I honestly try not to flip out at the news. It more or less has become a part of life and others might argue one should be aware of current events in order to be a good citizen.
Then something like this comes up, and breaks my chill.
This is my review of La Cumbre Piña Quercus
So what part of this aggravated me? Was it the part where a US District Judge overruled a lower court’s ruling the Covington Catholic school boy’s lawsuit for libel in the wake of a 16 year old kid having the temerity to smirk at a guy banging a drum and shouting in his face, and to eventually be called racist by social media, the legacy media, and some politicians? No, of course not—it was this part:
The students sued the Massachusetts congresswoman and 11 other public figures who criticized the students, including New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman, actress Kathy Griffin, activist Shaun King and U.S. Rep. Deb Haaland.
U.S. District Court Judge William Bertelsman ruled Tuesday that Warren acted within the scope of her employment when she tweeted and is therefore protected by sovereign immunity.
“The Court concludes that the challenged statements by defendants Warren and Haaland — whether one agrees with them or finds them objectionable — are communications intended to convey the politicians’ views on matters of public interest to their constituents,” Bertelsman wrote.
The judge also dismissed Haaland, of New Mexico, from the suit. Haaland had tweeted that Phillips was “harassed and mocked by a group of MAGA hat-wearing teens.”
Attorneys for the students claimed the boys became the target of “a social media lynch mob” that spread misinformation and led to the boys receiving death threats and hate mail.
Sovereign Immunity. What is that you ask? Let me preface that I am not an attorney, nor do I intend to convey the idea that I am one. That said my graduate degree is in Public Administration and I not only wrote a paper on the matter, I did particularly well on the assignment. Should one of the law dogs here wish to weigh in, please do so.

I rule in favor of me. DILLY DILLY
Sovereign Immunity is a legal concept Americans borrowed from the British. The idea is to avoid the circular logic in filing a lawsuit against the Crown. The British Crown set up the courts in part to settle civil disputes between subjects, the rulings which hold the force of law because the court is acting directly on behalf of the British Crown. Quite frankly, the queen and the rest of her family is either (supposedly) drinking beyond her own government’s recommendation, flying in private jets while whining about climate change, or (allegedly) hitting up jailbait with Epstein…they simply do not have that kind of time. A subject therefore can file a lawsuit against an individual, or a company that violated that individual’s rights under common law. What happens if you are wronged by somebody working on behalf of the government? The Crown enabled the official that wronged you, and you are now asking a court who’s power is derived from the discretion of Crown…
You see where I am going with this, you cannot sue the Crown. Even if you could, do you think they will rule honestly?
But this is America, and we fought a war to get away from this, right? We did indeed fight the war but didn’t get away from from it. From the pocket Constitution on my desk, Article III, Section 2 says:
Unfortunately, if you have a problem with a particular person in the US Government acting under the Constitution, you are stuck going through the courts set up under that same Constitution. This concept is further reinforced under the 11th Amendment.
Page break…
Unfortunately, there will be no lawsuits affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Counsels, and those in which a State shall be Party. Can you sue a government agency or the state itself for violation of rights? Of course, but the asshole that did it is immune because he was just doing his job.
The problem I have with this is the lawsuit is for libel, which is knowingly spreading false information that disparages the subject in print or other forms of media. Unlike slander, which is spoken, libel has a record of happening making it easier to prove. Even after an unedited version of the video suggested the story the media told about the incident was wrong, they continued telling the same story saying the MAGA hat wearing Covington kids started an altercation and the dude banging the drum was trying to keep the peace, and it was racist to smirk at the guy. Only a racist would wear a MAGA hat.
Well, Lizzy got busy spreading this misinformation on Twitter. Per this clown’s ruling, a senator is immune from spreading what any reasonable person can determine is a lie, because a senator giving her opinion on current events falls under a senator’s daily duties. I for one say this is bullshit, and she should be held personally responsible for spreading this lie. Being a senator and now a candidate for president means the lie will spread faster from the press coverage she will recieve, harming the subjects further than had she done the sensible thing and said nothing at all.
…but her inability to simply not lie is another matter.
So what in the hell kind of beer is this? This is a pineapple sour ale aged in tequila barrels. I thought this was going to suck. Arizona has a rather popular pineapple wheat beer that I go for from time to time that I find a bit sweet, but chuggable on a hot day. This is not like that. I thought it was going to to be too sour for me to enjoy. This is not like that either. Finally, I thought this was going to be a blast of tequila; no, this is not like that at all. It is interesting, rather expensive ($16), but otherwise well done. La Cumbre Piña Quercus 3.5/5.
It’s good to be the King’s Men.
Thank you for answering my avatar question in a previous thread. I saw it, but had to go fetch the kids from school so I did not acknowledge same.
You’re welcome. I probably should have used a different picture, this one lost a lot of recognizable detail when it got cropped to a square.
I knew who it was the first time i saw it.
Warren is an odious POS. This, unfortunately, is one of her lesser transgressions.
Its not even a lie.
Piecing together the comments of a female coworker and this group I come up with: HRC reminds everyone of an ex-wife, while Warren reminds everybody of the ex-wife’s lawyer.
This judge reminds me of masochistic cuck. What a horrible ruling. Doubly exasperating because dollars to get you donuts the Dems will try to get at least one impeachment count for Trump’s tweets.
Back to the old avatar? (except with the new T-shirt…. Is this going to become a thing where eventually every commenter has a name/avatar that comes from a Swiss Statement?)
Its not even a lie.
It would depend on when she knew that Nathan Phillips was full of bullshit.
Oh that’s right, I forgot that he fudged his military record, but that has nothing to do with if he endured hateful taunts with dignity, he did. You can quibble whether tomahawk chops are hateful and if singing and tapping a drum is dignified endurance, but these are subjective nits. I agree with Mexi that it’s a sham that this got dismissed simply because she’s a senator, but it should have been dismissed because there is nothing actionable* in that tweet.
*probably not the right word but I think you catch my drift.
I agree that i don’t think they have much of a case for liable by that Tweet. And yes there is some perspective, but i think it’s pretty clear that the kids were not casting hateful taunts, and if she knew that Philips was lying (dishonestly presenting the events) about what happend, but ignoring it then she’s culpable of being a liar. But still not actionable* for liable
* Me neither, but it’s a good word.
It’s pretty clear to some.
Look who you’re replying to.
Its pretty clear that most of the kids weren’t, but for Warren’s statement to be true she only needs one or two kids tomahawk chopping, and there were. You can argue that Tomahawk chopping isn’t hateful but that is a subjective argument, not one of fact.
Yes, you attempted this argument months ago.
