People on here always give me crap about how… spare… my links are, but really, given the extremely high quality of the articles that precede it, why try to measure up? I do a little rap up front sometimes, give you guys a bunch of links to ignore, and go on with my life so you can get to socializing.
Trump really knows how to twist the knife.
This is pretty awesome, and would have been a great help to me had it been discovered while I was doing two semesters of Physical Chemistry.
This is kind of weird, even for our site.
The Kanye-Joel Osteen thing is just weird.
SP has politely asked me (if I want to keep posting here) to remind you hooligans that if you want to share a recipe for the Glibs Family Thanksgiving Recipe Special that you need to get it to her by noon on Wednesday, Glib Standard Time. Email her at sp@[this website]. (And no, how to tenderize your mother-in-law so she’s no longer such a tough old bird isn’t going in there, but I suggest liquor)
Sup’ ?
Hard-ons and helicopters.
Which one is the gold digger?
He ain’t talking to no broke preacher.
My recipes are unfit for thanksgiving.
Don’t tell me turkey is too bold for you too.
Mashed potatoes too zesty.
There’s usually too much bird.
I live alone. the last time I cooked for thanksgiving, I made cornish hen. that was too sad, so I didn’t do that again.
Turkey sammiches are great for bringing to work.
Thanksgiving with UCS. You will need:
– 3 slices of Mr. Turkey oven roasted sliced turkey.
– 2 slices of white bread.
– 1 pimento olive (no seeds, please).
– 1 Kraft American Cheese Single.
– 1 tbsp Hellman’s light mayonnaise.
– 1 glass of tepid water.
– 1 can of pringles (original)
Step 1: Take turkey, white bread, pimento olive, cheese, and toss outside for the dog.
Step 2: Use light mayonnaise as spicy dipping sauce for pringles.
Slow down, original Pringles are salted.
Its a special meal for UCS too, you know.
You leave UCS alone. Mrs Fourscore likes UCS (and I do too) because he ate everything that she served, including some things he wasn’t familiar with. She said, “What a nice young man”. At least that’s what I think she said, ’cause she said it in Vietnamese.
So you’re saying they involve fowl play.
GIven their hatred for Osteen (and the rest of the prosperity gospel hucksters), I’m really waiting for the Bee’s take on this.
Hustlers gonna hustle.
What does Paul Newman and J-Lo got to do with it?
“Joel Osteen Leads Kanye West To Top Of Lakewood Church To Tempt Him With All The Kingdoms Of The Earth In Their Splendor”
Considering that it is a Christian site, though, you’re not going to see the animus toward Kanye as you may want to see.
“Recording Industry Adds ‘Explicitly Christian’ Warning Label To Kanye’s New Album”
I took it that JB was expecting more of an anti-Joel Osteen bent. And the BB delivers.
also this one
It is a strange look. Makes me question WTF Kanye is really going on about.
He’s always been a kook and pulling weird-o stunts. I think he’s unhinged. Like, some days he’s all there and then other days he’s not.
(I can say that because I do that and know what it looks like.)
Human beings try to pigeonhole objects and even other humans into neat categories. The survival value of this should be obvious, instantly deciding if a thing is food, threat, friend or scenery keeps you alive in the wilds, but people are complex. The guy who makes the incredibly racist comment at dinner may well also be the guy that pulls over at 3 am to help the stranded black motorist. The white knight rabidly defending the woman or POC from microaggression may be a closet rapist.
MAY be? I thought quite a few “white knights” had demonstrated this to be so (or close enough as to make no difference) (see: Joss Whedon).
HA! You fell into my trap! You have pigeon holed all white knights! See, it is basic human cognitive behavior!
Agreeing with you is a trap?
Of course we pigeonhole people. Go to a cocktail party. What’s the first thing someone says after introductions (if it’s not said IN the introduction):
“What do you do?”
I can say, “Well, I’m a book shepherd, which means I help authors publish themselves, anywhere from formatting ebooks to designing print books,” but “book shepherd” is going to get blank looks.
That’s not efficient. Efficient is a label: “I’m a publisher” (which, technically I AM, but I don’t feel like one). “I’m a novelist” (which I never say because it doesn’t pay my bills and I feel like I’m lying). “I’m a lawyer.” “I’m a doctor.” “I’m an architect.” “I’m a tailor.” “I’m a carpenter.”
It’s all shorthand so everyone gets on the same page immediately.
Language is funny like that.
You know what? I’m sorry. That was very snappish. I can say I’m touchy at the moment, but that is no excuse.
Oh, wow. Sorry I was trying for over the top funny. I didn’t mean it as an attack.
It was up yesterday. I’ll go find it.
Wow. I stop refreshing for 4 minutes to scarf down my lunch and all you guys pop in !!
Oh right, you wandered to the left coast.
North Korea fired off some small weapons, which disturbed some of my people, and others, but not me. I have confidence that Chairman Kim will keep his promise to me, & also smiled when he called Swampman Joe Biden a low IQ individual, & worse. Perhaps that’s sending me a signal?
Keep playing with that laser-pointer, Donny.
The identity applies to “Hermitian” matrices, which transform eigenvectors by real amounts (as opposed to those that involve imaginary numbers), and which thus apply in real-world situations.
I’m pretty sure engineers and physicists use Complex and imaginary Numbers all the time for “real world applications”. Still a pretty cool development if it checks out.
I noticed that as well.
Application? I’ve never seen complex numbers used in engineering.
well, some EE drag that stuff out sometimes
Oh yes….I almost forgot…your camera man is either a perv…or marketing genius;) either way, great vid!
Supreme Court Allows Victims Of Heart Disease, Obesity To Sue Utensil Manufacturer
In Genius Move, Trump Supports Impeachment, Forcing Democrats To Oppose
Those are scarily believable….
For a moment I thought the first one was real.
Wait a couple of years….
That’s pretty much the lawsuit against Remington.
Skeletor cosplay?
It’s possible that “the treatment of the two infants was part of a larger, complex ritual response to environmental consequences of the eruption,” the archaeologists wrote, noting that “more evidence is needed to confirm this.”
To this day we have people trying to change the environment via sacrifice of children.
The math discovery is amazing. Anytime I think I’m smarter than the average bear, I just look at some of the work astrophysicist and mathematicians are doing.
I wish I had paid better attention in linear algebra class. The terms are familiar, but I remember almost nothing else. Didn’t help that I had a fresh off the boat grad student who was unintelligible. I was happy with my B-.
I was wishing I was smart enough to get what that was all about.
Do not elect this woman.
Once again…
Interestingly you are at least five times more likely to die in an automotive collision than be murdered by firearm.
We just need a traffic protection bureau
“And I’ll also push to create a new Tenant Protection Bureau”
I couldn’t imagine a better way to ensure there is no supply of rental housing than this. All units will be owned by a few landlords who can afford the regulatory bullshit.
The Tenant Protection Bureau collects protection money from tenants.
