40 degrees, sunny, no wind, rain washed sky and the mountains are covered with snow. A beautiful December day.
How about some of those sweet, sweet links?
Just when they needed Greta the most, she went home.
Mengele meets Rule 34.
Talk about a bag of dicks.
There was a lot of discussion about Brian Setzer last night. Let’s go with a classic.
Maybe, just maybe, people are catching on to the scam.
These summits always break down. But every time the media reports on the next one, it’s “unprecedented!”
Mpls is catching up
Go AR……oh, well.
I was thrilled to see everyone with cav swords on their helmets tho.
/6th Air Cavalry
Yeah I liked that too.
First half was pretty good, but the outcome was predictable.
Anchors aweigh, bitchezz!
GT is a squid.
Just kidding, GT. I’ve spent much of my life in Orlando, which actually had a Navy base. Why a landlocked city had a Navy base would be a good question for a powerful Rep or Senator 70 years ago. At some point in the late 80’s or 90’s, they had a moment of sanity and closed it.
There’s a lot of training that can be done without putting those sailors on an actual, moving ship that cost more than it should.
Yeah, yeah. That’s true, but at some point you may have to go to sea. If someone is pre-disposed to sea sickness, it might be a really good idea to find that out early, don’t you think?
Also ‘squid’ was an Orlando (and possibly beyond) slang for sailors/Navy peeps.
Also also: bacon-wrapped jalapeno poppers are so good, even my cooking couldn’t mess them up. However, the state of my bowels tomorrow will be somewhat equivalent to a UK Labour party meeting right about now.
The GI problems would have been worse with the onion.
Squid is a generic term for sailors. Not just Orlando.
I make escabeche with my Jalapenos. They’re basically simmered in vinegar with a bunch of other stuff. I fill them with cream cheese and a shrimp before wrapping in bacon. 30 minutes of smoke and then finish them in a 400* oven until the bacon is cooked. Next day “Ring of Fire” confirmed.
NA: I think it’d be the difference between getting shot with 6 bullets or 7.
GL: I thought it might be, but wasn’t sure. As a kid, I’d go to a park right near the base to smoke weed, and I met a nuke tech who gave a hilarious diatribe about how he was going to have the power to turn all his detractors penises a glowing green. Not relevant, but funny.
Spud: Pickled jalapenos with meat? Hmmm…
Trying to keep Florida Man from advancing past Lake Apopka?
That battle was lost long ago, Ted. There is a place known as Ocala. Or worse – Daytona Beach.
Close – I’m an octopussy.
You’re Maud Adams? 😉
(Better that than a lady looking like a sexagenarian Louis Jourdan.)
Ted S. speaks truth right there.
You’ll be wanting at least seven of those innkeeper worms?
Sometimes I wonder why I spend so much time here, and then I get a clear answer that clears it up for me.
Hmm – subtract the first ‘clear’
Squids are important: somebody has to chauffer the marines to where the fight is.
How else are they supposed to swoop in and take all the credit?
Have you done your shopping yet?
I’m getting everyone the same thing I got them last year, only twice as much of it.
A good year in the house-building biz, was it?
Ssssh! I’m trying to get him to admit he’s a cheap bastard!
Truth be told we didn’t build any houses this year.
Apartment building? Strip mall? Commercial offices?
Three Kitchen remodels, two baths, dozens of other odds and ends. I actually made more this year than last (I up charge the little shit) and worked less, but I’d still prefer the security of knowing you have four or five months of work lined up, ad not switching jobs every week.
Spent the year building the great wall in the north to keep out the ichiganders?
Nobody needs a 700′ wall made of ice.
Structurally, that wouldn’t hold up.
Why do you hate the Night’s Watch?
Because I hate everyone in that setting?
Well, if it was pure ice maybe, but surely anything that can build an aircraft carrier could build a piddly 70-storey wall
Sure it would, if the base started wide enough
Fortunately we have this stuff called rebar.
I made a donation in people’s names to the Human Fund.
Yes, I have my Christmas shopping done.
Cured smoke meats for the parents, cheeses for the siblings and platonic friends, and…
I guess I’m not done shopping yet.
Re: the sexual arousal study among the mentally handicapped — if I was a tard, I’d still probably want to get laid.
Of course you would. Personally I think they should be allowed to give consent for stuff like this. I wonder how much trouble they have with the male tards getting frisky with the femtards, the attention being wanted or otherwise.
An inverse “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”: In this version, Nurse Ratched encourages the sexual activity.
The worst part of getting older is a diminishing supply of friends who are strong and can be convinced to move heavy objects with you for a six-pack and some pizza.
So far the lowest bid to move a safe into my basement is $350.
Old backs don’t hold up like the younger ones did.
I just gave myself a backache walking a few blocks to pick up booze. This sucks.
You need to walk more, or it will just get worse.
Don’t I know it.
I have a suggestion 🙂
Yeah, I’m about to get right on it.
*pushes safe so that it tumbles down stairs*
*safe hits main support beam and splits it in two.*
But it is in the basement.
There are two steel… giant jackstands? down there that I think are supporting the house.
Also, If I pushed it down the stairs, it wouldn’t be near the electrical outlet I want it by.
Ok, there are actually three of them, and the brand name is Extend-O-Column. I’m sure Hype can tell us what the actual name of those are.
Floor jacks, used to relevel a house when it has settled unevenly.
shame on that ground for not cooperating.
Huh. These were put in during the initial build. Have I been cheated?
Naw, you have less trouble relevelling after the ground settles unevenly.
No, they are just there to support the span of the main support beam. They are there in place of support wall.
That is new to me, but I am not a construction expert in any way.
I come from a land without basements, but this sort of pre-installed levelling thing would be a godsend in some parts of TX and OK where the “soil” is a few thousand feet of clay.
Although, somehow (I have no idea how) builders were able to build identically-styled houses on identical soil with vastly different results re: foundation issues after 75 years.
We call them “FHA Posts” around here, I assume because they are engineered to meet some bullshit FHA codes, but they are simply adjustable steel columns. I don’t know if there is a widely used generic name for them. Also they are standard in new construction so you haven’t been cheated, at least not in that regard.
Not identical soil. Backfill with construction debris, which side of the street a house is on, if one side has a slope, any kind of imported fill dirt, gravel, concrete chunks, drought/rain/ice, etc etc etc…you really jave no idea what’s under/around your house
Also they are not designed for re-leveling after the fact, it’s nice that they are adjustable so one can get the beam/floor system nice and level to start with (before the rest of the house weight is on it) but you are not going to lift a house with them ten years down the road. Some places actually make you set the screw part in concrete or other wise weld it so that t can’t be moved.
The ones in my house are jacks with holes and threads. If you have a steel bar and enough power, you can screw it up.
Same jacks they use to move a house.
So they are not floor jacks?
Some of mine were installed during the mudjacking which you can tell because the concrete under them is cracked.
I have both support jacks and floor jacks.
I was replying to Hyp about Not Adahn’s, you described floor jacks.
Here’s a picture I have to out on all my blueprints explaining everything.
4 of a kind? Go all in.
They are screw jacks but they aren’t really designed for lifting after the fact, you’d want more leverage than the little rod that they come equiped with. probably a larger tread part to if you really want to lift a house.
Those look like what I’ve got. Tiny adjustment bars, and the ends are bolted into the concrete and microlam.
You’ll be fine. One small thing, It sounds like they set the post directly on your basement slab, they should have set it directly on the pad under the slab, nothing too worry about, your house isn’t going to collapse, there is just a greater chance that your basement slab will crack where that/those point load/s is/are. Cosmetics really.
This is why I like old houses. Slabs suck.
I love these sidebars!
I have those, but since we are talking about my piece-of-shit mudjacked house, it’s likely not something good or applicable.
We refer to them as “teleposts” where I live, and they can be adjusted after the initial build, assuming the builders actually installed them on concrete footers that were “muscular” enough to do so. The house we had in Calgary has four teleposts on said footers, all of which terminated under a 4-inch I-beam that ran down the centre of the house and supported the main floor joists.
That house was built in 1957, and was awesome.
If there’s no footer under them, there’s little point in putting them in. They are holding the middle of the house up, after all.
That’s sounds about right.
I hired a company just to move my safe from one place to another. 700# isn’t something to mess with.
I would not trust any of my friends to move a 700 lb object unless it had wheels and an engine.
In the garage, that is.
Honestly, $350 plus the delivery to the house charge is almost exactly what Liberty would have charged to do it. Which is less than half of what other safe companies were charging.
