEGIT HOMELESS, BRUH!!” all you want, but that doesn’t change that there is a difference between a guy down on his luck and someone looking to live off other people.
yet how much do I spend on weed, booze, flat screen TVs and other foolishness while I begrudge some guy – who is clearly in a bad way – even a pittance for his vice?
The difference, of course, is that you’re indulging in those things with your own money and not asking someone else to subsidize it.
I wouldn’t say I’m upset. When I read articles that try to promote giving money to the “homeless,” I see how backward the world has become.
If you give a stranger claiming to be homeless money, odds are, you’re feeding the beast. This person is either a grifter or someone, according to their own actions, are so useless or lazy, that they have to stand around and ask for money. Neither of those two people needs more of anyone’s resources and I think promoting their existence is dangerous.
Someday we will again see people in bread lines. We will see whole families starve to death. Hell, in some parts of the world you can still see those things. If I’ve got $10 in my pocket, I have faith it will do more good being thrown into a kid mowing my lawn’s pocket than some grifter or societal pet.
If giving money to beggars made countries wealthy or bettered man in some way other than a dopamine fix for the person giving it away, I might have a bit more sympathy for ‘feeding the bears’ but I just don’t see it.
why do we condition our charity on what we believe the person might do with it subsequently?
For the same reason I don’t give money to big corporate charities that only manage to convert a small percentage of it to actual good works. I’m giving the money to make a positive difference.
If you are a professional beggar, then its a business transaction. I don’t do business transactions where I get nothing in return.
If you are mentally ill or otherwise broken, I question whether cash is really going to help you get out of that hole, or just dig it deeper.
If you are just down on your luck, I’ll happily hand over a $20. The problem is, I don’t know who is genuinely down on their luck. I believe the majority of beggars are more in the professional category, or have problems that a few bucks aren’t going to help with.
For my part, I think charity is a moral obligation to help others in need when we can do so without putting ourselves in a bad way, but not just giving things to people because they don’t have them. There’s a big fat solid line between giving someone who is hungry money to buy food and giving someone money to a degenerate alcoholic who wants more booze, or even to someone who wants a beer and doesn’t have any money. Do it if you want, but they aren’t in the same category. There isn’t, in my mind at least, a moral obligation in the latter cases.
I think, again, speaking for myself, that there’s also an issue of efficiency, maybe, or effectiveness. If I’ve got ten bucks I was going to spend on scratch-offs and there’s someone outside the 7-11 who’s clearly in trouble and needs some help, I’d give them the money. They’ll get more use out of it and their need is much greater. Otherwise, frankly, not only are there other, needier people than the crazy wino who’s going to blow it on booze, but, hell, *I* can blow it on booze. If the stranger is going to waste it, shit, I can put it to better use myself.
I can throw a rock and hit a job in just about every direction.
You or me? Sure. How about a guy with a record? Or someone who’s disabled?
I know multiple felons who do very well for themselves. A good friend of mine finally got the tear removed from under his eye. He’s been promoted a couple of times now. I really believe if you want it and you’re willing to work for it, you will do well in the US. I won’t deny that I am probably very jaded. But what I have seen of ‘charity’ and religion have been nothing but manipulation and disease. Don’t even get me started on the corporate charity crap… ugh.
The one thing I’ll say about the moving if you can’t get a job bit is that for a lot of people once you’ve reached the point where you need to move out of desperation it’s often more difficult to do so than to stay put and go on the dole or panhandle. Granted, we’ve got one Glib here who is doing just that without complaint in tremendously difficult circumstances, but I suspect he’s made of stronger stuff than a lot of people.
I’m not dead yet,?
Shit, man, you might be indestructible!
Living in Vegas I would run into the ‘homeless’ guys who had their hustle. Same place, same story different days. One guy always needed money for gas to get his wife or mama to the hospital and of course would refuse a ride. I never gave that type any cash. Then their were the honest ones. Guy comes up to me, “Man, I’ve had a tough day, I just want to buy some beer.” Well here you go sir.
One guy always needed money for gas
How anyone ever falls for that one, I don’t know.
I need money for gas, got some food and water, even instant coffee, so that parts ok for now, the Wife may get released today, then the fun begins
You, I know. If there’s a facility for me (and other Glibs) to help out – a GoFundMe or whatever, I’ll pitch in. I always help my friends.
