John Harbaugh participates in the “O-H-I-O” cheer.
That QB from Baltimore reminds Booger of Michael Vick in case you didn’t know. Jesus, dude. We get it. He’s a mobile QB with a hell of an arm. But I’m not sure Booger McFarland didn’t go more than two minutes last night without mentioning that. He almost made me miss Chris Collinsworth’s commentary. In basketball, the Hokies took down Michigan State in Hawaii. The Buckeyes won a game of runs at home. And Kansas, Tennessee, Auburn, VCU and the Dayton Flyers all won.

This one will be fun.
Your hockey winners were Tampa, NYR, Philly, Pittsburgh, Columbus, Nashville, Dallas, The Mighty Ducks, and San Jose. And UCL games are back today. Hopefully some of you soccer fans are either iff today or working from home so you can enjoy. Oh, and in related news, CBS has bought the rights for the UCL from 2021-2024, which was a bit fo a surprise. I suppose they’ll have to dust off their programs from the 1994 WC and hire some analysts…like TNT did.

Artist’s depiction of Shawn Kemp and his children.
Religious figure Ellen G White was born on this day. She shares it with gunslinger Bat Masterson, hero to those in hot climates Willis Carrier, quitter Bill Wilson, Peanuts cartoonist Charles Schultz, sining legend Tina Turner, and man chasing Genghis Khan’s record Shawn Kemp.
OK, let’s move on to…the links!
Cummins to lay off 2000 workers globally amid business turndown. American sales were steady, but globally there was a drop-off. Does this mean we will have to depend on Paccar, Volvo and MB to make more heavy truck motors? Yikes!
Personally, I think this was a smart move. Well, other than having taxpayers foot the bill. Let these cretins pay for their own security as long as they’re letting their union cops run roughshod over their residents…who are being systematically disarmed.
What kind of fresh hell is this? It’s insane that these are the things fraternities are forcing people to do this. Why, when I was in college, all they ever did was…oh yeah, the exact same thing. And pledges were free to stop any time they wanted. SO don’t give me this “forced” crapola.

It’s a fucking DOG!
OK, this is getting ridiculous.
“The loss of Koki is no different than the loss of a Police Officer,” said El Mirage Police Chief Paul Marzocca, in the statement. “Today the El Mirage Police Department mourns Koki, we lost a brother last night.”
A candlelight vigil for Koki took place Saturday night.
“I’m devastated,” said one vigil attendee, as she cried.
Listen, I get that people care about pets. But these are working dogs who are a tool. They’re not people. They’re not cops. They’re animals trained (often poorly) as a tool (that often performs poorly). Stop this reverence for cops shit. But especially stop this humanization of police dogs shit.
Florida Man fucks up home intruder. Sorry if I feel no sympathy for the hospitalized.
This is what would have happened to me if I led a rally against my (when I worked for someone else) employers. Oh, I mean “held a rally after I got caught stealing personal information I wasn’t given access to.” Sorry, fuckers. Have a happy holiday season.
A federal judge appointed by Obama basically said executive privilege and attorney-client privilege don’t exist. I have a feeling this ruling won’t last very long.
Here you go. Hope you enjoy it.
Go have a great day. Just four days and four hours till The Game kicks off. Bo Bucks!
Cummins to lay off 2000 workers globally amid business turndown. American sales were steady, but globally there was a drop-off. Does this mean we will have to depend on Paccar, Volvo and MB to make more heavy truck motors? Yikes! – the general automotive market is not great which means no raise for Pie this year. Bad times man…
That sucks.
Out of curiosity, what engine makers do truckers in Europe tend to prefer? Are they as averse to Volvo and MB as drivers here tend to be? Is a Cummins motor more desirable? I’m curious if the parts and service supply chains and availability being better over there makes them less hated.
I honestly have no idea… I am not really in the know about truckers preference. I think most Romanian truckers just want a truck that works.
So…..any truck that’s got a healthy dose of migrant repellant sprayed on the outside as it drives toward Calais?
You also want some repellent on the inside or you might get some dead migrants like that fellow a month ago
Volvo and Mercedes used to make the best engines.
They’re either junk now or the service/supply chain makes them undesirable on the secondary market.
A like make/model with a Paccar motor is probably worth at least 10% more on the secondary market. With a Cummins motor it’s closer to 20%.
I’m genuinely curious what the reason is.
I know a guy who had some deals in Tanzania or something and saw that trucks were in high demand there, and he decided to buy one SH in Romania and take it there. Which he did. A diesel truck. In an area where there was no diesel at the pumps. It was not a good investment.
Wow, how do they build anything there (like roads) without readily-available diesel fuel?
there is diesel fuel in the country, just not in the remote region whenre he took the truck.
I know another guy who got the brilliant idea to go to a diamond mining area and try to buy cheap diamonds to smuggle in Europe, but wisely decided against.
or maybe he lied to me. I dunno.
I like the mix of alcohol and strategic business planning.
Shit, it could be worse for them if they were to take advice from Karla Marx…
“This is obviously retaliation for union organizing,” Schroth said. “The total hypocrisy of their progressive mission as a green energy company is disgusting.
Shouldn’t their goal be to make money? Looks like it is.
That means socialism! And social justice! This was a dick move to cock block social justice!
I will put this here
Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in most European countries. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to the EU market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism.
The game for the glibs is to guess the link
The second one about Chicago.
The Florida Man link?
Oh crap! Now I see you commented on the Florida Man link below.
Florida Man fucks up home intruder. Sorry if I feel no sympathy for the hospitalized. – disproportionate violence, the victim should sue
You kid but it’s not outside the realm of possibility.
Shit, Florida man ain’t got the balls NY granny has got. Discuss.
And be judged by 12 other Florida men? He might get another beating.
A candlelight vigil for Koki took place Saturday night.
That dog was a saint. Get the Pope on the line.
For his first miracle, you could use little relics and watch them alert on pulled over motorists.
Fuck that dog!
St. Paul has a horrible track record of K-9 “officers” attacking innocent people. I guess they are just like cops because nothing else happens (except that the victims get a lot of tax payer money.
Don’t watch that video unless you need to get your blood pressure up. Those asshole cops sure don’t leap in to help save a poor woman from being savaged by their dog. And then they have the gall to tell her that she “was in the wrong place at the wrong time”.
Don’t @ me. I don’t have a history of repeatedly walking mal-trained dogs out in public and scratching my balls when they inevitably attack innocent people.
A good dog trainer would be licking his balls, not scratching them.
Underreported was the fact that the dude the dog was chasing offed himself. I wonder if there’s more than an aggravated assault in his background.
They made animal-cruelty a Federal felony yesterday. I bet you’ll see those charges tacked on to cases where a person was fighting or defending from a K-9
Interstate Commerce, uh… somehow?
This is what would have happened to me if I led a rally against my former employers. Oh, I mean “held a rally after I got caught stealing personal information I wasn’t given access to.” Sorry, fuckers. Have a happy holiday season.
Google announced Monday it had fired four employees for what it said were violations of its policies around accessing and sharing internal documents and calendars, amid rising tensions over what some workers say is a newly concerted effort by management to stifle the tech giant’s freewheeling culture. – what exactly is this culture?
. She was put on leave over allegations she had accessed documents not pertinent to her work at the tech giant. – chicks in tech man, can’t trust em
Not saying this asshat doesn’t deserve what’;s coming, but then again,. the company involved is Google, and these fucks are not even close to the clean and nice company their PR departments have been trying desperately to paint them as. Shit, Google makes it a point to use AIs to skew searches to favor the political leaning of their marxist employees, collects so much data on people and then claims they do nothing with that data that people should worry about, and in general works real hard with some of the most brutal and repressive governments on the planet to help them suppress real freedom of information. Besides, it is fun to watch these fucking cuntes being attacked by their own marxist brigade for not being woke enough.
Bean-bag chairs and D&D leagues. Doesn’t really scale globally.
“To the contrary, our thorough investigation found the individuals were involved in systematic searches for other employees’ materials and work,” according to the memo. “This includes searching for, accessing, and distributing business information outside the scope of their jobs.”
That sounds a lot like industrial espionage.
It sure does. But wait for these people to be held up as bastions of integrity while the “greedy tech billionaires” get railed…for wanting to keep private information private.