I used to live in an apartment run by a big corporation. All their policies were set by some guys in a boardroom several states away, so there was no wiggle room or negotiation on anything. If the entire market is shrunk by regulation down to this, that’s not going to be good for a poor person who wants to talk to the landlord about maybe getting a two week extension on this month’s rent.
Also, I know a few people of average means who make extra money by renting out a second home. This is really going to fuck them over.
I know a few people of average means who own a few units in rural towns. People who have other jobs than renting, but use rentals as a part of their retirement plan. In fact i don’t think i ever rented from someone who didn’t have another job apart from owning the property. This is absolutely retarded. I don’t know if she’s sensing a slide? I know Buttygiegiger beat her in a recent poll in Iowa.
About 90% of my practice is small property investors. None of them can remotely afford the kind of BS compliance costs and nitpicking fines something like this would impose. This would give me a short term boom as landlords asked for advice and help with forms and filings, and then put me out of business 6 months later as my clients all dumped their properties.
Hell, forget the money this would cost. The people who become small property investors do so because they enjoy finding deals, improving properties and feeling that they are in some small way bettering the world. They don’t know the first thing about navigating bureaucracies. The soul destroying anxiety people endure when they have to engage with nit picking filing, record keeping, and regulatory compliance is a real hardship. And all because some tenants are incapable of understanding that they have to pay their rent if they want to keep their home. There is not an eviction crisis. There is an irresponsibility crisis.
“Nationalize everything!”
-shorter Lizzie
I immediately thought of the scene where the Zhivago family finds that the Red thugs are now in charge of their home.
I used to think landlords sucked until I became one. Most tenants are terrible.
Same. My tenant in Colorado didn’t realize garbage collection was privatized in Colorado Springs. So they piled the garbage up…in the garage…for two years.
Not so funny story my roommate in college stopped paying the trash bill. He would take the trash out then when I left for class he’d dump it in an old garage on the property. When it was move out day I had the house shining clean, didn’t bother checking the old garage, as I never went in it. Landlord found it, and wasn’t happy. Luckily my roommate agreed to have the cost of removal taken out of his deposit.
What’s next, nationalized HOA’s?
Well, we tried to stop her with this guy. Didn’t work out.
How many times have we heard this?
South Dakota spends half a million dollars to declare that they’re on meth
Ohio’s new ad. “Anything South Dakota can do, we can do better”
Florida’s new ad – “Hey, Midwest states: hold our beers!”
Is Hong Kong the only place in the world with anti-Communist university students?
Singapore? S. Korea?
Not sure about South Korea. The US military presence and the history of dictatorship has likely created some Commie and Nork sympathy there.
The sneaky reason your cell phone bill is so high — it’s not always your wireless provider’s fault
“On average, monthly wireless service bills have dropped from just under $50 per-line per month to $38.66 per month per subscriber since 2008, a 23% decrease, according to a new report from the Tax Foundation, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank that researches federal and state tax policies
Meanwhile, taxes have increased from 15.1% to 19.1% of the average wireless service bill — a 27% increase.”
Several state AG’s are suing to block the proposed T-Mobile Sprint merger, on the grounds that the merger will cause wireless prices to increase. I think the wrong people are being sued and the wrong people are doing the suing.
I’m starting to see some disruptions on price. I switched my wife and I over to Xfinity Mobile a few months ago. 2 lines with unlimited talk, text, and 1 gig of data for $15/month including taxes. If I can get down to under 100 mb, it’s only $3. Runs on Verizon’s network, and I don’t see any difference so far from the past 10 years I was with Verizon.
I do something similar with Ting.
The real reason your bill is so high is you’re not using what you’re paying for.
Factor in increases in data speeds and inflation, and the drop in cost per line is even greater.
I remember when a landline cost $20/month plus long distance by the minute in real money. $48/month for 20Gigs of high speed data and cellphone coverage that works nearly anywhere seems reasonable.
and you could save $2 if you stayed with pulse dialing !
You know that the globaltimes is just a Chi-com mouthpiece
Are Friedman and Turdeau on staff?
“executing decisions”
Oh, yeah, those.
Mr. Mojeaux and I are so not in the mood for Tryptophan Day. If it were just us, it would be:
Jennie-O turkey loaves
green beans with bacon
boxed stuffing
boxed spuds
jar gravy
canned jellied cranberry sauce
King’s Hawaiian rolls
maybe a boughten apple pie
If we get some money, that will be what Wendy and I have, to the last ingredient, good food,
The kids and I did that one year when Mr. Mojeaux had to work on Thanksgiving evening and the rest of my family was out of town.
A Great Time Was Not Had By All, but it WAS stress-free and easy to do.
I am 42 years old and I will always love the canned jellied cranberry sauce.
I’ll proselytize this until the end of days – Cranberry sauce pairs very, very, very well with peanut butter on a PB&J.
My 12-year-old daughter specifically requested this type of cranberry sauce.
Which is apropos since I have the palate sophistication of a 5-year-old.
Me. Too.
I often cook up a couple chicken thighs and eat them with jellied cranberry sauce.
This is pretty awesome, and would have been a great help to me had it been discovered while I was doing two semesters of Physical Chemistry.
It is pretty awesome (as is all of linear algebra), but I’m not sure it’s helpful computationally. You have to find N determinants to get an eigenvector, although they are of (n-1)x(n-1) matrices. The theorem also only works (or at least is only proven) for symmetric matrices, which is fine for P-chem. It also doesn’t appear to be very new–the article references a 2014 arxiv article, which itself doesn’t claim the result as new, but references other articles, which I did not chase down.
All of linear algebra is amazing to me. When you consider that a rectangle of numbers, which was originally invented just as a bookkeeping tool for systems of equations, turns out to have so many crazy properties…it’s astounding, really.
/Blank Homer stare.
Need your brain crayon adjusted?
I co-sign this comment
If you don’t cosine it, will it go off on a tangent?
I see, can’t you be a bit less mathematical?
Let’s not get hyperbolic.
Soak a toe-a
I mean SOH – CAH – TOA
You don’t like it, do what comes natural log out.
No, suffering through pun threads is integral to the glibs experience.
derivative bullshit
Your exuberance for puns is not rational
Doh! You’re
You had it right the first time.
I was secretly trying for the double – a narrowed gaze combined with an exploding head from Ted.
Use an Oven Bag.
Use an
Oven Bagcharcoal grill.Cooked the turkey on the grill last year with hickory smoke and it was the best one yet.
I bet it was. I love smoked food.
Sounds like you’d fit right in at our Thanksgiving table. I smoke a packer brisket too. Going to test out brisket jalopeno poppers this year.
packer brisket
I’ve eaten a lot of strange things when visiting Japan and Korea, but I don’t think I could eat a cheesehead. Just the thought of having to clean one makes my stomach churn.
I usually go to the old man’s house early and smoke a turkey and chicken for him and his wife’s horde on Thanksgiving. Just may have to submit that recipe before Wednesday. I’ve gotten pretty good at smoking poultry but my pork shoulder and ribs still need some work. I think my pre smoke prep routine needs a few changes.
