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Ugh. Caliper rebuilds and brakes in general are some of my least favorite mechanical jobs.
Good job anyway. Is that the ubiquitous Horror Fright blast cabinet? I just got rid of my smaller benchtop cabinet and was looking at the half price assembly-required version direct from the Big Rock Candy Mountain.
It is. But with a TP Tools blast gun instead of the junk HF includes with the cabinet.
You said it, brotha
I had no idea what I was looking at. Now, if this were an article about working your wood, that’d be a different question.
Working your wood is more Q’s lane
I recognize those calipers!!
Nice work, MS.
I have been getting no end of shit from my friends about the Spitfire. But they’ll see! I’ll show them! I’LL SHOW THE WORLD!
They are just fun as hell.
I keep telling people, the cheapest automotive fun you’ll ever have.
the cheapest automotive fun
Until you have to fix them.
I think an old Mazda Miata is the actual winner for that competition.
Nicely done. What car is that on?
Tags: night shift
Uh oh. Someone goofed. Or the Nippon contigent finally took over.
Who is going to be the first person to write: “I haven’t read the article yet, so sorry for OT…”?
My money was on me, but here I am asking the question.
I’m trying to read the article, but the text won’t load.
I copy pasted it for you below:
On the other hand, there’s an article’s worth of text in the alt-text, although it’s a rather eclectic series of quotes, it seems.
They don’t have anything to do with enamelling caliper housing.
Or maybe they are the real content…
But they’re less interesting than the refurbishment.
Long-tapping each image is only showing me the URL, not alt-text (on my Android phone.) Is there another way to bring it up, or is my version of Chrome too old? (Quite likely.)
I do not know, as I usually browse on PC. On my Android phone long-tapping only brings up a portion of the alt-text, and I do not see any straightforward way of making it show the whole thing.
Updated Chrome, and sure enough, now I can at least see some of the alt-text (but apparently not all.) It’s a start.
All Dick quotes… Moby, of course.
“A picture is worth a thousand words.”
This is the article that separates the rugged libertarians from the desk jockies.
Let’s be honest, it’s the rugged libertarians that will survive the boogaloo. Make friends now. They probably have shelters that they might let us stay in.
Bah.. They are going to be the first ones to go. Easy to Identify and what not.
Canaries in the coal mine.
Being able to recite Austrian economics doesn’t go as far in the gulags as does MacGyvering a shiv out of scraps of paper
Rugged ones are to dangerous to send to the gulags. No they get the bullet.
“a shiv out of scraps of paper”
poop knife
He died from hepatitis he got from a paper cut.
it’s the rugged libertarians that will survive the boogaloo
Sadly, the boogaloo will make the living envy the dead. The soyboy lifestyle finally pays off!
Very nice. I like how the various stages of the Art move from old to new. And the transiton from Yellow to Red representing the ultimate rise of the working class over the capitalist.
Hanging the piece as a mobile in the oven symbolizes the plight of the communist revolution, surrounded on all sides by capitalist ire and hate.
I thought it was more of a modernist take on transgenderism. The outward appearance, mirroring the inner state of mind, blossoms from unseemly to beautiful, and yet,….and yet inside it remains the same.
He should have run a hone through the bore, then.
Now, that’s a euphemism.
Beats a banana taped to a wall, anyway.
You beat me to it, I was gonna price this one at 150 K, longer shelf life than a banana
Saw a theory that a good chunk of “modern art” is a money laundering front.
Makes more sense than somebody paying six figures for a banana because it was duct taped to a wall.
I think you overestimate the intelligence and taste of your average modern art buyer.
I saw that. I can believe it and I don’t have a problem with it. When the U.S. has its fingers in every bank in the world tracking people’s money, there needs to be a way for people to keep their money off the IRS’s radar.
Your wife is a saint if she lets you use the oven to bake your powder coat.
Needed cleaning anyways.
Hey, my wife let me heat temper lead cast bullets in the oven.
Yes, I kiss her ass every chance I get. Yesterday I made eggs Benedict for her breakfast, then for supper I took the crawfish soup (basic béchamel flavored with crawfish, crab, garlic, onion etc.) we had the day before and turned it into a mornay with gruyere and used it as a sauce to top spinach/ricotta raviolis.
She puts up with me so I try to make it worth her while.
