¡Buenos dias Gliberinos! Feliz viernes trece, y buenos suertes con los gatos negros…..muwahahahaha…
The Chilean C-130 plane bound for Antarctica has been located. Coincidentally, there are no communist dissidents among the survivors.
In better news, Cuba had a disappointing year in tourism. Apparently, few people want to visit a socialist hellhole.
The Pentagon is investigating a contract award for parts of “the wall” built by a contractor openly endorsed by the president. I’m sure its its as squeaky clean as Halliburton.
In other news, Mexicans don’t like artwork depicting revolutionary heroes as gay.
A painting showing Mexican Revolution hero Emiliano Zapata nude and in an effeminate pose has drawn the ire of some of Zapata’s descendants and led about 100 farmers to block the entrance to the building where it was on display Tuesday.
The painting depicts a nude Zapata wearing high heels and a pink, broad-brimmed hat, straddling a horse.
Zapata’s grandson said Monday the painting should be removed or descendants would sue.
“We are not going to allow this,” said Jorge Zapata Gonzalez. “For us as relatives, this denigrates the figure of our general (Zapata), depicting him as gay.”
Determine this one on your own.
Argentina follows their timeless tradition of kinda sorta providing asylum for assholes.
Sloopy requested today’s music selection start with the letter M. I did not ask why. I did not think this was an unreasonable request, nor did I clear it with him beforehand. So today you get the (((Reggae guy))), Matisyahu.
I assume these are late because it’s Friday the 13th.
No. Your on Mexican time now, bigot.
So the links are late because it’s viernes trece?
Is that like CPT?
“In other news, Mexicans don’t like artwork depicting revolutionary heroes as gay.”
What’s with artists and kicking those sleeping dogs?
Political Statement > Artistic Skill
What’s the big deal about making him look womanly? I mean, Mexicans never seemed it care that Frida Kahlo was painted to look like a dude…wait…
Fake news. If he was Mexican, the horse would have been a 1971 Impala and there would have been about twenty cousins in it. Nobody would have bitched about that.
You do understand those are Americans of Mexican descent that do that? Actual Mexicans have a GMC S15 or a original VW Beetle made in the 90s.
With A Giant Horse Head Sticker In The Back window?
Or a memorial to a dead relative in peeling house address stickers.
To be fair “long live the shoe” sounds like a pretty gay motto.
Is that an Orthodox rapper?
He’s since abandoned his faith, but he was Orthodox at the time.
Well, King Django has some songs he does in Hebrew (sorry, first one I could find easily).
Aw, there can never be enough of “painty-breast Mehico Senorita” We like her the best!
*Looks gift horse in the mouth* “Took ya long enough…”
We were decades overdue for a Chilean-airliner-crashes-in-a-glacier-and-the-survivors-eat-each-other story
“survivors-eat-each-other story”
Cause or effect? Not both?
Well, that’s tasteless.
Nah, just a little gamey.
“Andy’s chile”?
It was headed to antarctica. This is banned by international treaty… the UN shot it down. You can’t go there because of the ice wall that surrounds the world. This is why they made the international treaty banning going to Antarctica.
Anyone who reads the Flat Earth Society’s web page will know all of this and this plane getting shot down will not be surprising.
Good morning, Mexi and thanks for pitch-hitting.
I would love to visit Cuba just as soon as that shitty government is overthrown.
Determine this one on your own.
Yes, it’s totally gay.
Make it a great day, bitches. It’s Friday the 13th after all!
Oh, and congrats to Boris. Pretty solid win.
If only it could be Canada. Bernier lost by the slimmest of margins and now that Scheer is being ousted he’s decided to go all “Libertarian” and abandon any chance of gaining power. Cunte.
Yeah I’m looking forward to work today. We have an office on London…
I’m curious, do you keep London Calling teed up for when you join conference calls?
Because I would.
The painting depicts a nude Zapata wearing high heels and a pink, broad-brimmed hat, straddling a horse.
Shoulda gone with dreadlocks and a hoodie.
*golf clap* You beat me to it.
In a recent interview in La Paz, Eva Copa, a Mas senator, said the party needed to look to future and engage in a process of “self-criticism” over its “mistakes”.
Oh goodie. Struggle sessions.
“Another of those aboard, electrician Jacob Pizarro, 38, had lost his wife five months ago, leaving behind two children, ages 2 and 6, who are in the care of their grandmother.”
Geez. Those poor kids.
Apparently they were already in the care of Grandma. Most grandmothers come with experience and love of their grandchildren, I’m holding out hope this is the case here.
Well I imagine that was the case cause he was going on this trip. Still losing both parents in 5 months.
Yeah, the whole thing is a tragedy but that one hit me. I can’t imagine losing both of your parents within months of each other when you’re 6 years old.
That horse needs a single horn in the middle of its forehead.
Nah, it’s the Yankee embargo. If Trump hadn’t reversed Obama’s glorious detente Cuba would be like a Scandinavian social democratic paradise.
I never understood that logic. Cuba can and does trade with pretty much every other country in the world, so how does only the USA not trading with them lead to complete disaster? They’re a small country so it’s not like loss of the US market should have the same impact as it would on a huge player like China or Japan.
Asking for California? NY? NJ? IL?
It’s another reason the US should lift the embargo: right now it’s a convenient way for the Cuban government to explain their economic problems.
Agreed. If the embargo was going to do something it would have by now. At least if you open up trade and travel you’ve got a better shot at giving people who want to leave that shithole a chance to fly under the radar (maybe literally) and escape.
That, and it hasn’t worked.
I think people still want to visit, for that cute/charming type of poverty.
I thought it was all just latin-jazz clubs where smokin hot 20 year olds bump and grind all night.
You lied to me Camila Cabello!
Every time you click on that music link an incel pulls a wing off a butterfly.
These euphemisms get stranger and stranger.
These sexual euphemisms get stranger and stranger.
A woman in Decatur, Illinois who shot her ex in self-defense after he attacked her in her vehicle is now behind bars on $75,000 bond, while her abuser is already back out on the streets.
According to the Herald-Review newspaper, police say the woman was defending herself when she fired the shot from her legally owned firearm, but because she doesn’t have a concealed carry license, she’s now facing a felony charge.
“Sgt. Chris Copeland said officers were sent at 6:50 p.m. to HSHS St. Mary’s Hospital in response to the man having been shot in his right side.
He told police the woman had shot him in front of his home in the 3800 block of East Grand Avenue, Copeland said. Police began their investigation and contacted the 29-year-old woman, who voluntarily came to the Decatur Police Department for questioning.
Copeland said the woman had several injuries to her face from the man battering her while she was inside of her vehicle. She had a shunt in her head from a previous injury, and a blow to the head could be fatal, Copeland said.
The woman told police she shot the man in self-defense, Copeland said. He said the woman is not facing charges for the shooting, but is facing a preliminary charge of aggravated unlawful use of a weapon for lack of a concealed carry license. She is being held in lieu of $75,000.”
Meanwhile the woman’s attacker was given $10,000 bond on charges of domestic battery and vehicular invasion, and according to the local paper he’s already posted bond and is back out on the street. Apparently in Illinois, acting in self-defense with a gun you’re not licensed to carry is a more serious offense than beating a woman in her own car.
I’d love to sit on that jury. Of course I’d be in jail myself after I told every person within a mile of the court house about the joys of jury nullification.
Good thing it wasn’t an assault pistol, she’d never see daylight.
I think this might turn into a good court case.
This is the one exact shit people were talking about.
Nobody ever uses a gun for self defense! It is known.
It would seem that claiming she was open-carrying would be prudent.
Illinois sounds like a place that hates women. Must be run by conservatives
i’m no 2A lawyer in Illinois but my understanding was b/c she was outside her house she had to have a carry permit regardless of concealed or open. and with training + fees the cost is north of $400 for one of those permits. so poor people get especially fucked good and hard by these laws.
$460 + 16 hours of training + 9 weeks to process
Anti-gun people are often shocked when I tell them that it’s perfectly legal to own a fully-automatic machine gun, provided you pay the ATF $200, don’t have a criminal record, and the gun was registered prior to 1986. It’s the guns that are expensive because of the scarcity imposed by the whatchamacallit act that banned civilian full auto after ’86.
The NFA was passed in response to a spate of gangland shootings using the Thompson submachine gun during Prohibition. So why’d it take nearly 60 years for an actual ban? Well, that’s because the point of the NFA wasn’t to ban full auto weapons but to impose a financial barrier to entry. They picked the $200 figure because at the time that represented an amount of money no lower-class or even middle-class person could reasonably afford. Specifically, the kinds of people who were seen as likely to spray bullets at each other without regard to bystanders, i.e. Italians, Hispanics, black people, eastern Europeans, etc., were intended to be screened out by this $200 price tag.
Predictably, it did not shit in terms of the criminals in question, because, being criminals, they just bought the guns on the black market. This is a lesson the government and anti-gun types have never, ever learned.
Remember when the whoever was arguing in front of the Supreme Court about gun laws (NY state) and some justices was satisfied with the assurance that the law wouldn’t be used in “that” way?
Exhibit A, Exhibit fucking A.
Too local
That argument just infuriates me. It doesn’t matter whether the law will be used or not used in any particular way. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED assholes!
Also no DA is gonna be like: ” hey guys don’t use this law this way cause we totally pinky swore to the chief justice that we wouldn’t.”
Yep. And this is probably the best case to use publicly.
I mean it’s right up there for ideal argument with “stalker ex kills woman while she waits for the permit”
Reynolds has been publicizing this.
“the woman is not facing charges for the shooting, but is facing a preliminary charge of aggravated unlawful use of a weapon”
Bullshit. That is the charge is for the shooting.
“Carrying a concealed, loaded firearm without a valid permit to do so is a Class A misdemeanor for one’s first offense”
Nice catch.
The same law applies in NY.
At least it’s almost the weekend.
Kids had finals all week, and we had some weird pile up of everything breaking. Flooded buildings, broken pipes.
Yesterday, a person lost the submaster to a building.
They just submitted a “I need a key asap to (6 different rooms)”
This is why I’m changing the policy.
My only link https://m.sevendaysvt.com/OffMessage/archives/2019/12/12/burlington-police-chief-admits-he-used-an-anonymous-twitter-account-to-taunt-a-critic
“Too local.”
I didn’t know written words could lobotomize
j/k It was a fine link!