My buddy goes to his in-laws because they are local and his family is back in IN. His MIL is a horrible, horrible cook. One year he couldn’t take it anymore and bought one of those “a full T-giving meal delivered to your door” deals. To get out of hurting his MIL’s feelings, he told everyone that he had won the meal in some contest.
Worked great. So well, that he has “won” a meal every year for about 12 years in a row. The family doesn’t question his luck because they are all so happy to be eating decent food.
Yep, I even went beyond the spatchcock and quartered the bird. Being able to pull the breast meat earlier was awesome.
I received rave reviews.
Oven bags rock. I am not sure you can fuck up a turkey if you use one of them.
You might be wondering how Team Blue is going to continue this impeachment charade considering that there appears to be no “there” there. It’s actually going to be super easy, barely and inconvenience.
Maloney said, “Let’s be real clear, we are going to have direct evidence this week added to what’s already been made public that the president of the United States used taxpayer-funded military assistance to pressure a foreign leader to help him in his re-election campaign. That is soliciting a bribe, and that is an impeachable offense listed in the Constitution.”
He continued, “The witnesses this week, Sondland, is the guy who carried out the quid pro quo, and you’re going to hear him testify to that, and you’re also going to hear other witnesses testify to those actions. Morrison witnessed the conversation he had with the president, Taylor confirms it, and David Holmes is the latest witness who has important information about what Sondland was doing.”
He added, “The aid was released only after the whistleblower came forward, three Congressional Committees started investigations, and, of course, the solicitation of the bribe is what occurred. At the president’s instruction, Gordon Sondland, who will testify this week, said directly to the Ukrainians, you either get us a statement specifically negotiated with Giuliani calling for an investigation about the Bidens or there will be no military assistance. That’s a quid pro quo which is Latin for bribery.”
an* inconvenience…
And this is unusual how?
In 1944 FDR promised there would be more dead American boys if “we changed horses in the middle of the stream” and elected the dangerous incompetent and perhaps Jap/Nazi appeaser Gov. Tom Dewey.
It’s actually going to be super easy, barely and inconvenience.
I’d love to see the Pitch Meeting where Schiff pitches impeachment to Pelosi.
That’s a quid pro quo which is Latin for bribery.
Literally: this for that. I can get where you could cast it as bribery, but i’ve always seen it used in a “You’ve got to give to get” something. It is funny that the thing that they are calling a bribe (a form of corruption) was when Trump witheld funds (not gave funds) until he got a promise that the Ukraine Government would investigate corruption.
The impeachment seems a mistake: the Dems didn’t connect the dots, and they probably led with their best stuff. This is it? Outta bullets already?
Trump’s a moron, but I’m shocked Pelosi let this go forward if she didn’t have a hard plan to nail him down: with no hope in the Senate, the impeachment had to deliver proven, linear, clear, embarrassing evidence to justify the trouble and the spectacle. If all that is proven is that the White House is a circus, that’s not remotely news and doesn’t change a single electoral vote.
Caucus be damned: decency requires the impeachment be quashed immediately.
but I’m shocked Pelosi let this go forward if she didn’t have a hard plan to nail him down:
My going theory was that Schiff assured her that it was a “sure thing”. Pelosi was very reluctant to bring any impeachment up untill the whistleblower became public knowledge. I don’t know how long she knew about the thing, but I do think that Schiff had not been truthful to her about it. Remember how quickly she went from “No impeachment” to “were going to make a formal impeachment investigation”.
The House still has not voted on any impeachment related things.
I really do believe that the “transcript” that Schiff read out is what he thought or hallucinated the the transcript actually said. But talk about not doing your due diligence. So now we’re left with a case of premature impeachment in the House.
The Dem base doesn’t know the difference between Ukraine and Russia – gives everyone cover for “collusion” and “bots” elected him if Trump wins. Rinse, repeat.
I’ve always assumed that the politicians don’t actually believe anything they say. At the end of the day, they’re just actors with more power than those in Hollywood. It’s all a show for their base while they funnel money into their pockets. Maybe that’s an incorrect view.
I wouldn’t say that it is incorrect though some get the wrong message that this means the politicians are all closet libertarians who would rather leave us all alone and not do anything.
Steve Smith encounter?
Thanksgiving Recipe
I usually just show up.
And the answer is:
Mammary Monday provides you with the quid pro quo you’ve always wanted.
19 and 20 are strangely alluring.
Due to my wife suddenly running away from home (relax, unexpected business trip), I’ll be
poisoningfeeding my co-workers with her Italian sausage dressing by myself. Hopefully I won’t mangle it too badly. If it’s edible and no one vomits, or gets dysentery, I’ll submit the recipe.Fennel? What’s a fennel? Is that the licorice stuff? Sage? You mean, like advice or wisdom?
Fennel is a stable in my house.
Fun quick salad recipe: Fennell, (cut or diced up), clementines, olive oil, balsamic, salt, pepper. Oregano optional.
One dressing I use for sausage in a panini: Olive oil, salt, pepper, oregano. Spread on bread.
For you foodies out there. If you like having a variety of seasoning try this Salamoia:
Do it.
/stabs gold fish with tooth pick.
Fennel is the sole reason I cannot stand Italian sausage.
You can get it without fennel.
There are a few styles of Italian sausage.
/that’s what she said.
[insert crude joke about husband being 1/4 Italian here]
Oh. Now you want us to write your jokes for you…
Well, we’re doing it for the Babylon Bee, so I don’t see why we can’t do it for a member that actually isn’t lurking . . .
I say she can enact her own labor.
“We’re not saying BEAM’s an alien, but”
Fuck off, Tulpa!
Tough crowd tonight.
“Well, we’re doing it for the Babylon Bee, so I don’t see why we can’t do it for a member that actually isn’t lurking . . .”
Because, she’s the worst, TULPA!
Y’all are so good at it. Who am I to deny greatness its day in the sun?
Is that the licorice stuff?
Yes, it is a seed with an anise-like scent.
It’s spelled anusy
For those that like it, Ouzo or Sambuca? I find Ouzo to be sharper and less syrupy. Or maybe not, can’t remember.
Sambuca. With espresso beans.
Italians and Greeks cook tasty food, then they ruin everything with their drinks.
Negroni, please.
That was my summertime drink this year. Fucking awesome.
Seen, what you did there was.
*Sips Grappa. Shakes head at poor jarflax*
Mmm … Grappa.
The inventory of Italian drinks and liqueur is huge. Not comparable to Greece really.
Arak and Sambuca for me.
Sambuca black especially.
And my personal favourites are Cardamaro and Averna.
Jarflax needs to come sit at my table.
I got to try out various spritzes in Italy recently — my favourites were made from Campari, Select and (of course) Aperol, with Cinzano Orancio thrown in for the Hell of it.
Man, I could drink those in a nice café on the Amalfi Coast or in Florence until my brains leaked out my ears. And, if I live my life right, maybe I will. ;-)
Yes, you all are listing a solid selection of syrupy and disgusting beverages. My point stands :P.
