That’s a great lineup.
It took the Eagles OT to beat the Giants. I repeat: it took the Eagles OT to beat the Giants. Jesus, that’s bad. Stephen Strasburg is apparently about to sign a deal to stay with the Nats worth a quarter of a billion dollars. The British hate free speech. Liverpool have a huge fight on their hands today to qualify for the UCL knockout stages. And two Buckeyes, An LSU Tiger (and graduate from OSU) and a Sooner (and graduate from Bama) are your Heisman finalists, although Burrow is effectively a lock for the award.

If you were born on this day, you share it with Scottish King James I, abolitionist leader William Lloyd Garrison, morose and tedious writer Emily Dickinson, terrorist organization founder Abu Abbas, the fine actor Michael Clarke Duncan, actor Kenneth Branagh, hockey player Rob Blake, and drummer Meg White.
Not exactly a superb list, but I will say this: if you haven’t seen The Slammin’ Salmon, you haven’t seen Michael Clarke Duncan at his best. And with that, we segue in to…the links!

Mr Creosote says “not one more witness”.
Looks like the Democrats in the House will release two articles of impeachment today. Lindsay Graham announced that he’s not planning to call Schiff or others involved in the process as witnesses. Not sure I am happy about that, especially after yesterday’s farce where Nadler let Schiff’s right hand sit in the witness chair and give a 45 minute speech without being sworn in or taking questions and then sit on Nadler’s shoulder and question other witnesses.
The IG Report effectively lets the government get away with spying on an American political campaign based on bullshit. Well, for now anyway. There’s always hope Barr and Durham do something. but I won’t hold my breath.

Volcker enjoying a cigar and testifying before Congress
Paul Volcker has died. The former Fed Chairman is credited with fighting inflation…and winning.
I don’t understand. I always assumed this is half of what Snapchat is for. And the other half was to drive parents crazy when their kids announce their life’s ambition is to become an “influencer”.

It begins…
This is a good start. Now if they could only get strong enough to carry human bodies, this will get interesting.
It never surprises me that these situations almost always happen to journalists. And people always jump on it without knowing all the facts. But that’s the world we live in.
I didn’t intend to set a theme for the week yesterday, but I suppose I did. And this continues it. Enjoy. I know I will.
Now get out there and have a great day!
I’m at that awkward age where I’m too old for Snapchat, too young for LifeAlert.
Mornin’ Sloop.
What would have happened if the lad had been banging the 14 year old daughter? I can’t keep up with all the rules.
You’ve fallen and you can’t get it up?
“Begin the day
With a friendly voice
A companion, unobtrusive”
Does anybody even listen to regular music radio anymore?
The oldie stations have had to move beyond the ’50s-’60s stuff. No one left of that generation around anymore that can hear the music. Soon the ’70s will disappear and on it goes.
Soon the audience will be too fragmented for the concept or “pop” music to mean anything. That, coupled with all digital/cloud-based production and storage means we have witnessed the end of musical history. A hundred years from now there will be more copies of Beethoven around than the 2030 Bieber/T-Swizzle equivalent.
Way past your time, but one of the first times I had a “holy shit, I’m getting old” moment was when I was driving home late one night and heard Smells Like Teen Spirit from Nirvana on the classic rock station.
Yes , for the occasional playing of songs that evoke pleasant memories.
That particular song reminds me of riding in an old friend’s car one bright summer, and the moment when the lyrics “There is magic at your fingers” poured from the speakers and my friend reached toward the radio knobs and gestured as if turning the dial.
Have a great day everyone (if you want to – no coercion from me), I am off to work.
Coyotes is SF? What a surprise! Supply/demand, how does that work?
I thought coyotes just brought people across the border. I guess if can pay for the deluxe package they’ll take you all the way to a sanctuary city.
*narrows gaze*
Coyotes have always been in SF, but seeing them is the rare event.
Coyotes have integrated into living with people better than almost any other wild animal.
“It took the Eagles OT to beat the Giants. I repeat: it took the Eagles OT to beat the Giants. Jesus, that’s bad. ”
I’m still a bit sad they lost.
Not I. A 2-14 season is what it will take to get both Shurmur and Gettleman fired, so losses are the best thing for the franchise at the moment.
And also top draft pick, so there is that as well. Assuming the Giants get a GM who actually knows what he’s doing.
I don’t like them either. But I wanted to see Eli win what might have been his last game.
I’m sad the Eagles won. They are the team I will root for any team, even the Patriots, to beat. Because they gave sadist and felon Michael Vick a job.
Fuck the Eagles.
^^This. Leave it to a classless organization like Philly to hire a piece of shit like Vick.
It’s well known that I love dogs (and cats and squirrels and bunnies, etc.), but to be fair, Vick paid his debt to society by going to prison. He also now understands the error of his ways and a judge has allowed he and his family to own a dog. The libertarian in me says that’s good enough for me. Full disclosure, I am a huge Eagles fan.
I love animals as well, but they are animals and property and therefore dog fighting, and bull fighting, and cock fighting should not be illegal.
So much this.
Also, dollars to donuts, those doing the most screaming are the ones who won’t put their animals down when they are suffering.
The Eagles haven’t had a full squad int what, three years.
Injury after injury, fumble after fumble, drop after drop.
Put me in coach!
So Hasan decide he could get some mileage by turning it into a race incident. Christ, what an asshole.
Yeah, that’s a violation of Southwest boarding etiquette.
M&M theme?
The whole IG report thing just bloody depresses me. After Lois Lehner, the Clinton “she didn’t *mean* to expose classified info, even though the law explicitly says that irrelevant”, the lying to Congress with no consequences by the Intelligence Community, etc. the blatant “We’re not going to hold any of these folks accountable” is so blatant and out of hand that I can’t see how we can continue to function for much longer. At some point the combination of more and more laws and regulations the rest of the country has to know perfectly and abide by with this “We can do anything, now OBEY and pay up!” has to trigger a response. And I don’t think we’ll end up with anywhere near as good of a system of government.
Bleah. What a way to start the day.
I see it the opposite. Horowitz worded it in a way that Barr and Durham can go after them. I just don’t know if they’ll be able to as these deep staters bunker down and declare any prosecution as retaliatory.
Hopefully they go after the lot of them. Durham is notorious for not giving a shit about protecting the bad actors in government. If he’s given the tools, the report opens the door for him to bring the hammer.
Nothing of any consequence will happen. Nothing. The State protects its own.
+1 Scheming demons dressed in kingly guise.
It takes will.
There is none.
Nothing will happen.
And it will clear the path for Hilary to announce.
“That should be ME up there getting impeached”
Number of people in prison for trying to overthrow the government: 0
Number in jail or being prosecuted for supporting Trump: Stone, Flynn, Manafort, Proud Boys…
Functionally, the problem is that the rules are written so that unless they “intended” to commit those “errors”, they’re not going to be held accountable. Horowitz probably didn’t want to touch intent with a ten foot pole. Let’s hope Durham and Barr are willing.
Besides, when was the last time they held a prosecutor accountable for withholding exculpatory evidence beyond a wrist slap?
Duke lacrosse? That’s the last time I can remember them coming down on one.
That was a southern state not The Deep State.
“It just happened that all the actions we took that were sketchy were also not beneficial to Trump. Prove that we meant it that way.”
“A one in a million chance, doc!”
There was circumstantial evidence out the ass including the thousands of pages of emails and texts. Meanwhile we’re going ahead with impeachment of the president on the basis of divining his real intent instead of his actual stated intent. Bearing in mind that if his intent was malicious, the aid was released and no investigation was initiated.
Oh, I don’t disagree.
My take is Horowitz didn’t want to be the guy responsible for dismantling the FBI and DOJ. Let somebody else do that because that’s what needs to happen.
Well that’s different because ORANGEMANBAD!!111!
They’re really not. The rules are pretty cut and dried and don’t have all this wiggle room that’s suddenly been discovered (and is only selectively applied). But we’re in total ass-covering territory here, and the rules can mean whatever the fuck the people enforcing them want them to mean in that case.
The whole made up intent requirement for punishment of disseminating classified materials is an illustrative example.
The Houston Chief O’ Police blames a Republican Senate, the NRA and gun manufacturers for one of his officers being killed. Skip the guy that pulled the trigger, just a few more laws would make every thing peaceful.
“Lindsey Graham slams the FBI’s investigation into President Trump’s 2016 campaign as a ‘criminal enterprise that got off the rails’, claims the bureau ‘made stuff up’ and urges Carter Page to sue the U.S.”
Watched it. “It was terrible what happened to Carter Page. He should sue them.” The senate has no power in this matter? Look what team blue just did in the house. I couldn’t care less about most of the impeachment shennanigans, but Carter got fucked good and hard for absolutely no reason. The people that did that to him should be locked up.
This is what happens when everyone in power has dirt on everyone else.
Sidney Powell has been making the same case regarding Flynn without much success.
I get the sense the Republican party are simply in shock and paralyzed at how willing the DNC is to be lawless. In order to fight them, you have to get dirty like them and it looks like they won’t or can’t. I don’t blame them. How far down that hole do you want to go? The Democrats turn ballet into contact roller derby.
They better pull their shit together, because if they don’t what comes next is wholly predictable. Trump is just a taste of populist rage.
The Republicans unwillingness to retaliate in kind invites the Dems to use these tactics, since they can be fairly certain it won’t get turned against them. It’s a formula for the Republicans to get their asses beat every damn time.
Are they wimps or principled?
I still like to think that the GOP (and Conservative party here) have principled conservatives in their ranks preventing them from going that far. I guess they think that stance will eventually be recognized?