I lost my damned pocket knife a while back. I had to buy a new one. The new one is nicer than the old one. Wanna borrow it? It is razor sharp….ok that’s not true. It makes a razor look like a butter knife. You can use it to split those hairs right down the middle. Hell, quarters if you want to.
Hyp….if you want to play devil’s advocate that’s fine. There is a line, even with defending the indefensible. Those kids didn’t do jack shit. Phillips is a shit stirrer and he has spent a lifetime slinging shit on everyone around him. Even his tribe keeps him at arms distance. Pick the right battles dude. This aint one of ’em.
Warren slandered those children and she only got a pass because she is a senator who (I will be president before she is) possibly going to be president. You try saying something like that and see if you get a pass. The fact is that we have a two tiered justice system.
What slander? I am going by the tweet referenced in the article and there is nothing slanderous or even blatantly false in it. I know Warren is a commie and fuck her for that but if that tweet is the extent of her slander than she is getting bum rap here.
I agree that it’s pretty weak sauce and doesn’t even mention Sandmann by name.
Isn’t that what a trial should establish?
One can, I would think, believe the claims risible yet be open to a trial where evidence can be presented, witnesses called, and the process of adjudication can take place.
To dismiss the request for a trial on the basis that it would reach the conclusion you already accept seems, um, counterproductive. Improper even.
In a true ‘Loser Pays” system ( the loser pays all attorney fees and the courts for their time and expense) I may agree with you, but as it is I don’t have much problem with summary dismissals. You can always appeal, but after three or four judges say you got no case, maybe you have no case. Can the system be abused? sure but I don’t see how dragging every frivolous lawsuit into court is any better.
I saw this at my local beer jobber and almost grabbed it because of the label but the idea of 3 things I don’t really like (sour stuff, tequila, pineapple flavored things) combined into one super-bad thing frightened me away. I may have to pick one up if it is so mild.
It is possible I was too drunk to notice.
This is a pineapple sour ale aged in tequila barrels.
Fucking millenials….
OT: Is Ohio State really that impressive stomping a 3-6 team?
Back on Topic:
Sovereign immunity is an absolute travesty. I’ve never seen Article III, Section 2 used to justify it for the Federal Government, so a lawyer might have to weigh in on that. However If you are to follow the same logic that originated it, then For the Federal Government the States are the sovereigns that created the Government, not the Government itself. Further The States themselves are only representations of their Sovreigns: the People. So if we followed this to a conclusion, no person should be sue-able by a court that was established by the people.
42 to zip at half time. That’s a clubbing. Sure Maryland sucks but they’re not exactly a high school team. That onside kick was a nice touch.
Last year the Terps ripped them for 500 yards.
Old Carolina had a dumb idea for a promotion up here. For every point that tOSU wins by, it’s a percentage off a pulled pork sandwich. So the Buckeyes win by 50 points, it’s 50% off a sandwich.
Maryland sucks. And Rutgers is even worse.
“Maryland sucks”
Just wait until you have to live here, then tell me.
All I can think of is the Raiders selecting Darius Heyward Bey with with a first round draft pick, when Michael Crabtree was sitting right there. Ouch!
Nice game Thursday night though. ?
Neither Maryland nor Rutgers belongs in the Big 10, unless the idea is to give the other teams a pattycake game within their own conference,
Some years back I was on my way to pick up my Alzheimer’s-addled mother from adult day care, and while I was stopped and signaling to turn left into the center’s parking lot, my ’91 Ford Festiva was rear-ended by a Ford Explorer. The Explorer belonged to the Dayton Metropolitan Housing Authority and thus was covered by sovereign immunity. My insurance company had to pay to repair the damage an agent of the DMHA did to my car. (I fought not to have my car totaled.)
It’s enough to make a libertarian outta ya, I tells ya.
The idea was to get two big markets (DC and NY) in the conference.
Given the two schools’ records, is that doing anyone any good?
Maryland fits. Maybe not the best in football, but they feel like a mid- to lower-tier B1G team across all sports. Rutgers should be booted post haste. B1G should either promise what needs to be promised to get ND on board, or look to swipe a team (UVA?) from the ACC or Big 12.
Sounds good, maybe, is it sweet at all? I would hope not….
Not really, no.
Hmm. It’s 11:30 and I’m sitting at a bar with a beer in front of me. Oh! It’s Saturday.
I’d like to have a beer, but I’m out. Wife is picking me up some on her way back from Walmart. For now, I’m having a cachaca with diet pepsi, blech. I really don’t like this style of Minas Gerais cachaca, but I need to drink something to get rid of this shit hangover.
B12, B1, and magnesium with diet pepsi cachaca chaser. Yummy, not. I not feel so good. Wife said it is my fault, she so mean.
I just cracked a beer as a rewards for cleaning two kegs and kegging up the porter for Thanksgiving.
“Finished the beer… time for a beer.”
Yep. And cleaning is the worst part of homebrewing. There’s a terrible krausen ring in the fermenter that’s always a pain to get out, lots of yeast to dump out, gallons of water used up…
You’re suppose to have an apprentice do all the cleaning, at least that seems to be the relationship between me and my mentor (he supplies homies while “we” work so I ain’t complaining)
cleaning is the worst part of homebrewing.
Every time I think about brewing again, I remember how much time I spent cleaning stuff. Then I think about how I can buy some really good beer nowadays.
Yeah, my homebrewing has been slowing down. Especially with trying to drop weight, it doesn’t help to have 10+ gallons of beer on tap.
Cheers Spud. Hows the porch coming along? Thinking of smoking some pork tomorrow
Patio is pretty much done. It’s getting cold, so they have to come back in the spring to seal the cement and lay new sod. Furniture gets delivered today.
So what you’re saying is, is it is a good day?
Definitely. Got a little puttering to do and football to watch.
What are these “links” you speak of?
There is a food truck festival in town and we likke to go with friends. We show up and pony up to the makeshift bar to get what we know is overpriced drinks.
Bartender: Do you gave your magic money?
Me: What is that? I have cash and a credit
card that can sustain my evening.
B: You have to preload funds at that machine and use it throughout the festival.
M: Thats stupid..I have money right here:grumbles away: get money loaded on card.
End result, I have a card that is useless outside this event with 4 damn dollars on it because nothing really added up to a whole amount.
Smart but what a damn hassle. Last time i do to an event like that.
THAT is how you skim off the top and don’t even hide it.
+1 scrip
Coin op laundry in Wake Forest does the same thing with swipe cards. Technically I guess it’s no longer a coin op laundry.
