Stuck in Dallas working today with a terrific head cold, completely locked up sinuses and a sore throat. Good times! Oh, and it’s started raining outside.

Almost here…
Man City were held to a draw ahead of their mega-clash with Liverpool this weekend. Juventus, Bayern and PSG all won their group early. Links like we have to wait for the others to shake out.Ohio State topped Cincinnati in college basketball, which is still being played a couple weeks too early for me to really get into it. And your winners on the ice were St Louis and the New York Rangers. That’s it. Those were the only two games they had on the schedule. In the whole league.

The Goden Age of wrestling
Marie Curie was born on this day. As were sociopath Leon Trotsky, writer Albert Camus, the Reverend Billy Graham, singer Joni Mitchell, knuckleballer Joe Niekro, wrestling legend King Kong Bundy, actor Jeremy London, Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, and child actress fuckup Dana Plato.
That list pretty much sucked. But I can’t control the past. So let’s look forward to…the links!
Twitter employees are working in the wrong profession. They were supposed to be doing IT or driving for a career federal politician.

Coming to LA soon…for $50k (probably)
San Francisco and Los Angeles: take note. Just kidding. They’ll go the other way and start putting up cots…to the tune of $50,000 a piece.
DUDE! Too much information!!!!! Seriously, there’s no reason the world needed to know this.
That’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for her.
Now, let’s revisit all the people convicted in his courtroom. Also, this should free him up to get involved in Kamala Harris’s campaign, seeing as that was also her M.O.

Adios, asshole.
Thanks for the apology. Hope you enjoy hell.
That’s all I got. Sorry if they were weak, but I feel like ass. Have a great day.
Stuck in Dallas working today with a terrific head cold, completely locked up sinuses and a sore throat. – go to a mavericks game maybe you will feel better. Otherwise not much one can do with colds…
You know there’s easier to find (and cheaper) sleep aids then the NBA, right?
Not if the game is on TV.
I’d rather stay sick.
The NBA sucks. Sorry, Pie, but it’s true.
1980s NBA was awesome, downhill ever since
Twitter employees are working in the wrong profession. They were supposed to be doing IT or driving for a career federal politician. – must be that social justice thing at work here
Oh, I am certain that’s the motivation with these tards. Nothing says social justice more than repressive governments that want to make sure citizens follow an enforced moral code.
San Francisco and Los Angeles: take note. Just kidding. They’ll go the other way and start putting up cots…to the tune of $50,000 a piece. – I am sort of split on such laws but generally oppose them… I mean as long as they are not aggressive or something
Yeah, when the entire sidewalk is impassable and there’s a turd sundae with hypodermic needles for sprinkles in the gutter where you’re forced to walk around it…we may have a problem.
That’s some poetry right there, Sloop.
That’s the NyQuil talking.
Your chemical muse.
Name of a colab band?
Speaking of impassable, at the gym and some retard 17 year old is doing situps in the middle of the walkway.
OK Boomer
Leon is Boomer Esiason?
Since you said “retard 17 year old” and not “17 year old hottie” is must have been a him.
Of course. as a walked past him there was a big old weightlifter trying to get passed, and our eyes met, and we had that unspoken but knowing exchange of “Damn, What an asshole”.
Should have stepped on the kids nutsack
Why the fook is that kid not is school?
I go to the Gym in the Evenings.
That reminds me of being at the Mall of America twenty years ago and this family of tourists put down a blanket and had a picnic lunch in the middle of the aisle.
Las Vegas is funded by rubes walking down the Strip giving away their money. No way are they going to allow bums to chase off the tourists.
When I lived there you would see people panhandling at underpasses a few blocks off the the strip, but never on the strip itself – I assumed the cops and casino security wouldn’t allow it.
When I visit, you’ll see a couple of panhandlers at the underpasses, usually one posted up at the top of the escalators by the people bridges (these ones are usually doing something like selling bottled water at $1 a bottle), and one about midway on the people bridge. I think the most shocking thing I saw on the strip once was some guys running the classic three card monte scam. They had people dropping $100 a shot on it. This was in sight of half a dozen casinos, where they’ll at least give you free drinks for playing something with better odds.
Las Vegas is funded by rubes walking down the Strip giving away their money. No way are they going to allow bums to chase off the tourists
Las Vegas talking about the dirty streets of San Fransisco is a bit of Pot/Kettle. You think you won’t find needles on the ground in Las Vegas? And there are certainly dissease ridden people standing on the street. She’s just called Ginger.
Hell, just walk a block off the strip in either direction. Fasted change from safe and touristy to keep an eye out for everyone I’ve ever encountered. Then things get less sketchy as you get further away from the strip.
When I lived there in the 90’s, North Las Vegas was the ‘hood to avoid.
Never been out that way. When we’re there it’s for vacation, which usually means the Orleans, the strip, and downtown. Taking shuttles or Uber/Lyft between the places. The quick drop off in safety I noticed was one time when I walked from the strip to Ellis Island Brewery, where they’ve tried to freeze time in the 70’s. The beers are mediocre, but are also under $3 a pint.
Sidewalks are walkways for travel, not parks.
That’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for her.
nigga please as some would say… or are we talking hard R?
Now, let’s revisit all the people convicted in his courtroom. Also, this should free him up to get involved in Kamala Harris’s campaign, seeing as that was also her M.O. – in Romania at least not nearly enough bad judges get kicked off the bench. It is a major issue.
Nah the abuse of power and denial of due process was just a pre tense. The really reason for his removal was the fact that he made a whamen uncomfortable one time. Which, in current year, is rape.
I suspect TI’s daughter has simply been taking a backdoor route to the same location.
Don’t be an ass.
Stop. She doesn’t deserve to be the butt of your jokes.
I believe the correct term is intergluteal cleft
The things I learn on this chat room…
Gonna pop that bitch in the “intergluteal cleft”…
I guess it grows on you….
What a shitty remark
Also, the same location? Does she have a fistula?
You’re over analyizing the joke.
Where’s SIV when you need him?
Wow, I really got reamed for that one.
Story sucks, man
These puns are getting corny.
We should flush them out better before posting.
Hey where did we go
Days when the rains came
Down in the hollow
Playin’ a new game
That would be Vos, you don’t pluralize pronouns in Latin by adding “all o'”
Medical treatment is not for wrongthinkers.
Wow, they aren’t even pretending anymore. Over/under until cattle cars and camps?
This is one of the biggest boons the left sees in government control of healthcare. Being able to deny those that will not conform and comply with the leadership class’ mandate, is punishable by loss of access to crappy care.
It’s almost like the entire system is a poorly concealed route to totalitarianism.
I don’t think it is poorly concealed at all. Heck, they have no fear admitting this is one of the most important results they hope to achieve by taking over healthcare.
But they make sure the medical needs are met As quickly as possible and then they remove them.
I may be thinking way outside the box here, but it would almost seem like the best way to get timely care in a British hospital is to start calling the female staff whores as you walk in.
I wonder what exactly that means.
If you come in having a heart attack, we’ll shock you back into rhythm but not look for a root cause? Do they even bother trying to diagnose someone, or just give them meds to cover up symptoms and shove them out the door?
Even if that’s not the case right now, they’ll soon be keeping lists of “racist” patients and turning them away at the door. Mark my words.
Feature, not anomaly…
That’s genius, although I’d go racist rather than sexist.
Unless you’re Tommy Robinson, in which case you’re strongly advised to seek all medical care in the USA.
Unless you’re
Tommy Robinsonany person in the UK, in which case you’re strongly advised to seek all medical care in the USA.FIFY!
Non-Woke Octogenarians hardest hit. Grampa called the doctor a Chinaman again.
Us Woke Folk address them Orientals properly, out of politeness. Thems is all chinks
Randy: [sighs] I’m sorry, I-I don’t speak Asian, but… um, oh uh, oh, y-yao, yaoi. Yaoi, yes? Boizu rabu. Huh, how does that work?
Tweek x Craig/Script
Have they seen No Way Out (not the Costner one)?
Now I will take a 10 minute break waiting for other people to show up.
Pace yourself, big guy.
I AM NOT THAT FAT OKAY. I just had a few bad years
I didn’t know Alicia Keys was black.
I get his desire to look out for his daughter but:
1) How about private conversations about sex with her instead of creepy, intrusive medical shit?
2) What the fuck are you thinking broadcasting that to the media?
I haven’t been following this, but I’m assuming the fembot Twitter army is already drawing and quartering him.
A bunch of Nuyorican coworkers have similar attitudes toward their daughters, apparently unaware that this is almost guaranteed to ensure they go through a whore phase at some point.
Those guys are always super protective of their own daughters, yet have no problems creeping on and fucking other guys’ young daughters.
You can see why they are so protective… they know there are creeps out there!
And is she isn’t virginal, what is his plan? I’m guessing the Doc, if he is really one, gives the young lady a little wink and pronounces her fit.
That’s basically the default of human nature, if it hasn’t been curbed by cultural pressure.
“Her asshole, however, is worn out and needs a tightening.”
She don’t like salami, she don’t want pastrami
She don’t want no chicken, she don’t want a roast
She just wants a double dose of my
Beef beef beef, beef bolonga
I love ya baby but all I can think about is
Kielbasa sausage, your buttcheeks is warm.
I check my dipstick, you need lubrication honey,
My kielbasa sausage has just got to perform.
Now get it on!
There is no way that story is real.
Not the rapper part. The planned parenthood response. Too on the nose: “Virginity is a social construct?”
Come on! You gotta try harder than that….
