Is this the dumbest thing we do here? No, not at all. You see reader, progression of culture is driven by those that exist on the fringe of polite society. Quite frankly this site was built upon pillars known as The Hat and the Hair. There is nothing more fringe than the idea the actions of a semi-mindless automaton named Donald Trump being dictated by the sentient headgear he is wearing at the time. Using sound experimental methodology to recreate sounds in an effort to test the hypothesis this was not the sound of a congressman producing flatulence is not beyond this site. Indeed, to do so with a straight face while reviewing beer, therefore is most certainly something you can only find on
This is my review of Samuel Smith’s Welcome Winter Ale.
This whole thing was prompted last week when MSNBC interviewed Rep. Eric Swalwell regarding the first day of the “impeachment inquiry”, who appeared to flat loudly on live television. Roll Tape…
Naturally, the internet did what it does best and give MSNBC more attention that it could possibly gain on the merits of their own content. In response to the reaction from the internet suggestions were made as to what was the sound. Specifically, MSNBC said it was a mug off-camera being dragged across a desk within range of the microphone. Swalwell himself, also denied the sound was flatulence.
If the sound in the background of the original interview is a mug being dragged across a desk, then dragging a mug across a desk will produce a sound similar to flatulence.
Three tests to drag a Glibertarians Beer Stein (available the WordPress Store) will be performed with a video and audio recoding each test. This is not only in essence, a ceramic mug, it is a particularly large ceramic mug. The first test will be a simply drag across part of the desk immediately in front of the mousepad that has made an appearance on multiple occasions on this site. The second test will account for the possibility the mug was dragged on a corner. Finally, the third test will be much like third test, except more pressure will be placed on the mug that the first test.
In none of these tests, did the sound produced by dragging the mug across a desk sound in any way similar to the sound produced in the background of the MSNBC interview with Rep. Eric Swalwell. While it can be argued or denied the sound was flatulence, the explanation the sound was produced by a mug being dragged across a desk is not supported by the results of this experiment.
Don’t piss on my leg, and tell me it’s raining, MSNBC.
Samuel Smith typically makes good beer. This one is brewed and sold once a year apparently, and I managed to find it at Trader Joe’s for a very reasonable $4. It is a traditional English ale with a twist…they hopped it. What? Don’t run away! It’s not like that.
No, seriously it’s not. It winds up being quite balanced between the usual bready malt, Golden, and Fuggle hops. Get it while its available. Samuel Smiths Welcome Winter Ale 3.7/5
Go Bucks! Beat Penn State!
it was Trump! that farted
The Addams Family started,
When Uncle Fester farted,
They all turned out retarded,
The Addams Family.
*two finger snaps*
/old elementary school version
We f&@%ing love science!
Or is it “We love f&@%ing science”?
Love science, we f&@%ing!
Fucking is very scientific – biology, chemistry, physics. Even geology for those of you who enjoy the larger ladies.
To tag on to the Trader Joe’s note, while you’re there, you should definitely pick up some of the Trader Joe’s Vintage Ale at ~$6 a 750 ml bottle (at least here in Ohio). It’s a Dark Belgian style ale brewed by Unibroue. They change it up every year, and it holds up to aging quite well.
^^^This guy knows whats up.^^^
I had a Unibroue Blanche De Chambly Belgian Witbier on draft Wednesday night that was quite good.
Unibroue has some really great beers. However, it appears they use the same yeast in all of the beers. It has a fairly unique flavor profile, and if you don’t like it, you probably won’t like most of their beers. If you do like it however… La Fin Du Monde, Trois Pistoles, and Terrible are ones I would recommend.
La Fin Du Monde is one of my absolute faves.
It’s been available here for a really long time.
I had a bottle a couple of days ago. Great beer.
I’ve bought La Fin Du Monde on multiple occasions. I’m a fan. I don’t believe I’ve had the other two though.
Unibroue has some really great beers.
I still have no idea what they’re doing with the Ephemere line of beers. Those I’m not a fan of.
Those I haven’t had in a while.
Good Afternoon Glibs.
Maybe a surface with some resonance, like Demi Rose’s ass? No, wait. that is a sound deadening ass if ever there was one. Maybe Adam Schiff’s cranium.