I kinda want to go to the loading dock at work and see if I can undercut these people, but if something goes wrong, I don’t want the unions against me.
I moved my mill and my lathe by myself with one friend. They weigh about 650 each. That was ten years ago, though. At 43 I seemed much more robust than 53 does. Not sure if i’ll do it the same way next time.
Can’t you Astrology it down there? What’s the point of studying the dark arts if you can’t even teleport a safe?
The science adds up.
Astrology tells you when the best time to push the safe down the stairs would be so that it lands exactly where you want it without doing damage.
Unfortunately, the only day that result would be guaranteed is April 27, 2485 and I don’t want to wait that long. Also, I’d have to do a lot more than $350 worth of work to figure out the exact time to push.
Pushing things down stairs
I thought astrology just tells you exactly how careless you can be in your methods. If you have mercury in your gatorade, you prolly shouldn’t even try, right?
Reminds me of the joke “Why are divorces so expensive?” “Because they’re worth it”.
Many years ago I read a comment from some famous guy (don’t remember who) who was in his 90s and said, “The best thing about growing old is that you don’t have to worry about peer pressure any more, because all of your peers are dead.”
After seeing how big those penis worms are, I’m feeling a bit inadequate.
I’m not threatened. Now if there were Tongue creatures….
Speaking of a bag of dicks.
How can anyone not listen to that gibberish anymore and not start snoring?
“LGBTQ families are beautiful”
If your family qualifies for LGBTQ it is automatically beautiful.
“Hi, I’m completely self-unaware.”
Hmm, there couldn’t be anything with those glorious rules, could there? [diplomatic laughter in the background] No, not possible in the slightest.
The aliens are treating us like a cat and a loser pointer, totally fucking with us, I await our new overlords,
Too much work to actually rule. Just using the planet as a game park.
Teenagers out joy riding, it’s Universal,
God I really really hope no one tells the aliens how tasty leftists are and how bitter and clingy deplorable is.
Or a Laser pointer,
I’ve had a passing interest in UFOs since I was a kid. There’s some weird shit going on.
/adjusts tinfoil hat
I never had much time for UFO tinfoil hattery but the shysters who manage to actually make a living pretending to know stuff are fascinating. I watched a long talk by some guy called Edgar Fouche, trying to figure out if he actually believed what he was saying, or if he was just an expert at getting his marks to drink the kool-aid. The accompanying slideshow was particularly corny. He also repeatedly tried to discredit some other guy who I guess was his direct competition in the business of getting people part with cash to sit in a small hotel conference suite and watch a bad PowerPoint presentation that presents sciencey things less believable than Star Wars spaceflight physics.
Had 3 “UFO” experiences a few years back in OR. Glad I don’t live in that state anymore….mostly due to the antifa-aliens now.
Terrible Writing Advice has a good video about alien invasions:
“Well obviously the aliens want to build a superhighway, and Earth is in the way.”
+1 Earth-shattering kaboom
That was some space modulator!
About a billion people, mostly children, suffer from parasites. De-worming campaigns have limited success as the root cause is inadequate sanitation There is a reason why shitting on the sidewalk is a bad a idea.
I’ll see your penis fish and raise you perverted penguins: Bizarre 100-year cover-up of ‘penguin prostitution’ in Antarctica revealed by book
He was so shocked that he wrote down his observations in Greek so only educated gentlemen could understand it.
It was deemed too shocking for the general public and only circulated among a small group of experts.
Among other sexual behaviors of “astonishing depravity”, Dr. Levick noted that “promiscuity” and “infidelity” was rife among the colony of Adélie penguins he studied.
But that was far from the worst of it.
Rape, gang rape and the sexual and physical abuse of chicks by adults were all recorded by the Nottingham-born scientist.
Necrophilia was also commonplace, with offenders often mating with birds who had died the previous year.
Some penguins even engaged in “prostitution”, with males using stones to pimp out females.
Sugarfree, please pick up the white courtesy phone…
March of the Penguins 2: Necrophilia Boogaloo
Hen mallards are cheating bitches too. They have no problem being cucked.
Well ducks were meant to be stuffed.
*golf clap*
You quack me up.
It’s high time Duck Tales got the Fritz the Cat treatment:
♫ Life is like an orgy, here in Duckberg
whips, cuffs, ball gags, it’s a fuck blur!
some dress in leather, the rest get naked together!
Duck Tales! Woo Oooh!
woo woo
Cuck a duck?
I’m sure it’s on the web
I think HM linked to it earlier.
Enough pulley blocks and friction will make lowering that weight manageable. Just make sure you use a rope rated for that (we often use polypropylene derby rope for light stuff and go up to steel when it gets heavier, but you can also find rope rated for much higher for a lot less than $350).
Supposed to be a reply to Not Adahn about the safe.
ropes? friction?
ooh, kinky
*Lights the Creosote Achilles signal*
Next time he’s on, I want to ask him about people wearing black silicone wedding rings. Surely that’s some sort of kink signal.
Give Atanarujat a long enough lever and he can move the world.
Not quite levers
SF will no doubt have something along the lines of Happy Feet, Happy …
If your goal was to be arouse as much suspicion as possible, you wouldn’t go wrong with this course of action.
If they can move like the video showed, what are we going to stop them with?
/It’s a Cookbook!!!!
In October, they saw Jesus on a plane. Or maybe it was Elvis, they kinda look the same.
What do you mean we can’t experiment on them?
Here’s a good story about a tapeworm.
Ok, finish polishing the silver.
Euphemism for sure.
And then you’re going to wax the dolphin? Spank the monkey? Punch the clown? Polish your sword?
Explode the puffin?
That’s esoteric.
Bop the Bishop.
Guys set new record for fastest cross country drive: https://www.foxnews.com/auto/cannonball-run-record-27-hour
On the one hand it’s an accomplishment and they tried to be safe. Still, driving that fast on a public road is hard to justify from a cost-benefit analysis perspective.
I think that if you analyze the cannonball run from a cost benefit analysis you are doing it wrong.
What I mean is, the Apollo astronauts had no pressing need to do what they did, but they also weren’t putting other people’s lives in danger.
Sure they were. Ever realize how much devastation a Saturn V crashing on Miami would do?
*Hits revert furiously*
+1 cost/benefit not the point
And then they was met by Lou Reed and drugs fell out of their asses?
I heard his final request was for the Cleveland Browns to be his pallbearers.
And his best friend/ex-wife told him Trump was impeached right before he died.
You’re expecting people to click on these links?
I saw a UFO. No shit. I was eleven. A no-shit UFO. I have no idea what it was so I have no opinion on the subject.
“fight global warming and pay for its ravages.”
Pay for its ravages. I think that is the key part. The paying.
“French President Emmanuel Macron warned of the possibility that London could become an ‘unfair competitor'”
or…We are going to continue our anti-success practices no matter what the cost. If England doesn’t, everyone will go there to do business and that’s not fair!
Fuck. you, EU.
“…if you eat the infected meat…”
Cook your fucking food you wormy savages.
Cook. Your. Food.
I am guessing the bag of dicks are the people who are going to scream ‘Global Warming!’ over the worms washing up. I am also guessing it isn’t the first time it has happened, but that is their SOP.
Re: Trump getting a service waiver for players to delay their service
At least he has done one thing right.
I thought you liked Trumpkins?
I have noticed a large number of people, some here, who keep saying that. How many ‘at least one thing right’s does the guy have to do before they can bring themselves to admit he is the best president in our lifetime? He aint perfect, that’s certain, but my god, what does he have to do?
I am just taking a jab at those people.
At this point, I’m all aboard the Trump Train. Aside from being the most entertaining president of my lifetime, he also gets results on stuff I care about. The US became a net oil *exporter* under his watch. How the hell is that not being shouted from the rooftops? At a gift shop in Ohio, I saw a wallet that looked like a $100 bill, but it had a picture of Trump on it. People wait outside in the rain for hours to go to a Trump rally. They make meme music videos like this:
Re: Trump getting a service waiver for players to delay their service
At least he has done one thing right.
Bullshit. If you don’t want to serve, don’t attend a service academy.
^ this ^
They are military academies, for people who want to advance in the military. Not the NFL.
^this. We pay for their education because
having ring knockers gives everyone in the services a common enemy and that is importantwe need top quality officers, not to let people try out for the pros.My favorite disgruntled Vietnam said that back in the day, the joke among West Point cadets was that it was 200 years of tradition unmarked by progress.
Oh, they are progressive as hell now
Jesus H.
I didn’t know they booted the idiot out. Good riddance.
