This one is going to be short but sweet because I’m writing this from the road while returning from celebrating wifey’s 50th birthday. Presumably, you’ve all sobered up from Thanksgiving. It’s time to report in on your progress over the last four weeks.
I had two “tests” this past week. Athleanx’s AX1 program has a recurring test at the end of each 4-week cycle called the Athlean 400. It’s 100 pushups, 100 sit ups, 100 inverted rows, and 100 bodyweight squats. You can get these done in whatever grouping you choose. A month ago, I completed it in 17:43. This time I completed it in 15:06. I was really pleased with the improvement but was shooting for a sub 15-minute time to score at a higher level. I’m still calling that a win.
The second and more important test was the “Final X-AM.” I hate the corny names but that’s the only thing I dislike about this program. The Final X-AM requires 12 sets of ten reps and is also timed. The exercises are burpee pushups, dumbbell swings, inverted rows, and V-Up Russian twists. You must do one set of each (so basically a big super set) and then repeat until completed.
I’ll leave the scoring levels aside and cut to the chase. I had to complete this in 25 minutes or less to “graduate.” This test has seriously kicked my ass before. It’s humbling to be reminded how far I have to go.
Four weeks ago, I completed ten of the sets in 32:20. I was winded, parched, and just dripping in sweat. I was also pissed at myself because I was tired but not totally gassed. I could have pushed on to finish even if I would have been over the 40-minute mark.
This time I finished but it took 37:23. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I was not even close to passing. But I’m finding the silver lining because I did finish, and my ten-set time dropped to 30 minutes. That’s an unofficial mark and I’ll probably ignore it going forward. It seemed relevant this time because of where I gave up last time.
My lats and conditioning were clearly weaknesses four weeks ago. I did much better on the inverted rows, but I have got to up my conditioning if I’m going to get my time down below 25 minutes.
I really wanted to move on to AX2 but clearly, I’m not ready. May Warty have mercy on my soul.
Here’s where you report on your progress. Our next check in will be the Sunday after Christmas. So, for the brave among you, also tell us what your goals for the next check in.
I accomplished nothing measurable for my weight/figure/whatever.
But I attended an optional “lunch and learn” at work about stress relief, mentally and physically.
It was actually quite helpful, and I use those techniques daily now.
I just came in from the front yard where I plucked several tangerines. Man, those are tasty!
Which techniques?
My weight has been creeping up, but I know how to fix that. I’ve been thinking about switching to wine from beer to prevent future weight gain.
On a more positive note, I can do the max weight on all but 1 or 2 of the machines in the gym. The preacher curl machine will be a tough nut to crack.
I’ve found that a treadmill set to 3 mph and 6% grade is vigorous enough to be worth the time and also allows me to read a book.
My running goal is 2 miles in 15 minutes. The closest I got to that was 2 years ago when I ran it in 15:24. I was lighter and had gone a few months with no alcohol.
But I attended an optional “lunch and learn” at work about stress relief, mentally and physically.
I need one of those.
Ive lost 5 lbs during this GlibFit, which just so happened to be the 5lbs that I gained in the few weeks prior to GlibFit, so it was a wash. Whiffed on my weight goal by almost 5 lbs.
Whiffed on my other goals completely. To be fair, I have worked 55+ hours almost every week for the past 2 months, so it’s not solely a motivation issue. Hopefully Tuesday’s presentation marks the end of the long hours.
I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not going to be able to hit fitness goals until I get my life balanced. I need to remove stressors, reduce (official and unofficial) working hours, and focus on things I enjoy.
Trashy I work the same sort of hours. What worked for me is setting a hard time to workout. For me it’s in the morning before going to work, Monday through Friday. The alarm goes off and I’ve got a good reason to get up. It’s my commitment to myself. Maybe something similar would work for you.
I take a walk every day at 11 am and then walk to pick up some lunch to take back to my desk. I typically get 3-4 miles in during that. Then I will do it again after work. If I’m working at home, I’ll run during those same times, since I don’t have to wear business casual clothing.
Morning will not work for me, I just cannot get up early, never have been able to. I have a co-worker who gets up every morning at 4am and runs.