*Invites self to lunch*
*Gets lost in the bayou*
*Belts out “Blue Bayou” at top volume in hopes of being rescued*
Little known unspoken rule of the bayou, you must recite “Born on the Bayou” by CCR or no one can hear you out there. True story
Is your wife getting more mobile?
Yes, thank you for asking, and much less pain. It was like pulling teeth but finally got her to the orthopedic doc. Tomorrow I will paint over the scratch marks she made going out the door. It was like taking a dog to the vet.
I had ‘diagnosed’ her before but because it was taking so long I thought we should see someone who actually knows what they are talking about. He looked, x-rayed and then told her word for word what I had told her. Everything is aligned correctly and healing nicely but it is just going to take time.
I drag her out a couple of times a week to relieve any depression….four walls, me and the dogs isn’t a life. Tonight, Sombrero’s or Poncho’s or…whatever the name is – Mexican restaurant, margaritas and her three buddies.
Good to hear, but I almost choked on my sandwich when I read that part.
It was like taking a dog to the vet.
Did she get one of those collar things to keep her from licking your balls?
Just kidding! Hope she gets better faster! The worst thing about getting older (so I’ve heard from Tundra, because I’m still a spring chicken) is that it takes so much longer to heal up.
Age Test:
1) Fall down
2) If everyone laughs, you are young. If they get very concerned, you are old.
That’s a smart test.
Slow healing is the second worst thing about getting older.
The worst is ear hair. WTF?
^^^^ This
Because it tickles your wife’s thighs and makes her giggle too much?
Your ear-hair, or his ear hair?
I hope she recovers quickly Suthenboy. From what you’ve said, you’ve got a good woman. And I think we all only wish the best for you guys.
An oven is ruined for food after you cure powder coat in it. This is a craiglist special which lives in the shop and I plug into a welding outlet. But, to your point, my wife is a saint.
Is that the same oven you use for food prep?
I have no idea what I am looking at but neat I guess….
Srsly? It’s a disc brake caliper for a vehicle.
…or because of all the pedants here, it’s the caliper actuating assembly housing thingy.
Srsly, I had to replace my brake discs an pads a week ago. I took the car to the mechanic in the morning and picked it up in the afternoon. Cost me 1300 Lei. Fuckers were rusty, because i certainly did not have the mileage to need a change.
So I do not know what brake calipers look like
Fruit sushi confirmed.
Its OK, Pie, I know what it is but I still don’t care. It either works or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t the nice man at the dealership will fix it for me. I’ll exchange some of my past labor for some of his present labor, makes us both happy.
Do you know how to change a spare tire? Are you Rico Soave in disguise?
Just what Robbie would say.
Oh, but those majestic locks of hair! /swoons
Speaking of Soave, how did he get into a TrueCar commercial?
#MeToo, Pie.
At least until it was painted. Then the light bulb came on.
I mean, its cool and all that you do this, Mad, but isn’t this orphan work?
Orphan work doesn’t meet the high standards demanded by a fine British motorcar.
Mad Scientist I have lots of parts to send you.
What year did you have?
I have a 65 Chevy pickup. Still all original and runs, but has a nice patina (rust and faded paint).
No idea what that is, but the restoration and paint job are fantastic.
I think you should have baked it longer. It still looks way too rare.
[golf clap]
Great job. I’ve been wanting a nice bead blaster.
By the way that disk is a bit pitted. Have you been driving it in the NE during winter.
“A bit” in the same sense as “well, we did do the nose a bit…”
And the hat, but she has got a wart!
I was being nice
Why would driving a car in Nebraska during the winter matter?
The car is 48, and I only know of its whereabouts for the last 5 years. So, maybe?
The rotors on my 2016 looked nearly as bad after three years of PA winters. Salt is a hell of a oxidation accelerator. Zinc plated rotors were put on all 4 wheels this year. So far so good, but I know it’s a consumable layer that will degrade as time goes on.
So, Glock put out a .22LR pistol? Meh.
Very pretty. Smart thinking painting them red so you stop faster.
It doesn’t work that way, the red ones go fasta.
If the red ones go fasta, and you paint the brakes red… *electrical noises*
Can you get new pistons for those?
Even mechanically declined people like me know that pistons go in the engine, not the brakes
Yeah. Like $15.
I appreciate posts of such a high caliper.
