I hope everyone made it through last week. This week looks better.
The Mars-Mercury-Sol alignment is still there, it’s moving off which should reduce the amount of squabbling going on around you. Coming into alignment at the same time that one is breaking up is the sun sliding between Jupiter and the Moon, bringing (literally) “changes for the good.” Now this is attached to a more prominent alignment of the aforementioned moon with the Earth and Venus indicating a peaceful, loving home life.
Good or bad news depending on who you are, but the ethical demands of Sagittarius are lessening. It’s also indicating a good time for journalists, but I’m sure that’s just a coincidence. Capricorn keeps its power trio going, so be sure to work on difficult mental activities that you’ve been avoiding. The only really new development in this part of the sky is the Moon in Cancer, so it’s a good time for secrets, anything to do with water, and for getting that odd lump on your butt checked out by a qualified physician.
Remember how last week’s cards were grim? This week’s are amazingly good. I’ve never seen as pleasant a draw for you guys. There’s only two reversed cards, and fully five of them are upright wands (which is exactly the euphemism you might think). Wands are the creative/positive aspects of masculinity (as opposed to Swords which are the negative/destructive) so with the wimmen enjoying the benefits of Venus-Luna, it’s a good week for all Glibkind.
Sagittarius: 4 of Wands – repose, concord, harmony, prosperity, peace
Capricorn: The High Priestess – secrets, mystery, silence, tenacity, wisdom, science
Aquarius: King of Wands – Dark man, friendly, countryman, generally married, honest and conscientious
Pisces: 8 of Wands – Activity in undertakings, swiftness, messenger, great haste, great hope, felicity, love
Aries: 7 of Wands – valor, discussion, wordy strife, negotiations, war of trade, barter, competition, success
Taurus: Knight of Wands – Departure, absence, flight, emigration, change of residence, casual hookup
Gemini: The World – Assured success, recompense, voyage, route, emigration, flight, change of place
Cancer: Judgement – Change of position, renewal, outcome
Leo: King of Coins – Valor, realizing intelligence, business and normal intellectual aptitude, sometimes mathematical gifts and attainments of this kind; success in these paths
Virgo: The Emperor reversed – Benevolence, compassion, credit, confusion to enemies, obstruction, immaturity
Libra: 8 of Swords reversed – Disquiet, difficulty, opposition, accident, treachery
Scorpio: Ace of Swords – Triumph, the excessive degree in everything, conquest, great force in love as well as in hatred
OT on the first comment? Will I get cat butted for posting about Cat butts?
I still like this:
More recognizable ears.
Neither one has the right proportions.
True. If your cat’s anus is that big, you should probably take it to the vet.
Anus optional
The skies encompass everything under (and over) the sun. Thus, there is no off-topic where celestial influences are concerned.
Even links about alternate universes?
What, like this one?
So…what’s this about swords being about the negative/destructive aspects of masculinity? Does the “triumph” mean it’s still good for me?
First on topic? Is that good for anything? (Do love the cat butts, though! May have to order some as gifts.)
LOL… I was familiar with one book that I was going to link, but there is a smorgasbord of cat butt coloring books – https://www.google.com/search?q=cat+butt+coloring+book&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwigy7Dzl7jmAhWFylkKHRVgAWQQ_AUoAnoECAwQBA&biw=1094&bih=1086
Wonderful! I especially like “Cat Butts in Space.”
‘Taurus: Knight of Wands – Departure, absence, flight, emigration, change of residence, casual hookup’
Hey! I intentionally interpreted last weekend’s reading to mean that some crazy, mysterious, overpossessive woman was going to seduce me and got squat! Now you’re flat out claiming I get a casual for Christmas?
I’m starting to think this is all just elaborate trolling.
No it is super serial! The juxtaposition of the orbits of planets against the backdrop of pictures imagined from the apparent positions of stars that are separated from each other by distances beyond imagining actually controls your life!
Oh, wait! No, not yet! I’m not ready!
‘Taurus: … casual hookup’
Hell yeah, time to get drunk and call up the insanely cute woman in the office.
Virgo: The Emperor reversed – Benevolence, compassion, credit, CONFUSION TO ENEMIES, obstruction, immaturity
I didnt see this mentioned yet, so:
Greta Thunberg apologizes for “against the wall” comment
That certainly didnt take too long.
Anyone here fluent in Swedish? I am skeptical about this explanation.
I don’t believe it.
In context of the entire quote it makes sense, you don’t say were going to execute people so they will do their jobs? that doesn’t make sense.
Yeah, I honestly think she just heard the phrase once and misunderstood it’s meaning. I’ll give a 16 year old the benefit of the doubt on this one.