Demi “SBD” Rose.
Does Count Potato know about this?
Or is it “We love f&@%ing science”?
I’ll need some pics, first, before I consent.
It’s awfully early, but things are looking grim for Penn state.
I wanna see the Buckeyes pound the Knit Any Lions into the turf, then go up into the stands and slap their mommas. Does that make me a bad person?
Yes, because tOSU are no better people than any of the other schools they face.
Std Michigan disclaimer applies, of course.
Don’t listen to Ted. He doesn’t know anything about sports.
They just have to not beat themselves.
And they’re about to do just that
It’s a game now.
It’s obvious he ripped one because he paused in his words.
Thanks for sciencing the shit out of this controversy, Mexi.
It was a fart.
I’ve had that beer before. I don’t know that I’ve ever had a bad one from Samuel Smith.
Their strawberry ale is putrid.
Never even seen that one. Thanks.
I know nothing about beer, but even I know that’s a bad concept prima facie.
It’s… okay.
You drink a little bit and use the rest to cook with.
I may have found the perfect recipe for it!
“It was a fart.”
What I don’t get is why he doesn’t just own up to it. Unless we’re expected to believe that politicians are some higher form of life that doesn’t fart.
He could have absolutely used it to his advantage.
All he had to do was shrug and say “The House cafeteria food, man, what are you gonna do?”
And it would have died.
Senate Bean Soup.
English ales use hops. They don’t overuse hops and also use different hops.
I like Samuel Smith beer.
Hopefully “LITERALLY DESTROYS Eric Swallwell” doesn’t get the Feds showing up.
Thank you for performing this test.
Its hopped more than normal for them but not to IPA levels.
I thought it was well known that the NSA web surveillance tools can’t read ALL CAPS.
That story in the AM lynx about the little Crow kid is still making me angry. This fucking line:
What fucking culture? Time to move on from the bullshit rez system.
Those victim points don’t amass themselves.
“What fucking culture?”
Getting drunk on Listerine?
End recognition of the racist pseudo governments.
Ask the other tribes about the Crow.
They are despised.
Jeez, get over the 1876 Sioux War already. You got to kill a few Crow Scouts at the Little Bighorn so that should count.
That one is still a
nut punchcunt punt for me too.So it’s better to die at the hands of people who are clearly unqualified to care for a child than to be well loved by the only family he’s ever known, just because that family is “white” and he’s “red”?
Well done, racists. And yes I’m talking about the Crow nation and similar “Tribes” that prevent—or even undo—adoption by non-Natives.
I agree with you. This BS, as enabled by Federal law, contributed to the death of a 5yo. There is nothing like a Tribal government for rank and open graft and corruption. Most of them could teach Balmor, Newark, NYC, or Detroit some new tricks. bI grew up near a Rez and the bullshit they were pulling off even in the 60’s and 70’s was incredible.
I hate to be “that guy” but according to the Glibs lexicon I believe you forgot the “e” in cunte punch.
Ah, well . Nobody’s perfect!
It’s not like he could claim to be the inheritor of Benjamin Franklin’s intellectual legacy.
Oh wow, that’s great.
When I had to write a short essay on what historical figure I’d like to bring forward in time for a week or so and show around the place, Ben Franklin was my choice.
I feel like he’d be able to grasp time travel and be open minded enough to rock out big time in the present.
He’d have an apoplectic fit if he read the New York Times though.
My choice: Gouverneur Morris. He would be amazingly fun to party with, but when the whalebone appears, time to go home.
I invented electricity, Benjamin Franklin is de debil!
I really don’t understand why J.K. Dobbins isn’t getting any Heisman love. Surpassed Eddie George’s OSU career rushing yards and will surpass Ezekiel Elliet’s in the next game or two. Dude’s a beast .
And in the meantime, ‘Bama is playing Western Carolina?? This late in the season, much less at all?? RUFKM?? That really IS a pansy pussy schedule!
But it’s ‘Bama, so you know they are elite.
It’s cupcake week for half the SEC. Playing. Carolina, UT Martin, Abil Christian, Samford, ans ETSU (whatever that is). If those are the teams they want to compete against, they should move the whole conference to the FCS or D2.
Dobbins is a house elf.