It was only a matter of time before someone wheeled that one out
Someone had to put the squeeze on it.
#metoo, I thought it was wheely well done.
Swissy will drum you out of here if you keep that up
Lets put the brakes on this nonsense right now. (too easy, not imaginative enough)
Yet the puns never tire you out.
The exact opposite. I get pumped up by brake puns!
You guys are way to fluid with these.
We have to pad the length of the thread!
Damn it. I never get these puns right
Neither does anyone else.
Maybe not, but it doesn’t stop us from getting in gear and keeping it rolling.
We should tread lightly with these pun threads.
I enjoyed the quotes, even having no bearing to the pictures!
Sure, just paint over the whole project.
Disc is getting ridiculous.
*strongly narrows gaze*
Still trying to figure out what is up with hoses. Is it just the photo or do the Brits really wrap the hose at such an arc? Is the spring around it so that it doesn’t kink with the crazy arc?
And why bother to lovingly paint and restore them when you can simply turn them into high quality Brembo Brakes with just some double sided tape!
Why did the Brits stop making television sets? Their engineers couldn’t figure out how to make them leak oil. Trying to decipher why the Brits engineered something in a certain way is akin to trying to emulate sugar free’s writing muse; it exists, and functions in its way, looking past the veil leads only to madness.
The Brits are loonies. I mean, trunions!? It’s…it’s…I just can’t even.
That must be filled with oil, not grease!!
There are options, though.
Just not sure it’s worth $500.
I’m calling shenanigans. That thing is going to fill with grit and grind itself to bits.
Again, the stupid trunnions are $30 and are easy to replace. A pita to oil, though.
I was installing the trunion for the right side last night and just could not get the first thread to bite. After patiently yelling at it for 5 minutes, I realized I was attempting to screw on the left side trunion. For those of you who don’t know, the left side one has left-handed threads, and the right has right.
That reminds me of my Dodge Coronet. It had one lugnut per rear wheel with a left handed thread. You had to look for the L stamped in the end of the lug to know which way to turn. Don’t ever have a shop install your wheels. For the yearly inspections, I needed to be there to prevent disaster. I also had to go to the give me 10 bucks and I’ll slap a sticker on it for you garage.
Why would they do that?
The factory had the idea that the driver side wheel would loosen the lugnuts if they were Rt threaded. Over the years or drum and stud replacement on my particular car many LH were broken and replaced with RH and some LH studs ended up on the passenger side.
Rubber suspension!
Front Suspension – Rubber Cone Type
I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but I can’t believe those are real.
He said Brembo, not Bimbo brakes. Everyone knows that Bimbo Brakes with their silicone infused pads are garbage.
Brembo Brake motto: They’re real and they’re magnificent!
They are the OEM for the brakes on Teslas. One of the design criteria for Tesla was that the pads don’t drag on the rotor and the Brembo design satisfies this.
Funny thing is with the regeneration you can essentially never wear out a set of pads. However, in states that use salt because of the lack of use you can actually seize up the calipers and you are supposed to lubricate them once a year.
Really nice job on the caliper, but why’s the alt text all gay and shit?
Ask Queequeg.
Can’t. He ded.
Who was a better president:
Among Republicans (by party id):
– George Washington 44%
– Donald Trump 37%
Among Democrats
– George Washington 29%
– Barack Obama 63%
“And that was the moment when everyone realized that voters were too retarded to pick their own leaders”
Despite not being the most learned or the most thoughtful of the Founding Fathers, George Washington was the indispensable man and far more consequential than Jefferson, Franklin, Madison, Adams, and Hamilton combined.
Change my mind
Won’t try. That he stepped down voluntarily after two terms alone sets the standard.
I’ve no reason to. He is one of the few men to refuse power when he easily could have taken it.
He’ll have my respect the day his team beats those pesky Harlem Globetrotters.
If GW is so damned important why is he on the dollar bill? You never hear anyone say, “Oh, its about the Georges”. No, they say “Show me the Benjamins” , a guy who never even a prez, spent his time Paris, didn’t return home after his wife died (though he learned a few months too late) and disowned his own son over politics. That guy, that Benjamin.
Can’t. The left and the Progs love to try to tear down Washington as a stuffed shirt or as a fraud of some kind, but as others say he voluntarily stepped down without a peep, and that puts him head and shoulders above the rest. He established the ideal in practice.
