Continuing with our epic journey through the war on Christmas; the last Christmas movie I think needs to be discussed is the Jimmy Stewart classic, Its a Wonderful Life.
This is my review of Guinness Over the Moon Milk Stout
In this movie we find the protagonist, George Bailey takes over the family business, a small Savings and Loan in his hometown of Bedford Falls. We learn a lot about George personally in the beginning of the movie: Why he was deferred from serving in World War 2, how he met his wife, and his overall outlook on matters related to his family business. We find out fairly early in the movie about, Mr. Potter, the antagonist as well. Mr. Potter is major a shareholder in the Savings and Loan. He voices his opinion during a board meeting regarding the “rabble” in the town that triggers George. The idea that people should save before trying to purchase a home is apparently evil and issuing sub-prime loans to workers that may or may not be able to afford to pay back the loan is as pure as the driven snow.
We find out later, during the depression both men were the only ones in town with businesses that survived. For the most part, Potter is portrayed as a caricature of a greedy, monocle twirling capitalist. I might even go so far as to say he probably fits in around here. Eventually, Potter discovers somehow Bailey’s Savings and Loan is still afloat in spite of questionable lending practices and alarming issues with his book keeping, but is the only real competition Potter has. That is, if you want to define Bailey as a competitor…after all, Potter is a member of the board. So he tried to do the sensible thing, and buy out Bailey.
Later Bailey’s uncle, Billy, loses a large deposit which is seriously troubling because it is potentially ruinous to their business. It is also a seemingly small amount for a mortgage lender of only $8000 (~$110,000 today), and he is depositing it in Potter’s bank (really?). Bailey then goes to the only person in town that can save him—Potter. It is here that Potter learns the $8000 in cash he randomly found in his bank earlier that day was Bailey’s. For better or worse, he tells Bailey to pound sand.
Bailey falls into a drunken depression, and considers suicide but is sidetracked by a stranger, whom he saves from his own death in an icy river. Remember–Bailey is not a shady businessman and is supposed to be the good guy. This random stranger is an angel (in training) named Clarence, that shows Bailey what the world is like without Bailey. People he saved by telling the pharmacist he filled the prescription with the wrong drug, pulling his brother from the ice in a frozen lake, who goes on to save other servicemen in the war, etc, is the impact Bailey made. This part in itself actually is a good message: one person (all of us, really) can impact the world in a variety of ways, with an infinite number of possibilities—it is up to you to make that impact positive.
Hopefully your impact is not crashing the economy through sub-prime lending.
Can this movie be made again today? I am here to tell you, if this movie is made again today it will be labeled by right leaning media as socialist or anti-capitalist propaganda–because it already is. Every speech Bailey makes, including the times he needs to weasel his way out of satisfying his customers is a smear on Potter. While Potter may be a cold-hearted businessman, portraying him as a villain is unfair. Others previously made a similar argument in pointing out that Potter is the only honest businessman in this story. His frequent complaints about the savings and loan can be argued are in his interests as an investor; how he insisted on customers having adequate collateral before approving loans supports this point. Even offering to buy out a large percentage (50%) of customer accounts when Bailey was unable to cash out his customers and offer full payment in 60 days, does not lend itself to the idea Potter is a villian. The only real crime Potter did was keep the money, but even there he comes across it by accident and only learns who left it in the scene where Bailey asks him for a bailout. He didn’t intentionally steal it. Given the issues Bailey has caused Potter over the years, is keeping that part a secret in that moment as unethical as it sounds? Is calling the banking authorities unethical, when bailing out Bailey would make him complicit in the scheme? He could have easily had a change of heart and deposited the money into Bailey’s account the next day, but we will never know.
Bailey’s business model is selling subprime loans; 2008 is still in the memories of many today. Which means neither of the characters can be reasonably portrayed as a protagonist. The honest businessman is a greedy capitalist who wants to own the entire town, and the other is a grifter selling loans to people that cannot afford to pay them back. In this theoretical new version will Bailey see all the people he gave loans to are living in a rental home or an apartment and not in bankruptcy had he never been born? So he has a change of heart and goes back to the universe where he likely ruins the entire town (Potter included) when those mortgages default?

Because why the hell not?
Clarence is gone, unless he’s replaced by a wizard of some kind, played by Oprah Winfrey. According to lore, they thought the movie was too religious…in 1946, which is why they went with singing Auld Lang Syne instead of an actual Christmas song in the final scene. Plus, there are feminist complaints when they show what happens to Bailey’s wife had George never been born (old maid). Bailey’s wife will necessarily have to be more successful as a single woman for whatever reason they want to come up with. Bailey is just holding her back by marrying her and letting him focus on his career.
This movie cannot be made again.
Didn’t I already review this one? Sort of. This is similar but not quite identical to a Guinness varietal that I found at the Dublin airport and packed away to save for the end of my self-imposed temperance. This is a little more like the Extra Stout made in Canada and imported to the US, but it is not as harsh with the burned malt flavors. It splits the difference between those two but it is otherwise solid. Then there is the part where it is brewed in Baltimore. Just do what I did and pour it through a colander, into another vessel to make sure there are no empty .40 S&W cartridges, syringes, or shards of broken glass. You should be good to go. Guinness Over the Moon Milk Stout 3.5/5
I have never watched the entire movie,
Me neither (EN-GB)
Me either (EN-US)
It’s not on my list of catch-ups, either. I think I might watch Apocalypse Now this eventide. That counts as a Christmas movie, right?
No, it’s “Me Neether”
Not “me nethers”?
I thought that would be “my nethers”.
Donna Reed…
I am edumacated, good suh.
yalls is so smart n stuff.
All Americans I know/have known seem to say “me either”, and I had never given it a great deal of thought as to whether there is some way in which that might also be grammatically correct somehow. I don’t think so but I know what it means anyway. The other one that seems bass ackwards to me is “I could care less”, meant to convey the exact opposite, but spoken and comprehended almost ubiquitously in the form so much as to make “I couldn’t care less” sound strange in casual conversation.
Yeah, that one drives me nuts.
Confession: I used to love that movie in my 20’s now it depresses me (an I’ve picked up on the socialistic message throughout). I feel like the George Bailey who did make it out to see the world, at the expense of never finding my Donna Reid and I’m not so sure the trade-off was worth it now the I’m staring down 40.
The holidays are depressing enough when you are single. I don’t need this film anymore to make me want to drink.
I’ve never seen the whole movie, but I know what you mean.
/Raises glass to perpetual bachelorhood.
Haha, wait till your 50s
I’m hoping by that time the urge for marriage and fatherhood have passed…….I guess I’m probably being hopelessly naive.
I became a business owner. Now I don’t have time to think about it.
Totally passed in my case. I wish I had enjoyed being single this much in my 30s.
