SP and I are busy preparing for the Thanksgiving feast, turkeyless, but with plenty of good stuff in store. The white wines are chilling, the red wines are standing up, and Mom is wandering around asking, “Where’s the Publix roast chicken???” The TV is cued up for football. Real football, not that metric shit, and definitely not the Little League shit. If the rain pauses, I may go for a nice hike, so forgive me for abandoning the comments after a decent interval.
Just because it’s Thanksgiving doesn’t mean we skip birthdays, because today is the birth anniversary of a sadly neglected artist; half of a truly evil duo; a sadly neglected horn player; someone who liked rice a bit too much; a guy who shows up disproportionately in movies I love; and the absolute best producer ever. And now some news.
You realize this describes about 60% of this state?
This not exactly how capitalism is supposed to work.
We are being afflicted. It will not get better running up to the next election.
And in non-local news, Warren shows solidarity with her ancestors.
Old Guy Music today is from a guy I never saw live, dammit, Clifford Brown, and featuring one of today’s birthday honorees, Gigi Gryce. It absolutely swings.
This not exactly how capitalism is supposed to work. – eh depends on how good marketing this is
As long as the move was voluntary, it’s still capitalism.
The white wines are chilling, the red wines are standing up, – is the wine vegan? kosher? keto friendly?
French, so it runs and hides when it hears me speak German.
Does it hide in your belly?
If it knows what’s good for it, it does.
If the rain pauses, I may go for a nice hike, so forgive me for abandoning the comments after a decent interval.
Be careful out there.
Wow, that’s stupid.
It’s a metaphor for the impeachment process.
You mean they are all thinking they finally will get orange man, but then end up slipping and falling down on their asses?
I was listening to the latest Fifth Column podcast on the way home from work last night. After watching the recent hearings, even Kmele is saying it’s obvious bribery was involved (although he prefers things like supporting the Saudi’s massacre in Yemen as what presidents should be impeached for).
I really love this podcast. But, I think they’re blind to the bigger picture of why so many of us think this is a Democratic and deep state shit show.
I’ll criticize almost any government action besides disbanding itself, but considering it seems to be a recommendation rather than a characteristic ban, offers a simple workaround, and that as one of the most popular parks they probably deal with packs of morons, it ain’t that bad.
Is it? Clearly people are too stupid to do the obvious.
Darwinism is a good thing.. People stupid enough to do this shit should be given the opportunity to erm, cleanse themselves out of the gene pool..
If I was less lazy (and even a little skilled at photoshop) that picture would spawn a slippery slope meme…
I have an alibi. – you need one. the teacher, it seems, does not.
Can’t blame the kids for not knowing when to panic and when not to.
Parents/Media/Teachers: “Little Suzy, every stranger is a MOLESTER looking to drag you away and kill you in a horrible way. All your classmates are ticking timebombs who will shoot you and every one else if they so much as smell an AR.”
“Oh, BTW it is wrong to panic and spread rumors”
“Nobody goes there, anymore. It’s too crowded.”
In the 10 months we’ve been here, I still have never gone. Every time we pass one of their locations, there is (no shit) at least 20 cars in line. Usually more. Fuck that.
Someone brought me a cup of their coffee once, and I have to admit that it’s terrific. But I’m too old to spend that much time in line for a fucking cup of coffee.
Send your wife. She’s quite young.
The minimum driving age here is 16. And they ONLY have drive through.
When I lived there, they drive through everything. Video stores, liquor stores, even the payphones were setup so you didn’t have to leave your car. It’s that fucking hot there.
They all want cake.
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Is this one of those glibs attack autistic children things?
We are being afflicted. It will not get better running up to the next election.
502 Bad Gateway
I like it. More succinct.
Can’t you set up a VPN?
Not at work .
Work? On Thanksgiving, that’s so un-American.
Also it amuses me to keep posting these
We get a chuckle out of them as well.
Where do you get those anti (((them))) pics? Stormfront?
They send them to me. Usually with death threats.
You’re a good man, old but good. Your sense of humor is admirable. Life is to be enjoyed and not taken too seriously. “It ain’t over…”
They send them to me. Usually with death threats.
In fairness “They” are SP’s parents, not Stormfags (apologies to anyone gay, I just don’t know another insult for the denizens of Stormfront)
Married with children was one of the first American sitcoms widely watched in post commie Romania. Everyone liked it. I also remember it as funny. One of the first Romanain sitcoms was basically a married with children knockoff, something that happened in other Eastern European countries. I believe the problematic bits were the funniest.
I still can’t see a Ferguson toilet without laughing.
Came back to corpse-fuck the thread to say – the house we’re in now had Ferguson toilets when we bought it in ’07. First thing I told the wife was I felt just like Al Bundy.
Come on no love for Traci?
That’s a lovely view.
half of a truly evil duo;
I thought it was going to be one of these two, but as far as I can tell neither of them has a birthday today.
“Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., introduced a bill Wednesday that would posthumously revoke 20 Medals of Honor awarded to U.S. soldiers who slaughtered hundreds of Native Americans — mostly women and children — at the Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890.”
I’m so glad she got all the really important stuff fixed and completed before engaging in this bit of political theater.
Maybe she’ll give them to Kapernick.
Nah, Kap deserves a Purple Heart, with barbed wire cluster, for the anxiety he has suffered
I figured he had a wounded knee.
The pic of her sunning on the deck has a weird forced perspective. Or she’s 8 feet tall.
She likes midgets?
This is the opposite of thicc.
How on earth could she be thicc? She’s thin.
“The horrifying acts of violence against hundreds of Lakota men, women and children at Wounded Knee should be condemned, not celebrated with Medals of Honor,” Warren said in a statement. “The Remove the Stain Act acknowledges a profoundly shameful event in U.S. history, and that’s why I’m joining my House colleagues in this effort to advance justice and take a step toward righting wrongs against Native peoples.”
The proposal is co-sponsored by Democratic Sens. Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden of Oregon, Kamala Harris of California and Patrick Leahy and Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent. Several Native American tribes, including descendants of the victims, have backed the legislation along with veterans groups such as VoteVets and Veterans for Peace.
That’ll show Trump.
Ya gotta love the idiotic idea that people who were not victims should be apologized to by people who didn’t victimize anyone.
Do you even collectivist guilt, bruh?!
