Tough game
I really thought the Seahawks were gonna lose. The Vikings put up a good fight but it just wasn’t enough. Only a handful of games on the ice yesterday. Your winners were Buffalo, Vegas, NYI, St Louis and Anaheim. And on the hardcourt, the ACC/Big Ten thingy got into gear as Minnesoooooda took out Clemson (oh, if only this was football) and Miami knocked off Illinois. More on tap tonight including a couple of biggies.

Back when he spoke intelligibly
Those notables born on this day include infinity symbol guy John Wallis, General George McClellan, novelist Joseph Conrad, college basketball coaching great Fred Taylor, rocker Ozzy Osbourne, faith healing conman Benny Hinn, actress Julianne Moore, human statue Terry Schiavo, sexy skater Katarina Witt, and ageless actor Brendan Fraser.
OK, on to…the links!
Jimmy Carter doesn’t have much time left. At least that’s my guess. I could be wrong and he could go all RBG and stay alive for years.
The Chicago Machine eats one of its own. I wonder what stupid thing the mayor did to burn this trump card. That’s what it usually is when an expendable is cast aside with such fanfare. Everybody knows this dumbshit should have been fired at least a month ago. Lightfoot kept him around just for this.

It’s always the paper trail
Prince Andrew might end up in the Tower of London. Or he may commit Arkancide. Either way, shit’s looking worse for him.
And it looks like they only winged him. Which is about the level of accuracy I’d expect. But still…this is why schools need to allow for armed personnel.
Oh man, they didn’t think this one through. Also, I guess they don’t care about far-left extremism. Otherwise they’d be placing an urn about 10x that size in front of the CCP’s offices in Bejing.
Canada susceptibility to cyber attacks goes up 1000%. US’s drops 10%.
OK, enjoy this. I know some of you will and some won’t. But I’m fine with that.
Now go have a greatly, friends!
Jimmy Carter doesn’t have much time left. At least that’s my guess. I could be wrong and he could go all RBG and stay alive for years.
I guess the death pool odds are dropping fast
I don’t know. I bet they make a Deadpool 3.
I’m not sure… I mean that’s under Disney now.
There’s a chance, I mean it took a couple of movies for them to shit up Star Wars. The MCU made it through the recent wave without too many problems. The coming slate of movies doesn’t look promising though.
I’ve been watching the mandalorian with the wife. So far so good 4 episodes in.
I tapped out after the Last Jedi. I made it through Lucas’ terrible fscking prequels, and the Last Jedi is what finally made me nope out. The girlfriend has been watching the Mandalorian, but I haven’t watched it yet.
I don’t like the new Ray storyline, but I liked rogue one. I only checked out the mando because we get disney+ for free. I get walking away though.
You are have a strong stomach Neph. After paying to see and hear Jar Jar Binks,I was done. I swore that franchise would never get another penny from me.
I was done with The Force Awakens, a.k.a. A Woke Hope. I did watch Rogue One (not bad) and Solo (pretty bad) out of the theaters, and The Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker will not get a cent from me.
I didn’t even manage to finish watching Last Jedi.
It was terrible. I really hope the wife doesn’t demand to see the rise of skywalker.
I read (I think it was linked here) a huge long form criticism of Last Jedi that tore it to pieces. Not just for the unexpected new powers, nor the change to hyperspace, but the terrible plotting and character changes. The problem in trying to find it again is Google returns more results talking about the “toxic fanbase” then going to the criticisms.
Disney owns Dirty Harry now?
Jim Carrey’s best role.
Prince Andrew might end up in the Tower of London. Or he may commit Arkancide. Either way, shit’s looking worse for him.
What is the point of even being Prince if not to bang underage hotties ? Imagine an older Henry or Edward being in hot water for such a trifle
Andrew is doing it wrong. Declaring prima nocte at a wedding rehearsal is the historical way to go.
Ignoring consent issues, is the fact that she was 17 a problem? Where did this take place? Age of consent is less than 18 most places.
Not if it is payed for
It is always paid for
I don’t think she’s claiming statutory rape but, to use Whoopi’s words, rape-rape. For all three times she willingly kept going back to the place.
She was “just” seventeen. Reminds me of a Beatles song. Everyone knows you’re an innocent waif until you hit 30-40 and your parents die and leave you their house that you’ve been living in the basement of, the whole time. Doesn’t matter that she was paid a bunch of cash, traveled the world in private jets and hung out in top level mansions, eating the finest foods and voluntarily kept coming back.
I quasi-agree. It’s not “rape-rape” if she kept going back, but at the same time I’m not sure 17 year olds are mature enough to make that decision.
They are almost certainly not mature enough to make that decision wisely. On the other hand the way you acquire the ability to make decisions wisely is by making them unwisely and paying attention to the results.
Very true. Also another reason I’m glad I don’t have kids. Especially daughters.
They’re still not mature enough at 30-40. Her long lasting damage from all of this is that she has a taste for the high life. The only reasonable restitution is a huge chunk of money. If she’d have not had the “misfortune” of meeting a bazillionaire, she’d just have to forget the whole thing and go on with her life, but since her “rapist pedophile” was rich, she might just squeeze some more champagne and caviar out of it.
And, anyway, she is considered old enough to join the army and go get killed in some shithole. She can drive around in a two ton death missile while texting her friends, she’s a few months shy of being a full fledged adult with no supervision needed. I’d feel differently if she was 14-15, but 17 is plenty old enough to know better and if she didn’t, her parents failed her badly but I still don’t see a crime on Andrew’s part (excepting the stupidity of getting caught for that.
I didn’t mean to imply a crime, just musing on the morality of seducing 17 year olds.
He didn’t seduce her. He paid someone else to have sex with her.
Money is very seductive.
Yeah, I don’t get it either. 17 y/o girls are mostly annoying to me, at least when they talk. Epstien was facing some crazy amount of decades in prison before he got an early release for having dirt on the Clinton’s. This broad, however, is just a whore who wants to retroactively haggle over the price.
I have no knowledge of their particulars….
But I live in south Florida, and I see this playing out all of the time. There are a lot of dudes with a big pile of cash running around down here. And younger women love to be taken around by them. They go to fancy dinners, get taken on the yacht, and they have sex with guys that they wouldn’t have sex with if they weren’t loaded.
They do not appear to think of it as being taken advantage of. Nor do they seem to think they are taking advantage of the men – at least not at first. But eventually the ones that keep doing it become pretty sanguine with what they are doing – they want gifts, rent paid, travel – and they are willing to be hot and allow a certain amount of sex in exchange. As far as I know they don’t explicitly say “if you buy me stuff I’ll have sex with you” and the guys never say “I’m gonna lease a car for you, but only if you have sex with me”. But that is what it becomes.
By the time they are nearing 30, it is pretty straightforward. You see them cruising for 50 year old rich dudes, not even bothering to pretend that they are doing anything other than cruising for 50 year old rich dudes.
So my experience tells me that the girls who flew on private jets and hobnobbed with the rich, famous and powerful men did so because they wanted to at the time. They were having a blast… maybe they privately laughed with each other about how “gross” that politician was, but in the moment they are having fun being the center of attention and getting to do all the exciting rich-people stuff.
Look at Monica Lewinski. She still maintains that she’s happy with their relationship – despite its decidedly one-sided and to all outside observers exploitative nature.
Such women let you grab them by the pussy.
Get treated to McDonald’s, drivin’ around in an uber and paid in bit coin over silk road and the guy is looking at real time.
Canada susceptibility to cyber attacks goes up 1000%. US’s drops 10%.
Look it is a private company with no links to the Chinese government okay ?
Don’t worry, they’re an IT company, nothing to do with the water.
Oh man, they didn’t think this one through. Also, I guess they don’t care about far-left extremism. Otherwise they’d be placing an urn abut 10x that size in front of the CCP’s offices. in Bejing.
I find it the whole antisemitism issue the labor party of merry olde England entertaining, presumably because I am not Jewish
I find it entertaining and I *am* Jewish.
All they had to do to win was cast Corbyn and the anti-semites of the party leadership aside a year ago and they’d have won handily. Now it looks as if they will get smoked.
Let’s hope so.
“It didn’t last very long, the whole entire procedure. It was disgusting. Um, he wasn’t mean or anything, but he got up and he said, ‘thanks,’ and walked out. And I sat there in bed just horrified and ashamed,”
Hope he rolled out the red carpet for ya.
Maybe she rolled out the red carpet and they all had a bloody good time?
She was not unresponsive?