Something that has occurred to me over the last few years: I’m in my mid-thirties, and it’s been just over four years since my last commited relationship (Relationships Anonymous meeting anyone?). I’m convinced that it won’t be at least until my 50s that I might start really having any significant desire for another relationship. As it stands I don’t feel like I could find the time or energy just trying to cope with everything else, but I suppose these things tend to happen when we least expect them, and we somehow find a way to make it work (or not in my case!). Past a certain age, I think fear of dying alone may force cupid’s hand in having certain people merely settle, and that seems just awful to me.
It’s not dying alone I’m afraid of. It’s becoming disabled and a ward of the state. That is scary.
Not to be flippant, but have you tried finding some hot Filippina (sp?) to marry?
I haven’t really had the occasion to meet one. I’ve had lots of people recommend the non-american bride route but to be honest I have no idea how to go about doing that.
I found mine because she was already in the US (online dating), but I don’t see why you couldn’t find one the same way (online). If you’ve got the cash and time off you could always take a little tropical vacation and see what happens.
Online dating has been an abysmal failure for me. It’s led to nothing but a lot of awkward first dates, a few stalkers and one really painful episode where I got used for a rebound. Anymore pursuing profiles depresses me more than watching “It’s a Wonderful Life”
The tropical vacation isn’t a bad idea. My hesitation with true foreigners would be “is it genuine or is this a means to an end for her?”
*perusing*…..I may change my handle to “The Asterix”
Yup. I would definitely be wary, but I’ve heard of some people having success.
Onlinedating has been an abysmal failure for me. It’s led to nothingbut a lot of awkward first dates,That’s my version, no matter online or not.
Found Mr. Mojeaux online.
We might have our troubles, but wholeheartedly supports me in anything I want to do and reminds me I’m not nearly as awful as I think I am.
To Lackadaisical: A buddy of mine recently married a Russian girl. I don’t think hers can be anything but genuine love because she married him despite having to move across the globe from her family, having a good job and was more than capable of supporting herself, and not being crazy about the US internal because of the impact our sanctions had had on her personally. I still wonder if the strain of the separation will cause marital problems but I don’t doubt she loves him. She’s smoking hot too.
But… I heard you’re the worst.
Your standards for Worst are very low.
Also, that is “Your Royal Highness Queen The Worst.” Don’t make that mistake again.
I may change my handle to “The Asterix”
You have a natural avatar for that, too.
“My hesitation with true foreigners would be “is it genuine or is this a means to an end for her?”
That’s why I married a foreigner with her own money. She didn’t need me.
Get your friend to hook you up with her sister.
As far as a strain on your marriage form her not being at home, it definitely helps to have enough $$$ to visit the olde country. I go every other year, which isn’t really thrilling to me, but it keeps her happy enough, which is invaluable. Also with things like whatsapp, it is really easy to keep in touch, they do video calls every day or two.
How Bob Boberson Got His Groove Back?
Ted S: If I’m being honest I think I need to have it before I can get it back
Online dating has been an abysmal failure for me.
Found Mr. Mojeaux online.
The cad!
DEG: I’ve really just moved on from it. It may work for some people but it feels very forced and unnatural to me. I’ve just accepted that it’s not for me, I think I make a much better impression in-person than online anyway. I have a very hard time getting responses on the interne as well. I’m not the best looking dude out here but I’m confident I’m passably handsome. I think what it really is is that attractive women are in a heavily lopsided buyers market and thus odds really are stacked against men in that realm.
I never did the online dating thing. Seemed like a good way to get a whole lot of drama and disappointment injected into my life.
The biggest two things that changed my fortunes were:
1) genuinely being happy where I was. I was at a point where I would prefer to be in a relationship, but it wasn’t a big deal if I wasn’t because I enjoyed my life.
2) fish in the ponds where you don’t mind eating what you catch. For me, that meant church.
I dearly wish I could meet someone at church but that’s been nearly as frustrating as online dating. Christian women seem to marry much earlier than the rest of the population so finding one in my demographic who isn’t already hitched is pretty tough. Then the other issue I’ve found is bridging the gap between “Hello, nice to see you today” and “wanna go out for dinner/drinks/ etc” seems to be nearly impossible for me to make, it’s not like church lends itself well to much one-on-one conversation. And church people are pretty bad about cranking up the pressure/scrutiny on potential matches within the body, I’m a private curmudgeon prone to bucking social pressure.
Yeah, church is a minefield of its own. I have some stories about that. I’ll tell them some other time.
That said, I feel like the signal to noise ratio was much higher at church because there was already a coarse worldview filter applied. That said, the crazies tend to be particularly crazy at church.
*style editor needed, inquire within *
Can’t agree enough about the worldview which is why its so frustrating. It also doesn’t help that the girls who have hurt me the worst by breaking it off on what seems to be a whim, with little to no warning, have been professing Christians. I try not to be but it’s hard not to be a little bitter
If you’ve got the money honey they got the bride.
Good lord.
*not clicking that*
I did against my better judgement. I’m probably on some list for human trafficking now.
You and me both.
It was research, man! You know, to help fight the evil or something.
I feel like the George Bailey who did make it out to see the world,
I got off a sailboat in St Thomas that I was crew on destination the S of France back in my 20’s. Flew back to Miami and 3 months later married my Donna Reid. 8 years after that she told me she was fucking a co-worker and I had to move out. Sometimes Donna Reid is a bitch. She told me that as we were driving to her parents house for Christmas. Now I drink too much over the holidays in celebration of not being married to a cheating cunte. Time heals all bad decisions if you have tequila.
That’s a terrible story and I’m very sorry that happened to you. One thing I console myself with is that I’m infinitely better off single than I am in a situation like that. What’s difficult is not become a misogynist based on my own experiences. I’ve known some terrific women who top the list as far as human beings that I’ve known, I just haven’t unfortunately dated any of them.
Even a good marriage is a lot of work, as I understand it, and there is always the potential downside.
I must be one of the lucky few. I hear this a lot, but Mrs. Animal and I are coming up on 28 years married, and I’ve never once felt like I had to work at it.
I guess it depends what you consider work.
I am a bit of a homebody, and she is decidedly not, so… yeah. You probably don’t consider going out for a night with your wonderful wife ‘work’, but I kind of do. *shrug*
There are things like that for us, where one of us will absolutely not do with the other.
He will not go to the symphony or ballet.
I will not go to NASCAR.
He will not go to the art gallery.
I will not go see most of the concerts he wins tickets to.
He will not watch movies more than once.
I will not go to the casino.
He is very social but has trouble making friends. I am very not social, but have zero problems making friends. (That was actually a point of a little resentment when we first got married.)
Our common ground is Chiefs and Royals.
So these are not things we do not care for. These are things we actively loathe.
