If you’re getting married this week, congratulations! The alignment of Jupiter and Venus with the Earth (when they are in Sagittarius no less!) makes this an ideal time to get hitched. If you’re thinking about eloping to take advantage of the stars, I have bad news: it’s not going to work. Jupiter’s influences don’t extend to spontaneous or rushed actions. Venus on the other hand? She’s all about the quickie which is why this week is particularly good for a short-term dalliance (Venus-Sol-Saturn). Saturn being part of the mix indicates that the clock is ticking on any romances that begin under this alignment. In not-at-all-romance-related news, we have got the sign that presages military disaster (Mars-MERCURY RETROGRADE-Luna). Hopefully it doesn’t involve anyone we know. Scorpio limps its way out of the year, BUT there will be a flash of felicity as MERCURY RETROGRADE ends on Wednesday. Mars in Libra suggests the Sword of Damocles, so be prepared for suspense of not-fun kind. The moon in Cancer gives a double-water signal, with impressive results for all things secret or sullen. We talked about Sagittarius above, and the same situation as last week applies: love, joy and happiness to those who deserve it.
The cards this week are surprisingly positive. Enjoy it while it last
Scorpio: Death reversed – Inertia, sleep, lethargy, petrifaction, somnambulism
Sagittarius: The High Priestess – Secrets, mystery, silence, tenacity, wisdom, science
Capricorn: 3 of Coins – trade, skilled labor, nobility, aristocracy, renown, glory
Aquarius: 7 of Wands – Valor, discussion, wordy strife, negotiations, barter, competition, success
Pisces: The Hierophant – Marriage, alliance, captivity, servitude, mercy, goodness, inspiration
Aries: 3 of Swords – Removal, absence, delay, division, rupture, dispersion
Taurus: King of Wands reversed – Good but severe, austere man
Gemini: 9 of Coins – Prudence, safety, success, accomplishment, certitude, discernment
Cancer: Queen of Wands – A dark woman, countrywoman, friendly, chaste, loving, honorable. Also, love of money, or a certain success in business.
Leo: King of Coins reversed – Vice, weakness, ugliness, perversity, corruption, peril
Virgo: 9 of Cups – Concord, contentment, physical bien-être; also victory, success, advantage
Libra: 4 of Wands – country life, refuge, repose, concord, harmony, prosperity, peace, perfected work
Capricorn has had a string of good forecasts . . . for weeks: it feels so odd.
I’m still waiting for that glory.
You sleep with a hot Brazilian and you’re waiting for glory?
They say that glory is not sassy sometimes, I’m waiting to find out.
I guess sleep can be positive…?
Good riddance!
OT RANT: UGH! Niece and nephew want to play a video game, the only multiplayer games I have are the Civ games. Spent the last hour futzing with Civ V, it crashed after the intro video the first time, then after that crashed everytime before it even started.
Now I’m reinstalling Civ IV because I’m fed up with futzing with V. By the time I get the game working they won’t even want to play anymore is my guess, but its pissing me off.
OT: King of Wands: Teenage Girl: Eeeww!
/and I oop
Six is the best one, I don’t care what anyone says. Last time I played I had built Baltimore, Washington DC, and Cincy and was attacking Canada after burning France to the ground after refusing to accept their surrender.
I never played 6.
It’s the best one IMHO. A lot of long time Civ fans don’t like it. I played 4 and 5 a little and never really got into them, but I like 6.
That’s a really strange way to say Alpha Centauri… it’s available on GOG.
That was made in 1999. Muh eyes!
Did the mention that it’s available on GOG not provide the hint it was an older game? Some of us played that for hours upon hours when it came out.
OK, this is weird. I just went to GOG and it’s in Russian. I didn’t vote for Trump, I swear!
Sure… still comes up in English for me.
How much is Putin paying you!
OK, I confess! I thought about voting for Trump and I will next time, and my buddy Pute, he promised to send me 2 hot Russian chicks I can pick from the Brides Online catalog!
I must dissent. AC was like crack for me back in the day.
Also, Civ IV >>> Civ V. In fact, I’ll say that V sucked. Punch me! I don’t feel like fighting.