At least they booted the little twerp. I know a guy who got busted down to E1 in AIT for drinking a few beers on Labor Day. Fortunately, he worked his way back up, deployed with some real high speed guys, and has some cool war stories.
I worry about the number of deaths in basic training. The Navy had 2 die during a practice run and there was a Marine recruit who died on a practice run before he even signed up.
Historically, long distance running was not seen as an important part of military training. I’ve always suspected
it’s just a round-about way of weeding out fatsos.
There’s a reason why marathon runners are rail thin and lumberjacks are not.
In that case, I’m OK with it if they pay back the cost of their education. It’s not like they’ll notice the hit.
I’ve got a better solution…
Close all the service academies
Riddle me this Batman:
If the 90 day OCS courses and ROTC can produce officers of equal caliber to the service academies, why do we have service academies?
If about 20,000 rounds are fired per enemy killed, why the focus on marksmanship?
If our main advantage is technology, why the focus on physical fitness?
If being simple, direct, practical, and efficient is best, why…
Well, there I go again with those “why don’t we…” questions.
If our main advantage is technology, why the focus on physical fitness?
[golf clap]
Even so, I’m pretty sure an average VC on the Ho Chi Minh trail could hump a ruck longer than an average GI. And he’d be eating nothing but rice balls.
There’s kind of wooden A frame backpack common in Asia. It has a kick stand so you don’t have to bend over to take it off or pick it up.
Wait you are seriously arguing against PT? I assumed you were being flip.
My point is it’s dumb to think that early morning formation runs will enable US troops to out-tough guys like the VC.
You know that scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark where the sword twirling guy tries to intimidate Indy, and he just pulls out his revolver and blasts him?
It’s kind of like that. PT should be tailored to the actual physical demands. Otherwise, we’re just twirling swords.
A surface warfare officer does not need to look like Warty Hugeman to do his job.
Fun fact: years of running on pavement fucks up your knees and back. The proportion of senior enlisted with no run profiles is a disgrace.
Agreed. The rings are so you can tell the academy apart. It’s the only way.
I saw a UFO. No shit. I was eleven. A no-shit UFO. I have no idea what it was so I have no opinion on the subject.
Was looking up at the sky while sleeping under the stars in the mid-1960s in southern Ontario — a star in a particular formation I was gazing at suddenly started moving in a zig-zag fashion, and after a few moments “zoomed” off on a tangential, non-orbital track. I have no idea what it was to this day.
“French President Emmanuel Macron warned of the possibility that London could become an ‘unfair competitor’”
No fair! Their people are free!!
Merkel will advocate war Against Britain soon enough.
I scored 3 500+ page hardcover books from Barnes and Noble for $8 each. Seemed like a good deal. I got anthologies of poetry, mythology, and fairy tales.
Turns out there’s a fairy tale called The Jew Among Thorns.
Grimm’s Fairy Tales would have the same effect on SJWs as the Ark of the Covenant on Nazis.
B&N private label?
Fall River is the publisher.
Was curious. Apparently so
2019 was banner year for credible UFO sightings
I’m not saying it was
aliensthe Russians, but. . .So with billions of cameras and thousands of satellites, 7 billion people on earth and hundreds of organizations searching for UFOs worldwide, we don’t have a single video or picture of anything? UFOs are as real as a Yeti. They all have a magical ability to not appear anywhere ever?
Muh Communism!
Looks like someone needs to suck some dictator cock.
Probably a refresher course on repression techniques. HR… SMDH
“I have never seen such a disconnect between what the science requires and the people of the world demand, versus what the climate negotiations are delivering,”
Your “science” has been weighed. It has been measured. And it has been found wanting.
A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine?
Winston steps over the line.
You know Winston, I’ve defended you here before. But posting spoilers is a complete asshole move.
Do people care? If so delete?
I couldn’t care less. Fuck the new series, and fuck Daisy & Disney.
I might be in the minority around here though.
There hasn’t been a Star Wars movie since the 80’s. Those man-eating teddy bears really ruined it.
I think they are really dumb and could easily be more divisive than the Last Jedi.
yeah it really is, assuming that is a real synopsis not a joke.
Considering all the criticism of the last two I’m wondering. Is there anyway to cover it up?
It’s been online for months and I have mentioned and linked to it before. It sounds like it could be really controversial.
Also Burger King posted that ad with spoilers.
And then there is this spot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssGXzh4MAYM
Yes you have mentioned that there are spoilers. Yes you have lined to spoilers.
You have not, until now written out the actual spoilers yourself in an easy to immediately read two-line synopsis.
Well the first sentence is pretty much in that new spot.
I thought I did openly mention before?
Can a mod edit or shade or something?
Wait until I tell you about A Night to Remember….
That’s cold Ted……
Not as cold as Leo at the end….
Next up is the climax of From Here to Eternity.
Donna Reed is on a boat!
I said climax, not ending.
Now if you think the knife fight between Pruitt and Judson is the climax….
Senate doesn’t convict Trump.
*Spoiler* Republics degenerate into tyrannies through expansion of the electorate and the discovery by politicians that they can buy power with stolen wealth
Lucas is de Tocqueville?
Or Thucydides
So what you’re saying is “the tree of liberty…”
Thanks Mod. I thought the hatred of TLJ would be enough and I really want to talk about it. Sorry.
Is there anyway I could shade my replies to discuss it for people who care?
Seems I need a business plan?
I’d discuss it but I haven’t even seen the last one.
What was deleted is not a joke. Unless Abrams is trolling everyone.
I don’t get it.
Oh, you’ve been edited.
Adahn and Jarflax complained so I asked for mod to edit it if they really felt it was necessary.
Yes, I did.
I seem to have developed an irrational hatred of those who post spoilers. Possibly because that became a tactic of people I already loathed.
I’m actually wondering who did the edit. It makes me realize we are being watched
Sorry I didn’t realize that “Not Adahn” was your name.
Anyway I didn’t mean to be malicious. I think these spoilers are really dumb and have been around for months and I think there will be a lot of fanboys who will be complaining next weekend. I thought since the hostile reaction to the last two around here there wouldn’t be much spoiler phobia but there might be some so I guess better be safe.
I didn’t personally care because I do not plan to see it, but others likely do plan to see it.
Just my luck that I post Star Wars spoilers in a thread where no one seems to actually care about these new movies.
Apology accepted. But then again, I DGAF about spoilers.
As mentioned before, I tapped out of Star Wars after Last Jedi. But I still think posting spoilers to a movie that hasn’t been out for ~12 months is just in bad taste.
I love spoilers, Winston. Then again, it’s not my site.
Sorry I missed them, but, I’ve probably already seen them elsewhere.
“Disney will continue to make a hash of the franchise”
Here is a source who supposedly has seen the film. Spoiler alert obviously.
I think I’ll pass. I haven’t seen a Star Wars movie since 1983 and I don’t expect that to change.
Honestly, I liked Rogue One. It should have been made a couple of decades back, but it fits right in. I’ve started Solo, but haven’t been able to finish it.
I recall my reaction to the trailer being “That lead character has the emotional range of a 2×4.”
Which film?
Rogue one.
Solo was… not good, but not terrible.
No worries Winston I almost always skip right past your comments. Your mom on the other hand……….
Anyway this a real Burger King promotion in Germany using those reddit leaks I have mentioned. You German fluent spoilerphobes might want to avert your eyes or watch the safe version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nWveYQ1Phg
EU warns of post-Brexit rival Britain after Johnson win
It would be kindof poetic if we find ourselves in a war against the EU to help secure Britain’s independence.
May as well complete the trilogy
Judging by Abrams….erm I won’t say anymore….
Slightly different circumstances. With the EU they have voluntarily joined something and are trying to voluntarily leave it.
That sounds familiar.
South Corolina haz a sad.
As does VA seeing how it is on the brink of attempting mass disarmament of it’s citizens. Strange considering its history of defiance.
I wouldn’t lift a finger to help those commies.
Now now, if they agreed to a perpetual Scotch delivery…
I’m not a mercenary but…
I’m a style of mercenary.
I don’t do combat missions, but my services are for hire if the agreement is right.
Women of Color hardest hit.
Could you imagine anybody suggesting it’s time to ghost black women?
Trying some new rye this evening.
I like it.
You should write some gun reviews.
Ever seen a bad gun review in a print magazine?
I’ve never seen a gun review in a print magazine.
Your barber shop wasn’t littered with copies of Guns and Ammo or Field and Stream
No, there isn’t a single print copy there.
Besides the time I go in for a hair cut usually means no waiting, so I’m done in ten minutes and headed home.
I used to go hunting with my barber. True story.