If you want to help, try here,
Very much appreciated guys!
I did that once here, you guys are awesome, if I can find a good idea I might bring it up
Ditto, seriously.
Last time someone tried that on me, my wife and I were driving up to Lynchburg, VA for a reunion and the guy claimed he need gas money so he and his kid could get home. The kid part almost got me, I have kids too.
One guy wanted money for the bus to take him to the hospital. He asked me this as I got off of a bus. I put him on and paid his fare.
He did not look happy.
My time in Asia as a youngster probably skewed my view of beggars. There it is just another profession often handed down by family.
Here in the U.S. I think some are professional beggars, some lazy and drugged, some genuinely down on their luck, and some belong in a mental hospital. I’m not good at telling them apart.
another profession often handed down by family
Same here, for a certain ethnicity which I cannot mention as I would not want to discriminate
Gypsies work for a living, and provide a valuable service of buying naughty children from their parents.
At least that’s how I’ve always imagined it.
Plenty to work. Traditionally they were known for making pots, pans, bricks etc. But many did not. It is strange. There was discrimination but there was their culture as well. They still have tribal organizations, leaders that are absurdly rich, their own justice system in the shadows. Hell gold coins are still a thing for them, as payment for wrongdoing or dowry and stuff, They still have arranged marriages.
But they also steal and beg and control a lot of the crime. Maybe discrimination also played a part in that, but so did culture. But it is very hard for the discrimination part to go away if the culture does not change. Many steps forward against racism are countered by behavior of certain members of the minority who sour the rest of Romanians, even the ones who make an effort. It is not an easy thing.
Quite honestly it sounds like the problems of the African-Americans in this country if not as quite a tight knit group as the one in Romania. Historical discrimination, plenty of hard workers, and a ghetto culture making it difficult to overcome the racism that still happens.
we have a new generation of young urban progressives that think these problems would go away of those backwards people would just stop being racist. it is not the case. I cannot see an easy solution, but one would require effort on both sides.
Same here, for a certain ethnicity which I cannot mention as I would not want to
discriminatewake up under a curse.FTFY
One quick comment on “bums” before I make an attempt to accomplish something.
I have said this before, but I believe here are a lot of people in the homeless/unemployed camp who are not unwilling to work, but they just can’t make it in a steady job. It used to be these people could get odd jobs, or farm work, or day labor. Now, there is too much paper involved. You can’t go to the back door of McDonalds, or Applebee’s, and offer to wash dishes or scrub toilets for a meal and a little walking around money. You have to fill out a bunch of forms.
I guess you can still find guys at Home Depot for digging ditches or laying sod, but most places actively discourage that.
Another way the all-knowing, all-seeing Top Men are helping the disadvantaged.
I remember reading back in the day hobos and bums and whatnot were different categories as some were willing to work and others not
My grandparents’ house was on the outskirts of the town my dad grew up in. They had a good sized vegetable garden. And it was the 1930s. Apparently, they used to hire hobos to work the garden.
Great article, Ozy.
I also wanted to point out that either FEE.org or Mises had an article about Hong Kong’s “night markets” (I think that’s what they’re called). For those who might wonder why it’s relevant and maybe haven’t been to China, but you don’t see much homelessness there at all. Now, perhaps the ChiComs are rounding them up and harvesting their organs, but I still don’t think it accounts for the dearth of homelessness in cities that have as many as 20 to 40 million people (Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Chongqing, Shenzhen, etc.) What they have in Hong Kong (and in every major city I’ve been to) is markets, even for the poorest of the poor. When I was a kid, my family (meaning aunts and uncles and their kids) used to get together and “card” shitty, cheap cosmetic jewelry on Friday nights for pennies. I remember we used to put them on those cards by the gross (a dozen dozen) and they would be sold at local flea markets. It turns out that poor girls want to look nice for their beaus just like the Kardashians but they can’t afford real rocks, so they buy crappy imitation stuff.
If you can get your head around what I’m saying, it appears to me that TOP MEN have wiped out markets that would otherwise exists below a certain income level and this, perhaps more than anything else, has prohibited “social power” from being exercised in a way that would take care of a whole LOT of these problems. The minimum wage is just one of the most egregious examples of it, but all artificial price controls do this. They harm the poorest of the poor and yet govt continues to do more and more of it and then spend vast amounts of money fixing this “intractable” problem.