Beale Street Music Festival had a system like that back in the 90’s, You had to buy drink and food tickets at one of two main tents, the vendors couldn’t accept cash, It was a pain in the ass, but for those who were there for the entire weekend it could work out well, Friday and Saturday night at closing time people who weren’t coming back would give away their left over tickets, I didn’t have to buy a single ticket on Sunday, and toward the end of the day was giving away some of the freebies myself.
I’ve been to festivals like that which used tickets and tokens to the same effect.
“Dude, I have cash. Take it or leave it.”
Phillip Rivers is Eric Harris’s bitch, but the refs were nice enough to give him some lube, lol. How the fuck do you get picked off by the same guy 5 times in the same game?
Maryland 0
Ohio State
Eh, Bayern beat Dortmund 4-0, which is more important.
I don’t have a dog in that fight. Beyond “I would really like to see someone other than Bayern or Dortmund win the league in my lifetime”.
Bold proposal:
If it pleases the Glibertariat and TPTB, I suggest we start a new feature; the Great Glib Debate Series. I will posit insane Q-like claims and two lucky volunteers will battle it out (in 400 words or less) in support or in dissent. We then publish the two pieces side by side.
What say ye?
Inaugural claim: People’s stated preference may be that they seek “love”, but revealed preference demonstrates otherwise. Males seek paternal certainty, females seek resources and protection.
If you want to argue either side, TPTB would gladly give my email and I will compile the two arguments.
Either that or this is a bullshit idea that you should ignore.
It sounds like a good idea, however i think there should be some haggling over the claim. for example i don’t think the current one is well defined. The proposal itself seems to assume its own truth, with things like “love” not well defined, but the other part especially so.
Fair enough. I’m just gauging interest right now anyway.
Is it safe to say you’re interested?
I agree with Leon, sound interesting but the example Q is a bit of a yawner for me, are you going to try and judge the debates? I.e. hold a poll on the Q before the postings and another after and the side that moves the poll in their favor is declared the winner and forever to be considered better than the loser?
I’m fine with that too; whatever the great Glib unwashed think is best.
First debate you vs. Leon?
We can retool the question.
I can see this turning into _______ vs The Hyp every week 😉
That’s just the normal day to day comment sections.
I’d hope for a bit more diversity than that, but if that’s what it is, so be it.
I’m fine with writing something up.
Straight debate rules? ie random assignment of sides to argue? can I suggest we do it as a bracket? see how many are interested then do a bracket from there?
Hell, I may be willing to sign up for that. Never did debate in school (as none of my schools had a debate team), but I do enjoy arguing for fun.
Maybe Q means more of a Point/Counterpoint type idea, you ignorant slut.
Point/Counterpoint is how i saw it. I just think that the points need to be defined or you will get a lot of talking past each-other/talking about different things.
I think we can do a blend of point/counterpoint and scoring. Doing surveys before and after, IMO, would present logistical challenges, but we could definitely vote for the winner.
I like the idea of before and after polls.
This is good
I’m interested, as well.
Women use sex to get love. Men use love to get sex.
Yes, yes, I know. I didn’t actually answer the question.
I don’t have an article’s worth of thoughts on this subject, but my initial reaction is those things aren’t necessarily exclusive. Marriage is generally a financially beneficial arrangement (sometimes beneficial to both parties), and if done right gives paternal certainty. It is also often based on love.
My general idea for this question boils down to “love is a lie”.
Agreed with leon that a solid definition of “love” is needed.
I’m not talking Eros; I think most people understand that it’s just a chemical reaction compelling animals to breed, so it has little interest to me. The standard story is that Eros eventually cools into Agape, but I want to debate even if Agape exists. I’m mostly a biological determinist so I tend to view all human behavior through that lens; but this isn’t about my opinion. I want to stimulate discussion in an official capacity, not just in shit-flinging contests/echo chambers in the comment section.
If that happens, you’re doing it wrong.
One might think so… but lifelong eros is by far the exception.
Part of that is built in to the female reproductive strategy…. don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket, so biology builds in incentives to step out and make a baby or two with an alpha on the side.
Believe it or not, this is a well studied phenomenon that transcends culture and even species. I used to work with a researcher at the Yerkes Primate Center who did research in this area.
“Males seek paternal certainty, females seek resources and protection.”
No shit. Sperm is cheap and plentiful. Men use the shotgun strategy. Eggs are in limited supply and expensive to hatch. Chicks go for quality and security.
I like the idea but the inaugural claim is weak.
Hint: Always go for the nuts. Try immigration, cut vs. uncut, or if you are really cold hearted – pineapple vs anchovies.
Hawaiian pizza and Caesar salad.
What the hell is on a Hawaiian pizza? It’s pineapple, isn’t it? That’s just wrong. It’s like putting pepper on a freshly picked tomato out of your garden, instead of salt. Just stop it.
Canadian Bacon.
I’m beginning to wonder if there’s something seriously wrong with the pizza tastes of the East Coast.
why not both?
That’s an easy one: NO.
Stupid question for the database people:
So I’m thinking of doing a database of my movie blog to keep track of exactly how many movies I’ve blogged about and whether I’ve blogged about something before. (Blogger’s search yielded no matches for a couple of movies I really thought I’d blogged about, and I’d like to learn at least some basic SQL anyway.) Now one obvious thing I’d like to be able to do is display all the movies Ive blogged about that star a certain person, which means that there are movies that should match multiple actor queries. Is the SOP to put multiple names in one field, comma-separated or somesuch? Because LibreOffice won’t let me have two different columns titled “Actor”, and I couldn’t find a simple SQL search to search multiple categories that are “Actor*” or “Actor%”. I can use the wildcards on the data within the columns, but not in the column names themselves as far as I could tell.
The trick would be to make a table with one row for an actor movie pair. That lets you search for the relationship easily and SQL is optimized for structuring your data that way.
Then make two tables one with movie data, one with actor data. Then you could
Woop got cut off.
So ideally you would have 3 tables (MovieData, ActorData, MovieActorLink) You could then use the Movie Actor Link table to match every actor to every move, and vice versa)
Hmm. This sounds overly complicated. What I have so far, with only a few records because I didn’t want to get too far into things before I realized I was going about things in entirely the wrong way, is one table with several columns for each record: movie title, genre, when I blogged about it, director, actor, year of release. Since there are multiple actors (and multiple genres too, I suppose) i might want to relate to one movie, I was wondering the best way to go about it.
Having one table for ActorData sound like it would run into the same problem of how to relate multiple movies to one actor. Unless you’re suggesting a separate table for each actor, which seems overly complicated.
It’s beginning to sound like Perl-style hashes of hashes. 🙁
Just give it a try and you’ll get the hang of it eventually.
Have a look here.