“This place is a fucking swamp, and its full of assholes. Prolly too late to ask the Brits to take over again. I’m outta here.”
You are not wrong. And the fact that all those other giants of history agreed that he was the only one who could lead them speaks volumes to this fact. The moment he was out of office they all fell to fighting one another, but he was selected by unanimous consent. Leadership is a distinct characteristic from thoughtfulness and intelligence, which is why you will often see that those who steer men’s thoughts are of a quite different sort than those who steer men’s actions. The philosopher king is a rare creature.
You stole the words right out of my mouth. Right down to the notion of the “philosopher king”.
I would only add that Washington also came with the necessary qualifications that made him a perfect leader for the Founders, beyond his natural capabilities, such as the fact that he had no biological kids (which was exceptionally important in the era of hereditary monarchy).
Obama didn’t own slaves.
*reviews pay stubs from 2008 – 16*
You sure about that?
You weren’t purchased, only leased.
Indentured servitude.
For a more strict defenition of slaves.
I would say Nixon or Ford were the last president to own slaves.
Of course Carter made sure they were put on call again.
The left is chock full of cultish types so this is. no surprise.
They keep referring to Trump voters as Trump supporters. We aren’t Trump supporters. We don’t give a shit about the man. We support Trump policies (they don’t go far enough for me, but hey, I will take what I can get). They are projecting. They were Obama supporters. Even when he looked them in the eye and said “I am gonna fuck you to death’ they cheered. No matter what awful things he did, and there were a lot, they cried and cheered and clapped.
Washington: Could have been president for life, hell, he could have been king. Instead he gave up power and went home to farm.
Obama: Tried to disarm the citizenry and grabbed power at every opportunity, all the while lying through his teeth when the truth would suit him better.
Of course the left loves Obama more.
An interesting set of details from that poll:
The people would seem to prefer “none of the above”. So there is still some hope for the nation.
Zero. Shame.
“Today, in the service to our duty to the Constitution and to our country, the House Judiciary Committee is introducing two articles of impeachment, charging the president of the United States of committing high crimes and misdemeanors,” Nadler stated during the brief press conference.
“It is an impeachable offense for a president to use the powers of his office to seek a personal benefit,” he added.
Schiff, during his announcement, said Democrats cannot wait for the next election cycle to play out because it would essentially allow Trump to “cheat” in one more election — a subtle reference to the debunked Russia collusion narrative.
“The evidence of the president’s misconduct is overwhelming and uncontested,” Schiff said.
“The argument, ‘Why don’t you just wait?’ comes down to this: Why don’t you just let him cheat in just one more election?”
*changes channel to HGTV reruns*
No evidence whatsoever of Russian collusion….outside of Hillary’s….and they are still on that? Good grief, no shame indeed.
Well, and Schiff himself attempted to collude with what he thought was a Russian FSB agent.
It’s not obstruction of justice for asking the courts to decide what they should be deciding on. It’s not abuse of power if everyone agrees it was worth looking into Burisma and Biden.
Not everyone agrees. Biden for one disagrees.
Turns out that Mohammed is the most popular baby name in America now.
Which is apparently cause for concern.
Obvious solution: More Mexican immigration, to make Jesus the most popular baby name in America.
“Obvious solution: More Mexican immigration, to make Jesus the most popular baby name in America.”
How much longer before we start seeing Vox articles about how the Hispanic name “Jesus” is problematic? I can already hear the title: “We Need To Talk About How The Name ‘Jesus’ is Problematic”.
Sure thing. Right after “Joseph”, “Mary”, “Matthew”, “Mark”, “Luke”, “John”, and “Paul”.
Judas is totes OK, though.
Heh, that’s the first name of every one of my wife’s mom’s generation on her side of the family, save “Luke”; he got “George” for some reason.
After John and Paul what were they suppose to name him Ringo?
Benedict obviously
Just okay? C’mon man.
Well there were two and it’s not fair to good Judas that bad Judas was such a shit.
Meh. Guilt by association.
Jesus is problematic name. Jesús is not
Christ, what a pedant.
*Casts first stone at RC
He said Jehova! Stone him!
*throws stone at Nick*
Mohammed is the most popular baby name in America now
Caricature artists hardest hit. Hard to make a buck at the fair when you will be stabbed just for drawing that punk kid.