It sounds like no noncombatants were shot. Impressive, in its way.
Three shots, at a short range, and all they managed was a minor injury?
Nope, still embarrassing. You shoot at someone pointing a gun at you from across the room and they survive, you’re either an idiot or a bad shot.
I’ve been holding out on you all, but it’s the Christmas Season so imma share
Yes, thicc.
Snapchat: Get it on my Patreon
Well, that’s it, good knowing y’all. I’m stepping into an alternate universe where the internet never exists.
No, not thicc.
Oh man, they didn’t think this one through. Also, I guess they don’t care about far-left extremism. Otherwise they’d be placing an urn abut 10x that size in front of the CCP’s offices. in Bejing-
Well Snopes says Hitler is far right because the socialist say national socialist weren’t real socialist so they get to smear the right with it, even thought hitler was vocally anti-capitalism.
It is about hierarchy or something
Sounds like something a far-right extremist would say. You probably like free markets too, don’t you, shitlord?
You probably like free markets too, don’t you, shitlord?-
Dunno. Never seen one.
“Well Snopes says Hitler is far right because the socialist say national socialist weren’t real socialist”
They just said that to get the workers along. I mean they hated the USSR. But socialism and Communism are totally different.
In one case government colludes with the businesses they like to pick winners & losers, thus lording it over the serfs, and in the other the people in charge just lord it over the serfs. I have told people consistently that after the Cold War ended, fascism won. The system we have the left pushing for today is one where we drop the fascism-light that the end of the Cold War spawned and go full blown into camps and such for the non-believers and kulaks & wreckers.
Well Snopes says Hitler is far right because the socialist say national socialist weren’t real socialist so they get to smear the right with it, even thought hitler was vocally anti-capitalism.
They can get away with it in part because the right wing parties did open the door for the Nazis (by entering into coalition with them), but the Nazis themselves were not really right-wing – not only did they hate capitalism, they had no real respect for the traditional institutions (church and monarchy) of the German nation. Franco’s fascists were right wing, but Mussolini and Hitler were playing to the center.
Andrew. Isn’t he the Queen’s favourite?
Did you watch the BBC interview? It’s like he was coached on how to look like a perv trying to cover something up. It’s unreal.
Jerry Sanduskyesque.
In honor of Ozzy’s birthday. As many of those pigs around today as there were back in the day.
Nice choice.
War, what is it good for?
A bit late but I wanted to 2 degrees humblebrag about my dad meeting Ozzy and seeing Sabbath back when they were just a (too) local band.
I could be wrong and he could go all RBG
You mean he’s already been dead for awhile?
I swear, the whole RBG thing feels like Bicentennial Man going in reverse.
God, that was a terrible movie. Just terrible.
I never bought a clock builder making more than a roboticist.
I don’t trust any leftist who thinks that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is something to base any of our politics on. Even putting aside issues with the framework of human rights, it’s a document put out by the UN, not exactly an organization friendly to us.
When you are so far left that the Universal Declaration seems right wing you may have issues.
Article 23.
(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
(2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
(3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
(4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.
Article 24.
Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.
Article 25.
(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
(2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.
Everyone has a right to provide these things to other without recompense, under penalty of struggle sessions.
So they are peddling slavery again?
If 23(1-3) are guaranteed by da gubmint, 23(4) is unnecessary.
“Reasonable” & “periodic” in 24 are stupidly vague.
Generally, I take that the term “right”, as applied here, means the government will provide these things for you rather than meaning that the govt should not impede your pursuit of them.
25(2). Bullshit. The parents are entitled to tending to the family they created.
Doesn’t matter that she was paid a bunch of cash, traveled the world in private jets and hung out in top level mansions, eating the finest foods and voluntarily kept coming back.
Whaaaaa? She was a slave. A slave, I say.
Trudeau is a stupid dumb China loving fuck.
But he’s so dreamy
‘This….is Tyler…’
Fuck Tyler.
What the muppet said!
Good morning, Sloop!
And good morning to all of you far-right extremists!
The Prince Andrew story is getting funnier by the day. Seriously, the last embarrassment to the Crown died in a car crash. What will it be for Andy? Drowning? Mysterious illness? Climbing accident?
Only the Queen knows for sure.
I do actually like the song. Great memories!
Have a fantastic day, y’all!
The battered field of social psychology suffers another serious blow: Seminal study that lay the groundwork for the weighty Moral Foundations Hypothesis about differences between liberals and conservatives largely fails to replicate
My entire worldview is shaken to its foundation.
While moral foundations hypo passes the smell test, durable differences between Democrat and Republican doesn’t. Maybe because I was raised by nature-sanctifying hippies, or maybe because I know about Hotelling’s law.
The teevee is on in the background, with a biography of history’s greatest monster:
Henry Ford.
Fucking liberal/progressive historians really really hate that guy. He bought out all his shareholders so he could run the company as a dictatorship. If he wanted to do something, he just did it.
The people should get a vote in the running of companies
That’s what the leaders in the USSR told everyone. Except the companies were all being run into the ground by people that could give a flying shit considering they were treated just a little bit better than serfs were/are.
That sonofabitch figured out how to do two horrible things:
1) Make cars that any working man could afford
2) Give everyone working on his line a decent hourly rate
They’ll never forgive him.
I read recently that the reason he raised wages is because average worker tenure before that was about 3-4 months. Raising wages was the only only way he could get workers to stick around long enough to become productive.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that either of these were for anyone’s benefit but his.
No, but that’s often what you hear when certain people are advocating for living wages: “Look at Henry Ford! He was such a visionary to give his workers a living wage so they could afford his cars!” Instead of acknowledging that a rational profit-based analysis can produce good outcomes (defined as outcomes certain people approve of), they like to pretend that he was just an altruist at heart. At least sometimes.
Henry Ford WAS a Progressive. They just hate him because, unlike most of them, he actually got to play dictator.
Innovation Cities™ Index 2019 : Global
Bucharest dropped 14 places…
Also the 2018 PISA are in and Romania is unhappy cause the scores are going down
China spies on social media conversations. Then they bring dissidents in for a real-life chat.
People I know were trying to share this on facebook and having issues ?
England and Germany are drooling.
In Xinjiang, Chinese police are using the blood and faces of an oppressed minority to craft dystopian technologies that may not even work. For years, they’ve been publishing their findings in respected international journals
Who would film that and why would it be leaked?
Definitely could be faked. Definitely could be real. You never know with Chicoms.
It appears to only be three people in the room. It wouldn’t be too hard for the upper management to figure out who leaked that film. I’m not saying it’s fake, I just would like more information.
I’m leaning towards faked. Doesn’t mean that the police aren’t doing that or much worse. It would be way to easy to find who leaked that.
No doubt it could be real. Ask Freddie Gray about Nickel Rides.
What good is intimidating 1 person when you can disseminate a recording of it and intimidate an entire population?
+1 Struggle Session
In Appeal to Hard Left, Bloomberg Praises Chinese Communism
It’s what everyone on the left is aspiring too. Whether it’s fake or not, their fantasy is to have all of us chained to those chairs without a lawyer or any rights.
I thought for sure that was going to be a Babylon Bee link.
Looking at British succession: Archie Mountbatten-Windsor is 7th in line. Just a few fluke deaths and an American citizen could be King.
That is presuming the queen dies. Does not seem imminent.
There was an old joke about a old woman asked if she feel close to death, she said she is waiting for her kids to dies first so they are not saddened by her death.
Bring on King Ralph!
HIs mother shouldn’t be an American citizen:
I don’t believe she has received any titles, they’re held by her husband.
If they did, poor Jamie Lee Curtis.
Wait….so The Duke of New York is not A #1???
If I were asian I would have started a band called Europe.
That’s not a band with all asian guys.
The Swedes might have a problem with that.
Ha, too slow.
Name the geography bands:
Florida Georgia Line
Nashville Pussy.
Kentucky Headhunters
New York Dolls
Alabama Shakes
Alabama Thunder Pussy
Also, Alabama 3 who done did The Sopranos theme tune?
‘bama is pretty popular for band names.
There is/was a band called Texas, but they were Scottish (iirc), and terrible.
Oh dang I forgot Little Texas, who recorded this anthem:
Georgia Satellites
Black Oak Arkansas
Dedicated to Pope Jim
Take My Breathe Away
Miami Sound Machine
Ohio Players
Trans Siberian Orchestra
Wait. Wouldn’t masturbation rub off the hair on the right palm (or left if you’re sinister), resulting in hair only in the other palm?