And 4 won’t work either!!!!
I would say buy 6, but it’s $60 on Steam right now, I bought it for $17 on sale. But it might be on sale somewhere. 5 runs fine for me on Windows 10.
Spent the last hour futzing with Civ V, it crashed after the intro video the first time, then after that crashed everytime before it even started.
Yup, I remember that
Strange, I never had any problem with it. I have the Steam version if that matters.
Ah, back to normality.
Oy, what a time for the hot young MILF neighbor across the street to go jogging…
Well, you don’t know what she’s into…
Look at that Thicc on the cover pic.
Love the kid going for some tittay and some tongue.
BUT there will be a flash of felicity…..
We talking a Mardi Gras thing or a classy upskirt?
Shaved head Keri Russell before she became boner destroying Russkie.
European Millennial discovers basics of entrepreneurship – Doesn’t like what he sees.
It’s really amusing to me to see lead-loss strategy presented as some sinister unethical conspiracy first thought of by Bezos.
Don’t worry. According to the comments when the old boomers like Bezos die it will be all happy Marxism for all.
I’m gonna go out on a limb here, HM, and posit that this is your worst link yet (and I sat through The Cummies). I’ve watched it three times now and I can’t figure out what the chap is cross about. If he thinks selling tchotchkes online is cutthroat, I would hate for him to discover what the restaurant business is like.
I’m deeply suspicious — Gemini’s horoscope doesn’t look sucky. What gives?
It’s a trap!
Sagittarius: The High Priestess – Secrets, mystery, silence, tenacity, wisdom, science
I fucking love science. Maybe some hot blonde scientist will dart me and drag me away to her secret science lair in order to do experiments on me.
She will be an exhibitionist named Felicity if I am reading NA’s predictions correctly.
P Brooks wakes up in hot blondes dungeon and she says ‘OK, lab rat, we’re going to see how much fornication you can endure!’. P Brooks all excited. Then a door opens and out walks a nekked Len Dunham *screaming in horror*
The next episode of Subaru Horror Theater is going to take a dark(er) turn.
Master of intrigue John le Carré on his latest villain: Brexit
Le Carré said, “Britain is famous – used to be – for common sense and centrist [ideas].”
mkay: we’ll go with that
I though it was famous for tea
it will soon be famous for free government broadband for all inhabitants
That and a rather casual approach to dental hygiene.
Not being micro-managed by unelected Eurocrats in Brussels is sooo not common sense.
oh, I’m not toting water for Brussels; I just think it’s funny that his point is that the UK has some long string of great decisions to brag about
Nigel Farage is their last hope.
It took the Magna Carta to protect the landowners from the King.
What will it take to protect modern British freemen from Parliament?
“What will it take to protect modern British freemen from Parliament?”
Nigel Farage. If we could make him American and let him run for President, I would vote for him. Trump is driving the lefties a little nuts, but that guy will make them jump off bridges in droves. The dumb looking blonde dude just isn’t cutting it. He’s an upgrade from May, but so is a door stop.
Chavs, ASBOs, the Troubles, Rotherham, Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans, the Royal Family, …
Is this a verse in the extended version of Billy Joel’s “We didn’t Start the Fire”?
Nothing says retreat from imperialism like a continent-wide supra-government.
This guy gets it.
I’m pretty sure the percentage of Trump supporters who want the Philippines back is so low as to be safe to round to zero.
It’s interesting that a common thread among anti-Trump and anti-Brexit folks is that a.) there’s a common thread to begin with, b.) they tend to fit a certain mold: upper-middle class going to wealthy, educated but non-technical, sort of the stereotype of the British “public school” graduate.
/and I oop
I find this confounding and scary.
Le Carré said, “Britain is famous – used to be – for common sense and centrist [ideas].”
Back when they were butch, maybe.
Somehow, I don’t think he’s referring to the time before WW2.
Maybe this is back far enough?
+1 Kenneth Braghnough, sp?
I’d say that Shakespeare guy deserves some credit.
But yeah, I hear it in Branaugh’s delivery every time I read it or recall it.