If they were principled, then they would’ve dismantled the system. They may not have the power to weaponize it for themselves, but they did and still do have the power to put a leash on it, if not abolish it outright.
They’re in complete and total denial. They’ve reauthorized everything repeatedly since this happened, without putting any meaningful checks in place. If they accept any of what’s happened at all, they think it’s a few “bad apples” who’ve been dutifully punished, even though in all the ass-covering going on, everybody will likely end up “exonerated” and reinstated with back pay. They also likely think that this is all about Trump, and once he’s gone and we’ve returned to “business as normal”, the next “real” Republican President won’t be treated like this.
They are, in short, useful idiots.
Don’t property owners have a right to eject anyone they want from their property?
If this is about the soccer story, then yes they do. I’m more concerned with the cops seeking to prosecute a kid for probably little more than making slanty-eyes.
Yeah; WTF is a racist gesture? Did he find out the euroball player was gonna urinate in his sody-pop? Did he expose the players dirty knees? What terrible reporting.
Don’t property owners have a right to eject anyone they want from their property? – in which country?
Common law ones.
even if they are an oppressed minority?
I just got back from doing two evictions, with the usual delay from the bailiffs we should be looking at set outs on Christmas Eve (my shitlord point balance was low, so I needed to get some bonus points). Yes, you can still remove people from your property.
But not in California.
You can in CA. It just takes forever.
Reps. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., Adam Schiff, D-Calif., Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., Maxine Waters, D-Calif., and Caroline Maloney, D-N.Y., are expected to appear at the press conference.
Just go ahead and press my face in a pillow.
Intellectual giants astride the bulwark of US law.
Just go ahead and press my face in a pillow.
Getting prepped for the corn-holing?
Spoiler- it won’t be gentle and they won’t use lube.
“Neil Genzlinger of The New York Times praised Duncan’s performance, but noted that many of the jokes in the film are tired and old.[5] Michael O’Sullivan, writing for The Washington Post, noted that the film engages in “lowbrow insults and slapsticky shenanigans” and that its humor “hovers around crotch level.””
Well, if the NYT and Wapo didn’t like it it’s probably worth watching.
“Whatever, motherfuckers!”
-me to WaPo and the NYT
Slammin Salmon is the worst of the Broken Lizard films, make of that what you will.
But Sloopy is correct, Duncan was funny. The rest of the cast mailed it in.
If that’s only the Demi Rose, the full Rose must be huge.
Is the editor of the Daily Fail her pimp?
The boy is lying. It is not possible for the sex to be so bad that a 14 year old male doesn’t want more.
When 14-year old boys who use social media are turning down sex, we may as well give up.
Maybe he is the anal or nothing kind of guy
Romanians are weird.
Well, she is being charged with sodomy….
I did find that a bit odd, quite honestly. No judgment, just eyebrow-raising and curiosity-piquing.
In some states, sodomy is anything other than boner in vagina sex.
Sodomy means oral or anal copulation. I was making a joke above, but most likely the charge is based on her giving the kid a blow job. Historically rape was restricted to vaginal penetrative sex so sodomy laws filled in the other… shall we say gaps?
That’s *generally* true, but In some states, they had laws like “deviant sexual practices” or “crimes against nature” that, in some states, were interpreted (in some cases) as anything other than penis in vagina sex (including masturbation).
Hit it and quit it.
Sorry, I didn’t comment on your article last night. I was busy watching football.
No worries Count. I didn’t realize it had posted until late in the evening. As always, lots of good comments and feedback from the Glibertariat.
The story didn’t specify who penetrated who.
Hrm.. could have gone either way.
It’s called negging, and it’s how a 14 year old boy scores in the first place.
The animals are highly adaptable, and between 40 to 70 coyotes live in San Francisco, an expert estimated in October.
Close enough for government work.
I first read that as “adoptable”
“Honey, Scraps mauled another of our kids today…..”
I get possums in my yard from time to time. They sure are freaky looking.
The dingo ate my baby!
It never surprises me that these situations almost always happen to journalists. And people always jump on it without knowing all the facts. But that’s the world we live in.
Kinda like how Insurance Lawyers are always the ones who’s houses burn down.
Anyone else see that picture of Weinstein and Epstein at Prince Andrew’s daughter’s birthday party? That’s some prime Father of the Year material there, inviting two guys you know to be sexual predators to your teenaged daughter’s party.
She’s too ugly to molest.
The Chelsea defense?
Yes. And Trump used it twice, the airplane gropee and the women who said he raped her in the dressing room of a crowded department store.
Don’t property owners have a right to eject anyone they want from their property?
You’re funny.
The hearings, especially yesterday, are a good thing. They’re a complete shit show. Nadler is just banging the gavel over and over and completely making shit up and ignoring all the rules. Most people won’t see it because of attention spans of the general public, but for political theater junkies it’s an open view that the Dems have lost control of the whole thing ( they’re having focus groups to see where to go next), they don’t know what they’re doing. It’s a farce. But as long as it gets me more airtime and social media shares of Matt Gaetz , Jim Jordan and Louie Gohmert I’m happy.
Gaetz owns those fuckers in Hearings constantly. Line of the day: “”Congress approval is at 9%, Khadafi’s was 13% and they dragged him into the street and shot him.”
Except most people will only see the MSM clips and spin so they won’t know just how bad the Dems are actually shitting the bed.
I dunno. That 13% came from somewhere.
making shit up and ignoring all the rules
I have no patience for listening to the Federal Legislature, but i do find that intriguing. What rules were being broken? What power does a minority party have to ensure the rules are enforced?
They could just not show up, and list off their grievances when the news called about why the won’t even show up at the hearings. Alternatively, Mitch could grow a pair and remind the House to play nice or face the consequences when the ball is in his court.
Lindsay Graham announced that he’s not planning to call Schiff or others involved in the process as witnesses.
What could they ask Shiff about anyway? Aren’t congressmen free to say anything they want? Schiff is already a known liar, what would be the point of asking him questions?
Camera time. You’d want him plastered across the news cycle.
Yeah, I see real value in humiliating that bug-eyed fuck.
I think TEAM RED sees a chance to look serious and say “we are not clowns like the House TEAM BLUE”… can they oull it off in the face of a hostile press? Eh.
They can ask him about the timeline under which the “whistleblower” operated and if he or one of his staffers coordinated to write the report that started the whole thing.
1. It’s illegal for the whistleblower to have gone just to the committee head
2. It violates rules for the committee head to not share that with the whole committee
3. It shows coordination when the guy’s boss waved it off.
His response to all of that will be: What is the basis for those questions? It will be cast as conspiracy theorizing and unsupported claims in the Media. No questioning Schiff is the dumb move, He will squirm, but nothing will happen and it will make the republicans look like witch hunting conspiracy theorists.
That can’t be his response if placed under oath. “Answer the question or you will be held in contempt.”
Now your being funny. And quite frankley, i don’t even know if congress can hold a sitting congressman in contempt. Unless you are suggesting the house refuse to seat him, which won’t happen because the Dems love him.
Remember glibs, in a British recipe, mincemeat is not minced meat
That makes it worse, not better.
Still looks better than Pumpkin pie.
You’re dead to me
Get out.
It’s also relatively easy to find, I didn’t even have to change my search parameters on amazon to locate premade.
Of course, the first step in trying a new recipe is to, well, read the damn recipe.
/not vegan
They invented the language, but no one there speaks it.
I’m so old that I saw that hen it first hit the movie theaters.
+1 Dennis Ferina
My mom’s mincemeat pie isn’t bad, but it’s not my first choice. Or sixth. I like raisin pie better (but then, I like raisins). Hers does not have any meat, it is not open-faced, and I believe she uses fried green tomatoes, but I may be mistemembering. It is equal parts sweet and savory.
That said, I have had a British pasty. I was hungry, but couldn’t finish it. The only things I could stomach in Britain were Corn Flakes and McDonald’s.
I make pasties for deer camp. It is traditional because this is mining country and a lot of miners came from England. I think they are pretty good if I do say so.
I should try making Spotted dick
gotta keep those nipples covered at deer camp. The “titty twisters” are terrible.
Mincemeat has nothing to do with meat It is brandy and spice soaked fruit, usually minced apples and raisins.
I made the mistake of ordering kippers for breakfast when I was there last. I got past the overpowering fishy smell and was rewarded with what tasted like a chunk of fried rock salt.
Mincemeat pie is tasty. Pumpkin pie is lame. This is all.
Democrats expected to unveil 2 articles of impeachment against President Trump on Tuesday
1) Orange Man Bad
2) Bad Orange Man
I didn’t realize he was that old. Too bad every Fed chairman since then has looked upon Japan’s lost decade as a blueprint.
Read some MMT and educate yourself
How I learned to stop worrying and love trillion dollar coins.
I think there’s a connection between not allowing people to smoke cigars before Congress and the fall of civilization.
Given the unsupported claims President Donald Trump has made for two years about the FBI’s Russia investigation — calling it a witch hunt cooked up by his political opponents — the conclusion by the Justice Department watchdog that the probe was justified was big news.
But the inspector general report’s other major findings — that there were serious problems with the way the FBI obtained a secret national security warrant to spy on a Trump campaign aide — were also noteworthy, if somewhat overshadowed by the bigger headlines.
Wagons were circled.
Which is a bullshit take anyway.
The probe was justified only if you ignore that the FBI committed multiple “errors” for which they should not be held accountable during the course of the lead-up and after the first FISA warrant was issued.
They would’ve gotten the FISA warrant regardless, no? Shows how weak their hand was that they need to fabricate shit in order to get even a rubber stamp.
Given the unsupported claims
:hard eyeroll:
This is a Journalisim fad that i want to get past. Some nitwit figured out that you can take anything you disagree with and say it is “Unsupported” because, as long as you believe there is no evidence, then you can get away with it or something.