A job that does not provide what the lefty deems a living wage should not exist. A business that cannot give living wages should not exist. A market that sells products beyond the standard of the lefty should not exist. etc etc etc. It is all on purpose, so the poor cannot take care of themselves and thus create a problem for them to solve.
Irony has no limits, Pie. The commies/socialists hate the middle class; socialist policies are specifically designed to destroy it, yet how much of the misery they cause – and the right does, too – by enshrining middle-class, bourgeois notions of what is an “acceptable” wage/job/living situation?
Want or need to live in your car? Hell no! That’s a fine.
Want to smoke cigarettes? Pay the 700% tax, donkey.
Want to use your looks/body to make enough to live? Go to jail.
Want to work for cash “under the table”? That’s welfare fraud, go to jail.
On and on and on.
It’s not just pricing. Licensing hoops and regulations utterly paralyze some people. Some guy who could make a living reselling things or providing some service can’t just go do so. Now he has to figure out how to fill out forms, navigate bureaucratic offices, and convince arrogant and uncaring officials to sign off. He gets told no, and gives up. How many times a day do you as an attorney hear “No, your client can’t do X” and then have to fix some minor flaw in paperwork, argue the statutes with a supervisor or otherwise overcome that No? I think there are a lot of people out there who simply can’t do so, and as the web takes over more and more of the economy, those people are just out of luck.
Fair point, Ozy. We’ve got a few beggars near the hospital who look perfectly functional and capable of doing some work. But, having a criminal record is a big barrier. Just not being quite able to function even at the bottom level of the bureaucracy which is every big business is another. We have a three strikes rule – three unexcused absences or tardies, and you’re gone. It probably costs us some “good-enough” workers.
“It probably costs us some “good-enough” workers.”
Another way min wage laws, and the regulatory state hurts.
If I have to pay (total costs, insurance, admin, wages, everything) 30 bucks an hour for a worker, then I’m not gonna tolerate “good enough”
But if I can hire two guys who will take 12 bucks cash, then the days they both manage to stagger in things get done quicker, and I’m only screwed if both of them are on a bender on the same day.
And there are a lot of no skill needed, yet unpleasant enough that regular staff will grumble if they have to drop their ‘real’ work to do them, jobs floating around undone because you can’t throw the homeless guy a hundred bucks to clean out the alley behind the shop, or that basement full of old moldy boxes.
That is a fantastic point. A lot of those side hustles have been squeezed out of existence. And any time a new one threatens to pop up, they do their best to kill it.
Nice work, Ozy. Thank you for your erudite and well-considered piece.
Thank you, Tonio. I really appreciate that. I’d like to hear your writing critique of the piece I’ve got coming next Thursday at the same time. Same for any of our other professional writer Glibs.
I’m flattered. Certainly.
I bang keys for a living. If you want to shoot an email to this name at g-string male I can take a look at it this weekend
These euphemisms.
Alicia Keys?
Logitech 🙁
It’s already in the queue, so edits won’t help now, but I’ll be on that thread and don’t mind public critique. I’ll shoot you it in advance, however, when I get to my hotel later… tomorrow, I think. Thank you.
Charity begins at home,
But my needy relatives are lazy bums, so I’ll just drink all this whiskey m’self.
Best beggar sign:
Also good:
Would give money to this guy:
ANTIFA is another example. In a more socialy robust society those scum would be quickly, if roughly, dealt with by the folks they harrass. IOW “they’d get what was coming to them.” Harsh, but in my normally very peaceful view, an upthrust to the jaw would be quite appropriate. Not only have we given up any form of sefl defense to the state, we’re punished if we exercise it. And, maybe worse, we refrain from defending ourselves from the fear of state punishment.
For exampe the hero that grapped the flag of the idiots blocking traffic. That reaction should be the norm, not the exception. That blockage shouln’t have last two minutes.
Harsh, but in my normally very peaceful view, an upthrust to the jaw would be quite appropriate.
My thoughts on this are two fold.
