It’s Thanksgiving and by the time you see this you are probably already at someone else’s home, have a bunch of guests at your home, and/or are drunk. I know my audience. In other words, if you can ambulate right now it’s a minor miracle. This is my review of walking as exercise.
Before The Founders (Peace Be Upon Them) started this place, my beer palate was quite limited. I drank Pacifico, the occasional Sam Adams, and Hefeweizen. I still like all those beers. I just didn’t realize how much more was out there.
Mexican Sharpshooter and Nephilium kept writing and discussing different beers. A number of different miscreants neerdowells borderline alcoholics commenters discussed any number of beers they enjoyed. Many of the brand names were unfamiliar. I was aware of some of the beer types, but many were new. Kolsch? Saisson? What the hell were those? I have no idea why I had dismissed so many different beers with so many different flavor profiles. I had a hole in my mind.
Somewhere along the way there was a discussion of stouts. Sorry I don’t remember everyone who participated but I thank you all for your suggestions. I literally took notes (and still have them). I tried Founders Breakfast Stout and had the same epiphany as Barney Gumble when he first tried beer. It may be the best beer I’ve ever had. I really do want to have it with breakfast on a lazy weekend morning.
Someone suggested Deschutes Obsidian Stout. Good stuff. Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout was supposed to be as good as Founders. It was good but not great IMO. I had no idea what you people were talking about when discussing mouth feel. Now I do.
While Founders is my gold standard, it is also pricy. It’s $12 for a four pack at my local Total Wine. So, I went looking for some alternatives. I gave Anderson Valley Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout a try. It is good and about half the cost of Founders.
While in Trader Joes I stumbled upon Stockyard Oatmeal Stout. I think I paid $6 for six pack. I enjoyed it. It’s not Founders but at one third the price it’s my new everyday stout.
Since you are all drinking like fish today (except Mojeaux of course), throw in your suggestions for wheat beers. I love Hefeweizen. The hefe I had in Germany was mother’s milk. I want to go back just to drink more. But there has to be more to the wheat beer category that I’m missing.
Also, a sincere, hearty thanks to The Founders, everyone who has ever written an article, and the commentariat. You have enriched my life and gotten me through a difficult Thanksgiving or two.
Walking as exercise is better than sitting on your ass. At least you are moving so you will burn a few calories and possibly clear your head. If you are seriously overweight, it may be your only current exercise option. Do it if it’s all that is available to you. Walking as exercise 1.5/5.
Someone suggested Deschutes Obsidian Stout.
That is a damn fine beer.
I actually haven’t drunk that much today. Just a little boozy coffee. My first beer tonight will be Backwoods Bastard, but there are two things I want to do before opening it up.
I want to finish cleaning the bore of my Lee-Speed. I discovered after I bought it that it had a lot of copper fouling in it. I decided to defer cleaning it and defer the other work it needs. I decided to tackle some of the huge pile of gun cleaning and maintenance I’ve deferred, and started with properly cleaning the bore on this rifle. The other work it needs (fix the loose buttstock and loose volley sights) will come at another time. After tackling the loose buttstock I can shoot it.
Before the Sun sets, I want to bring some firewood in for a fire. Once I light the fire, I’m going to shut down, drink beer, and read.
As for GlibFit and my back problems:
I had my second shot last Monday. It was more painful than the first. Recovery from the shot pain went faster than the first time. We’ll see if this shot does the trick and I’m pain free.
When I had my chat with the doc that performed the shot, he told me to “be more mobile. Walk more, move around more.” I realized I have been spending a lot of time sitting while at work and at home, so I have begun putting effort into walking more even if it is just pacing around the house a bit. The doc also said that I can get one more shot, and if that shot doesn’t do it for me, I’ll need to consider surgery.
I was discharged from physical therapy yesterday. I’ve improved enough and do enough of the work on my own that my physical therapist sees no point in my continuing to come and spend money on appointments. He told me that if things start getting worse or I get the surgery, to call them up and they will re-evaluate me.