Let’s not mistake them wanting to hoard trade secrets with giving a fuck about private information.
Trade secrets are private information.
Right, said differently, let’s not mistake them wanting to protect their proprietary business information for a general concern about private information, or more specifically, the private information of anyone else.
Fair enough.
Make ’em sign Non Compete agreements!
It’s California. Isn’t there a big push there to outlaw non-competes?
Nevermind. It’s happening at the national level.
Here you go.
They are already (mostly) invalid in CA.
They are pretty generally disfavored, for obvious reasons, and it is generally a good idea if you use them to keep them as limited in scope as possible.
Yeah. They are pretty difficult to enforce, unless you are very specific about the Non-Compete. For example I’ve got a non-compete, but it isn’t for being a developer but for developing for a certain vertical (i.e i can’t leave to a competitor)
I wonder what the fired employees thought about James Damone.
He was evil for not towing the lion?
Rivers, a worker in Boulder, Colorado, suggested at Friday’s rally that she had been targeted for her activism at the company. “Instead of listening to me or thousands of my co-workers, Google has punished me by putting me on administrative leave,” she said at the rally. “I believe everyone has a right to know what their work is being used for.”
Maybe you should have read that employment contract before you signed it, Butch.
It was probably just a click through agreement anyway…
suggested at Friday’s rally that she had been targeted for her activism at the company
Unless your job duties are “activistism”, I think she just admitted that Google correctly fired her for cause.
How about that? The City Treasurer has a security detail. Must be all that money she is carrying to the bank. What? Chicago is broke? Must be all those IOUs she is issuing to the creditors.
All these political bigwigs have their own protection details, but they want the average citizen disarmed….
That’s the most Chicago thing I’ll read all day.
There’s more incest in Chicago politics than at an Ilhan Omar family reunion.
He’s my husband [slap].
He’s my brother [slap].
He’s my husband [slap].
He’s my brother [slap].
He’s my husband [slap].
He’s my brother [slap].
Morning glibs! It’s an early one for me as I wait for spawn 2 to have a bunyon removed.
Why the alias for your kid? Why not use his real first name?
as I wait for Paul’s bunyon to be removed
See? Not that hard? By the way is his hot mom Babe there too?
p.s. Hope everything goes great.
Jimbo, Kevin named all his kids “Spawn”.
I thought Spawn was the oldest. Followed by Spwoo, then Spee and Spour.
I was a big gamer back in the day. Her middle name is Quake.
Hopefully she isn’t into camping…
That explains why she tells Santa she want’s anything but another fucking teabag every year.
These puns are making me blue. I came here for news and high-minded discussion. I know everyone’s ox gets gored by them, but can we try to avoid them?
Hacked and sacked. Lucette if you can avoid a lady whose a real Birch, Lake ya know what I mean?
Why would you call the cops for someone practicing safe driving?
Ridiculous. Everyone knows you’re supposed to use a potato.
Or a banana.
::does Eddie Murphy laugh::
Potatoes work better. The increased diameter and firmer consistency fits the pipe more closely, giving more resistance and a more satisfying bang when they finally come loose.
Uhm. Or so I’m told. You know. By people.
But could you jam a skunk in there?
I was wondering what kind of fucked up sex-ed class you had back in the day where they showed you how to put a condom on a potato. Instead of a normal one where they showed us how to put a condom on a banana. Which is totally a normal thing and not at all incredibly weird.
At our school Sex Ed was the nickname for the creepy janitor.
I mean, you’ve never heard of a “banana cannon” have you, despite the clearly superior name.
fried chickenBanana CannonSex ed in school? Is this Comedy Hour? Even Biology was an adult word when I was in school.
It was called “Health” class in my day and the teacher was a sub-moron who kept going on, in great detail and multiple times including on the chalkboard, about:
health. Snickers all around the room.
The health teacher at my school was a mall ninja in his second job.
A real professional would know that the worst thing you could expect is plastic melted onto the pipe. There’s no way you’re going to get a condom thick enough and secured tightly enough to stop a car motor.
Chinese product
which one – the engine or the condom? I could see the answer making a difference….
Maybe it was a Cummins engine? I think it only makes sense to wrap up that tailpipe so you don’t accidentally impregnate someone while idling at a stop light.
The complaint against Kappa Sigma, lodged a week ago with the University of Central Florida’s hazing hotline, led to chapter’s suspension on drug-related misconduct and hazing charges.
Snitch Nation.
“We must picture hell as a state where everyone is perpetually concerned about his own dignity and advancement, where everyone has a grievance, and where everyone lives with the deadly serious passions of envy, self-importance, and resentment.”
That dude had shit figured out.
Also, I wish they’d make the other books into movies.
So, hell is the reality for many of my co-workers.
I got hearing aids from the VA yesterday. Wore them about 8 hours, the discomfort was minimal. I was amazed. I could hear myself chewing on something crunchy, walking on wet grass is noisy and bedroom slippers make a squeaking sound on a tile floor. Who knew?
On the other hand, I can hear everything Mrs Fourscore says so not all good news. I’ll have to pretend the batteries are dead, as required. It’s not like being 20 years old again but at this point I’m still grateful.
My wife’s uncle will just turn those down when he wants to disengage from the surroundings.
Awesome! Hearing aids are so much better today than they were 20 or 30 years ago.
Bill Kristol✔
I very much prefer Biden or Buttigieg or Bloomberg or Klobuchar to Warren. But the idea that one term of Warren would pose anything like the threat of a second term for Trump to the basic norms and institutions of our liberal democracy, including to free markets, is laughable.
Yeah, sure.
“I’m so sorry this is happening to you.”
Fuck Kristol. There will be a warmonger President back in office soon enough and he will tart getting erections again. Hopefully that won’t happen for at least five years though.
No, I’m sure her $52T health care plan won’t affect free markets.
Progtard: This plan will revitalize the world’s economy!
Sane people: How?
Bill Kristol is Will Duranty, Chamberlin, a collaborator, and a Vichy official all rolled into one.
Any day now, the #NeverTrump disaster porn will become reality.
Any day now…
What a mendacious fuck. He’s been wrong so many times, about so many things, and still hasn’t learned humility.
Chrononutrition: Why Meal Timing, Calorie Distribution & Feeding Windows Really Do Matter
Or should I save these for glib fit
By all means post it again in Glibfit.
The fuck is Glibfit?
I found it interesting. Thanks for sharing.
Instructions unclear. I ate a clock.
That’s an alarming development.
The upside is, the German police force has just hired me. They were impressed when I said “Vell I hav vayz of confrunt ze zuzpect and vays to make tock.”
I get ticked off when I see the accent
And you’re not alarmed about it?
He’s a little ticked off.
Bah, my pun was second hand to Fourscore.
Today, in assholes
“Sunbathe your asshole, for wellness”
TW: Jezebel
I think asshole sunburn wold be quite the sensation
Let’s see… sunburned the bottom of my feet once, that hurt like hell. Head, face, neck all have gotten sunburned countless times (annoying, but manageable). The worst burn was second degree sunburn on my legs (upper portion, between the knee and where the cycling shorts ended). Wearing pants for work was quite painful for a while.
There’s benefits to keeping skin out of direct sunlight.
*adjusts typing gloves and cuffs of long sleeves.*
So they no longer bleach these and now sunburn them? WTF is wrong with people?
Hedonism + narcissism + an IQ that rivals the score of a defensive football game.
Then pot fell out of it.
This is what I came here for.
Ditto. Just want to know if any shooting was involved too…
That’s how I carried it to your house.
Bacon weed?
So much for sticking it where the sun don’t shine
I have returned….just for this.
That ain’t for me.
The software engineer fired at Google went to Twitter and has quite the support:
Does not look as hot as movie software engineers.
This is what would have happened to me if I led a rally against my (when I worked for someone else) employers. Oh, I mean “held a rally after I got caught stealing personal information I wasn’t given access to.” Sorry, fuckers. Have a happy holiday season.
Something something barn door something something horses already left.
US Rep Ilhan Omar accused of being a foreign agent – legal deposition
Imam of Peace was reporting this a couple of months ago on Twitter. Also, there are rumors this is a Saudi hit-job because of the Muslim Brotherhood stuff
Yeah, unless these guys can provide actual documentation or real proof, I’m not going to believe it. This sounds a lot like the Steele Dossier Pt 2: Muslim Boogaloo.