I’ve found for me, setting big goals I know I can do is helpful. For the girlfriend, setting small goals she can reach helps her.
So many little details…
But I already procrastinated. I agreed to do this. I’m going to finish.
*Not talking about GlibFit, you guys pick the worst times.
All right. Both lions painted. Caisson painted. Carriage 80% painted, horses 50% painted. Chains
25%15% made. It’s down to detail work. Detail work always takes more time than large area coverage.*grumbled profanities*
The worst part about white details isn’t painting them, it’s painting them knowing I have to go back and do a second coat – neither of which can have a mistake.
Okay, the horse manes and tails are painted Vomit Brown… err “Tau Light Ochre” (I don’t know why they got rid of such a descriptive name as ‘Vomit Brown’) They’re now drying, and I’m looking at that flag going “That’s probably dry enough for the second coat of white paint… I just remember how much of a pain in the ass it was for the first coat.
From my long-past experience working in grade schools, I can vouch for the fact that vomit comes in many colors.
I have to turn in my hobbist card.
After starting the second coat, I realized that I could have just put painters tape around the flagpole then spray-primed the flag in light gray, which wouldn’t need multiple coats to cover in white.
Well, after all the bitching and griping, I’ve finished the white details on the flag. It really pops and looks great even before I go and clean up the edges.
*opens the “Caledor Sky” blue paint*
My weight barely went down about two-tenths of a pound from where I started – and that was around noon today before I ate our usual waffles & sausage brunch, so that probably took care of that loss. BUT I’ve attended three sessions of “Cycle & Sculpt” at one of our local YMCAS so far (T-TH sessions, so none on TG Day, of course) and plan to continue. Have to largely ignore the instructor’s suggestions re: cycle “gear” & RPM and reps for “sculpt” exercises so far, but I think it’s getting a little easier.
I’ll shoot for dropping that five pounds by the Sunday after Christmas.
Oh – and trying to get in 30 minutes on the treadmill at 3.3 mph on non-cycling days. TG Day & short evening trip Friday interrupted that, but got it in yesterday.
“My weight barely went down about two-tenths of a pound”
You’re not a hamster. .02 lbs in impossible to discern with degree of precision in a human. Because of water weight loss/gain and food eaten, etc, on a daily basis, I doubt anything less than 2-3 lbs has much of any relevance.
You lose more than that in a trip to the restroom.
Yes. One good pee is probably at least a lb.
And this is why no one wants to be your workout partner.
Must be that. I don’t even have a scale that weigh with that kind of precision. The little food scales I have. But I think those will break if I get on them.
No, but my mother was.
And your father smells of possum berries! Now go away before I must taunt you a second time!
I’d recommend trying to get the RPM’s up as high as possible. If you’re going to convert to real cycling, having the appropriate muscles to do lots of quick RPM helps more then being able to mash big gears. Of course, I’ve also found out that the place I go to that sends stats has a hard RPM cap of 149 (I’ve been over it every ride I’ve been there).
Why on earth do they have an RPM cap?
No idea. And I was the first to ask them about it. In four rides, the e-mailed stats had me at a max of 149 RPM, which I couldn’t do if I tried (and I saw my RPM going over that an every ride). There’s no max power that I’ve seen so far (I’ve hit a max watts of 599).
That’s just… odd.
It is! I could understand if it was at some insanely high number (say 225 RPM or so), but it’s 149. Which I’ve beaten on every ride I’ve been there for. I mean, max I’ve seen myself hit was ~160, but still.
Is it OK to keep gear (resistance) low to max out RPM?
Depends on where your standard RPM is, and what your goal is. I generally sit at ~80 RPM as a standard, and I’d like that to be at ~90 come next season. It’s a different training goal then going for power. The recommended RPM for road cycling is 70 RPM or higher, and then adjust your gearing to keep that going. I also avoid doing any of the standing during sprints, or other items I recognize as bad for road cycling.
I am happy to have an excuse NOT to do the standing sprints!
My current goal is weight loss (not much) and body toning, especially my abs, so whatever setting might work abs and not just legs would be preferred at this point. (Also glutes.) We’ll see how I feel about real road cycling come spring.
