Words appeared on the screen as Donald slowly typed:


December 17, 2019

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Madam Speaker:

I write to express my strongest and most powerful protest against the partisan impeachment crusade being pursued by the Democrats in the House of Representatives. This impeachment represents an unprecedented and unconstitutional abuse of power by Democrat Lawmakers, unequaled in nearly two and a half centuries of American legislative history.

“Good start, Donald,” the hair said, peering at the screen over the President’s barely conscious eyebrows.

“Strong opening,” the hat agreed. “‘Unprecedented and unconstitutional’ is perfect. Bitches love alliteration.”

The Articles of Impeachment introduced by the House Judiciary Committee are not recognizable under any standard of Constitutional theory, interpretation, or jurisprudence. They include no crimes, no misdemeanors, and no offenses whatsoever.

“Straight from Rudy, that part,” Donald said proudly. The hat and the hair both um’d and ah’d in agreement.

Donald typed furiously, backspaced just as furiously and retyped furiously.

You have cheapened the importance of the very ugly word, impeachment!

“Boom. Kill shot,” Donald chortled.

“Cheapened something ugly?” the hair asked.

“Quiet, you!” the hat snapped.

By proceeding with your invalid impeachment, you are violating your oaths of office, you are breaking your allegiance to the Constitution, and you are declaring open war on American Democracy. You dare to invoke the Founding Fathers in pursuit of this election-nullification scheme—yet your spiteful actions display unfettered contempt for America’s founding and your egregious conduct threatens to destroy that which our Founders pledged their very lives to build. Even worse than offending the Founding Fathers, you are offending Americans of faith by continually saying “I pray for the President,” when you know this statement is not true, unless it is meant in a negative sense. It is a terrible thing you are doing, but you will have to live with it, not I!

“The last sentence seems a little petulant,” the hair said.

“Petulant?” Donald asked. “What does that mean?”

“Just ignore him,” the hat said. “He’s just jealous.”

“OK, done with all the legal whatever,” Donald said.

“Biden,” the hat growled. “Hit them with Biden, “Hit ‘em hard!”

You know full well that Vice President Biden used his office and $1 billion dollars of U.S. aid money to coerce Ukraine into firing the prosecutor who was digging into the company paying his son millions of dollars. You know this because Biden bragged about it on video. Biden openly stated: “I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars’…I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.” Even Joe Biden admitted just days ago in an interview with NPR that it “looked bad.” Now you are trying to impeach me by falsely accusing me of doing what Joe Biden has admitted he actually did.

“Aw, yeah, muthafuckas!” the hat bellowed triumphantly.

“Good job, Donald,” the hair said.

Good job,” the hat said in a breaking falsetto. “Good? It’s perfect! PERFECT!”

… Ambassador Sondland testified that I told him: “No quid pro quo. I want nothing. I want nothing. I want President Zelensky to do the right thing, do what he ran on.”

“Yeah,” the hat said, rubbing himself against Donald’s sagittal crest through the hair.

“Stop. That’s disgusting,” the hair said, trying to buck the hat off.

“I wish I could jizz right in your eyes,” the hat said, clenching in anger.

They began to wrestle on Donald’s head.

“Can you guys calm down?” Donald asked. “I trying to fucking type here.”

“Just cut and paste what Rudy wrote,” the hair said, rising like a kraken from under the hat to straggle it with many split-end tentacles.

“I’m adding to it!” Donald said, swatting at them both.

You have developed a full-fledged case of what many in the media call Trump Derangement Syndrome and sadly, you will never get over it!

You view democracy as your enemy!

“Good additions, Donald,” the hat said, chewing on one of the grasping tendrils of the hair.

“The next part is tough,” Donald said. “And my fingers hurt from typing. And my Chicken McNuggets are cooling down.

“Consult the notes we made, Donald,” the hair said, beating at the hat with balled-up fists of prehensile locks.