Tough crowd. I think I’ve had most of what Sam makes (although not this one), and I wouldn’t give any of them less than 4 out of 5.
Nobody sciences like the Glibs.
Ahh, Saturday.
Fart or not i couldn’t care past a juvenille laugh at someone i think is reprehensible.
Have a long look at the recent “trans” phenomenon, with an emphasis on new-to-me information about the quackery behind it.
Thanks for pointing this article out. Will read later.
Now for the real question. After I’m done cleaning the beer lines and roasting coffee, do I head out to pick up some Bells Arabicadabra to make beerimisu tomorrow, do I use my own porter, or do I use the Blackout Stout I already have in the fridge?
Why not all 3 ?
This would be to replace the espresso that the lady fingers are soaked in. Any of the beers will have a nice roasted flavor and some cocoa and coffee notes. Trying to soak the lady fingers in all three beers would just be a mess.
Well, whatever you decide, drink the other two beers.
In order to do that, I’ll need to head out to pick up the Arabicadabra. Guess the decision is made.
Eric Peters Autos on the Mach-E Mustang
Why call another car Mustang if you’re not planning on retiring the Mustang?
Ford hasn’t said any such thing, but it’s implied.
Prediction: The “Mustang” Mach E electric crossover SUV is going to be the only “Mustang” in the near future. It is Ford’s attempt to carry on the name . . . while retiring the car.
They are just not going to make any cars?
That appears to be a plan, although doing away with flagship Mustang and the very popular Fusion strikes me as a really, really bad idea.
Ford’a options are limited by events outside their control. The EPA regs forced them to take their most popular truck F150 (also the Expedition) to aluminum construction and make other weight and mileage changes.
Thus it’s no longer cheap to repair and find salvage parts for, which is one reason Ford trucks have been beloved. Every little town auto repair shop could fix ‘er up, and so did many DIYers.
Now you have to go to a far more expensive and specialized place to get an aluminum body repair.
Sad really. The end of an era.
Then there’s the engine…
Well, really the entire powertrain.
Yep My 5.0 went just after the 70,000 mile warranty was up.
I am on my 3rd clutch pack in the rear differential. It’s due for replacement again after less than 10,000 miles.
I will not buy a Ford again.
I will not buy a Dodge again.
I will not buy a Chrysler again.
At least Toyota has been good to us
I’ve had lemons and I’ve had long life vehicles from Ford. I wouldn’t hesitate to buy another from them based on brand alone.
My personal brand list (sub brands and premium extensions included)
Decent brands but high repair/maintenance cost
Ok brands but way too much variability
To which argument I would reply, “show me in here where the
FederalImperial government has the power to regulate things like gas mileage in cars.”Sadly, I already know that the answer is found in the FYTW clause.
Like it or not, trucks and SUVs sell. But they get poor mileage. To meet CAFE standards they have to even out the fleet mileage with EVs, because regular cars don’t do as much for a magic average as cars that don’t use any gas at all.
Pinto and Probe say “hi!”
What was that about “not beating themselves”?
Fucking no-tackling motherfuckers.
Whoah. Are the Buckeyes gonna get Sanduskyed today?
That’s a little more like it. Stiffen your resolve.
What is with dog owners who do not clean up after their dogs when they shit on someone else’s property?
I’m a dog owner so I’ll give it to you straight. They are uncaring, assholes
Sole exception is the owner who ran out of bags on the walk.
that’s me when Bella shits twice
Instead of cleaning up after Wonder Dog, I drop one next to hers so that any onlookers are distracted.
That’s just poor clock management. You never want to go the entire length of the field to switch ends at the quarter.
They [Ford] are just not going to make any cars?
That’s pretty much what they have said, recently.
Gun update.
Finally got my front sight post adapter and headed to Colonial Shooting Academy to zero my AR. Put 60 rounds through it on two different targets – both using the 75ft/25yd max range they had available. My S&W apparently doesn’t have the little adjustment dial I’m used to from the M4/M16 for the “3/8+1” thing you’re supposed to do for zeroing.