I’ve flat out told the instructors that I’m there to keep up conditioning for road riding, and they should sit me in the back. I refuse to drop my cadence down to 50-60 (which has been called for in some classes). But most cycling that I’m aware of is going to be legs and glutes, anything ab related is going to be in the standing and arm work (if your class does that).
Hell, my legs are probably my best asset at this point. It’s what happens when you depend on them to push around a 200+ body for over 50 miles.
I have been watching ski racing. (.).) ladies'(.(.) slalom, then men’s Super G. Turned on this Browns game, just in time to see Mayfield get sacked two or three time. Maybe they should have brought some offensive linemen with them.
None of }}these {{ on your keyboard/pad? Nice alternative.
I assumed he was reenacting the slalom motion.
Well I’ve gained back 12 of the 60 lbs I lost. Too much food and beer. I’m going to cut back on the beer , especially after the holidays. I’m not fat still, like I was before, but I looked better 12 lbs ago, wife reassured me that is true. I need to get into some indoor exercise as well. The weather is getting too iffy to plan on doing a lot of waking and running every day. Until Spring anyway.
I remember one of my co-workers one time, she was going to a wedding and she said ‘I have to lose a pound before I can look right in that dress!’. And I said ‘Well, go pee, that should do it’.
But I attended an optional “lunch and learn” at work about stress relief, mentally and physically.
It was actually quite helpful, and I use those techniques daily now.
Splitting firewood with an axe?
Arson ?
Now we’re getting somewhere.
Calling in drone strikes on the precise coordinates of the people who are pissing me off.
Works wonders.
Ok, Hillary.
Ooh, now you’re getting nasty.
/drunk Indiana Jones to Belloque when he thinks Marian is dead.
…and tres was never heard from again.
None of }}these {{ on your keyboard/pad? Nice alternative.
Just thought I’d give ‘er a spin.
I hate to OT already, but I think this is important to know.
Impeachment stopping Congress from doing things
Well, at least it’s good for something. I say keep right on impeaching!
Navarro is one of the most ignorant men in the Administration. Loves them ol’ tariffs. “And the Chinese will pay for ’em, too”. If they don’t work need to raise the tariffs, then they’ll pay.
Nice toss, Baker.
Well it looks like the Dolphins are going to beat the Eagles, the Redskins will beat the Panthers, … and words I never thought I would say .. The BENGALS WILL BEAT THE JETS!!!!!!
It is time to break up the Bungles … I mean Bengals.
That’s just humiliating if you’re a Raiders fan, after last week’s debacle.
“Not an Economist”
So, are you AOC or Krugabe?
Neither. I don’t have the training to be that incompetent.
Perfect! You can be a Presidential advisor. Oh sorry, you don’t have the training…
He’s Tulpa.
As predicted, I’m at the airport. I’m supposed to have a ten your layover at O’Hare. Yay.
Ten Years? Sheesh, you could walk there faster.
Jeebus, I read that the same way.
It could have been worse–a five hour layover in Atlanta.
Ermagerd! Bengals win! Cheap pizza from Papa John’s tomorrow! Thin crust, of course, but should we go for Works or All the Meats? Which is least horrible carb-wise?
You Buckeye’s are horrible terrible people.
We’re the BEST horrible terrible people! W00t!
You’re definitely not the worst.
}}We’re{{ collectively the worst!
}}We{{ don’t exist.
Your ifon just makes me think the room is too cold.
You’re the one who turned down the thermostat, aren’t you!
Probably. I am cold-adapted.
Since I dont eat crust, Id lobby for All The Meats.
I suddenly want brownies.
I made some dank af brownies for Tres Sr on Thursday.
OG hershey’s recipe, with icing
I don’t like frosting on brownies. I like the crusty, crunchy outside pieces.
I’ve made Hershey’s chocolate cake, though, and it is an awesome recipe.
The most popular chocolate cake I made had hot water as an ingredient (and espresso powder). I’ve got the recipe saved somewhere.
That’s Hershey’s recipe.
You need this:
Allow me to introduce you to the amazing world of the “all edges” brownie pan.
I have this one but yours is kewler.