I think nothing good about Omar, but this is too over the top.
And a side piece to the Qatari campaign by KSA. I’m not sure where the truth lies but the whole thing stinks.
More from the Orange Man Bad beat
“Stated simply, the primary takeaway from the past 250 years of recorded American history is that Presidents are not kings,” Jackson wrote.
“It is indisputable that current and former employees of the White House work for the People of the United States, and that they take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” the judge added.
The Justice Department quickly said it planned to appeal the ruling, which has profound implications for the impeachment inquiry, since Trump has launched a similar effort to prevent administration officials from testifying under another sweeping claim of presidential immunity.
Though after five days of public hearings in the impeachment inquiry, public opinion over whether the President ought to be impeached and removed from office remains exactly the same as it was in October, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.
Minutes after Jackson’s legal lecture emerged, Trump got a win of sorts — as the Supreme Court blocked the immediate release of his financial records to a House committee, to allow his lawyers to file a brief arguing why the nine justices should take the case.
The legal fight is likely to create another reverberating precedent on the nature of presidential power, since it will test whether a president can refuse Congress’ legally mandated request for the president’s financial records — a duty it can impose on regular American citizens.
Maybe it has something to do with getting Congress to clearly articulate a compelling need and a legitimate legislative purpose.
You know, something more substantive than “No outsiders allowed.”
a duty it can impose on regular American citizens.
Another plain wording perverted by the swamp creatures.
Congress’ legally mandated request
This wording (and punctuation) is atrocious. That aside, it is not Congress’s request, it is the House’s request. To my knowledge, the Senate has made no such request. Until both houses agree, it is not the law.
The President is not King, but Congresscritters each are, and every Chairman head gets to do what ever he wants and have the force of law. A private individual should have the same right to have his financial records secret. The difference is that the Private individual rarely has the power to fight off congress.
Everybody knows this is a fishing expedition. The fig leaf of “Congress wants to form better ethics rules” is laughable because it is starting with an unethical action.
Problem for me is the Democrats have been pretty open about what they want to do — which to find stuff they can use against the President. And that is not what the statue is intended for. The statue is intended to allow Congress to find better ways to write the tax laws so the present or future laws will do their intended purposes.
And considering some of President Trump’s initiatives have been shot down by courts because of what he said and not what the actual language of the initiative was, I think it pretty hypocritical for the Judge to not consider what has been said about the reason they want Trump’s tax returns.
Georgia police use water cannons on protesters in Tbilisi
They’ll be doing the same in Athens if the Yellow Jackets win this Saturday.
don’t sell yourself short, judge
Tech is at least the fourth best eight loss squad in the country.
I’m thinking we’ll probably be able to hold them to double-digits. Will be at Mrs. Tree’s grandmother’s for Thanksgiving on Saturday, and it’ll be on, but they’re all dawgs.
What we watch
Vandy will lose at Tennessee by 20
Ole Miss will lose at State by 6
Bama will win at Auburn by 6
If uga throws the ball more than 6 times, Kirby should be fired.
But Fromm is so much better than Fields nobody cared that he left!
Fields was obviously better as an all-around college QB, but UGA has had one of the best OL, so they couldn’t adjust their entire theory of the game to best use him. I hated to see him go.
I’m not sure that Eason isn’t as good as Fromm as far as QB getting away goes.
That said, Fromm has not been developed. We haven’t seen a sliver of his ability. Chaney went back to UT, and UGA suddenly seems not to know what to do with a more than adequate QB.
It was kinda a joke. But you’re right about Fromm not being developed. His stock has fallen this year and that’s squarely on the coaching staff for not putting in the work to increase his mobility out of the pocket.
It’s a shame. He seems like a nice young man and will probably be a decent mid- to late-round pickup. But this year has cost him millions.
3rd best, by my rankings.
well, I did say “at least”
I did have them as the best eight-loss team, but then Kansas backed into that slot.
I have Kansas and Maryland slightly above us.
Game is in Atlanta this year.
THAT Georgia, I was thinking, “they did that a number of years ago”.
“Sunbathe your asshole, for wellness”
Downward Facing Dog, at the nude beach?
The Skywhale is why we need our government to fund the arts. Our barbaric austerity when it comes to funding the arts here in the US has caused us to fall dangerously far behind Australia in the art blimp race. Our private sector has only been able to come up with Baby Trump, while the Aussies have the Skywhale.
Next they will demand we appreciate land whales in lingerie as well..
They better not cover up all them hooters (did you look at the picture?)!
I can only imagine Q laying in a field one day and looking up at seeing this floating by. He’ll think it is the Rapture.
That was my nickname in high school…
Re Google v employee: I hate everybody.
A clear case where you want all parties involved to lose, and lose big?
I didn’t know people were so passionate about coffee.
Paul M Winters
Replying to @merica
Decaf coffee is the liquid equivalent of a limp handshake.
depend on Paccar, Volvo and MB
don’t forget sad Navistar
I’ve been telling you things were slowing
Heavy truck orders are a leading indicator. There’s inventory and capacity issues, but the long-term trend in net orders is unambiguous.
ACT is the big brother in tracking and forecasting class 8. FTR is solid but still the little brother so far as I know.
Somehow, these mirthless chuckleheads couldn’t stand to see approximately $300,000 of taxpayer money get spent on a big-titty aerial cetacean, much to the dismay of its owner and pilot.
What a bunch of pennypinching simpletons.
Trump pardons racist turkey with bigoted ideologies and ties to Putin
Not all parody is funny
What would be funny is Trump ordering the White House chef to cook him up and pardoning Roger Stone instead.
Hazing is awful. I hate it. When I went to girls camp (church-sponsored) (was really a camp where we learned useful skills), I was attempted to be hazed upon once. Once. I didn’t go to camp with the expectation of being hazed, and one good temper tantrum put that to bed quickly, but I’m AOC crazy when I’m pissed, so I terrified everybody. Other stupid stuff, I just refused to participate and I also threw a fit when other people were targets. I hate pranks. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE.
If you pledge a frat or sorority, you know you’re going to be hazed. Or supposed to be.
So … pussies.
We don’t have that stuff in Romania…
Weren’t you behind the Iron Curtain for a while?
yes. fraternity hazing was not a thing.
That hazing work was done by the secret police, right?
That. What Alex said.
I was thinking of it as one long, ginormous haze.
That is not a haze
It’s a joke.
In my lived experience it is hate speech
Well played!
Wait, there are no pussies in Romania? Is this like when that Iranian dude claimed there were no gay people in Iran?
To be fair, when they find gays in Iran, they execute them promptly, so by the official reckoning, there are none left.
I larfed.
They must have one heck of a gaydar to find them as soon as they decide they are gay to keep said count at 0….
My worst issue at camp was I had to pay for the bed I broke. I broke it by sleeping in it and 7 other boys jumping on top of me in a stupid game locally called something like “the pile asks for more” to to a literal translation
We called it “dog-pile.”
I remember the dogs in an old bugs bunny cartoon doing a dog pile on the rabbit.
He shoots, he scores! https://www.bbc.com/sport/av/football/50560226
That was pretty cool, and I’m not a futbol fan.
“He shoots, he scores!”
Impressive. It reminds of this.
Somewhat related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uc-pxygcRi8
Impressive – wins the face off and then scores a Hat Trick.
Uffda. The Minneapolis city council is now taking cues from DC. Since I guess they are so well run.
The newest idea is to mandate that tenants get the first chance to purchase rental properties.
What could go wrong? The city council gets to be involved in real estate, they get to hire consultants to evaluate run the new program and a new slush fund will be available?
1) Regulate the market
2) Regulate the remedies employed to compensate for the market distortion
3) Regulate the exit strategies from the market
4) Eliminate the ability to exit from the market.
5) liquidate the capital owners and centrally manage the “market”
Not that stupid ideas are improved by tuning them instead of discarding them, but grown-up language would include something like
lessor shall provide lessee 90 days’ notice during which lessee has first right to buy
Since nothing happens faster than three months, the owner files notice early, starts his project, the renters’ 90 days come and go without them being able to secure financing, and then owner does what he wants with exactly zero difference being made other than the posting of one new piece of paper.