@ Rufus, I’ll that to my list for the next bar restock.
Absinthe, because if you have to drink something that tastes like shit, you may as well hallucinate.
* can’t stop laughing *
doG I hope I don’t find any work soon: would hate to miss these pearls
Is that really true? I’ll assume it’s not available in our “free” country then.
Also, remember when Campari (and a whole lot of other shit) was made with bug blood?
It is, but it’s made from a different wormwood, so, no fuzzy feelings.
Absinthe maketh the heart grow fonder.
That pun just turned me into a Saure Fritz.
Is there any culture that doesn’t make a licorice-flavored liqueur?
Fennel is what you use to pour butterscotch schnapps from the big bottle into your fish house flask.
Can we start a Gofundme to introduce Minnesoda to the joys of whisky, or even whiskey?
Fennel always makes me think of this.
Went to get the ingredients for the dressing. No fresh sage available. WTF, Publix? I will wait for my chef’s advice.
Never change.
Donald J. Trump✔
· 6h
Our Crazy, Do Nothing (where’s USMCA, infrastructure, lower drug pricing & much more?) Speaker of the House, Nervous Nancy Pelosi, who is petrified by her Radical Left knowing she will soon be gone (they & Fake News Media are her BOSS), suggested on Sunday’s DEFACE THE NATION….
Donald J. Trump✔
….that I testify about the phony Impeachment Witch Hunt. She also said I could do it in writing. Even though I did nothing wrong, and don’t like giving credibility to this No Due Process Hoax, I like the idea & will, in order to get Congress focused again, strongly consider it!
Ahhh. I’m happy when the Speaker and the President are at each others throats.
As God and the Framers intended.
Nothing to see here.
So you’re saying that its those 26 fathers fault. Once again Men ruin the world
Mothers raised them, so …
So what you are saying is that it is a good thing that (((kid))) in the manger had his guns taken away via red flag laws.
The Romans were just executing him for pre-crime.
That is something the left really doesn’t want to talk about. And therefore you won’t hear it in the MSM.
I wonder how many were on antidepressants as well?
I got to say boycotting the Salvation Army because it does not share your religious beliefs in support of gay marriage is probably the most horrible thing I’ve ever heard. It’s so morally bankrupt that it’s peak white liberalism. People who do nothing throughout the year to help the poor or the homeless want people to stop donating to a charity that feeds and clothes the poor regardless of sexual orientation and is more responsible with its donations than the vast majority of charities (its CEO makes less than $50,000), because it doesn’t share their faith. That’s all this boils down to.
These are legitimately bad people who don’t want good people to do good work because they don’t like their faith.
Well freedom of association, except when it involves an association you don’t approve of.
Where deh-link to this story?
Political Sock
Replying to
Salvation Army is a “controversial Christian charity.”
Let’s get ready to IMMMMPEEAAACH!
When they discriminate against who they help with because of their religious beliefs, yep, they sure are.
They don’t.
It’s better that no one get helped than someone only help people they feel comfortable helping. This makes sense coming from a leftist actually.
So the Salvation Army should be cancelled. How tolerant and pluralistic we have become…
Progressivism has never been about pluralism or tolerance.
Progressivism is a fig leaf for Communism; and we all know how pluralistic and tolerant Communism is.
What? The Soviet Union wasn’t a brotherhood of multiculturalism and tolerance?
/Rev. Jim mind blown and stunned look.
And people are cheering this?
boycotting the Salvation Army because it does not share your religious beliefs in support of gay marriage is probably the most horrible thing I’ve ever heard
well, of course you don’t mean that, but, moving on:
People spend where they like, they vote with their bucks and their feet, and patronizing an institution you very much like tacitly leaves the rest out. Boycott is a strong word, but what if they merely said: we strongly urge people to consider the Y Fund because of all their good work on Z and their generous and patient perspective on Q? It would be functionally the same thing, no?
Didn’t you mention that you boycotted Chick-fil-A? Why?
“well, of course you don’t mean that, but, moving on:”
Surely I do and I am having trouble seeing how such a person is not a legitimately bad person.
You can donate however you want to, but smearing a charity that provides food and shelter for the needy, because they don’t align with your faith is what dirtbags do. The Salvation Army does not discriminate based upon someone’s gender ideology or who someone sleeps with. The complaint is that they are Christian and do not support gay marriage. That doesn’t trump decency in my opinion.
Excuse me for explaining the obvious: gay marriage is not more important than feeding and clothing the poor. Not in the slightest.
It will be curious to see, though, how libertarians end up squaring the “we don’t need government, because private charity will take care of that” with their casual acceptance of religious bigotry (when propagated by right thinking people against wrong thinking people). Who do you think provides the charity?
oh, I don’t disagree with anything you wrote other than to poke and giggle a bit in a “literally worse than Hitler” way
and TL/DR so I’ll stipulate that the smear campaign was beyond the Pale
Just Sayin, though: practically, folks do what they like, a premise libertarians generally support; it is in the unseemly cases where our dedication to such principles are tested
I agree and if people don’t want to donate because they don’t like the Salvation Army for whatever reason so be it. I don’t even donate to the Salvation Army as I donate instead to Catholic Charities. What disturbs me are the smears against the Salvation Army and the willingness by which those with wealth are willing to accept the premise that opposing gay marriage is reason enough to allow the poor to go hungry. I can’t even wrap my head around such a position.
It’s reminiscent of LeBron James being vocal about his politics domestically and then white washing concentration camps in China. It boggles my mind how someone could be so passionate about one, but utterly silent about the other, without concluding that that person has no moral compass and everything they supposedly believe is a sham.
And this part: “It will be curious to see, though, how libertarians end up squaring the “we don’t need government, because private charity will take care of that” with their casual acceptance of religious bigotry (when propagated by right thinking people against wrong thinking people). Who do you think provides the charity?” was not directed at you. I genuinely am curious to see which principle survives: less government or allegiance to being socially libertine.
was not directed at you
oh, it’s all cool by me: ideas need to stand on their own feet, personalities be damned
I was probably too OT and too snarky in my first delivery: I wasn’t suggesting the Salvation Army was bad or the critique fair, I was just implying there are other charities.
For the record, I’ve done a lot of work for the Salvation Army.
Well they are returning to their roots: classical liberals were anti-Catholic bigots and their support for urbanization, technology and education always had a collectivistic bent to them.
Enlightenment philosophers were anti-Christian for the most part.
The Salvation Army is not Catholic
I meant that the Classical Liberals thought Catholics were the wrong people so violations of freedom of speech and freedom of association were okay and government was needed to save us from them so that is why we needed public schools and anti-immigration laws.
Protestant in its roots like the Y.
There’s a feeling among Gen Z – and this is just my utterly informal observances – feel like the gay movement is now forced propaganda.
My daughter and her friends are all like ‘we get it but what’s with all the exaggerated behaviour and bashing of everyone?’
Know what? I’m gonna go make a donation.
Fuck these degenerates.