His delivery was impeccable. As was the singing of Non Nobis.
>blockquote> Aries: 3 of Swords – Removal, absence, delay, division, rupture, dispersion
This does not bode well for our hero…
Maybe it only portends bad hypertext
This week I will not lift anything heavy, take out the garbage, or do any math problems. That should protect me.
I just ordered some food delivery from Amazon (Whole Foods) for the first time. Let’s see how this goes.
Good Grief, the Bungals are 0-9. Maybe the Raiders can stay a half game behind the Squaws.
Is this why I’m changing the oil on the wife’s truck today?
Sounds legit.
Maybe she intends to help you change your oil later…
“Marriage… captivity, servitude”
Department of Redundancy Department.
Anyone hear from Kristen yet today?
still sleeping after a hard, night?
of course
I think Hayek was just talking about her, upthread. She strangely referred to her as ‘Crispin Crispian’.
That must have been *some* date!!
Starbucks’ (SBUX) changes to its bathroom policy appear to be impacting foot traffic for the coffee giant, despite sales that have outpaced expectations, according to recent data.
Since opening its bathroom doors to the public in the wake of a controversial incident in Philadelphia, the coffee giant has seen a 6.8% drop in store attendance per month relative to other coffee shops nearby, according to the findings of a joint study from the University of Texas at Dallas and Boston College.
“The results in our study highlight the difficulty companies can have when trying to engage in different forms of socially responsible behavior,” Solomon stated.
“Our team was very interested in what the economic consequences would be of an open bathroom policy as an example of providing a public good,” he added. “While the hope is always that providing public goods will be rewarded by the market with increased sales and new potential customers, this isn’t necessarily the case.”
The company disputed the study’s findings — and took a shot at its methodology.
“Customers are visiting Starbucks at record numbers,” a spokesperson told Yahoo Finance. “Rather than tracking cell phone data without user knowledge, we see real customers in our stores and the connections they make with our partners (employees) every day across more than 31,000 stores.”
I have no doubt this is more evident in some locales than in others.
Sorry, the bathroom is closed for today, there’s a family living in there right now.
I worked at a local Starbucks in a busy shopping center for about two years. There were three main categories of customers; regulars who’d show up on the way to or from work or on a lunch break, shoppers who would duck in for something, and the “cafe” crowd. The latter would show up and camp out for anywhere from an hour to, no shit, six or eight hours, typically spreading out with a laptop, maybe some books, papers, that sort of thing. Now, They were most likely on average to spend probably two to three times as much as someone just walking through, but they’re also where the overhead for WiFi and seating (both in terms of space and actual furniture) is being used. When you figure that in along with the revenue per hour, they’re barely a break-even proposition. I would not be at all surprised to find that they’re a loss.
The thing about Starbucks is that they have, or had, a reputation for being an example of business acumen, but really I think they do well despite themselves. They were first to market with a McDonald’s-style retail premium coffee venue, which got them where they are, but so much of their continued success is really just due to that. Their marketing is fantastic, but everything else about Starbucks especially in retail is lackluster. I don’t think a second Starbucks would succeed, if that makes sense.
The typical crowd I see at the Starbucks near here, is the peeps you are talking about, the ‘Look at me, I so woke, look at me, I been here all day on my laptop, so you know I’m special’ and the Soccer mum’s with aspiring soccer stars in tow. No matter which starbucks I’ve been to in the last few years, the employee does not change. It’s always a blue and/or pink, green haired totally androgynous like female, always, all of them. I don’t think you can work there today, Nap.
While I see that type, one of my local Starbucks has several baristas that are smoke shows.
Depends on the neighborhood, but checks out.
Early twenties liberal arts college grads have to go husband shopping somewhere after all.
What about Caribou? Seems like Starbucks to me.
Caribou got bought out by the same conglomerate who bought Peet’s coffee. They closed all the ones in the Cleveland area, after spending the money to rebrand them. Of course, we’ve also got at least a half dozen local roasters/coffee shops (Arabica, Rising Star, Six Shooter, Duck Rabbit, Phoenix, and Cleveland [of course]).