One of the comments in that story says that in DC, it has turned into a nice little shakedown racket for the renters. The buyer/seller basically need to pay them off to waive their rights and get the deal done quickly.
That is way behind the English guy who wanted tenant right to buy even if you did not want ot sell, for a fair government decided price
The plan would require property owners who want to sell or tear down properties to put their renters first in line for buying the buildings cooperatively – can the owner name their price? Or can the tenant just match any price offered?
Don’t forget all the new compliance paperwork making the lives of everyone else harder.
Twitter suspends journalist Andy Ngo
The Post Millennial is a stupid name
What’s fascinating is we’re ignoring facts and censoring opinions for a group that represents less than 1% of the population.
What’s fascinating is we’re ignoring facts and censoring opinions
for a group that represents less than 1% of the population.Why?
The trans community is, at best, incidental to this. It’s not about them per se and never really was. It’s about the concerns of the privileged people who have time to police Twitter. It’s about the opinions of the sort of people who are friends with Twitter’s executives and employees.
I think this incident is more about the race comment than the trans comment.
It’s why they picked this tweet. It’s not why they were watching Ngo to begin with.
Now, pull the other one. How many of these murders are actually about the victim’s trans identity?
0% +- 0%
I’m sure it’s >0. But it’s probably also <50%. And even then, it's likely not the only motive.
It depends on whether a murderous rage at discovering unexpected genetalia counts as “because of their identity” or “because of the lie”.
I’m going to need proof of an actual incident before I cede that someone was killed solely because of their identity.
I ALWAYS read that as the subtext. Deception and stealth penis may get you at least a good beat-down and why don’t you recognize the fact that lying to people to laid is not a good way to get laid.
But they HAVE to lie to you, so you can see how nice they really are before you simply dismiss them outright from the getgo. The fact that they think lying should be ignored as a deficiency is telling. Never understood why these people wanted to be with someone that didn’t want to be with them. Worse yet: why they feel compelled to say someone that doesn’t want to be with them somehow is motivated by evil reasons. I am pretty sure the problem isn’t with those of us that see there are some serious issues with this whole thing.
Narrative Uber Alles!
Mostly black men.
And mostly against black men.
Twitter employees deemed Ngo’s tweet violated the Twitter Rules, specifically for their rules against hateful conduct.
I am pretty sure FBI crime stats back up his position.
Truth is no defense against wrongthink.
Hong Kong’s opposition “used the election as a political tool,” China Daily opines.
How dare they not hunger for Commie cock!
That’s…. that’s literally what all elections in a representative democracy are. Oh, I found China’s problem with this set up.
‘Indian food is terrible’ tweet sparks hot debate about racism
Got to love the a tweet is news thing in the 21st century
How people feel about a thing is more important the thing itself.
So lemme get this straight: disliking Indian food is genocidal racism, liking Indian food is cultural appropriation and worse than Hitler.
cannot even imagine what liking Indian tits implies
You want to hear, “Thank you, cum again.”?
Fur fetish.
Scrolled right past this in my haste, whoops
“Bloomberg says it will not investigate Michael Bloomberg or any of his Democratic rivals, but it will continue to investigate President Trump.”
Isn’t that an in-kind contribution? Seems like a FEC violation.
They’re just primary candidates. It doesn’t mean anything yet.
Oh, and by the way, we’re going to impeach Trump for “going after” one of them.
Their aren’t even pretending any more. The DNC is the political wing of the liberal media.
Huh. I assume it will be the same crap cable coverage as Turner – one or two matches per round I might want want to see plus no Europa League, and everything else on $treaming?
Learn Spanish. Univision will have more games and some better matchups.
I have watched a couple there. You’d think they could spring for SAP but noooooo.
No need, you already know “Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Gool? Ghoul? Ghul?
Ghole, moran.
It can’t be any worse than it currently is…right?
Oh, there are ways.
Right wing and libertarian gun owners need wake up re: “thin blue line”/”all lives matter” rhetoric. The only life that matters to a police officer is his own, and he will gladly kill you and your dog if the state has labeled you a target.
We know this. Why don’t you?
“thin blue line”/”all lives matter” rhetoric
That’s a stolen base, even if the two are synonyms to some.
Communist societies by contrast have always had equitable and just unarmed community policing.
libertarian gun owners need wake up re: “thin blue line”
I’m comfortable using “cop Sucking” as a purity test for libertarianism.
I’m kinda there: I hate cops as formulated and based on the public’s expectations and their happiness to embrace the powers that come with that.
But stupid laws and mayors promising the impossible are closer to root cause. Cops and soldiers are in a tight spot when you try to line up freedom/law/scope/ability. At this point, we have perfectly designed situations that can only deliver failure and rationalization; meanwhile, your taxes are due.
Good morning, Glibbies! Yesterday I got lots of stuff done. Today I must get more stuff done. Wednesday I will be baking 2 pumpkin pies and 1 pecan pie, but since it’s for my mom and aunts, I will probably have to make the pie crust myself, which I don’t do for my kids’ breakfast pies. I have no issue making pie crust. I have an issue getting it off my countertop without rolling a whole bunch more flour into it. My brother told me to get a SilPat, but I don’t see how that makes it any better.
I also don’t want to decorate for Christmas, either, not counting my tiny office Christmas tree, which I only have to take out of its bag and plug in.
I have a christmas photo from last year…
It’s a present sitting in front of my monitor, with an internet picture of a classically decorated christmas tree open in a browser.
Very cute. I satisfy my holiday nesting instinct with bucolic Christmas scenes on Pinterest.
For pumpkin pies, I’m a fan of doing a ginger snap crust instead of the traditional pastry crust.
That’s an awesome idea. I will try that when my mom’s nostalgia is not at stake.
One day I want to try the cinnamon roll crust. https://images.app.goo.gl/x5xpazCoPkGtnogQ7
While that looks pretty, I’m not sure how well it would work out. Part of the thing of cinnamon rolls is that there’s a gap between the dough layers (where the butter, cinnamon, and sugar are). I feel like the wrong filling would leak through that and burn on the bottom of the pan.
Virtue. Signaled.
White House hopeful former Vice President Joe Biden (D) identified four women he could name as his pick for vice president if he wins the Democratic nomination.
At a town hall Friday night, Biden was asked about his pick, and he joked back to the questioner “You. Are you available?” USA Today reported.
Biden did not say any specific names, but he said multiple people are qualified, including “the former assistant attorney general who got fired,” referring to former Attorney General Sally Yates; “the woman who should have been the governor of Georgia,” referring to Stacey Abrams; and “the two senators from the state of New Hampshire,” referring to U.S. Sens. Jeanne Shaheen (D) and Maggie Hassan (D).
Please do pick the racist shrieking harpy from GA.
Not a bad strategic pick. When you lose the 2020 election, you are going to need some delusional person to keep fighting the fight. Biden is too old to stay in the media spotlight for another 4 years demanding that the vote was rigged. Abrams has shown that she has the chops to continue insisting that the sky is green for as long as it takes.
“Mr. Biden, why didn’t you gracefully decline Obama’s offer of a VP position in favor of a female?”
Warty nods with approval
“Then pot fell out of my butt.”
“But I never had sex again.”
The plan would require property owners who want to sell or tear down properties to put their renters first in line for buying the buildings cooperatively – can the owner name their price? Or can the tenant just match any price offered?
I suspect they will rely on a valuation provided by the “housing advocates”. Totally realistic and fair.
Yeah, I’m sure the city will be totally fair when deciding what a bonafide offer is. I’m on the fence though as which way the idea of the city stepping in and buying properties will go. On one hand, will the city strong arm owners into selling way below market value? Or will the city way overpay for shit holes that are owned by connected cronies?
On one hand, will the city strong arm owners into selling way below market value? Or will the city way overpay for shit holes that are owned by connected cronies?
Sigh. You are right.
*packs trunk and pushes it out to the curb to wait for Tundra to pick me up*
Tundra rolls up on his new rig.
I’m snickering at those pics of him pulling his fish house behind his bike. I can see it working fairly well on bare ice like that (assuming studded tires), but I can only imagine how bad it would be once snow accumulates on the lake.
