Man, that division is not good.
We’ve reached the end of the week finally. I hope y’all are as excited as I am. And probably more excited than Colts fans, who lost a heartbreaker to the Texans. In college, Georgia Tech topped NC State in a contest between ACC bottom-feeders. Although I realize that term could apply about 75% of that league. And on the ice, the winners were Boston, NYI, Florida, Philly, Columbus, St Louis, Vancouver, the MINNESOOOOOODA WIIIIIIIIILD!!!!!!, Tampa, Dallas, Toronto, San Jose, and LA. Jesus, why do they seem to always schedule 2 games one night and then 10 or more the next? You know, a more balanced schedule ensures more visibility for all the teams. Ah, whatever. Bettman gonna Bettman.

“Hey, everybody. We’re all gonna get laid!”
Charles de Gaulle was born on this day. He shares it with aviator Wiley Post, comic legend Rodney Dangerfield, M16 designer Eugene Stoner, actor Robert Vaughn, tennis legend Billie Jean King,possible hermaphrodite actress Jamie Lee Curtis, actor Mark Ruffalo and the lovely Scarlett Johansson.
Well now, let’s get to…the links!
Let’s see…4 divided by the number of kids on college campuses. Carry the 0, add up the ones that are made-up bullshit. And …whoa! Look there, this shit is basically nonexistent. Oh well, let’s report on it breathlessly.

Hopefully that smile gets even bigger soon.
Say your prayers little one. Don’t forget my son, to include everyone…in your $275M lawsuit! Hey NBC: Exit light. Enter night. (Apologies to everyone for the delivery of this link. I almost feel like I offended myself.)
Looks like the Hunter Biden Griftathon was going on on both sides of the Atlantic. Jesus, this guy is the biggest fuckup since Fredo. Not Fredo Cuomo, but the real Fredo. Well, the fictional character one who was alwa…aw, Jesus, you know who I’m talking about.
But just in case you needed your Fredo Cuomo fill today after I brought him up too.

Hopefully the Feds are gonna end this shit.
The Feds are getting their California homeless plan put together. I wonder if it’ll look as fucked up as the state plans have. I wonder if that’s even possible.
Local girl does good! Good for her. She really is incredible.
This is one we can all get behind.
Now go have a super Friday and a better weekend. (Go Bucks! Beat Penn State!)
A win is a win. At least we arent 14th in the ACC. Looks like 12th.
Georgia Tech
is the best 8-loss team in the nation
seriously !
Yes. I’ll take last night’s game over last Saturday’s any time.
She’s a nut, but still… would.
A series of racist and anti-Semitic incidents have rattled college campuses nationwide as educators struggle to stop them from spreading.
Just this week alone, at least four incidents have been reported on college campuses hundreds of miles apart from one another.
It’s odd how the people most likely to have been thoroughly inoculated against racism and miscellaneous other varieties of badthink are alleged to be committing these atrocities. Maybe there is some sort oftractive pushback.
Or maybe it’s all made-up drama.
wasn’t one deemed a hoax, perpetrated on a campus where the students were pushing for certain students to pick the race of their roommate?
These hoaxes seems to be a great way for these snowflakes to make the jello spined admins at these institutions of marxist indoctrination go along with some of the most ridiculous and stupid demands. The other day I heard someone talk about how when they went to school people had gruel in the cafeterias, but these days the students eat like they are in 5 start restaurants, cause the school caved in to stupid demands and the parents just foot the bill.
All the adults left the room when it came to these colleges.
If the educators wanted to stop them from spreading, they might want to tone down their BDS rhetoric. And they might want to keep student councils from preventing Jewish students from participating in student government.
rattled college campuses nationwide as educators struggle to stop them from spreading.
Maybe reporting these incidents as “rattling campuses” nationwide contributes to their spread?
Bonus points for neglecting to follow up when they’re proven to be hoaxes.
Ok, most of these turn out to be hoaxes, but that misses the actual point. Why is a kid drawing a swastika or using a racial slur national news? Why is it local news? Why is it even college newspaper news? It’s a kid being mildly obnoxious. Yes, mildly! Years ago I was dating a black woman and several times when we were out in public kids driving by would yell things like “All cats are grey in the dark” or “It’s all pink on the inside”, Do you know how much that bothered me? It bothered me so much I yelled “Fuck you” at one of them, and may have flipped some others off. Do you know how much it bothered her? So much she s laughed at me for even bothering to yell “Fuck you”.
This whole concept is garbage. If someone burns a church throw them in prison. If someone throws a punch throw them in jail. If someone kills someone, fry them. If someone draws a picture, hand them a bucket and scrub brush. If someone says a word? Don’t do a damn thing.
No, some are phosphorescent green.
It’s national news because they say it is.
Joe Concha, a reporter for The Hill, wrote Cuomo’s stunt was “the most ill advised thing we’ve witnessed on live TV since Marcia Clark had OJ try the gloves on.”
The sad part is I’ve known some people who have their phones so loud that you can hear both sides of the conversation when not on speaker. So if he’d been even a quarter as smart as he thought he was, he could have set his phone to be that loud…
Can we discuss the fact that David Holmes looks like a Hitler Youth leader? Or at least like the crooked civil servant douchebags from “Spies Like Us”?
Rachel Maddow re: Trump’s taxes begs to differ.
And probably more excited than Colts fans, who lost a heartbreaker to the Texans.
Tell me about it.
There have been at least 4 hate incidents reported on college campuses this week
Curious considering that college campuses are bastions of leftism controlled by leftists.
Well, not really curious seeing as that’s where most anti-Jewish rhetoric comes from.
That’s just a right wing myth. Nancy Mclean makes it clear that there is a libertarian cabal of white supremacists trying to chain our democracy.
On average, there are about 20 suicides a week on college campuses. I’m slightly more concerned with that than I am with the “reported” hate crimes, which are typically not crimes at all.
Other things that happen on college campuses that I actually give a shit about:
In a way, it might be good for these spoiled brats to experience a little actual hardship. They’re so fucking pampered they snivel about purely invented slights. Maybe some real world suffering will snap some of them out of it.
20 out of 76 million students seems about normal, no?
So why is CNN reporting on these 4 very isolated, very limited incidents?
Why did NBC’s Today lead with the same story?
Because this is the DNC think-tank led pivot. This is 1619. This is your democrat propaganda machine in operation. They have to not only protect the base, they have to gin up anger. And the African-American vote let them down in 2016, big time. Since then, Trump has actually made inroads, despite a non-stop campaign of calling him racist on just about every news outlet just about every few days. With unemployment low, it might be hard to make that case. Some might even begin to suspect that he’s been good for the black community.
So they drop the hammer. Racists are everywhere!
I’d really love to see a compendium of “racist incidents” and their resolution. I’d bet dollars to donuts that very few of these are authentic. If there’s a swastika involved, 90% chance it is either a hoax or just some random kid having a laugh who has no racist angle. But they sure do get a lot of handwringing coverage up front!
If I was the head of campus police and something like this was reported, I’d be looking at the people making the report and the protest groups who get the most worked up. That seems to be the usual angle. Second would be ex-boyfriend, dude with a beef, frat brother who took a joke to far, etc. Then would be nutcase loner who wants attention. Absolutely last on the list would be “organized racist group”. They just don’t exist in any relevant sense.
Well, except for maybe UW-EauClaire. That’s pretty backwoods up there. They don’t really have much in the way of minorities, other than native Americans. The few they do have are mostly recent imports from the cities. So people up there might not know how to play nice. But that stems more from ignorance than anything else. According to Wikipedia they are currently 91% white, 1% black, and 4.5% Asian. That’s probably a relatively recent shift from more than 98% white, so maybe they have a little anxiety? I dunno.
Pretty much. And it encourages copy-cat hoaxes which are mysteriously always followed by admins giving in to demands for more struggle sessions and pampering.
I call dibs on Plymouth Rock!
Now let’s do assaults committed by Antifa, or rapes committed by illegal immigrants and watch CNN figure out how statistical noise works.
Assaults are punching + privilege.
since Antifa isn’t privileged, it is impossible for them to assault anyone.
QED, Nazi.
Actually, we are talking about college kids.
So let’s report other “antisocial things” that kids that age do. How many times did someone take a dump in the common area during the same period? Or put laundry soap in the fountain? Or how about spray painting a generic “F**k You!” on something?