I had the series of shots a few years ago. The first one was great and it helped a lot. The second one they gave me way too much local anesthetic and I lost consciousness. I woke up across the room getting emergency treatment. I skipped the third one.
The doc I saw doesn’t use local anesthetic. More possibilities for complications, the procedure takes longer, and what type of pain the patient feels is another one of his checks (he has several) that he is in the right place.
“I actually haven’t drunk that much today.”
Don’t worry, I’m making it up for you. All beer, but all good.
I’m about to ready to shut everything off and relax a bit. I’m not quite done with cleaning the Lee-Speed’s bore. A fire is going in the fireplace. It’s time to drink and read. I doubt I’ll catch up with you.
I hope this means you are on the path to good health DEG.
Thanks. I’m hopeful. I don’t want to go through a third shot, and I really really don’t want surgery.
Due the excess alcohol calories I consume, I’d be 300 lbs of lard if not for the 12000 steps bi get per day. Plus it does indeed clear my head of cob webs.
I walked around a golf course yesterday after work. Every so often I would dig a small ditch with an oddly shaped shovel. Good conversation with my fellow walkers from time to time. I did see a mosquito and I thought a tooth seemed loose so I had a couple of G&T to help with the threats of malaria and scurvy.
TJ’s has good prices for their beer which I appreciate.
We are sitting in Kia van with the heater on, beer and tea in hand, waiting for a nice Thanksgiving meal, Enjoy the Day!
Tall Cans!
God bless you, Yusef. Hope you stop living in the van soon. Did I say, get out of Cali? It’s worth a try at least. We have tall cans here on the other coast too. Pretty sure, they have them everywhere in between as well.
Getting out of North Venezuela is the plan, right?
Yep AZ is the place to be, plus maybe my old job back as well
Happy Thanksgiving!
Oddly enough, we’ve seen 2 cars with Cali plates show up recently in our parking lot. Jesus, people so desperate to leave Cali that they decided on Baltimore? I don’t even have anything else to say.
Thanks Hype, we are leaving early next week to hopefully sign papers on a rental house, til then, we are bailing to a motel tommorow, it’s too cold and not healthy
Yusef, did you do something like a GoFundMe page? I can’t remember. If you did, can you post the link again? If you didn’t, you should, bro.
Here you go:
Thank you.
God bless you, Yusef and Wendy!
Thanks Mo, I’m going to run my van heater off and on tonight, then Motel 6 Hesperia til Sunday, then back to Ontario for two days then back to AZ, fun times…. Not
Best wishes! I hope you get out of this situation soon.
I don’t think that the time between now and New Years is much of a good time to focus on fit. I’ve already gained about 10 lbs back of the 60 I lost. I’m sure I can take it back off again quickly with less food and beer, but I’ll focus on that after the New Years.
Mrs. Tardis says she is not waiting for the new year. I agree. The new year bullshit hasn’t worked before, so we are starting before Christmas. Stop the insanity, I say. It should be easier for us since we are not sweet addicts.
I feel bad sometimes because it is so much easier for me to lose weight.
Well, for me, it’s all about beer. I’m pretty sure if I stop beer for about a week, I’ll be back to my previous weight. I walk/run about 5-10 miles a day, so that helps. But my diet is good, or so I think. I don’t like sweets at all, I’d prefer a good dill pickle to a cookie.
Nonsense. It’s your life. Take control of it.
Focus on what you can, make changes you can keep up. my workout routine has disappeared this week (prep and cleaning were a higher priority). Next week isn’t looking any better (traveling for a board game convention). Once I’m back, the workout routine is coming back, my goal is still in sight for April.
If you can’t walk for your fitness, start with squatting. Most people can’t squat for shit anyway. And I don’t mean with weights. I mean, as in, getting your head and ass and ankles all re-acquainted with one another. Yes, below parallel – otherwise you develop muscle imbalances that will inevitably result in more stress on your knees and those tendons. A big part of fitness – real fitness – includes flexibility. So start by sitting on the ground and just stretching out – doesn’t matter how pathetic it is. Start stretching.