Still I like that bike and would think about buying one that didn’t cost $3K.
Also Tundra is still curled up in the fetal position after he heard the news that Tesla already has 146K pre-orders for their
monstrositytruckPlease. It’s a $100 refundable deposit.
I’ve read quite a lot more about the thing. It appears to me to be a crazy manufacturing challenge.
Crash testing should be an adventure, too.
I’ll give the dude credit: only he could roll that out and get his fans in a tizzy. I almost think he’s bored and trolling his worshipers.
Whatever gets your through the night Tundra.
Musk is brilliant!
Whatevs. I see those tires and I see a really fucking expensive replacement.
Really? Early growth phase? The fucking company is more than 16 years old!
Those pre orders are reminiscent of the idea of “If I could get a dollar from every person”. How does it work that Musk puts this out there and people are falling over themselves to order it.
He could spray painted some cardboard wrapped around a golf cart for what that truck looks like.
Here is a video of this plan in action.
You’ll shoot your eye out, kid.
While we can debate whether the term “buyback” is actually applicable to those events that seek to purchase guns from people in exchange for money, gift cards, or other items until we’re blue in the face, we can all agree they’re downright stupid. If they take black market guns off the street, it’s likely to only be those that have been used in crimes that would otherwise require them to be dumped in a river or lake. Other weapons sold at these events appear to be barely functional, if functional at all.
A recent buyback in New Bedford, Massachusetts, however, may take the cake for stupid.
“About 40 weapons were collected during a “Groceries for Guns” program Saturday at the Pilgrim United Church in New Bedford.
Police Chief Joseph Cordeiro says the haul included 18 guns and 22 BB and pellet guns, some of which looked like the real thing.
“I’m always concerned about the BB and pellet guns because they look so realistic,” said Cordeiro. “Many times guns of this type are used in robberies, so its good to get them off the street.””
Now, it should be noted that at least one of these air guns still has the orange tip on it. That means that literally no one should mistake it for a live firearm unless they’re too braindead to comprehend reality in general.
Further, it appears they paid the exact same thing for the BB guns that they did for the actual firearms.
Among the haul looks to be an old, beat-up Red Ryder BB gun–and so close to the holidays? Ralphie will be quite disappointed in someone–the obligatory junk .22 rifles, and some very old revolvers. Another goodie looks like a Krinkov pistol but, frankly, it may well be an airsoft or another air gun. After all, that looks like the kind of thing they’d have bragged about.
At the end of the day, though, nothing about that buyback made New Bedford safer. Especially since BB guns aren’t generally used for murder or to seriously injure someone else. They’re used to scare someone who doesn’t know any better.
No problem, just take off the orange tip when they lay it on the table for that dramatic shot for the evening news.
Man, I wish I still had the old airsoft spring pistols from my childhood, I coulda made bank.
Is the price of a BB gun less that what you’d get in the buyback? I’m sensing an arbitrage opportunity.
Titty Tuesday sez when tits are outlawed only outlaws will have tits.
7 terrifies me but I think it would be worth it.
“Halifornia Apparel”? Terrible name, unless the state is known for bad breath.
I shall be a benevolent ruler from atop my mammary throne.
Opioids roundup
The Slate Star Codex article is good.
‘They are PUBLIC GOODS’: AOC says she’s not just promising people ‘free stuff’
It’s still “Free Shit” to me.
Free shit by any other name is still free shit.
Just as regulate used to mean “to make regular” and not “to impose total control”, so too did public good mean “usable by all” and not “given to all”.
AOC has roughly the IQ of dryer lint, so one can safely disregard anything she says.
Except she got elected and has a little power.
She gets way more attention than her 1/435 share of 1/2 the power of 1/3 the government (0.00038%) implies,
That’s 0.038%.
She’s not wrong, just dishonest on who will or eventually will have to pay for everything.
I don’t think even in the socialist utopia everybody will be going to college.
Go fuck yourself.
Holy crap is she detestable.
She’s exceptionally execrable even for a pol.
Public Goods are goods that are non-excludable. Almost everything that she has proposed are amongst the most excludable goods there are. Education: Easy to shut that door (and since college is just about getting the diploma, it is very easy to not give it out to someone who doesn’t pay). Healthcare: Perhaps the moste excludable good their is. They will argue that the government must provide public goods because economists have said that the Market can’t do it, but then they lable the most private goods as public because what they think is a public good is just a good that they want to be free.
Pretty much every public good you can name has been provided by private actors at one point or another. The problem is that they aren’t as effective at direct competition when their direct competitors have a monopoly on force, taxing power, etc.
“These are public goods. They’re public goods. So I never want to hear the word or the term ‘free stuff’ ever again … because I’m tired of already hearing some of these neoliberal folks who are trying to like flip the script on us,” she explained…
She added, “Like when we’re talking about tuition-free public college or when we talk about public housing they say, ‘Oh, well, I don’t want to pay for a millionaire’s kid to go to college.’ That’s their like jujitsu on us that they’re trying to pull.”
If I didn’t know better I’d say this is a Bee article.
‘Oh, well, I don’t want to pay for a millionaire’s kid to go to college.’
So you admit that you would have poor welder pay for some rich kids 4-6 years of partying?
Depends: does this guy weld solar panels together? Otherwise someone else will be paying for his tuition to learn to code.
Get back on the plantation!
CNN political commentator Ana Navarro-Cárdenas mocked polls that showed significant black support for President Donald Trump, tweeting Monday that the polls “have only been conducted in the homes of Ben Carson, Kanye, that sheriff guy with the hat and those two Cubic Zirconia & Polyester-Spandex ladies.”
Ana Navarro-Cárdenas✔
Zero chance this is accurate. Zero. The poll must have only been conducted in the homes of Ben Carson, Kanye, that sheriff guy with the hat and those two Cubic Zirconia & Polyester-Spandex ladies.
“Nobody I know voted for Nixon!”
Now that you mention it, none of my black FB friends have posted about politics in a long time (previously it was “Trump is racist” memes).
And Trump is the racist…
Well, racists – like sexists, homophobes, and any of the usual classifications that are used to silence people they can’t actually debate with facts & logic – are people that don’t accept whatever the marxist peddle as good and wholesome and volunteer to be sycophants to that cause.
Fuck you New Jersey
Man Stripped of Guns After Lawsuit Rival Files Red Flag Complaint
This was totally unforeseeable! Nobody could have predicted this would happen!
Except, you know, everybody.
This one is kind of funny. The Bolivian commies basically outlawed private gun ownership to make sure the anti-commies were disarmed. Now that there has been a coup, it’s the disarmed commies getting shot by the army.
“both sides agreed that it doesn’t appear any threat was made.”
Why, it’s almost as if “red flag” horseshit is just being used as a fig leaf for arbitrary disarming!
Fun fact: My girlfriend is a prolific sleep-talker; I can ask her any question and she’ll honestly answer it. She already spilled the beans on a few of my Christmas gifts that way. Anyway, I just said to her in her sleep, “What did Akira get you for Christmas?” and she listed off about five things that would make excellent gifts for her. They’re on the way.
*Akira soon learns that she sleep-reads Glibs too*
He needs to make sure it’s a two-way street and he can start planting suggestions about a threesome with her hot friend.
From the “mo legitimate use” files
A Texas woman was found dead after pre-dawn attack by a group of feral hogs outside a home, the Chambers County sheriff said.
Christine Rollins, a 59-year old caregiver to an elderly couple in Anahuac, failed to show up at her normal time on Sunday, the sheriff’s office said. The 84-year-old homeowner found her lying in the front yard between her car and the house.
Sheriff Brian Hawthorne said in a news conference Monday that “multiple hogs” assaulted Rollins when she arrived at work, likely between 6 and 6:30 a.m., when it was still dark outside.
“In my 35 years, I will tell you it’s one of the worst things I’ve ever seen,” Hawthorne told reporters.
People tell me those rifles with the thing that goes up work pretty well for controlling feral hog infestations.
+30 rounds
Related: I see a lot about dogs off the leash in parks here. Some horrified person will relate some intimidating situation, and I always ask, deadpan, why didn’t you shoot it?
I don’t want to live in a world where I’m not the one responsible for my safety: absolute safety can only be delivered by others with absolute power.
absolute safety can only be delivered by others with absolute power
And, even then, they don’t deliver safety. They simply crowd out all other sources of danger.