Funny story for Sloop: my wife is house-sitting for some friends who are grads of TTUN. She purchased an OSU flag and has attached high up on the roof where they will be able to see it coming up their driveway but won’t be able to get it down. We’re looking forward to the texts of outrage that should start turning up when they get home on Saturday.
Your wife is doing God’s work, Raven.
As if her murder wasn’t sad enough, earlier that day she’d been hanging out and squabbling with an Aryan Circle prospect and meth cook named “Murgatroyd”.
Democracy under siege
If America is the world’s leading democracy, why doesn’t it act like one? If America is the world’s leading democracy, why does it make it so difficult for some of its citizens to vote?
As Barack Obama said last year: “We’re the only advanced democracy that deliberately discourages people from voting.” Few people outside America – and many who live here – are aware of how US states explicitly suppress the votes of people of color, students and poorer communities.
Our year-long series The Fight to Vote will draw national and international attention to voter suppression, and will put voting rights at the very heart of the Guardian’s 2020 election coverage. After all, what’s the point of covering an election if so many people are prevented from participating in it? Strict voter ID laws, poll closures and voter purges are all techniques used by states to deter, discourage or deny certain communities from casting their vote. And these are states with a terrible history of voting discrimination.
This voter disenfranchisement is not done by accident, but by design.
America has an inglorious history of a white, male establishment trying to restrict access to voting as a way of preserving its power base.
It’s still happening.
You don’t have to take our word for it. Here’s what New York University’s Brennan Center, the foremost non-partisan organization devoted to voting rights, said earlier this year: “Over the last 20 years, states have put barriers in front of the ballot box – imposing strict voter ID laws, cutting voting times, restricting registration, and purging voter rolls. These efforts, which received a boost when the supreme court weakened the Voting Rights Act in 2013, have kept significant numbers of eligible voters from the polls, hitting all Americans, but placing special burdens on racial minorities, poor people, and young and old voters.”
This is why America performs so poorly in international rankings of “electoral integrity”
Just what I needed. A lecture from monarchists about democracy, neither of which is applicable to the constitutional republic which is the United States of America.
Restricting the vote to citizens is totally heinous.
They really are one of the more brazenly dishonest outlets out there. Just one lie after another.
One need only examine the voting process in any Democrat Machine city to know our electoral process is as corrupt as any third world nation’s.
I voted this week in NJ by simply scribbling my name on a line. I assume I also voted in Los Angeles since I was once registered there.
One of my best friends is from Canada and was absolutely stunned when I told him you don’t have to show any ID to vote in the states. He has to take 2 forms of ID, one of which must be a photo ID, when he votes. I guess the Canadian darkies are just more privileged or something.
Yup. In Canada, prove who you are with an ID.
One of the few things we get right up here.
You have to present ID in some states, Virginia for instance.
The new legislature will likely get around to quickly fixing that!
Yep – when NY went one-party this year, they already had a package of bills ready to pass to guarantee voter fraud – “early voting”, “vote by mail”, etc.
Vote early! Vote often!
“states have put barriers in front of the ballot box – imposing strict voter ID laws, cutting voting times, restricting registration, and purging voter rolls.”
Call me crazy, but maintaining the integrity of voter rolls is a profoundly pro-democracy thing. If on three other hand, you wanted to subvert democracy, you would ensure that there were no checks to who votes.
In other words what they are saying is if America is Democratic “whycome my ideas don’t win?!”
“why does it make it so difficult for some of its citizens to vote?”
How exactly?
“deliberately discourages people from voting”
Again, how exactly?
“purging voter rolls”
Getting rid of ineligible voters is literally slavery.
Also: again, if showing an ID to vote is too difficult for you, you don’t deserve a say in how the country is run.
Is the right to vote or the right to move freely without government permission more important?
Because I now need super-special federally approved ID to get on a fucking plane.
Yeah. The Dems lean hard on the “racisim!!” angle for this, but it’s obvious that you have to be able to ID who is voting and that they are eligible.
Actively working to prevent fraud hurts the marxists come election time…
I have people in the office loudly claiming that voting should be compulsory … I just keep my mouth shut.
You will be free citizen!!!
Only if “none of the above” is an option. Better yet, the top one.
I would find it hard not to point out that voting used to be compulsory, it was eating that was optional.
Monarchists lecturing a Republic on democracy.
Why doesn’t anyone ever point out the unstated implication of their silly rants: that black people are too stupid to obtain a photo ID?
I don’t even get the stated premise. Why is it so bad to make people show they are who they say they are?
The honest argument I’ve seen is that getting an ID is difficult: it costs money and time, and it may require paperwork you don’t have (birth certificate, social security card, utility bills, etc.). Every citizen resident has the right to vote (and, in some jurisdictions, every non-citizen resident too). By requiring an ID, you are imposing an extra burden on those citizens who can’t easily get one and thus, potentially, denying them their right to vote.
The problem with this formulation is twofold. The first is that the premise is purely theoretical; besides the fact that everybody and their brother already has a government ID of one sort or another (you can’t do much without one), there’s all these organizations out there that help people get to the polls. They wouldn’t hesitate to provide money and time to help people who can’t easily get an ID get over that hurdle.
The second problem is that it reinforces the notion that there cannot be integrity controls on the electoral process. The right to vote is not so hollow as to mean you simply drop a piece of paper into a box and then the process is complete. The votes in each contest have to be counted, honestly and accurately, and they should not be undermined by fraudulent or ineligible ballots. The degree to which this is a serious problem is difficult to assess as they are deliberately not measuring it. “Voter fraud doesn’t exist” is the circular justification used to never investigate whether it happens or not.
Also, most if not all states requiring voter ID offer a free ID that’s acceptable for voting purposes.
Yes. That’s probably necessary to avoid the courts calling it a “poll tax” by another means.
I need an ID that is far more onerous to get just to buy alcohol, to drive a car, to get to fly on a plane, or to be able to carry a constitutionally allowed firearm, to name just a few instances, and they fucking have no problem making any of these as onerous as possible. But for some reason – the left needs to be able to cheat at the polls for those not fast enough to catch on to the reason – asking someone to provide proof that they can vote, is undemocratic? Seriously?
I know there are some instances of people voting without ID, but the larger problem is ballot harvesting by DemOps who show up with boxes of ballots without having to verify the “people” who “cast” them were legit registered voters whose identification had been verified.
Voter ID is a problem. But it’s small potatoes compared to ballot harvesting.
Ballot harvesting is just the next logical step from mail-in voting. If you wanted to blow a hole in election security, you could hardly do better than dropping a ballot for every single voter in the mail, and then counting the ones that get mailed back. There is absolutely no chain of custody, no way to verify that any ballot was actually cast by the person it was sent to, without interference of any kind.
The only difference between mail-in voting and ballot harvesting is that the latter generates less business for the post office.
Paper ballots, only on election day, after showing photo ID, with absentee ballots available only at designated places, being picked up in person after showing a photo ID and signing an affidavit that you will, in fact, be out of the jurisdiction on election day. That’s a more secure system for voting.
Of course, you still need to address the post-vote handling and counting of ballots.
The Pandora’s box of corruption was opened when MN let Al Franken steal a senatorial election when someone “found” box after box of ballots in the trunk of their car and they were allowed to be counted. It’s been downhill since and Team Blue knows it, which is why they’ve pushed for more and more unverifiable voting being legalized.
Many states, and to a large degree presidential elections, are completely fucked now.
We found this entire van full of boxes of votes that break 99% (like in third world dictatorships) for team blue! Nothing to see here, and who cares if voter turnout is over 130%!
who they say they are
And are voting in the proper place. You should only get one ballot in one location.
Look, how else are you going to get to 100% turnout?
The UK used to have pretty tight controls on electoral registration as well. It’s unclear to me if they still do, as the laws were changed somewhat recently. Northern Ireland requires ID at the poll and re-registration yearly with ID and proof of residence. Furthermore, Obama’s statement is either vacuous or wrong; lots of “advanced democracies” apply stricter controls on the vote than the United States does.
There has not been a serious campaign of voter suppression since the 1970s. And, since the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, you can’t be denied at the polling place even if you’re not registered: you get a provisional ballot instead and directions on how to get it recognized. Moreover, the media is never able to find any of these voters who’ve been kept from the polls. It’s always abstract numbers of names removed (a name is not a voter), and nonsensical claims of “racism” because apparently the MVA/DMV doesn’t let black people get IDs.
If America is the world’s leading democracy, why doesn’t it act like one?
Because it ain’t one.
why does it make it so difficult for some of its citizens to vote?
It doesn’t. It is actually far too easy.
Strict voter ID laws, poll closures and voter purges
Something something election integrity. And what do you mean poll closures*? Should the polls remain open until the Democrat wins?
*I know what they really mean, but I doubt it is a real problem.
voter purges
Taking dead people and people who moved off the rolls = PURGE!
Even if they’re removing people who haven’t voted lately, they’re still just names on the roll. You can still go to the poll and cast a provisional ballot. And, if you’re not sure if you’re still registered because you haven’t voted recently, you can just register again. There’s no harm in re-registering.
I know what they really mean
I don’t. Are they closing polling places without notice? Are they changing the locations of them at the last minute?
I figured it meant closing places previously used so there are fewer locations farther apart. But every precinct has to have a polling place. So it should be no biggie.
Ok. I don’t know the specifics, but I wouldn’t be all that surprised that there’s more going on there. If the polling place was in a school, and the school got closed down due to lack of attendance, so too would the polling place.
So not voter suppression but “voter suppression”.
People spend so much time and print wringing their hands over all this that they could just spend helping people to register instead.