#methree, but I’m attaching the rider that things like this are going to happen when you exploit someone like this kid. Every time she’s in the news I think of a cousin of mine who’s a couple years older than her and also on the spectrum. It’s cruel, and one day she’ll understand what’s going on and it’ll be devastating.
Yes, it’s more about her autism than speaking in a second language. She would have problems with understanding the social context of idioms in her native language too.
That having been said, I still think she’s full of shit. If someone presented her with a button that would kill half the world’s population, she would press it in a heartbeat.
She’s just a marionette, poor girl.
And if she knew she was in the 50% of the condemned it would make no difference.
Yeah, she likely wasn’t threatening death. When you come out the gate spewing vitriol, however, it makes later iffy word choices harder to justify.
Agree 100%. It’s just that I disagree with Hype so frequently that I thought it only fair to back him up when I agree.
What happened to glibs? Y’all are a bunch of moderates.
Up Against The Wall, Redneck Mother
+ Jerry Jeff
I am very skeptical that “up against the wall” can be interpreted in any language in a way that doesn’t refer to a firing squad, my lack of knowledge of that language notwithstanding. It doesn’t pass the smell test. Especially given her country’s experience with totalitarians in the 20th century.
On the other hand, we have similarly violent idioms (“circular firing squad”, et. al.) that are used in a non-violent sense all the time.
If she weren’t being cynically manipulated by climate crazies I would be willing to give her the benefit of the doubt but, given how increasingly shrill and eschatological that movement is becoming, it’s an ominous thing to have said, imo.
Woodchippers anyone?
*Lights the Preet signal*
Forgot to wave to the NSA.
+1 helicopter ride
Pippi LongStalin.
Another 50 rounds through the Stoeger. On the one hand, I definitely don’t think it’s as good as the CZ is. I actually had three failures to eject using the same #7.5 target loads that the CZ ran without issue.
On the other had, it’s sooooo much easier to load. I can actually (slowly) quad load it (which is against the purpose of quad-loading, but still).
On the gripping hand, having an automatic thrower coupled with a fast-loading SA shotgun means money gets turned into noise and smoke REALLY fast.
My buddy gave me an Astra in .357 in exchange for letting him store things in my shed when he’s out of state, but I’m a bit leery of shooting it without having a gunsmith take a look at it first.
Why? Has it been mistreated? I’ve never shot one, but iirc they have a good reputation.
He said it wasn’t reliable but I don’t know if that was due to ammo or something else. All things being equal, I’d rather have a pro take a look at it so I can shoot it without the fear of it blowing up in my face.
It’s a wheel gun, correct? It’ll be fine, live a little (or die, you know if you’re right and I’m wrong).
Yup. I won’t use it until spring at the earliest, so we’ll see.
Glad to hear you’re practicing shooting with non-dominant hands.
On the gripping hand, having an automatic thrower coupled with a fast-loading SA shotgun means money gets turned into noise and smoke REALLY fast.
So… you had a good time?
Guns + nothing getting shot that shouldn’t have been shot = fun.
so it’s a good time for secrets, anything to do with water,
Huh…..all morning I have been youtubing and decided ima gonna do something like this with thisthen plumb in something like this a circulation pump and filter and make a hot tub.
DAMN! forgot the three link rule. I blame trailer park mimosas.
We have a rule?
No more than 2 links in a comment; otherwise, it’s the pending queue for you, buddy!
And NOBODY wants that.
And the maximum number of links shall be 2. Not 3, and certainly not 4. Only 2.
And 5 is right out
Yes, but apparently at least one of the mods is still sober and released the comment.
Sagittarius: 4 of Wands – repose, concord, harmony, prosperity, peace
I don’t know what to make of this.
Should I go to town for breakfast, or not?
4 of Wands is considered to be on the country side of the urban/rural divide. So going into town would be contraindicated… unless the place you were going was called the “Country Kitchen” or the like, in which case go.
Giant cinnamon roll, FTW.
Damn, that sounds really good right now.
If your cat’s anus is that big, you should probably take it to the vet.
Or clean the litter box more often.
No shit?
Honestly, that sounds like a lot of work.
Yes it is. That card can also represent bring bombarded.
Like, with alcohol?
Assured success sounds good. We’re heading to my in-laws’ on Saturday, so that covers voyage, route, and change of place, but I don’t know that driving from Atlanta to Birmingham counts as emigration or flight.
I’m pretty excited about that one
We have a rule?
Rules? In a knife fight?
Capricorn: The High Priestess – secrets, mystery, silence, tenacity, wisdom, science
Hasn’t worked in the past half century, but this week will be different.
So I have created another Diplomacy game.
Glib Diplomats 2
invite code: SMITH
Just a reminder, while the game shows as starting in 7 days, the game actually starts when all 7 spots fill. 1 day per phase. Join if you want.