“An unknown person was outside of my office window on the ledge looking into the office.
“There was an incident when I was coming outside of City Hall, where I was accosted by an unknown woman . . . I was also out in the community and someone approached me with . . . very frivolous conversation . . . The person was continuing to come closer and closer to me.”
Boo hoo. ‘How dare the common people get near me to tell me what a shitty job I’m doing.’ Any surprise that her husband is a grifter sitting on the city council?
Albania hit by deadly 6.4 magnitude earthquake
Also Update on the ship of sheep who sank in Romania. 48 hours later, some sheep are still alive
That sounds like a Baahd day.
Surely ewe jest.
How did the ship sink? Was it rammed?
They got fleeced by the guy who was supposed to maintain it.
You know how hard it is to get wool dry?
The sheep don’t like it when you clip their feet to the clothesline.
? Why wouldn’t they like a dry hoof over their heads?
They remember the last time someone left them hanging.
Shoreline Shirley shears a sunken ship of soggy sheep survivors with a seashell.
Are they being saved by the Scottish navy? Their sailors are pushing the surviving sheep to shore?
Seamus the Shipbuilder indeed.
It’s not a coincidence that all their vessels look like whiskey tuns.
An Antifa Member Tries to Block a Car and Assault Someone, It Doesn’t Go Well (Seriously)
That’s what I call social justice…
I hope this starts happening a lot more often.
you need more variety
And she wasn’t arrested for immodesty by the local authorities? Was this a “westerners-only” location?
On one hand, will the city strong arm owners into selling way below market value? Or will the city way overpay for shit holes that are owned by connected cronies?
It aggravates the shit out of me every time I read some story about a city “working to fix” the homeless crisis. Do they seriously intend to socialize the housing stock? Because that’s an astonishingly terrible idea. The overwhelming effect of everything they do just makes a bad situation worse.
Doncha know, neoliberals ruined everything by balancing the growth of the welfare sate with the need to avoid foreseeable negative consequences*. That’s just terrible, and if we instead act like spoiled children and blame the kulaks and wreckers for those consequences, we can achieve utopia!
* = I’m not saying they were perfect or even particularly good at this part, just better than socialists
welfare sate
It is never sated dude. Always wants more.
Heh. My typos are rarely so apropos.
Reliable Source.
BRIAN STELTER: The word “cult” has been popping up more and more. Think back to two weeks ago on this program, Anthony Scaramucci talked about his claim that Trump supporters are in a cult. Just last week, Dan Rather said he thinks for Trump seems increasingly cultish. And this weekend in The Washington Post, Trump critic and Republican strategist John Weaver said the GOP is “not a party anymore in the traditional sense; It’s a cult.” But, none of them are mental health experts. Steven Hassan is. He’s out with a brand-new book called The Cult of Trump. He has firsthand experience escaping the Unification Church back in the ’70s and he decided to write this book because he believes there’s something seriously wrong with our politics.
STEVEN HASSAN: I define a destructive cult as an authoritarian pyramid-structured group with someone at the top who claims to have total power and total wisdom that uses the deception and control of behavior, information, thoughts, and emotions to make people loyal and dependent and obedient followers.
For me, the issue between an ethical healthy cult, where you’re free to think and free to leave, versus a destructive cult. I’m referring to Trump’s organization and followership as a destructive cult, where people are being fed propaganda and they’re not being encouraged to think for themselves. They’re not being encouraged to really explore and look at the details and arrive at their own conclusion. Much of what they’re hearing is emotionally driven, loaded words, thought-stopping and thought-terminating-type clichés like “fake news” or “build the wall” or “make America great again.”
BRIAN STELTER: You say the President is using mind control, but how is that provable?
STEVEN HASSAN: We can start with the pathological lying, which is characteristic of destructive cult leaders. Saying things in a very confident way that [has] nothing to do with facts or truthfulness. The blaming [of] others and never taking responsibility for his own failures and faults. Shunning and kicking out anyone who raises questions or concerns about his own behavior. His use of fearmongering, immigration is a horrible thing.
You say the President is using mind control, but how is that provable?
You know, i’m not a journalist, but if i was, and the first part of that sentence came out of my mouth, i’m pretty sure that my question would not be “How is that provable?”
well, “and I’m a fucking moron for saying that out loud” doesn’t roll off the tongue, now does it?
This is the sort of shit I was talking about the other day. This guy probably does know what a cult is firsthand, and he likely has real insight into how cults operate. But, he’s willing to debase all of that knowledge and expertise to score tribal points.
Which sounds kind of like how a cult operates…
I have no issue in that it’s true; it is a fucking cult. But I’m stopped by what you said – a complete inability to recognize the same behavior on the other side. The cult around Obama was stronger than the Trump cult.
Yes. He’s not wrong, there is a Trump cult. But, hell, the Obama cult was not only bigger, it still is! He might be retrograde to the latest crop of radicals, but plenty of people still revere him as the uniter, healer, “more presidential”, “dignified”, “well spoken”, yadda yadda leader.
Neither were cultish. The majority of the people out there, present company excluded, look to others to lead “great” movements. We’re they “cultish”, you’d have a lot more people clamoring for dictatorships. That doesn’t happen here.
They’re not cultish followings. They’re tribal followings. Just look how the Obama followers shifted to Hillary when 2016 rolled around. Trump followers will do the same for whoever picks up the Trump mantel in 2024.
They’re tribal followings
exactly correct
Trump isn’t Sun Myung Moon but there is a group of people who believes he can do no wrong. There’s a (much) larger group of people who supports him and will (most likely) support other non-Trump figures in the future, too. Of course, another problem with this guy’s argument is that he’s conflating the two groups.
I honestly think the number who revere him in that light are fleetingly small. The majority of his supporters are in his camp because of their disgust for the status quo. They know he has flaws. Hell, they celebrate them if I’m being honest. But they celebrate his flaws because the overreaction to them relative to the reaction to flaws by “traditional” political figures is so over the top as to be ridiculous.
Being relentlessly investigated for an attempted removal sure sounds like an all-powerful cult leader to me
I don’t think this person is saying the government is Trump’s cult. If anything, one could say the issue with Trump is that he got put in charge of a different cult.
I’m saying massive cult leaders don’t usually get this much scrutiny from all angles
I define a destructive cult as an authoritarian pyramid-structured group with someone at the top who claims to have total power and total wisdom that uses the deception and control of behavior, information, thoughts, and emotions to make people loyal and dependent and obedient followers.
Oh, so the bipartisan Top.Men. theory of government then.
“Much of what they’re hearing is emotionally driven, loaded words, thought-stopping and thought-terminating-type clichés like”…Hope and Change, and if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, and Si, si puede.
The Thanksgiving Four
In response, the 2018 Google Walkout organizers group is accusing the company of “union busting,” claiming in a blog post on Medium that the company is illegally retaliating against prospective union organizers like Rivers and Berland, and changing its policies to let it fire whomever it chooses, when it previously allowed employees to freely access documents from across the company. The Google Walkout group claims that all four employees fired today participated in the November 22nd rally.
The Tech Workers Coalition has spoken out against the firings as well. The workers are being called “the Thanksgiving Four”:
Tensions have seemingly been high inside Google for many months as tech workers found they have the power to protest such things as reports of sexual harassment, a censored Chinese search engine, and a controversial AI drone program for the Pentagon. Some 20,000 Google employees staged a walkout last November to protest sexual misconduct by Google executives, most recently leading to an investigation by the company’s board.
But one way or another, Google seems to be pushing employee organizers out of the company: Claire Stapleton and Meredith Whittaker, two organizers of that Google Walkout, alleged that they’d been retaliated against by company management, and wound up leaving in June and July respectively. Some employees participated in a sit-in to protest against that alleged retaliation, and walkout organizers demanded that Google investigate its own HR department. In September, Google reached a settlement with the National Labor Relations Board that required it to clarify that its policies “do not prevent employees from discussing workplace issues.”
The New York Times reported last week that Google has hired a consulting firm known for helping companies crack down against employee dissent, one that explicitly advertises “union vulnerability assessments” among other services.
Send in the Pinkertons.