Some government entity should trhow a few million at someone to test out this hypothesis…
Doesn’t seem to have any effect on the hairs on the dick side of the process.
Depends on how vigorous you are. But it seems to me that hairy palms would be advantageous, assuming it’s nice, smooth fur.
Difference in weather between two sides of the mountain
Camera trick, this is what they were crossing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altenalp_T%C3%BCrm. Doesn’t look as scary without the fish eye. Still a no from me.
It was disgusting.
Only if you’re doing it right.
“She had the small green avocado on her left tricep replaced with a large rose by celebrity tattoo artist Nico Bassill.”
The avocado was her best tattoo.
The U.S. government on Monday said it may slap punitive duties of up to 100% on $2.4 billion in imports from France of Champagne, handbags, cheese and other products, after concluding that France’s new digital services tax would harm U.S. tech companies.
The U.S. Trade Representative’s office said its “Section 301” investigation found that the French tax was “inconsistent with prevailing principles of international tax policy, and is unusually burdensome for affected U.S. companies,” including Alphabet’s Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon.com.
The findings won favor from U.S. lawmakers and U.S. tech industry groups, who have long argued that the tax unfairly targets U.S firms.
“The French digital services tax is unreasonable, protectionist and discriminatory,” Senators Charles Grassley and Ron Wyden, the top Republican and Democrat, respectively, on the Senate Finance Committee, said in a joint statement.
Spokespeople for the French embassy and the European Union delegation in Washington could not immediately be reached for comment.
But prior to the release of the USTR’s report, a French official said that France would dispute the trade agency’s findings, repeating Paris’ contention that the digital tax is not aimed specifically at U.S. technology companies.
“We will not give up on taxation” of digital firms, the official said..
Trump just randomly throws out tariffs, in an effort to destroy the world economy.
Oh noes!!!!
That evil Trump, driving up the cost of my Mimolette.
Fuck the French anyway. What happened to the yellowjackets? I haven’t heard much about them lately.
“Wolfgang Van Halen defends Billie Eilish after she was shamed for not knowing legendary rock band”
She never heard of Run-DMC either?
What’s a Billie Eilish?
Some of the nonsense kids these days are into I presume
Following the Lorde model, the record moguls have figured out that if they put their money and bigtime producers behind some teenage girls and market them as creative geniuses with insight far beyond their years, that the public will eat it up and the press will rush to signal how “profound” it all is, and how they are “speaking truth to power” or something. I’m not saying these artists are completely without merit. I mean, you can’t make an omelette without an egg (but almost in this case. It’s that the marketing machine can *almost* make something out of nothing given the scale of their mechanisms.
That wasn’t expressed very articulately. In short, she is an omelette.
Why do you hate Randy Marsh?
I don’t tek kaanndly to pitch correction
I prefer the model where they bring back the balls to rock. They call it the Lordi model.
Well, it’s tricky…
Special guest appearance by a formerly fat, former libertarian.
Sometimes I forgot how much hip-hop has changed.
Not for the better
I was sharing some Doug E. Fresh (live) with the kids on the way to school yesterday – to teach them the roots of hip-hop and rap.
Doug E. was pretty horrible live.
It’s apparent that Wolfgang likes cake.
It happens. I didn’t know a lot at that age but then again….we knew a lot of shit. We knew, for example, who Miles Davis was.
That’s my problem with the kids of today. They literally have every bit of history and information at their finger tips yet seem woefully ignorant or disinterested in learning or acquiring knowledge. It’s nuts really. Their heads are buried in those stupid phones and yet manage to not learn squat.
No wonder socialism is on the rise.
She also didn’t know Huey Lewis. The band is STILL FRICKEN TOURING. By the way, very under rated in my view. ‘Sports’ is a fantastic album.
Anyway. They’re so into themselves they forget to explore. Ironic, given how much they travel.
By the way, very under rated in my view. ‘Sports’ is a fantastic album.
Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Sports came out in ’83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He’s been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.
Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in ’83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He’s been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.
Don’t you have to return some videotapes?
I’m upset I forgot about that scene in my original posting.
Should they get off your lawn while you whittle in your rocking chair?
/points shot gun.
If my nephew read one line in the post, he’d be very upset with me.
Lol. We have these talks all the time.
I like both Van Halen and Billie Eilish.
Never heard of her, but it’s peak Gen X to think everyone should know their favorite band.
Yeah, when people are 18, how many bands are they familiar with that peaked before they were born?
Plenty, if they are raised right.
When I was 18 in 1980, I was familiar with approximately zero bands who peaked in the ’50s. And I think that is true for everybody I knew, and likely the vast, vast majority of my peers.
Were we all raised wrong?
Yes. Sorry.
It would explain a lot, now that I think about it.
Yeah, Van Halen’s greatest work was in 1977. They peaked in the 80’s. That’s over 30 years ago. Their parents were too young for Van Halen.
For me that’s like asking about music from the late 40’s, early 50’s. Even my parents didn’t listen to that stuff. They liked 50’s do-wop and rock, and 60’s pop and rock music. So I was well familiar with Elvis, the Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, etc. Not so much Perry Como and Frankie Laine
In the 90’s when I was a teen, we listened to as much Rush, Doors, Led Zep, Ramones and Black Sabbath as we did Pearl Jam, Nirvana, The Toadies, etc.
But did you listen to Ricky Nelson, Bobby Darin and Johnny Mathis? Because she’s a 17 year old pop artist, not a metal head.
And the answer for me is “no, I didn’t listen to that crap at all”. Heck, I avoided pop music of my own era. As close as I got was rock ballads. Holy crap, did the rock ballad take over that genre during the late 70’s/early 80’s.
No. Me personally, I was pretty well versed in my Dad’s collection of 1) psychedelic rock 2) 60’s and 70’s mega-bands and 3) proto-metal (which has a lot of overlap with 1 and 2). Throw in a little cowboy country and singer-songwriter stuff, too.
Damn, now I want to listen to a whole bunch of this stuff. Here: Dust – Pull Away
How is Van Halen anybody’s favorite band? I don’t even think they’re Eddie Van Halen’s favorite band.
It’s crazy how scandal after scandal people fall and despite their names showing up in most cases the Clintons manage to escape each time.
Live by the Clinton, die by the Clinton
You shoot at someone pointing a gun at you from across the room and they survive, you’re either an idiot or a bad shot.
You just shoot the gun out of his hand. They do it al the time, in the movies.
Ok, funny!
And I agree with the sentiment of not being able to score a center mass hit on a fairly stationary target from inside 20 feet. Except adrenaline is a thing. Most people panic-fire. I’ve seen enough police shooting videos to know this with a great degree of certainty. They usually shoot wildly – even from inside 5 feet.
Back in the 90’s some dude tried to shoot up the town in Chapel Hill. There was a circle of police raining bullets at a guy with a rifle standing in the middle of a quarter-acre square. The only hit the police scored was when he started reloading. A local bartender ran out and tackled the guy while he was reloading and the police shot the bartender in the foot.
Shooting an armed assailant is harder than you might think, apparently.
Former USMC pistol trainer Tomas Sowell had some pretty choice words for people who have strong opinions about in-combat pistol marksmanship without first hand experience. I have no experience, so I’ll appeal to his authority.
*nods solemnly*
Fair point. Its easy to mock, but I think its all too easy to assume that, when the moment comes, you can coolly acquire a sight picture and squeeze the trigger.
Really, the lack of multiple mag dumps is probably a sign that these cops are above average.
Is far right extremism also why Germany needs to outlaw certain speach?
If you repeat the lie loudly enough, and often enough…
“New York City and New York state actually gave them everything that they had asked for before this argument,” said New York City corporation counsel James Johnson after the argument. “That was made very plain in this argument today.”
Indeed, it was, and the court’s liberals drove home the point.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg pointedly asked: “So what’s left of this case?”
Justice Sonia Sotomayor piled on: You’re asking [the court] to decide a case “in which the other side has thrown in the towel and completely given you every single thing you demanded in your complaint.”
Complete and utter bullshit, but we’re supposed to accept it.
But lawyer Paul Clement, representing the gun owners, fought back. He argued that the new regulations for New York City still permit only “continuous and uninterrupted” gun transport within the city. That, he suggested, might put in doubt a stop for coffee or a bathroom break.
Justice Stephen Breyer didn’t take that argument seriously, saying he doubted that any police officer would arrest someone for stopping for coffee.
It’s not like the cops would choke you to death for loitering, either. That’s just crazy.