Basically…my zero – seated, supported – appears to be the factory default on this rifle – rear sight centered, front sight post at level. (the first 20 rounds, I forgot to pull out my butt stock all the way and things were smoother for the second 20). I tweaked my rear sight 3 notches right, and then after a few shots tweaked it back – and it appeared to be pretty much on point. I’m hoping to try some outdoor ranges with more range in the near future – cold or otherwise – with more traditionally, larger sized targets to see how things work out. Obviously, with no optics, it’s easy to adjust things on the fly comparatively speaking.
Lessons learned: although I had previously cleaned my rifle after buying it, I forgot to lube it up before I started shooting – got a little hotter than expected – and a little dirtier. And of course…the “rifle” cleaning kit I picked up before is apparently a shotgun kit – will need to get another one at walmart tomorrow – hopefully with a boresnake – kinda take the cleaning kit stuff for granted after sitting around the range/armory on active duty getting all your stuff cleaned up and trying to assemble the tools I like/familiar with now is a bit more of a pain.
Also put 15 slugs downrange with my new shotgun to break it in. May need to get a hand strap for the pump – hard to keep a good grip sometimes. Does buckshot have less kick than a slug? I haven’t shot that for a long time and not with this shotgun yet. Also…what’s the recommended default load for home defense – mix of rounds? from what I recall (ie. Dave Chappelle).
Rented a .380 revolver – don’t recall which one, but a pretty standard shrouded hammer 5 rd one and shot a box of 50. First time with a revolver – honestly…not a lot of fun. A lot more painful for my grip compared to a good semi. Also…had to use my pen to poke empty cartridges out several times.
Saw an apparently great deal – Springfield XDE-45 – factory load is apparently 4 magazines + holster and soft case for $450. Felt pretty nice although I didn’t shoot this model. I really liked the XD-45 already and this seems like a perfect concealed carry. Will try and see if my local guy can get a better deal/combo.
.38 or .380? Was it a little snubnose? Shoot a 686 with a decent size barrel. I’d be happy shooting that all day. Well, as long it’s not .357. That’s more of a one and done.
And I’m normally a pistol guy.
Probably just .38. Either way…I was looking at a shrouded revolver as a good carry weapon since it’s less likely to catch on something in a pocket, etc – but just wasn’t comfortable to shoot. I wouldn’t plan on it as a “standard” carry since my P220 is so much more “fun”. But with that discomfort (having some issues with my grip there in other ways) – I’ll probably stick with a semi in the short term.
Yeah, my little J frame is not really a recreational shooter.
Does your AR have the little black thing that goes up and makes it an unstoppable, killing machine?
I have a range of home defense weapons. My shotgun has turkey loads. They have more powder and a mix of larger and smaller shot that will tear up the abdomen or throat/face of an intruder. They won’t enter my neighbors house if I miss, which a slug definitely would do. The rounds will still have a tight pattern and lots of energy at any of my indoor target distances. Downside is they will not punch through a door and still have killing energy so another weapon will have to do.
Also…what’s the recommended default load for home defense –
Look up Paul Harrell.
One video tests penetration of walls with buckshot. 000 Buckshot will penetrate three sheets of drywall and then exterior siding (so an interior wall followed by an exterior wall). #3 or #4 buckshot will penetrate three sheets of drywall, but will not penetrate the exterior siding. So you won’t hurt anyone outside your house.
A different video shows that #3 and #4 buckshot will penetrate all the way through a body — easily. It is more than adequate to take down an intruder.
Yeah…Chappelle had the bit where he was talking about his shotgun and I think the salesman was telling him to have rock salt as the first round, then a lighter load, then a full buckshot or slug for the 3rd round – kind of a progressive threat response depending on reactions to the first shot, etc. Wasn’t sure if that was accepted as gospel or not.
If an intruder comes in the house, they get #3 buckshot in the very first round.
Yeah, I don’t want to be staring down the barrel of a gun and have a load of rock salt chambered.
Second Paul Harrell.
I have a different take. I load up with “what the majority of police departments use” — just in case. It helps that it is good ammunition.
Federal 8-pellet low recoil 00 buck
Federal low-recoil slug
Both of these are mainstream LE ammunition choices. They also kick a lot less, so my wife can handle them.
I also use S&B #1 buck @1350 fps. I use Herter’s/Centurion 6-pellet 00 buck in my shorty 870 hand cannon.