I bet this has more to do with appeasing the Chicoms than it does with the SJW crap. They probably want stability (read, lucrative gov’t contracts) rather than either innovation or social justice.
Or just old fashioned firing disruptive employees. Maybe another couple dozen to send a message that they’re serious.
And who would hire these poison employees?
Another case of “I hate everyone involved”.
I like how the Google Walkout Group is claiming protection for “Thanksgiving Four” because they might, someday, form a union. If I get that right, the Google Walkout Group says you can’t fire somebody because of something they might do … in the future.
Could somebody explain why that is a good idea?
‘Indian food is terrible’ tweet sparks hot debate about racism
Something, something, Cleveland Browns, something, Lou Reed
Tell me again why any sane person voluntarily posts anything on Twitter?
Seems as silly to do that as it would be to walk around an insane ward with candy in your pockets. You are going to be swamped by morons and covered in drool in no time at all.
And lose your job. I would be very surprised if that guy isn’t out on the street by the end of the day.
international food – sometimes called “ethnic food” – is often marketed as “cheap eats”
Citation needed, bullshit artist.
Eh, probably true. But not exclusively used to describe ethnic food. That is, plenty of restaurants, etc. market “cheap eats,” so the author’s point seems, well, pointless.
But what is his opinion on Hawaiian pizza?
There were two USAF C-130s at the end of the runway at the Fort Lauderdale airport when I drove by this morning. Trump’s coming in and is having a rally tonight, which of course brings the counter-rally, which is apparently being led by DWS. If it wouldn’t be so much a pain in the ass I’d be there laughing at all of them.
This county was about 70-30 Hillary in 2016, so I’m not sure why he’s bothering.
This county was about 70-30 Hillary in 2016, so I’m not sure why he’s bothering.
Who knows if it matters. But, it may not be pointless. A couple of percentage points in a populous county can be enough to swing a state.
It’s also good PR if in a Hillary county he can draw the same sorts of crowds he gets elsewhere. It doesn’t matter if most of those people came in from outside the area, the optics are what matter.
This far away from the election, time isn’t as short. And if he picks up more votes, even in Hillary country, it still helps toward the popular vote which is so in vogue these days. Unless Trump gets that as well.
I’m not a civics expert but I think Trump will be trying to win the state, right? Essentially a popular vote in Florida to get all the electors. So every vote counts.
Yes, that’s more true.
I would imagine south Florida has tons of ex-NYers, some who like Trump. And everywhere in Florida has rednecks that come out of the woodwork when Brad Paisley comes through town or whatever. Even in flashy, douchey south Florida there are probably plenty of regular folks who will go to this thing.
Trump was competitive in the more racially-diverse neighborhoods around me in NYC.
I found this fun map.
Because “play offense”.
And it gives the enemy a chance to do something stupid.
He’s been rallying in marginal locations for a while. Its not a bad strategy, if he can flip a few of them.
As someone who got stuck in traffic jams caused by Bush/Cheney/Kerry back in 2004, I can tell you I’d vote for any candidate who didn’t visit. Why not go to your enemies’ territory and totally fuck up their commutes? Let your supporters drive to/from work in peace.
Was flying from White Plains to ATL several years ago and they kept delaying all the flights down the coast. “Weather”, except that everybody’s looking at their phones and knowing that’s not true. When everybody was finally getting on the plain, the pilot came on in a smart-alecky happy voice with basically “Welcome aboard everybody. I just wanted to let you know that the weather’s great, and we were stuck because your president (Obama at the time) was flying to make a speech.”
Good morning, Sloop!
Late to the party because it’s Friday for me and, naturally, all hell broke loose.
How can that record be nearly 40 years old?!?
For me, the issue between an ethical healthy cult, where you’re free to think and free to leave, versus a destructive cult. I’m referring to Trump’s organization and followership as a destructive cult, where people are being fed propaganda and they’re not being encouraged to think for themselves. They’re not being encouraged to really explore and look at the details and arrive at their own conclusion. Much of what they’re hearing is emotionally driven, loaded words, thought-stopping and thought-terminating-type clichés like “fake news” or “build the wall” or “make America great again.”
Uh… yeah. Totally different than Team FUD.
thought-stopping and thought-terminating-type clichés like “fake news”
I’m old enough to remember when it was the Corporate Media who started using the term fake news.
No campaign prior to Trump ever used slogans or catch-phrases.
Jesus, these people are a parody.
Not only is their thinking mendacious (I am being graceful here and assuming there is some thinking), but they can’t see how the accusations they make towards their political opponents practically always are a reflection of their own behaviors. I used to think they accused their enemies of their own actions and thoughts as some kind of strategy, but now I am wondering if this is just stupidity at work.
The corporate press has done an excellent job of getting people to suspend all skepticism and critical thinking when watching their programming. I know people who get all their news from CNN and MSNBC and really do think that Trump is a Russian puppet who conspired with a foreign government to crush Biden, and they’re not dumb people – their mind just shuts off when Brian Stelter or Don Lemon start speaking.
They can watch Fox News and spot every single insinuation, half-truth, lie by omission, and logical fallacy, but that all goes away when it’s one of the “reputable” networks. It’s scary.
Loaded words like “white supremacist” or “Nazi”? Thought-stopping phrases like “climate change denier” or “white privilege”?
Progressives Try New Strategy To Win The Hearts Of Americans: Interrupting College Football
“We’ve tried blocking traffic, chanting during baseball games, and screaming at people in restaurants, but people still don’t love us for some reason,” said one climate protester while she was being put into a squad car. “So now, by interrupting something most Americans don’t even like and probably no one even cares about, college football, we’ll get lots of praise and positive attention from your average Joe.”
“This is a surefire way to win the rural, red-state voters over to our cause.”
Greenland is getting colder.
Doesn’t fit the narrative… Someone will “fix” that data to allow them to claim the opposite is going on.
Climate is changing!, The world must never change!
Maybe we’re going to get that ’70s ice age after all.
We are. The sun is about to enter a(nother) Maunder minimum. The British Royal Astronomical Society published a paper several years ago about the “double dynamo” that is the sun’s ‘engine.’ Turns out they have a model with about a 97% confidence when run against known prior Earth temperatures, but as soon as it came out, it was attacked by the Warmistas and the RAS then soft-peddled the obvious conclusion – which is that we’re heading into a new cold spell. I can’t fucking wait for it.
And Leon’s getting larger.
:Runs off Sobbing!:
Picked a bad week to stop eating Ding Dongs, did ya?
huffing snowballs is healthier.
Haha, I fucking love that movie, and that character in particular.
Any predictions on the CFP rankings tonight?
I think it will be:
1. OSU
2. LSU
3. Clemson
4. UGA
5. Bama
6. Utah
7. Minnesota
8. Oklahoma
9. PSU
10. Florida
Saw Saban politicking for a spot this morning.
He should be. It’s not like they’d get in on the merit of their schedule.
The big win over Western Carolina didn’t impress you?
Clemson’s schedule isn’t all that impressive either.
True, and doG knows I hate Clemson and need no excuse to bag on them, but: no one has a great SoS.
Auburn and Iowa do . . . and each have three losses to show for it.
I like the regression models for these things, but when your SoS is 60th or so, those correlations really start to breakdown.
That looks pretty good. I Don’t see much change in the Top 4, with OSU taking 1 probably right.
In a just world Bama would be penalized for letting Western Carolina get 3 points on them. but they will probably end up taking #4 cause they won 66 to fucking bullshit. I actually would put OK at 7 ahead of Minnesota. Not sure if PSU stays at #9. I know they lost to #2 but it’s still a loss.
In a just world Bama would be penalized for
lettingplaying Western Carolina^This. I get that it’s how college ball works, but it’s still lame.
if PSU stays at #9
Not that it matters, but they should: They should be #8, the second-best two-loss team in the nation.
That looks about right. I think 6 and 7 are pretty interchangeable, as are 9 and 10.
What I enjoy about the CFP is the notion of the primacy of conference titles. When those are settled, we get down to brass tacks. Meanwhile, my own approach is something like this:
1. OSU
2. Clemson
3. LSU
4. Oklahoma
Those aren’t the four best teams, but conferences matter.
If we value point margin versus teams played, Bama is/was #3; I drop them ’cause Tua’s done, no small thing.