I certainly hope I never do. It must not only be exasperating to be that stupid, but it is also depressing.
” …someone who liked rice a bit too much…”
A different type of rice fever!
Rice pud-ding
I find it funny that all the 90’s shows my Baptist pastor railed against are the same ones the atheist left has their panties in a bunch over now.
I wonder if they’ll start claiming that there are subliminal Nazi messages imbedded in the pixels or the mantra of “heil Hitler” if you play them backwards.
They are already doing that with milk, OK signs, etc.
Real life ‘Lady’ who married a tramp 40 years after catching him rifling through her bins is left heartbroken as he dies of pneumonia aged 92
He also revealed his motivation for wanting to become the country’s 46th president.
“I’m running for president to beat Donald Trump,” Bloomberg said.
It sounds slightly better than, “because I want to put you goddam rednecks in your place.”
Also better than “because I’m a power mad megalomaniac who wants to control every aspect of your lives”.
Plus 1 Napoleon
So which one of you forgot to defrost a huge turkey and is now panicking? show of hands.
Not me.
I did a Thanksgiving with friends once and I kept telling my buddy “You need to start defrosting the turkey in the fridge like 3 days prior”
He didn’t believe me and we ended up trying to cut the cooked pieces away from the raw middle part
The small three-pound (I think) Butterball we got claims you can cook it without defrosting, just that it takes an hour or more longer.
I still put it in the fridge to defrost anyway.
Cooking frozen meat seems like a great recipe for “dry”
Good call.
I’ve never seen a 3 pound turkey. Sure that’s not a chicken?
It’s difficult to find a chicken under 5 lbs. now.
Maybe it’s just a breast. You know, the only edible part of a turkey.
You are insane. Seek help.
Hyperbole confirmed fan of the “dark meat”.
*thinks about several Asian girls and Latinas in my past…
Never mind, carry on.
It’s awesome soaked in candied yam juice.
I remember that and you never let me forget.
When I used to do turkey for thanksgiving I would always brine them so defrosting was never an issue.
But ever since my wife turned down leftover turkey and I ended up throwing most of it out within a week I gave up on making it.
This man gets it…
We’re doing take out today.
We’re doing a prime rib for wifey and I and a wee lasagna for our finicky kids. CostCo had 4 packs of Dragon’s Milk Reserve Oatmeal Cookie Stout for $9, and we have a handle of Wild Turkey 101. We made a chocolate chiffon pie, and spinach/artichoke dip. And, as it’s a holiday, I get paid double-time for my shift tonight.
we have reservations at Rodizio Grill. They are doing a turkey dinner in addition to their regular carnivorous offerings. This way Mrs. S can have her turkey and I can have…something else. Just not a big turkey fan.
I have a turkey in the chest freezer, and I might add a couple more tomorrow, but none that will be consumed any time soon.
I might add a couple more tomorrow, – are you one of those cheap people who hope for a post holiday discount?
I’m assuming he’s a hunter.
Hmmm I did not think of that. Is it turkey season?
Depends on the state.
Always turkey season in DC
What about wabbit season?
Does sleeping through an alarm and getting started about an hour later then I wanted to count? Turkeys in the oven, hams in the slow cooker.
I have you beat. I got up, gathered up my tumbler and a random spoon that had been on my desk, brushed my teeth and went down to get the Turkey in the oven. Some how I ended up in the kitchen holding a tube of toothpaste. As I have said before in your 40s you learn that aging is real. In your 50s you start to get previews of coming attractions.
Thankfully, the brother in law is working today. So there’s no time crunch with a second meal for most of the guests (his family usually does an evening meal when he’s not working). The cheese and meat board is out, and I don’t think there’s a need for me to go to the store at this point (one year I had to go to get more cleaning supplies).
It’s just the three of us today. My wife’s not a fan of turkey (*sigh*). So, we’ll have a nice carved ham from Costco, some cornish hen, and I’m grilling a rack of lamb and shrimp.
She’s making her awesome flan now.
Now I just need to figure out if I open a good bottle of specialty beer I’ve cellared for several years, or open a good bottle of wine.
Addressing reporters at Rosita’s Place restaurant on McDowell Road in Phoenix, Bloomberg took credit for pushing for the closing coal-fired power plants and enacting tougher gun laws nationwide, which he says are against President Trump’s wishes.
Great. He’ll destroy the lives and livelihoods of millions, just to annoy Trump.
Totally not an evil sociopath.
Yeah but those are the lives of deplorable coal miners and other knuckle dragging hilljacks. Nobody who’s vote counts, obviously.
Doubling down on your anti-gun cred in Arizona? Tone deaf much? Even the (D)’s in AZ have to tread lightly on that subject.
“I’m one of the good billionaires!”
How am I supposed to support my local Jew? Don’t see any around.
Just find someone with a big nose or something
That leaves me. *Puts wallet back in own pocket*
Don’t the Chinese fill the “outsider among us who works as a trader or banker” role in the East?
/Malaysia, for one
The Logo channel runs blocks of Married with children all the time. I guess they’re not woke.
4 pm today – A Bundy Thanksgiving
That young lady thinks Friends and Married, With Children are bad? I hope she never watches Man About The House/Three’s Company or Till Death Do Us Part/All In The Family.
Also –
Of course she is. And her picture looks exactly as I imagined it would.
I think it’s funny that these millennials, whom were little children in the 90’s, talk about the era as if they were politically aware at 7 years old.
Lol, I remember not being at all interested in Married With Children because it wasn’t funny to me as a 5 year old. I also didn’t find Friends very interesting. Watched a few seasons of each in syndication when I was in high school, but that was it.
Same here, neither show interested me much. The only show I was a die-hard fan of was The Simpsons and we all know how that turned out.
I’ve always argued that Al Bundy was actually a good father. Maybe not a good role model, but a good father.
He had his issues. He was one of those sorry bastards who peaked in high school (he once scored four touchdowns in one game!) He wasn’t very smart. He was possibly a high-functioning alcoholic and a brawler.
But he worked. He had few marketable skills and a job he hated, but he went in every day. He had a lazy, do-nothing wife that he found physically repellent most of the time, but he stayed with her and, in several episodes where he had the opportunity to cheat on her, never did so. He provided a home for his family, not a lavish or luxurious home, but he kept it, not by begging handouts but by the sweat of his brow.
