People on here always give me crap about how… spare… my links are, but really, given the extremely high quality of the articles that precede it, why try to measure up? I do a little rap up front sometimes, give you guys a bunch of links to ignore, and go on with my life so you can get to socializing.

Trump really knows how to twist the knife.

This is pretty awesome, and would have been a great help to me had it been discovered while I was doing two semesters of Physical Chemistry.

This is kind of weird, even for our site.

The Kanye-Joel Osteen thing is just weird.


SP has politely asked me (if I want to keep posting here) to remind you hooligans that if you want to share a recipe for the Glibs Family Thanksgiving Recipe Special that you need to get it to her by noon on Wednesday, Glib Standard Time. Email her at sp@[this website]. (And no, how to tenderize your mother-in-law so she’s no longer such a tough old bird isn’t going in there, but I suggest liquor)