UGA is 5, but they play LSU in ATL; I see no purpose served in letting an excellent team back into the playoff if their better is already well-established.
That leaves OU with the best situation unless Utah proves something.
Just pointed a friend to this album. https://youtu.be/W0CBzKfvA80
Dropping it here as a semi-constructive addition to the conversation before getting my ass in gear.
French music? You can giiiiiiiiit out.
What’s wrong with French music (of Flame)
Me likey!
It’s not French. It’s Brazilian. Clearly bossa nova.
I prefer French TV
I am full of fail today. I guess it is French.
Her voice! I don’t care what she is saying, just keep saying it.
Reminds me a bit of Trish Keenan of Broadcast
I think I like it. It wouldn’t be difficult for me to acquire that taste.
I’m a fan. They put out 3 albums of material, but she died of swine flu and the band broke up.
Try this: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0BVvvvU2QQCu4s_772dhQNVLRARmzvH4
I like it. Kind of a GoGo Penguin meets Lounge Lizards vibe
My brother in law is obsessed with this chick. Which is a little odd, considering his wheelhouse is more Slayer.
If you don’t know this one already Mo, I think you dig.
(Also from a really great documentary which you don’t need to like racing to enjoy).
Loved it from the first bar.
“White house Reveals Names of Turkeys to be Pardoned”
Adolf and Vasily?
Adam and Nancy….
is the t in tsunami really silent?
Couldn’t even get the font to match up in an image of text?
I pronounce it as a glottal stop.
No. You form the “tsu” sound differently from “su”. How distinct it sounds is also influenced by the sound the precedes it as well.
Right, its like in a space battle, the good guy fighters shoot, bigger, slower lazers that go “tsu-tsu-tsu” and the bad guy fighters have lighter, faster lazers that go “sususususu” and the good guy fighters blow up and go “blllllorsh” and the bad guy fighter blow up and go “keperffff” and then the capital ships show up and they all have the really big photon cannons that go “thhhhhrip…. thhhhrip…..thhhhrip”.
Sadly, I understood all of that.
*ponders life choices that led to this point*
My answer denotes regional differences, I guess. When I went to BYU, I was told I had a southern accent, which of course, NOBODY has an accent to their own ears. OTOH, I have noticed lately that I’ve gotten lazy in my speech and sounding more and more like an uneducated hillbilly.
When I was younger, I had the unfortunate tendency to unconsciously adopt the accent of the person I was speaking to. I’m sure it sounded as bad as Hillary when she tries to be provincial.
I’ve caught myself doing that.
It’s normal, I suspect. But I do it anyway.
Except Yankee stuff: my years in the MidWest only stiffened my resolve to not be like that. I’m a total jerk that way: correcting someone’s Latin in the slowest drawl possible.
Mein Deutsch runs to Schwäbisch because my contacts are in Stuttgart (so I’m a hick in at least two countries).
Then there is sympathy. I have an Irish golf mate, so I’m ruined by lunch on Saturday. My brogue came from his, so he turbocharges my inherited inclinations.
Same with Scottish. I watched that Scotch documentary on Prime this weekend and was unbearable for at least an hour afterward.
I’ve caught myself lapsing into “Western New York” when I get agitated.
I mostly lapse into incoherence so western new york isn’t so bad.
Enh, that’s part of it.
Papa John’s founder says the chain’s pizza tastes different after eating more than 40 in 30 days
“I’ve had over 40 pizzas in the last 30 days, and it’s not the same pizza, it’s not the same product,” Schnatter said in an interview with WDRB, a Louisville, Kentucky Fox affiliate.
Damn, just liquidate the rest of your shares and move on.
That’s just not healthy, man.
Beyond that, I dunno if eating the same fucking thing over and over provides a good perspective on flavor.
I’m not sure anything give me any reason to give a shit about chain pizza being true to their roots.
He is, but you cant dump that much all at once.
As of end of October, he owns 2.9 million shares. That is over $120MM.
Math hard, $179MM, which is over 120.
He has nearly 3 days worth of average volume. Gonna take awhile to get rid of it.
If he was real ballsy he’d dump it in one session just to fuck the current executive suite out of its bonuses.
huh, I guess the slur incident happened just over a year ago. it seems like it has been forever.
Yeah, she’s not coming back, bro. Time to move on.
Honestly, Papa John’s is one of our go-to delivery options for days when neither of us can be bothered to so much as boil water, and I haven’t noticed a difference. No offense to Mr. Schnatter, but at its absolute best it’s good enough. If the local place that actually does a reasonably close facsimile of a “New York style” pizza delivered, I’d call them instead.
Save teh Intarwebz
Ahead of a conference in Berlin Monday, Berners-Lee tweeted a warning of the risks faced.
He wrote: “If we fail to defend the free and open web, we risk a digital dystopia of entrenched inequality and abuse of rights.”
Maybe everything he wants to do is perfectly correct and unassailably rational, but I have reached the point where any time I hear that “entrenched inequality” bullshit, I stop reading.
If I’m interested in learning more about reliable data transport, Berners-Lee has a lot of demonstrated competence and we should listen to him. On sociological issues, he’s just some fuck head with an un-tanned asshole and an opinion like everyone else.
Same here. “Inequality”, “privilege”, and “black/brown/female/[demographic] bodies” are like handy signals that I can safely ignore the rest of whatever that person is saying.
So, literally the people responsible for turning the web into a centralized dystopia with entrenched inequality and abuse of rights? Fuck off and die.
“Look at this Herb, they want us to sign on to some woke crap.”
“Yeah, OK, whatever.” *signs*
(Post)Modern communication is mostly about signaling where you stand on an issue.
You’re intuition is correct – it’s mostly drivel + moar government.
Pfffttttt…. what a bunch of useless, vapid bullshit.
His Solid project is more interesting and could actually lead to some changes though https://solid.mit.edu/
Yeah, that is the sort of thing he needs to focus on.
I cannot think of a better way to decimate access and product quality than to have the government undertake an initiative to make sure that everyone has access.
But it’s worked so well for healthcare.
Now excuse me while I deal with submitting hardcopy of my annual insurance-premiums-increase form.
Frontier Comfort Food In The Cabin – 18th Century Welsh Rabbit
i don’t know why but I find this channel calming
Oh man, that’s right up my alley. I love living history stuff.
I, too, enjoy some Townsends. I don’t really intend on reenacting and I haven’t even tried a recipe yet, but for some reason I find it entertaining to watch.
Turns out they have a model with about a 97% confidence when run against known prior Earth temperatures, but as soon as it came out, it was attacked by the Warmistas and the RAS then soft-peddled the obvious conclusion – which is that we’re heading into a new cold spell.
A few years back a couple of Italian seismologists were charged with manslaughter for failing to predict an earthquake. Like everyone else, I thought the entire matter was insane. But, the mangling of science we’ve seen to support political agendas has made me wonder about my original evaluation. Is there some point where politicized scientists demanding authority over others’ lives and property should be held to some level of account for getting it right? “Whoops, my bad. I didn’t think it would work out that way.” seems insufficient when scientists short circuit the scientific method to arrive at a politically expedient result.
An overhand-right delivered to the nose as punishment would get my vote. There’s nothing like busting some smug cunte right in the chops to bring the Universe back into balance. Think about it – suppose the penalty for making
incorrect hypothesesup bullshit, politicized science used to affect other people’s livelihood was well-approved of by society as a single punch square in the face by some iron worker. I would BET that the amount of bullshit would be decreased by some thing like 1.57 x 10^17 %.(It’s why hockey, rugby, and other sports that allow *some* relatively light vigilante justice are more polite places, filled with a lot less bullshit, than broader society. QED.)
Yeah, that seems about right. And I agree with your larger point. Some degree of “dueling culture”, even if it’s social acceptance of a punch in the mouth for certain behaviors, is probably a social positive.
Jason Stapleton (and that hippie co-host dude) discussed that on the show the other day: if there’s not some kind of acceptable release valve for low-level violence (boys wrestling, decking someone who insulted your mother, etc.) then the only kind of violence you’re going to get is the explosive, catastrophic kind. It may not be ideal, but it’s better than this situation now where we have hyper-policing of any physical altercations and you can go to jail and/or lose your job if you lay a finger on another person for any reason.