“Remember Jerry, it’s not a lie – If you believe it”
Our Costanza-based media
NPR literally stated that Trump’s claim of bias was “false.”
NPR consists of decrepit, aging hippies and twenty something grievance studies majors.
That’s what is frustrating. Another Wedge into the two realities. You have the Official Report, and the media touting it as “No bias”, when the report clearly shows awful bias. Just no explicitly written down bias that directly caused actions. But now you will be the person not living in reality, even when talking about facts, because: There was an investigation and they were exonerated.
Take a peek into Bizarro Universe
Remember when reports could not exonerate the target being investigated? At best all they could do is not prove that the target is 100% guilty.
Sure, the “investigation” was based on false pretenses, but it was totally legit!
Remember Kids. We live in a country where the government employees can make up false information, leave out evidence, investigate you and try to get you on process crimes, and that’s Ok and it’s championed by our civil liberals.
This, over and over.
The sad part is that I think they (players like Comey, Page, and Strzok) actually believe that they’re doing right, that they’re honorable and just.
This is worse than parallel reconstruction and people should have gone to jail for that.
The sad part is that I think they (players like Comey, Page, and Strzok) actually believe that they’re doing right, that they’re honorable and just.
I think they knew what they were doing originally. But as things have played out, they’ve gotten to wrap themselves in the flag, and climb so far up their own asses that they’ve begun to believe their own bullshit.
Doublethink is a helluva drug.
During the chorus of boos in last night’s game, SP pointed out that the fans were saving their heirloom throwing batteries for the end, and only tossing standard C cells during the game.
Half the fun of MNF is listening to her ranting about Booger’s absolute brainless ineptitude. “When I long for the coherent wisdom of Joe Buck, you know he’s bad.”
Oh my gawwwwwd Booger is the worst
He is, but MNF has had terrible announcers ever since ESPN.
Bring back Dennis Miller.
That play was as dirty as Martin Van Burren’s wife’s petticoat after the oxen had crashed crossing the Allegheny!
Filthy Squareheads!
The most terrifying colony of spiders was found in Australia
Honestly, that does not even look top 10 for Australia
“According to the Australian Museum, these spiders, known for their size, speed and ability to hunt, can be dangerous to humans if bitten. However, attacks are rare, the museum added. Symptoms include swelling, pain, nausea and vomiting.”
Right out of their tourism brochure.
Come discover Australia!
Australia’s motto: …..And they’re poisonous!
“The venom of this variety catches fire when exposed to air, and it grows big enough to take down dingos.”
“Spidahs ate me dingo!”
Come discover Australia!
Where everything wants to kill you!
Where’s the nuclear warhead code?
Far from it – AFAIK a hunstman bite is one of the less dangerous spider bites in Aus, compared to, uh, most of the other spiders.
“According to the Australian Museum, these spiders, known for their size, speed and ability to hunt, can be dangerous to humans if bitten.”
Who bites a spider? If it is dangerous to bite them then….you know….dont bite ’em.
Maybe they are tasty? I would not expect this squeamishness from a Louisianan! You guys devised an entire cuisine around various monsters, bugs and vermin.
Have they managed to figure out what to do with nutria yet?
Man. I just turned on the weather news. You Minnasodans and SoDaks had better hunker down and keep warm.
Even the dog seemed less than enthused this morning. It’s bloody cold.
Stay safe, although I’m sure you know what to do.
Warmed up during the night, only a -5 when I got up at 6 AM, tomorrow will be a little cooler. Winter starts in a few more days.
It’s freezing out here. Dipped slightly under 50 this morning. I’m wearing a jacket.
If by ‘jacket’, you mean ‘a regular shirt with sleeves’, I can understand.
If not, I’m confused.
I am effing freezing this morning. I’m also exhausted and trying to burn off the vestiges of a bad dream. Been having a lot of those recently. Lessee … I’m exhausted, stressed, heartbroken, feeling guilty, feeling inadequate, eat right before bedtime, take a shit-ton of Tylenol PM to get to sleep … I have no idea what could be causing the bad dreams. None whatsoever.
My brain needs to do a better job of taking out the trash.
Tylenol PM is usually implicated in impacting dreams. Add in other stressors and you’ve got a perfect storm.
Unfortunately, I can’t sleep without it. I might be able to get to sleep, but I can’t stay that way.
I also can’t stay awake all day without my stack of Bronkaid and Jet Alert 3x a day. I’ve never been able to stay awake during the day and had a hard time staying awake during school and with “peaceful” jobs like press clipping (of the watching-TV-all-day type) and data entry.
God bless the day I found stacking. My life improved dramatically, but it didn’t do anything for my inability to fall asleep and/or stay asleep. Catnaps help, but you can’t do that during a workday. Long naps make everything worse.
That said, my husband has it even worse. Nothing he takes can keep him asleep. He gets about 3 shitty hours of sleep a night.
how old is your mattress?
It’s about 2 years old. Yes, he won it.
Then the only things I can suggest are adjusting the light, noise, and temperature. I’m a chronic insomniac, and those environmental factors greatly influence how much sleep I’m able to get. If your mattress were older, I’d recommend a replacement, because one of the greatest improvements I’d managed was after realizing I’d worn out the one I was sleeping on.
So apparently last night, which I now vaguely remember once my husband said something, my cat who thinks he’s a puppy wanted to play fetch at 3:00 a.m. with his stuffed lamb and was bouncing all over the bed trying to get our attention.
Not for nothing, but too much tylenol is bad for your liver.
Start taking zeequil, which is the sleep portion of PM without the tylenol.
The walmart version is dirt cheap.
So’s alcohol. 😉
It’s just Benadryl. We have that, in a higher dose. Straight Benadryl without the Tylenol part does not work and after a couple of nights, actually winds me up.
Too high a dose. Two benadryl make me squirrelly.
I found the best way to deal with the cold is to not be a little bitch.
Just kidding, it fucking sucks.
For years, civil liberties activists have been warning that the process for obtaining secret warrants to spy on Americans under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was dangerously flawed, in part because it is one-sided. The government tells judges behind closed doors why the spying is justified, and there is nobody in the room representing the target to question that evidence.
In response, defenders of the process have said: That’s exactly why the FBI and Justice Department are extraordinarily careful and meticulous in how they present evidence to the FISA court, which is no rubber stamp.
Contempt of court? I’m doing my best to hide it.
which is no rubber stamp.
Oh you actually wanted me to believe that…
Assholes making a brown star chamber.
The vegan condoms keeping sex lives safe – and sustainable
Being completely vegan is almost impossible. There is animal stuff in everything.
Not in superorganic whole foods
Now, with extra carbon!
Without pesticides I guarantee you are eating some animal stuff, probably the whole animal.
There’s animal products in all plant matter. Without out waste, the plants would die off. (They nearly did by over-oxygenating the atmosphere)
Not to mention the issue of collateral animal deaths in agriculture.
I suppose I am one of the “vegans” totally aware of this and not myopically stupid like the popular trope would have you believe. I just make personal lifestyle decisions about what I consume and use and that’s that. It will always be the preachy, identity vegans that represent the brand, so to speak, and the rest of “us” will just continue fend off the same precisely honed arrows of pure logic and wit from people with their bows trained keenly on the entire herd*. You’re right, and my choices to not eat meat and more or less avoid directly using new animal products might be stupid and counterproductive, but… well I’ve just come out of the closet and now I must face the consequences. I was lurking in the comments on a vegan-related TOS article recently and the one guy who “came out” in the comments and tried to argue similar was eviscerated by the pack of wild Tulpas that roams those halls.
I sort of expect nothing more than to be treated as some kind of meat grabber, but my observations on the “rise” of “veganism” in the recent years has been that it’s largely a demonstration of markets responding by providing increased choice, and so I’d generally point to the vegan fad as good evidence of how markets are good.
*yes we are dim-witted herbivores moving in herds and therefore easy to hunt.
Look, my disparagement is reserved for the preachy ones. I refrained from cracking a vegan joke in the ancient hominid dietary comment because of the presence of non-asshole vegans in this population.
Though tolerance of a person’s choice does not mean approval. *glares judgementally*
Yeah, why would I care? Besides that leaves a bigger supply/lower prices for the rest. As a special favor I agree not to eat Brussels Sprouts or okra, fair enough?
^ This.
These guys gets it
*Finishes polishing leather boots while chewing last bite of bacon and eggs*
Well ok. It is your choice to make. I am not gonna give you grief about it.
*high five* I still have a pair of suede hiking boots from when I was 16. That was 18 years ago and a good pair of boots would be a silly price to pay for pointlessly retconning footwear choices.
That reminds me, I was wondering if vegan anti-animal product opinions included not wearing wool, despite the fact that the sheep need to be sheared regularly for their own health.
That’s only because humans have genetically modified them to be monsters. It’s not morally permissible to benefit from such Frankenscience.
Sort of that I suppose, but again wool is more “sustainable” or “eco-friendly” than synthetics so overall is it morally better to use real wool? It definitely makes superior felt.
But do you Crossfit?
Sensible answer: “Crossy” is very popular here, although I’m not still not 100% sure what it truly is. I mean it seams to be a fitness regimen tailored to one’s individual requirements, which I thought was what a personal trainer or exercise program at a gym could provide. Regardless of what it’s called I definitely need structure and discipline for me to exercise properly – I ought to look into some sort of arrangement.
Crossfit is similar to a fitness program but less concerned with becoming fit and more concerned with maximizing pain while exercising.
I really don’t mean to by cynical when I say this, but they took all the working parts of a cult or evangelical church and apply it to a monthly membership gym. Everything about their programming and methodology is unscientific theology, but they give people a sense of community, and if the alternative is not working out and not feeling welcome, its probably a net good.