Now my wife on the other hand, has to work daily at not terminating my existence.
Ayup. I don’t know that I’d remarry if I found myself single again. I’m happily married, but there are a lot of sacrifices that I wasn’t fully cognizant of the first time around.
*nods sagely*
I wouldn’t.
I expect my descent into self-loathing, depression, and drug abuse would pretty much preclude getting married before I finally just ended it.
Do you want to have dated them? If so, were/are they unavailable? If not, did you ask any of them out on a date?
Anecdata: I was talking to a dude online for a year or so. Light flirtation for me, nothing more, but it could have been if he’d pressed it a little. Alas, it was more for him, but I didn’t know.
Fast forward a few years, one husband, two kids, and two cats. I’m on Facebook. He looks me up and friends me. Then he tells me that he wishes I’d have married him.
I said, “You didn’t ask.”
Most of said women are either maternal figures or married to my friends. I’ve dated a few who I admire as people but circumstances made a future together impossible. There is absolutely nobody in my past that I view as “the one that got away” but more than a few I recognize as the “bullet I dodged”
I have dodged a few bullets myself. I eventually realized my selection process has some major issues. I refuse to wallow in the “poor me” world view and am quite content with keeping my own company (and not as in business company)
And not asking has rarely been the issue, mostly it’s been women who for reasons never clearly and honesty explained, reject me. I’m shy with strangers but have never had an issue with beating around the bush once I know the attraction is mutual.
In a lot of ways that’s good because then you at least know how to start and can do so.
Not asking or asking the wrong women has often been a problem for me.
DEG: I think ‘asking the wrong women’ is probably my issue. As a friend once told me “a girl needs to kick you in the head before you figure out she’s interested” and as a result I think I end up going for the low-hanging fruit sometimes which leads to trouble. There’s more than a few of my own faults that have contributed to my dating woes and some other compatibility issues that aren’t anything that are that unique, just more than I want to get into right now.
FWIW, sometimes a hesitant, shy dude is charming and not at all creepy.
Worked for me… eventually, and mostly due to luck! *shrug*
MJ: That’s nice to hear but my experience tells me otherwise; it’s usually my overly-confident, arrogant friends who get the most girls. Women seem to have a real weakness for the Alpha-male, even when it’s all bravado and no substance. Frankly I’m still waiting to meet the girl who see’s through that whole charade. I’ve known some but they’re already taken. I guess I’m way over-sharing today but it seems like I’m constantly over-looked in the singles realm but constantly asked by married women “how is it possible that you are still single?”
/shrugs shoulders
I guess I’m way over-sharing today but it seems like I’m constantly over-looked in the singles realm but constantly asked by married women “how is it possible that you are still single?”
The week or so before I found out that a disc herniation was causing my leg pain, I was in Pennsylvania visiting some friends and family. A friend of mine from Ye Olden Days of Yore resurrected a restaurant near where we grew up. After he closed and I helped him finish cleaning, he and I went to a nearby brewery where his brother and brother’s girlfriend were. The brother’s girlfriend is also my friend’s head waitress. The brother and the brother’s girlfriend have been together eight years.
My friend, like me, is unmarried.
While we were talking at the brewery’s bar, the brother’s girlfriend asked me, “Are you married?” I said no. She said, “What is it with you guys? None of you are married!”
In hindsight instead of making an awkward comment about common law marriage with respect to her and my friend’s brother, I should have said something along the lines of, “That just means you need to set my friend and I up with someone.”
Oh well.
“that just means you need to set my friend and I up with someone”
That phrase gives me a mild panic attack. I have on maybe a couple occasions been set up with someone who peaks my interest. Usually “I want to set you up” means “I have a fat unattractive friend with a lot of cats I want to unload on you”
I’m very insistent with my buddies wives that if they want to set me up they need not tell me or their friend, just invite us to the same lace at the same time and I’ll do the rest.
There is nothing more awkward than having to tell them “I’m not interested in your fat/ugly/crazy friend”
Usually “I want to set you up” means “I have a fat unattractive friend with a lot of cats I want to unload on you”
That is a risk.
Bob. It isn’t about getting the most girls. People are mostly crazy, screwed up, train wrecks. That holds true for women as well as men. I figured out how to ‘get the most girls’ long ago. Be careful what you wish for. I also figured out how to pick a good one. One good woman is all you need. Be brutally honest with yourself and you can see past the fog. It isn’t necessarily about looks or money. It isn’t about amusing yourself with someone else’s crazy or having someone look up to you to stroke your ego.
A good relationship is a partnership in life, someone you can count on, someone you care for nd are confident will be there when the shit hits the fan. It is about you resolving to be that person as well. Looks fade. Crazy gets old real fast.
Be the person who is going to be there for her when she gets in a car wreck and ends up in a wheel chair. When you are 75 and come down with colon cancer, who is going to be there for you? Pick that one and hang on tight.
Belated but thanks Suthen, I agree completely. For me it was never about wanting to get laid like it was with most of my peers and quantity never held any appeal for me (except for maybe a vague, irrational feeling of being outcompeted). I have always been looking for what you are describing but unfortunately most single women I’ve encountered, aren’t. They are playing the same game the guys are except they get to pretend they are hurt and exploited when they get dumped. Good one’s seem to be in demising supply the older you get, my only hope now seems to be finding one who is on the second go-round who is wiser but not crazier or bitter for what she’s gone through.
It is not a terrible story it is life. Shit happens.
I was out when George got his ears boxed. This is how it came to be a Christmas film (involves copyright laws):
Interestingly and in stark contrast to this review, you will note (in the article) (if you read the article) that Capra’s film company was called Liberty Films.
I haven’t seen a single minute of it, and don’t really care to.
Nice review, though!
My ether!
Nor I.
Then there is the part where it is brewed in Baltimore. Just do what I did and pour it through a colander, into another vessel to make sure there are no empty .40 S&W cartridges, syringes, or shards of broken glass.
I laughed.
Me Too. But how did Ms strain out the bodily fluids? Or is that part of the flavor profile?
The movie is horribly depressing if you think about the events likely to happen after the film.
George is unhappy to the point of suicide, not only because of living on a razor’s edge financially, but because he had to give up on all of his dreams repeatedly to keep his shit hole community afloat. His dumbass uncle is driving the savings and loan into the ground, his father died from trying to keep it afloat.
George is flat broke, doesn’t seem particularly connected to his kids besides his youngest daughter, and his marriage is strained because his wife wanted to live in a shit heap of a house. They’re also in for a knock down drag out when wifey hears the rumors of him boinking Violet.
The guy is going to hit his midlife crisis and either abandon his family to go gallavanting around the world or throw himself in front of a train. The momentary joy of not being hauled off to jail will end when the SEC goons roll up and start looking for that money.