Somehow I bet that if one were able to compile such data, “racist incidents” would not be a rounding error on the numbers.
Speaking of swastikas, I have been re-watching The Man in the High Castle in preparation for watching the last season.
That show might be triggering to the faint of heart. I wonder how many people have been rushed into critical care after stumbling onto it.
No need to wonder, don’t you remember the initial ad campaign?
I just started it for the first time, so I can catch the last season. It looks pretty good so far… I’m not that far in. I am struck by what poor decisions people are making though. It isn’t the worst ever, but I find it annoying when writers have characters avoid doing the obvious thing and do something stupid instead, just to move the plot in the direction they need.
Some of it seems intentional – to convey the dystopian nature of the society and the rampant lack of trust. (Spoiler warning from here forward: like when the government kills a wife and kids, the father blames the brother-in-law because he’s related to the wife? It was a bit strained, but I suppose meant to infuse their world with an underlying antisemitism that needs to be made real for the audience)
I’m hoping it is good… I’m only to the part where she gets back in town and has to endure sexism (ok, sexual assault, not sexism) in the office to get a job.
The female lead is so stupid I kept rooting for her to get nazi’d
I am glad I’m not alone in that assessment.
Mentioned on previous thread, my playoff as of today. At large indicated with @.
Miami, Oh at 1 Ohio St
Georgia@ at 8 Cincinnati
Boise St at 4 Clemson
Baylor@ at 5 Minnesota@ ::edit faerie helps out::
Marshall at 2 LSU
Utah@ at 7 Notre Dame@
App St at 3 Penn St@
Oklahoma at 6 Oregon
My system irrationally likes the B1G this year. And really thinks Bama’s schedule sucks.
I used the highest rated team in each conference as champion. I didnt actually check if they could win it still, but I think so.
Uh… Ohio State and Penn State can’t both be conference champs. Nor can LSU and Georgia.
My system
irrationallylikes the B1G this year. Andreallyrationally thinks Bama’s schedule sucks.FIFY!
Although I’m thinking you need to replace TTUN with Minnesota or Wisconsin.
That was a typo, I had UM written down, it is Minnesota.
My system has 5 B1G teams in the top 10 (hence the irrational) and I artificially limit to 3 in the playoffs. Most years it is the SEC, this year the B1G.
Nearly every year 1 conference had a clump of teams who dont lose OOC and only lose to each other and get grouped together too high.
One good Purdue upset would break it all down. Or Rutgers.
I corrected it for you so I wouldn’t have to look at that disgusting word anymore.
Did you like the OSU in-state bracket? That was just how the numbers fell out.
The hoops committee gets accused of doing that stuff on purpose, but its weird how often it happens.
Most years I get a Troy at Bama game.
I’m not the least bit unhappy with that bracket. Playing Georgia in the second round would please me greatly.
Hey sloopy
Yeah. And he died.
I’m annoyed at you Bucknuts right now. I am trying to get my brother to bring his kids by this Saturday and the Noon kickoff is messing with my plans. (My brother may be worse than you, he taught his at the time preschool kids the 3 worst traitors in US History:
1. Benedict Arnold
2. Alger Hiss
3. Charles Woodson,)
I can still remember my niece, still in diapers lisping “Touchdown Buckeyes, Boo Ichigan.”
Bama’s Scheudle does suck.
I get that the other conferences “Chased Money” buy adding more conference games, and that’s not Alabamas fault, but how is it that Alabama can get the benefits of “Resume” but not eat the costs of playing teams well below them?
Adding a conference game is the opposite of chasing money though. Because it cuts down the number of home games a year by half as many conference teams you have when they could all schedule another home game in place of a conference game when half the teams are obviously going to be on the road.
It also means they will have more teams with a loss than if everyone would have scheduled a cupcake, so you will likely end up with a couple fewer teams making bowls. And those who do will have fewer wins and be ranked a bit lower, so their bowl game won’t be as high-profile.
Nah, adding the conference game serves one simple purpose: to give fans a better chance of a better regular season matchup in inter-divisional games. But it doesn’t really help the league make more money.
Fair enough. That was just one way i heard it explained, (by someone who thought that Alabama should be ranked lower no less). It just strikes me as “having the cake and wanting to eat it too”. Alabama fans want to lean on their history and program when they still have no Ranked wins. I heard several comentators saying that they should pass up Oregon or Utah if they beat Auburn cause somehow that’s better than the fact that Oregon or Utah will have beat a top 7 team by the time they are Pac-12 Champion.
Which is precisely why they should not allow any team other than conference champions into the playoff. Taking a ‘Bama team that doesn’t even make the conference championship over any conference champion is a joke. I don’t care if they have the best roster in football and have better than even odds of winning the championship if they make the playoff…. if you didn’t earn it on the field, you didn’t earn it on the field.
There is no excuse for the SEC to keep getting multiple bites at the apple. They are a great conference. Winning the SEC means a lot. Finishing third-at-best? Not so much.
For many teams, it is a monmaker. Not the blue bloods with their 100k stadiums, but for those of us who schedule home and homes with Temple, another conference game would be a money maker.
That is why we did the Notre Dame deal. Them at home every 6th year is huge.
The other pile of money is from TV. The SEC did their big ESPN deal, but the other conferences probably needed to sweeten the pot a little more with some better games.
The ACCN would love to televise Clemson/FSU. Or even UVA/VaTech.
But nobody wants to cover UNC-Mercer and GaTech-Jacksonville State. So add in an extra P5 matchup and that conference package is a lot sweeter.
I don’t know the numbers, but I cannot imagine that Wake Forest takes in as much in tickets and concessions as they get in conference distributions. They are pretty tiny.
It’s Bullshit. A couple of Pac12 teams tried to schedule home-and-home series with Bama a few years ago. Saban absolutely refused to travel to the West Coast. All that ever came of it was the USC game in Dallas. That guy is full of shit when he bitches about difficulty scheduling good games. Every Notre Dame game is non-conference and they always have about the toughest schedule in college football.
5 ND games per year are now in conference.
Woops – yet they still play Georgia, USC, Michigan, and Stanford in non-conference games this season. All teams that could be competing for a conference and national title any given year.
All teams that could be competing for a conference and national title any given year.
Yet one of them has never been to a CCG. A trend which will continue this season.
I watched a lot of bowl games last year – and not one was a “playoff” game because the thing is a joke and doesn’t interest me. Ohio State is really good this year, I guess, or else their conference sucks because their non-conference schedule was a joke.
Toughest? Mmmm….
Sagarin has them at 30th. Not too shabby. Not too tough. Probably about where you’d want to be if you were a Notre Dame.
Alabama, Ohio State, Clemson? All above 50th.
LSU? 13th.
My Tar Heels? 16th. Which I’m going to say helps explain their underwhelming record this year.
Of course, there are some tough games on the schedule left that will shift those numbers. Alabama has the Iron Bowl. Clemson and Ohio State have their championship games. So they might end up about where Notre Dame is, five or take.
Those real-time strength of schedule rankings are kind of a coincidence since the games are scheduled years in advance. But if you want to be taken seriously, you should have a couple of non-conference games against Power 5 opponents.
Agreed…. if you want to judge who is dodging people and who is at least trying.
Who’s dodging? Well, Tennessee had a long contract set up with UNC. But UNC beat them and they cancelled the rest. Same happened with a couple of other P5 schools.
Of course, UNC scheduled a series with UCF when they were terrible. Then got the benefit of a hurricane to save them a 70 point beat down last year.
OSU has Penn State, Michigan, and then a conference championship.
That will certainly elevate their overall SoS.
That sounds like some SEC logic right there! Penn State is on the same level as Appalachian State (as was proven on the field of battle). The fact that they are competitive in the Big Ten is not an endorsement of Penn State, it is an indictment of the Big Ten.
This is some sort of word puzzle like the acrostics, isn’t it?
*turns monitor sideways*
I absolutely hate that man for bringing in the “lardasses are attractive” trend whereby we ended up with Kim Kardasian and Nicki Minaj as sex symbols.
It’s not fat anymore, it’s thicc.
Nope, it’s still fat.
Yes, but it’s fat with blurry photoshop artifacts at the waistlines.
In this case, Bernie is dead on it:
Bah, that was supposed to be a reply to Scum
Easy mistake to make, we are all scum here.