For years now I’ve absolutely detested the way American television has portrayed husbands and fathers. It seems like every TV dad I’m aware of (granted I watch very little television) is a fat, lazy, stupid drunk, while the wife is always the smart, capable responsible one.
But Al Bundy, at least he worked. He provided. He stuck by his commitments. A fellow could do a lot worse.
Homer, too. Those 90’s sitcoms (I’ll include Malcolm in the Middle) knew that marital infidelity would be a deal breaker.
Yep. There’s a lot to examine in Homer’s character, and The Simpsons overall. It’s easy to pick out the ways the show makes fun of Homer and the “dad” sitcom trope. But. a closer look over the totality of episodes over the many years clearly shows a positive view of family, not just the Simpsons, but other families on the show.
Exactly this.
Married was different from most later sitcoms in that all of them – not just the father – were awful in some way but, yes, they still stayed together.
He also stood up for his family when some outsider was treating them poorly. Not always a proportionate response, but hey, you mess with the bull, etc.
MWC was one of the funniest shows on at the time. I never saw Friends and still don’t know what all the fuss is about.
If she is that put off by the Bundys, then she definitely should not watch In Living Color.
Well put!
In the local news Romanian jumped 30 spotrs in PWC paying taxes index
The taxes per se did not go down much, just a lot of smaller taxes were merged into fewer bigger ones. The major difference is they got rid of the employee/employer share bullshit. The total burden including pension/healthcare is is still 41% on most salaries.
“Our children are spreading misinformation that can ruin lives,” said Fitzpatrick who believes the school should have made attempts to squash the rumor.
“Tsk, tsk, Junior. You can’t do that until you are making the case for war to the UNSC.”
Victorian engineering! Building the London Underground system in the 1860s… South Kensington Station, Blackfriars, and a stretch of the Metropolitan Line
That article about ‘Friends’.
She even managed a dig at Cheers (easily one of the best sitcoms in history):
“Ratings were high for all these shows at the time, but most of the storylines likely wouldn’t even make it past the writer’s table in today’s woke culture. ”
Boy, it must be hard being a millennial, what with them constantly going back in history to prove how enlightened they are. They don’t even fricken READ history. Just snippets of the parts they come across and find ‘problematic’..
Personally, I think there isn’t a more illiberal and ignorant bunch. This article is dumbass generation personified.
Hate speech.
*looks around for a safe space*
“…Even Cheers, the lighthearted show where everybody knows your name, about a sober bartender and his closest friends navigating through life’s ups and downs, which always had some friendly message at the end, saw its star, Sam Malone, womanize and brag about his little black book of booty calls.”
Technically, he was a recovering alcoholic. Ironically, wouldn’t surprise me if Ted Danson agrees given his childish woke climate change antics. When I saw him and Fonda getting arrested I thought to myself, ‘Bored elderly’.
“It’s possible to revisit and appreciate the culture you grew up in, as flawed as it may have been. Just try not to be like the Bundys.”
Gee, thanks Diamond for that woke take. I’ll keep that in mind.
Annoying as shit article.
But recently, some angsty 20- and 30-somethings have decided that the 1990s sitcom Friends is highly and particularly problematic and toxic.
She starts out the article by giving shit to the “angsty” 20 and 30 somethings, but then goes on to complain about the same things they complained about in Friends. What slice of the population falls for such pathetic manipulation?
People who don’t mind being called angsty as long as their worldview is validated?
So… Gen X? The ones who grew up with all these shows?
“warriors of climate change who spit in the face of hypocrisy and corruption in government”
Climate change activism is the poster child of hypocrisy and corruption in government.
“Climate change activism is the poster child of hypocrisy and corruption in government.”
This is so painfully obvious it’s almost laughable, if it weren’t for the horrifying implications for personal liberty.
Wonder what she’d think about Letterkenny.
Benny Hill.
And in Canada Bob Einstein (the great Super Dave Osbourne) produced a show called ‘Bizarre’ starring John Byner that would make millennials run into a corner crying.
Huh… this was ten years ago. And have they watched South Park?
In closing… I’m disabled!
Fuck that writer. ‘Married With Children’ is awesome.
But did you see La Bloc?
It was eventually kicked out of the “family-friendly” hour and pushed back later, thanks to one Michigan housewife and obscenity activist who began a letter-writing campaign calling for advertisers to pull out of the show.
That’s gotta be one of the episodes, no?
Yep. And Friends has its moments.
I shudder to think what Miss Cancel here deems “humor”.
Friends was a show that I so very much wanted to hate but couldn’t because it was well written and the cast really gelled well together. Treacle and pablum? Yes, but very well crafted treacle and pablum.
Yeah I didn’t watch it at the time – I mean, they were so square.
I was in college at the time of the show’s heights. Every single time Jennifer Aniston changed her hairdo, the overwhelming majority of sorority girls at FSU were sporting the same look within a week.
Oh yes, I remember “the Rachel”.
I am the same age as that cast. Just out of college, except instead of hanging out at the coffee shop outside my shitty job, I was partying all night.
The nudie bar!
Why is this not getting coverage? DHS set up a fake university in Detroit, with fake accreditation. Foreign students were given visas to attend. DHS collected millions of $$$ in tuition. Now 100s of students were arrested & deported bc school was fake.
That is nuts. I would like more facts.
“Fairly or unfairly, Rampeesa’s conduct casts a shadow on the foreign-student visa program in general, and it raises questions as to whether the potential for abuse threatens to outweigh the benefits.”
So that whole 9/11 thing didn’t cast a sufficient shadow on the foreign student visa thing?
It was a sting to nab (mostly) Indian “students” who were losing their visas because other visa mills (such as Northwestern Polytechnic University) were interrupted by losing accreditation. There were no classes, teachers, or educational services. Every single person they caught knew what the deal was.
Straight up student visa fraud.
I don’t really understand the story but it sounds like another one of those where criminal activity would have never happened (if indeed it did) without the feds creating it.
I think they were trying to catch students who looked for diploma mills. But also apparently this university could look legit to some.
Yeah, and I have to wonder – for some kids just out of high school who have never been to the US – if some number of them might just think that this could be the norm in the US. I mean there are all these articles in the press about how bad the US education system is. If they have nothing in their experience to compare it to as far as the US education system then maybe a few of them just thought – “Hell, I gave the a bunch of money – if this gets me a degree like everybody else then why not?”