It also has to be one of the most spoofed movies of all time. I’m pretty sure every long running sitcom has done they’re take on it at least once.
I’d wager A Christmas Carol has it beat.
You know what you don’t see much these days .. . .flashback episodes. I’m not complaining, just noting. Of course, I also don’t really watch sitcoms anymore, so maybe I’m just missing them because of that.
I imagine streaming and immediate access to last weeks show made flash back episodes obsolete, was a time when showing clips from past seasons would be appreciated because one couldn’t just go on youtube and watch your favorite scene over and over again.
The reason they were usually done was writer strikes and budget reasons. Now you’ve got shows doing flashback episodes but with most of the flashbacks being newly filmed. It’s Always Sunny just did an episode like that a year or so back.
Depends on how you want to define the spoof. If you’re talking about the ghost of Christmas x, then I think you may be correct. If you’re talking whole plot, I think Wonderful Life has it.
I liked the one where Al Bundy died and was happy about it until he saw how happy everyone else was.
I think you should make the sequel.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen it, but I always thought George’s attempted suicide was because his life insurance policy would have covered the missing money, which Potter pointed out when he told George “you’re worth more dead than alive”.
Exactly. Don’t let these heartless bastards ruin it.
I would link the SNL alternate ending but I’m on my phone at Minneapolis airport
Here ya go
+1 wide stance
and toe tapping good time?
Plus Donna Reed
Ok well let’s just try the link
Still forbidden
Weird. Well to there’s plenty pics to choose from. See if this one works.
OT: cheap ways to get rid of appliances and other bulky trash?
Trash service wants a few hundred bucks to haul off the fridge, dryer and window AC unit.
I’m not sure if there’s a market for fixer upper appliances if I offer them on craigslist for free.
Dump the freon and you can take them to the scrap yard for cash. Or, here in Indy several inner city churches will take that stuff, fix it, and sell it. I’m not sure if Habitat ReStore will or not, I know they sell them, but I don’t think they fix them. If you want the easy way, Craigslist free . . .some scrapper will pick them up within the hour.
Yeah, in our neighborhood if you put anything that someone could turn into cash out on the curb, it will be gone in less than a week.
Less than an hour around me.
Put a sign on them, $100 each, they’ll be gone by morning
If they work at all my experience is that someone will take them off your hands. Even if they don’t I have a guy who recycles all my Strohs cans and whatever other scraps I have from remodeling and such. He’ll take anything with a cord he once told me and pretty much has. I’d imagine there are guys like “Big Joe” all over. I did hear that some recycling place wont take refrigerators at all anymore even if you yank the compressor or whatever they use to make you do so a broken fridge may require disposal, the other appliances have a small but not entirely worthless value as scrap.
If they work at all my experience is that someone will take them off your hands.
This, around here Mexicans will happily take it off your hands. Just leave it out in front of your house, somebody will take it before dawn.
My city has an annual disposal day where you can drag the sort of stuff they normally charge for a special pickup to the park and drop it off. Not sure if there’s an equivalent for you.
You can also throw it over a bridge into a river . . . that was a popular disposal method when I lived in Terre Haute.
+1 leave the tailgate down and let fate decide
I found a wash machine 1/2 full of ice next to a “No Trespassing” sign in my yard. Apparently the dumpers can’t read.
You’re not in an area with municipal garbage pickup? For most appliances I can stick them out on the regular garbage if they’re small enough, otherwise I can schedule a pickup, but it’s free. Other than that? Take ’em to the dump yourself if you’ve got a truck. Again, where I am, if you’ve got MD tags and you’re not a business there’s no cost. Otherwise, like others are saying, you might be able to sell them to a scrap guy.
$85 a pickup truckload. I wait until I can fill a pickup truck to do that. I have a very old mattress and box springs to unload.
That’s not bad for a full load. I’ve used the Bagster service before and it comes to around $250 or so for maybe a little more than a pickup worth.
Oh, I bought a Bagster and filled it before I found out what it costs to haul it off AND that I had put it in a no-go spot for it to be craned into their truck.
I attached a rope to my truck and the Bagster and hauled it into the driveway, then the kids and I shoveled it all into the truck. No way was I going to pay that.
$21 fully loaded, and usually half if there are gaps/space in between. $1 discount if you recycle at the same time. Supposed to be a certain amount but the crazy lady knocks it off if you have any scrap metal.
Just looked and $15.75 for Freon containing appliances and free if not and recycled for scrap.
One of the benefits of city living. We have bulk pickup once per week. I just dragged a bunch of old crap out to the curb last week.
In my area, since the pickups are regular, there are scrap dealers and thrift/flea market dudes that patrol the area the night before pickup.
County dump? Have to haul there myself but way less than a few hundred.
Not at all sure I could get a full-size fridge into a pick-up by myself.
It’s not a full sized one thankfully. The dryer would be a pain, though. That and the fact that I don’t own a pickup.
I’m gonna try the Craigslist thing. The appliances are all fixable (the AC unit just needs cleaned, the dryer needs a heating element, the fridge needs a thermostat), but frankly I don’t care if they’re rehabbed, scrapped, or blown up using thermite.
blown up using thermite
*places bid*
Eating lunch at Minneapolis-St Paul Airport. Chick-fil-a has a constant line. Smashburger has an intermittent line.
that wasn’t supposed to be a reply
I had smash burger once, I don’t get the concept at all. Go with Chick.
Yup, went with CFA.
Hand truck to pickup, use tailgate to pivot into the bed. I’ve done a bunch of metal cabinets myself that way.
When I lived in IN, they had this thing they called Spring cleanup. You could put whatever out by the side of the road and the county would come around and pick it up. Then I discovered a wonderful thing. You never needed to wait for Spring cleanup. You could just put whatever out by the side of the road and by the next morning it would have magically disappeared. Me and one of my neighbors had this game going where we would just put something out that you knew no one would take, but someone would We never did find anything that someone wouldn’t take, no matter how garbage it was.
True confession – I got a toilet that way.
I had recently bought a house and it had a cracked toilet. I was on my way to Home Depot to pick up a replacement when I saw a very expensive looking low profile toilet by the curb, only a few houses down. It sure seemed like divine providence.
Still, I was a little reticent to pick up trash – let alone a toilet – in my new neighborhood. I circled around twice before I grabbed it. That thing was $850 at the home depot. And there was nothing wrong with it – not even the float valve or flapper needed work… just a new wax ring and she’s installed in minutes. Sweet!
So apparently I’m one of those people.
Toilets are the one of the few used items I’ve never had any luck offloading, my scrap guy doesn’t take them ( no metal) and used toilets give people the skivvies for some reason, they’ll install used light fixtures and faucets and appliances of all kinds but not toilets. One of my friends needed one once and I happened to have a few from a remodel job I hadn’t pitched yet, perfectly good toilets, he wouldn’t take one. “That’s gross, they’re used”. When I pointed out that the house he had bought three years ago came with used toilets It was explained to me that that’s different because reasons.
