Our inaugural matchup: Pie vs. Larry Joe! Remember, the Survey Monkey will be open for 24 hours here.
The question as it was posed to them:

PieInTheSky:What does “an individual has absolute ownership of his own DNA” truly mean? Keeping with the premise, we can assume the DNA can be seen as a form of IP.
What is DNA? DNA is simply information, data. It is codified in a certain way in organic matter, part of all living things, but, in the end, it is information.
What is a human? Is an individual just information? I argue against that assumption. An individual is defined as more than just information. A 23andme database does not have the same moral value as the human who spat in a tube. And while we can delete the database, we cannot delete the human. Your DNA does not define you fully. Who looks at a person and sees some DNA?
A human is an independent sentient biological organism, directed in development by DNA and environment and random chance. From a libertarian perspective, a person’s moral value goes well beyond the bits of data codified in DNA. No one says “all unique DNA configurations have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. A human has a body, a mind, a consciousness, self-awareness – these are the basis of moral consideration. It does, in fact, contain DNA information, but it is much more than the information in itself. The moment a clone is made, it is an independent organism with the above characteristics. While the biologically stored information is the same as the original, the being is separate. The DNA is incidental at best. Personhood is not defined by unique stored information, and as such a clone is not its DNA, so it is not under the ownership of the original DNA donor. There is no reason to think they would be.
Contributing information does not give you right to kill. While children are solely composed on the DNA of the parents, it does not mean the parents can simply jointly decide to kill them at any point through life. DNA data configuration is not relevant in decisions of personhood.
Larry Joe:
Surely some would say, “to create a human life simply to kill it is certainly immoral and murder!” They may be correct with regards to the morality of such an action; but ought it really be considered murder?
The main defense of this most libertarian of libertarians, wishing to kill a piece of himself for sport, is that we already exclude from murder many classifications of killings of humans. Self-defense of one’s own (or another innocent’s) life is a widely recognized right and justification for killing. Defense of one’s domicile, as reflected in numerous “castle” laws placing the burden of proving malicious intent on the state, is another. In a legal sense we often distinguish murder from manslaughter, typically lacking the “malice aforethought” required for murder. Finally we reach the two most relevant distinctions, those with a murkier moral position and greater social disagreement: suicide and abortion.
The general libertarian perspective of bodily autonomy is supportive of the right to self-determined suicide; it is in essence the ultimate example of such a right. The act of suicide itself is legal in most of the world, with support for assisting a person in committing suicide gaining support in some U.S. and Australian states, Canada, and some European countries, depending upon circumstances. While many may morally oppose committing or assisting in suicide, there is a growing legal movement toward decriminalization.
Abortion is a divisive issue with a long history of being considered a moral offense.
In contrast to the moral considerations, note that abortion is legal (up to various stages of gestation) without a justification in nearly every country in the Northern Hemisphere. Even one of the crowning jewels of classical liberal legislation, the United States Bill of Rights, is interpreted as protecting the “fundamental right” to abortion under the “penumbra” of the right to privacy. The Bill of Rights faces enough attacks; must we libertarians undermine it too?
Given the numerous exceptions to human killing being considered murder, it seems presumptuous to assume that the killing of a clone must be considered such. If one has complete authority over one’s DNA, how can the government justifiably restrict actions taken to property created through that DNA? How can one justify the killing of a fetus, up to the point of partial delivery, without also permitting the killing of a clone created expressly for that purpose? The moral character of a psycho clone killer is certainly up for debate, but for the government to consider him a murderer is a bridge too far.
How am I supposed to care about a debate with those photos distracting me?
First? What happened? Was there a SMOD?
No, it’s just the noon post. There’s usually a delay before people relaize it’s here.
Ah, that’s. I no worky today.
Actually, just because this is Pie’s sheet, isn’t it?
The existance of identical twins being recognized as separate persons means that clones are no more the property of the original than the second born twin is property of the first.
My first thought
Remember that this is a debate competition. I really questioned this topic when Q sent it out because it is not a topic on which reasonable people could disagree, which places Larry Joe at a serious disadvantage.
If only I’d thought of that.
As far as argument, Larry Joe wind, IMO
not a topic on which reasonable people could disagree-
I disagree.
You are Florida Man, by definition you do not meet the basic qualification.
Is Jarflax your clone?
So what your asking is, do we need to get Jarflax more meth?