But yeah it can make you act like you are a vegan. Or from New York. Or a 15 year old girl who just came home from Jesus Camp.
becoming fit and more concerned with maximizing pain while exercising.
Lol. Yup. I mean each person the their own, but I’ve found just simple weight lifting to be my favorite way to workout, with Interval Runs for cardio, and i get the feeling that i worked out without the feeling of dread of working out that i would get when i would go do cross fit with someone.
Okay it’s making more sense now. I think I’ll just stick to a basic regimen at the gym (when it’s fully reopen – I live in the sticks and there’s only one nearby).
PS – “Libertarians love CrossFit.” – from the anti-CrossFit lobby
PPS – “I’m a rabid libertarian.” – Greg Glassman, High Priest of CrossFit
treated as some kind of meat grabber,
I went on a date with that girl in college.
She ruined a pair of shorts when the button flew across the room.
Do you happen to still have her number, by any chance?
Sounds worth it.
Well that is a good start, but is it gluten free?
Well, with vegan sex, I assume no one is getting eaten out.
Good morning, Sloop.
M-chicks? I like it.
I agree with you, the SW story sounds like horseshit. But who knows – people are loony.
Now get out there and have a great day!
So far, Tuesday is performing below expectations. But we will endeavor to persevere.
Intrasexual female competition and female trust in gay male sales associates’ recommendations
Hilariously illuminating, thank you Pie.
Kinda like how Insurance Lawyers are always the ones who’s houses burn down.
For once a deep freeze misses us. I notice it went to -45 in Yukon.
Yukon Ho!
Shorts and flip-flops weather up there?
The one good thing about living here. Weather limits flip flops.
But out they come in early March. And shorts too. The second it hits 5 degrees or thereabouts once February passes people are out in shorts.
Eskimo Nell?
Eeeeyikes; the so-con smackdown to the pesky libertarians on porn
Sure, but a black-market is a risk of any regulation. It doesn’t mean nothing should be regulated. – just the things we don’t like should though, none of the things we like
This argument is so dumb, especially when considering that these same conservatives warn about speech codes. They’re too busy driving the speed limit to consider that they’re the bad guys.
I suppose this is fair turnabout for “bake the cake”. What do you call people who actually believe in the entirety of the First Amendment?
Crazy Nutjubs?
Meh. Porn is probably bad for kids. Regulating it isn’t impossible. If they wanted to take a crack at it they wouldn’t be doing anything outside the normal scope of government for the last 200 years. Whether it’s worth the cost to privacy is another question. But when you’ve got the other side hysterically shrieking about hate speech and fake news and actually moving the needle on those issues to the extent that the web is no longer free in any meaningful sense it makes porn bans look more plausible, I guess.
Porn is probably bad for kids. – meh not that sure
Regulating it isn’t impossible – in any reasonable way, it is.
What’s the base line? We have to get groped and show a specially-approved photo ID to travel on an airplane. We have to submit to background checks to own constitutionally-protected firearms. We have to provide 3 pieces of ID and agree to have all of our transactions subject to government search without our consent when we open a bank account. Slapping an ID-based rule onto internet porn isn’t any different in character than the invasions of privacy to which we already submit on a daily basis, and it’s not technologically infeasible (although more easily circumvented than the other examples). It’s something the government could do, both in the sense that it’s technologically possible and not outside the scope of its authority. So in that narrow sense the writer has a point. Whether it’s something the government should do is another question.
not outside the scope of its authority
Well, the government recognizes no limit to the scope of its authority, so this is trivially true.
Good point, well made.
“That’s a simple step that industry leaders can take to show good faith in efforts to protect kids.”
Except it won’t work. Kids are most likely watching pirated porn. Which is everywhere. You already have to be an adult to buy porn. As far as I know, age verification is done through credit cards.
I remember being stymied by the intro pages, because every time I clicked on the “No” button on the “are you over 18?” question, I kept getting sent to disney.com
I had a very odd understanding of sex that I blame on that.
Something about a gang-bang involving seven dwarves and a passed out girl?
From the link ” stream decent-looking pornographic video content. ”
I thought the idea of porn was to make it indecent, to appeal to (none of the Glibs) prurient interest. Decent porn? Who needs it?
Reminder: the system needs porn and won’t ban it. A Wall St fund lent nine figures worth of $ to Manwin (now Mindgeek). It has big interests working for it. We little people have no big interest
Sigh. We just need to start a war on porn. That will end it.
“There is another phenomenon today — another libertarian hobbyhorse, actually — that has grown dramatically under similar conditions: vaping. It has been a serious part of the nicotine marketplace for only about a decade. During that time, regulators, including in the Food and Drug Administration, have struggled to figure how to treat it, mostly kicking the can down the road while reviewing studies.”
Because everything you don’t like needs to be regulated?
Now do “freedom”.
manners these days …
I don’t like my creatures of the night too gentrificated and all uptown fancy. Ain’t noone sayin’ grace at the human buffet.
How old are the vampire Youth? 300 -400 years old?
I don’t care what nationality, race or creed those jackasses on the SouthWest flight were, they all deserve to be thrown out the plane door at cruising altitude. For the love of doG, if you want to sit together, spring for the A-list seat selection. Or sit way at the back.
I’ll bet you dollars to donuts that they were trying to save seats way up toward the front.
I love SW, but every 25 flights or so, you run into some jackasses who just don’t get the idea of first come, first seated.
Look buddy, it wasn’t the hijab that pissed everyone off. It was your wife’s bitchy behavior.
The correct analysis.
I just flew SW with my women. We boarded together. We sat together. Nothing else happened.
how many wives?
What about concubines?
And orphans?
Wives aren’t women!
Tundra was living la vida Epstein and going off to some island with Lena, Sigrid and Hilde for some wild Norwegian sex.
Tundra was living la vida Epstein
That doesn’t end well.
No kidding. WTF, Holiness?!?
Uffda. Sorry to blab about your bizness Tundra. I’m just jelly.
Yeah, he just hangs around a lot.
Anyone following my Twatter account knows my opinion of SWA.
Is there a short version for those of us who don’t care to dabble in Twitter?
Personally I loved flying SWA back with my old job. They always seemed to be on the ball. I’ll admit I was a bit biased because I was an A-lister and was usually in the first 30 people boarding.
btw, if your gripe with SWA involves a story about them hassling you that time you tried to bring a bike on board as your carryon bag, I’m going to scream.
I flew them this weekend to take Mom to a full-time care facility in Baltimore. When we arrived at the gate and were exiting the plane, since the jetway was cold, the *captain* escorted her down the jetway and into the waiting area while I was gathering our stuff together, and made sure she was OK. The definition of “above and beyond.”
Awesome. Did he say “My pleasure” after?
It’s not that hard people.
OMWC ❤️ them. He was taking his wheelchair-bound mom back to Baltimore via SW, and when he had to leave her to do something a SW pilot stayed with his mom to keep her company.
They lost me when the stewardesses and stewards were moo-ing over the PA while passengers were boarding. The staff all thought it was funny and ‘cute.’ The passengers disagreed.
That kind of shit annoys me, but they spend their work day stuffed in a flying coffin with The Public. I’ve worked with The Public enough to know that it fucking sucks, so I cut them some slack on this.
Yeah, mooing while standing in line at the airport is MY job.
I can’t believe there was a spat on an airplane and nobody videoed it.
I suspect it’s because the spat was “Ma’am, you can’t hold seats, it’s first-” “RAYCIS!”
‘A Big Wake-up Call’: ‘Giant UFO’ Over California Reportedly Seen ‘by More Than 100 Witnesses’
The object could have been taken for a drone or a skydiving vehicle, if not for a combination of facts:
It moves like a hovering drone.
“This may well be the nonsense supernova for which we’ve all been waiting. It’s nonsense all the way down—a load of old nonsense about a pseudoscience that is, itself, a load of old nonsense. It’s almost certainly unbeatable.”
“If we’re talking about “decolonizing astrology” then we could start with the project of problematizing the heteronormative gender binary that pervades much of contemporary astrology — but I don’t know if y’all are ready for it”
I call parody
Someone parse this for me:
Sounds like science to me. Not Adahn will be along to explain it to us.
I couldn’t make it through half that sentence.
It means that individualism is a lie. Humans are just meat robots doing what “social forces” tell them to do. Basic Marxism.
That actually makes sense. It’s the “man exists only as a member of a social collective” aspect of Marxism.
Contemporary astrology (astrology) where the nativity is interpreted to represent the psychology (where astrological signs at the time of birth) of the native (of the person) reflects a broader culture imperative (nonce phrase) to ascribe individual agency to the interior subject (influence the person) without consideration for material conditions (more than what I learned in grievance studies class)
“problematizing the heteronormative gender binary”
From what I gather, what colleges primarily teach nowadays are made-up words with made-up meanings in a made-up field of study.
Way to other Not Adahn, shitlord.
Wait… is astrology the same thing as horoscopes?
No no, that’s astronomy.
These race-baiting grifters give disease-spreading vermin a bad name.
I love how we’re ‘never ready’. i agree. You can never prepare for madness.
I thought that’s what we did on Wednesdays?
Dec 8
Replying to @patron_sailor @janeclarejones
Bruh, just tell me who to cancel, this is too much.
Dec 8
Replying to @patron_sailor
Seems simple to me. White people have no astrology of our own, common newspaper “astrology” being a vulgarization of Mesopotamian astrology. We can avoid cultural appropriation only by abandoning astrology altogether.”
See? Simple. Easy sneasy.
I was going to say something, but you know what… I’m not going to go to bat for Astrology.