I lowered the reliability to 50%, so if you have ever played on the site and haven’t just abandoned games you should be able to join. If you have never played you may need to play a game against bots to be able to join. The bots will beat you, because they are evil and gang up.
There is one slot left.
I see KC got the snow that went over us here.
This makes it even more amazing that Labour lost.
I think that means “homeless”.
Ah, thanks guys. Why can’t they just speak English?
I guess because they have a home, technically, it’s just everywhere outside and belongs to everyone else.
Tee hee… The Morning Star. https://youtu.be/DGscoaUWW2M
LOL “compassionate”
The UK sure dodged a bullet. For now.
I don’t know if anything good had ever come from manifestos
Fuckin’ wow. All 115 socialist poets were backing Labour? Can’t imagine how they lost…
What’s a very old profession that rhymes with labour?
I see KC got the snow that went over us here.
It should be entertaining, anyway.
radically transformative and compassionate manifesto
Arbeit macht frei.
@NotAdhan does the time of year affect horoscopes.ie. gemeni is 6 months out of phase or whatnot. Does that mitigate anything?
That actually is a topic of debate. Mainstream astrologers, being a bunch of hacks only interested in that sweet newspaper column money have come to the consensus that their charts, being a simple extension of earlier charts, are “accurate” even though they have nothing to do with the actual planes and stars. You can also recognize these mountebanks by their insistence in including the outer planets in their horoscopes, some of them even including those asteroids which have become famous enough to have a name that the gullible might recognize.
Then there are those of us who insist that the heavens are perfect, and it’s only to be expected that even the greatest of the ancients would have made mistakes, so the planets are in fact exactly where they are, regardless of where they “should” be.
And then there is the new wave of woke astrological grifters, who will have no lasting effect on astrology, as they will hop onto the next craze, right up until they kill themselves doing something stupid.
Panhandlers lash out
Major economies resisted calls for bolder climate commitments as a U.N. summit in Madrid limped toward a delayed conclusion on Saturday, dimming hopes that nations will act in time to stop rising temperatures devastating people and the natural world.
With the two-week gathering spilling into the weekend, campaigners and many delegates slammed Chile, presiding over the talks, for drafting a summit text that they said risked throwing the 2015 Paris Agreement to tackle global warming into reverse.
“At a time when scientists are queuing up to warn about terrifying consequences if emissions keep rising, and school children are taking to the streets in their millions, what we have here in Madrid is a betrayal of people across the world,” said Mohamed Adow, director of Power Shift Africa, a climate and energy think-tank in Nairobi.
Long-time participants in the talks expressed outrage at the unwillingness of major polluters to show ambition commensurate with the gravity of the climate crisis, after a year of wildfires, cyclones, droughts and floods.
Gimme yo munny.
Has there been a year when at least one of those events didn’t happen somewhere on the globe?
Weather is only climate when it can be used to push the statist agenda.
(And why is spell-check underlining “statist”?)
I can’t imagine a year where all 4 didn’t happen.
Campaigners had said a draft text circulating earlier was among the worst they had seen at climate negotiations.
“The approach Chile has taken on this text shows how it has listened to the polluters and not to the people,” said Jennifer Morgan, executive director of Greenpeace International.
The Paris process has been weakened by a move by U.S. President Donald Trump to begin withdrawing the world’s largest historical emitter from the agreement last month, making it easier for other big countries to backslide.
Game over, man. Game over.
Isn’t the US the only country actually reducing emissions?
When we have space based solar power these melons will still hate theirselves.
Largest “historical” emitter. See what they did there?
“begin withdrawing”
Has anything been ratified by Congress? No?? Then there is nothing to “withdraw” from.
Ok, which one of you is this guy?
I know it’s a Glib because of the betleH on the wall.
How many of us are that skinny? Probably only the ultramarathoner.
Can confirm. And seven feet tall.
You better fess up. Your entire Youtube channel is just Guns/Knives, Weed, and Linux.
It’s you, Crusty, isn’t it?
Naaaa, Crusty would be totally down with this.
He’s trying to throw us off the scent.
I don’t use such crass language.
This kid is a true gangsta.
See that’s why I don’t even eff with a crosswalk. It’s like a big ol’ target. I cross about ten yards upstream and make eye contact with oncoming drivers while brandishing a knife.
Oi mate av you got a loicense for that knoife?
Looks like they were jaywalking. Sksksk.
It’s Asia. There’s an equal chance they were walking with the signal or the driver was running a red.
True. And the cars going the other way running the red too….
It’s not red, it’s pink. 😉
No church!
Here ya go
Preach it!!
So no dick jokes?
Or cod jokes. I can always link to Chapter 18 again.
That’s a good idea.
Ask, and ye shall receive.
Is it bad that I keep reading ‘Grimme’ as grimey ?