THere are some small chains that compete directly with them here – like Timothys – and they seem to do great. Notably, all of them sell *much* better coffee.
. . . all of them sell *much* better coffee.
TBF, that’s not really all that difficult.
I actually went to my local Starbucks for the first time recently. My sister sends me Starbucks gift cards for my birthday and Christmas since she now lives in Minnesoda which doesn’t have any Dunkin’ Donuts. I’m cheap and drink my coffee black, no sugar, so I’ve always been planning to pick up the bagged coffee by the pound instead of a hot drink, and only recently got around to doing it.
The service was actually perfectly adequate, with them even offering to grind the beans for free (good since I don’t actually have a coffee grinder at home). I will say, however, that their coffee was rather pricier than the one-pound coffee bags I’ve bought with what I still have left on my Dunkin’ Donuts gift cards.
Starbucks’ coffee sucks.
Starbucks’ coffee is consistent, that’s what they’re going for. It’s easier to get a darker roast consistent then a medium or light roast.
Consistently tastes like burnt popcorn.
What will it take to protect modern British freemen from Parliament?
Modern British freemen? Your premise is shaky.
they exist, Carl, that Robinson guy, Mark Steyn and Churchill too….
Carl Benjamin, AKA Sargon of Akkad
The Nazi pug dood.
Steyn is Canadian, but yeah, he’s old school British Empire type.
The fact that I would have had his babies 15-20 years ago is irrelevant…
It appears that most of our best libertarian types on this continent are Canadian. Lauren Southern and Gavin McInnes come to mind. Both of whom I believe have been banned from the UK.
I love this video.
Why you aren’t moving to Canada
Reality is not objective — science has proved it.
Okay maybe not proved proved it but close enough for government work.
97% of scientist agree. We didn’t just totally make that shit up. The conversation is over, now sit down and shut up!
A fact, as established by a measurement, should be objective, such that all observers can agree with it. – funny
See below. If you couldn’t measure it in inches, measure it in feet.
they need a Heisenburgh Compensator,
This only proves that PoMo Marxism is the truth… or something.
The very first link is about OrangeManBad. FFS
Index facts to observers, and you have an objective fact, no?
Scientists do bad philosophy. Or science journalists do.
You’re doomed, Naysayers!
Sure, no one has yet measured it in inches, but feet is inevitable. If your first lie didn’t work, tell a bigger one.
the highest point in FL is 141 ft. the whole State is just a giant Sandbar, it’s bound to wash away given time,
It’s almost like you wouldn’t even blame Venice sinking on global warming. Not woke, no brave.
The author is getting slaughtered in the comments.
Florida is largely situated on karst: it is dissolving and imploding constantly.
Those sinkholes really suck, man. Imagine waking in the night to find out you just been swallowed up by the ground.
…and speak loudly, clearly and with authority. There are some that think , perhaps, the President confuses his numbers and figures of some things but spoken with authority, he wins a lot of people over. He did win the election, after all.
Someone pointed out in the comments that if every glacier and ice cap on earth melted, the resulting sea rise would be 10 inches. 10 fucking inches. While that might be problematic for low lying coastal areas, it’s no way near the level of hysteria being promoted. Where the fuck is that guy getting his feet predictions from? Life all leftist claims, they never have any evidence to back it up.
With Gaia all things are possible you horrible shitlord.
It’s all true because it is impossible to construct something to keep the water back. Don’t look at Amsterdam. It doesn’t exist. The ocean claimed it a long time ago.
The Dutch can build dikes. Florida Man…
I think you’d better look at FL Woman for dyke source material.
She’s not a dike, she’s just levee curious.
During the peak of the glaciation during the last ice age, there was a huge amount of the world’s water locked up in ice. Most of that has already melted. Even if all the rest of it melts, it’s not a human extinction event.
What if it is melted by a continent sized asteroid strike? Did you think about that? How do you know fossil fuels aren’t calling the SMOD?
Overkill, brah. An asteroid 10 miles across would probably wipe out all life on earth.
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
Yeah, it was measured by a public poll. Apparently people who’ve never read The Madness of Crowds.