So your comment just wasn’t in the stars for today?
Joke won over hatred/contempt for astrology.
LO FUCKING L. You let us know when you’ve found some Mesopotamians to file a complaint.
Careful, Hammurabi was a vengeful bastard.
And you thought Montezuma’s revenge was bad…
Reels everyone into the huddle.
I love you guys. Break on two….!
This is just too fucking much. We’re now going to pay for the sins of the Romans and Greeks, too?
Tooth Chemistry Confirms Early Homo Loved Meat
Two million years ago hominids evolved more specialized diets with early Homo preferring meat and Paranthropus choosing plants
Paranthropus and Homo both emerged in South Africa roughly 1.8 million years ago and lived side by side for several hundred thousand years. Differences in their diet have been used to explain why the Homo lineage succeeded while Paranthropus died out. Now, new chemical analyses of fossil teeth further confirm that the two hominids dined on different foods, with Homo eating more meat than Paranthropus. But even with these differences, the two genera appeared to have ranged over the South African landscape in similar ways.
An obligate omnivore ate meat? Shocking.
And here i thought my canine teeth were just for looks.
You call those things canines?
Well, you people call them fangs.
Pie’s have a more practical purpose.
The early homo gets the meat.
Not as controversial as their other paper: Gut Chemistry Confirms Early Lesbian Loved Fish
Boris Johnson states the UK public are “Far from equal in raw ability, if not in spiritual worth”. He also says “It is surely relevant, to a conversation about equality, that as many of 16% of our species have an IQ below 85” and “Some measurement of inequality is essential”.
To figure out if someone is left or right, ask them if people are equal.
The Conservative will say Yes.
The Leftist will give a speach.
*NOT Equal
I’d ask “equal in what way?” Mostly because I’m pedantic.
The number of blowjobs received over lifetime
UCS is a leftist.
You need to rethink your test.
If you are not willing to say people are not equal, then you are a leftist.
They are all equally mortal.
For now…
All men are created equal…
Me and Jefferson are neither conservative norcleftist.
Jefferson, the same who thought the French Revolution was fantastic? Jefferson was surely a leftist.
And he also wanted big government because said “That government is best which governs least” not “not at all”. So that justifies any and all government no matter what the Constitution says. <- Something said to me by a leftist once.
I think he was caught up by the idea, but as far as I know he never espoused any love for the ideology that ended up at the forefront. Or perhaps he did and I never came across it.
Adams warned him what would happen, but he supported it because he thought it would end up like the US.
I know he didn’t care for miscegenation, particularly when his son was betrothed to the mulatto daughter of that mixed couple upstairs.
that as many of 16% of our species have an IQ below 85
With many of them replying to that tweet.
They have a slight over-representation on Twitter.
…and running for political office…
Shouldn’t 18% of the population be below 85?
Depends, how does low-IQ mortality compare to high-IQ mortality, pre- and post-natal?
There’s always hope Barr and Durham do something. but I won’t hold my breath.
The government investigated the government and found that the government did nothing wrong.
But I am cautiously hopeful that a hammer will be dropped sooner than later. I don’t know much about Barr and Durham though.
For a bit of perspective, back in the ’90s Barr helped to ensure that the FBI snipers at Ruby Ridge escaped any repercussions for blowing the head off of an unarmed woman with a baby in her arms.
Yeah but they had to because of the OK City Bombing.
/Things i’ve actually heard.
The sad part is that I think they (players like Comey, Page, and Strzok) actually believe that they’re doing right, that they’re honorable and just.
This is worse than parallel reconstruction and people should have gone to jail for that.
The end justifies the means. We knew he was guilty, so planting evidence and getting a jailhouse snitch to make a false claim which would allow us to get a warrant is just hardnosed police work by the people who want to keep you safe.
Doin’ right ain’t got no end.
They are part of the government community – doing what’s good for that community. Nothing bad will happen to any of the people involved.
Melvin was hit with a number of charges, including rape, sodomy and sexual abuse.
Sodomy is still illegal there?
Yeah, but it can only apply to “non-consenting” acts, and the kid was below the age at which he could give legal consent, so it was non-consenting in the legal sense.
I thought he was the Zodiac Killer.
First of all, it’s Jennifer Rubin. So right there you know /makes coo-coo sign.
Next, go read the comments.
It’s Daily Kos town.
A dumber bunch of morons you can’t find in one sitting.
I get Democratic Underground being infested with low information, low IQ buffoons but this is WaPo. DEFENDERS OF DEMOCRACY!
Flashback: Julian Sanchez of CATO sucking cop dick because orange man bad
“First pass thoughts on the Dem response memo: This is a pretty thorough demolition of Nunes’ insinuations of impropriety by FBI/DOJ, which were pretty weak as it stands. Also clarifies that Steele’s reporting re: Page was eventually corroborated.”
Unsurprisingly, Sanchez was utterly wrong as we know now from the IG report. The fact that Sanchez’s first response to questions about FBI conduct was to inhale FBI phallus is yet another example that the Kochs most certainly do not fund our best and brightest.
What do you expect from someone who actually puts this as his self-description?
Truly, he is the Napoleon of derp
Even if Steele had something to do with all of this, the Trump supporters cannot seem to counter that FISA warrants were repeatedly renewed.
8 replies 47 retweets 194 likes
Sho’Nuff Skywalker
Replying to @Lawdemigod @normative
They also can’t seem to counter that NINETEEN individuals and entities have been indicted or pleaded guilty in the Russia Investigation so far.
I mean that’s pretty rock solid.
It’s fun to revisit this over a year later and know that the FBI was lying to the FISA court as any non-idiot had already rightly suspected.
Remember, if they do this to the president then they have been fucking with regular citizens in the FISA courts so much worse. How many regular folks has the FBI fucked with these bullshit secret courts? They should have an independent investigation of that shit.
I assume that’s inclusive of the Russian indictments that Mueller made that nobody is going to show up for court for and for which he wouldn’t produce any records.
And I assume it includes the people who were indicted for things that had absolutely nada to do with Russia and crimes that were committed over a decade ago.
Pretty much. Of those nineteen, none of the Americans have been found guilty by a jury of anything to do with Russia, and none of the evidence against the Russians, if it even exists, will ever see the light of day.
Watching the libertarian mainstream turn into raging interventionist, pro-war, pro-spying neocons is among the reasons that I no longer use the label. Could Hihn have been right?
Could Hihn have been right?
In a sense, maybe. We’ll get to have a libertarianism devoid of libertarian economics, libertarian foreign policy, libertarian social policy, and well just about any other recognizable form of libertarianism. But hey, it’ll be fashionable, it’ll be likable, and gosh darnit it won’t ever challenge anyone in power unless they’re (labeled) a Nazi!
What do you call people who actually believe in the entirety of the First Amendment?
A menace to society.
Coyote spotted roaming downtown SF with rat in mouth
CA is such a shithole that even drug traffickers have to eat rats.
I was thinking that it was nice that at least one SF coyote actually succeeded in catching a rat. I doubt Wile E. Pelosi will have as much luck catching her target.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is asking Warner Bros. and the makers of “Richard Jewell” to release a statement acknowledging it took dramatic license when it portrayed journalist Kathy Scruggs as trading sex for tips.
The Clint Eastwood film looks at the media circus that broke out around Jewell, a security guard who came under suspicion for orchestrating the Centennial Olympic Park bombing before being exonerated. Scruggs, an employee at the paper, broke the story that Jewell was under investigation by the FBI. The film shows Scruggs, portrayed by Olivia Wilde, sleeping with an FBI agent (Jon Hamm) to get the story. Scruggs died in 2001 at the age of 42. The paper has maintained that there is no evidence that Scruggs slept with anyone involved in the Jewell investigation.
The paper has maintained that there is no evidence that Scruggs slept with anyone involved in the Jewell investigation.
Warner Bros just needs to pay a British Spy to manufacture a dossier about it. Then it will be unimpeacable.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution can get fucked and then stay fucked.
Considering the real Kathy Scruggs looked like this, I’d say they took more than a little license with the casting too.
Ugh, she exudes that Nancy Grace vibe.
Look, she was a victim too!
She didn’t fully consent to having sex with that G-man. It was a huge misunderstanding. She kept yelling “Just the tip” and he took it completely the wrong way.
That was the horror that women journalos had to suffer before the brave #MeToo women changed the world.
She’s a public figure, you can’t prove malice, ipso facto no wrongdoing. That’s the NYT v. Sullivan standard; does the AJC really want to open that pandora’s box?
It has been conclusively established in U.S. House of Representatives v. Orangemanbad that rumors ARE evidence.
The paper has maintained that there is no evidence that Scruggs slept with anyone involved in the Jewell investigation.
Well if the paper had been so concerned about evidence back in the day, they wouldn’t have to be tasting their own medicine now.
Too bad Lindsay Graham is chair of the Senate Judiciary. If it wasn’t somebody already completely compromised, and probably with his own fingers in the Ukrainian payola, a trial could be a hell of a show. Instead it’s just more evidence that we aren’t voting our way out of this.
The chief justice runs the trial, right?
‘I’ll allow Trump to be removed with a yay vote if the democrats call it a tax.’
I larfed
Didn’t happen. I do not believe an American would say “like a venomous snake.” It’s possible, but that doesn’t ring true.
Passengers? Multiple?
I could imagine Trump saying it in all caps in a tweet, but Trump is… idiosyncratic.
Well, him being a journalo and knowing how important it is to verify the facts in any story, I’m sure he got the names of all those witnesses and other journalos were able to independently confirm that they said “venomous snake”.