In Minnesota, you need to fill out a document with intrusive questions, submit it to your local police, then wait up to a year to see if they will permit you to vote. That gives you a 1 year eligibility to vote, and then you need to redo it all over again. You can get a special 5 year pass, but it requires about a $100 fee to the sheriff, an even more intrusive background check, and a bullshit fee to a state-regulated cartel that usually runs about $100.
Its bullshit that a constitutionally protected right is hidden behind this tangle of paperwork, forcing you to raise a red flag for extra attention by law enforcement, etc. This is what real vote suppression looks like.
Tramp stamp part deux?
From the sidebar of the Chronicle article:
First they were Mormons, now they’re sex cult members. Just remember, no matter what, they mostly likely deserved to be tortured to death.
PS: This is the first I’ve heard about the guy grooming young girls (though I’m skeptical of anything reported on it); however, aside from that previously it was all adult women voluntarily entering into these arrangements. Why exactly is this guy facing life in prison? Sure it’s kind of weird, but I never did see anything in the original stories indicating he did anything illegal.
Because any form of coupling that makes some people uncomfortable should be illegal. Now go to your feelies, and enjoy the orgy porgy.
Reporting on this has been absolutely atrocious. My thoughts are that it is for two reasons. 1. It validates Trump’s narrative of the dangers posed by Mexico on the border. 2. People cannot accept tragedies occuring to innocent people, so they have to concoct some reason as to why it was ok this happened.
When MS-13 and other violent illegals come to America, they are just as human and American as everyone else.
But being a religious American in their country gets them deservedly slaughtered, raped, and burned alive.
Am I reading this right. This family that was tortured and killed live in the same town where people where also victims of sexual predictors? That’s supposed to make me feel less empathy for this family? Is that the take away?
Deep thought of the day:
You know those sex abuse/rape trials in which the victim has to pick the perp’s penis out of a lineup? How do they find the control dicks? And I assume that the dicks need to be erect. Do they give them a shot or something?
Further: Do the control dicks get paid? Would that be a type of “sex work”?
Seeking a new career?
I think I have a pretty nice one if I do say so myself, but I’m not so sure I’m ready for it to be associated, even peripherally, with criminal dicks. I have to maintain my penile integrity.
Also, what if they pick yours?
You’ll end up in a penile institution.
Meaning you will have to exist on a diet of penises?
Bubba (Q’s new cell mate when he enters cell): You wanna be the mama or the papa?
Q: I want to be the PAPA!
Bubba: Well come over here and suck mama’s dick….
Being a violent criminal is some women’s fetish, so you’ll have that going for you.
Dwight: [lays a folder full of pictures on Michael’s desk] There are several penises there I’d love Phyllis to run her eyes over. You know, see if we can catch this pervert.
Michael: This is the last thing that Phyllis needs to see right now, Dwight.
Dwight: Look at that one.
Michael: Dwight, are those your pants? That’s a Polaroid. [Dwight takes the Polaroid and crumples it in his hand]
My eleven-year old niece says Dwight reminds her of me. “He’s funny like you.”
Gee… thanks.
I really don’t see how recognizing a dick is of any use. I would not see this as any sort of valid evidence in a serious trial.
IIRC the cops literally molested some 17 year old kid to get pics of his dick for a kiddie porn charge where he sent his underage girlfriend nudes.
I believe Coach Brackett covered this in Porky’s.
There’s always a chance of an incriminating mark.
They do give them an injection, but it’s just a little prick.
There was a case a few years ago where an underage kid was sending dick pics around. Cops arrested him and forced him get an erection so they could photograph it. A few years later, the cop forcing the kid to do this was arrested for either CP or child sexual abuse. I would find a link, but there’s no way I am going to search for that.
The violent death throws of a doomed campaign
Harris said for voters, “Justice is on the ballot in terms of the corruption of this president and his administration. There is no question, I think, for many of them and many of us that we have a criminal living in the White House. But it is also issues of economic justice. He said he was going to take care of working people but yet in America almost half of American families can’t afford a $400 unexpected expense. Reproductive justice is on the ballot, a big issue in Virginia and around the country. And they want leaders who are going to reflect the priority around giving women their constitutional right to make decisions about their own body. So there were a number of issues. But I’ve seen is Democrats and even some Republicans who are voting for Democrats have decided they’re fed up, they want leaders who are going to respect their rights but also lead and address some of the problems that are long-standing that Donald Trump has failed to deal with.”
She continued, “I intend to fulfill my constitutional duty and obligation, and I will be there for as long as it takes in the United States Senate during the impeachment trial. And frankly, I think that everyone who is a member of the United States Senate including the leader should also fulfill their constitutional duty which means to make sure this process has integrity, that it is not motivated by politics and that it is a truth finding and truth seeking process.”
Now do self-defense.
Then why are YOU running?
The self delusion is strong with this one.
I don’t see how any Senator running for President can participate in the impeachment trial. Talk about a conflict of interest. Here’s hoping McConnell forced them to recuse.
Ha. That’s hilarious.
::flips through copy of constitution::
Nope, still can’t find that right to make decisions about one’s own body.
Now I believe we should be able to do with our bodies as we wish, but it’s not in the damn constitution. It’s like asserting constitutional rights to ass sex and a free pony. Hopefully mutually exclusive.
Anything not delegated to the fed in the constitution is off limits to the fed.
Indeed, reserved to the states or the people I believe is the phrasing. But it’s not a “constitutional right”, unless you’re prepared to assert that anything not listed is in fact such a right.
But it’s not a “constitutional right”, unless you’re prepared to assert that anything not listed is in fact such a right.
I do think that. Something doesn’t have to be expressly “granted” in the constitution for it to be a right of the people, and i will believe that regardless that judges can’t read the 9th or 10th amendment.
This is true, but it is important to understand that the 9th and 10th work together. The 9th says the lack of enumeration is not sufficient cause to deny or disparage rights, and the 10th says the powers not given to the feds are given to the states, and the powers denied to the states are given to the people.
So, the states have the power to restrict the sale of contraceptives, or to ban abortion, as it is a power not given to the feds and not denied to the states. However, the exercise of such power cannot be solely upheld on the fact that “the people have no such right”. The people may not have it as an enumerated, but the lack of it is not a sufficient justification.
Not “given”, RESERVED! The word was used deliberately because the framers recognized that rights are inherent and not granted by Government.
^This. It’s not even an item of libertarian faith or anything, it’s the text of the document. In fact, it is in a sense specifically enumerated, as regulating the control of one’s own body (whatever that means in the context) isn’t granted to the states or the federal government.
Of course, the reason this is tricky territory is because we’re not talking about getting tattoos or even cutting your own finger off, for instance, but abortion, and the issue then becomes whether or not the baby (or fetus, or whatever) has the same rights as the mother.
9th Amendment says hi
The what now?
–last 150 Supreme Court judges
strike my attribution and replace with
last 120 years of Supreme Court judges
Does controlling your own body include taking as many opioid pills as you choose to?
Hell no, Ted. Controlling your own body consists of doing what your betters have decided is good for you.
Also, how in the hell is it the job of the president to put $400 cash in everyone’s pocket for unexpected expenses? Since when does the executive appropriate money? Since when does he decide tax policy? Is she actually this stupid or does she just believe her audience will just lap it up like mindless drones?
Good thing she can’t post her lying lies on Twitter any more. Wait… what?
Kamal totes believes in individual rights as it relates to the Constitution. Sssssure. See that shed over there with the dog in it? Kamala: Yeh, his name is Cujo. But don’t worry he won’t bite.
“almost half of American families can’t afford a $400 unexpected expense.”
Now that’s a doozy. If that’s the case, there’s a bigger problem in American society and it won’t be fixed by this little tyrant. If half the people can’t save $400….then it’s time to just shut down the country. Even I, as a foreigner, have more than that saved in USD.
It’s over Kamala.
Here’s a Kleenex. Clean up.
For the sentence structure Natzees: Kamala: “See that shed over there with the dog in it? Yeh, his name is Cujo. But don’t worry he won’t bite.”
Yep – most Americans don’t save.
Like Canadians.
In any event, why should they? IT’S HOARDING.
Tactical maneuvers in the Senate
“The bill I will introduce today will expand the whistleblower act [and] would be made retroactive so Edward Snowden can come home to live in his own country. All he did was expose that his government was not obeying the Constitution,” Paul said.
Hirono objected to dropping the Democratic resolution and passing Paul’s bill.
“My colleague’s bill was just dropped on my lap literally just now. I certainly haven’t had a chance to read through the bill,” Hirono said.
She added that she was “flabbergasted” by a provision in Paul’s legislation that would apply the Sixth Amendment to impeachment proceedings.
Paul derails Democrats’ empty grandstanding, introduces a substantive bill. Outrage ensues.
What sort of monster would want Sixth Amendment protections to apply to the President?
I certainly haven’t had a chance to read through the bill
Since when does that matter? You have to pass it to find our what’s in it.
Hirono can read?
Neither do I apparently. I meant to overwrite two of those characters, but appended them instead…
Some (preliminary) good news from across the pond. Three years ago, cops in England tased a former football who died. One of them was charged with murder this morning:
30 minutes have elapsed and you know what that means.
It’s time for Thot Thursday!
24 and 39 are in my wheelhouse.
Which one of you is this?
The lengths some people will go to avoid an honest days work never ceases to amaze me.
Look at the House Democrats for a prime example. Have they passed a bill this year that has anything to do with their party’s platform?
Let’s hope they don’t.
Lazy ass can’t even put an ounce of work into a convincing fall.
Hirono’s po-faced objection that she can’t vote on a bill she has not read is just precious.