My beliefs say Pie,
I don’t do murder
specifically to kill them
essentially reduces the whole thing to a straw man
There are probably juicy versions of this dilemma where we have subtle turns in the road and even a fork and a road less taken and so on, but this one is a hard east-west decision at the end of the first block.
I like the format and the survey.
I give 90 percent chance if I clone myself, the clone will try to kill me. I know how I think.
If you fuck your clone, is it masturbation?
No, it’s incest.
Either way it’s gonna be hawt!
Does a person have parental rights and responsibilities with regards to an immature clone? What if the dna donor is themselves a minor? What are the responsibilities if the clone was created to provide a perfect match for a marrow donation due to a non-genetic illness?
Does a person have parental rights and responsibilities with regards to an immature clone?
It would be either them, or their parents, so I would say them.
What if the dna donor is themselves a minor?
Easy one, If the donor is deemed to be the parent, then being a minor makes no difference. Minors with parental rights and responsibilities isn’t exactly new.
And if the cloning was nonconcentual?
Minors who are rape victims still have parental rights and responsibilities. Not sure why that would change.
If not the donor, then who?
Survey Monkey is now open! You have 24 hours so be ruthless!
So in the 25th hour you unleash RBG on us?
I like this Q, both arguments are well thought out, can’t wait for the survey results. I might volunteer, if you need more people
He wanted “Arguments in good faith” and gave himself too much authority.
*this is why I didn’t enter.
That, and I’m here to be unserious.
I recuse myself…
*points and hisses*
Recuse Me!
Gotta go with the blond. She’s smiling and managed to keep her tongue in her mouth.
Good work, blond girl!
Get ur eyez checked, boomer. Suspenders FTW!
She is SUPREME. It says so right there.
I keep getting distracted…
She definitely isn’t at risk for false advertising.
Yeah, that brain-dead heroin-addled look only works while while the viewer is young, stupid, and hopped up on hormones.
Are we voting for who crafted the better argument, or who we agree with?
If we’re being honest, I’d say the better argument. Because then you’d be penalizing someone for the unppular side simply because they got that draw.
I would assume a bit of both… It is difficult not to be influenced but what you already believe. But overall I assume the better argument is the point.
Of course, we could always vote by how much we like or dislike the participant. A lot of votes are picked that way.
You an use whatever criteria you prefer, but personally I’d go with the better argument. It’s a debate contest, not a preconceived idea contest.
Aren’t debate contests traditionally supposed to be judged by which direction you moved from your initial position? I’d say that means go for whoever crafted the better argument.
Pie and Larry Joe:
First off, nice work, both of you. My vote is for sale. Please forward your bid asap.
Thank you.
Not sending a ghoul after you?
Nice pie!
You play this game well
All I saw were two boobs straining against each other.
Topic: JEWS. Hmm…I don’t get it.
I blame the j… nevermind
GCP, and they use a weird calendar
I thought it was because Q was one of (((them))).
It was not until the email exchange that I learned Q’s real name is in fact Shlomo
Shlomo Tittistein
I wish. Though my name is pretty (((stereotypical))). Not as much as some others I’ve met.
I wish.
Legal name changes are a thing. But as awesome as it is, that name might not be the best, depending on what your career field is. But if you ever get to follow your true calling, you should take that name.
We should be able to write counterarguments to the other argument 🙂
It’s too bad Pie doesn’t show up on film or we could do live debates. I KEED I KEED!
“Clones” in the sense of an exact copy of a person do not and cannot exist.
Therefore it would be impossible to ever kill a second “yourself.”
However, if such a perfect copy DID exist, it would obviously have the same attitude as the person who created him and therefore would also be interested in murdering his duplicate. It is difficult to say if they would then engage in single combat, rock-paper-scissors, a coin flip, or leave each other “in peace” with each planning on ambushing the other at a later time.
What, you’ve never seen a PolaRox Bio-Duplicator before?
each planning on ambushing the other at a later time.-
This is why I would kill my clone on sight.
That was the Budda’s advice.
Come now. Perfectly symmetrical violence has never solved anything.
However, if such a perfect copy DID exist, it would obviously have the same attitude as the person who created him and therefore would also be interested in murdering his duplicate.
Where was the link to order one of the clones being advertised in the catalog pictures? That’s what those were, right?
I was going to link you to a music video, but then I realized my persona was supposed to be even more outdated than the rickroll.
“Attack of the Clones?”