I’m callously not worried about overpenetration. Based on having it yelled into me decades ago, I have two slugs loaded all the way up the tube in my HD shotgun, as a last ditch “well, buckshot didn’t work” for the last two shots.
Thanks for the tips. I’m trying to patronize a new local store more so I’ll see what he’s got.
two slugs loaded all the way up the tube in my HD shotgun, as a last ditch “well, buckshot didn’t work”
That’s definitely worth considering. I too am not worried about over-penetration.
I chose lower recoil 00 just because it’s loaded in a pistol-grip.
Alternate those two round in the magazine, starting with buck.
Got a couple of suggestions for the buck?
My 00 is this.
Kinda hard to beat Hornady.
I’m Tardis. I meant slug.
At the range you would be using it from, just about any brand will do the job. Buy a couple of different boxes and head to the range to see what you like. Try the Federal and the Winchester.
Well, I think my range only carries one type of slugs – but I think I can bring my own. Only rifle ammo I have to buy at the range due to their requirements.
I used to have a side saddle with the three buck up/two slugs down for topping off. Nowadays, I just have a strip of five buckshot nearby to top it off if i have to. I still load the slugs like I would tracers =).
I’d keep using a sidesaddle, but they really only work well on the steel receiver 870s. What I have (an older 870 express aluminum reciever with upgraded internals) has worked well for me, so I’m not thinking of trying to track down a replacement.
I work under the assumption that I will be firing six rounds under pressure, so I don’t want to have to mentally keep track of *which* round I’m on. I also take into account my wife using it, and don’t want to make things complicated or screw-up-able between two people.
*bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *BANG* (oh shit running out) *BANG*
Low-recoil slugs are still slugs…
Rifle zeroing:
Print out some 1″ graph paper like this. Put a visible sticker, like a blaze orange or green or yellow avery label in the middle. Do a 25 yard zero. Ask a Marine if you need help =). Remember at 25 yards, you need that final group after all adjustments to be SMALL. Use a rest. That will take care of you out to around 300 yards.
Lube an AR/M4/M16 way more than you think it needs. In addition to keeping it functioning, the lube will collect crap and move it away from the working surfaces. Any lube will do, but CLP and such will work better. It doesn’t need to be “clean”, but it needs to be lubed. Your main activity in cleaning should be to get crud out, and not worry about being spotless.
The kick from a shotgun load is a function of the mass of the projectiles and the amount/energy of the powder. For home defense, any shot pattern is not going to open up very wide, unless you have 40′ hallways. Using low-recoil loads (look for Federal Law Enforcement loads) of slug or buckshot will be more friendly. They lower the recoil by using less shot/lighter slug, or less powder, or both.
At close range, there is a wounding advantage to buckshot. Each ball makes its own wound track. if you’re shooting 9-ball OO buck, that’s nine wound tracks that wander around once they hit flesh. If you are shooting #1 buck, that’s 12 or so wound tracks. For consistent use against unarmored human targets, #1 buck is considered “ideal”. In reality, there’s way, way better options for OO buck in the sense of flash, recoil, and consistency. See the Federal LE recommendation above.
At medium range, slugs from a shotgun rule. With modern wads and modern construction, shotgun slugs are pretty damn accurate out to 100 yards.
Indoors, anything from a handgun or shotgun that will stop a human will go right through drywall, will often crack or penetrate brick, and will not stop. Don’t use birdshot with the intention of stopping a deadly threat. Don’t pull a Cheney. Rifle-wise, lightweight high velocity (2200fps+) rounds tend to fragment, perturb, and not penetrate structure as much as handgun and shotgun rounds with a higher mass but lower velocity. An AR is technically a safer bet indoors if you are worried about overpenetration than a shotgun or 9mm handgun.
Thanks for the tips. I was using a non-military zero target that the range had. Same set up and instructions on the front as the military version in terms of sight adjustment. Like I said though, my AR doesn’t have the knob under the rear sight for adjusting for the short range zero shooting vs normal range shooting. I know I had to make adjustments for my zero back when I did shoot an M16 prone supported, etc – but I have no idea what those are now – and this model seemed pretty stable all in all.