I don’t know about lobotomies, but words can <a href="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aGSKrC7dGcY"pierce right through you.
shit, I fucked up the link.
Do you want “men” like that playing music for your daughters?
“Your punishment is a link from Slate.”
Maybe a little.
Slate used to be cool until they let contributors be hall monitors. That chick that became a guy? She backed me up numerous times when I was called a Russian Bot. Cool chick/guy whatever. The writing was on the wall when Marcotte left for even leftier pastures. We used to be able to have a conversation and after Drumph it was over, Man. Open Salon used to be alright.
“The account, @WinkleWatchers, has since been deleted. Del Pozo created the profile to mock Charles Winkleman, a Burlington resident, political activist and known provocateur who regularly takes aim online at the chief, landlords and others in power. ”
This is neighborhood spats spilling out into twitter
Yep. It’s hilarious. And the fact it’s being treated like the worst thing in the world makes my laugh
I mean, from the looks of it, he wasn’t on the clock while trolling. Who cares. Why can’t he use a handle?
They put the cop on leave due six weeks to seek “mental help”. Really?
Vermonters gonna Vermont.
Look at the picture of Charlie.
It’s pajama boys cousin
I have a master for my building. Before they gave it to me I had to sign a form stating that I would be responsible for $9000 rekeying costs if I lose it.
My boss thinks I can’t actually make people sign that.
I think if I word it to “your department” it should be ok. And the requirements for being approved for sub Masters and masters is about to get very hard here.
“Bolivia’s exiled former president Evo Morales has landed in neighbouring Argentina having been granted asylum by its new leftwing leaders in a move likely to further vex Brazil’s far-right administration”
I see all leftwing leaders are assumed to be far-left. Otherwise you’d specify that in the article too.
so Mexico denied him asylum? my Bolivian friend told me he was hiding in Mexico. that’s interesting.
Whatever you say man…
“They shoveled all the shit up in one big pile ….It was beautiful. It was neat and tidy.”
Polishing turds
It was pretty much all-inclusive.
Yeah, no need to detail any specifics when attempting to railroad someone.
Everyone knows that when it comes to criminal accusations it’s best when you paint with broad strokes
The local libertarian-leaning talk-show guy seriously hates Trump with a passion and has been leaning on the Ukrainian quid pro quo hard. His take is that nothing else matters, Trump is guilty of using the funds to get political help and that is a crime.
It may well be a crime, however there’s no way I’m going to evaluate this on its own merits and not in light of everything else.
If I thought for even a second that any of the egregious crimes committed by anyone else (Biden, the FBI, the CIA, Brennan, Clapper, Obama, Clinton) were going to be pursued after Trump was convicted I would say “Sure, impeach him”
But that is most definitely not going to happen if Trump is impeached. We will return to situation normal, where politicians are raiding the coffers and the administrative state continues unchecked.
So they can fuck right off with the Trump impeachment. I will opt for the most chaotic outcome that brings the most of the bullshit to light, which requires his presence.
It may well be a crime
Meh. . .
Donald J. Trump✔
Dems Veronica Escobar and Jackson Lee purposely misquoted my call. I said I want you to do us (our Country!) a favor, not me a favor. They know that but decided to LIE in order to make a fraudulent point! Very sad.
When I first heard of the phone call I was, “That sounds pretty shady.” And then I found out about 2 minutes later that Hunter was getting those fat wads of cash and was, “That makes sense what Trump did in that case.”
And predestined to fail. Instead of drowning silently like most people do, the Dems have gone full Hollywood.
“And predestined to fail. ”
I don’t think the folk at DU know that.
to be fair, it’s “DU”, not “Duh!”
Of course “Obstruction of Congress” isn’t even a thing. They couldn’t show any obstruction of justice under any legal definition, so they decided to call it Obstruction of Congress so that it sounds like he did something wrong.
Sure it is. Just generally the obstructionist is a congressman and getting rid of him is a parlimentary procedure.
“Obstruction of Congress”
Isn’t this what voting for an incumbent’s opponent is?
Let me see, I’d like to obstruct Congress and Candidate A says “I’ve got a pen and a phone”
It’s the sheer hyprocrisy that makes my blood boil. “Whataboutism” is just a fancied up way of saying “Shut Up”.
Would LOVE to see that person’s reaction if they ever were to be under investigation and that was the tactic.
I don’t think they’d call it ‘perfect’.
“Bolivia’s exiled former president Evo Morales has landed in neighbouring Argentina having been granted asylum by its new leftwing leaders in a move likely to further vex Brazil’s far-right administration”
If it pisses Bolsonaro off, it’s good, I guess.
Since I cannot be bothered to RTFA, are he Bolivians asking for him to be returned for prosecution?
Not that I am aware.
Hey I’ve been gone for a bit and playa stole my internet.
Has Don been impeached yet?
Is they why he had to escape Texas?
I’ve been told by trusted sources that the walls are closing in. In other words, “We’ll get you next time Gadget!”
Donald J. Trump✔
Congratulations to Boris Johnson on his great WIN! Britain and the United States will now be free to strike a massive new Trade Deal after BREXIT. This deal has the potential to be far bigger and more lucrative than any deal that could be made with the E.U. Celebrate Boris!
Brussels is not going to like that.
Brussels is not going to like that.
Which makes it even more hilariously awesome.
It’s OK, Juncker is too drunk to notice.
My favorite Juncker clip
Of course, he now blames his stumbling around on sciatica.
My favorite is the one some rando pulled on the job-site. “I’m pre-diabetic!”
Yeah, and Hillary had pneumonia
-2 locked knees.
Come on now! She lost a shoe just like in The Life Of Brian. “We shall follow the Crock!”
Seems like the most lucrative deal would be to unilaterally drop restrictions to trade.
Sure, but then the Wrong People might benefit.
Well fuck them sideways! They gave the world brussel sprouts and pay-back is a bitch sometimes. (Full disclosure, I like brussel sprouts!)
It’s brussel sprout season. I go to Whole Foods for lunch (good salad bar) and it’s covered up with brussel sprouts. Unfortunately, most of the recipes are abominable, like Mustard and Maple Brussel Sprouts.
It’s always brussel sprouts season.
Kill them on sight.
Cut the ends off and sautee with pre-cooked bacon. Or boil them into mush like Grandma did and slather with cow butter. Whatever. I likes ’em!
All you really need is to halve, and sauté them with some salt. Add a bit of hard cheese like parmesan. Totally underrated cruciferous vegetable.
Halve, toss with shallots, olive oil and salt. Roast in a wicked hot oven for 15 minutes, turning half way (if you care to), hit with balsamic vinegar.
This guy gets it (we use garlic, not shallots, but close enough).
And serve. To someone else. The one that likes okra.
The exterior leaves turn into a most snackable imitation of chips.
I hated them growing up because all my mom would do is boil them. I can enjoy them now, but I am still weary because of the gas they cause.
It’s the complaints from others, isn’t it?
Yeah, if you cook them too long they develop mustard gas or something, but if you don’t over do it they can be great.
No you don’t. You like salt and butter.
And vitamins K and C.
Vitamin K? Now you’re just making shit up.
Nah, ketamin it’s a horse tranquilizer used as a date rape drug
Oh that vitamin K. Yeah, it’s good stuff.
I mean for, you know, tranquilizing horses and stuff.
I the get those from the sunshine band.
Brussels will sprout with anger.
Hey Muppet! What do you think of Bernier basically taking his ball and going home? It’s like we had a chance to actually make some reforms and someone snitched to the gym teacher. I’m hoping Rempel throws her hat in the ring.
He already said no?
The conservatives are a hot mess. Scheer lost the plot when he decided for some reason the way to win was to pander to Ontario-Center and then proceeded to nominate that former Liberal barely one year in the conservative party as DEPUTY-CHIEF. It was an eye popping whopper of a stupid move. It pissed me off. I hope they send her packing. I want nothing to do with anyone who had anything to do with Justin.
He was taking the party, basically, into ‘RINO’ territory. It’s like conservative principles mean nothing.
I’m almost certain there was some kind of revolt behind the scenes after he did that.
Rempel is cute but not the answer. I don’t see anyone. I don’t know why they like McKay.
I personally like the People’s Party better.
If he could work it out….it’s a good option to the conservatives like the NDP are to the Liberals.
Oh yeah, he’s already stated that he’s not coming back. He’ll just hang out in Mom’s basement for awhile to get his bearings. I like Rempel because she speaks truth to power but she’s just too regional. The rest of them should be taken on a Chilean Antarctic flight. Peter McKay? That fucker should be stranded on White Island or as the natives prefer, Ooga Booga Big Steam Rock.
So I guess that Mexicans weren’t all that into “Zorro the Gay Blade”
Paging HM
Virginia had 7 more last night. that brings the 2A sanctuary total to 9-fucking-1! it would’ve been 8 but Fauquier pushed their hearing back to the 23rd and they’re voting on a becoming a “Constitutional” county, not sanctuary.. which strikes me as a big FU to Governor Northam.
I love how governor blackface said he could use the national guard to enforce his bullshit. How fucking clueless can someone be?
Sicking the military on peaceable citizens is 1) evil and 2) bad optics. Dude is a maroon.
3) the quickest way to kick off civil war 2: 2a boogaloo
if it’s not Rule #1 of Leadership, it’s definitely in the single digits: “Don’t issue orders that you can reasonably predict will not be followed.”
saw this point made somewhere else but the Virginia NG is mostly gun guys and no NG commander is going to want to court-martial half of his command when they say FU to the Governor.
I was curious at what units are in the VA NG:
It looks like the 29th ID is headquartered there, but only a few battalions are actually part of the VA Guard (the others are spread out across other states).
I wonder if he knows that the Venn diagram circle of National Guard members is nearly engulfed by the circle representing gun owners affected by this nonsense?
Trump’s America, man. What a shithole.
The National Labor Relations Board has ruled in McDonald’s favor in a long-running case filed by 20 workers who were fired or faced retaliation for trying to unionize.
The board said Thursday that it favors a settlement that will require McDonald’s franchisees to pay $171,636 to the affected workers. The franchisees must also notify current and former employees about the settlement and set up a $250,000 fund to handle future claims.
The workers were seeking a ruling that would consider McDonald’s a “joint employer” with its franchisees. That would have increased the company’s liability and potentially have made it easier for McDonald’s 850,000 U.S. workers to form a union.