1. There are quite a few antifa that have had this “lesson”. Unfortunatly they learned that they could just get in large gangs, where harrasing a single person is much safer. They learned this because local governments have refused to punish the behavior, and the media provides cover for them (“they are simply against facisim, what’s wrong with that?”). Which leads to though number…
2. This is mostly a Blue City issue. It might be callous of me towards my fellow libertarians who happen to live in leftist hell holes, but antifa don’t come down my street, and they don’t come down Salt Lake City. Because that shit isn’t tolerated and they know it.
They learned this because local governments have refused to punish the behavior, and the media provides cover for them
Yup. An active antifa presence is a symptom of a bigger problem.
Yup. An active antifa presence is a symptom of a bigger problem.
I’ve retreated and become very much a localist. I really think it’s terrible that Portland is plagued by fascists, but it’s also an 11 hour drive and several hundred miles away. I can’t be buggered to bother about something happening in another state. I’m more concerned about the various dumb statist things happening in Utah. I’m not afraid that the
antifascist movement is coming to the Beehive state.So if you’ve got Antifa down the street, i’m not gonna tell you how to handle it, but i can tell you that woodchipers have never hurt.
The issue is, they are locusts. I used to mock blue state gun laws. I still do, but I used to.
Now I’m watching Governor Blackface rubbing his hands together as Bloomberg and the rest of the gun grabbers sets the agenda for a legislative assembly that, once upon a time, told a king that if he wanted their guns he could come and fucking get them.
My dad saw a guy begging on a street corner once and offered to pay him to clean up some junk in a lot at a dealer where he was working (service manager) at the time. The guy refused.
Thanks, Ozy.
What a beautifully written and argued piece.
It’s interesting to me how many thinkers over so many years have sounded the alarm about the dangers of ceding power and money to the State. And yet here we are.
Giving money to panhandlers is a challenge for me. Buskers, on the other hand, usually get something.
I appreciate you writing this.
It’s funny you mention buskers. A few years ago I was walking to the Zoo in DC and there was a guy who by all appearances was homeless and didn’t say he needed money for anything in particular. Instead, he’d do a little soft shoe and sing a little ditty, then put his hand out for cash. I gave him five bucks. I mean, he had a good bit, he wasn’t aggressive, he didn’t try to lay a guilt trip on me, and it was worth $5 to me to have something unusual and kinda cool happen.
Thanks, Tundra. You hit on an example I was going to bring up in the comments and that’s busking vs. panhandling. It’s funny how radically different we feel about someone on a street corner if they’ve got an instrument and they’re playing it. Suddenly, they’re magically transformed into “Artists” worthy of our money, although we have no way of knowing the relative moral merits of either person. But we make very, very different judgments about them based upon the apparent ability to make music. I might offer that it seems to me that we feel so much easier in the latter case because we immediately perceive the person’s value by their ‘gift’ of music and so we reach right into that pocket. They may have far, far less objective need than the guy who’s missing some teeth, is all cut up, and smells like hell, yet we treat the two people on the corner in remarkably different ways.
So Bella and I are waiting for momma to get out, but the wind is up, hmmm, Kites?
When I used to go to ElPaso on business a lot there was this chick that regularly pnahandled at a busy interscetion. She worked the divider in the left-turn lane. She was, black, young, tall, slender and pretty good looking. She had a huge ‘fro and her clothes were OK but a but shabby. She WORKED that corner with a smile and enthusiasm. She hustled up and back on that devider hitting every car at every light change. She was really fun to watch. She had the looks to be hustling her booty, but she was clearly doing it for the handouts. I’m sure she was making more money than me
Stossel did an interesting piece on this.
He goes undercover and the results are pretty funny.
I’m going to do a no-no and move my reply to Cy down here because I think it’s more broadly applicable to what a lot of people – myself included – think and do. I didn’t want it to get buried up above and I really believe that this is what I was trying to get at, although I don’t think I quite got there with what I wrote, but I’m glad Cy chimed in to help me hone that particular point.
Cy – Again, I really appreciate you engaging me.
I don’t want to put words in your mouth, but you seem a bit upset about the issue, and if it’s a big problem in your area, I get why, but I want to differentiate between some things here that are kind of conflated in your reply.
1 – You can ask “those people” WTF all you want, any time you see them. That’s your prerogative.