And if you find you can’t get down and get back up – guess what? You have a new goal for the year. Functional, independent living includes the ability to pick one’s own ass up off of the floor should the need arise. CDC stats every year show that falling is among the top killers of both the very old and the very young.
But, don’t beat yourself up on Turkey Day. Enjoy it, but start building in some habits between now and Christmas that will make it easier to keep your New Year’s fitness resolutions.
“If you can’t walk for your fitness”
I lost 60 lbs doing that.
Flexibility is also knowing what works with your body. I’m double jointed, which means I can still bend in ways that most can’t, and quite a few stretches don’t stretch anything for me, or make it even easier for me to injure myself if I do them wrong in any way (I can also pretty much be certain of rolling/twisting an ankle at least once a year). Pay attention to form, and know yourself.
I’m just sooo in that buzz zone, ya’ll know what I’m talking about? Comfortably numb?
Mmm. Pretending to watch the smoked turkey….
The last few years, I raced a 5K on T’giving morning. This year I had to skip it – way too much work. But I’ll get in my usual 13-15 miles of walking before the day is finally over, so that’s something.
Tday is hitting one speed bump after another. At this point, I’d even eat at Cracker Barrel.
How about Arby’s?
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let’s not get crazy here!
What about that Chick fil A joint” I hear they’ve got woke recently. I mean, if something’s working, stop doing it, right?
Boston Market should be open until 6.
I love Arby’s. Their gyros are serviceable in an area where I can’t get one.
Sadly, Mr Mojeaux is not a fan.
It’s the sauce. You can put that stuff on rocks and make them taste better.
This is true and I don’t even like cukes. But you’ll pry my tzatziki out of my cold, dead hands.
Mojeaux, I’ve got plenty of left over cookies if that will help… Lemon pepper (these were the most popular), double chocolate steel cut oats, and gingersnaps.
I’m thankful that Bloomberg is using his billions for good by taking over every channel this fine holiday.
He’s still just wishing that science can make him over 4 ft tall. Maybe if he was world leader, that might happen.
Strong competition from “NYC’s Only Casino”, though. WTF are they shilling for this early?
Being in a remote state that reliably gives the Dem four electoral votes has an advantage. We get very few political TV ads out here, even from Bloomie.
79 degrees and sunny with sea breezes. I am holding off on the aged nog until tryptophan time but enjoying some cognac and football.
He’s not advertising in Idaho, either.
Same here. I assume Mike’s ads are national. You’re not getting them??
Not a one.
Too deplorable to save, you lot.
He’s been all over the KC market. Not relentlessly yet, but often enough to be highly annoying
+1 Tom Steyer
B-roll actors need work too
Yep AZ is the place to be, plus maybe my old job back as well
Happy Thanksgiving!
Good luck.
Thanks, and have a great turkey day!
I’m thankful that Bloomberg is using his billions for good by taking over every channel this fine holiday.
I just saw my first one. Emphasizing “MIKE” makes him totally likeable. I wasn’t sure, but now I’m for him. Another example of the special brand of genius exemplified by political consultants.
It’s working for Mayor Pete.
Mayor Pete is pretty blank slate – Bloomers has a record as a hard-ass law & order authoritarian. Also, he’s a rich fuck. National Review will endorse him before Vox does. (But only if he doesn’t go squishy on stop & frisk.)
No kidding. Some of the “right” media (like the NY Sun) is all over him for exactly that reason.
And he tried to get those evil sodas away from poor people. Those dirty slobs shouldn’t be allowed to make their own decisions.
/NR editorial board
At least the Sun cheerfully stated they would never endorse Mike! in the general. They just think he’s the sanest Dem.
He already did.
Petey is irrelevant. No one can even pronounce his name ( Butt Gig?), and he reminds everyone of Dennis the Menace.
Go Bills!!!
That is all.
My second favorite NFL team is whomever is playing Dallas.
^^^This guy gets it.
(happy turkey day, dbleagle!)
Same to you Hayek.
Here’s hoping for your happy Thanksgiving Rhywun.
Right back atcha.