You didn’t read Guns and Ammo and Soldier of Fortune as a kid? Oh wait, I am old; I’ll see myself out now. Are there any ice floes left or has Western Society even ruined that?
I remember when SOF was hard to find. Local hobby shop had them though.
You’re being given your guns for free by someone who would stop sending you them if you said bad things about them?
Free guns?
I can write some complementary prose.
The print jobs are pretty full. But get a million or more subs on your Youtube channel and you’l be getting all sorts of free stuff to “review.”
It’s definately spicy, with hints of fruit and vanilla.
I dropped a small ice cube into it after the first couple sips. It opened it up and now I can taste the spice and more vanilla.
The fruit is more of an aftertaste that lingers on the tongue.
Why are you tasting your guns?
You don’t give them a kiss after a good workout?
Does it make the world more amusing or more annoying? That is what we are all really looking for isn’t it?
Is it from a local distiller? How much $$?
Lancaster, PA. 2 hrs+ away.
$43 ish?
Nice. I like local booze. I like non-local booze, too…
No, I was some goddamned gun reviews. You, Animal and a few others have a much more extensive arsenal than I do. If I started writing them, I’d be out of material in less than a year. Plus my shooting experience is limited and I can only vaguely speak to handguns.
Oh. LOL.
I thought it was a dig at the brevity of my initial review.
You just don’t know the extensiveness…I’m gonna need a bigger boat.
No, I legitimately think it would be a good addition to the content here. Of course, it might make the balance too far over on the yokel side, but hopefully that would just inspire the cosmos to write more and…
We have cosmos???
Yes. A lot of them left once the new wave of commentators came aboard, but a few are still around.
The Sig P228 is one of the finest, most balanced handguns ever built.
The end.
Now just add some smexy gun pr0n pics, and send it to Riven!
Good to know Sean thanks. I have the 229 on my list, but will have to now consider the 228.
I miss Riven. Have we pissed her off somehow, or did she grow up and stop hanging around here? ;-)
Re Riven— I don’t know how much I can say, but as far as I know, her absence from Glibs has nothing to do with Glibs.
Between modelling for weightlifting gear companies and her job at OrgazmoTech(r), it’s not too surprising she doesn’t have much time for here.
Sounds nice.
That’s a hell of a gun oil.
Tucker: If Texas Goes Blue, It’s Over.
But not really though. There have been absolute routes in both directions, at least in presidential elections over the years*.
*That said, Team Blue is especially concerning these days with their general and complete disregard for constitutionally limited government.
The real scary thing to me is the people on the right (including a few people here I believe) who want to revive the original 12th amendment (which would do nothing in and of itself) and expand the House to 5500 seats. Hey guys, if you do this you make the Senate seats irrelevant in the Electoral college math, and that enhances the electoral college weight of the hyper populous States, since the House number would increase by something like 1100% and the Senate number would not change.
I hadn’t considered that. The Senate number would have to change proportionally, with each state still having the same number of senators. And, of course, I would like to see the return of state legislatures appointing senators as it is supposed to be. We are supposed to have a bicameral legislature with one house of the people and one house of the states. As it stands we have two houses of the people. Incidentally, I believe this is where retarded notions such as “popular vote” for the legislature as a whole comes from. It is not seen as a person representing a distinct state or distinct region of a distinct state. The 17th amendment destroyed state boundaries and is leading to the destruction of the concept of the federal system.
This is why I start out opposing all Amendments and am very slow to come onboard. The same reason I oppose central control. Unintended consequences are a BITCH.
At least we haven’t reached the low of Not So Great Britain, where they encourage people to get sterilized with billboards:
The Scoops are Coming!
Yet they are importing people from cultures that directly conflict with traditional British values.
I wonder what that could be about?
*scratches head*
Diversity is our strength! That’s why places like the Balkans are so peaceful!
They ought to be able to spell, at least. Why do they hate crows?
At the end of the day, you have to make the best argument as to why you’re better than the other guy.
A good start
The Patriot Burger – Epic Meal Time
Lol. Nice.
That’s just wrong.
I still like these planes.
My favorite jet ever.
The Northrop F-5A. That jet just screams sexy. I don’t give a rat’s ass that it’s no longer anything like the leading edge. I soooooo want one.
You got me…you’re right, the F-14 Tomcat isn’t the best jet ever. The F-15 Eagle is.
F-15 = Sexy Air-superiority.
* looks up from the Economist whilst bathing *
I have no idea what y’ all are talking about , but the F4 in Marine trim from the Vietnam era is just totally badd a**. Others may score it for sexy.
* returns to letters to the editor section and starts sanding down ball of left foot*
Your scene-setting had me LOLing Don. hahaha
At least he wasn’t manscaping.
Me too. F4 and F111 for me.
In the bomber world, the B1 and Avro Vulcan are my favs. Honorable mention to B-36, and B-52 in SIOP paint scheme.
All of those are incorrect except for the B-1, as it is easily the sexiest modern bomber.
F-16 Fighting Falcon FTW. Trim, curvy, sexy, lethal. Basically Scarlet Johannsen with wings.
Northrop made the Mig-28? //jk
But kidding aside allow me to kid some more. That plane screams “I’m on a budget!”. That said, I wouldn’t mind having one either.
But there is a reason it is always the first plane you get in ‘Ace Combat’…
They were still flying in ’97?
I remember seeing those things doing amazing things at air shows. Also a B-1 taking off with full afterburners is the loudest thing I’ve ever experienced, slightly louder than three people playing tympani in an elevator.
The loudest thing I’ve heard at an airshow, and probably the loudest thing I have ever heard was the Harrier.
Here ya go:
My brother and I played Top Gun and Flight of the Intruder on our Nintendo. He was always way better at the flying games than me.
So I have created another Diplomacy game.
Glib Diplomats 2
invite code: SMITH
Just a reminder, while the game shows as starting in 7 days, the game actually starts when all 7 spots fill. 1 day per phase. Join if you want.
I am not very diplomatic, in case y’all didnt notice.
It’s an interesting game. I am not entirely sure I enjoy it but it is really fascinating to play.
I am still waiting for ‘Empire 2 – Total War’.
I thought it was a board game.
It is, but well suited to an online form.
Join us.
Link to the game.
I’m not reliable enough.
Play a bot game go to Games, Create a new game, play against bots, then just play through and it will give you a reliability rating. It sometimes seems to not assign a reliability rating immediately.
Got stomped on by bots, but it was fun.
Yeah the bots gang up on you. I have beaten them a couple times, playing one of the western edge nations, but they tend to all come after you.
Christ, Got stomped even worse on my third game. Second game I thought I had it, then everything just fell apart. Something about simple rules, and the lack of chance.
Where is it hosted?
I’ve never played the board game, but it seems to me that it would be better as an online game because you can keep your communications completely hidden from the other players.
It just adds another level of interaction in the live games. There are times it’s beneficial to walk up to someone, and just say something like, “So. I know we’re not working together. But this will convince the other countries we’re aligned. Maybe we should actually behave that way instead of fighting each other.”
I watched “Life of Brian” for the first time in decades this weekend. Life imitates art:
I completely forgot this scene.
Monty Python’s Terry Gilliam: ‘I’m a black transgender lesbian’
And I’m OK?
OK, boomer.
From the proggy tears link
Cenk today said he is rejecting all endorsements for his campaign
Of cooooooooooooourse.
“Rock This Town” is a good song.
Army announced a partnership with Blink-182 frontman Tom DeLonge’s To the Stars Academy to research alien technology.
Veteran observers of UN climate talks were stunned by the state of play nearly 24 hours after the negotiations had been due to close.
“I have never seen such a disconnect between what the science requires and the people of the world demand, versus what the climate negotiations are delivering,” Alden Meyer, strategy and policy director at the Union of Concerned Scientists, told AFP.
You’ll just have to take a trip on a big jet plane next year to have some more negotiations.
This reflects concern that Britain could become a kind of “Singapore on Thames”, a trading hub where multinationals can gain access to the EU’s huge market without playing by its rules.
I don’t see the problem, but on the other hand, I’m not a EU bureaucrat.
The worms can reach up to 19 inches long, but are usually six to nine inches long, according to NOAA.
Porn inches, real inches, Internet inches, or girl inches?
Trump didn’t address reporters at the White House before departing
Current beer.
Yusef, I heard you have a place. This is good news.
Got the keys an hour ago, the occupation begins tomorrow, thanks D!
Yes! That’s exciting news!
Excellent! I hope it goes well.
Got the keys an hour ago, the occupation begins tomorrow, thanks D!
