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[Spoiler Alert] I, too, appreciate the fact that there is no Schiff sex tape. And the national anthem in armpit farts is indeed a lovely tribute.
Well done! Bravo, and Happy Thanksgiving!
(First? Nah – as soon as I hit post, there’ll be a couple ahead of me.)
Ermagerd! I AM first! Do I get a dancing GIF of The Hat or something?
TPTB haven’t bestowed upon me the power of GIF, sorry.
Nope, you have it, Bike(er) Chick!
This is definitely one of my faves, hands down. Or, up, if we’re being detained, or, on a roller coaster…
Happy TG to all, and to all a good feast.
Wow! You’re awake! Holding out until you get your Recommended Yearly Allowance of tryptophan?
Sir Digby is a sleep ninja master.
You can never predict when and where he will show up…
I swear I first read that as ‘sheep ninja master’.
That’s three thumbs up and a secret Nazi white supremacist nod.
Jazz hands Nazi
CPRM, that was fun, the voices are great
maybe start a gofundme? In your current situation it would help a lot
I’m still amazed by the latest Warren stunt with Medals of Honor. It’s like she wants to lose
It’s like they all really believe that a sea level rise of a couple inches in the next century and non-binary bathrooms are what most American really care most about. Of course, it’s really just a deflection from the fact that they want to make us all 3rd world peasants.
She’s going to parlay it into self-help books. “I’m OK, You’re A Nazi” and “How to Lose Elections and Alienate People”
Brooks’d my reply to Scruffy.
Isn’t Fauxcahontas a wealthy woman herself?
Democrats are such fucking hypocrites.
Look, you deplorable, she’s the only person in Congress who doesn’t accept her inflated salary! Oh wait, that’s Rand Paul, never mind.
He’s a racist.
How dare he flaunt his privilege like that.
Dawn is about to break and a splendiferous H&H is posted. Go and blow a (((Ram’s Horn)))…wait that’s not it. “May doG bless us..”, again nope. Fireworks! Dang, again wrong. Oh well, I wish every Glib an enjoyable day and feast. May the football gods bless this divided Nation with the Bills stampeding all over the Cowboys.
It’s always enjoyable to see the Cowboys get trampled.
My Mom would be thrilled with them this year. If she weren’t, you know, dead. She was a Bills fan her entire life (being from Rochester, NY).
Bills mania must be at a fever pitch again.
/early 90s survivor of same
In case ya’ll are worried about not being woke enough for this holiday, help has arrived!
How to preach wrong think and bad orange man around the dinner
I really don’t like that guy. At least Coates wears his hate for white people on his sleeve.
Someone needs to be in charge of making sure those reparations get handed out fairly, and I bet he thinks that will be him. They all think that.
Yes! Excellent, CPRM!
Happy Thanksgiving to all you reprobates. I’m off to do homework ? and then head to my brother’s for dinner…and beer. ??
Also, excellent cartoon, CPRM!!
Classy. We have the best cartoons. The best.
Nice work.
Thanks CPRM! That was fun.
Happy thanksgiving to you all.
Stupid word press. Ate my comment.
So 8am post… haven’t had time to drink coffee or finish the comments from the last one. Sign of things to come today? Post gorging, as well as at the table?
I didn’t like Married with Children when it started. I thought it was crass and ugly. Then I grew up and realized how great it was. And how hot Kelly was.
It was crass and ugly. I never got into it.
We watched Married With Children from the beginning, as a family. My dad was into crass humor, we watched Ren and Stimpy with him too.
I had to sneak it, along with most tv shows. Dad was a religious conservative that was opposed to modern culture. Tv and radio stayed off except for limited exceptions. Even the oldies station (which then was 50’s and early 60’s) was only a sometime thing.
My Dad was a Reagan Conservative, but secretly more glib-like than he let on. When conservatives were railing against South Park in the beginning he went along with it, but once he actually watched it he was a fan until the day he died.
My mom was a typical Republican conservative neocon type. She made us all Desert Storm t-shirts. I still have mine.
Dad has been too confused for at least a decade to even try to figure out his politics. He watches the cable news, all of them, all day long and then gets their talking points and spin all confused and goes off on tirades that no one can comprehend. The last coherent thing I can remember him saying about politics, was that Ron Paul can’t be President because he’s too meek. Prior to that ‘do you really think that colored guy can get elected president?’. He’s 91.
If it wasn’t for abortion and a few other moral issues, he’d be a solid Democrat.
I’m just trying to keep up while I can. Punk Christmas music is playing, turkey and ham are cooking, waiting for guests to start showing up. Once they show up, I’ll be entertaining, and hosting, and drinking. Hopefully the three will all work together for another year. The food was supposed to be ready at ~13:00, looks like it’ll be done closer to 14:00. Oh well… it’s about the people, right?
/raises a mug of coffee to the assorted rabble here.
Hey, now – none of that. I’m *distinctive* rabble!
I liked “Married with Children” when it came out in part because it was crass and ugly and cynical. Kelly being hot was icing on the cake.
^^^ Truth
She has gotten better with age.
She is also clever and hilarious in real life. I’d love to be her neighbor and lunch pal.
I thought that Peggy was hotter, but that’s just me.
Woo-Hoo!! Finally I get the recognition that it deserve.
But you’ve never gotten any recognition before.
I liked it. I also like the books next to the Hat.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I was wondering if anyone would notice what the books said.
I did, and notified the in-law-visiting Brett. 🙂
I won’t say anything about “Florid Man”.
Sounds like he’d be related to Orange Man.
I had to pause it and rewind just to see.
Gator Wrassling and Meth Cooking
What’s not to like? Though I kinda thought Mrs Winston’s Mom might have been doing some of the culinary arts.
Great work! CPRM, you keep getting better and better!