Which is exactly why that story came in the form of a confession.
But I got a plumbing fixture that I never would have bought for myself, so I’m not denying it.
You’d think plumbing fixtures would be the perfect thing for resale. It isn’t like a porcelain sink or toilet is going to be any different after 25 years sitting installed. If it isn’t chipped, it is as good as new. Maybe I should look into opening a business… one steam nozzle for cleaning and they’d be indistinguishable from new.
Probably need to label them “vintage” or something like that.
When I was growing up they would do that at our local dump. There was an area to one side where “re-useable” items were placed. If they stayed long enough, they were bulldozed over the side and set afire. My parents would tell the story how the visited our nearest neighbors and there was an item they had thrown away. Later it was found that my parents had brought back something the same neighbors has also taken to the dump.
If it fits, put it in a garbage bag and into the trash can. If you have truck hoisted service they will never know.
That reminds me, I should probably tip the poor bastards that still hand load the truck around here.
Used to work on trash trucks and they definitely know when they are over weight. They would not pick up heavy bins and eventually fine the owners if they were over too many times. The loader arm slows to a crawl and the cans break to pieces at around double the load. I saw a few that wouldn’t make it to the top with a heavy-ish load.
Space Smith getting new rapees.
Unfortunately, there’s still no way to get these brave new warriors into space. We’ll build a new agency… let’s call it NASA.
iBut I’m sure that they will have “space wings” which are all the rage in the military already. Sorry buttercup. Space wise, If you don’t have astronaut wings, you got shit.
I was hoping for either trained space monkey warriors or flying space autonomous robots with thermonuclear missiles.
+ 1 Decepticon
To Moyeux since the old thread is dead:
Well if it helps your outlook, I was a surly, anxious teen that several times threatened suicide to my parents. I grew up. My early twenties were a revelation because I finally felt like I could breath (and being out from under a domineering father really helped). I hit the ground running and haven’t asked my parents for a thing from the time I was 20. So it may seem like dark days presently but you may see your son blossom once he’s out on his own.
Sorry *Mojeaux*
Thank you and @Jarflax too. I don’t think I’m domineering and I know he will do well professionally as he is driven and works hard (although he wants to spend his earnings on stupid shit no matter how often I point to myself and say, “Don’t do what I did.”). We support him in his work.
We just have boundaries and we are going to enforce them, while giving him enough latitude to work through his phases himself. And we get him drugs and therapy.
The one good thing about his friends (and the source of much of his drama) is that they tell him when he’s being an asshole and cut him off as punishment. WE can’t cut him off. So his friends are telling him the same things we have been telling him, and getting him to do what we can’t.
Which is why I put up with his friend group. My fingers are crossed that he gets through this phase without killing himself (that is not a joke).
Add me to the list. When I left for college, my parents waved good-bye from the foot of the driveway. Shortly after, they sold the house and somehow neglected to tell me the address of the new one. Purely an oversight, I’m sure, although Mater Dean relented and told me just before I headed home for Christmas break.
If we’re doing a survey I didn’t even begin to get my shit together until my early 30s, if I’m being honest. Never threatened suicide, but that’s mainly because I thought it’d be more likely my dad would just finally lose his shit and blow my head off one night, which is one reason why I moved out at 18. That improved our relationship immeasurably, and we had about ten really great years before he died. Anyway, I second the motion that a lot of things can change for the better when a kid moves out.
For certain values of “together”, I would say I had my shit gathered in college. I chalk it up in (large part?) to the brutal summer jobs Pater Dean lined up for me in high school. It was quite clear what my future would look like if I didn’t. The moment when I came within a microsecond of losing my left arm was clarifying.
For certain values, I probably still haven’t.
This kid is going to run out the door the second he turns 18 even though he’ll still be in high school.
Now, things have gotten so bad that one night I told him (very loudly) that since he knew so much and was wiser than we were and could make his own money and felt he was entitled to a roof, food, clothes, electricity, hot water, heat, cooling, internet, phone, and his own lawnmower, if he could legally get a job, he’d be out on his ass right then.
Mr. Mojeaux, horrified, said, “We’d have to emancipate him!”
Me: “Fine, Get a lawyer.”
XY is quick-witted enough to realize in a split second how much he would have to provide for himself, and it scared him shitless.
Now he’s got different issues that concern me more.
When I was about 25 I made a formal apology to my parents for how I acted at that age. It took until then for me to really comprehend I’d taken for granted all those basic necessities they’d provided and what an ungrateful shithead I’d been.
You know, I don’t even think I would want an apology. All I want is for him to be happy, healthy, productive, and with his mental illnesses under control.
+1 No need or an apology, a check will do just fine. 😉
Looking back I can’t honesty claim I was dealing with any real mental illness back then, suicide just seemed like an easy way out and how I could ‘show everybody’.. At the time I liked to suppose I was experiencing depression but that was just a convenient way of separating myself from accountability.
/not saying that’s the case with your son
He’s got a lot deeper problems, some of which are exacerbated by his being too smart by half.
I warred with my mother throughout my teens, and while I have more perspective on her now and am happy I made my peace with her before she died the apologies owed were in the other direction. I’m not going to expound on this right now because in the context it will sound like an attack on Mojeaux and I am talking about myself and my Mom not anyone else, but let me say it is seldom all on one side and it isn’t always the kid that is the major root of the problem.
I am not saying it’s all his fault or that I was not a thorn in my dad’s side.
We have absolutely no idea what we’re doing as parents. I thought grownups had it all figured out. We know what we want to happen (happy, healthy, etc etc etc), but no idea what to do to make it happen and worse, no idea what NOT to do.
Every day, I wonder how I’m screwing up so I can stop doing that and I don’t get an answer.
Shocking, isn’t it?
My parents had already had three kids by the time I had my first, they always seemed to know everything growing up (maybe it helped that I was the youngest?). Now its like, what do I do to make this kid the best person he can be?
So much potential and only yourself to blame if it doesn’t work out…
In a weird backward way worrying too much about how you are screwing up can itself be screwing up. That was one of my Mom’s things and let me tell you crying and angry mea culpas about how badly you have done as a parent delivered to an adolescent convey exactly one thing:
“Kid you suck, you are weird and wrong”
Yeah, I would have to agree with you Jar.
I think the aura of having all the answers is actually really beneficial to children, they need stability in their lives after all. I would never admit to them I haven’t a clue, maybe once they were grown and having their own kids.
Well, to that I would say, believing that the air of never-wrong-ness that my father cultivated was, in fact, true when he was very often so, so terribly, terribly WRONG really fucked me up.