But Chicago-based McDonald’s insists it doesn’t directly employ the workers. About 95% of its 14,000 U.S. restaurants are owned by franchisees.
An administrative law judge with the labor board rejected the proposed settlement in July 2018, saying it was unlikely to end the dispute and didn’t require McDonald’s to enforce the settlement.
McDonald’s appealed to the full board, which agreed with the company. The case will now return to the administrative law judge, who has been directed by the board to approve the settlement.
Keeping the workers down. Stealing their labor.
That would have blown up the entire franchising business model.
In my line of work there are lots of “gentleman’s agreements” just for this reason. The job gets done, company pays and the Union is none the wiser. Fuck those assholes. Fuck them STEVE SMITH style.
Instead of starting something up themselves, they’d rather burn it to the ground if they don’t get ‘their cut’.
Envy is a helluva drug.
The workers get a big paycheck? Sounds like they won to me.
But I want to see the workers unionize. Half of them lose their jobs and a Big Mac costs $12 now. The franchises are closed within a week.
Taking them down lock, stock and barrel.
As House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) was fighting back against the Democrats effort to impeach President Donald Trump, claiming he abused his power and obstructed, Scalise blasted Democrats, specifically House Intel Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA), claiming it was really the Democrats who were abusing their power.
Scalise ripped the impeachment report which contained the calls of people including Rep. Devin Nunes (D-CA), investigative journalist John Solomon, presidential lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Jay Sekulow, Fox News host Sean Hannity, Lev Parnas, National Security Council aide and former Nunes staffer Kash Patel and lawyer Victoria Toensing, according to the Washington Examiner.
Look sometimes you gotta cut down there laws to get at the devil.
If Scalise played dirty like they do he’d bring up the shooting.
The woman told police she shot the man in self-defense, Copeland said. He said the woman is not facing charges for the shooting, but is facing a preliminary charge of aggravated unlawful use of a weapon for lack of a concealed carry license. She is being held in lieu of $75,000.”
She should have called Shannon Watts for help. That’s what a civilized per4son would do.
First they come for your guns. Then your penis.
It would explain modern socialist men.
That makes me reconsider the NAP.
Defense of the innocent is not aggression.
According to a local Spanish publication based in The Canary Islands, Canarias7, Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) councilor for Puerto del Rosario town hall, Aurelia Vera, told her classroom that “boys need to be castrated at birth.”
That sounds oddly familiar. . .
they won’t go through a series of hormonal changes, giving them physical strength.
She wants men to be weak.
She went on to recognize the difficulty in implementing such a permanent policy and that it would be met by staunch resistance if attempted on adult males–given the male physical and emotional attachment to their reproductive organs.
Strange that someone would be attached to pieces their anatomy. This woman is evil.
I think a forced hysterectomy is in order.
No FGM is still wrong. We just need all the young boys to identify as girls to avoid the procedure.
Hysterectomy =/= FGM.
How can this possibly garner any kind of support from normal women who give birth to sons?
This is violent aggression she’s advocating.
It’s amazing that despite all the screams of ‘that’s not real socialism’ one common thread we consistently see is their love and fetish for violence of all sorts.
One slap of the ass and a man sucks the strength from the women and stores it in his gonads.
All she has to do is suck it back out. Problem solved.
Stupid Women.
Totally not woke. Gender is a social construct that has nothing to do with ones anatomy. A man without a penis is just as strong as one with a penis, just like a women with a penis still has a period.
The penis is evil, it shoots the seeds of life. HAIL ZARDOZ!
The obstetrician was quoted as saying, “I’m sorry, based on previous surgeries it would be far too dangerous to give you a C-section. You’re going to have to push the baby out of your neo-urethra, then we can reconstruct your exploded neo-micropenis and what remains of your lower abdomen once you have recovered from the birth”, which was nice. Under his breath, he added, “It would have been a lot easier had you not decided to get pregnant before having the transition”.
This should have been an an episode of Fawlty Towers.
If there’s anything the Pentagon hates, it’s waste and corruption.
It’s always brussel sprouts season.
Kill them on sight.
I approve this message.
Cut in half, coat with olive oil, salt, pepper, onion and garlic powder, paprika, cayenne. Roast in oven until crispy. Finish with a drizzrl of good extra virgin.
AlmightyJB knows.
I don’t add the red stuff myself and use fresh garlic (roast ’em brown and crispy too!) but I’m sure it’s good.
I sometimes add lime and balsamic to the oil.
Another person who doesn’t like sprouts. You just want a vehicle for your seasonings.
Both can be true. I like rice even though it’s basically a butter delivery vehicle. The caramelized, crispy brussel sprouts bring something to the table.
By the way, add (real) bacon bits to it.
Nice. I always cook extra bacon to have on hand:) just did so this morning actually.
This recipe is recreated from Asheville NC Wicked Weeds Brussel Sprouts with bacon dish which I have had and it is damn good.
Hm. Will try it. Thanks.
Cool. I’ve had Wicked Weeds but have not tried this recipe yet.
#metoo ?
Brussels Sprouts aren’t food, they’re what food eats.
Here’s an idea. Don’t put fucking cameras in your child’s room.
The kid is 8 years old, which makes it even weirder.
Here’s an even better idea: don’t put cameras or microphones anywhere in your house. Assume that every piece of new technology is being used for nefarious purposes, because it is. Act accordingly.
Furiously masturbate while wearing a Harvey Weinstein mask?
There are two kinds of people
Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask
Weirdly, I read that as “fart accordingly.”
Like your mobile phone?
LA cops find out that their body cams shut off on a two minute delay. Too late for one cop. That’s cold man.
Well, now we’ll know why the cops wait in their vehicle for two minutes before approaching your car.
“It just happened to malfunction!”
Look of cops cant get to second base on the occasional dead person, then they won’t feel like the mayor will have their back to solve crimes.
Did he steal her power or does that go away at death?
C’mon, who hasn’t had the urge to grab a cold one after work?
Her Milkshake brings all the boys in blue to the yard?
A somewhat amusing pitch for a new Netflix series over at NR; Woke Hand for the Heartland.
It sounds pretty stupid though. Is it going to be another Borat where they try to make nice people look like assholes?
Oh dear Lord I thought it was just a parody piece. Help.
No I think I’m sure it’s just a parody.
*calms down*
ps – you’re right about Borat – about as funny as licking dog turd off a shoe.
I honestly just can’t tell anymore. The Derp is so entrenched.
I don’t think it’s that far-fetched to consider this becoming a reality at some point soon.
With humor — and just a touch of righteous anger — the Furious Five teach lessons about pronoun preference, cultural appropriation, gender inclusion, late-stage capitalism, unconscious bias, and climate change.
You can fuck all the way off with that shit.
good interview with SpikedOnline’s editor about Boris Johnson’s trouncing of Corbyn’s Labour party.
Yeah, he nails it. If the Democrat party here continues to push the Corbyn type pc, commie, wokeness agenda, their going to get the same results he did. Hopefully it doesn’t take as long.
Labour is no longer the party of labor. it’s the party of college-educated woke identitarians.
I liked it better when the sanctimonious college crowd were just open Marxist. Now they just couch their Marxism in identity politics. Same oppressors that must be overthrown because racism instead of classism.
This just means Labor needs to go harder left
I can’t believe Corbyn got as many votes as he did. That guy was a true danger.
(ie. Labour MPs… you know what I mean)
The SNP votes are interesting. I wonder if people there were expecting Boris to win, get Brexit done, so they’re leaning to independence.
If it’s not Scottish socialism it’s crap!
How about Atalanta, eh?
Yeah, that was impressive.
I follow a handful of UK soccer journalists on Twitter who are uniformly Labour leaning. There seems to be a ton of in-fighting going on right now. Possibly another case of the left eating their own, although I’ll be interested to see if the same fracturing takes place here if Trump wins next year.
Don’t the vast majority of sports journalists and personalities vote left as a whole? As if ESPN hasn’t proven this already.
I did not read any of the articles, but apparently Public Enemy Number One has put another card carrying member of the Nazi Party on the Ninth Circuit Court. Prepare for our freedoms to be rolled back. Our rights are in peril.
Lord Buckethead defeats Count Binface then gives him the double finger. Gotta love this country ..
I like that even in the official speech video there’s a loony in the background
It’s a good thing we got rid of the English way back, cause now-a-days i think any American would vote for anyone with an English accent, just cause they sound like they know what they are doing.
Does that offset the expectation that they are a Hollywood bad guy? He’s a supervillain, but he knows what he’s doing.
ps – five minutes into a conversation, Americans realise I am British and then tell me I have “no accent”. I thought you yanks could spot an Englishman at fifty paces?
Only if you’re smiling… 🙂
*excuses self to brush tooths and practice smiling in the mirror*
No, I think it still has to be the “right” English accent. Have some cockney speaking limey roll in, and most people wouldn’t understand a damn thing he’s saying.
Aiasuf, iuwhdf djhsdjfh jkfhshaw! Ehdf389 and sdf%8*”erf54. Bloody Amer234ns.
This General Election was advisory.
I demand a People’s General Election.
Self-describes as “selfless and brave.” Ahh, the humility of the young.
Psst – it’s a parody account run by a Sp!ked contributor Andrew Doyle. His identity was secret for a while and it was fun trying to guess who it was, apparently. It’s so hard to tell parody from the real thing.
Ahh, thank you. It crossed my mind that it could be parody but it was not obvious.
So when are they shooting the next mortal kombat
Chun-Li is from Street Fighter you uncultured swine.
Well I wasn’t commenting on the current cosplay!
WHAO! Her IG: https://www.instagram.com/yuanherong1229/?igshid=1w7fisverq6db
I appreciate the obvious effort, but I’ll politely decline to ogle.
Once, I heard Jason Ellis on his radio show talking about banging Chynna the wrassler. He said something to the effect of “I felt her back and shoulders, and it got weird. It was like I was fuckin a dude.”
So, this is the issue I have with all lady bodybuilders and also why I think male bodybuilders look weird and gross and like “fake strong”: she’s probably packing something like 3% body fat. Once you get below 15% you start looking excessively veiny. Once you get below 10% you look like a medical emergency.
Optimizing brain damage, although I think Twitter does that more than anything. Watch the beginning, but make sure to at least go to 8:45 and watch for the best part.
ah sexy cyborg… ugly fake tits and no ass
“Hey, I’m not a cyborg, and I got these fake tits in ‘Nam.”