I think most just want an American diploma.
I am pretty sure that at least 95% of all students who come to the US to go to school are looking to earn an American diploma. I suppose most of them simply follow whatever path the school administration tells them to follow without question. So some percentage would probably just go along with this “fake diploma mill” without questioning if it is or isn’t legit.
I like this reply
That’s not news.
Oh look! Shiny!
“Even if it was a prank they could’ve caused deaths”
With (what sounds like) a fake gun?
“They all want cake.”
Socially awkward cake.
Ratings were high for all these shows at the time, but most of the storylines likely wouldn’t even make it past the writer’s table in today’s woke culture. And that’s what we should be thankful for.”
This is coming to you from an “author” named Diamond.
Bye Boomer.
Am I doing it right?
You know it’s bad when I watch old classics and ask myself ‘millennial woke questions’ about how they won’t make ‘films like this today!’
That’s their snowflake, triggered, safe space contribution to the zeitgeist.
That they’d find ‘problematic’ movies Film Noir for example.
Behind those tattoos lies something not very cool.
“failed helicopter rescue attempt.”
Failed by succeeding. No good deed…
Friends is an example of toxic masculinity. Lololololol. That is soooo sad for those girls.
The guys liked hot chicks and told gay jokes. NOT FUNNY!
Never mind all the stupid shit the girls did to land hot guys.
When in doubt, blame Trump
Richard Spencer, who was fired as Navy secretary for his handling of a Navy Seal war crimes case championed by Donald Trump, has said the president “has very little understanding” of how the US military works.
The extraordinary accusation came in an opinion piece published by the Washington Post on Wednesday evening, three days after Spencer was fired. Spencer called Trump’s intervention in the case of Navy chief petty officer Edward Gallagher “shocking” and unprecedented.
Spencer was fired on Sunday by defense secretary Mark Esper for working a private deal with the White House to ensure Gallagher be allowed to retire without losing his Seal status.
In his Post article, Spencer acknowledged his mistake but also asserted that Trump’s actions were detrimental to the military.
I haven’t a clue what any of this is about, and the article is in no way helpful. But I cannot help but wonder if scrawling a petulant self-serving screed for the Washington Post isn’t some sort of breach of military etiquette.
It might be but he’s a civilian.
… so is the President.
They’re both in the chain of command.
“Richard Spencer, who was fired as Navy secretary”
See there really are white nationalist b and Nazis in government!!!
“Democratic candidate Mike Bloomberg visits Phoenix, discusses platform”
Ban guns. Ban food. Ban drinks. Ban fun.
what is the most Phoenix of foods?
Chicken flambé.
I would have said Chimichanga.
I think you may have missed something.
He seems to have spent a considerable sum purchasing airtime on our local (NYC) Fox affiliate. They run his campaign commercial every few minutes during their morning news/chat show.
Yeah, I got them on youtube. He’s going to tax the rich! So exciting!
Study: Our universe may be part of a giant quantum computer
Thanksgiving may not even be real.
Why would that make it unreal? Idea in the mind of God, subroutine in a Pancosmic artificial intelligence, dynamic instantiation of physical laws, is it one? All? Is there a difference?
If you can convince yourself it’s not real, then it’s easier to forget about morality.
I Also had this conversation the other day watching a video about the “anthropic principle” showing that there must be many universes. Modern physics annoys me because of its hyper focus on theories that are not testable or helpful. In this example they were saying how because the universe is just right for us to be able to observe it, it was either created or there are many universes and it just happens that one is able to support life. But picking either one is just a preference as the stated fact (we exist) supports both and there is no other evidence.
That one annoys the shit out of me. It’s perfectly possible that other universes with different constants and whatnot just support a different kind of life.
Oh, also Happy Thanksgiving Glibs.
Same to you and yours!
And a happy turkey-day to you too! And to all you scallywags and reprobates! (And you too Ma’am!)
And not to be too sappy, but I’m genuinely thankful to this little community. It’s like an island of sanity that helps to refresh my brain every morning.
Alright. That’s enough sentimentality. Everyone should fuck right off.
Don’t tell me what to do, slaver.
I’m gonna join ya in waxing sappy for a moment. Thank you to the Founders and thank you to the article contributors, and thank you for the commentors. This is the only place I can still find on the Web where I feel that I come away better educated than when I arrived. I love you all, thanks for being here, Happy Thanksgiving.
Hear hear!
#metoo. Thanksgiving is just another day after the family has grown up and starting their own traditions. The goal that we worked for and apparently achieved has left us alone, except for all the Glib friends that I can count on being here everyday.
Happy Thanksgiving to all and thanks for leaving me alone.
You, too. Save a thigh for me. Q can have the breast.
You too.
And why a 7 faced bird?
しちめんちょう, シチメンチョウ【七面鳥】
I’ve actually asked that. Maybe for the same reason they say 八方美人 (8 sided woman). Pleases everybody?
八方美人 (8 sided woman)
JAV is weird
You too!
And I might add that Married with Children is awesome.
Right back at ya.
Im about to prepare a pan of brownies for Tres Sr. Not sure how well the keto is gonna go today.
Happy t-day. T-minus 5 hours over here.
And a Happy Thanksgiving to you all, too. We’re going traditional – family, turkey, the usual sides, and football for me and Pater Dean.
And scotch, mostly for me.
Happy Thanksgiving all. May your turkey come out juicy and moist, and the sides all be to your liking.
Happy Thanksgiving Neph!
Right back at ya!
But recently, some angsty 20- and 30-somethings have decided that the 1990s sitcom Friends is highly and particularly problematic and toxic.
Who gives a shit?
Rufus it seems.
Traitorous backstabber
The Trump administration has moved to substantially cut its contribution to NATO’s collective budget according to several US and NATO officials, a symbolic move that comes as many continue to question President Donald Trump’s commitment to the transatlantic alliance as he prepares to attend a summit to mark its 70th anniversary in London next week.
Previously the US provided some 22% of NATO’s direct funding, which covers the cost of maintaining the NATO headquarters, joint security investments and some combined military operations.
It’s a largely symbolic move as NATO’s direct budget is relatively small, at about $2.5 billion, and is separate from national defense budgets that NATO recommends should stand at 2% of GDP.