Now the Left wing of the court believes in the New Professionalism
Guns are bad, mmkay?
There’s a guy in jail in New Jersey because his flight was diverted to NJ – which wasn’t on the original flight plan – and he picked up his luggage which had a handgun in it. “Reasonable” is not part of the cop’s job description.
And a woman from PA who was pulled over, also in New Jersey. Breyer is a fucking idiot who lives a charmed existence.
I know that case fairly well.
She should have known better that NJ is a US Constitution free state.
Sadly happens with a fair amount of regularity here in the people’s republic.
Yes – if you land in any of the Port Authority airports and you are forced to claim your baggage with any kind of prohibited weapon don’t do it. Let it sit on the carousel.
There has been some talk about trying to fix this, but naturally, little progress.
Exactly. Let the airlines hold the luggage and deliver it to your home eventually. Or lose it. Better than 5 to 10.
Justice Stephen Breyer didn’t take that argument seriously, saying he doubted that any police officer would arrest someone for stopping for coffee.
The ivory tower of the Supreme Court, ladies and gentlemen.
It is hard to believe that he never came across those cases. They swim in those waters all day, every day. And gun control is also a big deal for them. How could they miss such major events?
On the other hand…
I happened to know the daughter of the NC Supreme Court Chief Justice at the time of the Little Rascals preschool case. The one with laughable allegations that resulted in two people getting life sentences. He was apparently fairly ignorant of the entire thing, even after Frontline had done 3 episodes on the case.
That one is a libertarian touchstone for me, because the polled the jurors after the case and not one of them believed a single one of the allegations. But they said they felt they had to convict “because there was just so much…. and they needed to protect the kids”. So not “beyond a reasonable doubt”. Rather, “I don’t think they did any of this at all, but since you brought forward such a blizzard of allegations, we’ll convict anyway”.
One cannot know everything. Yet, the government purports to have authority over (nearly) everything. Even when the government manages to find someone who’s smarter than the average bear, there’s no guarantee they’re not a little crazy and handsy.
It’s like they are blissfully unaware that many LEO’s will zealously enforce the letter of the law as written – “Why would it be written that way if we weren’t supposed to enforce it?” Toilet break? Nope, the law is written clearly so you are supposed to foul yourself in your car and keep driving.
Especially against “the wrong sort of people.” Say aren’t the lefty judges supposed to look out for the sorts of people that might get harassed by the system, or have laws enforced on them that wouldn’t be enforced on a clean cut cis-gender white upper middle class guy from the suburbs.
Too bad there are no wise Latinas who can bring the wisdom of their experience to the court to protect the black and brown people of the… oh wait.
I am stunned that SCOTUS would even consider looking at a law that is questionable as written, then decide not to bother with it as long as the prosecutor says they won’t enforce it as written. The question should never even be asked.
Is there a single fundamental American institution that isn’t broken?
Idk all the details and IANAL, but shouldn’t RBG be applying the Vagueness Doctrine here?
Not if it augers against gun control.
“Cases and controversies” includes those that are “likely of repetition”. Which is how SCOTUS asserted jurisdiction over abortion. Because cases take longer than 9 months to make their way through the legal system, without “likely of repetition” there would never have been an abortion case at SCOTUS.
Is it “likely of repetition” that states or municipalities will impose draconian restrictions on firearms transport? Gee, ya think?
Look, there are no consistent standards. The same right to privacy that SCOTUS magicked into existence out of the “penumbras and emanations” somehow says the relationship between a woman and a doctor is so private as to allow abortion, but the relationship between buyer and seller is not so private as to allow, well, just about anything the state wants to ban.
“Justice Stephen Breyer didn’t take that argument seriously, saying he doubted that any police officer would arrest someone for stopping for coffee.”
Anyone who says that should immediately disqualify themselves as a judge. There’s a ridiculous amount of legal history that shows why that thinking is so flawed and dangerous.
Only once on Monday did any justice directly address the question posed by the original New York case: whether the city’s justification for its regulations were constitutional. Alita asked, “Are the people of New York City and state less safe now” under the new law than they were under the previous law that was challenged?
“No, I don’t think so,” replied Dearing. “We made a judgment, expressed by our police commissioner, that it was consistent with public safety to repeal the prior rule.”
Alito pounced. “So you think the Second Amendment permits the imposition of a restriction that has no public safety benefit?
The Constitution is just a fucking piece of paper.
What do the polls say?
The response of the left wing of the court was clear and direct:
“What difference, at this point, does it make?”
So you think the Second Amendment permits the imposition of a restriction that has no public safety benefit?
Tell me Justice Alito, where is this Constitution with this invisible ink exception to 2A?
Because he’s arguing that if there was a public safety benefit, it would be totes ok.
Not strictly logically necessary. But, yeah, I think he’s implying there is such an exception.
An epidemic of car burglaries in San Francisco over the last few years has led one Democratic lawmaker to propose plugging a loophole in state law that allows some break-ins to go unpunished, but the Legislature has balked at prosecutors’ requests to make obtaining convictions easier.
The proposal, which would eliminate a requirement that prosecutors prove a car’s doors were locked at the time of a break-in, has been shelved two years in a row in legislative committees. Lawmakers struggling with prison crowding and public pressure to enact criminal justice reform have been reluctant to do anything to put more people behind bars.
So you need written consent for sex, but unless you lock all your property in a Scrooge like vault, you were asking to be robbed?
I mean they still get charged with the theft right?. It’s breaking and entering thing…
There have been a series of articles about this. They have moved to a model where small property crimes are not even investigated. You just file a police report for insurance, like a fender bender.
Dallas did that more than ten years ago. They announced that they were just too underfunded to bother with shit being stolen from people. Naturally, there were lots of cops pulling moonlighting shifts with neighborhood associations. A little double-dipping, but no investigations or followup on any actual “petty” thefts.
We had a nice front porch when we lived there. I refused to have anything on it, because it would get stolen.
Wouldn’t a smashed window go pretty far to prove that?
Sure, but irrelevant. If you take my stuff, it doesn’t really matter if I left it in an open convertible. It wasn’t yours, you knew it wasn’t abandoned property. Theft.
As a side note – Back in grad school I went to pick up a buddy who broke down on the interstate in the middle of the night. I got him at 2 AM and we went back at 8 the next morning to get the car. It had been broken in to and a pair of dollar store sunglasses were stolen. The passenger side window was smashed. The punch line (literally)…… the car was not locked. $65 to get a new window.
A friend of mine who had a soft top jeep started putting signs in the window saying, “Car is unlocked” to try to stop people from cutting through the top to take his stuff. It didn’t work.
Druggies aren’t known for reading signs
I did the same thing when I owned a TR-7 convertible. Dude slashed the top to get in (unnecessary) and then proceeded to rip the leather panels on the center console in attempts to get to the Blaupunkt. He eventually discovered that you don’t go in through the side. And I suppose he finally figured out that the removable face plate was with me – so the rest of the thing was useless.
But he did manage to do over $7,000 in damages.
Plus, it rained hard and then froze – so the floor was full of about 2 inches of ice. Nice.
I hate thieves.
A good solution.
I am fond of the trunk monkey myself.
Prisons are for victimless crimes. If you’re a victim of a crime, hire Pinkertons if you want revenge.
Yeah, letting thieves run free is exactly the “reform” the public is demanding. ?
Presumably, the same is true if something is stolen from your house? If it ain’t locked, your stuff is fair game?
Wouldn’t a smashed window go pretty far to prove that?
Windows smash the same whether the car is locked or not, so no.
“It is emphatically denied that The Duke of York had any form of sexual contact or relationship with Virginia Roberts. Any claim to the contrary is false and without foundation,” the palace said.
Gotta give it to the inbreds. They protect their own.
He already admitted it on video.
Tard Tuesday: What a bunch of malarkey
“Malarkey means the same thing as BS. It’s a non-vulgar way of saying that”
Bullshit. My 1880 sensibilities are deeply offended by this language
People don’t want “malarkey”? Pretty sure they do.
The funny thing is Biden has made a career out of malarkey. The man spews bullshit at every opportunity. I think he actually believes the crap that comes out of his mouth.
You better watch out. He hears you talking like that and he’ll be waiting for you outside the five and dime.
With a piece of pool chain.
Rub his leg hairs and he starts purring like a kitten.
So he has a hair fetish, what’s wrong with a little stroke and sniff?
I’ve seen hair sniffers on the train. It’s not as romantic as it’s cracked up to be.
What if they’re midgets?