You }}GUYS{{ !!! That is freaking BRILLIANT!!!!!
Have you not seen that before? There’s a lasagna version as well.
Yeah, this might be the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.
No, never seen that before. I would not want a lasagne version, though.
Peanut butter icing (on top only, of course – not on sides.)
So, there’s a picture I have of one my nephews birthday cakes. Two layers of chocolate cake, with a peanut butter butter cream frosting over (and between) the layers, with his age spelled out in mini Reese’s PB cups on top.
The only true brownie icing (if we must have any) is mint icing.
The only acceptable topping for brownies is vanilla ice cream.
(I’m sure OMWC disagrees)
+1 vanilla ice cream
Good answer! I like the way you think! And tell a woman what she wants to hear!
Ain’t my 1st rodeo, Calamity Jane
This gal is running for congress…. I approve
fire up the calliope, ’cause here come the clowns!
What the fuck is up with “this group is quarantined”?
Did I just put myself on a(nother) list?
No, just an outbreak of red death.
I assume you’re referring to The_Donald over at reddit?
Well the thing is… orange man bad.
Pics of guns scary
Where’s her steaks?
I think it’s this same chick.
Not her only issue.
MN D-5 has some great candidates there.
I was thinking the same thing. It must be a thick soup of crazy.
Srsly? That’s the best Team Red could come up with?
Looks like maybe a different chick.
This one is running in FL-13.
Yeah, the one banned was Danielle Stella. The one in my link is Anna Paulina Luna.
By far the best babe running for congress is Catalina Lauf:
I’ve linked to these gals before, but always worth another look.
Ravens-Niners was one of the few games that lived up to the hype.
And the only one that went the right way. That RedZone channel is a curse: watch all your teams lose at the same time!
That was a hell of a game.
Yup, didn’t go my way but one of the best, if not the best game of the season. Hope that is the Super Bowl matchup. I would like to see the that same game without rain. I blew chunks by not betting it, I thought it would come down to a field goal and the Niners were -6.5.
OT Quite a while back someone was asking about whatever happened to choose-your-adventure stories. Well, they’re back, apparently. “Interactive fiction.” Not my cuppa, but I got the feeling it was a nostalgia thing for whoever was asking about it.
I tired to write one once.
I couldn’t.
Maybe if you took a nap first?
He had on the wrong gloves.
I’m not even going to try. Go on the one-track ride I built, or don’t go on it.
It never went away. I tried dipping my toes into that a couple decades ago.
Fishy story
An Oklahoma police chief is asking Starbucks to have mercy on a barista who plastered “PIG” on a police officer’s coffee order.
“I just recently learned that the employee was terminated, and this may be a bit surprising, but I would like Starbucks to reconsider,” Keifer, Oklahoma, Police Chief Johnny O’Mara told Fox News. “I’m asking for civility.”
O’Mara took to Facebook Thursday after one of his officers made a Thanksgiving coffee run as a treat for the department’s dispatchers — and came away with the insult.
“What irks me is the absolute and total disrespect for a police officer who, instead of being home with family and enjoying a meal and a football game, is patrolling his little town,” O’Mara wrote.
I smell a
ratpig.My goal is to not put back on the weight that I’ve lost. So far, so good.
Regarding your question in the last thread.
this is by far the best in the original list:
“NRA Struggles To Comprehend Mysterious 2nd Amendment”
From your second batch, this was the best:
“Shelter Cat Scared to be Adopted by Weird Lady With Purple Hair, Nose Ring”
Indulge me: Isn’t pass interference the entire point of a defense?
I just assume refs make up the rules as they go.
You’re thinking of cricket.
They need rules other than “turn left?”
You need to know what a crumpet is to understand cricket!
I tried finding rules for cricket several times. I finally decided they were pronounc
(ahem). pronounced ‘throatwarbler mangrove.’
“You’re thinking of cricket”
Hah! They sure fooled you! Cricket doesn’t have any rules.
Die Hard is a Christmas movie. This is known.
Die Hard II too?
Yes, and it is a rare sequel that can live up to the first. Lighting up that runway gives me the chills every time.
Yippe kaiyay, motherfucker.