US defense officials tell CNN that the Trump administration sought to reduce its contribution to about 16%, bringing it in line with Germany’s, which provides 14.8% despite the US having a larger economy.
He’s leaving them to the wolves.
“…Trump administration sought to reduce its contribution to about 16%, bringing it in line with Germany’s, which provides 14.8% despite the US having a larger economy.”
Yeah, and the German’s don’t have much reason to be a major stakeholder in that endeavor do they? What do they have to worry about in defending northern Europe?
Now, the discussion about just what NATO needs to defend itself from, well, that’s a different subject.
Yes, NATO no longer has any reason to even exist.
Germany doesn’t even find its own defense anywhere near was the agreement. They can barely field a single fighter wing. Can’t help those that refuse to help themselves.
Nevermind that NATO has outlived it’s usefulness.
I enjoyed the song and will check out Blake’s work in my upcoming newly-single period of self improvement. If only you had provided some news links of the day to peruse while listening.
Newly single? I missed something.
Cheers to you and your future!!
This site has caused many divorces. And from SP, many threats of divorce.
Just one of the side benefits TPTB are only too happy to provide.
Yes, my best friend, who claimed to want to get married and bear my curly-haired, straight-toothed children ran off with some other guy. I’m thankful I found out who she really is when I did. I didn’t mention anything here, but after a month of depression now I’m doing shitloads of pushups, long bike rides, reading, practicing music, working overtime, so life is good again.
I’m sorry to hear that good sir. It does sound, however, like you are reacting in a positive manner.
The ratio of single decent chicks to single decent guys is minuscule: happy hunting.
Keep doin’ what you’re doin’, or whatever works. This could be a rough time of year, between weather & holidays (depending where on Earth you are.) Hope we can help you through it in our own weird way.
That sucks, but it sounds like you dodged a bullet.
Easiest “home cooked” thanksgiving evasaar.
Went to the local moose lodge last night ( yeah I’m one of }them{ ?). It was open Jam night, but unbeknownst to us, they’d also just served a Thanksgiving feast.
The kitchen volunteers were cleaning up and filled huge ziploc baggies of leftovers for us. Turkey, gravy, stuffing, cranberry. We are set.
Football awaits. Go Bears!’
And Bills!
And… enh I don’t care about the last one.
I might have beat her daily, threatened to kill her, been the last person to see her alive, chopped up her body and hid it, but that doesn’t mean I killed her.
4 years for being a murdering pimp, but if he had a 30 round magazine, I’m sure there would have been a much harsher conviction. Fuck right off, New York State.
Dutch bros is some decent coffee, but it seems they like to have some crappy corner location where its hard to get in and out. The ones in Vegas are about the same.
Plus having to deal with some high schooler constantly asking how my day is going and what not gets a little grating.
Eh my wife likes their coffee
Maybe it’s the stirofoam cups but their coffee always struck me as dirty water type coffee you would get in a diner.
My frame of reference is probably 10 years old though
So is OMWC’s
The one time I had it, it was in a proper paper cup, and it was excellent. Rich flavor and texture, no green-bean bite or Starbucks-burn.
Only Dutch Bros I recall is a truck stop in Idaho outside Twin Falls somewhere along I-84. I don’t recall being impressed but that was a few years back. Don’t think I even got coffee the last time I got gas there.
You people are crazy. Dutch Bros is crap. Their regular coffee is made by espresso pulls and adding water.
The whole reason the exist is because of sugar drinks to hide their awful espresso. Even their 24 hour stands couldn’t get me to come back.
I’d rather drink pilot/Flying J coffee.
And it’s amazing to me to see how far and fast the cancer of Dutch Bros and their tit cups have spread.
Just like The Human Bean and their godawful coffee.
Low profile
The Obamas are celebrating Thanksgiving like so many others will this week: with a family photo.
On Wednesday, former First Lady Michelle Obama shared a group shot of her and husband Barack Obama with their two daughters, Malia and Sasha, just in time for Thanksgiving, the family’s third since their time in the White House.
“From our family to yours, #HappyThanksgiving!” Mrs. Obama wrote on Twitter.
The photo — a rare one of them all together, amid their diverging lives and retreat from the political spotlight — was taken in May before Sasha, then a high school senior and weeks away from turning 18, left for her prom.
The Obamas have stayed busy since President Obama left office, especially in the last year.
Mrs. Obama released her memoir, Becoming, in late 2018 to smash sales of more than 10 million copies and counting. She’s since spent much of the year on a book tour that recently resulted in a Grammy nomination for best spoken word album, an award her husband won in 2006 and 2008 for his own audiobooks.
Ready to step in and save the nation.
Yeah my jaw dropped at that one too.
a high school senior
At some random public school no doubt.
“Ratings were high for all these shows at the time, but most of the storylines likely wouldn’t even make it past the writer’s table in today’s woke culture. ”
“And that’s what we should be thankful for.”
Fuck off wokester.
Someone should write a sketch about a millennial stand up or sitcom that goes horribly wrong no matter how woke.
Millenial humor:
‘So I went for a job interview and the interviewer was all like ‘whoa! What’s with the face, neck and knuckle tattoo! You just come out of prison or something? AWK-WARD! You know what I mean, amirite! BYE BOOOMER!”
/HOWLS of laughter. ‘So true!”
” and then my mom just stormed out in indignation “
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Minnesoda man?
I’d have said NoDak but then I saw the trees. Yep, MN
Pine trees they appear to be on a very large hill…definitely not NoDak.
A special Thanksgiving edition of Thot Thursday will have you wanting to stuff ’em like a turkey.
I, too, am thankful for this little hive of villainy.
have you wanting to stuff ’em like a turkey.
Sausage stuffing!
I’ve made it my mission to learn how to say “I want to stuff you like a Thanksgiving turkey” in as many languages as possible.
The former first lady also announced the release of a new journal, Becoming: A Guided Journal for Discovering Your Voice, which features an intro from her and 150 questions and quotes to inspire readers to write down their own journey.
Bless her heart.
Happy Thanksgiving to the Gliberati!
May your women and turkey both be moist, smokin’ hot, with big breasts (that’s for you Q), lying on their back, and ready to be eaten by you…
Start with the breast work your way to the pie?