Have a great, safe Christmas, mang. Say “hi!” to Wendy for me, and eat some hotdish or Schwartzies’ Hash Browns for me, ‘K?.
That’s good news. Glad to hear it.
“President Trump attended the 120th Army-Navy football game in Philadelphia on Saturday for the third time, ”
How many 130th are there? Or did go to the same game three times.
Someone needs an edit fairy.
Yeah you 🙂 120th or 130th?
Not OK.
4Chan trolled the left hard with that one. It’s not a white power symbol.
Could be. I’m not sure. It’s coin toss.
Funeral Strippers
Trumps going to have piss hooker’s at his funeral. The best piss hookers.
Last night we were having a serious discussion on really good Christmas music.
I submit the entire Vince Guaraldi Trio Charlie Brown album.
It is excellent for getting you into the Christmas spirit. With a big cup of eggnog.
It’s also excellent for Christmas cocktail parties.
I’ve been listening to that this holiday season and it’s good stuff that I’d kind of forgotten about.
You win a prize! VGT are fantastic, Charlie or not
Yup, I’m watching Charlie Brown Xmas with the wife and kids now while dinning is cooking. Just great music.
So, I’ve plugged these guys before a number of times, but now with the Xmas season here they always have two or three Christmas music stations on. I’m loving the Jolly Ole Soul station, classic soul Xmas music. SomaFM is 24 hour commercial free internet radio that has about twenty different stations on it. Maybe once an hour they do a 5 second plug to donate to them. I usually throw them 50 bucks a year cause they are awesome.
You’ve linked me to somafm before, haven’t you? I was looking for that the other day. Forgot to bookmark it. Thanks!
Ha! Yeah, I’m a huge SomaFM fan, Secret Agent Radio gets several hours of play a week and I dig some of their electronica stations and 7inchSoul. I hadn’t seen that station, it will go into the rotation for sure.
Oooo O Holy Night just came on… my favorite.
This one is pretty good, too.
Yanno, I really like disco.
Most of it.
I’ve owned that on CD for 20+ years now. Always gets me in the Christmas spirit!
There is only one acceptable X-mas song.
Blink 182 or Sum 41?
Depends on which Postmodern Jukebox cover you like better:
Green day 75
Good sir, you are a scholar and a gentlemen. An eagle amongst a flock of sparrows!
Speaking of lips…
Love that channel.
I read the tapeworm story in Jeff Foxworthy’s voice.
You. Make. Me. Sick.
Bill Kristol
Trump is, as he so often reminds us, a truly disgusting human being.
Better than you Bill Kristol, you Trotskyite piece of crap.
Bill Kristoll is a grifting pseudointellectual war monger that bilked righties for years with insincere platitudes and is as bad a human being as you can get.
Sorry. With Swalwell out of the race, I don’t know who to follow on Twitter.
Here you go.
That’s completely suitable where I work.
You lucky SOB!
No sorry necessary, he’s great for a hatefollow, one of the best actually.
Him or Max Boot?
And considering that the neocons only became Republicans because of ‘Nam then this not a surprise.
I am rewatching South Park in order. I still have the power to laugh until my side hurts; I just thought I had lost it because things today are less funny.
I LOL’ed at Santa snorting coke in the most recent episode.
I’m watching The Death Camp of Tolerance.
Poor Lemiwinks.
Kill me!!!!
“This is really smooth.”
In case you didn’t know, all the episodes except Super Best Friends are available for free from their own site:
My favorite episode arc was Eric Cartman in the atheist future.
Time child!
Someone with a Muslim name has that episode on his hard drive…..
I own them all up through season 17
I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard in my life as the first time I saw the old one with the satellite antenna growing out of Cartman’s ass.
Scot Tenorman must die is probably my favorite.
Peruvian pan flute,
Guinea pigs!
That’s the first one that kind of left me speechless.
Do NOT piss off Eric Cartman.
I want an episode of Cartman vs Manbearpig.
Oh, and for xmas, Cartman’s immortal rendition of O Holy Night:
The Crab people, I had no idea they were referring to Lovecraft,
Cthulhu and me!
Oh the irony.
So the Ewoks will kill Rose Tico, right? /jking
Ewoks are prone to killing, cooking, and eating any outsiders they catch. So, if they catch her, it’s the cookpot.
Yeah, people shit on ROTJ for being kiddy; but it’s pretty clear the Ewoks are carnivores; and seeing that one Ewok die is the most emotional thing in the orig trig.
Robbing USPS. That’s Federal. How stupid can you be.
Guess he was trying to get some of that christmas money from grandmas. Some old people still send a little cash through the mail, no?
Dad’s balls were stolen.
What I mean: two dozen customized golf balls I’d ordered for Dad were found by a neighbor on the side of the road. Stolen from my porch before I got home from work Friday, they were deemed worthless (unusable, unsellable, unpawnable) and just tossed. Someone walking her dog found them and brought them back.
I keep him stocked in his favorite Calloway dayglow softie with little messages: Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday from D&L, etc.
Watching my second-favorite Christmas special, the lately disparaged Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. I was a little salty about Rudolph not being accepted until he was useful, but that is not the way the story goes. Everybody apologizes and grovels after he and Hermey return after having been gone so long. He’s jake for a while and THEN Santa realizes he needs him to lead the sleigh.
/nostalgia boner
For the sake of diversity, I make it a point to watch A Charlie Bro Kwanzaa at least once each holiday season.
Yo GT! I should apologize. Earlier I meant }}Homey{{
No need to apologize – you’re a dear to remember! ?
I wonder if there are brackets for boys…
Nah, that’s dumb. Disregard.
Classic Guardian from just before the election.
Sorry, the Guardian gives me hives.
Fourscore likes being given the hives.
Makes sense if she’s also a lesbian.
Johnson is a bit of a prick.
Reaching for some low hanging fruit, aren’t we.
Does Johnson enjoy Spotted Dick?
Or Toads in a Hole?
Just to be clear, I am NOT a white supremacist. Stupid lawyer changing my tweets.
If you are a white supremacist and you move to Japan, does that make you the stupidest person on Earth?
I’m on my two year mission. It turned into twenty because these people are too inferior to grasp my superiority.
One Team!
But you’re wearing a white sheet. . .
tuxedoblack cat was offended for a second but now she is jubilantly destroying the Christmas tree.OK, Jared Taylor, whatever you say…
His Japanese is fucking great. IIRC he went to high school here.
His parents were missionaries. He spent his childhood there.
Fun fact: David Duke taught English to Laotian military officers during the Vietnam War.
Isn’t it interesting that after all that interaction with foreigners, they still became racists?
I think what happens is that there is a subset of white guys who get so tired of being shit on, that they immediately glom on to the people who don’t, aka Nazis, KKK, etc.
John Ruskin, Pol Pot and Xi JIngping all interacted with foreigners and developed awful political ideas so it’s not like foreign travel is some sort of libertarian magic bullet.
You made a good point, and may now push the button:
I think it’s about falling victim to selective memory. Their brains downplay all the little interactions they had with average people that were decent, kind, thoughtful and focus on only the few assholes that were overtly racist to them. They then think to only way to win is to become an asshole racist back. Once you start looking at the world that way, everything you see gets warped. Last week, an old guy muttered, “something, something gaijin” as he passed me on the sidewalk. It happens from time to time. Pissed me off. About twenty minutes later, a different old guy tapped me on the shoulder and handed me my headphones which had fallen out of my pocket. Now I’m in a good mood. IOW People see what they wanna see.
In Swahili, the term for white person is mzungu. It got to be annoying to be called that instead of my name, but sometimes it was along the lines of “hey mzungu – the bus you want is over there.”
Mzungu comes from kuzunguka, which means to turn around. Supposedly, the white explorers were always getting lost because they didn’t know where they were going.
It’s amusing to think that Van Pelt knew more about Africa than most SJWs:
+1 pickelhaub pith helmet
That’s probably how the gun grabbers think gun stores work.
I think if you demonize completely reasonable positions you remove some of the disincentives to taking less reasonable positions. And by think, I mean that I view this as self evident. We really need to stop conflating disagreement with the dogma of the day with actual hate and oppression of others.