Seriously, if any of you haven’t checked out Tony Heller’s videos, you really should.
Toto agrees
Thanks for the link! I’m checking it out!
Porn Parody Titles:
Inspect Her Gadget
Titty Titty Gang Bang
White Men Can’t Hump
Saturday Night Beaver
Raiders of the Lost Arse
Throbbin’ Hood
The Little Spermaid
Breast Side Story
Cherry poppins
I remember a patriotic themed one; Yank My Doodle.
Spongebob Squarenuts
You guys! There are ladies here! Oh wait, I forgot, those are imaginary, proceed!
Frosty the Snowjob
Gnardians of the Galaxy
Sailor Poon
If any of yous like Pittsburgh Dad, here’s his latest (about the Cleveland/Pittsburg Thursday game of course).
A comedian in Pittsburgh with classic accent and long suffering wife Deb (who’s never on screen) goes on a weekly rant about football.
I have no idea why that accent amuses me so but it does.
Bueno. Those were great.
Looks like Capricorn’s found an acorn.
I am getting ready for church. I will do my best to think up cod jokes. In the meantime, read chapter 18. For the 34th time.
I love this clip. Short, sweet, and warms the hearts of Grammar Nazis everywhere.
Note who does the correcting.
Celebratory 20-0 at the half beer.
That’s just so totally disgusting. WTF is wrong with Minnesoda?
What’s the difference, as long as it keeps being wrong?
I would not have predicted that score. I will predict that Tundra won’t be having that beer.
The only bigger disparity right now is Balmer blowing out TX at 21-0, but that’s not nearly as unexpected.
Me either unless it was the sodaians with the 20.
It’s looking like the AFC West is not nearly as bad as prognosticated a couple of weeks ago.
I don’t like mine (Aries) in light of my day yesterday. Don’t harsh my glow, man!
(no I did not get laid, or even make out)
“(no I did not get laid, or even make out)”
We’re not keeping score, girl, we’re just happy for you.
Blocked by the assistant?
Welcome back !
Bask away in the glow. Horoscopes are not for Aries. We don’t believe in that crap.
“We don’t believe in that crap.”
I’m going to say something shocking here, but neither do the rest of us. But humans like to pretend and have fun.
For shame!
Granted, I stopped reading mine because it’s always cancer.
That sucks. Why not just have crabs?
I was attempting to be funny by categorizing Aries as people who don’t believe in this crap, While at the same time as implying that the reason we feel that way is down to our birth sign.
(Comedy fail)
I’m prepping to become a Democrat special prosecutor.
Nah, just go with “we’re all headstrong assholes”. It’s funny because it’s true.
Everybody knows only chicken entrails or the liver of a bull will correctly predict the future. Though the flight of eagles and lightning can be used in a pitch.
No love for tea leaves?
Glad to know you’re glowing. Whatever happened or didn’t happen, the most important thing is that you went for it.
Jackson and Judon are giving me a happy Sunday so far.
Juden ?
He doesn’t look Juden.
Back from a multi-gun practice.
Today I learned: If you can, start with the shotgun. I also managed to break off my thumbnail attempting to quad-load.
Also, the CZ had its first ever failure to eject (stovepipe) today at round 7401. That brings it to a total of 3 malfunctions in 7406 round fired.
Also also learned, Ruger products don’t like the cold. While zeroing a red dot on my Mark IV in 20 degree weather, it had several instances where it would not pick up a round from the magazine. Five different PC9s had failures today. I wonder if Ruger uses an oil that thickens too much in the cold.
Inspired by Glibs ideas and Mojo, I give you Roasted Spacthcod Yardbird:
I don’t like mine (Aries) in light of my day yesterday. Don’t harsh my glow, man!
(no I did not get laid, or even make out)
So you’re saying there’s a chance?
There is a slight possibility of a chance. Yesterday was one of the best days ever. Maybe I’ll post something in the am lynx tomorrow – for now I’m fucking tired.
Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory?
“Leo: King of Coins reversed – Vice, weakness, ugliness, perversity, corruption, peril”
Because, who am I kidding? That’s how I roll.