Since it is not a demonstrated fact that Mazie can read at any level above “See Spot run. Run Spot, run!” I assert that she shouldn’t vote on any bill or motion.
UN aid workers raped 60,000 people as it’s claimed organisation employs 3,300 paedophiles
Is omwc still on the job hunt?
At first I thought that was one person.
I would not be able to help being impressed if that were the case. That would be raping 16 people a day for 10 years. Talk about stamina.
That’s like a blue helmet version of Wilt Chamberlain.
+1 Magic Johnson
He found something, but I’m sure he’s always looking for diddle opportunities. Although he may have moral objections to working for UN.
Sounds like a perfect opportunity to defund the whole thing.
Are you kidding? They clearly need MOAR MUNNY for education, training and various sexual harassment bureaucrats.
Cover-up? We’ve been hearing about this for years. Nobody gives a shit.
New Carlsberg Danish Pilsner, rebrewed from head to hop. Has the person responsible for the old brew been dealt with? Probably.
Good for a chuckle.
Heh. I enjoyed that guy’s Netflix movie. “Polar” (I think).
It was never about safety.
In Bucharest cops tend to camp in some of the safest low accident places because it is a good place to give speeding tickets without much hustle.
I’m shocked, shocked I tell you to find out that a government program doesn’t achieve its stated aims. Next you’ll tell me that anti-poverty programs haven’t eliminated the poor from amongst us.
I was assured by NPR that Baltimore was an awesome city that all would want to move to.
LOL. That is a man with a plan!
Global Warming number 1 cause of crime.
Larry Elder: White Supremacist
Former Attorney General Eric Holder complained about the fact that black kids are suspended and expelled from school disproportionately more compared to their population in a given school. Holder attributed it to racism. But the disproportionate suspensions occur irrespective of the racial composition of the school board and irrespective of the race of the principal.
Michelle Obama also inadvertently offered another reason for “white flight.” During the 2008 campaign, “60 Minutes” interviewed her and Barack Obama. Correspondent Steve Croft asked Michelle whether, given the possibility that Barack Obama could become the first black president, she feared for his safety. “I don’t lose sleep over it,” she replied, “because the realities are that … as a black man … Barack can get shot going to the gas station. … So, you know, you can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen. We just weren’t raised that way.”
Isn’t Michelle Obama conceding that some neighborhoods are more dangerous than others? Chicago is about one-third black, one-third white and one-third Hispanic. Yet, in the last 365 days in Chicago, blacks have been 55% of all homicide victims. And what about violent black-white interracial crime? According to the FBI’s Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 2018, there were about 600,000 such instances. In 90% of them, the perpetrator was black, the victim white.
What about the quality of schools? To avoid her local public school, Michelle Obama spent almost three hours a day busing to a high school that her family felt offered her a better future.
They’re just getting reparations.
“Holder attributed it to racism.”
That was his MO at the justice department.
Maybe he should get a job teaching at a high school in Detroit?
GDP per Capita in Europe in 1890 (in 2017 $)
Might explain why the Euros are so keen to prevent the Brits from leaving.
Today’s WSJ
LVMH’s Fortunes Glisten in Stock Market
Market cap tops $222 billion, placing luxury-goods maker among Europe’s most valuable companies
Keep in mind LVMH makes luxury goods. I’m 99% of their stuff is trinkets. alcohol or high end clothing.
(Full disclosure I own and love my Zenith Chronograph. However, it was purchased before LVMH acquired them.)
This piece kind of touches on what I was saying the other day about how libertarianism turns of normies and ends up attracting degenerates in a self-reinforcing cycle. Some of it is nonsense, but this part is a good encapsulation of that point, which I think is interesting:
“by libertarianism’s official indifference to family formation, moral instruction, drug use, and other social factors essential to the development of citizens capable of flourishing in a libertarian regime.”
The destruction of the family, the degeneration of morals, and the spread of drug use is a result of government policy, not in spite of it. When you subsidize bastard children and when there’s a raft of welfare for the undeserving poor, as opposed to the deserving poor, this results in societal decay and decline.
“Furthermore, because it has no place for economic solidarity, libertarianism sabotages itself economically as well as socially. The doctrinal imperatives of open markets and (often) open borders deny the existence of any national “We the people” who ought to be considered in economic policymaking. Libertarians cheer the “creative destruction” of the global market’s economic devastation of communities and regions”
Again, these things were caused by government. The American worker is vastly more productive than a foreign worker. But the shackles of taxation and regulation, particularly the green insanity, mean its cheaper to produce overseas. Particularly with the massive US Navy policing the sea lanes and prepared to land Marines if any foreign government decides to nationalize the American factories.
Brown and gray type industries didn’t die a natural death in the Rust Belt, they were killed by the unions and their government cronies. There’s a shitload of car plants all over the American South, manufacturing Japanese cars in right to work states paying a middle class wage to American workers, in America. Japanese executives sitting side by side with good ol boys at the Little League ballpark.
Usually its leftists trotting out this bullshit “We’ve tried libertarianism, it doesn’t work” articles. It’s very disapointing that The Federalist is pushing this drivel.
I’ll tell you what: Demobilize 90% of the Army and half the Navy, light the Federal Register on fire, shut down the welfare state, fire 90% of the federal civil service and change the tax code to something smaller than 50 pages. Do that for 20 years, and then you can blame any existing social problems on the libertarians.
I did warn you some of it was nonsense. I do think there’s a valid criticism buried in there about libertarianism’s inherent cultural relativism, and not-so-occasional open hostility to traditionalism though. Even if it’s a benign sort of indifference rather than hostility (it tended more towards the former during the Cold War and much more towards the latter since), it has the effect of alienating the sort of people who contribute the most to actually making society function and attracts the sort of people whose social dysfunction further alienates the normies. It’s an issue I’ve been contemplating since I left my farewell diatribe at Reason and a big part of the reason I no longer really use the label ‘libertarian’ self-referentially. I’ll take the word of the myriad libertarians who tell me I’m not one because I’m uneasy about institutionalizing amorality.
These days, it seems like both libertarians *and* socons have forgotten that there are and should be mechanisms outside the state to develop the moral fabric of a community.
Me, you, and Trshy should start a club.
Hey Fucker, I’m in that club too!
*cut to scene of trashy engaged in large genderfluid orgy*
Wha… Oh… Yeah, traditional values are important!
In seriousness, though, I’m a big believer in the butterfly effect when it comes to downstream consequences of government social action. I don’t think we’d even recognize a united States where the excesses of the progressive Era didn’t happen. Much for the better, some for the worse.
There’s definitely a “cool kid” streak in libertarian circles, but I personally think that a libertarian polity looks a lot more traditionalist then the current American society.
Things like unwed motherhood, a slothful and wasteful approach to education, massive bureaucracy both corporate and public, the sucking parasite of the legal sector, all these things exist because of government, not in spite of government.
I don’t think the State has institutionalized amorality, I think the State has institutionalized a leftist moral code. Amorality would be some kind of true UBI or negative income tax, or a laissez faire government. When the State is funding unwed mothers and giving more money for each bastard child, when the State continually pumps money into a failed educational establishment, when the State is debasing the currency, strangling entrepreneurship, and massively distorting the marketplace, the State is actively assaulting traditional society.
I mean look at the work week alone. In 1820 people worked sunup to sundown 6 days a week. In 1920 the 40 hour workweek was pretty established. But in 2020 we’re still looking at a 40 hour workweek. The efficiency gains have been gobbled up to feed the tax monster. I’d bet in Libertopia that you see single breadwinner households emerging, or a split shift model where dad works the morning and mom the afternoon, because they can raise a family on one salary provided they get to actually keep what they earn.
Practically nothing I’d disagree with there. I should probably be more choosy with my phrasing. I don’t mean to imply that I wish for the state to be the arbiter of morality either. I’m of the “there shouldn’t be any legal prohibition on drugs and prostitution” bent. What I’m uneasy about is the banishment of traditional morality from the public sphere by fiat, whereby it’s not enough merely for vice to be legal, but it must not be the subject of public censure either. Or for example judges’ religious affiliations being held to disqualify them from serving in public office, or teachers being barred from displaying religious personal effects, or the annual hullabaloo about nativities and menorahs on public grounds. When you make displays of the general moral sentiments of a community taboo or even illegal the message resonates throughout the community and the moral sentiment itself dies, leaving you with a theoretically free but morally bereft and sterile community where the only systemic avenue for addressing those issues becomes the default secular institution – government.
I think there’s a tendency for mainline libertarian thinkers and policy hacks to tolerate (or even sometimes champion) the excesses of the left because libertarianism belongs culturally to the left.
For people in NY, I provide some good news from Tuesday’s elections.
Today is the anniversary of Russia’s commie revolution and tankie twitter is lit…
Got news for you buddy, sodomy was considered a capitalist decadence and expressedly outlawed in your favorite totalitarian state. Punishment included reeducation and the gulags.
Well in the New Socialism that is Yet To Come The Gay will be in Charge and no evil thing shall Happen.
That was what Ernst Rohm thought too.
which ended the exploitation of man by man
It’s actually true, because kulaks and wreckers aren’t actually human, so it’s perfectly acceptable to exploit them.
They had it coming. They had it coming. They only had themselves to blame.
Because you knew it was coming.
Speaking Wednesday morning, Gov. Northam said he plans to reintroduce eight bills he says will “save lives in Virginia,” including universal background checks, bans on assault weapons as well as extreme risk protective orders, also called a red flag law.
“Virginia spoke and we’re going to listen and we’re going to take action,” Gov. Northam said.