“need a Richard Jewell parody porno where he bangs that journo so all the worst parts of twitter can really melt down”
“also the word porno is 100x better than porn”
This girl is alright
porn is a genre, a porno is a production in that genre.
Words that end in -ono are silly.
Yoko Ono.
Porno doesn’t en in -ono.
“A geneticist at Harvard Medical School is working on a dating app that matches users based on their DNA. The goal: to eliminate all genetic diseases. @60Minutes reports, tonight ”
Hah-vaad still promotes eugenics, shocker.
So…. Does it do this by just refusing to pair people who carry Genetic diseases?
Oh, no, it pairs them with serial killers, post-op trannies, and people who’ve been sterilized.
I’m sure that’ll work and no new genetic mutations will arise to replace the ones we’ve eliminated in our perfect society.
So the algorithm is something like:
if(man.dna() === woman.dna() || woman.hasDick === true) {
1) Abuse of power!!
2) Obstruction of Congress!!!
I was hoping they would bring Treason charges.
where did you grab this summary?
why don’t we wait? well, “why don’t you just let him cheat in one more election”
They are really running the mileage on that one.
Some rando anon
They really do live in a different world.
the constitution and our democracy
Because of the Constitution the US is not a ‘democracy’.
unlike Trump, we understand our duty to protect the Constitution
Which is why you seek to continue violating and further violate multiple provisions of it. . .
the integrity of our next election is at risk
IOW: “We know our presidential candidates are lousy and we are going to get slammed unless we remove Bad Orange Man.”
The abuse of power thing is odd. Either the president has the authority to do something or he doesn’t.
Obstruction of Congress? So we will be bringing down Barry and his minions too I suppose.
Yesterday was sitting outside with my Daughter when 5 Cop cars pulled up and went to the house a few doors down. Ended up taking several bags of things and a twin mattress. Not sure what for though. (aprart from the investigation you jerks, i know that)
A bedbug infestation.
Someone removed the mattress tags. “Under Penalty of Law” is real.
1) You know how many hookers you can fit in a twin mattress, if you do it right?
2) Maybe it was performance art. Maybe the cop was almost raped on that mattress.
Merriam-Webster declares ‘they’ its 2019 word of the year
Merriam-Webster recently added a new definition to its online dictionary to reflect use of “they” as relating to a person whose gender identity is nonbinary. In October, the American Psychological Assn. endorsed “they” as a singular third-person pronoun in its latest style guide for scholarly writing.
“We believe writers should try to use a person’s self-identified pronoun whenever feasible,” said Jasper Simons, chief publishing officer for the association. “The singular ‘they’ is a way for writers to avoid making assumptions about gender when it is not known.”
The American Dialect Society, which is dedicated to the study of the English language in North America, named “they” its word of the year for 2015, in recognition of its emergence among people who reject “he” and “she.”
You know what word will probably won’t be used widely in about ten years? Merriam-Webster, because no one owns a dictionary anymore as the overuse of “literally” has shown. Nice attempt at being relevant, Merriam-Webster.
It’s not even fun to pull the relevant quotations from 1984 anymore.
“All Animals are Equal, but some are equaler than others”?
“It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times”
Back in college in the early ots I had an english prof complain about my use of the third person singular ‘they’. Who is laughing now?
They is?
*applause gif*
Makes grammatical sense with the fact that SJW’s suffer from multiple personalities. (Sybil Justice Warriors)
I’ve said it before, but if someone insists I have to refer to them as “they”, that person had better be ready for me to tear them a new rear end if they ever refer to themselves as “I”.
Boris Johnson makes a great campaign ad. Gutsy on several levels.
I’ll say. He just admitted to the world that he watched Love Actually.
Calling out the remainers in his own party too.
State Consumer group asking Hasbro’s to stop making assault-style toy weapons
he Empire State Consumer Project has written a letter to the Hasbro board of directors, calling for them to remove assault-style toy weapons from their product line.
As many parents head to toy stores for the holiday season, one consumer watch group is concerned about what toys will be on the shelves.
The Nerf Ultra One and other nerf machine guns are the target of a letter from the Empire State Consumer Project.
“It’s a matter of this being a very vulnerable consumer group. Children buy what they see and we’re not sure this is driven by market demand for assault weapon toys by children or the industry creating the demand,” said Carol Chittenden, director of the Empire State Consumer Project.
The consumer group says a Hasbro commercial pushes families to buy bigger guns with more ammunition.
Imagine unironically using the phrase “assault-style toy weapons”.
This is the “We need to ban porno” of the left, but even dumber. Imagine being such a snooty harpy as to call a Nerf Gun an “Assault-style toy weapon”
But it has a 30 foam dart magazine clip drum! And an orange thing that goes up! Everybody knows that orange is the new black!
So, Orange Man Bad is the new Black Man Bad?
No one has any agency.
we’re not sure this is driven by market demand for assault weapon toys by children or the industry creating the demand
This is AOC level of economic ignorance.
No kid wanted a toy gun before they saw commercials for them.
When I was a wee lad I used to have frequent playdates with my cousin. My mom and her brother are basically polar opposites politically. So while I was allowed to have all the toy guns I wanted within the constrains of the toy budget, my aunt and uncle latched onto hysterical news reporting and decided they were going to have a weapon-free house. My first playdate with my cousin after his bow and arrow, swords, and shrieking/strobing toy laser gun had been removed, we used finger guns out in the back yard until my aunt served us lunch, whereupon he promptly chewed his graham cracker into the shape of a pistol and shot her with it.
My mother is firmly convinced that her hippie-dippy attempts to keep me away from toy weapons was the direct cause of my never-ending gun-lust as an adult. Dad, who gave me a .22 rifle for my 12th birthday, just smiles quietly to himself.
Ha. The Airline story….bullshit. No one was a bigot because they are Muslim. That isn’t such a big deal. They did it because he is a journalist. *spits*
Are you ready in case some Terries get Froggy in here?
I hate “Love Actually” and Boris Johnson has been kinda useless but this is funny.
If SF doesn’t introduce Boris and his retarded British hair soon, I’ll have to do it.
You go ahead. Beating up on the British is just too sad for me. It’s like sucker-punching the slow kid in class.
It would be America hair too!, if it wasn’t for Congress and the IRS.
My youngest kid’s favorite rapper, Juice Wrld, died this weekend in Chicago. She says Snapchat is awash in the theory that he faked his own death. “It’s kind of obvious he did, dad.”
Actually it isn’t obvious at all. But I did find it really interesting to witness the origins of a conspiracy theory.
Juicy, that guy Chappelle riffed about?
That’s most horrible rapper name ever, but Meat Wad would probably love him.
I know old people aren’t supposed to understand young people music, but all of this Soundcloud trap/mumble rap is the worst fucking music I’ve ever encountered in my entire life. It’s not like hip hop and rap were ever high art or anything, but Jesus.
Juice Wrld is the name of a man who made more money in a year than I ever will…
And died at a much younger age than you will.
Do I make a “he faked his death” joke, or a “Pie is undead” joke?
Probably slept with more women too
Probably had a bigger house too
Certainly had better cars than you are driving
But, he didn’t have the love of the miscreants that occupy this message board, lie you do. So you got that on him, Pi
Pie’s probably drunk more tuica too.
Best part of watching MNF last night was during one of Boston Scott’s rushes. SP: “LOOK AT THAT LITTLE MONKEY RUN!”
Can’t beat the classics.
I’m telling England.
Steve Harvey is all of us
That was hilarious
Virginia picked up another 13 2A sanctuaries last night. That’s 59 in total. Likely pick up several more before it’s over.
I looked at Virginia’s Recall procedures.
it doesn’t look very helpful for these purposes: https://ballotpedia.org/Laws_governing_recall_in_Virginia
Virginia’s split into two states before, maybe it should split into “Virginia” and “Greater D.C.”
“Inferior Columbia”
Or “Columbia Inferior”
While it will be legally ineffectual, it still sends a strong political message.
I’m still waiting for that asshat Herring to officially weigh in on it.
LOL. Somebody recently made this edit to his Wikipedia page.
Did Chesterfield or anywhere else around Richmond sign on?
I think there’s another 39 localities, give or take a few, that still have votes planned. Only a few places have voted against the 2nd A Sanctuary resolution so far and those were no surprise.
i had no idea VA had 95 counties and 38 independent cities. so yeah it could end up being 120-13 (Arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax, Richmond, VA Beach, Roanoke City, Charlottesville…).
Suffolk (where I live) had 600 people show up, but the council decided it was too soon to act.
Not sure what good they will do in the long run and I am considering moving, but I do like it here.
Coworker with guns is planning on sending his AR to NC, and thinks I’m crazy because I said I won’t play their stupid games.
I feel your pain. Same on the other side of the continent. I like it here too. Was hoping for another 5-10 years.
Something to put under your christmas tree
As usual, the prissy douchebags are out in force in the comments.
The face that car is making is kinda derpy.
My dad had a ’58 Bugeye. Low miles. And there was a reason for that.
*checks 401K account balance*
Would the wife notice that much missing?
Nah. You owe it to yourself, really.
How can you look your chillerns in the eyes and tell them you did enough to #Resist Drumpf if you don’t buy yourself that car?
/excuse for anything
I have seen pictures of my wife’s uncle (6′-7″ and 270 lbs) driving a Bug Eye with a big grin on his face.
I have to say I love Panasport wheels on British cars
Adding that faring was a bad idea.
Sports update (that Sloopy failed to cover):
Contestants slap their way to victory in Peru contest
The butt-slapping variant is more entertaining.
Just a reminder, the WaPo committed a random act of journalism yesterday and published secret documents dating back to the Bush administration admitting that the War in Afghanistan has not been all good. Some of the snippets are absolutely ridiculous.