I may be overcompensating. I tell my kids grownups don’t know what they’re doing, but that we are doing the best we can.
Thing is, my dad would NEVER admit he was wrong (which left me confused because I didn’t believe my lyin’ eyes) and he NEVER apologized.
We admit we’re wrong and we apologize when we are.
Like I said I’m talking about my childhood not critiquing you, I don’t know anything about your kids or what you do raising them except what you say here, and the stuff you have said here has been in general terms.
It’s a hard balance to reinforce your authority but to avoid building up this aura of being above and detached and untouchable.
I never want to be my kid’s best friend, but I also don’t want to be distant.
I was a “good boy” up through my 20s. Eventually I changed and became a Glibertarian.
Each of the five of us put our parents through the wringer at some point. My middle sister was especially difficult, doing the whole lying, sneaking around, getting involved with bad people, and running away from home thing when she was in high school. It didn’t seem like they were going to, but somehow things worked out in the end, she became a successful adult, and with time we were able to move on and become close again.
I’m so sorry you’re going through this rough time, and I hope everything ends up working out.
It became a classic because it was free for broadcasters to use:
Do people blame Banks for making the bad loans? Mostly I hear about the evil derivatives and greedy Banks not caring about the little guy or something.
Do people blame Banks for making the bad loans?
Some (a lot?) do. Anything to avoid allowing notions of personal responsibility into their lives.
It’s not even that. I’m talking about the standard story of what happened, which usually buries the lede about bad home loans, and talks about the Big Banks making bank and being greedy trading derivatives and stuff.
Its not that people don’t blame the banks. It’s that they don’t want to blame banks for making home loans, because everyone knows home loans to the poor are good things.
I would wager people blaming the banks are blissfully unaware of what actually happened, and are happy to go along with whatever boogeyman the media decided to point their fingers.
***cough, cough***Community Reinvestment Act***cough, cough***
I still don’t understand the details concerning the impact the CRA may or may not have had on the 2008 crash.
Prolly nobody does, completely anyway. It seems like the government forced banks to make risky loans, even going so far as to install government agents in banks to ensure they were making enough risky loans. Banks had to minimize the exposure, so they invented some derivative market to sell the crap loans to. The crap loans got bundled into larger investment vehicles so their impact was mostly hidden.. Once they figured out how to make money off shitty loans, they went nuts and sold them actively and enthusiastically. Next thing you know there’s a ass load of crap paper and a bunch of broke fuckers in house that can’t be refi’d anymore. As soon as the arms adjust, bang! instant default, times tens of thousands. Thanks CRA.
Oh, and the fact that as soon as it became really easy to borrow money for houses, the price went way up. I mean WAY up. That just made all the commissions and fees and interest charges get even higher, leading to yet more risky lending. The banks worsened all of this to make money off their scheme, but the scheme was only invented to mitigate the risks forced upon them by the CRA.
You’re take sounds close enough. I’ve watched a few YT vids on the subject, but they didn’t clarify much for me. The bundling of crap investments was a common theme though IIRC. It also seemed that all the small banks were purposely destroyed in the process while the big boys knew they would be bailed out by the taxpayers. I’m probably wrong on this, but that’s my perspective on it.
In any case, I look forward to being taxed out my taxpayer funded “investment” as the market recovers.
“Your”, not you’re.
Bundling of the suspect loans with higher grade investments = the allowable amount of rat shit in sausage
Watch “The Big Short” to see how this crap spun itself up. It wasn’t just the banks. The Feds, the ratings agencies, everybody who should have known better, all blinded themselves to the obvious.
The CRA was the nitro, everybody else was taking sledgehammer blows at it.
Predatory lending was a big thing to hate on during the recession.
This is the hardhitting investigative journalism that the lamestream media won’t do, and why I keep coming back.
I’d think the rabidly anti-capitalist message would make it a natural remake in today’s zeitgeist but the couple would need to be black and/or gay.
Incidentally, following my first red-pilling into the world of classical liberalism, this was probably the first big cultural artifact I re-analyzed and seriously questioned. What’s interesting to me about this movie is that Frank Capra himself was very anti-Communist but at the same time a classic Depression-era populist and very socially conservative. There’s a Capra theme that seems to be something kind of like anti-corporate, pro-“little guy”, without questioning the system that makes those sentiments available or valid. So, like, in It’s a Wonderful Life, Potter’s a bad guy because he’s good at managing money and takes it seriously–a position so weak they have to make him steal a relatively small amount of money to seem petty and greedy–while Bailey’s a hero because he’s playing a shell game with his customers’ savings accounts, deciding to risk it on bad loans because he’s decided that some people deserve that money that doesn’t belong to him in the first place.
Bailey is a tranny who had a botched operation.
The angel shows him that he is on the right side of history and if he kills himself, then (orange) Hitler wins.
“Bailey’s a hero because he’s playing a shell game with his customers’ savings accounts, deciding to risk it on bad loans because he’s decided that some people deserve that money that doesn’t belong to him in the first place.”
This can’t be stated enough.
“Bailey’s a hero because he’s playing a shell game with his customers’ savings accounts, deciding to risk it on bad loans because he’s decided that some people deserve that money that doesn’t belong to him in the first place.”
How do you know those are bad loans? Where in the movie does it say they had to foreclose on a property?
I prefer the Oatmeal stouts over the Milk stouts. Someone has to save the planet you know.
Prove me wrong.
There’s no need. Oatmeal Stouts are tasty, Milk Stouts are not.
+1 saving the planet together
Vanilla porters are superior to both.
The planet is nearly saved now, so we can just get back to drinking.
Correct. And peanut butter porters are superior to vanilla
Some things just don’t go together, like peanut butter and beer. Or pumpkin and beer, blech!
*writes peanut butter porter on shopping list
All you people are wrong. The correct answer is Russian Imperial.
A strong contender, to be sure.
This is the correct answer
Both are good, but due to a little bit of lactose intolerance (I can tolerate small amounts), I have to take milk stouts easy.
I always took the “can’t get his hands on it” comment to mean caring and happiness because Potter was such an insufferable unhappy asshole. The rest I get. Thanks for ruining a holiday tradition MS. At least I still have Die Hard.
I didn’t ruin anything, you still have Lou Reed.
You know it!
Yippee Kay Yay
I loved these…
Spent 5 years trying to land this guy…motherfucker cant make breakfast
Where’s Ed? I want to onow if he went to that wedding or not.
Christmas music?
She’s not wrong, but her use of your for you’re is irritating:
My wife was just complaint about these Wham song so I sent her new version.
Ye gads, I am sooo not clicking that.
Another interesting thread: Are romance novels porn for women? Sure.
But romance novels and the attendant unrealistic expectations kept me from making some really bad mistakes.