So you have a table of Movie Data (MovieID, Title, Year, Genre, Rating, etc.) a table of Actor Data (ActorID, Name, DOB, DOD, etc.), then you have a table that has entries MovieID and ActorID. That third table has only two fields, and just links movies to actors.
I’m closing in on 12 years of blogging, so it’s sounding like I’m going to have one table with a couple thousand records, one for each movie, and then another one with several thousand records, one for each actor? That seems overly complicated for what I was hoping to do.
And it still doesn’t seem to answer the question of how to put the multiple actors in one movie in the movies table, or the multiple movies for one actor in the actors table to do the relative searches.
yes, this is the way to do it.
You want a table listing movies. A table listing actors. A table listing your reviews (in case you mention multiple movies in one review, or on movie in multiple reviews.
If you really want to get fancy, you need to do a tblPeople that lists personal details (name, birthdate, etc), and a table for roles – actor, director, producer… since these people often wear many hats.
Then you have just a couple of main tables – movies, people, reviews (with full text indexed). To that you add some meta tables to add information – producer, actor, director, etc. Those link a person to a role.
But the key is the linking tables Leon was talking about. You put the record ID number from each of two tables. Review ID and Movie ID both get inserted into a row on your linking table. Actor ID and Movie ID get a row in the MovieActor table. From there you can link it all up to search your review by movie, actor, etc.
It really isn’t terribly complicated once you understand the set overlaps and the syntax to link tables.
The solution where you put a bunch of things in a comma separated field is where things actually end up complicated, even though it sounds simple. That is the database version of painting yourself into a corner.
The tables are:
Movie (Movie ID, Movie name, release date, etc.)
Review (has text field for your review text to be indexed, review ID)
Person (person facts – name, birthdate, etc., PersonID)
tblActor (has movieID, PersonID, actor role specific facts – if any)
tblProducer (has movieID, PersonID, producer facts )
tblDirector (has personID, MovieID, etc.)
lnkMovieActor ActorID, MovieID
lnkMovieDirector MovieID, DirectorID
lnkMovieProducer MovieID, ProducerID
lnkReviewMovie (movieID, ReviewID)
These are all one-to-many links, so you can have one review with 5 movies, each movie has 25 actors, so the review has 125 actors linked.
Then you hide all of that behind a few views and stored procedures that return what you need.
I had my kids crawling on me while typing that – so I ended up putting the link tables in twice. But you get the idea.
3 fact tables. Linking tables to connect the review to the movies and then the movie to the people.
Concur with leon. That’s the standard way to do it with relational databases, which I assume LibreOffice has.
relational databases
good point, i was assuming a Relational Database.
Then I guess I don’t understand at all what I’m supposed to be doing, because the “Relation Design” window doesn’t seem to let me create any relationships.
I don’t even have the foggiest idea of what would be in each table to try to create relationships in the first place.
Your movie table might have an “actor_id” column that relates to the “actor_id” column in your join table. Same with a “movie_id” column in your actor and join tables.
Thus your three tables might look like this:
movie_id (auto-incrementing number)
actor_id (auto-incrementing number)
movie_actor (join table)
I don’t know how LibreOffice works, is there some sort of visual designer where you can connect the columns?
Then you can teach yourself the SQL to select actors for a movie, movies for an actor, etc. etc.
Why can’t he just go to the movie’s IMDB page and scrape it once he’s got his database set up?
Ugh that’s a nightmare I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.
That said, I bet they provide some sort of paid API you could use to make it easier.
What, you don’t want to build a parser with a couple of thousand exceptions built in?
Simply put – every table is going to have a recordID field. It will be an autonumber integer field that simply numbers the rows in that table. You usually name it TableNameID, so it is easy to figure out later.
Then if you want to make a link, you put a field in the other table called TableNameID and put the ID of the record you want to link to in there. Sometimes you’ll name it differently if you link to the same table for different reasons, but that’s the idea.
Then to make a link, you just connect the fields with the same name.
So using Rhywun’s tables, you’d select your actors for a given movie like this:
Select * from Movie
inner join Movie_Actor on Movie.Movie_ID = movie_actor.movie_id
inner join actor on movie_actor.actor_id = actor.actor_id
Where Move.Title = “Jaws”
The join statements are what creates the link. Visual editors will have ways to drag/drop or click/shiftclick to create those links.
Doesn’t your blog allow tags? I guess there’s a limit to how many you can put on some posts, but it would work for a lot of stuff. DVDprofiler (if you buy higher license version) might have a feature to tie direct links, etc.
Yes, but one of the problems is that I was remiss in properly tagging posts. I’ve never tagged them by decade, for example, so good luck finding all the 1930s movies I’ve blogged about.
Good time to revisit old posts? One at a time….or do you tend to cover multiple titles per post?
A good half of the posts are individual reviews of one movie, and the first thing I want is to wrangle a list of those so I don’t do a second review of the same movie by accident. I’ve already done that once, and in a couple of occasions watched a movie to do a post on it, only to find I had already done so. I’m constantly running out of room on the DVR too, so want to avoid re-recording movies I’ve already blogged about. That in an of itself would be easy enough to do in a text file, but that limits the functionality.
I’d like to be able to do simple searches like, “Which Alfred Hitchcock movies have I not reviewed in the blog?” Tags should be useful for that, but part of the problem is that I’m less than diligent in tagging posts, and part is that it feels like Google’s search may sometimes be malfunctioning in that I’m not getting hits I have a feeling I should be getting.
I do take part in a weekly “pick three films that fit a predetermined theme, and try not to repeat movies” thing that another blogger set up, and would like to keep track of which movies I’ve used for that. But that’s a bit of a different matter.
SQL coding is easy. The trick is to make it as much normalized as possible without over normalizing it. You don’t want too many or too few tables. It shouldn’t look like a spreadsheet and you shouldn’t have 6 joins in the query just to find out how many black dogs are in Ohio. That’s always the key, just learn now to design your relational database and make life easy for yourself.
Actually, this is the perfect project. The trick to learning anything in coding is having an interesting project that you are motivated to accomplish. This one is pretty simple – so learning the DB features is going to be pretty easy.
The tricky bit about this project is designing the interface. To really do it right you’d want pull-downs and autocomplete and other fun stuff.
This is the perfect project for a high school or college kid learning to code.
The best guy I ever hired earned the job on a project like this. He was a chemistry major in college, but didn’t want to do that. Freshly graduated, he applied for a computer programmer position. His only experience was a database of movies that he built for his fraternity. They wanted to track which movies they had and who had them. It was pretty rudimentary, built in DBase III. But it was all I needed to know – dude was wicked smart and highly motivated. That’s a recipe for success in anything.