Then they’d be the tallest ones.
Smells like fish, but I bet it tastes like chicken!
*stirs rain barrel with straight razor*
I can’t tell if he believes it or not – which is scary. He should be in assisted living at this point.
Pretty sure they do.
Yup. Stated preferences are trumped by revealed preferences.
Article 23.
(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
(2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
(3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
(4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.
Who’s a slave now, bitch?
But it guarantees the right to property, which is an affront to the mob. Can’t have that.
It gets even worse:
Article 28.
Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.
Article 29.
(1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
(2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.
(3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.
Democracy! We’ll impose it on you weather the people want it or not!
These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
Deep down, every bureaucrat wants to be a part of the new aristocracy.
Everything for the UN, nothing outside the UN, nothing against the UN.
“It is emphatically denied that The Duke of York had any form of sexual contact or relationship with Virginia Roberts. Any claim to the contrary is false and without foundation,” the palace said.
Anybody who says different will be offered an exclusive private tour of the Tower of London.
Is that the Hunter Biden story?
These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
Free to rape.
Free to rob.
Free to spread Cholera.
Sotomayor made note of a pending hate speech 1A battle in oral argument yesterday in NYSRPA..
“And if I analogize this to the First Amendment, which is what Heller suggested we should do, this seems to me to be a time, place, and manner restriction. It may not pass any of the standards of scrutiny, but, if you’re looking at a First Amendment right to speak, it’s never absolute. There are some words that are not protected. We’re going to have a different fight about that at some point. Or there are some weapons that are not protected, just like there might be some words that are not protected.”
Volokh over at TOS said this is tied to Sotomayor’s Iancu v. Brunetti dissent where she said that “one particularly egregious racial epithet” should not be protected by the First Amendment.
Nigger please! Every word is protected, or else no word is protected.
*Cancels Jarflax*
Stepping in on SP’s territory there…
I have faith that SP will consider the context. SP is wiser than Sotomayor.
Jeez, damning with faint praise.
Volokh said SCOTUS will also rule it’s moot. but not all bad news:
The upshot of this approach is that the Court could add another Second Amendment case to its docket, with an argument scheduled for March or April. Indeed, there are many gun cases that are fully briefed, that have been hanging in SCOTUS purgatory for months. There was obviously some appetite to weigh in on the Second Amendment, after nearly a decade of silence following McDonald v. Chicago. A quick DIG would allow the Justices to address another live case now.
If this is moot (as it probably will be) then states and localities are free to trample your rights as long as they change the law once you’ve gained cert. I certainly don’t see that being abused, especially since district courts seem to be fine with applying a level of scruitiny that rubber stamps any gun law
the Left + Roberts willfully ignoring that point.
I would say “gleefully”, not just “willfully”.
I think a rule that if its not moot when cert is granted, its not moot would do nicely. This is way too big a loophole.
Any action by the executive branch can be thrown out because the President is a meany-pants but a jurisdiction blatantly gaming the legislative process to avoid judicial scrutiny is a-okay.
(though, to be fair, I don’t think SCOTUS has definitively upheld any of the “Trump can’t do this because he’s a bad person and we don’t like him” decisions yet)
The original law may be moot.
But the new one is only marginally better. You must travel directly to and from the gun range without any stops. They say they will be reasonable in enforcement, but really? They are already extremely unreasonable about people transiting the area. Why on earth would you trust them to be reasonable about this?
The arguments even went to the silly place of stopping for coffee and whether that was reasonable. It was just absolutely assumed that nobody would reasonably expect to stop for dinner, or make a grocery store run on the way home. That, obviously, would not be permissible.
These people are contemptible, and no, the thing is not moot. The violations of the 2nd are still in full effect. Taking 10% of the shit out of a shit sandwich doesn’t make it less of a shit sandwich.
No kidding. And if the original plaintiffs hadn’t asked for those specific ranges but rather nebulous any range or anywhere, their case would have been dismissed before it got to SCOTUS.
Heads the state wins, tails the private party loses.
Or there are some weapons that are not protected, just like there might be some words that are not protected
But remember, folks, the slippery slope is totally fallacious.
And the correct counter to that argument is “Shall not be infringed is pretty clear. There are no weapons that are not protected. these “reasonable restrictions” are a made-up exception with no basis in the law’.
If you want exceptions, please go and get a constitutional amendment that allows exceptions. Congress “shall make no law”. Not, “some laws if they feel like it”. “No Law”. Unambiguous. No wiggle room for obscenity that you know when you see.
And “not infringed”.. also very clear. Not “infringe as much as you feel is necessary”.
Hey, if words meant something, then why would we need all of these law professors?
Pedant mode on: “Congress shall make no law” is part of the first amendment, not the second. And explicitly mentioning Congress would seem to protect the people only from the federal government, not the states. The second amendment is the one that has the much more absolute and encompassing “shall not be infringed”, which plain language would seem to apply to all levels of government and against all regulations, not that it has done much good in practice.
I’m pretty sure this makes the “Wise Latina” the worst Justice on the bench. Impeach her now for saying that.
Kagan seems to have gotten slightly better, and Sotomayor significantly worse. I expected the opposite.
Depends on what you are talking about.
Kagan is more of a textualist. That makes her “better” from our pov when the law (not the constitution) is pretty clear and on our side and “worse” when the law is pretty clear and not on our side. But she’ll shade the close cases “bad”.
Sotomayor is all outcomes, all the time. That’s actually good on criminal justice reform, because she’s the mirror image of Hangin’ Judge Alito. She’s actually pretty anit-boot-licker and willing to engage with government’s bad arguments (which is good for us). But bad on everything else.
Kagan was a partisan hack. Those tend to soften their partisan edge as time goes by.
The wise latina was always a wise latina. Expect a more sharply defined wise latina, not a regression to the middle.
Is she referring to “chinga tu madre”?
Pinche mayate.
She’s kind of got a point. Why can’t we own RPG’s? Personally, I think you should be able to.
the EPA would have a field day regulating the exhaust!
And the CPSC would love a warhead you can pretty much arm by dropping it.
And the argument isn’t “that is a bad idea”. The law is clear.
Separately, make an argument for changing the law. Maybe howitzers and RPGs as private weapons are a bad idea. But the constitution guarantees that we have the right to keep and bear them. And the arguments at the time make it clear that “home defense” is just an obvious reason – but the reason they wanted the right protected was so that an armed rebellion was always a possibility if the government got out of hand.
And restricting “weapons” to “small caliber revolvers and 5 shot hunting rifles” runs exactly counter to that objective.
the reason they wanted the right protected was so that an armed rebellion was always a possibility if the government got out of hand.
People seem to have forgotten that Lexington and Concord was about the Brits trying to enforce their gun control laws. The notion that the Founders never contemplated armed resistance against an illegitimate government as a fundamental right is just mind-bogglingly stupid.
The notion that the Founders never contemplated armed resistance against an illegitimate government as a fundamental right is just mind-bogglingly stupid.
Indeed. Not only did they wage such a rebellion, they refrained from being hypocrites on the issue once they gained power. There was no disarmament of the people following Shays rebellion or the Whiskey rebellion, Jefferson even praised the fact that the people were able to rebel, even though his sympathies were with the government. And it was widely agreed upon in commentaries of the constitution that the primary purpose of the amendment was defense, against threats both foreign and domestic (fear of the latter being why a standing army must be renewed every two years and can’t be indefinitely codified into law).
This is among the worst arguments ever made. It is truly mind-boggling, as a matter of how historically bad it is. The Constitution specifically discusses “letters of marque” which give Congress the power to allow privateers to steal naval war vessels. A Letter fo Marque makes piracy legal, meaning it allows private citizens to seize and – in some cases – keep, a fucking ship. But somehow the 2A means people can’t have “big bangy thingies.” The pragmatic answer is that none of these morons understand what it takes to keep a single helo or plane in the air for a single hour. Our birds were 1960’s technology and they were among the lowest maintenance hours/flight hour ratio – and that is around 8 hours of maintenance per 1 flight hour. That doesn’t even get into what it takes to arm up a helicopter, in terms of access to special forklifts, arming up the gun, loading up rockets, getting ammo, etc. But these people believe in magical powers of weapons and laws: so you can’t have the weapon, because if you do, you’ll certainly become all killy with it; and everyone knows that if it weren’t for a law against people having nuclear bombs, everyone would be building centrifuges in their basement. Like, it didn’t take the greatest minds in the world, all combined with the entire resources of our nation, operating in secret, to build an atomic weapon. You can just make them like ice cream in your yard. And it’s only our laws that prevent this from happening.