Every president since Bush has lied about progress in that war and have sacrificed American lives (not to mention Afghani lives) because they couldn’t loss the war on their watch.
If Trump were serious about drawing down in Afghanistan as he mentioned this time last year then the WaPo story provides him the perfect cover to counteract the “muh…Russia” nonsense that assholes always revert to in this the waning days of Bablyon. If Trump does nothing then we know he never cared about drawing down troops in that conflict to begin with.
This, unfortunately, is a dog bites man story.
I thought we already knew that.
My youngest kid’s favorite rapper, Juice Wrld, died this weekend in Chicago. She says Snapchat is awash in the theory that he faked his own death. “It’s kind of obvious he did, dad.”
Something something I am the walrus.
Yep, just like that. Allegedly he said he’d die on the same day as John Lennon, and he did. He said he’d die before age 21 and he died at 21. And he said he’d get tired of fame and fake his death. I guess all this was in his songs.
And he’ll get a big bump in sales as he lives the high life on some beach in the South Pacific.
well done Juice Box.
Maybe he’s hanging out with Epstein.
I see coyotes fairly frequently in SF, but I live next to GG Park which has a decent population of them and foxes as well. I’ve even seen them in way more urban parts of the city. They’re cool, they help keep the rodent and raccoon population slightly lower. Now if they could only go after the drug zombies.
Our coyote population is growing. Had a coyote sighting and had to close off the cat door so our “new” ones can’t go out AFTER we’d trained them to come when they were called. Now they whine to go out even though it’s been over a year since they were allowed out.
When i was a kid, one night i heard the horrific screams of a cat being eaten by what i assume was a coyote. The next day our neighbors kids were asking us if we had seen their cat.
That is very sad.
It was big news a few years back when people started seeing coyotes in Rock Creek Park, which is right in the middle of DC. Over by me we haven’t seen any yet but I’d be surprised if we don’t start seeing some in the next ten, fifteen years. There’s plenty of green space corridors along highways and waterways and so forth where they could get to the shore, and plenty of stuff to eat what with no predators to speak of, plenty of wildlife, and lots of trash cans and so forth.
Huh. And I thought it was weird when I saw a raccoon once in the middle of the street in Russian Hill.
Trash pandas can thrive anywhere. They’re like mammalian cockroaches.
Yup, they are everywhere here. I’ve had a number of them in my backyard and had to plug the cat door into the garage cause they were getting in there. They messed up our cat pretty good a year back.
No love for possums ?
We get some of those too, not nearly as many as the raccoons. There is a plenty high skunk population here. I give them wide berth, but I can’t help but admire the lil fuckers. Also Pepe l’Peu was a shitlord of the first order.
Actually, I like ‘possums. They keep fleas and ticks under control.
I have to bungie cord our trash cans shut as we have both raccoons and seagulls here in The Rockaways.
They’ve absolutely done their part to keep the cat and lapdog population down as well. Very occasionally we get a lion pass through. They have a fair population of them just a few miles north and a few miles south. Last year one actually entered a house through an open window and snatched a small dog out of a house. It was only about 25 miles down the coast.
Curb Your Veganism
“I know, I’ll fuck with Teamsters today”
More baseless accusations
The U.S. attorney who is conducting a wide-ranging investigation of the origins of the Trump-Russia probe released a rare statement Monday saying he disagrees with conclusions of the so-called FISA report — after DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz found in that review that the probe’s launch largely complied with DOJ and FBI policies.
“Based on the evidence collected to date, and while our investigation is ongoing, last month we advised the Inspector General that we do not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the FBI case was opened,” U.S. Attorney John Durham said in a statement.
Horowitz released his report Monday saying his investigators found no intentional misconduct or political bias surrounding efforts to launch that 2016 probe and to seek a highly controversial Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to monitor former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page in the early months of the investigation. Still, it found that there were “significant concerns with how certain aspects of the investigation were conducted and supervised.”
“I have the utmost respect for the mission of the Office of Inspector General and the comprehensive work that went into the report prepared by Mr. Horowitz and his staff,” Durham said. “However, our investigation is not limited to developing information from within component parts of the Justice Department. Our investigation has included developing information from other persons and entities, both in the U.S. and outside of the U.S.”
Meanwhile, Attorney General William Barr ripped the FBI’s “intrusive” investigation after the release of Horowitz’s review, saying it was launched based on the “thinnest of suspicions.”
“The Inspector General’s report now makes clear that the FBI launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,” Barr said in a statement.
Barr expressed frustration that the FBI continued investigating the Trump campaign, even as “exculpatory” information came to the light.
“It is also clear that, from its inception, the evidence produced by the investigation was consistently exculpatory,” Barr said. “Nevertheless, the investigation and surveillance was pushed forward for the duration of the campaign and deep into President Trump’s administration.”
Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller acknowledged in his report that investigators did not find evidence of a conspiracy between Trump’s campaign and the Russians in 2016 – which the FBI probed extensively.
Barr said the FISA report shows a “clear abuse” of the surveillance process.
And then they all had a good laugh.
Dunham’s statements that he’s knowingly using illegal information should be enough to be fired, disbarred, and arrested.
Also, wtf is a US attorney telling his bosses off in public?
A U.S. Attorney answers mostly to the President, and somewhat to the Attorney General. I don’t see either getting badmouthed here?
My misunderstanding, see reply to Brooksie.
Dunham’s statements that he’s knowingly using illegal information
I’m not aware of the complexities of these investigations. Hell i didn’t even know there were two investigations going on. I’m curious though at what information he said he was using that is illegal?
This is what I mean
“However, our investigation is not limited to developing information from within component parts of the Justice Department. Our investigation has included developing information from other persons and entities, both in the U.S. and outside of the U.S.
Someone will have to sit me down and explain who all these folk are, and what the limits are for investigations. Why is getting information outside of the US Government illegal? Aren’t all investigations getting information outside of the government?
I guess I’m over reading it. I took it to mean he was using non-DOJ (and non-FBI) agencies (domestic and foreign, aka intelligence community) to conduct the investigation.
Ah, see below. More misunderstanding on my part.
Ahhh. I See. Yeah that would be no bueno.
As it stands I’m not generally in favor of giving prosecutors much aid. But if they are investigating the government, then i will admit to being less stringent.
Agree. Again, my misunderstanding in my original comment about which angle Dunham was working on.
Rheta Leanne Melvin, 36, was busted at her home in the town of Riddle
Riddle? No need to say any more.
*rolls eyes*
That is a terrible paste for the head
I think I saw my brain stem.
get me Barfman STAT!
Q is slacking, so I present to all you:
College Girl
Tough one. I might go model but it’s close.
Classic rookie mistake. The answer is always “college girl”
College girl by a country mile.
Has this been commented on:
EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE Away’s founders sold a vision of travel and inclusion, but former employees say it masked a toxic work environment
Having worked at toxic places this one seems like a peach! My favorite bit is the Slack message in the bottom 1/3rd of the article related to no time off and customer service. It truly can be summed up as the “beatings will continue until morale improves”.
The CEO got tossed yesterday after she was unable to contain the fallout.
Argle bargle intersectional herpity derp. I couldn’t make it past a couple sentences.
You have to skip past the lede unfortunately to get to the actual interesting business case.
I’ve no idea why they decided to try to frame the story that way.
The whole business ran on Slack with no private communication. What an ugly mess.
Slack is like Twitter for businesses.
We use it, and while it’s fine for what it is it’s not a replacement for face-to-face communication. I imagine a lot of management types see it and think that it will somehow magically create a workplace culture and solve business problems for them.
I made it this far:
But the higher-ups, who were almost all white and straight,
Sounds like there was a Toxic Environment…
It sounds like a potentially shitty place to work, but, frankly, anyone who brings up that kind of intersectionality, “White people told me I was racist!?” shit is a racist asshole themselves and deserves whatever shit sandwich they mistakenly ordered.
My only slight reconsideration is these kids have been indoctrinated for years to see racism as solely a white issue and bias lurks behind everything. However, everyone is responsible for themselves and their own actions.
Like many of the executives at the popular direct-to-consumer luggage brand, she’d gone to an Ivy League college, worked at a popular startup, and honed an intense work ethic that set her apart from the pack. But the higher-ups
If you’re an exec, you are a higher-up. If you’re not, you’re not really an exec, are you?
I hate everyone in that story. Stupid jargon, idiotic workplace theories, and assholes abound.
Pretty much this.
I actually feel for the younger workers who know no better. If this is your first or second “real” job you have no idea this isn’t the way work is supposed to be. Naturally give the demographics here I’m sure most feel that this means that the government has to jump in a fix everything. Because this just proves corporations are evil…
The younger ones seem like Maoist foot soldiers or Khmer Rogue that happily went along with purges, torture, and worse. They’ve been told to take off the restraints of politeness and civility to get at imaginary devils.
I think that’s because they no no better. Similar many of the rank and file you mentioned above.
One of the things I really like about Jordan Peterson is his insistence that if you cannot imagine yourself as the Nazi deathcamp guard or the Khmer soldier smashing babies against the tree then you are in grave danger of becoming the Nazi deathcamp guard or the Khmer soldier. All of us have the capacity for every thing human, and vicious cruelty is very very human. You are not a good person because you have not been tempted to do evil, you can only become a good person by resisting that temptation.
They’re in NYC!!! Jobs are EVERYWHERE up here. Why would anyone tolerate being treated like that by a boss? Just pack up your purse and walk out.
Because they were nerds. Not cool like Caroline.
Fuck startups are like that. You work your ass off because you think you are part of something special (and you hope to ca$h in bigtime). You want an 8-5 job, go work for a Fortune 500 company and be a drone.