In Bernie’s world, everyone is rail thin.
meh the women in the video don’t match that and I don’t think Minaj is that much of a sex symbol
She’s just gross
Agreed. But I like em slim
I mean slim but curvy. Not that I am in the position to have preference.
I may be an extremist but I prefer slim even to the extent that I’d forgo curvy if I had to pick just one or the other. The trick, of course, is perfect balance.
Tits or GTFO.
I prefer they have a vagina. I don’t like women with penises
Imagine not liking women with penises in 2019. I can’t even.
Sounds like a dick move to me.
A. Never, and I mean NEVER, disparage SIR Mix-a-Lot on these pages again.
B. Watch the video. None of the girls he is praising would even be called “thicc” in the current era of body positivity nonsense, much less fat. Fat is enabled by fat girls, not knighted rappers.
Sir Peter Paul Rubens thinks y’all are noobs.
I know you are, but what am I?
There seem to be too many around here who prefer a Miley Cyrus body-type. They must be shamed.
One can only be ashamed of something that is wrong.
You will fail.
That is fairly obviously not true. There are plenty of people ashamed of making a profit, ashamed of being male, ashamed of being white etc.
The weak willed and emotionally abused can be made to be ashamed of anything, I suppose.
But CPA is still wrong.
UCS likes his women like he likes his food.
Tasteful and balanced?
And he does like his food…
People-first language please!
“Rappers of Knighthood.”
Looks like the Hunter Biden Griftathon was going on on both sides of the Atlantic.
But Joe Biden assures us that he is the one to restore the soul of America.
Conspiracy Theory. There is no reason to believe that there was anything going on.
NPR tells me that’s all been completely debunked.
And you believed them?
NPR isn’t allowed to lie. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be taxpayer-funded arbiters of truth(R)
They always say “without evidence” about Biden, but the allegations against trump are iron clad.
That is what drives me nuts.
It says that if they manage to get rid of Trump, the fleecing of the American taxpayer for the benefit of the nomenklatura becomes a sacrosanct arrangement that will last until the country falls.
That’s not to say that things under Trump will be much better, it’s just to say that getting rid of him guarantees that it will continue unabated.
Have you ever looked at Joe Biden. He’s fucking creepy looking. Like an automaton or something.
Funny. How do you keep finding these gems on Twitter? All I find is a libertarian echo chamber.
The Epsteining of Hong Kong.
I think there is nowhere near the outrage the situation warrants. Where is the BDS china movement on campuses around the world?
Given that most of the BDS idiots are commies, I don’t think they’re going to step up anytime soon.
Thomas Friedman would like a word…
Official policy of the PRC: “A billion more where they came from.”
Hope the NBA, Popovich, Kerr and Lebron are proud. Because this is what they defended.
But they go get to bounce a ball around and make fabulous money while bashing Trump safely from afar.
This is a question for Straff and those brave enough to follow the impeachment proceedings.
Everything I’ve gathered so far sounds a bit like this:
“Sonland said ‘We all were working at the direction of the President’ to investigate the bidens”. Or “Trump was very concerned” about biden’s corruption, testified Stated Department Shmuck.
In other words the media is taking parts of their testimonies, and then appending the assumption of the critical part. Another thing i’ve seen (particularly in Sonlands testimony) was where Sonland testifies of something and then adds “Had i known at the time this was about Biden, i wouldn’t have done it”. Which means he never knew if this was about Biden and is only assuming so Now because a bunch of other people who don’t know say it is.
If you realize this is a massive case of projection, where the democrats accuse Trump of doing exactly what they were doing, and then hope to somehow reverse the results of the 2016 election before his people can basically produce evidence of the criminal activity of the Obama administration and the weaponized bureaucracy it created for the American public, through this stunt (coup), you have a clear picture of what this shitshow is all about.
Seriously, the Ukraine kerfuffle is a bunch of really fucking corrupt people that were all profiting immensely from tax payer funded foreign aid kickbacks to a kleptocratic quasi-state at all levels of the Obama administration and bureaucracy trying to make the case that Trump is evil for calling them out on their criminal behavior and then trying to end it and investigate it.
And that asshat Shiff is doing their bidding cause he thinks that will make him no longer be a Fredo Corleone of the DNC.
Was the tesla truk thing debated?
I don’t like how it looks. And I don’t like the trying to make it indestructible thing. Sometimes it may be needed to break pieces. And it looks like it would massacre pedestrians, I assume you Americans don’t care bout pedestrians. Then again it is probably not meant to drive in a city.
It looks stupid and totally impractical, exactly what I would expect from a company that doesn’t understand what a commercial vehicle should be able to do.
26k ikes.
That’s supposed to be a commercial vehicle?
I’m making a prediction. Companies betting on the EV horse as the sole future may not succeed. At best I see this as a niche market product (say, 20% of sales) but two factors work against them that I can’t see them getting around. 1) Reliability in extreme conditions and cold temps. 2) battery replacement and disposa – unless some new invention or technology comes along to hep store it. 3) Market demand (you can only rely on government mandates so much. Unless they ban the combustible engine the market will be cool to it. My concern is government going around this problem with more carbon taxes, kilometre/mile taxes or designated driving days 4) and probably the boldest part of the prediction, the fact the production of an EV is anything but green will gain attraction and will be into question just how good for the environment they really are. I don’t see how this can be ignored over the long-term.
We’ll see if this comment ages well. If I’m wrong I will be the first to admit it.
20% is way too optimistic. 2-5% at most is my prediction for EV uptake.
When I say 20% it’s assuming government intervention. Natural market forces (ie supply and demand) likely bring it substantially lower as you note.
I assume you Americans don’t care bout pedestrians
Pedestrians are like squirrels, the one’s with poor reflexes don’t need to be in the gene pool.
If the boner with the “unbreakable” windows is any indication, there’s no cause for concern.
Hopefully, the battery is pretty much unable to be punctured by landing on a pointy rock at 30 mph, though.
Don’t be silly.
The batteries are the main structural members, and are the first thing hit by any object striking the truck.
Does it even look indestructible in general? One fender bender and all of the panels will become unglued.
Angular looks strong to the psyche.
I’ll say this. Seeing something fail at a Demo is embarassing, but at least a team is willing to Demo it.
I assume you Americans don’t care bout pedestrians.
If you ain’t Driving, get out of the street.
Absurd. It looks like something a fifth grader doodled when his meds began to wear off.
It’s a glorified electric tow vehicle
Makes me think of this.
I eagerly await the first moron who tries to put his boat over with it and dunks the batteries/motors in the water.
It’s a countach that some redneck decided to throw on a 250 frame.
No, what it looks like is a prop from a Direct-To-VHSⓇ action movie shot in Canada
No. You are all wrong.
It’s a fucking Landmaster!
(h/t Monty)
They should all be drunk as shit and laying in broken tables, right?
Albanians are not welcoming people.
How on earth was that not a direct to VHS movie shot in Canada!
17 million budget, Leap! In 1977!
Chock full of stars, too.!
Oh I know. I’ve drunk-watched this movie more than once in high school. After a long evening of blowing shit up in the woods, me and my redneck buddy would watch this and Fortress
If it was mine, I’d hit it with a sledgehammer, too.
Musk is a helluva troll. And everyone is now talking about this truck.
Doesn’t he have a lawsuit to defend against?
When I first saw it I was thinking WTF, but the longer I looked at it, the more it started to grow on me.
If I could convince myself that spending 50k on a vehicle was a good idea then I would definitely get the mid range one.
Between this and a Model 3, the truck wins.
More interior room than a Model 3, same range as a Model 3, same price as a Model 3, and you can haul or tow.
“Can you just say hello?” Cuomo asks, as the two sit idly for several seconds without a response.
Cuomo then flips on the speakerphone, at which point his mom’s voice is audible.
Following the failed stunt, another co-host notes, “I can’t hear your mother, Chris. You’re over there … I’m sitting across the table.”
Honk Honk.
Blood Incantation’s new album releases today. Easily one of the most popular underground death metal bands around. Sci-fi weirdness
*happy grunting noises*
Simone Biles recognized as female Olympic athlete of the year
Is that a big deal in a year with no Olympics?
She’s a Strong Woman®, shitlord. You will celebrate.
In her case, it is. She is smashing the competition so badly it looks like a pro athlete competing at the state high school championships.