Especially the smug, illiberal millennials who distastefully keep writing, ‘Ok Boomer’.
There isn’t a more unlikable generation.
Tough call between the Boomers and the Millennials…
Gen X.
And Gen Z are showing signs of being more like us.
Which makes them cool.
Typo on my phone. Also X!
And I’m too late!
Also a disinterested slacker, aka X.
Listen Zoomer
Gen Z is Millennials.
Gen Z is post-Millennials.
I will say that there was a time people said the same thing about millennials (that they were more conservative than Gen X
I can’t alphabet today.
“Especially the smug, illiberal millennials who distastefully keep writing, ‘Ok Boomer”
Ok Boomer
I’m gonna go make a donation.
good deal
Can’t we all agree that statists of every age group are bad?
well, it’s the howmuchshitwouldyoulikeinyourmilkshake question, ain’t it?
I think most go with the lesser of two statists
“There isn’t a more unlikable generation.”
I’ll see your AOC and raise you a Warren, Sanders, Biden, McCain…
Ok boomer.
Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
I tried to dig down into this and reached some guy claiming they wouldn’t help him and his also homeless boyfriend. And at another source, the SA claiming they help anyone.
So – we have hearsay, FUD, rumors, sources familiar with their thinking, rinse and repeat.
My limited understanding is they will at most try to proselytize at you. That’s what activists really hate.
I highly doubt they’d deny helping the homeless because of their sexual orientation. Social conservatives and practicing Christians don’t approve of homosexuality but they wouldn’t turn their back on someone in need based on that. The old, ‘I don’t approve but still love you’ stance.
The Salvation Army responds.
Pushing non-intersex kids to transition is just downright evil.
21st century lobotomy.
Why would someone remove a female penis?
No relation
From the article:
That’s what it seems like to me, too.
Two shrinks have told me that they don’t take it seriously during the teen years and only will treat underlying psychiatric issues.
I think the threshold is when you want to cut your stuff off. The rest can be handled with a pat on the head and “you’ll understand some day”
Revealed: The Most Dangerous Places To Travel In 2020
Bad news everyone! The Libertarian utopia of Somalia made the list of most dangerous places to travel.
San Merino
the upcoming U.S. presidential election—which ranks among the top eight geopolitical risks globally
better wait until 2021 when the Yanks have had time to cool off a bit
I dunno. If you take a trip to Africa, and swim in a lake, you better mind your peehole.
This is my cocaine…
You mean apppeasing people who loathe you doesn’t work? Where is my Ivy League PhD?
Sure Jan. Though with the likes of Weld and Sarwak I’m not so sure…
I actually agree though getting elected to, for example, New York City Council and remaining libertarian and staying there and leapfrogging to Albany or DC will be very difficult.
The problem (in my mind) is that the LP wants to be a National Party. That just isn’t going to happen. But the LP could really focus on Local areas, where a lot of good could be done still and gain some recognition as a serious party.
This is a two party system. Working within one of the parties, Republican most likely at this point, is the best way to go. I don’t care what name is on the label as long as the policies are good.
^^^This, this, this. Entryism is the only way for minority ideologies to gain traction. It’s working like a charm for socialists with the Jackasses.
The interesting thing is that the Democrats were the classical liberals and have totally abandoned those principles while the Republicans have always been the Hamiltonian mercantilists and have never really changed despite the more libertarianish elements since the 1930s.
The Jeffersonian Democrats were the classical liberals. They lost control of the party in the 1820s to the more populist Jacksonians. Following the civil war the Hamiltonian types gradually took the Republican party away from the Abolitionist/progressives as they moved from the moral highground of abolition into other less savory progressive ideas. Then those progressives took over the Democratic party and gave us Wilson.
full disclosure I do not fully accept the Jeffersonian, Jacksonian, Hamiltonian, Wilsonian model of American political ‘tribes’ but it is a useful shorthand.
More Republicans like Rand Paul & Thomas Massie would make me very happy!
Haven’t done homework on this idea, but would it be fair to say that Paul, Massie are “more libertarian” than Gary Johnson?
The LP strategy seems to be trying to appeal to NeverTrump Republicans who loathe Democrats and Democrats who loathe Trump, Sanders and Warren. Not exactly a big pool of voters. Oh and their strategy of “Trump is Terrible and I agree with the Democrats on most issues but please think of the tax and spending rates” ain’t exactly a big vote getter either.
Rothbard wasn’t an LP “founder” and the LP has been using the “socially liberal and fiscally conservative” meme for at least 40 years.
Given my appreciation for the ‘larger ladies’, seems I should get to Dubai.
Wouldn’t it make more sense to give the drink credits to the male customers? The bigger the gals, the more drinks doled out to the guys?
In any case, it sounds like the poor men in the UAE need the help of Minnesoda Hero Steve Horner.
Horner was famous here for a while because he was fighting against Ladies’ Night promotions because they violated gender discrimination. He’s also pretty much a nut.
SLD but technically he was right. Under a fair reading of discrimination law it is a violation.
That is what made his crusade so much fun to watch. He was absolutely right, except for the THAT’S DIFFERENT clause that was written in invisible ink.
The same women who were using the law to go after dry cleaners for having different prices for men’s and women’s clothing were aghast that the law might cost them their free drinks.
Actually, a lot of those women disapprove of “ladies night” because it’s “objectifying”. ??♂️
When I was in college, a bar was sued for not giving “ladies night” specials to lesbians. The owner said that the point of te specials was to draw in men and I quote “they won’t get sap from that tree.”
Huh? Were you required to perform a sex act at the door or something?
Range anxiety.
Don’t worry, it isn’t something that a few million grifted $$ can’t solve.
Why would you donate to the Salvation Army when the American Red Cross has so many needy fundraisers and administrative staffers to feed?
Communist Revolutionaries in Colombia need your assistance. Donate to the red Cross.
They need to buy condoms for raping locals.
The $1.5 million in grant money was part of a national court settlement following the Volkswagen emissions scandal. Another round of investment in electric vehicle infrastructure fueled by the settlement is expected to be rolled out soon.
Settlement, extortion, whatever.
Well, it is a better use of extortion money than the tobacco settlement $$ funding those smarmy anti-vaping ads.
One of the worst things Obama did was start taking fines and giving it to liberal activist organizations
The CFPB is a blatant abuse of Federal power to extort money for prog organizations. Its existence is one of the things that gets my blood boiling about this nonsensical impeachment. If you supported the CFPB and the IRS targeting conservative groups, you never get to say the words abuse of power again.
I’m skeptical that any of this actually happened.
1. When I had sex ed in middle school, it was strictly mechanics and childbirth. Pure biology.
2. Why the fuck do we expect schools to do this at all?
3. “we are sewing the seeds of sexual violence – and acting surprised when those seeds bloom” How, exactly?
Granted, the examples are pretty absurd if they really happened, but, again, why are parents not teaching this stuff?
We have to teach sex ed now because most kids don’t grow up on farms anymore.
Have you ever watched barn cats mate?
Watch? Hell I joined right in!