I’d just completely forgotten about lubing before shooting – haven’t been able to qualify in the navy since 2014 (even longer since I qualified rifle) since my jobs/responsibilities didn’t require me to carry for watch, etc.
Definitely looking forward to taking this out and shooting at some real targets though – maybe Dec or beginning of the year. Talking to KK about going up to her range at the end of next month.
If y’all don’t mind, I’d like to tag along. I’ll bring a few guns and some ammo.
Send me a dm on twitter if you have it or we can figure out email, etc.
You can reach me at
For the 25y zero, you should be no more than 3″ above or 3″ below the line of sight from 0-300y with full power 5.56 ammo. Since you don’t have the 3/8 elevation knob, that will do you fine for the effective range of the 5.56 projectile =).
But: Do rest and be careful when you sight in if you’re using random ammunition. Your 1/9″ twist S&W may play differently with different loads and bullet weights. You want to know if there’s an issue with one brand/load over another. An issue with variables you don’t normally have when deployed, as you don’t get to pick your ammo.
thanks for the tips. I’m hoping to try some Fenix Ammo in it next (their .45 ACP worked great for me) – might try picking up a reactive target like they recommend – but no idea where I’ll shoot. I know there’s an outdoor range up 29 at clark Bros near Culpeper – and one of my coworkers mentioned another place. I’ll see.
haven’t been able to qualify in the navy since 2014 (even longer since I qualified rifle)
Iron Eyes Cody gif goes here
Not exactly a thrashing, but it goes int the “W” column.
I knew it was going to be a (finally) decent game, instead of spending an afternoon watchin tOSU demolish someone.
Yeah, I thought it would be a close game, but didn’t think it was going to be because of a bunch of OSU mistakes. Defense pulls through though. Time to hit bar.
Chase Young from OSU is the best player in college football and with all due respect to Joe Burrows (former OSU player) it is not even close.
Congratulations Buckeyes. My Lions did put up a good fight. One of these games PSU will show up for the other half of the game.
OsU didn’t cover or match the regression, but conservative play is warranted against a capable foe in a game should should win.
The turnovers more than anything is why the score was so close. It was really the Buckeyes vs the Buckeyes, although credit to Penn States defense for forcing at least two of those turnovers.
as long it’s not .357. That’s more of a one and done.
Just thinking about shooting a .357 makes my shoulder hurt.
Shot a buddies lightweight snubnose .357 last week. Ouch. My wrist and forearm.
My 38 spcl. LCR stings with every shot, but the trigger is soo smooth.
My Walther PPK/S is actually pretty snappy. More the web of my hand then the wrist though. I could shoot my Colt Officers Special .45 all day, even with plus +. It’s heavy for its size though.
Let hate week begin.
Fuck TTUN!!!!!!!!!!
Muck Fichigan!
Fuck those fucks. In the asshole. Fuck em’!
I just hope Im watching when Harbaugh finally has an aneurysm on the sidelines.
::faps wildly::
I want him to be their coach forever.
Ok, so which one of you Buckeye fans manages the NCAA online score tracker? It has all the active top 25 teams showing their ranking, except Alabama. lol
I think it defaults to FBS matchups.
As it rightly should
/FCS games should count as losses
I was not happy with the first piece of smoked duck cold, so I’ve decided to make use of its high fat content in a hot application. I found some ground venison today. It’s way more expensive than you hunters pay for venison, but on the other hand, I didn’t have to gut the animal nor storage space for the other eighty pounds.
So I plan to slice up the duck, render out the fat, throw in the ‘mirepoix’ and venison, cook all that up, use it as the base for a
shepherd’scottagesomething pie with mashed purple potatos on top and a few mixed veggies in between.I did find purple fingerling potatos, but they should mash well enough. And I still have some cheddar to top it all off with.
So I think I have thanksgiving planned.
Sounds decent. Maybe even better if you’re drunk.
Odds are I’ll be sober.
Better wait until that rodent issues the horoscope tomorrow.
I found Double Glouchester cheese at ALDI this morning. It is half gone already. I might have to go back for more.
Favorite cheeses:
1) Swiss Raclette
2) Swiss Gruyer
3) Double Glouchester with onions and chives
4) Double Cream Brie
5) Sharp cheddar
You misspelled Smoked Gouda.
Beemster XO. Fight me.