Don’t forget the stuffing!
Never mind the mountains: head for the bush!
(lets see who knows where this reference comes from)…
Buschhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Beer?
Give this man a ci-GAR!
Stop and frisk?
“‘I’d do that piece of meat’ and ‘Look at the ass on her’ — […]have been attributed to him over the years.”
Wait, don’t we already have a lecherous, womanizing billionaire as president? How is this different?
“Many women felt pressured to wear short skirts and heels, they said.”
You are familiar with the word “no” right?
“Doe said her boss described his adult circumcision surgery to her and showed her photos of his bandaged penis.”
She’s got my vote
A Texas educator once lauded as her district’s “Teacher of the Year” allegedly performed oral sex on a student in a classroom, authorities said.
Randi Chaverria, a 36-year-old family and consumer science teacher at Round Rock High School, was arrested Tuesday after a student told police she had performed oral on him twice in October, according to an affidavit obtained by KVUE.
Round Rock High School Principal Matt Groff told parents that Chaverria had passed a state background check prior to being hired – and had solid prior employment checks, KXAN reported.
“Safety is the top priority of Round Rick High School and Round Rock ISD,” Groff wrote in the letter. “Ensuring a safe and secure learning environment requires partnership between students, parents, campus and district staff, as well as law enforcement.”
Chaverria, who had taught for the past six years, credited her family’s passion for education when she was recognized for her excellence in the classroom.
“The most important role of a teacher is to help shape future generations to become successful members of our community,” Chaverria said earlier this year. “More than any curriculum I teach my students, I hope that they will walk away from my classroom thinking of ways that they can make a difference in their community and impact the lives of others for the better.”
That poor boy. His life is ruined.
I always loved the “performed” part.
Don’t we all?
Also, how fucking stupid do you have to be to sext each other in this situation?
“Teacher of the Year” … performed oral sex on a student in a classroom
I see no discrepancy here, why the contrasting juxtaposition?
Randi Chaverria, a 36-year-old
It boggles my mind that she’s 5 years older than me and boinking 15 year olds. I almost feel bad for her.
Young cock is da bomb, yo!
You and OMWC should partner up, you could divide a kindergarten…
I was just quoting this chick, Jarflax. I like my women more mature and less fucking crazy and have no attraction to cock.
Just busting your balls
-“…and have no attraction to cock.”
Seems like a strange thing to like in a woman.
Some people swing both ways… I don’t.
Randi huh? Well, name checks out.
Can you guess what I’m thinking about?
How the University of Salamanca influenced economic though in the 1400s?
Maybe he is thinking of a topic for us to debate. I suggest Vlad Tepes, savior of Europe or cartoonish villain. I want the savior side! muahahaha
I hope you don’t debate as sneakily as you play Diplomacy
Are you BMF? Or were you watching? and damn it, I agreed to a draw when I had a win because of that. It was a misunderstanding. I had decided NOT to stab him, but then he showed as having ‘left’.
i though the time difference in messages gave it away
The man hoping to be forgotten was part of a major news story in Germany in 1982. As a crew member of a sailing ship named Apollonia, the man shot and killed two people and severely injured another following an argument on board.
In 2009, the man made a failed attempt at having the reports removed. In their ruling, Germany’s Federal Court of Justice dismissed the suit on the grounds that “the public had an interest in learning about the Apollonia murders and that his name was inextricably tied to the events.”
Caretaker governments are so funny: deciding this, deciding that, taking exactly opposite decisions on items of similar merit . . . or even the same item as the day changes.
I should have written “busybody.” AFAIK, their parliament is lead by a workable coalition.
Not to mention the euphemistic “right to be forgotten” when it’s really a “right to force people to lie and omit”
absolutely: I thought that went without saying
and that’s my point with the busybody society: the micromanagement, ostensibly orchestrated to improve life by eliminating all these petty unpleasantnesses, serves actually to improvise thousands of ways to abuse the citizenry
free shit inevitably leads to tyranny
Thank goodness they don’t have any uppity notions of “free speech” that might impede progress over there.
No evidence
The Justice Department’s inspector general concluded that there was no evidence that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) spied on President Donald Trump’s campaign as he has repeatedly claimed, The New York Times reports.
Trump declared last week on “Fox & Friends” that the inspector general’s report would be “historic” and show “perhaps the biggest scandal in the history of our country.” But Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report, expected to be released on Dec. 9, undercuts much of the president’s claims during the Russia investigation that the FBI was politically motivated and spied on his campaign.
The investigation found no evidence that the FBI attempted to place undercover agents or informants into his campaign, according to The Times.
Trump previously claimed, without evidence, that the FBI had sent a spy to infiltrate his 2016 campaign for “political purposes.” He also baselessly accused former President Barack Obama of wiretapping him during the campaign. Attorney General Bill Barr also suggested that the FBI had spied on the president’s campaign.
The report also concluded that FBI officials were not politically motivated in their pursuit of a wiretap of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page after his departure.
Though the report is expected to criticize certain aspects of the FBI’s handling of the Russia investigation, including errors which were discovered in the FBI’s pursuit of a wiretap on Page, the report undercuts much of Trump and the Republican Party’s defense of the president in the Russia scandal, according to The Times.
A bit of weaselly handwaving, and asses were covered.
No mention of the participation of other Five-Eyes nation’s intelligence services or actions taken by FedGov’s own CIA?
Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report, expected to be released on Dec. 9
So how in the high holy fuck do you know what’s in it?
They don’t. But they are preempting whatever comes out with this shit to make sure the damage is mitigated. After all, they can then claim that the report pointing out how much criminality was going on is the one that is not accurate. Nobody should fall for these dnc operatives with bylines helping these crooks with this sort of bullshit damage control made up faerie tales masquerading as reporting so they can protect the Obama legacy.
The same way my fundamentalist relatives know that fossils were created by the pressure from the Great Flood. Any other possibility would upset the carefully, but precariously, constructed world view.
This is a damage control. These clowns are working with the corrupt and weaponized 3 letter agencies Obama created to hide the fact that they all engaged in activities so illegal and unethical that Richard Nixon would have looked like a choir boy compared to them. Not to mention that they did things Nixon could never even have dreamed of asking for.
The same sources that said the Mueller report was going get that wascawee Twump, right NYT.