His holiness does love himself some pussy…
This is the future Libertarians want?!
Want? No. Deserve? Yes.
I’m just saying if your sole sex-ed was watching farm animals (especially barn cats), you might have a few misperceptions about how to go about it.
the screaming
the flying fur
the neck biting
maybe C. Anacreon would beg to differ
That all sounds fine to me.
I read this guy’s instructional pamphlet.
No, but I’ve heard it from three states over.
Maybe I’m going to seem odd here, but the thing that most struck me was the tone of the article. Even if I agreed with it, this seems a lot more like an editorial premised on the reader’s prior agreement than a straight-on news report.
I get that some of the techniques discussed are pretty replant (if they happened). But, it also strikes me that a discussion of the moral, ethical and interpersonal implications of sex is probably something that is pretty essential for sex-ed. But, this seems what they’re labeling “shame-based”. A biology lesson would suffice. Leave the discussions on the topic for parents.
We should have alcohol ed, considering that the little brats are going to drink anyway.
So the crush is heading home from BOS tonight, but he did one last livestream from the airport. At the very end of the stream, he put the Boston chick on the mic and she said, I shit you not: “Thanks for all your kind words, everybody. And Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.”
I’m dyin’ ovah heah!
That’s a keeper
We had talked about it over drinks on Saturday night…she had to explain to the crush what it was all about, and he was enthusiastic about it LOL. He proposed writing it on a piece of trash, then “finding” the trash on the ground at the filming location. It was raining today, so they couldn’t do anything that elaborate.
These are legitimately bad people who don’t want good people to do good work because they don’t like their faith.
I think they’re more broken people. They’re fundamentally dysfunctional in their own lives and want to drag the rest of humanity down with them. That’s ultimately why they crave power so desperately. They think it will be the fix they need to deal with their dysfunction.
Apropos of nothing in particular, I’ve changed my avatar to a picture of the spousal unit, glammed up for a studio session. (I have no idea how to do inline images.)
inline images
That and releasing comments that are in limbo ‘cuz they have too many lynz is TPTB stuff, I’m pretty sure. Odds are you’re doing all you can do.
No offense, but she looks like she stepped out of an 80s music video.
I don’t think you risk giving offense by saying someone’s wife looks like a pop star.
Indeed. ;-)
Maybe this is better.
What if I had suggested she looked like Jimmy Somerville?
I’d probably suggest you get your eyes examined. ?
is it Mayor Pete’s moment?
Many of the voters at the morning event were older and seemed interested in what they saw as Buttigieg’s potentially broad appeal. Janice Williamson, 67, of Wakefield, Massachusetts, and Diane Gaucher, “older than she is,” of Manchester, said they were Buttigieg-curious in large part because of his seeming strategic advantage in the race — his “electability,” to use the language of punditry.
When your party is corrupted by racial identity politics nonsense, no – it is not his moment and never will be.
Never thought I’d see the day when a gay Democrat is problematic…
And AFAIK he’s doing the usual whistle-stop tour that is a requirement for every Democrat – kiss Al Sharpton’s ring, speak to the NAACP, etc. etc. – and they’re not buying it.
Maybe he needs to cultivate a black-folks voice like Hillary does.
Get some hot sauce…
profits over principles at chicken giant ?
now what will we argue about ?
The Salvation Army should feed the homeless pizza with pineapple on it. That would really show Chick-Fil-A!
Only if it’s served on Sunday.
Why do you hate the homeless?
How Corporate America is the libertarian moment?
Huh, your posts under your old name still retain your old name. Confusing.
Yup. It makes Sock Pupetry fun.
nah: the server will catch up pretty soon
It’s madness. The professional activist class is not going to start eating at Chick-Fil-A now. They will just pick the next name on SPLC’s list and target that for awhile.
billion-dollar craw-dad holes from around the world
Whether massively underused, debt-generating or simply left abandoned, these huge projects carried a hefty price tag yet didn’t end up being worth it. From disused Olympic stadiums to an entire city that’s become a ghost town, click through 14 white elephant projects that completely failed.
Let all this madness pass. They’re gonna eventually go away. And then start up again.
Don’t let these assholes win.
Just be clever about it.
It looks like the next time I want a chicken sandwich I’m going to have to take my life into my hands at Popeye’s. Seriously though, CF says they’re going to be deepening their ties with some other organizations. What orgs are those? They could be just as “controversial” as the other two so this isn’t necessarily folding to the left.
Don’t bother. The Popeyes sandwich is crap. They fucked themselves out of excellent existing sandwiches with the po’boys and traded it for this PR manufactured charade.
Did drugs fall out of the chicken’s ass?
yeah: I f’ed that up
I love zaxby’s.
I haven’t been in a week.
We have 16 chicken places around here, as well as 16 burger joints.
Chicken fingers are chicken fingers. Burgers are burgers. I don’t get it.
Except for Big Macs. Those are special and lovely and wonderful.
*body snatchers scream*
I had no idea one person could be so wrong.
Well, we have a crap ton of steakhouses, too.
The thing with BBQ is that the meat might be the same, but the sauces vary widely, so no bitching about THAT, for sure.
BBQ is that the meat might be the same, but the sauces vary widely-
Are you serious? The meat is the core. If the pork is too greasy it soaks into the fries and ruins them. If it’s too dry, all the sauce in the world won’t fix it. I think you’re trying to give me an aneurysm.
Steakhouses got nothing on me.
I don’t create my own bbq though, I rely on professionals for that.
Don’t like pork, don’t like fries.
Gimme cow or chicken. Whichever place I go to depends on how much vinegar I feel in need of.
See, the thing is, I find eating to be a chore. I am not interested in trying to figure out the nuances of this BBQ place’s rub/wood versus that one’s. I want whatever sauce I am in the mood for.
I do not care about trying new chicken places, Raising Cane’s and Zaxby’s and whatnot. I don’t like Chick-Fil-A at all (oh, wait, their peppermint shakes). KFC lost me years ago and I have no Popeye’s to go to. don’t think I’ve ever had Church’s.
I love Arby’s. I love their beef’n’cheddars. Their gyros are satisfactory. I like Sonic’s onion rings and cherry limeades.
I love the little grocery dive buried way down in my old neighborhood that makes and smokes its own kielbasa.
I love the Spanish tapas place.
I like Red Lobster. Long John Silver’s will do in a pinch. I like Chili’s for only one thing. I don’t care for Olive Garden.
Taco Bell is for late night post ER visits while awaiting prescriptions to be filled.
I have the palate sophistication of a 5yo and I’m okay with that. If I didn’t have to eat, I wouldn’t. Eating is a chore and food is the enemy.
I basically agree with Mo’. If I didn’t have to eat, I almost never would. I rarely eat for pleasure.
Is there, in fact, a U.S.-based chain resto that’s really good? Every time I try a new one in the ‘States when I go there, I keep thinking “This is okay, I guess, but where’s the awesomeness that I keep getting vibes of from the people who talk about this resto?”