Fucking retards. Every last one of them.
^^Oh, so much this^^
Then there are some thoughts which are not protected.
Fuck off, totalitarian bitch.
Rappers BTFO
“…there are some weapons that are not protected,…”
Yeah, SCOTUS already covered that ground in Miller where y’all ruled that sawed-off shotguns are not protected because there is not much military use for such a weapon – the other shoe which never fell would have implied that machineguns and proper capacity magazines should be available to all members of the militia ie: all able-bodied American citizens.
Now there is some wisdom for ya’.
What a mendacious argument. ‘Some words are not protected’ doesn’t mean individual words, it means the expression of some things via words – the exceptions to the first amendment, each of which amount to actions, not words.
‘Some weapons not protected’ means individual inanimate objects. Boy, that is some mendacious conflation there. Wise Latina, my ass. More like an lying idiot assclown.
Fuck you Sonya.
Without evidence
“It was not clear what Mr. Barr based his uncertainty on. The threshold to open the Russia investigation was not particularly high,” the New York Times notes. “The F.B.I. can open a preliminary inquiry based on ‘information or an allegation’ that a crime or threat to national security may have occurred or will occur, according to bureau policy. Typically, agents open counterintelligence investigations with a small amount of evidence, Lisa Page, a former F.B.I. lawyer who has also been a target of Mr. Trump’s ire, testified privately to congressional investigators last year.”
What we do know is that since taking over at the DOJ, Barr has taken an expansive and permissive view of the president’s executive authority to do just about whatever he pleases, and has also voiced skepticism of the rationale behind the FBI’s decision to open a probe into Russian approaches to the Trump campaign that ultimately led to the Mueller investigation and report. “Part of Barr’s reluctance to accept that finding is related to another investigation, one being conducted by the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, John Durham, into how intelligence agencies pursued allegations of Russian election tampering in 2016,” the Post notes. “Barr has traveled abroad to personally ask foreign officials to assist Durham in that work. Even as the inspector general’s review is ending, Durham’s investigation continues.”
It’s important to remember that the Trump World claim that everyone is biased against the president, and therefore nothing said against him is ever valid, is a foundational idea of the Trump presidency—and, more importantly, the Trump 2020 campaign. If there was no conspiracy, there is no justification to continue Barr’s personal push to investigate the investigators that has manifested itself in the simultaneous Durham investigation. The inspector general report, according to the Times, is “expected to sharply criticize the F.B.I.’s top leaders” but ultimately conclude that “the F.B.I. violated no rules.” That, however, is an unacceptable conclusion to Trump, who, more than ever, needs the Durham investigation to continue to make the FBI seem nefarious and all investigations unserious and untrustworthy.
No reason to doubt the word of the FBI. They are the good guys.
I got called a racist more than once for suggesting that Barry’s policies were retarded. The useful idiots love themselves a strong man, as long as he’s the right strong man.
Look when the Head and assitant head of the FBI talk about how they wanted to remove the president that doesn’t mean that there might have been some untoward finagling to start an investigation.
This would all be a lot more clear if they could actually present real evidence that something happened. It’s all innuendo, and implication, with the occasional smattering of irrelevant or inconclusive “facts” thrown on top (like, did you know, that the media outlet called Russia Today is backed by the Russian government? whoa, dude).
The fact that there seem to be no real rules of any consequence for government officials who wield substantial power ought to concern people a lot more than whether Trump did or did not hire Russian piss hookers. But yet, here we are.
You don’t have to doubt their word.
Everything is public.
They said they had information that Russia was trying to contact and infiltrate the Trump campaign. In response, they opened a counter-intelligence investigation.
At which point they did not inform the Trump campaign of the threat, began spying on the Trump campaign, and began working to set up members of the Trump campaign for “process crimes” so they could leverage their prosecution for dirt on Trump.
This is all you need to know. This is the smoking gun. There need not be a secret memo or a hidden text message. They have publicly declared exactly what they did, and it proves beyond any doubt that they were only acting on a pretext to get to Trump. It isn’t seriously arguable that anything else was happening. Because if they were at all concerned about Russian attempts to infiltrate the Trump campaign, they would have worked with the campaign to thwart the threat. Case closed.
I’ve seen hair sniffers on the train. It’s not as romantic as it’s cracked up to be.
From what i have heard, that drunk Japanese salaryman sniffing your hair is at least as likely to throw up on you as to fondle your ass.
Unfortunately, this is correct. I even arched my back for him.
You need high heels.
There was a DJ in Fargo who played that song almost every night. I never got sick of it.
I do NOT want to watch that movie!
Maybe don’t ride in the frottage car next time. They are clearly marked, after all.
That subtitle is NOT correct.
Who are we supposed to believe. You or our lying eyes?
It was when I wrote it.
“Let’s do it in the ocean”. *Scratches temple* I let it slide.
“Please do it at the beach” was the original sub. Which I don’t get either. Are there subways at the beach for people to get trapped in? Was he swimming out the door when it closed on him?
Despite the wealth of information in that picture, I need more context.
Oh, I get it. It looks like he’s diving. Hence the “Do it at the beach/ocean”.
I can only assume that the Japanese dive strangely.
Not just the Japanese.
There are a bunch!
I’m imagining now that Chinese subtitles would be included in addition to English.
Oh man, they didn’t think this one through.
Creepiest lava lamp ever.
I got a great idea man. Let’s go dig up some dead Jews, put ’em in a trash can and dump ’em on a sidewalk. That’ll show those Nazis.
They should have stuck to those giant papier-mache puppets. They were really starting to convince me that puppetry was bad.
Let me help you with that
OK, OK! No more puppets! Gah! Their dead eyes!
Total guilty pleasure.
That other, ill-fated, Steve Howe project
Wow. Past-blast.
My CFP Predictions for tonight:
1. Ohio
2. LSU
3. Clemson
4. Alabama
5. Auburn
6. OU
7. Utah
8. Baylor.
9. Winsconsin
10. Minnesota.
I’d be really shocked if a MAC team got the top spot.
Fun Fact, Everyone think’s its Ohio State that has been wining, but it’s just been Ohio filling in for them.
Fun Fact, Everyone think’s its Ohio State that has been wining, but it’s just been Ohio filling in for them.
Well Athens is a party campus, but it used to be mostly beer.
No way is Bama in.
Um… In my ranking all their losses are better losses than the teams below them.
And their wins?
Zero wins against ranked teams?
Well i mean They beat that one team from Texas. And they almost beat LSU AND Auburn and look how highly ranked those teams are.
USC beat Utah and almost won some other games, maybe they should be in?
I could pencil them in #10.
Those are some bold picks. Why would Alabama move up after losing? And why would Georgia fall all the way out of the top 10?
I won’t mention the MAC team because I’m sure sloopy will be around shortly to set the record straight. It’s supposed to be THE Ohio.
So GT’s season was so bad that uga fell out of the top 10 just by playing us?
I am okay with that.
Georgia is the egg that was needed for the Omelette of Alabama.
I pull for ‘Bama because of family, but I don’t see them in. If they get in, there will be riots in the streets. If they get in over Auburn, my neighbor will go on an arson spree.
I think Oklahoma has a reasonable shot at #4 if that’s not occupied by Georgia.
You’re trolling, right?
Cops Should Do a Wellness Check on Woman in Peloton Christmas Ad
Good stuff. And yes, it’s a terrible ad.
hahaha. I laugh when i see the ad cause i just don’t get it.
Peloton, the Tesla of indoor spin bikes.
That may be unfair, Peloton equipment may not start to burn when riding to quickly.
It’s like every other piece of home exercise equipment. Heavy use in January, a clothes rack by April, Craigslist in November.
When people ask for fitness advice, I always tell them to check Craigslist and similar sites. It’s a treasure trove of never-used fitness equipment.
Eh. From what I can tell, it basically costs the same as a gym class membership, but you can do it at home, whenever. Instead of a 1 year gym contract, you buy a .. 2? 3? year contract that pays for the bike and all you can consume classes. My wife loves fitness classes, I hate them. We’re both fit and healthy, even if her way costs 4x mine. I asked her about Peloton, since it was probably a net zero cost for her to get one and she said she’d rather go to class. $100 bucks a month for 3 classes a week is still cheaper than her going to wine night once a week to talk to people who don’t just grunt and answer her in monosyllables like me.