“Send in the Clones?”
“Only the Clonely?”
You left out the classics.
Boy is this the one time that my obscure 80s Christian new wave trivia would come in handy.
They were, but Q is in the position of the vintner who cannot buy anything half so precious as the wares he sells and therefore all his products are currently unavailable.
Perhaps we can interest him in a PolaRox Bio-Duplicator. It’ll allow him to share the wealth and keep it too.
My thought too. I was going to ask if there was a discount if I said I didn’t need the clothes they are dressed in those pics. But on second thought, I figured the savings would probably be minuscule based on the paltry amount of cloth involved. So I figured, I’d just pay the few extra $ and avoid looking like a weirdo.
Reinstate Pluto!
Can you even see Uranus or Neptune sans equipment?
Uranus, yes. If you’ve got good eyes and dark skies.
And a mirror
Tomorrow, The Daily Beast polls a room of kindergarteners – you won’t believe their insight!
Those people give astrology a bad name.
Kindergarteners? They haven’t even learned the planets yet.
NY schools really are shitholes, aren’t they?
They only exist to fund NYSUT
#3 will surprise you!
Trump: No Doc, you don’t understand. I didn’t say Melania is crazy, I said she’s fucking Pluto!
Okay, why is it, of all the Disney characters, many of whom have committed, canonical relationships, only Goofy has a child?
The seed is strong.
Because they live in an idealized world where everything is perfect. Minnie, Daisy and the other Disney gals all have access to free government supplied birth control! And if that fails for some reason they all get free abortions without any shame or guilt at all!
We are real news, Mr. President!
Despite Donald Trump’s repeated attacks on the press
He hasn’t done anything to “the press”. And when Barry actually was doing things to the press you people didn’t care.
“It just means there will be some sort of explosive event that will remove Donald Trump from office,” Lewis said. “It could be impeachment, a conviction, a health issue, or a blue wave in 2020.”
Except you did say destruction, which is usually characterized by red. I can just as easily predict a Team Red victory in 2020, which would further erode the psyche of Team Blue .
Didn’t actually read.
stopped scrolling at least 3 times.
Vote for me. I will get rid of parking meters and promise a water buffalo in every garage
^^^ Larry the Cucumber, Confirmed.
needs more zebu
I live in the suburbs, but a water buffalo does sound enticing. often i find myself pondering whether my life just wouldn’t be a little richer if i only had a water buffalo to care for.
Why not start with something a bit smaller. Like a Tamogachi.
I started with a Mark Ruffalo, but that little shit was annoying and messed on the carpet.
By the way, NO SPOILERS! I know that this discussion is based completely on the documentary that Jerry Lewis made The Day the Clone Died. The movie that he thought was so bad that he stipulated in his will that it not be shown before 2024.
You’re asking us to believe Jerry Lewis would manage to find embarassment in the low quality of his work product?
Fun fact — Jerry Lewis was tapped to play Nero Wolfe.
Jerry Lewis as Nero Wolfe
+1 Hey Lady
Eugene Stoner wasn’t the only gun guru born on 22 NOV. HBD Carl Walther!
Good job to both of you. I have to agree, though, that Larry Joe’s task was made a lot harder by the fact that there really aren’t too many good arguments for the position he was stuck with.
No one would ever kill a clone of someone from Minnesoda.
Everyone loves snow clones.
It could have a chilling effect on further research
OT: Me want. Irrational, mebbe. But I don’t care.
Alas, this is illegal in NY.
And NJ – capacity. Even this is over the limit.
and it would trivialize unlimited division… which is why I want it.
I’d love a bullpup shotgun.
But that carry handle . . .
Fiona Hill anti-Semite?
Uffda. I cannot keep up with what is anti-semitic or not. And I have a local Congresswoman who spouts one after the other.
I wanted to make a duplicate of myself, but when I went to the sperm bank and asked for a clone, I was rejected.
Thinking about the question posed (I know, unlibertarian) but what if your parents wanted another you and had you cloned? Or if they loved your older sibling so much they had him/her cloned and you are the clone? And maybe cloned you, the clone, and now there’s 3 of y’all?
That might change my perspective.
O, you said clone
“what if your parents wanted another you and had you cloned”
I want to clone me. Then I will make cloned me work all day and do chores while I engage in unrestrained debauchery.
How are you going to “make” cloned you work all day, since he’s gonna arm himself and try to make you the slave? It’s a bad idea to clone yourself if you’re the kind of person to treat your clone badly.