Popeye’s? Meh. Chick-Fil-A? Meh (but very polite). Sonic? YIKES. Jack In The Box? Bleargh. Five Guys? They’re . . . okay. Et cetera (Peter’s older and smarter brother.)
C’mon! Somebody talk to me about a chain resto that’ll BLOW ME AWAY! The SU (Spousal Unit) and I are gonna be (hopefully) doing a lot of car holidays through the U.S. come January.
No, there is not.
The thing about a chain is it has to be so easy a minimum wage teen can do it. That doesn’t leave room for lovingly crafted food.
Mission BBQ?
No, there really isn’t.
You might be less put off by a Red Robin. Might.
Owned by the Alibaba group by the way.
“People on here always give me crap about how… spare… my links are”
Who are these bad people? Do I need to send Guido and Bruno down to break some knees?
You have to admit three, or four links is pretty paltry. It’s like the guy has a day job, or something.
Look, just because Crusty can post 300 links an hour…
At least Brett has the good manners to have an avatar.
“Trump Tweets at Kim Jong-un: Biden Is “Somewhat Better” Than a “Rabid Dog”
I gotta disagree with bad orange man on this one. Biden ‘I can’t legalize weed because gateway drug’ is the same statist piece of shit as he’s always been. I’ll take the rabid dog any day.
If Trump loses in 2020, I hope he just stops Tweeting. It would be fun watching Twitter collapse into the vacuum created by the sudden loss of oxygen.
CNN might go the way of the Dodo as well. And what would NYT do? Actual Journalism? With Friedman an Bruni as their top guys? That’s a real laugh.
Do they allow tweeting from prison because the Dems will try to put him there if he loses.
They can try, but I don’t see any jury convicting him of a crime. You’d probably need a crime first.
Right before they try to put us all in person.
In person, in prison.
In persons. FTFY.
Well, to be honest, being bitten by Biden isn’t going to give you the hydrophobes.
Most Accidentally Libertarian POTUS Ever?
Rand Paul is not doing his job. He needs to take Trump and Pence golfing more often and clack their heads together like Moe.
I suspect one of the advisors whispering in his ear probably also brought up the moral panic hoax that started this but that will never make it into the lying pages of the NYT. No, he did it for evil selfish reasons.
They all know exactly what Trump is thinking all the time, yet don’t have a good record of predicting what he’ll do. Odd, isn’t it?
I still like the Conservatarian version where Melania caught Barron with a vape pen. (Good version of the accent, but I don’t recall the ep # offhand).
bulldozing Palestinians approved by State
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday announced a major reversal of the US’ longstanding policy on Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, rejecting a 1978 State Department legal opinion that deemed the settlements “inconsistent with international law.”
Bebe is just alright with me, Bebe is just alright, oh yeah
Bebe is just alright with me, Bebe is just alright
I don’t care what they may say
I don’t care what they may do
I don’t care what they may say
Bebe is just alright, oh yeah
Bebe is just alright
Bebe, he’s my friend; Bebe, he’s my friend
He took all that land; Led me to that land
… Ok I admit, no one is likely to confuse Don’s ideas with Just Sayin’s but… Y’all are going to break my brain.
Palestinians are like Baltimorons. There can’t be a better solution than bulldoze it, unless you’re going to nuke it from space.
f’ ing rats everwhere
Knew that was incoming.
And imagine if I had said up above that Mrs. BEAM looked like that 80s pop star.
a 1978 State Department legal opinion that deemed the settlements “inconsistent with international law.”
Since the State Department is not a judicial agency nor is Israel a subordinate possession of the U.S., I doubt what they have is a legal opinion.
Shouldn’t all of Carter’s actions be automatically reversed on the high probability they’re wrong?
If i was a president…. I would have all the departments issuing Legal Opinions that 90% of what they were tasked with was unconstitutional, and then stop doing it.
I’d say this is gonna cost us our moral authority but what moral authority? Still not a good move.
“The police are looking for a person or persons of interest (in regards to the shooting in Fresno).”
Why don’t we say “people” instead of “persons”?
I read that as “Shouting” at first.
It seems that libertarians should only ever use persons.
Thx. It’s a “get off my lawn” situation, eh? Now if we can only get Hannity to stop using the word “besmirch”, we’ll step into the new millennium.
I wish we could get Hannity to shut the hell up. Beck has grown on me, he seems to have picked up some principles and moved hard libertarian. Limbaugh I can deal with sometimes, he is occasionally funny and has some insight into political strategy. Hannity is like a young turk from the right. He screeches slogans and seems to have no idea what a complete sentence or coherent thought looks like.
I’ve given up on all of them. Talk radio is no longer fun or entertaining and hasn’t been for a long time.
At least since Dan’s Bake Sale.
Savage is interesting if you’re into bitter authoritarians with an inferiority complex.
I stopped listening to him while I was still in the Bay Area. He’s the right wing version of San Francisco/Marin moral superiority.
I went back to listening to talk radio when driving when the sports talk all turned into prog politics.
I listen to classical music, although I absolutely hate the begathons. There’s another one about to begin, giving away Christmas wreaths for big enough donations.
I can’t believe David Brudnoy has been dead for 15 years.
His defense of the Amiraults was one of the things that turned me libertarian.
Dana Loesch isn’t too bad for (R) – certainly better than Hannity.
Besmirching Hannity. *SMDH*
His monologue is 20 minutes of yelling “No collusion! No obstruction. Witch hunt!”, or the equivalent talking point headers for the day. People yelling gibberish to support positions I disagree with annoy me a little. People yelling gibberish to support positions I agree with infuriate me.
He’s a partisan hack. Why even watch him?
Watch? No never. But when I get in my car between 3-6 he is on the channel I listen to in the morning.
Hannity is shallow and sophomoric. I like Beck and I listen to Rush for “inside baseball” information.
I can’t stand anyone on Fox News anymore. Tucker Carlson is OK in that he trolls the left, but the rest of them… I turned off cable a couple of years ago. Fox are basically the GOP establishment trying to look cool, and failing at it.
I still kinda like that cute, toothy gal and Kennedy.
Interesting. I always thought “persons” sounded pompous or legalese but you’re right – it’s probably the better choice.
does this qualify as JD CEU ?
Principles matter in the Trump White House
super hotty Mina Changvo, ted off Apprentice island, plans to either join FoxNews or start a PR firm with other brilliantly-qualified exstaffer Omarosa
voted off
So the wife was just telling me tonight that she was talking to an old friend who had ‘transitioned’. I guess he whacked the peepee and all that stuff. Those nukes we dropped on Japan totally fucked up the entire planet. Forget about global warming, we’re already doomed.
whacked the peepee
committed was
he who whacked his peepee
not sad ‘cuz
leaves more chicks for me
I knew a guy who had a lopadickoffame. One ugly chick. Yeah, he became a lesbian.
All you have to do is believe….
And click your heels together three times
And get yourself a plethora of unpleasant side effects from massive amounts of hormones, not meant for you, and a suicide rate about 50x that of the general population. Wonderful!
Dude, they were born with the wrong body.