Following the deadly shooting in Virginia Beach in May, Gov. Northam called lawmakers back to Richmond for a special session on how to prevent gun violence. After 90 minutes, it was adjourned by Republicans who then tasked the Virginia State Crime Commission to evaluate the proposals.
House Speaker Kirk Cox, who won his reelection last night, as well as other members of GOP leadership called the special session an “election-year stunt.”
The commission is expected to meet next week, ahead of lawmakers returning to Richmond to decide what to do with the legislation.
When asked about his expectations for the special session later this, the governor said he is “willing to work with them.”
Leftist never fail to propose constitutionally dubious laws that would do nothing to prevent crime generally and/or address a specific crime with specific circumstances.
Well yes it was obvious. Good luck to em what can I say?
Fukn hell, I really don’t want to spend my bonus on artificially inflated guns.
Buy a California compliant cork gun
I was trying to think of what I should pick up if anything at all. I have a Palmetto black polymer rifle already so I don’t feel the need to buy one. Would an SKS fall under an AWB?
No, 2nd Amendment. Comes with an attached 10 round mag, 30 rd unattached need a little work to work. Some folks say Russian rather than Chinese, YMMV.
VA will be looking to MA and NJ for pointers on many things, guns, taxes, public policy…
As Drake mentioned a day or so ago NJ used to have no sales tax in the early 70s.
This state is headed straight for the gutter. I’m guessing I’ll feel compelled to move away within 5 years.
I knew people who moved to VA to escape MA and NJ. They have to be going crazy.
Or, they finally got what they have been voting for all along. People who leave high regulation, high tax states often vote for higher taxes and more regulation. Because they are stupid.
I’m sure there are those kinds of carpetbaggers there, but there were hardcore conservative gunnies.
I used to read this guy’s gun blog – he “escaped” from MA to VA.
Remember that time Gov. Northam addmited to wearing blackface, but then said he wasn’t sure he was in that picture cause he might have been in the KKK outfit?
Sounds about right for a guy who wants to take guns away.
Remember when Lt. Gov. Fairfax was accused of sexual assault by multiple women? Credibly accused, I dare say?
Every single Virginia Democrat is a power-hungry hypocrite. Fuck every single last one of them.
Remember when Governor Klan Meeting said that an infant could be born and kept comfortable while the doc and parents decided whether or not to kill it?
If VA is anything like NY, that’s probably just the tip of the iceberg of lefty bills they’ve been sitting on for years.
News you can use.
Go Dildo Teabaggins!
Harry Pooter
Trump doing what Trump does
A true American hero
The woman who gave “the finger” to President Trump’s motorcade was elected to the Loudon County, Va. Board of Supervisors in the state’s Tuesday elections. The newly-elected official, Juli Briskman said Wednesday that she feels “the same as I did in 2017, if not stronger, about what’s going on in our country,” according to NBC News.
When Briskman made the gesture at the motorcade from her bicycle in 2017, she told NBA, “at that moment, I had lost all hope.” She would later lose her job as a government contractor after the photo went viral.
“I came to a realization that I can’t run against [Trump], but I can make change at the local level. Every state matters, every vote counts. I put my head down and went to work,” she told the network.
Although the viral image helped Briskman’s fundraising, she said, “People made assumptions that that’s all I was.”
“Some people said she’s just crass, there’s nothing to her, she’s a loud mouth, she’s not going to be able to work with the other side,” she added.
I’m sure she has a plan.
Contrast this with the rodeo clown who wore an Obama mask.
This amused me
Good morning, Sloop! And good morning to the rest of YP.
Fucking 14 degrees this morning.
I’m cold.
Feel better, Sloop.
Well at least you get normal weather. The last two weeks have been unseasonably hot around here and two dry. No 21 proper degrees highs, 10 degree lows is quite pleasant a temperature for day to day living, but it is weird for November. Global warming is at it round these parts.
We’re expected to have our first snowfall today. A bit late in the year for it, but well within norms. Right now it’s the worst of all worlds, in the 30’s and raining. I would much rather it be snow then rain in that temperature range.
Also cold.
stone cold
Dedric Clark and the Social Animals
Stone Cold.
Nato alliance experiencing brain death, says Macron
President Emmanuel Macron of France has described Nato as “brain” dead, stressing what he sees as waning commitment to the transatlantic alliance by its main guarantor, the US.
Here’s the problem with NATO. It’s the same problem the Athenian league had. In that It’s all benefits for the small member states, with little to no benefits to the US. Why should the US continue to fund the defense of Europe for free?
Why should we spend a dime to protect France, Germany, and the UK? A few decades ago, they actually pitched in with their own military funding. And we were allied against the commies. Now they are the commies.
To be honest, we seem to be close to becoming the new commies ourselves these days…
Perhaps if our European counterparts had been committed to the treaty for the last 30 years, it wouldn’t be an issue.
And like it or not, Turkey is still part of NATO. While Erdogan is an asshole, they have a vested interest in keeping the PKK away from their border.
Should have nuked the russians in 1945
Patton was right?
US forces should let French leadership have a say in where they are deployed, otherwise they’re “braindead”.
Sure – Fort Bragg, Drum, Leavenworth, Knox… let us know which works best for you.
Time for Trump and Macron to have a little quid pro quo talk.
whether Nato members were still committed to collective defence
Pull your own weight, Frenchy.
Fucking 14 degrees this morning.
Yesterday started out with a big cloud parked on top of me. Freezing fog so bad even the grass was iced over. At four, I went out to “jump in the car” and go to town, but it was encased in an eighth of an inch of rock hard ice. Rather than spend twenty minutes or more chiseling it off the windows, I went back inside. ‘Sposed to be sunny and warmer today. Got my fingers crossed.
These work great.
Garages for the win!
7-year-old at center of transgender custody battle opts to attend school as a boy
Judge Kim Cooks placed both parents under a gag order and granted joint managing conservatorship to both parents in late October, meaning they must both consent to any medical treatments their children are given.
As part of the ruling, James Younger was allowed to decide which name he wanted to be called and how he wanted to present himself.
James decided to attend school as a boy and be called by his given name.
This poor kid.
This is systemic transphobia.
His mom is an asshole.
Total asshole.
Therefore, clearly he identifies as female.
It’s the patriarchy’s fault
Pffft. Everything is.
That mother should be sewn into a bag and thrown into a river.
If my understanding of science is correct, wouldn’t she float?
Or melt.
I don’t know if I read it here or someplace else. But I saw where someone wrote, “I choose to identify as Michael Jackson. My preferred pronouns are He/Hee.”
Boooo. *throws rotten vegetables*
That’s actually a great news.
If this kid makes it to 40 still alive, it will be a miracle.
After a article drew howls and derision online for claiming the Obama White House received complaints from top CIA officials for holding weekly “political correctness” meetings, the author of the book admitted that he didn’t understand that the initials “PC” actually stood for “principals committee.”
A reminder that Journalists of every stripe, have no qualms about writing things they have no fucking clue about.
Wet streets cause rain.
At least this guy admitted his mistake. How many can’t be bothered to?
GOA’s Statement
“Virginia’s election results, while disappointing, should not be interpreted as a grassroots call for gun control.
Many factors, especially out of state influencers, were at play in this election. For example, anti-gun New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg sent millions of out-of-state money into the Old Dominion to support anti-gun candidates. Out-of-state celebrities like Alec Baldwin went campaigning door-to-door. Another factor was the redistricting measures, which favored anti-gun candidates.
However, Virginia’s gun owners should not be without hope. As an example, pro-gun Delegate Nick Freitas has apparently won the largest write-in campaign in Virginia’s history.
Gun Owners of America will also be in the trenches resisting attacks on the right to keep and bear arms. GOA will be using all available resources to combat these infringements, either in the legislature or the courts.”
Something something money in politics. . .
I interpret it as the election of NOVA to hold control over the entire state.
Southern Virginia needs to secede as they’re just a captive province of DC now.
Form back up with West or go it alone?
I’m willing to bet that a big reason Kastelberg lost to that piece of shit Willett is because she went all-in on gun control. The fuck is the point of voting for a pro-gun control Republican? Who’s motivated to bother?
Wait, Kastelberg was the Republican?
Yep. You’d never be able to tell by her mailings, right?
Oops! ADAM SCHIFF Accidentally Leaks Name of Anti-Trump ‘Whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella in Bill Taylor’s Transcript!
That name’s been out in the air for at least the last 10 days or so anyway.
Funny as hell. A prog columnist in today’s newspaper was ranting about how Trump demanding the whistleblower’s name was practically treasonous.
Something something money in politics. . .
Good when it enhances justice and equality.
Bad when it thwarts common sense safety measures.
An incredible real-life episode of Hat and the Hair from the 60’s. Hilarious.
LBJ orders new pants.
That’s…… fantastic
Oh yeah, you guys never heard that clip before? There’s nothing quite like LBJ saying “mah bunghole”.
Oh my God.
I’ve heard that before. Great stuff.
In my head, he’s making the call while sitting on the shitter.
dignity of the office!!11!!
This. LBJ was Trump without the media scrutiny.
“Aaron Hernandez’s prison lover claims the late NFL star bragged about killing FOUR people before his suicide”
“It’s OK to be a boomer!: William Shatner takes ‘entitled’ millennials to task in heated Twitter exchange, calls one a diva and corrects her grammar after she blamed his generation for the ‘hardships’ she faces”
Shatner > *
One of the very few Hollywood celebrities that I would love to have a beer with.
I still miss James Woods twitter.
Get a life!
It’s OK to be a boomer!