If the Chiefs crap out before or during the playoffs and the Bill’s are still alive I’m jumping on that bandwagon. Why not? They’re always ignored by the national media, I hear good things about the fanbase, and I like an underdog.
I have no idea what other people hear about the fanbase. And I lived in Bills territory for 27 years.
I’ve heard they’re as rowdy and passionate at the games as Chiefs fans, and Arrowhead holds the world record for outdoor crowd noise. If the Bill’s stadium was the same size they might rival that. I also hear they tailgate well.
That sounds about right.
/recalls all the “wear your Bills gear to work” days
My favorite Buffalo fans were responsible for this.
“If the Chiefs crap out before or during the playoffs”
It’s their specialty.
Happy Turkey Day, Faders fan! I’m going to enjoy shit talking here while the Chiefs kick Chokeland’s booty!
Dude, that’s fucking lame. If the New York Jets can skunk us, any high school team should be able to.
That really was surprising. I get that it was a trap game, but they should have woken up for the second half.
In the big picture, the Raiders are still just one game behind the Chiefs. Mahomes sucks, let’s just admit it. Against an elite defense, he can’t get it done. The Pats already proved that. The guy has no rear view mirror at all, so all a rushing defense has to do is get behind him and even if he sees them, he can’t escape.
A trumpet solo national anthem. Good call. Just don’t get all crazy at the finale, dude.
Yep. Can’t go wrong with the clear, solemn tones of a trumpet for the NA.
I’m doing a reverse GlibFit. I’ve mentioned before that I lost a lot of weight after having a non-bleeding stomach ulcer. I went from 200lbs, which was the heaviest I’ve ever been, down to under 160lbs. I’m back up to 170-175lbs, but feel most comfortable around 180-185lbs. It’ll be nice to have ass-cheeks again.
*helping myself to a third slice of pumpkin pie*
Happy Thanksgiving, all.
Ass cheeks photos or it didn’t happen? Won’t someone think of the Glibbroads?
I’m not in the habit of taking pics of my body parts, call me old fashioned.
Why do you hate women?
Rhywun put you up to this, didn’t he?
Almost ready for feasting, Thank the Glibs, Huzzah!
I have Zeke starting on my FF team and this is week one of my playoffs. So, go Zeke!
Doin’ right ain’t got no end
Acting deputy Homeland Security Secretary Ken Cuccinelli was reportedly forced to leave an event on Thanksgiving eve after former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley blasted him for carrying out the Trump administration’s immigration policies.
The incident allegedly took place at the Dubliner, an Irish pub on Capitol Hill where Cuccinelli and O’Malley were said to be attending an event with fellow graduates of Gonzaga College High School, according to the Washington Post, which first reported the encounter.
“Martin O’Malley just drove Ken Cuccinelli out of the Dubliner in DC w/ a passion-laced and shame-invoking tirade on behalf of immigrant refugee children!!!” Siobhan Arnold, who’s identified as a Villanova University media relations associate and was reportedly at the bar, tweeted late Wednesday.
Speaking to the Post, Arnold said O’Malley used Cuccinelli’s grandparents in a bid to shame him, a remark which she said Cuccinelli barely responded to.
“O’Malley was shouting,” Arnold told the Post. “I don’t think Cuccinelli was responding. I think he’s like, ‘Time to go. Just got here and I’m leaving.’ He pretty much retreated.”
O’Malley, the former Democratic governor of Maryland from 2006 to 2014, and a 2016 presidential candidate who withdrew his White House bid after an early defeat in the Iowa caucuses, defended his actions to the Post.
“We all let him know how we felt about him putting refugee immigrant kids in cages — certainly not what we were taught by the Jesuits at Gonzaga,” O’Malley said in a text to the Post, adding that Cuccinelli is “the son of immigrant grandparents who cages children for a fascist president.”
Christ, what a cunte.
They really don’t want to win next year.
Well, I mean unless by wining, you mean getting complete power, abolishing the electoral college system and dismantling the Constitution. Xi would be envious.
It’s bizarre isn’t it?
They are so stuck in the “I don’t know ANYONE who voted for Nixon!” Mindset that they can’t connect to actual human beings.