In March, she won the worlds by 3.7 points. There are 4 events, so that’s almost a full point differential per event between number 1 and number 2.
This is roughly the same differential between the girl that came in 2nd and the girl that came in 8th.
IOW, it’s her and everybody else.
The push comes amid an intensifying effort by the Trump administration, spurred by the president’s directive months ago, to target homelessness in California. The White House’s Domestic Policy Council, which is leading the effort, was responsible for the decision last week to oust a senior federal homelessness official who had been appointed by the Obama administration, one person with knowledge of the decision said.
The accelerating plans follow Trump’s demands to aides over the summer to do something about the homeless crisis in cities such as San Francisco and Los Angeles, an issue Trump has called “disgusting” and a “disgrace to our country.”
Rumors of the crackdown have generated concern among career officials at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, as well as among national housing experts, who worry Trump is trying to exploit the issue for political gain while offering solutions that could make the problem worse.
Those fears flared up again when Matthew Doherty, who until Friday served as executive director of the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness, was told “the administration no longer wishes to have me,” according to an email Doherty sent to colleagues outside the government.
On Tuesday, career staff at HUD were told at an internal meeting that Doherty was not willing to compromise his principles and follow the Trump administration’s lead on homelessness policy, according to a person who attended the meeting. White House officials believed Doherty would not be willing to execute parts of its coming homelessness plan, one person with knowledge of the dismissal said.
Something tells me Doherty’s obstructionism is not rooted in any principled objection to federal government interference in what are rightly local government responsibilities.
But Trump is exploiting the situation for political gain. Add this to the inventory of his crimes and perversions of justice.
But Trump is exploiting the situation for political gain
I’ll be damned if i let orange man help someone for his own selfish benefits. This is the exact kind of thinking i would expect from someone who has no market experience.
These career officials are doing such an out fucking standing job themselves, I guess.
In order to be a career official addressing homelessness you kind of need homelessness to exist, no?
If there was no homelessness they’d be out of a job.
This is something I really don’t get: by now they should know all the subversives in the permanent bureaucracy, at least the ones close to the White House. Yeah, I know it’s nearly impossible to fire them, but I know for a fact that a lot of these clowns have to sign “mobility agreements” before joining the Federal Service. Why don’t they just transfer these goons to some outpost in Podunk, North Dakota (or whatever). Faced with the shame of having to go live in “flyover” these swamp creatures would instantly resign.
Actually, the upper echelons are easy to fire. Basically at will employment, it’s just a lack of will or incompetence by the trump administration to get rid of them.
Also, aren’t they moving the land and rec bureau to easy Bumfuck?
They’re waiting for the bid from difficult bumfuck.
I know there were rumblings of moving the Interior Dept to Kansas City, but I don’t know what ever came of it.
So, anyone looking for a new shirt? I’m happy with my Fat Head’s beer fridge shirt (In Cleveland, we aim higher.)
Hey, Neph – I’ve gone to two of those Cycle & Sculpt sessions at the Y so far, and my crotch thanks you for recommending the cycling shorts with the strategically-placed padding. Like wearing a Stayfree Mattress Pad again, but a YUUUGE help, since I haven’t been up for much of the stand & pedal stuff yet.
Not a problem, I reject the notion that people should be uncomfortable while doing something for exercise. I also hate that they keep expecting people to stand when sprinting (pedaling as fast/hard as you can), considering you’re generally never doing that when riding on the road. So I buckle down and lean into the handlebars.
Good morning, Sloop!
And good morning Friday Glibs!
Fun Wild game v the Avs last night. From a draft perspective winning sucks, but it is sure nicer to watch decent hockey. And the Avs are legit. That Cale Makar is a disgustingly complete player.
Office prog was going on about the ‘incredible’ impeachment theatrics. I wondered aloud if the Bidens would end up in prison, but I don’t think that was what he was getting at…
Personally, I don’t like big butts (I cannot lie), but hey, whatever floats your boat.
I hope y’all have a fantastic Friday, full of excitement and just the right-sized butts!
Thanks to Mr. GT, I am the proud owner of a t-shirt, from the late great BigWords.com, that says “Callipygian.”
Oh, that is good.
Pics? 😉
Psychological origins of the Industrial Revolution
That’s actually an interesting question. Unfortunately too small to read on my phone.
The theory is that people started expecting more so they strove for more. Which is not a groundbreaking thesis, but still interesting.
I’d argue that the Enlightenment’s promotion of rationalism and materialism as the highest goods and the abandonment of religious truth as a central purpose of life were more likely motivators. People have lived in relative luxury compared to their neighbors throughout human history without any concomitant increase in innovation the likes of which we saw during the industrial revolution.
I’m listening to Dan Carlin’s book, and this seems like the kind of things that would make him emit *happy grunting noises*
Friday Funbags will have you wanting to penetrate their deep state.
14, 21, 25
27L has enough tit for both of them.
“The Feds are getting their California homeless plan put together. I wonder if it’ll look as fucked up as the state plans have.”
How is this in anyway a federal issue?
Duck everyone involved, as usual.
If the states are labratories of government, then the experiment in California has failed. It’s long past time to shut it down, clean up and start over.
That’s up to the people in that state. Seems like they haven’t gotten enough yet.
The states aren’t experiments, they’re sovereigns. The Fed gov is the one we need to pull the plug on.
That hasn’t been true since at least 1865, if not 1796
I should have been more clear that it’s how things should be, rather than are.
I wonder if there had been a referendum if the constitution would have been approved by the people.
I agree with this. So end every federal housing program and welfare assistance and let a California be California.
sloopy for supreme ruler.
It’s not, but it’s a purely political move made to embarrass California’s spectacurlarly corrupt and ineffective state government.
In other words, a waste of taxpayer dollars. Worse, it will end up sending more money to California. Pwned!
Pretty much.
I doubt it will even happen. California won’t have it, and Trump probably doesn’t care that much to push it.
Put your money where your mouth is.
Gidley said, “I spoke to the president about this tonight. … The president did nothing wrong. He wants that plain and clearly explained to the American people. But, he also feels there’s no basis to move forward at all in the House. But if they do, he wants a trial in the Senate. He wants to be able to bring up witnesses like Adam Schiff, like the whistleblower, like Hunter Biden, like Joe Biden. And he says, if the House moves forward with this sham, and they continue to push these fake, illegitimate proceedings onto the American people, then he wants it to go to the Senate, and he wants a trial.”
I assume Dems can read polls. They need to keep this rolling, because they haven’t laid a glove on the guy and the election is getting too close. But it just looks like a monstrously stupid error on the part of Pelosi and her brood.
They seem to think it’s working? Everything I’m seeing from the typical outlets are pretty much saying it’s worked and he’s done for.
“typical outlets”
There’s your problem.
It’s all one big Power Circle Struggle Jerk. And we’re the ones getting jizzed on. So yeah if you are inclined to believe the Corporate Press then it all looks bad for Trump. If you aren’t then it looks like nothing.
Don’t worry though after all of this, you’ll be harpied about needing to vote next November so that you can do your part to rub one out for the politicians.
“we’re the ones getting jizzed on”
*lights Jesse signal*
I’m sure 2020 and 2024 will be the most important elections ever.
“monstrously stupid error on the part of Pelosi and her brood”
I’ve been saying this since Pelosi green-lighted the whole dog and pony show. The problem is: Pelosi may be a special kind of shitstain, but if there’s anything she’s exceptionally good at, it’s political positioning. I think they looked at their 2020 candidates, the state of the economy and internal (ie: non-corrupt) polling and decided they were dead in the water for the next election. I’ve seen this effort as a Hail Mary to try and smear the president enough to give them a chance in 2020. They know there is no chance of him actually being removed, it’s just a coordinated disinformation campaign.
That’s about how I see it from her.
If they can just drag it out over and over as long as possible they might get a few people to get tired and not vote.
I don’t see it as successful, if anything I think it’s caused more enthusiasm for 2020 Trump people.
Maybe but why weren’t the Trump folks as excited as hell in 2018? If they had turned out (and if he had tuned down) they would have kept the House and none of this impeachment inquiry nonsense would be happening.
Because he wasn’t on the ballot.
Around here, the Dem candidates were all named “Anti Trump”
Yeah. Any polling about the election at this point is useless. asking someone what decision they will make in 52 weeks is pointless. So much can change to affect turnout.