Here ya go.
No conceivable scenario in which I woodn’t. To use an ancient Internet saying, “like the fist of an angry god”.
Just learned that among libertarians, the insult “watermelon” is sometimes used. In the sense of “green on the outside, red on the inside” !
The SMBC guy may not be all that bright
I am still sort of curious about his open borders book but I aint paying for that
Short bus material.
I learned about it 30 years ago as a joke that green-on-the-outside-red-on-the-inside hippies used among themselves… and I think it was around for a long time before that.
I think I learned it when Penn and Teller mentioned it on “Bullshit!” but like you said my understanding is that’s it’s been around for a while.
The CBC is caterwauling about the British election. I can’t help myself, these prog tears are like Oxy to me.
The conservatives got Workington and this seems to carry some symbolism. Also Blyth Valley or some shit.
Probably Commie strongholds. I can’t be arsed to look it up. Boris is no Maggie, though. It’s best not to fly that flag just yet.
I recall hearing last night that Blyth Valley had been Labour since the 50s.
And you are correct about Boris.
Blyth Valley was created as a district in 1950. It had never before not gone Labour.
Labour lost the support of much of the old school commie strongholds around ex-mining villages and ex-industrial towns in the North. Apparently the old school commies, by and large, don’t care much for the wokeness or the immigrants. That’s a big ol’ generalisation, but a lot of them felt abandoned by the champagne Marxism and intersectionality squared vanguard that has taken over much of Labour’s agenda.
So The “English-English” don’t care for rape gangs. Who knew?
I hope you all went long on British salt, there will be boom in the coming weeks.
I grew up half raised by British ex-pats. They have an inordinate love of pets and will always stand up for the underdog. Hope springs eternal!
Holiday Reading Ideas from Law & Liberty
The Senate confirmed President Trump’s 50th circuit court nominee on Wednesday despite the pick being rated “not qualified” by the American Bar Association (ABA).
Senators voted 51-44 to approve Lawrence VanDyke’s nomination to be an appeals judge on the 9th Circuit. Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) joined Democrats in opposing his nomination.
VanDyke grabbed headlines in October when he started crying during his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The emotional moment came when he was asked about concerns that the ABA brought forth about his treatment of LGBT people.
The ABA rated VanDyke, a former solicitor general in both Nevada and Montana, as “not qualified” following an investigation that included interviews with 60 individuals.
“Mr. VanDyke’s accomplishments are offset by the assessments of interviewees that Mr. VanDyke is arrogant, lazy, an ideologue, and lacking in knowledge of the day-to- day practice including procedural rules,” the group wrote in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
“There was a theme that the nominee lacks humility, has an ‘entitlement’ temperament, does not have an open mind, and does not always have a commitment to being candid and truthful,” the ABA standing committee continued, noting that some interviewees “raised concerns about whether Mr. VanDyke would be fair to persons who are gay, lesbian, or otherwise part of the LGBTQ community.”
Constitution be damned, what about the ladyboys?
A bunch of late birthday presents! Goes down like a hot cup of cocoa while I lecture my parents about skyrocketing health insurance rates. The toes in my footies are oh so warm and cozy!
concerns about whether Mr. VanDyke would be fair
Who needs that law when you have fairness?
Would be nice to see some examples of the nominee’s wickedness which might dispel the appearance of a partisan hack job the Dems seem to be pulling.
the assessments of interviewees
Who were the interviewees? Why do I suspect they are “anonymous”?
The ABA has been skinsuited*. They played a one-sided game in assessing this nominee’s “qualifications”: they appointed someone with clear bias to conduct the interviews, ignored their own rules designed to counterbalance such conflicts of interest, and then ignored or downplayed every interviewee who spoke positively about the nominee. The “not qualified” rating is a joke, albeit not a very funny one, since it was rendered without any real consideration.
* = Can you really skinsuit an organization whose founding mission was to cozy up to government? As it turns out, yes apparently you can.
Lesbian mating rituals are beautiful
Ain’t no laws when you’re drinking Claws
Well I’m going to watch that many times and bookmark it for the “what you missed while you were at sea” package for my Navy buddy.
I can’t be arsed to research it, but does anyone know what the mechanics of Brexit are? Can it happen immediately now?
It already happened. Also the brits took back Normandy
“On to Paris!”
Why would you want to ruin your country by putting a bunch of Parisians in it?
Sure. Next thing you’re gonna tell me is that Montreal strippers aren’t the best on the continent.
Why would you want to ruin your country by putting a bunch of Parisians in it?
Oddly enough, that’s what my French cousins actually think about Parisians.
I don’t think so. If I’m not mistaken, they can now start the preliminary negotiations to establish a formal introductory exploratory committee which will recommend further negotiations whereby the conditions of the initial….
Something like that.
Boris is guaranteeing it will be complete by Jan 31.
Hopefully. I was just pointing out how absurd it is to deal with the EU.
I hope for their sake they don’t ram through that last shitty deal he came up with.
I don’t think they need to negotiate some shitty deal. With a majority, he’s pretty much able to simply tell the EU to go fuck themselves if that’s what’ll work best. I kinda hope he does.
Perhaps Boris will leverage his clear mandate and renegotiate. Now that he has the quisling Parliment off his back, he might be able to credibly threaten a no deal exit, he might be able to get more favorable (or favourable) terms from the EU.
VanDyke garnered widespread, fierce opposition from Democrats and civil rights groups.
Neither of his home-state senators, Sens. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) nor Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.), returned their blue slips on the nomination. A blue slip is a sheet of paper that indicates if a home-state senator supports a nominee. Republicans made history by confirming the first circuit judge nominees who did not receive a blue slip from either home-state senator.
“Mr. VanDyke’s temperament and integrity have been called into question by his colleagues and the American Bar Association, which rated him ‘not qualified’ for the federal bench. And Mr. VanDyke’s record … is far outside the mainstream,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said VanDyke is “unqualified even in comparison to some of the worst nominees we’ve seen under this administration.”
“Please reject this nominee. He is so unqualified. He’s a low human being, at least according to all of this, and he’ll have a lifetime appointment on a circuit bench?” Schumer added.
A fiend in human form.
They keep using the word “unqualified”. I remember them using it on DeVos except no detailed a reason why.
I mean it says right in the constitution that all federal judicial appointees shall be from Yale or Harvard.
Republicans made history by confirming the first circuit judge nominees who did not receive a blue slip from either home-state senator.
Interesting. Where past presidents only nominating from friendly states? This seems like such an odd tradition, but maybe it boosts the egos of those Senators, which is the most important thing.
IIRC, it was considered a courtesy thing. If you didn’t get a blue slip, the president would withdraw the nomination. Trump has ignored this tradition, which I approve of. Maybe it’ll bring some sanity to the 9th circuit.
It was a courtesy until it began being abused. Trump, uniquely among Republicans, doesn’t adhere to traditions after they have been weaponized.
I remember something about Special K trying to use her blue slip on David Stras’ nomination to get some favors in return. Then Franken went off the rails and refused to give his blue slip and the GOP grew some balls and got rid of the tradition.
So I think it was just a way for Senators to extract some favors.
Nobody, not even in the ABA in their statement, said he was unqualified. The “temperment” thing was from statements by a minority of people who knew him, and the ABA didn’t follow their own rules in making that determination.
… I really need to remember that P. Brooks can move a thread to just about anywhere.
Van Dyke was nominated to the Court of Appeals which extends beyond a single state.
And ABA ratings are so political as to be meaningless
This is where i lean much more anarchist. I get that seeking advice from a group that knows about what is going on is a good idea. But when you put so much power in the senate, and then say “Well if they aren’t rated qualified by this one group then we will skip them” your creating an environment where the senate is just abdicating the power to the ABA.
In other words, i’m sure that the left would not be happy if the Senate started taking only recommendations from the Federalist Society or IJ when approving nominations for the courts.
My first thought was them using the SPLC as an “unbiased” arbiter.
Nothing makes a Congresscritter happier than ridding themselves of responsibility for a decision.
InjunFirst Nation’s ceremonies not only override no smoking ordinances, they can prevent you from being evicted in Ottawa. Who knew?Oh, Minneapolis School District never change!
A year ago they had a $33M shortfall. This year they have another $20M shortfall. The #1 cause of the shortfall? Declining enrollment. What didn’t happen after the $33M shortfall? Firing teachers, administrators and other staff.
What is missing from this year’s shortfall? Plans for firing.
And no where in the story does any journalo ask anyone in the district, why with declining enrollment, the first thing you do isn’t reduce staff. After all why would you need the same number of employees to serve less students? (And declining enrollment isn’t a one year blip. It has been trending down for a decade)
Charter. Schools.
Mpls needs to raise property taxes.
Well said.
I have no idea how that guy hasn’t been excommunicated yet.
Bill Weld is the gift that keeps on giving.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld (R) said Thursday that as many as a half-dozen GOP senators are privately in favor of voting to convict President Trump at a likely impeachment trial.
“I know most of the senior Republicans in the Senate,” Weld, a long-shot candidate for the GOP presidential nomination, said in an interview at The Hill’s offices in Washington. “They’re picking their words carefully when they talk to me, of all people, even though we are friends.”
“I wouldn’t want to get quoted,” he added. “I don’t even like to ask someone to do something which is not in their political self-interest. But yeah, I would say they’re four to six votes for removal right now.”
Weld added that House Republicans who remain steadfast in their defense of the president will come to “regret” their decision to vote against impeachment.
Leave it to Weld to jump on the “anonymous source” trend about a year too late.
I can believe that Weld knows 4 to 6 Republican senators with their hands in the foreign aid cookie jar.
Libertarian 4 Life! How can you not trust a man that honest?
On the plus side, “the original libertarian” is not mouthing off about how gun control and climate taxes are the small government solution to something something nonsense Koch cash
Because your a blabber mouth back-stabber. I’m surprised they even pick up the phone to talk.
Describing him as a “long-shot” is being charitable. This guy is a washed-up clown. I’ve got a better shot at the GOP nomination than he does. Christ knows I’ve got more dignity and certainly more self-respect.
Trust us, it’ll work
Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to spend trillions of dollars on education, child care, green energy and health care. She argues that these proposals will supercharge the economy, boosting growth and wages. And she plans to pay for it all with a bevy of taxes on the wealthy, Wall Street and corporations.