They have a good (evil) plan: control the media, control the education system, increase dependency on govt) but then they over reach too soon.
I am happy they have no discipline.
I still think that the feminism vs transgender collision and the LGB vs Islam collision are going to join the sane democrats out of their stupor.
“Jolt” not join.
But I’m sure former Democratic governor of Maryland from 2006 to 2014 Mike O’Malley totally cares about refugee immigrant kids! Can’t you just hear the passion and caring in his words?!
Last I remember, when he got kicked out of office and was unable to get his chosen toady elected, he wound up at the JHU Carey Business School teaching some class on economics. The irony, it fucking burns. Anyway, he was focusing on getting weed legalized so his crony buds could capitalize. Not sure what happened to him after, a failed attempt to get the dem nomination is all I remember.
It may be the Ls and Gs vs the Ts before the TERFs gain any traction.
I’ve actually dropped about 10 pounds since being sick, probably on account of not drinking alcohol and eating little else besides soup.
Still, I’m going apeshit not being able to exercise. We had a warm spell last week, and it absolutely killed me that I couldn’t go out and run. Oh well, gotta focus on getting better.
This game is already making want to pour an early drink. ?
Did Barry Sanders score yet?
Yeah, probably right after his guest commentary spot on the Bears v Lions game.
Bills defense has shown up. Not so much their offense.
That fourth down run, though!
…and that!
Not dead yet! Looks like they need a new kicker, though. Jeez.
It’s a cold, snowy, lazy day, here at the Fortress of Solitude. Watching some footsball, waiting on my turkey pot pie to attain a state of hot juicy goodness. I’ll be having mashed potatoes with it. So there.
I am happy they have no discipline.
Seriously. Some of those people make the Westboro Baptist Church look like paragons of restrained and respectful civility.
I thought the civility and tone police is why people voted for Trump.
Anderson Valley is an awesome brewery and makes my one of my favorite pale ales (which is also my favorite beef style) in Poleeko Gold. Marvelous stuff that. Anchor Steam and Sierra Nevada are my general everyday beer cause they rock and I can get cases for 25 bucks at Costco, with Pacifico and Modelo thrown in for extra hot weather or camping (or being in Mexico). If you like the real dark stuff Chafed you should check out Anchor Porter, they generally have it at BevMo. That is my favorite porter.
Thanks KSwell. I’ll file that one away.
Happy Thanksgiving Glibs! I just want want to thank once again the TPTB for creating and maintaining this wonderful site. I lurk everyday, rarely posting (being on the west coast, by the time I can post something, the tread is dead already), but find everyone here very informed, intelligent and entertaining. This is one of my main go to sites on the net. As I am about to lose my last sibling (sister) to cancer in the next few days (all 3 died, dying before 58yrs of age- my genes apparently suck), I am especially thankful for the life we have and the good times we have as well. I will enjoy the company of friends and family today with good food and wine.
Peace to everyone!
I’m sorry to hear about your sister. My condolences.
I’m sorry about your sister.
Cheers to you in your wine.
And May your sister’s final breath be in painless peace.
We’re all in this mess together.
I’m sorry about your sister. Best wishes for you and your family.
I’m sorry to hear about your sister.
My best wishes to your sister and your family.
We’re always here, Dep. The sadness will dissipate but will never go away. We have to be happy that we had our siblings in our life, even if it wasn’t long enough.
I just purchased some Founder’s Scotch Ale and Porter yesterday. The Scotch Ale is good, the porter tastes like shit. I was very disappointed.
This morning my son and I participated in the Marietta, GA Gobble Jog 5K. I felt it went well, better than previous years. I still haven’t lost any weight. But my arms look less like twigs, so progress.
What makes Scotch ale different from pale ale?
Much less bitter. I can’t drink most IPAs, but a Scotch Ale is right up my alley.
Good to know. Thanks. I also don’t like IPAs but have had a number of pale ales I’ve enjoyed.
The Founder’s Porter is considered a benchmark. Do you have other porters you prefer over that one?