I know how I’m going to vote. I even know how the elections I’m allowed to vote in will turn out.
Basically, invert the values on my ballot and you’ll have the winners for New York.
Not sure. I don’t think 18 went as hard blue as the left likes to think, and the last one seemed like a local issue.
It’s not set in stone though, so who knows.
The election winners in marginal constituencies do seem to have been largely moderates.
I think there is nowhere near the outrage the situation warrants. Where is the BDS china movement on campuses around the world?
Listen. Principles are all well and good, in theory, but I’m not giving up my iphone. That’s just crazy.
Elizabeth Warren✔
Right now, our democracy is broken. How do I know? Because Brian Kemp is sitting in @StaceyAbrams’ chair. And we are all grateful to Stacey for what she’s doing to make sure that never happens again in this country.
Elections are only legitimate if Democrats win?
“Elections are only legitimate if Democrats win?”
See also: Trump, Donald, impeachment hearings
It’s blatant now.
I don’t see our situation getting better in the near future.
Because Brian Kemp is sitting in @StaceyAbrams’ chair
I didn’t see her name on it.
Blatant bid for the African American primary vote in Georgia.
All these candidates talk about is how fucked up America is
Only diversity can save us.
Is it just me and ladydoom, or does Warren sound like she’s on the verge of breaking into sobbing every time she talks?
I don’t know, I can’t actually listen to politicians speak. I just wait for the text versions.
I can’t figure out if she’s earnest or just a really talented sociopath.
I’ve noticed that as well and find it quite grating. I think she is trying to play the innocent librarian or something even though she is actually a fascist (in the literal sense) cunte.
She’s got an affected constant vocal crack going. It’s like the boomer Karen version of the high school cheerleader vocal fry.
It just sounds like one “that shirt looks ugly” would have her incapable of anything but tears for a week.
She learned a lesson from Shrillery’s perpetually-at-11 automated menu voice recording lecture style and Bond villain cackle. She’s trying to be everybody’s sweet old granny, only she comes off as everybody’s miserable busybody crazy old catlady neighbor.
These deepfakes are going too far now
Would you like to know about the 7 chakras? Here is a perfect illustration:
Berkley kids have a giant hissy fit because a scary lady is speaking.
Maybe spending some time in the trenches would be good, does build character or at least gives you some real not-just-words ptsd.
So what you’re saying is we need to declare war on commifornia?
I mean would be worth a try
YES!, and New York, sorry UCS but you know it is for the best.
Never figured you for a Mayor Pete supporter.
Rev. Andy Bales, chief executive of the Union Rescue Mission homeless shelter in Los Angeles, has been working with Trump officials for months and said he believes it is likely the administration takes action in the coming weeks.
Bales has called for a “massive, FEMA-like, Red Cross-like response” to the city’s homeless problem, which includes 44,000 people sleeping on the streets of Los Angeles county and 2,800 solely in the “Skid Row” area. Bales also said he believes faith-based groups may help provide shelter and services with the assistance of the federal government. That may be done through access to undeveloped federal land, Bales said.
“I think it’s going to happen soon. That’s the good news,” said Bales, who lost his right leg in 2016 after he said he came into contact with flesh-eating bacteria while walking streets ridden with urine and feces. “I’m not saying I know that’s what’s going to happen, because things are unpredictable, but that’s what I perceive is coming.”
While Bales has welcomed the administration’s efforts, other homelessness experts and advocates have expressed apprehension about the White House’s plan. Some activists have raised alarm about the reported details of the administration’s planning, as well as a report published in September by the White House Council of Economic Advisers arguing that police officers could be used as part of an effort to address homelessness.
Congressional Democrats and outside experts have said the administration should increase federal housing subsidies and continue the Obama administration’s “Housing First” approach. It is unclear which of the ideas that have alarmed housing experts remains under consideration.
“We’re worried about all the things the White House is hinting it may do,” said Diane Yentel, president of the National Low Income Housing Coalition. “It’s really worrying the administration appears to be using homelessness deliberately as a political wedge issue and preying on people’s fears.”
“We’ve got a good thing going, here. We don’t need some busybody nosing around and muddying the waters.”
Something I keep coming back to: the drive to get everybody “housed” in a standalone single family dwelling, at the expense of time tested options like single room occupancy hotels or rooming houses is a huge factor in the homeless crisis.
I’m not in the least opposed to single family homes and suburbs, but like every market, there must be a wide spectrum of options and products.
Also, forget about private action. It, too often, is motivated by those icky G/d-botherers and we can’t have the homeless listening to a sermon or reading a Chick tract* while having some soup. That might encourage some personal responsibility and what are these professional activists gonna do then?
*Full disclosure – I don’t really think Chick tracts encourage responsibility, personal or otherwise, but I do love ’em.
Chick tracts encourage kinky thoughts about the wild BDSM life in the secret tunnels between the Seminary and the Convent. Or at least that is the one I remember from my formative years lol.
+1 Agnes of God
That’s fucking rich after decades of your lot making the problem worse.
If their concern was truly the people they are supposed to be helping, they wouldn’t care who benefits politically.
Sure those single occupancy hotels that you talk about were pretty much eliminated when housing codes were updated to require that all rooms have hot water available and no more shared toilets. But those people are better off with NOTHING than with sub par flop houses.
Wow. That Tesla truck looks like a rejected concept from a science fiction movie.
Closer. Now we just need more ass sex and to stop a wall.
Maybe we can compromise: build a wall, but Mexicans who bring pot with them or who have nice asses are let through?
Why do you hate American wall builders?
They charge more and then subcontract to the mexicans.
We build the wall with Eastern European labor, and not let anyone cross until the lands on the other side have improved to the point where the wall is keeping people in rather than out.
How about this, we do an exchange program. Rich white liberals for Mexicans.
It would be nice if the article pointed to what the next step is for this become reality…
Former FBI lawyer under investigation after allegedly altering document in 2016 Russia probe
The possibility of a substantive change to an investigative document is likely to fuel accusations from President Donald Trump and his allies that the FBI committed wrongdoing in its investigation of connections between Russian election meddling and the Trump campaign. After CNN first reported on the investigation, the Washington Post reported that the inspector general concluded the alteration did not change the validity of the surveillance application.
The finding is expected to be part of Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s review of the FBI’s effort to obtain warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act on Carter Page, a former Trump campaign aide. Horowitz will release the report next month.
Horowitz turned over evidence on the allegedly altered document to John Durham, the federal prosecutor appointed early this year by Attorney General William Barr to conduct a broad investigation of intelligence gathered for the Russia probe by the CIA and other agencies, including the FBI. The altered document is also at least one focus of Durham’s criminal probe.
Horowitz will release the report next month.
And then nothing will happen.
Apparently the WaPo withdrew that he worked for Strzok because they weren’t certain on that, which may be the first time in the last 4 years they’ve withdrawn an accusation that they weren’t sure about.
It’s a real shame that everything we learn about the investigation seems likely to fuel accusations of wrongdoing, since the investigation is definitionally righteous.
Paul Sperry
Question for Fiona Hill:
Who was the director for Ukraine working under you at the NSC in the spring/summer of 2017,after you joined the White House in April?
(Answer: Eric Ciaramella)
She couldn’t recall his name in her deposition in convenient bout of amnesia
Ask her again
Schiff will jump in to prevent her from naming the whistleblower, whose name he absolutely does not know.
Glibs meet up in Tokyo with Tejicano.
*Grab a beer and seize your balls”
That dude has really small hands…
That was one huge beer.
“Website Blocked”
I keep forgetting my workplace hates imgur.
Grab a beer and seize your balls”
Seizing those means of Reproduction…
Not sure what I like in Japan but somehow I’m going there again, in February.
Even as a non-smoker it’s rather nostalgic seeing cigarettes on a bar. Mind you I don’t mind not smelling like an ashtray, but that should be the bar’s choice.
Not even toy guns are safe.
You know what the problem is with toys these days? They’re just too much fun. But don’t you worry, because Senator Bob Menendez (D-Somehow Acquitted) is all over it.
The New Jersey Democrat, along with fellow busybodies Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) are “urging action” from the Consumer Product Safety Commission on the vital issue of toy guns that look cool. They demand that federal regulators “issue new, stricter controls on toy, imitation, air and BB guns” because the existing regulations allow for toy guns that don’t look totally dorky.