As the feminisation of Western civilization continues apace, Islam will prove their cultural superiority by outbreeding us and win the race.
*changes favorite Civ 5 government style to theocratic*
On second thought, the Han Chinese will probably subjugate us all.
*changes favorite Civ 5 government style to State Capitalism with Communist Tendencies*
So Arab women or Han Chinese women? I’m going with Chinese as Arab women have the Russian disease. Fantastic looking when younger turn babushka after 30.
You don’t get any women, in both cases you’re turned into a eunuch.
+ 1 orchidectomy.
My Reaction
Let’s face it, neither of those groups are known for producing GILFs.
Rednecks produce the best GILFs, because they’re only 30.
True. I’ve got an aunt in her late 50s who’s a great-grandmother.
Granted, there’s some step-familial magic happening there, but nevertheless.
Deus Vult
Obvious solution: More Mexican immigration, to make Jesus the most popular baby name in America.
Problem with your solution: there’s not a single identifiably Hispanic name on the male top 10 list, despite Hispanics accounting for something like 25% of all babies in America. Which would be due to either assimilation or greater name diversity (or most likely both). The real meat of the story is that Muslim parents are apparently not very creative at baby names, thus being able to get a name into the top 10 while only having like 2% of the babies.
Conformity is rather… strongly enforced within Islam.
And Mateo clocks in at #15, but that is probably largely due to “jane the Virgin”.
Why am I so amused that the only real investigation into Hunter Biden is being done by a stripper he banged and is now suing him for child support?
Don’t stick it in crazy
Unlike Lindsey Graham, she has balls and wasn’t neck-deep in the Ukrainian corruption.
The funny part is it might actually get somewhere.
I think the lesson here is that you can defraud the American taxpayer and take millions of dollars from corrupt companies and governments, but don’t fuck with a family law judge.
So, Glock put out a .22LR pistol? Meh.
Practice gun. I don’t know if they still do, but Sig was selling a couple of popular IDPA pistols with full size and .22 top ends as a package.
I like my 1911 with the .22 top end on it, and I don’t worry about burning through 150 rounds or more in a half hour session.
That’s some mighty fine projection there, Joe.
The former vice president, who had already ruled out voluntarily testifying at the impeachment proceedings, told NPR in an interview published on Monday he would not cooperate with a subpoena.
“No, I’m not going to let you take the eye off the ball here. Everybody knows what this is about,” Biden said. “This is a Trump gambit he plays. Whenever he’s in trouble he tries to find someone else to divert attention to.”
When pressed, Biden stood resolute, claiming there was not “one scintilla of evidence” he did anything wrong.
“No, I will not yield to what everybody is looking for here,” the former vice president said. “And that is to take the eye off the ball.”
told NPR in an interview published on Monday he would not cooperate with a subpoena.
*drafts articles of impeachment of Pres. Biden of “Obstruction of Congress”.
And that is when the NPR reporter played back the video of Joe bragging about getting the prosecutor fired, right?
Man, I love those gotcha moments when some pol gets caught in a bald faced lie.
The reporter would have had to take Joe’s cock out of his/her mouth to do that.
The chutzpah of the media on that one is amazing. “Widely debunked accusations”… “Asserted without evidence…”
Other than Hunter Biden got a no-show job paying millions at a Ukrainian oil company without any relevant experience … or even any executive experience…. and Dad Joe was in charge of Ukraine policy for the US government, what do you need?
How about Dad Joe bragging about how he personally and on a moment’s whim used threats of withholding billions in aid to get an internal Ukrainian government official fired. Said government official was involved in the oversight of son Hunter’s company…..
Now do you have enough?
That’s still “without evidence”, huh?
They sound exactly like Dave Chappelle in the R. Kelly jury box….. “Did you get it on video? Oh… well, then I’d say… ‘Did his momma say it was him on the tape?’…”
Look, Joe already said that he never even asked Hunter about what Hunter’s job was in Ukraine, even though Joe was the President’s Ukraine czar. That’s good enough for the MSM, so it should be good enough for you.
Joe already said that he never even asked Hunter about what Hunter’s job was in Ukraine
Not even when playing golf with Hunter and another Burisma board member.
Don’t ask me no questions, I’ll tell you no lies.