2 – I want to make a distinction b/w what we do as private citizens and what govt does on our behalf. I suspect you and I quite agree about govt programs that incentivize homelessness and other bad habits.
3 – I wrote this to raise a question about how we handle ourselves in these all-too-frequent encounters and what is going on in our heads and our hearts. You (and others, now) have raised what I consider to be the “utilitarian” or “efficiency” argument against charity. It’s the one that my wife blares at me whenever I give the money in my ashtray to someone panhandling, if I have the chance. It drives her nuts.
All I will say is that I find many of these arguments against charity in these situations to be rationalizations of one kind or another, heart-hardening mechanisms we develop specifically in response to incidents like the one you describe with the guy ion the chair. We get burned in our attempt at charity and so now everyone we encounter in the future had better be LEGIT HOMELESS, BRUH!! And it’s fuck you very much except for a very narrow set of circumstances we describe and justify to ourselves.
Maybe that’s not you. I certainly mean no offense, but I know the stats run as high as 1 out of 4 and as low as 1 out of 7 homeless people being veterans of some kind. Either way, those are ugly numbers. Is substance abuse part of it? Almost inevitably – yet how much do I spend on weed, booze, flat screen TVs and other foolishness while I begrudge some guy – who is clearly in a bad way – even a pittance for his vice? More importantly, and perhaps I should have made this more explicit, how often do I lessen the person’s humanity with my rationalizations and justifications in order to deny them my charity?
how much do I spend on weed, booze, flat screen TVs and other foolishness while I begrudge some guy – who is clearly in a bad way – even a pittance for his vice
My vices are more hobbies that I can afford. Calling life-destroying substance abuse a “vice” doesn’t quite capture what it is for many people living on the streets. I don’t think helping them get more of what is a big part of their problem is really helping them.
All I will say is that I find many of these arguments against charity in these situations to be rationalizations of one kind or another, heart-hardening mechanisms we develop specifically in response to incidents like the one you describe with the guy ion the chair.
Could be.
Could also be that just giving money to someone with no regard for the consequences is actually pretty selfish – you get your dopamine rush and you haven’t really helped anyone, perhaps, in fact, the opposite.
Money isn’t what most people on the streets really need. They can use it, sure, but its not going to help them beyond allowing them to either bandaid over their problems with self-medication. Why would I help someone down that road, which tends to be pretty short, with a pretty ugly end?
RC, I’ll probably check in again in a little bit, but I may run out of interwebz as we go near the pole. I’m currently on a transpac to Shanghai for the next few days, but I wanted to say thank you TPTB and everyone for chiming in. I hope I didn’t offend anyone or come across as a moralizing twat. I really wanted to scratch a little deeper on the homeless issue because it is something that seems to keep getting worse and the proposed govt solutions will undoubtedly only exacerbate the problem – as Cy (and you and others) rightfully point out.
OTOH, I want to distinguish between what “we” do individually about (((those people))) when we encounter them and what government does with the money it steals from us.
And most of all, I think I really wanted to convey some sense of humanity to both “Us” and “Them” in these situations and ask some difficult questions about why we feel the way we do about (((them))) and how it taints us and them.
I don’t get a dopamine rush from giving money to homeless people any more, and I’m not sure even if I did, why that’s relevant. It feels like yet another way of trying to negate good deeds using science to justify treating human beings like less than what they are.
To my mind, we don’t disagree: they don’t need money. But I can’t help but think that for both sides in the transaction/encounter that they need our humanity to help them find theirs. And I’ll add to TH’s comment the same thought: I’m glad you survived it and found a way, but i would hate to think I might have seen you and had the kind of “low expectation” disdain for your humanity that I once did simply because you needed charity.
I don’t get a dopamine rush from giving money to homeless people any more, and I’m not sure even if I did, why that’s relevant.
Just to clarify: when I said “you”, I didn’t mean you-you, I meant more “some people”.
But I can’t help but think that for both sides in the transaction/encounter that they need our humanity to help them find theirs.
Yeah, this thought is going to be with me for a long time. Well said.
I hope I didn’t offend anyone or come across as a moralizing twat.
I don’t think so, and I for one enjoy this as much as Q’s pics or any other lighter fare. Similarly, the SLD series is also good rather than being lockstep groupthink.