Agreed. But, at the same time IQ studies are like quoting astrology. I have a hard time taking a test, loaded with qualitative variables and labeling people arbitrarily without a clear definition of what makes one a member of said race, real seriously
I’ve posted this before, but it deserves a re-run:
from the wiki article on Mensa
Roland Berrill, an Australian barrister, and Dr. Lancelot Ware, a British scientist and lawyer, founded Mensa at Lincoln College, in Oxford, England, in 1946. They had the idea of forming a society for very intelligent people, the only qualification for membership being a high IQ.[6] It was ostensibly to be non-political and free from all other social distinctions (racial, religious, etc.).[10]
However, Berrill and Ware were both disappointed with the resulting society. Berrill had intended Mensa as “an aristocracy of the intellect”, and was unhappy that a majority of Mensans came from humble homes,[11] while Ware said: “I do get disappointed that so many members spend so much time solving puzzles.”
Did I quote an IQ study?
No. I’m just saying that his citation of IQ studies as a basis for his beliefs is unreasonable. That’s all I meant. Not regarding you.
Mensa attracts people who want public validation of their intelligence and bragging rights. People who have achieved success, even moderate success, tend to realize that joining a club to prove they are smahhht doesn’t. Apologies to any Mensans, but the one friend I have who belongs is the same person who failed the bar twice and has a list of reasons why his life has gone nowhere, none of which reasons involve his self destructive behavior.
Had a friend who joined Mensa. That I know that shows how stupid he is.
I think it’s hilarious how he converted the Japanese reporter to his white supremacist ideology. “Oh, so I’m of the superior race? And you just want the same immigration laws as Japan? I’m down with that.”
Not sure Japan cares.
“The Nazis of the Far East”
(No offense to the good people of Japan)
Holy shit. I’d never seen this. And yes his Japanese is fucking awesome.
I’m debating sending this to one of my Japanese friends. I don’t think I want to open this can or worms.
He could have gotten away with it if he hadn’t lumped in the Chinese, and Koreans, in with them.
I think the Chinese and Koreans would be more offended to be lumped in with the Japanese. Beside their shared concern with Godzilla rising from the ocean, those three peoples don’t have a lot of common ground.
You can see the similarities if squint hard enough.
*Swissy signal lit*
It’s like lumping Mothra in with Godzilla and pretending like they’re the same. I mean, sure they’re both enormous otherworldly creatures bent on destruction, but Godzilla can sometimes be a good guy. Like that time when the Japanese released him to fight off some other monster. I don’t remember them ever releasing Mothra to save Tokyo, so how can they be the same?
And don’t get me started on Rodan.
Someone doesn’t watch enough kaiju.
Is Mothra the Koreans in this analogy?
Truth be told, I haven’t watched those movies since I was a kid. There was no analogy, I just wanted to talk about Godzilla, which is what I think about when I think about Japan
Oh no. There goes Tokyo.
Sounds like a sawmill in here. Christ.
And the microphone smells like good beer,
+1 Piano Man.
Does the Boogaloo Begin in Virginia?
Will it be electric?
I assume it will be kinetic.
and asymmetric.
So frantically hectic
How do you ban “militias”? That doesn’t seem constitutional.
That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state, therefore, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed – A1S13, Constitution, Commonwealth of Virginia
It isn’t.
FYTW and Madison was a slaveowner so fuck him?
I’m just glad to be in America again, and this place is Patriot central, and Christmas, not happy holidays
Because fuck making people like me feel welcome, right?
C’mon guys, gather round. *Group Hug*
*Rethinks this* Uh, you guys work this one out.
Does someone saying Merry Christmas actually make you feel unwelcome? I have never felt unwelcome hearing L’shana tova, of course I am somewhere outside both faiths but between them.
I just figure he’s offended by statements of goodwill.
As a blanket statement, no. I would think, though, that public-facing contexts, like businesses, would want to appeal to as many people as possible, thus they thoughtfully use non-sectarian greetings. Complaining about that is bizarre considering what Christianity actually teaches about the widow, orphan, and stranger. I would expect such ideological triumphalism from Islam, not from the turn-the-other-cheekers.
Companies try to appeal to the widest audience?
Dick’s Sporting Goods, Google, Apple, Twitter, Facebook, NBA, NFL, Chic-fil-a hardest hit
While you’re not wrong in you own context, I can’t help but thinking there’s a context that you’re ignoring. One that is much less concerned with welcoming all faiths and more concerned with excluding one in particular. Is it wrong to think that if the are Google Doodles celebrating Islam, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism but NOT Christianity, that Google (and the cultural tribe identified with that company) is hostile to Christians? Or perhaps they’re just a bunch of filthy culturally-appropriating Orientalists?
How are we getting all this out of Yusef’s original post?
I get the inclusiveness thing, but at the same time, the majority of Americans celebrate Christmas. And if you don’t, a polite “thank you” doesn’t seem so hard. When people wish you a Merry Christmas, it’s not like (most of them) are doing it out of spite. They genuinely want you to have a pleasant day. That is, if they think about it at all and it’s not just rote for them.
^This is what I am getting at. It seems bizarre to me to portray the current situation as Christians triumphantly excluding other faiths. I would say the actual situation is Christians defiantly expressing their faith in the face of strong disapproval and contempt from the self anointed cultural arbiters.
T… tall cans?
How are we getting all this out of Yusef’s original post
Well, like the Starbucks coffee cup, you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
Last year’s doodle on Dec. 25th looks Christmas-y to me. But again, some people will complain that Santa is “secular” and desire overtly religious imagery like a nativity scene or something.
And when the yearly Starbucks saga comes around it is even more ludicrous in that Shultz is Jewish. If it is such a burden to acknowledge that other people might have different beliefs than you, why get upset that Starbuck’s cups aren’t Christmas-y enough? By this logic, shouldn’t the cups be blue and white with driedels all over them? Because goose and ganders?
I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about the people that squeal like stuck pigs because a Radio Shack flyer has “Happy Holidays” on it. You know, the people that actually believe there is a “War on Christmas”.
Outside of a Kirk Cameron movie, this is not a thing. The War on Christmas is a bigger hoax than climate change. It is nothing more than the consequence of an unwarranted sense of self-entitlement coupled with selfishness and ignorance projected outwards. If you complain that someone used an ecumenical phrase when greeting you, you’re an asshole. Full stop.
@HM: I get that, and I agree to a point. But at the same time, when the entire purpose of the flyer is to advertise a big sale for shoppers looking for gifts to give to loved ones on December 25th, isn’t “Merry Christmas” a bit more on point than “Happy Holidays”?
It may not be a War on Christmas, but it’s sure as hell PC culture.
Also, are there still Radio Shacks around?
the people that actually believe there is a “War on Christmas”
I’m fighting, but mostly I feel like I’m the only one. X-mas can kiss my ass as far as I’m concerned.
Believe it or not, yes! Radio Shack still lives. There is one about 10 miles from me in a mall.
But I did choose Radio Shack because it is obscure nowadays.
The War on Christmas is a bigger hoax than climate change. It is nothing more than the consequence of an unwarranted sense of self-entitlement coupled with selfishness and ignorance projected outwards. If you complain that someone used an ecumenical phrase when greeting you, you’re an asshole. Full stop.
I agree that the War on Christmas is a silly idea, but I disagree that it comes from a sense of entitlement. I think it comes from a very real hostility toward Christianity by the self appointed elites. No, X-mas on a window or Happy Holidays are not attacks on Christianity, you are correct in that. But there is a great deal of mockery of, and actual hatred toward Christians expressed in the popular media, and I find it hard to look at people who develop a knee jerk reaction in those circumstances as acting out of entitlement.
It is the same phenomenon as Jews accusing people of antisemitism over trifles. After you have been attacked enough everything starts to sound like an attack,
Well shit. It appears that North Dakota may be the only state in the lower 48 that doesn’t have a Radio Shack of some sort. Sad!
I need to start a petition.
There may be stores bearing the name ‘Radio Shack’, but there are no radio shacks left. They don’t even stock electrical components anymore.
We’ll have to disagree on the direction of causality here. Much less the fact of a lot of “actual hatred” expressed toward Christianity. Particularly when a certain vocal but small segment of American Christianity views any criticism of its ideology as “hatred”.
The ones in Hobby Towns do. That’s where I go if I need something and I can’t/don’t want to wait for mail order.
Better is not bothering to wish anyone anything. Mustn’t offend.
Works for me.
“WTF are you looking at, Freak?”
Works for me.
Oh please, like there’s any party you wouldn’t crash and be completely at home in.
On second thought… what winter holidays do you celebrate? These could be excellent parties.
The winter is pretty spare when it comes to Buddhist holidays. In S.E. Asia, you have Loy Krathong, but that involves going to a river and it’s fucking cold here in late November.
So, New Year’s Twilight Zone Marathon on SyFy is pretty much it.
That’s a religion I could get behind.