No it really isn’t. Millenials are more likely to be hotter, have longer life prospects and generally be younger than boomers.
Fuck ’em both.
Hah, that’s excellent!
It’s twue!
SF’d. Never mind. Wasn’t that important.
And they worked so hard for it, too.
He’s not a boomer…and he is also Canadian.
Meanwhile in Quebec…
So this province lures international students to come here to study. Some of the things they promise is to be able to get work permits and work here with the mind people stay.
Know what? That’s what people do! They meet, marry buy homes and begin to set roots.
Then the government decides. TA-DAH! Rips the rug from under their feet and says ‘we change our minds’. You have to leave.
Man, at least let those people stay and THEN enforce the new law if that’s what you want. Don’t do that to people. It’s cruel. I don’t know. Sometimes I wonder what rocks are in their heads.
This place is disheartening on so many levels.
And then they have balls to cry about Trump?
And here’s a note to the CAQ who say one of the reasons why they’re doing this is because we need more engineers and IT specialists here.
If you keep acting like idiots toward the English language you’re never going to attract the best and brightest. You’re just operating from a small pool of human capital. Like how the Montreal Canadiens only hire bilingual coaches. They’re never going to get the best coach available that way. It’s inefficient and counter-productive.
Once again, Quebec identifies an issue properly but misses and whiffs on the solution because they just can’t extricate themselves from their language fears.
Very parochial and then they wonder why they’re behind all the time. They’re gonna need another ‘Quiet Revolution’ to realize they’re mind set is not conducive to competing within Canada; let alone on the continent.
The French speaking pool no less, which is the “Nick Gillespie” of language pools.
Disgui gets it.
Q just posted this:
“10 Wild, Weird And Wacky XXX Parodies You *Have* To Watch”
does anyone see a list of these 10 parodies, or is the page broken?
Works for me, but it’s one of those scroll-to-load type of deals so if you have noscript it’s probably blocking it.
I’m not using noscript, and turning off adblocker didn’t work.
Lenexa may become first city to implement large-scale smart pavement project
“The technology includes precast concrete sections that have embedded fiber optics and digital technology. Those installations allow vehicles to easily connect to the internet and provide real-time traffic monitoring as well as a full record of traffic history.”
No way will this ever be abused by the powers that be.
I’m shocked it wasn’t Mission Hills.
Their roads would be paved with gold.
Is it always summer and do they never get cold?
They’ll never get hungry, they’ll never get old and gray.
No way this won’t have insanely massive maintenance costs.
Great, embed current technology in concrete. “Today marks the end of change.”
Imagine some government goober deciding gas pumps need to be easily, individually, updated, back in the mid-80s. So mandate that each have an 8” floppy drive, very cutting edge. Or, mid to late 90s, that houses should all have Ethernet cabling installed alongside the electrical wiring and available on electrical outlets. Minimize all those ugly wires snaking everywhere. Why, it will add resale value to the home!
This is the equivalent.
This. It’s an insanely stupid idea that only bureaucrats and crony capitalists can love,
It’s akin to Musk and his solar roofing tile idiocy. You’re trying to combine two wholly separate functions, waterproofing and power generation, and combine them into one shitty product.
I like the idea of solar panel roof tiles. I think it’s neat.
Best kept to science fiction novels. The practical aspects of it are horrendous.
I out it in romance fiction. Close enough, I guess.
For now. Perhaps the tech will evolve to the point of practical application.
Last night I ranted about how awesome I am at my job. Well, turns out I was doin it rong.
ProTip: the cod goes in the cunte.
Yeah, I just found that out.
Typically the last step.
I thought the last step was to remind her to grab all her stuff before she leaves?
I was thinking it was the victory dance, but you make a good point.
I may be a whore but I’m an expensive one.
Then I REALLY can’t afford you
LOL What movie is that from?
Jack Reacher. Great movie!
Semper Pluvia?
Marines end longstanding ban on umbrellas
They warned us what would happen if we got rid of don’t ask don’t tell.
They issue you the all weather coat for a reason, pussies
#metoo on the head cold.
We want to watch you spank it. TW TOS.
I see dirty magazines and DVDs making a big cumback in the land down under.
Remember when we had to resort to dirty pictures made on vegetable pulp?
When I was a young teenager I spanked it to a She Hulk comic book for a couple of months so yes.
I’ll be in my bunk!
Sloop, it’s too bad you’re under the weather–would be an honor the have a meet ‘n’ greet with one of TPTB, especially as a first contact.
Of course, working nights craps on it, too. Should you get better and be here Friday, holla at ya boy.
I hope to get out of here today. But I’ll be back the whole week of the 17th. Probably stay near Jerry World if that works.
Also…CALLING ALL DFW GLIBS!!!!! Meetup week of the 17th.
Good news everyone!
One of my clubs is setting up a NY-legal multi-gun competition. So no more excuses for you lucky people who don’t need a NYS pistol permit. You can bring a couple of long arms up/down/over to beautiful Greenfield Center and make with the BLAM!
I’ll find out if this match is open to the public, or if it’s a shakedown/trial run.
Is this the only way that Australia doesn’t try to kill you?
Don’t give it any ideas!
“.@TulsiGabbard shuts down Joy Behar after she attacks her for going on Fox News, which she calls “state TV.”
“I am here to speak to every single American in this country… not to speak to those who agree with me, but to those who may disagree with me.””
The irony of Joy Behar calling Fox News “State TV” is unbearable. I will say that Fox is friendly to the president, but it is abundantly clear that the President no longer means the “State”. This is a transition that has been long in the making, and was only masked by the fact that the State and the President were aligned. But now we it is in the open, and the State has it’s defenders on the Left.
This puts us libertarians in a similar situation as to when the Syrian Civil war started and i thought: “Why can’t the both loose?”
“This puts us libertarians in a similar situation as to when the Syrian Civil war started and i thought: “Why can’t the both loose?”
It’s a matter of fact that our involvement began in 2011 (when it was a different excuse why we had to stay) all new excuses why now we must stay is pure myth making.
What that debate really boils down to is that some libertarians are more similar to neolibs and neocons regarding foreign policy and the other group believes “less government” should actually mean “less government”
Behar is a reprehensible moron.
She’s disgusting and vile. I don’t know how anyone can stand to be in the same room with her.
In the news that some people are terrible investors. An application (Robinhood) had a glitch that allowed investors to get infinite leverage, and some morons took advantage of that. As an example:
Ahh. WallStreetBets. Sounds about right.
Mornin’ Glibbies. Time for me to right my professional wrongs. Should I or should I not take a shower and work in my jammies? It’s freaking cold outside and my office is nice and warm. And also a mess.
I’m WFH today. No shower. Still in sleep attire i.e. gym shorts, t-shirt, top hat, monacle.
Monocle. Damn touchscreen phone.
It’s 36 here. Going to be 21 tomorrow morning. Taking tomorrow off to go to range. Indoor.
26F with a windchill, feels like 15F, but sunny. WTF it’s only the beginning of November. It should be 40s with rain. I love the November rains.
It’s going to rain all afternoon here. Doesn’t look like it has started yet.
That was me, two weeks ago.
10°F on the drive in this morning. The cold weeds out the weak.
This is January weather. All the excitement’s gone and the most boring month has to be simply gotten through.
Around 58F on my drive in. Should hit 80F today.
Supposed to hit 90 here.
Are you Stephanie Seymour?
Elizabeth Warren Offers to Meet With Bill Gates and Talk Wealth Tax After His Criticisms
Gates said, “If I had to pay $20 billion, it’s fine. But when you say I should pay $100 billion, then I’m starting to do a little math about what I have left over.”
When asked if he would meet with Warren, Gates responded, “I’m not sure how open minded she is — or that she’d even be willing to sit down with somebody who has large amounts of money.”
The 2020 candidate herself responded on Twitter tonight, “I’m always happy to meet with people, even if we have different views. @BillGates, if we get the chance, I’d love to explain exactly how much you’d pay under my wealth tax. (I promise it’s not $100 billion.)”
Idk Lizzie, you have already made your base super horny:
Feeling bad for taking 106 billion dollars from Bill Gates and leaving him with a measly 800 million dollars.
The worst thieves are the ones who rationalize away the wrong they are doing.
Feeling bad for raping her in every orifice and leaving her with a measly life.
Feeling bad for murdering her whole family and leaving her a measly cat.
Nope, I don’t see a moral principle being expressed here.
Should five percent appear too small
Be thankful I don’t take it all
That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.
Single women dying alone with their cats.
Apparently Incels hardest hit.
It’s a nice sacrifice to offer their cats sustanence in death. That’s true love.
Single women dig pussy too?
*pussy cats
Fewer since Obergefell
Bill Gates, super-genius
Gates sits at the center of the conversation about Big Tech, Big Money, and Big Philanthropy — all of which are increasingly unpopular with Americans who worry about the personal wealth that a small group of tech company leaders has amassed. But on Wednesday during an appearance at the New York Times’ Dealbook conference, the world’s second-richest person tried to offer a defense of billionaires in an age of massive income inequality.
Gates had to tangle with thorny questions about his connections to Jeffrey Epstein, whether the Gates Foundation should be as powerful as it is, and how he reckons with a possible Elizabeth Warren presidency.
Some critics think billionaires should not be allowed to put their money into foundations and receive tax deductions for this philanthropic giving — arguing that it deprives the US government of revenue for social services. Gates said that some gifts to foundations could be “more taxed.”
But Gates, whose foundation gives out about $5 billion a year, defended Big Philanthropy against its critics who argue that it is a second-class way to solve the country’s problems, after government.