I’m not sure that the socioeconomic status of a crackhead should influence whether or not you give them money, either, if I might flip the argument around a bit. If charity isn’t dependent on the use to which the money is put, then why would it be dependent on the “need” of the recipient? Seriously, if the moral imperative to charity exists even when you know the person on the receiving end is not especially poor, or when that person is going to blow your money on booze, then why should it even depend on “need” in the first place? Somehow I don’t think that’s what charity is supposed to be in most traditional understandings of the term, otherwise you’d have open bar at the soup kitchen.
open bar at the soup kitchen
*jots down business plan*
If the person you hand money uses it to buy drugs does that mean you harmed them? Maybe, if the drugs you bought them got them hooked you harmed them, but that is unlikely. If they are an addict already I’d say you did not harm them. Someone involuntarily experiencing withdrawal is in real agony, and the fact that they “should” quit, and would be better off if they quit is irrelevant. No one successfully kicks a habit by running out of drugs or money. I’m certainly not arguing that you owe any particular person charity, or even that giving cash to pan handlers is a good thing, but I don’t think the fact that a bum is buying drugs or booze with your cash is a particular reason to say no.
If the person you hand money uses it to buy drugs does that mean you harmed them?
Well, I don’t think you helped them in any meaningful way. Aren’t you giving them money to help them? If not, why are you giving them money?
Just like hookers, you give them money to get them to leave?
The next line of my post answers that. I think you are helping them. You aren’t fixing their life, but then you wouldn’t be fixing their life if you bought them food either. A drug addict who has no drugs is worse off than one who has drugs. Significantly worse off.
I do most of my giving through Kiva and I evaluate the business plans as best I can to pick those who have a chance to really improve their lot, and that is absolutely more satisfying than handing another Hundred to my deadbeat friend, who drank his liver to death and now struggles to get by because post transplant he now has an excuse for all the bad behavior that he always engaged in. But I still do that as well.
You never know what act of kindness might give someone hope.
Great article Ozy Nice to see you’ve made it to prime time.
You’ve certainly gotten me to thinking. Like others here I’ll help the “real” needy, but I don’t want to be scammed. What I think I’m hearing is that it may not matter that much which it is. So what, it the scammer just wants to get high. Fact is, that’s really all he’s got. They’re sad souls either way. I’ve seen enough of both types and a lot of times there’s really no difference. They’ve lost at the game of life no matter what theyll do with your handout.
Yeah, I get my first post to interact with the Glibertariat and I start calling them all skin-flinted Scrooge McDucks! ”
Step right this way to buy my book on winning friends and influencing people!!”
Seriously, though, it’s a great privilege to get to write here and get this kind of interaction.
Funny thing happened in our neighborhood last fall. Some guys who looked not so much homeless as maybe what you’d call underemployed and oversauced were going around house to house offering to rake leaves and that sort of thing for cash. They were a little pushy about it, but damned if they didn’t actually do the work. Problem was, our street is adjacent to public housing that’s not exactly the best area, and there are a lot of break-ins in our neighborhood. I don’t know that these guys were casing houses, or if they were looking for people they could rob, but, sadly, the risk of either of those two things being the case is too great around here to trust people who are trying to just make some honest money doing odd jobs in a place where that’s sorely needed.
Ozy, thanks very much for putting this up. You’ve made me re-examine how I do charity, and motivated me to find the people in my town who are actually helping homeless people and others in a bad way. As I have said, I don’t think cash is really what a lot of people need. They need something else, not a government program, but somebody who will help them in some way. I have some ideas who to look for, and my EOY donations will include them.
Drive by comment-
I spent more than half a year homeless at the age of twenty-one. Despite that, I never begged or dumpster dived, shame and pride were too strongly instilled in me to resort to that. I managed to survive by hanging out at the Labor Ready for work, and a couple days worth of cash was more than enough to feed myself for the week. Point being, in my personal experiences, the people begging who can stand all day at a corner and give you a coherent pity-pitch were the lazy, drug addicted grifters perfectly capable of working. The huddled up on the ground, defeated looking guy not bothering to even lift their head anymore while holding a sign had genuine mental and health issues with no support system.
Just my two cents.