All are welcome here, lighten up, Francis
Dude ixnay onyay ightenlay upyay ancisfray. I got piled last time I used that 🙂
Wow, stirred up a hornet’s nest there, thank God we live in a place we can disagree right HM?
Yes, thank God for that.
Needz moar “Meh…”
HM; I saw that.
Meh, Meh!…Meh?
Do your *shrugs* instead. Build your delts.
My understanding is that the grabbers are backpedaling now on confiscation, and are going with outlawing but with grandfathering. Of course you’ll have to register your scary black guns which most people will ignore.
Damned boating accidents.
Which is not a fix and does not comply with the document they are sworn to uphold.
Damned boating accidents.
For some reason Virginians will take to transporting there firearms in dodgy watercraft in suspect weather conditions that will result in many capsizing.
Goddammit I told you guys not to start Great Granny’s Gunshow Hootenanny* until I get back.
*Referring to it as a boogaloo is racist: https://www.adl.org/blog/the-boogaloo-extremists-new-slang-term-for-a-coming-civil-war
Guys and gals,
Trump is doomed because he’s not lefting hard enough.
These people are plugging Andrew fucking Sullivan?? SMDH.
Fuck him, listen to Sargon, Sullivan is a, Sullivan…..
Isn’t Dreher is one of those Catholic crunchy cons who think the GOP is too libertarian, too fiscally conservative and too individualist? And need I remind you that most of Trump’s opponents think he is too libertarian. Let that sink in!
Libertarians should totally still be committed to the fusionist project. We get so much out of it.
We get fucked. Isn’t that a good thing? Or is that one of those meanings have words, words don’t have meanings things?
Considering that TAC is better on foreign policy than Reason and CATO, I’m not sure they’re the problem with fusionism.
Eh, six of one and half a dozen of the other. I wouldn’t want to live in PJB’s world as much as I wouldn’t want to live in Gillespie’s.
Expansive overseas conflicts have never increased government at home.
Neither have draconian immigration regulations aimed at ‘keeping all the problems out there’.
Sure. But, those people are not claiming to be in support of “less government”. Not to mention that Gillespie’s paradise would have a lot of caveats to “liberty” that would force government on most of the writers at TAC.
“I wouldn’t want to live in PJB’s world as much as I wouldn’t want to live in Gillespie’s.”
Took me a while to realize that you are talking about Pat Buchanan.
I should point out that the classical liberals thought the Public School system was going to indoctrinate kids away from the Catholic conservatism similar to the ones espoused by the likes of Dreher, Buchanan and Sullivan. Glad that didn’t backfire!
In the US context, was Horace Mann a classical liberal, though? Or was he the Ur-Progressive?
Sounds a lot like the classical liberal agenda in England, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain etc.
I agree, but Mann also believed that education served the purpose of eliminating “flaws” in society and modeled the American public school system after the Prussian system with the ideology that the purpose of education was social and economic efficiency. I posit that both were proto-Progressive views.
Shut the fuck up lib – oh, nevermind.
Considering the alternatives this doesn’t give me much optimism.
The writers at TAC get such a hard-on when someone even whispers “one nation conservatism”. Social welfare, but with Jesus? And Dreher just came his pants.
Nothing says Conservative like Leftest economics.
Insert Hayek quote about conservatives or how Republicans never repeal anything.
This is the first time I have ever seen someone use the Hayek criticism of conservatism correctly. TAC would at least be closer to the brand of conservatism that Hayek was criticizing
How, exactly, is the United States Government supposed to lower its taxes on the poor when it doesn’t collect taxes from the poor to begin with? Mitt Romney was not wrong when he said 46% pay no federal income taxes (the exact number varies, but it’s in the 40-50% range). And, contra Sullivan, the Trump tax cuts weren’t given to the “decadent rich” by and large (indeed, ask them about how the SALT deduction cap feels) but rather to the large and small corporations that employ people. The changes to the personal income tax rates were minor, the changes to the corporate income tax rates were substantial. If conservatives cannot even distinguish between rich people and businesses, they’ve got no footing to stand on when talking about economics.
I guess this is what the much-maligned “populism” really looks like. It’s false but appealing narratives about taxing and spending, now spread by the right instead of the left. The Tories said they’re going to end “austerity” but it already ended years ago. They’re not going to cut taxes anymore, even though they’re not sure they’re in the sweet spot of the Laffer curve.
Jesus, the comments are a shitshow. Everybody’s bought and paid for by billionaries, apparently. There are about as many billionaries as there are Congresspeople; does each billionaire get his own or do they have to share?
Deep down, it seems many conservatives have the same envy and lack of economic understanding as their left-wing counterparts.
It’s like the stock market, each billionaire has fractional ownership of a number of congresspeople.
You gotta diversify.
Someone here pointed out that the Republicans have always been the mercantilist party. Mercantilism is better than socialism in the sense that the flu is better than metastatic lung cancer, but that doesn’t make it healthy.
True, but old-school mercantilists believed in high external taxes and low internal spending. Modern mercantilists have completely lost track of that low spending part.
Can’t help but wonder how much politics is just anti-people you hate. If the right didn’t hate the socialists so much would they even pretend to be fiscally conservative? And do the left hate guns because the rednecks like guns?
Of course the change of party loyalties is not going to bring about the libertarian moment either so this has its limits.
“Can’t help but wonder how much politics is just anti-people you hate”
Don’t forget free shit. It’s free shit and anti-people you hate. That appears to be a winning combo, for both right and left.
Evolutionary psychology suggests 100 percent of it.
It’s worth noting that Kurzban is one of the many libertarians working in evo psych. Why the discipline seems to attract so many libertarians (Saad, Cosmides & Tooby, etc.) is fodder for another article.
Evolutionary psychology would indicate that the non compliant should be secluded into one area apart from the society.
Evolutionary psychology just happens to be where we sequester libertarians too.
Seems legit.
People are pack animals. Libertarians are lone wolves. Unfortunately despite the usage of lone wolf to mean some noble creature making its way by force of will, actual lone wolves are the wolves that failed to become pack leader and got driven out to starve on the fringes.
Would read.
Corporate taxes should be zero. The left loves them because they’re a hidden tax on the people via the prices they pay. They can steal their money while pretending their doing them a favor. Same with printing money or QE.
The beauty of corporate taxes is that they’re actually regressive (they’re paid by everybody) but most people think they’re progressive (corporations are “rich”, ergo corporate taxes hit the rich). At the end of the day, they want to tax the poor and middle class (indeed, their spending requires it), they just don’t want to get caught doing it.
Yep, and that’s why the left goes apeshit when corporate taxes are cut.
And also, perhaps, why they go apeshit over Trump and Johnson. These are their ideas (kind of) and especially their voters. It’s just plain theft!
McLaren was a gay Scottish immigrant to Canada and an avantgarde government employed animator and was a Communist.
Hey Rhywun?
As a follow-up to (718), have some Brooklyn Way.
/looks @ Park Slope sticker on fridge
LOL Park Slope is like another planet.
I heard my neighborhood mentioned and some streets near me. Guessing they’re from Bensonhurst or something nearby.
Is Bensonhurst really just fully of Italian guys in dago tees swinging baseball bats telling everyone they don’t know to “git outta ere”?
It’s like you grew up there.
Everything I know about NYC I learned from that epic monologue in Spike Lee’s “25th Hour”.
Apparently it’s not working on the non-English speakers
It’s like some sort of “melting pot” up in here.
Tossed salad.
Excuse me – this is a family-friendly website.
Huh, I would have thought “Fǎlāshèng” would have been much bigger by percentage than Brooklyn Chinatown.
Wikipedia sez they are from Bay Ridge (my neighborhood) and Bensonhurst.
Not my bag but local can be fun.
Good to see our tolerant plural modernity in action.
Troll level: ‘expelled’. //jk
You think you’re kidding, but you’re not.
‘Tards gotta ‘tard.
White liberal psychosis is always amusing, until it ruins someone’s life
Circle game is misogynist and racist
More White Supremist hand signals.
You just don’t like them because gay Thais do the ladyboy thing!
Come. As you are. Sexy, Jewish lady.
Who, of course, is such a Tool.
Saw the first Red Kettle in the wild today. Seems like there’s less out there than in past years.
I saw one the other day on the same corner near my place as every year. My neighborhood is not very woke, though.
I was shopping at Tractor Supply yesterday, and the cashiers are asking everyone if they want to donate a dollar to the SA. So, no Red Kettle, but the dollars are still dropping (I hope).
in the past the clanging bells annoyed me, and rarely stuck something in. Put a five in today, and would do the same if I see another.