“Her eyes blink H-E-L-P in Morse Code” is one of the jokes but i watched it and her eyes don’t blink. at all.
I see nothing different about her before and after pictures.
Better storytelling: Add the line, “You got me exactly what I wanted!” so it doesn’t come across that your husband wants you to lose weight and that hint is his last, desperate attempt.
I love that she apparently knocks herself out spinning on that thing, and looks exactly the same after. Not that she had any weight to lose, but what exactly is the point of the ad?
To sell stationary bikes to the self-obsessed.
Show off her bigger guns and tastefully faint six pack that weren’t there a year ago, then come advertise to me.
The “Hot Air” take covered it: if she looked like she had any weight to lose, the husband would be “fat-shaming” her and there would be protesters camped outside of Peloton’s offices within the hour. It had to be feasible that the husband just bought her the bike because she really, really likes to ride bikes and wanted to improve her cardio conditioning.
Pffft. Cardio.
To show that the people who want a Peloton consider themselves better then others? It’s pretty much their entire ad campaign. And there’s other smart trainers out there as well.
“So a gynaecologist office that I got referred to literally told me today that “we don’t serve transgender patients.””
I demand to be seen by a person unqualified to treat me!
I thought they had shut that freak up.
I clicked and immediately regretted.
Well, it is persistent I’ll give it that.
That guy/girl/thing is actually doing the heavy lifting for us. Might as well bring all this stuff to the forefront.
That’s that Yaniv troll that keeps trying to set up ob/gyns for denial of service lawsuits. They are pre-ops, well.
Opportunity to betray our libertarian leanings and cash in?
No, Potato has a bright lights and speculum fetish.
What is the gynecologist supposed to do?
“Yup, that’s a penis. Good luck with that.”
An emergency hysterectomy would be in order. Gotta remove those ovaries just hanging outside the body.
*presents bill for $200*
“I don’t know how else to tell you this, I’m a plumber, and I only work indoors. All your equipment is outdoor.”
“That looks serious. Might want to go to a urologist.”
“Ma’am…what I’m going to say to you may come as a terrible shock, but…well…you’re a man.”
Imagine how much fun the insurance (I assume Medicaid) discussion would be:
“It says here that you are billing for a well-woman exam, but did not perform the pap-smear, vaginal exam, or cervix check. What, exactly, did you do?”
“Well, I looked at this person, determined that they had no vagina or cervix, and billed them.”
“We can’t pay you if you didn’t perform at least 4 or the 6 items on this list of services”
Repeat ad inifinitum
Which means the bill, in its entirety, goes to the patient.
Why are you with the transphobes, Dean?
Virginia bill to make firearms training an “illegal paramilitary activity” and felony?
2020 is shaping up to be a very sporty year in the Commonwealth.
So when the gun grabbers talk about common-sense gun laws including things like “get a license that requires a training certificate, like the one you need to drive a car”, they’re lying?
I’d say they don’t value freedom in Virginia, but you can still kill unwanted babies within 10 days of birth in Virginia.
By illegal, they mean, ” required for the militia”.
Ah, the days of yore. When the Supreme Court upheld gun bans because the weapons had no military use*, implicitly recognizing that the purpose of the Second Amendment was to protect the right to keep and bear arms for the sake of having a militia.
* = No, this didn’t really make sense. Any weapon, including improvised ones, has a “military use”.
the Supreme Court upheld gun bans because the weapons had no military use
In Current Year, all firearms are “weapons of war”.
Year of the Victim, Virginia edition
Welcome To The Potemkin Village Of Washington Power
in the national security establishment, elections do not bestow constitutional legitimacy
Close. In the National Security Establishment they are the only american people, and so they get to decide policy as well as Allies and Enemies. This is how you can have Breenan walk around thinking he’s not a traitor for arming Al Queda, because they decided that Al Queda wasn’t an enemy to themselves, and hence must not be an enemy to the American People.
Brennand, McMuffin, et al. must hang.
They make the hard decisions so we don’t have to. Just shut up and let them care for us like good shepherds do.
McRaven is a cunt.
He truly believes that America’s role is to be the world’s policeman. That the lives sacrificed and money wasted is a tribute to a higher calling, when it really is just him stroking his own ego about how noble he is. He may as well be out there crying “Deus Vult”.
I admire Jimmy Carter for being a genuinely nice man and also his work with Habitat for Humanity. “Awful president” goes without saying, but he is an admiral person.
America’s Greatest Monster, according to The Simpsons
His presidency wasnt even totally awful. He legalized homebrewing.
admiral person.
So he just got to skip LT CMDR through Captain?
— going back to bed —
He did outrank the admirals for 4 years.
He is a fine ex-president.
I too like point break.
+1 Patrick Swayze
+1 ” I am not a crook!”
George W. Bush may have been one of the most terrible presidents ever, but I think he’s quite possibly the best ex-president. Just retires to his ranch and makes very few appearances.
Contrast that with Obama, who will be jumping in front of the limelight until the day he dies (at which point we will be deluged with proposals to rename some library or highway overpass after him).
I agree. Needless to say I think his politics are largely shit, but he seems to have a good heart and actually mean well. That puts him in pretty exclusive company in the panoply of ex-presidents.
The whole facilitating and legitimizing horrific regimes through his willingness to certify any vote no matter how fake is not a problem for you?
Petulant bitch
In a weeklong series of appearances in national and local media, de Blasio has expressed disgust with Bloomberg’s bid for the presidency — the same office de Blasio tried to win, before his anemic campaign fell apart earlier this year.
“Before his millions and millions of dollars of advertising … we need an honest conversation about what really happened,” de Blasio said last week in an online interview.
De Blasio is not mistaken to think that he is well situated to serve as a voice of reason amid Bloomberg’s excessively rosy presentation of his own tenure as mayor. Like a Cassandra from City Hall, de Blasio is warning Democrats to resist Bloomberg’s enticements. But in his eagerness to do so, he is perhaps diminishing himself in the process.
In an interview Wednesday, POLITICO asked City Councilman Brad Lander, a progressive who represents de Blasio’s old Park Slope neighborhood, what he makes of the mayor’s posture toward Bloomberg’s presidential campaign.
“That is a psychological question and not a political question,” Lander said.
De Blasio saw the NYC mayor gig as a springboard. He apparently forgot the part about actually doing the job.
Like a Cassandra from City Hall, de Blasio is warning Democrats to resist Bloomberg’s enticements
Fun Hobby: Take peoples Allusions and follow them to the letter. Cassandra was cursed to never be believed and her city was ransacked and plundered.
I think de Blasio is pretty analogous to Cassandra, at least as far as being cursed never to be believed.
Which means being raped and murdered is right around the corner for him.
I thought STEVE was a big proponent of dropping large rocks on people’s heads?
OFFS, talk about reimagining history. He played the afro card in a wide field of losers and barely squeaked into the general election, which hardly anyone bothered voting in. “Energy”, LOL.
Jimmah gave us Alfred Kahn.
According to my romance novel shelf, dukes get into all sorts of mischief without consequence.
Ironically, in both our head cannons, they kind of look like Channing Tatum.
Bo and Luke agree.
PSA: Kuerig’s hot spiced cider is gross.
Did you cycle clean cups of water through the machine until it came out clear first? I’ve found the Kcup machines leave a lot of coffee residue behind. First thing I do in a hotel room with one of those is cycle water through it.
Cider isn’t a brewed beverage, so, I’m confused.
Some City Hall observers speculate, without evidence, that de Blasio is auditioning for a prominent role in a Sanders or Elizabeth Warren campaign — and then, ultimately, a Sanders or Warren administration — in one last effort to attain a position of national prominence.
While an aide dismissed that notion, it’s not clear de Blasio will have many illustrious job opportunities on the national stage after leaving office in 2021.
“The next two years are going to be rough for him and then it’s going to get worse because he has no obvious office to work for, no skill set of any use in the private sector, a reputation for being lazy and corrupt, and not that many friends left,” said Bradley Tusk, a former Bloomberg adviser who once backed a bid to unseat de Blasio.
Harsh, but fair.
Some City Hall observers speculate, without evidence,
OFFS. This needs to become a meme.
I saw Asia about 15 years ago. Playing the lunch crowd at a bookstore I worked at. Sad.
That is sad. They had a couple of pretty good songs.
Also, I do not remember seeing you much around, so if I have not said it yet, welcome and fuck off, Tulpa!
Fuck off first Then the Welcome, c’mon Mo,..