Most of her assertions are backed by an all-star panel of experts, including Mark Zandi of Moody’s Analytics, Simon Johnson, former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, and leading inequality and tax specialists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman of University of California, Berkeley.
But a growing chorus of other authorities — including former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers — are voicing doubts about the impact of Warren’s proposals, including how much her spending initiatives would cost, how much her tax plans would raise and what effect they would have on the economy.
Warren’s campaign, however, argues that Penn Wharton’s analysis does not take into account the economy-juicing measures in her universal child care and education proposals.
They point to an analysis by Zandi, who argues that Warren’s child care plan “quickly lifts economic growth” because of the financial support provided to lower-income and middle-class families, who would in turn have more money to spend and be able to work more. Plus, Warren calls for raising the wages of child care workers and expanding their ranks.
You don’t ask questions about what makes the perpetual motion machine work. It’s just not polite.
and corporations
Which will be a cost immediately transferred to customers.
What’s the difference between a Mathematician and Economist?
You ask the mathematician what 2 + 2 is and he’ll say 4.
Ask the Economist and he will close the doors, shut the blinds, lean over and whisper: “What do you want it to equal?”
Fixed to reflect reality.
she plans to pay for it all with a bevy of taxes on the wealthy
And, for this to work, “wealthy” will be defined as anyone with a positive net worth and/or less than $50,000 in student loan debt.
Did anyone see these poll numbers after the British elections? Ominous
Please clap
Still celebrating the UK election results.
You know how terrible Corbyn had to be to get me this excited about Boris fucking Johnson?
I really don’t know why Labour got trounced so badly. Sure, Corbyn was POS anti semite, they offered crazy policies etc, but it’s still 2019 UK.
Brexit and the fact that Corbyn was HISTORICALLY unpopular. Like he made Hillary look like Obama. He had a negative approval rating in his own party even!
The Brexit referendum happened about half a year before Trump’s win. It’ll be interesting to see if any similar pattern emerges this time around.
A large part of the Brit population are reasonable but relatively silent. All of the crazy crazy we hear about is the govt and their useful idiots. I would guess half of the population would move to the US in the blink of an eye so they can get on with their lives and be left alone.
This is also true in the US (which is why I still think that Biden will walk to the nomination)
Walk? You crazy. He’s gonna sprint on the convention stage, shadow box corn pop and then crank out 500 push ups.
I hope there’s an ambulance waiting off-stage.
A large part of the Brit population are reasonable but relatively silent.
True, within the current Overton window, which includes thought policing and the NHS as mainstream “reasonable” things.
I know quite a few Brits, granted ex pats are a bit odd anyways, but they are all big government idiots. I call them friends, but they’re are idiots when it comes to politics.
Yeah, I wouldn’t get too overjoyed at this. Labour may be really shitty, but the British political spectrum runs the gamut from “nationalize all the things” (Labour) to “raise taxes and spending, but stay in the EU” (Lib Dems) to “raise taxes and spending a little, but leave the EU” (Conservatives) to “raise taxes across Britian and spending in my region” (DUP, SNP, etc.).
On the other hand if this shifts the Overton window back toward the right even a little bit that is a good thing. The left has won by locking down incremental gains over a long time. The only way we can beat them is to do the same thing in reverse.
Stopping the left right now is necessary but not sufficient. Part of the problem with revolutionary politics is that it begets reactionaries. The Overton window can shift rightward a lot without ever shifting toward libertarianism.
With some mega-wishful thinking I made a lists of states I think I would like to live in, and states that I would definitely not. I just sent it to a US friend not too long ago so I’ll see if I can find it:
Alabama Y
Alaska TBD
Arizona Y
Arkansas N
California N
Colorado N
Connecticut N
Delaware N
Florida TBD
Georgia Y
Hawaii Y
Idaho TBD
Illinois N
Indiana N
Iowa N
Kansas Y
Kentucky Y
Louisiana TBD
Maine N
Maryland N
Massachusetts N
Michigan N
Minnesota N
Mississippi TBD
Missouri TBD
Montana Y
Nebraska TBD
Nevada Y
New Hampshire Y
New Jersey N
New Mexico Y
New York N
North Carolina N
North Dakota N
Ohio TBD
Oklahoma Y
Oregon N
Pennsylvania N
Rhode Island N
South Carolina N
South Dakota N
Tennessee Y
Texas Y
Utah Y
Vermont N
Virginia N
Washington N
West Virginia N
Wisconsin N
Wyoming TBD
I may be way off on a few of these. I have no priority skills anyway.
What “floats your boat” for wanting to go somewhere? The beauty / majesty of nature? interesting cities / places to go? etc.
That would dramatically effect the list.
Depending on what you are looking for out of life, MN should be on your list.
Pro: Great place to raise a family. School choice. Spectacular outdoor recreation.
Con: Winter lasts 14 months. Shit food. You might have to meet Pope Jimbo.
Missouri doesn’t really have much to recommend it if you’re out for beauty. It’s pretty, but normal Midwestern pretty. You can get it anywhere. St. Louis is a shithole. Springfield is in the Ozarks (that’s something!). Kansas City, well. I can’t toot its horn enough. If you like a high standard of living and a low cost of living, with good arts and music and food and sports, then it’s got that in spades. Yes, it has its shithole spots, but people aren’t moving into KC and out of StL for no reason.
But hurry. I see Denverization in our future.
It was all about Brexit. They held an election and the people voted for Brexit. The establishment said fuck you. We’re above the people and you’ll shut the fuck and do what your told. Even if you were anti-Brexit, that should piss you off if you have any self-respect whatsoever. Even children will rebel if you tell them they don’t matter.
FTC may block Facebook’s integration plans for WhatsApp and Instagram
How is this a bad thing? Let them all come together in one giant platform so that the sane people can more easily write it all off.
We only tax you because we love you! (no way we are just grabbing benjamins)
Then explain New York.
Smoking taxes decrease the rate of smoking, but thankfully this principle doesn’t apply to other things that are taxed, like income, capital gains, dividends, and interest.
And certainly the Minimum wage doesn’t kill jobs. In fact it creates more! /Krugman.
“Smoking taxes decrease the rate of smoking”
Citation please.
If anything, smoking taxes pushed smokers toward vaping and dope – and anti-depressants because insurance pays for it.
Granting them their premise for the sake of argument. Although I’m sure cigarette taxes have affected smoking rates like any other distortionary tax does.
In a vacuum, probably. But they want to pretend people replaced cigarette smoking with healthy habits, which is so ridiculous that I won’t even grant them their premise.
You get more of what you reward, and less of what you punish.
An important corollary to this Iron Law is, there are infinitely many alternatives to everything.
I can’t think of a more effective way to push young people on to sketchy black-market vapes. Congratulations – you now have more deaths on your hands.
It will just lead to more calls to ban vaping all together. Humanity just can’t handle that kind of danger.
Well the journalo did make sure to check off the requirement of referencing the “outbreak in serious lung injuries associated with some vaping products”.
Even though pretty much everyone has already admitted that all of those injuries were caused by kids vaping black market THC juice that had Vitamin E acetate in it.
Got to keep the herd panicked and moving. If you let them settle down they might not listen to you.
The Penn Wharton researchers also say that Warren’s wealth tax plan will not raise the roughly $3.75 trillion in revenue over a decade that the candidate maintains it would.
Instead, it is expected to bring in between $2.3 trillion and $2.7 trillion. That’s largely because the rich will try to reduce their exposure to the tax in a variety of legal and illegal ways, including setting up charitable foundations, moving the money offshore and putting a lower value on their assets.
The report does take into account various anti-evasion measures, but without more details of what Warren would propose, researchers could not evaluate their effectiveness.
The campaign responded that it developed detailed anti-evasion efforts to address problems encountered in other countries.
“This analysis does not study Elizabeth’s actual plans — it does not account for the strong anti-evasion measures in her wealth tax and does not even attempt to analyze the specific investments Elizabeth is committed to making with the wealth tax revenue,” said Saloni Sharma, Warren’s national deputy press secretary.
Once the wreckers and hoarders see a few of their co-conspirators climb the steps to the guillotine, they’ll fall in line.
Her tax plan would raise exactly zero dollars from ‘the rich’. All of the money would come from the middle class.
In any case, I will be president before she will.
The campaign responded that it developed detailed anti-evasion efforts to address problems encountered in other countries.
Avoiding taxes legally is the same as evasion!
pairing cocktails with watches
My dad was always hot shit for Panerai. I have no idea what the appeal is. I get the legacy, but they’re so fucking generic. The only model more overrated IMO is the Royal Oak.
That Monaco is nice though. Sensei was just elucidating its history as the first automatic chronograph a few weeks ago.
Don’t worry about it. Nothing to see here. Move along, citizen.
At this point nothing anyone accuses Trump of can be believed. Oh look, another moron crying wolf.
I do find the Pentagon’s sudden fastidiousness about awarding contracts to be amusing.
This is the most seats the Conservatives have won since 1979.
This is the fewest seats Labour has won since 1935.
Just wow.
You know who else took power in 1935ish?
The Oklahoma City parking authority?
The Liberal Democratic leader, Swinson, lost her seat. So, it’s not just Labour that did worse than expected. That was a pretty clear mandate for Brexit
She had a scottish seat, and every party got raped by the SNP in scotland.
So, Scotland said “no to Brexit”, but harder?
Kinda. Nationalist parties did better than Unionist Parties apart from the Tories.
Scotland said “get us the fuck out of the UK.”
I’d be more excited about that if the SNP wasn’t such a steaming pile of intersectional Socialist shit.
And of course they would want back in the EU on “day one”.
Yeah, proudly blazing a path towards Scottish independence…to join the EU. Because they need the money for the dole. In a just world, they’d secede, gain their independence, petition the EU, and then be rejected because the EU already has enough freeloading welfare states.
The Labour supporters are claiming the media assassinated Corbyn. As if Corbyn didn’t bury himself.
And I’m sure they mean the (((media))).
How dare they use his own words and stated policies against him.
I discovered I get better comments on articles where people hate my ideas.
I guess I should finish my Single Land Tax series.
I like your Single Land Tax articles, you Georgist scum
Nerd fights are the best fights.
So, Labour is in a good place.
This lady is a member of the House of Lords.
You know, when this whole anti-Israel business (in the West) started up a decade or so ago, I thoroughly believed the distinction between anti-Semite and anti-Israel/anti-Zionist existed. But after a few rounds, “we’re not anti-Semites, and you’d realize that if not for all these nefarious lying Jews”, one does start to have difficulty maintaining the distinction.