There was one I drank at the local pub a couple of weeks ago. That is the fucking shit, I’m telling you, on tap
Ohio Porter
Right now I’m drinking Samuel Smith’s Oatmeal Stout.
Yeah, Edmund Fitzgerald and Black Butte are both pretty good as well as Samuel Smith’s Taddy Porter. Founders is excellent though. The SS Oatmeal Stout is great. New Holland’s Poet might be my favorite Oatmeal Stout though. I have a couple bottles of Samuel Smith Nut Brown Ale in the fridge right now.
It’s better at the brewery…
Which is ~10 miles from my house. They released their Ohio City Oatmeal Stout in bottles this year as well.
I’m out for the night. I’m going to drink beer, read, and enjoy the fire. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
And everyone left. R&R time:)
Good on the Bills for tying it up.
Go fuck yourself, Emmitt.
Any other Cowboy cheerleaders CBS wants to bring into the commentary booth? WTF.
Aikman, and Emmit, And Irvin, and the boys. Shut up, you hater! America’s team!
“Yeah, he missed it!”
Ya’ll and you foozball and all your fancy foozball friens, ya’ll going to hell, I invented electricity!
Have another beer Hyp.
Don’t mind if I do.
Given that Bloomers will fail to gain any traction – even the “moderates” don’t want someone whiter, richer and meaner than Palpatine – who’s next? Will it be “The Clinton Saga, Part IV : Rise of the Lich Queen”? Or “Obama 2 : Wookie Boogaloo”? Or both?
It’s just going to be fail all around. They’re so woke, they hate everyone. But here’s my prediction:
They lose to Trump by about the same margin as in 2016.
I haven’t really seen anything in the past several months to change my mind about that.
Kicking over the farmer’s apple cart while they’re making good coin at the market is always a winning strategy.
I don’t think the Dems have done anything at all to win over new voters. They may have galvanized their hardcore supporters, but they still only get one vote per person.
All the Democrat Party has put forth is insane far-left policies that scare away any reasonable person. Yea, they have a bunch of bullshit about Trump in the news, but most of his supporters already (quite rightly) distrust the media, so I don’t see that having much of an effect.
Good analysis.
They only get one vote per person, but it isn’t the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes. I’m pessimistic.
Chicago is already in the Ds pocket.
I can’t see Warren taking the junior position, especially for that fuck-up Biden.
Really? If they win it puts her first in line with Team Blue for the top spot. Given Biden’s health problems it’s not impossible she could get it sooner than expected.
True. But she’ll be seething inside at having to play second fiddle.
That’s true.
There’s an opening for someone new. Warren and Sanders scare too many people & too much money. (Also she made “she’s got a plan for that” into a punchline.) But Biden is so senile and corrupt that people are starting to notice; the minorities essential in the general are resoundingly unenthusiastic about Mayor Pete; and everyone else has been judged and found wanting.
Bloomers saw the opening, but he has too much baggage to actually take advantage.
I saw your comment on my comment on cricket the other day long afterward. I’m still trying to process out Cricket South Africa can PROJECT a $40m loss in the next four years and just let it happen. Of course, none of them compare to the ongoing clusterf that is American cricket.
At least no-one expects anything of American cricket. SA is supposed to be, you know, relevant. (And they *are* doing something! Quotas! And subsidising a T20 tournament no-one watches!)
I don’t like Cricket
A Test match can take 40 hours – that’s a whole lotta beer time, bro.
“There’s an opening for someone new.”
No, there isn’t. There are no new Marxists.
Please be both. The cage fight between them would be epic. By the time of the general election the devastation to the Dems will be horrific. DT will bring out every scrap of 2016 Dem collusion with foreign entities and both are vulnerable to having it stick like epoxy in a carpet.
I think they both want to, but the timing is tricky – dangerous to jump too early, dangerous to get beaten to the draw.
Rhywun’s Thanksgiving just got a little better.
What? Did he get laid? I’m jealous, the wife is asleep and my chance of sneaking down to the village and picking up some ho is too risky. Fuck.
The Bills came alive and scored to take the lead. As for getting laid, only Rhywun knows for sure.