“Should rich people pay more in taxes? The answer is yes. For whatever remainder of money that they have left over, I do think philanthropy is a good thing. That 2 percent of the economy plays a role that neither the private sector or the government is able to do,” Gates said. “If you create a company that is super valuable, at least some part of that you should be able to have — a little bit for consumption, and hopefully the balance to do philanthropic things.”
Gates said the behavior he would try to avoid would be massive political gifts. In his view, those are undemocratic.
“I choose not to participate in large political donations. There are times it might feel tempting to do so,” Gates said. “But I just don’t want to grab that gigantic megaphone.”
I notice Gates doesn’t just give a big pile of cash to the Ugandan or Zimbabwean governments when he decides he needs to Do Good on the Dark Continent. He doesn’t publicize it, anyway.
whether the Gates Foundation should be as powerful as it is,
Questions that aren’t asked: Should the Government be as powerful as it is?
Go fuck yourself.
Revenue. They keep using that word. I do not think it means what they think it means.
But Gates, whose foundation gives out about $5 billion a year, defended Big Philanthropy against its critics who argue that it is a second-class way to solve the country’s problems, after government.
Seriously, we have morons who think Government is more efficent and effective than Charity. Of course i don’t actually belive that they think that. It’s evil people upset that more money isn’t flowing into the hands of government that they control.
Their only complaint about Gates is that he is still alive to control his foundation. That is it.
When he dies, they will be seeking to establish control over that money so they can use it to fund proggie causes and Democrat candidates like they’ve done with the Ford Foundation and many others.
And I don’t see them complaining about Soros.
I seems to remember a conservative foundation that closed up shop a while back due to the founder’s limitations. Something like it had 20 years from his death to distribute according to his wishes and then fold.
“Big Philanthropy”
There is no such thing. You can’t label voluntary interactions as somehow sinister, because they raise a lot of money. What nonsense
Should rich people pay more in taxes? The answer is yes.
And even currently, they do.
an age of massive income inequality
Bull. Shit.
Try an age of massive envy and maybe I’d go along with it.
Besides, if it’s income inequality, why are they talking about wealth?
“an age of massive income inequality”
King Henry VIII vs. serfs. Wonder how that era stacks up?
Serfs are wealth, so any crumbs they save up are in someone else’s pile.
People using racist language/gestures to be denied treatment at British hospital:
I bet those racists still have to pay into the NHS though.
Fake news. Only Americans are racist.
So, there are two patients, one is responsible for a terrorist attack in which he injured himself and the other one had a heart attack, but also he’s part of UKIP and once used a racial slur on social media. In what world would you deny one treatment, but allow the other to be treated?
“Words speak louder than actions” is a founded myth of the progressive worldview
But what if a racist shoots themselves in the nuts?
“It’s great to see NBT putting out the strongest message possible to the wider community about the abhorrence of any forms of discrimination against their staff or visitors.”
Is not this policy discriminatory?
And if you were looking for real fascism…
The Corporate Press is the Enemy of the People
“5. Update: Two sources familiar with the matter tell me that CBS News has fired the staffer in question. This comes after ABC informed CBS that they had determined who accessed the footage of Amy Robach expressing her frustrations about the Epstein story.”
Two “rival” news networks worked together to cover-up why they had zero interest in investigating Jeffrey Epstein.
So much for #protectallwhistleblowers.
Woah, woah wait… Are you saying they fired that honorable whistle-blower?
From a purely utilitarian perspective I can’t really blame CBS for firing a person who can’t keep their mouth shut. They being said, the leaker did the right thing and I wish him the best.
It does make sense from a business perspective, unless, of course, the product you sell is to deliver the news. In which case, your business model is myth
I don’t blame CBS for firing them, either. I do blame CBS for participating enthusiastically in the “OMG, we must protect the anti-Trump whistleblower” campaign and then doing a perfect 180 and relentlessly hunting down and terminating a whistleblower, who didn’t even blow the whistle on them.
Truly amazing that anyone believes a word of the disinformation and propaganda coming out of these “news” outlets.
Imagine if ABC investigated Epstein as hard as they hunted down the ABC whistleblower, he might have been murdered in his cell 3 years ago.
Dunno if anyone already linked this:
Babylon Bee: it’s like porn for libertarians, minus Q’s T and A links
Let’s see if the BB lurker signals on that one.
So- I keep seeing these stories about how Buffalo Wild Wings forced a group of black people to move (they packed up their stuff and moved to another restaurant), to accommodate one of their preferred racist regulars. What I have been able to glean from the poorly written articles I read:
The “family group” in question was a birthday party, featuring at least a half dozen children. Were they by any chance loud and rowdy?
I might not say anything, but I would definitely cringe if a large group with children was suddenly dropped next to me.
Meanwhile, the managers have been fired, and the
customerracist KKKlansman has been barred for life from ever entering any restaurant in the chain. How do they enforce that? Who cares? It looks good in the paper.Why the fuck is this national news? What really happened? We’ll never know. At least nobody got shot or stabbed.
They have to glom onto anything they can to justify their endless screeching about emboldened racists in “Trump’s America “.
Eh idk, seems pretty clear the regular customer was a racist asshat (no relation!). And it is national news because it is pretty unbelievable something like this would still happen.
The real crime against humanity was eating at BWW.
I still need to find someplace to try a beef on weck.
Ohhh I miss me some of that.
Look, consenting adults can make their own mistakes, but this libertine position breaks down when kids are involved.
From a purely utilitarian perspective I can’t really blame CBS for firing a person who can’t keep their mouth shut. They being said, the leaker did the right thing and I wish him the best.
Yeah, and the leaker/whistleblower should expect to get fired. The question is, “Is the truth more important than working for these dishonest shitheads?”
Hopefully, there is somebody out there who will say, “I like the cut of your jib, Kid. Wanna come work for me?”
His options are alternative media. Hopefully he can land a gig at one of the honest left-wing outlets like The Intercept, The Nation, or the Jimmy Dore Show.
Here was the scene outside my last job of the day yesterday in Soma in SF.
Looks like the shittier parts of Tijuana.
Idiocracy was too optimistic?
I hope you’re careful. I’d probably carry if I worked around homeless. A lot of mentally unstable people in that group.
I’d probably carry if I worked around homeless.
Carrying in SF sets you up as a target for cops. Probably safer to be a target for the homeless nutters.
Oh good. Something to look forward to.
Soma is a fitting name.
There’s not even a lot of camping there. On other blocks near there are some tent cities. Those are an utter free for all of hard drug abuse, litter and ranting unstable people. I’ve spent a lot of time in Latin American cities, and yes, this looks like the crappy side of Tijuana, São Paulo, or Lima. Progressively shittier.
“I won the places that represent two-thirds of America’s gross domestic product … So I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward. And his whole campaign, ‘Make America Great Again,’ was looking backwards.”
Does UK lag behind other rich nations on health and care?
The food is awful, but such generous portions!
As long as we all get crappy care it’s all good.
Socialism is about envy: These fuckers would not mind getting ass raped once a day as long as they believed that their neighbor was getting it twice.
the portions are meager but everyone gets the same amount of gruel
The brit love for their shitty healthcare system is one of the great mysteries of the world.
Carrying forward something from the comments thread yesterday morning:
The housing development I live in, which is undergoing massive construction of new builds, appears to be over 50% CA transplants, based on the license plates just as they move in before they get TX plates.
In an entirely unrelated incident, Hays County (where I live) flipped Blue in the last election. In other unrelated incidents, two of those CA license plates were on Teslas. The residents driving jacked up 3/4 ton pickups I’m gonna assume are likely Republicans.
Oh, and my wife is, as you might expect from an African-American female, almost a lockstep Team Blue voter.
The place in NTX where we left flipped blue for the first time since the 70s last year. So many California plates… So. Many. They paid good money for my house, though.
One of my new neighbors bought TWO new houses, and was enthusing over how much bigger they were than the teeny house in CA he sold. The proceeds from which I’m gonna assume covered the cost of both new houses, if he owned it outright. One of the Tesla drivers. Super nice guy and wife – at least, I’m assuming, until they step into a ballot box.
I don’t find it hard at all. There is a loose correlation, of course. And there’s anecdata. I’ve talked to a few CA transplants to Tucson, and without exception it was clear that, even though they moved here because “CA had just gotten too expensive”, they made zero connection to high taxes/high regulation/woke politics and were going to vote enthusiastically for high taxes/high regulation/woke politics.
I think relatively few people leave CA because they understand the root causes of why they stopped preferring to live there, and so they are carriers of the progresssive virus to their new homes.
It’s the rich tech people and the last remaining Republicans that ruined California, not the progs.
And remember, the rich tech people in California are conservatives. Because they are rich. And rich people are all conservatives.
-Paraphrase of my friend, a 6 figure income sil vally engineer.
I’ve got several friends back in California that absolutely cannot grok that the Republicans haven’t run that state in two decades. All their problems are attributable to the Rethuglicans standing in the way of progress.
Easier to blame your ideological enemies for the problems you created than it is to admit them and try to fix them…
To be fair, it wasn’t that long ago.
Arnold Swarzenegger actually tried to run the state in a conservative direction after winning the recall.
He over reached and proposed a plethora of resolutions to fix the budget and break up the strength of the government /teachers union.
When those got defeated, he tacked left and and it hasn’t stopped slowly going that way since.
So 12-14 years?
I think relatively few people think
Same thing with all the MA/NY/NJ/PA transplants in central VA. They want the lower cost of living and never get it through their thick fucking skulls why it’s so much more expensive to live in those places to begin with.
I know – in the Biblical sense – my wife, and I know not to use the FN N-word. How clueless can you get?