Speaker Pelosi, you admitted just last week at a public forum that your party’s impeachment effort has been going on for two and a half years,” long before you ever heard about a call with Ukraine. Nineteen minutes after I took the oath of office, the Washington Post published a story headlined, “The Campaign to Impeach President Trump Has Begun.” Less than three months after my inauguration, Representative Maxine Waters stated, “I’m going to fight every day until he’s impeached.” House Democrats introduced the first impeachment resolution against me within months of my inauguration, for what will be regarded as one of our country’s best decisions, the firing of James Comey (see Inspector General Reports)—who the world now knows is one of the dirtiest cops our Nation has ever seen. A ranting and raving Congresswoman, Rashida Tlaib, declared just hours after she was sworn into office, “We’re gonna go in there and we’re gonna impeach the motherf****r.” Representative Al Green said in May, “I’m concerned that if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected.” Again, you and your allies said, and did, all of these things long before you ever heard of President Zelensky or anything related to Ukraine. As you know very well, this impeachment drive has nothing to do with Ukraine, or the totally appropriate conversation I had with its new president. It only has to do with your attempt to undo the election of 2016 and steal the election of 2020!

The hat repeated every name of every one of their enemies and muttered a curse to blind or bind or wither their genitals into bitter roots and foul hollows.

Congressman Adam Schiff cheated and lied all the way up to the present day, even going so far as to fraudulently make up, out of thin air, my conversation with President Zelensky of Ukraine and read this fantasy language to Congress as though it were said by me. His shameless lies and deceptions, dating all the way back to the Russia Hoax, is one of the main reasons we are here today.

“Schiff,” the hair said, muffled yet full of contempt.

“Put that picture in where his mouth looks like a butthole,” the hat said, trying to smother the hair.

“It’s not a blog post, dipshit,” the hair said. “It’s a formal letter to Congress.”

“That’s it, you’re through. Through!” the hat screamed.

“Put in the next cut and paste,” the hair grunted, struggling. “All the good stuff we’ve done.”

“I can’t concentrate!” Donald said as the hat and the hair battled on his head.

Donald began to read out loud as he slowly typed:

“There is nothing I would rather do than stop referring to your party as the Do-Nothing Democrats. Unfortunately, I don’t know that you will ever give me a chance to do so. After three years of unfair and unwarranted investigations, 45 million dollars spent, 18 angry Democrat prosecutors, the entire force of the FBI, headed by leadership now proven to be totally incompetent and corrupt, you have found NOTHING!”

“NOTHING!” the hat echoed. “HA!”

“Few people in high position could have endured or passed this test. You do not know, nor do you care, the great damage and hurt you have inflicted upon wonderful and loving members of my family. You conducted a fake investigation upon the democratically elected President of the United States, and you are doing it yet again.”

“Exclamation point, Donald,” the hat said. “You can never have too many!”

“You are the ones interfering in America’s elections. You are the ones subverting America’s Democracy. You are the ones Obstructing Justice. You are the ones bringing pain and suffering to our Republic for your own selfish personal, political, and partisan gain.”

“Oh, nice repetition,” the hair said, pulling on the bill of the hat.

“Stop fighting!” Donald said.

“Never!” the hat said, and then to the hair, “From Hell’s heart I stab at thee.”

“Stop quoting Wrath of Khan at me,” the hair said and let out a piercing squeal.

Moby Dick, asshole!” the hat yelled, “Moby Dick!”

Donald snatched them both from his head and threw them to the floor.

“Both of you, shut up,” he said. “There’s still a lot to cut and paste!”

Before the Impeachment Hoax, it was the Russian Witch Hunt…

The hat and the hair lay on the Presidental Crest on the Oval Office floor, breathing heavily, barely moving. They listened to Donald type and mutter for a while.

“Ha!” he said. “HA! Listen to this one.” He read from the screen:

“More due process was afforded to those accused in the Salem Witch Trials.”

His typing got faster and louder.

He began to read again after some thirty minutes had passed:

“No intelligent person believes what you are saying. Since the moment I won the election, the Democrat Party has been possessed by Impeachment Fever.”

“IMPEACHMENT FEVER!” he repeated in triumph. “I mean, right? Perfect, just perfect.”

The hat and the hair lay utterly still on the carpet as he starting typing again.

“And now,” Donald said, “the Coupe Degrace!”

“One hundred years from now, when people look back at this affair, I want them to understand it, and learn from it, so that it can never happen to another President again.”

“Uh, oh yeah, go Donald, oh yeah,” Donald cheered himself.

“Sincerely yours, Donald J. Trump President of the United States of America yadda yadda yadda,” he said to himself.

In the now silent Oval Office, he thought he heard the hat speaking quietly to the hair but he couldn’t be sure.