Cloned me comes with a chip implant and a remote control with 3 buttons, off, work, and beer run.
*implants chip in Hyperion, gives remote to Jimbo*
Take care, my guns are from Indiana.
Whooo Hoooo!
First thing I’m doing is hitting that button that makes him run like a deer.
“…run like a deer.”
“serpentine fashion”
Of all the people to make into cloned slaves, I wouldn’t be on the list. I’m not even the right gender to be on the list.
You should have checked the ‘non-binary’ box. Then you can be on the list and not on the list at the same time.
I thought we decided against Cat Boys in the morning links.
I’m just thankful for non-binary checkboxes. Looks like at least 20 more years of guaranteed employment for me since the one thing no organization can go without is lots of non-binary checkboxes. Good for the plumbers also, since gender neutral bathrooms are the hottest new trend going. This non-binary thing is a jobs program like no other.
I’m even working on new designs for non-binary checkboxes. Like the rainbow checkbox, makes one feel all woke and warm and fuzzy inside when checking that one.
Calvin and Hobbes showed us how this will end.
Also, Homer.
That went badly for Calvin.
What happens when genetic manipulation becomes so good that parents can build their own kids from the ground up?
How do you decide what variation to add to your kid? You definitely want them to look as much like what society has deemed “ideal”, but they also need to stick out somehow too.
And when every kid is designed to have the same society-approved skin tone, how the hell are some going to get their victim cred points for being “black”?
You won’t have every kid engineered, ever. There will always be ‘freebirths’. Ie, non-engineered offspring due to unprotected couplings. They generally have more variation than the engineered strains.
So, who is Larry Joe? Is
Pie’s Clone.
He’s doing it wrong. See my post above. You don’t clone yourself to debate yourself, you tell clone you to shut up and get to work, so you don’t have to.
And then the clone says “No, fuck off slaver” and you’re stuck debating whether or not Hyperion-Prime has authority over Hyperion-1
Sounds like another sub-prime crisis is on the horizon.
I already figured this out, feature not bug.
I am who lurk. I lurked TOS for some time before figuring out where the cool kids were. Generally, I show up late and just like reading everyone’s snark. When I saw the debate request, I figured it was finally a chance for me to put some ideas to bits.
I went with Pie, since Larry Joe did not frame the debate so he could take a defensible position.
Here’s how I would have defended it:
Since the premise does not define what is a “clone”, I will point out that under some circumstances it would be moral to kill a clone. For example, if the clone was at the development stage where the reader would not consider it a person, such as when it was a single cell in a test tube — or one week after “conception”.
Arguing that it’s OK to kill a clone that is a functioning human being, such as the developmental stage of a 30 year old, is an obviously losing argument. Implying that that might be acceptable is simply bad framing and thus a bad argument.
I didn’t vote because there was no “none of the above” or Write-in options.
Arguing that it’s OK to kill a clone that is a functioning human being, such as the developmental stage of a 30 year old, is an obviously losing argument.
Within socially acceptable axiomatic parameters, true, but if you allowed people to debate unshackled from any assumptions and required everything be logically derived from empirically provable premises you could absolutely win the argument. Not that you should, but you could. And it definitely wouldn’t be libertarian.
The question at hand:
This could be taken as a legal question – would killing a clone be the crime of murder? It could also be taken as a moral question – would killing a clone be wrong?
I don’t think questions of law and morality can be answered “unshackled from any assumptions and required everything be logically derived from empirically provable premises”. They both require a priori premises (“assumptions”), and while you might be able to derive everything logically, it would not be from empirically provable premises.
I don’t think questions of law and morality can be answered “unshackled from any assumptions and required everything be logically derived from empirically provable premises”.
I mean, they can, but most people are (rightfully) repulsed by where that leads. But that would be the only way to win this debate, as the consensus in our culture essentially shuts out the “murder your clone” option from the get-go.
I don’t see how, since law and morality are based on cultural norms. I’m not sure you could create anything recognizable as a legal system or a moral structure solely by reference empirically provable premises (with the possible exception of utilitarianism).
Would make a good post, or possibly even debate topic!
About murdering your clones:
MY clone kept running around naked waggling his penis at people, so I threw him off a balcony.
I was arrested for making an obscene clone fall.
At least you’re not Naptown, he’d be arrested for making counterfeit Bills.