Hypothetical playoff bracket:
Miami, OH @ 1 Ohio St
Baylor @ Notre Dame
Appalachian St @ 4 Clemson
Florida @ Wisconsin
Florida Atl @ 2 LSU
Utah @ Oklahoma
Boise St @ 3 Penn St
Memphis @ georgia
As with last week, 3 and 4 switched to avoid semis rematch.
Welp, Bloomberg’s done.
I mean, not that he ever had a hint of a ghost of a chance, but I laughed. And he should be laughed at. And I don’t give a shit whether its “Presidential” for Trump to mock him.
The number of people going “Bloomberg’s a real billionaire and you’re just a phony” is just… bizarre. Democrats for uberwealth?
The Democrats are so fractured by commies, SJW’s, and everybody else with a hobby horse that I don’t see how they can get behind anyone who’s not a cypher like Obama was.
Obama was like the Tao of POTUS candidates. He accomplished nothing prior to running, therefore he accomplished everything.
The same people who opposed raising taxes on the “rich” via the salt deduction limit.
“Mini Mike”
Its amazing how well these petty insults work on our betters, whereas IRL most adults would just roll their eyes at how childish it is.
Politics is Show Biz for Ugly People. Movie Stars can’t stand people not liking them. It’s a part of the Fame Angle. i.e if you care about Fame so much that you pursue a career in fame, then you are probably the kind of person that can’t stand being unliked and mocked
War on journalism
President Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign will no longer issue credentials to Bloomberg News because of its decision to investigate Trump, but not his political opponents, campaign manager Brad Parscale announced Monday.
Bloomberg News announced last week that it wouldn’t investigate its namesake owner, Mike Bloomberg, while he runs for president, or any other Democratic presidential candidate for that matter, but would continue to investigate President Trump.
“The decision by Bloomberg News to formalize preferential reporting policies is troubling and wrong,” Parscale wrote in a statement. “Bloomberg News has declared that they won’t investigate their boss or his Democrat competitors, many of whom are current holders of high office, but will continue critical reporting on President Trump.”
The President is biased against people who merely seek the truth.
Wouldn’t this make Bloomberg News reporting an election contribution to Mikey?
Somebody would have to watch it first.
Bloomberg running for President actually creates a pretty insoluble conflict of interest for Bloomberg News. They have a very serious conflict in covering their owner and boss, and by extension covering anyone else running (against him) for President. The only way to resolve it is to not report on the Presidential race at all. Which is absurd-to-impossible. There is literally nothing they can do in reporting on the Presidential election that isn’t tainted by the conflict.
They could choose not to cover the election at all and instead focus on other stories. There are, what, 178 other countries in the world, give or take? There’s other shit going on in the U.S., too.
But that would require them to be adults.
Not-reporting on subjects that can/will increase audience share would be a conflict with shareholders wouldn’t it?
“The accusation of bias couldn’t be further from the truth. We have covered Donald Trump fairly and in an unbiased way since he became a candidate in 2015 and will continue to do so despite the restrictions imposed by the Trump campaign,” Bloomberg Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait told Fox News.
Micklethwait is the same editor who sent a memo to staffers, obtained by The Washington Post, in which he declared the newsroom will “continue our tradition of not investigating Mike (and his family and foundation)” and that it would extend the same policy to his opponents in the Democratic primaries, but not to President Trump.
Serious journalism. Just the facts, Ma’am.
He’s a Brit. I don’t expect any sort of conception of an unbiased press from him.
Sometimes I feel like the exception that proves the rule.
OFFS. This needs to become a meme.
I’m doing my part.
Pelosi and Company Hightail It to Warming Conference as Impeachment Flounder
Dang. Nice gig, huh?
Climate change? How retrograde. It’s climate catastrophe, climate disaster, climate emergency, or if you’re feeling particularly chic, climate privilege now.
“Climate chaos”.
Fortunately, I think the climateers are now treated as the boy who cried wolf. They are mostly tuned out by the vast majority. Unfortunately, their narrative is just too useful to those holding the commanding heights of the culture and government to be completely discarded.
They are not taking being tuned out very well, because now one of their sects has taken to blocking traffic, taking over public spaces, etc. On Black Friday the local Extinction Rebellion chapter blocked the parking garage exit at one of the shopping malls for hours.
Wow. The protesters are lucky to be alive.
That was my thought too. If I’m sitting in my truck in the mall garage and there’s a sleigh and activists dressed as Santa’s elves* blocking me, I’m thinking I can just hose all of this out of my grill later.
*They really were
“Let’s go obstruct a trampling mob, who’s with me!”
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, her 14 congressional ducklings and whatever staff they bring along—to the UN climate conference in sunny Spain
Their carbon footprint for this trip is, naturally, left as an exercise for the reader.
Why do you hate Gaia, hater?
It can’t be that bad. Surely they all shared the same private jet.
Staff for 15 congressfowl can’t fit on one jet, cmon.
They could choose not to cover the election at all and instead focus on other stories. There are, what, 178 other countries in the world, give or take? There’s other shit going on in the U.S., too.
They [Bloomberg News] are incapable of covering the most mundane, pedestrian business news story without hanging some malfeasance or other around Trump’s neck.
I saw some of that Prince Andrew news coverage last night in passing. The accuser said that Prince Andrew sweat all over her like it was raining. Smash-cut to Prince Andrew explaining that he has a condition that prevents him from sweating. He probably should’ve just stuck with, “I’ve been impotent for 20 years.”
He should go with, “she was 17 and willing, whats the problem?”
Reading her account, it seemed like she’d be less likely to consider it assault if he’d wined and dined her and–how can I put this–treated the whole thing as more of a seduction than a transaction.
I’ve got the “sweater” gene that some men in my family get. One of my cousins, my grandfather, and myself are (or were) barrel-chested and blessed with a thick head of hair, and we seem to be built to survive in cold environments, personal preferences notwithstanding. We radiate heat, and if it’s above, say, 60F, there’s a good chance we’ll start to sweat if we do anything more active than turning the page of a book. So, while I feel for her victimization, I can’t help but feel a little wounded on reading the bit about sweating.
Nope. Sweating = guilt. You can’t argue otherwise. The Consensus has decreed that sweating is undeniable proof of predatory sexual behaviour.
Is it hot in here, or is it just me?
Have a seat over here, please. What are you doing here, Mr. Dean?
Eh, I’m of northern stock too. I find the sweat thing to be subsiding a bit as I get older.
It’s gotten worse for me since I’ve been working out seriously and regularly, likely because I’ve been putting on weight and my metabolism has increased. At the same time, I dislike the cold more as I get older. It’s a quandary.
I begin to sweat if I merely contemplate physical activity.
I broke into a sweat reading my daughter a story last night. It was 68 in the house and I was in shorts, but she was leaning against me and the cat was sitting right next to me, so I might as well have been on fire.
i, too, am a sweater. and that sounds mildly hellish. 2nd or 3rd level of Hell. i can handle reading to my daughter when she snuggles up next to me but not also another small mammal and hell no with the thermostat north of 65.
All the animals crawl into bed with us, too, and now my daughter has taken to piling in as well, maybe sensing that the dynamic’s going to shift when her baby brother is born, so I wind up with an 88 lb. pit bull sleeping alongside my legs, the cat up next to my chest, and my daughter on the other side right at my back, all with at least one blanket, because my wife is somehow going through “the change” while pregnant. It’s like trying to sleep in a sauna.
that would kill me from heat stroke.
I’m skinny and need to bring extra t shirts to work due to my rain/sweat, and I still get cold .
By 15, I had more chest hair than my dad – and I was shaving my beard with the same frequency. I take after my grandfather like that. My dad is more like his mom, so blonder and less hirsute.
I run about 2-3° F hotter than most normal humans. The wife loves it.
When I’m playing ice hockey, I steam through my jersey, out my head, I literally make a Pigpen like cloud on the bench and my teammates all laugh about it.
“WTF, Bro? You okay? You gonna combust?”
“Keep wood sticks away from him so they don’t combust!”
well, he does have tic tac teeth but no Habsburg Jaw so the jury’s still out. any word on if he has brown blood or bird bones?
I made it 25 years without ever breaking a cell phone. I just bought this one a few months ago too.
25 years without ever breaking a cell phone
I mean, could you even break one for the first 15 years? Those things were bricks
Not really, I left one on the roof of my vehicle and it came off at 45 mph on Century Blvd in LA back in 97. Still worked great.
You can break anything if you try hard enough.
Broken is the energetically favored state.
Also, impressive how fast you knocked out that hive tyrant.