It’s Thanksgiving and by the time you see this you are probably already at someone else’s home, have a bunch of guests at your home, and/or are drunk.  I know my audience. In other words, if you can ambulate right now it’s a minor miracle. This is my review of walking as exercise.

Before The Founders (Peace Be Upon Them) started this place, my beer palate was quite limited.  I drank Pacifico, the occasional Sam Adams, and Hefeweizen.  I still like all those beers.  I just didn’t realize how much more was out there.

Mexican Sharpshooter and Nephilium kept writing and discussing different beers.  A number of different miscreants neerdowells borderline alcoholics commenters discussed any number of beers they enjoyed.  Many of the brand names were unfamiliar.  I was aware of some of the beer types, but many were new.  Kolsch?  Saisson?  What the hell were those?  I have no idea why I had dismissed so many different beers with so many different flavor profiles.  I had a hole in my mind.

Somewhere along the way there was a discussion of stouts.  Sorry I don’t remember everyone who participated but I thank you all for your suggestions. I literally took notes (and still have them). I tried Founders Breakfast Stout and had the same epiphany as Barney Gumble when he first tried beer.  It may be the best beer I’ve ever had.  I really do want to have it with breakfast on a lazy weekend morning.

Someone suggested Deschutes Obsidian Stout.  Good stuff.  Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout was supposed to be as good as Founders.  It was good but not great IMO.  I had no idea what you people were talking about when discussing mouth feel.  Now I do.

While Founders is my gold standard, it is also pricy.  It’s $12 for a four pack at my local Total Wine.  So, I went looking for some alternatives.  I gave Anderson Valley Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout a try.  It is good and about half the cost of Founders.


While in Trader Joes I stumbled upon Stockyard Oatmeal Stout.  I think I paid $6 for six pack.  I enjoyed it.  It’s not Founders but at one third the price it’s my new everyday stout.


Since you are all drinking like fish today (except Mojeaux of course), throw in your suggestions for wheat beers.  I love Hefeweizen.  The hefe I had in Germany was mother’s milk.  I want to go back just to drink more. But there has to be more to the wheat beer category that I’m missing.

Also, a sincere, hearty thanks to The Founders, everyone who has ever written an article, and the commentariat.  You have enriched my life and gotten me through a difficult Thanksgiving or two.

Walking as exercise is better than sitting on your ass.  At least you are moving so you will burn a few calories and possibly clear your head.  If you are seriously overweight, it may be your only current exercise option.  Do it if it’s all that is available to you.  Walking as exercise 1.5/5.