Don Trump’s capo can’t keep toughs in line
“Don’t force me to make a Tessio out of you”
Pompeo in what one senior administration official described as an untenable position: trying to manage a bureaucracy of 75,000 people that has soured on his leadership and also please a boss with outsized expectations of loyalty.
The US Recognizes 193 Countries. So that makes 193 Amabasadors, the secretary of state, and maybe a few staff officers at State. what are the other 73,000 People doing?
State only has about 14,000. I suspect that number is made up, just like the rest of the article.
Christine Ford Blasey honored by ACLU for her “courage”. I don’t have the guts to lie that blatantly on national TV.
ACLU: Because Due Process is too oppressive!
You do know the ACLU was founded by no-shit Stalinists right?
In their defense, they explicitly disavowed the Soviets at one point.
Unfortunately, they just seem to be an extension of the DNC now.
ACLU: We will wear the skinsuit and love it.
What a world. We now get prizes for telling the biggest lies. If you can lie as much as Paul Krugman or Al Gore, you even get the Nobel prize that comes with nearly a million dollars. Why the fuck work hard when you can just lie your way to fame and fortune? Something about incentives…
How the groups will be determined for Euro 2020 is absolutely crazy. 12 host countries, though one has already been eliminated, 3 or 4 of them may still qualify through the playoffs in March next year but the draw for the final tournament will take place later this month. And, of course, if a host country qualifies for the tournament next March, it has to play at home, so it has to be taken into account in advance.
Somehow, I find it fascinating.
Yeah, I’ve tried to read the explanation of the Nations League playoff qualifications several times and still don’t quite get it. I assume it will become clearer when there are actual teams to plug in rather than “if the third placed team in Group C of the Nations League qualifies directly through its group, then the fifth-seeded team in the 14th group from the top will be moved one square to the west…”
Circle gets the square!
And hey, we don’t have to pay for it…
at least, I hope not.
Also, go back to the link last thread about matrix algebra is you want to know how the Euro 2020 qualifiers are tabulated.
Thank God.
Georgia Tech teaches adults to act their age
a third of Americans between 18 and 34 are living with their parents
Dating out of my demographic is getting harder and harder
I lived with my parents while i was at college till i was 21, which was by far the cheaper option.
Though i did spend 19-21 out of the country, so really it was like 18-19 and then 21-22
Terrorist training camp?
I doubt his parents were *that* bad.
That ain’t woke. Who’s going to punish these wrong thinkers for their hate crimes?
If people grow up and become adults, how is the great benevolent state going to protect them and solve all their problems?
third of Americans between 18 and 34 are living with their parents-
They are all consenting adults, so it’s none of my business.
Isn’t Splosives from Duncan ?
IIRC, yes.
Coal lets down Native Americans
Trump’s failures to build a wall that would bring coal back from China hits Indians hardest
I thought that the big thing now with feathers is food sovereignty? Whatever the fuck that means, I can’t keep up with this wokeness.
More proof that he just hates brown people
Sixty years after Engel, Jesus still watches over public schools in TN
ingrates don’t appreciate free-Bible-day at school
“At school everybody makes it seem like you have to believe in one thing, just like them. It’s very awkward and uncomfortable.”
The irony, it burns.
Isn’t the stated goal of public school to get people to all think the same?
I don’t know what the stated goal is, but the real purpose is subsidized babysitting.
Well indoctrinated Citizens to feed the Industrial Machine!
Those Model T’s won’t build themselves…….
Socialization over education, yes
Anyone watch Donald Trump Jr. on either the Dave Rubin or Adam Carolla show? (both were similar)
He talks way to fast and is fairly obnoxious, but there was some entertaining/interesting moments.
He was funny on Rubin’s show, seemed pretty real
Well that was fun. The lawn guys were here picking up leaves, I told the wife not to let the dogs out, 30 seconds later she lets the dogs out. All 100lbs of big dog going full speed, barking his head off. Lawn guy already freaked out from an earlier encounter freaks out(there’s an invisible fence, he couldn’t have gotten to him). I call the dog in, he turns around and walks towards the house, lawn guy follows and exclaims, “I’ll kill that fucking dog. I’m shaking right now”. Fortunately, the owner is on site, calms the guy down and everything’s okay. I understand his fear, but it would have been bad news if I had to deliver a beat down because he harmed my dog.
I’ve come to realize I like my dog. I don’t like other people’s dogs.
It’s funny how chicken shit people can be. A barking dog is usually not dangerous. Maybe they were traumatized as a kid. Your dog was barking? That’s it? Not growling and crouched, ready to pounce?
I’m having work done at my house and was looking out the window last week to see if any of my contractors were still working outside. I see a big ass yellow dog wandering around in my neighbor’s front yard. So I go out to see if the dog has a collar and tag. She starts barking loudly at me, runs at me, rears up and almost knocks me down in my own front yard. But I see her tail is wagging, and I am not afraid at all. Other than that she might actually hurt me by accident. I bring her in the house, and my wife tries to read her tag. The workers in the house freak out, and so does our rat dog. I get it… territory.
My wife says, “Is that [the neighbor’s] dog?” I don’t know, she’s much larger than I thought their dog was. So we try to get a look at the phone number on her tag, but the pooch is bouncing around playfully, and the tag is kind of worn. Plus, our vision sucks. Eventually we are able to read the phone number on the tag and call. It was the neighbor on the other side’s dog. Meanwhile the painters are perched on their ladders afraid to come down.
Who hasnt had THIS happen to them at least once?
I always blame aliens.
Ewwww….belly button meth.
Ewwww….belly button meth.
Want an infuriating link:
“Anyone who follows environmental politics knows that environmentalists have a reputation for being more likely to lobby, litigate, or regulate than to simply pay for what they want to protect. Yet when Tim DeChristopher went to protest an energy lease auction by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in 2008, he tried the more direct approach. DeChristopher walked into the lease sale in Salt Lake City and ended up outbidding developers for more than 22,000 acres of drilling rights on public lands near Moab, Utah. His reward for winning: a prison sentence.”
Yeah. What happened was he didn’t have the money he claimed to have for the bid. That’s why he went to jail.
Well, technically fraud is “against the rules”…so….
That’s a rape cage worthy violation? How about, ‘Oh, seems you don’t have the money. Next!”
Don’t know if any of youse folks own an “AcuRite” indoor/outdoor thermometer, but if you do and the outdoor sensor starts crapping out around 0° C / 32° F, try what I tried — I unscrewed the sensor body and used isopropyl alcohol to clean off the small PCB inside, which had become partially encrusted on certain traces with what looked like efflorescence or corrosion. Working normally now. Naturally, there didn’t seem to be any info on this anywhere on the Web. :-/
I s’pose I should use some conformal coating on the PCB to give it more environmental protection, but you’d think a sensor that was designed to be outdoors wouldn’t be that prone to problems.
It was probably never cleaned after soldering. Some of the fluxes are corrosive and will react predictably when exposed to humidity.
Cheap Chinese crap.