“The tricky bit about this project is designing the interface.”
But now, you’re going into actual programming. I though he is just talking about designing a database that he can query? If he’s going to build a front end to query and display results, he’s got a lot more to learn.
Yeah, what I have so far looks suspiciously like a spreadsheet, and I was going to crack a joke about this is why people use spreadsheets for stuff like this. And all of the introductory tutorials I’ve seen make the database tables look like spreadsheets.
I mentioned the comma-separated list of cast members mostly because when I was looking at rudimentary SQL queries, I could use one to spit out all records where the actor column contains a certain name. But if you’re only supposed to put one name in a field and can’t have separate fields have the same title, mentioning multiple actors in one movie seems rather more complicated.
Say, MS, that’s a nice looking timepiece in your avatar photo.
Also, yes, this whole sovereign immunity for elected officials is complete bullshit.
Thanks for helping me pick it out. ?
Elizabeth Warren’s true talent would be wasted in the Oval office.
Warren for Handicapper General. She could start by breaking up the Ohio State football team.
She’d make Diana Moon Glampers look like a raging elitist.
Women use sex to get love. Men use love to get sex.
I read that as, “Men love to get sex.”
Truer words were never spoken.
Women love to get sex too. I have my doubts as to how many women REALLY can have no-strings-attached sex like men without having morning-after regret.
In my experience, it’s usually women with psychological damage above the baseline levels for the genpop. Not always, but most of the time.
Don’t you people work? Oh never mind, it’s Saturday; time to catch up on the Glib Sheets….
FAD! Sorry Mojo, wrong thread. What’s that called again?
Ah, very good. Thanks, let’s see what I missed.
Step 1: Click through every sheet and type “CTRL-F> NSFW”
Sweet Jeebus Q!
I’ve managed it. The only strings attached were a knowing look at the conference the next day. And a return invitation but I wasn’t the instigator.
I never followed up but after many years he recently joined me on LinkedIn.
There are definitely two kinds of people on this one.
And that’s how it was put to me at an office lunch one day. There were a bunch of us – younger – and there was an almost even split between the no-way-i-could-do-the-casual-hookup and the other view. Gender, surprisingly, did not factor in. There was even splits for both male and female.
Here’s how one young lady put it: “There are people you are friends with. And there are people you have sex with. Those are not the same people.”
She didn’t hang out with her boyfriend – and they both had outside encounters.
Another young lady concurred, and she put it this way: “Sex is a form of entertainment. Having sex is just like going to the movies, only it is a lot more fun!”
I’m going to repitch my Great Glib Debate Series in the Evening Lynx just to get more input, then we need to finalize the format and the inaugural question.
Debate 1 will be Leon vs. The Hyperbole.
Initial stab at format will be:
1) Decide the question, then disseminate to participants
2) Each participant chooses support or dissent (point/counterpoint)
3) Participants have one week to write up the argument in 400 (?) words or fewer
4) Arguments are published together, then the Glibertariat votes on the winner
Sound good?
I appreciate the inclusion but until I know the question I hate to commit, I realize that debate teams often have to argue against their own beliefs but I’m not a master debater, I think the concept is interesting but if I have nothing to add to a topic, para ejemplo, the one mentioned above, my participation wouldn’t be productive. I’d think a better system would be to list a handful of questions and allow Glibs to volunteer to take one side or the other. Also it may be interesting to post the arguments anonymously until after the vote.
I think that is going to be difficult to pull off, coming up with questions that people here are actually on different sides of as opposed to having subtle differences will be tough. I suggest a bracket and random assignment of sides. Glib battles! Let the games begin!
Indeed, I do think that we argue over nuance most of the time.
Except circumcision.
And pineapple.
And deep-dish.
How about we do it the way we always do….. post random arguments and then add the topic in post-production!
Good for Minnesota, 9-0 for the first time in 115 years.
Dam gophers. They deserved to win. PSU’s defense didn’t show until the 2nd half. Usually their offense has that problem.
Minn is a better team than I thought. They played poorly early in the season.
They were waiting for me to move out of state before they ceased being terrible.
And so another Penn State season circles the drain due to their inability to win a road game against a decent team.
Powerline’s Week in Pictures is pretty good. Especially the last half of the photos.
That was a particularly good batch.
I’m the Calvinist!
Got back from the second class needed to get an “unrestricted” concealed carry license. I was expecting to have enough material to fuel a second rage rant against the State of New York, but the class wasn’t that bad. It did however demonstrate that I was taking the class at my “fun” gun club as opposed to the “good” gun club.
I shot a perfect 500 in the live-fire portion which is apparently the first time this has happened. I’m not good. The 10-ring on an AP1 is eight fucking inches across.
Vacation summary – Lake Placid/Adirondacks vacation was fun again – but really got stuck in between the seasons this time. It was a couple weeks later than my visit last year, but a lot more messy in terms of what was open or not open. 🙁
Halloween was too wet to do anything downtown. Windstorm on Friday knocked out power for almost 24 hrs and cell service for 72 hrs (at the house).
Valcour Brewing was closed for renovations the entire time I was there and I didn’t bother to drive up to their main place in Plattsburgh.
Great Adirondack had some great stuff on tap – I was all set to get 3 or 4 growlers from them….then the last day in town, I drive in to get them filled after lunch and they’ve got a sign out front – “Closed for lunch – open at 4”. I was seeing stuff like that a lot over the course of the week, but when there’s not indication of it online or anything else – no way to verify in advance. (maybe next time I’ll think to call the night prior or something). But yeah… wasn’t going to stay downtown for 4 hours just to fill my growlers or drive 20 miles back and forth again given my schedule, etc.
Lake Placid Brewing had some good food, but tap selection was worse than last year IMO – based on timing.
The real highlight though was Big Slide Brewery – a brand new (spin-off/affiliated with Lake Placid) brewery – with a really solid menu (esp for brunch, but other options too) and a much broader, more interesting selection of beers. Beermosa for brunch (mine was a sour + blueberry juice – good stuff). I also bought 3 crowlers of their Red Velvet Sour (a really good sour based on “beets” – turned out a lot better than I would have expected). Also picked up a six pack of the Maui Sour (which I think is released bottled by Lake Placid) and got a growler each of their Kolsch and Berliner Weisse.
A few other good restaurants, dining experiences, etc. Went on a few hikes. Got caught up on a lot of reading (mostly tpbs) and some blu-rays. Very relaxing – even with no cell service and so nice and quiet ;p A LOT more places had shitty hours or were closed – other than the weekend – than I was expecting – I guess just because it was in between seasons – not much snow on the hills yet, the skiing definitely hadn’t started yet. Oh well. I’ll plan for that next time.