Yeah, my Thanksgiving isn’t going to get THAT good.
Go Epstein it up.
She’ll probably wake up and kill me in my sleep. Still tempting.
The guests have left, the leftovers are packed, and dishes are being washed now.
The joking tale was the year of failure for me. Biscuits didn’t rise, popovers didn’t pop, beerimisu failed to set (to my liking), I almost messed up a cake taking out the first slice… but the flavors were all there, one family member wound up taking a nap, I’ve got a howler (32 oz.) of sangria, and everyone left with leftovers.
For wheat beers, Bell’s Winter White (now renamed to Bright White) is a nice Belgian wit, and the Trader Joe’s Hefeweizen (22 oz. bottles) was pretty good at ~$3 a bomber back in the day when fresh (which was the problem, no date coding on the bottles).
Thanks for the suggestions Neph. I’ve had TJ’s hefeweisen and liked it. Bells appears to have very limited distribution in California. I’ll look for Bright White but don’t recall seeing it before. Any alternate suggestions? Allagash maybe?
Also, behold the B5 link.
Allagash is good. Hoegaarden is the original, and a pale model of its original self, but still good. St Bernardus Wit was the last beer Pierre Celis consulted on before his death ( RIP).
For a wit bier… The Allagash white is amazing, but I can’t even find that here in Ohio any more. If you get St. Bernardus out there, their Wit is damned good (but nothing compared to their Abt. 12). If you get Funkwerks, their White is quite good as well, or the Blanche de Chamblay from Unibroue if you can deal with the Quebecois.
Holy City Hefeweizen is good. Which is a high complement from me as most hefes piss me off ( because I love great ones so much).
What’s your opinion on the Sierra Nevada Kellerweis? I was a huge fan of that one.
Holy Turkey! Yusef needs a safety nap, great food
Just as long as someone is manning the scary gun. I mean the black one with a thing that goes up.
We’re covered behind the siege gates, hoping for a clean escape from the Calizombies in the morning, wish us luck,
Thinking of you, bro, you guys go get it done!
There is food all over the table and wife went to sleep. fuck this shit, I need to drink more.
Clean up is for others, except rinsing plates and cutlery, which is chill..
Orphans, man, don’t forget we all have orphans.
Take your Thanksgiving nap with these fine specimens.
Turkey Day titties.
Archive down…
Thanksgiving greetings from somewhere west of Grand Cayman. My father in law (Mrs. Shpip and I’s only surviving parent) showed his ass last Thanksgiving, so the missus decided not to cook this year. We booked a week on Crystal Cruises instead.
I’ve seen some discussion about cruising on various threads here and there, but I can heartily recommend Crystal for an unfussy, relaxed vibe. The food is excellent, and someone is always nearby ready to refill your drink.
Bonus: the ship is broadcasting all three NFL games today, either in the theater or in your stateroom.
Fuck off, Tulpa!
So you cruised away from here?
It’s a good thing I muted the teevee. Just by looking at the “singer” I can tell it’s awful.
In the lull between first and second helpings myself. Roasted turkey breast and crockpot beef stew. Topped off with a homemade pumpkin pie.
Can’t decide on Old Fashion or Manhattan. Maybe just strait rye with an ice cube.
Manhattan here. ?
I thought you were in Brooklyn. :-p
I don’t have the ingredients for a Brooklyn.
We had a Butterball turkey breast, Stove Top, instant potatoes, and frozen veggies. I also made an apple crisp that I’ll dig into later.
Rye with a small ice cube. No need to be fancy. ?
Got home from the family festivities, downloading Civ VI with much thanks and praise be to Hyperion, about to open a beer and watch The Mule. Be back later tonight.
Ha, see you next week sometime.
Tomorrow’s another work day. Today was cleaning up bee equipment, tomorrow the same. Getting ready for a new season.
I’ve maintained the same weight for a few weeks, I guess that’s my natural weight. Damn, it’s tough to lose even a few lbs without really cutting back on the groceries.
Serious snow on the horizon for the week end but the snowblower checked out yesterday.
Bills score again ! 22-7.