You mention something that I have always felt. Most people that are permanently homeless are so by choice. Usually because of some kind of substance abuse/dependency, mental disorder, or a combination of the two. These people can’t be helped by government and occasional charity is far more likely to be used to keep up the destructive behavior. Then you have your pros that just take advantage of the good hearted (and then laugh at them for being naive). Those people should die from ass maggot infestation. The temporarily homeless, those because of misfortune, will go a very, very long way before they ask for charity or take handouts because of pride, although the new generation of snowflakes might have more exceptions considering how many of them think socialism is cool.
“The new generation of snowflakes” don’t think they should have to ask, you think you should be forced.
*they* think…
I wonder if this is precisely because they know how they themselves in their better off times have judged homeless in the past and wouldn’t want those same thoughts cast their way?
You remind me, TH, that I skated close(ish) to homelessness one summer. Lived at the Y, sold plasma (to two outfits so I could sell double the allowed amount) to buy ramen. Would never have asked for a handout from anyone, even (especially?) family. Didn’t even tell my wife (who was in another state finishing up her degree). I knew it was a short-term thing, which I am sure helped a lot.
The punchline: I had my law degree at the time, and was literally between (law firm) jobs. Life is funny, sometimes.
The nice thing about homeless lawyers is no one feels sorry for them.
Good article Ozy. A few thoughts on it. I have an old friend that lives in San Diego, and he is in a constant battle with street people because he has an alley behind his house where they congregate and there is a church a half block away that feeds them. While most are concerned to turn a blind eye, he is absolutely not. He told me the other day that he discovered the quickest way to get the police to come out is to say you are making a citizen’s arrest. They hate the competition. He did this the other night when two bums were in a physical altercation behind his house. He said there were two cop cars there within minutes.
I deal with the “homeless” all the time as well because I live and work in SF. Two days ago I had to move along a drugged out bum who was sleeping in front of the market across the street. He did not want to get up and I had to be pretty persuasive to get him to move his ass. I don’t want my neighborhood to turn into this. This is an example of one of the areas that I work. This was from yesterday, I posted it in the morning links, but it applies here to the subject.
Holy shit. I don’t know how people can tolerate that.
KSue – I’m very familiar with that homeless enclave in San Diego from living in SD recently for about 4-5 years. I have great empathy for your friend’s and your situations. I think we agree (if you see my comments above) that it is govt policies that have created much of this misery and made it exponentially worse: from price controls, eliminating markets for poor people, etc. (I won’t rehash what I’ve said above).
Those things certainly inform from what happens to us on a personal level when we have these encounters. But given what we Glibs/Libs know about how the govt is making this problem worse, shouldn’t we have more empathy and not less? I haven’t even gotten into how much of the mental health problem stems from overmedication and undermedication and shitty diet and endless war and teaching guys how to kill other human beings and expecting it has no secondary consequences and on and on, almost all of which lies clearly at the feet of government.
I guess my only point would be that we do what we can to keep our hearts open to opportunities to help those who we find most irredeemable. Christ didn’t come to save the righteous, after all. And if any atheists find that offensive, well…FUCK OFF, TULPA! 🙂
Absolutely, there really is a lot to this issue and yes, government has created/worsened it by many policies. I myself have gone from someone who used to have sympathy for many street people and that would occasionally give them money or food to totally jaded by it and pissed off. This city spends over 350 million a year on homeless and it has just succeeded in drawing in the drugged out from across the country to live on the streets here. I’d say 90% of the “homeless” problem here has almost nothing to do with “homes” at all. It’s mental illness and drug addiction.
Like many bad things, the concentration is the annoying part. I grew up in a middle class urban neighborhood. We had a local bum/ner do well type. He would cook at the diner when he was sober, he’d collect bottles and cans, he’d do odd jobs…..and if you hired him to rake your leaves, and you left your bike on the porch, he’d steal it. But, on the whole, he wasn’t so much of a social contagion that people wanted to run him off.
If there was a dozen guys just like him doing the same thing, that would get old real quick.
I was thinking that vid would be apropos here. Thanks, K.
Cheers RC and all. Back at it from lunch to the grind for me…
And much love to you all.
Love this article.
I once described this in an internet discussion as “the State sucks all the oxygen out of the room.”
And nobody took a single swipe at the gun control stuff!!!
Gun control is not controversial among us. We are largely in lockstep on that.