Right!? It’d be a lot easier to believe there’s a distinction between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism if it didn’t depend on a worldwide Jewish conspiracy to control the media and governments of the world.
I think one can simultaneously not fully support Israel and also not be an anti-Semite. But the more one believes the Palestinian narrative the more likely they are to find Jews as a whole the enemy. There’s a lot of guilt on Palestine’s side and people who don’t own up to it tend to fall into very bad places idea-wise.
I used to be in the camp of not fully supporting Israel but the more I looked into what was going on the clearer it became that Israel shows remarkable restraint against the Palestinians. You have a group of people who almost universally call for your nation to be destroyed and your people to be driven into the sea. Those people fire rockets and float incendiary devices on kites and balloons into your land trying to, and frequently succeeding in, killing your people. They raise their preschool children to chant slogans about your extermination, and their older children to be suicide bombers. And all of this while you feed and clothe them, and provide their power and water, and welfare.
Israel has behaved with saintlike patience. I don’t think I would have stood this as long. All Israel would have to do is turn off the pumps and Gaza would be forced to empty in a week.
Israel is in a difficult situation. They also have to maintain peace with Egypt (re: Gaza) and Jordan (re: West Bank) as functioning states and a not-outright-war relationship with the almost-non-functioning states of Lebanon and Syria. If they get too aggressive, they face a war on all fronts. But the UN has done everything in its power to make the situation worse. It’s a sad thing to say, but the U.S.’s neoimperialist meddling has probably on balance been necessary to offset the UN’s poisonous actions. The Palestinian leadership has generally acted like such utter assholes towards Israel it’s a wonder Israel doesn’t assassinate them more often (they probably got tired of new leader, same old shit).
But, that does not excuse when Israel fucks over peaceable Palestinians (as few of them as there may be). Lots of people hate Israel, but building a wall on the wrong side of your quasi-border and kicking people out of their jobs and homes, or at least making them jump through lots of hoops to live their lives, is not going to make any friends. Yet that criticism is rarely seen on its own, and instead gets lumped in with all the “apartheid” nonsense.
Look, i’m not saying Comey was completely incompetent. But it’s either he was so incompetent as to doubt anything he says or he is a liar who was politically motivated. I don’t believe it when you say “I don’t remember that application for the highly sensitive surveillance of a political campaign member”
Merely an error
If you don’t remember that sort of thing, what business to you have heading the FBI?
Or he’s signing off on so many FISA applications that he can’t keep them straight, which might be more troubling.
More on VA Dmes tyrannical aims.
“I would hope they either resign in good conscience, because they cannot uphold the law which they are sworn to uphold, or they’re prosecuted for failure to fulfill their oath,” Democratic Virginia Rep. Gerry Connolly told the Washington Examiner of local county police who may refuse to enforce future gun control measures. “The law is the law. If that becomes the law, you don’t have a choice, not if you’re a sworn officer of the law.”
Sheriffs and elected reps are sworn to uphold the Constitution of the Commonwealth, in which it explicitly states that the government is not allowed to do the things the Dem reps are proposing.
“The resolutions that are being passed are being ginned up by the gun lobby to try to scare people. What we’re talking about here are laws that will make our communities and our streets safer,” Herring told CBS 6.
You are literally trying to make millions of people criminals overnight just because they own modern technology firearms.
“So, when Virginia passes these gun safety laws that they will be followed, they will be enforced,” he added.
I suppose we will see.
Dems* and the second to last line should be italicized… *gets coffee*
“The law is the law. If that becomes the law, you don’t have a choice, not if you’re a sworn officer of the law.”
Constitution Schmonstitution.
“The law is the law. If that becomes the law, you don’t have a choice, not if you’re a sworn officer of the law.”
Oathbreakers calling other guys out for standing to their oath.
LOL. This person has no idea how “law enforcement” actually works.
Government and business must have a conscience… which is why we’re going to force everybody who acts on their conscience out.
This is going to be fantastic. Instead of having to travel to Syria to be part of an armed resistance force, people will only have to go to Virginia.
Good morning, Glibtards!
Heh, I like this.
We love our democracy! Or maybe not.
Yes, that’s the ticket. When you can’t win elections, just stage a coup against the opposing team. At least they’re just right out admitting it now. I appreciate honesty. Fuckwits.
These fucksticks would start a war with Russia just to win an election.
“We cannot rely on an election to solve our problems when the President threatens the very integrity of that election,” Nalder said.
That about says it all, I think.
Nor can we sit on our hands while the President undermines our national security—and while he allows his personal interests and the interests of our adversary Russia to advance.”
Sending arms to Ukraine is in the interest of Russia. Got it.
I’ll never tire of bringing up the pummeling Romney took in 2012 for calling Russia our biggest geopolitical adversary.
Wait, what?
Pretty much
I called this one early. Yes, we are going to get 5 more years of this, at least. And more if another GOP president is elected after Trump leaves office. If this bunch of crazies ever get control of all three branches of all 3 branches of government, we are all truly fucked, because just say goodbye to what that is left of the rule of law, along with all your money.
A reminder for people:
Beware the People of Walmart.
Holy shit!
Ford (NYSE:F) issues a recall for 490,574 Super Duty SuperCrew vehicles with carpet flooring due to the risk of a post-crash fire.
That’s gonna leave a mark.
Interestingly, the 150s already went through this recall. They had to have known the SDs were next. I guess kicking the can down the road makes some sense, but it sure looks hinky.
In the event of a crash the 1 in 10 million chance of a carpet fire is probably in the bottom 10 things you’d worry about, but hey, unsafe at any speed and all that.
Fix Or Repair Daily
Fix It Again Tony
Found On Road Dead
My son cannot stop talking about his love of Ford x50s. We’re a Dodge (truck) household. I don’t know where he gets it.
Because he is a free market fan! Chrysler and GM have been nursing at the Government teat for decades.
We’re not exactly in the tank for GM, Grannycar excepted, but I had her because that’s what I could afford and she served me well. Also, she fixed her own transmission problem, like any good granny should.
Hey Moj! Thanks for the well-wishes the other day. Means a lot!
I hope that your bumps are smaller than mine.
Well, Suthenboy’s comment yesterday about a wreck he saw pretty much put my thinking to rights.
Having driven a Ram for close to 80,000 miles for work, I understand exactly why he would feel that way. Looks nice on the surface, but so many fit and finish sloppiness that I can only wonder about the stuff I can’t see. It would have been a great production truck forty years ago, but quality overall has increased and FCA isn’t keeping up.
The Dodge or the Ford?
We bought our Ram at 350,000 miles because we only intended to go to Home Depot (I was doing major DIY then). It’s at 370,000 miles now and it’s been a relatively good investment for our purposes.
I don’t think I would buy a new truck even if I had fuck-you money. I want a truck for one thing and showing off wealth is not it.
The Ram. Before that I’ve had a slew of F150’s and a F450 for work. Most were around 150k-250k miles with me putting on about 50k-100k of those.
My personal truck is a f150 with ~315k miles with no plans to replace it anytime soon. I bought it new twenty years ago. I’d buy new again, but I don’t turn over vehicles every couple of years.
Hello Glibertaumauta and Gliberinas. With the uncanny mystic powers of Friday the 13th, I am posting from bizzaro-world website called clASSical liberals, where Leap makes Tundra-like good-morning posts every day.
I am looking forward to Sack O’Saccharine’s episode of “The Poorly Done WIndsor Knot and the Hair.” I expect big things, likely a nice morality tale about our plucky, anthropomorphic heroes standing on queue and drinking tea and avoiding dental hygiene and other British things.
Regular poster QQ will likely be along soon to go off topic with another of his No Fap November challenges, which seems out of place, but we appreciate the effort.
I will leave you with this 1960’s singer-songwriter classic in honor of Friday the 13th.
Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Fuck forgot the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpR6S38djFM
It appears that in my dotage, I have mostly grown out of metal.
I haz a sad.
I am into chill lounge (not gonna call it jazz) to work and go to sleep to.
And I hope your day is 2X wonderful, Leap. Who is this anonymous singer/songwriter? If he/she remains hidden then we can expect a lot of guessing games.
I was expecting Gordon Lightfoot.
Dino Cazares, lead singer of 1990’s era industrial heavy metal band Fear Factory. It was an attempt at a joke.
Is there a commenter named Leon, who never makes spelling mistakes?
Yes and I’m proud to call him a friend. Leon also knows apostrophe’s.
Sounds like a real douche.
never makes spelling mistakes?
I think you are talking about Noel.
Was expecting something like Georgy Girl
Now I’m seeking that out
Coiffe and Bobbie‘s the name, thank you. And they’ve done nearly 14 episodes in the last 8 years, an amazing amount of Britsh quality television.
I don’t believe it when you say “I don’t remember that application for the highly sensitive surveillance of a political campaign member”
There were just so many of them. It’s hard to keep track.
“I would hope they either resign in good conscience, because they cannot uphold the law which they are sworn to uphold, or they’re prosecuted for failure to fulfill their oath,” Democratic Virginia Rep. Gerry Connolly told the Washington Examiner of local county police who may refuse to enforce future gun control measures. “The law is the law. If that becomes the law, you don’t have a choice, not if you’re a sworn officer of the law.”
Something something no reasonable prosecutor
“I would hope they either resign in good conscience, because they cannot uphold the law which they are sworn to uphold, or they’re prosecuted for failure to fulfill their oath,” Democratic Virginia Rep. Gerry Connolly
“WTF is self-awareness??”
The law also requires Congress to authorize acts of war. Connolly has frequently supported war in Syria, yet never actually voted for it.
Yeah. The Law is the Law!
– Bull Connor
Hey Suthen! Sorry to hear about your Lady’s problem. Right after I got sick Wifey blew her shoulder. Lots of fun doing the day-to-day…
I’ll never tire of bringing up the pummeling Romney took in 2012 for calling Russia our biggest geopolitical adversary.
You mean hard line anarcholbertarian tear-down-the-institutions-of-democracy bomb thrower Mitt Romney, who was bound and determined to put us all back in chains? That one?
Yeah, sure.