Don’t stick it in crazy
That might be case of “Don’t let crazy stick it in you.”
“It is an impeachable offense for a president to use the powers of his office to seek a personal benefit,” he added.
Really? Every single man ever to infest the Oval office is guilty of that, in some way or other.
“Hey, baby, wanna see the private quarters in Air Force One?”
The Dems are now defining political logrolling and horsetrading as bribery and abuse of power. Might want to give that some more thought, geniuses.
Hell, this would mean all the constituent service “favors” they do are criminal. “Why of course, Major Donor, I’d be happy to sponsor your spawn for a service academy.”
If I was AG, I would convene a grand jury to investigate Congress under these new definitions.
Hell, this would mean all the constituent service “favors” they do are criminal.
No you missed it. It is an impeachable offense for a president to use the powesr of his office to seek a personal benefit.
No it is impeachable when THIS president uses the power of his office to seek a personal benefit. Incidentally at the same time he is advancing the interests of the country.
I’ve said it before I’ll say it many times. The threat Trump poses to democracy is that the Democrats will undermine every one of our institutions to get one guy. It’s incredibly short sighted but there you go.
threatgreatest promise Trump poses to democracy is that the Democrats will undermine every one of our institutions to get one guy.FTFY
Those are all criminal acts against their consituents and should be tried as treason.
You persist in thinking that what they are doing can somehow be done to them in turn. The whole point of the exercise is that it cannot. They are literally impeaching Trump for using US aid to Ukraine to persuade Ukraine to do something that arguably conferred a benefit on Trump. The thing in question being to investigate Biden for using US aid to Ukraine to persuade Ukraine to do something that arguably conferred a benefit on Biden. If you wrote this up as a moral cautionary tale you’d delete it as being too obvious.
If I was AG, it would be done to them in turn.
You wouldn’t last a week.
“R C Dean didn’t kill himself”
Sorry to hear about your debilitating depression.
Yeah, it really sneaks up on you. One minute, you’re fine, the next, you’re suicidal.
Exactly. This isn’t even necessarily Democrats vs. Republicans so much as establishment insiders vs. upstarts. There’s a party conflict angle but it takes second place to the entrenched bureaucracy vs. aspiring entrenched bureaucracy (sorry, I’m a cynic) conflict.
Looks like the Bloomberg News policy of only investigating Trump is a violation of campaign finance laws:
Pretty clear one, too.
I expect the FEC to issue a slap-on-wrist shortly after Mini-Trump is inaugurated.
That’s oddly specific. Do they have rules now on how you classify your hooker payments?
(1) If the hookers are servicing the candidate and paid for out of personal funds, not reportable.
(2) If the hookers are servicing the candidate and paid for out of campaign funds, not reportable so long as the services do not average more than one PIV or two blowjobs per month. Anal is right out.
(3) If the hookers are servicing voters or supporters, reportable.
Sorry hooker payments still have to come out of personal finances.
That’s oddly specific.
They were trying as hard as they can to avoid gross violations of the First Amendment, is why. They failed, but nobody cares. Of course, campaign finance laws are generally a violation of the First Amendment, and nobody cares, so this should be no surprise.
Why should campaigns be any different from the rest of the Federal government functions? They pretty much gave up on following the constitution before the ink was dry. But at least they kinda-sorta pretended to follow it for a while.
By the time we were allowing the feds to ban pot based on interstate commerce, the conversion was nearly complete. But it took Obama to drive the final nails in the coffin.
That thing is as dead as a door nail now. About the only part of the bill of rights they haven’t trampled is quartering troops.
You classify them as “political consultants”.
Excellent Alt-text
Jessica Yaniv is at it again.
I won’t shed a tear when he is found beaten to death in a back alley.
Let it be so.
His legal name is still Johnathan, and that’s what he’s called in the official criminal proceedings.
Quite frankly, the criminal system of Canada is ass-backward if he’s being charged over brandishing a stun gun rather than anything related to the abuse of children or bullying and harassment of businesses.
1. Talk about to ends of the trans spectrum, there.
2. It’s a shame that activism provides both an outlet and moral cover for some people to be vile.
3. Jessica Yaniv is going to get whacked. Maybe metaphorically, maybe euphemistically, but the pattern of behavior this person has established does not lead to good outcomes.