One has to wonder how often these supposed journalists will let them selves be had by these unelected weaponized bureaucracy members before they decide not to believe them anymore. Of course, to get there, these dnc operatives with bylines will have to give up on their policy of scorched earth to protect the Obama legacy. I am hoping the flow of shit gets so high that they drown in it if they can’t get themselves to finally come clean and admit Obama was a horrible president, and their role in enabling him is why we got here.
Um yea, might be easier to believe that if they hadn’t constantly bragged in major media networks about all the damning evidence they allegedly obtained from “intercepted communications”.
Classic rat behavior
Kelly Mehlenbacher, who worked on operations for Kamala Harris’ presidential bid and recently informed colleagues of her plans to resign over frustrations with the organization, has accepted a job with Michael Bloomberg, sources said Wednesday.
Mehlenbacher, who served as the treasury manager for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, will become deputy chief operating officer for Bloomberg, according to two Democratic officials familiar with the move.
Harris’ campaign has experienced significant turbulence as she fell far behind in polls. That includes layoffs and redeployments to Iowa, where she’s banking on a come-from-behind, top-three finish to jumpstart her spiraling chances in South Carolina.
Mehlenbacher was among a group of staffers who tendered their resignations amid the latest round of layoffs, which hit the operations team hard. The staff reductions and subsequent shifts have focused renewed attention on deep and long-standing dysfunction among the campaign’s top leaders.
shipcampaign is taking on water. So long, suckers!Happy Thanksgiving!!!
“As God as my witness- I thought turkeys could fly”
Nice avatar.
Mine is like yours….kinda. You gotta look close.
You should get a lawyer and pursue the new American dream for copyright infringement Mike.
Not worth it, he’d just make the Lweyer richer and see none of any judgement in his favor while paying any judgement against him.
Trademark. Not copyright.
So Squanto was a race traitor or something? Is this the new thanksgiving narrative?
Binged thru all five episodes of Chernoble yesterday.
Me: Holy fuck, what a damning indictment of socialism.
Mrs. Prolefeed: They weren’t socialists, they were communists.
Me: Communists are socialists on steroids. They were socialists, and they caused that clusterfuck.
MP: They’re not socialists!
Me: Which part of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics do you think they didn’t really mean?
Which part of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics do you think they didn’t really mean?
The republic one.
*pet (I know it is pointless) rant on
Except under Stalin, they were in fact Republics ruled by the Nomenklatura. A limited electorate is still a Republic. A Republic may be a necessary condition for liberty (although I think that is also questionable) but it is NOT a sufficient condition. Plato’s Republic describes an utterly unfree society.
You read too much.
*hangs head in shame, notices a book
So Glibs, with the whole Ukrainian impeachment thing going absolutely nowhere good for Shiff and team blue, my over and under is that in the next two weeks it – like they did with the whole Russia collusion bullshit story once that fell apart on them – will be dropped it like a hot potato, that the dnc operatives with bylines will then quickly work to bury the fact that this second hoax attempt to entrap Trump went nowhere and was based on made up shit (like the Russia collusion hoax), and he will be accused of another infraction worthy of impeachment efforts. My bet is that he gets accused of being in Turkey’s pocket, and we will all be how destructive that allegiance is for American democracy (a.k.a democrat control of all things government). Then again, maybe they will accuse him of selling out to China. Or maybe to Israel. I donno, but they will move on to another fable, hoping this time, it doesn’t blow up in their face.
In the mean time, the clock is running out, and Americans will find out how corrupt the weaponized 3 letter agencies got under Obama’s leadership and direction. These peddlers of dnc propaganda will double down on the lies to protect Obama’s legacy, in desperation going the extra mile and accusing Trump of all sorts of evil things that plays well with the snowflake crowd, but the truth will be out there for all to see. What follows is anyone’s guess, but I think team red has realized that even if they are part of the deep state, letting team blue get away with this means they are done, so they will be forced to take action to dissuade team blue and the unelected bureaucracy it has weaponized from doing something like this again (not that I think team blue will take away any other lesson than that they will have to double down on the criminal behavior the next time they are in power to make sure they never lose power again).
One of the reasons I’ve decided to vote for Trump is because I want to see all this shit laid bare. Yea, I’m not gonna hold my breath and pretend that any guilty parties will actually serve time for it, but it needs to be out there in the open for all to see. We need to shatter this delusion that the Deep State are just well-intentioned public servants who are deeply concerned about the future of our country. They’re scum fuck criminals.
I think nothing will come of it. Never does.
I wonder what the Democrats will do during the 2020 election year. That’s some encore they have to come up with.
I am buying stock in pharma companies that sell depression medication, Rufus. I am gonna make a killing after Trump wins again.
This isn’t a movie. It’s a made for TV series with no end and no conclusion, ever. It’s the forever outraged we’re resisting something something clown show circus. They ran out of ideas after Marx kicked the bucket and I don’t see then coming up with any new ones, unless you count trying to force little kids to try to become the opposite sex. But since all that crazy is just more Marxism, no, they don’t have anything.
Mayor Petey- notorious RACIST
Civil-rights leaders of the recent past would be baffled by the pique here, as, I’m sure, would Americans who don’t spend most of their waking hours on social media. It’s been widely noted of late that “woke” white people are “woker” than most black people. It is also true that “woke” black people in academia and media are “woker” than a great many black people who don’t have the privilege of a byline. Harriot is assuming that Buttigieg must have meant that the lack of role models is due simply to some pathology among black people, when actually, almost anyone who publicly talks of role models in this way intends, via implication, that the lack of role models is due to larger societal factors.
Harriot and those who agree with him are reading Buttigieg as having simply preached that black people don’t care about school. But sheer psychological plausibility rules out that this is what he meant. Let’s suppose that for some reason, this is what thoughtful, Millennial Buttigieg, who at the time was running for mayor of a town with a large black population, actually believed. Let’s just suppose that. But: Would a sober, ambitious figure like Buttigieg sit in public casually assailing black America as too lazy, stupid, or unfocused to present role models to its kids?
Buttigieg was speaking out of informed sympathy, as anyone familiar with American sociopolitical discussion should have noticed. Our antennae must go up when notions of what an insult is become this strained. We must heed our inner blip of confusion instead of suspending logic when we grapple with race issues.