Except… they already do look totally dorky. As Menendez’s office admitted in his own Very Important Press Release on the matter, “Current regulations require ‘a blaze orange plug inserted in the barrel of such toy, lookalike, or imitation firearm,’ or that toy guns be brightly colored singly or in combination with specified colors, have an orange marking on the barrel’s exterior, or be made fully of transparent or translucent materials.”
BATFE Special Agent Kelven Crenshaw is on the case.
Ease up on posting Bee artic…. *checks link*
never mind.
To be fair, dorky-looking toy guns might help kids avoid getting shot by cops.
Nah, because:
1. Someone will invent a moral panic about real guns being made that look like toys
2. Any cops that actually cared about not shooting kids isn’t shooting kids.
Have you seen the fancy blinged-out Hi-Points in that DerpBook challenge thingie? Some look like they’re made out of candy.
That’s an upgrade from the plastic they started with.
First you hate American wall builders, now Ohio gun makers…
Have you tried to field strip and clean a hi-point? The plastic they use in the body does not inspire confidence.
You’re not supposed to field-strip and/or clean them.
When the outside of the brass ejected is covered in soot, I’m going to clean the mechanism.
You are doing it wrong. These are disposable guns, but they are inexpensive and will go bang when you need them to. That’s like bitching that your paper cup from Arby’s that you got three weeks ago is starting to leak.
This isn’t a Liberator we’re talking about. It should be built to work indefinately with proper care.
No, it should not. It is a personal protection tool for people with very limited means. It should go bang when you need it to with a caliber sufficient for personal protection. And it should do that at the minimum cost.
If you want different features, you need to buy a different tool.
Inexpensive does not mean disposable, and does not preclude basic care and maintenance.
1) Inexpensive doesn’t always mean disposable, but in this case is it does. Every well-designed tool (and the Hi-Point) is one is made with a service life. This tool has a very short service life, and materials that are selected to meet that service life. That service life is very short for a gun.
2) In fact, it is so short, that the gun can be and has been designed to reliably shoot without cleaning for its entire service life.
If the gun dies after X rounds fired, and if the gun starts jamming after Y rounds fired, and if X < Y, you don't need to make it user-serviceable.
1 and 2 can both be done in order to reduce cost, which is half of the design goal of the gun, so it was done.
(and 2 also has the knock-on effect of making it a very reliable gun in the face of dirt and mud ingress into the gun, which is why there are so many youtube videos of Hi-Point torture tests where they work remarkably well).
Guns that look like toys, you say?
I guy showed up to one of our fun shoots with a Whitey Wolverine. He was surprised I knew what it was.
Fake news
Appearing before Congress Thursday, Fiona Hill deflated right-wing conspiracy theories that Ukraine, and not necessarily Russia, meddled in the 2016 election. Hill said it was a “fictional narrative that has been perpetrated and propagated by the Russian security services themselves.”
Hill even called out “some” members of the House Intelligence Committee who have bought into the discredited theory, and noted that even when such misinformation is used for domestic political purposes it is harmful. “I refuse to be part of an effort to legitimize an alternate narrative that the Ukrainian government is a US adversary, and that Ukraine, not Russia, attacked us in 2016,” she said.
…But will it matter?
While Hill took apart the idea that Ukraine was responsible for the real election meddling in 2016, it’s unclear how much it will matter. The people who most need to hear her message were told on Thursday by the people they trust most — personalities in right-wing media — that she was not to be believed. Hill was attacked. She was smeared. And her expertise was questioned. Read on for a couple examples…
Lies. Deceit. Obfuscation.
I don’t know what or whom to believe.
And her expertise was questioned.
How dare you.
Hill even called out “some” members of the House Intelligence Committee who have bought into the discredited theory,
While Hill took apart the idea that Ukraine was responsible for the real election meddling in 2016, it’s unclear how much it will matter.
Assertions are arguments. What happened between ukraine and the DNC is well known and has bee known since 2017.
Damned lies. Spread by the right-wing propagandists at the New York Times and Politico.
Chrissy Clark
Dang. ///would
Trump is a day late and a $1T short.
Minnesoda’s pride and joy, Ilhan Omar already has a plan to solve homelessness.
You know what? The price tag is the least stupid thing about her plan.
Entitlements are not a legitimate function of the federal government.
Ooo… Gentrification… people buying homes of their own free will, fixing up decrpit properties, spending money, opening businesses and making a nighborhood less shit. Have to defend people from that scourge!
But the people of means better not move out of the decaying neighborhoods either! Urban flight will ruin the community!
Fake-marry your gay brother to get a green card and take out a quarter million in student loans while shacking up with a sugar daddy and then going into politics and living off taxpayer largesse is only a solution to homelessness for a very small number of people.
If Trump was a traditional politician he would have turned his Lois Lerner down at the IRS loose on Omar. Luckily for the Dems, Trump is too inept at working the Deep State to use the IRS as a weapon.
The latest from the local guy at Powerline who broke all the Omar crap:
TW: Powerline
Nothing says dignity and independence like massive public housing projects that fall apart and can’t provide heat during the winter.
The “Homes for All Act” will invest $800 billion over 10 years and invest an additional $200 billion in a Housing Trust Fund,
Just because this scene always makes me smile
RIP Fred Cox – awesome VIking
Not only was he the last old skool head on kicker, he also co-created the Nerf football. And he wasn’t a namby-pamby guy like today’s kickers.
I’d like to see Adam Vinatieri play running back on the Colt’s scout team.
Wow, I still have his football card from when I was a kid. RIP.
I thought Mark Moseley was the last straight-on kicker?
Don Lemon: I’m a partisan hack and I can prove it.
Incredibly, Lemon called the impeachment hearing testimony of Wednesday, November 20th, “explosive” and deemed it “not a good day” for the president. In fact, the painfully boring and tedious testimony went a long way towards exonerating Trump. Again. One wonders if Mr. Lemon would characterize testimony that Bill Clinton is a “fibber” and a “bit of a womanizer” as “explosive.” Does he think watching paint dry is “spine-tingling” and rearranging his sock drawer is “thrilling” and “dangerous?”
Then he truly lost it, stating: “I have to say, at this point if you’re continuing to say that there was no, as they say, ‘quid pro quo,’ or the president didn’t ask, whether or not it’s impeachable, that again is not up for me to decide, not up for you to decide, that’s up for the Senate to decide and the American people. But to deny that the president did not do something wrong at this point is… it’s… it’s mental. It is mental.” He added: “If you can look at the mountain of evidence and say, ‘Oh, nothing’s wrong, the president didn’t do anything wrong, he’s just rooting out corruption,’ you’ve got a problem because that is not what happened… the problem is you.”
There is not even a mole hill. I don’t think evidence means what he thinks it means.
Did Lemon grab the story by the balls?
The plane from yesterday is still sitting right where it stopped.
Have they found the engine yet?
It’s intact. Their investigating it.
So you are saying the rain from the plane falls mostly on a plane… and didn’t roll away?
In all, the bill aims to create 8.5 million new units of public housing with the $800 billion and 3.5 million private, permanent affordable housing projects for low-income families with the trust fund money.
And if they don’t want to go live in these glorious new People’s Palaces?
We’ll round them up and make them.
To be fair, a lot of that $1T was going to be spent on razor wire to keep the citizen/residents
inprotected.A trillion here, a trillion there…
In addition to the housing spending, the bill also creates a “Community Control and Anti-Displacement Fund” within the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Over 10 years, the fund will be given $200 billion to help protect families from gentrification, which Omar hopes will stabilize neighborhoods. To do so, local governments will be able to apply for grants that will help re-house displaced people, regulate exploitative developers and bolster tenants’ rights.
If Trump proposed the exact same thing, there would be protests in every city. The air would be filled with baby Trump dirigibles.
I know it’s low-hanging fruit to make fun of Peggy Noonan’s idolization of the Deep State, but here’s her latest delusion about the impeachment hearings.
What’s the evidence supporting impeachment so strongly that there’s no possible defense?
I have no idea who this is, but were they watching the same reality?
Right, it almost reads like a Babylon Bee story.
Noonan is one of the WSJ’s columnists. The WSJ isn’t friendly to Trump, but she might as well be an operative for Hilary’s 2020 campaign.