+ 1 involuntary orchidectomy?
Nicely done Mad.
Since it’s Brit Car Brake Day.
You took a lot more care with the finishing than I did. I just used a rattle can.
From the sidebar
Based on my experience, this will not end well. Call me sexist, but that many women will not be able to maintain a functional working relationship for long.
I’ll admit I chuckled at that one.
To your point, I’ve been in majority-woman and majority-man working groups, and I think it depends on the context. In a competitive environment I totally agree with you. In an environment where the first goal is to collaborate and then everything else, including accomplishing measurable objectives (and I’m not saying that to be a dick), comes afterwards, I’ve seen it work. The key is having a group dynamic where everyone is considered an equal and, somehow, it doesn’t break down because someone is freeloading. In my experience women don’t handle a chain of command quite as well as men do, or at least they are more willing to continue to fight for dominance after the initial scrap has ended. Just my experience, though, so it proves zippy-doo.
In an environment where the first goal is to collaborate and then everything else, including accomplishing measurable objectives (and I’m not saying that to be a dick), comes afterwards, I’ve seen it work.
Actually, not a bad description of politics.
My experience is that women are much more prone to endless low-level passive-aggressive dominance/status struggles among themselves. Even a handful of men in the mix damps it down like control rods in a reactor. No men (such as this group), and it just . . . devolves. I’m sure there are some all-female leadership teams that make it work, but I don’t like the odds.
Naw, not really. The women just take it farther underground. Sub-sub-subtext.
I’ve mentioned before that our all-chick squad of assistants looks like they work perfectly well together to me, but our female execs assure me they are quite dysfunctional.
So I suspect you are right.
There is absolutely no way a man is going to know what’s going on if the women don’t want him to.
There are a few problems:
1) The bullying is so subtle, it’s inexplicable. You’ll sound like a crazy conspiracy theory with a skin-tight tinfoil hat if you start trying to explain what women do to each other.
2) Even if a man in power saw it and wanted it stopped, what can he do about it? Give lectures aimed at the general XX population? That just gets snickers and eyeball rolling.
3) The queen bees always think their targets deserve it for whatever reason. It could be because the target wears too much blue eyeshadow or perfume. So instead of saying, “Hey, dial back the makeup and perfume,” they just go in a corner and whisper and cast sly glances at the target. Try to explain THAT to a man in charge. Just…no.
4) If the man in charge does try to do something, NOTHING the women do is a fireable offense. It’s not even write-up-able, so there is no paper, no suggestions for improvement, no way to justify a firing.
5) Men REALLY don’t want to get involved. It’s uncomfortable and incomprehensible and they don’t know what to do.
Now, that is not to say that men can’t be catty, too.
I did work in a very small financial planning office where the president of the company and his VP (I was his admin) were petty little bastards. The only other male was the IT guy and he kept his head down. One female exec was the trader, who was pretty untouchable. The other was the CFO, who kept her head down. She and the rest of the women in the office (including me) tiptoed around the men on eggshells because they’d just fire somebody for the slightest of insults. There was no infighting amongst the women. We all had a common goal, which was to keep our jobs, and a common enemy, which were these two passive-aggressive little XY bitches.
I worked in a company like that. It was a small software consultancy, family-run, where the owner’s brother was the VP and his younger cousins were the senior developer and the Chief Technology Officer (ffs). The rest of the company saw a fair bit of turnover, but the family was pretty much guaranteed. Mismanagement and failures tended to find their way to the nearest replaceable person who wasn’t related.
I treat female infighting at work basically like mafia wars in some old-school neighborhood: Don’t try to prevent it, don’t try to understand it, and absolutely don’t get involved – just go about your business, and if anyone ever tries to talk to you about it, make it clear that that whole mess has nothing to do with you.
Once did a consulting gig at a large hospital. Majority female-run. Worst snake pit of infighting I’ve ever seen (including the men). Our “inside guy” on their IT team once asked me if I knew why healthcare was such a brutal business. When I said no, he told me “because it’s run by women”. I never saw anything that caused me to dispute his claim.
Damn, well done. The first pic looked like something you’d find on a boat.
Car brakes are overrated. My grandfather didn’t need em.
Granted the people on his bus probably wanted them when they went over that cliff..
I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather. Not screaming in terror like the passengers in his car.