Another one of these inside politics stories where some asshole combs through the entire archive of somebody else’s public (or private) statements in search of something to be outraged about.
Talking about role models is racist. We should be blaming structural racism and calculating reparations.
“We should be blaming structural racism and calculating reparations.”
I’m sure the left would be, but math is not exactly their thing.
Happy Thanksgiving glibs!
No cooking for me, we’re going out to a lunch buffet at my in-laws’ country club. I’m a little bummed to be missing my family’s turkey day shindig. It’ll be all four of my grandparents, two great-uncles, my parents, my aunt and uncle, five cousins, my four sisters, both BILs, and three puppies. I’ll hopefully get to see them all tomorrow though for my sister’s birthday.
Happy Thanksgiving, Cannoli!
Minimal cooking for me – just the green bean casserole (NOT from scratch like SOME overachievers around here!) – but hosting because Chez GT is the least cluttered of the three sisters’ domiciles. Sister & BIL bringing the (smoked?) turkey and other stuff, and Other Sister bringing other other stuff. And both regular & sugar-free punkin pie from the nearby German Baptist farm market, to be topped with either Extra Creamy whipped topping from the spray can or sugar-free Cool WHip from the tub. As far as I’m concerned, the pie is all that matters.
You non-existant other gender Glibs are like the Tulpa Squad of Glibs. The founding Glib royalty should just rename ya’ll to Tulpa Squad 1, Tulpa Squad 2, etc, so we can keep track of you, always changing your avatars and stuff. I blame Tulpa Squad Prime, the worst one, where the hell is xer anyway?
Happy Thanksgiving GT! Pumpkin pie is the best. I hope you have a great time hanging out with your sisters and BIL.
my four sisters, both BILs, – so to repeat my standard joke one last time, are two sisters available?
They’re in high school, so no.
I can wait. keep in mind I am only in it for the green card. No sex or anything like that.
I heard the INS employees demand proof of coitus before issuing the car Pie. You better be able to perform while being watched and graded…
I’m surprised they jut don’t demand prima noctis for sham marriages.
So what is everyone drinking?
I poured a glass of this
Not bad at all for the 65 Lei I paid for it at discount
speaking of Pie’s unhealthful behaviors, I made a duck breast for dinner and against my better judgement I fried 3 thin slices of bread in the duck fat rendering from the breast. of my god those are good.
I am miffed at how many restaurants in Bucharest manage to mess up a duck breast that can be made perfect in like 8-9 minutes in a pan. Especially when it is dry and they pour and overly sweet blueberry sauce on it.
I never drink coffee after 16 30
Jeebus, you guys are hardcore. I haven’t even finished my oats and coffee yet.
we guys? what is that supposed to mean huh?
You other Tulpas.
Right now, seltzer. Next up is a nice hard cider we picked up at the orchard this fall.
oh wow cider grows on trees in America? In Romania you go to the orchard to pick up apples, you have to make the cider.
American GMOs.
Fuck off, all you Tulpas!
Merry Easter and Happy Arbor Day! Wait… coffee, I need more…
And happy Boxing day to you, Tulpa!
You limey Tulpas are the wor…, no wait, where’s the glow in the dark worst one?
For Rhywun, JB & other Liverpool fans, Duckenfield cleared of gross negligence/manslaughter over Hillsborough: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-50592077
I guess I’m supposed to be outraged! but in all honesty I think there’s more blame to be spread around beyond that one guy.
Yeah, I would prefer to have seen them go after all the upper echelon people who altered witness statements, etc.
From the comments in the MoH article:
Warren’s Indian name is Grey Beaver
That’s pretty good, Tulpa.
And happy Boxing day to you, Tulpa!
*drops gloves*
Tulpa fight!
I don’t remember was this covered (I assume it was) because it is retarded beyond understanding
.@MikeBloomberg tells @FiringLineShow that China’s leader is addressing pollution to satisfy constituents & secure his political future.
“The Communist Party wants to stay in power in China and they listen to the public,” he says.
“secure his political future”
Xi will secure his political future with a boot to the face of his subjects, or not. There’s nothing more to it. Bloomberg is a fucking idiot.
Bloomers is an authoritarian little shit. I wouldn’t trust him to not dissolve Congress.
He’s just mad because he’s still not over 4 ft tall and they’ll have to give him a little ladder to get up to the Presidential Podium.
Bloomberg/Reich 2020 – A Step Up
Holy shit.
Agony aunt anguish
It’s Turkey Time in America, and you know the deal: Prepare for traffic hell.
More than 55 million Americans will travel more than 50 miles away from home for the Thanksgiving holiday, AAA predicts. This figure has been steadily rising; it is, once again, the highest since 2005. About 1.5 million people will be taking trains, buses, and various forms of public transportation to their destinations. Another 4.45 million Americans will fly to friends and family. The rest are driving. As we motor from suburb to suburb, back to little hometowns and over to new retirement communities, Thanksgiving exposes America’s utter dependence on automobility like no other holiday.
“There’s an opportunity in providing the necessary incentives to change people’s behavior to use these other forms of transportation,” Zarif says. “It’s a lot like another holiday: New Year’s Eve. We discourage drunk driving by offering free services to get people out of their own cars. But we could take that concept to the next level, doing it dynamically, at a larger scale, to reduce congestion.”
So instead of arguing about impeachment around the dinner table tomorrow, argue about congestion pricing. Explain the virtues of road diets during pie. And take a cue from these maniacs who served a Thanksgiving feast on the L train. When it comes to mobility, America is hungry for alternatives.
“Is this trip really necessary?”
“Next time, take the train.”
Beat that hobby horse.
Cars are freedom, can’t have that.
When it comes to mobility, America is hungry for alternatives.
Doesn’t sound like it at all.
Jappy Tryptophan Day everybody!
I thought all our (((Jews))) were men?
I would have typed JAPpy.
Jappy Thanksgiving to you, too!
I guess Moj is on Long Island for the holiday?
I have had that kind of morning. Up 2 hours after a bad night’s sleep, and already full of fail.
Pshaw! Attack the day!
Just spilled water all over my side table and in my breakfast dish.
I swear I cannot do one fucking thing right today.
Hang in there kid.
Awwww you really do love me!
Jappy Tryptophan Day everybody!
Straffinrun’s probably in bed, by now.