If he defends himself it’s obstruction. If he doesn’t then it’s evidence of guilt.
he case has been so clearly made you wonder what exactly the Senate will be left doing.
Every Prosecutor in the country comes.
Laughing their ass off?
Grilling Schiff, Ciamarella, etc.?
Every clip I watch has some GOPer asking a witness something like “And Donald Trump told you this directly?” and the witness always responds “No, but I presumed that is what he wanted” or “No, but Joe over there said that is what he wanted and I figured they had talked”
Worse, the thing they are quibbling over isn’t even illegal.
Worse, the thing they are quibbling over isn’t even illegal.
I can’t confirm but I heard that the legislation relating to the Ukraine aid stipulates that the executive is to inquire about corruption and ask the Ukraine executive to take measures against it. If true it means they are trying to impeach Trump for following the law.
The plane from yesterday is still sitting right where it stopped.
Are there NTSB investigators swarming around it?
Not at present. The lights are on and the stair truck’s still there.
They’re going to get a lot of hop-ons.
We have to destroy America to fund it
Even Democrats, like Andrew Yang, the New York tech entrepreneur also seeking the party’s presidential nomination, point out that a number of European countries including France and Germany have abandoned their wealth taxes. “All those countries ended up repealing it, because it had massive implementation problems and did not generate the revenue that they’d projected,” Yang said at an October debate.
But Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman, the economists who helped Warren and Sanders craft their wealth taxes, have been making the case in academic articles and newspaper op-eds that a wealth tax would succeed here because the U.S. is different.
European wealth taxes generally hit a broader chunk of the population, aiming more at the rich than the super-rich, and had their fair share of exemptions for items like art or companies where the owner was heavily involved in the business. The Sanders and Warren versions of the wealth tax, on the other hand, would only affect people with tens of millions of dollars in assets, and their plans aren’t currently designed to have exemptions.
The U.S. also taxes citizens on income made abroad, meaning that Americans would essentially have to renounce their citizenship to escape a wealth tax (and would even then face an exit tax). European countries don’t tax their citizens that way, so avoiding a wealth tax could be as simple as just moving to a neighboring country, which is less of a hassle given the relatively open borders there.
Sounds legit.
The US is far more draconian in it’s taxes, so it will work.
European wealth taxes generally hit a broader chunk of the population, aiming more at the rich than the super-rich, and had their fair share of exemptions for items like art or companies where the owner was heavily involved in the business. The Sanders and Warren versions of the wealth tax, on the other hand, would only affect people with tens of millions of dollars in assets, and their plans aren’t currently designed to have exemptions.
We will not have exemptions for difficult to value assets means it will be workable. Morons.
because the U.S. is different
American exceptionalism for every repeatedly failed leftist idea but for nothing else.
Is there a link in that story to another story that explains why US citizens who don’t live in the US should pay taxes? Maybe they should pay a bit for the military and the local embassy, but if you ain’t living in the US what benefits/services do you get for that tax loot?
If event the socialist utopias in Europe don’t require citizens to pay taxes if they move out of the country, why would we do any different?
Lastly, requiring people to pay an exit tax to renounce their citizenship is straight up evil.
If I were king, I’d have Saez and Zucman
deportedbeheaded.Trump Proves He’s Deranged! (A Tweet)
Wait, so Trump talks about Crowd Strike having the DNC server, and Hill’s testimony disproves that? Let’s see…
Assertion, but no debunking…
Assertions are Evidence you jerk.
So what you’re saying is Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself?
As is hearsay, apparently.
Well, at least Hearsay actually is evidence. It just is usually inadmissible. Just saying “That is not True”, is not evidence of the truth of what is being claimed. It’s a form of begging the question.
The testimony they are getting isn’t even hearsay. Hearsay is Person A saying they heard person B say “X”. These witnesses are saying they heard from a friend that the friend heard Trump saying things that made the friend uncomfortable and that made them think that maybe Trump intended something nefarious. This is the popular girl’s table in the cafeteria holding hearings about whether the new girl in school who is dating the popular girl’s ex is a slut.
And, I’m no prosecutor, but if you want to show Trump was doing something evil, isn’t trying to disprove what he was trying to accomplish actually counter to your case?
In this case, they need the crowdstrike thing to be fake news because if it’s real then it looks like there is a genuine national security interest in withholding aid to get at it. Remember the Government spend 2 years investigating possible collusion between Russia and Trump, so the Dems can’t turn around and say “That’s not a legitimate need” without arguing that the question under investigation is completely off base.
One thing is, it seems that if you are willing to say what the congressman in power wants to hear, then no one is going to look to deep into what you are saying. And it seems building up plausible deniability is pretty easy.
Watch until the end to see what happens under socialism
When you run out of other peoples money, you run out fast.
The first reply: B-b-b-but Scandinavia!!!!!!!
Chagos Islands dispute: UK misses deadline to return control
Trans children who live as the gender they identify with act and develop similarly to their cisgender counterparts, according to a new study.
In the largest ever study of transgender children, scientists recruited 317 3 to 12-year-old transgender children, 189 of their siblings, and 316 cisgender kids who acted as controls. The transgender participants had socially transitioned, meaning they were living as the gender they identify with rather than what they were assigned at birth. For instance, a child with a penis assigned a boy at birth who has come out as and is living as a girl.
To conduct the study, the researchers met families across North America, study co-author Selin Gülgöz, a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Psychology at the University of Washington, told Newsweek. They spoke to children and parents about the former’s gender identity. That included showing kids toys and asking which ones they preferred, and quizzing them on how similar they felt to boys or girls. The cisgender control group followed the same steps.
“The most surprising finding is, overall, just how similar transgender and cisgender kids looked,” Gülgöz told Newsweek. “What this means is that, if I saw the data of any random participant, I would not be able to tell if that child is transgender or cisgender.”
According to her team’s findings, Gülgöz said it’s not possible to speculate why children—both cis and trans—appear to be drawn towards different interests, styles of clothing, and whether this is due to socialization, biology, or something else entirely.
“This is the question that perhaps any gender researcher would love to debate and ultimately be able to answer. However, I don’t think we are there yet,” Gülgöz said.
Gülgöz acknowledged the study was limited because all of the children had socially transitioned, and the participants were studied in one moment in time. The cohort was also skewed in favor of children from higher-income homes with educated parents. It’s unclear if the same patterns would be found in other samples, she said.
Call me crazy, but I don’t think this would have been deemed rigorous enough to be accepted as a high school science fair project, when I was in school.
“We talked to some kids, and played with toys. It confirmed what we already believed. I know, right?”
Oh just stop it.
I can’t see any problems with this study. Puberty won’t affect these results at all.
Three-year-olds “were living as the gender they identify with”.
Totally not Fake News.
Three year old me didn’t believe my Mom’s best friend when she told me that girls didn’t have penises. My crushing rebuttal “Nuh uh! They have to or how would they go pee.”
My five year old was a cat for almost a year. Then we got a cat. Now he is no longer a cat.
So, you’ve missed the window for surgery.
that’s fine, there’s no market for catboys.
You poor, naieve soul.
Peer into the abyssal depths of the internet. If you do not weep for the safe space of a SugarFree article, you will find the clarity of insanity.
pets.com proved that just because something exists on the internet, it does not mean there’s a market for it.
You’re avoiding looking for the market.
At least you still have your self preservation instincts.
Also, there are several successfuly sites in the same niche pets.com was aiming for.
Apparently they just screwed it all up. Probably fiscal mismanagement and waste of venture capital.
So UDub lacks any kind of effective IRB?
“The most surprising finding is, overall, just how similar transgender and cisgender kids looked,”
Pre-pubscent kids wearing the same clothes look alike? Keep up the good research!
“C’mon, sweetums, gay it up for the nice researcher. Here’s some lipstick.”
“No, mom.”
educated is one of those words that has given up its moral upbringing and become a whore.
Yet we have three, count ’em, three “transgender” minors in the building right this minute on suicide watch.
Normal kids (fuck this “cisgender” bullshit)? Not a one.
Tell me more about how transgender kids and normal kids are exactly the same.
Pirate Dan threatens students for speaking freely.
That’s an.. interesting way to convince people to vote for you.
It’s fun to see the Right eat themselves.
Professor Julie Fish, an expert in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, (LGBTQ) health at De Monfort University in the U.K., who didn’t work on the study, commented on the authors’ conclusion that “that neither sex assignment at birth or child rearing practices define how a child later identifies or expresses their gender.”