The Chicago team goes for it on 4th and 7??
At least they still suck.
@DonEscaped said, in the last thread
That is one of the dilemmas of libertarianism, innit?
most of us are just wallowing in our own filth
but at least we have strip clubs
Valor, realizing intelligence, business and normal intellectual aptitude, sometimes mathematical gifts and attainments of this kind; success in these paths
Realizing intelligence? So you’d mean I grow a brain cell and realize the hot bartender lass at a place I often get lunch at isn’t interested in me? Hmm…
As for the other stuff, I just expect to muddle on through and not have success. I’m only a little cynical.
“I love liberty, but I don’t know hardly anyone who is equipped to be good at it.”
/raises hand, then quickly lowers it, hoping no one saw/
I don’t get the idea here. I’m good at letting people make their own choices and I’m good at making my own choices. The powers that be certainly suck at choosing for us. The point of liberty is that’s the only thing we’re good at.
Most people a) make bad choices for various reasons, which is b) sometimes difficult to watch, and c) like rules.
I often make “bad” choices knowing full well that I’m doing so and why I’m doing so. Someone else intervening on that decision would be a problem.
Who defines bad choices? Bad choices are the natural process of learning for people. Prohibiting them (the opposite of liberty) is actually bad for mankind.
I am not defining “good choices,” because that is not my point, nor am I am defending imposing one’s will on someone else.
I’m saying that humans have a tendency to a) want rules and boundaries and b) want more rules and boundaries for other people than themselves.
I can’t argue against that, but it seems to me that everything people have done willingly through trade has worked out far better that that which was done via coercion. That means we are better at liberty than slavery.
Wrong! The government has to take your money now and give it to old people so you don’t die in a state of poverty eating nothing but cat food!
Objectively true.
That does not keep others from wanting to clap you in chains by some means or another.
And we hold our hands put for those chains to bind us because why? Because those other people have guns to our heads to force us to make “good choices.”
Me: Got a motorcycle!
Parents: Bad idea.
Me: I’m a good driver!
Parents: We know. It’s everybody else we don’t trust.
I think you mixed up Libra with Capricorn.
Sketch book project
Picked up a beer that struck my eye while out getting my usual today. South Street Virginia Lager. I must say that I approve. Usually my go-to lager is yuingling, but this is better. It is kind of a cross between a lager and a brown but biased towards lager.
“friendly, countryman, generally married, honest and conscientious”
I like to think I am most of these things except for married.
Is Raheem Sterling just a woke race baiter? I think he’s about to win BBC Sports Personality of the Year but it seems like much of the story around his status as woke messiah has been engineered to suit a wider agenda that is rooted in cynical, and incredibly biased forgone conclusions.
A piece from last year.
Oops no link
(Mick Hume is a pretty grumpy writer)
Man City can have the jerk. Glad he and the attention around him have left Liverpool.
Problem child
So cue the lamentations again, this time from the movement conservatives, who might have hoped to see him contend with populism’s fraught history and Trump-era manifestation and shape it into something different. “Carlson has radically reinvented himself,” says David French, senior editor of the conservative outlet The Dispatch, “and one would hope he’d reinvent himself again, grant the reality of right-wing populism’s race problem, and do something determined and intentional to overcome it.”
When I relayed that sentiment to Carlson, he burst out laughing. “Whatever,” he said. “I’ve made a complete break mentally with the world I used to live in.” He later followed up with an official statement: “David French is a buffoon, one of the least impressive people I’ve ever met. Only in nonprofit conservatism could he have a paying job.”
Which brings us to perhaps the most crucial metric of success for Carlson: how many people in Washington think he’s wrong. About what, it doesn’t matter, really. Just as long, he says, as whatever “costume” the Morning Joe folks are wearing—“fighting for private equity,” “making alarmed noises about Tehran,” believing “a woman’s right to choose is the bedrock of human freedom”—is the opposite of his own.
I don’t know much more about Tucker Carlson than i did before reading this (so… pretty much nothing), but people don’t seem to like him very much. And he’s a racist.
The comment about French made me laugh.
Hikock45 compares a Martini-Henry with a Springfield Trapdoor.
No church!
You called in a bomb threat, didn’t you?
All you gotta do is release a whole bottle of Axe body spray. Gets you out a most anything, I hear. Until drugs fall out a your ass.
God did it for me.
Who defines bad choices? Bad choices are the natural process of learning for people. Prohibiting them (the opposite of liberty) is actually bad for mankind.
[insert “okay sign” emoji]
In other cod news: Why the Codpiece Remains One of Menswear’s Most Essential Accessories
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
To each their own. But if yours is anything in that article you suck.
I’m not sure when we started letting high school football teams play on Sunday.
After further review, the Bears still suck.