This sounds like an overall good trip.
Meanwhile at Yale, a former university
Humanity is doomed.
Enjoy the decline, my friends.
Once you start down the Honk Path, forever will it dominate your destiny.
BTW, where’s the recession? I made over 4K in the stock market last month by doing nothing. Is this coming recession sort of like global warming? It’s coming, but the goal posts just keep moving along?
Quiet, you!
The walls are closing in!
Yeah, I know, we’re doomed, circling the wagons and all that.
I still do not get those on the right who are so anti-Trump. Would I rather have Rand Paul as president? Does a bear shit in the woods? But sometimes you have to be realistic and accept things as they are, because it could sure as hell be a lot worse. Just imagine how close we were to having Hillary as POTUS. I don’t really care that Trump’s focus on the economy, his de-regulation efforts, and his for the most part, resistance from getting us into more forever wars are accidentally libertarian like. I still like it.
Yeah, he sucks on the WOD stuff, but so does every other candidate possible, except for Rand Paul, who is never going to be president because people are stupid and scared of freedom.
Paul’s also surly and loses his temper too easily but he does manage to do a mostly fine job in the senate.
What in hell is that?
Exact thing I was just thinking. That’s our future, Rhywun, try not to think about it is my only advice.
It appears to be a college student from India in white-face. He was protesting a professor who had been involved with the Iraq war in some tangential way and of course he had to shoe horn in some Marxism.
ALL: Don’t worry – it won’t procreate.
Don’t be too sure. My niece gave some weirdo a charity fuck (her words) and voila, my brother’s a grandpa.
They’ve got a mime doing the news???
What is used in this label glue? I’ve owned this bowl for a while, but I can’t use it because the label was slapped on the inside, and the glue is resisting my efforts to get the stuff off.
I guess I’ll apply more elbow grease.
OxyClean Free works well in cutting through most adhesives.
Well, steel wool, water, and some extra effort seems to have done the trick.
Hey, Neph. Thanks for checking the Tremont restaurant for me yesterday!
Of course, I realized today that I might have mis-remembered the name. Sure Enough, Fat Cats. Apparently still there! The Velvet Tango Room is another fond memory. I lived next door to Sokolowski’s.
Of all the places I’ve lived for work, Cleveland was the one that greatly exceeded expectations.
No worries. VTR is still going strong, and another couple of cocktail bars have opened up in the area as well. One that I enjoy hitting up during their happy hour is the Spotted Owl. Last night they had a themed menu of Kubrick inspired cocktails. In general, they only have a small menu of special cocktails, with everything else either ordered by name, or through a discussion of preferences with the server.
The Cleveland food and drink scene is one that has grown quite strong.
Excellent! It was getting strong in the Tremont when I was there. 2003-ish. Nice it’s burgeoning beyond that!
“What is used in this label glue?”
Organic non GMO ground horse.
Dammit, I want GMO Horse Glue.
The GMO horses… did not allow themselves to be taken.
If we are making GMO horses every girl from 4-100 is on the waiting list for a unicorn
I’d rather have the pygmy dragons from UCS’s book.
That book isn’t even out yet!
I know, I do blather on about the work all the time.
Hmm, maybe start with a chicken?
I hate that shit. I’ll look for OxyClean like Neph suggests because I still have items sitting around with glue residue on them years later.
Try gasoline.
Goo Gone
Goof Off
The democrats are now so desperate that they’ve pulled Michael Bloomberg up off the bottom of the Bog of Eternal Stench as their latest savior.
As I said the other day… dude has no chance.
Two words.
Soda. Ban.
That might fly in New York City and California, but that isn’t just a no-go in the rest of the country, it is openly ridiculed. Trump never has to debate any issues. He can just say “This moron wants to ban large sodas.”
FTFY. Know your audience.
+1 pop
I only don’t say pop, as is my birthright, because people would look at me funny if I did.
When in Rome….
Husband is from SoCal. He has brainwashed our children. I refuse to bow to the household pressure.
I was here first, dammit.
pop is the wrong term anyway.
*takes a drink of soda*
^^This guy gets it.^^
Isn’t soda just a shortened version of soda pop? It’s soda to me. You want a pop? Hold still.
So my people sometimes called it “sodypop” when being whimsical.
OMWC calls it a “Sarsaparilla”.
Sarsaparilla is a specific thing and the precursor to root beer.
Here your pop.
You probably knew that.
I’m going to say something controversial about this…
*signs out of glibs*
It was confused when I was growing up. Soda pop, then briefly soda, then pop. ‘Soda’ was a fizzy drink with ice cream, other than a root beer float 😉
But because of the time variations, people generally knew what you meant.
I think if we’re being honest with ourselves, we’re closer than ever to a majority taking a federal ban on Big Gulps seriously. Maybe not this election, but a near-future one.
Once the federal straw ban is enacted, may as well.
Starbucks has replaced their lids with straw holes by a lid with giant hole for dripping directly out of. The only problem is… it doesn’t keep anything from sloshing out of the cup, aka it’s no longer really a lid. What utter dumbshits. I’m beginning to think we’ve reached peak civilization and a large vocal component is actively trying to make things worse. Take ordinary more or less fool proof stuff and either ban it or require a more expensive/less effective replacement. See toilets, shower heads, tub faucets, dish and laundry soap, incandescent light bulbs, icb engines, electricity, food containers…
I don’t even know what you’re talking about!
Mmmmm hmmm.
I read your sheet. I don’t know what to say. I had no idea I was that clueless.
The Blu-ray has arrived. I’m not sure if we will watch tonight, or tomorrow.
I think I’ll stuff a rolled up sock in my britches before we watch it. I’ll see what my wife says when she asks me to make her a beverage.
Warning: I do not know how an adult woman will react when seeing it for the first time.
However, if my husband bought it for me and watched it with me and stuffed a sock in his pants as an enticement, he’d get laid.
I think you might be a unicorn.
And she’s the one that added it to the (top of the) queue.
Mr. Mojeaux makes me laugh. Never underestimate the hawtness of a funny man.
I was going to do a Spot the Not for Michael Bloomberg since I couldn’t find the one I made years ago. It appears that either Google or Bloomberg is on to me because his quotes have been scrubbed from the results.
Unfortunately for him, he forgot to take down his quotes from all the other databases.
So here’s a very special Spot the Not: Michael Bloomberg
1. I’m not going to run for president. No way, no how.
2. I am telling you if there is a God, when I get to heaven I’m not stopping to be interviewed. I am heading straight in. I have earned my place in heaven. It’s not even close.