With a glass of Pedro Ximenez sherry.
Finally. Fedex changed delivery again. Got my satsumas. End of the crop but still worth it.
nice cool day for kiting, mid 50’s and winds at 15 from the North, 2 parks were full of Light poles and power lines but the third one….
nice little field until I noticed the whole thing is locked up,
/sad Trombone
Short Cans…..
Locking up a field/park that is kinda pointless.
/Standard bottles
Oh, how I laughed: Biden doesn’t know where the camera is
I suspect this will be memory-holed soon enough. Facebook is sure to ban it.
And here’s Ol Joe trying to remember his lines:
He really has had a few mini strokes. He should do himself and the nation a favor and just retire and hang out with a dog or something.
It’s completely contrary to power-hungry pols’ nature to voluntarily give up power. Look at what McCain did; he was on death’s doorstep and instead of spending those last few months with his family, he fucked over the nation just for the pure enjoyment and the media reacharound.
Why not? He fucked over everyone him for shizzles for years.
Just imagine the sweet deals his son is going to get up to in the Ukraine once Joe is President. And nothing else happened.
The democrats don’t have anyone else who has a prayer of being elected POTUS. So they’re going to drag his senile ass across that finish line, drool bib and all. They’re going to pair him up with a shiny new Lieawatha to give him some vagin… I mean woke.
Two old white people?
I dont see that flying with the squad and their disciples.
The Squad will get sent to their room with no supper, and that will be that. The dem establishment are not about to accept the humiliation of losing to Trump in a landslide. I doubt they’d even have the energy left for 4 more years of impeachment. But if they can get old Joe and Liawatha to make it a close loss to Trump, they’ll be right back at Russia! again for the next 4 years.
He was looking for Corn Pop.
He wants to announce him as his VP pick.
Poor Corn Pop will be scalped by Lieawatha.
Fucking Warren and Sanders and the squad. I just hope this country waits until I’ve passed on before going socialist. I really don’t want to spend my retirement at war.
The worst thing is that it’s not even really about socialism, so much as it is about the most worthless elements in society gaining power through a failed education system and the media. The others who failed at socialism before them, were all geniuses compared to these brain dead idiots. Give them power for just a few years and they will completely destroy the economy of the most prosperous nation in history and the rest of the world will go right down the toilet with it.
The worst thing is that it’s not even really about socialism, so much as it is about the most worthless elements in society gaining power through a failed education system and the media.
Grifter, Inc.
Mmmm….take out bbq for dinner. Gonna be good.
I wasn’t up for cooking tonight, so we walked up to the corner bar to try out their new menu. It’s a lot smaller (from 4 pages down to 1), and mediocre. At least it was inexpensive.
I’m drinking Budweiser. I guess hard times have fallen upon the House of Hyperion. Not really, I just got bored and wanted to drink something different and the 18 packs were on sale.
Naturdays is different.
Hipster Lite?
I’m not really sure who their going after with it. I want to try it, but I’ve never seen a single for sale. No way I”m buying a 30 pack of it.
/sorry Ted
I’ve drank a lot of really cheap beer in my day but I actually don’t ever recall drinking Natty Lite.
Better than Milwaukee’s Best, not as good as Keystone.
I used to drink a lot of Old Milwaukee. My dad drank Black Label and my mom drink Busch lite when I was growing up.
Black Label is the worst tasting beer I’ve ever tried.
I have a co-worker who drinks nothing but Busch Lite. I guess he hates beer.
When I was a kid we visited family in Wisconsin. They put Black Label in our vanilla milkshakes. I guess they wanted us going to bed early:) I doubt they put much in. I tried it as an adult. Disgusting;)
Nothing wrong with Buschhhhhhhh Light. It’s a good session/lawnmower beer.
I drink Natty Bo sometimes, but that’s a different beer, and I’ve never tried the lite version. I just usually do not drink lite beer because it has no alcohol in it, which sort of defeats the purpose.
When I drink, I drink. I don’t have two or three. If I’m going out to drink, I’ll drink Miller Lite because I can drink it all day and night and still function. I may start with a couple high octane beers but no more than two or three before switching to Lite. At home I just just drink good craft bottles, usually not light. I’ll also drink liqueur at home on occasion. I almost never drink liqueur when I’m out. Maybe a Bourbon Rocks once in a while to get started. I like bourbon and rum.