Donaldson said, “Do we all believe that it’s great to call on a foreign power to aid you in your re-election campaign to the United States? As you said earlier, Chris, we have money, restrictions, foreigners can’t give money, China can’t send money. Ukraine can’t. Vladimir Putin can’t send money on the table. But this is okay? No, it’s not okay. So the Democrats have the case. The Republicans don’t argue the case. They argue the process. They say it’s your witch hunt, you are out to get him, you have always hated him, and they pound the table like a lawyer who doesn’t have the case.”
He added, “How many Republicans in the Senate are going to vote convict? None. None So whatever evidence that you and I or anyone else thinks as they are on the table is disregarded by today’s Republican Party as represented by their Washington representatives. There are a lot of good Republicans in this country, and I hope the party is reconstituted as it once was. We need two good parties with good people on both sides.”
Somebody should tell the Clintons.
And the Bidens.
Wasn’t there some kerfuffle about Obama’s campaign not requiring any verification that a small donor was actually a US Citizen?
Can’t be bothered to look it up, but I sort of remember that.
It was intimated
Some of them, I assume, are good people.
“Good” roughly translated as submissive and pro-everything big government.
“We need two good parties with good people on both sides.”
Translation: We need two parties who will go along with all the horseshit we dream up. /democrats
There are a lot of good Republicans in this country, and I hope the party is reconstituted as it once was. We need two good parties with good people on both sides.”
I want the party that rolled over, and did what we told them, back.
The party that would run for cover when they were called racist and misogynist.
Go home, Sam. You’re drunk.
Donald Trump’s biggest mistake was thinking the rules were consistent. They get to interfere with his campaign, they get to make shit up to abuse the law to go after him, they get to have the media and establishment run interference for all of this, but those rules are not his rules.
So we are now against fundamental change?
Discussing a Senate impeachment trial, Sharpton said, “If the citizens start emailing and putting pressure on their senators to go by the evidence and not the party, we don’t know what could happen. We don’t know what may come out of the trial.”
He continued, “When you have a president who last night went to Pennsylvania and called the FBI scum for investigating him and Russia when there was a clear report by the inspector general that there was a basis for investigation, we’re looking at the total upheaval of government. Who would have ever thought that a president of the United States would undermine and use such language against their own FBI agents?”
He added, “We are looking at someone who wants to totally disassemble the way this country has been built and established and establish it on a premise that is not fair and equal for all.”
I’d be happy if he disassembled the FBI/CIA
I’d be happy if he dissembled Al Sharpton.
If the senate goes by the evidence we know exactly what will happen.
How dare the President talk that way about the FBI? How dare the FBI attempt a coup against a duly elected president? How ’bout that Al?
There was no basis for investigation on Russia and they knew it because they were the ones that made up the lie.
Not equal for all? What the fuck is he talking about?
Kicking the legs out from under a corrupt and wildly incompetent elite class that has nothing but disdain for the people they work for is not the same thing as dissembling this country, lying fuckwit.
I am getting where I avoid the news as it pisses me off more and more.
Even if there was a legitimate basis to investigate, the FBI is supposed to work with the campaign to carry it out. Instead, they acted like the Trump campaign was the adversary from day one. Everybody who’s saying this was all on the up-and-up seems to be glossing over the part where the sitting government made an enemy of a candidate and later elected official. Even if you argue with a straight face that this wasn’t about politics, it was definitely unprofessional, cliquish, and ultimately insubordinate.
they acted like the Trump campaign was the adversary from day one
They acted like they genuinely believed that Donald Trump was a Russian spy. This is the only situation where their behavior could have been justified retroactively.
The difficulty with that claimed motivation is that it seems entirely post hoc. At the time, they don’t seem to have written down anything to that effect.
I wasn’t talking about what actually happened but purely about an alternative universe where the actions of the state police were somehow justified if not constitutional. More like killing baby Hitler.
In real life, the FBI was directing Maria Butina’s handler to introduce her to Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump to have a justification to spy on them and their campaigns.
They acted like it, but since it was a lie that they themselves invented out of thin air they knew it wasn’t true. They acted like banana republic monkeys. That’s what they did, and now this impeachment is even worse. It is on par with a Soviet show trial.
we’re looking at the total upheaval of government.
The end of civilization.
More proof that Sharpton is just a grifter, as if we needed any. Real civil rights leaders know better than to trust the FBI.
The Republicans don’t argue the case. They argue the process. They say it’s your witch hunt, you are out to get him, you have always hated him, and they pound the table like a lawyer who doesn’t have the case.
Out of nowhere. Without evidence.
Well, even if that was the whole argument, it’s not exactly wrong.
Emotion-detecting tech should be restricted by law – AI Now
Our best neural nets are still struggling to differentiate a house cat from a doberman and Amazon figures if you once searched for a popcorn popper in 2003 you probably still want to buy one every time you log onto their marketplace, but sure, this is a pressing concern.
Yeah, I was gonna say….
There’s so much snake oil on the market these days, this bizarre niche is hardly the top priority. All 3 of the drug store chains I use have entire isles devoted to snake oil. They have even started putting the snake oil version right next to the real medicine, so you have to be careful about reading the label to see if you are actually buying anything that could help.
A lot of that crap is homeopathic. Which means they’re selling tiny bottles of water for ~$5 a pop. Nice racket.
You can pry my mood ring form my cold dead fingers.
I am looking forward to the day that CSPAN is able to superimpose the Deception Meter on every politician and witness during the next impeachment trial. Should be gobs of fun.
And is it too late to suggest that the unit of measurement for deception is the Schiff?
Hmmm How many Shiffs in a Clinton?
Get out of SugarFree’s mind!
1 Schiff = 2 Clintons = 4 Comey-Clappers
I don’t think Schiff has quite the same totally coincidental body count as the Clintons, so it seems out he would be worth more.
I was told there would be no math.
It’s not a lie if you believe it.
Anyone remember that story about the Jewish deli getting all shot up? It was everywhere – there were pundits all over CNN and MSNBC and the Today Show explaining the importance of this and the rise of antisemitism under Trump.
Suddenly, this story seems to have disappeared. I don’t see any pundits on CNN or MSNBC discussing it at all…… I wonder what happened?
Oh I noticed.
Just to show you how media sensationalism works. My wife didn’t hear about it. Since when don’t you NEVER hear about such crimes I asked her? Suddenly a light bulb went off in her head. Until now, she would just listen to me about the media. With this, she finally understood with a concrete example she can relate to how evil media is.
I added, ‘notice how no one is standing on cold dead bodies screaming for gun control after the murders’.
She came home as it were.
“The New York Times called them “sidewalk ministers” who practice “tough love.” The paper quoted Heidi Beirich of the Southern Poverty Law Center who described them as victims of racism and claimed that they were non-violent.
The Washington Post, in its own puff piece on the Black Hebrew Israelites, also falsely described them as non-violent, and concluded that, “Israelite street preaching in parts of D.C., Philadelphia and New York is commonplace, a familiar if odd accent to city life.”
The new fundraiser boss at Chick-FIl-A stopped donations to organizations like The Salvation Army and gave to…..SPLC.
That’s how that industry works… pay off the right folks, and suddenly we don’t harass you any more.
Was it that white supremacist couple who met on Facebook or something? I seem to remember something about that. Donald Trump pardoned them and they went back to Russia, right?
From Van Dyke: “The Senate confirmed President Trump’s 50th circuit court nominee on Wednesday despite the pick being rated “not qualified” by the American Bar Association (ABA).”
The fuckwits in congress perpetrating the illegal impeachment sham are doing a lot more damage than they realize. In the end all the government has is credibility. It is true for the courts, the executive and the gaggle of half-wits in the legislature. Credibility. If they lose that the people will walk off and leave them and there isn’t much the government can do about it.
Credibility bleeds over from one branch to another, from one office to another. So does damage to credibility. At this point, the legislators and many of the Obama executives have lied through their teeth so many times, told some of the biggest whoppers we have ever heard and continue to do so shamelessly, it is hard to believe anything said about Trump. We know that many in the executive are sympathetic to the hysterical, fanatic anti-Trump crowd and we have watched federal judges make some of the most outrageous rulings I have ever seen. They have cast away rule of law, reason and any sense of propriety or sensibility. Christ, look what they did with Kavenaugh.
Until someone proves their allegations, and I mean prove, I have come to the ‘fuck you, liar’ point to just about anything I hear. From he looks of things in Virginia I am not the only one fed up with the ratfucking shitweasels on the left. They were just so sure they were on the brink of total power after Obama t’eed it up for them and then Trump yanked the rug out from under them. Is it gonna come to blows? I hope not, but I won’t be surprised if it does.
Is it gonna come to blows?
My money is still on No, but I should really write another Civil War 2 article now that impeachment is on the horizon
I look forward to reading that next week.
Anyone who isn’t right there with him, just go back and watch the Kavenaugh hearings. And then watch the Today show interviews with the MAGA hat wearing Sandman kid and the sweet native elder who he harassed. That should set your mood right.
The AP has the best picture of boris Johnson on their brexit article.
Did he give that statement at ComicCon?
This was the pic you were talking about?
Uffda. Sorry, fixed link
There were six independent candidates in Boris Johnson’s district. Plus a candidate from the Monster Raving Loony Party. Boris’s victory speech was long enough that one of the furries behind him (must have been one of the independent candidates) apparently got too hot and started to take off his costume.
“Elmo sweating like a pig in this thing”
At what point do you say, “I have no more control or influence over my children’s choices. They are now responsible for them.” I want to tell myself I did my best, but I didn’t. I didn’t spend enough time or energy with them when they were younger and more impressionable. I wanted them to be independent enough to survive in the world at 18, but I don’t think my approach worked and now I’m worried I didn’t teach them the right lessons.
Control? 18, unless you end up caring for your grandkids, and even then exercise carefully
Influence? Not at any age, only when it’s more destructive than constructive.
(FWIW, I don’t consider it control of children when the child is over 18 and living at home, that’s a landlord relationship and those rules are optional: the tenant can always move out)
That is the plan. Rent free if you’re going to school. If not, get a job and pay rent.
I worry for their future, and I always had that in mind but still missed the target by a mile.
That was the same deal I had at age 18 – and I had to pay for school myself. I was told this when I turned 12. So I started working part time at age 15. Since then the price of college has outpaced the rate of inflation, and part-time work for teenagers is harder to find. None of that was within your control.
Game’s not over yet!
I’ve got no advice, as every parent is making it up as they go along. Mistakes are mandatory. Almost every parent I know with kids that age feels like they are failing at different points.