Didn’t realize real football was on today… glad I checked. Looking forward to one more L, before we finish out the season strong and head to playoffs!
Tampon Bay is doing well.
Are they stemming the tide?
Depends if they have the first or second string in.
@ New England
ugh – Well, 10-5 ain’t bad.
11-5 to finish out the season when we wallop the hapless jets.
Nothing clever or snarky, just some Collective Soul.
Nothing clever or snarky
But it is Heavy
Be afraid
Residents of eastern Washington and northern Idaho have long tried to rid the region of its reputation as a haven for white supremacists, dating from the Ruby Ridge standoff in 1992 and the breakup of the Aryan Nations in the early 2000s.
A foundation converted the site of Richard Butler’s Aryan Nations headquarters north of Hayden, Idaho, into a “peace park.” Around Spokane, Wash., religious leaders organize monthly vigils to oppose white supremacy and Christian dominionism, an ideology that seeks to impose biblical law.
But now the deeply conservative region’s ugly reputation has reared back into view, with the release of an investigative report Thursday on Matt Shea, a far-right Washington lawmaker with ties to white supremacist groups. The four-month investigation, commissioned by the state House, found that Shea had engaged in “domestic terrorism” as an organizer of the 2016 armed takeover of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon.
The report also concluded that Shea, a lawyer first elected in 2008, helped plan and direct two other acts of political violence against the federal government, and said he had used his prominence in the so-called “patriot” movement to dispatch militia members.
Wilcox said the report had been referred to the U.S. attorney’s office in Seattle and the FBI. In an interview Friday, Wilcox said the report persuaded him that Shea had crossed the line from expressing his views, as protected by the 1st Amendment, to putting people at risk of injury or death.
“I went from defending political speech to standing up for the hundreds of innocent law enforcement agents who had been put at risk at these armed confrontations that Rep. Shea had been part of planning,” Wilcox said.
Slurp slurp slurp.
“Report says”
Political opponents hire “investigators” to dig up dirt. That sounds vaguely familiar…
Oh, that time some guys stayed in a park building during the winter when it wasn’t being used and then armed agents killed one of the participants. Such terrorizing.
I like Shea because he makes the libs wig out. Lots of “christfag” comments in the local commie rag (Inlander) and social media. The fact that the investigators were hired was a big red flag for me. The ant-gunners will lap up the report and repeat it ad nauseam.
Ruby Ridge had nothing to do with White Nationalism and everything to do with the government murdering people
It is not “white nationalism” to say “no” to the federal government. By these boot licking standards than the Black Panthers were white nationalists.
Ruby Ridge occurred just after I moved up here. After reading the mainstream media and then hearing stories from locals, my world view really started to change. Mix in 5 years in the Air Force and my view of the government really started to drop. The oath I swore to defend the constitution is as strong as ever though.
the region of its reputation as a haven for white supremacists, dating from the Ruby Ridge standoff in 1992
That association was long before Ruby Ridge.
The region that has elected Shea six times still struggles to shake its dark past, said Eric Ward, executive director of Western States Center, an organization based in Portland, Ore., that counteracts racist and anti-government groups. Ward called the Republican leadership’s stance a “welcome surprise” of a kind that he had not seen in any other state.
“It is a growing example of the Republican leadership in Washington state dealing with elements within its party that are promoting violence,” Ward said. Last year, he noted, the chairwoman of the Spokane County Republican Party resigned after a video surfaced showing her defending a white nationalist.
Tina Podlodowski, the Washington State Democratic Party chairwoman, said Republicans had looked the other way for years while relying on Shea for political support and hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions.
“The GOP conveniently didn’t do anything about it in an effort to try and gain a majority in the Washington state House,” Podlodowski said. “Matt Shea has been part of organizations that have sent death threats to many people in this area, and there are so many things about him that are not even in this report.”
In a tweet Thursday, Washington’s Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee wrote, “There is no place in Washington for hate or violence, especially from those who have been elected by the people. This report is disturbing and these actions should be unacceptable to Washingtonians of all political parties.”
Democracy is broken. That’s the only explanation.
Yes the East Wa and North Idaho is so full of racism. We have weekly Klan meetings and monthly cross burnings.
“Speaking out against tyranny is the new violence. Lay down and take it you wood-chipper toting bigot.”
Weekly? Based on some of the comments about Spokane I heard when I first went to Seattle, I figured those meetings would be daily.
We have so many hate groups, they have to spread their meetings out thought the week
I really have idea how to take any of that without personal knowledge of the situation. My first instinct is to just assume it’s all a pack of lies. Even any parts that may not be.
^Quasi-paranoid libertarian^
It’s not paranoid if they’re really out to get you.
It is a direct consequence of hearing that telling someone such things as “you can succeed if you work hard” is now white supremacy. When everything is something, nothing is.
Arresting the white backlash
I read that last night. The commenters don’t seem to see eye to eye with the author
That’s because the author takes the minority positions of the most extreme caricatures on the fringe and applies them to all conservatives (and libertarians)
Who woulda thunk that leftist identity politics would eventually lead to a resurgence of white identity politics?
The emergence of asshats like Spencer et al is fantastic for the grievance mongers. They need a devil and their politics have been explicitly designed to create one.
“Leave me alone.”
My response to that argle-bargle.
Just type of comment a racist homophobe would make
“It’s a Wonderful Life” might be denounced as socialist propaganda today, but the bizarre reality is that Mr. Potter would be an Elizabeth Warren supporter, while George would be sporting a MAGA hat, if we look at voting patterns.
And I don’t care how we reexamine the movie, it still almost makes me cry. It’s a good movie celebrating the little guy, which is as American as apple pie and Kate Upton
I don’t understand…you have an emotional attachment?
I imagine the Russian agent apologist gets hit with the same emotion I do when watching that movie. It makes you ponder how many people would come to your aid when your dumbass uncle brings the feds into your business and it means financial ruin. The fact that George had that big of an effect on peoples lives makes for good feelings. I am sorry your cold dark heart can’t feel that.
The fact that George had that big of an effect on peoples lives makes for good feelings. I am sorry your cold dark heart can’t feel that.
*lights cigarette*
Ok, Illusive Man, that does it. Your plot to make humanity supreme by killing humans and undermining human scientists, while simultaneously provoking alien species to make war on us may well be the logical path but… wait what?
It has been a very long time since I last saw it. Something tells me I’d have a different view of most of it, especially that roadhouse, with all those derelicts just hanging out, drinking and having fun instead of being home reading bible stories to the liddle kiddums.
For a second I thought you were talking about this place…
I find the story of Lot and his daughters to always be popular with the kids.
And Noah and his nephew, and the whore of Babylon
Ok then, Wendy just got out of surgery, no more right foot, vitals are good and she’s dinged from the meds, so I’ll be back to Vegas in the AM, but she’s going to be fine. Yippee!!!