Miller Highlife, which I like, it’s probably the best tasting American Pilsner, is only about 4.5% alcohol. I’m guessing that Miller lite is only 3% or so. I could drink that all day and never even have much of a buzz at all. Most of the beer I drink is 5%, like Heineken and Stella. When I start drinking the higher ABV beers, I start getting buzzed, which is why my wife is sometimes hesitant to go to the bar with me, because she knows I’m going to be ‘silly’ (a little drunk) as she calls it, lol.
That is so wrong it hurts my soul.
Well, give us some examples? I mean that actually taste like a pilsner and not another nasty IPA.
Most light beers including Miller Lite is 4.2%. Bud Platinum is 6%. It’s not a light beer but taste pretty light..
Off the top of my head:
Avery Joe’s Premium Pilsner
Troeg’s Sunshine Pilsner
Victory Prima Pils
Stone/Arrogant Who You Callin’ Wussie
Founders PC Pils (renamed)
Revolution Rev Pils
North Coast Scrimshaw Pilsner
Those are all fairly wildly distributed, I left off the ones made by the local breweries that you probably would have issues finding outside of Ohio.
I’ve seen Scrimshaw a number of places. It’s a decent beer.
I rarely drink liquor any more. I have a bottle of Cachaca on my shelf I opened in June and it’s still half full and I haven’t drank any other liquor since then.
Ditto, I may get a mixed drink on rare occasion, but I can’t remember the last time I drank a shot.
I’m going to make some chili. Lots of cumin, that’s the secret.
“Lots of cumin, that’s the secret”
That’s what she said.
‘Coo-men’, Q, get your mind out of the gutter!
Cumin is what makes chili chili.
This guy gets it.
Another thing I do, not sure if many people do this or how I even started doing it, but I put cornmeal in mine to give it a special texture.
I always put crackers in my bowl of chili or pretty much any soup or stew for that matter. I also usually hit it with some vinegar at the end for some tang. If you use hot sauce that usually already has vinegar.
I use oyster crackers with chili often. Which just reminds me, wife and I were just in the grocery store and I forgot to get oyster crackers.
I’ve done crushed Fritos as well before. I guess that’s along the lines of your cornmeal.
No, I put the cornmeal in when cooking it. You have to do it before it starts heating, or you’ll get clumps, but it gives it a texture I like.
That’s cool.
Try masa harina.
I don’t even know what that is.
They use it to make corn tortillas.
It probably would be a real nice substitute in your chili.
I should ask my wife, she will know. She has a lot of stuff like that, casava flour is one I know.
Also something she calls farinha.
And cookies!
I’ve used that to make faux (lowish carb) cornbread waffles. Mixed with almond flour and coconut flour. Mostly for the texture, the cornbread taste came from a buttered popcorn flavored extract.
Didn’t make it out to bar, but I mixed a little Apple Pie Moonshine with some Apple cider so pretty happy about that.
Problem is that it goes down so damn fast.
I keep thinking about heading down to the new local pub for burgers and beer on tap, and looking at the … I mean, beer, they have like 35 on tap.
Now is the time of the year for trying out… questionable bars in the Cleveland area. If nothing else, there will be Great Lakes Christmas Ale on tap.
It’s everywhere here as well.
I’m not complaining, it’s a better option then stale Dortmunder Gold.
Yeah, I like it. I like the Shiner Cheer that is everywhere is well. Pretty refreshing really.
I should play some RDR2 again tonight. My wife gets mad at me for it being so loud, then I have to put on my headphones, bummer, women are such party poopers.
My wife won’t be home from work until 7:30 or 8:00. She would probably be up to going out but I’ll probably be drunk by then:) Her last Saturday working which is why I was going to hit bar, but I decided to be lame instead.
I think my wife needs to get something to do, maybe work again. Since she doesn’t work, she gets bored and if I’m ‘ignoring her’, she gets mad. We really do need to go out again, and soon. I think we’ve decided to not do food on Turkey day and instead go to the bar, so that’s all good.
Everyone is coming here for T-Day. I will be glad when it’s over really.