I think it’s largely part of kids being self-centered, naive assholes. Like every successful relationship there are times when all you can do is grit your teeth and hold on until you make it through that stretch. Tough work, for sure.
Everyone tells me to enjoy them while their young, because you’re still going to worry just as much about them when they’re older, but you won’t be able to protect them anymore.
Yeah, that’s the weird part. You want them out exploring the world, but worry way more when they actually go and do it.
Most of the reason people that age are self-centered naiive assholes is because they have been infantilized for longer than natural. And most of them resent the infantilization. We prevent children from making decisions – and subsequent mistakes – until they become “adults”; then they have no experience making decisions and learning how to correct their mistakes.
Of course that’s part of it. It’s the nature of children. Struggle and pain is what snaps you out of it and we have less of each than ever before.
That’s one of the side-effects of incredible prosperity.
As parents, all we can do is guide the kids into situations that will help them get there. kbolino is right – high standards are important.
Set high standards and stick to them. Don’t be an asshole, but don’t be a pushover, either. Let them fail, and only intervene when absolutely necessary (death or permanent harm; ill advised tattoos and piercings don’t count).
I’m not a parent, I have only the experience of a child to offer you. I’ve had to set boundaries with my parents, and sometimes I fear I pushed them too far away. But I have also seen my parents smother my brother, who unlike me has children to take care of, and I’ve seen them and his family get stuck in a loop on a love-hate emotional rollercoaster. I wish I could say how to achieve balance easily, but I do think people have to find it for themselves.
You have influence, but you aren’t the only one. You cease being the main influence sometime around adolescence.
It’s only been in the last 100 years or so that people even fathomed the idea that a 13 year old isn’t an adult.
I’m sorry to hear that you feel that way. I’m sure that your children, no matter how old they are, will still listen to you or at least take your opinion into consideration.
And letting them fail sometimes can be the most rewarding lesson for them to learn. I hope everything works out for you and your family
Looking back on your own life, when did that happen for you? When did you say “my parents are no longer in control or influence my choices, I’m responsible for them”. It’s probably not a bright line. I can tell you that I still consult with my mother regularly about major life decisions. She doesn’t exercise any control, but she certainly has an influence because I love and respect her. If you’ve taught your kids how to think rather than what to think and if you’ve presented them a set of values, even if you’ve failed to perfectly live up to them, that’s about the best you can do.
I honestly couldn’t tell you, which is distressing. If I can’t make good decisions for myself (see: this piece of shit house), how am I supposed to teach them anything worthwhile? I can only be frank about our mistakes, point to them, and say, “Don’t do this thing here what I did.”
I can tell you from my experience that I learned a lot more from my parents by observation and analysis than I ever did by explicit didactics (particularly my dad). I suspect it’s the same for most of us. Part of the reason that I still regularly consult with my mom is because I know she’s got a perspective forged from a lot of bad experiences and mistakes. I’ve profited far more from her wisdom on what not to do wrong than I did from her admonitions on what to do right.
Now I’m a fairly cautious person and I was much more inclined to take on board my parents’ perspective than some of my peers, so your mileage may vary of course. But I’ll bet you your children have absorbed a lot more than you think they have or than they’ll let on now.
When they locate and cut out the sub-dermal shock collar I had implanted.
Honest answer – it depends. For me it was age 12, but I was an outlier. I don’t know if its comforting or not, but parenting style, as long as its within the range of “acceptable in the US in 2019 and won’t get DCS called on you” doesn’t impact kids outcomes too much. They are who the are going to be, we can only influence the flavor (can’t make them spiritualist, but can guide them to Christianity or New Age Hippy Shit if they have that inclination) and we can influence how much they like us. But ending up in jail or not. Marriage before or after kids. Lifetime income? That’s more a product of genetics and outside-the-home environment (ie what economic forces are at play wrt marriage and kids).
You loved them. You cared for them. You were there for them. In the end, that’s all you can do. They are their own people, and will make their own decisions. But you gave them a bedrock to stand on, and never, ever underestimate the value of that.
Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. That is what I needed to know.
Just remember, that no matter what happens, Pretty much everyone still loves there mommy.
It sounds like they are in the phase that my dad called “going stupid”. Because of their youth they think they know more than you do. In the next 10-15 years you will likely become a lot smarter in their eyes.
My son is in that phase now. I just tell him what the consequences of his actions can be, but that he’s the one that has to deal with it, so he should do as he sees fit. He often ignores me, but I think that he grudgingly sees that I have a point. In the big picture, he’s pretty good despite his screwups.
XY is going to be 14 tomorrow. I just found out his out-of-the-house life is a fucking soap opera (a very stupid one), and that his most pressing emotional issues aren’t at home.
“Going stupid.”
I can live with that.
Rather, I can live THROUGH it.
The working class ensured Boris Johnson’s victory in the UK, much like they delivered victory to Trump. Considering that this class seems to be in open revolt against the status quo in the West wouldn’t it make sense for minor political parties that embrace novel positions in conflict with the status quo to cater or try to win this demographic rather than chasing upper income voters who have become solidly wedded to parties that reject any attempt to alter business as usual? I guess what I’m wondering is at what point do we acknowledge that “libertarianism” without “populism” is mental masturbation, at best, and the least popular ideology in the world, at worst?
Libertarianism has always had that “muh sekret club” bullshit going on. It’s certainly not going to embrace populism when it schisms into 40 different factions on banal minutiae like land-value tax. And for better or worse, the intellectual heft behind libertarianism has always been firmly in the elite/upper crust.
It also doesn’t help that the working class was captured by quasi-socialism in the early 1900s and hasn’t been all that liberal since (not that they’re unique in this regard).
The one group that would really be in the best position to do that – the greens – is so deeply wedded to communist doctrine about corporations and capitalism being evil that they couldn’t make that play if their life depended on it.
In fact, that is the play that the far left has always been trying to make… but they make it with race baiting and class warfare. That stuff got old a really long time ago, but in an age with 3% unemployment, it is even less likely to have any traction.
The British election should have caused Nancy to shit a little in her diaper.
That’s a good point, but have you considered SHUT UP YOU FUCKING DISGUSTING POOR
Yeah, but out intellectual betters running the LP and main-stream libertarian think tanks have demonstrated pretty clearly where their priorities are.
Thank the Lord for the Institute for Justice. They seem like the only folks out there in the trenches applying libertarian theory and ideas to help the worst off among us. I know they are a secular organization, but they are the only ones washing dirty feet and hugging lepers right now.
Yup. I love IJ.
While i might get depressed on the Qualified immunity case or two, i do get hopeful every time i listen to the Short Circuit podcast.
Unlike Eminent Domain, the continued degradation of the 4th amendment, etc, I don’t see how QI can possibly survive this generation of justices on the court. No one under 45 in a post-cellphone world thinks its a good idea.
So Jesus was a libertarian!
I knew it!
There’s actually a pretty good argument that he was…
1) Major focus of his early sermons where “Don’t be like the hypocrites” defined as the religious leaders obsessed with the legislation instead of the law.
2) Acknowledged the power of the state, but not the moral claims it made.
3) Go drunk with his homies and told them to stay strapped or get clapped on his last night on earth.
Worship me or burn forever isn’t exactly a libertarian stance.
That kind of depends on whether you take those admonitions to be prescriptive or descriptive, doesn’t it?
I’m not suggesting that God the Father is anything like a libertarian. “Worship me/us, or I will cast you into hell” =/= “Worship me/us, or my dad is probably going to cast you into hell, and he only gave me one chance to go retrieve those condemned, and I already did that.”
No, I’m off to put narcissistic Sherlock Holmes quotes on my twitter profile and see if I can scrounge up an invite to a cocktail party. I do hope they have enough fruit sushi this time.
demographic rather than chasing upper income voters
But if we don’t chase after elites we won’t get to write things like “My stuff is meant for college educated people”.
I posted this yesterday, but i find it kinda ironic that the party of the working man only did well in districts that had large percentages of college educated people.
As for Libertarianism. It’s awkward because Libertarianism is individualisitc wich is easily conflated with “Elitism”. Saying “The mob is not knowledgeable enough about my situation to dictate how i should live” quickly transforms to “This Elite Technocrat has scientifically determined how you should live”.
AOC did worse among the uneducated and ethnic minorities than the white guy she beat. Its all totemic now.
There’s a schism lurking in the Democratic Party. That Obama coalition of poor minorities and rich gentry whites will inevitably split, because the poor minorities don’t give a flying fuck about the alphabet soup crowd or global warming, which is pretty much all the Lexus leftists care about.
Yep. I’m begging for a GOP’er to run on “No Rapes to get on Airplane. No children trapped in failing schools. No more racist cops. Tiny American Flags for All.”
I think libertarians are sometimes too “learned”, if that makes sense. For instance, even among the commentariat, we could go on with long arguments about the “Council of Worms” or the “Treaty of Westphalia” or “Woodrow Wilson”. And that stuff is great, but it also builds the false impression among us that somehow our natural allies are other educated people who understand this stuff, but the credentialed are not all that into us. Increasingly, if you have a college degree you are less likely to embrace small government, maybe in large part because so many white collar jobs are bound with big government (medicine, education, finance, banking, etc.).
Maybe we should just look for a different demographic and considering that one of the central points of libertarian thought is essentially “shit’s fucked up” it would seem that the working class would be most receptive to our critical views on the economy and government. Maybe they won’t agree with us on immigration or free trade, but they might accept our solutions, like “fire the bureaucrats, dump the politicians”.
There doesn’t seem to be a fleshed out motivation behind the working class revolt in the West right now, maybe libertarians could guide that resentment in our direction. I don’t know, but they seem to be just voting against “the Left” and not necessarily voting for “the Right”.
You really, really, REALLY need to read The Revolt of the Public.
Maybe they won’t agree with us on immigration or free trade,
There’s the Rub. The current crop of Beltway Libertarians care about this much more than they care about ending wars.
“If there is hope, it lies in the proles”
I bet it works out for us about as well as it did for Winston.
IMO libertarianism doesn’t work as a standalone ideology because it’s too much in conflict with human nature. It’s like socialism in that way, minus the destruction and human misery that goes along with trying to make socialism work. I think of it as more of a guiding principle. The more you can push things in a libertarian direction, the better they will be. But you’ll never actually get there.
“Personal responsibility” is a tough sell.