New Mexicans may add chili powder, but it’s not nearly as good as the Florida stuff aged in gator skin.
Turkey is done. Been up since 6am. Just waiting on my parents now. Time to start drinking before Dad shows up.
You people eat early. I haven’t even started the rolls
Beer numero uno.
I’m on the other side of town from all but 2 of the guests, and most of them (usually) have another meal to go to, so I aim for the early afternoon meal slot.
We’ll run a day late. Son is arriving this evening (too late for the big meal) so we’ll cook turkey tomorrow.
I made it to the gym to do a little physical therapy work, I replaced the power supply in my computer, and drank some boozy coffee. No cooking for me beyond warming up lunch and dinner. I need to call some relatives. I expect today will be a quiet day.
I hate replacing power supplies. I’m really particular about running everything neatly for best cooling and service. So it takes time to remove the old wiring and make the new wiring.
I’m not too particular, as long as the cables don’t get banged up on the fans I’m fine. I pushed all the cables into an open space in the case. I might open the case again to make sure nothing moved around.
“I replaced the power supply in my computer”
Too much work for me this morning. Just translated some business marketing stuff for my son-in-law. I really want to purtify… is that a word? I’m using it anyway, purtify a new app feature I did for a client yesterday, but so far I’ve hung in there on my vow to do no real work today. Making salsa, trying to conjure up some sort of cooking invention stuff.
I’m doing any work for work until Monday.
The power supply had to go. The fans in the old one occasionally made grinding noises. The new one is eerily quiet.
I still have a new case in my Amazon cart. When I get time, I’ll get it and do the liquid cooling stuff. Pretty much everything else is new now, although with prices like they are, I’ll wait to upgrade my 1080ti to RTX or whatever the newest thing will be by then.
I’ve got a big ass chieftec tower I’m trying to find a new home for.
No shipping.
Ok, made it a double Irish because of the late start. Damn fine work CPRM. Love the fan service in there.
Great episode. The smoke was lovely, as were the details on the fries and Diet Coke. The book titles were a wee dollop of cream on top. Thanks for a Thanksgiving treat.
I always mess something up, Rhy pointed out a typo, that doesn’t bother me, but I’m upset with myself because I put the Hat on the wrong side of the desk!
Not messed up, creativity, artistic license.
There has to be at least one type-o, or that would just be you trying to show SF how uppity you are.
I didn’t even notice the hat being on the wrong side. I didn’t even know there was a right side. I get distracted by that thicc poster in the background.
The Hat gives some eye candy on his side as well, plus the velvet Elvis.
I’m still enchanted by that thicc one in the stockings.
BTW, I see that Rhywun and another Glib managed to find me on Steam. Not sure what type of voodoo magic they were using…
The search box?
Yours was the top result. Probably because of the “1 friend in common” thing. One of the ones I don’t remember friending or have any idea who it is.
“The search box?”
Witchcraft, heretic sighting!
Is there a way to narrow it down? I have 6,512 results for “Hyperion”.
I don’t know how you guys are doing that. I get 22 results and I’m the only Gadsden flag.
Ha! I remembered the old Reason Steam chat and found you there! Sent a friend request.
It’s here if there are any other glibs one would wish to find. Looks like I never joined that, must’ve just lurked.
If I remember right, you’re the milk man? Sorry, I was a little inebriated last night.
Which of you Glibs made that jpg of my (hayek’s) head photoshopped onto that body?
It still cracks me up.
You don’t need any photoshop, girl, you already all that.
I’m a sucker for mudflat girl.
I love the fast food wrapper around the turkey
Well all… wish me luck. The girlfriend’s family showed up before mine…
I think I saw that episode on Pornhub…
Good luck! We’re all counting on you!
I’m just praying for you that they aren’t woke so that you can enjoy the holiday. Unless you’re in a trolling sort of mood, that might add to the fun. Fortunately for me, I have no woke family, except for my commie DIL, and she’s in Germany.
Angela Merkel is your DIL??
Nah, that would be horrid. She’s actually a very sweet girl, I like her a lot. She’s young, so there’s still hope. It took me 10 years to turn wifey into a fierce libertarian, so nothing is impossible.
Good luck! Self-medicate with good beer as needed.
Beer numero tres.
Just some boozy coffee for me so far. After I call some relatives I’ll break out some beer.
I was thinking about putting eggnog and cachaca in my coffee, but didn’t. I think it’s just beer today.
Ugh… Wifey just reminded me that I forgot to make Yorkshire puddings. Back to the kitchen.
Great Job!!!
The book titles were a good touch.
I’m getting into the shower prior to heading into the chaos of my folks house. I’m going to have to eat as little dinner as possible to enjoy the pies. My wife made the Bourbon pecan and a pumpkin cheese cake and the MIL an apple.
My cholesterol and sugars came back normal this week so I should be ok. Wish me luck.
Top notch episode. ??
How could that be called an incomplete ? The lions were robbed
Should’ve been replayed anyway after that helmet to helmet on Trubisky
That’s fair
Hope y’all are having a good Thanksgiving.
I have to sit this one out since I still have this damn bronchitis. The coughing isn’t so bad anymore, but it left me so hoarse that I sound like the Godfather. Oh well – got a whole bag of cough drops, a stack of good books, and a pot of tomato sauce with sausage and peppers on the stove.
Hope you feel better
“Hope y’all are having a good Thanksgiving.”
You too, Akira. Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. Get better soon.
I really think this is a special Thanksgiving, since the rule of law and the Constitution are still somewhat, somehow surviving. Image 40 years from now. The rule of law will be replaced with ‘someone alleged and been accused of’ and the Constitution will be replaced with one big thought crime that changes every minute of every day. Giant Meteor 2060!
I’m going to go into a food coma shortly. Good stuff.