I donate if the kettle attendant is playing an instrument more complex than a bell.
I give when I have money. That isn’t often. But I can’t imagine being some who does have money and passing by without giving.
The Salvation Army is only worthy of donations if the kettle-minders standing out in the cold for hours show musical talent?
I only buy Girl Scout cookies if she’s hot.
Jus’ sayin’.
I refuse to kink-shame you.
I only contribute to the Skeleton Army.
I just found my new heroes.
Me too at Walmart, in racist land…
There are a bunch by where I live. Not as many in the downtown and gentrified areas.
They’re still quite frequent here in Ohio.
Look at all of this money I stole.
C’mon! Let’s petition!
And, I mean done!
That bot is in. Which is good enough for me. I signed
I bet it’s a Rushun Bot!
That would be right up their alley
If anyone wants to get me a Christmas present….
That is brilliant.
Thought we said NO SPOILERS!
Now that guy deserves a
federal grantfirm handshake.Is it pro or anti 2A? Can’t tell if I like it or not otherwise.
In an ideal world, it doesn’t matter, it’s cool.
*Takes hit off bong bowl filled with shredded Dixie Chicks CDs*
Sorry, what were you saying?
Anti. But stupid redneck inbreds are too stupid to realize they’re being mocked, so they’ll do something stupid like adopting it as a symbol for their stupid inbred redneck selves.
I notice the article about the Army/Navy game mentioned that there were cheers and chants for Trump several times.
Funny….. I didn’t see that mentioned on the news.
Now, I do remember distinctly that there was extensive coverage when a percentage of the folks at a baseball game booed or yelled at Trump. They certainly made it out like the entire stadium was booing him, but it was really a minority… not even a plurality. But still, it was definitely audible. It was kind of a lead story for a couple of days.
So…… I suppose it isn’t newsworthy when a whole stadium chants “we love you”?
Of course it’s newsworthy. Why do you think they’re trying to ruin that cadet’s life? We wouldn’t have heard about the hand sign if they had booed him
Progs in general don’t like the military, and if they knew how many of in it were Trumpalos, they’d call for its abolition.
I dream of a day when every president gets roundly booed daily and fears for their safety.
Eh, I merely dream of a day when the US govt has as much power as an RA at a community college.
Derp wants to bring back prohibition.
True story- when I was in college, the RA forced my roomies to pour their booze down the drain. As they licked their wounds, I said: I’m straight A teetotaler. They’d never look in my room.
They said: Dude! Would you let us?
Me: No.
Then I closed my door. I would have helped them if they hadn’t annoyed me beforehand.
Years later, one of them and I ended up in Chicago. We went out for beers and laughed about it.
My second year in the dorms, we went out to a party with our RA, that just happened to be in dorm room of a girl I knew from my first year. Our RA got stoned off his ass and we had to mission impossible his as back to his room.
(When I got to college I was a teetotaler, as I knew I liked drinking too much. But that didn’t last long)
I didn’t touch a drop til I turned 21, because Mormon upbringing and alcoholism of some relatives.
I had my first drink because when I went to eat at my favorite restaurant (Long John Silvers) on my birthday, I discovered that it had burned down.
The story of what happened next is part of my secret stash. It involves a bottle of Boone’s Farm and a drunken intruder whom I was far nicer too than I should have been.
shit – far nicer to is what I meant
damn you, Eventide Kolsch! (with umlaut)
Fucking RAs got me into Southern Comfort and Coke because it was far easier to sneak in a handle of SC that than a 30 pack of Buschhhhhhhhh Light.
There were guys in my dorm who just happened to buy a new stereo every week that came in a box big enough to fit a keg, always the same model to…
Damn unreliable stereos.
+1 shocked Captain Renault
It’s not that hard to make your own…
In a college dorm room?
Stereos seem pretty complex to me.
Do you have sugar, yeast, a balloon (or an airlock), and a jug? You can make alcohol. How good it tastes will depend on what you’re trying to make. Go for something simple like a wine, cider, or mead and you can have good alcohol with only giving up a couple of square feet in a closet.
Obviously, yes. But what you just described is nowhere near what college kids used to drinking Keystone Light would find drinkable. Not to mention the effort involved.
I was an RA.
This is the proper answer.
I really, really, really cannot fathom how the proggies keep thinking the solution to problems like “too much money in politics” is to give the government more power.
They absolutely blow my mind. Too much regulation causes the price of housing to spike, leaving no low income housing? I know…. more regulations and more control!
Exactly the sort who would go to the doctor and say “Hey doc, it hurts when I do this…” and then opt for the surgery instead of stopping “doing this”.
I just can’t even with the climate crisis bullshit.
New ice age (70s)
Acid Rain (80s)
Y 2 k apocalypse (late 90s)
Notice that the “solution” is always more government?
Not to quibble, M’Lady, but, I think you mean Purple Rain
I hate what acid rain did to jeans. Never washed out again.
You forgot the rain forest.
True story: when I was in 6th grade, we had a debate on rain forest logging. I was the only one on the pro side. My argument was that rain forest loggers are just trying to make a living and anyway it’s hypocritical for Americans to criticize other people for doing what we did.
This was also the time when the environmental bad Magpie became mandatory in public schools: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=in5O4SipbTQ
Oh, how I loved the South Park rebuttal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOu3RgLVs4Q
featuring Jennifer Anniston as the voice of the teacher
So….what have I missed around these here parts the last 3 days?
I admit–kinda wished I’d missed the ‘penis fish’ article…
Some hearty lols over the UK election and Leftest’s tears.
Hmmm…I do wish I’d seen all of that.
If you saw my link in comment 58, nothing new from me otherwise. Thanks for your thoughts, I think that project is coming together.
Reporting for duty–I’m with Yusef
This is truth to power and the world needs to hear it! (and my pocket book needs it)
And I’m not homeless, thanks Digby!
Quite welcome, Yu!
I’ve had 3 bowel movements.
Damn, I’m jealous of you.
I live a charmed life.
Lots O’ Fiber Mike.
It does sound rather charmed. I mean, as long as it didn’t require straining.
“It’s about this general feeling that the institutions that we rely on to protect us from a dangerous individual might fail,”
Something must be done. For the children.
The Solution is always We Need the RIGHT TOP MAN to run these institutions.
Dammit, Michelle-we already did ‘something’. You shit-birds are never satisfied until Communism (the new democracy) kicks in.
Don’t forget the supranational state…
I do find it interesting how modern communications have ironically helped revive the personal state. We now know POTUS’ personal thoughts on anything and demand that he Do Something about every issue.
And modern tech and consumerism is ironically leading to a revival of central planning.
Not ironic if you’ve read Bogdanov’s Red Star.
One of the most interesting things about that novel other than implied human-Martian sex, is that the Martians are described as looking like alien “Greys”.
“And modern tech and consumerism is ironically leading to a revival of central planning.”
Leading? That’s a Strong claim.
Haha! Loser!
So, tonight I’m having a glass of this. It’s as bad as you’d probably think.
Trump says peaches suck, I’m
herhimshim!I was at a Christmas party tonight, where someone had brought someone had brought multiple bottles of an herbal liquor. It was… not good, but easier to drink then Fernet Branca.
Allergies suck, I don’t aquire them til my 50s, and floods of rain and clear snot is horrid, only in the fall as well,
“Yusef” was onomatopoeia?
Runny nose and post-nasal drip sucks, but is better than stuffed sinuses. When the medication kicks in and the pressure abates from my face, I don’t care that I’ve become a sniffling snot zombie.
I’m glad I don’t have allergies.
My mom got a fish allergy around 55, and now at 63 it’s gone. Allergies are screwy.
I drove over the border a couple weeks ago to pick up some meth precursors (96 pack of generic pseudoephedrine).
*ears perk up*
How often do you do that?
When I use up the last stuff. Only have to show a DL in other states instead of getting a prescription.
In MO we have a limit of 3 boxes of whatever in a 30-day period.
Similar/same(?) in WA. 96 count is the max apparently.
You had me at “pseudoephedrine”.
18 W’s in a row for the Bucks. Dayum. And we got a couple of great UFC title fights coming up tonight. Sportz!
Fuck you ‘jock’!
something something football is a metaphor for nuclear war
‘member when PCU was seen as an over the top satire? I ‘member.
Jeremy Piven got #meetood, didn’t you hear?
A ‘Crypto-fascist metaphor for nuclear war”.
Give RDJ credit for that one. OK, the write AND RDJ
Not this scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm-RKbmye0o
Wow! Who knew there was gonna be a Late Night post tonight??
?**this guy**?