It always amazes me how he could get raw kerosene to burn like that.
But it was awesome anyway.
Damn straight. It is the best Christmas movie.
Mmmm, Old Rasputin and the Raiders blowing a kick return.
If it’s the one fron North Coast Brewing then I had the same thing. First time I tried it. Thumbs up.
I hate you both. *watching alcohol intake*
Me too. I don’t want to miss my mouth.
I applaud the sheer audacity of posting this on the last day of the Thanksgiving weekend of gorging. Had my ass on the elliptical today.
Thanks. I think it’s important to keep on keeping on with exercise. Letting “the holidays” become an excuse leads to doing nothing. Far better to do something, no matter how imperfect, than to do nothing.
Okay, Christmas is officially the worst holiday. I hate buying gifts, and I usually hate getting them too.
Martin Luther King Day is the worst holiday. Two weeks after New Year’s, and lots of political haranguing.
I do have issues with how many holidays occur in the winter, but that doesn’t even begin to approach my level of hate for gifts.
I’ve also never experienced any exceptional amount of politicking around MLK day.
I haven’t heard any political haranguing on MLK, but it’s as pointless now as President’s Day. Kids’ school is out too many times in the winter, especially with snow days mixed in.
I don’t really mind that they are home. I mind that for 2 months, I can’t get into a rhythm.
Well. would you look at that.
Meh, only halfway theough the first quarter. Plenty of time for the Chiefs to stab me in the heart.
OMG Reid is going to go for it on 4th down?!?!?
Just a flesh wound.
I hate buying gifts, and I usually hate getting them too.
I am cutting my beer drinking off now and switching to tequila. Both for Glibfit and the Broncos are on and it is best to watch them shitfaced.
That’s thinking things through.
I’ll just leave this gem here.
City council member takes a dump on FB live. Also- for bonus entertainment look at the sidebar.
A Babylon Bee type story by yours truly:
NRA Struggles to Comprehend Mysterious 2nd Amendment
WASHINGTON DC – An NRA spokesman announced today that it has tasked its wisest scholars to decipher an ancient text, which could be the key to settling the gun control debate once and for all. Although the text appears in the US Constitution, it has defied translation, leading some to suspect that even the Founders themselves did not know its meaning. This is the consensus theory as the Founders wrote nothing about guns in any other document of that period.
But according to a shocking new theory, the 2nd Amendment actually prohibits gun control. Proponents point to the fact that all the other amendments in the Bill of Rights place restrictions on the government for the purpose of protecting individual freedom. In fact, in the Preamble to the Bill of Rights, it says: The Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.
In response, the ACLU tweeted: Just because the first words in the BoR are “Congress shall make no law” doesn’t mean it can’t make laws about guns.
The tweet was liked by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and President Trump, who later retracted his like, and blamed the “Fake News Media” for tricking him.
Perhaps the true meaning of the 2nd Amendment’s 27 words will never be known.
I liked it, not exactly where I thingy you’d take it, but that may be a good thing.
I don’t care if the Denver QB’s mommy and daddy are in the stands. He’s a big boy, now. The Broncos are paying him to be there.
Or am I wrong? Is this some sort of Make-a-Wish pro-quarterback-for-a-day fantasy gig for a sick little trooper?
Meh, that’s been a part of the story for years. Remember when Favre’s dad died? I never got treated like an action hero for working after my dad died.
But look how proud they are.
I just sent my resume to the Babylon Bee, what do I have to lose?
Swing for the fences, man.
More like a bunt, but it could get me on base.
I submitted a bunch of stuff to Cracked around 2012 and got nothing. They didn’t like being reminded that FDR confiscated gold and put people in internment camps.
Last time I checked it years ago, it had devolved into the worst sort of SJW nonsense.
Cracked has always been SJW, just not overtly so at the beginning.
Some of us remember them as competition to MAD back in the day.
Wait, how did you know…YOU ARE THE MOLE!!
I don’t think I’d be a very good mole. Blending in is not my thing and I’ve ruffled enough feathers to open a pillow factory.
That’s just what a mole would say!
Seriously, along with my resume I sent some of the photoshop work I did over at Cracked.