^This guy gets it^
My clone just ran off and left me alone. I wrote about it in “The Cloneliness of The Long-distance Punner”
Also, Boo!
Remember when Riker and Pulaski just straight-up phaser-murdered their clones?
That betrayed a pretty terrible misunderstanding of what a clone would be. There is no good reason to think a clone would lack consciousness.
That was abortion, not murder.
Pie should of just went with ‘Fuck off, Tulpa!’ *debate ends*
I can confirm I am not the clone of an undead.
1. I (and others) can see myself in the mirror.
2. Undead do not have blood, so clone couldn’t be made.
This misses the real problem. We are really just one of hundreds of us that exist in hundreds of universes. If we travel between universes and kill ourselves in the other universe we get the power/strength that version of us had. If we kill all of the other versions of us we either become a god or destroy the universe. There’s a movie about it.
You’re not the One.
Maybe he is #2?
You all my bitch
I was going to make a comment about how this is the only site on the interwebs where people debate their own clones. But then I remembered shreek’s website where he debates his two sock puppets all day.
No, you are tulpa!
Exactly what Tulpa would say!
My vote is that the first girl should go with a belt instead of suspenders.
But then her pants might fall…
Never mind.
Feature, not bug?
This one is pretty easy to answer. If you are sitting at home and your clone busts in and demands all your stuff because you can shoot him with no legal ramifications.
It is called the Castle Doctrine and applies here. No way the cops are going to indict you for defending yourself during a clone invasion.
Is the clone a person or property?
Depending on the legal status of slavery in the geographic location you’re doing it, could be both.
Slaves are not persons.
Animals are slaves?
I think it’s fair to say that if the clone has consciousness, he has agency. If he has agency, he has all the rights of anyone else. The idea that somehow or another you “own” your particular genetic sequence strikes me as bizarre. The most obvious counterpoint is twins. Do they own or have a legal case against each other? What if, by some insane accident of random variation, a person wound up having the exact coding as someone else? Would one have the right to sue the second? Of course not. Because your genetic code isn’t meaningfully “yours”. It’s more a description about you. I have brown hair (okay, somewhat graying, now) and brown eyes. Saying you “own” your genetic code would be comparable to saying I own brown hair and eyes.
I can’t judge based on the merits of the argument presented. I can only judge based on my internal moral compass, which is to say, killing the clone is wrong. But it doesn’t speak to my internal moral compass that creating a clone is wrong. OTOH, is it any different than making a child?
Adjacent: People who have a severely ill child, then have another child to use for parts for the ill child.
Lastly, I avoid Q’s NSFW links for a reason, which is that I don’t want to see them.
IN a debate competition you aren’t deciding the question based on the merits of the arguments presented, you are judging the skill of the arguer. It is entirely possible to disagree entirely with the position taken and still judge the person the winner.
I’ll be honest and say I don’t know how to do that.
There should be an option to vote “Present” for those of us who either can’t make a decision.
Why? Just don’t vote in that case.
Oh, I won’t be voting.
Because it’s the example set by the political caste.
“have another child to use for parts for the ill child.”
Or just keep # 2 in lieu of…
I’m surprised neither of the debaters used the documentary “multiplicity” in their arguments.
That’s because it was a failure
I actually worked on campus during that. CC was pretty adorbs.
Putin’s puppet.
In March 2012 Obama told Russian president Dimitry Medvedev the following: “On all these issues, particularly on missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space[.]”
Putin did give Obama space and didn’t act aggressively during the 2012 campaign, which is why Obama was able to mock Mitt Romney for Romney’s concern about Russian aggression.
Why did Putin agree? Because Obama also told Medvedev this: “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”
Murdering clones?
“Operation Phoenix is not the back-up I thought it was.”
And then bring it back for S4E1. I did enjoy S4E2.
Serious Stuff
Look, it’s Bleet. They’re leaving out one thing though. The person probably has diplomatic immunity, also known as being a democrat. The media will not indict, nothing to see here, move along citizen.
Preet makes a good point about the nature of the forgery. just how material was it to securing the warrant.
Since this doesn’t involve Trump and instead is just on some minor issue with Obama (who probably knew what he was doing), we’re just going to go ahead and delete this completely irrelevant story and replace it with analysis of the latest Trump tweet. Can you believe what he just said?
I’m heartened to see Jennifer Rubin’s prattle getting lit up.
TW: Twitchy