“The authors present these practices as neutral which contrast with narrative accounts in which transgender children have reported experiencing distress, disturbed behaviour and withdrawal if their feelings are not acknowledged by their family and friends,” Fish told Newsweek.
Muh feelz.
I was very upset when my teachers wouldn’t let me identify as Robocop.
Robophobia is real.
“Professor Julie Fish, an expert in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, (LGBTQ) health”
Apparently LGBTQ people have different biological systems that require a doctor with specialized knowledge?
Duh. How many cismen do you know who have periods and can get pregnant?
This is “remote diagnosing Trump’s mental illness” levels of derp.
neither sex assignment at birth or child rearing practices define how a child later identifies or expresses their gender
Just ignore that 99+ percent correlation between
“sex assignment at birth”biological sex and gender identity.In case anyone was interested, we had some beebers onsite
Fab 8 starts @12;00 ish. NY’ers can see how taxpayer money was laundered into the Cuomo campaign.
Also, she is violating protocol in a major way by gowning up bare handed. Belfi knows better. I’ll have to report him to microcontamination.
Also, she is violating protocol in a major way by gowning up bare handed. Belfi knows better. I’ll have to report him to microcontamination.
So bad it needs to be repeated twice!
I think you need to post a picture of you working in the bunny suit.
I used to have one as my employee profile pic. I was wearing mirrored safety glasses too, to complete the effect.
So it’s not just pubsec unions laundering taxdollars into campaign contributions?
Requiring foreign-owned corporations to hire trade unions who then donate in this case.
That was fascinating, thanks for sharing it. The idea of of vacuum sealed manufacturing units is really cool.
That only works for some wavelengths. A neat trick they used at 14nm was to fill the space between the laser and the wafer with water since water (obviously) has a higher index of refraction than vacuum. That was called “immersion photolithography.” It doesn’t work for extreme UV (EUV) though.
Effing Fedex. Supposed to have a box of satsumas delivered today, but now has a weather delay posted. Should have known when the last scan update was Wednesday morning.
Some new breed of orphans?
A delicious citrus breed destined for my lunch sack and the cranberry relish.
Not after sitting on a fed ex truck for a week they won’t be.
They’re a variety of orange grown down near the Gulf Coast. They’re small, sweet, and much easier to peel than a navel orange.
Today, on “What’s My Thoughtcrime?”
Indiana University has received hundreds of requests calling for a controversial professor to be fired, and a provost has called his views “racist, sexist and homophobic.” But the school says that, while the professor does not represent its values, he is protected by the First Amendment.
Eric Rasmusen is a professor of business economics and public policy at Indiana University, where he’s been teaching since 1992. He recently came under fire after he tweeted an article from Unz.com — which calls itself a collection of “controversial perspectives” excluded from mainstream media — called “Are Women Destroying Academia? Probably.”
The article argues that women are more conformist, sympathetic and empathetic than men — making them unsuitable for academia.
Twitter users pushed back. It received more than 380 replies, with comments ranging from “ok boomer” to others questioning if Rasmusen is fit to be a professor and teach students from minority groups.
We’re here to explore new ideas and expand our students’ intellectual horizons, not engage in hate speech. Cancel that man.
“Are Women Destroying Academia? Probably.”
The probably mostly female staff responded by emoting. Not a good look.
If a woman wrote: “Men are bad for Academia” what would be the Manly Response? and how would Menenists React?
Well, I believe the root conflict comes from different definitions of the purpose, function, and definition of ‘academia’.
Fire up the presses! Someone said something on twitter!
It received more than 380 replies
1/3rd of small village replied on twitter.
This story made me laugh (TW: Powerline)
The guy points out the local lefty rag has been splashing nothing but impeachment coverage across its front page and its web site and yet none of the top 5 most read stories is related at all to the impeachment show.
Good news! JetBlue is now serving hard seltzer.
Incoming 37 news stories about rowdy passengers being kicked off flights.
No one needs 37 kinds of drunken asshole travelers.
There is only 1 random drunken asshole.
And he is Zenu’s messenger.
Please tell me Florida woman is excluded from this deal.
You do not get a free Florida Woman with each purchase of hard seltzer.
I don’t know how the Feds are going to do anything about the “homeless” problem here. This is outside a job from two days ago. This is not the ghetto, it’s 17th Street, a block from Mission Dolores. A one bedroom apartment on this block would set you back somewhere near 3 grand a month.
Mass deportations of the policymakers to cloudcuckooland?
This post may contain erotic or adult imagery. By continuing, you acknowledge that you are18+ years of age.
If you find that erotic I do not want to know you.
It’s not me, it’s Imgur!
Heh,heh. I purposely put the word “shit” in the title so they would give a warning. It’s crazy how commonplace this has become across the city. This used to be restricted to very certain blocks in the Tenderloin or South of Market. We are about to get a DA that thinks that one of the main problems we have is the “war on poverty and homelessness” so I expect this to only get worse. You can never hit peak progressive.
It’s disgusting.
And happening everywhere the progs do their progging.
Maybe concentrate the population into some kind of camp?
He just needs affordable housing where he can keep his needles organized.
Likely he was displaced by duh tech gentrifications.
Not even just expired sardines, but expired for almost a year.
Over 40 people were intoxicated after consuming sardines
Sounds like a win win, except for the part about eating sardines.
Were they expired-expired, or just “best if consumed by” expired?
I don’t know, I’ve only got what the article says.
Sardines are best consumed by anyone but me.
This is the popular girl’s table in the cafeteria holding hearings about whether the new girl in school who is dating the popular girl’s ex is a slut.
A Real Schiffty Impeachment
We are about to get a DA that thinks that one of the main problems we have is the “war on poverty and homelessness” so I expect this to only get worse. You can never hit peak progressive.
Maybe he will start placing homeless people with families who have more space than they really need.
Start with the governor, mayor, state legislators, and city councillors.
Or if it’s done at the point of a government gun. Him or others doing so voluntarily is unacceptable.
*Only if
Heh, heh, don’t give them any ideas please.
Let’s make ballot initiatives mean something. Like “I am willing to provide room and board for a homeless person. Here’s my contact info.” Just like tax returns should all prominently display “Here’s my extra $___________ to assist in the fine work that _______________ government is doing.”
A tax return should be a list of options that you can voluntarily support. With the option of paying nothing, if you also refuse any services from the state.
Course, that wouldn’t be a government any longer. Or a tax return.
Guardian headline:
Trump aide Stephen Miller told Bannon immigration would “decimate” America.
At least he didn’t say “denigrate”.
Did a pedant get in his face about asking if 1 in 10 people would die? and then did weed fall out of the pedants ass?
Autumn finally came. -1 with a cold drizzle and wind
If that were -1 in real degrees, there’s no way you’d have drizzle.
Is that -1 in overreaction degrees or -1 in freeze your balls off degrees?
-1 Kelvin. He’s somehow managed to stop moving and then slow down.
-1 Rankine would still be very toasty.
-1 in ‘we’ve never been to the moon’ degrees.
-1 C (commie temperate)
“Local girl does good! Good for her. She really is incredible.”
Forty years ago, I coached women’s gymnastics at the elite level. It’s a very tightly knit group. I find it hard to believe that everybody didn’t know what was going on. Though I must say, if I found myself in a position where I could grope a naked McKayla Maroney and get away with it, it would take every ounce of self-control I’ve ever had.
Bela Karoly had a gym in Moore when I was going to school in Norman. Barry Switzer married one of those gymnasts. His daughter had the mind-bending property of looking exactly like him while still being hot somehow.
I coached kids that competed against his team. Darn fine coach.
My kid is some kinda gymnastic protégé. He taught himself most of it just from seeing his instructors do tricks. He went home and , by force of will started doing them. Eventually, he did a few at the gym and they made us put him in private classes. The private instructors were shocked by how quickly he moved up. It’s kinda cool.
Good for him, and good for you.
Vienna doesn’t want the statue of the man who saved Vienna (and the rest of Europe) because he’s “too controversial”.
All I have to say about that is this.
Love that song – my go to on 9/11.
Well, when you believe that your own civilization isn’t worth saving, then he’s plenty controversial.
your own civilization isn’t worth saving
This position is becoming more defensible by the day.