3. Nobody is going to delegate a lot of power to a secretary that they can’t control.
4. Every one of my positions cuts – out half the country. I’m pro-choice, I’m pro-gay rights, I’m pro-immigration, I’m against guns, I believe in Darwin.
5. Yeah, I’m an elitist. So what? I know what’s best for people.
6. No matter what you may think about her politics or her record, Hillary Clinton understands that this is not reality television; this is reality. She understands the job of president. It involves finding solutions, not pointing fingers; and offering hope, not stoking fear.
I know that’s the point but it’s always frightening that only of these is ever the NOT>
In the early days, I started out with 3 choices, but decided that was too easy/less fun.
Just now:
I searched “donald trump quotes”
About 116,000,000 results (0.82 seconds)
for “michael bloomberg quotes”
About 0 results (0.53 seconds)
[raucous, wheezing laughter]
Nice try Google and/or Bloomberg. You can’t outsmart me.
More Google fun
“elizabeth warren quotes”
About 22,700,000 results (0.77 seconds)
“joe biden quotes”
About 8,370,000 results (0.73 seconds)
“bernie sanders quotes”
About 8,190,000 results (0.73 seconds)
“tulsi gabbard quotes”
About 536,000 results (0.59 seconds)
Meanwhile on Facebook
Facebook announced it would be erasing any reference to the alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella from its platform because it violates its terms of service. “Any mention of the potential whistleblower’s name violates our coordinating harm policy, which prohibits content ‘outing ..
Time to fire up the Limonaire!
Scrubbed, you people are nuts.
They’re joking I think.
I considered that, but I’ve also seen where someone makes a ridiculous claim and it goes unchallenged and then three weeks later someone repeats claim with a ‘Pepperidge Farm ‘members’ meme. And pretty soon it’s just common knowledge like how those Covington kids all just stood stock still and never made a peep or lifted a finger, or how Epstein didn’t kill himself.
those Covington kids all just stood stock still and never made a peep
Sandman did, and in fact told the kids who didn’t to stop what they were doing. And none of the kids instigated the situation, that was the BHI and Phillips. So, as long as you are arguing Warren was rightly dismissed, I’m with you, but when you edge into any trace of blame toward the Covington kids, I’m not. They behaved as well as anyone could have asked under extreme provocation, especially Sandman.
A similar example in the past:
And yet when you do a Google search for the phrase “Hillary Clinton email” you get only one autofill suggestion — “Hillary Clinton email address contact.” Then when you do a Google search for “Donald Trump email” you get at least 10 autofill suggestions (see graphic above). That difference in autofill results between the two phrases (one for Clinton vs. ten for Trump) is completely inconsistent with the difference in search interest over time that overwhelmingly favors Clinton by a huge margin.
But what’s most revealing is that when you use a different search engine for the phrase “Hillary Clinton email” like Yahoo! you get 10 autofills and they’re all related to Clinton’s email controversy that even has its own Wikipedia page (see third graphic above). The implication is that Google is trying to limit easy access to links related to Hillary Clinton’s email scandal/investigation by providing only one autofill result that allows you to find contact information for Hillary at links like “Send Hillary a note – Contact – The Office of Hillary Rodham Clinton” and “Contact Us | Clinton Foundation,” where you’re hit with a request for a donation, see graphic below. So according to Google’s autofill search process, they make it easier to link to the Clinton Foundation website and make a donation than to access information about Hillary’s email scandal/controversy.
I have always thought that the entire incident was/is way overblown, yes Sandman got a bad rap from some in the press (not millions in slander money, but a bad rap, an apology would have been nice), that said some of those kid were acting like little assholes, which high school kids do, nothing to freak out about (again apologize and it all should have been over) My beef is when people who usually rely on facts start ignoring ones that are inconvenient to their narrative (none of these kids did nothing, they acted perfectly, blah blah blah) When the left does it they are rightly ridiculed, when I point out maybe Glibs shouldn’t fall down that same well, I’m the asshole. {Shruggy thing.}
if you think those kids were acting like assholes, you either didn’t watch the video or you are seriously deranged.
Go back and watch the whole video. They are waiting for a bus and a bunch of racist fake-christian black nationalists start berating them and yelling all kinds of racist stuff at them. It goes on for a very long time. They try to drown it out with the cheering, that’s what that part is all about.
Then the Native American activist dude who has pulled the same shtick before comes over and marches right into the face of several kids, banging his drum in their face and chanting at them. Then he goes right up to Sandman and just gets right in his face.
After a very uncomfortably long time, some of the kids start doing the Florida State chant.
If any of that fits your definition of little assholes, you need some new definitions. Those kids were assaulted by two sets of professional race provocateurs and handled it with pretty notable calm.
Then the press acted like a bunch of children and knowingly lied about the entire encounter because the kid was wearing a MAGA hat and they could use it to smear Trump. They had time and the means to think about what they were doing and chose to do it any way. Savannah Guthrie is the worst, because even after the lie was exposed and publicly detailed, she took on interviews with the race baiter and Sandman and chose to prop up the race baiter and smear Sandman. This was days after it was far to late to be doing that sort of thing. They were already well past the “they should be apologizing” point in the story, and they were still trying with all of their might to smear the kid.
Damn it stop making me agree with you!
Google changes the results based on what you’ve searched previously.
I screen capped it. I don’t want an imgur account, but maybe I can upload here.
Out of curiosity I did a Google search on Brave and there were a shit ton of results. You might be having trouble with your browser or something.
Maybe Derp googled Nut Munchkin instead of Bloomberg.
Every other person whose quotes I searched for got results.
0 for Bloomberg.
Guys, this stuff doesn’t happen by accident. It’s the same reason if you search for “rachel maddow russia russia russia compilation ” on youtube, the montage is buried under thousands of results.
Dude, nobody is on to you. They’re more likely scrubbing the most embarrassing things about Bloomberg off the net.
I forsee a lot of overtime for whoever is doing that.
5 is the not. Bonus Bloombergisms
The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws Foundation, (NORML), launched a new $500,000 ad campaign in New York City this week, urging an end to the massive number of arrests of pot smokers in this city, and features NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s quote on his own use of pot. “You bet I did. And I enjoyed it,” said then Mayoral candidate Bloomberg just before the elections last year when a New York magazine reporter asked about his pot use.
“I’m not thrilled they’re using my name. I suppose there’s that First Amendment that gets in the way of me stopping it,“ Bloomberg told reporters when informed of the NORML ads graced with His Honor’s face and attributing the quote to him. But Bloomberg added that the NYPD will continue to vigorously enforce the laws. The campaign includes a full-page ad in the New York Times, as well as posters for bus stops, buses, and phone booths. There are also two 60-second radio ads that will be played by the top stations in the city.
