I hope everyone made it through last week.  This week looks better.

The Mars-Mercury-Sol alignment is still there, it’s moving off which should reduce the amount of squabbling going on around you.  Coming into alignment at the same time that one is breaking up is the sun sliding between Jupiter and the Moon, bringing (literally) “changes for the good.”  Now this is attached to a more prominent alignment of the aforementioned moon with the Earth and Venus indicating a peaceful, loving home life.

Good or bad news depending on who you are, but the ethical demands of Sagittarius are lessening.  It’s also indicating a good time for journalists, but I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.  Capricorn keeps its power trio going, so be sure to work on difficult mental activities that you’ve been avoiding.  The only really new development in this part of the sky is the Moon in Cancer, so it’s a good time for secrets, anything to do with water, and for getting that odd lump on your butt checked out by a qualified physician.

Remember how last week’s cards were grim?  This week’s are amazingly good.  I’ve never seen as pleasant a draw for you guys.  There’s only two reversed cards, and fully five of them are upright wands (which is exactly the euphemism you might think).  Wands are the creative/positive aspects of masculinity (as opposed to Swords which are the negative/destructive) so with the wimmen enjoying the benefits of Venus-Luna, it’s a good week for all Glibkind.

Sagittarius:  4 of Wands – repose, concord, harmony, prosperity, peace

Capricorn:  The High Priestess – secrets, mystery, silence, tenacity, wisdom, science

Aquarius:  King of Wands – Dark man, friendly, countryman, generally married, honest and conscientious

Pisces:  8 of Wands – Activity in undertakings, swiftness, messenger, great haste, great hope, felicity, love

Aries:  7 of Wands – valor, discussion, wordy strife, negotiations, war of trade, barter, competition, success

Taurus:  Knight of Wands – Departure, absence, flight, emigration, change of residence, casual hookup

Gemini:  The World – Assured success, recompense, voyage, route, emigration, flight, change of place

Cancer:  Judgement – Change of position, renewal, outcome

Leo:  King of Coins – Valor, realizing intelligence, business and normal intellectual aptitude, sometimes mathematical gifts and attainments of this kind; success in these paths

Virgo:  The Emperor reversed – Benevolence, compassion, credit, confusion to enemies, obstruction, immaturity

Libra:  8 of Swords reversed –  Disquiet, difficulty, opposition, accident, treachery

Scorpio:  Ace of Swords – Triumph, the excessive degree in everything, conquest, great force in love as well as in hatred