Only a true mole denies his….molarity?
Feathers make terrible pillows. Give me cotton/poly fiberfill any day. Whatever you do don’t give me that foam block crap.
I prefer flat foldable pillows over fluffy useless pillows.
Die Hard is a Christmas movie. This is known.
Lethal weapon, too.
Also, this.
That was back before SugarFree went soft.
That was both the Genesis of my cartoon, as well as SF becoming tamer to match me; I blame you Spud! And Genesis!
Genesis? You monster!
Seeing Patsy Kinsit’s breasts makes any day a holiday.
Another Babylon Bee type story:
Satan Considers Selling His Soul to Trump
HELL – Sources close to the Prince of Darkness report that he has been pondering selling his immortal soul to President Trump, whom the fallen angel considers to be the best chance for obtaining everlasting power over the earth. In a phone interview, the timeless representative of evil incarnate admitted that even he failed to stop Trump from defeating Clinton, who had offered to make the Devil Secretary of Education in exchange for support.
Satan admitted that the soul market was heading toward recession. Soul prices have tumbled as more and more people, including most of California’s adult population, have sold their souls to the Devil in exchange for preventing Trump’s re-election. “So my thinking is,” explained the dark lord, “the greatest act of evil I could commit would be to get all these liberal losers to sell their souls to me, then turn them into Trump’s eternal property by selling my soul to him. Diabolical isn’t it?”
The beast then tented his fingers and laughed maniacally.
Actual newspaper article: Trump Is Satan
I checked to see if someone else did a “Satan sells soul to Trump” story, but it looks like I’m the first.
Robot Devil is my favorite devil:
Julie Newmar is my favorite devil.
I think you are writing Babylon Bee worthy material.
I’ll plug myself – I wrote a bunch of articles for this site way back when. If you like my sense of humor, you might like them. In case you missed it, here’s a sample:
Raise the Minimum Wage & End Robot Unemployment
Fair Share
Perfect:) LOL. Good stuff.
*wild applause*
Have you checked out Bee membership? One of the perks is a forum to pitch headline ideas to them. Maybe it opens the door for you to submit some some articles…? And it’s half off right now.
/no, I don’t work for the Bee‘s subscription department.
Mm hmm. I think we found the lurker.
Hm. I’m already tagged and bagged by Uncle Sam. The Army understands me: they looked deep inside my soul, and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined.
I’ll think about it though. In the mean time, it wouldn’t bother me if the Bee “borrowed” my headlines or stories.
C’mon, Bee. I’m 95% sure you guys are watching. Put an email in the comments if you are.
And MikeS proves to us his heart is two sizes too small.
I approve this message.
This does not seem to be a particularly well played game.
It’s not. (doesn’t matter to which game you are referring this year)
Nope. Chiefs are lazy and Raiders are incompetent.
Today was not a good day in Cleveland. The Browns lost, the Ravens won, and there was much beer consumed. One out of three isn’t bad, but it isn’t good. I’ve set myself back about 4 pounds based on daily weigh ins, and don’t expect to drop that over the next weekend in Philly.
Protip- do NOT weigh yourself daily. Weight fluctuations are normal, and seeing them every 12-24 hours will make you nuts.
I do once weekly, and look for a trend.
There’s nothing wrong with daily so long as you don’t fret over the noise and watch the trend line. I picked a specific point in my schedule and stuck to that to minimize the number of extra factors complicating the data.
I agree and weigh myself daily. I don’t let it drive me nuts.
I weigh in daily, and look for trend lines. I find that better then weekly/random check-ins because it provides more data for the trend lines. I’m not even going to freak about about the trend line swinging up over the past couple of days.
That pick was a work of art.
That field goal attempt was nit.
That sack, tho. ?
slowdown on that racism!
The Sheriff is near !
That field goal attempt, otoh, was not.
THREAD FAYUL……belongs down here
“I’ll just leave this gem here.”
City Council member takes a dump on FB live.
I wonder if this was Straff’s idea.
Ignoring a petition that .016% of the population signed is a controversy?