He also said there’s a difference between having a glass of wine at a concert vs a beer at a football game.
Get bent, Niedermeyer.
How the hell can woman shop all day? I would consider shopping, if I’m not sitting at my desk doing it, some sort of inhumane form of cruel and unusual punishment. She just texted me the Shark version of those robovac things. I said ‘Do you want that? Just buy it. Dinner is cold’. She says ‘Yes, but I want you to buy it with me’. I said ‘OK, that one, in the picture, just buy it, by the way, dinner is cold and I still do not have any beer’.
My guess is that shopping fulfills the gathering instinct. With hunting, you just want to kill the damn thing ASAP, go home, and eat it.
I hate shopping in an actual store, but I could “window-shop” online all the time. Usually I’m not interested in buying anything, I just like looking.
My husband hates regular shopping, but loves to shop for things you negotiate: cars, insurance, mortgage rates, etc. I can’t stand that, so it’s good for us that he enjoys it.
Well, if wifey wants to shop big ticket items, like a car (we just bought a new one) or houses (we’re looking), I’m all in. But for the little stuff, meh, I’m more than happy to let her take care of that. I think Derp is right, it’s the gathering instinct, cause by the patriarchy of course.
I just find it funny that when we bought our house, he was more interested in shopping for the mortgage than for the house itself. I think it’s because he considered it a competition between him and the lending agents and he wanted to win.
The rates are so low right now, I’m not too concerned with that, but I’ll probably be going with the credit union of one of my clients, that would be hard to beat for any loans.
I’m way more interested in the actual home. Wife and I want some of the same things, but she doesn’t really care so much about the outside stuff as I do. I want at least enough terra to have a garden and maybe a greenhouse and a nice place to get all my tools in order, which are mostly in storage right now because we ran out of space about a year ago.
I had two requirements when I was looking for a house. No HOA, and room to homebrew (I was interested and hadn’t yet started). We managed to get a corner lot with two bathrooms (one is in the basement), bar in the basement (with built in shelving), attached 2-car garage, and a decent neighborhood.
” No HOA”
Thankfully, that is on both of our lists. We’re looking 3 beds, 2 baths, garage, finished basement, large kitchen, and as far way from Baltimore that we can get an still commute.
Did we end up with enough people to set up a second Diplomacy game?
Not sure, but I’m willing to play in multiple games. Anyone can also set up a private game and share the password here.
new game
Glib Diplomats
code: squatchcod
Curious what happens in the “Real” Glibs game if RBS never makes a play, all his armies just hold, and we move on?
He is playing France… Maybe he is going for authenticity
It’s called a NMR (No Move Received). His units stand still, not even supporting neighboring units. After a second NMR, his country goes into “Civil Disorder”, and it’s open for a new player to join. The problem is a player not making opening moves can very easily tilt the game balance (in this case it really benefits me as England for France to make no moves). You’ll generally (in a ranked game) see a move to vote to cancel the game because of the big impact an early NMR can cause.
That’s what In was thinking if a neighbor makes no moves and you know that you have a pretty big advantage, of course they could be sandbagging but that seem unlikely in a online game.
A French upheaval replacing the government would be authentic…
The Hyperbole: Online and PBM Diplomacy has a long history of exactly that kind of sandbagging. Waiting until the last second to enter moves is a tactic to see how strong alliances are/can be. Putting in moves but not confirming them can provide plausible deniability that you received a message. Nothing will compare to players forging correspondence and then “accidentally” sending it to another player that I’ve heard stories about.
It’s a game where playing the players and the board is important. There’s a reason that a lot of players know it as a friendship destroying game because another player didn’t explain all of this, and the player takes betrayal (in a game) personally.
The girlfriend’s first game, she was following the suggestions of another player. Who then swept up behind all of her units and knocked her out. (This player was not me. She has learned that there are certain games that we should not play together. Specifically any game I warn her that we should not play together.)
All of this health equity stuff is really pissing me off. The bullshit is infecting all of our top medical institutions. Wow, we no longer have to work to improve health, we just have to make everyone equally sick and soon dead. Easy peasy, just fuck off you assholes, a pox on your house.
/Nelson point & laugh
And then they get attacked for assuming the fetus’ gender.
What kind of male goes along with, or supports this crap? I’d be like, “18 years of child support? Fine. See ya!”
What is it? The pregnant wife shouldn’t drink, so she throws a lame ass party that needs a stunt to make it worth the time?
If you have enough money to waste, sometimes it is just easier to write the check than have the argument.
“What kind of male goes along with”
That, or golf ball/garden hose. Plus, likes the taste.
I blame social media. When people are publicizing every detail of their lives, they spend more time trying to show off and one up each other.
was caused by a gender reveal stunt gone wrong,
That’s a funny way to write ‘Pilot fucked up.’
Sabotage by a grandparent who wanted a boy
FTA “The pilot reportedly told officials that they were maneuvering at a low altitude when the plane “got too slow,” causing it to aerodynamically stall before crashing.
No, Lou, the plane didn’t “get too sloe. Your shitty flying made the plane stall.
Guess he could get a job as a cop.
They couldn’t just have a dancer pop out of a blue or pink cake? They had to cropdust the neighborhood?
I cropdusted my neighbor’s house earlier today. It was brutal. My son’s eyes were watering as I said “we gotta go”.
LSU is taking it to ‘Bama. 33-13 at the half.
This is a beatdown. Not Buckeyes-Terps but it’s ugly.
I’ll come in my pants if somehow Clemson goes down as well today.
In. My. Pants.
I think the football gods have cursed me. GT’s having an awful season, even in a year when the rest of the ACC is terrible, and now the one time I want Bama to win they’re crashing and burning.
Wh…why would you want Bama to win?
I can’t stand LSU. By the time I finished college they were already my second least favorite team after Georgia, and then I moved to Baton Rouge. My opinion of them did not improve.
Fair enough. But Bama is the devil.
There are 3 devils currently. You know the devil in college football by appearances in the championship series. Bama was the top devil, but OSU and Clemson have been challenging for that spot.
Clemson plays high school teams all year. Fuck Clemson.
And that “crash and burn” is turning into a hell of a comeback.
I just skimmed this but I have some meetings here in the Peaceful People’s Republic so I can’t comment fo a few hours. But you definitely lit the signal with a sovereign immunity post, so I will return to offer my $.02 on this odious idea that we imported from our former overlords. In the moment I have, however, let me just quote myself from law school class on this subject:
Ozy raises hand and then stands up to speak: “I thought we fought a revolution to prove that we, the people, were sovereign and that all men were equal, etc.?”
“Please sit down, Ozy.”