So, Alicia Keys is paler than that lady, for one thing. Also, when people say, “You can’t buy class”, they mean this person.
Kanye’s real estate vision for his land in Wyoming isn’t new.
I don’t know anything about this, but if he is setting up a charter city, more power to him.
Hopefully, Kanye’s community has a better go of it than Black Wall Street in Kansas City or Bronzeville in Chicago. More power to him
I live near Africa Road. Named because of the settlement of Africa
Honest? Honest as the day is long.
CNN Headline:
Billionaires are bashing Elizabeth Warren’s plan to fix America’s inequality problem
Elizabeth Warren’s aggressive plans to level the playing field for the American economy are drawing heavy fire from billionaires, even ones who acknowledge the system needs to be fixed.
JPMorgan Chase (JPM) boss Jamie Dimon said this week that Warren “vilifies successful people” and her plans would change “the complete nature of how you run a corporation.”
Fellow billionaire Leon Cooperman claimed the Democratic presidential candidate is “s—-ing on” the ‘f—–ing American dream.” The chair and CEO of Omega Advisors, who has promised to give away his fortune to charity, even choked up talking about Warren’s wealth tax. And he joked that Warren’s policies would be so disastrous that “they won’t open the stock market” if she wins the White House.
The billionaire backlash stems from apprehension over the extent of Warren’s efforts to remake the American economy by raising taxes on the ultra-wealthy.
Warren wants to unwind a chunk of the 2017 corporate tax cuts, impose a wealth tax of 6 cents on every dollar of net worth above $1 billion and raise capital gains taxes.
The new taxes would help for ambitious programs, including Warren’s proposed Medicare-for-All plan and one that would eliminate student debt for millions of Americans and make all public colleges tuition-free.
Her aggressive reforms are aimed at fixing America’s very real inequality problem. Warren’s campaign, along with that of Bernie Sanders, is built on the idea that the gains are disproportionately going to the rich. And that many households don’t have access to the same opportunities to achieve the American dream.
The rich are stealing from the poor. Get the guillotine ready.
Billionaires connected to international pedophile.
CNN: You’re good
Billionaires who critique the media’s favorite presidential candidate
CNN: Why are you so evil?
Nothing says “end inequality” like ensuring that no poor person will ever attend a private college again.
The Jewish Chronicle is on fire
To all our fellow British citizensThis leader — and front page — is addressed not to our usual readers but to those who would not normally read the Jewish Chronicle. In other words, to non-Jews
This isn’t some alt-weekly rag, either…
this is a plot by the Zionists to besmirch the good name of Corbyn because he stands for the downtrodden aka the Palestinians
Too bad for them that the UK imported a large voting populace of anti-Semites.
But then there is this article:
The continual painting of the EU as the source of lightness and decency and peace is proof that brainwashing absolutely works.
One day they’re going to figure out that the socialists aren’t their friends and collectivism works against them as a people.
Thankfully there is no anti-Semitism in any of the EU member states.
holy shit did they just sort of endorse Boris Johnson?
See the link just above you.
No they can’t go that far, because Muh Brexit and Muh EU. You have a guy running Labour who literally praises Hamas, and who thinks the UK should be importing even more Muslims from overseas, but gee golly gosh we can’t vote Tory because there’s like 20 or so Tory MPs who are old white British guys who are anti-Semitic in some backwards Victorian way.
I say vote for the guy who will snub you at the club, not for the guy who wants work to make you free.
Love that slogan in the back of what appears to be a party congress “It’s time for real change”. Like with blood in the streets this time?
Youtube randomly recommended me this yes minister clip and I am gonna link it right here
The solution is easy, call the terrorists the “moderate opposition”.
Billionaire’s wife claims she can use N-word because of the First Fucking Amendment.
She should have just raped some kids. Then she’d be good.
It’s called free speech
Are those Westboro Church members? They’re right (in this instance) though.
Disney princesses reimagined as noir detectives.
Would x 9
If I had GIF power, Ryan Reynolds would be asking “BUT WHY?” in this space.
Facebook, didn’t click.
I’ve talked to a few CA transplants to Tucson, and without exception it was clear that, even though they moved here because “CA had just gotten too expensive”, they made zero connection to high taxes/high regulation/woke politics and were going to vote enthusiastically for high taxes/high regulation/woke politics.
I run into that here. People move to Montana because it’s beautiful, and whatever. They like the low property taxes, but promptly started chirping about how “They oughtta” do this and that, and “Whar muh amenities dun gone?”
Why do you think your property taxes are so low, dummy?
I was pleased to see the voters of Bozeman once again spiked the big “Law and Justice” palace the cops have been whining about for years.
That was what happened here in SF over the last five decades, really accelerating into overdrive over the last decade or two. Most of my fellow native SFers are middle of the road, nowhere near the level of progressive insanity that I see from the transplants. But progressivism is not just something that comes from transplants, it has seeped and oozed it’s way into politics in general, especially through indoctrination in the media and universities.
And remember, the rich tech people in California are conservatives. Because they are rich. And rich people are all conservatives.
-Paraphrase of my friend, a 6 figure income sil vally engineer.
Part of the oppressed, shrinking middle class, just getting by on scraps, right?
Well, he grew up the part of the country depicted in the BBC documentary “Justified” narrated by U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens, so he has a pretty clear eye on what actual poverty, and what actually just getting by on scraps looks like.
I encounter a lot of tech people and see what the bigwigs are pushing for and that is absolute balderdash. The elites push for progressivism.
NOT hot for teacher.
*looks at pic*
Yup, crime against nature.
We’re in “$20 is $20” territory here, although “committing a crime against nature” sounds kinky.
Well it is Boston. It would be actual news if they weren’t assholes.
That’s pathetic. Shouldn’t they be inside doing their fucking jobs?
Social signalling is their job.
Taking queues from NHS
I think Bill just soiled his panties.
Must be Thursday.
No, but if they finally released a trailer for the Black Company tv series that’s supposedly in development I’d probably have a stroke.
Garrett Series or GTFO
the sword swing at 45 seconds looked baad
I’m trying very hard to ignore it so I don’t get my hopes up.
More from CNN’s bleating about the strike>mineshaft wealth gap:
“The data don’t back up the dream,” Mary Daly, the president of the San Francisco Federal Reserve, told CNN’s Poppy Harlow this week.
Daly said that the “strong economy” over the past decade has managed to close some of the gaps that exist between rich and the poor, but only “a little bit.” She added, “the gaps are still big.”
Not long ago the middle class controlled much more of America’s wealth than the super-rich. In 1989, the middle class held $7.1 trillion, compared with $4.7 trillion for the top 1%, according to the Fed.
Today, the middle class has $30.73 trillion in assets, while the top 1%’s share has ballooned to $34.7 trillion.
Daly argued the inequality problems are a result of “structural” obstacles in the system, including access to education, that can’t be papered over even by a strong economy.
“What scares me on that front is we don’t have enough access to things that allow people to be their best selves,” Daly said. “And that means we’re going to limit our growth potential.”
I wonder what (aside from greedy hornswogglers) could have been a factor in those changes.
Fire the Fed.
Not long ago the middle class controlled much more of America’s wealth than the super-rich. In 1989, the middle class held $7.1 trillion, compared with $4.7 trillion for the top 1%, according to the Fed.
Today, the middle class has $30.73 trillion in assets, while the top 1%’s share has ballooned to $34.7 trillion.
US Population in 1989: 250,000,000
US Population in 2019: 330,000,000
Delta 80,000,000 32% increase
Wealth held 1989: 7.10 T
Wealth held 2019: 30.73 T
Delta: 23.63 T 332% Increase
Cumulative Inflation 1989 -> 2019 ~107% (
So are you claiming we’re 1.5x as rich in agregate?
So the middle class has seen a 333% increase over 30 years? and inflation over that time frame is roughly a 50% discount so call it a 5 to 3 increase in real terms. Yep, nothing here but envy.
I thought so too. But that would depend on how much the middle class has grown too. If the Population has increased by 33% then it’s been a 10x growth, which then gets eaten almost completely by inflation and then some.
If if am thinking this clearly.
if the middle class has grown by a third take 3/4 of the current wealth to normalize it for population, so call it 23 Trillion, cut that in half to account for the roughly halving of buying power 11.5 Trillion, so very roughly 50% increase in average wealth in one generation. Not worse off. Better off by a chunk. Just envious.
Ok so i re-did the calculations
per capita middle class welath (assuming the entire pop is middle class)
1989: $28400 -> $58,806.09 Inflation adjusted (
2019: $93121
Change: Would be a 58% inflation adjusted increase in wealth held by the middle class.
It’s definatly off the napkin calculation, but i think i give a lot of leeway to the other side. I assume 100% of pop growth goes to middle class, and that 100% of pop is middle class.
Daly is one of Yellen’s cronies.
Today in Birthdays
actor Jeremy London
You know he’s got a brother, who also is an actor.
A twin brother.
I wonder when Jason London’s birthday is?
Which one was Randall “Pink” Floyd and which one was TS Quint?
Jason was in Dazed. Jeremy was in Mallrats.
A post with comments turned of. This is new for glibs. And I had a good one too
It’s not off, just hidden.
Free Speach is truly dead.
That is some seriously broken formatting lol.
I know. Why all the other comments are full screen across the bottom, and the comments on that one article are off the right margin, I can’t imagine.
I enjoyed the article but years of the Internet has made it so that I can’t parse something unless I can type a pithy or snarky remark immediately below it.
For some reason the comments on subsequent article are on the right. Scroll to the right to see them.