Seems like I’m headed in the right direction, at least I’m not going up. Maybe down a lb or so but too small of an amount to declare victory. I’ve been busy cleaning bee equipment but that’s not physical. Worked on the snow today, got lots more to do but the snow blower conked out. Hope I can fix it but my mechanical skills are lacking, a long with other skills.
NFL announcer: “And he’ll slide for 9.”
Who wouldn’t ?
KD Lang ?
That got an LOL.
+1 Jodie Foster’s knuckle.
We missing any Glibs?
Nah. Glibs like to see who they are shooting.
Hey Straffinrun, I added another attempt to the original post. I’m finding the watercolors really, really hard. Definitely challenging my perfectionism. Unfortunately, the results are terrible. Hopefully, I’ll get better.
I see things like this and wonder why anyone bothers to write parody.
Sexuality & gender – straight & narrow or round & bouncy?: Danielle McClelland at TEDxBloomington
[Homer scream]
Hey ladies! Fashion alert- it seems your ideal lipstick shade is supposed to match your nipple color.
Who knew?
*raises hand*
Pics or it never happened.
Also raises hand. This goes back to the 1980s.
That’s absurd.
I know, right? Who’s ever seen a girl with purple nipples?
Fun fact: In the Georgian period in the 18th century, women would rouge their nipples in case of a nip slip (most definitely a possibility and often done on purpose. And more risque ladies in the Regency era (1809ish to 1820ish) would rouge their nipples underneath their very light fabric dresses (lawn, batiste, muslin, etc). This was made popular by Empress Josephine.
What, was having dark nipples considered culturally unattractive?
Rouged = making them darker with rouge (to show through the dress)
Rouge is an old-fashioned word for blush.
I knew what rouge was, I just thought it was to lighten them in case they showed through, not to blatantly make them more visible. I misunderstood the practice as an attempt a modesty or the illusion of it. Of course, I get it bass ackwards.
Oh, no. They were not prudes by any stretch.
Necklines in the 1770s and 1780s were very often BELOW the nipple.
There aren’t nearly enough pictures to justify their hypothesis. And most definitely would mom.
Is that you Oedipus?
31-0 with 22 minutes left. This game sucks.
That’s a matter of perception, good sir.
I’m fine with KC winning, it’s just a boring game.
True, but I could do without the anxiety, so I’m enjoying it for now. Plus, I can switch over to Redzone during commercials.
Apparently CBS agrees since they’re not showing it anymore… oh wait, it’s back. I guess taking five-minute breaks is a thing now.
LOL never mind, I had flipped to RedZone.
CBS apparently gave up on the Raiders for good.
Who knew that Sloths were German ?
I’m kind of pissed that I haven’t dropped a single pound, but at the same time I can see my arms aren’t spindly twigs. I am still getting my ass kicked by Boot Camp class, but keeping up a little better. My December goal will be again to drop 5 pounds.
Love these, Chafed!
Sorry I haven’t been around for the last few. I’m a week out from cortisone shots in my foot. No surgery! Woot!
Did some hiking and skiing over the last few days with zero issues.
Took the week off from my program, but was still really active. Gonna keep going with the bodyweight program. I’m not gonna hot my goals before the cutoff, but I’m completely happy with where I’m at.
Good luck and finish strong!
I’m really late, but I’ll check in anyways.
I received some advice to try reverse hyperextensions to help my back. My PT before he discharged me said he wasn’t familiar with them but if I can do them without pain it might be worth trying them. I tried them out using just the arm of the hyperextension machine as resistance. Shooting pain down my leg. It’s possible I wasn’t positioned correctly on the pad or that the arm was too much weight. When I am next at the gym I will try them one more time with just my legs as resistance and with more careful positioning on the pad. If that still causes shooting pain, then I’m done with them.
The day after I tried the reverse hyperextensions, I was in a good bit of pain. Things got better in time for the double barreled snow storm.
Yesterday I tweaked my back while clearing snow.
This morning I was in some pain which thankfully faded quickly once I started moving around.
I was much more careful while shoveling today. I had a few instances of pain but otherwise I was fine. We’ll see how I feel tomorrow.
My follow up with the doc that performed the shot is scheduled for mid-January.