No Fortune 500 company I’ve ever worked for has actual 9-5 days…
True but it’s not “startup crazy” unless you want it to be.
My BIL worked for a startup where the culture was a lot more positive and better about work-life balance but still required people to be highly motivated and work hard for sometimes long hours. In his case it was a big success, and after several years of not making a hell of a lot in terms of salary and spending most of his time on the road, they got bought by a major company, he got a promotion, and he made bank. But the fact remains that places like that don’t succeed unless the people who work there given 110% to establish a solid business foundation. If you want to put your time in without an undue amount of stress and get a check every two weeks, there are places you can do that. They aren’t startups.
I’ve been using the same Land’s End luggage set since I got it in 1984. Make a quality product and keep your yap shut about things that aren’t your product.
I’ve never head of the brand. (Not surprising… Hell, when I went to B-school I studied the Hartmann Luggage case study.)
Reading between lines it reads like it is a celebrity endorsed and Instagram darling.
The CEO seemed like a normal (well not normal for a human) example of someone running a smoke/mirrors startup.
Shouldn’t all these women be happy that a woman is being bossy and demanding – just like a male CEO (think Steve Jobs)? But no, they get her canned.
I’m totally on the CEO’s side in every spat that those whiners wrote about.
She is inevitable. And yet you rubes continue to fight it.
She’s not running for president — yet — but Hillary Clinton was the top choice for Democratic voters in the Harvard-Harris national poll released last week.
Mrs. Clinton drew 21%, followed by former Vice President Joseph R. Biden with 20%, when registered Democrats were asked whom they would support for the 2020 party presidential nod if she and former Secretary of State John Kerry were added to the mix.
Placing third in the hypothetical race was Vermont Sen. Bernard Sanders at 12%, followed by Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren at 9% and ex-New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg at 7%.
I predicted that she’d run again, but I really can’t believe the Dems would be that dumb.
How many people in that 21% group would change their minds 5 minutes into her announcement that she’s running again? “Oh man, I forgot how horrible she is, fuck that shit”
And the hissy fit that the proggie wing would have would be epic.
I thought it was not going to happen, but now think it is a very real possibility. I don’t want to watch that rerun. I’m hoping that Bernie wins (although I think that is a very long shot) so when he gets his ass handed to him in the general the proggie wing might get kicked to the curb for a while
I think a Hillary win would be even more of a disaster now than if she’d won last time around. All that fermented TDS would get directed at anyone who didn’t cheer loud enough. I mean, THAT would be a blood in the streets type of thing.
Absolutely. And as much as I think she is a terrible person who would do terrible things and is a shitty campaigner, I would not rule out the possibility of her getting elected, by hook or crook. I think Bernie and Warren are highly unlikely to win a general, Hillary would be another close one (although if I’m putting money down on it I’d still pick Trump to win that one).
And those would just be her followers. Imagine the payback that Herself would be engaging in.
The only question would be if she went after the GOP first or those Dem rats who scuttled off her ship in 2016 when it appeared that she’d have no power ever again.
Tulsi would be toast.
But she deserves it for being a Russian Asset.
She should run again. When Hamala and Mayor Xi were in the race she would have only been the third most evil person in that primary. Now that Hamala has dropped out, she can still claim the mantle of only the second most evil person in the primary, after Mayor Xi. She better act fast before Mayor Xi inevitably steps aside.
Run, Killary, Run! This is the race that America needs to relive! Let the lolz commence!
Mayor Xi is an odd nickname for Elizabeth Warren…
I would like to see the Warren/Hillary catfight on a debate stage.
Is the debate being held on Earth? Because I don’t think we want Old Ones fighting on Earth.
My thoughts exactly.
I know it isn’t original, but it dawned on me that E. Warren may just be an establishment clone of Bernie to try to capture that part of the vote
:Tightens Tin Foil:
She’s the most qualified candidate ever!
Qualified, like when baseball players have an asterisk after their names.
Clinton/Harris 2020 slogans.. go!
my entry:
I’ve been telling you people, but you thought I was just kidding.
Harris or Warren or possibly Klobuchar are going to get a VP nod. I wouldn’t be surprised to see an all woman power ticket on the Donkey side. They can’t run on much else besides pure Trump hate.
This winter… From the demented mind of SugarFree… comes… REALITY
As it is said, a prophet is not respected in his home town.
Needz moar bombz
The global wave of school strikes for the climate over the past year has “achieved nothing” because greenhouse gas emissions have continued to rise, Greta Thunberg has told activists at UN climate talks in Madrid.
Thousands of young people were expected to gather at the UN climate conference and in the streets of the Spanish capital on Friday to protest against the lack of progress in tackling the climate emergency, as officials from more than 190 countries wrangled over the niceties of wording in documents related to the Paris accord.
In the four years since the landmark agreement was signed, greenhouse gas emissions have risen by 4% and the talks this year are not expected to produce new commitments on carbon from the world’s biggest emitters.
Thunberg, whose solo protest in Sweden in 2018 has since snowballed into a global movement, spoke at a press conference before a march through the centre of Madrid. She said that although schoolchildren had been striking around the world, this “has not translated into action” from governments.
If they won’t accede to your peaceful demands, it’s time to get violent.
I wasn’t aware that kids pitching fits directly caused legislation to occur. Sweden must be a lovely country.
Does she not have parents? I’m assuming this leads to heroine addiction.. and those are filled with happy endings.
How did she end up crossing the Atlantic again? I thought she couldn’t find a carbon neutral ride.
Maybe she bought a bunch of paper straws or something to offset the damage. That’s how it works, right?
She rode in an expensive sailing yacht, and one of the best sail racers alive right now was flown specially out to captain that yacht for the purpose of getting her to COP on time.
Yes, she’s a victim of an evil system that’s trying to silence her voice.
The adult wing of the cabal she represents is already violent.
Greta very much wants to be Stephen of Cloyes.
This is what I mean
“However, our investigation is not limited to developing information from within component parts of the Justice Department. Our investigation has included developing information from other persons and entities, both in the U.S. and outside of the U.S.
I read that as Dunham saying, “Horowitz asked the people who conducted the investigation whether they had done anything wrong, and they all said no. We are conducting a broader investigation.”
I need another cup of coffee. Or a pot of it.
I misremembered Dunham as running the original Russia investigation, not the investigation into the investigation and misread he was continuing with the Russia narrative. Thank you all.
Clinton/Harris 2020 slogans.. go!
“Vote For Me, Bigot, Or My Running Mate Will Arrest You”
Killary/Hamala 2020
I think that they’ll have different slogans for different ethnic groups, for instance:
For ‘Security Moms’
“War Harder Because It Was My Turn”
Killary/Hamala 2020
For the college kids
“Intersectional AF”
For aging hippie feminist women
“Two Vaginas for the Win!”
For the African American crowd
“I’m Back with Black!”
For the Hispanic community
“Me Llamo Hillary”
For the LGBTQ Community
“Let’s Alphabet Soup Up in This Bitch”
Clinton/Harris 2020 slogans
Superpredator Redux
2 Girls 1 Campaign.
This is the most oddly Japanese of stories.
Ex-Japanese defense chief Tokuichiro Tamazawa shot in leg near his home
I didn’t know there were guns in Japan.
Indiana is insidious.
I larfed.
A judge is going to sentence him to a 45 degree bow before the victim, isn’t he?
Ignoring the the accused age of 82 years – I’d be willing to bet that sentence will wind up being less than half what somebody would get in the US.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the “I wasn’t try to kill him, just wing him a little bit” argument doesn’t prevail.
It’s a strange place with a strange justice system.
Isn’t that cultural appropriation? Stealing our American gun nuttery?
If he was more woke, I’m sure he would have stuck with a good old fashioned Japanese stabbing.
How about the Ōtsu incident.
I had no idea about this until recently. The fear was it would lead to war – until the actual Russo-Japanese war of course…
Mrs. Clinton drew 21%, followed by former Vice President Joseph R. Biden with 20%, when registered Democrats were asked whom they would support for the 2020 party presidential nod if she and former Secretary of State John Kerry were added to the mix.
Kerry? Holy shit, they’re desperate. Talk about blood in the water.
Remember that guy who couldn’t beat Bush back in 2004? Maybe we should run him again.
Gore should run as well. Is either Dukakis or Mondale around still?
That is a bad sign right there. Wow.
I’m totally on the CEO’s side in every spat that those whiners wrote about.
“Don’t like it? Start your own goddam company.”
Greta very much wants to be Stephen of Cloyes.
Is he the one with all the arrows in him?
No he is the 12 year old who led tens of thousands of kids into slavery. (Children’s crusade)
Sounds like a russian plant
thousands of kids into slavery
So he owned a pizza shop?
No he is the 12 year old who led tens of thousands of kids into slavery. (Children’s crusade)
Truly, the sort of hero we need.
OT: Everyone at work (at a pharmacy) had to do “continuing education units” last night to keep our licenses and jobs. It consisted of everyone doing courses where you are given the “answer rationale” (which is just an answer sheet with short explanations) and then copying the answers directly onto the test on the next attempt. Exactly zero education took place, and nobody became more competent at their jobs from doing this. It probably took a few man-hours from every person there.
Regulation™ in action, everyone!!
Tee hee… Twice a year I have to quit whatever work I’m busy with and schlep to the store’s office, spend 20 minutes trying to locate my user id/resetting last password, and take a food safety test even though I work exclusively in Household (Cleansers, detergents, paper goods, etc.). Also, an infosec test (although overnight shelvies have little opportunity to share corporate secrets), a hazmat test (same test every time), and a forklift safety test (watch ALL around you, don’t crash). It’s easily 2 hours down the drain.
Only two hours? Lucky bastard.