Glad to hear that she’s stable! We’re praying for y’all!
Best wishes, man.
Right on. I’m glad it’s working out for you guys.
I’m glad to hear she’ll be fine.
Glad to hear it went well!
Glad to hear. Hope she is better after a bit.
I’m not up to speed but it sounds like that’s an improvement, so I’m happy for you.
Glad the surgery was successful!
Good news. May she recover well and quickly.
About damn time there’s some good news around here!!
That’s good to hear, Yusef!
We thank you all,
You and Wendy are two of the toughest people I know.
Interesting review, thanks! I have wanted to try this, and I dig how they bought they giant brewery in Baltimore.
‘Päntsdrunk’ Teaches the Finnish Philosophy of Drinking in Your Underwear
The Finns are better than the rest of us.
It’s not strictly just a Phinnish fenomenon.
Sadly, it doesn’t work.
I haven’t even started my autobiography. Hell I haven’t even done anything to warrant an autobiography. How can this book exist?
“The Finns are better than the rest of us.”
Negative. Muhricans don’t need a manual.
A 5-year-old girl gave the audience the middle finger for 20 minutes during a school nativity play
Rebel yell!
I’m giving your link both fingers right now.
I like you people more than Crusty does, so I’ll give you a working link.
That’s cute.
Best Christmas play ever.
The audience must have been rolling in the aisles.
Glad to hear the operation went as planned, Yusef. Hope she starts feeling better quickly.
Thanks, she can walk again, watch,
I’m glad things went the way you hoped. I feel awkward actually congratulating an amputation.
Odd that, however she will walk much sooner, she already has the left prothesis, they are amazing machines
We Must Fight Back Against This Awful Office Efficiency Toilet
My God
Poop on the floor in protest! Poopers of the world unite!
I did work somewhere once where a phantom pooper used to deposit his dung anywhere but the bowl. Floor, seat, wall. As I understand it there were a round of redundancies made and the misdirected brown packages stopped appearing after that.
Shitting at work should be considered an emergency procedure and not normal operations. I welcome this splendid invention.
*shits on Frank’s desk*
I work with many men who will absolutely do anything they can to avoid taking a dump at home. They will risk soiling themselves in their cars speeding to work.
I shit you not. SMDH
“After all, the greatest “problem” for capitalism to solve is nullifying the pesky inefficient humanity of humans in the never-ending pursuit of profit.”
So the company isn’t the only one dropping a load here. After reading that I am skeptical. Never take what a rat-fucking commie shitweasel tells you at face value.
As a matter of fact it is pretty safe to assume everything they say is a lie until proven otherwise. I want to see this toilet devilment for myself.
/starts manufacturing a portable toilet seat to offset the 13 degrees.
I’m still thinking this is an elaborate prank.
Brunch: a delightful repast of eggs poached/steamed atop a base of refried black beans and seasoned ground beef, topped with melty shredded cheese. I feel much better, now. Maybe I’ll do something.
Brunch? When did you turn into a garbage millennial?
It is 1400 gods time, that is Linner. Which is what I am going to do now and then take a nap.
Beyond just the horrible ethics (reminiscent of cruel anti-homeless public architecture) some have wondered if this would violate the rights of disabled employees or employees with chronic illnesses like IBS.
Man’s unceasing inhumanity to man. How despicable. Alert the Human Rights Commission.
Bin Laden didn’t go far enough.
Holy moly.
I have no idea what they are saying.
Question: how many of them do you think would have engaged in that spiritous moment if they weren’t live streaming it to all their friends on social media? I hate the “look at ME!!” generation.!
I know right?
I don’t even know how to do that on my phone. I assume it’s buried in the photo app somewhere.
Woman, 19, is shot by cops who mistakenly barged into her home while trying to arrest a man who was already in jail
Clearly a hardened criminal
Another win in the drug war
Jesus, the comments.
The worst thing about this story is that the girl didnt get a shot off.
From the fiancé’s description the instant they saw the gun they started firing. She pointed the gun at them my ass.
Should be a lesson learned for all of us. If you have a gun in your hand and you see popo, just go ahead and open fire, otherwise you’re dead.
Yup, no way that happened. These incompetent fucksticks couldn’t even get a damn address right, I’d expect nothing less than a lies from them. How many seconds passed from the time they broke down the door until they started firing? I’m betting less than two seconds. They should all be fired and tried, but we know how likely that is to happen.
Hello Ms. Rylee, this retirement pension is provided by the taxpayers of Mobile County. Please to enjoy….
Maybe. They nicked her liver…that’ll heal. They don’t say where else she is hit. Knee? Other important articulation? Does she still have her eyes? Teeth? Any severed nerves? Any horrible scars? How much muscle tissue destroyed?
If I were fiancé I would be getting some serious payback.
Yeah, if this happened to someone I love I’d end up in prison, or the ground with an honor guard of every cop that discharged their weapon. Some errors you pay for with your life. You want the benefit of the doubt? Then you better man up and take what’s coming your way when you shoot the wrong person. I’m sick of this refusal to admit wrongdoing and error. Hey cops, I’m actually more forgiving of your crap than most people these days, but you shoot a girl in her home for nothing more than holding a gun and I hope you get gutshot and die slow.
Preach Brother! Preach on.
I don’t know how many more of these stories I can read.
I read that and puked in my mouth a little bit.
“Gun violence.”
Who is shooting whom, again?
Oh, the people that want to take your guns?
I don’t care how much faith people have in LEOs to refuse to enforce gun confiscation, they will be only too happy to. Burst into someone’s home—mistakenly, yet!—and start firing immediately. Bull. Shit.
Bills.. Bill and Ted…. San Dimas
I like the way your random neurons fire off….
Some call it…. Epilepsy?
I am sorry your cold dark heart can’t feel that.
Something something three sizes too small.
39 and a half foot, Pole!
+3 decker sauerkraut and toadstool sammich
With arsenic sauce!
I feel so bad for Nike. Of course a million is just a rounding error to them. They’ll settle. Nice lottery option.
I’m just going to make an “I hate everyone involved in that story” macro.
Please make it public domain…
Yeah, nice shakedown racket “they” have come up with.
And the best part is being a contractor she can just repeat this at company after company every time she’s running low on cash.
There was about a 190% chance this person was on social media.
What was that streaming site for NFL games mentioned here a week or two back? A buddy doesn’t have cable and can’t get the YouTube stream he has been using.
My husband uses Yahoo at church.
/I read that someplace
Thanks guys! Go Bills and go Niners!
Mr. Mojeaux got himself a “Temporary Bills Fan” card, valid today only.
Cats – the movie that keeps on giving.
Please no Rum Tum Tugger jokes…
American Playhouse would like a word.